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  동백꽃 필 무렵 17

When the Camellia Blooms 17


‪(혜훈)‬ ‪[영어]‬ ‪한국 경찰들은 다 이렇게 무례합니까?‬
‪[한국어]‬ ‪누나가 한국에서 무슨 사고를 쳤건‬I don't care what problems my sister caused in Korea.
‪아니, 아주 죽든 살든 간에‬I don't care if she's dead or not.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪나한테 전화 좀 하지 말라고요‬Just don't call me, all right?
‪아시겠어요?‬Just don't call me, all right?
‪(형사1)‬ ‪그, 최고운 씨 관련해서‬I have some news regarding Ms. Choi Go-un.
‪전해 드릴 사안이 좀 있어서요‬I have some news regarding Ms. Choi Go-un.
‪그, 그 이름‬How...
‪어떻게 알아요? 누나 옛날 이름인데‬do you know that name? It used to be my sister's.
‪(형사1)‬ ‪그, 유류품으로 주민증이‬ ‪두 장이 나왔습니다‬Two ID cards were found among her belongings.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪(형사1)‬ ‪예, 돌아가셨습니다‬I'm afraid she passed away.
‪살해를 당하셨어요‬She was murdered. CHOI HYANG-MI
‪(동백)‬ ‪향미는 내내 고운이를 품고 살았다‬All her life, Hyang-mi kept Go-un close to her heart. CHOI GO-UN
‪(소정)‬ ‪음, 누가 양말 못 신고 사는 줄 아나?‬We have money for socks, you know.
‪왜 맨날 양말은 보내는 거야?‬Why does she keep on sending them?
‪(어린 혜훈)‬ ‪누나, 누나!‬Go-un!
‪양말 신고 다니랬지?‬I told you to wear some socks.
‪(어린 향미)‬ ‪감기 들면 콜록콜록해‬You'll be coughing if you catch a cold.
‪(동백)‬ ‪고운이‬Go-un.
‪(동백)‬ ‪그 이름을 아는‬She wasn't even able to go to heaven, the one place that knows the name.
‪유일한 천국에도 가지 못한 채‬She wasn't even able to go to heaven, the one place that knows the name.
‪아, 여기 피해자 소지품‬ ‪확인만 좀 해 주세요‬Please check the victim's belongings.
‪(형사2)‬ ‪아이, 가족은 여기 없고‬No family members. There's just a friend.
‪뭐, 아는 언니만 와 가지고, 네‬No family members. There's just a friend.
‪(동백)‬ ‪너무 함부로‬She left the world thoughtlessly and alone.
‪너무 외롭게 떠났다‬She left the world thoughtlessly and alone.
‪[동백이 연신 흐느낀다]‬CHOI GO-UN CHOI HYANG-MI
‪아, 향미야‬Hyang-mi!
‪(동백)‬ ‪향미야‬Hyang-mi...
‪(용식)‬ ‪나와!‬Let go!
‪아니, 이런 걸‬ ‪왜 확인을 시키냐고, 왜!‬Why would you ask her to check the belongings?
‪[동백이 연신 오열한다]‬ ‪(용식)‬ ‪동백 씨!‬Dongbaek!
‪동백 씨, 저...‬Dongbaek!
‪[용식이 씩씩거린다]‬
‪동백 씨‬Dongbaek...
‪[용식의 힘주는 신음]‬Come here.
‪아, 어떡해...‬My gosh!
‪[동백이 흐느낀다]‬ ‪(용식)‬ ‪동백 씨...‬My gosh!
‪아휴, 씨‬
‪안 봐도 돼요‬You don't have to look at those, Dongbaek.
‪아, 안 봐도 돼요, 동백 씨‬ ‪안 봐도 돼요‬You don't have to look at those, Dongbaek.
‪- 아유, 어떡해요‬ ‪- (용식) 괜찮아요, 동백 씨‬-It's all right. -My gosh!
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(형사3)‬ ‪자‬Here.
‪씁, 확실해요?‬Are you sure?
‪(용식)‬ ‪처음 본 얼굴 맞대요, 맞대요!‬She hasn't seen that face before. She's sure of it.
‪하, 초주검인 애를 괜히‬ ‪자꾸 불러내 갖고, 이, 씨, 쯧‬Can't you see she's still devastated?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬We all thought the same thing.
‪(용식)‬ ‪우리는 다 같은 생각을 했다‬We all thought the same thing.
‪새 향미 된다더니‬ ‪죽기는 왜 죽어, 이, 씨‬You said you were going to begin a new life, so why did you die?
‪(용식)‬ ‪향미 씨가‬Hyang-mi...
‪둘이, 뭐‬Do you think you're the only cops in this town?
‪(서장)‬ ‪'투캅스'야?‬Do you think you're the only cops in this town?
‪왜 적당히를 모르고 나대시냐고?‬Why are you overstepping boundaries?
‪(용식)‬ ‪이웃이‬We all thought
‪(용식)‬ ‪사람이‬that not a neighbor nor any person for that matter
‪그렇게 죽으면‬ ‪안 되는 거라고 생각했다‬that not a neighbor nor any person for that matter should die like that.
‪[재영의 한숨]‬
‪향미 말이여‬Was Hyang-mi really killed because of Dongbaek?
‪진짜 동백이 때문에 죽은 거랴?‬Was Hyang-mi really killed because of Dongbaek?
‪(애정)‬ ‪그람‬Is the Joker truly after Dongbaek then?
‪까불이가 진짜로 동백일 노렸다는 겨?‬Is the Joker truly after Dongbaek then?
‪(귀련)‬ ‪근데 사실 난 말이여‬I think it'll feel weird if Dongbaek really dies though.
‪동백이가 잘못되면‬ ‪엄청 찜찜할 거 같어‬I think it'll feel weird if Dongbaek really dies though.
‪(지현)‬ ‪근데 옛날엔 다들‬People used to say that the Joker only started killing
‪동백이 오고 까불이도 나왔다고‬ ‪말들 많았잖어‬People used to say that the Joker only started killing after Dongbaek came here.
‪(승희)‬ ‪에이, 그때랑 지금이랑 같어요?‬Things have changed since then.
‪조석으로다가 6년을‬ ‪안면 트고 살았으면 식구지‬Living in the same neighborhood for six years makes us family.
‪아무래도 말이여‬You know what?
‪동백이는 그냥 죽게 냅두면 안 되겄어‬I don't think we should let Dongbaek die like this.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪나쁜 놈의 폭주는‬The bad guy's madness
‪우리 속의‬ ‪가장 보통의 영웅들을 깨운다‬wakes the most ordinary heroes within ourselves.
‪아주 같잖은 놈 하나가‬A cheeky little shithead thinks so lowly of Ongsan that he's messing with us.
‪옹산을 깐히 보고 까부는데‬A cheeky little shithead thinks so lowly of Ongsan that he's messing with us.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪우리가 대한민국서‬However, this is Ongsan.
‪게장을 평정한 옹산이여‬We dominate Korea's marinated crab industry.
‪쭉정이 하나‬How about we pull out this good-for-nothing weed?
‪뽑아 버리고 말자고‬How about we pull out this good-for-nothing weed?
‪야, 승희야‬Seung-hui,
‪너 옹산여상 짱 먹고 나왔댔지?‬you dominated Ongsan Girls' Commercial High.
‪주 종목이 뭐니?‬What was your weapon?
‪(승희)‬ ‪발요‬My feet.
‪(용식)‬ ‪옹산의 소소한 히어로들이‬ ‪꿈틀대기 시작했다‬The ordinary heroes of Ongsan began twitching.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪그람 승희를 시작으로‬ ‪은밀히들 움직이고‬We'll follow Seung-hui's lead and move discreetly.
‪[저마다 대답한다]‬-Sure. -Got it.
‪(용식)‬ ‪예기치 못한 방향으로‬In an unexpected way.
‪동네 파출소가‬Why are officers of a substation requesting blood analysis off-the-books
‪왜 뒷구멍으로 혈흔을 맡기고‬Why are officers of a substation requesting blood analysis off-the-books
‪(서장)‬ ‪왜 자살 사건으로 뻥을 치고‬ ‪잠수부를 띄워?‬and dispatching divers after falsely reporting a suicide case?
‪동네 순경이‬Why are small-town officers
‪[입소리를 뽁뽁 낸다]‬
‪왜 까불이를 쫓느냐고‬after the Joker?
‪[서장이 립밤 뚜껑을 달칵 닫는다]‬No wonder you're so quiet. What excuses can you possibly make in this situation?
‪그래‬No wonder you're so quiet. What excuses can you possibly make in this situation?
‪유구무언이겠지, 뭔 변명을 하시겠어?‬No wonder you're so quiet. What excuses can you possibly make in this situation?
‪유구무언이 아니라‬That's not it, sir. I'm just refusing to answer.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪묵묵부답인데요‬That's not it, sir. I'm just refusing to answer.
‪뭐?‬What? Yong-sik wasn't intimidated by a superior with four stars.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪용식이는‬Yong-sik wasn't intimidated by a superior with four stars.
‪무궁화 네 개 앞에서도 쫄질 않았고‬Yong-sik wasn't intimidated by a superior with four stars.
‪대답을 아니 하는 것 또한‬I'm showing my will
‪수사를 멈추지 않겠다는‬ ‪저의 의지인데요‬to continue the investigation by not answering.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪나 역시‬That led me not to be intimidated as well.
‪쪼는 마음이 사라졌다‬That led me not to be intimidated as well. I see we have a bulldog in our department.
‪투사 나셨네‬I see we have a bulldog in our department.
‪나셨어‬I see we have a bulldog in our department.
‪나가서 내 대신‬ ‪기자 회견도 하시지 그래?‬Why not address the press in my place as well?
‪허지만요‬But sir.
‪뭐?‬What? What is it?
‪왜?‬What? What is it?
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪카메라‬Who located the camera?
‪누가 찾았습니까?‬Who located the camera?
‪학원장은 누가 찾았냐고요?‬Who found the academy director?
‪아, 피해자 옹산호에 있다는 거‬Who predicted that the victim was in Ongsan?
‪누가 예견했쥬?‬Who predicted that the victim was in Ongsan?
‪서장님 새끼들은 6년 내내 못 한 거‬What your people couldn't solve in six years,
‪내 새끼는 몇 달 만에 혼자서‬ ‪다 해결했쥬‬my officer solved in a few months all by himself.
‪그래서 지는요‬That's why Yong-sik is better off investigating this case
‪아, 광수대보다도‬That's why Yong-sik is better off investigating this case
‪용식이라고 보는데요‬instead of the RIU.
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪여봐‬Is that so?
‪더 떠들 거 있걸랑‬If you have anything more to say, do so in your written apology.
‪시말서로 쓰셔, 시말서로, 씨‬If you have anything more to say, do so in your written apology. Got it?
‪[동백이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪하, 뭐가 이래?‬Unbelievable.
‪보이는 족족 훔쳐 대더니‬She stole whatever she got her hands on,
‪쯧, 자기 거는 하나도 없고‬but she kept nothing for herself.
‪왜 있는 건 다 또 거지 같은 건데?‬Everything she does have is cheap and shabby.
‪그러게 배달을 왜 자기가 나간다고‬ ‪나서기를 나서, 정말...‬Why did she have to insist on making the delivery that night?
‪[용식의 한숨]‬Dongbaek,
‪(용식)‬ ‪하, 동백 씨‬Dongbaek,
‪향미 씨가 죽은 거는‬Hyang-mi's death
‪죽인 놈 탓이지 동백 씨 탓이 아니에요‬is the killer's fault, not yours.
‪애먼 동백 씨가‬ ‪'내 탓이오' 하고 앉았으면‬By blaming yourself, you're only letting the killer be guilt-free.
‪죄지은 놈만 신나는 거죠‬By blaming yourself, you're only letting the killer be guilt-free.
‪지금은 쭈그러들 때가 아니고요‬Now's not the time to be blaming yourself.
‪그놈 잡아야 될 때예요‬We must catch this guy. You know that, right?
‪아시죠?‬We must catch this guy. You know that, right?
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪잡아야죠‬Of course.
‪난 딴건 몰라도‬I'm not sure of anything else,
‪그놈 기침 소리는 기, 기억해요‬but I still do remember the sound of him coughing.
‪기침 소리 한 번만 들으면‬If only I can hear it once more. I'll definitely recognize him.
‪[코를 훌쩍이며]‬ ‪기억이 날 것도 같은데‬If only I can hear it once more. I'll definitely recognize him.
‪저, 그, 알아보니께‬From what I gathered, him coughing could be a tic.
‪그 기침 소리가‬From what I gathered, him coughing could be a tic.
‪틱일 수도 있다더라고요‬From what I gathered, him coughing could be a tic.
‪(용식)‬ ‪그, 흥분 상태에 나오는‬It could be an involuntary action that happens when he's excited.
‪일종의 틱 장애 같은...‬It could be an involuntary action that happens when he's excited.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[동백의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪방아깨비 누나네?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬It's the grasshopper lady.
‪아니, 여기 누나가 왜...‬What are you doing here? Dongbaek, have you been sorting out your recyclables?
‪동백이 너, 그‬Dongbaek, have you been sorting out your recyclables?
‪분리수거 잘하고 있어?‬Dongbaek, have you been sorting out your recyclables?
‪네‬-Yes. -Okay.
‪응, 오늘부터 내가 관리 감독 직책이고‬-Yes. -Okay. I'll be the supervisor starting today and will check on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
‪그, 월수금 체크할 거니께‬and will check on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
‪똑바로 해‬-Make sure you do it right. -This is out of the blue.
‪(용식)‬ ‪갑자기?‬-Make sure you do it right. -This is out of the blue.
‪(용식)‬ ‪옹산의 장부들이 소리 없이 봉기했다‬The women of Ongsan are silently making their moves.
‪[헛기침하며]‬ ‪두부는 내일이면 쉬니께‬Tofu goes bad in just a day.
‪예?‬-Sorry? -Giving them to you
‪(귀련)‬ ‪아니, 버릴 거면 여기다 주고 말지, 뭐‬-Sorry? -Giving them to you is better than throwing them out.
‪야‬Keep your doors and windows locked even during the day, okay?
‪너 낮에도 문단속 째깍째깍 햐‬Keep your doors and windows locked even during the day, okay?
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪(재영)‬ ‪이거‬They say that throwing out perfectly good food
‪이거, 남은 음식 버리면‬They say that throwing out perfectly good food
‪지옥 가서 그냥‬ ‪배때지에 다 처넣어야 돼야‬will win you a ticket to hell.
‪아, 그래서 주시는 거구나‬ ‪[웃음]‬So that's why you're giving them to me.
‪근데 너 퇴근은 몇 시인데?‬By the way, when do you close the bar?
‪[동백의 한숨]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪아이, 아, 여기서 뭐 해요들, 예?‬What are you all doing here? Are you out for a smoke?
‪아, 뭐, 모여 갖고 담배 피워요?‬Are you out for a smoke?
‪(재영)‬ ‪아, 신경 꺼‬Mind your own business.
‪우리 살 빼는 겨‬We're exercising to lose weight.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아유, 참‬Unbelievable. Don't wander around in groups after dark.
‪아이, 거, 쓸데없이 그, 오밤중에‬ ‪몰려댕기고 그러지 마요, 예?‬Unbelievable. Don't wander around in groups after dark.
‪아, 신고 들어와!‬People will complain.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪동백이 너는‬Dongbaek, just make sure that
‪항시, 어, 그‬Dongbaek, just make sure that
‪자나 깨나 용식이 옆에‬ ‪이렇게 딱 붙어 있어잉‬Dongbaek, just make sure that you're always by Yong-sik's side. Got it?
‪응? 알겠어?‬ ‪[여자들의 힘주는 신음]‬you're always by Yong-sik's side. Got it?
‪(용식)‬ ‪이 무심한 방범대는‬In its own way, this seemingly indifferent neighborhood watch...
‪나름의 방법으로‬In its own way, this seemingly indifferent neighborhood watch...
‪(용식)‬ ‪아이, 해산, 해산! 해산!‬Guys, stop it. Break it up already!
‪해산, 해산‬ ‪[날렵한 효과음]‬Guys, stop it. Break it up already! Gosh.
‪[용식의 다급한 신음]‬Gosh.
‪아, 동네 도장 깨러 댕기는‬ ‪사람들 같다고, 예?‬You look like a gang that goes around picking fights.
‪(용식)‬ ‪그러나 분명히‬...were surely putting in their time and effort
‪시간과 공을 들여‬ ‪[귀련의 힘주는 신음]‬...were surely putting in their time and effort
‪동백 씨를 지키고 있었다‬ ‪[용식의 못마땅한 신음]‬to protect Dongbaek.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아이, 거, 등 치지 마요‬ ‪등 치, 거기다가, 예?‬Stop tapping your back on that.
‪아이, 그, 전봇대 넘어가!‬ ‪그, 흔들흔들, 예?‬Can't you see that shaking?
‪(애정)‬ ‪그려, 알겠어, 어‬-Is she alive? -Yes, she was at the market.
‪- (지현) 살아 있댜?‬ ‪- (애정) 어‬-Is she alive? -Yes, she was at the market.
‪(애정)‬ ‪새벽 시장에 왔더랴, 어‬-Is she alive? -Yes, she was at the market. She lives another day. Keep checking on her day and night.
‪- (재영) 오늘도 산 겨‬ ‪- (애정) 어‬She lives another day. Keep checking on her day and night.
‪- (재영) 조석으로 동백이 생사 체크햐‬ ‪- (애정) 어‬She lives another day. Keep checking on her day and night.
‪아니, 우리가, 저‬ ‪동백이한테 붙은 게 아니고유‬It's not like we're taking Dongbaek's side.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪일단 애는 살리고 봐야 되니께‬We just thought we'd keep her alive first.
‪야, 준기야‬Chan-suk, about this month's committee meeting...
‪저, 이번 달 번영회 말이여‬Chan-suk, about this month's committee meeting...
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪응‬Right.
‪당분간 저, 번영회는 여기서 할 겨‬For the time being, the committee meeting will be held here. For the first time since its opening, Camellia is packed with only women.
‪(동백)‬ ‪개업 이래 처음으로‬For the first time since its opening, Camellia is packed with only women.
‪까멜리아가 여자로 꽉 찼다‬For the first time since its opening, Camellia is packed with only women.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪애들이 좀 먹어?‬You know how much we eat.
‪아이, 번영회만 했다 하믄, 뭐‬At every meeting, we eat so many snacks and drink so much coffee,
‪믹스커피니, 저‬ ‪간식이니 거덜을 내는데‬we eat so many snacks and drink so much coffee,
‪왜 맨날 떡집서만 햐?‬why do we meet only at the rice cake shop?
‪응, 인자는 니네 집 커피 먹을 겨‬Now, we're going to drink your place's coffee, all right?
‪[훌쩍인다]‬ ‪[귀련의 못마땅한 신음]‬
‪(귀련)‬ ‪아이, 쟤가 저런다니께?‬That's how she is all the time.
‪어제는 떡볶이를 사 처먹으면서도‬ ‪그냥 훌쩍대고 서 있더라고‬She kept sniffling while she was eating tteokbokki yesterday.
‪- (지현) 어?‬ ‪- (귀련) 야, 떡볶이를 처먹는데‬She kept sniffling while she was eating tteokbokki yesterday. Why would you cry while eating tteokbokki?
‪(귀련)‬ ‪눈물이 왜 나?‬Why would you cry while eating tteokbokki?
‪(지현)‬ ‪아이...‬ ‪[귀련의 한숨]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(재영)‬ ‪너 운다고 향미 살아 와?‬It won't bring Hyang-mi back.
‪너라도 살 생각을 해야지‬ ‪왜 자꾸 훌쩍훌쩍‬You must get on with your life, so stop weeping.
‪[울먹인다]‬ ‪[재영이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪그래서‬Are you all here to protect me then?
‪저 지금 지켜 주시는 거예요?‬Are you all here to protect me then?
‪(애정)‬ ‪얘, 우린 뭐, 할 일 없니?‬We're busy people, you know.
‪(지현)‬ ‪[푸 뱉으며]‬ ‪헛소리 말고 니가‬Cut the crap and protect your own self.
‪그, 니 살길 찾어!‬Cut the crap and protect your own self. You should put on some weight first. You're so puny, what can you do?
‪(귀련)‬ ‪살이 쪄야 파워도 나오지‬You should put on some weight first. You're so puny, what can you do?
‪아이고, 저 떼꼬챙이가‬ ‪뭘 하겄어? 아유‬You should put on some weight first. You're so puny, what can you do?
‪(재영)‬ ‪아, 저, 여, 여, 여‬Look at how she tucks her sweater in her pants.
‪바지 속에‬ ‪티셔츠 넣어 입은 꼴 좀 봐라‬Look at how she tucks her sweater in her pants. How does she even think of doing that?
‪이야, 티셔츠 거기에다‬ ‪넣을 생각을 어떻게 햐?‬ ‪[귀련의 못마땅한 신음]‬How does she even think of doing that? The Joker's coming for you because you're so skinny.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪허리가 이 지랄이니께‬ ‪까불이가 뎀비는 겨‬The Joker's coming for you because you're so skinny.
‪[재영의 호응하는 신음]‬ ‪뭘 처먹질 않는 겨‬You don't eat much, do you? You're so annoyingly skinny.
‪타고나기를 아주 코스모스인 겨‬You're so annoyingly skinny.
‪아이, 비, 비기 싫어, 아주, 응‬You're so annoyingly skinny. Fattening her up should be our first objective.
‪(귀련)‬ ‪얘 일단 뚱땡이로 좀 만들어야 쓰겄어‬Fattening her up should be our first objective. You're her designated trainer.
‪백반 니가, 그, 바로 트레이너 진행햐‬You're her designated trainer.
‪[재영의 호응하는 신음]‬ ‪(귀련)‬ ‪응, 내가 하면 돼야‬-Sure, I'll do it. -Good.
‪(지현)‬ ‪그랴‬-Sure, I'll do it. -Good.
‪저요‬You know,
‪옹산에서 백 살까지 살래요‬I'm going to live here until I'm 100 years old.
‪(재영)‬ ‪어이구, 지겨워, 이, 씨‬How annoying.
‪[웃음]‬ ‪[귀련의 못마땅한 신음]‬
‪(귀련)‬ ‪또, 또? 참‬Not again.
‪야, 너 울지는 말어!‬Hey, stop crying.
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪나는 남이 울면‬ ‪따라 우는 버릇이 있어!‬I tend to cry when others do.
‪[귀련이 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪(지현)‬ ‪하지 말어, 하지 말어!‬-Stop it. -Stop crying.
‪[흐느낀다]‬ ‪- (여자1) 울지 마‬ ‪- (여자2) 울지 마, 아이고‬-Stop it. -Stop crying. Don't cry.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪울지 말어, 응‬Don't cry.
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪우리가 옹산의 심장을 이고 가는 뭐여?‬What are we to Ongsan again? -The heart of Ongsan. -The heart of Ongsan.
‪(여자들)‬ ‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪옹심이!‬-The heart of Ongsan. -The heart of Ongsan.
‪[형사2의 한숨]‬
‪(형사2)‬ ‪[비웃으며]‬ ‪자기가 까불이를 안다고 찾아왔어‬She came to us, saying she knows who Joker is.
‪(형사4)‬ ‪아, 그래요?‬Really?
‪(형사2)‬ ‪뭐, 5년 전에 한 번 봤다던데?‬-Yes, she saw him once five years ago. -Once?
‪(형사5)‬ ‪한 번?‬ ‪[형사5의 어이없는 숨소리]‬-Yes, she saw him once five years ago. -Once?
‪(형사6)‬ ‪[키보드를 탁탁 두드리며]‬ ‪이거, 이거 진짜 아니에요?‬Are you sure this isn't it? No, it isn't.
‪(정숙)‬ ‪아니라고, 아니라고‬No, it isn't.
‪(형사3)‬ ‪야‬Hey.
‪딱 봐서 거를 거 좀 걸러야지‬We can't just believe anyone.
‪뭔 동네 순경처럼 수사를 하냐?‬ ‪바빠 죽겠는데‬We're too busy to entertain false claims like this.
‪그냥 철물점 흥식이 좀 파 보라고, 좀‬Just look into Heung-sik at the hardware store.
‪(형사3)‬ ‪그러니까 아까부터‬ ‪왜 자꾸 흥식이라는 건데요?‬Why do you keep saying it's Heung-sik? Do you have evidence?
‪뭐, 증거가 있으신 거예요?‬Why do you keep saying it's Heung-sik? Do you have evidence? I saw his eyes
‪내가 그 눈을 봤고‬I saw his eyes
‪걔 냄새도 기억을 하는데!‬and I even remember his smell.
‪(형사3)‬ ‪아, 예, 뭐, 후각이 뛰어나시네‬and I even remember his smell. Right, you have a good sense of smell.
‪[형사3의 웃음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[발걸음 소리가 난다]‬
‪왜?‬What do you want?
‪나 죽이러 쫓아왔니?‬Did you follow me to kill me?
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪제 눈‬My gaze,
‪저한테서 나는 냄새‬how I smell,
‪(흥식)‬ ‪비굴하게 웃는 거‬and my sneaky chuckle.
‪저도 싫어유‬I hate that about me too.
‪이렇게 살고 싶어서‬ ‪사는 게 아니잖아유‬I'm not doing this because I want to.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪제발 아무것도 하지 말아 주세유‬Don't do anything.
‪제가 다 보증할 테니까‬I'll vouch for it all,
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪그냥 한 번만 좀‬so just this once...
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[정숙이 풀썩 쓰러진다]‬
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬ ‪(구급 요원)‬ ‪아주머니‬Ma'am.
‪투석 받는 날 투석 안 받으시면‬If you skip your dialysis,
‪길 가다가도 그냥 돌아가시는 거예요‬you could just die on the streets.
‪[정숙의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪넌 뭐야?‬What are you doing?
‪[정숙의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(형사6)‬ ‪증거가 있으시냐고요‬Do you have any proof?
‪[난감한 신음]‬
‪[형사2의 한숨]‬
‪(형사2)‬ ‪이 아줌마 치매라는 말 있어‬I hear she has dementia.
‪[형사3의 헛기침]‬Did this Heung-sik do anything to get on your bad side?
‪(형사3)‬ ‪그 흥식이라는 놈이‬Did this Heung-sik do anything to get on your bad side?
‪아주머니한테, 뭐‬ ‪밉보일 짓 한 거 있어요?‬Did this Heung-sik do anything to get on your bad side?
‪(정숙)‬ ‪아유! 야‬How are you less competent than officers at a substation?
‪너희들 동네 순경만도 못하게 이럴래?‬How are you less competent than officers at a substation?
‪(형사6)‬ ‪이러면요?‬What if I did this?
‪이러면 그때‬ ‪그 마스크 썼단 놈이 맞아요?‬Does this look like the man in the mask?
‪(형사3)‬ ‪하, 거봐요‬See? They all look alike in masks.
‪이, 마스크 쓰면 다 비슷하다니까?‬See? They all look alike in masks.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪(서장)‬ ‪됐다, 됐어!‬Guys, we got it!
‪사체 손톱 밑에서 피부 조직 나왔단다‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Skin tissue was found underneath the victim's fingernails.
‪범인 DNA 검출!‬-We have the killer's DNA. -Really?
‪- (형사3) 진짜요?‬ ‪- (형사2) 아, 이제 집에 가겠다!‬ ‪[서장의 웃음]‬-We have the killer's DNA. -Really? Finally, we can go home!
‪(형사3)‬ ‪아이, 까불이가 그런 걸 남겼다고?‬Finally, we can go home! The Joker left behind physical evidence?
‪(정숙)‬ ‪저기‬Wait!
‪박흥식부터 검사해 봐‬Test it against Heung-sik's DNA first. You can do that, right?
‪검사해 볼 수 있잖아‬Test it against Heung-sik's DNA first. You can do that, right?
‪[떨리는 목소리로]‬ ‪경찰 아저씨‬Detective, please. This is driving me crazy.
‪내가 미칠 것 같아서 그래‬Detective, please. This is driving me crazy.
‪[스르륵 소리가 난다]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[용식의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[용식이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪[용식의 헛기침]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪자‬All right. From now on, the base camp for the Joker case
‪이 시간부로 까불이 사건의‬ ‪베이스캠프는 여기‬All right. From now on, the base camp for the Joker case is here, Ongsan Police Station.
‪옹산 파출소고요‬is here, Ongsan Police Station.
‪지금 이 판에‬I am certain that no one is more interested in this case than I am.
‪저 황용식이보다‬ ‪이, 피 끓는 사람은 없다고 봅니다잉‬I am certain that no one is more interested in this case than I am.
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪[TV 전원 종료음]‬I am certain that no one is more interested in this case than I am.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪난 너한테 붙었다니께?‬I'm already with you.
‪[변 소장이 자석을 착 붙인다]‬ ‪(용식)‬ ‪카, 소장님‬Chief.
‪[함께 숨을 카 내뱉는다]‬
‪너 진짜 잡을 수 있어?‬Can you really catch him?
‪어머니‬Ms. Jo.
‪나 집 없어‬I have no place to stay, so I'll be sleeping in the lounge.
‪여기 당직실 좀 씁시다‬I have no place to stay, so I'll be sleeping in the lounge.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 아유, 어머니‬Ms. Jo,
‪아유, 어머니가 왜, 왜 집이 없어요?‬what do you mean you have no place to stay? Unbelievable. Come on, let me take you home.
‪아이고, 참‬Unbelievable. Come on, let me take you home.
‪아, 빨리 저랑‬ ‪집으로 가요, 집으로, 예?‬Unbelievable. Come on, let me take you home.
‪너 동백이한테‬ ‪나 여기 있다고 얘기하면‬If you tell Dongbaek I'm here,
‪나 또 토낄 거야‬I'll run away again.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아휴, 어머니‬Ms. Jo, please. My gosh.
‪아유, 어머니‬Ms. Jo, please. My gosh.
‪몸도 편찮으시잖어요, 예?‬You're not even well.
‪아이, 동백 씨가 지금‬ ‪얼마나 걱정을 하고 있는디...‬Dongbaek's worried sick-- Mind your own business.
‪오지랖 적당히‬Mind your own business.
‪그 천치 같은 게‬That idiot will only say she'll give me her kidney.
‪지금 나 보면‬ ‪콩팥 떼 준다는 말밖에 더 하겠어?‬That idiot will only say she'll give me her kidney.
‪(정숙)‬ ‪그럼 나는, 뭐‬ ‪'얼씨구나' 하고 받겠니?‬It's not like I'd easily accept it.
‪모녀 문제는 모녀가 알아서 풀 테니까‬We'll take care of our issues ourselves,
‪넌 까불이나 잡아 봐‬so stick to catching Joker.
‪내가 아주 그 새끼 때문에‬ ‪동네도 못 떠나고‬Because of him, I can't leave this town
‪죽지도 못하겠으니까‬nor go somewhere to die.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪야, 너, 너, 너, 차, 차라도 한 잔...‬Go and get her some coffee.
‪(정숙)‬ ‪커피는 소장님이 낫던데‬-I enjoy your coffee more. -Of course.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪그렇쥬? 예‬-I enjoy your coffee more. -Of course.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(형사3)‬ ‪음, 거부해도 돼요‬You can refuse if you want. That's your choice.
‪뭐, 그거야 본인 자유죠‬You can refuse if you want. That's your choice.
‪근데 '노규태가‬ ‪거짓말 탐지기를 거부했다'‬What if word gets out that you refused a lie detector test?
‪뭐, 이러면 이제‬ ‪민심이 어떻게 될랑가 모르죠‬Who knows what the people will think about you?
‪장래 희망이 군수라고 안 했어요? 예?‬Isn't it your goal to become governor one day?
‪[형사3이 테이블을 톡톡 친다]‬
‪(규태)‬ ‪할게요‬I'll do it.
‪(형사3)‬ ‪그래요‬Of course. There's no reason to refuse it if you didn't kill Ms. Choi.
‪아, 최향미 안 죽였으면‬ ‪마다할 이유가 없으시지‬Of course. There's no reason to refuse it if you didn't kill Ms. Choi.
‪아, 근데 조건이 있어요‬On one condition.
‪(자영)‬ ‪아무리 강심장도 거짓말 탐지기‬ ‪달아 놓으면 어버버버대는데‬Even the strong-willed can't stay calm during a lie detector test. It is not for someone as feeble as you.
‪너같이 얼빵하고 소심한 게‬ ‪무슨 거짓말 탐지기를 해!‬It is not for someone as feeble as you.
‪어쨌든 그날 최향미 본 건 팩트고‬It's a fact that you met Choi Hyang-mi that day, but you blacked out.
‪아무 기억도 안 난다며?‬but you blacked out.
‪그럼 너한테 득 될 게 없으면‬Why did you agree to a lie detector test when this will only hurt your case?
‪당연히 거부를 해야지‬ ‪왜 말을 안 듣고...‬Why did you agree to a lie detector test when this will only hurt your case?
‪자영아‬-Ja-yeong. -What?
‪뭐!‬-Ja-yeong. -What?
‪죄지었으면 벌 받겠지‬If I'm guilty, then I'll be punished.
‪나 한번 믿어 봐‬trust me this once.
‪(자영)‬ ‪믿긴 뭘 믿어?‬Trust you? How can I possibly do that?
‪믿을 놈을 믿지‬Trust you? How can I possibly do that?
‪너 들어가면 어리바리 될 게 뻔한데‬I know you'll just act like a fool. That's what you liked about me.
‪당신 그래서 나 좋아했잖아‬That's what you liked about me.
‪뭔 개소리야?‬Are you kidding me? You liked me because I made you feel motherly.
‪당신 나 모성애로 좋아했지?‬You liked me because I made you feel motherly.
‪(규태)‬ ‪지금도 사고 친 자식‬You're here too because you can't turn away from a helpless person.
‪모른 척할 수 없는 뭐, 그런 마음이지?‬You're here too because you can't turn away from a helpless person.
‪그럼 당장‬ ‪살인 누명 쓰게 생겼는데 쌩까냐?‬How can I not care when you could go to prison?
‪미안해, 당신 엄마 만들어서‬I'm sorry for making you a mother.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪당신도 여자 하고 싶었을 텐데‬I'm sure you wanted to be just a woman,
‪맨날 엄마 노릇 하게 해서‬but I made you a mother,
‪미안해‬and I'm sorry.
‪(규태)‬ ‪근데‬However,
‪당신이 나 혼내는 마음도 사랑이었듯이‬just like you scolded me with love,
‪내가 당신한테‬ ‪죽어라 개기던 마음도 사랑이었어‬I caused trouble for you out of love too.
‪당신 앞에서 나도 좀‬I wanted you...
‪남자 하고 싶어서‬to see me as a man.
‪그래서 더 못나졌던 거 같아‬It's why I became more childish.
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪미안해, 자영아‬I'm sorry, Ja-yeong.
‪얘 왜 이래?‬What is this?
‪너 진짜‬Don't tell me...
‪뭘 죽인 건 아니지?‬you actually killed someone.
‪(동백)‬ ‪그, 그래, 그래 가지고요, 그‬So, you see, I need to finish the composite sketch.
‪몽타주? 그거를 완성해야 되는데‬So, you see, I need to finish the composite sketch.
‪한, 한 두세 시간 정도 걸린다고‬That'll take a couple of hours though. I can't schedule it at another time because the police are asking...
‪근데 그게 경찰이라서‬ ‪제가 그 약속을 미룰 수가 없어 가지고‬I can't schedule it at another time because the police are asking...
‪그...‬I can't schedule it at another time because the police are asking...
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪뭐?‬Are you asking me to babysit Pil-gu?
‪필구 맡아 달라고?‬Are you asking me to babysit Pil-gu?
‪네, 그, 언니가 좀 바쁘시죠?‬I'm sure you're busy though.
‪얘‬You know,
‪너 너무 이렇게 예의 채려도‬ ‪정이 안 가잉, 어?‬being this polite like you do makes you harder to be friends with.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪필구랑 준기랑 죽고 못 사는 거‬ ‪이 동네가 다 아는데‬The whole neighborhood knows how close Pil-gu and Jun-gi are. So how is it that you've never asked me to watch Pil-gu before?
‪어떻게 이제야 츰으로 나한테‬ ‪애 맡아 달라는 소릴 햐?‬So how is it that you've never asked me to watch Pil-gu before?
‪어? 그 소리를 뭘 그렇게‬ ‪애를 쓰고 하고 자빠졌어?‬So how is it that you've never asked me to watch Pil-gu before? Why on earth is that so hard to ask?
‪그러면‬Then was it okay for me to ask you?
‪그, 우리 필구 좀‬ ‪맡겨도 되는 거였어요?‬Then was it okay for me to ask you?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(찬숙)‬ ‪니가 필구를 맡겨야‬Of course! That way, I can ask you to watch Jun-gi
‪나도 준기를 너한테 맡기고‬Of course! That way, I can ask you to watch Jun-gi while I go out with friends.
‪계 모임을 갈 거 아니여!‬while I go out with friends.
‪아, 왜 맨날 너만‬ ‪새색시 내외하듯이 그랴?‬Why do you always keep your distance from people?
‪너 참 내 말 유념해‬You better keep this in mind.
‪사람이 말이여‬People can only grow closer when they put each other out
‪서로 엉기고 막 치대고, 어?‬People can only grow closer when they put each other out and ask for favors from time to time.
‪염치없고 그래야지‬ ‪정도 들고 그러는 겨‬and ask for favors from time to time.
‪그러면 우리 필구 밥도 좀...‬Could you make sure he eats dinner too then? We'll not only feed him but also wipe his ass as well if we have to.
‪우리는 밥뿐만이 아니라‬We'll not only feed him but also wipe his ass as well if we have to.
‪똥도 닦아 줘, 우리는!‬We'll not only feed him but also wipe his ass as well if we have to.
‪그럼 부탁 좀 드릴게요‬Thank you for doing this then.
‪(자영)‬ ‪야, 노규태‬Gyu-tae.
‪나 여기 있을 거야‬I'll be here.
‪내가 밖에 있으니까‬I'll wait out here, so leave the room if things take a weird turn.
‪수틀리면 바로 나와‬I'll wait out here, so leave the room if things take a weird turn.
‪[격정적인 음악]‬ ‪[웃음]‬
‪뒤는 네 변호사가 책임질 거니까‬Your attorney has your back.
‪아, 가!‬Get in then!
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪[규태의 헛기침]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪아휴, 당 떨어져‬My sugar level is going down.
‪왜 이렇게 오래 해?‬What's taking him so long?
‪(형사3)‬ ‪[문을 달칵 열며]‬ ‪잠깐 들어오시죠‬Could you come in?
‪(형사3)‬ ‪어, 노규태 씨가‬Mr. No made a special request.
‪특별 요청을 좀 해서요‬Mr. No made a special request.
‪막판에 질문 세 개만‬Just let me decide the last three questions.
‪내가 정하게 해 줘요‬Just let me decide the last three questions.
‪(형사3)‬ ‪아, 예, 뭐, 그러세요‬Sure, go ahead. We normally agree on the questions beforehand anyway.
‪뭐, 원래 질문은‬ ‪사전에 다 합의 보고 그래요, 예‬ ‪[규태의 결연한 숨소리]‬We normally agree on the questions beforehand anyway.
‪(규태)‬ ‪그리고요, 그, 물어볼 땐, 저‬Also, invite my lawyer in
‪변호사도 참관하게 해 줘요‬when you ask me.
‪[헛웃음 치며]‬ ‪아이참‬What? Allow it or I'll keep refusing.
‪안 해 주면 나 안 할래‬Allow it or I'll keep refusing.
‪(조사원)‬ ‪지금부터 요청하신‬ ‪세 가지 질문 하겠습니다‬I will now ask the three questions you wanted me to ask.
‪[긴장한 한숨]‬Were you and Choi Hyang-mi having an affair?
‪최향미와는 애인 사이였나요?‬Were you and Choi Hyang-mi having an affair?
‪(형사3)‬ ‪어어, 어, 진실, 진실‬He's telling the truth. He's unbelievable.
‪(자영)‬ ‪가지가지 한다, 진짜‬He's unbelievable.
‪(조사원)‬ ‪최향미의 모텔 방 내부에‬ ‪들어간 적이 있습니까?‬Have you been inside the motel room Choi Hyang-mi was staying at?
‪네버, 절대‬No way.
‪[아련한 음악]‬ ‪노병철, 홍은실 다 걸고‬I swear on my parents' lives.
‪[형사3의 비웃음]‬Why swear anything on your parents' lives?
‪(형사3)‬ ‪자기 엄마, 아버지는 왜 갖다 걸어?‬ ‪[자영의 민망한 한숨]‬Why swear anything on your parents' lives? -Gosh. -Either say yes or no, please.
‪(조사원)‬ ‪'예, 아니요'로만 대답하라니까요?‬-Gosh. -Either say yes or no, please.
‪자, 마지막으로‬Lastly,
‪당신은 아내를 사랑하십니까?‬do you love your wife?
‪[자영의 헛웃음]‬
‪(규태)‬ ‪사랑하고‬I love her
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪존경합니다‬and I admire her.
‪당신만을 사랑합니다‬I only have eyes for you.
‪(형사3)‬ ‪아유, 사랑하네, 사랑해‬He does love her.
‪[형사3의 한숨]‬Tell him to get going.
‪이제 일어나라고 해, 어‬Tell him to get going.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪자, 정리를 해 보면 말이여‬Okay, let's put these together.
‪노 사장 핸들서 혈흔이 나왔고‬We found blood on Mr. No's steering wheel.
‪그 혈흔이 향미 건 맞어‬And the blood is Hyang-mi's.
‪씁, 근디 이게 또‬But we shouldn't only go after him.
‪그, 노 사장 쪽만 파 볼 일이 아닌 게‬But we shouldn't only go after him.
‪(형사3)‬ ‪최향미는 강종렬에게‬Choi tried to call Kang Jong-ryeol a total of 14 times,
‪총 열네 차례 통화를 시도를 했고‬Choi tried to call Kang Jong-ryeol a total of 14 times,
‪강종렬이는 한 번을 안 받습니다‬and he never picked up.
‪어, 뭔가 수상한 정황이 포착되시죠?‬Don't you sense something suspicious?
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪그리고‬On top of that,
‪우리 짝에서 확보한 이 통장에‬a total of 30 million won was deposited into this bank account
‪돈 3천이 꽂혔어‬a total of 30 million won was deposited into this bank account
‪향미가 실종된 후에‬after Hyang-mi went missing.
‪종렬이가 보낸 거야?‬Did Jong-ryeol send her that?
‪그럼 종렬이 DNA 따면 되는 거 아니야?‬Then we can just get his DNA, can't we? The sender's name is Park Sang-mi, Kang Jong-ryeol's wife.
‪(형사3)‬ ‪입금자는 박상미‬The sender's name is Park Sang-mi, Kang Jong-ryeol's wife.
‪강종렬이 와이프로 나옵니다‬The sender's name is Park Sang-mi, Kang Jong-ryeol's wife.
‪뭐, 금전 관계든 치정이든‬ ‪원한이든 어쨌든‬It could be money, an affair, or a grudge, but there's a motive.
‪동기는 다 있고요‬It could be money, an affair, or a grudge, but there's a motive.
‪그럼 걔들 중에 까불이가 있다는 거야?‬Then is Joker one of them? -We don't know that. -Why not?
‪- 그건 모르죠‬ ‪- (서장) 그건 왜 몰라?‬-We don't know that. -Why not? We don't know if Joker killed Choi,
‪최향미를 죽인 게 진짜 까불이인지‬We don't know if Joker killed Choi, or if someone pretended to be Joker to get their personal revenge.
‪까불이를 빙자한‬ ‪원한 관계인지는 모르니까‬or if someone pretended to be Joker to get their personal revenge.
‪씁, 뭐, 수사는 일단 원점부터...‬or if someone pretended to be Joker to get their personal revenge. So we'll start from ground zero--
‪너희들‬If you're going to discuss ground zero, don't call me out here.
‪앞으로‬If you're going to discuss ground zero, don't call me out here.
‪원점부터 얘기할 거면 나 부르지 마‬If you're going to discuss ground zero, don't call me out here.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬MOST SEARCHED TERMS: ONGSAN'S JOKER, ONGSAN You're about to become Joker.
‪(화자)‬ ‪지금 네가‬ ‪까불이 되게 생겨 불었다고, 응?‬You're about to become Joker.
‪아이, 긍께 돈을 부치길 왜 부쳐, 왜!‬So why did you send her money? Your name is now on her bankbook. What if the police barge in here?
‪최향미 통장에‬ ‪니 이름이 찍혀 불었을 것인디‬Your name is now on her bankbook. What if the police barge in here?
‪인자 경찰들 오면 어쩔 거냐고?‬Your name is now on her bankbook. What if the police barge in here? Then what should I have done?
‪아이, 그럼 어떡해!‬Then what should I have done?
‪(제시카)‬ ‪아, 걔가 다 까발린다니까‬She said she'll expose everything,
‪3천을 안 줄 수도 없는데‬so I had to give her 30 million.
‪[가슴을 탁탁 치며]‬ ‪나도 자존심상 합의금 조로 준 거라고‬I gave it to her as compensation to keep my pride.
‪[제시카의 속상한 한숨]‬I couldn't let her...
‪걔가 나를‬I couldn't let her...
‪아, 나를 뺑소니로 고소하면 안 되니까‬sue me for hit-and-run,
‪나도 이렇게 다 생각을 해 가지고...‬so I thought this out and-- Why did you think about this? Why?
‪아, 그러니까 니가 생각을 왜 해, 왜?‬Why did you think about this? Why?
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪(화자)‬ ‪너 정신 차리고‬ ‪엄마 똑바로 봐 봐 봐, 응?‬Pull yourself together and look at me.
‪너는 안 죽였어‬You didn't kill her. You can't hit a person.
‪너는 절대 사람 못 쳐‬You didn't kill her. You can't hit a person.
‪내 딸인데 내가 그것을 몰라? 어?‬You're my daughter. I would know that.
‪엄마가 다 알아서 하려니까‬I'll take care of everything, so stop thinking about it, okay?
‪너는 인자부터 아무 생각 말어‬I'll take care of everything, so stop thinking about it, okay?
‪근데 난 왜 생각 안 해?‬But why don't I ever think?
‪(화자)‬ ‪응?‬What?
‪엄마가 맨날 다 알아서 하니까‬You always do everything for me.
‪내가 등신 천치가 됐잖아‬That's why I became an idiot.
‪너‬Are you
‪엄마 원망해?‬blaming me?
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬
‪저희 어머님이 올라오셨어요‬My mother came.
‪(제시카)‬ ‪어머니가 왜 왔는데?‬Why did she come?
‪우리 집엔‬I told my family.
‪내가 얘기했어‬I told my family.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬Jang-ryeol...
‪(화자)‬ ‪장 서방, 아, 아니, 강 서방‬Jang-ryeol... I mean, Jong-ryeol. Tell them what?
‪뭣을 얘길 해?‬I mean, Jong-ryeol. Tell them what? You need to think before you speak.
‪자네 생각 잘하고 말해‬You need to think before you speak. You can't take back your words.
‪섣불리 뱉은 말은 빠꾸가 불가여‬You can't take back your words.
‪어머님‬I heard
‪옹산 가셨었다고 들었습니다‬you went to Ongsan.
‪자네 주뎅이에서‬ ‪그 얘기가 먼저 나오는 것은 아니지‬You really shouldn't bring that up first.
‪[제시카의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪저희‬We will...
‪이혼하겠습니다‬get divorced.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪정말 죄송합니다‬I'm so sorry. Wait, do you think
‪아니, 지금‬Wait, do you think
‪뭐, 절로 터진 주뎅이라고‬you can say whatever you want?
‪아니, 뭔 소릴 하는 거야, 대체?‬I mean, what are you talking about?
‪진즉에 끝난 결혼 생활을‬ ‪저희가 지지부진 끌었는데‬We've been dragging our marriage out when it was over a long time ago.
‪이제라도 서로...‬-It's belated, but we should-- -You!
‪(화자)‬ ‪야!‬-It's belated, but we should-- -You!
‪- (화자) 야, 이 썩...‬ ‪- (제시카) 엄마‬You jerk. Go and rot in hell.
‪(화자)‬ ‪이 썩을 놈의 새끼야‬You jerk. Go and rot in hell. -Mom, stop. -You piece of garbage.
‪(제시카)‬ ‪엄마, 하지 마‬-Mom, stop. -You piece of garbage.
‪(화자)‬ ‪야, 이 새끼야, 니가!‬-Mom, stop. -You piece of garbage. If you... If you destroy my baby's life,
‪니가 우리 아기 인생 박살 내면‬If you... If you destroy my baby's life, I'll shatter you and your life too!
‪내가 너를, 니 인생을‬ ‪내가 아주 개박살을 내 불 것이여, 어?‬I'll shatter you and your life too! I will...
‪내가, 내가!‬I will... I will file a petition to the Blue House.
‪청와대에!‬I will file a petition to the Blue House.
‪청원 내 불 것이여‬I will file a petition to the Blue House. Hey, are you going to Ongsan again?
‪(제시카)‬ ‪[달려오며]‬ ‪야! 너 또 옹산 가냐고!‬Hey, are you going to Ongsan again?
‪(종렬)‬ ‪상미야, 너 왜 안 하던 거 하니?‬Sang-mi, why are you suddenly acting differently?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(종렬)‬ ‪상미야, 너 엄마였던 적 없잖아‬Sang-mi, you were never a mom to her.
‪지선이는 내가 최선을 다해서 키울게‬I'll do my best to bring Ji-seon up.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪(화자)‬ ‪왜?‬Why? Did she say she wants to live with you?
‪그년이 자네랑 살겠대?‬Why? Did she say she wants to live with you?
‪제가 애를 좀 데려와야 될 거 같아서요‬I need to bring the kid with me.
‪제가 애를‬I don't want
‪하루라도 더‬ ‪거기 두고 싶지가 않아서요‬to leave him there for another day.
‪데려와‬Bring him home. Your son.
‪네 아들‬Bring him home. Your son.
‪조카 입양하는 걸로 받아 줄게‬I'll tell people we're adopting your nephew.
‪뭐 하자는 거야, 지금?‬What are you trying to do?
‪나는 오늘 내 신혼집으로‬ ‪짐 다 옮길 거고‬I'm going to move all of my stuff to our newlywed house.
‪우리는 백년해로할 거야‬And we'll live together forever.
‪[종렬의 한숨]‬
‪(종렬)‬ ‪너 지선이 엄마고‬You're Ji-seon's mom,
‪나 너한테 치사하게 굴 생각 없어‬so I won't act childish to you.
‪밀라노도 가고‬You can go to Milan, and I'll do anything you want.
‪딴 걱정 없이 다 해 줄 테니까‬ ‪이렇게 액션 취할 필요 없다고‬You can go to Milan, and I'll do anything you want. So you don't need to bluff like this. I'm not going to Milan. Why would I do that for you?
‪나 밀라노 안 가‬I'm not going to Milan. Why would I do that for you?
‪누구 좋으라고 밀라노 가?‬I'm not going to Milan. Why would I do that for you? Sang-mi.
‪우리 굿바이는 못 해도‬ ‪바닥은 치지 말자‬We may not be able to say goodbye, but let's not go that low. I will... bring up Rebecca once we get divorced.
‪레베카‬I will... bring up Rebecca once we get divorced.
‪이혼하면 내가 키울 거야‬I will... bring up Rebecca once we get divorced.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬Are you trying to make a deal using the kid?
‪너 애를 갖고 딜하는 거야, 지금?‬Are you trying to make a deal using the kid? You're the one who's at fault,
‪유책 사유는 오빠한테 있고‬You're the one who's at fault,
‪레베카는 내 거야‬-and Rebecca is mine. -Sang-mi.
‪박상미‬-and Rebecca is mine. -Sang-mi.
‪나 제시카야‬I'm Jessica.
‪레베카도 내 거고‬Rebecca is mine,
‪미시즈 강종렬도 내 거라고‬and the name Mrs. Kang Jong-ryeol is mine too.
‪데려와‬the kid.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(준기)‬ ‪그럼 넌 어느 쪽에 붙을 건데?‬Then who are you going to side with?
‪(필구)‬ ‪둘 다 싫어‬I hate them both.
‪(준기)‬ ‪용식이 아저씨도 싫어?‬You even hate Mr. Hwang?
‪(필구)‬ ‪어‬-Yes. -Why?
‪(준기)‬ ‪왜?‬-Yes. -Why?
‪야‬Hey, let's say you are sitting with Hong Jae-min on the bus.
‪만약에 네가 버스 탈 때‬ ‪홍재민이랑 앉았다 쳐 봐‬Hey, let's say you are sitting with Hong Jae-min on the bus.
‪(필구)‬ ‪그럼 난 양정우랑 앉아야 되지?‬Then I have to sit with Yang Jeong-wu.
‪근데 양정우 맨날 코딱지 파지?‬But Jeong-wu always picks his nose.
‪그래서 내가 계속 너랑 앉고 싶어도‬Even if I want to keep sitting with you,
‪네가 새 짝꿍이 생기면‬ ‪내가 어떡하냐고‬how could I do that if you get a new best pal?
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪이해가 가냐?‬Do you get it?
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪씨, 나는 억울해‬It's unfair for me.
‪[준기가 부스럭거린다]‬It's unfair for me.
‪우리 반 여덟 살 중에‬No one has a bigger headache than I do among eight-year-olds in my class.
‪나처럼 머리 아픈 애 없어‬No one has a bigger headache than I do among eight-year-olds in my class.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪아이고! 고생하셨슈‬Goodness, great work.
‪- (승엽) 아, 네, 예, 예, 예, 예‬ ‪- (찬숙) 네, 고생하셨슈‬Goodness, great work. -Mom. -Hey.
‪(아이)‬ ‪엄마‬ ‪[찬숙의 신난 신음]‬-Mom. -Hey.
‪[아이들이 저마다 엄마를 부른다]‬-Mom. -Hey, Jun-gi.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪아이고, 준기야!‬-Mom. -Hey, Jun-gi.
‪- (찬숙) 어유, 내 새끼, 어유‬ ‪- (필구) 엄마‬-Gosh, my son. -Mom!
‪- (찬숙) 살 빠졌어? 어유‬ ‪- (필구) 엄마, 엄마‬How did you do?
‪[아련한 음악]‬ ‪(찬숙)‬ ‪어어, 어‬
‪필구야, 일로 와‬Pil-gu, come here. Come here.
‪일로 와, 일로 와, 일로 와‬Pil-gu, come here. Come here.
‪저, 니 엄마 지금 바뻐‬Your mom is a little busy right now. Come eat at my place. She'll come and pick you up.
‪우리 집 가서 밥 먹고 있으면‬ ‪엄마가 데리러 온디야‬Come eat at my place. She'll come and pick you up.
‪뭐가 바쁜데요?‬-Why is she busy? -Which one is your bag?
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪너 가방 뭐여? 어떤 거여?‬-Why is she busy? -Which one is your bag?
‪아, 내가 1번이지 뭐가 바쁜데요?‬I have to be her priority. Why is she busy?
‪(덕순)‬ ‪야‬Hey, how is she?
‪어쩌고 있디?‬Hey, how is she?
‪문은 열었디?‬Did she open the bar?
‪밥은 먹디?‬Did she eat?
‪(귀련)‬ ‪아유, 뭐, 굶겄어요?‬Goodness, she won't starve.
‪아, 남 얘기 햐?‬Come on, she's not a stranger.
‪(귀련)‬ ‪남이쥬, 남‬She is.
‪특히나, 뭐‬ ‪동백이랑 회장님이랑은 뭐, 이제‬Especially you and her. You're either her family or enemy.
‪가족 아니면 웬수인 거지‬Especially you and her. You're either her family or enemy.
‪뭘 애매하게 신경을 쓰셔요?‬Why are you concerned about her?
‪(재영)‬ ‪아, 내비두셔유‬Just leave her alone.
‪어쩌거나 저쩌거나‬ ‪어, 골 아파 마시고‬Let her do whatever she wants. Don't be so stressed out. You two are being so mean.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪이것들 말하는 싸가지 좀 보게‬You two are being so mean.
‪엎디면 코 닿을 데서‬ ‪6년을 보고 살았으면‬If you spent six years with her as your neighbor,
‪안 보고 산 사촌보다 가족이지, 잉?‬she's more of your family than relatives you don't meet. How can you say we should let her do whatever?
‪어쩌거나 말거나 하는 소리를‬ ‪어떤 소갈빼기가 씨불여?‬How can you say we should let her do whatever?
‪어휴, 어쩌시려 그래유?‬What are you going to do?
‪응? 내치든지 품든지‬ ‪둘 중의 하나만 허셔야지‬What are you going to do? Either shun her or embrace her. Choose your side. If you love her and hate her, what are you going to do?
‪아, 좋기도 좋고 싫기도 싫으면‬ ‪거, 어떡해유?‬If you love her and hate her, what are you going to do?
‪[재영이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬ ‪(귀련)‬ ‪기냥 정에다가 인제‬You already liked her, and now she's in this love-hate relationship.
‪미운 정까지 더해졌으니께, 뭐‬You already liked her, and now she's in this love-hate relationship.
‪장사 없쥬, 뭐‬She can't help it anymore.
‪그려‬Fine, you can be a saint when it comes to other people's business.
‪남 일에야 너도나도 성인 공자지‬Fine, you can be a saint when it comes to other people's business.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪느들‬Wait and see when Geum-mi and Jang-jong get married.
‪금미, 장종이‬ ‪시집 장개 보낼 때 한번 봐라‬Wait and see when Geum-mi and Jang-jong get married.
‪넘의 자식 키우는 자리에‬ ‪'옜다' 니 자식 주고 싶나‬Would you want them to marry someone who already has a kid?
‪부처님 가운데 토막이라도‬ ‪부아가 벌떡 날걸?‬Even Buddha would find it hard to do.
‪아, 왜 나보고는 위대한 칙을 하랴?‬Why do you expect me to pretend like I'm great?
‪내가 뭐, 특별한 거 바랴?‬Am I asking for too much?
‪최소한 여덟 살 아들은 없어야지‬ ‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬The least she can do is be without an eight-year-old son.
‪아, 혹이라도 없어야지, 혹이라도‬The least she can do is be without a burden. Ms. Kwak, stop it. Hey. Pil-gu. Hey!
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪아유, 회장님! 좀, 좀, 그‬Ms. Kwak, stop it. Hey. Pil-gu. Hey!
‪야, 아, 야, 아, 야!‬Ms. Kwak, stop it. Hey. Pil-gu. Hey!
‪[힘주며]‬ ‪야! 아이, 잠...‬Ms. Kwak, stop it. Hey. Pil-gu. Hey! Wait, goodness.
‪아, 잠깐! 아휴, 아유, 아파, 아휴‬Wait, goodness.
‪어유, 야! 진짜...‬ ‪[덕순의 난감한 숨소리]‬Pil-gu!
‪(덕순)‬ ‪필구야, 아유‬Pil-gu, come on.
‪저기, 상식적으로‬ ‪동네에 여덟 살배기가 너 하나여?‬Pil-gu, come on. Think about it. You aren't the only eight-year-old around here.
‪진짜 니 얘기 아니라니께‬I really wasn't talking about you. I was talking about another eight-year-old in another family.
‪저그 저, 딴 집‬ ‪저, 여덟 살배기 얘기여, 잉?‬I was talking about another eight-year-old in another family.
‪내가 우리 엄마 혹이에요?‬Am I my mom's burden?
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪내가 혹이에요?‬Am I a burden?
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[도어 록 오류음]‬
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[도어 록 오류음]‬
‪아, 엄마!‬Mom!
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[도어 록 오류음]‬ ‪[경보음이 울린다]‬Mom! Hey, Mom! I'm home!
‪[발로 툭 차며]‬ ‪아, 엄마!‬Mom! Hey, Mom! I'm home!
‪아, 엄마! 나 왔다고!‬Mom! Hey, Mom! I'm home!
‪(필구)‬ ‪엄마, 빨리 문 열어 줘!‬Mom, open the door already!
‪[문을 연신 툭툭 차며]‬ ‪아, 빨리! 엄마, 빨리 열어 달라고!‬Come on, Mom! Open the door!
‪아이, 빨리!‬Hurry up!
‪(용식)‬ ‪예‬Yes.
‪거진‬We almost... We almost found her.
‪거진 찾았어요, 거진‬We almost... We almost found her.
‪그럼 엄마가‬ ‪계속 병원에 다니고 있어요?‬Has she been going to the hospital?
‪(용식)‬ ‪그, 병원 기록도 쪼끔 있고요, 응‬I kept seeing her hospital records.
‪병원에 있을 때 좀‬can you hurry up and get her when she goes to the hospital?
‪빨리 가서 좀 덮쳐 봐요‬can you hurry up and get her when she goes to the hospital?
‪저기, 하, 근디 동백 씨‬Hey, Dongbaek.
‪그, 우리 파출소도요‬You should come and visit our station
‪이렇게 한 번씩 놀러 오시고, 좀‬You should come and visit our station and surprise us from time to time.
‪이렇게 덮쳐 보고 좀 그래 봐요‬and surprise us from time to time.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪내가 인터넷도 찾아봤는데요‬I looked up on the internet
‪하, 그, 투석도 사람 잡는 거더라고요‬and heard that dialysis is really painful.
‪(동백)‬ ‪아파서 이렇게 부은 거를‬She was bloated because she was ill.
‪아, 어떻게 날 버리고‬ ‪그렇게 살이 쪘냐고‬But I was harsh on her and blamed her for putting on weight after abandoning me.
‪구박을 막 했어요‬But I was harsh on her and blamed her for putting on weight after abandoning me.
‪근데 동백 씨‬Dongbaek.
‪그, 신장요‬If you have to give her...
‪진짜로 떼어 줘야 된다고 한다면‬your kidney,
‪진짜 떼어 주실 거예요?‬will you really do that?
‪내가 안 떼어 줘도‬ ‪아무도 나 욕 못 해요‬No one can say anything even if I refuse.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪필구야!‬Pil-gu.
‪필구야!‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬Pil-gu.
‪아유, 진짜, 너 엄마가‬ ‪얼마나 쫄았는 줄 알아?‬ ‪[용식의 한숨]‬My gosh. Do you know how scared I was? Pil-gu, why are you sitting here like this?
‪(용식)‬ ‪아유, 필구야, 너 왜‬Pil-gu, why are you sitting here like this?
‪여기서 이렇게‬ ‪쪼그리고 있어, 어? 어휴‬ ‪[도어 록 조작음]‬Pil-gu, why are you sitting here like this?
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬Why did you change the passcode?
‪비밀번호 왜 바꿨어?‬Why did you change the passcode?
‪(동백)‬ ‪그거‬It's because...
‪너무 좀...‬It's because...
‪(필구)‬ ‪이 아저씨가 왜 비밀번호 알아?‬Why does he know it?
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 야, 하, 필구야, 고거는...‬Hey, Pil-gu. It's-- Are you going to marry him?
‪(필구)‬ ‪엄마 이 아저씨랑 결혼할 거야?‬Are you going to marry him?
‪[아련한 음악]‬ ‪뭐?‬What?
‪엄마, 아들, 이렇게 사는 거보다‬It's weirder to live with you, me, and him
‪엄마, 아들, 아저씨‬ ‪이렇게 사는 게 더 이상해!‬than to live with just you and me.
‪(필구)‬ ‪더 짜증 나고‬ ‪더 머리 아프고 더 쪽팔려!‬It's more annoying, a bigger headache, and embarrassing!
‪(동백)‬ ‪[등을 짝 때리며]‬ ‪너 일로 와, 너!‬Come here. You!
‪너 누가 말...‬You shouldn't... You can't talk like that.
‪너 그런 말 누가 쓰래!‬You shouldn't... You can't talk like that.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아이, 동백 씨, 아휴‬Dongbaek.
‪(동백)‬ ‪어른한테 그냥‬ ‪아무 말이나 막 하고 너...‬You can't say whatever you want to an adult.
‪[속상한 숨소리]‬You'll break my heart if you do that.
‪너 그러면 엄마 막 속상해!‬You'll break my heart if you do that.
‪(필구)‬ ‪[용식을 탁 밀치며]‬ ‪씨, 엄마가 속상해 봤자지!‬You aren't as heartbroken as I was.
‪[필구가 흐느낀다]‬
‪나는 엄마가 데리러도 안 오고‬When you didn't come to pick me up
‪이 비밀번호도 바꿨을 때! 이, 씨‬and changed the passcode to our door,
‪지구가 멸망한 거 같았어!‬it felt like the earth was destroyed.
‪(규태)‬ ‪나 감옥 가면‬Once I go to prison,
‪논산 배 밭 당신 가져‬you can keep the pear field in Nonsan.
‪내가 당신한테 줄 수 있는 건‬ ‪[규태의 한숨]‬The only thing I can give you is
‪고작‬our house or those fields.
‪집이나 밭뙈기밖에 없네‬our house or those fields.
‪당신이 감옥엘 왜 가?‬Why should you be imprisoned? You didn't kill Hyang-mi.
‪당신 향미 안 죽였어‬Why should you be imprisoned? You didn't kill Hyang-mi.
‪당신은 진짜로 나 믿는구나‬You really believe me.
‪(자영)‬ ‪널 믿어서가 아니라‬It's not that I believe you.
‪나를 믿어서야, 나를‬I believe myself.
‪내가 그날‬I think I saw her that day.
‪걔 본 거 같아‬I think I saw her that day.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪뭐?‬What?
‪(자영)‬ ‪당신은 향미‬ ‪낚시터 가는 둑길에서 봤다며?‬You said you saw her on the road that leads to the fishing hole.
‪나는 걔 낚시터에서 봤다고‬I saw her at the fishing hole.
‪그러니까 걔가‬So that means
‪둑길에서 죽진 않은 거지‬she didn't die on the road.
‪(규태)‬ ‪아유, 당신, 저‬Hey, why should you tell them that you saw her?
‪향미 본 얘기를 왜 여기다 해?‬Hey, why should you tell them that you saw her?
‪형사들한테 해야지‬-You should tell the detectives. -Do you trust them?
‪걔들을 믿어?‬-You should tell the detectives. -Do you trust them?
‪걔들 지금 자기 앞가림만 급급해‬They're busy covering their asses. That's why they're trying to bring you in.
‪그러니까 너 하나‬ ‪엮어 보려고 그 난리지‬They're busy covering their asses. That's why they're trying to bring you in.
‪(자영)‬ ‪거기다 대고‬So should your ex-wife tell them that she saw Hyang-mi on the day she died?
‪노규태 전처가 사건 당일에‬ ‪최향미 봤단 소리를 해?‬So should your ex-wife tell them that she saw Hyang-mi on the day she died?
‪(규태)‬ ‪아이, 그렇다고 저 촌놈을 믿자고?‬But still, how can you trust that hillbilly?
‪쟤 그냥‬He doesn't know what he's doing.
‪되나 가나 막가는 놈이야‬He doesn't know what he's doing.
‪난 약은 놈보단‬I think the hillbilly who has no idea is better than cunning detectives.
‪막가는 촌놈이 낫다고 봐‬I think the hillbilly who has no idea is better than cunning detectives.
‪그래서 너랑 결혼했고‬That's why I married you.
‪그래서 내 발등은 찍었지만‬Although you stabbed me in the back.
‪아이, 씨‬Darn it.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪어?‬
‪아니, 변호사님‬Goodness, Ms. Hong.
‪(자영)‬ ‪'광수대보단 용식이'‬"Yong-sik over Regional Investigation." They all say that in the Police Agency.
‪이게 경찰청 유행어던데‬"Yong-sik over Regional Investigation." They all say that in the Police Agency.
‪여기 붙은 거 후회 안 하게 해 줘요‬Don't make me regret being on your side.
‪(자영)‬ ‪내가‬On the night of the 24th,
‪24일 밤에‬On the night of the 24th,
‪최향미 봤어요‬I saw Choi Hyang-mi.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(자영)‬ ‪눈을 뗄 수가 없더라고요‬I couldn't take my eyes off her.
‪왜 쟤가 배달을 와?‬Why is she delivering?
‪[꼬르륵 소리가 난다]‬I was too hungry.
‪(자영)‬ ‪배가 고파서‬I was too hungry.
‪동백이면 만둣국이나‬ ‪시켜 먹으려 했더니‬If it was Dongbaek, I was going to order a dumpling soup.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪이혼을 앞두고도 식욕이 왕성하니‬I still have such a huge appetite right before my divorce.
‪살 빼긴 텄지, 텄어‬I'm definitely never going to lose weight.
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[자영의 피곤한 숨소리]‬
‪[피곤한 신음]‬
‪뭐야?‬What was that?
‪스쿠터는 왜 실어 가?‬Why is that truck taking the scooter?
‪(자영)‬ ‪라이트도 안 켜고‬And the lights are off too.
‪어휴, 씨...‬
‪[자영의 못마땅한 신음]‬
‪(규태)‬ ‪걔가 없어졌대‬She's gone. Hyang-mi.
‪향미‬She's gone. Hyang-mi.
‪(자영)‬ ‪근데 걔가 없어졌다니까‬Then I heard she went missing, so I thought it was weird too.
‪나도 쌔하더라고요‬Then I heard she went missing, so I thought it was weird too.
‪(용식)‬ ‪스쿠터를 실어 갔다는 거는...‬If that truck took the scooter... That means Hyang-mi wasn't in the state to ride it.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪향미가 운전할 상황이 아니었다는 건디‬That means Hyang-mi wasn't in the state to ride it.
‪씁, 저기 그, 운전자 보셨어요?‬Did you see the driver?
‪(용식)‬ ‪그러니까 그 트럭, 그 번호라든가‬Or maybe the license plate? It was pretty dark, and oddly, the truck didn't turn on the headlights.
‪어둡기도 어두웠고‬It was pretty dark, and oddly, the truck didn't turn on the headlights.
‪트럭이 라이트를‬ ‪끄고 달렸어요, 이상하게‬It was pretty dark, and oddly, the truck didn't turn on the headlights.
‪그럼 말이여‬If the lights were turned off, that's the culprit.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪그 라이트 끈 놈이‬ ‪범인이네, 범인, 어?‬If the lights were turned off, that's the culprit. Okay, it'll be game over once we find that truck.
‪자, 자, 자, 자‬Okay, it'll be game over once we find that truck.
‪그 트럭만 찾아내면 게임 오버라고!‬Okay, it'll be game over once we find that truck.
‪[용식의 탄성]‬
‪(정숙)‬ ‪내가 왜 그 트럭을 봤지?‬Why did I see that truck?
‪(용식)‬ ‪예?‬What?
‪동백이 스쿠터 훔친 트럭‬The truck that stole Dongbaek's scooter.
‪내가 그날 봤다고‬I saw it on that day.
‪까멜리아 앞요, 지금요‬In front of Camellia. Right now.
‪(동백)‬ ‪이, 이 시간에 택시는 왜?‬A cab at this hour? Take the boy and head home. I'd rather not see him sleep out here again.
‪(정숙)‬ ‪애 데리고 먼저 들어가‬Take the boy and head home. I'd rather not see him sleep out here again.
‪괜히 자꾸 쪽방에서 재우지 말고‬Take the boy and head home. I'd rather not see him sleep out here again.
‪(정숙)‬ ‪아유‬
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪[정숙의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[정숙의 놀란 신음]‬
‪아이, 저거 우리 건데?‬That bike is ours. CAMELLIA
‪아니, 향미는, 저게‬I can't believe Hyang-mi even sold our scooter.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪이제 아주 남의 스쿠터까지‬ ‪팔아먹어, 저거?‬I can't believe Hyang-mi even sold our scooter. Should I go after the truck?
‪응? 어떻게, 트럭 쫓아가요?‬Should I go after the truck?
‪아유, 아니에요‬No, take me to the hospital first.
‪일단 병원부터 가 주세요‬No, take me to the hospital first.
‪(기사)‬ ‪응, 그래요‬ ‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬Okay.
‪하, 향미 얘는 이제 전화도 꺼 놨네‬She turned off her phone.
‪아니, 돈 3천에 나하고 진짜‬ ‪연을 끊겠다는 거야, 뭐야, 얘?‬Is she cutting me off over just 30 million won or what?
‪향미 이제 안 와‬She won't come.
‪어?‬-What? -Don't wait for someone who won't come.
‪안 올 사람 기다리지 말라고‬-What? -Don't wait for someone who won't come.
‪(정숙)‬ ‪다시는 안 올 애니까‬I thought she sold the scooter and ran away.
‪(정숙)‬ ‪'스쿠터까지 팔아먹고‬ ‪토꼈나 보다' 그랬지‬That's why I figured she was never going to come back.
‪그때 탄 그 택시 번호, 그‬Do you happen to remember the license number
‪혹시 그, 기억하셔요?‬of the cab you rode that day?
‪이, 씨‬Are you kidding me? Who memorizes the cab license number?
‪(정숙)‬ ‪택시 번호까지 기억하고‬ ‪타는 사람이 어디 있냐?‬Are you kidding me? Who memorizes the cab license number?
‪배도 아파 죽겠는데‬My stomach was hurting.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪그렇지, 그렇지‬She's right.
‪[자영의 한숨]‬
‪(자영)‬ ‪택시 블랙박스에‬ ‪트럭이 찍혔을 거 같은데‬The dashcam in the cab would've caught the truck.
‪[용식의 탄식]‬Should we look into the cabs in Ongsan?
‪(규태)‬ ‪옹산 택시부터 파 볼까?‬Should we look into the cabs in Ongsan?
‪우리 작은삼촌 택시 해‬My uncle is a cab driver.
‪[함께 한숨을 쉰다]‬
‪[용식의 한숨]‬
‪종렬이한테 가 봐‬Go and talk to Jong-ryeol.
‪길에 강종렬 있었어‬I saw him by the road.
‪(용식)‬ ‪강...‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[탄성]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪노다지다, 노다지‬I just hit the jackpot.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪[부지깽이로 탁탁 치며]‬ ‪어디 있어, 어디 있어? 씨‬Where is she? Where?
‪[종렬의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[종렬의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪어유, 어유, 어유! 씨‬Shit! Damn it!
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪[종렬의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪(종렬)‬ ‪아무것도 없는데 도대체‬There's absolutely no one here! What did she hit with her car?
‪뭘 친 거냐고, 이 박상미‬There's absolutely no one here! What did she hit with her car? Park Sang-mi, that damn brat!
‪박상미, 박상미야!‬Park Sang-mi, that damn brat! His car was parked by the road,
‪(정숙)‬ ‪길에다가 차를 대고‬His car was parked by the road,
‪[종렬의 분에 찬 신음]‬and he was yelling like a lunatic.
‪(정숙)‬ ‪미친놈처럼 꽥꽥대고 있더라고‬and he was yelling like a lunatic.
‪[종렬이 소리친다]‬
‪[종렬의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(규태)‬ ‪[손가락을 탁 튀기며]‬ ‪오케이!‬
‪일단 용식이는‬ ‪종렬이 블박부터 확보를 하고‬Yong-sik can start off by checking Jong-ryeol's dashcam.
‪그리고 당신은‬ ‪국가를 상대로 소송을 준비해‬And honey, I want you to get ready to sue the country.
‪나는 내 무고함을 국가를 상대로...‬I'll sue the country for tainting my innocence-- Here's my conclusion.
‪(용식)‬ ‪자, 제 결론은유‬Here's my conclusion.
‪[용식이 매직 뚜껑을 탁 닫는다]‬
‪[용식의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪그날 밤‬The suspects who saw Hyang-mi that night
‪향미 씨를 본 용의자들은‬The suspects who saw Hyang-mi that night
‪용의자가 아니라‬aren't actually suspects.
‪목격자라고 봅니다잉‬I think they're witnesses.
‪[매직이 탁 떨어진다]‬
‪[날카로운 효과음]‬
‪나는 오광을 들었고요‬I just picked five lucky cards.
‪이 패들 싹 다 맞추면‬And once I organize these cards,
‪까불이, 딱‬I know for a fact that Joker will get caught.
‪나옵니다‬I know for a fact that Joker will get caught.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪그 문제집 파투여‬That workbook is useless.
‪여기 붙어‬You side with us, and you'll get promoted.
‪특진이여‬You side with us, and you'll get promoted.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(덕순)‬ ‪최소한 여덟 살 아들은 없어야지‬ ‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬The least she can do is be without an eight-year-old son.
‪아, 혹이라도 없어야지, 혹이라도‬The least she can do is be without a burden.
‪(동백)‬ ‪필구야‬Pil-gu, you shouldn't wander around all by yourself from now on.
‪너 앞으로 절대 혼자 막‬ ‪돌아다니고 그러면 안 돼‬Pil-gu, you shouldn't wander around all by yourself from now on.
‪너 엄마 말 진짜로‬ ‪잘 들어야 돼, 알았지?‬You have to do as I say, okay?
‪할머니 왜 안 와?‬Where's Grandma?
‪할머니 오실 거야‬Your grandma? She'll be back.
‪향미 누난 왜 안 와?‬What about Hyang-mi?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪다 엄마 편하라고 안 오는 거야?‬Did they leave to make you feel at ease?
‪[한숨]‬Did you find it comfortable when I was away in China?
‪나 중국에 있으니까‬Did you find it comfortable when I was away in China?
‪엄마 편했어?‬Did you find it comfortable when I was away in China?
‪(동백)‬ ‪그, 쓸데없는 소리 하지 말고‬ ‪밥 좀 팍팍 먹어, 어?‬Stop talking nonsense, and eat your food.
‪근데‬We won't be living together once I grow old
‪나 커서 결혼하면‬We won't be living together once I grow old
‪엄마는 같이 안 살지?‬and get married, right?
‪원래 그런 거지?‬Is that just how things work?
‪왜? 엄마가‬ ‪같이 살자 그럴까 봐 너 겁나?‬Why? Are you worried that I might ask you to live with me?
‪[아련한 음악]‬ ‪다들 같이 안 살잖아‬They don't usually live together.
‪할머니랑 사는 애는 거의 없으니까‬Most of my friends don't live with their grandmas.
‪(동백)‬ ‪나도 눈치가 있지‬I know when I'm not welcome.
‪야, 내가 뭐, 너 장가가면‬ ‪거기 껴 달라 그럴까 봐 그러냐?‬I know when I'm not welcome. I won't ask you to live with me after you get married.
‪너 엄마한테 등짝 한 대 맞았다고‬Are you being like this because I hit you that one time?
‪너 이러는 거지, 지금?‬Are you being like this because I hit you that one time?
‪야‬At least you feel at ease since you were the one that got a beating.
‪맞은 사람은 편하기라도 하지‬At least you feel at ease since you were the one that got a beating.
‪엄만 잠도 못 자‬I can't even sleep at night.
‪어린이는 다 잘 자는 줄 알아?‬Do you think kids always sleep well?
‪(최면술사)‬ ‪시계 째깍째깍 소리를 들으면서‬Listen to the clock ticking.
‪과거의 시간으로 돌아갑니다‬Now, let's go back to the past.
‪(용식)‬ ‪물론‬ ‪[용식의 한숨]‬Unfortunately, not all cards turned out to be lucky.
‪모두가 광은 아니었다‬Unfortunately, not all cards turned out to be lucky.
‪- (최면술사) 째깍째깍‬ ‪- (변 소장) 그냥 예쁘게 봐 줘‬-Tick, tock. -Just cut him some slack.
‪- (최면술사) 째깍‬ ‪- (변 소장) 오광 중의 하나로서‬He just wants to be of help
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪자기도 뭐라도 좀 돕고 싶디야‬as one of the five lucky cards.
‪그, 꼭 그, 공부 못하는 것들이‬People who get bad grades are the ones
‪수능 전날에 분신사바 한다니께요?‬who wish for luck the day before the exam.
‪- 어유, 참‬ ‪- (최면술사) 뭐가 보이나요?‬-My gosh. -What do you see?
‪(규태)‬ ‪향미가‬Hyang-mi...
‪[시계가 째깍거린다]‬
‪머리 위로 하트 쏘고 지나갔어요‬flashed me with a heart using her fingers over her head.
‪열받아요‬I'm so angry.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪아, 혹시 알어?‬Who knows? We might get something from this.
‪진짜 뭐라도 나올지‬Who knows? We might get something from this.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪뺑소니범이‬The driver that hit her
‪차에서 내려요‬comes out of the car.
‪어떤 여자애‬It's a woman.
‪여자?‬A woman?
‪쩝, 아이, 그, 뭐‬A woman? My gosh, it was probably just Jessica.
‪그, 뭐여, 그, 제시카겄쥬‬My gosh, it was probably just Jessica. Now, slowly tell me
‪(최면술사)‬ ‪자‬Now, slowly tell me
‪천천히‬Now, slowly tell me
‪차 번호를 한번 봅니다‬the number on the license plate.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪48?‬A four and an eight?
‪48?‬Four, eight...
‪48...‬Four, eight...
‪8...‬-Eight. -Eight?
‪[의아한 숨소리]‬
‪48...‬Four, eight...
‪아이고, 씨‬My gosh, seriously.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪어디서 많이 듣던 번호인디?‬That number sounds oddly familiar.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬That number sounds oddly familiar. Four, eight, eight...
‪488...‬Four, eight, eight...
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 뭐, 뭐, 뭐? 뭐, 뭐‬What? Is it four, eight, eight, five?
‪4885?‬What? Is it four, eight, eight, five?
‪아유, 이, 씨‬You got those numbers from the movie Chaser!
‪아, 뭐, '추격자'여?‬You got those numbers from the movie Chaser!
‪[용식의 어이없는 한숨]‬Jong-ryeol's license number on the CCTV footage was 4904.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아니, 그 CCTV에 잡힌 강종렬이 차는‬Jong-ryeol's license number on the CCTV footage was 4904.
‪4904인디!‬Jong-ryeol's license number on the CCTV footage was 4904.
‪488, 488은, 아유, 씨, 옘병, 씨‬But why did you say "4885"? You've got to be kidding me. Hey! Making mistakes is part of the investigation!
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪야, 인마!‬Hey! Making mistakes is part of the investigation!
‪삽질도 수사의 일환이여, 쯧‬Hey! Making mistakes is part of the investigation! Just be honest and say you don't know! Why would you make things up?
‪아니, 모르면 모른다고 하면 되지‬Just be honest and say you don't know! Why would you make things up?
‪꾸며 내길 뭘 자꾸 꾸며 냐!‬Just be honest and say you don't know! Why would you make things up?
‪아주 그냥 사상이 글러 먹었다니께요?‬I don't like his attitude to begin with! I just kept convincing myself that I was hypnotized!
‪나는 그냥 '최면에 걸렸다'‬ ‪내 스스로를 최면 걸었어! 무슨...‬I just kept convincing myself that I was hypnotized! My gosh, darn you!
‪아유, 씨‬My gosh, darn you!
‪[용식의 분에 찬 신음]‬Seriously!
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬And there's a lucky card that I don't really feel comfortable with.
‪(용식)‬ ‪그리고‬And there's a lucky card that I don't really feel comfortable with.
‪먹기 찝찌브리한 광도 있다‬And there's a lucky card that I don't really feel comfortable with. ONGSAN SUBSTATION
‪[헛기침하며]‬ ‪이, 이거‬Well, thank you
‪협조‬Well, thank you
‪[웅얼대며]‬ ‪고마워요‬for your cooperation.
‪[헛기침]‬for your cooperation. Can you really catch Joker with that?
‪그거 주면 진짜‬ ‪까불이 잡긴 잡는 거예요?‬Can you really catch Joker with that?
‪강 선수‬Mr. Kang, have you ever caught a bank robber with a lunch box?
‪(용식)‬ ‪도시락 통으로‬ ‪은행 강도 때려잡아 봤어요?‬Mr. Kang, have you ever caught a bank robber with a lunch box?
‪(종렬)‬ ‪안 물어봤어요, 그건‬That wasn't my question.
‪(용식)‬ ‪박스 테이프로‬ ‪살인강도범 포박해 봤어요?‬Have you ever tied up a murderer with duct tape?
‪(종렬)‬ ‪안 물어봤다니까요‬I didn't asked you.
‪까불이는 단지, 예?‬Joker could only act up because he hasn't met me yet.
‪아직 나 이 황용식이를‬ ‪안 만났기 때문에‬Joker could only act up because he hasn't met me yet.
‪까불이일 수 있었던 거예유‬Joker could only act up because he hasn't met me yet. Yong-sik, you can tell me that after you actually catch him.
‪네, 황용식 씨‬Yong-sik, you can tell me that after you actually catch him.
‪잡고 말해요, 잡고‬Yong-sik, you can tell me that after you actually catch him.
‪아유, 뭐‬Well, there's no need for us to have a long conversation.
‪뭐, 피차, 뭐‬ ‪길게 말 섞을 필요도 없고‬Well, there's no need for us to have a long conversation.
‪그, 저기, 그‬But just to let you know,
‪그, 저, 동백 씨는유, 요즘에‬Dongbaek is-- I didn't ask you that either.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪아이, 그것도 안 물어봤다니까요?‬I didn't ask you that either.
‪아이, 내가 왜 그쪽한테‬ ‪동백이 안위를 들어야 돼?‬I don't need you to tell me about her. I can just go see her myself.
‪직접 가서 보면 되지‬I don't need you to tell me about her. I can just go see her myself.
‪용식 씨 뭐, 나랑 친해?‬Do you think we're close? I'm close to Dongbaek.
‪나 동백이랑 친해‬Do you think we're close? I'm close to Dongbaek.
‪야, 기적의 논리구먼‬What kind of logic is that?
‪그려, 가 봐요, 응‬Okay, fine. Go ahead.
‪할 수 있는 거 다 해요, 응‬ ‪[종렬의 헛기침]‬Try everything you can. But regardless of what you do, our relationship will always stay strong.
‪(용식)‬ ‪강 선수가 뭘 해도요‬But regardless of what you do, our relationship will always stay strong.
‪우리는 착 짱짱햐, 어?‬But regardless of what you do, our relationship will always stay strong. Okay, whatever. You can say that after you get married.
‪예, 그러니까‬Okay, whatever. You can say that after you get married.
‪결혼하고 말을 해요, 하고‬Okay, whatever. You can say that after you get married.
‪어디 한번‬ ‪그 수많은 변수들을 다 제치고‬Go ahead and overcome all the variables. Then you can say that to my face.
‪그때 가서 말씀을 하시라고‬Go ahead and overcome all the variables. Then you can say that to my face. My gosh, you keep bringing up those darn variables.
‪아유, 거, 자꾸‬ ‪그, '변수, 변수'거리면‬My gosh, you keep bringing up those darn variables. Does that make you feel relieved or something?
‪뭐, 이렇게 뭐, 속이 좀 편안해요? 응?‬Does that make you feel relieved or something?
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪나는 내 인생 그, 머리로 안 살고‬ ‪내 쪼대로 살기 때문에요‬I don't calculate things. I just live my life the way I want to.
‪뭐, 그, 웬만한 변수는‬ ‪변수 같지도 않더라고‬So most variables don't even get in my way.
‪[용식이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪[용식이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪그, 하여튼 간에‬Anyway,
‪[웅얼대며]‬ ‪고마워유‬thanks for this.
‪(수봉)‬ ‪야, 한 번만 빌려줘‬Come on. Let me borrow it just this once.
‪(대성)‬ ‪아이, 누가 뺏는대?‬I won't take it from you.
‪아, 그냥 딱 한 번만 빌려 달라는 거지‬I'm just asking if I can borrow it. You're practically trying to take it by mentioning your older brother.
‪(준기)‬ ‪거의 뺏는 거지!‬You're practically trying to take it by mentioning your older brother.
‪네가 자꾸 너희 형 얘기 하잖아‬You're practically trying to take it by mentioning your older brother. I'm free to talk about him if I want.
‪(대성)‬ ‪얘기하든 말든 내 마음이지!‬I'm free to talk about him if I want.
‪(준기)‬ ‪네 마음만 있냐?‬Stop being so selfish.
‪(대성)‬ ‪야, 우리 형 6학년이거든?‬Hey, my brother's in sixth grade.
‪거의 검은 띠거든?‬He's almost a black belt.
‪[한숨]‬You guys never had a headache before, have you?
‪(필구)‬ ‪너희들은 이번 생 동안‬You guys never had a headache before, have you?
‪머리 아파 본 적 없지?‬You guys never had a headache before, have you?
‪(대성)‬ ‪콧물은 나온 적 있는데‬I once had a runny nose.
‪[대성이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[필구의 한숨]‬Here. Just take it.
‪가져가라, 가져가‬Here. Just take it.
‪[게임 소리가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(수봉)‬ ‪야, 강필구 요즘 왜 부자가 됐냐?‬How did Pil-gu suddenly become so rich?
‪게임기도 벌써 세 개야‬He's already got three game consoles.
‪(대성)‬ ‪야, 걔 부자 됐다고 나보다 세냐?‬I don't care if he's rich. I'm still stronger than him.
‪우리 형 6학년이거든?‬ ‪거의 검은 띠거든?‬My brother's in sixth grade. He's almost a black belt.
‪[함께 키득거린다]‬
‪[대성과 수봉의 다급한 신음]‬-Hey, watch out. -Then what about me?
‪(정숙)‬ ‪그럼 나는?‬-Hey, watch out. -Then what about me?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Pardon?
‪(대성)‬ ‪네, 네?‬Pardon?
‪(정숙)‬ ‪나는 몇 살로 보이니?‬How old do I look?
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬
‪너한테는‬You might have an older brother who's in sixth grade.
‪6학년 형아가 있겠지만‬You might have an older brother who's in sixth grade.
‪필구한테는 57세 할머니가 있어‬But Pil-gu has a grandmother who's 57 years old.
‪오늘까지만 렌털‬You can borrow it just for today.
‪오늘 실컷 쓰고‬ ‪내일 다시 돌려주는 거야‬Have fun using it today, and give it back to him tomorrow.
‪반드시‬Got it?
‪기억해‬Remember this.
‪강필구 뒤에는 57세 할머니가 있어‬Pil-gu has a grandmother who's 57 years old.
‪항시, 언제나‬I'm always there for him, and I always keep my eyes on him.
‪호시탐탐‬I'm always there for him, and I always keep my eyes on him.
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬
‪(필구)‬ ‪야, 다시 내놔!‬Hey, wait!
‪[준기와 필구의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Hey, wait! -My gosh. Hey, I want that back. -What?
‪- (준기) 아, 힘들어‬ ‪- (필구) 야, 그거 도로 내놔‬-My gosh. Hey, I want that back. -What?
‪- (필구) 빨리 내놔‬ ‪- (대성) 왜?‬-My gosh. Hey, I want that back. -What? He had a headache and wasn't thinking straight.
‪(준기)‬ ‪얘 머리 아파서 잠깐 미쳤었나 보대‬He had a headache and wasn't thinking straight.
‪[준기의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Ma'am, wait!
‪(대성)‬ ‪저기, 저기요!‬Ma'am, wait!
‪줬다 뺏는 건 얘인데?‬He just took it from me.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Who is she?
‪(준기)‬ ‪누구인데?‬Who is she?
‪(대성)‬ ‪강필구네 57세 할머니‬Pil-gu's 57-year-old grandma.
‪[정숙의 한숨]‬
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[바퀴 구르는 소리가 난다]‬ONGSAN RICE SHOP FOR RENT
‪[종렬이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪뭐?‬-What? -Are you okay?
‪(종렬)‬ ‪괜찮아?‬-What? -Are you okay?
‪엄청 무서웠지?‬You must've been frightened.
‪뭐, 나 죽었을까 봐 쫄았니?‬Were you worried I might be dead? I can't believe a scaredy-cat like you ended up encountering a murderer.
‪아이, 겁도 더럽게 많은 애가‬ ‪무슨 살인범까지 만나고 살아?‬I can't believe a scaredy-cat like you ended up encountering a murderer. You must've been so startled.
‪얼마나 놀랐겠냐고‬You must've been so startled.
‪[아련한 음악]‬ ‪하, 야, 나랑 같이‬ ‪살자고 안 할 테니까‬I won't ask you to live with me.
‪죽지만 마, 어?‬Just make sure you don't die.
‪어디 가서든 그냥 살기만 해‬Just make sure you stay alive.
‪잘 살기만‬Stay alive and well.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪동백아‬Dongbaek.
‪내가 너 8년 만에 다시 봤을 때‬When I saw you again in eight years,
‪네 손의 게르마늄 팔찌보다‬I was more bothered by your wrist guard
‪손목 보호대 차고 있는 게‬ ‪더 안 잊히더라‬than that germanium bracelet you were wearing.
‪혼자서 애 키우고‬ ‪장사하고 산 것도 미치겠는데‬It drives me nuts that you had to work and raise Pil-gu by yourself.
‪네가 왜‬But on top of that,
‪아이, 도대체 왜...‬why did you have to...
‪살인범을 다 만나고 사냐고?‬Why did I have to encounter a murderer?
‪네가 왜 그러고 살아야 되는데?‬Why do you have to keep living this way?
‪이번 생은 뭐, 무슨 극기 체험이야?‬Your life is like some kind of a challenge.
‪무슨 말이 하고 싶은데?‬What's your point?
‪내가 마지막으로 부탁할게‬Let me ask you one last time.
‪서울 가자‬Let's go to Seoul.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪인생 돈이 다가 아닌데‬I know money isn't everything in life.
‪그래도 있으면 진짜 훨씬‬But money does make your life
‪진짜 훨씬훨씬 수월하더라‬a lot more comfortable.
‪이렇게까지 열악하고 위험하게 말고‬Stop living such a dangerous and shabby life.
‪너도 그냥 좀 편안하게, 안전하게‬Why can't you just live a comfortable, stable, and well-off life?
‪좀 떵떵대고 살아 주면 안 돼?‬Why can't you just live a comfortable, stable, and well-off life?
‪내가 너 그렇게 해 주면 안 될까?‬Can't you let me do that for you?
‪종렬아‬Jong-ryeol, back when we were together,
‪나 너랑 있을 때‬Jong-ryeol, back when we were together,
‪집세 걱정은 한 번도 안 했지만‬I never once had to worry about rent.
‪나 안 편했어‬But I felt uncomfortable.
‪(동백)‬ ‪하나도 안 편했어‬I didn't feel comfortable at all.
‪항상 불안하고 쫄리고‬I was always nervous, intimidated, and walking on eggshells.
‪눈치 보이고‬intimidated, and walking on eggshells.
‪뭐가 막 그랬다‬That's how I felt.
‪근데 나 요즘 편해‬But these days, I feel comfortable.
‪내 마음이 이렇게 막‬ ‪기고만장한 적이 없었어‬ ‪[종렬의 한숨]‬I've never felt so proud of myself.
‪그러니까 네가 나 좀 봐줘‬So will you please cut me some slack?
‪네가 우리 좀 모른 척해 줘라‬Can't you just leave us alone?
‪동백아, 그럼 내가‬Then I'm sorry to say this,
‪내가 그냥 끝까지 개새끼 할게‬but you give me no choice but to be the bad guy.
‪(동백)‬ ‪응?‬What?
‪필구는 나 줘‬Let me take Pil-gu with me.
‪난 내 자식이‬ ‪살인범이 드나드는 술집에서 크는 거‬I can't stand a single day thinking that my son is being raised
‪진짜 하루도 못 참겠어‬at a bar that's visited by a murderer.
‪할머니가‬I was going to leave
‪우리 필구 잘 지내나‬after I saw how well you were doing from afar.
‪보고만 가려 그랬지, 비밀로‬after I saw how well you were doing from afar.
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪할머니 왜 우리 집 안 오는데요?‬Why aren't you coming home?
‪왜?‬Why? Did you miss me?
‪할머니 엄청 보고 싶었어?‬Why? Did you miss me?
‪엄마가 할머니 기다려요‬Mom's waiting for you.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪엄마가 그래?‬Really?
‪엄마가 할머니 좋아해요‬She likes you.
‪엄마가 그래? 할머니 좋대?‬Did she say that?
‪그냥 내가 딱 보면 알아요‬I can tell.
‪아, 엄마가 그런 건 아니구나?‬I guess she never actually said it.
‪(필구)‬ ‪엄마가 할머니한테 짜증 내는 거‬I know she's angry at you all the time, but she never means it.
‪완전 다 뻥이에요‬I know she's angry at you all the time, but she never means it.
‪진짜 짜증 낼 때하고‬When she's really angry,
‪눈썹이랑‬her eyebrows, nostrils, and voice look and sound completely different.
‪콧구멍이랑‬her eyebrows, nostrils, and voice look and sound completely different.
‪목소리랑 완전 다 달라요‬her eyebrows, nostrils, and voice look and sound completely different.
‪할머니 가고 나서‬After you left,
‪막 밥 먹다가도‬she keeps sighing while eating.
‪계속 계속 한숨 쉬고요‬she keeps sighing while eating.
‪막 택배 아저씨가 문 두들기면‬And every time the deliveryman knocks on the door,
‪벌떡 일어나서 내다봐요‬she gets up and looks outside.
‪필구가 엄마 박사네‬You seem to know everything about her.
‪엄마는 내가 제일 잘 알지‬I know her better than anyone.
‪할머니도‬You and Mr. Hwang are no match for me.
‪용식이 아저씨도 쨉이 안 돼요‬You and Mr. Hwang are no match for me.
‪[정숙이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪그러니까 빨리 집으로 와요‬So hurry up and come back home.
‪엄마는 한 번 울면 노답이니까‬Once my mom starts crying, she'll never stop.
‪엄마가 왜 울어?‬Why would she cry?
‪나 이제‬I'm going to live with my dad.
‪아빠랑 살 거예요‬I'm going to live with my dad.
‪왜? 나 때미?‬Why? Is it because of me?
‪내가 너 혹이라고 해서?‬Is it because I called you a burden?
‪(필구)‬ ‪이거 다 할머니 줄게요‬These are all for you.
‪어, 왜 이걸 날 줘?‬Why are you giving me this?
‪나 키 크라고?‬Do you want me to grow taller?
‪우리 엄마‬My mom is
‪착해요‬a nice person.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪[한숨]‬My mom's nice.
‪우리 엄마 착해요‬My mom's nice.
‪진짜 착해요‬She's really nice.
‪[필구의 한숨]‬
‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪너희들 모자가 곽덕순이를 잡는구나‬Both you and your mother are giving me such a hard time.
‪잡어‬You really are.
‪[준기가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[착잡한 한숨]‬
‪너희 엄만 네가 책임져 줘‬I want you to deal with your mom.
‪우리 엄마 멱살 못 잡게‬Make sure she isn't mean to my mom.
‪왕따 못 시키게‬Make sure she doesn't bully her.
‪[준기의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(준기)‬ ‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪나 오락기 필요 없거든?‬I don't need your game console.
‪네가 없는데 오락이 무슨 소용이 있어?‬What's the point of playing it without you?
‪[준기가 흐느낀다]‬
‪네가 서울로 놀러 와‬You should visit Seoul.
‪언제?‬When? On what date?
‪몇 월 며칠?‬When? On what date?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬CAMERA 1, RECORDING
‪(용식)‬ ‪지금‬ ‪[오준이 키보드를 탁 누른다]‬Wait.
‪(오준)‬ ‪24일 밤 23시 58분‬The night of the 24th at 23:58.
‪트럭 번호 60...‬-The license number is 60... -And 33?
‪33?‬-The license number is 60... -And 33?
‪(오준)‬ ‪잉, 6033‬-Yes, it's definitely 6033. -It's 6033.
‪- (용식) 6033, 6033‬ ‪- (오준) 확실하네‬-Yes, it's definitely 6033. -It's 6033.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪어어?‬What?
‪그거 도난 차량인디?‬It says here that it's a stolen vehicle.
‪(용식)‬ ‪예?‬What?
‪야, 근데‬But
‪왜 신고한 차주가‬the owner who reported it missing
‪박흥식으로 나오냐?‬was Park Heung-sik.
‪(용식)‬ ‪빙고‬Bingo. I got you.
‪빙고다‬ ‪[탄성]‬Bingo. I got you.
‪(형사6)‬ ‪그, 허위 신고라도‬ ‪상황이 상황이니까요‬Even if it was a false report, we need to consider the circumstances.
‪예, 뭐‬Okay.
‪사체에서 DNA는 나왔다지‬They've detected DNA from the corpse.
‪(형사6)‬ ‪지금 아주 온 국민 DNA를‬ ‪다 따야 될 판이거든요‬We might have to check the DNA of every single person in the country.
‪[형사6의 웃음]‬So we'd really appreciate your cooperation.
‪그냥 협조 한 번만 부탁드릴게요, 예‬So we'd really appreciate your cooperation.
‪(수사관)‬ ‪DNA 채취에 동의하십니까?‬Do you agree on a DNA test?
‪(흥식)‬ ‪근데‬But
‪거부할 수도 있는 거예유?‬am I also allowed to refuse?
‪예, 예‬Yes, exactly.
‪그니께요, 예‬Yes, exactly. Why is he glaring again?
‪저 새끼 또 눈깔은‬ ‪또 왜 저랴, 저? 어이구‬Why is he glaring again?
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 예‬Why is he glaring again? Yes, okay. Please help me out.
‪예, 성님, 그러면‬Yes, okay. Please help me out.
‪저, 지금 바로 좀‬ ‪협조 좀 부탁드릴게요‬Yes, okay. Please help me out.
‪예, 예‬Okay, bye.
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪야, 인마‬Hey, who was that?
‪누군데 그려? 어?‬Hey, who was that?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪어어?‬Hey.
‪야, 너, 너 총 차고 어디 가게?‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬Where are you going with that gun?
‪야, 이 자식...‬Where are you going with that gun? I'm off to Heung-sik's place.
‪흥식이네요‬ ‪[달려오는 발걸음]‬I'm off to Heung-sik's place.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪야, 인마‬Will you please think of a strategy first?
‪좀 작전 개념 있게 좀 움직여야지, 좀!‬Will you please think of a strategy first?
‪너 가서 뭐라 그럴 겨?‬What are you even going to say to him?
‪어?‬What are you even going to say to him?
‪트럭 니 거니께‬ ‪'빵이다' 하고 총 쏘고 올 겨?‬Are you going to shoot him because the truck turned out to be his?
‪내 작전 언제나 속공이고요‬My strategy is always to be quick to attack.
‪옹산이 다 내 사람입니다!‬And everyone in Ongsan is on my side. My gosh, how can you be so confident?
‪아이고, 이게 진짜‬ ‪뭘 믿고 이거, 지...‬My gosh, how can you be so confident?
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪어어?‬Hey.
‪쟈 필구 아니여?‬Isn't that Pil-gu?
‪(용식)‬ ‪어?‬
‪너 어떻게 나한테서‬ ‪필구 뺏어 갈 생각을 해?‬How could you think of taking him from me? You have no right to do this.
‪네가 이럴 자격이 있냐?‬How could you think of taking him from me? You have no right to do this.
‪야, 돈 많은 아빠면 뭐, 다 갑이냐?‬Do you think being a rich dad is all that?
‪아이, 지금이 무슨‬ ‪'미워도 다시 한번' 시대냐?‬Do you think this is the 80s or something?
‪법적으로도 양심적으로도‬ ‪나 그럴 권리 없어‬I have no legal right to do that, and I also have a conscience.
‪필구 안 뺏어, 그냥 돕게만 해 줘‬I won't take him away from you. Just let me help him. My gosh.
‪(동백)‬ ‪아이, 진짜, 씨‬My gosh.
‪가게에 살인범이 드나드는 판인데‬ ‪[동백의 한숨]‬A murderer comes to your bar.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪그냥 좀 믿고 맡겨 주면 안 될까?‬Can't you just trust me with him?
‪애 안전한 게 제일이잖아‬What matters is that he stays safe.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪세상에서 너 다음으로‬ ‪필구 생각할 사람‬Who do you think cares about Pil-gu as much as you do?
‪나 아니겠냐?‬It's me.
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑거린다]‬ ‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪어, 아들, 왔어?‬Hey, Pil-gu. You're home.
‪너 됐어, 가!‬You should go now. Don't ever come back.
‪너 이제 오지도 마, 진짜‬ ‪[종렬의 한숨]‬You should go now. Don't ever come back.
‪[종렬이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪잘했어? 응?‬How was school? -Mom. -Yes?
‪엄마‬-Mom. -Yes?
‪(동백)‬ ‪응? 가서 손 씻고, 얼른‬-Mom. -Yes? Go and wash your hands.
‪엄마가 카레 해 놨어, 필구야‬I made curry for you, Pil-gu. I don't want curry.
‪카레는 됐고‬I don't want curry.
‪나 이제 그냥‬I want to live with Dad from now on.
‪아빠랑 살래‬I want to live with Dad from now on.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪그렇게 정했어‬I've made up my mind.
‪(용식)‬ ‪야! 필구야!‬Hey, Pil-gu.
‪[용식의 웃음]‬Why are you leaving? Aren't you here to see me?
‪너 왜 그냥 가, 어?‬Why are you leaving? Aren't you here to see me?
‪나 보러 온 거 아니여?‬Why are you leaving? Aren't you here to see me?
‪아저씨는 엄마 어디가 좋아요?‬What do you like about my mom?
‪(용식)‬ ‪응?‬What? What kind of question is that?
‪[멋쩍게 웃으며]‬ ‪아이, 뭐를...‬What? What kind of question is that?
‪아이, 뭘 그런 걸 물어?‬What? What kind of question is that?
‪엄마 같은 욕심쟁이가 왜 좋아요?‬Why do you like someone who's so greedy?
‪엄마가 뭐, 무슨 욕심쟁이여?‬What are you talking about? She's not greedy.
‪엄마는 아들도 있고‬She has a son.
‪이젠 엄마의 엄마도 있으면서‬And she even has a mom now.
‪남편도 만들잖아요‬But now, she wants a husband.
‪난 엄마밖에 없는데‬Meanwhile, she's all I have.
‪나는요‬I think I was happier when I was seven years old.
‪그냥 일곱 살 때가‬I think I was happier when I was seven years old.
‪더 좀 행복했던 거 같아요‬I think I was happier when I was seven years old.
‪내가‬Is it because
‪옹산 오기 전이니께?‬that was before I came to Ongsan?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪아, 갸는 왜 사람 입에다가‬Why does he stuff sawdust in people's mouths?
‪그, 톱밥을 그렇게 자꾸 처넣는 겨?‬Why does he stuff sawdust in people's mouths? I found something even weirder this time.
‪(연구원)‬ ‪근데 이번에는‬ ‪그거보다 더 이상한 게 나왔어‬I found something even weirder this time.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪괜찮으시겠어요?‬Will you be okay?
‪(필구)‬ ‪아빠랑도 좀 있어 줘야지‬I should get to live with Dad as well.
‪엄마는 내가 계속‬ ‪아빠 없는 애면 좋겠어?‬Do you always want me to grow up without a dad?
‪(동백)‬ ‪엄마가 남편이 없다고‬Just because I don't have a husband doesn't mean you can't have a dad.
‪필구가 아빠가 없어야 되는 건‬ ‪아니니까, 그렇지?‬Just because I don't have a husband doesn't mean you can't have a dad.
‪[동백이 흐느낀다]‬
‪(연구원)‬ ‪하나는 아니고‬One was wrong, but the other one was right.
‪하나는 맞더라고요‬One was wrong, but the other one was right. I'll check where he is and get going.
‪(형사3)‬ ‪바로 신병 확보해서 움직이겠습니다‬I'll check where he is and get going.

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