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  나의 해방일지 15

My Liberation Notes 15


(미정) 이름이 뭐예요?‬What's your name?
‪(구 씨) 구자경이라고 합니다‬It's Gu Ja-gyeong.
‪(미정) 내 전화번호는‬ ‪어떻게 알았어요?‬How did you get my phone number?
‪(구 씨) 집에 갔었어‬I went to your house.
‪(미정) 음, 언제?‬When?
‪(구 씨) 며칠 전에?‬A few days ago.
‪(미정) 갑자기 왜?‬Why all of a sudden?
‪(구 씨) 그냥‬Just because.
‪(미정) 엄마 돌아가신 거 알았겠네‬You must have heard my mom passed away.
‪(구 씨) 응‬Yes.
‪(미정) 아빠 재혼하신 것도‬And that my dad got remarried.
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪(구 씨) 왜?‬What is it?
‪신기해서‬It's just strange.
‪이런 날이 오긴 오는구나‬So this day came, after all.
‪(미정) '언제‬ ‪어떻게 만나게 될까?'‬"When might we meet again, and how? Will we ever meet again?"
‪'만나게 되기는 할까?'‬"When might we meet again, and how? Will we ever meet again?"
‪'지금 전화 오면 얼마나 좋을까?'‬"I'd be so happy if he called me right now."
‪그렇게 간절히 바라던 순간엔‬ ‪조용하더니‬When I was sincerely wishing for it, I never heard from you,
‪정말 어이없는 순간에…‬and when I least expected it, you…
‪뭐 하고 있었는데?‬What were you doing?
‪(미정) 전쟁 직전‬Preparing for war.
‪오늘 완전 흑화되려고 했었는데‬I was ready to bring out my evil side today.
‪(구 씨) 누구랑?‬Against who?
‪(미정) 근데 우리 어디 가요?‬Where are we going, by the way?
‪(구 씨) 그러게, 뭐, 춥지?‬Good point. Well, it's cold, right?
‪어디 들어갈래? 커피숍?‬Shall we go inside somewhere? A cafe?
‪(미정) 추워요?‬Are you cold?
‪아니, 너는?‬No. What about you?
‪나도 별로‬I'm alright, too. Let's just walk.
‪그냥 걸어요‬I'm alright, too. Let's just walk.
‪[미정이 피식 웃는다]‬It'll be awkward sitting face to face with a cup of coffee.
‪(미정) 어색할 거 같아‬It'll be awkward sitting face to face with a cup of coffee.
‪커피 놓고 마주 앉아 있는 거‬It'll be awkward sitting face to face with a cup of coffee.
‪[구 씨가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪(구 씨) 생각해 보니까 너랑‬Now that I think of it,
‪커피숍 가서 커피 마신 적이‬ ‪한 번도 없다‬I've never had a cup of coffee with you at a cafe.
‪[미정이 피식 웃는다]‬I've never had a cup of coffee with you at a cafe. Of course not. How could we while we were there?
‪(미정) 그 동네에서‬ ‪커피 마실 일이 뭐 있었나?‬Of course not. How could we while we were there?
‪맨날 배추 뽑고 무 뽑고‬We just drank cold water after picking cabbages and radish.
‪그러다가 냉수 마셨지‬We just drank cold water after picking cabbages and radish.
‪[구 씨의 웃음]‬We just drank cold water after picking cabbages and radish.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(구 씨) 역시‬Just as I thought,
‪우린 이런 들이 어울려‬we suit the fields better.
‪(미정) 편하지‬It's comfortable.
‪나무, 바람, 돌은‬ ‪우릴 거슬리게 하지 않잖아‬Trees, wind, and rocks don't irritate us.
‪(구 씨) 사람들 많은 데서는‬ ‪이상하게 신경이 곤두서‬I get irritable when I'm in places with a lot of people.
‪커피숍 옆 테이블에‬Even someone sitting alone at a table next to mine in a café irritates me.
‪혼자 앉아 있는 사람도 거슬려‬Even someone sitting alone at a table next to mine in a café irritates me.
‪아무것도 안 하고‬ ‪그냥 앉아만 있는데‬Even though they're not doing anything.
‪(미정) 우린 그냥‬ ‪인간을 싫어하는 듯‬Maybe we just hate people.
‪(구 씨) 나만‬ ‪싫어하는 줄 알았는데‬I thought I was the only one.
‪(미정) 이렇게 걷다가‬ ‪앞에서 누가 오면‬If someone comes your way when you're walking like this, don't they irritate you?
‪그 사람도 거슬리지 않아요?‬don't they irritate you?
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪저 사람도 우리가 거슬릴까?‬Do you think he was irritated by us too?
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬When it's one against many, it's always the one that gets irritated.
‪(구 씨) 1 대 다수일 때는‬ ‪항상 1이 거슬려‬When it's one against many, it's always the one that gets irritated.
‪다수는 1을 거슬려 하지 않아‬The many don't really care.
‪1은 늘 경계 태세야‬But the one is always on their guard. Since they're alone.
‪1이라‬But the one is always on their guard. Since they're alone.
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪너만 만나면 이상해‬I get weird when I'm with you.
‪생각지도 못한 말이 줄줄 나와‬I keep saying things I never thought of.
‪우린 2야? 아니면 1 대 1이야?‬Are we a two? Or just one against one?
‪너 나 경계하냐?‬Are you drawing a line between us?
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪진작 전화하지, 씨‬Why didn't you call me sooner?
‪(구 씨) 잘 맞네‬They fit you well.
‪(미정) 어, 내가…‬No, I'll pay.
‪(구 씨) 아니에요‬No, I'll pay.
‪- (구 씨) 수고하세요‬ ‪- (상인) 안녕히 가세요‬-Thank you. -Thank you.
‪(구 씨) 가방 넣어 줄게‬Put it in my bag.
‪[구 씨의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[구 씨의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(구 씨) 잠깐만‬
‪(구 씨) 맛있는데‬
‪맛있어?‬Is it good?
‪(여자1) 저기, 저희 여기 좀 앉게‬ ‪치워 주시겠어요?‬Excuse me, would you mind moving this so we can sit here?
‪(구 씨) 네‬Sure…
‪먹어, 맛있어‬The gimbap is really good here.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[구 씨가 휴대전화를 툭 놓는다]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪아, 일요일에 왜 전화야?‬Why are you calling me on a Sunday?
‪[자동차 경적이 요란하다]‬
‪오늘 토요일인데요?‬Today's Saturday.
‪오늘 토요일인데?‬Today's Saturday.
‪(구 씨) 음…‬
‪알았어, 일단 끊어 봐‬I got it. I'll call you back.
‪(미정) 왜?‬What is it?
‪씁, 어…‬
‪갔다 와‬Just go. You can come back, can't you?
‪갔다 못 오나?‬Just go. You can come back, can't you?
‪아니, 갔다 와‬I'll come back.
‪금방 와, 금방 올게‬I'll be back soon. I'll come back. Go and wait somewhere.
‪어디 들어가 있어‬I'll be back soon. I'll come back. Go and wait somewhere.
‪천천히 갔다 와요‬Take your time.
‪(구 씨) 금방 올게‬I'll be back soon.
‪[신나는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[신나는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(구 씨) 오케이‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪내리자‬-Let's get out. -Sir?
‪- (삼식) 네?‬ ‪- (구 씨) 뛰자‬-Let's get out. -Sir? -Let's run. -Yes, sir.
‪(삼식) 네‬-Let's run. -Yes, sir.
‪[쨍그랑]‬ ‪[사람들의 비명]‬What?
‪(삼식) 뭐야?‬What?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[정욱의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[정욱이 털썩 쓰러진다]‬ ‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬-Stop. -You son of a bitch!
‪(여자2) 이 씨발 새끼야!‬-Stop. -You son of a bitch!
‪놔! 이…‬Let me go, you…
‪놔, 씨발, 네가 술값을 처받으려고‬Let go of me, damn it. How dare you? You got me fired.
‪씨발, 남의 밥줄을 끊어?‬Let go of me, damn it. How dare you? You got me fired.
‪씨발, 너 신고할 거야‬I'll report all of you, you bastards. Let go of me!
‪놔, 놓으라고! 아이씨‬I'll report all of you, you bastards. Let go of me! Let go of me, you bastards! She's been here drinking since the early evening, yelling that she got fired.
‪[여자2가 소리친다]‬ ‪(현진) 백화점에서 잘렸다고‬She's been here drinking since the early evening, yelling that she got fired.
‪초저녁부터 와서‬ ‪술 퍼마시고 지랄 지랄 하는데‬She's been here drinking since the early evening, yelling that she got fired.
‪[한숨]‬I knew she was going to cause trouble.
‪내가 사고 칠 줄 알았어‬I knew she was going to cause trouble.
‪[현진의 한숨]‬
‪(여자2) 아씨, 놓으라고!‬Let go of me!
‪[답답한 숨소리]‬ ‪[여자2가 연신 악쓴다]‬Hey!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬ ‪(여자2) 놔, 놓으라고!‬Let go of me! I said, let go!
‪놔, 이거 놓으라고‬ ‪쓰레기 새끼야!‬Let go of me! I said, let go! I'm reporting you, you son of a bitch! Let go of me!
‪내가 너희‬ ‪다 신고할 거야, 씨, 놔!‬I'm reporting you, you son of a bitch! Let go of me!
‪놓으라고!‬Let me go! Let me go! Let me go, you bastards!
‪놔, 놔, 이 새끼들아!‬Let me go! Let me go, you bastards!
‪아, 놔!‬Let go!
‪(현진) 자, 자…‬Wait…
‪(여자2) 야, 씨, 놔‬ ‪이 쓰레기 같은 새끼들!‬ ‪[조직원들의 힘주는 신음]‬Let go of me, you scumbags! -For God's sake! -Let go of me! You bastards!
‪이거 놔!‬-For God's sake! -Let go of me! You bastards!
‪야!‬-For God's sake! -Let go of me! You bastards!
‪[구 씨의 성난 숨소리]‬
‪돈 안 갚으려고‬ ‪핸드폰 번호 바꾸고 잠수 탄 년이‬You changed your number and ghosted us to get out of paying us back.
‪사람들 앞에서‬ ‪쪽팔린 건 억울했냐?‬But you're upset we came to your workplace?
‪(구 씨) 그럼 내가‬ ‪너한테 곱게 찾아가서‬Was I supposed to go to you and gently ask, "Please pay me," then?
‪'제 돈 좀 주세요' 그랬어야 됐어?‬Was I supposed to go to you and gently ask, "Please pay me," then?
‪왜, 어?‬Why? Tell me.
‪왜 너는 끝까지 예의 없었으면서‬Why do I have to be respectful of you when you weren't from the beginning?
‪나는 너한테 끝까지‬ ‪예의 지켜야 되는데?‬Why do I have to be respectful of you when you weren't from the beginning?
‪[성난 숨소리]‬
‪(현진) 야, 자, 자, 자경아‬Hey, Ja-gyeong. Ja-gyeong.
‪자, 자경, 자경아‬Ja-gyeong.
‪구 대표, 어, 어제 진, 진, 진짜‬ ‪진짜 손님 없었어‬Mr. Gu, there weren't that many customers yesterday, for real.
‪아, 진짜 이게 다라고!‬This is all! I swear.
‪[현진의 당황한 숨소리]‬Check the CCTV footage if you want, you bastard!
‪CCTV 까려면 까 봐, 인마!‬Check the CCTV footage if you want, you bastard!
‪야, 자경아, 자경아! 자…‬Check the CCTV footage if you want, you bastard! Hey, Ja-gyeong. Wait!
‪[소파를 쓱 끈다]‬
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪[삼식이 지퍼를 직 연다]‬
‪[삼식이 부스럭거린다]‬
‪또 밤새 카드 하시려고?‬To play cards all night again?
‪(현진) 하려고 한 게 아니고‬I didn't mean to do it,
‪저번에 진 카드 빚‬but the gambling debt I racked up before…
‪오늘까지 안 갚으면 죽인다고…‬They'll kill me if I don't pay it back by today.
‪[현진의 한숨]‬
‪[계수기 작동음]‬
‪총기가 떨어지나 봐‬You must be losing your touch.
‪칼도 맞고‬You've been cut.
‪칼 아니고 병이에요‬It was a bottle, sir.
‪안 마시는 날이 일주일에‬You must be drinking every day. Except for maybe a few hours a week?
‪반나절은 되나?‬You must be drinking every day. Except for maybe a few hours a week?
‪[병뚜껑을 달그락 돌린다]‬
‪[구 씨가 쓴 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(삼식) 어디로 모실까요?‬Where to, sir?
‪(미정) 천천히 와요‬Take your time.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪[차분한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[의자가 드르륵 끌린다]‬
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪그린 거야‬It's painted on.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪한 시간 반 만에‬You've come back as a different person
‪딴사람이 돼서 왔네?‬in just an hour and a half.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪인생이 이래‬That's life.
‪아, 좋다 싶으면 바로…‬Just when you think it's going well…
‪하루도 온전히 좋은 적이 없다, 쯧‬I've never even had one whole perfect day.
‪(미정) 하루에 5분‬Five minutes a day.
‪5분만 숨통 트여도 살 만하잖아‬If you have five minutes of peace, it's bearable.
‪편의점에 갔을 때‬ ‪내가 문을 열어 주면‬When I hold the door open for a kid at a convenience store
‪'고맙습니다' 하는‬ ‪학생 때문에 7초 설레고‬and the kid says, "Thank you," that makes me happy for seven seconds.
‪아침에 눈떴을 때‬When I open my eyes in the morning and remember it's Saturday,
‪'아, 오늘 토요일이지?'‬When I open my eyes in the morning and remember it's Saturday,
‪10초 설레고‬that makes me happy for ten seconds.
‪그렇게 하루 5분만 채워요‬Fill up five minutes a day like that.
‪그게 내가 죽지 않고 사는 법‬That's how I survive.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(구 씨) 응‬
‪여전히‬do you still
‪한 발 한 발‬live the hard way,
‪어렵게 어렵게 가는 거냐?‬trudging on step by step?
‪[구 씨가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪가 보자‬Let's go together.
‪한 발 한 발‬Step by step,
‪어렵게 어렵게‬trudging on.
‪- (구 씨) 여기요‬ ‪- (종업원) 예‬Excuse me. Yes, sir.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬
‪(구 씨) 얼마 전에‬A while ago,
‪폭설 와서 운전하던 사람들‬people had to abandon their cars and walk
‪다 도로에 차 버리고 간 적 있었어‬because of the heavy snow.
‪(미정) 응, 있었어‬I remember.
‪(구 씨) 나도 영동 대교에서‬ ‪차 버리고 걸어가는데‬I also had to leave my car on Yeongdong Bridge and walk.
‪갑자기 그런 생각 들더라‬And I suddenly thought,
‪'지구가 이대로‬ ‪한동안 멈춰 버리면'‬"If the earth just stopped for a while like this,
‪'이대로 걸어서 산포로 가겠구나'‬I would just keep walking until I reached Sanpo."
‪최단 거리 잘 찾아서 가면‬"If I take the shortest route, it should be about 28km."
‪28킬로?‬"If I take the shortest route, it should be about 28km."
‪'새벽이면 도착하겠구나'‬"I'd be there by dawn."
‪어디에서 어디로 꺾어져서‬ ‪어떻게 갈지‬I was heading there in my head, figuring out where to make turns.
‪[웃으며] 머릿속으로‬ ‪자세히 가는데‬I was heading there in my head, figuring out where to make turns.
‪웃겼어‬It was funny
‪지구가 멈추면 밤새 걸어서‬ ‪거길 가겠다고 생각한 게‬that I was thinking about walking there if the Earth stopped, when I could just drive there.
‪그냥 차 타고 가면 금방인데‬when I could just drive there.
‪(미정) 기억하나?‬Do you remember
‪예전에 나한테 돈 꾸고‬ ‪외국으로 날았던 놈‬the guy who borrowed my money and left the country to go back to his ex?
‪전 여친한테‬the guy who borrowed my money and left the country to go back to his ex?
‪(구 씨) 전 여친한테‬ ‪갔다는 말은 안 했는데‬You never told me he went to his ex.
‪(미정) 오늘 그놈 결혼식이었어‬It was that jerk's wedding today.
‪내 돈도 다 안 갚고‬He still owes me six million won.
‪아직 6백이나 남았는데‬He still owes me six million won.
‪스드메 다 갖춰서 하객도 부르고‬But he still managed to pay for all the preparations required
‪뷔페에서‬and had a buffet.
‪그럴 돈 있으면 내 돈 갚으라니까‬So I said if he had that much money, he should pay me back.
‪그 새끼가 나한테‬So I said if he had that much money, he should pay me back.
‪30분을 지랄하는데‬Then he ranted at me for half an hour. While I was listening to him,
‪듣고 있다가‬While I was listening to him,
‪들고 있던 컵을 부서트렸어‬I broke the cup I was holding.
‪내가 아직도‬ ‪등신 같은 염미정 같나 보지?‬He must have thought I was the same Yeom Mi-jeong he remembered.
‪'결혼식 가서'‬I decided to go to his wedding
‪'신랑 신부 뒤에 서서'‬and stand behind the bride and groom with a really scary expression
‪'가장 살벌한 표정으로‬ ‪사진 찍어 줄 거고'‬and stand behind the bride and groom with a really scary expression when they take a photo.
‪'나올 때 축의금 챙겨 올 거다'‬And to take the congratulatory money on my way out.
‪죽기로 결심하고 갔어‬I went there determined to do that.
‪당신 말대로‬ ‪1 대 다수를 감당하면서‬Like you said, it was one against many.
‪축복하는 다수 속에‬I've decided to be the one to ruin everything
‪재 뿌리러 가는 1이 되기로 하고‬I've decided to be the one to ruin everything while the others are there to congratulate them.
‪'1이 되자'‬"Let's do this."
‪'완전한 1이 돼 보자'‬"It's me against everyone else."
‪사진사가 신랑 신부 친구들‬ ‪나오라고 하길래‬When the photographer asked the friends to come up for a picture,
‪일어나는데‬I stood up…
‪그때 전화가 왔어‬and that's when you called me.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬and that's when you called me.
‪(미정) 네‬Hello?
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(구 씨) 오랜만이다‬It's been a while.
‪나 구 씨‬It's Gu.
‪(미정) '이 사람'‬"This man…"
‪'날 완전히‬ ‪망가지게 두진 않는구나'‬"He'd never let me hit rock bottom."
‪'날 잡아 주는구나'‬"He's stopping me."
‪(미정) 여보세요‬Hello?
‪(미정) [창희를 툭 치며]‬ ‪아예 안 일어나‬He's not getting up.
‪어, 역으로 좀 와 줘‬Yes, can you come to the station?
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪[구 씨의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(미정) 잠깐…‬ ‪[구 씨의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬Hold on.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪[구 씨의 탄식]‬
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(구 씨) 치우지 마‬Don't bother.
‪못 치워‬There are too many.
‪[스위치 조작음]‬ ‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪집이 냉골이야‬This place is freezing!
‪(구 씨) 고장 났어‬It's broken.
‪[물소리가 뚝 멈춘다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪뜨거운 물은 나와?‬Does the hot water work?
‪미지근한 물‬Only warm water.
‪(미정) 이렇게 좋은 오피스텔에서‬I can't believe you're living like a refugee in such a nice apartment.
‪이렇게 난민처럼 살다니‬in such a nice apartment.
‪(구 씨) 술꾼한테는‬An alcoholic
‪술잔만 깨끗하면 돼‬just needs a clean glass.
‪왜 도우미 안 써?‬Why don't you hire help? Aren't you rich?
‪돈 많다며‬Why don't you hire help? Aren't you rich?
‪(구 씨) 귀찮아‬I can't be bothered.
‪비번 가르쳐 줘야 되고‬Telling them the passcode
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪때 되면 돈 부쳐야 되고‬and sending them money every month.
‪[미정이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(미정) 코 시려‬My nose is cold.
‪[미정이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪나도 개새끼였냐?‬Was I an asshole, too?
‪(미정) 이젠 아니야‬Not anymore.
‪전화 왔는데, 뭐‬You called in the end.
‪어제까진 개새끼였고?‬But I was an asshole till yesterday?
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪[바코드 인식음]‬ ‪(창희) 어서 오세요‬Welcome.
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬
‪[봉지가 바스락거린다]‬
‪네, 안녕히 가세요‬ ‪[손님이 인사한다]‬-Thank you. -Have a nice day.
‪[문이 덜컹 여닫힌다]‬ ‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪성당 안 가?‬Aren't you going to church?
‪안 가‬I'm not.
‪[탁 집는 소리]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬ ‪(기정) 웬일이냐‬ ‪아침에 다 들어오고?‬What's gotten into you, staying out?
‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬
‪남자 생겼냐?‬Are you seeing someone?
‪(미정) 성당 안 가?‬Aren't you going to church?
‪아, 안 가!‬I'm not!
‪[기정이 구시렁거린다]‬
‪[커피 머신 작동음]‬
‪[한숨]‬So I'll go there tomorrow with my girlfriend.
‪(알바생) 내일‬ ‪여친이랑 같이 가려고요‬So I'll go there tomorrow with my girlfriend.
‪가게 돌아가는 꼴을 보니까‬Based on the way things were going at that store,
‪한 달 채워 봤자 돈 못 받겠더래요‬she didn't think she'd get paid after a month.
‪[카운터가 달칵 닫힌다]‬she didn't think she'd get paid after a month. So she quit after five days. She needs to get paid for those five days.
‪그래서 5일 만에 그만뒀는데‬So she quit after five days. She needs to get paid for those five days.
‪[돈통 열리는 소리]‬ ‪5일 치는 줘야 되잖아요‬So she quit after five days. She needs to get paid for those five days.
‪계속 내일 준다, 내일 준다, 말만‬But they keep saying they'll pay her tomorrow. So I'll go meet them in person. Calling them will never work.
‪그런 덴 직접 가야지‬ ‪백날 전화해 봤자예요‬So I'll go meet them in person. Calling them will never work.
‪얼마나 뻔뻔하면‬ ‪일을 시키고 돈을 안 줘?‬How shameless of them, trying to not pay her.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪'얼마나 뻔뻔하면'이 아니고‬It might not be because they're shameless.
‪'얼마나 없으면'일 수도 있다‬It might be because they don't have the money.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(알바생) 사장이라고‬ ‪지금 사장 편 드시는 거예요?‬Are you taking their side as a store owner?
‪나도 월급쟁이였던 적 있고‬I was once paid a salary, too. So I know how it feels not to be paid in time.
‪돈 못 받으면‬ ‪어떤 기분인지 모르지 않는데‬So I know how it feels not to be paid in time.
‪내가 이제 못 주는 사람들‬ ‪욕은 못 한다‬But I'm now in no position to curse at people who can't pay their employees.
‪사업할 때‬When I was running a business,
‪팔 하나 잘라서‬ ‪직원들 월급 해결된다 그러면‬if I could pay my employees by sacrificing one of my arms,
‪어디 가서 팔 하나‬ ‪자르고 오고 싶은 심정이었거든‬I would have gladly done it.
‪군고구마 기계 사업이 말이 돼요?‬The sweet potato oven business? Every house has an air fryer now.
‪집집마다 에어 프라이기 있는데‬The sweet potato oven business? Every house has an air fryer now.
‪가정용 말고 업소용, 인마‬Not for households, for businesses. The one that's bigger than that one.
‪(창희) 저, 저거‬Not for households, for businesses. The one that's bigger than that one.
‪저거보다 큰 거‬Not for households, for businesses. The one that's bigger than that one.
‪(알바생) 아…‬
‪막막해서 어디 가서‬ ‪기도라도 하고 싶은데‬I was so frustrated and wanted to go somewhere to pray,
‪새벽에 열린 교회는 없고‬but there weren't any churches open that early.
‪갈 데가‬The only place I could go to
‪편의점밖에 없더라‬was a convenience store.
‪(창희) 그날도 암담해서‬ ‪여기 이러고 앉았는데‬And when I was sitting here, all depressed,
‪동기 놈한테 톡이 왔어‬I got a message from a colleague.
‪너희 동네 편의점 하나 나왔는데‬ ‪해 볼 생각 없냐고‬He asked if I wanted to run a convenience store in my neighborhood.
‪그게 여기였다‬And that was this place.
‪내가 그런 놈이야‬That's who I am.
‪내가 있을 자리‬ ‪귀신같이 미리 가서 앉아 있는‬I always know in advance where I belong, like a psychic.
‪(알바생) 씁, 사장님‬Sir.
‪내일 그냥 미친 척하고‬ ‪대기업 회장실에 가 있어요‬Then go sit in some chairman's office of a big company tomorrow.
‪내가 앉을 자리라고‬Tell them that's where you belong.
‪[헛웃음]‬Tell them that's where you belong. Tell them you just know it.
‪그냥 느낌이 그렇다고‬Tell them you just know it.
‪경복궁 같은 데‬ ‪가 앉아 있지 말고요‬Instead of going to Gyeongbokgung Palace.
‪실현 가능성 1도 없는 경복궁엔‬ ‪왜 자꾸 가 앉아 있어요?‬Why do you keep going to the palace where there's no chance?
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬Why do you keep going to the palace where there's no chance? Your last name isn't even Yi.
‪이씨도 아니면서‬Your last name isn't even Yi.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪(창희) 수고해‬Take care.
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(희선) 기정인?‬Where's Gi-jeong?
‪일 있대‬She says she's busy.
‪(유림) 알 것 같아‬I think I know why she's upset.
‪어디서 삐졌는지‬I think I know why she's upset.
‪(희선) 나도‬Me too.
‪(사회자) 모두‬ ‪자리에서 일어나 주십시오‬All rise.
‪입당 성가 38번입니다‬We'll sing hymn number 38.
‪[경건한 반주가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(기정) 애 졸업식이라고, 어?‬I took a day off to attend the kid's graduation ceremony.
‪생각해서‬ ‪월차 내고 가 보려고 했더니‬I took a day off to attend the kid's graduation ceremony. But she asked me why since I won't even be in the photos.
‪뭐 하러 오냬, 사진도 못 찍을 거‬But she asked me why since I won't even be in the photos.
‪참 나, 야, 평생 남을‬ ‪졸업 사진, 입학 사진 이런 덴‬But she asked me why since I won't even be in the photos. She said someone like me shouldn't be in a picture with her
‪뭐, 애매한 사람은‬ ‪안 끼는 거라나?‬She said someone like me shouldn't be in a picture with her on her graduation day,
‪아니, 나중에 사진 보고‬ ‪'이 여자 누구야?' 했을 때‬since if someone asks, "Who's this lady?" one day, then she'll have to say, "Someone my dad used to date."
‪'어, 아빠랑 잠깐 사귀던 여자야'‬ ‪그럴 거냐고‬then she'll have to say, "Someone my dad used to date."
‪야, 이게 말이니, 그게?‬I mean, how could she say that? When I'm right there with them.
‪어? 사람 앞에다 대놓고‬I mean, how could she say that? When I'm right there with them.
‪[신부가 강론한다]‬
‪(경선) 내가 틀린 말 했어?‬Did I say anything wrong?
‪적당히 하라 그래‬Tell her to know her place.
‪원래 졸업식, 입학식‬ ‪이런 거는 식구끼리 하는 거야‬Only your family should come to your graduation.
‪사귀는 사이에 그런 델 왜 껴?‬Why would she be there when you're just dating?
‪(희선) 그냥 사귀는 사이 아니잖아‬But they're not just dating.
‪결혼할 거잖아‬They're going to get married.
‪결혼하면 그때 오라고‬Then she should join when they're married. Who knows what will happen?
‪어떻게 될 줄 알고?‬Then she should join when they're married. Who knows what will happen?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(경선) 하, 참‬
‪그렇다고 갑자기‬ ‪핸드폰 보는 척하면서‬She still shouldn't have suddenly looked at her phone and left saying, "I forgot I had plans."
‪'어, 나 약속 있는 거 깜빡했네'‬and left saying, "I forgot I had plans."
‪이렇게 빤히 보이는 거짓말 하면서‬ ‪홀랑 가 버리냐?‬She was obviously lying
‪삐진 티를 팍팍 내 가면서?‬and showing that she was upset. That was so immature.
‪애야?‬That was so immature.
‪저번에도 그랬어‬ ‪[한숨]‬And that wasn't the first time.
‪내가 큰소리 좀 냈다고‬When I raised my voice a bit, she said she forgot she had other plans.
‪자기 또 약속 깜빡했다고‬When I raised my voice a bit, she said she forgot she had other plans.
‪아니, 무슨 약속을 맨날 깜빡해?‬Why does she forget about her plans every time?
‪다른 핑계라도 대는‬ ‪성의라도 좀 보이든가‬She should make up different excuses, at least.
‪꼭 그렇게 삐진 티를 내고 가요‬She always has to show that she's upset.
‪그럼 들러붙어 싸워?‬Is she supposed to argue with you then?
‪(희선) 신부님 보신다‬Father's looking.
‪(신부) 심지어 오늘은‬ ‪자기 형제에게 성을 내거나‬Today, even those who get angry at their own siblings or call them idiots or dummies…
‪바보 혹은 멍청이라고‬ ‪부르는 자는…‬or call them idiots or dummies…
‪(유림) 하, 그냥 결혼하시든가‬Just get married already without worrying about me.
‪내 눈치 보지 말고‬Just get married already without worrying about me.
‪(태훈) 쓰읍, 껌 뱉어‬Spit out your gum.
‪(신부) 마지막으로 다 함께‬ ‪참회의 기도를 바치며‬Lastly, we will end the Mass -with the Prayer of Confession. -My lord.
‪- (희선) 아, 하느님‬ ‪- (신부) 이 강론을 마치겠습니다‬-with the Prayer of Confession. -My lord. -I'm to blame, -I'm to blame.
‪- (신부) 제 탓이오, 제 탓이오‬ ‪- (희선) 제 탓이오, 제 탓이오‬-I'm to blame, -I'm to blame. -I'm to blame. It is my fault. -I'm to blame.
‪(신부) 저의 큰 탓이옵니다‬-I'm to blame. It is my fault. -I'm to blame.
‪(태훈) 한두 번이야?‬ ‪누나가 막말하는 게?‬It's not the first time you've treated her like that. But you've never apologized to her properly.
‪그래 놓고 제대로‬ ‪사과나 한번 한 적 있어?‬But you've never apologized to her properly.
‪(경선) 내가 일부러 그러냐?‬Do you think I do it for no reason? It's for Yu-rim's sake.
‪유림이 생각해서 그러지‬Do you think I do it for no reason? It's for Yu-rim's sake.
‪(태훈) '유림이, 유림이'‬ ‪그만하라고!‬Stop using her as an excuse! Or I'll move out with her.
‪유림이 데리고 나가서‬ ‪확 둘이 살기 전에‬Or I'll move out with her.
‪(경선) 어!‬What? So Yu-rim's all grown up now, huh? Are you saying you don't need us anymore?
‪야, 유림이 다 컸다 이거냐?‬ ‪이제 우린 필요 없다 이거야?‬What? So Yu-rim's all grown up now, huh? Are you saying you don't need us anymore?
‪하, 진짜‬Seriously…
‪(태훈) 아유‬
‪[희선의 한숨]‬
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[태훈의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪아유, 미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪아빠가 너무 화가 나서…‬I got too upset.
‪저기, 점심 뭐 먹을…‬What do you want for lunch?
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[태훈의 한숨]‬
‪사춘기잖아‬It's puberty.
‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬ ‪(미정) 오빠 지금 들어와서‬ ‪같이 밥 먹었어요‬Chang-hee just came back and had lunch with us.
‪구 씨 왔었다‬Mr. Gu visited.
‪(제호) 네 전화번호 줬는데‬I… gave him your number.
‪전화 안 왔어?‬Did he call you yet?
‪만났어요‬We met up.
‪그래, 잘했다‬I see. That's good.
‪쉬어, 어‬Take care. Bye.
‪네, 들어가세요‬Okay, take care, Dad.
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪(기정) 누굴 만나?‬Who did you meet?
‪[휴대전화를 툭 놓는다]‬
‪[창희의 지친 숨소리]‬
‪[카드 인식음]‬
‪(직원1) 카드에‬ ‪고객 정보가 입력돼 있어서‬It's like a blank check since the card has the customer's personal information.
‪밖으로 나가면‬ ‪백지 수표 같은 거니까‬since the card has the customer's personal information.
‪카드사 내에서도‬So, the security tends to be tight here, even within the company.
‪여기 발급실이‬ ‪보안 등급이 센 편이에요‬So, the security tends to be tight here, even within the company.
‪한 장이라도 오류가 나면‬ ‪승인받고 폐기해야 되고요‬Even one misprint, and you'll require authorization to discard it.
‪1년에 한 천만 장 정도‬ ‪만들어 나간다고 보시면 돼요‬About ten million cards are issued a year.
‪카드 하나만‬ ‪갖고 있는 사람 없잖아요?‬Everyone owns more than one card, right? And they need another one if they lose it.
‪분실하면 다시 만들어야 되고‬Everyone owns more than one card, right? And they need another one if they lose it.
‪카드 종류는 한 천 가지 정도?‬And there are about a thousand different kinds of cards.
‪한번 출시된 카드는 화폐 같아서‬ ‪웬만하면 없애지 못해요‬Once a card is launched, it's almost impossible to end the service. Since there are cards organizations have used for a long time.
‪오래된 기관에서‬ ‪계속 쓰는 카드도 있고‬Since there are cards organizations have used for a long time.
‪그리고 VIP 카드는‬ ‪직접 손으로 작업해요‬And the VIP cards are handcrafted one by one.
‪(직원2) VIP도 오늘 물량 많네요?‬A lot of work for the VIP department, too?
‪월요일이잖아요‬Yes, it's Monday.
‪[보람의 웃음]‬Mi-jeong.
‪[추워하는 탄성]‬
‪[보람의 추워하는 숨소리]‬ ‪(미정) 가자‬Let's go. You look like you belong in Yeouido.
‪(보람) 언니 여의도 사람 같아요‬ ‪[미정이 피식 웃는다]‬You look like you belong in Yeouido. Wherever you are, you always look like you belong there.
‪언닌 어디 있어도‬ ‪그 동네 사람 같더라‬Wherever you are, you always look like you belong there.
‪강남에 있으면 강남 사람 같고‬Even in Gangnam.
‪(미정) 산포 우리 동네 서 있으면‬ ‪산포 사람 같아‬I also look like someone from Sanpo when I'm there.
‪[보람의 웃음]‬I also look like someone from Sanpo when I'm there.
‪(보람) 언니네 동네‬ ‪이제 강북이잖아요‬You live in Gangbuk now, though.
‪(미정) 씁, 거기는 아직‬ ‪우리 동네라는 말이 안 나와‬But it doesn't feel like my neighborhood yet.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪[보람의 추워하는 탄성]‬
‪[지글지글 굽는 소리]‬
‪(보람) 일 양에 비하면‬ ‪연봉은 세지 않지만‬Compared to the workload, the salary isn't as high,
‪그래도 조이카드‬ ‪다닐 때보단 나아요‬but it's better than working at Joy Card.
‪정규직, 비정규직‬ ‪나눠서 차별하는 것도 없고‬They also don't treat permanent and temp workers differently.
‪대기업 고집하지 말고‬ ‪진작에 거기 갔으면 지금 대리인데‬If I started my career at this company, I'd be an assistant manager by now.
‪괜히 조이카드에서‬ ‪시간만 버린 거 같아요‬I shouldn't have wasted my time at Joy Card.
‪한수진 나갔던데요?‬Did you hear Han Su-jin left?
‪이번에 직무표 보니까‬ ‪한수진 없어졌어요‬I checked the job title chart, and Han Su-jin was gone.
‪그런 걸 뭐 하러 봐‬Why would you check that? I always check where those people have gone to work.
‪(보람) 전 이것들이‬ ‪어디로 가서 어떻게 풀리나‬I always check where those people have gone to work.
‪다 뒤져 봐요‬I always check where those people have gone to work.
‪더 이상 연결이 안 될 때의 짜릿함‬It's ecstatic to know I don't have to work with them.
‪'아, 얘 사라졌다'‬"Yes, she has finally disappeared."
‪우리가 이겼어요, 언니‬We've beat them, Mi-jeong.
‪[보람의 웃음]‬I'm not even in the design field anymore.
‪난 이제 디자인도 아닌데, 뭐‬I'm not even in the design field anymore.
‪(보람) 계속 거기 있을 거‬ ‪아니잖아요‬But you're not staying there forever.
‪(미정) 계속 있을 거야‬I'll stay.
‪미쳤어요?‬What? Don't waste your talent.
‪언니 실력이 아깝지 않아요?‬What? Don't waste your talent.
‪너만 아는 실력이야‬It's a talent that only you recognize.
‪[보람의 한숨]‬
‪(보람) 솔직히 말해 봐요‬Be honest with me. Are you really not aware how good you are?
‪언니, 알아요, 몰라요, 언니 실력?‬Be honest with me. Are you really not aware how good you are?
‪옛날엔 밤을 새워 디자인해 가도‬ ‪빠꾸 맞으면‬Before, if I worked on the design all night and submitted it and they rejected it, I would think, "What did I work all night for?"
‪'하, 밤새 내가 뭘 한 건가'‬and they rejected it, I would think, "What did I work all night for?"
‪난 잘했다고 생각하는데‬ ‪아니라고 하면‬Even if I thought I did a good job, if they said no,
‪(미정) 그냥 못한 게 되고‬ ‪안 한 게 되고‬all the work I did would go down the drain.
‪근데 여긴 그런 게 없어‬But it's different here.
‪진짜 일을 한다는 느낌이 있어‬It really feels like I'm working.
‪난 크리에이티브한 일보단‬I think I'm better suited for jobs that require precision over creativity.
‪이런 정확성을 기하는 일이‬ ‪맞는 거 같아‬I think I'm better suited for jobs that require precision over creativity.
‪안 쓸 거면 그 실력 나 줘요, 정말‬Give your skills to me, if you're not going to use them.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬Give your skills to me, if you're not going to use them.
‪가져가‬Take them.
‪[감성적인 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(기정) 옛날엔, 어?‬I used to feel bad for her since she was very quiet and looked sad.
‪애가 말도 없고 그래서‬ ‪안쓰럽고 그랬는데‬I used to feel bad for her since she was very quiet and looked sad.
‪어떻게 그렇게 한순간에‬ ‪깡패가 되냐?‬How could she turn into a delinquent, all of a sudden?
‪우리 어느 날 아침에‬ ‪노안 오는 것처럼‬You get farsighted before you know it as you age. She became a delinquent just like that.
‪어느 날 갑자기 깡패가 돼 있어‬She became a delinquent just like that.
‪야, 걔가 뭐라 그러면‬ ‪나까지 쫄아서 어버버해‬I get scared and stutter when she talks.
‪[기정의 한숨]‬
‪그런 애랑 같이 살 자신도 없고‬I'm not confident I could live with a kid like that.
‪아, 그렇다고 고모들 손에 맡기고‬ ‪태훈 씨랑 둘이 살자니‬But I can't leave her with her aunties and live with Tae-hun alone. My conscience won't let me.
‪양심에 걸리고‬My conscience won't let me.
‪걔 스무 살 되면‬ ‪결혼하자고 했는데‬We agreed to get married when she turns 20.
‪걔 스무 살 되면‬But when she's 20,
‪하, 난 50인데, 씨, 염병‬I'll be 50, damn it.
‪(원희) 야‬ ‪우리 40 금방 오지 않았니?‬Hey. Didn't we reach 40 so fast?
‪50도 금방 오지 않을까?‬Wouldn't 50 come fast, too?
‪안 돼!‬ ‪야, 50은 그렇게 빨리 오면 안 돼‬It can't! Hey, 50 shouldn't come so fast.
‪(원희) 너 태훈 씨랑‬ ‪50에 결혼한다며‬It can't! Hey, 50 shouldn't come so fast. But you said you'd marry Tae-hun at 50.
‪아, 그러니까‬I know, but…
‪빨리 오면 안 되는데‬ ‪빨리 와야 돼‬It shouldn't come too soon, but I hope it does at the same time.
‪[기정의 한숨]‬
‪아, 50‬Age 50…
‪50에도‬ ‪무슨 감정이라는 게 있을까?‬Do you think you'll even have any emotions when you're 50?
‪아, 그 나이 되면‬ ‪그냥 동물 아닐까 싶다, 어?‬Won't it just be like being an animal at that age? Living just because you are alive and eating fodder, right?
‪살아 있으니까 사는‬Living just because you are alive and eating fodder, right?
‪우물우물 여물 먹듯이‬ ‪먹고 그러는, 어?‬Living just because you are alive and eating fodder, right?
‪[기정이 쓴 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪살아 있으니까 산다 싶은‬As a 50-year-old lady who's living just because I'm alive and eating fodder,
‪(여자3) 우물우물‬ ‪여물 먹는 동물인‬As a 50-year-old lady who's living just because I'm alive and eating fodder,
‪50인 여자가 말해 줄게‬I'll tell you something.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬I understand why you think that way.
‪님 말이 무슨 뜻인지‬I understand why you think that way.
‪모르지 않는데‬I really do.
‪서른이면 멋질 줄 알았는데‬I thought I would be so cool when I turned 30,
‪꽝이었고‬but it didn't turn out that way.
‪[여자4와 여자3의 웃음]‬
‪'마흔은 어떻게 살지?'‬And I thought, "How will I live in my 40s?"
‪'50은'‬"And my 50s?"
‪'살아 뭐 하나'‬-"What's the point of living?" -We should just die.
‪(여자4) 죽어야지‬-"What's the point of living?" -We should just die.
‪(여자3) 죽어야지, 응‬"I should just die then." But…
‪50?‬at age 50?
‪똑같아‬It's just the same.
‪50은‬You become 50 years old before you realize it.
‪그렇게 갑자기 진짜로 와‬You become 50 years old before you realize it.
‪[여자3이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪난 13살 때‬I feel like I took a short nap
‪잠깐 낮잠 자고‬one day when I was 13
‪딱 눈뜬 거 같아‬and just woke up.
‪[여자4가 피식 웃는다]‬Don't you feel the same?
‪너희도 그렇지?‬Don't you feel the same? Twelve for me.
‪(여자4) 난 12살‬Twelve for me.
‪아, 꼭 하나 깎아, 저년은‬You always try to count one year less.
‪[여자4의 웃음]‬ ‪너는?‬-What about you? -Hey, let's go.
‪(여자5) 야, 가자‬-What about you? -Hey, let's go.
‪(여자3) 어딜?‬-Where? -Home.
‪아, 집에‬-Where? -Home.
‪[여자들의 웃음]‬
‪[여자3이 말한다]‬
‪(여자4) 야, 마셔‬Hey, drink.
‪80도 나랑‬You'll probably feel the same as me at 80, too, I bet.
‪똑같을걸?‬You'll probably feel the same as me at 80, too, I bet.
‪[여자3의 웃음]‬Hey, bottoms up.
‪(여자3) 야, 원샷‬Hey, bottoms up.
‪[술잔이 쨍 부딪친다]‬
‪(창희) 학교 다닐 때‬ ‪미술책에서 수묵화 보면‬When I saw ink paintings in art books in school,
‪'여긴 중국인가, 북한인가?'‬I'd wonder, "Is this China? North Korea?"
‪난 이런 산을 본 적이 없는데‬I've never seen mountains like these.
‪조선 시대 풍경화가‬ ‪죄다 바위산이야‬All the paintings from the Joseon era are of rocky mountains.
‪여기 이사 와서 알았잖아‬When I moved here, I realized,
‪'아, 여기였구나'‬"So this is where they were."
‪'정선은 이때‬ ‪뒷동산을 그린 거였구나'‬"Jeong Seon just painted what was in his back garden at the time."
‪경기도 산은 새파래서‬ ‪잡목만 우거졌는데‬The mountains of Gyeonggi were green and covered in scrub.
‪희한하게 이런 돌산은‬ ‪강북에만 있어‬Weirdly, these rocky mountains can only be found in Gangbuk.
‪한강 아래론 없어‬Not south of the Han River.
‪얼마 전에 경복궁 주변 걷다가‬ ‪깜짝 놀란 게‬I was really surprised while taking a walk around Gyeongbokgung Palace.
‪10분이면 걸어서‬ ‪네 개 동을 지나가‬You can pass through four neighborhoods in ten minutes.
‪무슨 동을 이렇게‬ ‪잘게 잘게 쪼개 놨나 보니까‬I was wondering why the neighborhoods were divided up so small,
‪동이 면적으로 나누는 게 아니고‬ ‪인구수로 나누는 건데‬and it turns out they didn't divide them by area, but by population,
‪조선 시대 때 거기 인구 밀집도가‬ ‪엄청났다는 거지‬and the population density there during the Joseon era was extremely high.
‪너 팔판동이라고 들어 봤냐?‬Have you ever heard of Palpan-dong?
‪경복궁 뒤쪽에 있는 동네인데‬It's a neighborhood behind Gyeongbokgung Palace.
‪거기에만 조선 시대 때‬ ‪판서가 8명 살았대‬During the Joseon era, they say that eight ministers lived in that area alone.
‪그래 갖고 팔판동‬So it was called "Palpan-dong."
‪시험 봐요?‬Do you have an exam?
‪[알바생의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[냉장고 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪뭘 그렇게 열심히 공부해요?‬What are you studying so hard for?
‪난 이제 서울 사람 입문했잖냐‬I'm a Seoul man now.
‪(알바생) [헛웃음 치며] 사장님‬Sir.
‪서울 사람들‬ ‪그런 거 하나도 몰라요‬People from Seoul don't know any of that stuff.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬Also, your family must live in Seoul for three generations to be really from Seoul.
‪그리고 삼대가 서울 살아야‬ ‪서울 사람이래요‬Also, your family must live in Seoul for three generations to be really from Seoul.
‪누가 그래?‬Says who?
‪서울 연구하는 어느 박사님이요‬That professor who studies Seoul.
‪서울 살면 서울 사람인 거지‬ ‪뭘 삼대까지나…‬If you live in Seoul, you're a Seoul man. Three generations, my ass.
‪넌 서울 사람이냐?‬Are you a Seoul man?
‪(알바생) 그렇죠‬Of course. We've been living in this neighborhood since my grandpa.
‪할아버지 때부터‬ ‪이 동네 살았으니까‬Of course. We've been living in this neighborhood since my grandpa.
‪좋겠다‬Good for you.
‪씁, 그럼 내 손자부터‬ ‪서울 사람이라는 거네‬Then I guess my grandson will be a Seoul man.
‪(알바생) 결혼 안 한다며요‬But you won't get married.
‪그 누나랑 완전히 끝났다며요‬Didn't you say it was over between you two?
‪[알바생이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪예뻤는데‬She was pretty.
‪(기정) 선우 씨 안 보고 싶어?‬Do you ever miss Seon-u?
‪[혜련이 피식 웃는다]‬Well, sometimes?
‪(혜련) 어쩌다 가끔?‬Well, sometimes?
‪(기정) 7년을‬ ‪같이 산 사람이 없어지면‬I'd be very lonely if the person I'd lived with for seven years was gone.
‪난 되게 허전할 거 같은데‬if the person I'd lived with for seven years was gone.
‪(혜련) 허전한데 편해진 것도 많아‬It is lonely, but there are many improvements too.
‪일단‬For starters,
‪[피식 웃으며] 시댁이 없어졌고‬no in-laws.
‪(기정) [웃으며] 좋다‬no in-laws. That's good.
‪조경선이 없어진 거네‬That'd mean no more Cho Gyeong-seon.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(혜련) 혼자 되고 나니까‬Now that I'm on my own, I feel sorry for pitying my friends who weren't married and living alone before.
‪예전에 결혼 안 하고‬ ‪혼자 사는 친구들‬I feel sorry for pitying my friends who weren't married and living alone before.
‪안쓰럽게 봤던 거 미안해지더라고‬I feel sorry for pitying my friends who weren't married and living alone before.
‪'내가 건방졌구나'‬I realized I was arrogant.
‪'혼자 살아도 별문제 없고‬ ‪충분히 행복한데'‬Even if you live alone, it's fine. You can be perfectly happy.
‪'먹고 싶은 음식‬ ‪먹고 싶은 시간에 먹고'‬You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want,
‪'자고 싶은 시간에 자고'‬and sleep whenever you want.
‪'먹는 거, 자는 거'‬Eating and sleeping…
‪'이 단순한 걸‬ ‪내 맘대로 하고 산다는 게'‬I had no idea that doing these simple things however I want was such a joy.
‪'이렇게 행복한 거구나'‬I had no idea that doing these simple things however I want was such a joy.
‪[혜련의 웃음]‬
‪일주일 동안 청소 안 해도‬ ‪내가 손댄 그대로다?‬Even if I don't clean for a week, things stay where I left them.
‪(기정) 야, 너 옛날에‬ ‪결혼해서 좋은 점이‬-Hey. -Yes? The thing you liked about being married before
‪새벽 2시에도 떡볶이 먹으러‬was having someone to go and eat tteokbokki with at 2 a.m.
‪같이 갈 사람이‬ ‪있다는 거였었어, 너‬was having someone to go and eat tteokbokki with at 2 a.m.
‪씨, 내가 그 말 듣고‬When I heard that, I thought,
‪'아, 그렇겠구나, 좋겠다'‬"I see. That sounds nice."
‪너 얼마나 부러워했었는데‬You have no idea how jealous I was.
‪[혜련이 피식 웃는다]‬Do you think I'd get a craving for tteokbokki at 2 a.m. every day?
‪(혜련) 내가 새벽 2시에‬ ‪떡볶이 먹고 싶은 날이‬Do you think I'd get a craving for tteokbokki at 2 a.m. every day?
‪맨날 있겠니?‬Do you think I'd get a craving for tteokbokki at 2 a.m. every day?
‪아, 혼자 되고 나니까 알겠더라고‬After being single again, I realized
‪내가 그동안 얼마나 힘들게‬ ‪쳇바퀴 돌듯이 살았는지‬what a difficult life I'd been living all this time, like a wheel going round.
‪때 되면 시댁 가야 되고‬Having to go to my in-laws' house when the time came.
‪같이 밥 먹어야 될 사람은‬ ‪왜 이렇게 많은 건지‬There were so many people I had to have meals with.
‪어떻게 보면 인간의 일생이라는 게‬No matter how you look at it, life as a human,
‪결혼 생활이든 직장 생활이든‬whether it's married life or work life,
‪누구랑 합을 맞추려 애쓰는 건데‬is about putting in the effort to get on with others.
‪아, 남편 가고 나니까‬ ‪다 놔지더라고‬Now that my husband is gone, I've let it all go.
‪'됐다'‬"It's fine."
‪'누구랑 합을 맞추려‬ ‪애쓸 필요 없다'‬"I don't have to try to get on with anyone."
‪'혼자 살아도 된다'‬"It's okay to live alone."
‪[혜련의 웃음]‬"It's okay to live alone." I didn't even get to try that yet.
‪(기정) 난 아직‬ ‪합해 보지도 못했다‬I didn't even get to try that yet.
‪(혜련) 아, 추워‬-Gosh, it's so cold! -Get off me.
‪(기정) 아유, 절로 가‬-Gosh, it's so cold! -Get off me.
‪(학생1) 뭐 먹을까?‬What shall we get?
‪(유림) 나 간짬뽕‬I want gan jjambbong.
‪- (학생1) 그래‬ ‪- (학생2) 난 요거‬Sure. I want this one.
‪(기정) 어?‬What?
‪아, 학원 이제 끝났어?‬Did you just finish your academy?
‪어, 아, 아유, 저기‬Oh, this…
‪아니야‬I'm not.
‪이거 사면 꼭 한다?‬If I buy one of these, my period always starts.
‪그러니까, 어, 맨날 돈만 버려, 어‬So, I just end up wasting my money every time.
‪아니야, 백 퍼 아니야‬I'm not, I'm definitely not.
‪(학생2) 유림아‬Yu-rim.
‪저 아줌마‬ ‪주머니에 임테기 넣었어요‬That lady just put a pregnancy test in her pocket.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬That lady just put a pregnancy test in her pocket.
‪(학생2) 누구야?‬Who?
‪(기정) 계산할 거예요‬I'm going to pay for it. I am.
‪하려고, 예‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬I'm going to pay for it. I am.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(창희) 팀장님께서 웬일이야?‬What brings you here, sir?
‪(민규) 근처 밥 먹으러 왔다가‬I was in the area for lunch.
‪무슨 신상품 발주를‬ ‪그렇게 막 내냐?‬Why do you order so many new products?
‪김 대리 너무 밀어주는 거 아니야?‬You're helping Mr. Kim out too much.
‪(창희) 나는 팀장 못 달았어도‬Even if I could never make team leader,
‪내 지점 관리자는‬ ‪내가 팀장 만든다‬I'm going to make my branch manager a team leader.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪용하다‬I'm impressed.
‪그 대출을 다 갚고‬You paid off that loan.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(민규) 야‬ ‪난 그냥 자빠졌을 거 같은데‬I would have just given up.
‪어떻게 버텼냐?‬How did you hold out?
‪죽기 아니면 까무러치기지, 뭐‬Well, it was do-or-die.
‪아는 형이 있었는데‬There was this guy I knew.
‪(창희) 그 형이 맨날 산을 봤어‬He used to stare at the mountain every day.
‪지구상에 나 같은 인간이‬ ‪77억 명 있다는데‬He said there were 7.7 billion people just like him on Earth,
‪77억이‬ ‪어느 정도인지를 모르겠어서‬but he didn't know how much 7.7 billion was,
‪인간 하나를 1원짜리‬ ‪동전 하나로 치환해 놓고 보니까‬so he said if you replaced each human with a one-won coin,
‪77억이면 1원짜리가‬a total of 7.7 billion 1-won coins…
‪저 산만큼 쌓여 있는 거래‬would be piled up to the size of that mountain.
‪참 아무것도 아닌 1원짜리가‬I realized I was just a tiny one-won coin…
‪참 요란하게도 산다 싶더라‬and there was no need to make such a fuss through life.
‪[태훈의 한숨]‬Who said that?
‪(태훈) 누가 그래?‬Who said that?
‪유림이가 봤대‬Yu-rim said she saw it.
‪(희선) 임신했다고 하면‬If she says she's pregnant,
‪여러 소리 말고‬ ‪바로 결혼하자고 해‬don't beat around the bush, and just ask her to marry you.
‪난 왠지 이게 맞는 거 같다‬I think that's the right thing to do.
‪괜히 더 끌어 봤자‬ ‪서로 힘들기만 하고‬Dragging things out like this will only be hard on both of you,
‪유림이도‬and Yu-rim will dote on the baby once she sees it wriggling around.
‪애 꼬물꼬물거리는 거 보면‬ ‪이뻐할 거야‬and Yu-rim will dote on the baby once she sees it wriggling around.
‪알았어‬All right.
‪알았어, 끊어‬Okay. Bye.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[심란한 한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(기정)‬Sounds great!
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(기정) 다, 다, 다, 다, 다, 다‬ ‪다 먹고 싶어요‬I want to eat everything!
‪(미정)‬They should have delivered the heater. It'll be at your door.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(미정) 읽씹하는 버릇은‬ ‪여전하시네‬Your habit of leaving me on read hasn't changed.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪[구 씨의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[숨을 고른다]‬
‪[물소리가 솨 난다]‬
‪(신 회장) 이 바닥에 있는‬ ‪놈들 같지 않게‬Unlike the others in this field,
‪도박도 안 하고 계집질도 안 하고‬you don't gamble, you don't chase women.
‪딴짓 안 하고 혼자 조용히‬ ‪술만 마시는 거 마음에 들어서‬You don't do anything else. You just drink quietly by yourself. I liked that, and that's why I came this far with you.
‪여기까지 같이 왔는데‬I liked that, and that's why I came this far with you.
‪이제 그 술이 문제야‬But now, alcohol is the problem.
‪얼마 전엔 별것도 아닌 걸로‬I heard that you beat up one of your managers recently over nothing.
‪MD 하나 대갈통 깼다며?‬I heard that you beat up one of your managers recently over nothing.
‪정교함도 떨어지고 말이야‬You're not as thorough as you used to be.
‪진짜 고쳐 볼 생각 없는 거야?‬Do you really have no plans to stop?
‪알코올 중독 아니라고 우기지 말고‬Don't tell me you're not an alcoholic.
‪의지로 안 되면 약으로 해 보고‬If you don't have the willpower, try taking medicine.
‪이것저것 해 봐야지‬Try everything you can.
‪이대로 망가질 건가?‬Are you going to go down like this?
‪백 사장 동생한테는 그렇게‬I heard you told Baek's younger sister
‪병원 다녀라, 상담받아라‬ ‪그랬다면서‬to go to the hospital and get therapy.
‪3분의 2 지점인가 뭔가‬ ‪얘기해 가면서‬Telling her about some two-thirds point or something.
‪뭐‬What was it?
‪아무것도 아닌 게 되는‬The point where it all becomes nothing.
‪지점인가 뭔가‬The point where it all becomes nothing.
‪다 빈말이었나?‬Were those all empty words?
‪다녀요‬I do see
‪병원‬a doctor.
‪안 온다던데?‬They told me you don't come anymore.
‪(구 씨) 딴 데로 옮겼어요‬I changed my doctor.
‪하, 김 박사는 재미가 없어서‬Dr. Kim was boring.
‪(신 회장) 상담이 재밌기도 하나?‬Is therapy supposed to be fun?
‪지겨운 인간하고는‬ ‪10분도 얘기 못 해요‬I can't talk to a dull person even for ten minutes.
‪무슨 얘기 했는데?‬What did you talk about?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪제가 항상‬He said I was always
‪경계 태세래요‬on guard.
‪(구 씨) 1이라서‬Because I'm "one."
‪어디서 술병이 날아오나‬Watching out for a knife or a bottle coming at me,
‪칼이 날아오나‬Watching out for a knife or a bottle coming at me,
‪누가 돈을 얼마나 감았나‬or if someone pocketed any money.
‪살피고 경계하고 잡고 패고‬or if someone pocketed any money. I watch them, catch them, and beat them up.
‪파트너가 있어서‬It's not like I have a partner that I can share the workload with.
‪짝을 이뤄서‬ ‪같이 하는 일도 아니고‬It's not like I have a partner that I can share the workload with.
‪평생 혼자‬I'm always alone.
‪하루에 5분만 즐겁자는 마인드로‬I try to be happy for just five minutes a day.
‪4초‬So I try to gather up
‪7초짜리 설레는 순간들 끌어모아서‬moments of excitement in four and seven-second chunks,
‪하루에 5분만 채워 보라는데‬to fill five minutes a day.
‪오늘은 아직 1초도 시작 못 했는데‬But I haven't even been able to gather one second today.
‪말하다 보니 지금 살짝‬Just now, while talking to you…
‪3초 설렜습니다‬I got excited for three seconds.
‪6초‬It's six seconds now.
‪오늘은 좀 기네요‬It's quite long today.
‪열두 번‬Twelve times.
‪당신 별명 이제 열두 번이야‬Your nickname is now "Twelve Times."
‪(미정) 하루에도 열두 번‬ ‪이랬다저랬다‬You change your mind twelve times a day.
‪(구 씨) 쉽게 보지 마‬Don't underestimate me. It's a million times.
‪백만 번이야‬Don't underestimate me. It's a million times.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪(구 씨) 너 알바 안 할래?‬Do you want a part-time job?
‪(미정) 무슨 알바?‬What kind of part-time job?
‪[입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪그럼?‬Then what?
‪내 얘기 들어 주는 거‬Listening to me talk.
‪(구 씨) 내가‬When I…
‪호빠 선수로 들어갔을 때‬started out as a host,
‪딱 2주 만에‬I quit after just two weeks, thinking, "There's no way I can do this."
‪'아, 이건 도저히 못 해 먹겠다'‬ ‪싶어서 때려치웠던 게‬I quit after just two weeks, thinking, "There's no way I can do this."
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬I quit after just two weeks, thinking, "There's no way I can do this."
‪사람들이 죄다 하소연이야‬All people do is complain.
‪남편이 바람을 피우는데‬ ‪어쩌고저쩌고‬"My husband is having an affair," and so on.
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪차라리 어디 가서‬ ‪코피 터지게 두드려 맞으면 맞았지‬I would rather go and get beaten up until my nose bleeds than do this.
‪이건 못 해 먹겠다 싶더라‬I would rather go and get beaten up until my nose bleeds than do this.
‪사람들 얘기는‬ ‪돈 받고 들어 줘야 돼‬You should get paid to listen to someone else talking.
‪10회만 끊자‬How about ten sessions?
‪상담의 기본은 원래 10회야‬You usually get therapy in sets of ten sessions.
‪10회 끝나고‬After the ten sessions,
‪그래도 여전히‬ ‪할 말이 있다 싶으면‬if I still have things to say,
‪또 10회‬we'll do another ten sessions.
‪너 내 얘기 재밌어하잖아‬You like listening to me talk.
‪[미정이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪막 우겨, 이제‬You're putting words in my mouth now.
‪(기정) 걔가‬ ‪7년 만에 사별했거든요‬She became a widow after seven years of marriage.
‪근데 결혼 생활 할 때는‬But… while they were married,
‪뇌의 반이 온통 음식 준비로‬ ‪돌고 있었대요‬she says half her brain was always thinking about preparing food.
‪'냉장고에 뭐 있지?'‬"What do we have in the fridge?"
‪'어, 야채 썩기 전에‬ ‪해치워야 된다'‬"We need to eat the vegetables before they go bad. The fish!"
‪'아, 생선'‬"We need to eat the vegetables before they go bad. The fish!"
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪나 그 말 뭔지 너무 알잖아요‬I know what she means.
‪엄마 돌아가시고 나서 나도 맨날‬After Mom passed, I always thought, "Feed Dad!"
‪'아빠 밥, 아빠 밥', 어유‬After Mom passed, I always thought, "Feed Dad!"
‪야근하고 지쳐서 졸면서 가다가도‬Exhausted after working overtime, I'd be on my way home sleepily,
‪'아, 맞다, 밀가루 안 샀다'‬and remember, "Right, I didn't get flour."
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[태훈의 어색한 숨소리]‬ ‪[질색한다]‬
‪(태훈) 천천히 먹어요, 체해요‬Eat slowly. You'll get indigestion.
‪밥도 많이 먹었는데‬You already ate a big dinner.
‪[기정이 피식 웃는다]‬You already ate a big dinner.
‪(기정) 나는 과일은‬Weirdly, for me, with fruit,
‪이상하게‬ ‪입안 가득 먹어야 맛있어요‬I have to fill up my whole mouth for it to taste good.
‪주스 마시는 것처럼‬Like when you drink juice.
‪응? 과즙이‬ ‪입안에 가득 차야 맛있어요‬You know? With fruit juice, you have to fill your whole mouth.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬You know? With fruit juice, you have to fill your whole mouth.
‪아, 그리고 또‬And, I feel like I eat more on that day.
‪그날 되면 더 먹는 거 같아요‬And, I feel like I eat more on that day.
‪시작하면 막 당겨요‬When it starts, I get cravings. Everything is so delicious.
‪그냥 막 다 맛있어‬When it starts, I get cravings. Everything is so delicious.
‪[기정이 피식 웃는다]‬Before period, everything's annoying. I want to knock everything down.
‪생리 전에는 다 짜증 나고‬ ‪다 들어 엎고 싶다가도‬Before period, everything's annoying. I want to knock everything down.
‪시작만 하면 그냥 다 확 날아가요‬But as soon as it starts, all of that goes away.
‪[기정이 피식 웃는다]‬I'm like, "When was I depressed?"
‪'내가 언제 우울했지?' 막‬I'm like, "When was I depressed?"
‪[기정이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪(태훈) 아, 하는구나‬You're on your period.
‪아, 다행이에요‬Thank goodness. I thought…
‪난 또…‬Thank goodness. I thought…
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪임신인 줄 알았구나?‬You thought I was pregnant.
‪[멋쩍은 숨소리]‬ ‪[기정의 당황한 웃음]‬
‪(기정) 어, 아니에요!‬No, I'm not!
‪[기정의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪아, 정말 다행이에요‬Thank goodness for that.
‪에이‬Come on!
‪[기정이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪(태훈) 아…‬Well…
‪하, 미안해요‬I'm sorry.
‪잘못했어요‬I made a mistake.
‪[기정의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪아니에요‬Don't worry about it.
‪정말 미안해요‬I'm really sorry.
‪[구 씨가 쓴 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪(구 씨) 너 다시 만나고‬When I met you again,
‪후회했어‬I regretted it.
‪'미친놈'‬"Crazy bastard."
‪'뭐 하러 또 만나서'‬"What are you thinking?"
‪[한숨]‬"I think I ended things with her in Sanpo pretty well."
‪'옛날에 산포에서‬ ‪그렇게 끝났으면 그래도'‬"I think I ended things with her in Sanpo pretty well."
‪'아주아주 형편없는 놈은 아닌데'‬"I'm sure I wasn't that awful to her."
‪'무슨 꼴을 보여 주려고'‬"I should've left it at that."
‪[구 씨의 헛웃음]‬
‪염미정!‬Yeom Mi-jeong!
‪[미정의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(미정) 깜짝이야‬You startled me.
‪이것만은 알아 둬라‬Just know this.
‪나 너 진짜 좋아했다‬I liked you for real.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(구 씨) 나중에‬Later…
‪내가 어떻게 망가져 있을지‬ ‪나도 모르겠는데‬I have no idea what kind of mess I might become.
‪아무리 봐도‬ ‪서울역에 있을 거 같은데‬I'll probably end up homeless.
‪뭐, 그 전에‬ ‪확 끝날 수 있으면 생큐인데‬I'll be grateful if I could end things before then.
‪나 너 진짜 좋아했다‬Anyway, I really liked you.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[미정이 피식거린다]‬Thank you.
‪난 사람이 너무 싫어‬I really hate people.
‪눈앞에 왔다 갔다‬ ‪움직이는 것도 싫어‬I hate seeing them moving around in front of me.
‪(구 씨) 내가 갑자기 욱해서‬ ‪너한테 어떤 눈빛을 보일지‬If my temper suddenly flares, I don't know what kind of expression I might show you,
‪어떤 행동을 할지‬ ‪어떤 말을 할지 나도 몰라‬If my temper suddenly flares, I don't know what kind of expression I might show you, what I might do, or what I might say to you.
‪겁나‬I'm scared.
‪이것만은 꼭 기억해 줘라‬remember this one thing.
‪나중에 내가 완전‬ ‪개개개개개새끼가 돼도‬Even if I end up becoming the asshole to end all assholes later on,
‪나 너 진짜 좋아했다‬remember I really liked you.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪녹음하고 싶다‬I want to record it.
‪[구 씨가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪녹음해‬Record it.
‪(구 씨) [웃으며] 녹음해‬Do it.
‪염미정!‬Yeom Mi-jeong! I really liked you!
‪나 너 진짜 좋아했다‬Yeom Mi-jeong! I really liked you!
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Yeom Mi-jeong.
‪염미정‬Yeom Mi-jeong.
‪(구 씨) 10회 끝나고‬ ‪여전히 할 얘기 있으면‬After the ten sessions, if I still have things to say,
‪또 10회 끊고‬we'll do another ten sessions.
‪그렇게 연장하다가‬And after we extend our sessions,
‪더 이상 할 얘기 없으면‬we'll end it there
‪끝나는 걸로‬if I have nothing more to say.
‪그렇게 저물자‬end it then.
‪좋아‬All right.
‪(구 씨) 창희는 어떻게 지내냐?‬How's Chang-hee doing?
‪(창희) 어제 대출 다 갚았어요‬I finished repaying my loan yesterday.
‪애썼다‬You've worked hard.
‪다음 주 주말에 내려갈게요‬I'll head down to see you next weekend.
‪(제호) 바쁜데 뭐 하러‬You're busy, there's no need.
‪됐어, 오지 마‬It's fine. Don't come.
‪밥 잘 챙겨 먹고‬Don't skip your meals.
‪드, 들어가, 응‬Talk soon. Okay.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪(창희) 갔다 올게‬I'll be back.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[서랍이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[기정의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[기정의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬Do you want to break me down?
‪(창희) 너 내가 망가지기 바라냐?‬Do you want to break me down?
‪어떤 미친놈 개수발들면서‬ ‪살아 있다고 느껴야 되고‬You have to be with someone who's broken to feel alive and needed,
‪필요한 인간이라고 느껴야 되는데‬You have to be with someone who's broken to feel alive and needed,
‪내가 너무 멀쩡하니까‬ ‪아주 지겨워 죽을 맛이지?‬but you must be bored to death since I'm doing just fine.
‪- 아니야!‬ ‪- (창희) 뭐가 아니야!‬-That's not true! -Yes, it is!
‪(창희) 혁수 형처럼‬ ‪죽을병이라도 걸려야‬I need to be sick and dying like Hyeok-su for you to passionately care for me,
‪불같이 달려들어서 불사르는데‬I need to be sick and dying like Hyeok-su for you to passionately care for me,
‪내가 너무 팔팔하게‬ ‪빡세게 일만 하니까‬but I'm too healthy and working too hard, so you're so bored.
‪지루해 죽는 거잖아‬but I'm too healthy and working too hard, so you're so bored.
‪성실하니까, 평범하니까!‬Because I'm diligent and normal!
‪(현아) 아씨, 아!‬
‪[성난 숨소리]‬
‪나 편의점 하면서‬With the convenience store,
‪(창희) 이제 좀 살 만하거든?‬I just started feeling like I can get by.
‪너 재밌으라고‬ ‪다시 그 지옥 속으로 안 들어가‬I'm not crawling back into that hell just for your enjoyment.
‪사람들한테 멸시받으면서‬I'm not going stand being looked down on and feeling like a piece of shit.
‪똥 덩어리 된 기분 견뎌 가면서‬ ‪그 개고생 안 해‬I'm not going stand being looked down on and feeling like a piece of shit.
‪죽을병 같은 것도‬ ‪안 걸릴 거고, 평생‬Nor am I going to be terminally ill. Never!
‪이렇게 평범하게 살 거야‬I'm going to keep living a normal life.
‪그러니까 그냥 가‬So just leave.
‪(창희) 살다가 힘들다 싶으면‬If things get too tough for you,
‪그때 와‬come back.
‪그때도 내가 혼자면‬If I'm still alone,
‪받아 줄게‬I'll be here for you.
‪쉬었다가‬And after a while,
‪[훌쩍인다]‬And after a while,
‪또 떠나야겠다 싶으면‬if you want to leave again,
‪또 가‬then leave again.
‪괜찮아‬It's all right.
‪우리 이제 정말‬This time,
‪서로 축복하고 헤어지자‬let's part ways with blessings for each other.
‪웬 축복?‬What blessings? Do you go to church?
‪너 교회 다녀?‬What blessings? Do you go to church?
‪(창희) 현아야‬Hyeon-a.
‪지현아‬Ji Hyeon-a.
‪[울컥한다]‬Ji Hyeon-a.
‪괜찮아‬It's all right.
‪나 너한테 앙금 없어‬I hold nothing against you.
‪네가 어떤 애인지 모르지 않았고‬I've always known what kind of a person you are,
‪내가 원하는 대로‬ ‪안 끌려 왔다고 화난 거 없으니까‬and I'm not mad that I didn't get things the way that I wanted,
‪너도 나 못 쫓아왔다고‬ ‪미안해할 거 없어‬so you don't have to be sorry that you couldn't keep up.
‪진짜‬I mean it.
‪진짜 앙금 없어‬I really hold nothing against you.
‪네가 행복하길 바라‬I wish that you were happy.
‪우리 서로‬Let's both
‪미워하는 마음 하나도 없이‬bless each other without any hatred in our hearts…
‪서로 축복해 주고‬bless each other without any hatred in our hearts…
‪끝내자‬and end things here.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪[자전거를 쾅 팽개친다]‬
‪[창희가 흐느낀다]‬
‪(창희) 형‬Gu.
‪난 1원짜리가 아니고‬I don't think I was a one-won coin.
‪그냥‬I don't think I was a one-won coin.
‪저 산이었던 거 같아‬I think I've been that mountain all along.
‪저 산으로 돌아갈 것 같아‬I think I'll return to that mountain.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(미정) 당신이‬ ‪'염미정!' 부를 때 좋아‬I like it when you shout, "Yeom Mi-jeong!"
‪(구 씨) 염미정!‬Yeom Mi-jeong!
‪[미정의 웃음]‬Yeom Mi-jeong!
‪(미정) 당신은 처음부터‬ ‪결심하고 만난 거니까‬But I was determined from the moment I met you.
‪(상민) 한번 보여 달라는 거야‬ ‪해방일지‬And he asked me if he could see the liberation notes.
‪(향기) 우리 작가 되는 거예요?‬Are we going to be authors, then?
‪(기정) 사랑은‬ ‪힘이 나는 일이어야 되는데, 왜?‬Love is supposed to give you strength, but will I be happy if we broke up?
‪헤어지면 난 행복할까?‬Love is supposed to give you strength, but will I be happy if we broke up? You know the test is at our store, right?
‪오늘 테스트 우리 매장인 거 알지?‬You know the test is at our store, right?
‪(창희) 염창희 인생‬ ‪이렇게 풀리는구나‬I thought I had finally made a breakthrough in life.
‪(창희) 봄이 오나 봐‬Spring must be on its way.
‪그동안 해 먹은 돈도‬ ‪만만찮을 텐데‬I'm sure he's pocketed a lot of money all this time.
‪(신 회장) 그만 정리하지‬Let's end it with him.
‪(구 씨) 절대 행복하지 않습니다‬"I'm definitely not happy."
‪그러니까 벌은 조금만 주세요‬"So please punish me just a little."

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