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  동백꽃 필 무렵 2

When the Camellia Blooms 2


(수사대원)‬ ‪사체 주머니에서 이게 나왔어‬We found this in the pocket.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪(동백)‬ ‪저기, 이쪽으로 가세요?‬Are you going this way, too?
‪(용식)‬ ‪예?‬Sorry?
‪(동백)‬ ‪먼저 가세요, 저는‬ ‪가게에 뭘 좀 두고 와서...‬Go ahead. I left something at the bar.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 돌아가시려고요?‬ ‪그러면 저랑 같이...‬Then let's go back together.
‪(동백)‬ ‪왜...‬But why...
‪(용식)‬ ‪저도 지금, 음‬I'm patrolling the area at the moment.
‪순찰 중인 건데요?‬I'm patrolling the area at the moment.
‪(동백)‬ ‪네?‬What?
‪(용식)‬ ‪이례적으로 이쁘신 분이‬an outstandingly beautiful lady like yourself
‪이, 이, 이, 이런, 이런, 이런‬ ‪골목을 이렇게 혼자 막 댕기시면‬shouldn't walk down this alley by yourself.
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪이 동네 순경 입장에서는‬I'll be so worried since I'm a police officer.
‪이게, 이, 무지하게‬ ‪이, 신경이 쓰이는 거거든요?‬I'll be so worried since I'm a police officer.
‪씁, 호, 혹시...‬I'll be so worried since I'm a police officer. By any chance...
‪[코를 킁킁거린다]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪저, 좀 취하셨어요?‬Are you drunk?
‪[동백이 코를 킁킁거린다]‬
‪기냥 냄새만 조금 나는 건데요?‬No. I just smell a little bit like alcohol, that's all.
‪(용식)‬ ‪그, 그‬Well, let's go. Which way are we going?
‪가시죠, 뭐, 뭐, 그, 뭐‬ ‪어, 어느 쪽으로다가...‬Well, let's go. Which way are we going?
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪[용식이 말을 버벅댄다]‬
‪그, 저기, 저를 그냥 이, 이‬Just think of me as a cop on duty.
‪'공무 수행 중인 놈이다' 그냥‬ ‪이렇게, 이렇게 생각을 하셔요‬as a cop on duty. Just think of it like that.
‪[용식의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬Just think of it like that. He's such a weirdo.
‪(동백)‬ ‪진짜 이상한 놈이다‬He's such a weirdo.
‪(동백)‬ ‪그, 노 사장님 지갑은‬By the way, why do you have Mr. No's wallet?
‪- (동백) 어떻게...‬ ‪- (용식) 아‬By the way, why do you have Mr. No's wallet?
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 이, 이거, 이...‬This? It somehow ended up in my hands.
‪참, 이거‬ ‪어떻게 하다 보니까 이...‬It somehow ended up in my hands.
‪[용식과 동백의 어색한 웃음]‬It somehow ended up in my hands.
‪(동백)‬ ‪갈취나 이런 건 아니시죠?‬I hope you didn't extort it from him.
‪(용식)‬ ‪저 경찰입니다‬I'm a cop.
‪(규태)‬ ‪에, 대한민국 법치 국가예요‬This country is governed by the law. I'll keep this short.
‪내가 긴말하기 싫고‬This country is governed by the law. I'll keep this short.
‪나 법대로 하렵니다‬ ‪법대로 예, 예‬-I'm going to take legal action! -My gosh.
‪- (변 소장) 아이고‬ ‪- (규태) 법대로!‬-I'm going to take legal action! -My gosh.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪우리 노 사장님‬ ‪왜 이렇게 흥분을 하셨어, 어?‬Mr. No, why are you so worked up?
‪아이, 남자들끼리 술김에 그런‬ ‪해프닝 아니여?‬Things like that can happen when guys drink together, you know.
‪다 아시면서, 자, 앉으시죠‬Things like that can happen when guys drink together, you know. -Calm down. Have a seat here. -That piece of...
‪- (규태) 아이...‬ ‪- (변 소장) 아이, 자, 자, 자, 응?‬-Calm down. Have a seat here. -That piece of...
‪- (규태) 아이, 저...‬ ‪- (변 소장) 아이참‬-Calm down. Have a seat here. -That piece of... Gosh, calm down.
‪[규태의 성난 한숨]‬ ‪[변 소장의 옅은 신음]‬Gosh, calm down.
‪(규태)‬ ‪나도 이런 일로 괜히 어르신까지‬ ‪껄끄럽게 하기 싫었어요, 어?‬I really didn't want to bother him over something like this.
‪아시다시피‬As you know, the father-in-law of my cousin's brother-in-law is--
‪제 고종사촌의 매형의‬ ‪사돈 되실 어른이...‬As you know, the father-in-law of my cousin's brother-in-law is--
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪옹산 경찰서장님이시쥬‬As you know, the father-in-law of my cousin's brother-in-law is-- He's the Chief of Ongsan Police Station.
‪[트림한다]‬ ‪[당황한 신음]‬He's the Chief of Ongsan Police Station.
‪[규태의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪[규태의 짜증 섞인 한숨]‬
‪(규태)‬ ‪그 어른이 아시면‬If he finds out about this incident,
‪이 사건에 아주‬ ‪촉각을 곤두세우신다고!‬-he'll pay keen attention to it. -All right.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪아유‬ ‪[규태가 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬-he'll pay keen attention to it. -All right.
‪[용식의 피곤한 신음]‬ ‪[용식의 헛기침]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 그, 아침에 들으니까요‬I heard in the morning
‪이, 영심이네 누렁이가‬ ‪이, 검둥이를 낳았다네?‬that Yeong-sim's brown dog gave birth to a black puppy.
‪이럴 경우는, 뭐‬ ‪재산권이고 자시고가 아니라‬In cases like that, it's not about property rights.
‪씁, 이 양계장 집 쪽 그, 백구를‬Shouldn't the chicken farm's white dog sign over his parental rights?
‪친권 쪽에서‬ ‪빼 줘야 되는 거 아닌가?‬Shouldn't the chicken farm's white dog sign over his parental rights?
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪내가 이, 유전학적인 소양은‬ ‪없어 가지고‬Well, I don't know much about genetics, though.
‪[용식의 웃음]‬ ‪(규태)‬ ‪아이, 본인 모가지가 풍전등화인디‬You might get fired. Why are you worried about someone else's dog?
‪남의 집 누렁이가 걱정되나 보네! 씨‬Why are you worried about someone else's dog?
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪아이고‬Gosh, please.
‪아, 우리 노 사장님 군수 되시믄‬Mr. No, when you're appointed governor,
‪아, 우리 황 순경이랑 같이‬ ‪나랏밥 먹을 사이인디‬Mr. No, when you're appointed governor, you and Officer Hwang will work together for the government.
‪그냥 식구다 생각을 허시고‬ ‪자, 좋게 좋게‬So just think of him as your family. Let's not complicate things, okay? Here, have a seat.
‪자, 앉아, 앉으셔, 응?‬ ‪[규태의 성난 한숨]‬Let's not complicate things, okay? Here, have a seat.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 아, 아‬
‪씁, 이, 식당에서‬ ‪8천 원을 띠어먹고 토끼면요‬If you eat something worth 8,000 won and run without paying it,
‪나랏밥으로 콩밥이 나온다네!‬you'll end up in jail!
‪- (변 소장) 야, 이 새끼야!‬ ‪- (규태) 아이...‬-You punk! -What the...
‪(규태)‬ ‪이씨‬ ‪[변 소장의 한숨]‬
‪내가 뻑치기한테 콩밥 드립을 듣고도‬ ‪이 고소를 말아야 돼요?‬You still think I shouldn't file the complaint even after hearing that from the thief?
‪[규태의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪아이, 뻑치기까지는 아니고‬Well, don't call him a thief.
‪아이, 사실상‬Let's be honest. He didn't exactly steal it from you.
‪뻑 치진 않았잖여‬Let's be honest. He didn't exactly steal it from you.
‪[TV에서 종렬의 목소리가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(향미)‬ ‪와, 이거 진짜 재방송 어지간히 해‬They air reruns of this all the time.
‪이제 돌 된 애한테‬ ‪돌고래 보여 줘 봤자 뭐 해?‬Why bother showing dolphins to a one-year-old baby?
‪기억도 못 할 걸‬-She won't even remember it. -His daughter is the apple of his eye.
‪(동백)‬ ‪딸 바보라잖아‬-She won't even remember it. -His daughter is the apple of his eye.
‪근데 언니‬By the way,
‪필구 아빠 누구예요?‬who is Pil-gu's dad?
‪이렇게 대놓고 묻는 건‬ ‪네가 처음인 거 같은데?‬You're the first person who's asked straightforwardly.
‪내가 원래 입과 뇌 사이에‬ ‪바리케이드가 없거든요‬I have no filter, you know.
‪그래, 향미야, 난 네가 그래서 좋아‬That's right, Hyang-mi. That's why I like you.
‪[동백의 웃음]‬ ‪(향미)‬ ‪그래도 학원비 정돈 받아 내지 그래요?‬Why not make him pay for Pil-gu's academy?
‪연락은 해요?‬Do you two still talk? Do you see him occasionally?
‪가끔은 봐요?‬Do you two still talk? Do you see him occasionally?
‪(동백)‬ ‪음...‬
‪아, 뜸 들이지 말고‬Come on, tell me.
‪뭐, 마음만 먹으면‬I can see him every day if I want to.
‪지금도 당장‬I can see him every day if I want to.
‪매일 볼 수 있어‬ ‪[지퍼를 직 잠근다]‬I can see him every day if I want to.
‪(향미)‬ ‪아무튼 이 언니 은근 골 때려‬I have to say, you're really something.
‪(동백)‬ ‪갔다 올게‬See you in a bit.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪야, 용식아‬Yong-sik.
‪동네서‬Almost everyone in town has borrowed money from Mr. No at least once.
‪아, 노 사장한테‬ ‪돈 한번 안 꾼 사람이 없어‬ ‪[용식이 발로 툭툭 찬다]‬Almost everyone in town has borrowed money from Mr. No at least once.
‪(용식)‬ ‪뭐요?‬What?
‪아이, 쟤 저거 지금‬ ‪표를 돈으로 사고 댕긴 거예요, 지금?‬So he uses money to win people's votes?
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪동네서‬It's just that no one in town
‪돈 꾸기 제일 쉬운 사람이라서 그랴‬lends money as easily as he does.
‪(용식)‬ ‪뭐요?‬-What? -He's so generous when he's feeling good.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪아, 어찌나 기분파인지‬-What? -He's so generous when he's feeling good.
‪'내가 노 사장을 아주 존경해'‬"I greatly admire you, Mr. No."
‪아, 요 소리에 돈도‬ ‪냅다 잘 꿔 준다고‬That's all you need to say to borrow money from him. You get the picture, right?
‪캐릭터 감이 오지?‬You get the picture, right?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪아니, 고향이 보은이었어?‬My gosh! You're originally from Boeun?
‪(오준)‬ ‪아, 보은 출신이세유?‬Are you from Boeun, too?
‪우리 증조외할아버지‬ ‪셋째 부인이 보은 공씨여‬My great-grandfather's third wife is part of the Boeun Gong clan.
‪[규태의 수선스러운 웃음]‬ ‪(오준)‬ ‪아...‬
‪우리 편이네, 어, 우리 편이야, 응?‬ ‪[오준의 어깨를 툭 친다]‬That means we're a family. We are a family indeed. He's very simple-minded.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪애 단순햐‬He's very simple-minded.
‪편 가르기, 대장 노릇‬ ‪완장 차기 좋아하고‬He loves cliques, acting like a leader, and showing off his power.
‪(규태)‬ ‪여기도 송어 한번 먹으러‬ ‪데리고 가 줘야 되겠네! 어?‬I should take you guys to the masu salmon restaurant.
‪거기는 내 사람들만‬ ‪데리고 가는 데라고, 응?‬I only... take my good friends to that restaurant.
‪(오준)‬ ‪소, 소, 송어, 송어유?‬Masu salmon?
‪왜, 싫어?‬You don't want to go? He loves receiving special treatment.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪남들한테 특별 대우 받는 걸‬ ‪유독 좋아하는디‬He loves receiving special treatment.
‪고거 안 해 주면‬ ‪엄청 유치해진다니께?‬He gets all childish when he doesn't get that.
‪근디‬The thing is, Dongbaek is the only one who doesn't give him any special treatment,
‪동네서 동백이만 탁‬ ‪고걸 안 해 주니께‬The thing is, Dongbaek is the only one who doesn't give him any special treatment, and it drives him up the wall.
‪음청 부아가 나는 겨‬ ‪[옅은 한숨]‬and it drives him up the wall.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아이, 쟤 뭐, 뭐, 뭐, 뭐‬What's his problem? Is he insecure or something?
‪뭐, 열등감 있대요? 쯧‬What's his problem? Is he insecure or something?
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪야, 동네 참봉이‬ ‪정경부인을 이고 사는데‬Hey, he lives with Ms. Know-it-all.
‪그 소갈딱지가‬ ‪안 짜부라들고 배겨?‬Of course he's insecure.
‪(규태)‬ ‪저기‬ ‪[규태의 헛기침]‬Well...
‪내가 고소 관련해 가지고‬I want to consult you with regard to filing a complaint.
‪당신한테 공적으로‬ ‪자문을 할 게 있는데‬I want to consult you with regard to filing a complaint.
‪그, 내 얘기는 아니고‬It's not about me, though.
‪그, 저기 우리‬ ‪조기 축구회 아는 사람 얘긴데‬It's about someone in the soccer club.
‪(자영)‬ ‪왜, 누가 또 당신 대장 안 시켜 줘?‬What happened? Someone doesn't want you to be the leader?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[못마땅한 신음]‬
‪쩝, 그, 하...‬Well, there's a newbie who recently moved to the substation.
‪파출소에 새로 전학 온 놈이‬ ‪하나 있단 말이야?‬Well, there's a newbie who recently moved to the substation.
‪근데 이게 천지 분간을 못 해도‬ ‪유만부둥이지, 이게 아주, 이씨...‬But he doesn't know his place.
‪(자영)‬ ‪유만부동‬-That oblivious-- -"Obnoxious."
‪'유만부둥' 아니고‬It's not "oblivious."
‪'동', 유만부동‬"Obnoxious," with an X.
‪[뻐꾸기 울음 효과음]‬
‪(규태)‬ ‪뭐, 세종대왕이세요?‬Are you Sejong the Great?
‪당신이 내 맞춤법 교정사야?‬Are you my proofreader or what?
‪당신 밖에서 망신당하지 말라고‬ ‪고쳐 주는 거야‬I'm correcting you so you won't embarrass yourself later.
‪내가 당신 앞에선 아주‬ ‪두 마디 하기가 싫어‬I don't even want to say anything in front of you. I really don't.
‪두 마디 하기가 싫어, 어?‬I don't even want to say anything in front of you. I really don't.
‪(규태)‬ ‪어휴, 씨‬Gosh.
‪(자영)‬ ‪의뢰 안 해?‬-So you won't consult me? -No, forget it!
‪안 해!‬-So you won't consult me? -No, forget it!
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪뭐, 밖에서라도 대장 노릇 하고 싶겄지‬I'm sure he wants to play the boss when he's not home.
‪긍게 네가 기분 좀 맞춰 줘‬So just play along with it.
‪아이, 내가 노규태 기분을‬ ‪왜 맞춰 줘요?‬Jeez, why should I?
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪야, 용식아‬Yong-sik, I have huge respect for you.
‪나 너 리스펙트해‬Yong-sik, I have huge respect for you.
‪어어? 아, 왜 이래요? 진짜, 쯧‬-What is the matter with you? -You're our hero, you know.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪너 의인 아니냐‬-What is the matter with you? -You're our hero, you know.
‪아, 냅다 때려잡기만 하면‬ ‪그게 영웅이여?‬Heros don't just beat up and arrest criminals.
‪아, 가끔은 못난 놈‬ ‪봐줄 줄도 알아야지‬Have some pity for losers like him.
‪아이, 몰라요‬ ‪밸 틀리면 들이받을 겨, 그냥, 쯧‬Whatever. I'll just punch him if he gets on my nerves.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪너 아이언맨과 헐크의‬ ‪가장 큰 차이가 뭔 줄 알아?‬What's the biggest difference between Iron Man and the Hulk? What? You watch movies?
‪(용식)‬ ‪아이, 뭐, 아, 영화도 보고 사세요?‬What? You watch movies?
‪유도리여‬It's flexibility.
‪아이언맨은 유도리가 있으니께‬ ‪명품 빼입고 사는 거고‬Iron Man knows when to be flexible. That's why he can wear expensive clothes. The Hulk walks around half-naked because he's hardheaded.
‪헐크는 그게 없으니께‬ ‪헐벗고 댕기는 거라고‬The Hulk walks around half-naked because he's hardheaded.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪마, 우린 유도리 있게 가야지!‬Hey, we should have some flexibility.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪아휴, 씨, 쯧‬
‪아, 유도리 아니고‬ ‪융통성이여, 융통성!‬That's a Japanese word. You should use Korean.
‪아, 그려, 융통성 있게, 어?‬Right, sorry. Anyway, don't be so stubborn, okay?
‪[입소리를 쩝쩝 낸다]‬
‪아, 그래도 나는요‬You know what, though? I think the Hulk is much cooler.
‪헐크가 훨씬 더‬ ‪뽀대는 난다고 생각해요‬You know what, though? I think the Hulk is much cooler.
‪[혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪[편안한 음악]‬ ‪(동백)‬ ‪혹시 필구야, 너‬Pil-gu, do you want to see dolphins?
‪돌고래 같은 거 보고 싶어?‬Pil-gu, do you want to see dolphins?
‪(필구)‬ ‪아, 내가 애야?‬I'm not a kid.
‪(동백)‬ ‪우리 돌고래 보러 갈까? 어?‬Shall we go see dolphins?
‪(필구)‬ ‪돌고래는 됐고‬No, forget dolphins. Can't you just buy me a game machine?
‪오락기나 하나 사 주면 안 돼?‬No, forget dolphins. Can't you just buy me a game machine?
‪충재는 아빠가 서울에서‬ ‪오락기 보내 줬다던데‬Chung-jae's dad sent one for him from Seoul.
‪있잖아, 필구야‬I'm curious about something.
‪너도 이제 막‬ ‪아빠 궁금하고 그럴 때야?‬Are you starting to become curious about your dad?
‪(동백)‬ ‪어?‬ ‪[필구의 옅은 신음]‬Are you starting to become curious about your dad?
‪별로, 별로 안 궁금해‬No, not really.
‪왜?‬Why not?
‪엄만 오락기가‬ ‪원래 없는 게 좋을 거 같아?‬What do you think is better between never owning a game machine
‪쓰다 뺏기는 게 좋을 거 같아?‬and having one taken away?
‪(동백)‬ ‪어휴, 너 요즘에도 막‬ ‪오락실 들락날락거리고 그래?‬Do you still go to the arcade often?
‪나는 쓰다 뺏기면‬ ‪미치고 팔짝 뛸 거 같아‬I'll probably go bonkers if I get mine taken away.
‪(필구)‬ ‪잠도 안 올 거 같아‬I won't even be able to sleep.
‪근데 원래 없다고 치면 마음이‬But if I never owned one, I'd feel...
‪중간이야‬I wouldn't be too upset.
‪[동백의 옅은 신음]‬Gosh.
‪(필구)‬ ‪충재네 집은 이혼해 갖고‬Chung-jae's dad moved to Seoul because his parents are divorced.
‪걔네 아빠 서울 갔대‬Chung-jae's dad moved to Seoul because his parents are divorced.
‪나는 충재보다‬ ‪내가 나은 거 같기도 해‬In a way, I think my situation is better than Chung-jae's.
‪(동백)‬ ‪그래‬Right.
‪씁, 그래, 우리 중간이야, 그렇지?‬We aren't so bad, right?
‪(필구)‬ ‪응, 중간‬ ‪[동백의 옅은 웃음]‬We're average.
‪[신호등 알림음]‬Let's go.
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪(동백)‬ ‪너 밟았...‬-Hey, you stepped on... -No, I didn't.
‪- (필구) 안 밟았어‬ ‪- (동백) 나는 안 밟았어‬-Hey, you stepped on... -No, I didn't. I didn't, either.
‪[신호등 알림음]‬
‪아유, 아, 우리 황 순경이‬ ‪실수한 거라잖여‬Officer Hwang said he made a mistake.
‪아, 본인은 입이 없대요?‬Can he not talk?
‪그, 저기, 그‬Well, it's...
‪아이, 미안하게 됐어요‬I'm sorry.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 어제는 피차 술도 좀 했고‬We both drank quite a bit last night.
‪이, 씁‬I literally just transferred here, so I don't want to cause trouble.
‪저도 뭐, 이, 전근 오자마자‬ ‪이렇게 시끄럽게 막 하고 싶지도 않고‬I literally just transferred here, so I don't want to cause trouble.
‪그 군수 되실 분께서도 좀‬As our future governor,
‪융통성 있게 가십시다‬please try to be understanding.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪아, 또 이짝서 이렇게 나오면‬He apologized. You should accept his apology.
‪또 이짝서 또 이렇게 받아 주셔야지‬He apologized. You should accept his apology.
‪이짝도 다 표심 아니여, 표심‬If you win him over, he'll vote for you as well.
‪[변 소장의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[규태의 새어 나오는 웃음]‬
‪공인이 호구지, 뭐‬I should give in, as a public figure.
‪[변 소장의 웃음]‬
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪그럼 말이여‬Then why don't we all go for some hangover soup together?
‪우리 다 같이‬ ‪해장이나 하러 가시지, 뭐‬Then why don't we all go for some hangover soup together?
‪- (변 소장) 어? 어, 어‬ ‪- (규태) 예‬ ‪[규태의 웃음]‬-All right. -Great, let's go.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪가십시다‬-All right. -Great, let's go.
‪[TV에서 음성이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪씁‬
‪[변 소장의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(규태)‬ ‪나도 약간은 이해를 해요, 응‬I understand.
‪그, 술집 애 앞에서 이렇게 탁‬ ‪이렇게 폼 잡고 싶으셨겠지‬You probably wanted to look cool in front of that bar girl.
‪동백이 걔가 이게 묘한 게‬Dongbaek seems quite mysterious.
‪거, 남자깨나 울릴 얼굴상이잖아요?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬She has that face many guys would fall for. But you see,
‪근데‬But you see,
‪걔가 날 우습게 본다고‬ ‪이게, 오해를 하시면 안 돼‬don't be mistaken into thinking that she looks down on me.
‪걔, 걔가 괜히 나한테 관심 끌려고‬ ‪일부러 그러는 거라고, 어‬She does that on purpose to get my attention.
‪원래 그런 애들이 사실 뒤에선 그...‬Girls like her are actually...
‪[규태가 입소리를 크 낸다]‬You know what I mean.
‪아시잖아요‬You know what I mean.
‪[규태의 웃음]‬
‪[숨을 카 내뱉으며]‬ ‪뭐가요?‬What do you mean? Girls like her are actually what?
‪뭐가 '크'예요?‬What do you mean? Girls like her are actually what?
‪(용식)‬ ‪뭐, 그짝이 봤어요?‬Did you see it?
‪동백 씨가 남자들깨나 울리는‬ ‪그거 봤냐고요?‬Did you see her seducing guys or what?
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪야, 야, 야, 저, 저...‬ ‪[규태의 한숨]‬Hey, calm down.
‪노 사장님 같은 놈이‬ ‪제일로 못난 놈이에요‬ ‪[변 소장이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬-People like you are the worst kind. -What?
‪- (규태) 뭐요?‬ ‪- (용식) 자기 싫다는 여자‬-People like you are the worst kind. -What? You're bad-mouthing her for not liking you.
‪깎아내리는 놈‬You're bad-mouthing her for not liking you.
‪그거만큼 찌질한 게 없거든‬It's the lamest thing any man can do.
‪(규태)‬ ‪당신 말 다 했어?‬Are you done?
‪(용식)‬ ‪아니, 말 다 안 했어요‬No, I'm not finished yet.
‪동백 씨‬Dongbaek...
‪술집 하는 애 아니고‬ ‪식당 사장님이에요‬is a restaurant owner, not a bar girl.
‪당신한테 공짜 땅콩 줘야 될‬ ‪의무 없고!‬ ‪[용식이 식탁을 쾅 친다]‬She's not obligated to give you peanuts on the house!
‪당신 같은 사람한테 뭐, '크'‬ ‪뭐, 이딴, 이딴 소리 들을‬And you have no right to speak about her that way.
‪그럴 이유가 없는 사람이라고!‬And you have no right to speak about her that way.
‪그, 댁이 뭔데, 어?‬Who do you think you are?
‪댁이 뭐, 뭐, 댁이 걔 서방이야?‬ ‪뭐, 보호자야?‬Are you her husband or guardian?
‪[용식의 성난 신음]‬What the...
‪내가 보호자면‬If I were her guardian,
‪댁은 지금 디졌어‬you'd be dead by now.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아유, 씨‬Damn it.
‪[수저가 바닥에 달그락 떨어진다]‬
‪[규태가 구시렁댄다]‬ ‪(변 소장)‬ ‪야, 야, 용식아‬-Hey, Yong-sik. -That bastard.
‪(규태)‬ ‪어유, 씨...‬-Hey, Yong-sik. -That bastard.
‪- (변 소장) 아이고, 왜, 아이고‬ ‪- (규태) 놔, 야...‬-Let go. -Gosh, calm down.
‪[준기와 필구가 버튼을 탁탁 두들긴다]‬ ‪[준기와 필구가 떠들썩하다]‬-Go. -All right.
‪[게임 소리가 요란하다]‬-Nice. -No!
‪(준기)‬ ‪목요일에 학교에 강종렬 온대‬ ‪'슈퍼맨' 하러‬I heard Kang Jong-ryeol is coming tomorrow to shoot that TV show.
‪(필구)‬ ‪왜 하필 강종렬이 와?‬Why Kang Jong-ryeol of all people? Why?
‪(준기)‬ ‪왜?‬Why Kang Jong-ryeol of all people? Why? Kang Jong-ryeol sucks. I'd love to see Choo Shin-soo instead.
‪강종렬은 망필이잖아‬Kang Jong-ryeol sucks. I'd love to see Choo Shin-soo instead.
‪추신수나 오지‬Kang Jong-ryeol sucks. I'd love to see Choo Shin-soo instead.
‪(준기)‬ ‪추신수는 우리 학교를 안 나왔는데?‬He didn't go to our school.
‪(진배)‬ ‪준기야!‬Jun-gi! Come and eat.
‪저, 밥 먹어!‬Jun-gi! Come and eat.
‪밥 먹고 저, 학원 가야지!‬You have to go to the academy soon.
‪돈가스 튀겨 놨어!‬I made tonkatsu for you!
‪(준기)‬ ‪나 갈게‬I made tonkatsu for you! I have to go. See you at the academy.
‪학원에서 봐‬I have to go. See you at the academy.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪인나‬Get up.
‪[필구의 탄식]‬Get up.
‪할머니가 말했지?‬I told you.
‪너는 나한테 잽히문...‬If I catch you...
‪(덕순)‬ ‪자, 너는 나한테 잽히믄‬ ‪밥부터 먹는 겨‬Here. You have to eat every time I catch you.
‪왜 나만 보면 잡아다 밥을 멕여요?‬Why do you always try to feed me whenever you see me?
‪아, 먹을 거 다 먹고‬If I eat at every mealtime and never skip the academy,
‪학원 갈 거 다 가면‬If I eat at every mealtime and never skip the academy,
‪(필구)‬ ‪아, 오락은 언제 하냐고요‬I'll have no time to play games.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪자‬ ‪[TV 전원음]‬Here, watch this while you eat your food.
‪보면서 먹어‬ ‪[TV에서 음성이 흘러나온다]‬Here, watch this while you eat your food. I'm going to pay close attention to him.
‪(승엽)‬ ‪헬레나‬Helena.
‪[우즈베크어]‬ ‪신의 평화가 당신에게‬Peace be upon you.
‪만나서 반갑습니다‬It's nice to meet you.
‪헬레나?‬ ‪[승엽의 아파하는 신음]‬Helena?
‪(덕순)‬ ‪[한국어]‬ ‪뭘 또 씨불이고 자빠졌어?‬What the hell are you saying to her now?
‪양승엽이가 야구공을‬ ‪여자 보듯이 했으면‬Had you cared about baseball as much as you care about ladies, you could've easily beaten Lee Seung-yuop.
‪이승엽이 뺨을 쳤지‬you could've easily beaten Lee Seung-yuop.
‪(승엽)‬ ‪아, 뭘 또 뺨을 쳐요?‬ ‪[덕순의 못마땅한 신음]‬That's an overstatement.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪야, 헬레나야‬Helena, go in and fry some tonkatsu for the boy.
‪들어가서 아기 저, 돈가스 좀 튀겨 줘‬Helena, go in and fry some tonkatsu for the boy.
‪[덕순이 중얼거린다]‬
‪(승엽)‬ ‪아이, 근데 쟤는 영‬ ‪한국말이 안 느나 봐요‬I guess her Korean isn't improving at all.
‪한국말 잘햐‬Her Korean is good.
‪너랑만 말 안 섞는 겨‬She just doesn't want to talk to you.
‪잉? 저...‬ ‪[덕순이 탁탁 칼질한다]‬What?
‪야, 승엽이 너‬Seung-yeop, stop being so focused on dating around.
‪너만 뻔질나게 연애질허지 말고‬Seung-yeop, stop being so focused on dating around. Why don't you coach Yong-sik on dating instead?
‪용식이도 좀 가르쳐 줘‬Why don't you coach Yong-sik on dating instead?
‪(승엽)‬ ‪아이, 뭘 가르쳐요?‬Coach him on what? He's doing just fine on his own.
‪용식이도 알아서 잘하고 댕겨요‬Coach him on what? He's doing just fine on his own.
‪갸가 잘하긴 뭘 잘햐!‬What are you talking about? He's so naive.
‪순진해 빠져 가지고는‬What are you talking about? He's so naive. He's clueless when the lights are off.
‪불 끄면 숙맥인걸‬He's clueless when the lights are off.
‪얼레, 숙맥은 무슨‬What? Clueless, my foot.
‪그, 어머니‬Mom, you'll soon have a daughter-in-law with a very good job.
‪사 자 며느리 보게 생기셨던데, 뭐‬Mom, you'll soon have a daughter-in-law with a very good job.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪사 자?‬A good job?
‪용식이가 눈이 대단히 높더라고, 응?‬Yong-sik actually has extremely high standards.
‪(승엽)‬ ‪요즘 공들이고 있는 여자가‬The woman he's seeing these days is a lawyer.
‪변호사예유‬The woman he's seeing these days is a lawyer.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪베, 벤호사?‬-What? A lawyer? -Yes.
‪(승엽)‬ ‪잉!‬-What? A lawyer? -Yes.
‪(용식)‬ ‪엄마!‬Mom! I'm hungry.
‪나 밥 줘!‬Mom! I'm hungry.
‪[용식의 못마땅한 신음]‬Gosh.
‪[TV에서 음성이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(헬레나)‬ ‪많이 먹어‬Eat up.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪야‬Hey. You wash your hair every day, right?
‪너 머리는 맨날 감지?‬Hey. You wash your hair every day, right?
‪너 누가 생기믄‬ ‪게장 멕이러 한번 와 봐‬When you get a girlfriend, you should bring her over for some marinated crab.
‪참 야무지게도 먹네‬He's such a hearty eater.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪엄니가 네 엄니인 척도 안 하고‬ ‪그냥 몰래 볼게‬I won't make it obvious that I'm your mom. I'll just quietly peep at her.
‪게장 먹는 꼴을 보면‬ ‪싸가지니 가정 교육이 얼추 보인다고‬How one eats marinated crab reveals a lot about one's personality and upbringing.
‪아, 엄마‬Mom, change the sign first if you want a daughter-in-law.
‪(용식)‬ ‪이, 며느리 보고 싶으면‬ ‪이 간판부터 바꿔, 응?‬Mom, change the sign first if you want a daughter-in-law. Who'd want to be Baekdu's daughter-in-law?
‪아, 누가 백두하고‬ ‪시엄마 하고 싶어 햐?‬Who'd want to be Baekdu's daughter-in-law?
‪[웃음]‬You must be seeing someone, then.
‪너 누가 있기는 있구나?‬You must be seeing someone, then.
‪아, 근디 쟈는 뭐여?‬By the way, who's that kid?
‪(용식)‬ ‪뭔 애가 이렇게 혼자 와 갖고‬ ‪게장을 먹어?‬Why is he eating marinated crab all alone here?
‪(덕순)‬ ‪잉, 백두게장 역사상‬He's the first one to dine and dash at Baekdu Marinated Crab.
‪처음으로 무전취식하는 대단한 놈‬He's the first one to dine and dash at Baekdu Marinated Crab. He's one special kid.
‪아, 엄마가 밥을 공짜로 준다고?‬You're giving him food for free?
‪배고픈 놈들은 일단 멕이고 봐야 돼야‬Those who are hungry should be fed first.
‪[정겨운 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(재영)‬ ‪승교는 학교 잘 댕겨?‬Is Seung-gyo doing well at school?
‪근데 왜 오토바이 타고‬ ‪이 시간에 돌아댕겨?‬Then why is he out until this late on his scooter?
‪(승희)‬ ‪따지고 보면 우리 승교가‬ ‪스쿠터를 타고 댕기다‬I have to say, Seung-gyo scratching the customer's Mercedes isn't unrelated to Dongbaek.
‪손님 벤츠를 긁은 것도‬ ‪동백이랑 무관하지가 않여‬isn't unrelated to Dongbaek.
‪(재영)‬ ‪아, 동백이는 스쿠터도 못 타는디‬Dongbaek doesn't even know how to ride a scooter, so you can't blame it on her.
‪그게 걔 탓이랄 순 없고‬ ‪[승희의 옅은 웃음]‬so you can't blame it on her.
‪(승희)‬ ‪우리 승교가 까멜리아 들어서기 전엔‬ ‪진짜 모범생이었다니까‬Seung-gyo was a model student before Camellia opened. He couldn't ride a scooter back then because he was in elementary school.
‪(승엽)‬ ‪아이, 그땐 승교가 초등학교 댕겼는데‬He couldn't ride a scooter back then because he was in elementary school.
‪오토바이 탈 일이 뭐가 있어, 응?‬He couldn't ride a scooter back then because he was in elementary school. He's just being an idiot. Why blame it on Dongbaek?
‪아, 왜 승교 꼴통 짓 하는 것까지‬ ‪동백이 탓을 햐!‬He's just being an idiot. Why blame it on Dongbaek? Okay, you smarty-pants.
‪(승희)‬ ‪걔가 머리는 좋다잉!‬Okay, you smarty-pants.
‪(귀련)‬ ‪애들 교육도 교육이고‬It's not good for children's education.
‪장미아파트 집값 떨어진 것도 그려‬ ‪[재영이 호응한다]‬Look at the price of Jangmi Apartment Complex dropping.
‪응? 환락가 들어서기 시작혀 봐‬Once an adult entertainment district is formed,
‪동네 개차반 되는 거 한순간이여!‬this whole neighborhood will fall apart before you even know it.
‪[재영의 웃음]‬this whole neighborhood will fall apart before you even know it.
‪(재영)‬ ‪동백네를 또 뭐‬ ‪환락가라고 할 수는 없지‬We can't really call Camellia an adult entertainment business.
‪(승희)‬ ‪잉? 그, 영심이네 고추밭 태운‬ ‪담배꽁초, 그, 거시기도‬Remember the cigarette butt that burned down Yeong-sim's chili pepper field? We should've investigated it.
‪추적을 해 봤어야 돼야‬Yeong-sim's chili pepper field? We should've investigated it.
‪(흥식)‬ ‪저...‬ ‪[흥식의 멋쩍은 헛기침]‬Well, I'm sure that wasn't Dongbaek.
‪그건 동백 씨는 아닐걸요?‬Well, I'm sure that wasn't Dongbaek.
‪그, 담배는 냄새도 질색하던디‬She can't even stand the smell of cigarettes.
‪(승엽)‬ ‪담배는 누나나 끊어‬Why don't you quit smoking? Some say our crab smells like menthol cigarettes.
‪게장에서 멘톨 냄새 난단‬ ‪컴플레인이 있어‬Some say our crab smells like menthol cigarettes.
‪(승희)‬ ‪너 나가‬ ‪[승엽의 아파하는 신음]‬Get out. Go shag some balls.
‪[재영의 웃음]‬ ‪그냥 나가! 나가서 공이나 때려‬Get out. Go shag some balls. -Goodness. -What the hell?
‪- (귀련) 아이고‬ ‪- (승엽) 이게, 씨!‬-Goodness. -What the hell? You should quit smoking. Oh, dear.
‪(귀련)‬ ‪끊어라, 끊어, 아이고‬You should quit smoking. Oh, dear.
‪(재영)‬ ‪야, 떡이나 먹어라‬Have some rice cake.
‪[재영과 귀련의 웃음]‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬CREDIT CARD STATEMENT CAMELLIA
‪[헛웃음 치며]‬ ‪이런, 씨‬I can't believe this.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪아유, 내가 아주‬ ‪벨 깡 좋은 놈도 다 보겄다니께‬My gosh, I can't believe how brave he is.
‪학교 댕길 땐 노상‬ ‪꼴찌서 세 번째 하던 게‬In school, he was always one of the kids with the lowest grades.
‪벤호사랑 지랑 말이나 통햐? 잉?‬ ‪[재영의 옅은 웃음]‬How is he even going to converse with a lawyer? She'll realize he's a fool after hearing just three words from his mouth.
‪딱 세 마디 해 보면‬ ‪밑천 다 뽀록이지‬She'll realize he's a fool after hearing just three words from his mouth.
‪[덕순의 웃음]‬
‪아주 우스워 죽겄지 않어? 잉?‬Isn't it so funny?
‪예, 아주 우스워 죽겄네유‬ ‪[덕순의 웃음]‬Yes, it is very funny indeed.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪용식이 갸가 그렇게 대단하더라고‬ ‪[재영이 호응한다]‬I'm telling you. Yong-sik is so gutsy. He's so ambitious and manly.
‪그렇게 야심적이고 말이여‬ ‪사내적이고 말이여‬He's so ambitious and manly.
‪갸가 그려‬That's how he is.
‪아, 그니께 내가 저 꼴통을 낳고도‬That's why I might have the honor of welcoming a daughter-in-law who's a lawyer even if my son's a fool.
‪사 자 며느리 보게 생겼다니께‬ ‪[재영이 호응한다]‬a daughter-in-law who's a lawyer even if my son's a fool.
‪참, 나 아주 환장햐‬My gosh, I just can't believe it.
‪[덕순의 웃음]‬ ‪[재영의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(재영)‬ ‪우리 회장님‬You can't stop bragging about your son today.
‪오늘 아들 자랑 한번 완곡허게 허시네‬ ‪[덕순의 웃음]‬You can't stop bragging about your son today.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪아이, 근디‬By the way, where did Chan-suk and other ladies go?
‪어째 준기네 일당은 안 보여?‬By the way, where did Chan-suk and other ladies go? I have to share this funny story with them.
‪걔들헌테도 이 재미있는 얘기를‬ ‪해 줘야 되는디?‬I have to share this funny story with them.
‪[옅은 헛기침]‬Well, Chan-suk...
‪(재영)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪저기, 준...‬Well, Chan-suk...
‪또 동백이네 출동혔잖아유‬She went to speak with Dongbaek again.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪응? 또 왜?‬Again? Why?
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪봤지? 까멜리아, 응‬You see this, right? "Camellia."
‪내가 분명히 얘기했지?‬I've made it clear to you
‪우리 집 양반한테 술 팔지 말라고‬that I do not want you to sell booze to my husband.
‪그게 족구회에서 단체로 오셔서...‬The entire foot volleyball club came together.
‪나는 이 돈 못 줘‬I can't pay this.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪8만 8천 원 도로 뱉어 내야‬Give back the 88,000 won.
‪(진배)‬ ‪어유, 준기 엄마‬Chan-suk, that is considered illegal cash-back.
‪그건 현금깡이여‬Chan-suk, that is considered illegal cash-back.
‪범죄여, 범죄‬Chan-suk, that is considered illegal cash-back. -It's a crime. -Shut your mouth.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪입 다물어잉‬-It's a crime. -Shut your mouth.
‪너 왜 대답을 안 햐?‬Why aren't you answering? I want my money back.
‪돈 도로 뱉어 내야‬Why aren't you answering? I want my money back.
‪그게...‬-The thing is-- -I want my money back!
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪내놔, 내놔!‬-The thing is-- -I want my money back!
‪못 내?‬You won't pay me back?
‪8만 8천 원을 다요?‬The entire amount, 88,000 won?
‪그려, 아주 카드 수수료도 떼지 말고‬That's right. The transaction fee, too. I want it all back.
‪고대로 다 뱉어 내야‬That's right. The transaction fee, too. I want it all back.
‪그러면...‬-Then... -What? Just say it!
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪뭐, 그, 말, 말 빨리 좀 혀!‬-Then... -What? Just say it!
‪5만 원만 도로 드리면 어떨까요?‬How about I pay you back just 50,000 won?
‪(귀련)‬ ‪으이구, 저 맹추, 맹추‬Goodness, that fool.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪이게 뭔 개경우여!‬What the hell is going on here?
‪만 2천 원짜리 골뱅이나‬ ‪한 사라 시켜 놓고‬Your dumb husband gets one order of whelks which is only 12,000 won
‪대그빡에는 그저 애한테‬and can't stop thinking about getting a chance to talk to her with a lame joke.
‪시답잖은 농담이나‬ ‪한마디 붙여 볼 궁리밖엔 없는‬and can't stop thinking about getting a chance to talk to her with a lame joke. You think he is completely innocent
‪네 집 칠푼이는 아주 순결 무죄고‬You think he is completely innocent
‪동백이만 천하의 호로 백여시자‬ ‪불구대천 잡년이여?‬and only Dongbaek is at fault because she is a flirty bitch?
‪법치적으로나 상도덕적으로‬Legally and morally speaking,
‪술장사가 술 파는 게 죄가 돼야?‬how can you blame her for selling booze at her bar?
‪어, 술만 팔았는지‬I have no way of knowing if she only sold booze or also sold something else.
‪뭐, 딴것도 쪼끔 팔았는지‬ ‪알 게 뭐여?‬I have no way of knowing if she only sold booze or also sold something else.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪하이고!‬Goodness, even the crabs would laugh at you.
‪옹산 꽃게가 웃겄다‬Goodness, even the crabs would laugh at you.
‪행여나 꿈을 깨셔!‬Wake up.
‪이 인물에, 응? 이 몸매에!‬Look at this face and this body.
‪총각 시집을 가도 열두 번을 갔을‬ ‪동백이가 왜 저짝이랑?‬She can easily marry a nice single man. Why would she even like him?
‪아, 왜!‬Why? Do you think she's been shot in the head or something?
‪동백이가 뭐, 총 맞았어?‬Why? Do you think she's been shot in the head or something?
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪아, 왜유!‬Why not? There is nothing wrong with my husband. What?
‪이이가 어디가 어때유, 왜!‬There is nothing wrong with my husband. What?
‪얼씨구, 금슬 좋다‬Oh, dear. You sure love your husband.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪아, 진짜 회장님, 왜 그래유!‬Seriously, what is the matter with you?
‪동백이가 회장님‬ ‪며느리유, 아니면 딸이유!‬Is Dongbaek your daughter-in-law? Is she your daughter?
‪맨날 진짜 왜 그래유!‬Why must you do this every time?
‪야, 준기야‬Chan-suk.
‪너 진짜 진실을 몰라 이려?‬ ‪[찬숙이 씩씩거린다]‬Do you really not know the truth?
‪손바닥으로 하늘을 개려!‬Don't kid yourself. You're embarrassing yourself!
‪지비 얼굴에 침 뱉는 겨! 쯧‬You're embarrassing yourself!
‪내가 왜 게장을 담그고 사나 몰러‬Why do I spend all my time making marinated crab
‪저놈의 거를 장으로 안 담그고‬when I should be teaching that idiot a serious lesson?
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪가!‬Get lost!
‪- (덕순) 야!‬ ‪- (찬숙) 가!‬-Hey. -Go!
‪(덕순)‬ ‪좌우지간 너희들 말이여‬Anyway, you ladies had better not bother Dongbaek for no reason.
‪쓸데없이 동백이 잡지 말아‬Anyway, you ladies had better not bother Dongbaek for no reason.
‪야 건들믄!‬I can't focus on my restaurant if you keep bothering her. Okay?
‪나가 장사를 못 햐!‬I can't focus on my restaurant if you keep bothering her. Okay?
‪응? 쯧‬I can't focus on my restaurant if you keep bothering her. Okay?
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪진짜 회장님 너무하네‬I can't believe you. You used to say I'm your favorite.
‪언제는 나만 좋다고 그러더니‬I can't believe you. You used to say I'm your favorite. Now, you don't even look at me. What's your problem?
‪동백이 오고 난 쳐다도 안 보고‬ ‪진짜 왜 그래유!‬Now, you don't even look at me. What's your problem?
‪사랑이 변하는 거예유!‬Does love change?
‪[편안한 음악]‬ ‪[덕순이 씩씩거린다]‬
‪(덕순)‬ ‪분수통아‬You silly goose. You shouldn't have let him spend more than 30,000 won.
‪아, 3만 원어치나 팔고 말지‬You silly goose. You shouldn't have let him spend more than 30,000 won.
‪8만 원을 먹도록 왜 내비둬? 쯧‬Why did you let him spend 80,000 won?
‪5만 원은 왜 준다 그랴?‬And why offer to give her 50,000 won? Gosh, you're such a fool.
‪아이고, 답답이, 답답이‬Gosh, you're such a fool.
‪(동백)‬ ‪근데요, 회장님, 그거 아세요?‬Ms. Kwak, do you know this?
‪(덕순)‬ ‪뭐를?‬What?
‪회장님요‬I've never been friends with anyone who's as influential as you are.
‪제가 살면서 친해 본 사람 중에‬ ‪제일 높은 사람인 거‬I've never been friends with anyone who's as influential as you are.
‪(동백)‬ ‪제가 학교 다닐 때도‬Even back in school, I was never close to the class presidents.
‪반장이랑도 못 친해 봤는데‬Even back in school, I was never close to the class presidents.
‪제 인생에 처음 생긴 백이세요‬You're my first powerful friend.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪참...‬Gosh, you laugh and smile so easily.
‪넌 참 웃을 일도 많다‬Gosh, you laugh and smile so easily.
‪웃을 일이야 뭐, 맨날 있죠‬I laugh and smile every day.
‪집에 김치는?‬Do you have kimchi at home?
‪[동백의 탄성]‬
‪너 쫄 것 없어‬Don't be intimidated.
‪나도 젊어서 순댓국 팔 적에‬When I used to sell sundae soup years ago,
‪참 드러운 꼴 많이 봤지‬I had to put up with a lot of bullshit.
‪(덕순)‬ ‪그때는 과부가 순댓국에 소주 파는 게‬ ‪죄가 되던 시절이라‬Back in those days, a widow selling sundae soup and soju was totally frowned upon.
‪사내들 주접떨지, 여편네들 물어뜯지‬Men hit on me all the time, and their angry wives barked at me.
‪몰래 울기도 많이 울었다고‬I cried a lot in secret.
‪[뚜껑을 달그락 닫으며]‬ ‪그래도 워쩌?‬But what could I do? I had to raise my three children.
‪애가 셋인디‬But what could I do? I had to raise my three children. I had no choice but to put up with it all.
‪이빨 깍 깨물고 살아야지‬I had no choice but to put up with it all.
‪[덕순의 옅은 웃음]‬ ‪[함께 뚜껑을 꾹 누른다]‬So just let them bark and keep going your way.
‪긍께 너도‬So just let them bark and keep going your way.
‪'개는 짖어라! 나는 내 갈 길 가련다'‬So just let them bark and keep going your way.
‪살믄 그만이여‬That's all you can do.
‪나도 회장님 같은 엄마‬ ‪있었으면 좋았겠다‬I wish I had a mom like you.
‪아들 하나 줄 수 있으면‬ ‪나도 너한테나 떠넘겼을 텐디‬I would've loved to marry one of my sons off to you.
‪[동백의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪아, 맞다, 셋째!‬Oh, right. I heard your youngest son is still single.
‪- 셋째 아직 장가 안 갔다면서요‬ ‪- (덕순) 응?‬Oh, right. I heard your youngest son is still single. -What? -I was just kidding.
‪[살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪농담이에요‬-What? -I was just kidding.
‪(동백)‬ ‪잘 먹겠습니다‬-Thank you for this. -No problem.
‪- (덕순) 응‬ ‪- (동백) 아이고‬-Thank you for this. -No problem.
‪[유쾌한 음악]‬CAMELLIA
‪(남자1)‬ ‪어이!‬-Hey! You're up early. -Yes, hello.
‪- (남자1) 아유, 왔어?‬ ‪- (용식) 아, 예‬ ‪[용식의 웃음]‬-Hey! You're up early. -Yes, hello. -All right, have a good day. -You too.
‪(남자1)‬ ‪어, 갈게‬-All right, have a good day. -You too.
‪(용식)‬ ‪예‬-All right, have a good day. -You too.
‪[용식이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪어유, 진짜 큰일 낼 여자네, 그냥, 쯧‬That woman seems like trouble.
‪언제 봤다고 고새 또 보고 싶냐고‬I can't believe I miss her already.
‪동백이가 네 친구야?‬Is my mom your friend?
‪왜 남의 엄마를 동백이라 불러!‬Why are you calling my mom Dongbaek?
‪(대성)‬ ‪너희 엄마한테‬Why are you calling my mom Dongbaek? Everyone calls your mom Dongbaek!
‪원래 다 동백이라 부르잖아!‬Everyone calls your mom Dongbaek!
‪(필구)‬ ‪아, 그래?‬Is that so?
‪그럼 나도 너희 엄마한테‬ ‪삼겹살이라 부를게!‬Then I'll call your mom Pork Belly from now on!
‪(대성)‬ ‪[씩씩거리며]‬ ‪죽을래?‬Do you have a death wish?
‪(수봉)‬ ‪야, 얘네 엄마랑 너희 엄마랑 같냐?‬Hey, his mom is different from your mom.
‪(필구)‬ ‪뭐가 달라?‬How so?
‪너희 엄마는 삼겹살 팔고‬Your mom sells pork belly, and your mom sells insurance policies!
‪너희 엄만 보험 팔지!‬Your mom sells pork belly, and your mom sells insurance policies!
‪우리 엄마도 그냥 술 파는 거야!‬My mom just sells booze, that's all.
‪그게 뭐!‬What's wrong
‪어때서!‬with that?
‪[아이의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪울 엄마가 순댓국에 소주 파는데‬Yes, my mom sells sundae soup and soju.
‪너희들이 보태 준 거 있어?‬So what? Why do you care?
‪(아이)‬ ‪야, 황용식, 너 우리 아빠한테 일러!‬Hwang Yong-sik, I'll tell my dad on you!
‪(어린 용식)‬ ‪일러!‬Go ahead! My second oldest brother has a black belt in taekwondo,
‪우리 작은형 태권도 검은 띠고‬Go ahead! My second oldest brother has a black belt in taekwondo,
‪우리 큰형 1년 꿇었어‬and my oldest brother failed a year.
‪(필구)‬ ‪그리고 너희 엄마도‬ ‪삼겹살에 소주 팔잖아‬Besides, your mom also sells soju along with pork belly.
‪(대성)‬ ‪[발로 퍽 차며]‬ ‪뭐? 죽을래?‬What? Do you have a death wish?
‪(용식)‬ ‪[겁주는 신음을 내며]‬ ‪동작 그만!‬What? Do you have a death wish? Stop, kiddos! You little rascals.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪이놈의 새끼들이, 이게, 어?‬Stop, kiddos! You little rascals.
‪친구한테 발길질하는‬ ‪이 어린이 놈의 새끼들, 어?‬How can you kick your friend?
‪아저씨가 싹 다 그냥‬Shall I lock you up in a detention cell to teach you a lesson?
‪유치장에 잡아 처넣어 가지고 그냥‬ ‪버르장머리를, 어?‬Shall I lock you up in a detention cell to teach you a lesson?
‪'이놈' 해? 어!‬I can easily do it!
‪[필구가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪울지 마‬Stop crying.
‪내, 내, 내, 내가, 내가 뭐 했다고‬I didn't even do anything.
‪울지 마‬Stop crying.
‪(용식)‬ ‪이, 내가 초면에 너 맞는 것도 봤고‬We just met, but I saw you getting beaten up.
‪강한 척하고 싶겄지‬I know you want to look tough,
‪근데 그게, 씁, 그게 참‬but that's not something an eight-year-old can do easily.
‪이 여덟 살이라는 나이가‬ ‪그게 되지가 않는 나이라고, 그게‬but that's not something an eight-year-old can do easily.
‪네가 통곡을 해도‬ ‪못 들은 걸로 해 주려니까‬Even if you cry a river, I'll pretend like I didn't see it.
‪편하게 햐‬You can cry all you want.
‪(필구)‬ ‪아, 씨...‬
‪아, 걘 원래 형이거든요?‬He's supposed to be older anyway.
‪- 뭐?‬ ‪- (필구) 아까 나 여기 발로 찬 애요‬-What? -The guy who kicked me here.
‪걘 1월생이고 나는 12월생이거든요?‬He was born in January, and I was born in December.
‪(필구)‬ ‪아, 옛날로 치면‬ ‪걘 원래 빠른 12거든요‬In the old days, he is supposed to be early-born 2012.
‪아, 그럼 형이거든요!‬That means he's older!
‪잠깐, 뭐, 빠른 뭐?‬Wait, early-born what?
‪아휴, 그러니까 사실은‬So I practically won, okay?
‪내가 이긴 거나 마찬가지거든요‬So I practically won, okay?
‪빠른 12?‬Early-born 2012?
‪[당황한 신음]‬
‪아저씨는 빠른 88이야‬I'm an early-born 1988.
‪(용식)‬ ‪나는 이럴 때‬I knew exactly what an eight-year-old could use at times like these.
‪여덟 살 남자애에게‬ ‪필요한 게 뭔 줄 알았다‬I knew exactly what an eight-year-old could use at times like these.
‪(필구)‬ ‪저는 저쪽으로‬ ‪학원 봉고 타러 가야 되는데요‬I have to get on the academy bus over there.
‪(용식)‬ ‪그래, 그럼‬Okay, then.
‪오다가다 또 보자‬I'll see you around.
‪(필구)‬ ‪과자는 잘 먹겠습니다‬Thanks for the chips.
‪아저씨가 경찰 아저씨라니까‬ ‪받은 거예요‬I only took it because you said you're a policeman.
‪[픽 웃는다]‬I only took it because you said you're a policeman. Sure. You're a smarty.
‪그려, 니 똑똑혀‬Sure. You're a smarty.
‪(필구)‬ ‪오락실 가게요?‬Are you going to the arcade?
‪(용식)‬ ‪어‬PHOTO STUDIO, ARCADE -Yes. -You're going there when you're an adult?
‪어른이 오락실 가요?‬-Yes. -You're going there when you're an adult?
‪어린이도 학원에 가는데?‬While a kid's going to an academy?
‪[용식의 어이없는 웃음]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪씁, 내가 말이야‬You know, after I became a grown-up,
‪이 어른이 돼 보니까 말이여‬You know, after I became a grown-up,
‪씁, 학원보다는‬I realized I learned more about life at an arcade than at an academy.
‪오락실에서 인생을 배운 게‬ ‪더 많더라고‬I realized I learned more about life at an arcade than at an academy.
‪인생요?‬About life?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(용식)‬ ‪패배감, 성취감, 뭔지 알지?‬Know what a sense of defeat and a sense of achievement is?
‪작전 개념, 연대 의식‬Concept of operation, team spirit,
‪삥 뜯김‬money extortion, and shame.
‪쪽팔림‬money extortion, and shame.
‪아니‬ ‪[헛기침]‬Anyway, such things can't be learned at an academy.
‪어쨌든 이런 건 학원에서‬ ‪안 가르쳐 주더라고‬Anyway, such things can't be learned at an academy.
‪[반짝이는 효과음]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪니도 하든가‬You can play if you want.
‪[용식이 동전을 와르르 쏟는다]‬That was the most movie-like scene
‪(용식)‬That was the most movie-like scene in that kid's eight years of life. EIGHT YEARS OF LIFE
‪네, 죄송해요, 선생님, 예‬Yes, I'm sorry. All right.
‪(향미)‬ ‪필구 또 학원 안 갔대요?‬Pil-gu isn't at the academy?
‪오락실 갔나?‬Did he go to the arcade?
‪아, 얘 어떡하지, 진짜?‬What am I going to do with him?
‪[발랄한 게임 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪까딱하면 내가‬ ‪네 아버지뻘일 수도 있을걸?‬I'm probably old enough to be your father.
‪(필구)‬ ‪위에 죽여요‬Kill the guy at the top.
‪(용식)‬ ‪근데 너희 아버지는‬ ‪나이가 어떻게 되시냐?‬Anyway, how old is your father?
‪(필구)‬ ‪모르는데요?‬No idea.
‪아, 어떻게 자기 아빠 나이도 몰라?‬You don't even know how old your dad is?
‪(필구)‬ ‪우리 아빠도 내 나이 모를걸요?‬-He probably doesn't know how old I am. -What?
‪(용식)‬ ‪어?‬-He probably doesn't know how old I am. -What?
‪(필구)‬ ‪내 이름도 모를지도 몰라요‬He may not even know my name.
‪너 아빠 없냐?‬Don't you have a dad?
‪뭘 그렇게 대놓고 막 물어요?‬You're saying that to my face?
‪아빠 없는 게‬ ‪뭐 그렇게 쉬쉬할 일이라고‬It's not a shame to not have a dad.
‪[게임 소리가 요란하다]‬ ‪(용식)‬ ‪나도 아빠 없었어‬MAGICAL TIME OF GETTING CLOSER IN A COMPACT SPACE I didn't have a dad, either.
‪씁, 이게 꼭 이 집집마다‬ ‪아빠가 다 있는 건 아니여‬It's not like everyone has a dad.
‪(필구)‬ ‪우리 반에선 아빠 없는 애‬I'm the only one who doesn't have a dad in my class.
‪나밖에 없는데요?‬I'm the only one who doesn't have a dad in my class.
‪근데 7반엔 두 명 있어요‬There are two more in class seven.
‪[아쉬운 신음]‬
‪그렇지? 거봐, 그렇다니께?‬See that? I told you so.
‪(용식)‬ ‪씁, 야‬Hey, those who think that everyone has a dad
‪이 세상 사람들이‬Hey, those who think that everyone has a dad
‪다 아빠가 있을 거라고‬ ‪생각하는 사람들이나, 어?‬Hey, those who think that everyone has a dad
‪네가 '나 아빠 없어요' 했을 때‬and those who look at you with pity when you tell them you don't have one
‪너를 짠하게 보는 그런 사람들‬and those who look at you with pity when you tell them you don't have one
‪그런 사람들 아주 그냥‬ ‪촌시러운 사람들이여, 응?‬are the tackiest people in this world.
‪그런 사람들은‬ ‪그냥 네가 짠하게 봐 주면 돼야‬You can look at them with pity instead. Okay?
‪오케이?‬You can look at them with pity instead. Okay?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[동전이 잘그락 들어간다]‬
‪[용식의 벼르는 숨소리]‬
‪[함께 숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬Let's go!
‪(용식)‬ ‪가자!‬Let's go!
‪[함께 버튼을 연신 두들긴다]‬
‪(필구)‬ ‪아저씨‬-Hey. -Yes?
‪(용식)‬ ‪어‬-Hey. -Yes? Come and visit our bar later.
‪(필구)‬ ‪우리 가게 한번 오세요‬Come and visit our bar later.
‪[용식이 피식 웃는다]‬I'll give you three refills of corn puffs.
‪내가 강냉이 세 번 리필해 줄게요‬I'll give you three refills of corn puffs.
‪(용식)‬ ‪[픽 웃으며]‬ ‪너희 가게 어디인디?‬Where's your bar?
‪(필구)‬ ‪게장 골목 끄트머리요‬At the end of the marinated crab street.
‪오, 게장 골목 끄트머리 어디?‬At the end of the marinated crab street. Where around that street?
‪방앗간 옆에...‬-Next to the mill... -Kang Pil-gu.
‪(동백)‬ ‪강필구!‬-Next to the mill... -Kang Pil-gu.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[게임 소리가 요란하다]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪그렇다‬Yes.
‪반전의 연속인‬ ‪나의 그녀에게는 아들도 있다‬My lady who's full of twists also has a son.
‪[필구의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪(필구)‬ ‪아유, 그럼 저 아저씨가 오락하라고‬He exchanged 10,000 won into 500-won coins for me to play.
‪만 원어치 바꿔 줬는데 어떡하냐고!‬He exchanged 10,000 won into 500-won coins for me to play.
‪만 원어치 언제 다 하냐고‬It takes me forever to use up 10,000 won, so how could I go to the academy?
‪그러니까 내가 학원에 갈 수 있겠냐고‬It takes me forever to use up 10,000 won, so how could I go to the academy?
‪만 원인데‬It was 10,000 won. 10,000 won!
‪만 원인데!‬It was 10,000 won. 10,000 won!
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(용식)‬ ‪8세로서는‬That was pretty persuasive for an eight-year-old.
‪나름 설득력 있는 항변이었고‬That was pretty persuasive for an eight-year-old.
‪(동백)‬ ‪만...‬ ‪[기가 찬 숨소리]‬Ten thousand?
‪아유, 저‬Oh, you know, it's...
‪그게 말입니다, 이...‬Oh, you know, it's...
‪(동백)‬ ‪아니, 왜 남의 애한테‬ ‪오락 밑천을 대주고 그래요?‬-I-- -Why did you give him money to play games?
‪진짜 이상한 아저씨잖아?‬He's a weird man. Let's go.
‪가자‬He's a weird man. Let's go. Did you use up the 10,000 won, then?
‪너 만 원을 다 했어, 그래서? 어?‬Did you use up the 10,000 won, then? I was about to.
‪[필구가 중얼거린다]‬I was about to.
‪(용식)‬ ‪나는‬And I...
‪또 이상한 아저씨가 됐다‬became a weird man again.
‪총각인데요‬I'm a bachelor.
‪저‬I'm a bachelor.
‪(필구)‬ ‪그 아저씨 이상한 아저씨 아니야‬He's not a weird man.
‪그 아저씨 경찰이야‬He's a policeman.
‪(동백)‬ ‪알아, 나도‬I know that, too.
‪(필구)‬ ‪그 아저씨 내가 대성이랑 싸우는데‬He took my side when I got into a fight with Dae-seong.
‪내 편도 들어줬어‬He took my side when I got into a fight with Dae-seong.
‪(동백)‬ ‪너 대성이랑 또 싸웠어?‬You fought with Dae-seong again? Why?
‪왜, 또?‬You fought with Dae-seong again? Why?
‪너 왜 자꾸 애들이랑 자꾸 싸워? 어?‬Why do you keep getting in fights with other kids? What's the problem?
‪뭐가 문제야?‬What's the problem?
‪(필구)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪엄마는 그냥 몰라도 돼‬You don't have to know.
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪제 촉에 의하믄‬My gut feeling says
‪까불이는 아직 옹산에 있다고 봅니다‬Joker is still somewhere in Ongsan.
‪그 근거는...‬And it's because... Goodness, don't do it.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아유, 하...‬Goodness, don't do it.
‪하지 말라고요‬Goodness, don't do it.
‪그, 괜히 인터뷰했다‬ ‪악플만 더 달린다고, 인터...‬People will write more malicious comments after you do the interview.
‪(용식)‬ ‪쩝, 하...‬Yong-sik, should I put some powder on my face
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪야, 막내야‬Yong-sik, should I put some powder on my face
‪나 인터뷰 때‬Yong-sik, should I put some powder on my face
‪씁, 얼굴에 허연 것 좀 처바를까?‬for the interview?
‪[성민의 미심쩍은 숨소리]‬ ‪(용식)‬ ‪아니, 까불이도 못 잡은 당시 형사가‬Why would a former detective of that case
‪아이, 왜 인터뷰를 하냐고요, 왜?‬who couldn't even catch Joker do an interview?
‪전직 순경 될 양반한테‬I didn't ask a soon-to-be former constable for an opinion.
‪조언 구한 적 없고요‬I didn't ask a soon-to-be former constable for an opinion.
‪황용식 씨께서는‬ ‪옷 벗을 준비나 하세요‬Mr. Hwang Yong-sik, get ready to quit your job.
‪(용식)‬ ‪저기...‬Hey. Just tell them you won't do the interview!
‪아, 그 인터뷰나 안 한다 해요! 쯧‬Hey. Just tell them you won't do the interview!
‪(변 소장)‬ ‪야, 이 새끼야!‬Mr. No filed his complaint!
‪노 사장 고소장 접수됐어‬ ‪너 이제 어떡할 겨! 쯧‬Mr. No filed his complaint! What are you going to do?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬He really did that?
‪진짜 했다고?‬He really did that?
‪[골치 아픈 한숨]‬
‪[용식의 멋쩍은 숨소리]‬
‪[헛기침]‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[용식의 한숨]‬
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪돈 백을 얻다 썼디야?‬Where did he use the million won? Did you pester him?
‪족쳐 봤어?‬Where did he use the million won? Did you pester him?
‪[재영의 한숨]‬
‪(재영)‬ ‪암만 캐물어도 조동아리 딱 붙이고‬ ‪그냥 말을 안 햐‬No matter how many times I ask, he glued his lips and wouldn't talk.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪저기 혹시 세영이 아부지‬ ‪딴 여자 생긴 거 아니여?‬Maybe he got himself a mistress.
‪(재영)‬ ‪아, 생전 여자라곤‬ ‪나뿐이 모르는 사람이여‬I'm the only woman that he has ever been with.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪[재영의 다리를 탁 치며]‬ ‪그야 알지, 지비 같은 얼굴 없지‬I'm the only woman that he has ever been with. Right, there's no one else who looks like you.
‪[재영의 속상한 한숨]‬Then you should look at his bank account.
‪그러믄 통장 까 봐‬Then you should look at his bank account.
‪저기, 인절미 이거 얼마예요?‬Excuse me, how much is the injeolmi rice cake?
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪3천 원‬It's 3,000 won.
‪여기는 2천 원이라고 쓰여 있는데‬The sign says it's 2,000 won.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪아는데 왜 묻냐?‬If you know, why do you ask?
‪왜 물어? 동백아, 관심 있냐, 나한테?‬Why, Dongbaek? Are you hitting on me?
‪(재영)‬ ‪어, 2천 원에 두 개 가져가‬You can take two for 2,000 won.
‪어차피 상하면 버릴 겨‬They'll be thrown out once they're spoiled.
‪(귀련)‬ ‪성님!‬Hey!
‪촬영 왔디야, 구경 가자, 잉?‬They're shooting a TV show. Let's go watch. Why? For a restaurant?
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪뭐 또, 맛집 촬영 왔디야?‬Why? For a restaurant?
‪(귀련)‬ ‪아니, 애들 학교에‬No, The Return of Superman crew came to the kids' school.
‪'슈퍼맨' 왔댜, '슈퍼맨'‬No, The Return of Superman crew came to the kids' school. -The Return of Superman? -You know, that guy.
‪- (재영) '슈퍼맨'?‬ ‪- (귀련) 아, 왜, 있잖여, 그‬-The Return of Superman? -You know, that guy. The baseball player from Ongsan.
‪옹산 출신 야구하는 애‬ ‪[찬숙이 호응한다]‬The baseball player from Ongsan.
‪(귀련과 찬숙)‬ ‪종렬이, 종렬이‬-Jong-ryeol? -Yes, Jong-ryeol.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪응, 응, 종렬이‬ ‪[귀련의 웃음]‬-Jong-ryeol? -Yes, Jong-ryeol.
‪- (찬숙) 종렬이‬ ‪- (귀련) 응‬
‪- (재영) 잉?‬ ‪- (찬숙) 뭐여, 들고 튄 겨?‬Where is she going?
‪아, 공기 좋다, 그렇지?‬Where is she going? Gosh, the air is great. Isn't it great to be out here?
‪나오니까 좋지?‬Gosh, the air is great. Isn't it great to be out here?
‪(종렬)‬ ‪여기가 아빠 모교야‬This is my old school.
‪아빠가 어렸을 때‬ ‪여기서 기합도 많이 받고‬I used to get punished on this ground and I studied...
‪또 공부도 열심히...‬I used to get punished on this ground and I studied...
‪(VJ)‬ ‪쟤들 신경 안 쓰셔도 돼요‬You don't have to mind them.
‪내일 시합인데‬ ‪운동장 통제됐다고 저래요‬They have to train for tomorrow's game, so they're protesting. I don't want to mind them,
‪아니, 신경을 안 쓸래도‬I don't want to mind them,
‪저러고 있는데 어떻게 신경을 안 써‬but look at them. How can I not mind them?
‪뭐야, 쟤?‬What's with him?
‪[필구의 짜증 섞인 한숨]‬-What? -Darn it.
‪[필구가 배트를 발로 툭 찬다]‬-What? -Darn it.
‪[제작진들이 필구를 만류한다]‬Hey, stop right there.
‪(필구)‬ ‪뭐, 여기가 다 선배 아저씨 땅이에요?‬Do you own this ground, senior guy?
‪운동장이 다 선배 아저씨 거예요?‬Does this field belong to you, senior guy?
‪우리 내일 시합 지면‬ ‪아저씨가 책임져요?‬Will you take responsibility if we lose tomorrow?
‪[종렬의 한숨]‬ ‪내가 아저씨 운동장 못 쓰게 하면‬Do you think you'll feel great if I don't let you
‪뭐, 아저씨는 기분 좋아요?‬use the field, either?
‪아, 왜 웃어요!‬Why are you laughing?
‪아니‬My friend, you looked so serious so I wanted to hold it back, but--
‪네가 혼자 너무 심각해서‬ ‪형이 예의상 참아 보려고 했는데...‬My friend, you looked so serious so I wanted to hold it back, but--
‪형 아니고 아저씨잖아요‬You aren't a friend. You're an old man.
‪[헛웃음 치며]‬ ‪야, 너‬Hey, you're a huge pain in the ass, aren't you?
‪되게 골 때린다?‬Hey, you're a huge pain in the ass, aren't you?
‪(동백)‬ ‪필구야!‬Pil-gu!
‪[동백의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[뛰어오는 발걸음]‬
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪필구야!‬Pil-gu!
‪[동백의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Pil-gu!
‪(필구)‬ ‪엄마?‬Mom?
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[착잡한 한숨]‬
‪[숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬ ‪(동백)‬ ‪그의 얼굴에‬All kinds of concerns and agonies seem to be going through his mind.
‪백팔 번뇌가 싹 다 스쳐 가고 있다‬All kinds of concerns and agonies seem to be going through his mind.
‪[종렬의 초조한 숨소리]‬
‪저기, 그...‬ ‪[헛기침]‬Well, you know.
‪초등학생이면, 그...‬If he's in elementary school,
‪암만 어려도‬no matter how young he is, he must be about...
‪지금 나이가 대충...‬no matter how young he is, he must be about...
‪어, 맞아, 네 아들‬Yes, he's your son.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪동백이는‬Dongbaek...
‪돌려 말하지 않는다‬never beats around the bush.
‪정확히 네 아들‬He's definitely your son.
‪(자영)‬ ‪그러니까 황용식 씨가‬ ‪지갑을 가져간 건 팩트네요?‬So it's a fact that you took his wallet.
‪[머뭇거리며]‬ ‪그거는 그렇죠‬Well, yes.
‪[호응한다]‬ ‪(용식)‬ ‪이, 근데 이...‬Well, yes. But I wasn't trying to take 8,000 won for myself.
‪제가 그 8천 원을‬ ‪먹으려고 그랬던 건 아니고요‬But I wasn't trying to take 8,000 won for myself.
‪'동기는 정의로웠다'?‬-You had a just motive? -Yes, that's it.
‪예, 예, 예, 예, 그거죠, 그거죠‬-You had a just motive? -Yes, that's it.
‪[자영의 생각하는 신음]‬
‪(자영)‬ ‪식당에서 완납을 안 하고 가는 건‬If he didn't pay in full at a diner,
‪업주를 기망한 무전취식이거든요‬that's considered dining and dashing.
‪이런 경우엔 식당 사장을 설득해서‬You can persuade the owner of the diner
‪맞고소로 갈 수도 있고...‬and make a counteraction.
‪(용식)‬ ‪씁‬and make a counteraction.
‪아, 그, 근데‬Well, but...
‪그놈한테요‬there's something significant about him.
‪- 조금 특이 사항이 있는데요‬ ‪- (자영) 네‬there's something significant about him. Okay.
‪이, 뭔...‬It seems like...
‪고종사촌의 누이의‬ ‪[자영이 호응한다]‬his first cousin's sister's...
‪(용식)‬ ‪부군의...‬ ‪[자영이 호응한다]‬husband's in-law is
‪이, 사돈인가가 이...‬husband's in-law is
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪이 옹산, 이, 경찰서장하고‬almost an in-law...
‪거진 사돈지간이던가, 씁‬with the chief of Ongsan Police Station or something.
‪이, 그니께 이‬ ‪기냥 동네 유지가 아니고요‬So he's not just a leader around this town.
‪정권이랑‬ ‪결탁이 돼 있는 거 같더라고요‬He has ties with governmental officials. FIRST COUSIN'S SISTER'S HUSBAND'S IN-LAW
‪(자영)‬ ‪그 사람이‬He ran away
‪식당에서 8천 원을 안 내고‬ ‪도망갔다고요?‬-without paying 8,000 won at a diner? -Yes.
‪(용식)‬ ‪예, 예‬-without paying 8,000 won at a diner? -Yes.
‪그니께 이거는 이‬So this means this is a wicked guy who's well-off
‪있는 놈이 8천 원을 떼먹은‬So this means this is a wicked guy who's well-off
‪이, 굉장히 파렴치한 건이기 때문에요‬So this means this is a wicked guy who's well-off -but took 8,000 won from-- -Is that diner Camellia?
‪그 식당이 '동백'이죠?‬-but took 8,000 won from-- -Is that diner Camellia?
‪어떻게 아셨슈?‬How did you know?
‪(자영)‬ ‪제가‬I'm the wicked man's wife.
‪그 파렴치한 와이프예요‬I'm the wicked man's wife.
‪[종이 띵 울리는 효과음]‬
‪거, 이...‬Oh, goodness.
‪제가 이, 아, 알고 온 게 아니고요‬I didn't know.
‪이, 지, 지, 진짜로 모르고 왔고요‬-I really had no idea. -Case closed.
‪사건 종결이네요‬-I really had no idea. -Case closed.
‪(자영)‬ ‪노규태가 황용식 씨를‬ ‪고소할 일은 없을 거예요‬No Gyu-tae won't sue you, Mr. Hwang.
‪그렇게까지 쪽팔린 짓을 하면‬Because if he does something that low,
‪제가 같이 안 살 거거든요‬I won't live with him anymore.
‪[용식의 당황한 신음]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪이...‬Right.
‪그, 제가 이...‬It feels like I just told on him to you.
‪본의 아니게 뭘 좀‬ ‪이른 놈이 된 거 같아 가지고요‬It feels like I just told on him to you.
‪(자영)‬ ‪근데‬-But do let me ask a question. -Sure.
‪- 한 가지만 여쭤볼게요‬ ‪- (용식) 예‬-But do let me ask a question. -Sure.
‪황용식 씨는 왜‬ ‪동백이 돈을 받아다 줬어요?‬Why did you take his money for Dongbaek's sake?
‪예?‬-Pardon? -I'm beginning to wonder
‪동백이‬-Pardon? -I'm beginning to wonder
‪걔가 도대체 뭔지‬who exactly this Dongbaek is.
‪궁금해서요‬who exactly this Dongbaek is.
‪[종렬의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(종렬)‬ ‪너, 너, 아, 아니‬Are you... Wait. One second. You need to be honest.
‪자, 잠깐만, 그, 너 똑바로...‬Wait. One second. You need to be honest.
‪지, 진짜야? 진짜, 확실해? 진짜야?‬Are you sure? Are you sure he's my son? KANG JONG-RYEOL
‪[동백의 옅은 한숨]‬KANG JONG-RYEOL Are you serious?
‪- (종렬) 아, 진짜냐고!‬ ‪- (동백) 너 양아치니?‬Are you serious? Are you some kind of a thug?
‪[종렬의 황당한 숨소리]‬
‪와, 너, 너...‬How can you do something so huge?
‪너 어떻게 이렇게 엄청난 짓을...‬How can you do something so huge? How can you do something so...
‪어떻게 이렇게 골 때리는...‬How can you do something so...
‪너 그때 분명히‬ ‪아니라며, 아니라며!‬You said you weren't. You said it!
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪어쩔 수 없었어, 너 나 알잖아‬I had no choice. You know what I'm like.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪그래, 알았다‬Yes, I do know.
‪오로지 가족이 소원이던‬She was a 23-year-old girl
‪스물셋 여자애‬who only wanted a family.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[인형 뽑기 기계 작동음]‬ ‪[종렬이 버튼을 연신 누른다]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪아니, 엄마나 아빤 그렇다 치고‬Forget Mom or Dad.
‪난 어떻게 이모나 할머니도 없을까?‬I don't even have an aunt or a grandma.
‪아이, 나 있잖아, 나‬You have me. I'll be your dad, uncle, and grandpa.
‪내가 아빠, 할배, 삼촌‬ ‪다 해 주면 되지‬You have me. I'll be your dad, uncle, and grandpa.
‪나는 나중에‬I want to have at least five children.
‪애 다섯은 낳을 거다? 그래서‬I want to have at least five children. So I want to make the biggest family in the town.
‪(동백)‬ ‪동네에서 제일 큰 가족 갖고 싶어‬So I want to make the biggest family in the town.
‪아휴, 야, 남들은 하나도 못 키워서‬Hey, people abandon their children because even one was too much...
‪막 버리고 가는 세상에 무슨...‬ ‪[종렬이 버튼을 딸깍 누른다]‬Hey, people abandon their children because even one was too much...
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪그래‬Right, but I'm not like my mom.
‪근데 나는 우리 엄마랑 달라‬Right, but I'm not like my mom.
‪난 내 새끼 생기면 하늘이 두 쪽 나도‬Once I have a child, I won't abandon my kid
‪절대 안 버려‬no matter what happens.
‪[덜컹 소리가 난다]‬
‪(종렬)‬ ‪어, 어, 뽑았다, 뽑았다‬ ‪[동백의 놀라는 숨소리]‬Goodness, I got it!
‪- (종렬) 자, 뽑았지?‬ ‪- (동백) 진짜네?‬-Look. -You did.
‪[종렬의 웃음]‬-Look. -You did. -She was all alone in this world. -What is it?
‪(종렬)‬ ‪세상에 딱 저 하나뿐인 여자애였고‬ ‪[동백이 놀라며 말한다]‬-She was all alone in this world. -What is it?
‪[동백의 탄성]‬
‪그러다 처음으로 생긴 자기편이‬I was the first one in her life
‪(종렬)‬ ‪이쁘다‬I was the first one in her life -It's pretty. -who took her side.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪나였다‬ ‪[동백의 옅은 웃음]‬-It's pretty. -who took her side.
‪게르마늄이 몸에 그렇게 좋다며? 어?‬I heard germanium is great for your body.
‪[종렬의 심란한 숨소리]‬
‪[종렬의 한숨]‬
‪근데 왜 여기야?‬But why here?
‪(종렬)‬ ‪왜, 왜 하필 옹산이야, 어?‬Why did it have to be Ongsan?
‪나 때문에?‬Was it because of me?
‪아, 나 때문에? 내 고향이 여기라서?‬Because it was me? Because this is my hometown? Ongsan isn't yours, you know.
‪옹산이 다 네 땅이야?‬Ongsan isn't yours, you know.
‪여기가 다 선배 아저씨 땅이에요?‬Do you own this ground, senior guy?
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪[종렬의 답답한 한숨]‬
‪[종렬의 한숨]‬
‪[종렬이 연신 한숨을 쉰다]‬
‪왜, 너 겁나?‬Why? Are you scared?
‪내가 네 발목 잡으려고‬ ‪여기서 죽치고 있었던 걸까 봐?‬Do you think I lived here all along to drag you down?
‪아, 그냥 말하라고!‬Just tell me. Why did you move here? Why? Seriously, why?
‪왜 여기냐고, 진짜!‬Just tell me. Why did you move here? Why? Seriously, why?
‪진짜로 왜!‬Just tell me. Why did you move here? Why? Seriously, why?
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪강종렬, 쫄지 마‬Jong-ryeol, don't be a chicken.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪먹고살기 바빠서 추억이고 나발이고‬I was busy making a living so I had no time to look back on my memories.
‪곱씹고 살 팔자도 못 돼‬so I had no time to look back on my memories.
‪나 우리 남편이 너무 잘해 줘서‬My husband treats me so well that I even forgot what you looked like.
‪네 얼굴도 까먹었어‬My husband treats me so well that I even forgot what you looked like.
‪너 결혼했어?‬You're married?
‪그럼 결혼도 못 하고‬ ‪네 생각만 하고 있었을까 봐?‬Then did you think I still wouldn't have gotten over you?
‪누, 누가 그러래?‬I never said you shouldn't.
‪그러니까 쫄지 말라고‬So don't be scared.
‪(동백)‬ ‪너‬You weren't...
‪뭐, 그렇게 대단한 첫사랑도 아니더라‬You weren't that big of a deal as a first love anyway.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[종렬이 잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[종렬의 한숨]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪사실은 대단한 첫사랑이었다‬To be honest, I loved him a lot.
‪그래서 정말로‬ ‪다시는 보고 싶지 않았다‬So I never wanted to meet him again.
‪특히 이렇게는‬Especially not like this.
‪(동백)‬ ‪아, 뭐 이래, 진짜, 이씨‬What a lousy day.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪나와서 얘기해, 나와서, 자‬Let's talk outside.
‪아, 향미야, 자, 향미야, 여기...‬Hyang-mi, listen to me.
‪자, 자, 여기‬Look at this.
‪최향미, 어? 백만 원 계좌 이체‬It says here that he wired you 1,000,000 won.
‪네가 여기 떡집 아저씨‬ ‪저, 돈 뜯어 갔잖아‬You took money from her husband.
‪내가 이 집 아저씨한테 돈 꾼 걸‬ ‪왜 아줌마가 난리예요?‬I borrowed money from him, but who are you to cause a fuss?
‪난리는 안 쳤어, 아직‬-I haven't caused a fuss yet. -Hyang-mi.
‪(동백)‬ ‪향미야!‬-I haven't caused a fuss yet. -Hyang-mi.
‪향미야, 왜 그래?‬Hyang-mi, what's wrong?
‪[향미의 한숨]‬ ‪(찬숙)‬ ‪동백아‬-Hello. -I'm glad you're here, Dongbaek.
‪- (동백) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (찬숙) 어, 너 잘 왔다‬-Hello. -I'm glad you're here, Dongbaek.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪동백아!‬Dongbaek!
‪너 지금 향미가 이 동네에서‬Do you even know what kind of mess Hyang-mi's been getting herself into?
‪어떤 일을 벌이고 다니는지 넌 아니?‬Do you even know what kind of mess Hyang-mi's been getting herself into?
‪(용식)‬ ‪왜, 왜? 뭐, 뭔 일이에요?‬What is it? What's going on?
‪(향미)‬ ‪하, 순경 아저씨‬Hey, you should arrest them. They're acting like thugs.
‪이 아줌마들 좀 잡아가요‬Hey, you should arrest them. They're acting like thugs.
‪완전 동네 깡패들이야!‬Hey, you should arrest them. They're acting like thugs.
‪- (귀련) 뭐? 엄메‬ ‪- (찬숙) 깡패 같은 소리 하네‬-What? -What a joke.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪동백아‬Dongbaek.
‪너는 어떻게 해서‬Why did you have to bring someone so ignorant to the neighborhood?
‪근본도 모르는 애를‬ ‪여기 끌어들여 가지고...‬Why did you have to bring someone so ignorant to the neighborhood? We don't want her here, so just fire her. Fire her, okay?
‪안 돼, 얘는 안 되는 애니까 얜 잘라‬ ‪잘라, 어?‬We don't want her here, so just fire her. Fire her, okay?
‪너 안 자르면‬ ‪너희 집 셔터 문 내려야 돼‬If not, you'll have to shut down your bar.
‪(동백)‬ ‪향미 저희 식구인데‬But she's my family.
‪향미 얘기를 좀 들어 보시면...‬ ‪[재영의 기가 찬 숨소리]‬How about we hear her out first?
‪[귀련의 헛웃음]‬
‪(재영)‬ ‪들어 보면 뭐?‬That's going to be pointless.
‪순진한 사람 꼬셔 가지고‬ ‪생전 안 하던 짓 하게 만들고‬She seduced a naive man and made him act out of the ordinary.
‪뭔 할 말이 있어?‬She probably has nothing to say.
‪아, 그려‬You know what?
‪순진해서 꽃뱀한테 물린 것도‬ ‪죄라면 죄겄제‬I guess it's his fault to be dumb enough to get seduced by a gold-digger.
‪(동백)‬ ‪하, 꽃뱀은 아니예요‬She's not a gold-digger.
‪[찬숙의 헛웃음]‬ ‪뭐?‬-What? -She's not that kind of person.
‪(동백)‬ ‪향미 그런 애 아니예요‬-What? -She's not that kind of person.
‪[귀련의 기가 찬 신음]‬ ‪(재영)‬ ‪그렇지, 어‬Oh, right.
‪너도 똑같지‬You're no different.
‪술집 작부나 마담이나‬She's the hostess, and you're the owner. You're probably exactly like her.
‪엎치나 메치나지‬She's the hostess, and you're the owner. You're probably exactly like her.
‪[용식의 만류하는 신음]‬Ma'am, come on. I think you're crossing the line.
‪(용식)‬ ‪거참, 말씀이 좀‬ ‪지나치신 거 같은데...‬Ma'am, come on. I think you're crossing the line.
‪(재영)‬ ‪얘‬Hey, do you think you're equal to us just because you work
‪똑같이 하루 세끼 먹고 산다고‬Hey, do you think you're equal to us just because you work
‪다 똑같은 사람인 줄 아니?‬to earn a living every day?
‪[애잔한 음악]‬ ‪[재영의 한숨]‬
‪(준기)‬ ‪너희 엄마 또 싸우던데?‬I saw your mom fighting again.
‪(재영)‬ ‪오죽하면 이러고 살까, 응?‬No wonder you live such a lowly life.
‪인생이 불쌍해 가지고 그냥, 어?‬I was nice to you because I felt sorry for your sad life.
‪나라도 사람 취급해 줬더니‬I was nice to you because I felt sorry for your sad life. But this is how you repay me?
‪너 같은 애들은‬ ‪이런 식으로 은혜를 갚아? 어?‬But this is how you repay me?
‪[용식의 만류하는 신음]‬ ‪- (재영) 아, 비켜!‬ ‪- (귀련) 아이고, 아이고‬-Get out of my way. -My goodness.
‪(귀련)‬ ‪이제 그만혀, 아이고, 그만혀‬-Get out of my way. -My goodness. -That's enough. -Please stop it.
‪- (용식) 아, 그만혀요, 아유, 참‬ ‪- (귀련) 아이고, 참‬-That's enough. -Please stop it. My goodness. Repay you for what?
‪(동백)‬ ‪무슨 은혜요?‬Repay you for what?
‪제가 뭘...‬What exactly do I owe you?
‪뭘 그렇게 신세를 졌어요?‬What exactly do I owe you?
‪제가 뭘 그렇게 잘못했어요?‬What did I do so wrong?
‪저‬I did nothing.
‪아무 짓도 안 했어요‬I did nothing.
‪[동백이 울먹인다]‬
‪저는 그냥‬ ‪죽어라 열심히 사는 거밖에 안 해요‬All I ever do is work hard so I can make ends meet.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[흐느끼며]‬ ‪왜 근데 다...‬But why...
‪왜 맨날‬Why are you...
‪왜 맨날 다 제 탓인지 모르겠...‬Why are you always blaming me?
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪야, 우리 동백이 오늘 입 트였네, 어?‬ ‪[향미의 어이없는 숨소리]‬My gosh, Dongbaek's finally talking now.
‪(동백)‬ ‪저도 좀 살게 그냥 놔두세요, 진짜‬Will you please leave me alone? Please just leave me alone.
‪그냥 저 좀 놔두세요‬Please just leave me alone.
‪[재영의 기가 찬 숨소리]‬ ‪(찬숙)‬ ‪아, 이쁜 애들은 다 이런 게 문제여‬This is the problem with pretty girls.
‪[재영과 귀련의 어이없는 숨소리]‬ ‪꼭 이렇게 울면‬ ‪다 일이 해결되는 줄 알아‬They think crying will help them get away with everything.
‪동백아, 너는 근데 왜 우냐?‬Dongbaek, why are you crying?
‪어? 왜 울어?‬Dongbaek, why are you crying? -Why are you crying? -Seriously.
‪- (찬숙) 우리가 너 뭐 어떻게 했냐?‬ ‪- (재영) 아니, 왜 우냐고?‬-Why are you crying? -Seriously. -What did we do? -What's wrong with her?
‪- (재영) 내가 뭐 잘못했는 겨?‬ ‪- (찬숙) 어? 야, 우리가‬-What did we do? -What's wrong with her?
‪- (찬숙) 너한테 뭐, 뭐 했냐?‬ ‪- (용식) 어허, 됐어요‬-What did we do to you? -My gosh, stop it.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아이, 그, 그냥...‬ ‪[여자들이 저마다 말한다]‬-What did we do to you? -My gosh, stop it. -Stop interfering! -Who do you think you are?
‪(재영)‬ ‪아, 너는 뭔데 껴!‬-Stop interfering! -Who do you think you are?
‪(귀련)‬ ‪그러니까, 뭐야, 너!‬-Stop interfering! -Who do you think you are?
‪- (재영) 아, 뭐여, 너!‬ ‪- (용식) 뭐, 나요?‬-Who are you? -Me?
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪동백아, 얘기를 해 봐‬Tell me.
‪이렇게 대낮에, 어?‬If you cry in front of us like this in broad daylight,
‪우리가 단체로 있는데‬ ‪네가 이렇게 울면‬If you cry in front of us like this in broad daylight,
‪- (찬숙) 너를 때려 갖고, 어?‬ ‪- (용식) 어허, 아, 아유, 좀‬-people might think we hit you. -My gosh. -Don't you think so? -Will you stop that?
‪(용식)‬ ‪어유, 좀 치지 마요, 좀! 어유‬ ‪[소란스럽다]‬-Don't you think so? -Will you stop that? -My gosh, move. -Why are you hitting my mom?
‪[승희의 놀라는 신음]‬-My gosh, move. -Why are you hitting my mom?
‪(필구)‬ ‪울 엄마 왜 쳐요!‬ ‪[여자들의 놀라는 신음]‬-My gosh, move. -Why are you hitting my mom? My goodness.
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪야! 쯧‬Hey! How dare you hit an adult?
‪이게 어디서 어른을 떼밀어?‬Hey! How dare you hit an adult?
‪- (찬숙) 어?‬ ‪- (필구) 아줌마, 우리 엄마 때리면요!‬ ‪[동백의 당황한 신음]‬If you hit my mom, I'll hit Jun-gi every single day!
‪(필구)‬ ‪나 준기 새끼 맨날맨날 때릴 거예요‬ ‪[동백의 만류하는 신음]‬I'll hit Jun-gi every single day!
‪[훌쩍이며]‬ ‪주먹으로 코 깨고요!‬I'll punch him and break his nose, and I'll kick him, too!
‪발로 막 찰 거예요!‬I'll punch him and break his nose, and I'll kick him, too!
‪꼭 그럴 거예요!‬I'll make sure I do that!
‪[거친 숨을 내쉬며]‬ ‪내가 하나 못 하나 봐 봐요‬You just wait and see.
‪꼭 봐 봐요!‬-Just wait and see! -See what?
‪(찬숙)‬ ‪뭘 봐, 뭘 봐!‬-Just wait and see! -See what?
‪[동백의 만류하는 신음]‬ ‪뭘 봐, 이놈아! 야!‬See what, you punk? Hey!
‪(동백)‬ ‪너 어른한테 그러는 거 아니야, 응?‬You shouldn't behave like that to adults.
‪자꾸 어른한테 덤비고‬You always talk back to adults and get into fights with your friends.
‪친구들하고 싸우고‬You always talk back to adults and get into fights with your friends.
‪그러니까 사람들이 너보고 다‬ ‪쌈닭이라 그러지‬That's why everyone calls you a pit bull.
‪내가 왜 쌈닭이 되는 줄 알기나 알아?‬Do you even know why I became like this?
‪엄마, 엄마 때문에!‬It's all because of you.
‪(동백)‬ ‪뭐?‬-What? -Why do I need to protect you?
‪내가 왜 엄마를 지켜야 돼?‬-What? -Why do I need to protect you?
‪(필구)‬ ‪엄마가 나를 지켜 줘야지‬You should be protecting me.
‪나는 1학년인데‬I'm only in first grade.
‪1학년이 왜 엄마를 지켜‬I'm too young to be protecting you.
‪내가 너, 너한테‬ ‪나 지켜 달라고 했었어?‬When did I ask you to protect me?
‪아, 나도 귀찮아‬I don't want to do that either.
‪(필구)‬ ‪내가 엄마를 지킬 수밖에 없다고‬I have no choice but to protect you.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬ ‪아이, 왜?‬Why?
‪나 빼고 세상 사람들‬Because everyone else hates you!
‪아, 다 엄마를 싫어하니까!‬Because everyone else hates you!
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪(필구)‬ ‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪세상에서‬I'm the only person
‪엄마 좋아하는 사람은 나밖에 없잖아‬who likes you in this entire world.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬I already know
‪나 다 알아‬I already know
‪사람들이 다 엄마 싫어하고 괴롭히잖아‬how much the neighbors hate you and harass you.
‪그러니까‬That's why
‪내가 야구도 못 하고‬I can't even play baseball.
‪계속 계속 지켜 줘야 된다고‬I'm always busy protecting you.
‪[필구가 울먹인다]‬Sometimes,
‪어떨 때는‬Sometimes,
‪나도 막‬I get tired of doing this.
‪막 피곤해‬I get tired of doing this.
‪마음이 막‬I get...
‪막 화가 나‬I get really angry at times.
‪[동백과 필구가 흐느낀다]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪너, 이씨...‬You little...
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[종렬이 중얼거린다]‬
‪[종렬의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪(종렬)‬ ‪아이, 기왕 촬영 온 김에‬I thought I should say hello to the coach since I came here for a shoot.
‪모교 코치님께 인사도 좀 드리고‬I thought I should say hello to the coach since I came here for a shoot.
‪도와드리고‬-And maybe give you a hand. -Oh, okay.
‪(승엽)‬ ‪예, 예, 그러면...‬-And maybe give you a hand. -Oh, okay. But I heard you got transferred here when you were in fifth grade,
‪아, 뭐...‬But I heard you got transferred here when you were in fifth grade,
‪근데 5학년 때 전학 오셔서‬ ‪잠깐 댕기셨다고‬But I heard you got transferred here when you were in fifth grade, so you weren't here for long.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬ ‪마음의 모교도 모교죠‬This place is still my alma mater.
‪(승엽)‬ ‪그렇다면 그렇쥬, 어유‬Whatever you say. By the way,
‪그, 저기...‬By the way,
‪애들 관리하시려면, 이‬when you manage the kids,
‪가정 환경 같은 것도‬ ‪파악을 좀 하고 그러시잖아요‬I'm guessing you also look into their family backgrounds.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪씁, 아까 보니까‬ ‪꽤나 하는 애도 보이고 그러던데?‬And I noticed a kid earlier who seemed pretty talented.
‪씁, 등 번호가‬I think his uniform number was number three.
‪3번이었나?‬I think his uniform number was number three.
‪왜 이러세유?‬What's with you?
‪예?‬-Pardon? -You're suddenly asking me
‪갑자기 오셔서 애들 가정사를 다 묻고‬-Pardon? -You're suddenly asking me about their family backgrounds and showing so much interest.
‪유별난 관심을 보이시는 게, 이게‬about their family backgrounds and showing so much interest. You never offered a single scholarship for any of the players until now.
‪(승엽)‬ ‪아이, 뭐, 사실 그간‬You never offered a single scholarship for any of the players until now.
‪후배들한테 장학금 한번‬ ‪안 쏴 주시던 분이‬You never offered a single scholarship for any of the players until now. But you're suddenly caring so much for them.
‪갑자기 챙기시는 게, 음, 쯧‬But you're suddenly caring so much for them.
‪그냥 까놓고 말해유‬Just be honest with me.
‪[난처한 숨소리]‬
‪뭐 좀 들으신 말이 있으신 거죠?‬I guess you already heard.
‪아유, 알 만하쥬‬My gosh, of course.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪저, 실은 그게...‬-To be honest-- -Your batting average is decreasing,
‪(승엽)‬ ‪계속 타율도 떨어지고‬-To be honest-- -Your batting average is decreasing, and you're not doing well on variety shows.
‪예능에서 그다지 활약도 못 하시고‬and you're not doing well on variety shows.
‪정치 쪽으로 레이더를 돌리신 거쥬?‬You're trying to do politics, aren't you?
‪(동백)‬ ‪이거 서비스예요‬This is on the house.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아니...‬Why...
‪저한테는 왜, 이‬are you giving me peanuts for free?
‪땅콩을...‬are you giving me peanuts for free?
‪아이, 필구 애들이랑 싸우는데‬ ‪편들어 주셨다고‬I heard you took Pil-gu's side when he fought with his school friends.
‪(용식)‬ ‪예?‬What?
‪아, 예, 예, 아, 아, 아, 그거요? 예‬Oh, right. Yes. I think it made him happy.
‪필구가 좋았나 봐요‬I think it made him happy.
‪동네에서 자기편 들어 주는 어른‬ ‪처음이었다고‬You were the first adult to take his side in this neighborhood.
‪아휴, 아휴, 참‬My gosh, don't mention it.
‪아유, 이게 참, 이‬I know I shouldn't be biased as a police officer.
‪이, 참, 이, 동네 경찰로서, 이‬I know I shouldn't be biased as a police officer.
‪편파적이면 안 되는데‬I know I shouldn't be biased as a police officer.
‪이게 또 이렇게, 참 이렇게‬But I really couldn't help it.
‪[용식과 동백의 웃음]‬But I really couldn't help it. But please don't take him to the video arcade.
‪그래도 오락실은 데려가지 마세요‬But please don't take him to the video arcade.
‪(용식)‬ ‪예‬-Okay. -Enjoy your peanuts, then.
‪(동백)‬ ‪그럼 드시고 가세요‬-Okay. -Enjoy your peanuts, then.
‪(용식)‬ ‪예? 아이...‬What?
‪어디 가셔요?‬Are you going somewhere?
‪예?‬Are you going somewhere?
‪[갈매기 울음]‬
‪또 그, 순찰 중이신 거죠?‬Are you on patrol again?
‪혼자 어디를 가시나‬You seemed to be leaving alone, so I got worried.
‪신경이 쓰여 가지고요‬You seemed to be leaving alone, so I got worried.
‪아니, 왜, 괜히‬ ‪남의 일에 신경이 쓰이세요?‬Why are you worried about me?
‪(동백)‬ ‪어? 왜 괜히 남 싸우는 데 끼어들고‬Why did you get involved when I was fighting earlier?
‪왜 괜히 그 8천 원은‬ ‪찾아다 주고 그래요?‬And why did you get that 8,000 won for me?
‪자꾸 기냥 저도 모르게, 이...‬I don't know why, but I constantly find myself...
‪(동백)‬ ‪혹시 이 동네에서‬ ‪제일 불쌍한 게 저라서...‬Is it because I'm the most pitiful person in the neighborhood?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪네?‬-What? -I also have a sense of pride.
‪(동백)‬ ‪아, 저도 자존심이 있어요‬-What? -I also have a sense of pride. Starting from what happened with Mr. No to what happened just now,
‪그, 노 사장님 일도 그렇고‬Starting from what happened with Mr. No to what happened just now,
‪그리고 이번에도 그렇고‬Starting from what happened with Mr. No to what happened just now,
‪씁, 그, 제가 제일 쪽팔릴 때만‬ ‪그쪽한테 다 들키는 거 같은데‬I feel like you always catch me in my most embarrassing moments.
‪아, 제 우스운 꼴 다 보인 사람‬It's uncomfortable being around someone
‪불편해요‬who's seen me get humiliated.
‪아, 막 짜증 나요‬It's annoying.
‪그러니까‬So please
‪괜히 제 일에 끼지 마세요‬just mind your own business.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Will you stop following me?
‪아, 따라오지 마시라니까요?‬Will you stop following me?
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 내가 불안해서 그럽니다‬ ‪그, 내가!‬It's because I feel nervous!
‪아, 왜요?‬Why?
‪(동백)‬ ‪아, 뭐, 내가 내 새끼라도 놓고‬Do you think I'll leave my son behind and jump into the lake or something?
‪뭐, 옹산호 같은 데‬ ‪콱 빠져 죽을까 봐 그래요?‬Do you think I'll leave my son behind and jump into the lake or something?
‪안 그러실 거 알아요‬-I know you won't do that. -Then why are you nervous?
‪아, 그럼 뭐가 불안한데요?‬-I know you won't do that. -Then why are you nervous? Why do you keep following me?
‪뭐가 불안하다고 이렇게‬ ‪사람을 자꾸 쫓아와요?‬Why do you keep following me?
‪(용식) 아유, 우, 울까 봐요‬ ‪우, 우, 울까 봐, 울까 봐요!‬I'm worried that you might cry!
‪아이, 뭐, 지금 뭐, 어디 가셔 봤자‬You'll obviously go somewhere and end up crying all by yourself.
‪뭐, 혼자 처박혀서‬ ‪우시기밖에 더 해요?‬You'll obviously go somewhere and end up crying all by yourself.
‪[동백의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪아니, 뭐, 남이사‬ ‪울든 말든 그쪽이 왜...‬Who are you to care whether I cry or not?
‪네, 그 생판 남이 우는데‬I got really angry
‪이, 내가...‬when I saw you cry earlier even though we're complete strangers.
‪내, 내가 막, 막 승질이 납디다‬when I saw you cry earlier even though we're complete strangers.
‪아, 진짜 이상한 아저씨잖아?‬What a weirdo.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아이, 그, 진짜‬ ‪없는 듯이 따라만 갈게요‬I'll just walk behind you as if I don't exist.
‪예? 아이, 그냥 뭐, 그냥, 그냥‬I'll just walk behind you as if I don't exist. Just think of me as a pet dog. I'll be quiet.
‪그냥 개 새끼 한 마리‬ ‪끌고 다닌다고 생각해요‬Just think of me as a pet dog. I'll be quiet.
‪그냥, 조, 조용히...‬Just think of me as a pet dog. I'll be quiet. A pet dog would at least be cute.
‪(동백)‬ ‪개는 귀엽기라도 하지‬A pet dog would at least be cute.
‪[용식의 당황한 신음]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪아니, 진짜 개야, 뭐야?‬He's really acting like a dog. Why's he following me without saying anything?
‪왜 이렇게 말도 없이 따라와?‬Why's he following me without saying anything? -You should think about your son. -What?
‪(용식)‬ ‪애 생각도 좀 하셔야죠‬-You should think about your son. -What?
‪(동백)‬ ‪예?‬-You should think about your son. -What?
‪[용식의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪아이, 엄마가, 예?‬You can't just leave without him just because you're angry.
‪자기 씅났다고 이렇게 토껴 버리면‬You can't just leave without him just because you're angry.
‪남은 애 인생은 나가리 될 수도 있고요‬It could really ruin his life. Where would I go without my son?
‪제가 애를 두고 어딜 가요?‬Where would I go without my son?
‪아이, 그러면‬Then why did you come to a train station at this hour?
‪(용식)‬ ‪이 오밤중에 기차역엔 왜 옵니까?‬Then why did you come to a train station at this hour?
‪저 그냥 안에 앉아만 있을 거예요‬I'm just going to go inside and sit down.
‪이, 쓰, 쓰, 쓸데없이 뭐 하러‬ ‪앉아만 있어요?‬Why would you just sit there? It's not like you're homeless.
‪노숙자도 아니고‬Why would you just sit there? It's not like you're homeless.
‪하, 저기 제 주유소예요‬That's my gas station. Let me fill up my gas tank.
‪저도 기름 좀 넣고 가야겠으니까‬ ‪이제 그만 따라오세요‬That's my gas station. Let me fill up my gas tank. So stop following me now.
‪(용식)‬ ‪주유소요?‬A gas station? The train station doesn't sell any gas.
‪아, 뭔 기차역에서 주유를...‬A gas station? The train station doesn't sell any gas.
‪(동백)‬ ‪저도 이직 좀 하려고요‬I'm thinking about switching jobs.
‪(용식)‬ ‪이직요?‬Switch jobs?
‪(승엽)‬ ‪아이, 남자라면‬ ‪세상을 크게 한번 품어 봐야쥬‬A man should learn to dream big.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪가서 얘기하시죠, 가서‬ ‪[승엽의 웃음]‬Let's talk once we get there. Aren't we there yet?
‪아직 멀었습니까?‬Let's talk once we get there. Aren't we there yet? We're here.
‪(승엽)‬ ‪여기예유‬We're here.
‪옹산 사교계에 진출하려면‬This is where you go to socialize in Ongsan.
‪여길 가야지‬This is where you go to socialize in Ongsan.
‪들어와유‬Come inside.
‪하필 이름도 참, 쯧‬ ‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬This is what she named the place?
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 핫도그?‬A hotdog joint?
‪핫도그 좋죠, 핫도그‬That sounds great.
‪[기차 경적]‬ ‪아니면 수타?‬Or do you want to sell hand-pulled noodles?
‪[다가오는 기차 엔진음]‬
‪역장, 역장?‬A stationmaster?
‪기차 한번 시원하게‬ ‪몰아 보고 싶으신 거예유?‬Do you want to drive a train?
‪(동백)‬ ‪제가 기차를 왜 몰아요‬Why would I drive a train?
‪(용식)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪아, 그러니께‬So tell me what you have in mind as your next job.
‪이 중에서 어떤 걸로 진로를...‬So tell me what you have in mind as your next job.
‪[살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪안 가르쳐 줘요‬I'm not going to tell you.
‪(용식)‬ ‪저기, 동백 씨‬Dongbaek.
‪그, 말이 씨가 된다고요‬Words have power, you know.
‪꿈이라는 것도‬ ‪계속 말을 해야 이루어지고요‬You need to talk about your dreams in order for them to come true.
‪그리고 이, 진짜 비밀은‬And you should tell your biggest secrets to complete strangers.
‪생판 모르는 남한테 터놓는 거래요‬And you should tell your biggest secrets to complete strangers.
‪누가요?‬-Says who? -Hwang Yong-sik.
‪황용식이가요‬-Says who? -Hwang Yong-sik.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 그러면 기냥 첫 글자‬Then just tell me the first letter.
‪앞 글자만‬Then just tell me the first letter.
‪하, 뭐, 남의 꿈이 그렇게 궁금해?‬Why are you so curious about my dream?
‪(용식)‬ ‪용식이가 그렇게 궁금해합니다‬I'm dying to know.
‪그냥 별것도 아니예요‬It's nothing much.
‪(용식)‬ ‪별거 아니니까요, 한번 말씀해 보시죠‬Then why can't you just tell me?
‪그냥 뭐, 그...‬I just...
‪(동백)‬ ‪아니예요‬ ‪[용식의 맥 빠진 신음]‬Never mind.
‪[용식의 답답한 숨소리]‬ ‪그냥 그...‬I just...
‪공기업...‬A public enterprise...
‪(용식)‬ ‪예?‬What?
‪철도청 공기업 직원, 그...‬I want to get a job at the National Railroad Administration.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아‬ ‪[동백의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪아, 아, 아!‬
‪아, 아, 아‬
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪아‬
‪공기업, 공, 공기업, 공, 공기...‬Oh, you want to get a job at a public enterprise?
‪공, 아유, 이거‬My gosh, you really know how to dream big.
‪은근 야심가시네요, 야심가, 예?‬My gosh, you really know how to dream big.
‪[용식의 웃음]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪그중에서도‬And more importantly, that's where I want to work.
‪딱 저기‬And more importantly, that's where I want to work.
‪난 저기 앉고 싶어요‬I want to sit in that office.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 어디요?‬Where?
‪분실물 센터요?‬The Lost and Found Center?
‪왜 굳이 저기...‬Why?
‪저기선 다들 그 말을 하잖아요‬Because people always say something to you
‪뭐만 찾아 주면들 그러잖아요, 그...‬whenever you find something for them.
‪(용식)‬ ‪예? 뭐, 뭐, 뭔 말요?‬What?
‪고맙다고‬They thank you.
‪고맙다고들 하니까‬They always thank you.
‪[아련한 음악]‬Throughout my life,
‪제가 살면서요, 그...‬Throughout my life,
‪'미안하게 됐다' 이런 얘기는‬ ‪좀 들어 봤거든요‬I've always had people apologize to me.
‪사랑한단 얘기야, 뭐‬And people say "I love you" very easily.
‪아무렇게나 들었죠, 근데‬And people say "I love you" very easily. But for some strange reason,
‪이상하게요‬But for some strange reason,
‪아무도 나한테는 고맙다고는 안 해요‬no one ever thanks me.
‪아무도 나한테 그 말은 안 해요‬No one says "Thank you."
‪저 분실물 센터에서는‬But that person is like an angel and a savior at the Lost and Found Center.
‪저분이 최고 천사고 최고 은인이에요‬But that person is like an angel and a savior at the Lost and Found Center.
‪휴대폰, 아기 인형‬She finds your cell phone, your baby's doll,
‪아들네 주려고 싼 반찬‬ ‪이런 것도 다 찾아 주거든요‬and even the side dishes you packed for your son and his wife.
‪(동백)‬ ‪응, 저렇게 사람들이‬ ‪[남자2가 감사 인사를 한다]‬Just like now, people thank her over and over again.
‪두 번이고 세 번이고 막‬ ‪고맙다고 인사하면‬Just like now, people thank her over and over again.
‪기분이 어떨지 상상도 안 돼요‬I can't even imagine how great that must feel.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪이상하게도‬Strangely enough,
‪속에서 뜨거운 게 치밀었다‬I suddenly found myself burning inside.
‪화 같기도‬I couldn't tell
‪미안함 같기도 한‬if it was anger or sorriness, but I was definitely burning inside.
‪뜨거운 게‬if it was anger or sorriness, but I was definitely burning inside.
‪(용식)‬ ‪저기, 동백 씨‬Dongbaek.
‪그...‬From now on,
‪앞으로 이렇게 속 다쳤을 때‬don't come here by yourself
‪기차역에 혼자 오고 그러지 마요‬regardless of how upset you may be.
‪그리고 그, 남들이 지껄이는 소린‬ ‪그냥 흘려 버리고 말아요‬And don't mind what other people say.
‪때마다 상처 내고 살면‬If you get hurt by everything they say,
‪사람이 살아지나? 못 살지‬you won't be able to live a proper life.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪마음에는 굳은살도 안 배기나?‬Why can't I just get used to getting hurt?
‪하, 맨날 맞아도 맨날 찌르르해요‬It hurts so much every time.
‪(동백)‬ ‪그 느낌이‬It feels as if
‪막 두부를 조각칼로 퍽퍽 떠내는‬ ‪그런 느낌이에요‬someone is stabbing my heart with a knife.
‪아이, 그럼 동백 씨도‬ ‪두부 하지 말고 조각칼 해요‬Then you should treat them exactly the same way.
‪(용식)‬ ‪거, 고놈의‬ ‪그, '땡큐' 그 소릴 안 하는‬You should be just as mean
‪그런 싸가지 없는 놈들은요‬to people who are rude and don't know how to thank you.
‪기냥 사이다를 멕여 버리라고요‬to people who are rude and don't know how to thank you.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪뭐, 굳이 그래요?‬ ‪그냥 그러려니 하면 되지‬Why bother? I'll just ignore them.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아니, 남들은 동백 씨한테‬ ‪얄짤이 없는데‬Why would you just ignore them and do nothing
‪왜 혼자 그러려니 해요?‬when they're nothing but mean to you?
‪사람들이 막 사는 게 징글징글할 때‬People come to drink when they're so sick of life.
‪그럴 때 술 마시러 오잖아요‬People come to drink when they're so sick of life.
‪(동백)‬ ‪만사 다 짜증 나고 지쳐 있잖아요‬They're annoyed and exhausted with everything.
‪쩝, 그래서 나는 그냥 웬만하면‬So I just want to be nice to them.
‪사람들한테 다정하고 싶어요‬So I just want to be nice to them. It doesn't cost money to be nice. We should be nice to each other.
‪다정은 공짜니까‬It doesn't cost money to be nice. We should be nice to each other.
‪그냥 서로 좀 친절해도 되잖아요‬It doesn't cost money to be nice. We should be nice to each other.
‪어떨 때 사람들이 나한테 너무‬I sometimes feel like the neighbors
‪너무 막 해‬are a bit too mean to me.
‪막 너무 함부로 할 때도 있고‬They sometimes cross the line.
‪[편안한 음악]‬
‪그, 가끔은‬And that sometimes really upsets me.
‪저도 그게 좀 그래요‬And that sometimes really upsets me.
‪[용식의 답답한 신음]‬
‪동백 씨, 되게 이쁘세요‬Dongbaek, you're really beautiful.
‪(용식)‬ ‪되게 이쁜데‬You really are.
‪가끔‬But you have a way of making me get really angry sometimes.
‪사람 열불 나게 하는‬ ‪재주 있는 거 아셔요?‬But you have a way of making me get really angry sometimes.
‪(용식)‬ ‪옆으로 밀착, 옆으로 밀착‬Come closer. Come on.
‪아, 서로 감기 걸리면 귀찮으니께요‬We don't want to catch a cold.
‪[용식의 다급한 신음]‬
‪(동백)‬ ‪아, 불편해요‬This is so uncomfortable.
‪아니, 좀 공평하게 쓰시든가‬You should cover yourself as well.
‪아니면 우산 하나를 더 사시든가‬Or just get another umbrella.
‪(용식)‬ ‪[멋쩍게 웃으며]‬ ‪이 쪼그마한 게 8천 원이나 해요, 예?‬This tiny umbrella costs 8,000 won.
‪[피식 웃으며]‬ ‪땅콩 판 돈 우산으로 날리시려고요?‬Don't waste your money on an umbrella.
‪(동백)‬ ‪남의 땅콩 8천 원은 되게 챙겨 주셔‬You really seem to care a lot about my money. My gosh, be careful.
‪[용식의 다급한 신음]‬My gosh, be careful.
‪[경쾌한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[피곤한 숨소리]‬
‪(종렬)‬ ‪그, 등 번호 3번요‬About uniform number three...
‪(승엽)‬ ‪3번? 필구요?‬Number three? Pil-gu?
‪강필구‬Kang Pil-gu?
‪어! 어떻게 성까지 아세유?‬-How do you even know his last name? -What?
‪예?‬-How do you even know his last name? -What?
‪아, 그...‬ ‪[당황한 웃음]‬I think I saw his name.
‪이, 이름을 본 거 같아서요‬I think I saw his name.
‪[승엽의 호응하는 신음]‬
‪(승엽)‬ ‪걔가 눈에 띄긴 하죠, 응‬He does stand out a lot.
‪(종렬)‬ ‪왜요?‬Why?
‪소질이 있잖아요‬He's got talent.
‪그래서 알아보신 거 아니어유?‬Isn't that why you're interested?
‪소질이 있어요?‬He's got talent?
‪(용식)‬ ‪저 그, 저, 개인적인 견해는 아니고요‬This isn't my personal opinion. I actually read it in a book.
‪책에서 읽은 건데‬This isn't my personal opinion. I actually read it in a book.
‪기분 잡쳤을 때‬ ‪회에다 소주를 드시면요‬If you eat sashimi with soju when you're feeling upset,
‪어떤 유익한 호르몬이‬ ‪전두엽 인근 쪽에서...‬the frontal lobe lets out certain hormones-- No, I don't drink with strangers.
‪(동백)‬ ‪아니요, 저는‬No, I don't drink with strangers.
‪모르는 사람이랑은 술 안 마셔요‬No, I don't drink with strangers.
‪(용식)‬ ‪모르는 사람 아니고요‬I'm not a stranger. I'm Hwang Yong-sik.
‪용식입니다, 황용식이‬I'm not a stranger. I'm Hwang Yong-sik.
‪(동백)‬ ‪네‬Okay.
‪(용식)‬ ‪[멋쩍게 웃으며]‬ ‪그, 소주는 됐다 치고‬We don't have to drink soju.
‪앞으로 기차역 갈 땐‬ ‪꼭 저랑 같이 가요‬But take me with you whenever you go to the train station.
‪아, 저 기냥 아무 말도 안 하고‬ ‪옆에만 있을게요‬I won't say anything. I'll just walk by your side.
‪(동백)‬ ‪그쪽이 왜...‬Why would you do that? My name is Hwang Yong-sik.
‪(용식)‬ ‪그쪽 아니고 용식입니다, 황용식이‬My name is Hwang Yong-sik.
‪(동백)‬ ‪예, 그러니까 그 황용식 씨가‬Okay, but why would you come with me, Mr. Hwang?
‪왜 괜히 저를 따라와요? 참...‬Okay, but why would you come with me, Mr. Hwang?
‪오지랖도 좋으시다‬What a do-gooder.
‪(용식)‬ ‪저 그러면 그‬ ‪오지랖 부려도 되는 그런...‬Then how about we become something where it's okay for me to be good to you?
‪그런 사이 하면 안 돼요?‬Then how about we become something where it's okay for me to be good to you?
‪우리, 저...‬Let's do "that."
‪저거 해요‬Let's do "that."
‪(용식)‬ ‪[머뭇거리며]‬ ‪저거...‬Let's become...
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪우리 친구 좀 해 봐요‬Let's be friends.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪아, 나한테 친구 하잔 사람은‬ ‪또 처음인 거 같은데...‬No one's ever asked me to be their friend.
‪[용식의 멋쩍은 신음]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪아유, 저도 이렇게, 뭐‬I'm not the type of guy who asks anyone
‪아무 여자한테나 이렇게‬ ‪친구 하자고 하는 그런‬I'm not the type of guy who asks anyone to be friends.
‪낯간지러운 놈은 아닌데요‬to be friends.
‪근데 왜 굳이...‬Then why...
‪친구 해요, 친구 하면‬Let's be friends. If we become friends...
‪[용식의 당황한 신음]‬-Who do you think you are? -Who do you think you are?
‪너는 뭔데 껴!‬-Who do you think you are? -Who do you think you are?
‪댁이 뭔데?‬-Who do you think you are? -Who do you think you are?
‪친구 하면‬If we become friends,
‪나...‬will you
‪동백 씨랑 필구 편‬ ‪대놓고 들어도 되죠?‬let me side with you and Pil-gu whenever I want?
‪작정하고 그냥‬ ‪편파적으로 해도 되는 거죠?‬Can I always be on your side?
‪- (동백) 제 편요?‬ ‪- (용식) 네‬-You want to be on my side? -Yes.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬ ‪(용식)‬ ‪아니, 이...‬My gosh, well...
‪[용식의 멋쩍은 신음]‬My gosh, well...
‪아유, 뭐‬I'm not asking you to date me.
‪뭐, 사귀자는 것도 아니고, 이...‬I'm not asking you to date me.
‪그냥 그거, 이‬I'm just asking you to be friends.
‪그냥...‬I'm just asking you to be friends.
‪'친한 동료 사이일 뿐', 그거, 그거요‬I'm just asking you to be friends. That's all I'm asking.
‪친구만 해 봐요‬be friends.
‪일단은‬For now at least.
‪[용식의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬My gosh, Dongbaek.
‪[용식의 헛기침]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪아, 그, 저기 그, 저, 필구는...‬What's Pil-gu doing?
‪(동백)‬ ‪잔대요‬He's sleeping.
‪[용식의 멋쩍은 숨소리]‬CAMELLIA
‪(용식)‬ ‪어어, 저...‬Sir, this is a non-smoking area.
‪저, 여기 저, 금연이에요, 예‬Sir, this is a non-smoking area.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[멋쩍게 웃으며]‬ ‪하, 그, 저기, 저‬Well...
‪지금 필구를‬ ‪데리고 나오시는 게 어떨지...‬You should bring Pil-gu out now.
‪(동백)‬ ‪우리 남편이 너무 잘해 줘서‬My husband treats me so well that I even forgot what you looked like.
‪난 네 얼굴도 까먹었어‬My husband treats me so well that I even forgot what you looked like.
‪[동백의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪(용식)‬ ‪그, 집으로 이동을 할 때‬My husband treats me so well that I even forgot what you looked like. You should take him with you
‪한 번에 싹 다 같이 이동을 하면‬ ‪이게 편하...‬now that we're about to go home...
‪[용식의 당황한 신음]‬now that we're about to go home...
‪[동백의 머뭇거리는 신음]‬Let's just go.
‪(동백)‬ ‪그냥 가요‬Let's just go.
‪(용식)‬ ‪그녀와 친구 먹은 지‬ ‪10분 만에 깨달았다‬Only ten minutes after agreeing to be friends...
‪나는 그녀와‬I realized
‪친구가 될 수 없다‬that I can't be friends with her.
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪너희들 뭐야?‬What's going on?
‪(동백)‬ ‪그냥 가요‬Let's go.
‪(규태)‬ ‪둘이 사귀어?‬Are you guys dating?
‪(종렬)‬ ‪'사귀어'?‬They're dating?
‪우리 사귀어요?‬Are we dating?
‪우리 이제 사귀는 거예요?‬Are we dating now?
‪[못마땅한 입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬
‪동백 씨가 자기들 친구여?‬Why are they talking to Dongbaek as if she's their friend?
‪전부 다 반말을 찍찍 하고 있어, 쯧‬Why are they talking to Dongbaek as if she's their friend?
‪(동백)‬ ‪이거 서비스예요‬This is on the house.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아니...‬Why are you giving me peanuts for free?
‪왜, 저, 저한테는‬Why are you giving me peanuts for free?
‪따, 땅콩을...‬Why are you giving me peanuts for free?
‪(동백)‬ ‪아이, 필구 애들이랑 싸우는데‬ ‪편들어 주셨다고‬I heard you took Pil-gu's side when he fought with his school friends.
‪(용식)‬ ‪예? 아!‬What? Oh, right. Yes.
‪아, 예, 예, 아, 아, 아, 그거요? 예‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬What? Oh, right. Yes.
‪(동백)‬ ‪필구가 좋았나 봐요‬I think it made him happy. DONGBAEK, YOU ALSO NEED TO STOP BEING A JOKE
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪(용식)‬ ‪남녀 관계가 충동적이기 때문에‬I think mankind was able to prosper because men and women were impulsive.
‪인류가 이렇게 번영을 했다고‬ ‪생각을 해요‬ ‪[용식의 감격하는 숨소리]‬because men and women were impulsive. You should do what you think is right.
‪기다 싶으면 가야죠‬You should do what you think is right.
‪(동백)‬ ‪결정적으로 황용식 씨가‬ ‪제 스타일이 아니예요‬Most importantly, you're really not my type.
‪(규태)‬ ‪그동안 집주인이 너무 착했지!‬I've been such a kind landlord until now.
‪(용식)‬ ‪아직도 그, 임대차 보호법을‬ ‪모르는 인간들이 있어요, 예?‬Some people still don't know the Lease Protection Law.
‪- '아, 무식한 게 죄구나' 하지‬ ‪- (규태) 야!‬-It's a sin to be dumb. -Hey!
‪(동백)‬ ‪용식 씨가 이럴수록‬The neighbors will have more to talk about if you keep behaving this way.
‪동네 사람들이 더 신나서 떠들어요‬The neighbors will have more to talk about if you keep behaving this way.
‪[용식의 성난 신음]‬ ‪(용식)‬ ‪동백이 건드리지 말라고 했어‬I told you not to mess with Dongbaek.
‪앞으로 동백이 건드리면 다 죽어‬I'll kill whoever messes with her.

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