나는 신이다: 신이 배신한 사람들 7
In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal 7
(앵커1) 만민중앙성결교회 신도들이 | Members of Manmin Central Church stormed the building, |
기습적으로 침입해서 | Members of Manmin Central Church stormed the building, |
방송이 일시 중단되는 | temporarily suspending the broadcast in an unprecedented incident. |
사상 초유의 사고가 발생했습니다 | temporarily suspending the broadcast in an unprecedented incident. |
[사이렌이 연신 울린다] | |
[강조하는 효과음] | |
[강조하는 효과음] [신도들의 함성] | |
[신도들의 농성 소리] | The broadcaster! -Must wake up! -Must wake up! |
- (남자) MBC는! - (신도들) MBC는! | -MBC! -MBC! |
- 사람을! - (신도들) 사람을! [연신 농성한다] | -Must respect! -Must respect! |
(앵커2) 만민교회 신도들은 MBC 주조정실에 난입해 | Manmin Central Church followers broke into MBC's main control room, |
방송 테이프를 탈취하고 | stole the videotapes, and stopped the broadcast. |
방송을 중단시켰습니다 [영상 속 신도들의 함성] | stole the videotapes, and stopped the broadcast. |
(TV 속 재록) 누가 그거 하고 싶어서 하나요? | Who would do that because they want to? |
[TV가 지직거린다] | Who would do that because they want to? |
(TV 속 성우) 그들이 숨어 있기 마련… | They'd often be hiding… |
[TV가 지직거린다] | |
검찰과 경찰은 이번 사태를 | The police and prosecutors have determined |
중대한 국가 안보 위해 사건으로 규정하고 | this incident as a major threat to national security. |
(앵커3) 이재록 목사가 신도들을 선동한 혐의가 드러나면 [영상 속 사이렌 소리] | They're planning on arresting Pastor Lee Jae-rock if he's found to have |
구속하기로 했습니다 | instigated his followers. |
[남자가 욕한다] | Fuck! |
(앵커4) 종교 단체의 집단행동 앞에서는 | Facing the religious group's actions, |
방송도 공권력도 무기력하기만 했습니다 | the broadcast and even the authorities were proven to be helpless. |
[지직거리는 잡음] | |
[강조하는 효과음] | |
[연신 강조하는 효과음] | MANMIN CENTRAL CHURCH |
[무거운 음악] | |
[발소리가 울린다] | |
(상일) 아, 그때가 1999년 5월이고 하니까 | It happened in May 1999, so it's been about 22 years. |
한 22년 정도 된 거 같습니다 | It happened in May 1999, so it's been about 22 years. |
[피식 웃으며] 그런 경험을 했던 사람들은 | When you experience something like that, it's pretty hard to forget about it. |
기억이 쉽게 잊히지 않는 거고 | When you experience something like that, it's pretty hard to forget about it. |
굉장히 생생하게 아직도 기억이 나네요 | I can still remember it very vividly. |
[강조하는 효과음] | |
['PD수첩' 시그널 뮤직] | |
(상일) 'PD수첩' 프로그램은 | PD Note is basically a TV program that receives reports from the viewers, |
기본적으로 시청자들의 제보를 받아서 | PD Note is basically a TV program that receives reports from the viewers, |
뭐, 프로그램 아이템을 결정하는 프로그램인데요 | and each program topic is based on one of those reports. |
만민중앙교회 관련된 아이템들이 | We were consistently getting a lot of reports about Manmin Central Church. |
상당히 좀 꾸준히 올라왔었고 | about Manmin Central Church. |
[불안한 음악] | |
저희가 받은 제보 영상이 뭐 | The videos that we received |
이렇게 휠체어 타고 있던 사람이 | would show a person in a wheelchair suddenly standing up and walking. |
(성광) 갑자기 벌떡 일어나서 걷고 [영상 속 떠들썩한 신도들] | would show a person in a wheelchair suddenly standing up and walking. |
장님이 눈을 뜨고 뭐, 이런 | Or a blind person regaining their vision. |
진짜 거짓말처럼 | Or a blind person regaining their vision. It was hard to believe, so I thought, "This must be rigged." |
'조작된 영상 아니야?'라고 할 정도로 | It was hard to believe, so I thought, "This must be rigged." |
봤던 영상들을 제가 직접 참가해 보니까 | But I went there only to find those things in the video |
그런 일이 실제로 일어나고 있었고요 | were actually happening. |
[재록의 설교] [신도들이 호응한다] | |
(성광) 사람들은 다 거기에 또 | And people were actually all reacting to what was going on as a group. |
집단적으로 반응을 하고 있었습니다 | And people were actually all reacting to what was going on as a group. |
그래서 '좀 무섭다' | So I thought it was a bit scary. |
[음산한 음악] | |
[지직거리는 TV 잡음] | You must all understand why believers will be free from illnesses and evil, |
[의미심장한 음악] | just by touching my shadow or me laying a handkerchief on them. |
[재록이 신도에게 말한다] | Why are you sweating so much? There's so much sweat. |
[재록이 기도한다] | |
(재록) 성령의 불로 구원받고… | Be cleansed with the fire of the Holy Spirit. |
[재록이 연신 기도한다] | Be cleansed with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Be cleansed with the fire of the Holy Spirit. |
[신도들의 박수와 노래] [재록이 연신 기도한다] | Be cleansed with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Be cleansed. |
[신도들이 소란스럽다] | |
[신도들의 울음] | |
(사회자) 하여 주시옵소서 | Please, my Lord. |
감사드리옵고 예수 그리스도 이름으로… | Thank you, my Lord, in the name of Jesus… |
[신도들이 울며 호응한다] | |
일반 교회의 탈을 쓴 사이비 단체였고요 | It was basically a cult pretending to be an ordinary church. |
[영상 속 재록의 노래] 이재록 목사는 목사의 탈을 쓴 | Pastor Lee Jae-rock was a con artist in the mask of a pastor. |
사기꾼이었죠 | Pastor Lee Jae-rock was a con artist in the mask of a pastor. |
- (재록) ♪ 아, 지저스 ♪ - (신도들) ♪ 지저스 ♪ | -Jesus! -Jesus! |
- (재록) ♪ 아, 지저스 ♪ - (신도들) ♪ 지저스 ♪ | -Jesus! -Jesus! |
- (재록) ♪ 아, 지저스 ♪ - (신도들) ♪ 지저스 ♪ | -Jesus! -Jesus! |
- (재록) ♪ 아, 지저스 ♪ - (신도들) ♪ 지저스 ♪ | -Jesus! -Jesus! |
- (재록) ♪ 아, 지저스 ♪ - (신도들) ♪ 지저스 ♪ | -Jesus! -Jesus! |
[사회자가 흥을 돋운다] | |
[밝은 음악] (재록) 아버지 하나님 | God, our Father. |
(재록) | Please descend upon us and grace us with your presence on this altar. |
(신도들) 아멘! | Amen! |
[신도들의 박수] | -Do you see that brilliant light? -Amen! |
[신도들이 호응한다] (사회자1) | -Do you see that brilliant light? -Amen! Do you see that the light is brighter than usual? Do you see that shining light? |
[재록이 호응한다] (사회자2) | If you look to Pastor Lee's left, on the screen, you see the white thing, right? On the second-floor balcony, on the left. |
(재록) 예, 예, 예 | you see the white thing, right? On the second-floor balcony, on the left. You can see that an angel has spread its wings, right there. |
(사회자2) | You can see that an angel has spread its wings, right there. |
(재록) 예, 예, 예 | -Amen! -Right. |
(재록) | Oh, my Lord. Got bigger, right? Look at the angel. |
(재록) 영안이 안 열리신 분도 지금 보입니다 [신도들의 박수와 환호성] | You can see it even if you're spiritually blind. |
영안이 안 열리신 분도 지금 볼 수 있어요 [사회자2가 '저기'라고 외친다] | Even those whose spiritual eyes aren't open can see it. |
영안이 안 열리신 분도 지금 볼 수 있어요 | Even those whose spiritual eyes aren't open can see it. |
(재록) | Even those whose spiritual eyes aren't open can see it. All right, everyone, take a good look. We've all been rewarded today. |
[재록이 연신 호응한다] (방송실 관계자) | Excuse me, Pastor Lee. Please hold your mic and stay still, and don't move the hand with the mic in it. |
(방송실 관계자) | -Our camera… -Yes. Our camera number two caught it. |
[신도들의 박수] (방송실 관계자) | On the back of Pastor Lee's hand, there's an eagle and the four living creatures. |
(재록) 예 [신도들의 박수와 환호성] | there's an eagle and the four living creatures. This is real. Please look at the screen. |
(방송실 관계자) 이건 실제입니다 손등을 봐 주세요 | This is real. Please look at the screen. |
(재록) 할렐루야 | Hallelujah. |
[신도들이 연신 환호한다] | |
(재록) 머리 보세요 머리하고 다 빛 보세요 [여신도가 호응한다] | Look at the head. Look at the head and all the light. |
[신도들의 박수와 환호성] | Do you see the crown on the head? |
[신도들이 연신 환호한다] (재록) | Do you see the crown on the head? |
(사회자3) [웃으며] 태산을 넘어 험곡에 가도 | He's in the center of light even if you go to the canyon over the hill. |
빛 가운데로 와 있죠 | He's in the center of light even if you go to the canyon over the hill. |
[신도들의 환호성] (사회자3) [웃으며] | He's the light. He's the light itself. |
이재록 목사가 설교를 할 때 뒤쪽에 이제 빛이 뭐, 보이고 | They were trying to make it look like the light was shining in the back |
천사가 날아오는 거 같은 식으로 하는 건데 | and angels were flying in when Pastor Lee was preaching. |
[숨을 씁 들이켜며] 그거는 다 이렇게 | and angels were flying in when Pastor Lee was preaching. But all those images are all fabricated. |
영상 조작이고 | But all those images are all fabricated. |
그리고 또 이제 그, 사회자라든지 관계자들과 | The host and the people involved planned everything out beforehand. |
이렇게 다 짜고 하는 | The host and the people involved planned everything out beforehand. |
[피식 웃으며] 고스톱 같은… | The host and the people involved planned everything out beforehand. |
참 코미디 같은 일이죠 | It's like a comedy show. |
코미디 같은 일 | It's like a comedy show. |
그런데 코미디인데도 그들은 그게 | Even though it's like a comedy show, |
진짜라고 믿게 되는 거예요 | they start believing that it's real. |
정말 영화를 많이 본 거 같아요, 그 사람은 | Honestly, I think that guy has watched way too many movies. |
저는 기도를 그냥 '아버지 하나님' | When I prayed, I didn't ask for things like, |
뭐, '몇십억 주세요' 그렇게는 간청하지 않았어요 | "Our Father, please give me billions of won." |
'아버지 하나님' | I prayed, "God, our Father, the minimum I need is 40 billion won." |
'최소한이 400억입니다' | I prayed, "God, our Father, the minimum I need is 40 billion won." |
'급한 대로 400억 주셔야 되고' | "I need 40 billion won right away, at the very least." |
'최소가' | "I need 40 billion won right away, at the very least." |
'그리고 못해도 천억 이상' 하다 보니 | "And it should be more than 100 billion won." It was my prayer last week. More than 100 billion won. |
지난주에 기도가 그랬어요 '천억 이상' | It was my prayer last week. More than 100 billion won. |
아, 이번 주에는 바뀌었어요 | My prayer for this week has changed. |
'아버지, 세계 이루려고 하니까 신속하게 이루려고 하니까' | "I'm trying to quickly carry out Your will in all countries." |
'지금 천억 가지고는 안 됩니다 수천억도 안 됩니다' | "A hundred billion isn't enough, nor are hundreds of billions." |
'수조 원 주셔야 됩니다' | "You must give me trillions of won." |
[어두운 음악] | |
(성광) '이재록 목사님이' | I heard that Pastor Lee was using the church's money as he pleases. |
이제 '교회 돈을 마구잡이로 쓰고 있다' | I heard that Pastor Lee was using the church's money as he pleases. |
'한번 도박하러 가면 몇억 원씩 한다' | That when he goes gambling, he uses hundreds of millions of won at a time. |
[어두운 음악] | |
라스베이거스를 갔죠 | He went to Las Vegas. |
와, 베팅 수준이 다른 거예요 | I mean, his bets were on another level. |
(탈퇴자) 홀에 100만 원 갔다가 잃으면 | If he loses a million won on odds, |
또 홀에 200만 원을 가요 | he'll bet two million won on odds again. |
또 잃었잖아요 | If he loses his money again, he'll bet six million on odds. |
그다음에 홀에 600만 원을 가요 | If he loses his money again, he'll bet six million on odds. |
또 잃었잖아요 | If he loses again, |
1,800만 원을 가요 | he'll bet 18 million won. |
또 잃었잖아요 | And if he loses again? |
그럼 2,700만 원의 두 배를 또 가요 | Then he'll bet double the amount of 27 million won again. |
와, 살 떨리더라고요, 나중에는 | It became really nerve-wracking later. |
그 부분이 다름이 아니라 | The thing is, that money actually came from the church members' offerings. |
신도들이 낸 헌금이었다는 거죠 | The thing is, that money actually came from the church members' offerings. |
왜 라스베이거스 뭐 하러 가겠습니까? | Why on earth would I go to Las Vegas? What would be so good about going there? |
뭐가 좋다고 거기 가겠습니까? | Why on earth would I go to Las Vegas? What would be so good about going there? |
어디 가서 편히 쉬고 놀면 되는데 | I could go somewhere to relax and enjoy myself. |
그렇지마는 제 욕심은 며칠 우리에게 시간이 있으니까 | But I went there as I thought, "Since I have a few extra days, |
'내가 좀 재정 좀 해결해야 되겠다' | I'll try to take care of the church finances." |
그러고 갔습니다 | I'll try to take care of the church finances." |
우리 교회 직원들 다 압니다 | All our church staff here know too. |
쉬지도 못하고 놀러 가지도 못하고 | I couldn't take a break or go on vacation. How pathetic is it to just keep sitting in front of that machine? |
그거 기계 앞에서 앉아있다는 게 얼마나 초라합니까? | How pathetic is it to just keep sitting in front of that machine? |
누가 그거 하고 싶어서 하나요? | Who would do that because they want to? |
[불안한 음악] | |
(성광) 가장 저희가 중요하게 생각했던 부분이 이제 | What concerned us the most was |
'성폭행이나 추행이나 이렇게 성 관련' | that many female followers were victims of sexual abuse, |
'피해 입은 여신도들이 많다' | such as sexual harassment or assault. |
저희가 만난 피해자들은 한 서너 명 정도 있었고요 | There were three or four victims that we met. |
그런 일이 일어났던 장소가 어디냐 | We asked them where it had happened. |
(성광) 아방궁이라는 곳이 있었어요 | There was a place called "Epang Palace." |
그들의 말로는 뭐 천국이라고 하는 곳이었는데 | And apparently, they called the place "Heaven." |
(여자) 넌 저곳이 뭐 하는 곳인지 아냐고 | He asked if I knew about the place. |
이것은 에덴동산이라고 하면서 | He said it was the Garden of Eden, |
[새가 지저귀는 효과음] 처음부터 옷을 벗었기 때문에 흉이 되지 않고 | and it wasn't hideous to be naked there. |
악이 없고 죄가 없다고 하면서 | He also said there is no evil or sin, |
자연스럽게 뭐, 입맞춤을 한다거나 가슴을 만진다거나 | as he casually did things like kissing or touching breasts. |
본인이 직접 시범을 모든 것을 먼저 합니다 | He was always the first to demonstrate everything himself. |
자기가 성기를 애무를 하더니 | He fondled his genitals and told us to all try it too. |
너희들도 한 번씩 하라 그러면서 | He fondled his genitals and told us to all try it too. |
그, 이재록 목사의 반론을 듣기 위해서 | To hear Pastor Lee's side of the story, we tried many times to see him and eventually went to visit him. |
여러 번 시도를 하다가 찾아간 적이 있어요 | we tried many times to see him and eventually went to visit him. |
(상일) 이재록 목사 집을 찾아간 적이 있는데 | We actually went to Pastor Lee's house. |
[영상 속 미심쩍은 음악] | Pastor Lee has his yearly schedule all planned out. |
(이 목사 측근) | Actually, some schedules are planned over two years. |
- (상일) - (이 목사 측근) | We are here because Pastor Lee is involved. Even if he is, we still need enough time. We gave you plenty of time-- |
- (상일) - (이 목사 측근) | We gave you plenty of time-- One week is not enough for us, let alone a month. |
그, 갑자기 이제 그쪽에서도 카메라를 들고 와서 | They suddenly got these cameras and started filming us too. |
[웃으며] 찍는 거예요, 그래서 | They suddenly got these cameras and started filming us too. |
(성광) 저희 카메라 팀에서 가지고 간 카메라보다 | They brought equipment and cameras that were even better than ours. |
더 좋은 카메라와 장비들을 가지고 | They brought equipment and cameras that were even better than ours. |
저희를 거꾸로 역으로 취재를 하면서 | Then they started interviewing us instead |
당신들 다 찍어서 제보하겠다고 | and said they would film and report us. |
[강조하는 효과음] [무거운 음악] | 1999 THE MBC RAID |
만민중앙교회를 취재하는 동안 한 달 내내 | We kept on getting complaint calls for the entire month of preparing the Manmin Central Church story. |
계속 항의 전화가 계속 왔어요 | of preparing the Manmin Central Church story. |
[전화벨 소리] | |
[통화하는 소리] | Yes, hello? |
- 예, 'PD수첩'입니다 - (남자) 예 | Yes, you've called PD Note. |
그러니까 일반적인 업무를 | The sheer volume of the complaint calls |
교양국 내에서 볼 수 없을 정도로 항의 전화가 많이 왔고요 | The sheer volume of the complaint calls were so high that we couldn't do our daily work. |
가족들에 대한 협박 내지는 | They were threatening our families or trying to intimidate us. |
뭐, 위협, 이런 거였거든요 | They were threatening our families or trying to intimidate us. |
아, '네 남편이 우리 교회를 괜히 음해를 한다' | "Your husband is slandering my church for no reason." |
'너희들은 거기에 따른 하나님의 벌을 받는다' | "You all will receive the Lord's punishment for that." |
거짓 자들을 소문을 퍼트리는 거를 믿고 | They believe in the rumors that are being spread by those liars. |
이단 정죄하려고 하고 | They're trying to label us as a cult. |
언론까지, 이렇게 방송까지 | Even the media and broadcast stations |
이렇게 보도를 하고 있으니 도대체 어찌 된 일입니까 | are all reporting on us, so what in the world is going on? |
2주간 부흥 성회가 있던 주간이었는데 | It was when the two-week revival meetings took place. |
(탈퇴자) 부흥 성회 기간이었기 때문에 화요일이어도 | Because of the meetings, there were many believers, |
성도들이 많았던 거예요 | even though it was a Tuesday. |
[영상 속 신도들이 소란스럽다] 'MBC에서' | They were told that MBC was doing a report on Manmin Central Church, |
'만민교회 관한 내용의 보도를 한다' | They were told that MBC was doing a report on Manmin Central Church, |
[영상 속 호루라기 소리] '근데 그게 거짓된 보도고 가서 항의, 데모를 해야 된다' | which was false, so they should go and protest. |
교회 차가 준비돼 있으니 거기에 탑승하라고 | That the Church vehicles were outside, so they should get on the vehicles. |
교회 차를 타고, 대형 버스 꽤 많이 동원됐을 거예요 | They were large buses, so I imagine they brought a lot of people. |
(성광) 방송 시간이 11시였는데 | The broadcast time was 11:00 p.m., |
한 40분? | but I think we got the final tape around 10:40 p.m. |
[영상 속 거친 숨소리] 40분 정도에 최종 테이프가 나왔어요, 그래서 | but I think we got the final tape around 10:40 p.m. I was waiting anxiously before receiving the tape around 10:45, |
초조하게 기다리다 45분쯤에 테이프를 받아서 | I was waiting anxiously before receiving the tape around 10:45, |
주조에다 테이프를 넘긴 시각이 50분이었어요 | and I handed it off to the control room around 10:50. |
[신도들의 박수와 노래] | |
(탈퇴자) 구로동에서 MBC까지 시간이 얼마 걸리지 않아서 | It doesn't take that long to get to MBC from Guro-dong. |
도착해서 보니까 MBC, 그때 밖에서인가? | When I got there, I saw people |
이렇게 담 밖으로 이제 모이기 시작하고 있었고 | starting to gather outside the walls around MBC. |
[신도들의 박수와 노래] | |
(성광) 버스를 5, 6대 이상 MBC 앞에 대 놓고 | They had parked at least five or six buses in front of MBC. |
[영상 속 신도들이 연신 노래한다] 버스에서 내려서 한순간에 밀고 들어왔다고 하더라고요 | I heard they got off the buses and stormed in all at once. |
교회 직원들과 함께 이제 쭉 들어왔죠 | They got into the building along with the church employees. |
[신도들의 함성] | |
[신도들이 연신 소란스럽다] | |
['PD수첩' 시그널 뮤직] | |
(성광) 그, 로고가 나가고 광고가 나가고 | The logo and commercial went on air, and the program started. |
본방이 시작됐어요 | The logo and commercial went on air, and the program started. |
[불안한 음악] | |
'와' 소리가 나는 거예요 | Then I heard people yelling. We were on the fourth floor at the time. |
[영상 속 신도들이 소란스럽다] 그 당시 교양국이 4층이었는데 | Then I heard people yelling. We were on the fourth floor at the time. |
4층 복도에서부터 엄청난 함성이 들리는 거예요, 그래서 | I could hear very loud screaming from the fourth-floor hallway. |
'뭐, 무슨 일이지?' 해서 | I took a look because I didn't know what was going on, and all of a sudden, |
쳐다보고 있는데 갑자기 사무실로 | I took a look because I didn't know what was going on, and all of a sudden, |
[영상 속 신도들이 소란스럽다] (성광) 그 정체불명의 남자들이 뛰어들면서 | these strange men ran into the office. |
이제 제 이름이랑 | They were shouting my name and the names of the other producers who worked on it, |
그 당시 같이했던 피디님들 이름을 외치면서 | They were shouting my name and the names of the other producers who worked on it, |
'잡아가' 하는 거예요, 그래서… | yelling, "Get them!" |
그때 저는 이제 집사람한테 전화를 받았죠 | That's when I got a call from my wife. |
'아침부터, 물론 그전에도 왔지만' | She was continuously receiving threatening calls |
'계속 협박 전화가 너무 심하게 온다' | since the morning, even worse than the ones before. |
'무섭다' | She said she was scared. |
제 딸이 그때 유치원 다녔는데 | My daughter was in kindergarten back then, and there were threats against her too. |
애에 대한 협박도 하고 하기 때문에 | My daughter was in kindergarten back then, and there were threats against her too. |
(상일) '지금 다 끝났으면 빨리 왔으면 좋겠다'라고 해서 | My wife asked me to hurry home if I was done with everything. |
저는 엘리베이터를 타고 1층에 와 보니까 | So I took the elevator to the first floor, |
사람들이 꽉 차 있더라고요 | and the place was packed with people. |
[신도들의 위압적인 노래] | and the place was packed with people. |
[신도들의 함성] | |
(상일) 그 흥분한 신도들한테 잡히면 | I honestly thought I might be killed |
솔직한 얘기로 '죽음에 이르지 않을까'라는 | if I got caught by the riled-up believers. |
그런 생각도 들었고 | if I got caught by the riled-up believers. |
(성광) 저 사람들이 제 이름이랑 | They were shouting my name |
뭐, 저랑 같이했던 피디님들 이름을 외치면서 | and the names of the other producers that worked on it, |
사진을 들고 온 거 같더라고요 [영상 속 신도들이 소란스럽다] | and I think they also had photos of us. |
그래서 사람들 찾고 막 하는 소리를 듣고 숨어 있었어요 | I went hiding as I heard them looking for people. |
공포스러웠죠, 진짜… | It was really terrifying. |
'야, 이게 무슨 일인가' 싶었죠 | I was thinking to myself, "What on earth is going on?" |
[신도들의 흥분한 함성] | |
- MBC는! - (신도들) MBC는! | -MBC! -MBC! |
- 사람을! - (신도들) 사람을! | -Must respect! -Must respect! |
- 존중하라! - (신도들) 존중하라! | -People! -People! |
[연신 소란스럽다] | |
(상일) '우리 목자님을' | They were saying anyone slandering their pastor like this is the Devil. |
'이런 식으로 음해하는 세력은 악마다' | They were saying anyone slandering their pastor like this is the Devil. |
굉장히 저 개인도 걱정을 했고 | I was really worried for myself |
남아 있는 제작진도 걱정이 좀 많았죠 | as well as the crew members who were still there. |
(길용) '너 윤 피디 맞는구나' | "You're Yoon, right?" |
뭐, '이 악랄한 놈' 그러더니 | They were going to grab me by my collar after calling me an evil bastard. |
뭐, 멱살 잡고 이러려 그러다가 | They were going to grab me by my collar after calling me an evil bastard. |
방송이 나가니까 | But the show was airing, |
'방송 중단시키자!' 그러더니 '어디야, 어디야' 하더니 | so they yelled, "Let's stop the broadcast. Where is it? Where?" |
뛰어 내려간 거예요, 주조에 | Then they ran to the control room. |
[불안한 음악] '2층의 주조정실이' | They said, "The show is being aired from the control room on the second floor, |
'방송이 송출되는 곳이니까 그걸 막아야 된다' | They said, "The show is being aired from the control room on the second floor, so we need to stop that." That was quite specific and technical. |
상당히 그건 전문적인 얘기였죠 | so we need to stop that." That was quite specific and technical. |
그만큼 이 사람들이 준비를 하고 | That's how well-prepared they were. |
계획적으로 조직적으로 쳐들어왔다 | They planned everything out and stormed in as a group. |
(성광) 주조정실은 국가 안전시설이라 | The control room is a national security facility, |
[영상 속 카드 인식음] 이렇게 몇 개의 안전장치가 돼 있거든요 | The control room is a national security facility, so there are multiple security measures. |
실제 안에서 사람을 확인하고 문을 열어 주게 돼 있어요 | Somebody inside has to verify the person to open the door. |
그러니까 그 문을 부수고 들어갔다는 건 | That's why I don't understand |
저도 사실 이해가 안 갔거든요, 근데… | how they broke through that door. |
[신도들이 소란스럽다] [철문 부서지는 소리] | |
(성광) 주조 문을 부수고 안에 난입을 해서 | They broke the door and got into the control room, |
방송에 나가고 있던 데크에서 테이프를 꺼냈습니다 | where they grabbed the tape that was airing out of the deck. |
[신도들이 연신 소란스럽다] | |
(성광) [어이없이 웃으며] 진짜로 무슨 군사 세력도 아니고 | I thought they were like a militia. |
몇백 명이 방송을 정지시켰다는 거는… | The fact that there were hundreds who stopped the broadcast… |
[저마다 고함친다] | You can't touch that! |
(남자) 아, 조용히 하세요, 진짜! 조용히 하세요! [연신 고성이 오간다] | Be quiet, seriously! Stay quiet. |
(상일) 신도들과 이제 뭐 쉽게 말해 격투를 벌이고 | We basically got into a brawl with the church members. |
이제 그런 와중에 얼룩말이 등장하게 된 거예요 [의미심장한 음악] | And that's when the zebras appeared on the screen. |
[연신 소란스럽다] | |
(TV 속 재록) 그거 기계 앞에서 앉아 있다는 게 | How pathetic is it to just keep sitting in front of that machine? |
얼마나 초라합니까? | How pathetic is it to just keep sitting in front of that machine? |
[사람들의 고함] 누가 그거 하고 싶어서… | Who would do that because… |
[지직거리는 TV 잡음] | |
(TV 속 성우) 그들이 숨어 있기 마련… | They'd often be hiding… |
[지직거리는 잡음] | Who would… They'd… |
(TV 속 성우) 그들이 숨… | They'd… |
저희들 MBC 쪽에서 그거를 방어를 하면 | PD Note would play whenever we managed to protect the tape. |
(상일) 'PD수첩'이 나가고 | PD Note would play whenever we managed to protect the tape. |
[지직거리는 TV 잡음] | |
(상일) 만민교회 신도들이 와서 | Then when Manmin Central Church members pressed the stop button, |
그거를 스톱을 누르면 [영상 속 버튼 조작음] | Then when Manmin Central Church members pressed the stop button, |
얼룩말이 나가고 | the zebras would air. |
[영상 속 사람들의 고함] [피식 웃으며] 다시 또 저희들이 하면은 다시 방송이 나가고 | Then we'd step in again and the show would play. |
이런 식으로 방송이 파행이 됐었고 | That's how the broadcast was disrupted. |
(운철) 'PD수첩' 사건 때에 만민교회가 그걸 보여 줬어요 | During the PD Note incident, Manmin Central Church showed everybody |
'아, 그러니까 이단이라고 불렸구나' | exactly why a religious group would be called a cult and a fake one. |
'아, 이러니까 사이비 종교구나' 라고 인식되는 것이었죠 | exactly why a religious group would be called a cult and a fake one. |
[흥분한 신도들의 박수와 노래] | |
[강조하는 효과음] | 1999 THE MBC RAID |
[불안한 음악] | 1943 THE BIRTH OF LEE JAE-ROCK |
(운철) 이재록 씨는 1943년 | Lee Jae-rock was born in 1943, |
전남 무안에서 3남 3녀의 막내로 태어났습니다 | in Muan, Jeollanam-do, as the youngest of three boys and three girls. |
(주민1) | It was a small house with a thatched roof. |
(피디) 아, 초가집? | Oh, a thatched hut? |
(주민2) | Apparently, they lived in that house over that way. |
[새가 지저귄다] | |
(주민2) | I heard that he was really clever since he was young. |
[강조하는 효과음] | |
[눈길 걷는 발소리] [까마귀 울음] | |
(영상 속 재록) 참으로 가슴 아픈 일이었지요 | It was indeed heartbreaking for me. |
충만하던 성도들이 핍박을 피해 뿔뿔이 흩어지니 | So many faithful believers were scattered in order to escape persecution. |
마치 주의 몸 된 교회가 훼파된 것처럼 보였습니다 | It seemed like the church, the body of Christ, had been destroyed. |
네, 무안만민교회는 이제 만민교회 신자들한테 | To Manmin Central Church members, Muan Manmin Church is considered sacred. |
성지처럼 여겨지는 곳이고 | To Manmin Central Church members, Muan Manmin Church is considered sacred. |
(명준) 그래서 많은 성도들이 매년마다 | That's why a lot of the members visit there every year |
연례행사처럼 성지 순례로 찾는 곳입니다 | as a sort of annual event of pilgrimage. |
[기묘한 음악] | as a sort of annual event of pilgrimage. |
(운철) 고등학교 때까지 평범하게 지내다가 | He served in the army after living an ordinary life until high school. |
군대를 갔다 왔고 | He served in the army after living an ordinary life until high school. |
거기서 지금의 아내를 만나서 결혼하고 | Then, he met and married his current wife. |
슬하에 딸 3명을 낳았습니다 | And they had three daughters. |
그렇게 평범하게 지내던 어느 날 | So he was living an ordinary life. |
몸이 굉장히 많이 아팠다고 그래요 | Then one day, apparently, he got very sick. |
뭐, 각종 질병들 여러 가지 많이 걸려서 | He had all different kinds of diseases. |
거의 뭐, 걸어 다니는 종합병원 뭐, 이 정도로 | There wasn't a part of his body which was healthy, you know. |
[걷는 발소리] | |
(운철) 그렇게 말할 수 없는 고통에 시달리면서 | He suffered unbearable pain for seven years, |
7년 동안 괴로워하다가 | He suffered unbearable pain for seven years, |
친척 누나를 따라서 한 기도원을 가게 됐는데 | then he followed one of his relatives to a house of prayer. There, he experienced "the laying on of hands." |
거기서 안수 기도라는 것을 받고 | There, he experienced "the laying on of hands." |
그 많은 질병들이 다 사라졌다고 합니다 | Apparently, he was completely cured after that. |
그런데 여기서 재밌는 것은 그가 | But the interesting thing here is |
'하나님의 음성을 직접 들었다'라고 한다는 것이죠 | that he claimed he had heard the voice of the Lord. |
다 그의 자서전에 나와 있는 내용입니다 | All of this is in his autobiography. |
'1975년 아침 일찍' | "It was 1975." "I went to the house of prayer on Chilbosan in Suwon one early morning." |
'수원 칠보산 기도원에 올라가서' | "I went to the house of prayer on Chilbosan in Suwon one early morning." |
'담요를 깔고 무릎 꿇어 기도하는 중이었다' | "I laid down a blanket and was praying on my knees." |
'여기서 나는 처음으로 하나님의 음성을 듣게 되었다' | "That's when I first heard God's voice." |
'가는 곳마다 내가 함께하며' | "He said, 'I shall always be with you.'" |
'기사와 표적으로 내가 살아 있음을' | "'You shall be my servant, who tells the world |
'만방에 알리는 내 종이 되리라' | of my existence through wonders and signs.'" |
(운철) 1982년 만민교회를 세우게 됩니다 | In the year 1982, he established Manmin Central Church. |
이때서부터 이재록 씨는 | That's when he decided to start calling himself God. |
이제 스스로 '신이다'라고 하는 길을 걷게 된 것입니다 | That's when he decided to start calling himself God. |
처음에는 만민중앙교회가 크게 이제 부각되지 않았어요 | Initially, Manmin Central Church did not really stand out. |
그러다가 어느 날서부터, 어… | And then, one day, |
매년 5월 둘째 주일 한 주간 동안 이제 | he began these "healing rallies" to cure people of their illnesses, |
아픈 사람을 치료한다고 하는 치유 집회라는 것을 하는데 | for an entire week on the second week of May every year. |
아버지! | Our Father! |
[재록의 기도] [신도들이 소란스럽다] | Our Father! |
[신도들의 박수와 노래] | |
[신도들의 박수와 노래] | |
[영상 속 힘찬 음악] | God gave us wisdom and strength. |
[차분한 음악] 언니를 낳을 당시에 엄마도 혼수상태셨고 | When my older sister was born, my mother was in a coma, |
언니도 잘못돼서 인큐베이터 안에 들어가 있던 때였어요 [영상 속 아기 울음] | and my sister was also in an incubator because something was wrong with her. |
(탈퇴자) 그때 아빠의 여동생분이 | That's when my father's sister said, |
'내가 다니는 교회가 있는데' | "There's this church that I go to." |
'진짜 지푸라기라도 잡는 심정으로 한번 불러서 기도라도 받아 봐라' | "You should ask them to visit and pray for you, as a last resort." |
정말 기적적으로 엄마도 괜찮아지고 | Then, as if by some miracle, my mother got better |
언니도 정상으로 퇴원한 거예요 | and my sister also came home healthy. |
어, 이재록 씨가 기도를 해 주면 | I witnessed a lot of people getting cured as a result of Lee Jae-rock's prayers. |
많은 병자가 낫는 거를 저도 봤어요 | I witnessed a lot of people getting cured as a result of Lee Jae-rock's prayers. |
실제로 5층에서, 우리 떨어진 사람이 있어요 | There was a man who fell from the fifth floor. |
이 갈빗대가 다 부러져 갖고 | He broke all of his ribs, so he was brought there in an ambulance. |
앰뷸런스로 싣고 왔습니다, 이분을 | He broke all of his ribs, so he was brought there in an ambulance. |
(광오) 이재록 씨가 '빛이여, 임하라! 아버지 하나님' | Lee Jae-rock said, "Let there be light," and asked God, |
뭐, 근본의 빛으로 모든 죄악을 몰아내고 | while laying his hand on the man, to drive away all sins with His light |
뭐, 아픈 걸 아물게 해 달라고 안수 기도를 해 주면 | while laying his hand on the man, to drive away all sins with His light and to heal the man. |
이분이 벌떡 일어나서 막 펄떡펄떡 뛰는 거예요 | Then he got to his feet and started jumping around. |
[신도들의 박수와 노래] | |
(탈퇴자) 제가 직접 본 거는 걷지 못하는 사람이 걷는 것들 | I personally saw people who couldn't walk getting to their feet and walking. |
휠체어에 앉아 있던 사람이 나았던 것들 | Also, a person in a wheelchair being cured. |
그리고 병원에서 사형 선고를 받은 | And patients who were told they had stage-three lung or liver cancer, |
폐암 3기라든지, 간암 3기라든지 | And patients who were told they had stage-three lung or liver cancer, |
그랬던 사람들이 낫는 것들 | that they wouldn't live, were cured. |
- (신도1) 할렐루야 - (신도2) 아멘 | -Hallelujah. -Amen. |
(피디) 실제로 나았나요? [영상 속 신도들의 기도] | Were they actually cured? |
(탈퇴자) 네 | Yes. |
(신도들) 아멘 [불안한 음악] | Amen. Many dead came back to life after receiving prayers, |
(재록) 죽은 자가 기도받고 수만이 살아났고 | Many dead came back to life after receiving prayers, |
수많은 사람, 소경이 눈을 뜨고 | those who were blind could see again, mute people spoke, and deaf people heard. |
벙어리가 말하며 귀머거리가 들었고 | those who were blind could see again, mute people spoke, and deaf people heard. |
앉은뱅이 서며 중풍 병자 일어나 뛰어 걸었고 | People got up from their wheelchairs to run and walk, |
기타 수많은 것… | and many others… |
(재록) 여기 너무 사람이 많이 나왔어요, 아버지 하나님 | There are so many people gathered here, God, our Father. |
[영상 속 벅찬 음악] (성우) 마음과 정성을 다해 | Pastor Lee prayed for all the patients with all of his heart. |
전체 환자 기도를 해 주신 당회장님 [영상 속 재록이 기도한다] | Pastor Lee prayed for all the patients with all of his heart. |
기도가 채 끝나지 않았는데도 | Even before his prayers ended, |
치료받은 성도들이 간증을 하기 위해 | the healed believers began to step forward to the podium |
단 앞으로 나오기 시작했고 [영상 속 재록의 기도 소리] | in order to give their testimonies. |
끝날 때까지 함께 역사하겠다 약속 드려요 | He said He'll be with us until the very end. |
(성우) 그 질병이 얼마나 오래되었고 깊은가에 대한 것은 [영상 속 사회자가 말한다] | The duration or severity of the illnesses didn't matter at all. |
전혀 중요치 않았습니다 [영상 속 신도들의 박수] | The duration or severity of the illnesses didn't matter at all. |
[영상 속 사회자가 연신 말한다] 이후에 수련회 때도 치료의 역사는 | The healing powers of God continued even in the retreat afterward. |
계속해서 이어졌습니다 | The healing powers of God continued even in the retreat afterward. |
기독교에서 귀신을 많이 내쫓잖아요 | Exorcism is a common practice in Christianity. |
(탈퇴자) 귀신 들린 사람들이 발악을 하는 거예요 | The people possessed by ghosts were going crazy. |
(신도1) | What am I going to do? |
(사회자) | He prayed for you, right? |
(신도1) [울면서] | My goodness, what am I going to do? |
- (사회자) - (신도1) [울먹이며] | -Stop it! Be quiet. -I have nowhere to go. |
- (사회자) - (신도1) [연신 울면서] | -Get out. He just prayed for you. -I really have nowhere to go. |
(사회자) | What does the evil spirit look like? |
(남자) 말하고 싶지 않답니다 | |
(사회자) | What does that crow inside of you look like? |
[신도2의 옅은 한숨] (사회자) | Say it. |
[통역사가 중국어로 말한다] [신도2의 힘겨운 숨소리] | |
(사회자) 눈 떠, 마주쳐 | Look me in the eyes. |
저분이 기도해 주실 때 소리 지르고 나가 | When he prays for you, scream and leave. |
아버지 하나님 | God, our Father. |
원수 마귀, 더러운 것들 다 물리쳐 주시고 [신도들이 '아멘'을 외친다] | Please drive out the Devil and all foul things. |
(재록) 그 안에 있는 모든 것들 다 물리쳐 주시고 | Drive out everything that's inside of her. |
[신도들이 연신 '아멘'을 외친다] 성령의 불담으로 지켜 주시고 | Protect us with Your Holy Spirit's wall of fire. |
(재록) 너는 너 때가 다 됐으니 이제 나가야 돼, 나가 | It's time for you to leave. Now go. |
[신도들의 박수와 환호성] | |
(사회자) | Hallelujah. We give thanks to the Father for healing her. |
[신도2가 중국어로 말한다] | Hallelujah. We give thanks to the Father for healing her. |
(신도2) [중국어] | I love you, Shepherd. |
(재록) [한국어] | Of course. Live well and stay faithful. |
(운철) 이재록 씨는 1991년 자신이 속했던 교단 | In 1991, Lee Jae-rock was dismissed from his position as pastor at Jesus Korea Sungkyul Church, |
예수교대한성결교회에서 목사 파직을 당했습니다 | from his position as pastor at Jesus Korea Sungkyul Church, the denomination of which he had been a part. |
그러니까 실질적으로는 목사가 아닌 것이죠 | So technically, he's not a pastor. |
마음이 청결한 자는 | The Bible says that you can see God if your heart is pure. |
하나님을 볼 수 있다고 성경이 말씀하는데 | The Bible says that you can see God if your heart is pure. |
왜 하나님을 봤다고 하면 잘못됐다고 하는 것인지요 | So why do people keep saying it's wrong for me to say I've seen God? |
[엄숙한 음악] | 1991 THE DISMISSAL |
(운철) 한국기독교총연합회에서 | The Christian Council of Korea defined him as a heretic. |
이단으로 규정을 받았는데 그 맨 마지막 문장이 | The Christian Council of Korea defined him as a heretic. The very last sentence says, |
'극단적 신비주의 형태의 무서운 이단' | "A terrifying heretic who practices extremist mysticism." |
이라고 규정을 했습니다 | That's how they defined him. |
그런데 그는 오히려 그때서부터 | After that, however, he started |
더욱더 자유롭게 사이비적인 요소들을 늘리면서 | to develop the cult-like elements even more liberally |
자신만의 왕국을 건설하게 되었습니다 | and build his very own kingdom. |
(영상 속 신도1) 아름다운 이들이 모여 있는 이곳에 | Where beautiful ones gather, |
(신도1) | God is looking over us. |
[말 울음] | |
(영상 속 신도2) 새 예루살렘 목자의 성의 주인이신 | Here comes the beautiful one, the glorious shepherd of New Jerusalem. |
아름다운 그분을 모십니다 | Here comes the beautiful one, the glorious shepherd of New Jerusalem. |
[신도들의 박수] | Here comes the beautiful one, the glorious shepherd of New Jerusalem. |
'MBC 사건을 겪으면서 만민이 더 성장하게 됐고' | After the MBC incident, Manmin grew even more |
'더 강하게 결집하게 됐다' | and became even more unified. |
(탈퇴자) 방송국을 습격을 해서 | There were some pastors and deacons |
카메라를 부쉈던 그 목사님들이나 집사님들이 계셨었는데 | who had broken cameras during their raid on the broadcasting station. |
[불안한 음악] | who had broken cameras during their raid on the broadcasting station. |
- 사람을! - (신도들) 사람을! | -Must respect! -Must respect! |
- 존중하라! - (신도들) 존중하라! | -People! -People! |
[저마다 고함친다] | |
거의 영웅 정도로 취급을 받더라고요 | The others treated them almost like heroes. |
그 당시에는 만민교회가 결백하다고 생각을 했죠 | I thought Manmin Central Church was innocent at the time. |
똘똘 뭉쳤죠 | We were bonded even stronger. Even more so. |
오히려 | We were bonded even stronger. Even more so. |
방송이 나가고 나서 | After the show had aired, |
그, 굉장히 집요하고 지속적으로 | they filed lawsuits very persistently and continuously. |
소송을 제기를 했습니다 | they filed lawsuits very persistently and continuously. |
방송 후로 한 6, 7년 정도까지 | For about six or seven years after the broadcast, |
어, 법원에 끌려다니고… | we were pulled into court. |
굉장히 오랜 기간 동안 소송으로 굉장히 괴롭혔었습니다 | They bullied us with those lawsuits for a very long time. |
(문현) MBC가 승소를 했죠 | MBC won the case. But even though MBC won in terms |
뭐, 손해 배상이나 아니면 명예 훼손에 대한 부분들에 대해서 | But even though MBC won in terms |
MBC가 다 이제 승소를 했음에도 불구하고 | of damages and defamation, |
이제 이재록 씨는 | Lee Jae-rock told everybody that MBC lost and Manmin Central Church won. |
'만민중앙교회가 이겼고 MBC가 졌다'라고 이렇게 | Lee Jae-rock told everybody that MBC lost and Manmin Central Church won. |
대대적인 홍보를 했죠 | Lee Jae-rock told everybody that MBC lost and Manmin Central Church won. |
이건 그런데 신도들을 결집시키기 위한 | But I think this was a way for him to unite his church members. |
하나의 수단이 아니었나 | But I think this was a way for him to unite his church members. |
(신도들) 아멘! | Amen. But hearing things like that doesn't make me happy, |
(신도들) 사랑해요! | We love you! |
[영상 속 힘찬 음악] (사회자1) 사랑하는 총대회장님께서 입장하고 계십니다 | Our beloved Pastor Lee is now making his entrance. |
여러분, 힘찬 박수와 환호로 맞이해 주시기 바랍니다! | Everyone, please give him a huge round of applause and cheer as he enters! |
(사회자2) 만국의 보배! | The treasure of all nations! |
만민을 통해, 목자를 통해! | He shall be glorified through all nations and our shepherd! |
영광 받으소서! | He shall be glorified through all nations and our shepherd! |
당회장님께 대하여 경례! | Salute to Pastor Lee! |
만민! | Manmin! |
만민! | Manmin! |
[영상 속 힘찬 음악] | |
(탈퇴자) 만민교회는 행사가 참 많아요 | There are so many events in Manmin Central Church. |
일단 빼놓을 수 없는 것이 중간에 이재록 씨 생일 | One of the most important ones is Lee Jae-rock's birthday. |
한 거의 5억 이상 투자하는 걸로 알고 있어요 | As far as I know, they spend more than 500 million won. |
무대도 화려하게 꾸미고 | With flashy stage decorations, |
외부에서 이제 촬영 업체라든지 전부 다 불러 가지고 | external companies are hired too, including a filming team. |
굉장히 화려하게 합니다 | It's quite a spectacle. |
[힘찬 음악] [신도들의 환호성] | 2017 "CAMPFIRE" |
[경쾌한 음악이 흘러나온다] | 2017 "CAMPFIRE" |
[재록이 노래한다] [신도들의 환호성] | |
[재록이 연신 노래한다] [신도들이 함께 노래한다] | |
[함께 연신 노래한다] | |
[신도들의 환호성] | |
심지어는 뉴욕 | Once, he even preached at Madison Square Garden in New York. |
매디슨 스퀘어 가든에서도 했어요, 성회를 | Once, he even preached at Madison Square Garden in New York. |
(재록) 믿음으로 기도받으시는 여러분 모두에게 | Only if you receive the prayer by faith, I firmly believe |
하나님의 축복이 임할 것입니다 | that God will wonderfully bless you. |
[통역사가 영어로 통역한다] | |
[신도들의 박수] | |
이 시간에 친히 안수하여 주옵소서 | Please lay your hands on the people here. |
(재록) 능력, 능력, 능력 | Power, power. |
[통역사가 영어로 통역한다] | |
할 줄 아는 게 그거밖에 없어요 | That's all he can do. |
그냥 병자 치유해 준다고 쇼를 하는 거 | He puts on a show, pretending he's healing the sick. |
여기서 했던 그대로 가서 만들고 만들고 만들고 해서 | He just reenacted the same thing he was doing here. |
'이재록 씨가 해외에서도 이렇게 인기를 끌고 있고' | Then they would say, "Lee Jae-rock is so popular overseas." |
'해외에서도 이렇게 많은 사람 고쳤다'라고 | "He's healing a lot of people there too." That's how they advertise it in Korea. |
국내에서 홍보하고 | "He's healing a lot of people there too." That's how they advertise it in Korea. |
[힘찬 음악] 가는 곳마다, 여는 곳마다… | Everywhere I go… |
(성우) 당회장님께서 말씀하신 그대로 | Just as Pastor Lee said, |
하나님께서 살아계신 증거가 [영상 속 사회자가 영어로 말한다] | the audience could see proof that God is alive. |
[영상 속 신도들의 탄성] 참석자들의 눈앞에 펼쳐졌고 | the audience could see proof that God is alive. |
[영상 속 재록이 연신 말한다] 놀라운 치료의 역사로 수많은 이들을 깨운 | And at the great assembly in Pakistan in 2000, |
2000 파키스탄 연합대성회 | where he awakened so many with his amazing healing powers, |
[파키스탄인 신도들의 탄성] | |
아버지께서 함께하시는 제단임을 확증했습니다 | he proved that Our Father is with our church. |
'우리 목자님의 권능이 날이 갈수록 커진다' | "Our shepherd's powers are growing day by day." |
[어두운 음악] '그리고 더 대단해진다' '놀라워진다' | "He's becoming even greater, even more amazing." |
조금 더 열정적으로 하면서 | As he was acting more passionately, perhaps he fooled himself of it too. |
자기 스스로 자기 최면을 걸었던 것일 수도 있고 | As he was acting more passionately, perhaps he fooled himself of it too. |
심지어는 | He even said that every single wonder that happened in the world |
세상에 일어나는 모든 신비로운 일들이 | He even said that every single wonder that happened in the world |
다 자기 덕이라고 얘기하는 거예요 | was because of him. |
[탁] 그러니까 예를 들면 | was because of him. So, for example, if there was a rainbow, he'd say that he created it. |
무지개가 떠도 | So, for example, if there was a rainbow, he'd say that he created it. |
'이거는 내가 무지개 한 거야' | So, for example, if there was a rainbow, he'd say that he created it. |
[잔잔한 음악] (남자) | Wow, it's amazing. |
[여자의 웃음] | Wow, it's amazing. |
(남자) [박수 치며] | What a beautiful rainbow. Hallelujah. |
(남자) | It's a perfect rainbow. |
(남자) 목자의 하나님, 감사합니다 | Thank you, my shepherd's Lord! |
아버지, 감사합니다 | Thank you, Father. |
잠자리가 자신의 어깨에 앉는다 | If a dragonfly landed on his shoulder, he said it was because he's God. |
'이거는 내가 신이기 때문이다' | If a dragonfly landed on his shoulder, he said it was because he's God. |
[힘찬 음악] (성우) 한 마리도 아닌 여러 마리가 | Not one, but multiple dragonflies are sitting on multiple parts of the body. |
몸 이곳저곳에 아무렇지 않게 붙어 있습니다 | Not one, but multiple dragonflies are sitting on multiple parts of the body. |
[어두운 음악] 가장 충격적이었던 거는 | What shocked me the most |
허리케인 | was the hurricane. There was this hurricane in the United States, |
그러니까 '미국에 지금 발생한 허리케인이 있는데' | There was this hurricane in the United States, |
'내가 기도를 했더니 허리케인이 물러갔다' | and he claimed that it went away after he prayed. |
초강력 허리케인 '어마'가 210km/h의 강풍을 동반한 채 | The powerful hurricane Irma landed in the United States with strong winds of 210 km/h. |
(앵커) 미 본토에 상륙했습니다 | landed in the United States with strong winds of 210 km/h. |
[영상 속 위태로운 음악] (마크) [영어] | |
(마크) | |
[거센 바람 소리] (마크) | |
[벅찬 음악] (재록) [한국어] | Our Father, God of Hosts. |
(재록) | Your son is praying to you. |
(재록) | Please put this hurricane to rest so that it can disappear. |
(재록) | Please put this hurricane to rest so that it can disappear. |
'갑자기 등급이 약화됐다' | He shows you that the hurricane has been reported to be lowered in its category. |
'이런 발표가 나왔다' 이런 것들을 막 보여 줘요 | He shows you that the hurricane has been reported to be lowered in its category. |
[영상 속 거룩한 음악] (성우) 기도 그대로 토씨 하나 틀리지 않고 | The weather itself obeyed him exactly as he had prayed. |
기압과 기후까지 순종한 것입니다 | The weather itself obeyed him exactly as he had prayed. |
그러니까 뭔가 기후라든가 신비한 자연 현상을 | So, he made it sound like climate change and natural phenomena |
마치 자신의 기도인 것처럼 | So, he made it sound like climate change and natural phenomena |
기도 덕분인 것처럼 '포장을 했다'라는 거죠 | had occurred because of his prayers. |
[새가 지저귄다] | |
[영상 속 힘찬 음악] | |
(성우) 사모함으로 기다린 5월 3일 '영 잔치' 날 | May 3rd is the day of the Spirit's Party we've been longing for. |
(명준) '영 잔치'라 함은 이 사람들이 모여서 | So the Spirit's Party is where people gather |
'하나님이 이 땅에 내려오신다'라고 해서 | because God is supposed to be visiting. |
하나님 임재극을 펼쳤던 그런 때도 있고 | There were times when they even enacted God's visit. |
[신도들의 탄성과 박수] | |
[신도들이 감탄한다] | |
[신도들이 인사한다] | Oh, our Father is about to appear. |
(사회자) 자, 아버지 임재하시려고 하십니다 | Oh, our Father is about to appear. |
[신도들이 웅성거린다] | |
(사회자) 예, 내려오십니다 | Yes. He is descending. |
(남자) 내려오고 계십니다 | He's coming down. |
[영상 속 힘찬 음악] | |
하나님의 임재 쇼 | It was a show to prove God's presence. |
신격화의 극치죠 | It was the epitome of deification. |
그게 뭐, 장난입니까, 그게? | It's a joke. That's what it is. |
하나님 불러서 오라고 하면 오고 | God shows up when He is summoned. |
뭐, 하늘의 영들 불러서 오라 그러면 오고 | God shows up when He is summoned. And the spirits in Heaven also show up. |
그들과 같이, 어 | He'd walk around with them |
(운철) 동행하면서 이것저것 보고 한 거예요 | and look around. |
[벅찬 음악] (사회자1) [울먹이며] | When Pastor Lee starts walking, our God, the Father, will be on his right |
(사회자1) | and Jesus on his left, walking together by his side. |
(사회자2) [벅찬 목소리로] | God says He missed you so much. |
[사회자2의 감격한 웃음] (사회자2) | He's crying right now. |
[서늘한 음악] | |
이재록 목사가 재밌는 거는 | The funny thing about Pastor Lee |
뭔가 주변에 어떤 캐릭터들을 만들어 놓는다는 거예요 | is that he makes these "characters" around him. |
그러니까 자신을 신격화하기 위해서 | He has these supporting actors |
어떤 조연을 두는 거죠 | to deify himself. |
탄탄한 시나리오를 만드는 것처럼 | He surrounds himself with those who speak on his behalf, |
주변에 그런 대언자들을 두는 거죠 | like writing a solid scenario. |
[영상 속 잔잔한 음악] (사회자) | Pastor Lee's eyes and mouth look almost identical to God's. |
(사회자) | His hair is long, and he is surrounded by light. |
(신도1) | He showed me the hand of God, the Father. |
(신도1) | His fingers are thick, and His hands are big. |
(신도2) | The face of God, the Father, resembles the face of Pastor Lee so much. |
(신도2) | I don't think I'll be able to sleep at night. |
[신도들의 웃음] | I don't think I'll be able to sleep at night. |
(신도3) 나를 위해서 | "Because you have given me so many spiritual children, |
(신도3) | "Because you have given me so many spiritual children, |
(신도3) | who know how I feel and who I can share my feelings with." That was the message sent by God. |
(신도3) | He said, "How could I not come given all of this?" |
(신도3) | "How could I turn down such an invitation?" I've heard Him tell me those things. |
(신도3) | I've heard Him tell me those things. |
[불안한 음악] | |
[신도들의 박수] (사회자) 큰 소리로 웃으셨습니다 | We'll begin the feast now. God just laughed loudly. |
네, 주님이 참으로 아름답다고 하시면서요 | Yes, Lord said that you are so beautiful |
여기 있는 모두의 고백으로 | and that He just heard all of your confessions. |
들으셨다고 말씀하셨습니다 이렇게… | and that He just heard all of your confessions. |
(신도들) | Our beloved Father! |
(신도들) | We've been longing to see you so much! |
(신도들) | Thank you. We love you! |
(호기) 삼위일체를 상징하는 어떤 세 자리를 만들어 놓고 | He would get these three chairs to represent the Holy Trinity |
그 한 자리에 자기가 앉는 거죠 | and take a seat in one of them. |
[흥미로운 음악] 그러니까 이거는 정말… | So it was really… |
굉장히 영리한 어떤 퍼포먼스 같은 거 | It was an incredibly clever show. |
그러니까 사람들이 봤을 때는 | People saw two seats for the Father and the Son, |
성부, 성자가 앉아야 할 자리가 있는데 | People saw two seats for the Father and the Son, |
그 옆에 이재록 목사가 앉아 있다 | and Pastor Lee was sitting right next to them. |
그럼 뭐다? | What does that mean? |
자연스럽게 연상되는 거죠 | Naturally, that would lead to a conclusion. |
하나님께서, 뭐 | They would say that God wants to see another Christ. |
'또 한 분의 주를 보고 싶어 하신다' | They would say that God wants to see another Christ. |
뭐, 이런 얘기를 하면은 이재록 씨가 그렇게 얘기하죠 | Lee Jae-rock will say this then. |
'여기서 또 한 분의 주는 저를 지칭하는 거예요' | "Another Christ here is referring to me." |
(이 목사) | "I really want to see our Father in Heaven." |
(이 목사) | "I really want to see our other Christ too." |
(재록) | Does it say, "our other Christ"? -Yes. "The Holy Spirit." -What? |
[재록이 재차 묻고 호응한다] (이 목사) | -Yes. "The Holy Spirit." -What? "I want to meet the Holy Spirit too." |
[재록의 웃음] (이 목사) 네 | "I want to meet the Holy Spirit too." You know, that's referring to me. |
(재록) | You know, that's referring to me. He wants to see me. |
(명준) 만민교회 안에서 | They were always looking for hidden shapes in Manmin Central Church. |
그런 어떤 형상 찾기를 되게 많이 했어요 | They were always looking for hidden shapes in Manmin Central Church. |
가장 대표적인 거는 이제 벽면 | The most notable one was studying the walls. |
벽면에 있는 얼룩 그런 데서 형상 찾기 그런 거? | You know, they were looking for shapes in the smudges on the walls. |
(사회자) 여기에도 계시고요 | He's here too. |
[신도들의 환호성과 박수] | |
(사회자) 여기에도 계시고 [신도들의 탄성] | He's right here too. |
보이시죠? | Can you see it? |
[신도들이 웅성거린다] | |
(사회자) 너무 정확하게 여기 계속해서 있으시고 [신도들의 탄성] | Look, he's clearly right here too. |
예, 여기도 있으시고 여기도 있으시죠, 여기, 여기 [신도들의 박수] | Yes, he's here too. And look, right here. |
- (신도) 아멘! - (신도들) 아멘! | -Amen! -Amen! |
(사회자) 여기도 있으시고 [신도들의 박수와 환호성] | -Amen! -Amen! |
자기 얼굴이 달 위에 떠 있고 | His face would be right on the moon. |
태양 속에 자기의 얼굴이 나타나고 | His face was in the sun too. |
(재록) | You all saw me on the moon before, right? |
(신도들) 아멘! | Amen! |
(재록) | At the last moment, why do you think that God put my face on the moon and the sun? |
[카메라 셔터음] (재록) | why do you think that God put my face on the moon and the sun? |
[카메라 셔터음] (재록) | Just think about it. Why did He? |
[카메라 셔터음] | What kind of person am I |
(재록) 여러분도 보셨죠? | You all saw it too, right? |
[신도들의 박수와 호응] | |
(재록) 천사 날개 쫙 펴고는 [신도들의 박수] | It's an angel spreading its wings. |
저도 찾아보셨어요? | Did you look for me too? |
[신도들이 호응한다] | |
여기에 또 제가 왜 안에 있는지 | You all now know why I'm in this image, |
천사의, 이렇게 날개 안에 있는지 | why you can see me in the wings of the angel. |
이런 거는 이제 여러분들이 아신단 말이에요 | why you can see me in the wings of the angel. |
[신도들이 호응한다] (재록) 제가 어디 있습니까? | -Amen! -Where am I? |
저 천사 안에 제 모습이 뚜렷하게 나와 있지 않습니까? | Isn't my figure clearly inside that angel? |
(신도들) 아멘! | Amen! |
(재록) 보이면 보인다고 해 주세요 | If you can see me, please say so. |
(신도들) 아멘! | Amen! |
[신도들의 박수] | You can clearly see me, right? |
(재록) 제 모습이 너무 뚜렷하게 보이죠? | You can clearly see me, right? |
(신도들) 아멘! | Amen! |
(재록) 아, 왜 목자가 이렇게 있는지 | You know why I'm in there. |
그러니까 왜 이렇게 권능을 이렇게 행해 나가는지 | You know exactly how I have so much power. |
[헛웃음] | |
- 예, 뭐, 끼워 맞추려면 보이죠 - (영상 속 재록) 양쪽의 날개에… | Well, you can see anything if you try to. |
저는 이런 류의 사진을 많이 봤기 때문에 금방 찾아요 | I can find him right away as I've seen so many pictures like this one. |
그러니까 여기서 말하는 이재록 형상이 뭐라… | I know exactly what he means by "the shape of Lee Jae-rock," |
뭐라는 거를 알기 때문에 금방 저는 찾습니다 | I know exactly what he means by "the shape of Lee Jae-rock," so I can find it quickly, which is why it makes me sad. |
그래서 슬퍼요 | so I can find it quickly, which is why it makes me sad. |
[웃음] | so I can find it quickly, which is why it makes me sad. |
[웃으며] 아직도 달을 보면 아직도 보여요 | I still see his face when I look at the moon. |
[차분한 음악] | |
그 문제를 처음으로 듣게 됐던 그날 | I still remember the day |
그날은 제가 기억해요 | when I heard about what happened. |
[탄식] | |
이거요, 믿기지도 않는 얘기예요 | Well, it was just unbelievable. |
'진짜 이런 미친 일이 일어날 수가 있나?' | I was like, "Something like this couldn't happen." |
아, 이게 도저히 어떻게 상상을 하겠어요? | I mean, who could have imagined? |
[어두운 음악] | |
(성피해자1) 속옷을 풀더라고요 | He started unclasping my bra. |
속옷을 푸는데 너무 능수능란해서 깜짝 놀랐어요 | I was surprised because he was so good at it. |
(성피해자2) '정혜 [음 소거 효과음] *지는 누구 거?' | "Who does your ***** belong to, Jeong-hye?" |
그곳을 굉장히 자세히 관찰을 해요 | He examines that "part" very closely. |
그냥 자세히 들여다봐요 | He just keeps staring at it. |
(성피해자3) 관계를 갖는 중에 | While we were having intercourse, |
계속 좋냐고 막 물어봤어요, 나한테 | he kept asking me if it felt good. |
소리를 내라고 계속 그랬어요 | And he kept telling me to moan. |
'좋아? 좋아?' | He was like, "Do you like that? Do you?" |
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