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  연애대전 5

Love to Hate You 5


(강호) 저를 언제부터 좋아했어요?‬When did you start liking me?
‪특별 선물‬A special gift!
‪[드럼 효과음]‬
‪데이트권 1회‬You get a date with me!
‪밥도 먹고 드라이브도 하고‬We can get some nice food and go for a drive.
‪뭐 또 하고 싶은 거 있으세요?‬Do you have anything else in mind?
‪치!‬Do you have anything else in mind?
‪하다 하다가‬Did I go as far as to seduce Nam Kang-ho just now?
‪나 지금 남강호까지 꼬신 거냐?‬Did I go as far as to seduce Nam Kang-ho just now?
‪(미란) 수고하세요‬Thank you!
‪- (점원) 안녕히 가세요‬ ‪- (미란) 네‬Thank you! -Goodbye. -Bye.
‪(강호) 어?‬
‪근데 맞은 덴 안 아파요?‬Is it sore where I hit you?
‪네, 괜찮습니다‬No, I'm fine.
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪[미란의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪아, 이거 내가 팬 미팅 때도‬ ‪잘 안 해 주는 건데‬I don't often do this, even at my fan meets.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(강호) 자‬Here.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪'이츠 오케이'‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[웃으며] 참…‬
‪'해피 버스데이 투 유'‬
‪[미란의 당황한 신음]‬
‪네, 고맙습니다‬Okay, thank you.
‪(강호) 멀쩡해‬I feel all right.
‪[미란의 당황한 신음]‬
‪(미란) 저기‬Excuse me?
‪충분히 고마운데‬I'm very thankful, so--
‪[놀란 숨을 들이켜며] 어!‬
‪(강호) 어택이 아니야‬I'm not panicking.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪(강호) 뭐지?‬What is this?
‪[심장이 두근거린다]‬
‪[긴 한숨]‬
‪(용우) 남녀 사이는 하룻밤에도‬ ‪만리장성을 쌓는다 카더만‬They say things can develop fast between a man and a woman.
‪하루아침에 짤리 뿠네‬You got fired quickly, as the saying goes.
‪- 찝쩍댔드나?‬ ‪- 제가요?‬ ‪[용우의 코웃음]‬-Did you seduce him? -Who, me?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪뭘 그리 발끈해?‬Why are you so upset? It's reasonable suspicion.
‪해 볼 수 있는 합리적 의심이지‬Why are you so upset? It's reasonable suspicion.
‪최수진 담당으로 뽑아 놨드만‬We hired you to work for Choi Soo-jin, and you pulled all kinds of tricks on Nam.
‪남강호한테 별 어필을 다 해 갖고‬We hired you to work for Choi Soo-jin, and you pulled all kinds of tricks on Nam.
‪뭐? 액션 파트너?‬And what? A sparring partner?
‪덮치고 깔리고‬ ‪부비부비 하이 좋드나? 으이?‬Did you enjoy tangling and wrestling with him?
‪[용우가 숨을 히익 들이켠다]‬
‪니, 니, 니, 니, 니 설마‬Don't tell me you're going to get sued for sexual harassment!
‪성추행 고소 들어오는 건 아이제?‬Don't tell me you're going to get sued for sexual harassment!
‪[어이없는 한숨]‬
‪고소는 제가 해야 되거든요‬I should be the one suing him!
‪남강호 씨가 저한테‬ ‪찝쩍댄 거거든요!‬Nam Kang-ho made a move on me!
‪(미란) [손뼉을 짝 치며]‬ ‪그래서 딱 선을 그었더니‬So I drew a clear line, and then he fired me out of embarrassment!
‪쪽팔려서 저를 자른 거예요!‬So I drew a clear line, and then he fired me out of embarrassment!
‪내 큰 실수 해 뿠네‬I've made a big mistake.
‪[새침한 신음]‬
‪(용우) 공주병인 아들한텐‬ ‪이쁘다 카믄 안 되는데‬They say you should never tell divas that they're pretty.
‪내 아는 의사 소개시켜 줄까?‬Do you want to see a counselor?
‪와, 씨‬Jeez, fuh…
‪'씨', '씨', '씨'? 뭐여, 뭐여‬"Fuh"? What was that? Did you just curse at me?
‪너 지금 나한테 욕했제, 어?‬"Fuh"? What was that? Did you just curse at me?
‪아니요, CCTV라도 있으면 좋겠네…‬No, sir! Photo! I wish there was one to prove my innocence!
‪(용우) 살살 닫아라‬Close it gently.
‪(강호) '해피 버스데이 투 유'‬
‪저, 그, 어어!‬
‪[미란의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪충분히 고마운데‬I'm very thankful, so--
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[심장 두근대는 소리]‬
‪(미란) 어유, 야‬Oh my. He sure is good-looking.
‪잘생기긴 했다‬Oh my. He sure is good-looking.
‪[미란이 숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[미란의 놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪[입술을 쪽 뗀다]‬
‪[강호와 미란의 뒤섞인 숨소리]‬
‪[미란의 숨소리가 울린다]‬
‪[강호의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪[미란의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[쩝쩝 먹는 소리]‬
‪[식기가 달그락거린다]‬ ‪(원준) 아휴, 내가 그 여자‬ ‪선 넘는다 그랬지?‬Man, I told you she'd cross the line, didn't I?
‪너 조심하라고, 응?‬I told you to be careful.
‪[달그락 칼질하는 소리]‬ ‪야, 연습한다고 그, 막 엉기고‬I knew she'd cling to you and hug you using training as an excuse,
‪들러붙고 막 껴안고‬I knew she'd cling to you and hug you using training as an excuse,
‪그러다 보면 너 또 어택 오고‬which could have triggered an attack.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬which could have triggered an attack.
‪그냥 너는 괜히 그, 피 터지게‬ ‪얻어터지기만 하고‬You only got your butt kicked in the process
‪(원준) [우물거리며] 연습은‬ ‪연습대로 못 하고, 아휴‬and didn't get much training done. Jeez.
‪그러니까 왜 맞고 나서‬ ‪정신을 차리냐‬Why did you wake up only after you got beaten up?
‪맞기 전에 형 말을 들었어야지‬You should have listened to me before.
‪그러니까‬You're right.
‪근데 어디까지 당했냐?‬So, how far did she go?
‪막 뽀뽀도 하디?‬ ‪[강호의 헛웃음]‬Did she kiss you?
‪아니, 네가 그, 변호사 일까지‬ ‪한꺼번에 다 잘랐길래‬I'm asking because you terminated her as your attorney.
‪야, 너 혹시‬Hey, are you…
‪[식기가 달그락거린다]‬
‪너 혹시 들킨 거 아니지?‬-You didn't blow your cover, did you? -I didn't.
‪아니야‬-You didn't blow your cover, did you? -I didn't.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[반짝이는 효과음]‬
‪[서정적인 음악]‬ ‪[심장 두근대는 소리]‬
‪[미란의 숨소리가 울린다]‬
‪(강호) 어택이 아니야‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬I'm not panicking.
‪뭐지?‬What is this?
‪[강호의 숨소리]‬
‪[강호의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[미란의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[강호의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[강호와 미란의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[입술을 쪽 뗀다]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[강호와 미란의 숨소리]‬
‪[강호가 숨을 들이켠다]‬ ‪[강호의 당황한 신음]‬
‪[미란의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪- (강호) 아…‬ ‪- (미란) 어‬
‪아…‬ ‪[미란의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(강호) 아…‬
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪팬 서비스는 이 정도로‬The fan service stops here.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪(강호) 어택은 안 왔어‬ ‪어택은 아니고‬It didn't trigger an attack. That was not an attack…
‪저기, 여보세요‬Excuse me? What did you just say that was?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(미란) 방금 하신 게 뭐라고요?‬Excuse me? What did you just say that was?
‪팬 서비스요?‬"Fan service"?
‪[당황한 신음]‬
‪사실 팬한테‬ ‪이렇게까지 한 건 처음인데‬To be honest, I've never done this much for a fan.
‪변호사님께‬ ‪좋은 추억 됐으면 좋겠어요‬I hope this will be remembered as a cherished memory for you.
‪추억이요?‬"Cherished memory"?
‪와, 대박‬Oh my God!
‪방금 내가 좋았어요‬ ‪네가 좋았어요?‬-Do you think I enjoyed that? -What?
‪'네가'?‬-Do you think I enjoyed that? -What?
‪- 저요?‬ ‪- 내가 지금 무슨‬You mean, me? Am I supposed to feel blessed?
‪성은 입은 거죠?‬Am I supposed to feel blessed?
‪네 맘대로 껴안고 키스해 놓고‬You hugged and kissed me at your whim!
‪(미란) 하!‬
‪[미란의 어이없는 웃음]‬
‪[숨을 깊이 들이켠다]‬ ‪와, 씨, 도저히 못 참겠다‬Damn it. I can't let this go.
‪[깨갱대는 효과음]‬ ‪어휴, 씨‬Whoa!
‪나 고백할게요‬ ‪나 네 팬 아니거든요‬I have to confess. I was never your fan.
‪[꺼림칙한 음악]‬ ‪그때 발 걸어서 넘어뜨린 거‬I tripped you on purpose before because you're a jerk!
‪일부러 그랬어요, 재수 없어서‬I tripped you on purpose before because you're a jerk!
‪사실 나, 남강호 씨‬ ‪그날 처음 본 거 아니에요‬In fact, that wasn't the first day I met you.
‪그 전에 봤거든요‬ ‪리조트 주차장에서‬I saw you before in the resort parking lot!
‪'어차피 돈 많은 놈 잡는 게‬ ‪목적이면서'‬"Her goal is to get a rich man anyway. Why does she even work?"
‪'일은 왜 하는 거야?'‬"Her goal is to get a rich man anyway. Why does she even work?"
‪(미란) '맞다, 그렇지'‬"Oh, yeah. That's right!"
‪'몸값 높이셔야 하니까'‬"So she can be worth more?"
‪'몸값 높이고 높이셔서'‬"So she can be worth more and more and sell herself
‪'최고로 쳐주는 남자한테‬ ‪팔려 가셔야 하니까!'‬"So she can be worth more and more and sell herself to the man who pays the most!"
‪[비웃으며] '하긴'‬"Yeah, well, that's what every woman dreams of!"
‪'그거야 모든 여자의 로망이지'‬"Yeah, well, that's what every woman dreams of!"
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬ ‪(강호) 근데‬And yet, you insisted on being my attorney?
‪굳이 내 변호사를 하시겠다고?‬And yet, you insisted on being my attorney?
‪[고양이 울음 효과음]‬
‪(강호) 하긴‬Yeah, well,
‪안티팬들이 열정은 더하지‬anti-fans are relentless.
‪[강렬한 음악]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬ ‪취중에‬But I was drunk!
‪어떻게 그렇게 한 글자 안 틀리고‬But I was drunk! How did I not get a single word wrong?
‪정확히!‬How did I not get a single word wrong?
‪아휴‬ ‪[숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪나 천재냐?‬Am I a genius?
‪노력형 아니었어?‬I thought I was the hard-working type.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬ ‪(강호) 하긴‬Yeah, well, anti-fans are relentless.
‪안티팬들이 열정은 더하지‬Yeah, well, anti-fans are relentless.
‪난 그런 줄도 모르고‬I had no idea.
‪[강호의 숨소리가 울린다]‬
‪(강호) 난 그런 줄도 모르고‬I had no idea.
‪씨!‬Damn it!
‪모르고, 뭐! 뭐, 뭐, 뭐, 씨‬You had no idea. So, what? What?
‪어쩌라고‬So, what?
‪[한숨]‬So, what?
‪(여자1) 다 됐다‬All done.
‪아유, 예뻐‬ ‪[흥 웃는다]‬Wow, so pretty!
‪[브러시를 달그락 정리한다]‬
‪갑자기 뭐예요?‬What's all this? Why am I so shiny?
‪왜 이렇게 번쩍거려?‬What's all this? Why am I so shiny?
‪번쩍이 아니라 반짝반짝, 블링블링‬Not shiny, but twinkle-twinkle, bling-bling.
‪생기 있어 보이라고‬ ‪펄로 마무리했지‬I used pearls to make you look lively.
‪생기 말고 쌩얼이라고요, 쌩얼‬Not lively, but natural. I want natural.
‪아니, 연예인이‬ ‪이 정도면 쌩얼이지‬This is natural for a celebrity. You can't go barefaced.
‪진짜 쌩얼이 어딨니?‬This is natural for a celebrity. You can't go barefaced.
‪빨리 다시 해 줘요‬Do it again quickly. Make me look pale and sick.
‪생기 빼고 창백하게‬Do it again quickly. Make me look pale and sick.
‪핏기 없이‬ ‪[여자1의 한숨]‬Not lively.
‪꽃단장하고 요사 떨 거 생각하니‬The thought of her all dolled up and trying to be cute makes me…
‪(강호) [한숨 쉬며] 아, 씨‬Damn.
‪걔도 그렇게‬ ‪수가 낮은 애가 아닌데‬She's not a simple girl, you know.
‪그렇게 비호감으로 하겠냐?‬She won't make it easy to hate her.
‪봐 봐, 보나 마나‬You'll see. I bet she's going to pretend like she's had a rough time.
‪마음고생 한 척하고 있을 거다‬I bet she's going to pretend like she's had a rough time.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[놀란 탄성 효과음]‬
‪(강호) 맞네‬You were right.
‪(원준) 그러니까‬I told you.
‪(남자1) 드디어 이렇게‬ ‪만나게 되네요‬We meet at last.
‪[남자1의 웃음]‬
‪[입술 푸르르 떠는 효과음]‬
‪잘 지내셨어요?‬Have you been well?
‪[옅은 헛웃음]‬
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪그, 옛날 일은 죄송했습니다‬We're sorry about what happened in the past.
‪(남자1) 이, 멀쩡한 분‬ ‪스토커라고 신고하고‬We wrongly accused you of being a stalker
‪그래 놓고 지금까지‬ ‪사과 한번 못 드렸네요‬and haven't had the chance to apologize until now.
‪(원준) 못 드린 건 아니지 않나?‬It's not like you haven't had the chance.
‪지금까지 뭐, 오고 가다가‬There were plenty of times when we ran into each other, right?
‪우리 얼굴 많이 봤잖아요, 예?‬There were plenty of times when we ran into each other, right?
‪옛날얘기는 하지 맙시다‬Let's not talk about the past or our personal affairs.
‪사적인 얘기도‬Let's not talk about the past or our personal affairs.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(그레이스) 저기 너무 죄송한데‬I'm sorry to inform you,
‪감독님이 갑자기 급한 일 생기셔서‬but something urgent has come up. The director won't be coming.
‪못 오신다고‬but something urgent has come up. The director won't be coming.
‪"법무법인 길무"‬
‪네, 치료비 3천 공탁 걸어 놨고요‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬Yes, we've deposited 30 million won for the treatment.
‪신원 확실하시니까‬ ‪곧 나오실 겁니다‬Her background check was clear, so she'll be out soon.
‪[번잡한 사무실 소음]‬Her background check was clear, so she'll be out soon.
‪(미란) 예, 그때 뵙겠습니다‬Okay, I'll see you then.
‪파이팅‬You go, girl!
‪[훗 웃는다]‬
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[헉하는 효과음]‬
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪(영기) [목을 가다듬으며] 씁‬
‪저녁에 술 한잔?‬How about a drink tonight? I'm buying.
‪내가 살게요‬How about a drink tonight? I'm buying.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪저녁에 술 당기시는 분!‬Who's up for a drink tonight?
‪[사람들이 호응한다]‬-Wait-- -Oh, me!
‪오붓하게 둘이서 먹으면 좋잖…‬I was hoping we could eat alone.
‪이 분이 쏘신답니다‬This gentleman is buying!
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬ ‪(영기) 선착순으로 한 분만, 예‬All right, then. I'll only take one person!
‪하하, 아이고, 하, 한 분만, 네‬Just one person.
‪- 선착순…‬ ‪- 먹으러 먼저 가 있을게‬Just one person. I'll meet you there!
‪저는 사양‬ ‪[사람들이 떠들썩하다]‬I respectfully decline.
‪- (변호사1) 기대할게‬ ‪- 그렇게 간다고요?‬-Looking forward to it! -You're leaving like that? Hey.
‪아니‬-Looking forward to it! -You're leaving like that? Hey.
‪여 프로, 그렇, 같이 가야죠‬ ‪이렇게 판을 키워…‬You have to come. You made the party so big.
‪참, 얼굴값 하네, 쯧‬Not easy as expected. I'll let you off because you're cute.
‪이뻐서 봐준다‬Not easy as expected. I'll let you off because you're cute.
‪미란이 눈 높다‬She has very high standards.
‪- 괜찮아?‬ ‪- 응‬Are you okay? Sure, thanks to everyone's concern.
‪걱정해 주는 덕분에‬Sure, thanks to everyone's concern.
‪[커피를 조르르 따른다]‬ ‪걱정이 아니라‬ ‪껄떡댈 기회인가 보는 거겠지‬They must be looking for a chance to hit on you.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪그러게‬ ‪어찌 그리 다 평범들 하신지‬I know. But everyone is so ordinary.
‪반전 매력이 없다‬There is no surprise.
‪남강호랑은 왜 틀어졌는데?‬What happened with Nam Kang-ho?
‪[미란의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪같이 하자고 해 놓고‬ ‪도움이 못 돼서 미안하다‬I asked you for the job. Sorry I can't be of help.
‪남강호랑 뭐 있었어?‬-Did something happen? -Like what?
‪- 있다니?‬ ‪- 잤냐?‬-Did something happen? -Like what? Did you sleep with him?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(진서) 하긴‬Oh, it's against the contract to disclose a client's personal life.
‪의뢰인 사생활 유출은‬ ‪계약 위반이지?‬Oh, it's against the contract to disclose a client's personal life.
‪내 사생활이면‬You think my personal life is okay to share with you?
‪너한테 얘기를 해야 되냐?‬You think my personal life is okay to share with you?
‪선 지키자‬ ‪[진서의 어이없는 한숨]‬Stay in your lane.
‪이래서 너랑 사귀었던 남자들이‬ ‪다 폐인 됐던 거구나?‬So this is why the guys you dated ended up ruined.
‪마치 한 번도 좋아한 적‬ ‪없었던 것처럼‬It's like you never liked them at all.
‪상관도 없는 사람처럼‬Like they don't matter to you.
‪[진서가 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪물론 내가 빌미를 제공한 게‬ ‪있으니까 화난 건 이해해‬I gave you a reason to act that way, so I understand.
‪(진서) 그러니까 맞바람도‬ ‪피웠을 거고‬That's probably why you revenge-cheated.
‪아니, 왜 여자 바람은‬ ‪이유가 있다고 생각해?‬Why must there be a reason when girls cheat on men?
‪나 바람기 많아‬I'm just as flirtatious as any ordinary man!
‪웬만한 남자들만큼‬I'm just as flirtatious as any ordinary man!
‪내 바람기까지‬ ‪네가 책임감 느낄 필요는 없다‬Don't feel responsible for my flirty nature.
‪너 진짜…‬You're really…
‪[휴대폰이 울린다]‬
‪- 예, 대표님‬ ‪- (용우) 비상사태‬-Yes, Mr. Ko. -Emergency!
‪여미란이하고 빨리 튀어 들어와‬You and Yeo Mi-ran, get in here right now!
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪여배우하고 키스신 후에‬ ‪엄청 힘들었다고 합니다‬I heard he had such a hard time after kissing an actress on set,
‪구토 증세까지 있었다고 하는데요‬he even showed symptoms of nausea.
‪(영상 속 남자2) 그래서 키스신을‬ ‪할 때는‬That's why he does his very best
‪아주 기를 쓰고 잘한답니다‬when he has to shoot a kissing scene so that he can get it done in one go.
‪감독한테 한 번에‬ ‪오케이를 받으려고‬when he has to shoot a kissing scene so that he can get it done in one go.
‪[영상 속 남자3의 탄식]‬when he has to shoot a kissing scene so that he can get it done in one go.
‪(영상 속 남자2) 그리고‬ ‪도원준 대표하고‬There's even a rumor about him and CEO Do being long-time lovers.
‪오랜 연인 관계라는 제보도 있어요‬There's even a rumor about him and CEO Do being long-time lovers.
‪도 대표가 지방 촬영까지‬ ‪일일이 따라간다고 합니다‬Do follows him to all of his shoots, including out-of-town film sets.
‪(영상 속 남자3) 대표가요?‬A CEO does that? When there are managers and stylists?
‪매니저, 코디 다 있는데?‬A CEO does that? When there are managers and stylists?
‪[숨을 푸 내뱉는다]‬ ‪(영상 속 남자2) 가면은 항상‬ ‪같은 방에서 같이 잔답니다‬And reportedly, they always sleep in the same room.
‪이거, 이거 함 보세요‬Take a look at this.
‪이게 오늘 아침‬ ‪브런치 카페입니다, 이게‬This is from a café this morning!
‪[탄식]‬ ‪(영상 속 남자2) 남자들끼리‬When men go to a café, it's for a contract
‪커피숍 같은 데 갈 때는‬ ‪[진서가 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬When men go to a café, it's for a contract
‪[저마다 탄식한다]‬ ‪무슨 뭐, 계약이나 돈 꿀 때나‬ ‪뭐, 이럴 때 가는 거 아닙니까?‬or to borrow money or something like that, right?
‪아, 분위기 달달하네요‬Wow, they look so sweet together!
‪어젯밤도 같이 있었던 걸까요?‬Maybe they spent the night together.
‪(영상 속 남자4) 지금까지‬ ‪스캔들이 전무한 이유가 바로‬I think all the pieces are coming together now
‪퍼즐 조각이‬ ‪싹 맞춰지는 느낌인데?‬as to why he's never had any dating rumors until now.
‪[영상 속 남자들의 웃음과 탄식]‬
‪남강호가 찝쩍댔다꼬?‬You said that Nam Kang-ho made a move on you?
‪니 남자가?‬So, are you a dude? Transgender?
‪트랜스젠더가?‬So, are you a dude? Transgender?
‪아니, 이 사람들은‬No, these are the guys who spread fake news about Ms. Choi, remember?
‪최수진 씨 때도‬ ‪허위 사실 유포였잖아요‬No, these are the guys who spread fake news about Ms. Choi, remember?
‪남강호 그라고 안 봤는디 참말로…‬I never thought of Nam Kang-ho like that, but wow.
‪[중얼대며] 아니, 게이가‬ ‪뭐 잘못한 것도 아니고…‬There's nothing wrong with being gay.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪당장 게이설을 오보로 밝혀서‬The best result would be to prove
‪남강호가 계획대로‬ ‪영화에 출연하는 게 '베스트'‬that the gay rumor is false and help Nam maintain his role!
‪차후에 증거 자료 모아서‬Gathering evidence and hashing it out in court later is a "not bad" result.
‪법정에서‬ ‪시시비비 가리는 건 '낫 배드'‬Gathering evidence and hashing it out in court later is a "not bad" result.
‪물론 넌 '베스트'로‬ ‪성과를 내야겠지?‬But I expect you to get the best result!
‪- 아이, 저 혼자서요?‬ ‪- (용우) 그럼?‬-Do I have to work alone? -Then what?
‪둘이 같이 하라 해‬Have both of them on the case.
‪(길무) 남강호 만날 때는‬Yeo can stay behind when meeting with Nam Kang-ho.
‪여미란이는 빠지고이‬Yeo can stay behind when meeting with Nam Kang-ho.
‪(용우) 하하, 나 참‬My goodness.
‪이, 라, 라, 라, 라, 라, 라떼는‬ ‪이런 일은 혼자서‬In my day, I single-handedly handled over 30 of these kinds of cases in a week.
‪30건도 넘게 했는데, 일주일에‬I single-handedly handled over 30 of these kinds of cases in a week.
‪로스쿨 애기들은 체력이 약하잖애‬These law school babies don't have the stamina.
‪사시를 부활시켜야 되는디‬They need to revive the national bar exam. Jeez.
‪(길무) 에휴‬They need to revive the national bar exam. Jeez.
‪[피융 추락하는 효과음]‬
‪(강호) 아, 그러게 왜‬ ‪브런치 카페를 가재?‬Why did you take me to a café?
‪야, 그러면은 갑자기‬ ‪에그 베네딕트가‬Dude, I was craving Eggs Benedict. What can I say?
‪존나게 먹고 싶은데 어떡하냐?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Dude, I was craving Eggs Benedict. What can I say?
‪너 그거 만들 수 있어?‬Can you make it?
‪나랑 똑같이 산 팬티‬The blue underwear that we bought together.
‪그거 파란 거‬The blue underwear that we bought together.
‪그거 버려‬Throw it away.
‪그거 내가 제일 아끼던 팬티다‬ ‪[술잔을 툭 내려놓는다]‬That's one of my favorites. You throw away yours.
‪네가 버려라‬That's one of my favorites. You throw away yours.
‪[헛웃음 치며] 돈 내가 냈잖아‬I bought that for you.
‪공짜로 얻어 입은 사람이 버려‬You got it for free, so you throw it away.
‪아, 이 치사한 새…‬Oh, this cheap bastard! Wow, seriously.
‪와, 나 진짜‬Oh, this cheap bastard! Wow, seriously.
‪아, 이래 가지고 우리나라 말에‬So this is where the word "cheap-ass" comes from.
‪'치사 빤스'라는 말이 있는 거구나‬So this is where the word "cheap-ass" comes from.
‪감독님한테 정말 실망이야‬I'm disappointed in the director.
‪어떻게 내 얘기는‬ ‪들어 보지도 않고 이럴 수가 있어?‬How could he do this without even hearing me out?
‪투자자들이 당장에‬ ‪다 돈 뺀다고 하는데‬ ‪[술병을 탕 내려놓는다]‬The investors were going to pull their money out, so he had no choice.
‪뭐, 감독님이라고 별수 있겠냐?‬The investors were going to pull their money out, so he had no choice.
‪[술잔을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪[술잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[숨을 길게 내뱉는다]‬
‪강호야‬Kang-ho, let's expose your past relationship.
‪우리 과거 연애사 터트리자‬Kang-ho, let's expose your past relationship.
‪너랑 세나 말이야‬About you and Se-na. It won't cause any big impact now.
‪그거 지금 별로 타격 될 것도 없고‬About you and Se-na. It won't cause any big impact now.
‪영화 홍보엔 오히려 도움 되고‬And it'll help promote the film.
‪그리고 지금 세나 상태 봐서는‬Judging by how Se-na is right now, she'll definitely say yes.
‪(원준) 흔쾌히 하자고 할걸?‬Judging by how Se-na is right now, she'll definitely say yes.
‪너 혹시 지금 정색하고 있냐?‬Are you making that serious face?
‪아, 뭐, 그럼 이대로 그냥‬ ‪뭐, 영화 날리든가‬Well, you can kiss this film goodbye, then.
‪아유, 답답해‬Man, this is so frustrating.
‪아, 만나서 얘기하자, 응?‬ ‪내가 갈게‬Let's meet and talk. I'll come to you.
‪(원준) 미쳤냐?‬Let's meet and talk. I'll come to you. Are you crazy?
‪야, 지금 너희 집이랑‬ ‪우리 집이 제일 위험하거든?‬Your place and my place are the most dangerous right now.
‪제3의 장소에서 만나자‬-Let's meet at another location. -Where?
‪- 어디?‬ ‪- 네 '세컨드 하우스'‬-Let's meet at another location. -Where? Your second house.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪고생하셨습니다, 누님‬-Welcome back, ma'am. -You've been through a lot.
‪(미란) 고생하셨습니다‬-Welcome back, ma'am. -You've been through a lot.
‪(수진) 지금 이걸‬ ‪여기서 먹으라고?‬You want me to eat that here?
‪조기, 조기 보는 눈들 안 보여?‬Do you not see the eyes looking at us from over there and over there?
‪(매니저) 죄송합니다‬ ‪그럼 차에 가셔서…‬Sorry. You could go to the car--
‪우리 어디 가서 한잔할래?‬Want to have a drink?
‪아휴, 아, 죄송합니다‬ ‪제가 급하게 할 일이 생겨서‬Oh, I'm sorry. I have some urgent matters to attend to.
‪아!‬Oh, Nam Kang-ho?
‪남강호‬Oh, Nam Kang-ho?
‪[수진의 웃음]‬
‪그 얘기 여기‬ ‪구치소 안까지 들리더라고‬That news made its way into this detention center.
‪(수진) [한숨 쉬며] 도 대표‬ ‪힘들어서 어떡하냐‬This must be a headache for Won-jun.
‪앞으론 나라도 사고 치지 말아야지‬I'd better not give him more trouble.
‪근데 아무 사고 없으면‬But then, if we don't cause any trouble,
‪변호사들이 할 일이 없겠지?‬the lawyers will have no work, right?
‪아휴, 그래서‬So, what's your plan for Nam Kang-ho?
‪남강호는 어떻게 할 거야?‬So, what's your plan for Nam Kang-ho?
‪일단 사실이 아니라고‬ ‪정정하도록 압력 넣어야죠‬First, we'll pressure them to retract and say it wasn't true.
‪정정 보도를 누가 신경 쓴대?‬ ‪재미가 없는데‬Who cares about retraction stories? They're boring.
‪좋은 쪽보다는 안 좋은 쪽‬Bad and strange news is
‪평범한 쪽보다는‬ ‪이상한 쪽이 재밌지‬much more interesting than good and ordinary news.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪자기 들어올 때‬You signed a confidentiality agreement when you were hired, right?
‪비밀 유지 각서 썼지?‬You signed a confidentiality agreement when you were hired, right?
‪(수진) 그거 왜 썼게?‬Do you know why?
‪나가서 재밌는 얘기‬ ‪하지 말라고 쓴 거지‬To prevent you from talking in public about all the fun stuff.
‪좋은 쪽 얘기가 재밌어‬ ‪나쁜 쪽 얘기가 재밌어?‬Which story do you find interesting? The good or the bad?
‪자극은 자극으로 덮어야지‬Only a strong story can cover up a strong story.
‪아마 남강호 좀 힘들 거야‬It will be hard for Kang-ho unless something even more fun comes up.
‪더 재밌는 게 안 나오면‬It will be hard for Kang-ho unless something even more fun comes up.
‪[탁탁 칼질하는 소리]‬
‪[새가 지저귀는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[구역질하는 소리]‬ ‪[불안한 음악]‬
‪[세면대 물이 솨 흐른다]‬
‪[괴로운 숨소리]‬
‪[자른 오이를 툭 옮겨 담는다]‬
‪[칼이 달그락거린다]‬
‪황지혜야‬It's Hwang Ji-hye.
‪내 생각에도 그래‬My thoughts as well.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪그래서 일단 길무에‬ ‪조치하라고 해 놨어‬So I told Gilmu to take action.
‪조치는 무슨‬What action? It's all speculation and no evidence.
‪심증만 있고 확증이 없는데‬What action? It's all speculation and no evidence.
‪(원준) 아, 그렇다고‬ ‪뭐, 그냥 일방적으로‬Well, you can't just sit back and take all the punches.
‪당하고 있을 수만은 없는 거 아니…‬Well, you can't just sit back and take all the punches.
‪[헉하는 효과음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪야, 뭐야, 이거?‬What's all this?
‪(원준) 이, CCTV 왜 이렇게 많아?‬What's with all the cameras?
‪- 원래 이렇게 많았어?‬ ‪- 아, 녹화 중이야‬-Was it always like this? -I'm recording.
‪이런 엿 같은 상황에‬ ‪내가 어떤지 기록해 두려고‬I want to see how I do in this kind of crappy situation.
‪평생소원 나가리 되고‬My lifelong dream is shattered,
‪죽이고 싶은데‬ ‪죽이지를 못하는 심정‬and now I have this desire to kill, but I just can't.
‪나중에 연기할 때 써먹으려고‬and now I have this desire to kill, but I just can't. I want to use it in acting later.
‪(원준) 그래, 아무튼 강호야‬Okay, Kang-ho. Just like you said,
‪네가 방금 말한 것처럼‬Okay, Kang-ho. Just like you said,
‪이, 모든 경험이 배우에게‬ ‪다 의미가 있는 거라면‬if all these experiences are somehow meaningful to an actor,
‪실제로 드라마틱한 경험도‬I think a really dramatic experience in real life wouldn't be a bad idea.
‪나쁘지 않을 거 같은데‬I think a really dramatic experience in real life wouldn't be a bad idea.
‪[휴대폰 조작음]‬ ‪[숨을 길게 내쉰다]‬
‪(원준) 오세나가 보내줬다‬Se-na sent this to me.
‪야, 걔는 이거를, 이거‬ ‪아직도 갖고 있더라‬She had this picture after all this time.
‪- [탁 내리치며] 야!‬ ‪- 아, 너 진짜 자꾸 맞먹을래?‬-Hey! -Don't try to walk over me!
‪너랑 나랑 출생 연도만 같고‬You and I share the same birth year, but everything else is different!
‪모든 숫자가 다르다니까‬You and I share the same birth year, but everything else is different!
‪너 중3 때, 나 고1‬When you were in 9th grade, I was in 10th. You went to college in '05. I in '04.
‪(원준) 너 05학번, 나 04학번‬When you were in 9th grade, I was in 10th. You went to college in '05. I in '04.
‪너 호랑이띠, 나 소띠‬ ‪심지어 띠도 달라!‬Your zodiac sign is tiger, and mine is ox!
‪야, 너‬Hey, you. It's about time you drop that kind of ancient custom, right?
‪그런 구습은‬ ‪좀 타파할 때도 되지 않았냐?‬Hey, you. It's about time you drop that kind of ancient custom, right?
‪대표가 이러니까‬ ‪내가 글로벌 스타가 못 되지‬A CEO sticking to such antiquities. No wonder I'm not a global star.
‪야, 글로, 글로벌 스타가…‬What, global star?
‪야, 그거는 네가 잘해야지‬ ‪그걸 왜 나, 나, 나한…‬That's yours to achieve. Why do you push that onto me--
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬ ‪(원준) 침착해‬Be calm. I said, be calm.
‪침착해라‬Be calm. I said, be calm.
‪너 유성준 감독 영화에‬ ‪조금이라도 미련 남아 있으면, 너‬If you have an inkling of hope to be in Yoo's film, don't mess this up.
‪절대로 깽판 치면 안 된다‬If you have an inkling of hope to be in Yoo's film, don't mess this up.
‪들어와‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬Come in.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪내가 데리고 왔다‬I brought her here.
‪[강호의 헛웃음]‬
‪둘이 한편 되셨네?‬You've become allies?
‪오면서 도란도란‬ ‪호두과자도 먹고 그랬냐?‬Did you share walnut cookies on your way here too?
‪소떡 먹었다, 소떡, 응?‬We had sotteok. Okay?
‪(원준) 됐냐?‬Are you happy?
‪제가 얘기할게요‬I'll tell him.
‪너무 억울한 것 같아서요‬I think it's really unfair
‪(세나) 그런 헛소문 때문에‬that such a baseless rumor stops you from acting in a film you wanted.
‪하고 싶은 영화를‬ ‪못 하게 된다는 게‬that such a baseless rumor stops you from acting in a film you wanted.
‪나쁜 작전은 아닌데‬It's not a bad idea, but I don't like it.
‪싫은데?‬It's not a bad idea, but I don't like it.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪아무튼 생각해 줘서 고맙다‬Anyway, thanks for your concern.
‪얘기는 끝났네‬I guess we're done here.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[세나가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[세나가 흐느낀다]‬
‪(강호) 저기‬Hey.
‪안 이랬으면 좋겠는데‬I wish you wouldn't do that.
‪[세나가 연신 운다]‬
‪(세나) [울면서] 보고 싶었어‬I've missed you.
‪너무너무 보고 싶었어, 오빠‬I've missed you so much, Kang-ho.
‪[세나가 연신 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[세나의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪첫사랑 '아사코'는‬ ‪애초에 물 건너갔고‬First love Asako is long gone.
‪더 이상 주접떨지 말고‬ ‪그냥 가라‬So don't be gross, and just go.
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬ ‪[휴대폰 조작음]‬
‪[휴대폰이 울린다]‬
‪[연신 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(원준) 어, 어, 강호야, 어‬Yeah, Kang-ho. Are you done talking?
‪얘, 얘기는 다 했어?‬Yeah, Kang-ho. Are you done talking?
‪[강호가 전화를 탁 끊는다]‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪(강호) 같이 왔으니까 같이 가라‬You came here together, so you can leave together.
‪아, 저 새끼, 저거 진짜, 씨‬What's wrong with that prick?
‪(세나) 오빠가…‬ ‪[원준의 한숨]‬He told me
‪주접떨지 말래요‬to stop being gross.
‪아이, 그러니까 너는 왜‬ ‪주접을 떨고 울고‬Why did you have to cry and be all gross--
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[아기 울음 효과음]‬
‪주접, 주접이라고?‬Gross? Did you say "gross"?
‪[세나의 울음]‬
‪[당황한 신음]‬
‪- 이게 뭐예요?‬ ‪- 카메라‬-What's all this? -Security cameras.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[거칠게 싸우는 소리가 울린다]‬
‪[거친 숨소리가 울린다]‬
‪(강호) [한숨 쉬며] 아, 이거‬ ‪꼭 하고 싶다‬I really want to do this movie.
‪[대본을 툭 던지며] 씨, 진짜‬I really want to do this movie. Damn it.
‪(원준) 내가 그랬지?‬Didn't I tell you?
‪[끅끅거린다]‬ ‪강호는 나보다 더 심할 거라고‬Kang-ho would be much harsher than me.
‪[아기 울음 효과음]‬Kang-ho would be much harsher than me.
‪[세나가 엉엉 운다]‬
‪[원준의 한숨]‬ ‪[세나가 연신 운다]‬
‪[휴지를 탁 집는다]‬
‪[연신 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[끅끅대는 숨소리]‬
‪근데 아까 그 카메라‬ ‪꺼진 거 맞아요?‬Are you sure those cameras back there were turned off?
‪(세나) 유출되는 거 아니에요?‬It's not going to get leaked?
‪[욱하는 효과음]‬It's not going to get leaked?
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪야, 거, 카메라‬ ‪거, 켜져 있었대도‬Even if those cameras were on, do you think he would do such a thing?
‪강호가 그럴 애냐?‬Even if those cameras were on, do you think he would do such a thing?
‪걔 너한테 배신당했을 때도‬He never did one bad thing in revenge when you betrayed him.
‪너한테 1도 해코지 안 한 애야‬He never did one bad thing in revenge when you betrayed him.
‪저거, 저 혼자 거, 끙끙 앓다가‬He kept it all repressed and even got sick--
‪거, 병까지 얻어 가지고 내가…‬He kept it all repressed and even got sick--
‪[숨을 헉 들이켠다]‬
‪[원준의 한숨]‬
‪병이요?‬He got sick?
‪아, 뭐, 그냥 많이 아팠다고‬He was just in a lot of pain.
‪그렇죠, 저도 이 정도는 당해야죠‬You're right. I deserve to be treated this way.
‪당해도 싸죠‬ ‪[훌쩍인다]‬I fully deserve it.
‪근데 오빠라도 풀려서 다행이에요‬ ‪[훌쩍인다]‬I'm glad that at least you're over that whole thing.
‪뭐라고?‬What did you say?
‪[아기 웃음 효과음]‬
‪[연신 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪[휴대폰이 울린다]‬
‪[수신 버튼을 탁 누른다]‬
‪아유, 안녕하세요, 기자님‬Hey, how are you, Mr. Park? It's been a while.
‪예, 오랜만입니다‬Hey, how are you, Mr. Park? It's been a while.
‪아이고, 대표님, 심란하시겠어요‬God, Mr. Do, you must be under a lot of stress.
‪예, 뭐‬Yes, well.
‪근데 뭐, 전혀 사실이 아니니까‬It's completely false, so…
‪예, 뭐, 금방 지나갈 겁니다‬Yeah, it's going to pass soon.
‪그럼요, 저는 알죠‬Of course, I would know.
‪남강호 씨 열애설도 입수했는데‬I even have a scoop on Mr. Nam's love story.
‪- 확실한 증거와 함께‬ ‪- 예?‬-Along with irrefutable evidence. -I'm sorry?
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪(박 기자) 일단 만나서 얘기하시죠‬ ‪어디세요?‬Let's meet first. Where are you?
‪예, 그게 제가 지금…‬Yes. Right now, I'm…
‪제가 지방인데‬I'm outside the city.
‪그럼 서울 오시면 연락 주세요‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬Then call me once you get back to Seoul.
‪예, 아이, 그, 여, 여, 저기…‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬Okay. Wait--
‪- 뭐냐, 이거?‬ ‪- (세나) 저 아니에요‬-What is this? -It wasn't me.
‪사진도 찾다 찾다 없어서‬ ‪그거 한 장 찾은 건데?‬Even the picture I gave you was all I could barely find.
‪누가 딴 사람이 제보를 했나?‬Did someone else tip it off?
‪극단에서 너희 사귀었던 거‬ ‪아는 사람 나 말고 누구 또 있어?‬Does anyone from the theater company know about you two?
‪없는데‬ ‪[짜증 섞인 한숨]‬No one knows.
‪(세나) 어찌 됐든‬Anyway, if that reporter breaks the story,
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪기자가 터트린다면‬Anyway, if that reporter breaks the story,
‪강호 오빠한테 분명히 해 주세요‬please make it clear to Kang-ho.
‪저 아니에요‬I didn't do it.
‪[짜증 섞인 한숨]‬
‪[시끄러운 도로 소음]‬
‪[이어폰에서 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(진서) 정황상 부대표 말이 맞아‬Given the circumstances, I think Mr. Do is right.
‪씁‬ ‪[서류가 부스럭거린다]‬Given the circumstances, I think Mr. Do is right. I knew Hwang Ji-hye was the type to do something like this.
‪안 그래도 황지혜‬ ‪[짜증 섞인 탄성]‬I knew Hwang Ji-hye was the type to do something like this.
‪뭔 짓 할 것 같더라니‬ ‪[미란이 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬I knew Hwang Ji-hye was the type to do something like this.
‪그럼 제보자를‬ ‪압박하는 게 먼저인데…‬Then the first thing we should do is pressure the informant.
‪[서류철을 탁 정리한다]‬ ‪가자, 낚시하러‬Let's go fishing.
‪그 정도로 낚이겠어?‬You think she'll take the bait?
‪낚시야 낚일 때까지‬ ‪죽치고 버티는 거지‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬We just sit and wait until the fish bites.
‪(스태프1) [음성변조] 남강호 씨도‬ ‪관광호텔에 방 잡은 거에‬Not even Mr. Nam Kang-ho was complaining about staying at a tourist hotel,
‪아무 소리 안 하시는데‬ ‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬Not even Mr. Nam Kang-ho was complaining about staying at a tourist hotel,
‪황지혜는 별 5개 이하에서‬ ‪못 잔다는 거예요‬but she said she only sleeps at a five-star hotel.
‪제작비도 엄청 더 들어가는데‬The show costs so much money already,
‪PPL도 어찌나 까탈을 부리는지‬ ‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬and she's so fussy about product placement!
‪화장품 바르는 신이었는데‬In a scene, she wouldn't put on makeup
‪[짜증 섞인 한숨]‬ ‪화장품 CF 들어올지 모른다고‬because she thought she might get a cosmetics commercial later.
‪안 바르겠대요‬because she thought she might get a cosmetics commercial later.
‪(스태프2) [음성변조] 황지혜, 걔‬I heard her cussing at an older stylist who is more experienced than she is.
‪자기보다 나이 많고‬ ‪경력 많은 코디한테 쌍욕 하던데요‬I heard her cussing at an older stylist who is more experienced than she is.
‪[민망한 한숨]‬
‪강호 씨 그거‬I'm telling you. We didn't spread the rumor about Mr. Nam.
‪우리가 그런 거 아니라니까요‬I'm telling you. We didn't spread the rumor about Mr. Nam.
‪아니, 드라마도 아직 방송 중인데‬Come on. The show is still on the air. Why would we do something like that?
‪미쳤다고 그러겠냐고요‬Come on. The show is still on the air. Why would we do something like that?
‪(진서) 그렇죠‬Of course.
‪드라마 방영 중에‬ ‪이런 일이 터져서‬Mr. Nam felt bad that this happened while the show's still on the air.
‪남강호 씨도 미안해하시더라고요‬Mr. Nam felt bad that this happened while the show's still on the air.
‪아무튼 여기에 황지혜 씨까지‬ ‪터지면 안 되니까‬We can't afford a scandal with Ms. Hwang as well,
‪이건 유출되지 않게‬so we'll do our best to make sure this doesn't get leaked.
‪저희가 잘해 보겠습니다‬so we'll do our best to make sure this doesn't get leaked.
‪당신들 협박, 공갈해?‬Are you people blackmailing us?
‪나 아니야!‬It wasn't me!
‪대표님, 저 아니에요‬Mr. Yoon, it wasn't me. I'm serious!
‪- 정말이에요‬ ‪- 응, 응‬Mr. Yoon, it wasn't me. I'm serious!
‪어머, 누가 황지혜 씨가 했대요?‬Oh my. We were not accusing you.
‪[호루라기 효과음]‬
‪우리는 대표님을‬ ‪의심하고 있었는데?‬We were actually suspecting Mr. Yoon.
‪지혜 씨는‬ ‪대표님은 안 그랬다는 걸‬But it seems Ms. Hwang clearly knows that it wasn't Mr. Yoon.
‪확실하게 아시네요?‬But it seems Ms. Hwang clearly knows that it wasn't Mr. Yoon.
‪[지혜의 당황한 신음]‬
‪아니‬I mean,
‪그, 그, 그게 제가…‬I was just…
‪[울먹이는 신음]‬ ‪죄송해요‬I'm sorry!
‪(윤 대표) 야, 이 미친‬ ‪너 돌대가리냐?‬ ‪[지혜가 흐느낀다]‬What the-- Are you a moron? Why are you admitting it?
‪그걸 또 인정하게? 아유, 진짜‬What the-- Are you a moron? Why are you admitting it? Oh God!
‪[지혜가 연신 운다]‬Oh God!
‪내친김에 살펴보니까‬We looked into a few more things, and you have other allegations too.
‪뭐 걸려 있는 게 있으시더라고요‬We looked into a few more things, and you have other allegations too.
‪예?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬What?
‪(미란) 임금 체불에 폭언, 폭행‬Unpaid wages, verbal and physical abuse.
‪고소, 고발 들어가면 동산, 부동산‬I'm letting you know in advance that your assets can all be frozen if you're sued on these matters.
‪모두 동결되실 수 있다는 거‬ ‪미리 알려드립니다‬that your assets can all be frozen if you're sued on these matters. "Frozen"?
‪아무쪼록 벌이신 일들은‬I do hope you'll be able to clean up your own mess in a prompt manner.
‪즉각 수습하시길 바랍니다‬I do hope you'll be able to clean up your own mess in a prompt manner.
‪(나은) 치워 드리겠습니다‬Let me take that for you.
‪[날카로운 효과음]‬
‪[당황한 신음]‬
‪아, 죄송…‬I'm sorry about that.
‪죄, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry about that.
‪하, 하, 한 잔 더 주세요‬-One more glass, please. -The same drink?
‪- 같은 걸로 드릴까요?‬ ‪- 오케이‬-One more glass, please. -The same drink?
‪[잔이 달그락거린다]‬
‪[꺼림칙한 음악]‬ ‪[술을 조르르 따른다]‬
‪더, 더, 더‬More!
‪더, 더, 더, 더, 스톱!‬More!
‪(남자5) 오케이, 오케이‬
‪[웃음]‬ ‪[술병이 달그락거린다]‬
‪[괴로운 신음]‬ ‪어유, 셔‬Man, that's sour!
‪어, 시다, 시, 시, 신나은‬Yeah, it's sour. Shin Na-eun.
‪이름도 예쁘고 얼굴도 예쁘고‬You have a pretty name and a pretty face.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you, sir.
‪차라리 건드리기라도 하면‬ ‪추행으로 걸지‬If he touches me, I can just report him for harassment.
‪애매하게 와‬But he comes on too vaguely.
‪사고 나면 그런 것들은 버려야지‬If there's a crash, we should abandon someone like him.
‪안 구해 준다‬If there's a crash, we should abandon someone like him.
‪그렇다고 죽일 정도인가는‬ ‪모르겠다만‬I'm not sure if he deserves to die though.
‪(남자5) 나은아!‬Na-eun!
‪[꺼림칙한 음악]‬ ‪야, 신나은‬Hey, Shin Na-eun!
‪[경박하게 웃으며] 예뻐‬You're so pretty!
‪잘 봐‬Watch carefully. This is a phone, right?
‪전화기, 응?‬Watch carefully. This is a phone, right?
‪전화번호 주면‬If you give me your number,
‪칭찬 레터 써 주지, 지‬I'll put in a good review for you!
‪[남자5의 경박한 웃음]‬ ‪[헛웃음]‬
‪재밌냐?‬-Is that meant to be funny? -Hey.
‪야, 그냥 가, 가‬-Is that meant to be funny? -Hey. Just keep walking.
‪- (남자5) 야, 나 전화번호‬ ‪- 구해 주지 마‬-Hey, your number! -Don't save him. Let him die.
‪- (남자5) 야, 전화번호‬ ‪- 죽게 놔둬, 씨‬-Hey, your number! -Don't save him. Let him die.
‪(나은) 씨‬Damn it!
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(미란) 또 분노의 입금이냐?‬Another rage deposit?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(나은) 아니, 술집이나‬ ‪클럽에서 그랬으면‬If this happened at a bar or a club, I wouldn't be this upset.
‪나도 이렇게 열 안 받아‬If this happened at a bar or a club, I wouldn't be this upset.
‪'흥, 내가 이쁘긴 한가 보다'‬ ‪그러고 말지‬I'd just be like, "I guess I really am pretty."
‪클럽이라도 초면에‬ ‪반말 찍찍 하면 열은 받지‬I'd still be upset if someone was that rude to me.
‪(나은) 그래, 뭐‬Yeah, I guess.
‪아, 그렇지만‬But at clubs,
‪그런 애들은 여차하면‬guys risk getting rejected and humiliated.
‪쪽 당할 각오는 하고‬ ‪덤비는 거니까‬guys risk getting rejected and humiliated.
‪근데 이건‬But in my case, I have to risk my job if I were to raise my voice at him.
‪화를 내려면 내가 직장을‬ ‪때려치울 각오를 해야 되니‬But in my case, I have to risk my job if I were to raise my voice at him.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(미란) 같이 셀카라도‬ ‪찍어 두지 그랬어‬You should have taken a selfie with him in case I run into him someday.
‪살다가 나한테 한번‬ ‪걸리는 날 있을지도 모르는데‬You should have taken a selfie with him in case I run into him someday.
‪그것도 잘생기기나 했어야‬And he wasn't even handsome.
‪어유, 얼굴 가까이 못 해‬I can't even get close to his face!
‪[옅은 웃음]‬I can't even get close to his face!
‪[나은의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪넌 잘생긴 남강호랑 재밌겠다‬You must be having fun with a hot guy like Nam Kang-ho.
‪일을 재미로 하냐?‬You don't work for fun.
‪난 잘생긴 연예인들 타면‬I find it more fun to fly when there are hot celebrities on board.
‪비행이 더 재밌던데‬I find it more fun to fly when there are hot celebrities on board.
‪[젓가락을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪우리 오랜만에 기분이나 풀러 가자‬-Let's go and blow off steam. -Go where?
‪어디?‬-Let's go and blow off steam. -Go where? To solve guy problems with guys.
‪남자 문제는 남자로 풀어야지‬To solve guy problems with guys.
‪[의자가 덜그럭 밀린다]‬ ‪가자‬-Let's go! -Do you think that makes sense right now?
‪그게 지금 이 상황에 맞는 말이야?‬-Let's go! -Do you think that makes sense right now?
‪[시끄러운 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(미란) 야, 오늘 좋은데?‬It's not a bad night, huh?
‪안구 정화 좀 되고 있어?‬Are the hot guys making you feel better?
‪(나은) 아, 어쩌자고 이런 데를…‬Don't bring me to a place like this!
‪나 이제 생긴 거에 뻑 가서‬ ‪시간 낭비할 나이 아니야‬ ‪[웃음]‬I'm too old to waste time on guys based on their looks.
‪으이구, 누가 사귀래?‬Jeez, I'm not telling you to date them. Just enjoy the night.
‪하루 노는 거야‬ ‪즐기면서 미남들 면역 좀 키워‬Jeez, I'm not telling you to date them. Just enjoy the night. And get used to being around handsome guys!
‪그럴까?‬I guess I will!
‪(미란) 나를 욕망하는 남자들에게‬ ‪군림하고 싶었다‬I wanted to rule over the men who desired me.
‪나를 가볍게 생각할수록‬The easier they thought I was, the heavier my punishments were on them.
‪무거운 형벌을 내렸고‬The easier they thought I was, the heavier my punishments were on them.
‪설렜던 연애가 있었나?‬Did I ever have a heart-fluttering romance?
‪(남자5) 야, 신나은!‬Hey, Shin Na-eun!
‪[남자5의 환호성]‬
‪(남자5) [웃으며] 야!‬Hey! Wow!
‪와, 야‬Hey! Wow!
‪- 신기해, 진짜‬ ‪- 아는 사람이야?‬-This is insane! -Someone you know?
‪으아!‬ ‪[남자5의 경박한 웃음]‬
‪(남자5) 예쁜 애 옆에 예쁜 애!‬A pretty girl next to another pretty girl!
‪[연신 경박하게 웃는다]‬A pretty girl next to another pretty girl!
‪내가 말했던 비행기 진상‬ ‪[남자5의 답답한 신음]‬The obnoxious man from the plane. Oh, I'm sorry if I offended you earlier!
‪아이, 그건 기분 나빴다면‬ ‪미안하다니까!‬Oh, I'm sorry if I offended you earlier!
‪아, 원래 남자애들이, 막‬ ‪예쁜 애 보면, 막‬You know how guys tease pretty girls just to get their attention!
‪괴롭히고 그러잖아, 관심 끌려고!‬You know how guys tease pretty girls just to get their attention!
‪(미란) 그래서‬So, is this you apologizing?
‪지금 사과하는 중이세요?‬So, is this you apologizing?
‪- 아니‬ ‪- (남자5) 아!‬No. He's being obnoxious again because he wants to hang out.
‪같이 또 놀자고 진상 부리는 중‬No. He's being obnoxious again because he wants to hang out.
‪(남자5) 아, 일단 가 보자니까‬Oh, just come with me!
‪내가 미국에서‬ ‪재밌는 거 갖고 왔는데‬Oh, just come with me! I brought something fun from America!
‪- 재밌는 거요?‬ ‪- (남자5) 응‬-Something fun? -Yeah.
‪완전 쑝 재밌는 거‬It's super fun!
‪[남자5의 경박한 웃음]‬It's super fun!
‪그게 뭘까? 완전 궁금한데‬What could that be? I'm really curious.
‪(미란) 잠깐만‬ ‪뭐 좀 확인할 게 있어‬Hang on. I want to check something.
‪[남자5가 환호하며 웃는다]‬
‪들어와, 들어와, 들어와‬Come in.
‪(남자5) 나은아, 들어와‬Na-eun, come in!
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬Na-eun, come in!
‪(남자5) [웃으며] 야! 나와‬ ‪[사람들의 환호성]‬Move!
‪[사람들이 연신 환호한다]‬
‪[사람들의 해롱대는 웃음]‬
‪[남자5의 해롱대는 환호성]‬
‪(미란) 내 옆에 딱 붙어 있어‬ ‪아무것도 먹지 마, 물도‬Stay next to me. Don't eat anything. Not even water!
‪[술병을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[남자5가 입소리를 씁 낸다]‬
‪(남자5) 야, 너희 뭐 하냐‬Guys, what are you doing? Drink!
‪[술잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪술 마셔라‬Guys, what are you doing? Drink! Let's drink up!
‪술 마셔라!‬Let's drink up!
‪[저마다 해롱거린다]‬Let's drink up!
‪원샷!‬Bottoms up!
‪[사람들이 호응한다]‬
‪[헉하는 효과음]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(박 기자) 빼박이죠?‬Irrefutable evidence. I told you, right?
‪확실한 증거‬Irrefutable evidence. I told you, right?
‪아이, 잠깐, 대표님도‬ ‪모르시는 눈치네요?‬Wait, it looks like you didn't know about this.
‪이 여자분 모르세요?‬Don't you know this woman?
‪사실 우리 그, 남강호 씨는‬ ‪제쳐 두고 있었어요‬To tell you the truth, we weren't paying attention to Mr. Nam.
‪몇 년을 쫓아다녀 봤는데‬ ‪재밌는 게 있어야지‬We've chased him for years but got nothing.
‪근데 어떤 분이‬ ‪이걸 제보한 거예요‬But then someone showed me this.
‪처음에는 합성 아닌가‬ ‪의심을 했는데‬First, I thought it might be edited, but it turned out to be real.
‪아니더라고, 그래서 샀죠‬First, I thought it might be edited, but it turned out to be real. So we bought it. It cost us quite a bit.
‪꽤 큰돈 들였어요‬So we bought it. It cost us quite a bit.
‪[입소리를 씁 낸다]‬
‪아, 이걸 어쩌죠, 근데?‬ ‪이게 워낙에 큰돈 들이신 거라‬Well, this is a problem. Since you spent so much money on this, I don't think you can simply cover it up just because I asked you to.
‪제가 뭐‬ ‪덮어 달라고 한다고 이거를‬I don't think you can simply cover it up just because I asked you to.
‪그냥 덮어 주시기에도‬ ‪좀 곤란할 거 같기도 하고, 참‬I don't think you can simply cover it up just because I asked you to.
‪이거를 어떡하죠, 이거를?‬What should we do about this?
‪(박 기자) 아, 덮기를‬ ‪원하시는구나?‬Oh, you want this covered up? Then I'll cover it up.
‪그럼 뭐, 덮어 드려야죠‬Oh, you want this covered up? Then I'll cover it up.
‪[헉하는 효과음]‬ ‪예?‬What?
‪여기 보시면은 썰 나기 전이에요‬You can see that this was taken before the scandal.
‪고로 '무마하려는 주작은 아니다'‬ ‪증명이 되는 거고‬Thus, it shows that this wasn't staged just to downplay the gay rumor.
‪그럼 오해도 쉽게 털고‬You can clear Nam's name easily
‪(박 기자) '카더라'로‬ ‪사람 죽이는 놈들‬and humiliate the jerks who use rumors to ruin people.
‪개망신도 좀 주고 얼마나 좋아?‬and humiliate the jerks who use rumors to ruin people. How great is this?
‪(원준) 그러니까 돈 내놔라?‬So you're asking for money.
‪참 나‬ ‪[한숨]‬Oh man.
‪와, 내가 스캔들 막는 데‬ ‪돈은 써 봤어도, 참‬Wow, I've spent money on covering up scandals, but this is…
‪강호 씨가‬ ‪뭐, 나쁜 짓을 한 것도 아니고‬It's not like Mr. Nam did something bad.
‪(박 기자) 배우 생활 하는데‬But it would take years for the gay rumor to die down.
‪이 게이설이‬ ‪한참 걸리긴 하겠지만은‬But it would take years for the gay rumor to die down.
‪씁, 한국에‬ ‪이, 게이 배우가 있었나?‬Has there ever been a gay actor in Korea? I wonder if he can stay in the business.
‪이게, 이미지적으로도‬ ‪배우가 될까?‬Has there ever been a gay actor in Korea? I wonder if he can stay in the business.
‪아유, 기자님, 아유, 잠시만요‬Come on, Mr. Park. Hold up. Why are you in such a hurry?
‪아니, 왜 이렇게 성격이 급하시지?‬Come on, Mr. Park. Hold up. Why are you in such a hurry?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(원준) 제가 이제서야‬ ‪이, 말씀의 요지를‬I just got the gist of what you were trying to tell me.
‪딱 이해를 하고 지금‬I just got the gist of what you were trying to tell me.
‪잠깐 생각을 좀‬ ‪하고 있었지 않습니까‬And I've been thinking for a second
‪어느 정도면 섭섭지 않으실는지‬about how much would satisfy you.
‪제가 고런 부분에 대해서 좀‬"I think I should have a conversation with Mr. Park about these things."
‪'얘기를 해 봐야 되겠다' 이렇게‬"I think I should have a conversation with Mr. Park about these things."
‪생각을 하고 있었지 않습니까‬ ‪[작게 웃는다]‬That's what I've been thinking about.
‪[사이렌 소리]‬
‪[영상 속 남자5의 환호성]‬ ‪[경찰1의 한숨]‬
‪[신나는 음악 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[헤실대는 웃음]‬
‪저러면 냄새를 잡아 주거든‬That keeps the smell from leaking out.
‪[남자5가 헤실거린다]‬
‪[남자5의 경박한 웃음]‬
‪(남자5) 아, 졸라 재밌어!‬ ‪[남자5가 연신 웃는다]‬This is so freaking fun!
‪오고 있으니까 우리는 나가자‬ ‪자연스럽게‬They're on their way, so let's leave. Act naturally.
‪- 우리 춤추러 갈까?‬ ‪- 그럴까?‬ ‪[미란과 나은의 웃음]‬-Shall we go dance? -Shall we?
‪어디 가? 씨발!‬Where the hell are you going?
‪[쿵 하는 효과음]‬
‪(남자5) [쾅 내리치며] 야!‬Hey!
‪너희, 너희 뭐냐?‬ ‪존나 못생긴 것들이‬What the hell is wrong with you ugly bitches?
‪놀자 그래도 술을 안 처마시고‬We're here to have fun. Why don't you drink?
‪(미란) 안 먹기는‬We did drink.
‪방금 원샷 두 번이나 했다‬We just drank two shots.
‪[나은의 놀란 신음]‬We just drank two shots.
‪[불쾌한 한숨]‬
‪그럼 한번 해 봐‬Then give this a try.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬ ‪아, 괘, 괜찮아‬I'm okay.
‪우리 화장실도 가야 돼‬We have to use the ladies' room.
‪(남자5) 아, 씨발, 한번만 해 봐‬ ‪[나은의 놀란 신음]‬Damn it, just try it once!
‪[취한 숨소리]‬ ‪이거 술보다 안 위험한 거야‬It's safer than alcohol!
‪[남자5의 해롱대는 웃음]‬
‪(남자5) 한 번만‬Try it once. Just once.
‪이거 한 번만 해 봐‬Try it once. Just once.
‪- 아, 존나 재밌다니까, 씨발‬ ‪- 싫어‬It's freaking fun, I'm telling you! I don't want to.
‪[나은의 놀란 비명]‬ ‪(남자5) 아유, 씨발‬ ‪존나 재미없네‬Shit, you're freaking boring. You stupid little bitches.
‪이 병신 같은 것들이, 진짜‬Shit, you're freaking boring. You stupid little bitches.
‪[미란의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪[미란의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[사람들이 말린다]‬ ‪(나은) 꺅! 이야!‬
‪에잇‬ ‪[나은의 놀란 비명]‬
‪[남자6의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[나은의 겁먹은 비명]‬
‪[남자들의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪[퍽 때리는 소리]‬
‪[연신 퍽퍽 때린다]‬ ‪[남자들의 신음]‬
‪[미란의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(남자7) 야, 이 씨!‬You little--
‪[남자7의 연신 아파하는 비명]‬
‪[여자들의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪[미란의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[남자7의 신음]‬
‪[털썩 쓰러지는 소리]‬
‪[헐떡이며] 나은아, 가자‬Na-eun, let's go.
‪- 네, 언니‬ ‪- (남자8) 어디 가!‬-Yes, ma'am. -Where are you going?
‪[나은의 놀란 비명]‬-Yes, ma'am. -Where are you going?
‪(나은) 어머, 어머!‬Oh my God!
‪이야!‬ ‪[나은이 연신 비명을 지른다]‬
‪[미란의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[남자8의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[미란의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(미란) 야!‬ ‪[남자5의 겁먹은 신음]‬Hey!
‪[남자5의 겁먹은 비명]‬
‪뭐? '못생긴 게'?‬What did you say? We're ugly?
‪[퍽 때리는 소리]‬ ‪(미란) 어딜 봐서? 너는‬How are we ugly? Is there something wrong with your eyes?
‪[연신 때린다]‬ ‪눈깔을 얻다 달고 다니냐?‬How are we ugly? Is there something wrong with your eyes?
‪[미란의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[헐떡이며] 아! 아, 형사님‬ ‪[남자5의 신음]‬Oh, Detective!
‪[무전기 작동음]‬ ‪(남자5) 웨이터!‬Waiter!
‪119 좀 불러 줘!‬Call 911!
‪[남자5가 씩씩거린다]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(남자5) 너무 아파요, 으아‬It hurts so much!
‪씨, 너, 치료비, 위자료‬Damn it! You'll have to pay me a fortune for treatment and compensation!
‪천문학적 금액이다, 너, 너 각오해‬You'll have to pay me a fortune for treatment and compensation! You, you'd better be ready!
‪- 저기요!‬ ‪- 야!‬-Excuse me! -Hey!
‪콱!‬ ‪[깨갱대는 효과음]‬Ha!
‪아유, 저거 입 못 놀리게‬ ‪아구창도 박살 낼걸‬I should have broken his jaw to shut him up.
‪아, 네가 왜 깽값을 물어줘?‬Why would you pay for his treatment? You got these junkies arrested.
‪마약 사범 잡은 건데‬Why would you pay for his treatment? You got these junkies arrested.
‪법이 그렇게 기계적이야‬ ‪우리 마음 같지가 않아‬Laws are cold-hearted. They don't work as we'd like.
‪그걸 알면서 때렸냐?‬And you still beat them up?
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬And you still beat them up?
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪저 정도면 얼마 나와?‬How much will it cost?
‪(미란) 뼈엔 이상 없을 거니까‬ ‪끽해야 4주?‬I didn't break any bones, so four weeks at the most?
‪4주면 4백이네‬That's four million won, then.
‪(미란) 시세는 그런데‬That's the going rate, but he'll ask for a ridiculous amount.
‪더 부를 것 같다, 말도 안 되게‬That's the going rate, but he'll ask for a ridiculous amount.
‪말이 안 되는 건 너지‬You're the ridiculous one.
‪변호사라는 게‬ ‪어떻게 매번 법보다‬How can you call yourself a lawyer when you use fists more than the law?
‪이 주먹이 가깝냐?‬How can you call yourself a lawyer when you use fists more than the law?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(나은) 아유, 다 내 잘못이지‬Oh God, it's all my fault!
‪내가 저놈이 그놈이란 말만‬ ‪안 했어도, 쯧‬Only if I hadn't told you that's the guy from the plane…
‪[자물쇠를 달그락 딴다]‬
‪나오세요‬ ‪[반기는 숨소리]‬Come on out.
‪[여자2의 반기는 숨소리]‬ ‪(경찰2) 거기는 계시고‬You can stay.
‪예? 어‬What?
‪[여자2의 아쉬운 탄성]‬
‪[사이렌 소리]‬
‪참고인 조사가 필요하면‬ ‪연락드리겠습니다‬-We'll call you if we need statements. -Sure. Have a good night.
‪네, 연락 주세요, 수고하십시오‬-We'll call you if we need statements. -Sure. Have a good night.
‪네, 안녕히 가십시오‬Good night.
‪[나은의 허무한 한숨]‬
‪(나은) 이게 끝이야?‬That's it? There's no reward?
‪포상 같은 건 없어?‬That's it? There's no reward?
‪그거야 업자들 검거했을 때나 있지‬Only if we help arrest sellers, not those who just possess them.
‪단순 소지자는 없어‬Only if we help arrest sellers, not those who just possess them.
‪(나은) 쩝, 치‬Only if we help arrest sellers, not those who just possess them.
‪월세에 깽값에‬We have to pay the rent and the settlement.
‪직장 생활은 곱게 해라‬Please don't mess up at work.
‪아!‬When will Nam pay you for that expensive part-time work?
‪그, 남강호 고액 알바‬ ‪정산은 언제 해 준대?‬When will Nam pay you for that expensive part-time work?
‪(미란) 어‬Oh.
‪그거 잘렸어‬He fired me.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪한 번 하지 않았어?‬Didn't you do one session?
‪(미란) 어‬Yeah.
‪한 번 하고 바로 잘렸다고?‬You got fired after just one session?
‪(미란) 어‬Yeah.
‪[나은의 어이없는 한숨]‬
‪아까 게네들 패듯이 팼냐? 어?‬Did you beat him to a pulp like you did with those guys?
‪개 패듯이?‬Did you beat him to a pulp like you did with those guys?
‪아니, 아, 그런 것 땜에‬ ‪잘린 건 아니고‬No, that's not why I got fired.
‪그럼 뭐?‬ ‪[입소리를 씁 낸다]‬Then what?
‪더한 짓이 뭐가 있지?‬What could be worse than that?
‪그냥 좀 잘난 척하는 거 같길래‬I just thought he was kind of full of himself.
‪재수 없다고…‬So I called him a jerk.
‪재수 없다고 말을 했다고?‬You called him a jerk?
‪(나은) 직접?‬-To his face? -Yeah.
‪어‬-To his face? -Yeah.
‪[숨을 헉 들이켠다]‬
‪미쳤지, 내가 의뢰인한테‬I was crazy to say that to a client.
‪의뢰인님이 아니어도 그렇지‬Even if he weren't a client,
‪사람한테 재수 없단 말을‬ ‪대놓고 할 수가 있냐?‬how can you say something like that to someone?
‪그렇지? 내가 잘못했지?‬I did wrong, didn't I?
‪이런 건 또 처음 보네?‬This is a first. Admitting you did a man wrong.
‪네가 남자한테‬ ‪잘못했다고도 하고‬This is a first. Admitting you did a man wrong.
‪잘못했단 말은 아직 못 했고‬I didn't tell him that yet.
‪아이 씨, 그러네‬ ‪아직 사과를 못 했네‬Oh, damn it. That's right. I haven't apologized.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(강호) 뭐, 또?‬What now?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪이게 지금 선을 넘은 사람이‬The person who crossed the line
‪이, 변호사가 아닌데, 이거?‬wasn't the lawyer, don't you think?
‪(원준) 설령 뭐, 변호사가 먼저‬ ‪꼬리 치고 꼬셨다고 하더라도‬Even if she first seduced you,
‪이거 분명히 네가 한 건데?‬you're the one who did this of your own will!
‪네 의지로‬you're the one who did this of your own will!
‪이거 어디서 났어?‬Where did you get this?
‪기자가 누구야?‬ ‪얼마 달래? 내가 줄게‬Who's the reporter? How much do they want? I'll pay.
‪어택이 없었어?‬You didn't have an attack?
‪[사진이 부스럭거린다]‬
‪없었어?‬-You were okay? -Yeah.
‪어‬-You were okay? -Yeah.
‪[반짝이는 효과음]‬-I don't know how. -Huh?
‪- 나도 몰라‬ ‪- 어?‬-I don't know how. -Huh?
‪[성스러운 음악]‬ ‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(원준) 야, 그래서?‬So, then what?
‪그다음에 어떻게 됐어?‬ ‪이거 다음에‬Then what happened? After this.
‪어떻게 되긴, 여기까지 다야‬Nothing. That was it.
‪뭐가 '왜'야?‬What do you mean "why"?
‪왜, 왜, 하다가 왜 멈춰?‬Why did you stop? You should have kept going!
‪진도를 계속 나갔어야지‬Why did you stop? You should have kept going!
‪아, 이 여자도 너 좋아한다며‬You said that she likes you too!
‪이 사람 나 안 좋아해‬She doesn't like me.
‪[음악이 늘어지며 끊긴다]‬ ‪[천둥이 우르릉대는 효과음]‬She doesn't like me.
‪- 네 팬이라며‬ ‪- 아, 그래서 팬이면?‬But she's your fan! What, is every fan supposed to want to go out with me?
‪다 나랑 사귄대?‬What, is every fan supposed to want to go out with me?
‪[강호가 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬ ‪뭐야?‬What's with the sudden overreaction?
‪(원준) 갑자기 오버를 하…‬What's with the sudden overreaction?
‪너 까였냐?‬Did you get rejected?
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪야, 너 까이고 나서‬Hey, did you get rejected
‪너 열 받아서 자른 거였어?‬ ‪[까마귀 울음]‬and then fire her because you were mad?
‪[슬리퍼가 나동그라진다]‬
‪[쨍그랑 깨지는 소리]‬
‪[휴대폰이 울린다]‬
‪[머뭇거리며] 네‬Yes.
‪(미란) 진심으로 사과드리겠습니다‬I sincerely apologize.
‪정말 죄송합니다‬I'm really sorry.
‪저도 죄송합니다‬ ‪불쾌하게 해 드린 거‬I'm also sorry that I offended you.
‪생일이셨는데 제가 다 망쳤네요‬I ruined your birthday.
‪(미란) 아, 아니요‬Oh, no.
‪제가 오해하시게 만들었으니까요‬I'm the one who made you misunderstand things.
‪저도 같이 실수했고요‬And I also made a mistake.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[어색하게 웃으며] 실수, 그렇죠‬ ‪저도 오버했는데‬Mistake, yes. I overreacted when I called it fan service.
‪팬 서비스라고 한 게…‬Mistake, yes. I overreacted when I called it fan service.
‪(강호) 아, 깜빡했다‬ ‪[숨을 내뱉는다]‬Oh, I almost forgot.
‪알바비는 입금하겠습니다‬I'll send you the money for your work.
‪아, 네, 감사합니다‬Oh, okay. Thank you for your time. I know you have a lot on your mind.
‪경황도 없으실 텐데‬Oh, okay. Thank you for your time. I know you have a lot on your mind.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪경황이요?‬A lot on my mind?
‪아, 근데 저 그런 건 아닙니다‬But that stuff about me is not true.
‪- 분명히‬ ‪- 아‬But that stuff about me is not true. Oh. Sure, of course.
‪네, 그럼요‬Oh. Sure, of course.
‪예, 그럼‬All right, then.
‪(미란) 예‬Bye.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[중얼대며] 뭐래? 나 보고, 진짜‬What was that about?
‪[강호가 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪남자 친구가 있대?‬-Does she have a boyfriend? -Oh God!
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪깜짝아‬-Does she have a boyfriend? -Oh God!
‪[영어] 제발‬ ‪내 사생활 좀 지켜 줄래?‬
‪[한국어] 아이, 그러니까‬Okay, so…
‪남자 친구가 있어서 까인 거였어?‬Is that why she rejected you?
‪[휴대폰을 탁 접는다]‬
‪암, 그건 아니지‬I know it's not true when you give me fan service like that.
‪그런 팬 서비스를 해 주시는데‬I know it's not true when you give me fan service like that.
‪톱스타도 극한 직업이다‬Being a top star is a tough job.
‪[휴대폰이 울린다]‬Being a top star is a tough job.
‪네, 대표님‬Yes, Mr. Do.
‪멤버십이야?‬For members only?
‪저를 왜 보자고 하신 건지…‬Why did you want to see me?
‪[숨을 깊이 들이켠다]‬ ‪자, 일단 한잔 받으시죠‬Let's have a drink first.
‪[술을 조르르 따른다]‬
‪[술병을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪짠‬ ‪[술잔을 달그락 든다]‬Cheers?
‪아, 예‬ ‪[술잔을 든다]‬Oh, okay.
‪[저마다 술잔을 내려놓는다]‬
‪[숨을 길게 들이켠다]‬
‪이, 우리 강호가‬I heard Kang-ho had made a faux pas in front of you.
‪변호사님께 결례를 범했다고…‬I heard Kang-ho had made a faux pas in front of you.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪무슨 결례요?‬What faux pas?
‪[숨을 깊이 들이켠다]‬
‪근데 이게 제가 보기에도‬ ‪변호사님이 강호를‬But even to my eyes, you did appear to really like Kang-ho.
‪엄청 좋아하는 걸로‬ ‪보이긴 했거든요‬But even to my eyes, you did appear to really like Kang-ho.
‪그러니까 강호도‬ ‪거절당할 줄 모르고‬That's probably why Kang-ho didn't expect to get rejected
‪그랬겠죠‬and did it.
‪뭘 그랬는데요?‬What did he do?
‪그, 뭐랄까‬How should I put it…
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬How should I put it…
‪이, 뭐, 좋아한다는 표현?‬Like a gesture that shows he likes you?
‪남강호 씨가 저 좋아한대요?‬Mr. Nam Kang-ho said he likes me?
‪아이, 그럼 좋아한다는 말도‬ ‪안 하고 그런 거예요?‬He did that without even telling you?
‪- 아, 이 자식이, 이게‬ ‪- 아니‬That bastard-- Wait, did he say that I rejected him after he told me that he liked me?
‪남강호 씨가 저를 좋아하는데‬Wait, did he say that I rejected him after he told me that he liked me?
‪제가 거절을 했대요?‬Wait, did he say that I rejected him after he told me that he liked me?
‪거절하신 거 아니었어요?‬You didn't reject him?
‪한번 그냥 튕겨 보신 건가?‬Were you just playing hard to get?
‪아니요‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬No, I don't do stuff like that.
‪- 전 그런 건 안 합니다‬ ‪- 아‬No, I don't do stuff like that.
‪[깊은 탄식]‬
‪[혀를 쯧 찬다]‬ ‪[숨을 깊이 들이켠다]‬
‪지금 실망하시는 거예요?‬Are you disappointed right now?
‪저는 두 분이‬ ‪정말 잘됐으면 좋겠는데‬I really wish everything would go well between you two.
‪아휴, 참, 이거 제가‬ ‪너무 안타까워 가지고‬God, it pains me to see you two like this.
‪[원준이 술잔을 툭 내려놓는다]‬ ‪저 꺼림칙하시다면서요?‬But you found me "unsettling."
‪다 들었어요‬I heard it all on speakerphone.
‪스피커폰으로‬ ‪[원준의 놀란 숨소리]‬I heard it all on speakerphone.
‪아, 그때는 제가 좀 뭔가‬ ‪좀 오해를 한 게 있어 가…‬Oh, back then, there was some misunderstanding on my part--
‪[고양이 울음 효과음]‬Oh, back then, there was some misunderstanding on my part--
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪(미란) 으음‬
‪그럼 지금은 오해가 풀리셨어요?‬Is your misunderstanding resolved now?
‪풀릴 일이 전혀 없었는데?‬But there was nothing to resolve in the first place.
‪[봉투가 부스럭거린다]‬ ‪[원준이 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[헉하는 효과음]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(원준) 자, 이거 보면‬Okay. If you look at this, well,
‪뭐, 강호가 먼저 한 게‬ ‪맞는 거 같긴 한데, 그렇죠?‬Okay. If you look at this, well, it does appear that Kang-ho made the move, right?
‪이, 이거 누가 찍은 거예요?‬Who took this photo?
‪익명의 제보자가 있습니다‬It was an anonymous informant.
‪씁, 저도 아는 기자분한테‬ ‪받은 거고요‬It was an anonymous informant. I got them from a reporter I know.
‪이거 혹시 기사가 나가나요?‬Will this be released to the public?
‪아, 이거 도촬이잖아요‬But it was taken without consent!
‪법적으로 걸려면 걸 수는 있어요‬We can take legal action. Would you like me to stop it?
‪어떻게 뭐, 막아 드려요?‬We can take legal action. Would you like me to stop it?
‪아니요‬No. Could you perhaps just
‪저 혹시 그냥‬No. Could you perhaps just
‪인정해 주시면 안 되겠습니까?‬admit to everything?
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪강호와의…‬A love affair
‪열애설‬ ‪[숨을 헉 들이켠다]‬with Kang-ho.
‪[옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[까마귀 울음 효과음]‬
‪(지혜) [엉엉 울며]‬ ‪아, 왜 못 해요‬Oh, why can't you say it?
‪'알고 보니 제보자가‬ ‪잘못 알았다더라'‬"It turns out the informant was wrong!"
‪그걸 왜 못 하냐고요‬Why can't you just say that?
‪[지혜가 연신 운다]‬
‪아, 진짜‬Come on!
‪아, 줬다 뺏는 게 어디 있습니까?‬You can't take back what you gave us.
‪(남자2) 그러니까 사람이‬ ‪신중했었어야죠‬You should have thought this through!
‪아, 사실 관계가‬ ‪어떻든 간에 우리는‬Whether the news is real or fake, we don't do retractions, okay?
‪정정 보도 같은 건 안 합니다, 예?‬Whether the news is real or fake, we don't do retractions, okay?
‪우리도 신용 하나로‬ ‪먹고 사는 사람들 아닙니까?‬You do understand that we live and die by our credibility, right?
‪[손가락을 딱 튕긴다]‬ ‪(지혜) 뭐라고요?‬What did you say?
‪- 뭐야, 이거‬ ‪- (지혜) 여보세요‬What's this?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(남자2) 어?‬Huh?
‪(남자3) 그러니까‬I told you not to break stories without checking them first.
‪말만 듣고 터트리지 말라고‬I told you not to break stories without checking them first.
‪[탁 내리치며] 아! 씨‬ ‪이거, 황지혜, 이거‬Damn it. Hwang Ji-hye!
‪그래, 아닐 줄 알았어‬Yes, I knew he wasn't gay!
‪야, 아이, 아닌 줄 알았지만‬I knew it all along, but…
‪이 여자 누군데?‬Who is this woman?
‪어디서 봤더라?‬Where have I seen her?
‪어디서 봤는데‬I know I've seen her before.
‪(잎새) 아유, 이 계집애를‬ ‪어디서 봤지?‬God, where did I see this chick?
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[딩동 하는 효과음]‬
‪[놀라는 탄성 효과음]‬
‪[깨닫는 탄성]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪[미란이 숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[고양이 울음 효과음]‬
‪혹시 지금도‬Do you think we are being watched at this moment?
‪누가 보고 있을까요?‬Do you think we are being watched at this moment?
‪그럼 뭐라도 해야겠네요‬Then we have to do something.
‪[신비로운 효과음]‬ ‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪[강호의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪안전벨트‬Seat belt.
‪[안전벨트를 찰칵 채운다]‬ ‪안전벨트‬Seat belt.

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