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  동백꽃 필 무렵 5

When the Camellia Blooms 5


‪(용식) ‪나는요

I promise


that I will never make you

동백 씨든

that I will never make you

절대  울려요

or Pil-gu cry.

‪(동백) ‪[울먹이며] ‪용식 

Yong-sik, you really should be careful.

진짜 어쩌려고 이래요?

Yong-sik, you really should be careful.

그러다 진짜 내가

What if I really end up

용식  진짜로

What if I really end up

좋아하게 되면 어떡하려 그래요?

liking you?

‪[동백이 흐느낀다]

‪(용식) ‪... ‪[용식의 헛기침]

-Well... -Yes?

‪(동백) ‪?

-Well... -Yes?

‪(용식) ‪만두 좋아하시나 봐요 ‪[용식의 어색한 웃음]

I guess you like dumplings.

‪(동백) ‪필구도 좋아하고 그리고 

Yes, Pil-gu likes them too. And who doesn't like dumplings?

만두 싫어하는 사람 있나요?

And who doesn't like dumplings?

‪(용식) ‪그러면 다음  주말에요

Then how about we go to Gaebu Island next weekend to eat giant dumplings?

저랑 같이 개부도로 ‪왕만두 잡수시러  가실래요?

Then how about we go to Gaebu Island next weekend to eat giant dumplings?

‪(동백) ‪어머머

My gosh.

‪[당황한 웃음]

아이왕만두 먹으러 개부도까지 가요?

Why would we go all the way there just to eat dumplings?

‪(용식) ‪아니

Well, it's not just for dumplings.

  만두 때문만은 아니고유

Well, it's not just for dumplings.

‪[쑥스러운 웃음] ‪(동백) ‪그럼 뭐요?

Then what for?

아니무슨 만둣집이 널렸는데

Goodness. There are so many dumpling restaurants.

괜히  섬으로 가요?

Why do we have to go to an island?

아유괜히  섬에서   끊기고 ‪이런  너무 올드한  알죠?

I hope you know that things like missing the last ferry is too much of a cliché.


I hope you know that things like missing the last ferry is too much of a cliché. You're hilarious. How uncool.

‪(용식) ‪동백 

Dongbaek, they built a bridge to Gaebu Island a decade ago.

개부도에 다리 놓은  10년이에요

Dongbaek, they built a bridge to Gaebu Island a decade ago.



‪(용식) ‪아이동백  ‪개부도가요?

Dongbaek, Gaebu Island

예전에는 섬이 맞았어요

used to be an island that was hard to get to, like you said.

우리 동백 씨가 생각하신 대로

used to be an island that was hard to get to, like you said.

근데 ‪[용식의 웃음]

But things have changed since the bridge was built.

근데 요즘에는  다리 때문인지

But things have changed since the bridge was built.

차로도 가고 걸어서도 가요요즘에는 ‪[용식의 웃음]

You can drive there now, and some people even walk there.

‪[천둥이 우르릉 친다] ‪[용식의 놀란 신음]

‪[흥미로운 음악]

‪(필구) ‪엄마

Mom, are you close with him? Why did he come all the way here with you?

 아저씨랑 친해?

Mom, are you close with him? Why did he come all the way here with you?

 같이 ?

Mom, are you close with him? Why did he come all the way here with you?

‪(용식) ‪ 아저씨가 ‪집이  동네여 가지고

Oh, I live in this neighborhood too.

‪(필구) ‪ 동네 어디요?

-Where in this neighborhood? -Over there.

‪(용식) ‪저짝

-Where in this neighborhood? -Over there.

‪(필구) ‪저짝 어디요?

Over there? Where?

‪(용식) ‪아유우리 필구는 커서 ‪CSI 해도 되겄다?

Pil-gu, you should become a crime scene investigator when you grow up.

‪[용식의 웃음] ‪(필구) ‪아저씨 우리 엄마 좋아해요?

Do you like my mom?



‪(필구) ‪우리 엄마 좋아할 거면요

If that's the case, stop coming to our bar.

우리 가게 오지 마요

If that's the case, stop coming to our bar.



너는 내가 별로니?

Don't you like me?


No, I don't.

‪[당황한 신음]

No, I don't.

‪(용식) ‪ 인마 접때는

Hey, you even asked me to help your mom out

나한테 너희 엄마 맡기기도 하고 ‪ 그렇게 얘기도 했으면서

Hey, you even asked me to help your mom out the other day, remember?

‪(필구) ‪나는

I hate all guys who like my mom.

우리 엄마 좋아하는 ‪아저씨는  싫어요

I hate all guys who like my mom.

‪(동백) ‪?

-What? -Mr. No Gyu-tae,

‪(필구) ‪노규태 아저씨

-What? -Mr. No Gyu-tae,

준기네 아저씨떡집 아저씨

Jun-gi's dad, and the rice cake shop owner.

 우리 엄마 좋다면서 ‪반말하고 이름 부르고

They all talk casually to my mom, saying they like her.

그래 놓고 준기네 엄마가 ‪우리 엄마  떠밀  보고만 있잖아요

But they didn't even do anything when Jun-gi's mom was pushing her.

아저씨들은 그런  좋아하는 거잖아요

That's what you guys mean by "liking" someone.

‪[아련한 음악] ‪(동백) ‪필구야  이렇게 자꾸 ?

Pil-gu, why are you growing up so fast?

 이렇게 ‪눈치가 빤해애가아휴

He's so quick-witted. Goodness.




You see, that's not how I feel about your mom.

고딴 식으로 너희 엄마를

You see, that's not how I feel about your mom.

‪(용식) ‪저거 하는  아니고...

-With me, it's different. -It's all the same.

어차피  똑같아요

-With me, it's different. -It's all the same.

‪(필구) ‪엄마가 그랬지?

Mom, you told me

아빠는 키도 크고 똑똑하고

that Dad is tall and smart.

훌륭한 박사님이라고

My dad is a renowned scholar.

중국 가서 박사   한다고

He earned ten doctoral degrees in China.

훌륭한 아빠도 엄마를 좋아했지만

Even my dad, who's a wonderful man, liked my mom,

어차피 중국 가서 혼자  살아요

but he's doing fine all by himself in China now.


I hate all the guys who are interested in my mom.

우리 엄마 좋아하는 ‪아저씨들은  싫어요

I hate all the guys who are interested in my mom.

‪[ 취한 말투로] ‪ 국가 대표  거야?

Do you plan to join the national team or what?

‪(종렬) ‪아이필라테스에 어떻게

How could you spend five million won on Pilates?

 5백을 ?

How could you spend five million won on Pilates?

엄마랑 같이 끊었다고

My mom and I are going to take the classes together.

아니아무리 둘이라도 그렇지

Even if it's for two people,

어떻게 필라테스에 ‪5백을 긁을 수가 있냐?

spending five million won on Pilates is just crazy.

‪(제시카) ‪[헛웃음 치며] ‪그럼 내가 

Do you expect me to take group classes with a bunch of other people?

다른 사람들이랑 같이 ‪단체반이라도 들을까?

Do you expect me to take group classes with a bunch of other people?

개인 레슨 받아야   아니냐고

I have to take private classes.


Because you're Jessica?

그렇지제시카는 단체반은  듣지

Right, Jessica can't take group classes.

‪(화자) ‪자네 취했나?

Are you drunk?

‪(종렬) ‪장모님 주무셨어요?

Are you drunk? Mother, you're still awake.

‪[화자의 못마땅한 신음]

‪(화자) ‪내가 자네한테 이런 말까진 ‪ 하려고 했는데

I wasn't going to say this to you,

우리 제시카장관 

but even a minister and a plastic surgeon

청담동 성형외과 원장 집에서도 ‪탐냈던 애야

in Cheongdam-dong wanted Jessica to be their daughter-in-law.

‪(종렬) ‪알죠

Yes, I know.

청담사거리 지날 때마다 ‪말씀을  주시니까요

You bring it up every time we pass Cheongdam Intersection.

‪(화자) ‪그저 집하고 학교밖에 모르던 어린애 ‪  가서 살면

Before she met you, she was just a young naive girl who did nothing but study.

장모 집에 카드 고지서 들고  ‪용기는  냈어야지

You shouldn't dare to bring your credit card statement here,

그게 염치지

if you have any shame.

어머니그게 아니고요

Mother, please hear me out.

어떤 애들은 48 원이 없어서 ‪칭다오를  가요

There are people who can't go to Qingdao because they don't have 480,000 won.

‪(제시카) ‪ 칭다오?

-What? Qingdao? -He probably had beer.

‪(화자) ‪맥주 마셨나 보지

-What? Qingdao? -He probably had beer.

자네 취했으면 집에 가서 잠이나 

Just go home and sleep if you're drunk.

강종렬이는 마누라 필라테스에

Apparently, Kang Jong-ryeol spends five million won

 5백을 긁는데요

on his wife's Pilates classes,

‪[아련한 음악] ‪어떤 애는

while someone


while someone

‪48 원이 없어서

can't go to Qingdao

칭다오를  가니까 ‪[헛웃음]

because he doesn't have 480,000 won.




제가 아주

It's really...

미쳐 버리겠는 거라고요

driving me nuts.


‪[내비게이션에서 음성이 흘러나온다]

After 300 meters, turn left.

‪[규태가 휘파람을 분다]

After 300 meters, turn left.

‪(향미) ‪오빠학교  운동했어?

Were you an athlete back in school?

‪(규태) ‪



All I did was study.

공고에서도 입시반이었거든?

I was in the regular college track class.


Exactly. I assumed you were a bookworm back in school because you have

 오빠가  ‪어려운 말도  쓰고 그러니까

Exactly. I assumed you were a bookworm back in school because you have

‪(향미) ‪당연히 공부했을  알았거든?

such an impressive vocabulary,

근데 어떻게 초보가 금방 웨이크를 ?

but how could you master wakeboarding so quickly?

오빤 진짜 ‪보통 사람이 아닌  같아

You're really amazing.

‪[웃으며] ‪아이참

오빠도 그냥 보통 사람이야?

I'm just an ordinary man.

‪(향미) ‪까놓고 말해서  오빠가

I thought you were going to split the payment for that

저것도 할부로   알았거든?

I thought you were going to split the payment for that into monthly installments,

근데 '일시불 이래 버리는데

but you paid the full amount at once.

 오빠 무슨 정몽주 회장인 ?

I thought you were Chairman Jeong Mong-ju.

‪[피식 웃는다]

I thought you were Chairman Jeong Mong-ju.



‪(규태) ‪정몽주는 고려 시대 위인이고?

Jeong Mong-ju is a scholar from the Goryeo period.

오빠 군수 나오면 ‪비밀 투표래도 오빠 뽑으려고

If you run for governor, I'll definitely vote for you.


You'll vote for me?


Why me?



네가 나를...

-Does that mean you... -Yes.

‪(향미) ‪존경존경하니까

-Does that mean you... -Yes. I respect you.


앞으로 오빠를 ‪멘토다 생각하고

Think of me as your mentor from now on. I hope you can be comfortable around me. Don't be intimidated.

그냥 편하게 대해? ‪어려워하지 말고

I hope you can be comfortable around me. Don't be intimidated.

‪(향미) ‪지금도  어려운데?

I'm not intimidated by you.

우리 사이에  어려워?

Come on. We're close enough.

우리 사이?

We are?

‪(용식) ‪필구야


‪[용식의 멋쩍은 웃음]

 사람은 몰라도

I don't know about anyone else,

네가 싫다면 나도  할게

but I won't do anything you don't like.

‪(필구) ‪우리 가게도 오지 말고요

Stop coming to our bar.

오락실에서도 알은척하지 마요

And don't say hi to me at the arcade.

‪(용식) ‪나도 너만  

I remember going nuts trying so hard to protect my mom when I was your age.

우리 엄마 지킨다고 ‪골이 터지는  알았거든?

I remember going nuts trying so hard to protect my mom when I was your age.

 쪼끄만한  맨날 

I know how hard

너희 엄마 지킨다고 ‪얼마나 고생하는지 아는데

you're trying to protect your mom,

내가    콩알만  가슴팍에다가 ‪불을 지피겠냐?

so why would I deliberately worry and upset you?

점수 따려고 거짓말 치지 마요

Don't lie just to look good.

백두 할머니는 ‪지켜  필요가 없는데  지켜요?

Why try to protect Ms. Kwak? She doesn't need protection.

‪[웃음] ‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪(용식) ‪아니그건 그렇고

Well, anyway...

아무튼 간에 ‪내가 너한테 하고 싶은 말은

What I want to say is,

기냥  자라고

just get a good night's sleep.

너는 기냥 죽어라 먹고 ‪죽어라 놀고

You're at the age where you should be eating, playing, and sleeping

죽어라  나이니께

as much as you want to,


so just sleep well.

 아저씨는 너의  황금 같은

I'll never ruin the fabulous life of an eight-year-old boy.

 8 인생에 고춧가루  되려니까

I'll never ruin the fabulous life of an eight-year-old boy.

내가 싫으면  꽝이에요

You're out if I don't like you.


Yes, fully understood.


I'll just...

‪(용식) ‪ 식대로 너한테 점수를  볼게

try to look good in my own way.

만두는 가져와

Bring the dumplings.

‪[용식의 웃음]

‪(용식) ‪아이 필구가...

-I have to say, Pil-gu is-- -I'll take the dumplings.

만두는 가져갈게요

-I have to say, Pil-gu is-- -I'll take the dumplings.

‪(용식) ‪


‪[용식과 동백의 멋쩍은 웃음]

-Bye. -Bye.

‪[용식의 멋쩍은 웃음]

‪[잠금장치가 철커덕거린다]

‪[옅은 웃음] ‪(동백) ‪필구야

‪(규태) ‪...

향미송어 좋아해?

Hyang-mi, do you like trout?

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪[종렬의 힘겨운 숨소리]


엄마나 자식이나 진짜...

Both the mom and the son...

더럽게 신경 쓰이게 하네

They really bug me.

‪[풀벌레 울음]

‪[피식 웃는다]

아들이나 엄마나

Both the mom and the son are so adorable.

더럽게 귀엽네

Both the mom and the son are so adorable.

‪[휴대전화 알람음이 들린다]

‪[의미심장한 음악]

‪[무거운 효과음]

‪[용식의 의아한 숨소리]

여기    있다고 여기  있었대?

There's nothing here. What was he doing?

거기 송어는 진짜 ‪ 사람들만 아는 데거든?

Only my closest friends know about that trout place.

아무한테나 소개를   준다고

I don't just take anyone to that restaurant.

‪(향미) ‪그러니까는 이제 나는 오빠 사람이네?

In other words, I'm one of your closest friends now.

‪(규태) ‪거기 진짜 ‪아는 사람만 아는 데인데?

Only a select few people know about that restaurant.

너도 언제 시간 한번 되면 ‪ 친구들하고...

When you have some time, let's take your friends and--

‪- (향미그럼 오빠 ‪- (규태?

-Gyu-tae. -Yes?

이제 오빠 군수 되면 ‪나는 옹산 영부인이야?

Will I become the First Lady of Ongsan when you get elected?



‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪우리 이제 사귀는 거잖아

We're seeing each other, aren't we?


-What? -Can't you hear me?


-What? -Can't you hear me?

우리 오늘부터 1일이잖아

This is our first day as a couple.

‪(향미) ‪오늘부터 1

We're dating as of today,

그럼 나는 옹산 넘버원 레이디

which means I'll be the First Lady of Ongsan.

‪[어색한 웃음]

‪[어색한 웃음]

아이고우리 향미가 은근히 ‪재치가 있다니까?

My goodness. Hyang-mi, you have a great sense of humor.

‪[웃으며] ‪...

웃기려고  소리 아닌데?

I wasn't trying to be funny.

오빤 사귀지도 않는 여자랑 ‪단둘이 양평 ?

Do you take girls to Yangpyeong when you're not even dating?

‪(향미) ‪양평을?

All the way to Yangpyeong?

‪[침을 꿀꺽 삼킨다]

‪[자동차 알림음]

아유 이것까지 진상인데?

Damn it. What's wrong with this now?


‪[격정적인 음악]

‪(자영 방백) ‪오늘은

As usual,

오늘의 태양이 기어코 떠올랐고

the sun rose.

‪[시계가 째깍거린다]

놈은 외박했다

That bastard didn't come home last night.

나는 어제의 홍자영일  없었다

And I can no longer be the Hong Ja-yeong I was yesterday.

‪[후루룩 소리가 난다]

‪[규태의 한숨]



앞으로도 존경하는 ‪오빠 동생 사이로 종종 가다가 이렇게

Let's hang out from time to time as friends who respect each other.

‪(규태) ‪조우를 하고

as friends who respect each other.

... ‪[규태의 헛기침]


오늘의 스키는 ‪오늘의 스키로  

About us going water skiing together today, let's just leave it at that.

스키는 탔지만 바람은 아니다?

So we water-skied together, but it's not an affair.

‪(향미) ‪양평은 갔지만 1일은 아니다?

We went to Yangpyeong together, but we're not dating.


Gyu-tae, crooks can't be elected as governor.

양아치는 군수  

Gyu-tae, crooks can't be elected as governor.

아이  그렇게 ‪매사가 진격적이고인마

Why are you always so aggressive? This is too sudden.


Why are you always so aggressive? This is too sudden.

‪(규태) ‪급박스럽게 ‪네가 진격의 향미야...

Why are you always so aggressive? This is too sudden. Shall I call you Ms. Aggressive?

어쨌든 하룻밤을 ‪꼴딱 같이 있던 사이에 뭐가 급박해?

We spent the whole night together. Why are you saying it's sudden?

‪(규태) ‪그냥  퍼진  가지고

That's because the car broke down. Why are you making it sound weird?

 이렇게 ‪야리꾸리하게 얘기를 ?

That's because the car broke down. Why are you making it sound weird?

수상 스키는 ‪스포츠야스포츠그냥?

As for water skiing, it's a sport. It's just a fitness-improving sport.

건전한 스포츠

It's just a fitness-improving sport.

그럼 건전하게 마누라랑 오지 ‪ 나랑 왔어?

Then you should've brought your wife. Why bring me instead?

사귀니까 왔지

It's because we're dating.

‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪[멋쩍은 한숨]


Why are you rushing to conclusions?

이렇게급하게  이렇게 ‪자꾸 도모를 하려 그래?

Why are you rushing to conclusions?

인마 ‪너도 알다시피 새끼야

As you know, I'm...

‪(향미) ‪가정 있는 남자니까그게 ?

What? You're married? What about it?

그게 뭐라니?

What do you mean?

‪(향미) ‪똥물에 튀겨 죽일 ‪바람피운 연놈들 될까 ?

Why? Are you worried that people will bash us for having an affair?

조강지처 버린 천벌 받을  될까 ?

That people will call you an asshole for cheating on your wife?

근데 오빠

You know what, though? This world isn't always such a just place.

세상이 그렇게 따박따박 ‪정의롭지가 않더라고

You know what, though? This world isn't always such a just place.

‪[향미가 우유를 호로록 마신다]

‪(규태 방백) ‪지뢰를 밟은 건가?

Did I step on a landmine?

‪[성난 한숨]

‪(찬숙) ‪아이우리가 알았어도 ‪어떻게 일러바쳐유?

Even if we had known, we couldn't have told you,

‪[재영의 호응하는 신음] ‪우리 회장님 ‪억장 무너질  뻔히 아는데

fully knowing how upset you'd be. Yong-sik has been practically living at Camellia

‪(재영) ‪아이용식이가 아주 그냥 오자마자

Yong-sik has been practically living at Camellia since moving back.

까멜리아에 코를 빠뜨리고 살더라고

since moving back. Maybe Dongbaek gave him some peanuts on the house.

‪- (찬숙동백이가 ‪- (재영

Maybe Dongbaek gave him some peanuts on the house.

‪(찬숙) ‪용식이한테 땅콩 서비스를 ‪줬을지도 모르는 일이여

Maybe Dongbaek gave him some peanuts on the house. Yes, totally.

‪- (재영그려그려그려그려 ‪- (찬숙그러니께 ...

Yes, totally.

신났냐신들 났어!

Are you ladies having fun? Do you find this entertaining?

‪[덕순이 혀를  찬다]

Gosh, don't get me wrong. I just meant that

‪(찬숙) ‪아유 말은  말이 아니고

Gosh, don't get me wrong. I just meant that -you shouldn't be lying down like this. -That's right.

우리 회장님이 지금 이렇게 ‪둔눠 계실 때가 아니다  말이쥬

-you shouldn't be lying down like this. -That's right.

‪- (재영암만 ‪- (찬숙둘이 덜컥

You need to take action

사고라도 치기 전에 ‪회장님이 먼저 액션을 취해야 돼유! ‪[재영의 호응하는 신음]

You need to take action before they do something that can't be undone.

‪(재영) ‪그류그류그류

before they do something that can't be undone.

아주 엄마 죽겄다 하고 나자빠지셔유

Tell him that it's going to be the death of you.


Goodness, that's so petty.

쥐어패면 쥐어팼지 ‪내가  짓을  ?

I'd rather beat him up. Why would I do such a thing?

‪(찬숙) ‪패면  돼유!

You can't be like that!

아주 '동백이냐엄마냐', ?

You should demand, "Is it Dongbaek or me?

‪'양단간에 택일을 해라' ‪이렇게 몰아붙여야 돼유 ‪[재영의 호응하는 신음]

-You must choose one." -Yes, you should.

둘이 저거 하고 나면 그때는 ‪회장님은 백전백패예유!

You definitely can't win after they do it.

저거는  저거 ?

"Do it"? Just leave already!

아이 !

"Do it"? Just leave already!

‪(용식) ‪이거를

If we can find evidence like saliva or fingerprints...


If we can find evidence like saliva or fingerprints...

이런 것들을 이렇게 ‪추출을  해서...

Why don't we see if we can lift such evidence from...

마이애미 CSI 보면요

-In CSI: Miami-- -Are we in Miami?

여기가 마이애미여?

-In CSI: Miami-- -Are we in Miami?

마이애미가 좋으믄 ‪마이애미로 전출을 인마

Why don't you transfer to Miami if you like that place that much?

아니그러면 과학 수사대에다 ‪이렇게 정식으로 이렇게 

Why can't you ask them for cooperation?

 협조 요청을  넣어 봐요!

Why can't you ask them for cooperation? What do I tell them when I'm handing this over to them?

이걸 뭐라고 하믄서 갖다줘?

What do I tell them when I'm handing this over to them?

‪( 소장) ‪ 사건 났어이거이거 이거

Is this for a specific case? Is this from a crime scene?

이게 현장 증거여?

Is this for a specific case? Is this from a crime scene?


You see, I found this.

‪(용식) ‪제가 줍기는 주웠는데

You see, I found this.

암만해도 이게  궁금해 갖고

But it's piquing my curiosity.

과학 수사대가 ‪ 호기심 해결사여뭐여!

Does forensics exist to satisfy your curiosity?

아니어떤 놈이 식당이고 뭐고 ‪개뿔도 없는 골목에서

There's nothing in that alley, not a single restaurant.

아니이거를이거를 ‪이거를  처먹으면서

But I saw some prick drinking this and standing there for quite some time.

한참을  있더라니까요이거를?

But I saw some prick drinking this and standing there for quite some time.

‪(용식) ‪ 땅바닥에  발자국이  기냥

I also saw his footprints all over the ground...


I also saw his footprints all over the ground...

 쓸데없이 ‪ 병이나 줍고 댕기지 말고...

Stop picking up empty bottles, and just--

아니아니 영심이네  가요

No way! I'm not going to Yeong-sim's place.

‪(용식) ‪뭐예요?

What is it?

‪( 소장) ‪이거나 

Go through these. They're case files on Joker.

까불이 사건 파일이여

Go through these. They're case files on Joker.



이제야 공유를   주는 거예요?

You're sharing these with me now?

‪[규태의 거친 숨소리]

‪[규태가 숨을  내뱉는다]

‪- (자영맛나? ‪- 아이씨!

Is it good?

‪[어두운 음악] ‪[규태의 당황한 신음]


Gosh, you scared me.

‪[어색한 신음]

당신 출근  했어?

You didn't go to work?

우리 엄마가 해다 놓은 ‪대구머리찜이 맛나냐고

Are you enjoying the cod head stew that my mom made?

‪(규태) ‪?

‪[규태의 만족스러운 신음]


장모님은 ‪[어색한 웃음]

Is she a cod head stew master or what?

대구머리찜진짜  ‪달인이야뭐야?

Is she a cod head stew master or what?

‪[규태의 만족스러운 신음] ‪(자영) ‪나는  3 오는 너희 엄마한테

Even when your mother comes by three times a week, I make five side dishes and soup for her every time.

매번 5 1국은  드리는데

I make five side dishes and soup for her every time.

너는 연중  번도   장모 오는 

My mom visits us less than three times a year,

하필 상갓집엘 갔다그렇지?

and you had to go to a funeral on one of those days?


그런데도 우리 엄마는

Even so, my mom brought cod head stew, which you love,

그놈의  서방 좋아하는 대구머리찜에 ‪[심장 박동 효과음]

Even so, my mom brought cod head stew, which you love,

갓김치를 이고 지고  시점에

as well as mustard green kimchi.

하필 그때 친구 와이프가 죽은 거야

And your friend's wife just happened to die on that day, right?


And your friend's wife just happened to die on that day, right?

‪[어색한 신음]

간암이라는  그렇게 무섭다니까?

You see, liver cancer is scary.

대장암 ‪[ 울리는 효과음]

Colon cancer. You said she died from colon cancer.

‪- (자영대장암이랬어 ‪- (규태그러니까대장암

Colon cancer. You said she died from colon cancer. Right, colon cancer.

‪(규태) ‪그래 갖고 어젯밤에 갑자기

That's why his wife suddenly...


That's why his wife suddenly... -Well... My friend's... -Seok-geun.

‪- 석근이 ‪- (규태석근이 와이프가

-Well... My friend's... -Seok-geun. Yes. That's why Seok-geun's wife died on the spot.

즉사를  거야

Yes. That's why Seok-geun's wife died on the spot.


He's such a blockhead, and I used to find it charming.

‪(자영 방백) ‪한때는  백치미 때문에 ‪ 남자를 좋아했었다

He's such a blockhead, and I used to find it charming.

‪- (은실어유 ? ‪- (규태어유진짜

COLLEGE PREP ACADEMY, 2001 -Come here. -Jeez, seriously.

‪- (은실 이리? ‪- (규태아유진짜

-Come here. -Jeez, seriously.

‪- (은실이씨 ‪- (규태아유진짜 내가 아유

Gosh, I mean it. It was those agricultural high school kids.

‪(규태) ‪진짜내가 진짜

Gosh, I mean it. It was those agricultural high school kids.

아이진짜 학원비 내려 그랬는데 ‪농고 애들한테  뺏겼다니까?

I was going to pay the class fees, but those punks took all the money.

‪(은실) ‪네가 뺏었잖아

-I'm sure it's the other way around. -How can I take their money?

‪- (규태내가내가 어떻게 뺏어? ‪- (은실네가

-I'm sure it's the other way around. -How can I take their money? How can I do such a thing?

내가 어떻게 뺏어내가? ‪[은실의 성난 신음]

How can I do such a thing? They're all gangsters. How can I take their money?

 거기 조폭 형들인데 ‪내가 어떻게 뺏어?

They're all gangsters. How can I take their money?

방금 농고 애들이라며농고!

You just said they were high school kids!

‪(은실) ‪ 새끼야!

You moron. You can't even dupe anyone because you're so dumb.

어유삥땅도 머리가 돼야 치지 ‪[규태의 못마땅한 신음]

You moron. You can't even dupe anyone because you're so dumb.

이런어휴이런... ‪[자영의 한숨]

You moron. You can't even dupe anyone because you're so dumb. You should've just bought me the Motorola phone I asked for.

‪(규태) ‪그러니까 엄마가 순순히 ‪모도로라를  줬어야지!

You should've just bought me the Motorola phone I asked for.

‪(은실) ‪어유내가 억장이 무너져

Gosh, you're driving me up the wall.

억장이억장이억장이 ‪[규태가 씩씩거린다]

Gosh, you're driving me up the wall.

‪- (규태애들이 쳐다보잖아 ‪- (은실어유진짜

Everyone is looking at us. -You little... -Unlike me, who never reveals anything,

‪(자영 방백) ‪뭐든 드러내지 않는 나와 달리

-You little... -Unlike me, who never reveals anything,

여지없이 속을 들키고 마는 ‪노규태가 청량했다

Gyu-tae is so easy to read. And I found that refreshing.

‪(규태) ‪아유 ‪[쿨럭거린다]

-But the thing is... -It was nice to see everyone.

‪(자영 방백) ‪그런데 그런 그는

-But the thing is... -It was nice to see everyone.

그래서  보던 친구들 ‪많이  갖고 좋았지

-But the thing is... -It was nice to see everyone.

‪(규태) ‪그때 학원 같이 다닌 친구들 있잖아

Those guys we went to the academy with. -He can't even hide an affair. -It's all useless, though.

‪(자영 방백) ‪바람도 숨기질 못한다

-He can't even hide an affair. -It's all useless, though.

‪(규태) ‪아휴그럼  하냐이렇게 갑자기 ‪사람이 가니깐 허망하더라고?

-He can't even hide an affair. -It's all useless, though. Her sudden death made me feel that life is so futile.

, '생로병사의 비밀같은 거를

We should watch shows like Mysteries of the Human Body often.

우리가 수시로  줘야 된다니까?

We should watch shows like Mysteries of the Human Body often.

근데  오밤중에 상갓집 가면서

You went to the funeral at night.

선크림을 칠갑을 하고 가니?

Why did you put on so much sunscreen?

‪(규태) ‪?

-What? -What did you do with your sunglasses on?

선글라스 끼고  했니?

-What? -What did you do with your sunglasses on?

‪- (규태? ‪- 문상을 선글라스 끼고 했니?

-What? -Did you wear sunglasses to the funeral?

‪[의미심장한 음악] ‪[연신 쿨럭거린다]

‪(자영) ‪원래 성경에도

Even the Bible says

훔친 물이  달고

stolen water is sweet, and bread eaten in secret tastes better.

몰래 먹는 빵이  맛있대 ‪[물을 조르르 따른다]

stolen water is sweet, and bread eaten in secret tastes better.

근데  맛에 빠졌다간

But if you get addicted to that taste,

‪[강조되는 효과음]

‪[규태가 쿨럭거린다] ‪지옥 불구덩이에서 ‪네가 대구머리찜이  수도 있어

you may turn into cod head stew yourself in the fiery pits of hell.

‪[연신 쿨럭거린다]

‪[의미심장한 음악]


‪"공범 가능성 있음"



What is this? I'm getting a bad feeling.


What is this? I'm getting a bad feeling.

‪(동백) ‪아이누가 여기다 이걸 자꾸 버려?

Who keeps throwing this away here?

 이거 진짜 싫어하는데

I really hate this.


Who's doing this?

‪- (향미언니 ‪- (동백?

-Dongbaek. -Yes?

‪(향미) ‪ 아주 언니랑  순경이 ‪옹산 브란젤리나인 ?

You and Officer Hwang are like Brangelina of Ongsan.

동네 아주 난리 났어요

You're the talk of the town now.

‪(동백) ‪괜히 회장님 보기만 민망하게 됐어

I don't even know how I can face Ms. Kwak now.


Come on. You're interested in him, too.

언니도 쪼끔 넘어갔으면서?

Come on. You're interested in him, too.

내가 넘어가긴 ‪누가 넘어갔다 그래...

Hey, what are you talking about?

‪(향미) ‪시계는  자꾸 봐요?

Why do you keep looking at your watch?

‪[장난스러운 신음] ‪점심인데 용식이  오니까 쫄려서?

Are you worried because Yong-sik isn't here yet?

‪[향미의 장난스러운 웃음]

  신나는  있어?

Are you excited about something?

‪(동백) ‪ 얼마나 찾았어  ‪꽁초 얼마나 버렸어?

Let me see. How many cigarette butts did you throw away?

‪- (동백일은  하고 ‪- 아유걱정을 마요

Don't you worry. Who listens to their moms these days?

요즘 세상에 누가 엄마 말을 듣는다고

Don't you worry. Who listens to their moms these days?

부모 반대로 헤어지는  ‪아침 드라마에서도  먹힌다고요

Couples breaking up because of their parents isn't realistic even in soap operas.

나는 헤어지겠던데

Why? I'd break up.

그거 진짜로 당하면 ‪엄청 더럽고 치사하더라?

Only when it happens to you can you realize how nasty and disgusting it is.

필구 아빠?

Pil-gu's dad? Is that why you two broke up?

‪(향미) ‪거기랑 그래서 빠빠이  거예요?

Pil-gu's dad? Is that why you two broke up?

  이렇게  아들 아빠 궁금해해?

Why are you so curious about Pil-gu's dad?

언니내가 항상 말하죠?

Dongbaek, I say this to you all the time.

비밀은  같은 애한테 까놓는 거라고

I'm the perfect person to share your secrets with.

‪(향미) ‪내가 생각이 있어기억력이 좋아?

I don't think, and my memory sucks.

그냥 나한테 속이나 풀어요

Just vent it all out on me.

‪(동백) ‪ 풀고 자시고  것도 없어

There's nothing to vent about.

‪[동백이 피식 웃는다]

그냥 그러려니 하면 되는 거지

I'm just going to think that shit happens.

‪[향미의 미심쩍은 숨소리]

세상에 굿바이가 어디 있냐고

There's no such thing as a good breakup.

‪(향미) ‪더럽게 헤어져야 진짜 헤어지는 거지

All breakups are nasty. That was a nasty breakup indeed.

나도 더럽게 헤어졌어

That was a nasty breakup indeed.


Really? You?

너무 많이 좋아했나?

Did I love him too much?

걔한테는 '그러려니'  안되더라

I couldn't really be understanding and forgiving with him,

일생을 그렇게 살았는데도

unlike how I've always been.

‪[아련한 음악]

‪[아이들이 저마다 말한다]

I've never felt welcomed anywhere since I was very little,

‪(동백) ‪어차피 아기 때부터 ‪어딜 가든 환영받질 못하니까

I've never felt welcomed anywhere since I was very little, so I got used to just accepting it and being understanding.

그러려니 그냥 ‪하고 마는  편하더라고

so I got used to just accepting it and being understanding. Hey, let's play together.

‪(아이1) ‪너희들 이거  넣냐?

Hey, let's play together.

‪(아이2) ‪똥개

Hey, let's play together.

‪(교사) ‪너는 우유 급식비  내도 

You don't have to pay for the milk program.

‪(동백) ‪친구들이나 친구 엄마들이

My classmates and their parents didn't like me because I was an orphan.

고아 친구를 별로  좋아하는 거야

My classmates and their parents didn't like me because I was an orphan. -Mom! -Mom!

‪(아이들) ‪엄마!

-Mom! -Mom! They avoided the gloomy kid that I was as if I had a contagious disease.

‪(동백) ‪어린애 그늘이 무슨 ‪전염병이나 되는  아는 건지

They avoided the gloomy kid that I was as if I had a contagious disease.

‪(여자1) ‪아름아!

A-reum! I'll give you a ride.

아줌마네  타고 

A-reum! I'll give you a ride.

‪- (여자1)  ‪- (아이3) 빨리 

-Come on. -Hurry!

‪(동백) ‪'딱하다'

They all pitied me, saying "You poor thing,"

  딱하다고는 하면서

They all pitied me, saying "You poor thing,"

자기네  문은  열어 주더라고

but no one let me into their cars.

‪[매미 울음]

‪(동백) ‪그러다 스물둘에 걔를 만났는데

Then I met him when I was 22.

  우주가 그놈인 거야

And he became my whole universe. Come on. Where are you going?

‪(종렬) ‪아이가긴 어딜 진짜 자꾸!

Come on. Where are you going?

‪- (종렬? ‪- (동백아유됐어!

Come on. Where are you going? -Let go. -Let me explain!

‪(종렬) ‪   들어 정말!

-Let go. -Let me explain! I guess you don't love me anymore.

‪(동백) ‪네가 사랑이 식어서 그랬나 보지!

I guess you don't love me anymore.

그럼 그냥 헤어지든가

Let's just break up, then. I was consumed by the kind of love that you can only experience when you're 22.

‪(동백) ‪ 스물둘에만   있는 연애질을 ‪진짜 죽어라 했지

I was consumed by the kind of love that you can only experience when you're 22.

아유진짜  그래내가...

I was consumed by the kind of love that you can only experience when you're 22. Why are you being like this?

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

The game suddenly started going so well. That's what happened.

갑자기 게임이 너무 잘돼서 그랬어

The game suddenly started going so well. That's what happened.

 울면 어떡해?

Hey, why are you crying?

‪[울먹이며] ‪내가


다시는 게임방 가자고  할게

I'll never suggest going to an internet cafe again.

내가 진짜

I promise you

‪(종렬) ‪다시는

I promise you

 앉혀 놓고

that I'll never play

스타  할게 ‪[동백이 울먹인다]

StarCraft again when I'm with you.

그런 얘기 하지 말고 ‪[동백이 흐느낀다]

So don't say things like that. I can't live without you.

 진짜  없으면 ‪어떻게 살라고나보고!

So don't say things like that. I can't live without you.

! ‪[울먹인다]

Hey, do you think I can live without you?

나는 사냐?

Hey, do you think I can live without you?

‪[동백과 종렬이 흐느낀다]


‪(종렬) ‪울지  ‪[동백이 계속 흐느낀다]

Don't cry. I couldn't see anything else but him,

‪(동백) ‪ 말고는 아무것도  보여서

I couldn't see anything else but him, so I forgot about the fact that he, too, had a mother,

걔한테도 누구한테나 있는 ‪엄마가 있다는  내가 깜빡한 거야

so I forgot about the fact that he, too, had a mother, just like everyone else did. 2010, DONGBAEK AT THE AGE OF 25

‪[부드러운 음악이 흘러나온다]



‪(종렬 ) ‪아유몰라몰라

Gosh, I've had enough of thinking.

 너한테  봉투도 없고

I have no money to give you.

 그렇다고 어떻게 교양 있게 ‪떠들어야 되는지도 모르겠고

And I can't even talk elegantly.


I just...

네가 너무 싫어

hate you so much.


I really mean it. I hate you with every cell in my body.


I really mean it. I hate you with every cell in my body.

‪[떨리는 숨을 내뱉으며] ‪이렇게 싫은데 어떻게 보고 사니?

How can I put up with you when I hate you this much?

‪[옅은 쓴웃음]

웃는 거야우는 거야?

Are you smiling or crying?

 애가 이렇게 울상이야?

Why do you have such a sad face?

 하필 종렬이한테 붙냐고

Why did it have to be Jong-ryeol? Why?


Why did it have to be Jong-ryeol? Why?


To me,

네가 진짜...

you're like...

‪[종렬의 한숨]

What did she say?

‪(종렬) ‪우리 엄마가 뭐라는데?

What did she say?

 고아라서 싫대욕하디?

Is it because you're an orphan? Did she swear at you? Did she hit you?


Is it because you're an orphan? Did she swear at you? Did she hit you?

미움받는  힘든 일이야

It's really heartbreaking to be hated, especially by your mom.

그것도 너희 엄마한테 미움받는 

It's really heartbreaking to be hated, especially by your mom.

‪(종렬) ‪진짜 ‪내가 우리 엄마 이긴다니까!

Hey, come on. I can totally win against her.

좋아하는 사람 엄마한테 미움받는 

It's tough to be hated by the mom of someone you like.

그러려니가  되네

I can't just accept it coolly.

내가 엄마가 없고 싶어서 ‪없는 것도 아닌데...

It's not like I don't have a mom because I didn't want one.

‪(종렬) ‪그러니까 대체 ‪우리 엄마가 뭐라고 했냐고

Exactly. So tell me what she said. Will you just tell me?

말을   보라니까말을?

Exactly. So tell me what she said. Will you just tell me?

‪(종렬 ) ‪나는

To me,

네가 진짜

you're like...

You know,

진짜 무슨



a lump of germs.


A lump of germs.

병균덩이 같대

I'm like a lump of germs to her.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

이상하게 너희 엄마 만나는데

It's weird how I kept thinking of my mom when I was with your mom.

우리 엄마 생각이 자꾸 나더라

how I kept thinking of my mom when I was with your mom.

나도 엄마가 있었으면 ‪   줬을까?

If I had a mom, would she have had my back?

‪(향미) ‪그래서?

So what? You left him after his mom told you off?

 엄마한테   먹고 ‪나가떨어져  거라고?

So what? You left him after his mom told you off?

‪[착잡한 한숨]

‪(동백) ‪아니


결국엔 당사자가 ‪나서 줘야 되는 거더라

In the end, the guy has to step up.

‪(향미) ‪남자가 바람이라도 피웠구나

The guy must have had an affair.

완전 개새끼네

What a jerk.

개새끼랄 것도 없어

You don't have to call him a jerk.


I don't even blame him or anything.

원망이고 자시고도  

I don't even blame him or anything.

나는 우리 필구 ‪남겨  것만으로도 그냥

I think we can call it even since he left Pil-gu behind with me.

퉁치고도 남는다고 생각해

since he left Pil-gu behind with me.

진짜 그게 퉁이 돼요?

Can you really call that even?

필구가 그렇게 좋아요?

Do you like Pil-gu that much?

너도 하나 낳아 

Try having a kid.

‪[동백의 옅은 웃음]


‪(향미) ‪언니 엄마나 우리 엄마나 ‪ 언니만 같았으면요

If your mom or my mom was like you,

그럼 동백이나 향미나

then both Dongbaek and Hyang-mi

지금 꽁초나 찾고 있진 않았겠다

wouldn't be sitting here looking for cigarette butts.

‪(용식) ‪소장님!

Chief Byeon.

‪[용식이 의자를 탁탁 친다] ‪( 소장) ‪?


‪[용식의 머뭇거리는 숨소리]

‪(용식) ‪...

Is the conflict between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law

고부 갈등이라는 

Is the conflict between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law

조금 ‪뻑적지근한 그런 건가?

quite troublesome?

걷지도 못하는 놈이 ‪ 걱정 하고 자빠졌네

Don't get worried about running when you can't even walk.

여자도 없는 놈이 ‪그런   물어?

You don't even have a girlfriend. Why do you ask?


Well, I thought it would be better to date someone who's close with my mom.

엄마랑 친한 여자가 좋지 않나 해서유

Well, I thought it would be better to date someone who's close with my mom.

‪[ 소장이 숨을  내뱉는다]

‪( 소장) ‪이상적이지

That's idealistic.

 지구상에 말이여

If there wasn't any conflict between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law,

고부 갈등만 없었어도

If there wasn't any conflict between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law,

남자들 평균 수명이 90 가지

men's average life expectancy would reach 90 years.

둘이 베프라고 하긴 했는디

They did say they're best friends.

‪( 소장) ‪근데

But there is no family without such a conflict.

고부 갈등 없는 집은 없어

But there is no family without such a conflict.

그런 데는

If there is such a family, they must live in a virtual city, a paradise,

가상 도시

If there is such a family, they must live in a virtual city, a paradise,


If there is such a family, they must live in a virtual city, a paradise,

저기   도사배추 도사나 ‪지껄일 법한

or maybe somewhere far away

전래 동화 같은 곳이라고

that's like a traditional fairy tale.

‪(용식) ‪  먹어요?

Aren't you going to eat?

‪( 소장) ‪

  때문에 그러는구나?

It's because of her, isn't it?

뭐요 누구요?

What? Who?


Who do you think?

‪( 소장) ‪ 헬레나 봤지?

You just looked at Helena, didn't you? I have a great hunch.


You just looked at Helena, didn't you? I have a great hunch.

‪[ 소장이 킥킥댄다] ‪[한숨]


Chief Byeon, I like Dongbaek.

 동백  좋아해요

Chief Byeon, I like Dongbaek.

‪[익살스러운 음악]

-What? -I fell for her at first sight.

‪- ? ‪- (용식기냥 첫눈에 반해 버렸고요

-What? -I fell for her at first sight.

하루에도  번씩 찍고 있고요

I've been after her ten times a day.

 동네가  알아요

And the entire neighborhood knows.

아이 엄마도  사태를 아셔?

Does your mom know?

‪[용식의 아파하는 신음]

‪- (용식엄마! ‪- ( 소장아시는구나아셔

-Mom! -She does know.

아시니께 엘보를 쓰시지?

That's why she used her elbow.

‪[옅은 한숨]

‪[개가 왈왈 짖는다]


‪[격정적인 음악]

‪(자영 방백) ‪감추고 싶었다

I wanted to hide

 더럽게 자존심 상하는 감정을

this feeling that hurts my pride.

‪(은실) ‪ ?

Hey, what are you doing?

 늦었어빨리 가야 

I'm late. I have to hurry.

‪(자영 방백) ‪근데 이젠

But at this point,

 고상한     같다

I can't continue to act sophisticated.


‪(은실) ‪생일이라고 며느리가 ‪그렇게 상을 차려  거야

Her daughter-in-law made a feast for her birthday.

구절판이고 신선로고 ‪  며느리가  했대

She made all nine delicacies and the royal hot pot herself. Isn't that amazing?

정말 대박 아니니?

Isn't that amazing?

‪- (자영어머님 ‪- (은실

-Mother. -Yes?

제가 지금 어머님 생신상에 ‪구절판 차려 드릴 기분이 아니거든요?

I'm not in the mood to make nine delicacies for your birthday.

‪(은실) ‪?

-What? -I'll talk to my husband

‪(자영) ‪생신은 제가 아비랑 얘기해서 ‪어디 뷔페라도...

-What? -I'll talk to my husband and find a buffet or--

‪(은실) ‪

Why do I have to care about how you feel on my birthday?

내가   생일까지 ‪ 기분을 살펴야 되니?

Why do I have to care about how you feel on my birthday?


Of course.

시어미 생일이 뭐가 중해?

The mother-in-law's birthday isn't important at all. The daughter-in-law's mood is more important.

며느님 기분이 중하시지 ‪[헛웃음]

The daughter-in-law's mood is more important.


Mother, my husband...

‪(자영) ‪아비가요

Mother, my husband... Sure, it's my son again.

‪(은실) ‪그래 아비겠지

Sure, it's my son again.

네가 아니라 걔가 ‪뷔페로 퉁치자고 했겠지

I'm sure he wanted to just go to a buffet, not you.

‪(자영) ‪그게 아니라...

It's not that, it's...



Never mind.

‪(은실) ‪뭔데?

What is it?

 어른한테 말을 하다 말아?

Why do you stop in the middle of a sentence?

Hey, are you making fun of me?

 지금  놀리니?

Hey, are you making fun of me?

‪(자영) ‪제가  구절판  기분이 아닌지

I'll roughly let you know why I don't feel like making all those delicacies.

그냥 뉘앙스만 알려 드릴게요

why I don't feel like making all those delicacies.

‪(은실) ‪ 뉘앙스만 알려 ?

Why would you just tell me that roughly?

 지금 나랑 말장난해?

Is this some kind of a joke?


He takes after his father.

아버님을 닮았어요

He takes after his father.

‪[격정적인 음악] ‪...

‪(자영) ‪아버님이 어머니 가락지

He was about Gyu-tae's age now when he gave your ring to Ae-sil,

대폿집 애실이한테 갖다주셨을 때가

He was about Gyu-tae's age now when he gave your ring to Ae-sil,

 아비 나이였죠?

the girl at the pub, right?

‪(은실) ‪얘가  헛소릴 ?

What is this nonsense?

규태는  닮았어!

Gyu-tae takes after me!

그냥 그렇다고요

I'm just saying.

‪(자영) ‪ 앞부터는 걸어가실  있으시죠?

-Can you walk the rest from over there? -Why should I walk?

‪(은실) ‪ 걸어가?

-Can you walk the rest from over there? -Why should I walk?

서예반 사람들이 ‪네가 데려다주는   보는데!

People in my calligraphy class always see you drop me off.

제가 중차대하게   데가 있어서요

I have to be somewhere in a hurry.




The hair salon.

미용실 가요

I'm going to the hair salon.

‪[퍽퍽 소리가 난다]

착한 사람이잖아

She's a good person.

‪[연신 퍽퍽 빻는다]

‪(용식) ‪엄마도 알잖아

You know her. You're her best friend.


You know her. You're her best friend.


I mean, she's so nice


and lives a heartrending life.


And I feel really bad for her.

자꾸  속이  좋고

And I feel really bad for her.


What about me?

 엄마는  딱하고?

Don't you feel bad for your mom?


It's not a competition to see who has a worse life.

이게 지금 누가 누가  딱하나 ‪이런  아니잖아

It's not a competition to see who has a worse life.

‪(덕순) ‪ 진짜 모냥 빠져서 ‪이런  하기 싫은디

I really didn't want to say this because it makes me look awful,

but is it your mom or Dongbaek?


but is it your mom or Dongbaek?

그게 말이여방구여?

-What's this nonsense? -You have to choose one.

 이거 택일이여!

-What's this nonsense? -You have to choose one.

엄마진짜 치사하게  이랴?

Come on, that's so cheap.

너야말로 나한테 치사하게  이랴?

You're the one who's being cheap, you darned little jerk.

 쌍놈의 새끼그냥

You're the one who's being cheap, you darned little jerk.

아이아이욕은 하지 말고요 ‪[덕순이 혀를  찬다]

Wait, let's not use bad words. We can talk this out.

논의를 합시다엄마

Wait, let's not use bad words. We can talk this out.

내가  유복자로 낳아서

Don't you know that

진짜 피똥 싸면서 키운 것을 ‪몰라서 이랴?

I gave birth to you after your father died and worked all my life to bring you up? Do you know how much settlement money I paid every single season?

‪(덕순) ‪내가 철마다 ‪ 합의금   것은 얼마며

Do you know how much settlement money I paid every single season?

내가  땜시 절에서 삼천배를

And I went to a Buddhist temple and bowed 3,000 times

‪5 5 번을 드리다가 ‪아주 그냥 도가니가  나갔다고?

over and over. I lost all of my knee cartilages because of that.

네가 양심이 있으믄

If you have a conscience,

다름 아닌 네가 나한테 ‪이랄 수가 있어?

you of all people can't do this to me.

아이동백  착하다며!

You said Dongbaek is nice, pretty,


You said Dongbaek is nice, pretty, -and that she's your best friend. -She is nice.

동백이 착하지

-and that she's your best friend. -She is nice.

딱하고 이쁘지

She's a poor thing, and she's pretty.

근디 최소 중의 최소로다가

But at the very least,

아들은 없어야지아들은!

she shouldn't have a son, should she?

‪(덕순) ‪내가 지금 이거

Am I asking for too much right now?

허무맹랑한  바라는 ?

Am I asking for too much right now?


Mom, think of this as buy one get one free.

 1 2 개념으로다가 ‪접근 한번  ?

Mom, think of this as buy one get one free.

‪(용식) ‪메느리에 손주까지 ‪기냥  방에 기냥...

You can get a daughter-in-law and a grandson at once.

‪[용식의 다급한 신음]

Goodness. Why did you have to be crushing garlic right now?

‪[덕순의 분에  숨소리] ‪어유 마늘을 빻고 있어지금?

Goodness. Why did you have to be crushing garlic right now?

‪(덕순) ‪나는

I'm not going to blame her.

넘의 자식 탓할 생각 없어

I'm not going to blame her.

까멜리아 쫓아가서 ‪얼빠진 소리 하기도 싫어

I don't want to go over to Camellia to say something to her.

동백이는 아닌디  혼자 좋아서 ‪환장하는 것도 알겄고

I understand that Dongbaek has no feelings for you, but you're obsessed with her. I'm just going to focus on you.

나는  너만 조질 

I'm just going to focus on you.

그니께 너랑 나랑 양단간에 결정을 

So you and I have to come to a decision.

 택일을 !

Make your choice!


I mean... Well, I...


I mean... Well, I...

‪[답답한 신음]

이게 짜장짬뽕이여?

I can't choose one as if I'm choosing what food I like.

 이런  택일을 하재?

I can't choose one as if I'm choosing what food I like.

‪(용식) ‪오케이오케이!

Okay, fine. Half-and-half.


Okay, fine. Half-and-half.


Don't be ridiculous. That's not an option.

반반은 없어

Don't be ridiculous. That's not an option.

좋아 죽겠는데 어떡하냐고 ‪좋아 죽겠는데!

I like her so much. What can I do?

‪(용식) ‪ 기냥   뜨면

I want to see her as soon as I wake up.

 보고 싶고

I want to see her as soon as I wake up.

지금도  가고 싶고  그랴

I want to run over to see her right now, too.

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪ 발길은 N?

My feet are the magnetic north pole, and Camellia is the south pole.

우리 까멜리아는 S

My feet are the magnetic north pole, and Camellia is the south pole.

이런이런 비유면 ‪ 납득이 돼야?

Does that analogy make some sense?

지랄하고 자빠졌네

What a load of bullshit.

‪(덕순) ‪S극으로   불라이씨

Do I need to kick some sense into you? I can't stop my feelings for her and my feet taking me there.

나도  마음과  발길이 가는 것은 ‪어쩔 수가 없다고

I can't stop my feelings for her and my feet taking me there.


그럼    달만 ‪동백이 보지 말아 

Then you can stop seeing her for just two months.

그러고도  마음이 고대로믄

If you still feel the same after that,

나도 정상 참작은   테니께

I will extenuate your actions.

 마음이 ‪ 두어 달짜리인  알아?

Do you think my love will only last for a couple of months?


It'll last forever!

‪(실장) ‪

시작해 볼까요

Should we get started?

‪(자영) ‪아니

No, I want the director.

원장원장님 불러 줘요

No, I want the director.



저희 원장님은 2 전부터 ‪예약하셔야 되는데요

You have to make an appointment two weeks ahead to see her.

‪(직원) ‪저희 실장님도 엄청 잘하시거든요

Our chief is really good, too.


She worked in the Hongdae area for three years.

홍대 쪽에 3 동안 계셨어요

She worked in the Hongdae area for three years.

‪(자영) ‪실장님 잘하시겠죠

I'm sure you're great.

‪[직원의 옅은 웃음] ‪(실장) ‪

But I'm going to go meet

‪(자영) ‪근데 제가 지금  머리를 하고

But I'm going to go meet

남편 내연녀를 만나러  거거든요

the woman my husband's been seeing after doing my hair.

‪[비장한 음악]




‪(실장) ‪원장님 모셔 

Director. Director?


Director. Director?

‪[옅은 한숨]

‪(원장) ‪로드 3호로...

Rod number three.



‪(자영 방백) ‪누구에게나 사수되어야  ‪마지노선이라는  있다

Everyone has a limit that they must defend.


My limit is my pride.


My limit is my pride. I'll use the best products.

동백이 따위에게 아랑곳도 하기 싫다

I don't want to care about someone like Dongbaek.

내가   있는 최선을 다해

I wanted to ignore her with all that I have.

무시하고 싶었다

I wanted to ignore her with all that I have.

‪[옅은 웃음]

‪[동백의 옅은 웃음]

‪(동백) ‪아니어떻게 여기까지...

What brings you here? I thought you never stop by the building.

 건물에  오시는  알았는데

What brings you here? I thought you never stop by the building.

열무  드릴까요?

Do you want some young radish?


‪(자영 방백) ‪웃기도  웃네

She smiles well, too.


She smiles well, too. Do you have no makeup on?


Oh, I got a little busy, so I stopped in the middle.

‪(동백) ‪[멋쩍게 웃으며] ‪요즘 바빠 가지고

Oh, I got a little busy, so I stopped in the middle.

하다 말았어요

Oh, I got a little busy, so I stopped in the middle. You think you're pretty, don't you?

본인이 예쁘다고 생각하죠?

You think you're pretty, don't you?


-Pardon? -Well,


-Pardon? -Well,

속으론 그렇게 생각할  같아서

I just thought you would think so.

‪[동백의 의아한 숨소리]

‪(동백) ‪아니저는 예쁘다고 생각하진 않는데

Well, I don't think I'm pretty.

그래도 그냥 관상적으로 ‪밉상은 아니지 않나

But I do think that I'm not too awful when it comes to my physiognomy.

그냥 그렇게 생각은 했는데

But I do think that I'm not too awful when it comes to my physiognomy.


Goodness, this is embarrassing.

동백 씨의 관상 얘기 듣자고 ‪  아니고

I'm not here to talk about your physiognomy.

‪(자영) ‪원래 법적으론 ‪  전에만 고지하면 되는데

Legally speaking, I just have to tell you a month before,

도의적 차원에서 ‪미리 말해 두려고 왔어요

but I thought I should tell you a little more in advance.

무슨 ...

-What is it? -Our contract expires in December.

‪(자영) ‪12월에 계약 끝나죠?

-What is it? -Our contract expires in December.

‪(동백) ‪

-Yes. -I need you to move out.

가게  줘요

-Yes. -I need you to move out.

‪[의미심장한 음악] ‪[동백의 놀라는 숨소리]

그게 갑자기 무슨...

Pardon? Move out? So suddenly?

갑자기는 무슨 갑자기?

"Suddenly"? This isn't sudden.

임대차 보호 기간도 끝났고 ‪   고지인데?

The Lease Protection Act doesn't apply. You have three months.

‪(동백) ‪...

‪[어색하게 웃으며] ‪사모님혹시

Ms. Hong, if this is because you wish to raise the rent,

 올리고 싶으셔서 그러신 거면 ‪저하고 그냥 얘기를 ...

Ms. Hong, if this is because you wish to raise the rent, we can talk about it--

아니요 올릴 생각 없어요

No, I'm not going to raise the rent.

창문도 없는 점포인데 까멜리아 나가면

It's a shop without any windows, so once you move out,

‪(자영) ‪다시 건어물 창고로나 쓰겠죠

it'll just be used to store dried seafood again.

그럼 지금 세의 반의반이나 받을까?

Then I'll probably only get a quarter of what I get from you.

근데 굳이  그거를...

Then why are you asking me to...

돈의 문제가 아니라는 

Money isn't the problem here. Do I have to spell it out?

 말로  줘야 아나?

Money isn't the problem here. Do I have to spell it out?


‪(자영) ‪이제 집주인의 의도 파악했을 테니까

You probably get what I mean, so let's not talk about this anymore.

 일로  얘기할  없게 하죠

You probably get what I mean, so let's not talk about this anymore.

그럼 하던 업무 계속해요

Then go ahead and do what you were doing.

‪(동백) ‪...

‪[동백의 당황한 숨소리]

규태가 양평을 가고 싶겠네

Gyu-tae is going to want to go to Yangpyeong.

‪[동백의 가쁜 숨소리]


Ms. Hong.

‪(동백) ‪사모님제가 ‪[동백의 가쁜 숨소리]

Ms. Hong, Mr. No didn't say anything,

사장님이 아무 말씀이 없으셨어서 ‪제가 준비도  했고요

Ms. Hong, Mr. No didn't say anything, so I wasn't prepared. And he didn't say anything the last time I met him.

그리고 저기사장님이 전에 뵀을 때도 ‪아무 말씀이 없으셔서

And he didn't say anything the last time I met him. -He didn't-- -How dare you?

‪- 언질을  주셔... ‪- (자영얻다 대고

-He didn't-- -How dare you?

지금  앞에서 ‪ 남편을  삼는 건가?

Are you using my husband as your shield in front of me?

‪(동백) ‪그런  아닌데요...

It's not like that.

‪(자영) ‪동백 


 끝까지 고상하고 싶어

I want to be sophisticated to the end.

근데 동백 씨가  마지노선을 ‪건드려서  꼭지가 돌면

But if you keep provoking me and I end up losing it,

내가 아주 솔직해지고 싶을  같거든?

I'd want to be straightforward with you.

그럼 피차 상당히 모양 빠지게  거야

Then it'll make both of us look very awful.

그러니까 조심을   

So you need to be careful.

 동백  피부말투관상 ‪ 별로인데

I don't like your skin, the way you talk, and your physiognomy,

특히 지금  표정

but that face is the worst.

 아무것도 모르겠다는 ‪ 표정이 제일 거슬려

I hate that face which says, "I don't know a thing."

집주인의 의도

Do you get what I'm trying to tell you?

정확히 파악하겠죠?

Do you get what I'm trying to tell you?

‪[작은 목소리로] ‪

‪(용식) ‪동백 !



왜요 왜요?

What's wrong? What is it? Why do you look like a sad cow again?

  눈깔이   눈깔이에요?

Why do you look like a sad cow again? I stole a bag of red pepper powder because I heard you're making kimchi.

여기 동백  김장한대 갖고

I stole a bag of red pepper powder because I heard you're making kimchi.

 태양초 고춧가루  포대 ‪쌔벼 왔는데

I stole a bag of red pepper powder because I heard you're making kimchi.

   눈이 ‪ 눈이 그래요?

Why do you look so sad again?

 집주인한테 ‪완전 찍힌  같아요

I think I got on my landlord's bad side.



‪[동백의 힘겨운 신음]

‪[주변이 시끌시끌하다]


Darn it, why are there so many people?

‪(종렬) ‪  이렇게 사람이 많아

Darn it, why are there so many people?

얘는  데리러  오고 ‪어디서  하고 있는 거야?

Why isn't she coming to pick him up?


  저런 애한테 애를 맡겼어?

Why did she let someone like her look after her son?


Darn it.

‪[발랄한 음악]

‪(향미) ‪ 책도 읽어?

Do you read?

‪(필구) ‪몰라무조건 가져가래

I was just told to take it.


-Where's Mom? -We made kimchi today.

‪(향미) ‪오늘 김장했잖아

-Where's Mom? -We made kimchi today.

‪(필구) ‪그럼 엄마 지금 혼자 있어?

Then is Mom there alone?

 경찰 아저씨는  왔지?

Did that policeman come today?

‪(향미) ‪  아저씨 싫어?

Why? You don't like him?

‪(필구) ‪싫어

I don't. Do you like him?

누난 좋아?

I don't. Do you like him?

‪(향미) ‪몰라 어느 라인에 붙어야 되나 ‪생각 중이야

I don't know. I'm not really sure which side I'll take.

‪(필구) ‪근데 나는  경찰 아저씨가 ‪4등으로 싫어

But that policeman is the fourth guy I hate.

‪(향미) ‪4?

-The fourth? -He comes after

‪(필구) ‪노규태 아저씨준기네 아저씨

-The fourth? -He comes after Mr. No Gyu-tae, Jun-gi's dad, and the guy from the rice cake shop.

떡집 아저씨 다음으로 싫긴 싫어

Mr. No Gyu-tae, Jun-gi's dad, and the guy from the rice cake shop.

‪(향미) ‪그럼 좋은 걸론 나름 1등이네?

Mr. No Gyu-tae, Jun-gi's dad, and the guy from the rice cake shop. Then that means you like him best.

‪(필구) ‪무슨 엄마가 48킬로냐고

Why is my mom 48 kg?

‪- ? ‪- (필구 엄마가 그렇게 예뻐?

-What? -Why is my mom so pretty?

‪(필구) ‪옹산 엄마 중에 ‪우리 엄마가 제일 예쁘니까

She's the prettiest mom in Ongsan.

 진짜진짜 피곤하다고

It really exhausts me.

나도 진작 아들이나 하나 ‪낳아 놓을  그랬다

You're starting to make me want a son.

‪(향미) ‪가자

Let's go.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

아이집에 차도   없냐?

Doesn't she have a car?

   그냥 뽑아 줄까 보다

I might as well just get her one.

‪(향미) ‪필구야더운데  타고 갈래?

Pil-gu, should we ride a car since it's hot?

‪(필구) ‪무슨 누나  있어?

What car? Do you have a car? We'll just hitchhike.

‪(향미) ‪잡으면  차지

We'll just hitchhike.

강종렬 선수!

Kang Jong-ryeol!

아이 진짜 또라이 아니야?

Is she seriously nuts?

‪[용식의 힘주는 신음]

‪(용식) ‪아휴

Yong-sik, what did your mother say?

‪(동백) ‪용식 회장님은 뭐라세요?

Yong-sik, what did your mother say?

 이거 가져다드려도 돼요?

Is it okay to give this back to her?

우리  거구나

Is that my mom's?


Just leave it here. I'll take it when I leave and give it back to her.

제가 가는 김에요

I'll take it when I leave and give it back to her.

‪(용식) ‪[얼버무리며] ‪제가 갖다드리면 되죠

I'll take it when I leave and give it back to her.

‪[용식의 어색한 웃음]

 가면  되는구나

I guess I shouldn't go.

우리 엄마가 동백  좋아해요

My mom likes you. You guys are best friends.

베프잖아요베프 ‪[용식의 웃음]

My mom likes you. You guys are best friends.

필구도 회장님도  싫다잖아요

Pil-gu and your mother are both against this.

‪(동백) ‪그러니까 혼자 고집부리지 말고

So stop being so stubborn,


and stop liking me.

‪[머뭇거리는 숨소리]


I do kind of feel like


I should be more careful about how I act

 두어  정도는

I should be more careful about how I act

제가 조금  자중을 해야 되나 ‪싶기도 하고요

for about two to three months.

‪(용식) ‪제가 2 아니고이게

I'm not an adolescent kid, you see. If I totally ignore what my mom says,

우리 엄마 말을 아주 쌩까는 이게

I'm not an adolescent kid, you see. If I totally ignore what my mom says, I don't think it'll do you any good in the future.

미래에 동백 씨한테 ‪그렇게  좋을  같지도 않고

I don't think it'll do you any good in the future.

작전상 후퇴 개념으로다가요

So I'll make a strategic retreat...


You really don't need to explain everything to me.

그렇게 구구절절 ‪말씀   주셔도 돼요

You really don't need to explain everything to me.



‪[애잔한 음악] ‪제가 옛날옛날부터 깨달은

There's one thing I learned ever since I was really young.

 인생의 진리가  하나 있는데요

There's one thing I learned ever since I was really young.

동백일 누가 좋아해?

No one likes Dongbaek. Who in the world would like me?

누가 저를 좋아하겠어요?

No one likes Dongbaek. Who in the world would like me?

제가 좋아하잖아요제가요

I like you.

아니야우리가 ‪무슨 사이도 아니었고요

No, it's not like we actually dated.

‪(동백) ‪우리 필구가  같은 여자 좋대도 싫죠

And even I wouldn't be happy if Pil-gu fell for a woman like me.

근데 제가 이런  너무 익숙해서 ‪그냥 '대츠 오케이'예요

But I'm really used to this, so I'm totally fine with it.

그냥 그냥  ‪그러려니 하면 돼요용식 

I'll just let it go like I always did.

동백  보면요

You always remind me of a Whac-A-Mole.

 저기 두더지 게임 같아요

You always remind me of a Whac-A-Mole.

‪(용식) ‪곰방 헤헤거리다가도

You're always smiling,

곰방 이게 ‪폭폭 쑤셔 박히시니까는

but you're always hurting as well.

아주 그냥 제가 ‪ 속이 터져 환장하겠다고요

You have no idea how much it frustrates me.

회장님 말씀 들어요

You should listen to your mother.

세상에서 용식  ‪엄마만큼 아끼는 사람 없어요

No one else in this world cares about you more than she does.

‪(동백) ‪그러니까 2처럼 굴지 말고 어른답게

So stop acting like an adolescent and act like an adult.

다신 오지 마세요

Don't come here again.

‪[옅은 한숨]

‪(종렬) ‪뒤에 에어컨  나오니? ‪시원하지?

Does the air conditioner work properly? Is it nice and cool?

아저씨는 훈련  해요?

Shouldn't you be training?

‪- ? ‪- (필구 맨날 와요?

-What? -Why do you come every day?

‪[어색하게 웃으며] ‪

훈련보다  중요한 일이 있으시겠지

Maybe he has something more important to do.

‪(종렬) ‪저기요남의  서랍을 ‪ 자꾸 열어 봐요?

Hey, why are you going through my car?

‪(향미) ‪근데 집주인이 가게 빼라던데 ‪[종렬이 혀를  찬다]

By the way, the landlord told us to move out.

‪- (필구진짜? ‪- (향미걱정할  없어

-Really? -Don't worry. Your mom has a lot of connections.

너희 엄마  많아

Your mom has a lot of connections.

‪(향미) ‪여유 되면 ‪그냥  건물 하나  주세요

If you have enough money, just buy the building for her.

연봉 세잖아요

-You earn a lot of money. -What?


-You earn a lot of money. -What?

내가  건물을   줘요...

Why would I buy her that building?

‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪글쎄왜일까?

Should we talk about why?

‪[향미의 신난 신음]

‪(향미) ‪  언니 옆에 붙어 있길 ‪진짜 잘한  같아

I'm so glad I'm friends with Dongbaek.

‪(종렬) ‪아니굳이 보조석엔 ‪ 앉아 가지고

Why did you have to sit in the passenger seat?

‪(향미) ‪ 선수근데 나요 ‪제시카 팔로우하는데

Mr. Kang, I follow Jessica on Instagram.

‪[한숨 쉬며] ‪그래서요?

-So? -Ask her to follow me, too.

맞팔  하자고 전해 줘요

-So? -Ask her to follow me, too.

앞으로    생길지도 모르는데

We might meet each other often from now on.

쫄보가 웬일로 딱지는 끊고 다녀?

I can't believe this wuss got a speeding ticket.

옹산이 어디야?

Where's Ongsan?

‪( 소장) ‪기밀 유지야 하겄지?

Keep this confidential.



You told me you love her.

러브라는디 워쩌?

I can't stop love.

‪[놀란 숨소리]

이제 나한테   주시는 거예요?

You're going to tell me everything now?

‪( 소장) ‪ 마음만 급하게 더펄거리다 ‪사고 치지 말고

Don't handle things too impatiently and end up causing trouble.

네가 첫눈에 반한 목격자 신변과 ‪직결되는 문제니께

This is related to the protection of the witness you fell in love with,

차분차분히  하라고

-so make sure you handle this calmly. -Why are there so many files?

아이근데 뭐가 이렇게 많아요?

-so make sure you handle this calmly. -Why are there so many files?

‪( 소장) ‪여기부터 차례대로 

Start with this one.

‪[마우스 조작음] ‪[의미심장한 음악]

Start with this one.

영상이  있어요?

There's a video?

피해자 한금옥이가 사건 당일에 ‪마지막으로 찍힌 영상인데

It's a video of the victim, Han Geum-ok, right before she got murdered on the day of the incident.

‪(용식) ‪?

What? Why is there a video of the victim in the witness file?

아이피해자 영상이 ‪ 목격자 파일에서 나와요?

What? Why is there a video of the victim in the witness file?

여기 동백이 있어

-Dongbaek's in the video. -What?


-Dongbaek's in the video. -What?

‪( 소장) ‪이게 그날 아침이니께

It's from the morning of the incident, so start investigating with this.

여기부터 딴딴하게 짚어 나가라고

It's from the morning of the incident, so start investigating with this.

 하루 안에 분명히 까불이 있다

I'm sure Joker is somewhere in here.

‪(동백 방백) ‪언니와는 성당에서 만났다

I met her at church.

‪(동백) ‪아니 말은 그게 아니라... ‪[신부가 설교한다]

-I mean... -Today's reading.

‪[키득거린다] ‪[신부가 계속 설교한다]

"When you're waiting for tomorrow..."

‪(동백) ‪실습은   시간이면 되지?

Will the practice end in two hours? I need to go pick up Pil-gu later.

 이따 필구 데리러 가야 되는데?

I need to go pick up Pil-gu later. JUNE 29, 2014

‪(금옥) ‪ 주중에도 짬짬이 와서 기술 배워

You should learn during the weekdays as well.

피부 관리사 자격증 하나 따서

Get a certificate in skincare. Then change the signboard to "Camellia Aesthetics."

‪[동백의 한숨] ‪'까멜리아 에스테틱'으로 ‪ 간판만 바꿔 버리면

Then change the signboard to "Camellia Aesthetics." You'll become a person with a professional career.


You'll become a person with a professional career.

‪(동백) ‪[살짝 웃으며] ‪ 지금도 두루치기 전문직인데?

I'm a professional at making stir-fried pork.

‪[금옥의 옅은 웃음]


‪[어두운 효과음]


‪[동백의 미심쩍은 숨소리]

‪(동백) ‪이거 실습 맞지언니?

Are you sure you're doing practical training?

‪[살짝 웃으며] ‪이거 나한테 테스트하는  아니야?

Am I being used as a guinea pig?

중고여도 돈백짜리야

I know it's second-hand, but it cost me a million won. Don't worry.

‪[웃으며] ‪걱정을 말라니까

I know it's second-hand, but it cost me a million won. Don't worry.

‪(동백) ‪중고 사서 나한테 ‪테스트하는  같은데?

I feel like you're using me to test the second-hand machine.

‪[동백의 당황한 신음]


‪[동백과 금옥의 놀라는 신음]

‪[동백의 놀라는 신음] ‪[금옥의 웃음]

Is this okay?

괜찮은 거야이거?

Is this okay?

‪[피식 웃는다] ‪[전화벨이 울린다]

‪(금옥) ‪잠깐

‪(동백) ‪언니이거  이상한  같은데? ‪[금옥이 전화에 응답한다]

-Hello? -The door looks weird.


A reservation?

그럼 바로 오실  있으세요?

Can you come right away? We're free at the moment.

지금 마침 예약 없어서요

Can you come right away? We're free at the moment.

‪(동백) ‪이거 닫는 거지?

Do I just close this?

‪- (동백... ‪- 지금 아무도 없어요 ‪[덜컹 소리가 난다]

No, no one's here.

‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪(금옥) ‪'대운이 깃드는 날이니 ‪문을 활짝 열어 두라'

"Today will be filled with luck. Keep all your doors open."

오늘은   벌려나?

Will I be making some money today?

‪[초인종이 울린다]

예약하신 분이세요?

Are you the one who just made a reservation?

‪[음산한 음악]


예약하신 ...

Did you make a reservation?

‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

‪[어색하게 웃으며] ‪ 더우세요? ‪한여름에 마스크까지...

Isn't it hot to wear a mask during the summer?

‪[남자1 콜록거린다]

금방 예약 전화  ...

Did you call earlier to make a reservation?

‪[리드미컬한 음악의 볼륨이 높아진다]

‪[스위치가 탁탁 꺼진다]

‪[남자1 콜록거린다]

‪[금옥의 겁먹은 신음] ‪[남자1 연신 콜록거린다]

‪[금옥의 힘주는 신음]

‪[금옥의 힘겨운 신음]

‪[우당탕 소리가 난다] ‪[금옥의 힘주는 신음]

‪[남자1 콜록거린다]

‪(동백 방백) ‪ 7

The seven minutes...

‪[리드미컬한 음악이 들려온다]

무슨 노래를 이렇게 크게 틀어?

Why did she blast up the volume?

‪(동백 방백) ‪ 7 동안 나는 그와 함께 있었다

I was with him during those seven minutes.

‪"트랙 03"

그리고  7 동안

And during those seven minutes...

‪[강조되는 효과음]

‪[전화기가 뚜뚜 울린다]

언니는 죽었다

Geum-ok died.

‪"트랙 04"

‪[리드미컬한 음악이  끊긴다]


‪[스위치가 탁탁 켜진다]

‪[남자1 콜록거린다]


Is it a customer?

‪(동백 방백) ‪잊을  없는  소리

The sound I can't forget...

‪[남자1 콜록거린다]

‪[태닝기 알림음]

‪[강조되는 효과음]

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪[남자1 연신 콜록거린다]

‪[동백의 한숨]

아이이거 끝난  같은데

I think this is done.

‪[남자1 콜록거린다]

That hoarse cough...

‪(동백) ‪쇳소리 같던  기침 소리

That hoarse cough...

‪[남자1 콜록거린다]

‪[남자1 콜록거린다]

‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]

‪- ( 소장재호야 ‪- (형사?

-Hey. -Yes, sir?

고객 명단 뒤질  없어

No need to go through the customer list.


It obviously looks like

이런  처음   놈이구먼

it was his first time here.

‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]

‪( 소장) ‪ 같으면

Would you have known

여기 사람 들어와 있을  알았겄어?

that there'd be someone in here?

‪[형사의 한숨]

나도 이게 뭔질 모르겄는디

Even I don't know what this is. He probably didn't know, either.

걔도 헤맸던 거지

Even I don't know what this is. He probably didn't know, either.

‪[미심쩍은 숨소리]

한금옥이를 저짝에서 죽이고

Why would he have made a mess of the entire place

 여길  뒤집어엎었겄냐고

after having murdered the victim over there?

동백이를  찾았던 거지

It's because he failed to find Dongbaek.

‪[안타까운 숨소리]

가만히만 있었어도 됐을 

She should've just stayed still.

‪[ 소리가 난다]

‪(동백) ‪언니

Geum-ok, the door...

‪[쿵쿵거린다] ‪이거 문이...

Geum-ok, the door...

‪[연신 쿵쿵거린다]



이게  이러지?

What's wrong with this?

언니이거 끝났어

Geum-ok, I'm all done.



이거 끝난  같은데?

I think it's over now.



‪(동백) ‪[쿵쿵 두드리며] ‪언니


‪[연신 두드리며] ‪언니?


고쳐야겠다 이상해

I think you should fix this. It's weird.

‪[남자1 콜록거린다]

‪[힘주는 숨소리]

언니이거 진짜 문이 이상하다니까?

Geum-ok, the door's really weird.

‪[남자1 콜록거린다]

The sound of his cough.

‪(동백 방백) ‪ 기침 소리

The sound of his cough.

주기적이고도 참을  없어 터지는

His cough was persistent, and it seemed uncontrollable.

 이상한 기침 소리만은 ‪잊을 수가 없었다

I still can't forget that peculiar cough.

‪[남자1 콜록거린다]

‪[남자1 연신 콜록거린다]

‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]

‪[놀라는 숨소리]

‪[동백의 겁먹은 숨소리]

My gosh!

‪[동백의 겁먹은 신음]

‪[화재 경보음]

‪[쿵쿵 소리가 들린다]

‪[쿵쿵 소리가 연신 들린다]

‪[카메라 셔터음]

‪(형사) ‪지금 현장을 봐도 ‪얘가 확실히 당황했다니까요?

It's obvious that Joker was startled.

‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다] ‪아무래도 까불이한테

This woman must've caught him off guard.

 여자가 변수였던  같아요

This woman must've caught him off guard.

‪[의미심장한 음악]

‪[사이렌이 울린다] ‪(여자2) ‪어쩐지 박복하게 생겼더라니

She always seemed so misfortunate. -Do you remember anything? -How do you feel?

‪(기자1) ‪기억하십니까?

-Do you remember anything? -How do you feel?

‪- (기자2) 지금 심정이 어떠십니까? ‪- (여자3) 쟤는 어떻게 살았대?

-Do you remember anything? -How do you feel? -How did she survive? -Hey, keep everyone in order!

‪( 소장) ‪현장 통제 똑바로  !

-How did she survive? -Hey, keep everyone in order!

‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다] ‪[사람들이 쑥덕거린다]

-How did she survive? -Hey, keep everyone in order!

‪(남자2) ‪쟤가 술집 하는  아니여?

Isn't she the owner of the bar?

‪(남자3) ‪ 동백이 말이여? ‪[ 문이  닫힌다]

-Dongbaek? -Yes, that's her.

‪(남자2) ‪그래동백이

-Dongbaek? -Yes, that's her. -You're right. -What in the world happened?


-You're right. -What in the world happened?

‪(남자3) ‪이게 무슨 일이여이게?

-You're right. -What in the world happened?

‪(동백) ‪[한숨 쉬며] ‪형사님나는  살아요

Detective, I can't take this. I really can't live like this.

 이렇게는 진짜진짜  살아요

I really can't live like this.

아까는 무슨 ‪텔레비전 기자님도 왔었고요

A news reporter dropped by earlier,

그리고  무당은 나보고

and a fortune teller even offered to perform an exorcism for me

팔자에 살이 꼈다고  굿을 하라는데

and a fortune teller even offered to perform an exorcism for me to get rid of my bad luck.

근데 나는 진짜...

But you see,


I really...


didn't see anything.

무슨 말을 하려 해도

So there's nothing to tell.

 진짜  사람 ‪뒷모습밖에  봤거든요

I just saw him from behind.

‪[한숨 쉬며] ‪그러니까  빼고 잡으세요

Just leave me out of this.

 빼고 잡으실  있잖아요

You can catch him without my help.


Dongbaek, then let me ask you one more thing.

  그거 하나만  묻자

Dongbaek, then let me ask you one more thing.

‪[음산한 음악]

‪( 소장) ‪까불이가  앞에 있었을 

Did the fire sprinkler really turn on

확실히 그때 스프링클러가 ‪터졌다는 거지?

right when he stood in front of you?

증거 인멸하려고 ‪자기가 터트린  아니라

He didn't turn it on to get rid of any evidence?

자기도 터질  모르고 있었다가 ‪토꼈다는  아니여

He really ran away because it turned on all of a sudden?


Is that what happened?

그때  남자가 ‪ 앞에  있었을 

When the guy was standing in front of me,


When the guy was standing in front of me, I heard the fire alarm go off along with the fire sprinkler.

‪(동백) ‪스프링클러 ...

I heard the fire alarm go off along with the fire sprinkler.

 문도  ‪쾅쾅댄  같고그냥...

-And I think someone knocked on the door. -The door?


-And I think someone knocked on the door. -The door?

근데 아무튼  모르겠어요

Yes, but I'm really not sure. Everything happened all of a sudden.

그냥  모든  ‪ 그냥 갑자기  터졌는데...

Yes, but I'm really not sure. Everything happened all of a sudden.

근데  남자가

But he was definitely standing right in front of me.

 앞에  있었던  확실해요

But he was definitely standing right in front of me.

‪[기가  숨소리]

스프링클러가  살렸다

The fire sprinkler saved your life.



‪[의아한 숨소리]


아니근데 대체  그때...

But why did it go off at that exact moment?

‪(동백 방백) ‪근데 세상에 그런 우연이 있을까?

Is that kind of coincidence even possible?

‪( 소장) ‪그때는 천운인지 뭔지가 ‪동백일 살렸지만

Dongbaek managed to live thanks to whatever luck she had back then.

그래도   불안햐

But I'm worried about her.

 동네가 목격자를 아는 판에

The entire neighborhood knew the witness. So there's no way Joker didn't find out.

까불이가 모를 리도 없고 말이여

The entire neighborhood knew the witness. So there's no way Joker didn't find out.

 대단하신 까불이가

So the great Joker stopped murdering people

동백 씨를 만나고  멈췄다는 거죠?

So the great Joker stopped murdering people after he met Dongbaek?

‪[ 소장의 미심쩍은 숨소리]

‪( 소장) ‪모르지

Who knows if he stopped or if he's just taking a break?

멈춘 건지쉬는 건지

Who knows if he stopped or if he's just taking a break?

‪[용식의 깊은 한숨]

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

Anxiety needs to be exterminated.

불안은 싹을 파내야죠

Anxiety needs to be exterminated.

‪(용식) ‪싹을 파내서요

We should find the root, beat it into a pulp,


We should find the root, beat it into a pulp,

화장을 시켜 버려야죠

and burn it to ashes.

‪( 소장) ‪이게  눈깔은   이랴?

What's wrong with your eyes?


I'm not going to leave something uncertain like luck to protect Dongbaek.

천운인지 우연인지 고런 ‪아리송한 거에 동백   맡겨요

I'm not going to leave something uncertain like luck to protect Dongbaek.

‪( 소장) ‪ 눈깔 똑바로  ?

Stop glaring like that.





까불이 잡아 보렵니다

I'm going to catch Joker.

잡아서 알려 줘야죠

I'll catch him and let him know that he messed with the wrong person.

자기가 감히 누구를 건드린 건지

I'll catch him and let him know that he messed with the wrong person.

‪[자동차 경적]

‪(덕순) ‪!

-Hey! -My gosh, you startled me.

‪(용식) ‪아이고아이고아이깜짝...

-Hey! -My gosh, you startled me.

‪(덕순) ‪ 경찰이  무단 횡단 ?

Why did you jaywalk? You're a cop.

‪(용식) ‪엄마!

Mom, what brings you here?

엄마여긴 어쩐 일이야?

Mom, what brings you here?

‪(덕순) ‪어쩐 일은?

I'm here to file a report.

‪-  경찰에 신고하러 간다 ‪-  신고?

I'm here to file a report. -A report for what? -A thief broke into our house.

집에 도둑 들었어!

-A report for what? -A thief broke into our house. What?

‪[의아한 신음] ‪(덕순) ‪국내산 태양초 고춧가루

What? Someone stole an entire bag of red pepper powder.

 포대가 없어졌다고

Someone stole an entire bag of red pepper powder.

내가 아주 그냥?

I'm going to take a look at the security footage

시장통 CCTV라도 까서 ‪ 쌍놈의 도둑놈을 기냥 ...

I'm going to take a look at the security footage -and catch that son of a-- -Mom.

‪- (용식엄마 ‪- (덕순?

-and catch that son of a-- -Mom.

‪- 나여 ‪- 뭐여?

-I took it. -What?

아이내가 동백 씨한테 갖다줬다고 ‪[덕순의 어이없는 신음]

I took it and gave it to Dongbaek.

‪[덕순의 기가  숨소리] ‪(용식) ‪아유엄마

-Mom. -Hey.

‪(덕순) ‪ ‪[용식의 당황한 신음]

-Mom. -Hey. I should file a report. I won't forgive you.

경찰에 신고 넣어

I should file a report. I won't forgive you.

신고 넣어야 돼야!

I should file a report. I won't forgive you. Mom, listen to me.

‪(용식) ‪엄마엄마엄마엄마!

Mom, listen to me.

‪[옅은 한숨]


You see...

아유 이런 얘기 ‪엄마한테 쪽팔려서 하기 싫은디

Gosh, I'm too embarrassed to say this to you.

쪽팔리면 하지 말아!

Then don't say it.


I can't do what you asked and stay away from her for two months.

 달이고 나발이고

I can't do what you asked and stay away from her for two months.


I can't do what you asked and stay away from her for two months.

자중  !

I can't do that!

‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪[성난 신음]

‪[당황해하며] ‪엄마엄마

Gosh, Mom.

이거 엄마엄마!

Mom, stop... My gosh.

그게... ‪[용식의 다급한 신음]

Mom, stop... My gosh.


Mom, you can beat me all you want, but I won't change my mind.

엄마가고걸로 나를 ‪후두려 패도   없고?

Mom, you can beat me all you want, but I won't change my mind.

나를 2 봐도   없고

You can think of me as an immature kid

성들 불러내 갖고 나를 이렇게 ‪조져 버리라 해도 나는 기냥

and hire some guys to beat me into a pulp, but that's still not going to stop me from liking Dongbaek.

 기냥 동백 씨한테 빼박이여!

but that's still not going to stop me from liking Dongbaek.

‪[덕순의 힘주는 신음] ‪[용식의 겁먹은 신음]

, 30 키워  나를 버리고

Are you saying you're going to choose her over your own mother who raised you for 30 years?

동백이를 택일하겄다 ‪그것이여시방?

over your own mother who raised you for 30 years?


Mom, I know what you mean. I know you raised me for 30 years.


Mom, I know what you mean. I know you raised me for 30 years.

엄마 30 맞는디

Mom, I know what you mean. I know you raised me for 30 years.

내가 지금 동백  ‪혼자 내버려 두면?

But if I don't protect Dongbaek,

앞으로  30년은 ‪내가 후회할  같아서 그랴!

I'll regret it for the next 30 years.


Why are you glaring like that again?

눈깔이   이랴?

Why are you glaring like that again?


Mom, I really mean it.

내가 진짜로?

Mom, I really mean it.

‪[가슴을 탁탁 치며] ‪내가 진짜내가 진짜진짜 ‪미안한디?

I'm really sorry to say this.

엄마는 30 동안 ‪나한테  줬잖아?

But you always let me do what I wanted for the past 30 years.

‪(용식) ‪기냥

So let me do what I want again just this once!

기냥 이번에도 ‪기냥  번만  !

So let me do what I want again just this once!

‪[다급한 숨소리]

‪(덕순) ‪[울먹이며] ‪아이고 짐승 같은 놈을

What am I going to do with that darn punk?


What am I going to do with that darn punk?

‪[음산한 음악]

‪[무거운 효과음]

‪[풀벌레 울음]

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪(동백) ‪?

까딱하면 진짜 좋아할 뻔했네

I almost fell for him.

‪[잠금장치가 철커덕거린다]

‪[뛰어오는 발걸음]

‪[용식의 가쁜 숨소리]


I wonder if she got home safely.

집에는  들어가신 건가?

I wonder if she got home safely.

‪[휴대전화 알람음이 들려온다] ‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪[용식의 가쁜 숨소리]

‪[용식의 가쁜 숨소리]

‪[가쁜 숨소리]

‪[부드러운 음악]

‪(동백) ‪요즘  인생이 ‪  어울리게 달달구리했잖아

My life's been like cotton candy, unlike how it usually is. I can't believe you admitted that.

어쩐 일로 바로 인정을 해요?

I can't believe you admitted that.

‪(동백) ‪이제는  땡이니까

It's all over now.

‪(덕순) ‪ 싸가지가 요만큼이다

I'm just not that good of a person.

‪(동백) ‪회장님이 걱정하실 일은 없어요 ‪제가 약속해요

I promise that nothing will happen. You don't need to worry. -Dongbaek. -Don't come here again.

‪(용식) ‪동백 

-Dongbaek. -Don't come here again.

‪(동백) ‪다시 오지 마세요

-Dongbaek. -Don't come here again.

‪(향미) ‪오빠! ‪[향미가 소리친다]


‪(향미) ‪나를 어디라도 들여보내고 싶은 거면

If you want to take me somewhere, how about a motel?

모텔은 어때? ‪[포스 작동음]

If you want to take me somewhere, how about a motel? Should I just kill them all?

‪(자영) ‪진짜  죽여 버릴까?

Should I just kill them all?

‪(용식) ‪제가 어젯밤에 누굴 잡아 왔는데

-I caught someone last night. -Who?

‪( 소장) ‪누굴?

-I caught someone last night. -Who?

‪(규태) ‪ 말을 하다가 말아?

-Why aren't you finishing your sentence? -Let me go.

‪(동백) ‪ 손은 놓고 얘기해요!

-Why aren't you finishing your sentence? -Let me go.

‪(용식) ‪손잡지 말랬지! ‪[용식이 소리친다]

-I told you not to hold her hand. -Yong-sik.

‪(동백) ‪용식 

-I told you not to hold her hand. -Yong-sik.


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