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  사내 맞선 3

Business Proposal 3


‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[태무의 옅은 헛기침]‬
‪(하리) 아…‬ ‪[태무의 신음]‬
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪[오토바이 엔진음]‬
‪(중해) 아들, 뭐 해, 여기서?‬-What are you doing here? -Dad.
‪[중해와 하민이 대화한다]‬ ‪아빠?‬"Dad"? -Running an errand for mom. -Really? Let's go inside.
‪(중해) 어, 추워, 추워‬It's cold. Let's go in.
‪야, 들어가, 들어가‬It's cold. Let's go in.
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑거린다]‬ ‪오, 추워‬It's cold. Let's go in.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪갔다‬They're gone.
‪[하리의 다급한 숨소리]‬Mr. Kang. Get up, Mr.--
‪(하리) 강태무 씨‬ ‪강태무 씨, 빨리 일어나요, 강…‬Mr. Kang. Get up, Mr.--
‪아유, 정말‬Come on. Mr. Kang!
‪강태무 씨, 강…‬Mr. Kang!
‪강태무 씨‬Mr. Kang.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(하리) '본 계약은‬ ‪갑이 을에게 의뢰한'‬This contract between "A" and "B" aims to set the terms
‪'가상 연애 및‬ ‪갑의 조부와의 만남에 있어'‬of the simulated romantic relationship between both parties
‪'필요한 사항을 정하는 것을‬ ‪목적으로 한다'‬and the requested meetings with the grandfather of "A".
‪'계약 불이행 시 위약금은‬ ‪계약 금액의 백 배'?‬In the case of a breach of contract, the penalty shall be 100 times the contract amount… 100 times?
‪백 배요?‬the penalty shall be 100 times the contract amount… 100 times?
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪아, 이건, 이건 너무하잖아요!‬But that's just ridiculous!
‪어지럼증 때문에 일정 다 취소하고‬I was so dizzy that I had to clear my entire schedule.
‪중요한 계약 놓쳐서 입은 손해가‬I lost an important contract. Do you know how much that cost me?
‪얼마인 줄 알아요?‬I lost an important contract. Do you know how much that cost me?
‪아이, 암만 그래도 이건 아니죠‬Still, this isn't right!
‪(태무) 누가 신금희 씨 가게에‬ ‪치킨을 시켰는데‬Someone ordered a chicken from your place, but you failed to deliver it.
‪아프다고 배달을 안 보내‬Someone ordered a chicken from your place, but you failed to deliver it.
‪그럼 가게의 평판은‬ ‪어떻게 될까요?‬-What would happen to its reputation? -That's…
‪그거야‬-What would happen to its reputation? -That's…
‪다음에 더 잘해 주면 되는…‬I'll just make it up--
‪(태무) 비즈니스에는‬ ‪다음이 없습니다‬There's no "next time" in this world.
‪무엇보다 중요한 신뢰를 잃었는데‬You've lost trust. You can't put a price on that.
‪돈으로 환산할 수가 있을까요?‬You've lost trust. You can't put a price on that.
‪아무리 그래도 이거는 아니죠‬But still, this isn't right.
‪(태무) 그냥 내 제안 받아들여요‬Just accept my offer.
‪그럼 손해 배상도 없던 걸로 하고‬Then I won't sue for damages,
‪약속한 알바비도 지급할게요‬and I'll still pay you what I promised.
‪아니…‬and I'll still pay you what I promised.
‪차 실장‬Mr. Cha? Contact legal and tell them to proceed with the lawsuit right away.
‪(태무) 법무 팀에 연락해서‬ ‪바로 고소 진행해‬Mr. Cha? Contact legal and tell them to proceed with the lawsuit right away.
‪아니에요, 할게요!‬ ‪예, 알았어요, 할게요‬No, I'll do it! Fine.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬ ‪성격이 급하시네요‬You're very impatient.
‪[하리가 계약서에 서명한다]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬ ‪[태무가 계약서에 서명한다]‬
‪[파일을 탁 덮는다]‬
‪[USB 연결음]‬ ‪(성훈) 이 계약을 위해‬I've summarized some things you need to know
‪신금희 씨가 숙지해야 될‬ ‪사항들을 정리해 봤는데요‬I've summarized some things you need to know to carry out this contract.
‪저기 보이시는 내용을‬ ‪외우시면 됩니다‬You need to memorize these things.
‪(하리) '1993년생 B형'‬"Born in 1993, blood type B."
‪'사립 명문 현일 초중고 재학 중‬ ‪조기 졸업 후'‬"Went to Hyunil private school from elementary to high school." "After graduating early, he was admitted to Harvard at the age of 18."
‪'18세에 하버드 입학'‬"After graduating early, he was admitted to Harvard at the age of 18."
‪18세?‬ ‪[웅장한 음악]‬At the age of 18?
‪(하리) '하버드 수석 졸업 후'‬ ‪[사람들의 환호와 박수]‬"He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard…"
‪저거 뭐라고 읽는 거예요?‬How do you read that?
‪[영어] '토머스 후프스‬ ‪최우수 졸업 논문상'‬
‪- [한국어] 예?‬ ‪- (태무) 뭐, 그런 게 있어요‬-What? -It's a thing.
‪아, 예‬Oh, okay.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬ ‪(하리) 우와, 대학 때 육상 선수…‬Wow, you were a track and field athlete in college?
‪[총성이 탕 울린다]‬Wow, you were a track and field athlete in college?
‪공부도 잘하시고 운동도 잘하시고‬Wow, you got good grades and were an athlete too? That's impressive.
‪대단하시네요‬Wow, you got good grades and were an athlete too? That's impressive.
‪유일한 단점이라면‬ ‪못하는 게 없다랄까?‬My only flaw is that there's nothing I'm not good at.
‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬ ‪(태무) 회사에서 한 프로젝트도‬ ‪다 성공시켰죠‬All the projects I've headed at the company were all successful too. A JOINT DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEWEST FREEZER TECHNOLOGY
‪저건 뭐예요?‬What's that?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(하리) '유학차 뉴욕에‬ ‪머물던 중 마주쳐 사랑에 빠짐'‬What's that? "Fell in love while studying abroad in New York."
‪- 뉴욕이요?‬ ‪- (성훈) 네‬-New York? -Yes. Since Mr. Kang has been in New York for the past two years,
‪사장님은 최근 2년간‬ ‪뉴욕에 계셨기 때문에‬Since Mr. Kang has been in New York for the past two years,
‪이 설정이 가장‬ ‪자연스러운 만남 같은데요‬this backstory seems the most natural.
‪근데 제가 무슨 유학을 뉴욕으로?‬But I didn't study in New York.
‪(성훈) 아, 그래서‬ ‪신금희 씨의 캐릭터 및 배경도‬But I didn't study in New York. To address that, we've put together a backstory for you too.
‪짧게 정리해 봤습니다‬To address that, we've put together a backstory for you too.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪이게 평범…‬Typical?
‪이게 평범한 가족이라고요?‬This is a typical family?
‪강 회장님이 보셨을 때‬Your family needs to seem acceptable to Chairman Kang, so…
‪어느 정도 납득이 가는‬ ‪수준으로 만들다 보니‬Your family needs to seem acceptable to Chairman Kang, so…
‪(하리) 동네 치킨집 딸내미라‬ ‪그러면 기절하시겠네‬He'd faint if I told him that my family runs a local chicken shop.
‪[한숨]‬He'd faint if I told him that my family runs a local chicken shop.
‪그, 아무튼‬Anyway, the meeting with the chairman is next Sunday.
‪(태무) 회장님과의 약속‬ ‪다음 주 일요일이니까‬Anyway, the meeting with the chairman is next Sunday.
‪그때까지 정리한 상황‬ ‪제대로 외워 와요‬Be sure to memorize the backstory we've put together for you by then.
‪(태무) 실수는 용납하지 않습니다‬I won't tolerate any mistakes, do you understand?
‪알겠습니까?‬I won't tolerate any mistakes, do you understand?
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪[하리가 중얼거린다]‬SHIN GEUM-HUI
‪오, 좋은 대학 나왔네, 신금희‬Shin Geum-hui, you went to a really good school.
‪[TV에서 교양 방송이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪- (하민) 이딴 걸 왜 보냐?‬ ‪- (하리) 그냥 둬라‬Why are you watching this? Leave it.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬ ‪(TV 속 남자1) 넌 손이 없니?‬ ‪발이 없니?‬Why can't you do anything by yourself?
‪(하리) 그냥 두랬잖…‬ ‪[TV에서 예능이 흘러나온다]‬I told you to leave it… And if you're poor, you should know your place in society.
‪아이‬And if you're poor, you should know your place in society.
‪[TV에서 교양 방송이 흘러나온다]‬The framework of this…
‪'현일 초중고 졸업, 하버드 입학'‬ ‪그다음에…‬Graduated from Hyunil elementary, middle, and high school. Went to Harvard, and…
‪대단한 남친 사귀네, 신금희‬Geum-hui, you sure snagged yourself a pretty impressive boyfriend.
‪(TV 속 남자2) 금희야, 신금희‬-Geum-hui. Shin Geum-hui! -Yeah?
‪네‬-Geum-hui. Shin Geum-hui! -Yeah?
‪(TV 속 여자1) 어, 아빠‬Oh, Dad?
‪(TV 속 남자2) 아니‬ ‪무슨 생각 하고…‬ ‪[영서의 어이없는 숨소리]‬What are you daydreaming about? Wow, you're getting really immersed in your new identity, Ms. Shin Geum-hui.
‪[TV에서 드라마가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪캐릭터 몰입도가‬ ‪아주 장난이 아니시네요‬Wow, you're getting really immersed in your new identity, Ms. Shin Geum-hui.
‪(영서) 신금희 씨‬ ‪[한숨]‬Wow, you're getting really immersed in your new identity, Ms. Shin Geum-hui.
‪야, 이렇게까지 할 일이냐, 이게?‬Is this really worth all this effort?
‪(하리) [한숨 쉬며] 그럼 어떡해‬What can I do?
‪계약금 받은 거‬ ‪백 배로 물어내기 싫으면‬Otherwise, I have to pay him 100 times the contract amount.
‪열심히 해야지‬Otherwise, I have to pay him 100 times the contract amount.
‪(영서) 백 배?‬100 times?
‪백 배는 무슨‬100 times, my ass.
‪어유, 우리 신하리‬Did Ha-ri get spooked by some absurd lie again?
‪또 말도 안 되는 개뻥에‬ ‪날름 겁먹었쪄?‬Did Ha-ri get spooked by some absurd lie again?
‪(하리) 진짜‬ ‪고소 진행 각이었다니까‬Did Ha-ri get spooked by some absurd lie again? He was going to press charges. He would have found out my real name
‪그대로 조사 들어갔으면‬He would have found out my real name
‪내 본명에 회사 직원인 걸‬ ‪다 알았을 거고‬He would have found out my real name and the fact that I work for his company.
‪그럼 나 가만뒀을까?‬Then what would happen? I'd get fired and…
‪바로 해고에 막…‬Then what would happen? I'd get fired and…
‪야, 이게 최선이야‬Look, this is the best I can do.
‪그래서 가짜 남친 공부는‬ ‪잘돼 가니?‬So how's the studying coming along on your fake boyfriend?
‪(하리) 야‬ ‪팔수록 사기캐인 거 있지?‬The more I learn, the more unbelievable he seems.
‪다이아몬드 수저인데 머리 좋아‬Not only was he was born with a diamond spoon in his mouth,
‪운동 신경 장난 아니야‬Not only was he was born with a diamond spoon in his mouth, but he's also smart and good at sports. Plus, he's hot.
‪외모도 잘생겨‬but he's also smart and good at sports. Plus, he's hot.
‪근데 어릴 때 부모님이‬ ‪사고로 돌아가셨더라‬But his parents passed away in an accident when he was young.
‪(영서) 어? 어?‬
‪야, 나 그거 들은 적 있어‬Hey, I heard about that.
‪그래서 계열사에‬ ‪친인척이 하나도 없잖아‬That's why there are no relatives in any of the subsidiaries.
‪- 진짜? 왜?‬ ‪- 말도 마‬-Really? Why? -Don't even get me started.
‪(영서) 강태무 사장 부모님 사고도‬ ‪누가 조작했다는 소문이 있었어‬Rumor had it that someone was behind the accident that killed his parents.
‪(하리) 진짜?‬Really?
‪뭐, 나도 진실이야 알 수 없는데‬I mean, I have no idea if that's the truth or not.
‪뭐, 그래서 친인척 싹을 다 잘랐대‬I mean, I have no idea if that's the truth or not. But apparently, Chairman Kang fired all his blood relatives to protect him.
‪손주 보호하려고, 강 회장이‬But apparently, Chairman Kang fired all his blood relatives to protect him.
‪앗싸, 오예‬ ‪[게임 소리가 흘러나온다]‬Yes!
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪아니…‬
‪[새 울음 효과음]‬
‪아이, 왜 또…‬What is it this time?
‪여보세요?‬-Hello? -Where are you right now?
‪(태무) 지금 어디입니까?‬-Hello? -Where are you right now?
‪어디긴요, 이 시간에, 집이죠‬Where else would I be at this hour? Of course, I'm at home.
‪무슨 일이세요?‬What is it?
‪[부드러운 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(태무) 사안이 사안인지라‬I thought it would be best to discuss this in a private space.
‪프라이빗한 공간에서‬ ‪얘기하는 게 좋을 거 같아서‬I thought it would be best to discuss this in a private space.
‪아, 예‬Oh, okay.
‪차 실장이 준 건 다 외웠습니까?‬Did you memorize everything?
‪현일 초중고 졸업‬ ‪10년 하버드 입학‬Graduated from Hyunil schools. Got into Harvard in 2010.
‪(강 회장) 우리 손자 만세야!‬ ‪[사람들의 박수]‬That's my grandson! Joined go food after graduation.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪(하리) 졸업 후‬ ‪지오푸드컴퍼니 입사‬Joined go food after graduation.
‪사골 베이스 라인‬ ‪우리고 시리즈로 고속 승진 중‬After the success of Woorigo series of bone broth, you were promoted quickly
‪돌연 미국 뉴욕 지사행‬After the success of Woorigo series of bone broth, you were promoted quickly and abruptly went to the New York branch. As for your hobbies--
‪한, 중, 양식 조리사 자격증 취득‬and abruptly went to the New York branch. As for your hobbies--
‪- 취미는…‬ ‪- (태무) 그만‬and abruptly went to the New York branch. As for your hobbies-- Enough!
‪(태무) 지금 뭐 하는 겁니까?‬What are you doing?
‪아, 회장님 엄청 깐깐하시다길래‬I heard that the chairman was very thorough,
‪빈틈없이 준비해야겠다 싶어서‬so I memorized your entire profile just in case.
‪프로필 통으로 외운 건데‬so I memorized your entire profile just in case.
‪설마 그걸 다‬ ‪읊어 보라고 시키시겠어요?‬Do you think he'll ask you to recite it?
‪그래도 외운 정성이‬ ‪대단하네요, 신금희 씨‬Still, I'm impressed, Ms. Shin.
‪(하리) 교과서 위주로‬ ‪공부하면 불패잖아요‬You can't lose if you do it by the book.
‪뭐든지 물어보세요‬ ‪다 맞혀 볼 테니까‬Ask me anything. I'll get it right.
‪그래요?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Is that so?
‪(태무) 그럼 다다음 주 토요일에‬ ‪할아버지가 보자고 하면‬Then, if my grandfather asked to see you on Saturday, two weeks from now,
‪신금희 씨는‬ ‪뭐라고 답해야 옳을까요?‬what would be the correct way to respond?
‪오‬what would be the correct way to respond?
‪(하리) 어…‬
‪글쎄요‬Well, there's no real reason to say no if your grandfather is asking to see me.
‪어른이 보자고 하시는데‬ ‪딱히 거절할 이유도 없고‬Well, there's no real reason to say no if your grandfather is asking to see me.
‪그냥 좋다고 하면 되지 않을까요?‬-So shouldn't I just say, sure? -Wrong!
‪땡!‬ ‪[땡 소리 효과음]‬-So shouldn't I just say, sure? -Wrong!
‪(태무) 거절한다가 답입니다‬-"No" is the right answer. -Why?
‪왜요?‬-"No" is the right answer. -Why?
‪(태무) 그날은 우리가‬ ‪1주년 되는 날입니다‬That day is our one-year anniversary.
‪보통 그런 날에는‬Don't couples usually
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬spend time together on days like that?
‪연인들끼리‬ ‪보내야 하는 거 아닙니까?‬spend time together on days like that?
‪거, 제대로 공부한 거 맞습니까?‬-Are you sure you studied properly? -But that was a trick question.
‪꽈서 물어보니까 헷갈린 거거든요‬-Are you sure you studied properly? -But that was a trick question.
‪그러게, 달달 외운다고‬ ‪능사가 아니죠‬That's why simple memorization won't always work.
‪그럼 저도 문제 하나 낼게요‬Let me ask you something too, then.
‪(하리) 우리 첫 만남 때‬What was I wearing when we first met?
‪나는 무슨 옷을 입고 있었을까요?‬What was I wearing when we first met?
‪없는 설정을 어떻게 기억합니까?‬-How could I possibly know that? -Wrong!
‪땡!‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬-How could I possibly know that? -Wrong!
‪(하리) 당연히 기억해야죠‬Of course, you should remember! After all, it was the first day we met.
‪역사적 첫 만남인데‬Of course, you should remember! After all, it was the first day we met.
‪[부드러운 바이올린 연주]‬
‪(하리) 우리가 처음 만난 날에는‬On the day we first met, it was raining in New York.
‪뉴욕 하늘에 비가 내리고 있었어요‬On the day we first met, it was raining in New York.
‪이건 참고로‬Just so you know, I looked up the actual weather that day in New York.
‪그날 뉴욕 날씨를‬ ‪검색했더니 나온 팩트예요‬Just so you know, I looked up the actual weather that day in New York.
‪[사람들의 박수]‬
‪[태무가 동전을 달그락 놓는다]‬
‪[극적인 바이올린 연주]‬
‪[반짝이는 효과음]‬
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪[당황한 신음]‬
‪(하리) [한국어] 아…‬ ‪옷 비싸 보이는데‬His clothes look expensive.
‪설마 세탁비 물어 달라고‬ ‪하는 거 아니겠지?‬What if he asks me to pay for the dry cleaning?
‪한국 분이세요?‬Are you Korean?
‪어? 네‬Yes.
‪그쪽도?‬You too?
‪(태무) 그 정도로 첫눈에 반하다니‬Falling in love just like that? That's too unlikely.
‪개연성이 약하네요‬That's too unlikely.
‪(하리) 왜요?‬Why? I think your grandfather will be completely fooled
‪날씨까지 첨가된 디테일함에‬Why? I think your grandfather will be completely fooled
‪할아버님도 깜빡‬ ‪속아 넘어가실 거 같은데‬ ‪[태무의 한숨]‬Why? I think your grandfather will be completely fooled with the details about the weather and everything.
‪난 비 오는 날 싫어합니다‬I don't like rainy days.
‪(태무) 차라리 날짜를 바꾸죠‬Let's change the date instead.
‪(하리) 하, 저, 정말로‬ ‪안 바래다주셔도 괜찮은데‬You really don't have to drop me off.
‪(태무) 늦었는데 타고 가요‬It's late. Just accept the ride.
‪그러게요‬Yes, it wouldn't be right to let a woman go home alone at this hour.
‪이 밤에 여자 혼자‬ ‪보내는 건 아니죠‬Yes, it wouldn't be right to let a woman go home alone at this hour.
‪(하리) 네‬Okay.
‪[못마땅한 말투로] 고맙습니다‬Thank you so much.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪[하리의 한숨]‬
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪(하리) 아!‬
‪[하리의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪거의 다 왔나 봐요‬We must be pretty close by now.
‪[하리가 코를 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪(성훈) 네?‬We must be pretty close by now. What? We still have a bit more to go.
‪아직 조금 더 가야 되는데…‬What? We still have a bit more to go.
‪(하리) 아닌가 봐요‬ ‪[하리의 웃음]‬I guess I was wrong,
‪아유, 아파‬That hurt.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪[피곤한 숨소리]‬
‪그럼 저희는 이번 주말에 봐요‬I'll see you this weekend, then.
‪신금희 씨 말입니다‬About Ms. Shin, isn't there something oddly endearing about her?
‪의외로 귀여운 구석이‬ ‪있지 않습니까?‬About Ms. Shin, isn't there something oddly endearing about her?
‪감정 과잉에 산만한 게 귀여운가?‬Is being overly emotional and easily distracted endearing?
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[반짝이는 효과음]‬
‪[쪽 소리 효과음]‬
‪[풉 웃는다]‬
‪왜 웃으십니까?‬Why are you smiling?
‪아무것도 아니야‬It's nothing.
‪[픽 웃는다]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪다음 주에 선봐라‬Go on a blind date next week.
‪모르는 척하시는 거예요?‬Are you pretending you don't know? Or do you really not know?
‪아니면 진짜 모르시는 거예요?‬Are you pretending you don't know? Or do you really not know?
‪(영서) 그동안 저 선볼 때마다‬ ‪들은 얘기 없으시냐고요‬Have you not heard anything about my blind dates?
‪들었다‬I've heard.
‪근데도 또 저보고 선을 보라고요?‬Yet you still want me to go on blind dates?
‪그래서 이번에는‬That's why I looked internationally instead of domestically.
‪국내 쪽 말고‬ ‪해외 쪽으로 알아봤다‬That's why I looked internationally instead of domestically.
‪아빠!‬ ‪[젓가락을 탁 내려놓는다]‬Dad!
‪전국 또라이에서 전 세계 또라이로‬ ‪소문나는 꼴 보고 싶으세요?‬Do you want the rumors that I'm crazy to reach international waters too?
‪(영서) 저 선보기 싫다고요!‬I don't want to be set up with anyone!
‪넌 어떻게‬ ‪너 하고 싶은 것만 하면서 살아?‬You can't only do the things you want to do.
‪후계자면 후계자답게, 어?‬As my heiress, you have responsibilities--
‪책임질 의무가 있고…‬As my heiress, you have responsibilities--
‪그래서 아빠처럼‬ ‪정략결혼 하라고요?‬So you want me to have an arranged marriage just like you?
‪(영서) 결국 두 분도‬ ‪행복하지 않아서 이혼했잖아요‬You weren't happy, and that's why you divorced.
‪근데 왜 또 나한테‬ ‪그 길을 가라는 건데요?‬Why do you want me to go down the same path?
‪네 엄마가 유별나서 그랬고‬-That was because your mom was eccentric. -I'm just as eccentric as mom is.
‪저도 엄마 못지않게 유별나거든요‬-That was because your mom was eccentric. -I'm just as eccentric as mom is.
‪사랑 없는 결혼 안 할 거예요‬I won't get married if I'm not in love.
‪그러니까 제 인생에‬ ‪간섭하지 마세요‬So stop meddling in my life.
‪건방진…‬You insolent…
‪너…‬You insolent…
‪너 그렇게 마음대로 살 거면‬ ‪아예 나가서 살든가‬If you plan on acting however you please, then move out!
‪네, 나갈게요‬Fine, I will.
‪하신 말씀 번복 안 하시기로‬ ‪유명하시니까‬I know you're famous for not taking back anything you say. So I'll do exactly as you ordered.
‪그 말 따를게요, 제가‬So I'll do exactly as you ordered.
‪아, 야, 너…‬ ‪[영서가 탁 일어난다]‬Hey, you…
‪(영서 부) 잠깐만‬Wait!
‪잠깐만, 잠깐만‬Wait.
‪네 힘으로 독립하겠다니까‬ ‪막지는 않겠다‬I won't stop you from living on your own.
‪대신‬I won't stop you from living on your own. -But… -But what?
‪대신 뭐요?‬-But… -But what?
‪아빠 카드 놓고 가라‬-Leave my credit card behind. -What?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪네?‬-Leave my credit card behind. -What?
‪(영서 부) 넌 진정한‬ ‪독립의 의미도 모르냐?‬Do you not know what it means to be truly independent?
‪네가 번 돈으로‬ ‪네 힘으로 먹고살아야‬True independence is living off the money you earn yourself.
‪그게 진정한 독립이지‬True independence is living off the money you earn yourself.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[못마땅한 한숨]‬
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪이제 혼자 식사하셔서 어떡하나‬What are you going to do now that you have to eat your meals alone?
‪치사하게 카드를 뺏고…‬Taking away the credit card is such a petty move.
‪(고 상무) 우리 만두가 3년 만에‬In just three years, our dumplings now make up the largest share
‪국내 시장 점유율‬ ‪1위를 달성했습니다‬In just three years, our dumplings now make up the largest share within the domestic market.
‪게다가 미국 매출 4천억 원으로‬Furthermore, we are on the verge of reaching a global sales revenue
‪글로벌 매출 1조 원 돌파를‬ ‪바로 눈앞에 두고 있고요‬Furthermore, we are on the verge of reaching a global sales revenue of a trillion won, with the US sales revenue being 400 billion won.
‪[웃음]‬of a trillion won, with the US sales revenue being 400 billion won.
‪자, 다들 박수‬ ‪[직원들의 박수]‬Let's have a round of applause!
‪그만들 하세요‬Everyone, stop!
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪해외 점유율은 아직‬ ‪중국을 따라잡지 못하고 있는데‬Our overseas market share hasn't caught up with China's yet,
‪지금 박수 칠 때입니까?‬and you think it's time to clap?
‪아, 아…‬and you think it's time to clap?
‪죄, 죄, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪거기에 대한 대책은 세웠습니까?‬Have you set up a countermeasure?
‪예? 대, 대책…‬Pardon? A countermeasure?
‪(고 상무) 아, 그, 그게…‬Well, that's…
‪어, 그, 그러니까 대책이…‬Well, that's… I mean, a countermeasure--
‪앵무새처럼 부하 직원이‬ ‪적어 준 파일만 읽을 거면‬If you're just going to read off what your subordinates wrote for you,
‪다음 회의부터는 참석하지 마세요‬you don't need to attend these meetings from now on.
‪(태무) 자, 그럼‬ ‪다음 안건 얘기하죠‬Now, let's move onto the next topic.
‪식품 개발부에서‬The Food Product Development Division's "A Collaboration With the Chef".
‪이번에 새로 추진할‬ ‪셰프와의 컬래버에서‬The Food Product Development Division's "A Collaboration With the Chef".
‪식품 개발 3팀은‬Food Product Development Team 3…
‪장미셸 셰프가 맡게 될 겁니다‬will be under the direction of Chef Jang Michelle.
‪(직원1) 장미셸?‬will be under the direction of Chef Jang Michelle. -Michelle? -That famous chef?
‪(직원2) 그 유명한 장미셸 셰프?‬ ‪[직원들이 술렁인다]‬-Michelle? -That famous chef? The super famous French chef?
‪1팀 진행은‬ ‪어떻게 돼 가고 있습니까?‬How is Team 1 progressing on this?
‪아, 그게…‬Well…
‪박천 셰프와 이탈리안 가정식으로‬ ‪기획을 하고 있었는데요‬We were developing an Italian family-style meal with Chef Park Chun, but…
‪자연주의 셰프로 이름 날리다가‬This chef was just getting famous but he turned out to be a bully?
‪학폭이 웬 말이야‬This chef was just getting famous but he turned out to be a bully?
‪(혜지) 멀쩡한 칼 놔두고‬I knew something was off about him
‪주먹으로 마늘 다질 때부터‬ ‪알아봤어요‬I knew something was off about him when he crushed garlic with his fists.
‪[멀리서 전화벨이 울린다]‬ ‪어, 그럼 추진하던‬ ‪메뉴는 어떡해요?‬But then what about the dish that we were working on?
‪(계 차장) 물 건너갔지, 뭐‬ ‪[문이 덜컹 열린다]‬Well, that's off the table now.
‪[여 부장의 한숨]‬ ‪어, 어떻게 됐어?‬-How did it go? -How do you think?
‪어떻게 되기는‬-How did it go? -How do you think?
‪(여 부장) 셰프 사생활도‬ ‪검증 안 해 봤냐고‬I got yelled at for not looking into the chef's private life.
‪엄청 깨지고 왔지‬I got yelled at for not looking into the chef's private life.
‪딴 셰프 찾아본다 그러고 왔어‬I told them that we would look for another chef.
‪[계 차장의 한숨]‬I told them that we would look for another chef.
‪(하리) 안 그래도‬ ‪제가 몇 명 찾아봤는데요‬ ‪[여 부장이 호응한다]‬-Actually, I've already found a few. -Yeah.
‪이분은 해산물 요리로 핫하고요‬This chef is famous for his seafood.
‪(하리) 이분은 방송 경력이 많아서‬ ‪인지도가 높습니다‬CHEF LEE JONG-JAE This chef had a lot of TV exposure, so he's already well-known.
‪하, 근데 업계에‬But everyone in the industry knows that we're looking
‪박천 셰프 땜빵이라고‬ ‪소문 쫙 났을 텐데‬But everyone in the industry knows that we're looking for a replacement for Chef Park. Will it be okay?
‪괜찮을까?‬ ‪[하리의 한숨]‬for a replacement for Chef Park. Will it be okay?
‪(여 부장) 아, 신 선임‬Oh, Ms. Shin.
‪저, 지난번에 추천했던‬ ‪이민우 셰프 어때?‬How about Chef Lee Min-woo?
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪- 민우요?‬ ‪- (여 부장) 그래‬How about Chef Lee Min-woo? -Min-woo? -Yeah.
‪마스크 신선해, 음식 맛있어‬He's new, and his food is good. Wouldn't he be a good fit?
‪괜찮지 않아?‬He's new, and his food is good. Wouldn't he be a good fit?
‪괜찮죠, 그러니까 제가 추천했었죠‬Of course. That's why I recommended him.
‪(계 차장) 그 친구 사생활 괜찮아?‬Is he clean though?
‪기생오라비처럼 생겨서 불안한데‬He looks like a womanizer. What if he causes a scandal after we hire him?
‪섭외되고 나서‬ ‪빵 터지는 거 아니냐고‬He looks like a womanizer. What if he causes a scandal after we hire him?
‪왜 애먼 사람 까고 그래‬ ‪대안도 없으면서‬Don't bad-mouth an innocent guy when you have no other alternatives.
‪까는 게 아니라‬I'm not bad-mouthing him.
‪(계 차장) 으응‬
‪여자들한테 인기가 많길래‬He's just popular with girls.
‪[입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪(여 부장) 지난번에 혜지 씨‬ ‪차단하는 거 못 봤어?‬Didn't you see him completely reject Hye-ji?
‪맞아요, 저한테‬ ‪철벽 치는 거 보니까‬You're right. Judging by how he rejected me, I don't think we'll have a problem.
‪문제없을 거 같은데요?‬Judging by how he rejected me, I don't think we'll have a problem. Plus, he's super handsome, and his food is great too!
‪게다가 비주얼 쩔지, 음식 맛있지‬Plus, he's super handsome, and his food is great too!
‪(혜지) 완전 저희 팀‬ ‪1등 각인데요?‬I think we have a real shot at winning!
‪(여 부장) 내 말이‬That's what I'm saying.
‪신 선임, 내일 추천서‬ ‪올릴 수 있게 준비 좀 해 봐 봐‬That's what I'm saying. Get things ready so we can submit a recommendation tomorrow.
‪- 네, 알겠습니다‬ ‪- (여 부장) 어‬-Yes, ma'am. -Good.
‪[여 부장의 한숨]‬
‪[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪[TV에서 드라마가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(강 회장) 우리 손주며느릿감은‬You know, I even like the name of your future wife.
‪이름부터가 딱 마음에 들어‬You know, I even like the name of your future wife.
‪신금희‬Shin Geum-hui.
‪내 최애 드라마 여주랑‬ ‪이름도 똑같고‬She has the same name as the main character from my favorite TV show.
‪[강 회장이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪얘기나 들어 봅시다‬Let me hear it first.
‪(TV 속 여자1과 남자3) 어!‬
‪[강 회장의 들뜬 탄성]‬Gwang-bok and Geum-hui are finally together!
‪(강 회장) 드디어 광복이랑‬ ‪금희가 연결이 됐네‬Gwang-bok and Geum-hui are finally together!
‪[하리의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[옅은 헛기침]‬
‪무슨 드라마가‬ ‪키스 한 번에 연결돼?‬What kind of show makes the characters get together after just one kiss?
‪진짜 별로다‬This show is the worst.
‪(태무) 보지 마세요, 이런 거‬Don't watch things like this.
‪(강 회장) 야, 이놈아!‬Hey, what do you mean it's the worst?
‪별로기는‬Hey, what do you mean it's the worst? Listen here, this show is hitting 27% in viewership.
‪이게 요즘 시청률 27%야, 인마!‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬Listen here, this show is hitting 27% in viewership.
‪[문이 쾅 닫힌다]‬ ‪자식, 자세히 봐야지‬You just need to get into it.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬
‪(하리) 야‬Hey.
‪이건 좀 데코레이션 살려 줘‬-Can you focus on the garnish? -Okay.
‪(하리) 응‬-Can you focus on the garnish? -Okay.
‪- (영서) 아, 진짜 맛있다‬ ‪- (하리) 야!‬-Wow, this is so good. -Hey!
‪(민우) 걸신들렸냐?‬Have you been starving? You should eat more slowly.
‪천천히 좀 먹어‬Have you been starving? You should eat more slowly. I haven't eaten all day because I was looking for apartments at lunch.
‪(민우) 아이고‬ ‪그러게 집은 왜 나와서‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬Seriously, why did you move out?
‪집 구할 돈은 있어?‬Do you even have money to get your own place?
‪[헛웃음]‬Do you even have money to get your own place?
‪(하리) 아유‬ ‪얼마나 모아 놨을는지‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬But I've saved up my paychecks. Oh, sure. I'm sure you've saved a lot…
‪민우야, 백김치라비올리는?‬Min-woo, what about the white kimchi ravioli?
‪어, 그거 말이 라비올리지‬I just called it ravioli,
‪그냥 있는 재료 넣고‬ ‪내 마음대로 만든 거잖아‬but I made it with whatever I had at hand. It's not even on the menu.
‪메뉴에도 없어‬but I made it with whatever I had at hand. It's not even on the menu.
‪아니야, 내가 보기에는‬ ‪상품화하기에는 딱이야‬No. I think it'll make a perfect product.
‪(하리) 한국식 라비올리‬A Korean-style ravioli.
‪뭔가 새롭잖아‬A Korean-style ravioli. -It's new. -I don't know. Do you think it'll work?
‪글쎄, 괜찮을까?‬-It's new. -I don't know. Do you think it'll work?
‪야, 너 내 혀 못 믿냐?‬Hey, don't you trust my taste buds?
‪(하리) 내가 괜히‬ ‪네 음식 좋아하겠냐고‬Hey, don't you trust my taste buds? I like your food for a reason, you know. Go and make some, quick.
‪빨리 가서 만들어 와‬I like your food for a reason, you know. Go and make some, quick.
‪[픽 웃는다]‬I like your food for a reason, you know. Go and make some, quick.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(영서) '내가 네 음식 좋아하잖아'‬"I like your food."
‪그리고 난 너도 좋아해‬"And, I like you too."
‪[영서가 입소리를 쪽쪽 낸다]‬
‪(하리) 우리 영서가 오늘‬ ‪우리 집에서 자고 싶지가 않구나?‬I guess you don't want to sleep over at my place tonight?
‪[익살스러운 말투로] 나는 오늘‬ ‪길바닥에서 잘래요‬"I feel like sleeping out on the streets tonight!"
‪(영서) 죄송합니다‬-I'm sorry. -Right?
‪(하리) 그렇지? 가서 먹어‬-I'm sorry. -Right? Go eat.
‪"온종일 행복한 날"‬
‪[영서의 놀란 숨소리]‬What kind of security deposit is this expensive?
‪[하리가 키보드를 연신 두드린다]‬ ‪뭔 보증금이 이렇게나 비싸?‬What kind of security deposit is this expensive?
‪방 사이즈 보니까 내 방‬ ‪반의반도 안 되는 거 같은데, 이거‬This place doesn't even look like it's half as big as my bedroom.
‪(하리) 너 월급‬ ‪한 푼도 안 쓰고 다 모았다며?‬I thought you said you saved all your paychecks without spending a cent.
‪엄살‬I thought you said you saved all your paychecks without spending a cent. So you were exaggerating. On top of rent, I also need to buy furniture,
‪(영서) 야, 집만 구하냐?‬On top of rent, I also need to buy furniture,
‪집 들어가면 가구도 사야 되고‬On top of rent, I also need to buy furniture,
‪생활비도 만만치 않을 텐데‬and my living expenses will be pretty high too.
‪아, 그러네‬Oh, that's right.
‪그래서 말인데‬ ‪그냥 너랑 같이 살까?‬So I was thinking. Should I just live with you?
‪이 방에서‬In this room?
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪그냥 한 말이야, 방 구할 거거든‬It was just a thought. I'm going to get my own place!
‪[웃음]‬It was just a thought. I'm going to get my own place!
‪(영서) 못됐어, 계집애‬You're a mean girl.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[빨리 감기 효과음]‬
‪[알람이 울린다]‬
‪(영서) 아유, 시끄러워‬It's so loud.
‪알람 좀 꺼‬Turn off that alarm.
‪[영서의 괴로운 숨소리]‬ ‪(미모) 알람 좀 끄기는‬"Turn off the alarm"? Get up. You're going to be late.
‪일어나, 지각하겠어‬"Turn off the alarm"? Get up. You're going to be late.
‪하리야, 하리야‬Ha-ri?
‪아유, 넌 이러고 잔 거야?‬ ‪허리 아프게‬You fell asleep like this? Your back will hurt.
‪하리야, 일어나‬Ha-ri, get up! Wake up! Get up, you need to go to work.
‪하리야, 일어나!‬Ha-ri, get up! Wake up! Get up, you need to go to work.
‪일어나, 출근해야지‬ ‪[옅은 신음]‬Ha-ri, get up! Wake up! Get up, you need to go to work.
‪어, 지금 몇 시야?‬What time is it?
‪(미모) 몇 시일까?‬What time do you think?
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬Oh, my God!
‪아, 큰일 났다!‬Oh, my God!
‪아, 나 아직 정리 다 안 끝났는데‬I haven't finished this! What do I do?
‪와, 어떡하지?‬I haven't finished this! What do I do?
‪(미모) 아, 일어나서‬ ‪밥들 먼저 먹어‬Get up and eat something first.
‪밥이요?‬What? Food?
‪- 어, 밥은 먹고 출근해야지‬ ‪- (하리) 언제 잠든 거지? 이거‬Right, I need to eat. When did I fall asleep? Wait, the recommendation…
‪(하리) 잠깐만, 내가…‬When did I fall asleep? Wait, the recommendation…
‪아, 잠깐만‬Wait, I think I got to the part about social media…
‪S, S, SNS까지 했던 것 같은데‬Wait, I think I got to the part about social media…
‪- 여 부장님‬ ‪- (여 부장) 응?‬ ‪[멀리서 전화벨이 울린다]‬-Ms. Yeo. -Yes?
‪(하리) 어제 부탁하셨던‬ ‪이민우 셰프 프로필이랑‬I made the profile for Chef Lee that you requested,
‪컬래버 진행할 요리에 대한‬ ‪제안서 만들어 봤어요‬along with a proposal for our collaboration.
‪어머, 이 많은 걸‬ ‪진짜 하루 만에 다 한 거야?‬Goodness, did you really finish all of this in one day?
‪아, 지난번에 추천할 때‬ ‪생각해 뒀던 게 있어서‬Goodness, did you really finish all of this in one day? I had some ideas from the last recommendation,
‪금방 만들었어요‬ ‪[여 부장이 감탄한다]‬I had some ideas from the last recommendation, so it didn't take me very long.
‪(여 부장) 오호‬
‪[여 부장이 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪'백김치라비올리'?‬White kimchi ravioli?
‪(하리) 네, 라비올리가‬I wanted to cater to Korean taste buds
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪우리나라로 따지면‬ ‪만두랑 흡사하잖아요‬I wanted to cater to Korean taste buds by using white kimchi for the filling.
‪속 재료를 한국인 입맛에 맞춰서‬ ‪백김치를 활용해 본 거예요‬by using white kimchi for the filling.
‪그래, 만두면‬ ‪대량 생산은 가능할 거고‬Well, if it's dumplings, then it can be mass-produced for sure.
‪(여 부장) 음…‬
‪응? 이건 뭐야?‬What's this?
‪아, 이건 강태무 사장이나‬ ‪이하 윗분들이‬What's this? I thought President Kang and other directors might not know a lot about Min-woo or his cooking,
‪민우나 민우 요리에 대해서‬ ‪잘 모르실 거 같아서‬might not know a lot about Min-woo or his cooking,
‪(하리) SNS상에서‬so I compiled a list of reviews for his dishes from social media.
‪민우 요리에 대한‬ ‪평가 댓글들 모아 본 거예요‬so I compiled a list of reviews for his dishes from social media.
‪[여 부장이 호응한다]‬THE RAVIOLI IS THE BEST!
‪[여 부장의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪(여 부장) 어머‬IT'S QUITE GOOD, AND THE CHEF'S HANDSOME
‪근데 여자들한테 인기 폭발이네‬Wow, he's really popular with women.
‪네, 그 부분이 이삼십 대 고객‬ ‪마케팅의 이점이 될 거 같아요‬Yes. I think that will be an advantage when we're marketing the products to customers in their 20s and 30s.
‪아, 근데 백김치라비올리‬when we're marketing the products to customers in their 20s and 30s. But white kimchi ravioli?
‪약간 호불호가 있지 않을까?‬Don't you think it's a bit risky?
‪안 그래도 그 부분도‬ ‪생각을 해 봤는데요‬I actually put some thought into that too.
‪속 재료는 바꾸면 돼요‬We can just change the filling.
‪고기만두, 김치만두처럼‬ ‪이를테면요‬ ‪[여 부장이 호응한다]‬We can just change the filling. Like meat dumplings or kimchi dumplings.
‪기본 베이스는‬ ‪리코타치즈를 이용을 하지만‬The filling uses ricotta cheese as a base,
‪이탈리안 소시지를 이용한‬ ‪아예 이탈리안 버전도 있고요‬but there's an Italian version using Italian sausages as well, and…
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(하리) 아!‬I can't. How am I supposed to give a presentation to the president?
‪전 못 해요‬I can't. How am I supposed to give a presentation to the president?
‪제가 어떻게‬ ‪사장님 앞에서 발표를 해요?‬I can't. How am I supposed to give a presentation to the president?
‪(여 부장) 왜 못 해?‬Why can't you? You just need to do what you did in front of me a moment ago.
‪아까 나한테‬ ‪얘기한 것처럼만 하면 돼‬You just need to do what you did in front of me a moment ago.
‪그냥 여 부장님이‬ ‪직접 발표를 하시는 게‬It'd be better if you gave the presentation, Ms. Yeo…
‪나는 이민우 셰프 라비올리를‬ ‪먹어 본 적도 없고‬It'd be better if you gave the presentation, Ms. Yeo… I've never had Chef Lee's ravioli,
‪(여 부장) 그리고 무엇보다도‬and above all, I can't explain things as well as you do.
‪신 선임처럼 설명을‬ ‪술술 잘할 자신이 없어‬and above all, I can't explain things as well as you do. -Let's go. -Please, just wait.
‪- (여 부장) 가자‬ ‪- 아, 잠깐만요‬-Let's go. -Please, just wait.
‪(계 차장) 그래, 신 선임‬-Let's go. -Please, just wait. She's right, Ms. Shin.
‪어제 고 상무님도‬Director Go got yelled at so much yesterday for making a mistake
‪직원이 써 준 자료 읽다가‬ ‪실수해 가지고‬Director Go got yelled at so much yesterday for making a mistake while reading off of the papers that a subordinate wrote for him.
‪사장님 앞에서 사장당할 뻔했대‬while reading off of the papers that a subordinate wrote for him.
‪[계 차장의 웃음]‬while reading off of the papers that a subordinate wrote for him.
‪그럼 계 차장님이‬ ‪직접 발표를 하세요‬Then you give the presentation, Mr. Gye.
‪(계 차장) 으응‬Then you give the presentation, Mr. Gye.
‪계 차장 울렁증 있는 거 몰라?‬Then you give the presentation, Mr. Gye. Don't you know that Mr. Gye has stage fright?
‪신 선임이 해‬-You need to do it, Ms. Shin. -One second.
‪- (하리) 예? 잠깐만요‬ ‪- (계 차장) 지금 나도 울렁거린다‬-You need to do it, Ms. Shin. -One second. I'm already feeling nervous.
‪(계 차장) 아니, 사장님 눈에 띌‬ ‪이 좋은 기회를 왜 놓치려고 그래‬This is a great opportunity to get President Kang's attention.
‪(하리) 전 눈에 띄면‬ ‪안 돼서 그래요‬It's because I shouldn't be grabbing his attention right now.
‪(여 부장) 아, 진짜, 신 선임‬Ms. Shin! Don't let me get embarrassed in front of everyone and let's go!
‪나 개망신당하게 하지 말고 가자‬Ms. Shin! Don't let me get embarrassed in front of everyone and let's go!
‪어? 가‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬Ms. Shin! Don't let me get embarrassed in front of everyone and let's go! Let's go!
‪가자!‬Let's go! Yeah, okay. Bye.
‪(계 차장) 그래, 어, 다녀와‬ ‪[하리의 힘주는 숨소리]‬Yeah, okay. Bye. Wait!
‪(태무) 개발 1팀‬ ‪셰프 리스트 업 준비됐죠?‬Development Team 1, is the chef list ready?
‪(여 부장) 어, 그게…‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬Actually…
‪저희 팀은 신 선임이‬ ‪발표를 하기로 했는데요‬Ms. Shin was supposed to present for our team.
‪왜요? 문제 있습니까?‬Why, is there a problem?
‪아, 그게…‬Well, that's…
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬Well, that's…
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[하리의 헛기침]‬
‪(하리) 늦어서 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry for being late.
‪안녕하십니까‬Hello, my name is Shin Ha-ri, from Food Product Development Team 1.
‪식품 개발부 1팀‬ ‪신하리라고 합니다‬Hello, my name is Shin Ha-ri, from Food Product Development Team 1.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪[리모컨 조작음]‬The chef we're recommending--
‪저희가 추천해 드릴 셰프는요‬The chef we're recommending--
‪그러고 발표할 겁니까?‬You're going to present like this?
‪- (하리) 예?‬ ‪- (태무) 마스크 벗고 하시죠‬-Sir? -Remove your mask. It's hard to hear you.
‪잘 안 들리는데‬-Sir? -Remove your mask. It's hard to hear you.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(하리) 마스크…‬The mask…
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(하리) 아이씨, 진짜 미치겠네‬What am I going to do?
‪[침을 꼴깍 삼킨다]‬
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[새 울음 효과음]‬
‪[하리가 콜록거린다]‬
‪(하리) 제가 감기에 걸려서요‬I actually have a cold.
‪그냥 쓰고 하세요‬Just keep it on then.
‪(하리) 예‬Yes, sir.
‪[태무가 종이를 사락거린다]‬
‪저희가 추천해 드릴 셰프는요‬The chef that we are recommending is Chef Lee Min-woo of M Kitchen.
‪M키친의 이민우 셰프이고요‬The chef that we are recommending is Chef Lee Min-woo of M Kitchen.
‪메뉴는 백김치라비올리입니다‬And the main menu is white kimchi ravioli.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬ ‪네, 저희가 이 셰프를‬ ‪추천해 드리는 이유에 있어서는‬And the main menu is white kimchi ravioli. The reason we are recommending this chef is because of his genre of cooking…
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪바로 요리의 장르에 있어서…‬The reason we are recommending this chef is because of his genre of cooking…
‪(여자2) 봐 봐, 여기가‬ ‪서울 중심의 역세권이라‬Look, this place is in the middle of Seoul and close to subway stations.
‪입지가 얼마나 좋아요‬Look, this place is in the middle of Seoul and close to subway stations. It's a great location.
‪(영서) 그럼 이런 가전제품들은‬ ‪다 풀 옵션인 거죠?‬So all these appliances come with the apartment, right?
‪(여자2) 아이, 그럼‬ ‪다 풀 옵션이지‬So all these appliances come with the apartment, right? Of course, they come with the apartment!
‪[옅은 탄성]‬Of course, they come with the apartment!
‪방도 있고, 허, 크다‬There's a room too… It's big.
‪(여자2) 아유‬ ‪내가 부동산 경력 20년 만에‬In my 20 years working as a realtor, I've never met anyone as easy to please as you, miss.
‪아가씨처럼‬ ‪시원시원한 사람 처음 보네‬I've never met anyone as easy to please as you, miss.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬ ‪제가 원래 좀 그래요‬I'm kind of like that.
‪(여자2) 그럼 얼른‬ ‪부동산 내려가서 계약서부터 써요‬I'm kind of like that. Let's go down and write out the contract.
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬ ‪네‬Sure.
‪(여자2) 어, 왔다, 왔다‬ ‪[여자2의 웃음]‬The elevator's here.
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[봉지가 바스락거린다]‬
‪성분 분석표 뽑느라고 너무 늦었네‬Printing out the ingredient analysis took so long that I'm late.
‪빨리 민우한테 얘기해 줘야 되는데‬I need to hurry up and tell Min-woo!
‪[하리의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪뭐야, 문 닫을 시간인데?‬Huh? I thought it was closing time.
‪아직 손님이 있나?‬Are there still customers?
‪[유라의 웃음]‬
‪(유라) 아, 진짜‬Come on.
‪어머, 아!‬You can't just do that all of a sudden. Look, I spilled this everywhere!
‪아, 갑자기 그러면 어떡해‬ ‪다 흘렸잖아‬You can't just do that all of a sudden. Look, I spilled this everywhere!
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(민우) 하리야‬Ha-ri.
‪(유라) 오랜만이네, 하리야‬It's been a while, Ha-ri.
‪그러게, 반갑다, 유라야‬Yeah. It's good to see you, Yoo-ra.
‪일 때문에 왔구나‬You're here for work, right?
‪- 어‬ ‪- (유라) 아‬You're here for work, right? Oh, should I let you guys talk?
‪내가 자리 비켜 줄까?‬Oh, should I let you guys talk?
‪어, 아니야, 아니야, 아니야‬Oh, no, it's okay.
‪(하리) 아니야‬ ‪나중에 얘기해도 돼, 괜찮아, 어‬No, we can just talk later. It's fine.
‪안녕‬-Bye. -Wait…
‪(유라) 아니…‬-Bye. -Wait…
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬ ‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(민우) 미안해, 놀랐지?‬Sorry. Were you shocked? I was going to tell you before, but…
‪미리 말하려고 했는데‬Sorry. Were you shocked? I was going to tell you before, but…
‪(하리) 넌 유라밖에 안 봤잖아‬You've only had eyes on Yoo-ra all this time.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪(하리) 그래도 친구라도‬ ‪네 옆에 남고 싶었어, 난‬But I still wanted to stay by your side even just as a friend.
‪그럼 언젠가 날 봐 주지 않을까‬Because I thought that maybe you'd look at me the same way one day.
‪널 좋아하는 날‬ ‪알아봐 주지 않을까‬That you might notice how much I like you. Yoo-ra wants to break up.
‪(민우) 유라가 헤어지재‬Yoo-ra wants to break up.
‪(하리) 그랬었는데‬I really thought that.
‪[버스 문이 스륵 열린다]‬
‪내 버스‬That's my bus.
‪[버스 단말기 작동음]‬
‪[하리의 신음]‬ ‪(남자4) 아, 죄송합니다‬Sorry!
‪[부드러운 컬러링이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[하리의 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(태무) 여보세요? 신금희 씨‬Hello? Ms. Shin.
‪신금희 씨?‬Ms. Shin?
‪(학생) 어떡해‬Oh, my.
‪언니, 여기요‬Here you go.
‪(하리) 하, 고마워요‬ARCHAEOPTERYX Thank you.
‪(학생) 아, 아프시겠다‬It must've hurt. Be careful.
‪조심하세요‬It must've hurt. Be careful.
‪아프네요‬It does hurt.
‪안 아플 줄 알았는데‬I thought it wouldn't,
‪[흐느끼며] 아파요‬but it hurts.
‪너무 아파요‬It hurts so much.
‪[하리가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪참‬I wonder what happened.
‪대체 무슨 일이 있길래‬I wonder what happened.
‪[하리가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪99, 100‬Ninety-nine… One hundred…
‪아, 이 정도면‬ ‪운 거 티 안 나겠지?‬Nobody will be able to tell that I was crying now, right?
‪(하리) 자…‬All right.
‪아, 화장품‬Oh, makeup.
‪오늘이었네? 공연이‬This show is today?
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(하민) 왜 이렇게 놀라?‬Why are you so spooked? Mom says to come eat.
‪밥 먹으래, 엄마가‬Why are you so spooked? Mom says to come eat.
‪아니야, 나 오늘‬ ‪약속 있어서 나가 봐야 돼‬No, I need to go out. I'm meeting someone today.
‪어?‬No, I need to go out. I'm meeting someone today.
‪어, 이 가수 나도 좋아하는데‬Hey! I like this group too.
‪오늘 공연이네?‬This show is today.
‪안 볼 거면 나 줘라, 어?‬If you're not going to go, can I have this?
‪어제 통화한 적 없는데?‬I never talked to him yesterday.
‪뭐야?‬What is this?
‪설마 어제…‬No way. Last night…
‪- 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (태무) 타요‬-Hi. -Get in.
‪직접 운전하고 오셨네요?‬-You drove here yourself? -This is a personal affair.
‪개인 일정이잖아요‬-You drove here yourself? -This is a personal affair.
‪저기, 혹시 어제 전화했었어요?‬Did you call me yesterday?
‪몰랐는데 아까 보니까‬ ‪통화 연결됐었길래‬I didn't know, but I saw I had a call from you last night.
‪오늘 약속 때문에 전화했다가‬I'd called about today, but I hung up because I couldn't hear anything. Why?
‪아무 소리 안 들려서‬ ‪그냥 끊었는데, 왜요?‬I'd called about today, but I hung up because I couldn't hear anything. Why?
‪아, 아니에요‬Nothing.
‪(하리) 하, 날씨 오늘 진짜 좋네요‬The weather is really nice today!
‪(하리) 청심환이라도‬ ‪먹고 올 걸 그랬나‬Maybe I should've taken something to calm my nerves.
‪(태무) 실전에 강하다더니‬Are you nervous? Didn't you say you've got this?
‪긴장돼요?‬Are you nervous? Didn't you say you've got this?
‪(하리) 차 실장님이‬Mr. Cha said that your grandfather is a really scary and strict person.
‪할아버님 엄청 무섭고‬ ‪깐깐한 분이랬단 말이에요‬Mr. Cha said that your grandfather is a really scary and strict person.
‪혹시 거짓말인 거‬ ‪눈치라도 채시면…‬If he realizes that we're lying to him…
‪(태무) 겁나면 저 안에서만큼은‬If you're scared, then while we're inside, try to love me for real.
‪날 진짜로 사랑해 봐요‬If you're scared, then while we're inside, try to love me for real.
‪가시죠‬Let's go.
‪(하리) 네‬Okay.
‪[고풍스러운 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[문이 삐걱 열린다]‬
‪(태무) 저희 왔습니다‬We're here.
‪(강 회장) 오‬Hey.
‪[강 회장의 웃음]‬Hey.
‪신금희 양‬Ms. Shin Geum-hui! You're as beautiful as I imagined.
‪생각했던 것만큼 참하시네요‬Ms. Shin Geum-hui! You're as beautiful as I imagined.
‪[강 회장의 웃음]‬
‪[태무의 헛기침]‬
‪이쪽이 아니라‬Not her. Her.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(태무) 이쪽‬Not her. Her.
‪(강 회장) 뭐?‬What?
‪아하, 이런, 이런‬ ‪[강 회장과 하리의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬Oh, my.
‪- (강 회장) 반가워요‬ ‪- (하리) 네‬Nice to meet you.
‪[하리와 강 회장의 웃음]‬Yes, hello.
‪[강 회장과 하리의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪(강 회장) 뉴욕에서‬ ‪미술을 전공했다고 했던가요?‬You said that you majored in art in New York?
‪(하리) 아, 예, 할아버님‬Oh, yes, sir.
‪그래서 그런지 좀 남다르구먼‬I suppose that's why you seem so unique.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[어색하게 웃으며] 아…‬
‪(하리) 회장님 만나는 자리라‬Since I was meeting the chairman,
‪안 들키려고 더 진하게‬ ‪화장했더니 너무 오버했나?‬Since I was meeting the chairman, I put on a lot of makeup so I wouldn't get busted, but was it overkill?
‪[픽 웃는다]‬
‪저, 이것 좀‬ ‪드셔 보세요, 할아버님‬Try this dish, sir.
‪감자가 고혈압에‬ ‪좋다고 하더라고요‬They say potatoes are good for hypertension.
‪(하리) 태무 씨가 할아버님‬ ‪살짝 고혈압 있으시다고‬Tae-moo told me about your hypertension.
‪나 당뇨도 있어요‬I have diabetes, too.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(강 회장) 이렇게‬ ‪짜고 달게 조리한 거보다는‬Some bland vegetables like these are probably better
‪슴슴한 이 나물이 더 낫지‬than anything that's been cooked to be all sweet and salty, right?
‪응?‬ ‪[강 회장의 웃음]‬than anything that's been cooked to be all sweet and salty, right?
‪아유, 그렇죠‬ ‪식이요법도 중요하지만‬Ah, indeed. Eating habits are important,
‪운동도 같이 병행하면‬ ‪훨씬 좋은데요‬but it's even better to combine it with exercise.
‪등산, 등산 좋아하신다면서요?‬I heard that you like hiking, right?
‪(강 회장) 좋아하지요‬I heard that you like hiking, right? Yes, I do.
‪금희 양도 등산 좋아해요?‬Do you like hiking as well, Ms. Shin?
‪네, 정말 좋아해요‬Yes, I like it a lot!
‪태무 씨, 기억나요?‬Tae-moo, do you remember?
‪우리 같이‬ ‪스위스 브루니산 올랐을 때‬Tae-moo, do you remember? On Mount Brunni in Switzerland,
‪밤새 산꼭대기에서 별 보면서‬we enjoyed the stars together all night. It was beautiful.
‪'아, 예쁘다' 이렇게‬we enjoyed the stars together all night. It was beautiful.
‪- (강 회장) 금희 양‬ ‪- 네‬-Ms. Shin. -Yes.
‪우리 태무 사랑해요?‬Do you love Tae-moo?
‪그럼요, 사랑하니까 만나죠‬Of course! I'm dating him because I love him.
‪[하리의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪(강 회장) 한데 왜 헤어졌었어요?‬Then why did you break up?
‪[태무가 콜록거린다]‬
‪할아버지‬Grandfather. You can't just ask something like that so directly--
‪이렇게 대놓고‬ ‪면전에 물어보시면…‬Grandfather. You can't just ask something like that so directly--
‪물어볼 만하니까‬ ‪물어보는 거야, 이놈아‬I'm asking because it's something that needs to be asked, you rascal.
‪대답해 봐요, 어디‬Come on, answer me.
‪(하리) 아, 그게‬Well…
‪저보다 일을 더 중요시‬ ‪생각하는 거 같아서요‬I thought that he cared about work more than he did about me.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪(강 회장) 우리 태무‬ ‪일밖에 모르는 녀석이에요‬Tae-moo is someone who knows nothing besides work.
‪앞으로 달라질 리도 없고‬That won't change in the future, either. Are you okay with that?
‪괜찮겠어요?‬That won't change in the future, either. Are you okay with that?
‪그 일로 계속 싸우게 될 텐데‬Because you'll keep fighting about it.
‪걱정 마세요‬Don't worry.
‪(하리) 이번에 화해하면서‬When we talked things over this time,
‪일을 1순위로 생각하는 태무 씨‬When we talked things over this time, I decided I would understand that Tae-moo prioritizes work over everything else.
‪이해해 주기로 마음먹었거든요‬I decided I would understand that Tae-moo prioritizes work over everything else.
‪[강 회장의 웃음]‬I decided I would understand that Tae-moo prioritizes work over everything else.
‪하도 일에 미쳐 살아서‬He was so crazy about his work that I ignored all his calls after telling him "let's break up."
‪'헤어지자!' 질러 놓고‬ ‪잠수 탔었거든요‬that I ignored all his calls after telling him "let's break up."
‪근데 글쎄‬But he canceled an important meeting he had scheduled and ran over to see me.
‪중요한 스케줄 펑크 내고‬But he canceled an important meeting he had scheduled and ran over to see me.
‪절 만나러 달려왔더라니까요‬But he canceled an important meeting he had scheduled and ran over to see me.
‪아니‬This boy
‪이 녀석이 스케줄을‬ ‪펑크 내고 갔다고요?‬really skipped a meeting to go see you?
‪게다가‬On top of that, you know how Tae-moo hates the rain, right?
‪태무 씨 비 오는 날‬ ‪비 오는 날 싫어하잖아요‬On top of that, you know how Tae-moo hates the rain, right?
‪[어두운 효과음]‬ ‪(하리) 근데 비 오는 날‬ ‪빗길을 뚫고 온 거 있죠‬It was raining that day, and yet he still came.
‪으음‬It was raining that day, and yet he still came.
‪(강 회장) 아니, 너 정말이니?‬Is that true, Tae-moo?
‪하, 그 얘기는 나중에 하시고‬Let's eat first and discuss that later. The food's getting cold.
‪식사부터 하시죠‬Let's eat first and discuss that later. The food's getting cold.
‪음식 식겠다‬Let's eat first and discuss that later. The food's getting cold.
‪응? 응, 그, 그래‬What? Oh, right.
‪[강 회장의 헛기침]‬
‪[강 회장의 웃음]‬-Really? -Yes.
‪[하리의 웃음]‬-Really? -Yes.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(남자5) 비밀번호는 여기 보시면‬ ‪공유기 위에 쓰여 있습니다‬The password is written on top of the router.
‪(영서) 아, 네, 감사합니다‬Oh, okay. Thank you.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪- (남자5) 수고하세요‬ ‪- (영서) 아, 네, 고생하셨습니다‬ ‪[초인종이 울린다]‬-Well, then. -Thank you so much.
‪- (남자6) 소파 왔습니다‬ ‪- (영서) 어, 네, 나가요!‬-Your sofa is here. -Yes, I'm coming!
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬-Hello. -Hello. The sofa's here! One moment.
‪- (남자6) 어, 네, 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (영서) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello. The sofa's here! One moment.
‪(영서) 소파가 왔구나, 잠시만요‬-Hello. -Hello. The sofa's here! One moment. Where should we put it?
‪(남자6) 어디로 갈까요?‬Where should we put it?
‪(영서) 어, 거실에‬ ‪둘 거기는 하거든요, 네‬I'm going to place it in the living room.
‪- 조심해 주세요‬ ‪- (배달원) 짜장면도 시키셨죠?‬-Please be careful. -Did you order Jajangmyeon?
‪(영서) 아, 네‬ ‪아, 이거 한꺼번에 다 와 버렸네‬Yes. Everyone seems to have come all at once.
‪(영서) 일단 소파 먼저 들여보내고‬ ‪짜장면 잠깐만 기다려 주세요‬Could you wait with the food for a moment so the sofa can go in first?
‪(배달원) 예, 알겠습니다‬-Sure thing. -Oh, the sofa, can go right here.
‪(영서) 어, 소파는‬ ‪여기다 놔 주세요‬-Sure thing. -Oh, the sofa, can go right here.
‪하, 옆집 비어 있더니‬ ‪이사 왔나 보네‬It looks like someone finally moved in next door.
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬ ‪(택배원) 택배 왔어요‬It looks like someone finally moved in next door. -I have a package for you. -Yes.
‪네‬-I have a package for you. -Yes.
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪(성훈과 택배원) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪- (성훈) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (영서) 어, 기사님들‬Thank you. Could you please be a bit more careful with the sofa?
‪(영서) 힘드시겠지만‬ ‪제가 큰마음 먹고 산 거라‬Could you please be a bit more careful with the sofa?
‪소파 조금만‬ ‪조심해 주시겠어요? 아이고‬Could you please be a bit more careful with the sofa? I paid a lot of money for that.
‪(택배원) 택배 왔어요!‬-Package for you! -Yes, please put it in front of the door.
‪(영서) 네, 문 앞에 놔 주세요‬-Package for you! -Yes, please put it in front of the door.
‪(택배원) 네‬Okay.
‪(영서) 어, 조심조심…‬Okay. Careful.
‪아, 계산해야 되죠?‬-Oh, I need to pay, right? -That will be 6,000 won.
‪(배달원) 아, 예, 9천 원입니다‬-Oh, I need to pay, right? -That will be 6,000 won.
‪시끌벅적한 사람이 이사 왔네‬Looks like my new neighbor's loud.
‪수고하세요‬-Thanks. -One second, I can--
‪(영서와 배달원)‬ ‪- 아저씨, 제가 저, 아니…‬ ‪- 아휴, 괜찮습니다, 괜찮습니다‬-Thanks. -One second, I can-- -It's all right. -Oh. Okay.
‪(배달원) 맛있게 드십시오‬ ‪아, 괜찮습니다‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬Enjoy your meal. It's fine.
‪(하리) 아이, 한참 찾았잖아요‬I've been looking for you forever!
‪할아버님이랑 단둘이 있기‬ ‪어색해 죽는 줄 알았네‬It was so awkward being with your grandfather by myself, I was dying.
‪참, 아까 저 잘했죠?‬Hey, didn't I do well just now?
‪초반에는 저에 대해‬ ‪탐탁지 않아 하시더니‬I don't think he liked me very much at first,
‪태무 씨 비 오는 날‬ ‪달려왔다고 하니까‬but once I talked to him about the rainy day,
‪그때부터 완전‬ ‪제 얘기에 몰입하셔 가지고…‬but once I talked to him about the rainy day, he started getting into my story--
‪그 이야기는 왜 꺼낸 겁니까?‬he started getting into my story-- Why did you bring that up?
‪네? 무슨 얘기요?‬What do you mean?
‪비 오는 날‬That I ran to see you
‪내가 달려왔다는 얘기 말이에요‬on a rainy day.
‪(하리) 비 오는 날‬ ‪싫어한다면서요?‬You said that you don't like the rain.
‪진짜를 섞어야 얘기가 리얼해지죠‬So I added some truth to make the story more realistic.
‪싫어하는데도 불구하고‬ ‪연인을 위해 달려왔다‬You ran to your lover even though you hate the rain.
‪아, 얼마나 로맨틱해요‬-How romantic is that? -You must be mistaken.
‪착각하나 본데‬-How romantic is that? -You must be mistaken.
‪(태무) 우리는 돈으로 맺은‬ ‪단순한 계약 관계일 뿐입니다‬But our relationship is simply a contractual exchange of money.
‪네, 그렇죠?‬Yes, right.
‪그러니까 진짜 뭐라도 된 듯‬ ‪착각하지 말고‬So don't act like we're anything actually real.
‪물으시는 말에나 답하고‬ ‪쓸데없는 얘기 하지 말아요‬Just answer his questions and don't add any of your useless comments.
‪알겠어요?‬Got it?
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(강 회장) 금희 양‬Ms. Shin.
‪(하리) 예, 할아버님‬Yes, sir.
‪[강 회장의 웃음]‬Yes, sir.
‪(강 회장) 저, 혹시‬Do you, by any chance,
‪찐빵 좋아해요?‬like steamed buns?
‪할아버지, 오늘은…‬Grandfather, today is--
‪너한테 안 물었다‬Grandfather, today is-- I wasn't asking you.
‪금희 양, 좋아해요?‬Ms. Shin, do you like them?
‪찐빵이요? 찐빵…‬Steamed buns…
‪(하리) 예, 예, 좋아합니다, 찐빵‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Steamed buns… Yes, I like steamed buns.
‪[강 회장의 웃음]‬Yes, I like steamed buns. Then let's go eat some steamed buns for dessert.
‪(강 회장) 그럼 후식으로‬ ‪[태무의 한숨]‬Then let's go eat some steamed buns for dessert.
‪찐빵 먹으러 갑시다‬Then let's go eat some steamed buns for dessert.
‪[강 회장이 살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪[어색한 웃음]‬Then let's go eat some steamed buns for dessert.
‪여기서부터는 내 차로 이동하자‬Let's take my car from here.
‪찐빵은, 씨…‬Damn steamed buns.
‪아니, 비 오는 날이랑‬ ‪원수라도 졌나‬What did rain ever do to him? Why is he being so touchy?
‪뭐 저렇게 예민해?‬What did rain ever do to him? Why is he being so touchy?
‪같이 가요, 태무 씨!‬Wait for me, Tae-moo!
‪(사장) 아이고, 회장님 오셨어요?‬ ‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬Chairman Kang, hello!
‪[강 회장과 사장의 웃음]‬Chairman Kang, hello!
‪(강 회장) 그동안 잘 지냈죠?‬Have you been well?
‪(사장) 아, 덕분에 잘 지냈습니다‬Have you been well? Of course, all thanks to you.
‪- (강 회장) 들어갑시다‬ ‪- (사장) 들어가시죠‬Let's go in. After you.
‪무슨 찐빵 먹으러 안흥까지…‬We came all the way to Anheung for steamed buns?
‪다 본인이 자초한 일이니까‬ ‪불평 말아요‬Don't complain. You brought this on yourself.
‪[문이 철컥 여닫힌다]‬Don't complain. You brought this on yourself.
‪(하리) 아니‬ ‪내가 뭘 그렇게 잘못했어요?‬Hey, what did I do that was so bad?
‪난 강태무 씨가 시킨 대로‬Hey, what did I do that was so bad? I just answered his questions like you told me to.
‪물어본 말에 대답만 했을 뿐인데‬I just answered his questions like you told me to.
‪왜요?‬What? Did I say something wrong?
‪뭐, 내가 뭐, 틀린 말 했어요?‬What? Did I say something wrong?
‪나는요, 잘해 보려고‬ ‪최선을 다한 거뿐인…‬What? Did I say something wrong? I just did my best to do well…
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪가, 갑자기 왜 이러는 겁니까?‬-What are you suddenly doing? -Your grandfather is watching.
‪할아버님이 보고 계세요‬-What are you suddenly doing? -Your grandfather is watching.
‪(하리) 빨리 가요‬ ‪얼른 가요, 태무 씨‬Let's go, quickly. Let's go, Tae-moo.
‪[하리의 웃음]‬Let's go, Tae-moo.
‪(강 회장) 자, 먹어요‬Here, eat.
‪(하리) 네‬Here, eat. Okay.
‪(강 회장) 어디, 오‬Let's see.
‪[하리의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[강 회장의 만족스러운 탄성]‬
‪맛나네, 응?‬That's tasty.
‪[강 회장의 웃음]‬
‪그러게요‬ ‪빵이 발효가 아주 잘됐네요‬They really are. The bread is fermented really well. The red bean filling is soft, too.
‪(하리) 팥앙금도 포실포실하고‬The bread is fermented really well. The red bean filling is soft, too.
‪여기까지 온 보람이 있네요‬ ‪할아버님‬It was definitely worth the trip out here!
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(강 회장) 어, 이에 팥 묻었는데‬Hey, you got some red bean on your teeth.
‪(하리) 이에? 어머나‬ ‪[강 회장의 웃음]‬Hey, you got some red bean on your teeth. My teeth? Oh, my!
‪조건 사항이 뭐였습니까?‬What were the conditions?
‪- (강 회장) 한잔 받아요, 응?‬ ‪- (하리) 아, 네‬Have a drink. Oh, yes, sir.
‪(강 회장) 자‬There we go.
‪- (하리) 감사합니다, 아유‬ ‪- (강 회장) 오호‬There we go. Thank you.
‪(강 회장) [웃으며] 옳지‬That's it.
‪오늘 일 사과해요‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬I apologize for today.
‪- 뭘요?‬ ‪- (강 회장) 처음 봤을 때‬What do you mean? For acting so stiff when I first saw you.
‪고깝게 군 거 말이에요‬For acting so stiff when I first saw you.
‪(강 회장) 금희 양‬ ‪하고 온 모양새가‬My first impression of the way you were dressed wasn't the best.
‪첫눈에 봤을 때는 좀 그랬어요‬My first impression of the way you were dressed wasn't the best.
‪[웃음]‬My first impression of the way you were dressed wasn't the best.
‪미안해요‬I'm sorry.
‪[웃으며] 아닙니다, 이해합니다‬It's all right, I understand.
‪(하리) 저도 볼 때마다‬ ‪깜짝 놀라는데요‬I'm surprised every time I look at myself, too.
‪어, 그리고‬Oh, and…
‪고마워요‬thank you.
‪고맙다니요? 뭐가요?‬Thanks for what?
‪아, 그냥 다‬Just for everything.
‪(강 회장) 아무튼 우리 태무가‬Anyway, it looks like Tae-moo really cares about you, Ms. Shin.
‪금희 양을 정말 아끼는 것 같던데‬Anyway, it looks like Tae-moo really cares about you, Ms. Shin.
‪앞으로도 잘 부탁해요‬Please keep taking good care of him.
‪그래‬All right.
‪[강 회장이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[사레들린 기침]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(강 회장) 아, 이런, 이런‬Oh, my.
‪- (하리) 아이‬ ‪- 괜찮아요, 금희 양?‬-Are you all right, Ms. Shin? -Oh, my. Yes. I'll pick those up.
‪- (하리) 아, 예, 제가…‬ ‪- (강 회장) 아, 이런, 이런‬-Are you all right, Ms. Shin? -Oh, my. Yes. I'll pick those up.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬ ‪[강 회장의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[하리의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪(하리) 아, 감사합니다, 아유‬ ‪[강 회장이 살짝 웃는다]‬-Oh, thank you. -Here you go.
‪아유, 참‬My goodness.
‪[강 회장의 힘주는 숨소리]‬ ‪[태무가 문을 스륵 연다]‬A DAY TO SKETCH
‪이제 그만 서울 가시죠‬Let's go back to Seoul. I have some business to take care of.
‪처리할 업무도 있고‬Let's go back to Seoul. I have some business to take care of.
‪처리할 업무?‬Business to take care of?
‪(강 회장) 네놈이 이렇게 나오니까‬It's because you always act like that that Ms. Shin can't even ask you about things like this.
‪금희 양이 말도 못 하고‬ ‪이걸 혼자 품고 있지‬that Ms. Shin can't even ask you about things like this.
‪(태무) 제가 뭘 어쨌는…‬What did I…
‪그게 뭔데요?‬What did I… -What are those? -They're concert tickets.
‪공연 티켓 아니냐‬-What are those? -They're concert tickets.
‪(강 회장) 날짜가‬ ‪오늘인 거 보니까‬Seeing as how they're for today, she must have bought them to go with you.
‪너하고 데이트하려고 산 거구먼‬Seeing as how they're for today, she must have bought them to go with you.
‪그렇지? 금희 양‬Right, Ms. Shin?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(태무) 네?‬-What? -Get going right away!
‪(강 회장) 지금 당장 출발해‬-What? -Get going right away!
‪[한숨]‬ ‪어? 어서‬Come on!
‪자, 받아‬Here, take it!
‪가자고, 얼른‬Let's go, come on.
‪아이, 저놈, 저‬That little…
‪(하리) 아이, 그…‬
‪[하리의 한숨]‬
‪[영서가 휘파람을 분다]‬
‪아, 좋다‬This is so nice.
‪씁, 아, 근데 소파 사고 개털 됐네‬I'm completely broke after buying this sofa, though.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪그냥 좀 싼 걸로 살 걸 그랬나?‬Should I have bought a cheaper one?
‪음, 아니지‬No.
‪내 첫 독립에‬ ‪나한테 주는 선물인데‬This is a gift to myself to celebrate my first time moving out on my own.
‪잘했어, 영서야‬This is a gift to myself to celebrate my first time moving out on my own. Good job, Young-seo.
‪음, 느낌 너무 좋잖아!‬It feels so good!
‪[배가 꼬르륵거린다]‬
‪아, 배고파‬I'm so hungry.
‪이사가 원래 이렇게 힘든 거였나?‬Is moving always this hard?
‪[피곤한 숨소리]‬
‪어?‬ ‪[신문지가 바스락거린다]‬
‪어디서 바람 들어오나?‬Is there a draft coming in from somewhere?
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬What?
‪바, 바퀴벌레‬Cockroach!
‪(영서) 바퀴벌레 너무 싫어!‬Cockroach! I hate cockroaches!
‪아, 바퀴벌레 너무 싫어! 아!‬I hate them so much!
‪[영서의 비명]‬
‪[영서의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪무, 무슨 일입니까?‬What's going on?
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪아, 저희 집에 바퀴벌레가‬ ‪나와 가지고 죄송해요‬What's going on? Sorry, there's a cockroach in my house.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(영서) 어, 그쪽은…‬You're…
‪아니, 진영서 씨가 여기는 왜?‬Ms. Jin, what are you doing here…
‪아, 뭐…‬Oh, well, it's a long story.
‪제 나름의 사정이 좀 있어 가지고‬Oh, well, it's a long story.
‪(영서) 저기, 근데 죄송한데요‬I'm sorry, but…
‪제가 부탁 하나만 드려도 될까요?‬could I ask you for a favor?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(영서) 저, 저‬ ‪조, 종이컵 안에 있거든요‬It's inside that paper cup.
‪[영서의 놀란 탄성]‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪어, 죄송해요‬Sorry. I'm okay with everything else, but I'm just really scared of bugs.
‪제가 다른 건 다 괜찮은데‬ ‪벌레를 진짜 무서워해서‬Sorry. I'm okay with everything else, but I'm just really scared of bugs.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(영서) 어유‬
‪근데 그렇게 겉으로 뿌리면‬Will it really die if you just spray the outside like that?
‪걔가 죽기는 죽어요?‬Will it really die if you just spray the outside like that? I'm not sure. Don't you think it's dead by now if I've sprayed this much?
‪글쎄요, 이 정도 뿌렸으면‬ ‪죽지 않을까요?‬I'm not sure. Don't you think it's dead by now if I've sprayed this much?
‪(성훈) 한 통 더 있습니까?‬Do you have another can?
‪(영서) 벌레 무서워하시는구나?‬Are you scared of bugs?
‪아니요, 무섭다기보다는‬ ‪징그러워합니다‬No, it's not that. They just gross me out, that's all.
‪그게 그거 아닌가?‬Isn't that the same thing?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(성훈과 영서) 아, 깜짝이야‬-Oh, my God! -That scared me.
‪[영서의 거친 숨소리]‬-Oh, my God! -That scared me.
‪전 괜찮은데 괜찮으세요?‬I'm all right, but are you?
‪어… 네‬Yeah.
‪제가 마무리하겠습니다‬I'll finish it off. Get behind me.
‪제 뒤로 물러나 계세요‬I'll finish it off. Get behind me.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[성훈이 살충제를 쉭 뿌린다]‬
‪어휴, 너무 많이 뿌리는데?‬He's using so much of the spray.
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪[성훈이 숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬
‪(성훈) 변기에 넣고 내렸으니‬ ‪걱정 안 하셔도 될 겁니다‬I flushed it down the toilet, so there's no need to worry.
‪도와주셔서 감사해요‬Thank you for helping me.
‪별것도 아닌데요‬It was nothing.
‪그럼‬Goodbye, then.
‪아, 저기‬Wait.
‪(영서) 저…‬
‪우리가 이렇게 이웃사촌으로‬ ‪만난 것도 인연인데‬Meeting like this as neighbors is kind of fate,
‪앞으로 친하게 잘 지내봐요‬so let's be friends and get to know each other.
‪죄송하지만‬ ‪곤란할 것 같습니다, 그건‬I'm sorry, but I don't think that'll work.
‪그게 무슨?‬What do you…
‪진영서 씨가 맞선 자리에‬ ‪대타를 내보내는 바람에‬You put Mr. Kang in a difficult position by sending somebody else on the blind date to fill in for you.
‪저희 사장님께서‬ ‪상당히 곤란해지셨거든요‬by sending somebody else on the blind date to fill in for you.
‪(성훈) 그런데 제가 그쪽이랑‬ ‪사적으로 친분을 쌓는 건‬So I just don't think it would be right for me to get to know you personally.
‪좀 아닌 것 같아서‬So I just don't think it would be right for me to get to know you personally.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[멋쩍게 웃으며] 와…‬Wow.
‪나 지금 뭐‬ ‪이웃사촌으로도 까인 거야?‬Did I really just get rejected as a neighbor too?
‪[사람들이 저마다 대화한다]‬ART CENTER
‪거, 알아서 간다니까‬ ‪굳이 공연장 앞까지‬ ‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬I said we could go by ourselves but he had to drop us off in front of the venue…
‪내가 너를 모르냐?‬I know you too well.
‪가는 척하다‬ ‪일하러 백할 거 뻔하구먼‬It's so obvious you would pretend to go then go back to work.
‪(강 회장) 내가 보는 앞에서‬I want to watch the two of you head inside.
‪어서 들어가‬I want to watch the two of you head inside.
‪[태무의 한숨]‬
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪[하리의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪(하리) 들어갔다가 할아버님‬ ‪가시면 그때 다시 나와요‬Let's go in then come back out when your grandfather's gone.
‪아마 공연 시작할 때까지‬ ‪앞에서 진 치고 있을 거예요‬He'll probably stay right in front of the building until the concert starts.
‪- (하리) 아…‬ ‪- 그냥 포기해요‬Just give up.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[관객들이 환호한다]‬
‪[부드러운 피아노 연주]‬
‪[관객들이 환호한다]‬
‪(가수1) ♪ 빛이 들어오면 ♪‬You opened your eyes
‪♪ 자연스레 뜨던 눈 ♪‬As the light started to shine
‪♪ 그렇게 ♪‬You're like a gift that was prepared
‪♪ 나에게만 ♪‬You're like a gift that was prepared
‪♪ 준비된 선물 같아 ♪‬Just for me
‪♪ 자그마한 모든 게 커져만 가 ♪‬All of the small things Just seem to get bigger
‪♪ 항상 평범했던 일상도 ♪‬This moment Where even my plain, everyday life
‪♪ 특별해지는 이 순간 ♪‬Becomes special too
‪(가수1) 저희는 감성 듀오‬ ‪멜로망스입니다‬We're the ballad duo, Melomance. Thank you for coming.
‪잘 부탁드립니다‬ ‪[관객들이 환호한다]‬We're the ballad duo, Melomance. Thank you for coming.
‪(가수2) 안녕하세요‬Hello, everyone.
‪(가수1) 네, 오늘 특별히‬ ‪이벤트로 콘서트에 오신 분들께‬As a special event for our audience members today,
‪사연이 담긴 신청곡을‬ ‪받아 봤거든요‬we've taken song requests alongside their special stories.
‪[관객들이 환호한다]‬ ‪(하리) 와, 저런 것도 하나 봐요‬They do those things too!
‪[잔잔한 피아노 연주]‬
‪(가수1) '저는‬ ‪형님의 오랜 팬입니다'‬"I've been a fan of yours for a long time."
‪'생일을 맞은 제 여사친에게'‬"I bought tickets for today's show and gave them to a friend for her birthday."
‪'이번 콘서트 티켓을‬ ‪선물했는데요'‬"I bought tickets for today's show and gave them to a friend for her birthday."
‪[관객들의 탄성]‬
‪'자그마치 7년을 함께한‬ ‪소중한 친구입니다'‬"We've been good friends for seven whole years."
‪'제가 여친이랑 헤어졌을 때도‬ ‪군대 갈 때도'‬"She even bought me drinks and comforted me when I broke up with my girlfriend and when I had to go to the army."
‪'소주 사 주며 위로해 준‬ ‪속 깊은 녀석인데'‬when I broke up with my girlfriend and when I had to go to the army." "But she doesn't have a boyfriend yet."
‪'아직 남자 친구가 없어요'‬"But she doesn't have a boyfriend yet."
‪'이번 콘서트에는‬ ‪부디 남친과 오기를 바라며'‬"I'm hoping that she'll go to the concert with her boyfriend."
‪'형님의 멋진 노래 선물‬ ‪부탁드립니다'‬"I ask that you gift her with your amazing song."
‪B열의 42번, 43번 객석 분‬ ‪혹시 계신가요?‬ ‪[긴장되는 드럼 연주]‬Row B, seats 42 and 43! Are you here?
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪[관객들이 환호한다]‬
‪아, 아, 오늘은‬ ‪남자분이랑 같이 오셨네요‬You came with a gentleman today!
‪(하리) 아니, 아니, 그냥…‬-Oh, no, I… -He's hot!
‪[관객들이 연신 환호한다]‬ ‪아니, 아니, 아니, 아니‬-Oh, no, I… -He's hot! No…
‪(가수1) 아, 오늘‬ ‪티켓 사 준 친구분‬I guess your friend's wish has come true!
‪소원 성취하셨네요‬I guess your friend's wish has come true! I'm sure he'll be happy.
‪진심으로 기뻐하실 것 같은데요‬I'm sure he'll be happy.
‪7년 여사친님도‬ ‪오늘 남자분이랑 오신 거‬Congratulations to his friend of seven years for coming here today with a gentleman.
‪굉장히 축하드립니다‬ ‪[하리의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬for coming here today with a gentleman.
‪[관객들이 환호한다]‬ ‪- (하리) 아, 감사합니다‬ ‪- (가수1) 이어서 신청곡‬-Thank you. -We'll sing "Love, Maybe,"
‪'사랑인가 봐' 불러 드리겠습니다‬as requested.
‪[관객들이 연신 환호한다]‬ ‪[부드러운 피아노 연주]‬
‪(가수1) ♪ 너와 함께하고 싶은‬ ‪일들을 상상하는 게 ♪‬My days are filled with daydreams
‪♪ 요즘 내 일상이 되고 ♪‬My days are filled with daydreams About all the things That I want to do with you
‪♪ 너의 즐거워하는 모습을‬ ‪보고 있으면 ♪‬When I see you happy
‪♪ 자연스레 따라 웃고 있는걸 ♪‬All I can do is smile
‪♪ 너의 행동에‬ ‪설레 하고 뒤척이다가 ♪‬Everything you do makes my heart flutter And I keep on spending More nights wide awake
‪♪ 지새운 밤이 많아지는데 ♪‬And I keep on spending More nights wide awake Thinking of all the little things you do
‪[부드러운 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(민우) 혹시 이 노래 알아?‬Do you know this song?
‪어, 그럼, 나 이거‬ ‪되게 좋아하는 노래야‬Sure. I really like this song.
‪정말? 이거 아직 유명하지 않은데‬Really? This one isn't that popular yet.
‪씁, 나 언제 한번 불러 줘라‬-Hey, sing it for me some time. -What?
‪어?‬-Hey, sing it for me some time. -What? You're good at singing.
‪(민우) 너 노래 잘하잖아‬You're good at singing.
‪OT에서 나 완전 반했잖아‬I was totally impressed at the orientation.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬I was totally impressed at the orientation.
‪[버스 안내 음성] 이번 정류소는‬ ‪서울대학교‬-This stop is Seoun University. -Min-woo…
‪민우…‬ ‪[버스 안내 음성이 계속된다]‬-This stop is Seoun University. -Min-woo…
‪[버스 안내 음성] 다음 정류소는‬ ‪동교예고, 동교예고입니다‬The next stop is Donggyo Arts High School.
‪[영어] 이번 정류장은‬ ‪서울대학교, 서울대학교…‬
‪[버스 문이 스륵 닫힌다]‬
‪(가수1) [한국어] ♪ 점점 너와‬ ‪하고 싶은 일들 생각하면서 ♪‬I spend more and more days
‪♪ 하루를 보낸 날이‬ ‪많아지는데 ♪‬Thinking of all the things I want to do with you
‪♪ 이건 누가 봐도 사랑일 텐데 ♪‬This must be love
‪♪ 종일 함께면 질릴 텐데 ♪‬You'd get sick of me If we spent all of our days together
‪♪ 나 돌아서도 온통 너인걸 ♪‬ ‪[하리의 한숨]‬You'd get sick of me If we spent all of our days together Even when I turn around You're all I can see
‪♪ 아무래도 사랑인가 봐 ♪‬This must be love
‪[사람들이 저마다 대화한다]‬ ‪(스태프) 감사합니다‬ ‪안녕히 가세요‬Thank you, goodbye!
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪앞은 좀 보고 다니죠‬Watch where you're going.
‪(하리) 이건 제가 나중에‬ ‪빨아서 다시 드릴게요‬I'll wash this and give it back to you.
‪원래 그렇게 잘 웁니까?‬Do you usually cry so easily?
‪어제도 목 놓아 울더니만‬You bawled yesterday too.
‪아까는 아무것도 못 들으셨다고…‬But you said you didn't hear--
‪티 안 내고 싶어 하는 거 같아서‬It seemed like you didn't want me to know, so…
‪(하리) 아…‬
‪오늘 고마워요, 여러 가지로‬Thank you for today. For everything.
‪어제 운 거 모른 척해 준 것도‬For pretending you didn't notice that I cried yesterday
‪오늘 혼자 청승맞게‬ ‪올 뻔했던 공연장에‬and for coming to the concert with me, which I would have gone to all by myself.
‪같이 있어 준 것도‬and for coming to the concert with me, which I would have gone to all by myself.
‪그뿐만이 아니죠‬Not only that.
‪그쪽이 공연장에서‬ ‪그렇게 우는 바람에‬I almost looked like a really pitiful person
‪나 졸지에 되게‬ ‪불쌍한 사람 될 뻔한 거 알아요?‬because you cried like that during the concert.
‪네? 그게 무슨 소리예요?‬What are you talking about?
‪내 옆자리 여자들이‬ ‪대놓고 떠들던데요‬The women next to me were talking about it pretty loudly.
‪내가 7년 남사친‬ ‪대타로 끌려온 거라고‬That I was just your friend's replacement.
‪미안해요‬I'm sorry.
‪(태무) 미안할 건 없고요‬No need to be sorry.
‪뭐, 어차피‬ ‪내가 진짜 남자 친구도 아니고‬I mean, it's not like I'm your real boyfriend.
‪근데 7년간 혼자 짝사랑한 겁니까?‬Did you really have a crush on him for seven years?
‪그게 그렇게 티가 많이 났어요?‬Was it really that noticeable?
‪사연이랑 그쪽 눈물 조합해 보면‬ ‪뻔한 거 아닙니까?‬Isn't it obvious when you add up your friend's message and your crying?
‪- 아…‬ ‪- (태무) 뭐, 아무튼‬Anyway, I think you got your closure today.
‪오늘로 결론 난 거 같던데‬Anyway, I think you got your closure today.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 네‬Yeah.
‪깨끗하게 차인 걸로‬ ‪마무리하려고요‬I'm going to accept that I got rejected and end it, clean and simple.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(하리) 그 친구는 헤어졌던‬ ‪여자 친구랑 다시 만나거든요‬That friend of mine got back together with his ex-girlfriend.
‪그래도 후회는 안 해요‬I don't regret it, though.
‪7년간‬I was really happy
‪정말 행복했거든요‬for those seven years.
‪[픽 웃는다]‬Someone like you who can't tolerate wasting time can't understand that, right?
‪강태무 씨처럼‬ ‪시간 낭비 용납 안 되는 분은‬Someone like you who can't tolerate wasting time can't understand that, right?
‪이해가 안 되죠?‬Someone like you who can't tolerate wasting time can't understand that, right?
‪[하리의 한숨]‬ ‪(태무) 뭐, 꼭‬ ‪그런 것만은 아닙니다‬Well, it's not always that way.
‪(하리) 네?‬What?
‪(태무) 일도 단기적으로‬ ‪결과가 나오는 게 있고‬There are some things that get results with a short amount of time,
‪장기적으로 손해 감수하고‬ ‪투자해야 되는 게 있거든요‬and other things where you risk the losses and stay in it for the long run.
‪시간에 비례해서 좋고 나쁨이‬ ‪판가름이 나지를 않아서‬It's difficult to decide how good or bad something is just by how long it takes.
‪왜 웃습니까?‬Why are you laughing? There's nothing funny about that.
‪웃긴 포인트가 없는 얘기인데‬Why are you laughing? There's nothing funny about that.
‪[웃으며] 아니‬No, it's…
‪이 와중에도‬ ‪일에 비유하는 게 웃겨서요‬It's funny that you're comparing things to your job even in a situation like this.
‪[하리의 웃음]‬It's funny that you're comparing things to your job even in a situation like this. My apologies. I've never tried to comfort anyone before.
‪미안합니다‬My apologies. I've never tried to comfort anyone before.
‪내가 누구를‬ ‪위로해 본 적이 없어서‬My apologies. I've never tried to comfort anyone before.
‪충분히 위로됐네요‬That was comforting enough.
‪그리고 낮에는 미안했어요‬And I'm sorry about this afternoon.
‪기분 꿀꿀한데 티 날까 봐‬I was feeling a little down so I overdid things a bit so it wouldn't be so obvious.
‪괜히 좀 더 오버했거든요‬I was feeling a little down so I overdid things a bit so it wouldn't be so obvious.
‪그래서 안 해도 될 말까지‬ ‪했나 봐요‬I think that's why I said some things I shouldn't have said.
‪아닙니다, 나도 좀 예민했어요‬No, I think I was being a bit sensitive as well.
‪근데 지금 우리 어디 가는 거예요?‬But where are we going right now?
‪(태무) 난 그냥‬ ‪그쪽 따라 걷고 있었는데‬I was just following you.
‪(하리) 저는 태무 씨‬ ‪따라 걷고 있었는데‬But I was following you.
‪[배가 꼬르륵거린다]‬
‪(하리) 이모님‬ ‪떡볶이 2인분하고요‬Can I have two tteokbokki, one sundae, and a small fried veggie medley?
‪순대 1인분, 모둠 튀김 소짜‬ ‪하나 주시고요‬Can I have two tteokbokki, one sundae, and a small fried veggie medley?
‪계란, 계란 드실래요?‬Do you want hard-boiled eggs?
‪됐습니다‬No, I'm good.
‪(하리) 왜요‬ ‪서민 플렉스로 제가 쏠게요‬Why? I can afford to buy us a snack. Eat all you want.
‪맘껏 드세요‬Why? I can afford to buy us a snack. Eat all you want.
‪설마‬No way!
‪[하리가 국자를 탁 놓는다]‬
‪'제가 재벌 3세라‬ ‪이런 떡볶이는 잘 몰라서'‬You're not going to say a line from a TV show where the rich guy says,
‪뭐, 이런 드라마 같은‬ ‪대사 치는 거 아니죠?‬"I've never tried tteokbokki."
‪날 뭘로 보고‬What do you take me for?
‪(태무) 우리 회사 제품 중에‬ ‪신나게 맵지 떡볶이‬"Deliciously Spicy Tteokbokki" is one of our products.
‪그거 내가 만든 겁니다‬I came up with that.
‪그것 때문에 전국에 있는‬ ‪떡볶이 맛집이라는 맛집은‬I've been to all the famous tteokbokki places
‪다 다녀 본 사람한테 무슨‬all around the country for that project.
‪(하리) 오‬
‪[국물을 호록 마신다]‬ ‪(여자3) 여기요‬-Here you go. -That looks delicious.
‪(하리) [웃으며] 아, 맛있겠다‬-Here you go. -That looks delicious.
‪(태무) 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪(하리) 응?‬
‪아, 잠깐만요‬Excuse me.
‪어, 어, 아직 밖이야‬Hey. I'm still outside.
‪먹고 갈 거 같아‬I think I'm going to eat out.
‪(남자7) 어, 거기 조심하세요!‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Watch out!
‪그, 금희 씨, 조심해요‬Ms. Shin! Watch out!
‪[하리의 비명]‬ ‪[컵이 달그락 떨어진다]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[하리의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪괜찮아요, 금희 씨?‬Are you all right, Ms. Shin?
‪(하리) 아유, 아파‬Ow, that hurts.
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪이거라도 대고 있어요‬Put this on it.
‪고마워요‬Thank you.
‪[태무가 숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬
‪안 춥습니까?‬Aren't you cold? Let me know if you are.
‪추우면 말해요‬Aren't you cold? Let me know if you are.
‪[픽 웃는다]‬
‪강태무 씨‬Mr. Kang.
‪제가 조심스럽게‬ ‪뭐 하나 건의해 봐도 돼요?‬Could I maybe make a small suggestion?
‪해 봐요, 뭔데요?‬Sure. What is it?
‪이런 가짜 연애 말고‬Instead of a fake relationship like this,
‪진짜 연애 해 봐요‬why don't you try a real one?
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪(하리) 지금 당장에야‬You might think it's a waste of time to be in a relationship right now,
‪데이트에 시간 쓰는 게‬ ‪아까울 수도 있지만‬You might think it's a waste of time to be in a relationship right now,
‪장기적으로 보면 그게 더‬ ‪효율적인 거 아닌가 싶어서요‬but if you think long-term, it might be more efficient.
‪응, 결혼도 할 수 있고‬You know, you could even get married.
‪- 결혼?‬ ‪- (하리) 네‬-Married? -Yes.
‪나처럼 가짜로 만나면‬ ‪결국 미래가 없으니까‬Being in a fake relationship with me means there isn't really a future.
‪이게 더 시간 낭비‬ ‪아닌가 싶어서요‬So maybe this is an even bigger waste of time.
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪(하리) 택시 왔나 보다‬I think the taxi is here.
‪저 그럼 이만 가 볼게요‬Well, then. I'm off.
‪오늘 다시 한번 고마웠어요‬Thank you again for today.
‪들어가요‬Get home safely.
‪(하리) 아‬
‪대신에 이거 드릴게요‬I'll give you this in return.
‪아까 콘서트 때 상품으로 받은 거‬I got it as a gift at the concert.
‪뭔지는 모르겠지만‬I don't know what it is,
‪우울할 때 힘내게 해 준다니까‬but apparently, it'll cheer you up when you're feeling down.
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[입바람을 후후 분다]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[속상한 숨소리]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[새 울음 효과음]‬ARCHAEOPTERYX
‪(태무)‬Today was very inefficient, but it was fun. Archaeopteryx.
‪(하리)‬Talk to me when you're feeling down. I'll be there for you.
‪가짜 연애가 아니라‬Be in a real relationship
‪진짜 연애를 해 보라고?‬instead of a fake one?
‪너희는 어떻게 생각하냐?‬What do you guys think?
‪[픽 웃는다]‬
‪(태무) 아, 뭐 하는 거냐‬What am I doing?
‪[하리의 비명]‬
‪(미모) 뭐야?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-What is it? -What? What's going on?
‪- (하민) 뭐야, 왜 그래?‬ ‪- (중해) 무슨, 무슨 일이야?‬-What is it? -What? What's going on? What happened?
‪(미모) 나도 몰라‬What happened? I don't know. Maybe she threw a fit while sleeping or something?
‪자다가‬ ‪경기 일으킨 거 아니야, 애가?‬I don't know. Maybe she threw a fit while sleeping or something?
‪[중해의 떨리는 숨소리]‬I don't know. Maybe she threw a fit while sleeping or something?
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(하리) 아, 어떡해‬What am I going to do?
‪[하민의 비명]‬ ‪[중해의 놀란 숨소리]‬What am I going to do?
‪아, 뭐야? 얼굴‬What's wrong with your face? You scared me.
‪아, 깜짝 놀랐잖아‬What's wrong with your face? You scared me.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(하리) 그렇지?‬ ‪네가 봐도 심하지, 그렇지?‬You think it looks bad too, right?
‪[속상한 숨소리]‬You think it looks bad too, right?
‪[하민의 웃음]‬ ‪아휴, 그러게‬My goodness. I knew the bruise would only get bigger.
‪멍이 심해질 것 같더라니‬My goodness. I knew the bruise would only get bigger.
‪아, 대체 어떤 놈들이‬ ‪길거리에서 공놀이를 하는 거야‬Who plays catch on the streets at night?
‪어느 학교 놈들인지 좀 보고 오지‬ ‪혼구녕 내 주게‬You should've found out who they were so I could teach them a lesson.
‪아, 일부러 그런 것도 아닌데‬ ‪괜찮…‬You should've found out who they were so I could teach them a lesson. It's not like they did it on purpose. It's okay.
‪[아파하는 신음]‬ ‪(미모) 아유, 이게 뭐야‬It's not like they did it on purpose. It's okay. -Look at this. -Hey, Ha-ri, you look just like that.
‪(하민) 아이, 누나, 꼭 그거 같다‬-Look at this. -Hey, Ha-ri, you look just like that.
‪♪ Everybody is‬ ‪Kung Fu Fighting ♪‬
‪[하민이 입소리를 슉슉 낸다]‬
‪뒈질래?‬Do you want to die?
‪자, 자, 좀, 좀 문지르자, 응?‬Okay, let's rub it a little bit, okay?
‪(하리) 아니야, 이미 늦은 거 같아‬No, it's too late. Just make me a fried egg with that.
‪이걸로 그냥 프라이나 해 줘, 아빠‬No, it's too late. Just make me a fried egg with that. -Okay. -Just fry the egg.
‪- 프라이?‬ ‪- (미모) 프라이 해‬-Okay. -Just fry the egg.
‪아유, 너 그 꼴로‬ ‪회사 갈 수 있겠냐?‬Can you go to work looking like that?
‪가야지, 어떡해, 죽을병도 아닌데‬I have to go. It's not like I'm dying from this.
‪[미모와 하리의 속상한 숨소리]‬I have to go. It's not like I'm dying from this.
‪(미모) 아, 뭐 해? 줘‬ ‪[하리의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬What are you doing? Give it to me.
‪청소 마무리해, 장갑 끼고‬-Get some gloves and finish cleaning. -Get lost.
‪(중해) 네‬-Get some gloves and finish cleaning. -Get lost.
‪[하리의 놀란 숨소리]‬Wait, no way.
‪(하리) 아, 서, 설마‬ ‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬Wait, no way.
‪멍 든 걸로‬ ‪알아보거나 하지는 않겠지?‬There's no way Mr. Kang would recognize me by my bruise, right?
‪강태무 씨가…‬There's no way Mr. Kang would recognize me by my bruise, right?
‪[깊은 한숨]‬There's no way Mr. Kang would recognize me by my bruise, right?
‪[출입기 작동음]‬
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[엘리베이터 버튼음]‬
‪아휴, 지각할 뻔했네‬I almost didn't make it in time.
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪(하리) 이게 멍이 다 가려지려나?‬Will this be enough to cover the bruise?
‪[엘리베이터 문이 스륵 닫힌다]‬
‪[엘리베이터 버튼음]‬ ‪[엘리베이터 문이 스륵 열린다]‬
‪[안대가 툭 떨어진다]‬
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪(태무) 생각해 보니까‬-I realized -It's President Kang!
‪(하리) 사장님이잖아‬-I realized -It's President Kang!
‪(태무) 내가 진짜 신금희 씨에‬ ‪대해서 아는 게 없더라고‬that I don't know anything about Shin Geum-hui.
‪(강 회장) 그 직원 맞지? 신하리‬She's that employee, right? Shin Ha-ri!
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪(하리) 까칠하게 생기기는 했는데‬He looks a bit coldhearted…
‪(태무) 발라 봐요‬Use this.
‪(하리) 은근 자상한‬ ‪구석이 있단 말이야‬…but he has a considerate side too.
‪(영서) 가짜 연애네 뭐네‬ ‪막 붙어 다니더니만‬ ‪[하리의 아파하는 신음]‬You and this supposedly fake relationship…
‪그새 정든 거야?‬Have you fallen for him?

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