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  이 연애는 불가항력 8

Destined with You 8


  여친한테 따귀 맞았어

Your girlfriend slapped me.

- [애잔한 음악] - 내가 당신한테 꼬리를 쳤대

She said I hit on you.

손잡고 껴안고 키스를 했대우리가

She said we held hands, hugged, and kissed.

내가  걔한테 따귀를 맞아야 되는데?

Why must I get slapped by her?

도대체 무슨 말을 어떻게 했길래!

What the hell did you tell her?


That I'm being swayed.



You must be insane.

그거 진짜 흔들린  아니잖아

You weren't really swayed.

제대로 설명을 했어야지

You should've explained

주술 때문이라고 얘길 하든가

that it was the spell or neural coupling.

뉴럴 커플링 얘길 하든가

that it was the spell or neural coupling.

[홍조아이나한텐 그런 핑계 잘만 늘어놓으면서

You gave me so many excuses.

나연이한텐  그런 말을   거야?

Why didn't you tell Na-yeon any of those?


Because it's true.

[신유당신한테 흔들린 

You swayed me


and are still swaying me.

[기가  숨소리나쁜 새끼


[신유나한테 바라는  뭔데?

What do you want from me?

솔직해지는 ?

You want me to be honest? Fine.


You want me to be honest? Fine.

[부드러운 음악]

[홍조의 놀란 숨소리]

[홍조의 당황한 숨소리]

지금  하는 거예요?

What are you doing?

몰라서 묻는 거야?

Do you really have to ask?


Did you break up

나연이랑 헤어졌어요?

with Na-yeon?

[기가  숨소리]

 지금  갖고 장난치니?

Are you playing with me?

- [감성적인 음악] - [홍조

진짜 대책 없는 나쁜 새끼네

You're a lost cause.

[신유그러는 그쪽은

What about you?

내가 ? - [신유솔직히  보면서

-What about me? -Tell me honestly.

 번도 흔들린  없다고 얘기할  있어?

Can you say you never wavered when you saw me?



 그런  없어

I never did.

[홍조그러니까 당신도 나한테 흔들리지 

So you shouldn't either.

하나도 달갑지 않으니까

It's undesirable.


I'll drive you home.

[떨리는 숨소리]

내가  상황에서  차를 얻어 타면

If I get in your car in this situation,

제정신 아닌 거야

that means I'm out of my mind.

[홍조의 한숨]

남의 사진을 찍어서 유포하는  범죄야

It's a crime to take and spread others' photos.

[기가  숨소리오빠


[나연 지금 변호사 장신유한테 묻고 있는  아니라

I'm not asking Jang Sin-yu, as the lawyer.

남자 친구 장신유한테 묻고 있는 거야

I'm asking Jang Sin-yu, as my boyfriend.

 아무 말이 없어?

Why won't you say anything?

변명이 됐든 뭐가 됐든 뭐라도 말을 해야   아니야

Give me an excuse or anything. Say something.

변명할  없어

There's no excuse to make.

무슨 뜻이야?

What do you mean?


I was swayed.

[잔잔한 음악]

[신유나도 몰랐어

I didn't realize it.

내가 흔들렸는지

I didn't know I wavered.


[나연 번쯤 그럴  있다고 생각해

I think such things can happen

오래 연애하다 보면

in a long-term relationship.

당분간 시청엔  가겠다

I can't go to City Hall for now.

깔끔하게 정리하고 연락해

Wrap it up and call me.

 아무것도 묻지 않을 거야

I won't ask anything.

그냥  정리하고 

Just end it all.

그게 무슨 감정이었든

Whatever the feelings were.


[깊은 한숨]

[부드러운 음악]

[홍조거기서 눈을  감아

Why did you close your eyes?



[한숨따귀를 날려도 모자랄 판에

You should've slapped him.

[홍조의 분한 소리]

[거친 숨소리]

- [홍조의 비명] - [어두운 음악]

- [홍조의 당황한 숨소리] - [나연의 한숨]

[분한 숨소리]


Are you a fool?

그걸 맞고도 가만있게?

You got slapped and stayed still?

절대 이대로  넘어가

I won't let this pass.

[휴대 전화 진동음]

[무거운 음악]


[작게뭐라는 거야

What's this?


[옅은 숨소리]

- [하움 대표의 옅은 숨소리] - [나연의 한숨]

[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]

[나연의 한숨]

[나연 땜에 열받아서 밤새 잠을  잤어

I couldn't sleep because I was mad at you.

때린 놈은  뻗고 잔다던데  그랬어?

They say the offender sleeps well. Why couldn't you?

맞은 너는  잤나 ?

You must've slept well then.

그럴 리가

You think so?

[놀란 숨소리]

[의미심장한 음악]


받은 만큼 돌려주고 싶은데 참는 거야

I want to pay you back, but I'm holding myself back.

너한텐  물도 아까워서

It's a waste of water.


이런  하려고  새벽부터 부른 거야?

Is this why you called me out this early?

그렇게 노려볼 필요 없어

No need to give me that dirty look.

장신유 씨하고 

I called you out to tell you

무슨  있었는지 얘기해 주려고 부른 거니까

about what happened between Sin-yu and me.

[홍조니가 그렇게 목매는  오빠가

It seems like your boyfriend that you love so much

제대로 말을     같아서

didn't tell you the full story.

[차분한 음악]

[휴대 전화 진동음]

[신유잠깐 옥상에서 

Meet me on the rooftop.



I'll come to your office.


[옅은 한숨]

[홍조길고양이 급식소 문제로 자문받을  있었어요

I need your consultation regarding a stray cat feeding station.

그보다 먼저  얘기가 있지 않나?

We have something else to talk about.

  얘기 없어요

No, I don't.

출근길에 나연이 만나서  얘기했거든요

I told Na-yeon everything on my way to work.


About what?

우리가  그러고 다녔는지

Why we did what we did.

[홍조장신유 씨가 주술 때문이었다고  털어놨으면

If you had told her it was due to the spell,

내가 오해받을 일도 없었을 텐데

she wouldn't have gotten it wrong.

사귀는 사이에  그런  비밀로 해요?

Why keep it a secret from your girlfriend?

아아쪽팔려서 차마 얘기할 수가 없었나?

Were you too embarrassed to tell her?

[차분한 음악]

사실대로 얘기한 거야?

Did you tell her the truth?


사실대로  얘기했지만

I told her the truth,

걱정 말아요

but don't worry.

어젯밤 일은   했으니까

I didn't tell her about last night.

어젯밤 일은  얘기하지 않았는데?

Why didn't you tell her about last night?

별일 아니었으니까

It wasn't a big deal.

키스가 별일이 아니었다고?

A kiss isn't a big deal?

그거 되게 신경 쓰이나 본데

It must be bothering you a lot.

 그렇게  막힌 사람 아니에요

But I'm rather open-minded.

[홍조  잊어버리기로 했어요

I decided to get over with it.

살면서 누구나  정도 실수는

Everyone makes

  있는 거니까

such mistakes.


I'm glad that you're nonchalant.

이홍조 씨가 이렇게 아무렇지도 않아 해서

I'm glad that you're nonchalant.

[신유  당신이  일에 너무 많은 의미를 부여할까 

I thought you'd attach too much meaning to it.

엄청 신경이 쓰였지

So I was very bothered.

[홍조신경  쓰셔도 돼요

You shouldn't be.

 아무런 의미도  갖다 붙였으니까

I didn't put any meaning to it.


빨리 자료  주세요

Check the documents fast.

[홍조 지금 외근 나가야 돼서 바빠요

I need to go out for work. I'm in a hurry.

공원에 누가 길고양이 급식소를 설치했어요

Someone set up a feeding station in the park.

급식소가 무단인  알지만

I know it's unauthorized,

 웬만하면 그냥 두고 싶어요

but I want to leave it as is, if possible.

그게 법률적으로 가능한지 검토해 주세요

Please check if that's doable legally.



답변은 되도록 빨리해 주시고요

I would need it as soon as possible.

[홍조앞으로는 휴대폰 말고 반드시

I would need it as soon as possible. Please don't call or text,

사내 이메일이나 사내 메신저로 연락해 주셨으면 좋겠어요

but use the in-house email or messenger to contact me.

[잔잔한 음악]


최대한 빨리 검토해서

Okay. I'll review it at my earliest opportunity

반드시 사내 메일이나 사내 메신저로 연락드리겠습니다

and contact you using the in-house email or messenger.


Is that all?


Yes, thank you.

[ 열리는 소리]

[  닫히는 소리]

의미 부여하면 뭐가 달라지는데?

As if it'd make any difference if I put meaning to it.

[재경의미를 부여하면 달라지죠

As if it'd make any difference if I put meaning to it. It changes a lot of things.

많은 것들이

It changes a lot of things.

내가 그의 이름을 불러 주기 전에는

Before I called her name

그는 다만 하나의 몸짓에 지나지 않았지만

She was merely a moving gesture

내가 그의 이름을 불러 주니까

But when I called her name

그는 나에게로 와서 꽃이 되었잖아요

She came to me and became a flower

이름을 불러 볼게요

Now. I'll call your name.

이홍조 ?


[재경의  들이켜는 소리]

 꽃이 되지 않는 거지?

Why aren't you becoming a flower?

벌써 꽃이어서?

You're already a flower.

[익살스러운 음악]

보좌관님하나도  웃겨요

Mr. Kwon. It's not funny at all.

[재경이 웃으며 되게 웃긴데

I find it funny.

[홍조의 헛웃음]

[홍조재경의 웃음]

 하는 겁니까?

What are you doing?

[신유이홍조  바쁘다 그러지 않았어요?

Didn't you say you were in a hurry?

바빠요 그래도 가려고 했어요

I am. I was going to leave now.

보좌관님 덕분에 엄청 기분 좋아졌어요

I feel much better thanks to you, Mr. Kwon.

- [밝은 음악] - 이만  볼게요

I'll get going now.


Okay. Good luck with your work.

아이지금 이게 중요한  아이고 내가 지금

This isn't important now. I feel like Admiral Yi Sun-sin fighting in the Battle of Hansan Island.

한산도 대첩에 참전하는 이순신 장군의 심정이랄까?

I feel like Admiral Yi Sun-sin fighting in the Battle of Hansan Island.

어떤 작전으로 소개팅에 임해야 되는지

What strategy should I use for the blind date?


Give me some ideas.

아휴소개팅 한번 하시면서 오버하시기는

It's just a blind date. Don't make a big fuss.

'내마소'  있어

It might be LBDOML.

 생애 마지막 소개팅

Last blind date of my life.

[수정그래서 말인데

Speaking of which,

제가  인맥을 총동원해서 알아봤는데

I asked all my friends to find out about her.

그분은 페스코 베지테리언이래요

She's a pesco-vegetarian.

[새별의 호응]


A what?

가금류랑 육류는  먹는 채식주의자요

A vegetarian who doesn't eat poultry or meat.

가금류면 닭이잖아 - [수정

Poultry means chicken. Yes.

[숨을 들이켜며벌써부터  맞는데?

Yes. It sounds bad already.

- [흥미로운 음악] - [새별팀장님정신 차리세요

Mr. Gong. Get a grip.

그러다 평생 모태 솔로로 남는 수가 있어요

You might stay single for the rest of your life.

그러다가 평생 치킨을 잃는  괜찮고?

I could lose chicken for the rest of my life.

그건 소개팅 성공하고 나서 고민해도 되잖아요

You can think about that after the blind date goes well.



1 저녁 메뉴는 해산물 파스타로 하시고요

eat seafood pasta for dinner.

2차는 가볍게 와인 한잔?

For the second round, have a glass of wine.

그러면 3차는

Then the third round…

[수정] 3차는

The third round--

[은영] 3차는 부용재 축제 어때?

How does Buyongjae Fireworks Festival sound?

노래방을 가야지  소리

Karaoke should do…

[은영노래방만 갔다 하면 질질 짜는데

You cry whenever you go to karaoke.

과연 세무과 차승연 씨가 좋아할까?

Will Seung-yeon from the Tax Department like that?

혹시 압니까?

Who knows? She might like sensitive men.

[서구감성이 풍부하다고 좋아할 수도 있지

She might like sensitive men.

우리  팀장은 이렇게 분위기 파악을  한다?

Look at our hopeless team leader.

축제가 코앞인데 어디서 소개팅 회의를 하고 있어?

The festival's near and he wants to talk about his blind date.

축제 회의 아까  끝냈어요

-We finished talking about the festival. -Really?


-We finished talking about the festival. -Really?

낙화봉이   개인데?

How many fireworks do we need?

새별 씨는 회의 중에  자꾸 소개팅 얘기를 꺼내고 그라나?

Why do you keep bringing up this blind date topic in a meeting?

- [익살스러운 효과음] -  그래

Why do you do that?

[카메라 셔터음]

그래도 아주 나쁜 놈은 아니랬어요

He said they weren't so bad.

누나 생각엔 아주 나쁜  같은데?

I think they're very bad.

할아버지가 그랬어요

My grandpa said

[우람진짜 나쁜 놈은

real bad guys would even put pesticide in the cat food.

사료에 농약 섞어 놓을 수도 있다고

real bad guys would even put pesticide in the cat food.

그런 일이 벌어지게  

I won't let that happen.

누나는 아주 늠름하고  잘하는 공무원이니까

I'm a very brave and skilled civil servant.


That doesn't matter.

고양이 죽여도 범인 잡긴 어려울 거예요

Even if they kill cats, it'll be hard to catch them.


-Why? -Look.

[우람여기는 CCTV 사각지대잖아요

-Why? -Look. Here's the blind spot of the CCTV.


 사각지대라는 말도 알아?

You know what a blind spot is?



시간 되면 코코아 한잔할래요?

If you're free, let's have a cup of hot chocolate.

[앙증맞은 효과음]

- [흥미로운 음악] - [우람의 개운한 숨소리]

[우람돌봄 교실 끝나고 집에 가는데

On my way back home after class,

갑자기 지우가  손을 잡는 거예요

Ji-woo suddenly held my hand.

[홍조의 놀란 소리]

[한숨저는 여자 친구 사귈 생각도 없고

I'm not interested in having a girlfriend now.

솔직히 걔는  타입도 아니거든요

And honestly, she's not my type.

[홍조의 호응]

[우람근데 그날부터 계속 잠이  와요

But since that day, I couldn't sleep.

계속 신경 쓰여서

She keeps getting on my mind.

여기서 중요한 

What's important is

손을 잡은 시간이야

how long you two held hands.

얼마나 잡고 있었어?

How long was it?

Let's see.

5 정도?

About five minutes?

[놀란 소리]

[홍조그럼   좋아하는 거네

Hey, that means you like her.

아이싫었으면 바로 뿌리쳐야지  5분을 잡고 있어?

You should've let go immediately if you didn't like her.

그래서 신경 쓰인다는 거예요

That's why she keeps getting on my mind.

당황해서  놓은 건데

I was taken aback, so I couldn't let go. But she might think I liked it.

좋아서 잡고 있었다고 오해할까 

I was taken aback, so I couldn't let go. But she might think I liked it.


[우람 지우처럼    진짜 싫단 말이에요

I really don't like tall girls like Ji-woo.

키가 150 넘어

She's over 150 cm.

우람아이런  입덕 부정기라고 하는 거야

U-ram. You're in denial now.

누굴 좋아하기 시작했는데

You started liking someone, but you don't want to admit it.

인정하기 싫어서 부정하는 시기 - [우람의 개운한 탄성]

You started liking someone, but you don't want to admit it.

상담 잘해 주고 있는  맞아요?

Is this consultation really going fine?

[우람경험도 없으면서

You don't even have experience.

남의 일이라고 쉽게 말하는  아니에요?

Aren't you taking this too lightly?

- [흥미로운 음악] - 그런  아니거든!

I'm not.

나도 생각하면 생각할수록 짜증 

It annoys me to think about it too.

'그때 눈은  감았나'

Why did I close my eyes?

' 바로 밀어내지 못했나'

Why didn't I push him away?

기분이 너무너무 이상한데

It felt so weird,

괜찮은 척해야 

but I needed to act cool.

누나도 입덕 부정기죠?

You're in denial too, right?

나는 아니지

I'm not.

나는 좋아하기 시작해서 인정하기 싫은  아니라

I'm not denying that I don't like him when I do.


I just

좋아하지 않는 거야

don't like him.

[우람이 피식한다]


[나연도대체 뭐야?

What is going on?

뭔데 이거?

What is this?

오빠가 이홍조랑 둘이  이러고 있냐고!

What were you doing with Hong-jo?

[통화 연결음]


- [휴대 전화 진동음] - [민규의 한숨]


Sin-yu? I didn't expect you to call.

혹시 전화번호 하나 추적할  있을까 해서

Can you track down a phone number?

동의 없이 찍은 사진을 제삼자에게 유포했어

They took photos without consent and sent them to a third party.

 전화기 대포 폰일 가능성이 높아

They took photos without consent and sent them to a third party. There's a high chance they used a burner phone.

신고는 했어?

Did you report it?

[신유신고할 수위는 아니고

It's not bad enough to report.

스토커 같아

Seems like a stalker.

심각한 거야?

Is it serious?

혹시  스토커 너한테 붙었어?

Is that stalker stalking you?

[신유그건 아닌  같고

I don't think so.

그냥  아는 사람한테

They're stalking my acquaintance.

[의미심장한 음악]

[홍조그거부터 묻자

Let me ask this first.

장신유 씨가 나에 대해서 무슨 얘길 어떻게  건데?

What did Sin-yu tell you about me?

[피식하며오빤 나한테  얘기   없는데?

He didn't say anything about you.

그럼 다짜고짜 뺨은  때린 건데?

Then why did you suddenly slap me?

 폰으로 사진이 왔어

Someone sent me pictures of you and him together.

너랑 오빠랑 같이 있는 사진

Someone sent me pictures of you and him together.

[나연 앞이랑 공원 그런 데서 같이 있는 

You guys in front of your house, in a park, and so on.


Who sent you those pictures and why?

 그런 사진을 찍어서 너한테 보낸 거야?

Who sent you those pictures and why?

그건 나도 몰라

I don't know either.

사진 받고 전화해 봤는데

I called the sender, but the number didn't exist.

없는 번호였어

I called the sender, but the number didn't exist.

[어이없는 숨소리]


그래도 조심해야겠더라?

You better watch out.

[나연너한테 스토커 붙었을 수도 있잖아

Someone might be stalking you.

[깊은 한숨]



Get in.

[부드러운 음악]

신유하고도  이상 별일 없는 거죠?

You have nothing going on with Sin-yu now, right?

무슨 일이요?

What do you mean?

혹시 주술 얘기  꺼내진 않나

Does he still talk about spells?

이제 정신은 차린 건가

Did he come to his senses now? That's what I wanted to ask.


Did he come to his senses now? That's what I wanted to ask.


I don't know.

왜요 무슨  있었어요?

Why? Did something happen again?

그런  아시죠?

You know the saying,

[홍조] '신경 쓰는 쪽이 지는 거다'

"Whoever cares more, loses."

신경   거예요

I won't care about him.

그렇게 말하니까 나는  신경 쓰이는데요?

You saying that makes me care even more.

연말에는  하세요?

Any plans for the end of this year?

굉장히 가기 싫은 동기 모임이 있어요

I must go to a gathering I don't want to attend.

혹시 같이 갈래요?

Would you come with me?

가기 싫은 동기 모임인데

You don't want to attend it.

 저랑 같이 가요?

So why are you inviting me?

커플 모임이라

It's a gathering for couples.

[감성적인 음악]

아무래도 그런 모임은 

That kind of a gathering is a bit…

지금부터 집까지 가는 동안

From now until we arrive home,

신호에  번도  걸리면 가는 걸로 하고

if all traffic lights stay green, let's go together.

신호에 걸리면 가는 걸로 해요

If any of them turns red, let's go together.

  가는 거잖아요

So either way, I have to go.


That's right.

[재경의 헛기침]

아이 안이  덥지 않아요?

Isn't it a bit hot in here?

[차창 열리는 소리]

- [홍조아니아니아니 - [세찬 바람 소리]



I'm cold.

I see.

[버튼 조작음]

[차창 닫히는 소리]

[ 웃는다]

- [달려오는 발소리] - [여자오빠미안해

[남자 이렇게 늦었어?


- [] - [남자가자

- [부러운 탄성] - 춥지?

[여자아유너무 추워


So envious.

아이나는 뽀뽀   지도백만 

It's been a million years since I last kissed.


아휴근데  인간은 정말  하고 있는 거야!

What on earth is he doing?

아휴 - [휴대 전화 조작음]

- [통화 연결음] - [한숨]

- [신나는 음악이 흐른다] - [휴대 전화 진동음]



도착했어? - [새어 나오는 신나는 음악]

Have you arrived? Where are you?


Have you arrived? Where are you?

아이지금 상황이  좋아

The situation is bleak. We have an issue at the commercial shoot.

CF 현장인데 일이 생겼어

The situation is bleak. We have an issue at the commercial shoot.

무슨 ?

What issue?

혹시 사고 났어?

Is there an accident?

 지금 전화 끊어야 

I need to hang up now.


Mr. Jang.

[신유 김희애 

Yes, Hee-ae. Yes.

Yes, Hee-ae. Yes.

- [통화 종료음] - [헛웃음]

연예인 만나겠다고

Did he stand his wife up

지금 부인 바람맞힌 거니?

to meet a celebrity?


- [잔잔한 음악] - [연인들의 대화 소리]

[카메라 셔터음]


이것도 이혼 사유 아니야?

Isn't this a reason for a divorce?

아주 무섭게 혼을   거야

I'll scold him real bad.


[신유 모의 한숨]


[깊은 한숨]



 혼자 계세요?

Why are you alone?

같이  오셨어요?

Didn't he come with you?



I… got stood up.

근데 욱이 ?

What about you, Wook?

아버지도  행사도 도울 

I'm here to meet my dad and help out with the event.

겸사겸사 왔어요

I'm here to meet my dad and help out with the event.

이리 주세요

Let me carry that.

[신유 아유아니야

It's okay.

 그냥 갈까 생각 

I'm thinking of going back.


나만 혼자여서 너무 뻘쭘해

I'm the only one who came alone, so it feels awkward.

에이혼자는 아니죠

No, you're not alone.

[신유 ?


[감성적인 음악]

 오늘 따듯한 뱅쇼 만들어 왔다

I made some mulled wine today.

[되게 스윗하세요

You're very sweet.

[신유 모의 옅은 웃음]

[신유 모의 한숨]

[신유 아무도 나한테 이렇게  주는 사람이 없으니까

Nobody does this for me.

내가 받고 싶은 

I do for others

내가 받고 싶은 만큼

what I wish others would

 사람한테  주는 거야

do for me.

 원래 정말 사랑이 많은 사람이거든?

I'm someone who's full of love.

그걸 받아 주는 사람이 없어

But there's nobody to receive my love.

그게 [한숨]

That makes me

너무 속상해

so upset.

 기분 이해합니다

I can relate.

 사랑을 듬뿍 받고 싶은데

I want to receive lots of love,

주는 사람이 없어요

but nobody gives it to me.


That's a pity.

[신유 모가 놀라며어머별똥별이다!

Gosh, it's a shooting star.

얼른 소원 빌어

Quick, make a wish.


별을 보면서 비셔야죠

You should look at the star.

맞다 [옅은 웃음]


[쌍둥이자리 유성우예요

It's the Geminids meteor shower.

오늘처럼 많이 떨어지는  10 만이래요

It's been ten years since that many fell.

[신유 모의 탄성]

[신유 정말 아름답다

It's so beautiful.

[성난 숨소리]

[흥미로운 음악]

[신유 뭐야

What is it?

 이렇게 차려입었어?

Why are you all dressed up? Are you going out?

어디 나가게?

Why are you all dressed up? Are you going out?

나가는  아니라 지금 들어온 거야

I'm not going out. I just came back.

[신유 당신 내가  들어왔는데 잠이 ?

How could you sleep when I wasn't even back?

어디서 누구랑  하는지 걱정도  ?

Weren't you worried about what I was doing?

혼자  보고 왔겠지

You must've gone and seen the stars alone.

혼자 아니었어

I wasn't alone.

같이 봤어남자랑!

I saw them together with a man.


Good job.

[신유 아유잘했어잘했어

Good job.

남자랑 같이 있었다는데

I said I was with a man.

질투도  ?

Aren't you jealous?


I am.

당신  상황에서 자면 남편 자격 없는 거야

If you sleep now, you fail as a husband.

진심 이혼 각이야!

I'll really get a divorce!

Sure, do it.

하고 싶은   하세요

Do everything you want.

- [신유 부의  고는 소리] - [기가  숨소리]


[분한 숨소리]

이걸  니가 갖고 왔어?

Why did you bring this?

이홍조 씨가 저한테 버리고 갔어요

She just passed it on to me.

집에 두니까 자꾸 생각나서 싫고

Keeping it at home makes me keep thinking about it.

[신유] 300  건데 그냥 버리기도 그렇고

But it doesn't feel right to throw away a 300-year-old book.

할머니가 알아서 처리하세요

Do whatever you want with it.

이건  주인이 갖고 있어야 

This must be in the owner's hands.

 속아요 [한숨]

You're not fooling me.

주술 같은  없었어요

There were no spells.

잔말 말고 얼른 홍조한테 돌려줘

Just return it to Hong-jo.

[신유돌려줄 수가 없어요

Just return it to Hong-jo. I can't.

만날 수가 없어서

I can't meet her.

[잔잔한 음악]

좋을 때다

How nice.

하나도 좋지 않아요

Nothing's nice.

쓰레기가  기분이에요

I feel like trash.

[신유지저분한  질색인데

I hate messy things.

지금은 제가 지저분하다고요

But I'm a mess now.

사랑이 원래 추접스럽고 찌질하고 그런 거야

Love is always messy and foolish.

누가 사랑이래요?

Who said it was love?

아니나는 너랑 홍조랑

You and Hong-jo's destinies cannot be severed, so--

끊어   없는 운명이라고 하니까

You and Hong-jo's destinies cannot be severed, so--

끊어   없는 운명?

Inseverable destinies?

그딴  없어요

There are no such things.

[신유미친 듯이 설레는 감정만이 사랑인  아니에요

Your heart racing crazily doesn't mean it's love.

그건  그대로 미친 거니까

It just means you're crazy.

누군갈 오래 만났다면

If I dated someone for a long time,

의리를 지키는  맞는 거고

I should stay loyal to her.

혼자 의리 지키는  그거 세상 멍청한 거야

Being loyal alone is the dumbest thing in the world.

그냥 주술서든 목함이든

Both the spell book and the box.

할머니가 알아서 처리하세요

Deal with them as you like.

[은월그렇게 정리하고 싶다면

Do you really want to call it quits?

[의미심장한 음악]

방법은 하나밖에 없어

Then there's only one way.

[자연의 소리가 흘러나온다]

[홍조모든 것은 마음이 일으키는 

Everything depends on your mindset.


It's excruciating!

[흥미로운 음악]

 이러면 니가 지는 거야

No. You'll lose if you do this.

지금  순간에도  자식은  생각 하나도  하고

Even at this moment, he's not thinking about you at all.

하하호호 신나게 데이트하고 있을 수도 있어

He might be just enjoying his date.

그럼 뭐부터 해야 ?

What should I do first?


Delete everything.


[휴대 전화 진동음]




Hello, Eun-wol.

[흥미로운 효과음]


Outside? Why?

[대문 닫히는 소리]

[  닫히는 소리]

이건  의도가 아니었어

I didn't intend this.


I know. Eun-wol told me about it.

할머니한테 얘기 들었어요

I know. Eun-wol told me about it.

 하고 있었어?

What were you doing?

그냥 있었어요

Nothing much.

맨얼굴도 예쁘네

Looks pretty without makeup.

[흥미로운 음악]


What did you say?

맨얼굴이 이뻤다고

Eun-wol looks pretty without makeup.

은월 할머니 맨얼굴

Eun-wol looks pretty without makeup.

미인이시긴 하죠

She is beautiful indeed.

[홍조근데 장신유 씨는

Why did you bother taking that to her?

그걸  굳이 할머니한테 들고 갔어요?

Why did you bother taking that to her?

그냥 혼자 버려도 됐잖아요

You could've just thrown it away.

당신도 그냥 버리기 찜찜해서 나한테 버린 거잖아

Just like you threw it away and didn't give it to me?

근데 목함을 갖고 있으면

She said something would happen if you kept the box.

무슨 사달이 난다는 거예요?

What does she mean?

사달은 벌써   아니야?

Didn't something already happen?

아아만남부터 뽀뽀까지

I see. From the moment we met, to the kiss. It's been a big mess.

총체적인 사달이긴 했지

From the moment we met, to the kiss. It's been a big mess.

[홍조 모든 일의 시작이 장신유  때문인  알죠?

You know it all started because of you, right?

그래서 내가 마지막 책임을 다하러 왔잖아

That's why I'm here to take the final responsibility.

진짜 믿어도 되는 거예요?

Can I really trust you?

원래 있던 자리에 갖다 놓으면

If I put it back to where it was,

모든  정리된다는 ?

will everything be settled?

해서 나쁠  없잖아

There's no harm trying.

그렇게  하면 액운이 닥친다는데

She says misfortune will fall upon us if we don't.

주고 가요 내가 혼자 처리할 테니까

Give me that and leave. I'll do it myself.

반드시 목함이 있었던 바로  자리에 묻으랬어

It has to be the exact spot where the wooden box was found.

이홍조 씨가 알아?

Do you know where it was?

[신유걔가 있던 자리?

Do you know where it was?


[신유거긴 아니야

Not there.

거긴 목함이 자리

That's the wooden box's seat.

[익살스러운 음악]


[옅은 한숨]

[까마귀 울음]


[신유하체는 굼벵이 상체는 미어캣이야?

You walk like a snail and are alert like a meerkat.

[홍조아무리 생각해도 이상하지 않아요?

Isn't it really strange?

연예인 열애설도 아니고

It's not as if we're celebrities.

우리가 뭐라고 사진을 찍어

Why would they take pictures of us?

춥지는 않아?

Aren't you cold?


장신유 씨는  사진  거죠?

Sin-yu. You saw those pictures, right?

무거우면 내가 들까?

Yes. If it's heavy, I'll carry it.


It's okay.

사진 어땠어요?

What were the pictures like?


I was shocked.

우리가 되게 오랜 시간을 같이 있었구나

We've spent a lot of time together.

- [흥미로운 음악] - [홍조?


아니그러니까  말은

What I'm saying is,

[신유오랜 시간 우릴 쫓아다녔구나

they have been following us for a long time.

어떤 의도로 그런 짓을  걸까

What was their intention of doing it?

의문이 생겼다는 거지

I couldn't help but question.

[홍조설마 지금도 찍고 있는  아니겠죠?

Are they taking pictures of us even now?

적어도 지금은 우리 둘뿐이야

There are only two of us for now.

[홍조그걸 어떻게 장담해요?

How can you be sure?

높은 시야를 확보하고 있어서

I can see from a higher place.

[홍조의 헛웃음]

 높았으면서 그전엔   봤대?

You always could, so why didn't you spot them before?

너무 걱정하지 

Don't worry too much.

우리가  이상한 짓을 하고 있는  아니잖아

We're not doing anything strange.

누가 봐도 이상한  맞거든요?

It's strange no matter how you see it.

[홍조] 21세기에

In the 21st century,

주술서  목함 묻겠다고 신당터 가는 ?

two people are going to a shrine to bury a spell book.

[한숨나는 진짜!

I really hope today will be the last day.

오늘이 마지막이었으면 좋겠어요

I really hope today will be the last day.

시청 밖에서 장신유  사적으로 만나는 

I don't want to meet you outside of City Hall

다신 일어나지 않게

I don't want to meet you outside of City Hall unless it's for work.

낙엽낙엽 미끄러워조심해

Watch out. The leaves are slippery.

- [홍조의 놀란 소리] - [우당탕]

[신유아이거봐 조심하랬잖아

See? I told you to watch out.

- [홍조의 신음] - 바지도 흰색인데

You're wearing white pants.

- [홍조의 힘겨운 소리] - 괜찮아?

Are you okay?

조심 - [홍조어떡해요

This is bad.

- [신유미치겠네 - 이거 어떡해요?

What should we do?

- [홍조의 난감한 소리] - [비밀스러운 음악]




[홍조주술서가 하나  있었나 봐요

There must've been another spell book.

[사락 넘기는 소리]


"Black Magic Spell"?

[의미심장한 음악]

이건 누굴 저주할  쓰는 주술인가 봐요

It seems these spells are used to curse someone.

기분이 이상해

It feels strange.

내용이 너무 끔찍해

The content is horrendous.

[사락 넘기는 소리]

상관없잖아어차피 묻을 건데

It doesn't matter. We're going to bury it anyway.

[홍조기억  나요?

Can't you remember?

빨리 내려가고 싶은데

I want to go back down.

원래 그렇게 겁이 많아?

Were you always easily frightened?

[홍조없던 겁도 생기죠

I would get scared even if I wasn't.


It's ominous.

사람 죽이는 비법서 같은  들고 있는데

I'm holding a spell book used to kill people.

[신유그럼 바닥에 내려놔 계속 들고 있지 말고

Then stop carrying it and put it on the ground.

이쯤에 마루가 있었고

The wooden floor was around here.

뒤쪽에 큰방

A big room was at the back.


A door to the side.

 안에 작은방이 있었으니까

There was a small room in it.

[신유의  들이켜는 소리]


It should be here.


Start digging.

묻는  당신이 직접 하랬어

She said you had to bury it yourself.

묻는  내가 할게요

I'll bury it.

파는  그쪽이 해요

You dig.


- [우지끈 소리] - [놀란 소리]

[음산한 음악]

- [놀란 숨소리] - [신유?

- [세찬 바람 소리] - [홍조의 겁먹은 소리]


What is it?

[홍조의 놀란 숨소리]

방금 무슨 소리  들었어요?

Did you hear that just now?

아무 소리도  들렸어

I heard nothing.


That can't be.

[세찬 바람 소리]

[우지끈 소리]

[홍조의 놀란 소리]

[홍조 그래요?

What is it?


Don't look.


What is it?

[홍조뒤에  있어요?

Is there something?

[신유아니아무것도 없어

No. There's nothing.

[홍조뭔데요 그러는데요?

What is it? What's wrong?

- [무거운 효과음] - [홍조의 놀란 소리]

보지 말랬잖아

I told you not to look.


This won't do.

오늘은 그냥 돌아가는  좋겠어

We should just go back today.





Those clothes.


I think they're mine.

[섬뜩한 효과음]


[놀란 소리]

- [무전기 수신음] - [카메라 셔터음]

그러니까 저게 본인 잠옷이라는 거죠?

So those are your pajamas, right?

분실된 지는 한참 됐어요

Yes. It's been long since I lost them.

[홍조빨래 건조대에 널어놨는데 없어졌거든요

I hung them on a drying rack. Then they disappeared.

누가 집에 들어가서 훔쳐 갔을 거라곤

I never thought someone broke into my house and stole them.

생각도  했어요

I never thought someone broke into my house and stole them.

[경찰선생님이게 변호사시니까  아시겠지만

As a lawyer, you must know well.

이런 식으로 저주를 해도 - [카메라 셔터음]

Even if they curse you like this,

법적으로는 처벌할 방법이 없어요이게

it's impossible to punish them by law.

그것보단 절도죄가 심각하죠

Theft is a bigger issue than that.

무단 주거 침입도 확실하고

They clearly trespassed too, and there are signs of stalking.

스토킹 범죄 징후도 보이고

They clearly trespassed too, and there are signs of stalking.


You're right.

[불길한 음악]


아까  인형

That doll from earlier.

우리   저주한  맞죠?

They cursed both of us, right?

 잠깐만 세워 봐요

Pull over.

[홍조흑주술서에서 비슷한 내용을   같은데

I saw something similar in the black magic spell book.

무슨 저주를  건지 확인해 보고 싶어요

I want to check what curse it was.

아까 제대로  봐서

I didn't read it properly.

얼마 전에 검증했잖아

We verified it recently.

검증해서 주술이 없다는 결론이 났고

And we concluded that spells didn't work.

그러니까 저따위 인형으로 겁먹지 

So don't get scared by a doll.

그래도  너무 찜찜해요

Still, I feel uneasy.

저주 같은  없어

Curses don't exist.

무서운  사람이지

People are the scary ones.

저주 인형보다  저주 인형을 만든 사람

The person who made the curse doll, not the curse itself.

여긴 어디예요?

Where are we?

[자동차 알림음]

[달칵 안전띠 소리]

[사장어서 오세요



나보곤 겁먹지 말라더니

You told me not to get scared.

장신유 씨는 되게 겁먹었나 봐요?

You must be very scared.

[신유되게 겁나

Yes, I'm very scared that something might happen to you.

그쪽한테 무슨  생길까 

Yes, I'm very scared that something might happen to you.

[잔잔한 음악]

이거랑 이거랑 이거  주세요

-This, this and this. Give me these three. -Okay.


-This, this and this. Give me these three. -Okay.

[신유도어  비밀번호부터 바꿔

Change your door lock password.

생일이나 전화번호 뒷자리 같은  말고

Don't use your birthday or your phone number.

[신유의  들이켜는 소리]

외출하면서 창문을  잠그면 어떡해!

How can you leave the windows unlocked?

들어가서 잠글게요

I'll lock them later.

[신유 되겠어 그냥 방범 창을 설치해

This won't do. Install some grilles.

됐어요그건 내가 알아서 할게요

It's okay. I'll handle it myself.

[신유남자 힘으로 밀면 그냥 밀릴  같은데

A man could easily push this open.

1층에 보좌관님 있잖아요

Mr. Kwon's downstairs.

[홍조무슨  있으면 소리 지를 거고

If something happens, I'll scream.

그럼 금방  주시겠죠

Then he'll come running.

지금처럼 집에 없으면?

What if he's not at home like now?

걱정 마요사실

Don't worry. Actually, I am a yellow belt in taekwondo.

 태권도 노란 띠예요 - [익살스러운 효과음]

Actually, I am a yellow belt in taekwondo.

그건 학원 등록만 하면 주는  아니야?

Isn't that the belt you get when you sign up?

그건   - [신유그래서

Isn't that the belt you get when you sign up? -That's a white belt. -So?

노란 띠로 지금 본인을 지킬  있다고 생각하는 거야?

Do you think you can protect yourself with that?

장신유 씨가   스프레이랑 전기 충격기도 있잖아요

I have the spray and the stun gun you bought for me.

같이 있어 줄까?

Should I stay with you?

[잔잔한 음악]


It's okay.


Are you sure?

 이대로 가도 괜찮겠어?

Is it fine for me to leave?



What now?

사적으론 신경 쓰지 말란 거야?

I shouldn't care for you personally?




Thank you for today.

[신유그렇게 고마우면

If you're that grateful…


let's go on a date.

[부드러운 음악]

[대문 닫히는 소리]

 그렇게까지 티를 내야겠어?

Must you make it so obvious?

우린 이렇게까지 해야겠죠?

I guess we must.

허락도 없이 사진을 찍어서 유포하는  범죄고

Taking photos and spreading them without consent are crimes.

[신유 범죄는 나한테도 해당되는 거였어

And I'm a victim of those crimes too.

잠옷은 당신 거였지만

The pajamas were yours,

이름에 대못 박힌  나야

but it was my name that was nailed.

그래도 사건 접수 했으니까 마냥 기다릴까?

Should we just wait since we filed a report?

몹시 불편하고 찜찜한 주말 보내면서?

Having a very uncomfortable and uneasy weekend?

나도 집에 있긴 싫었어요

I didn't want to stay at home either.

실은 집에 있는 것도 불안하고

Actually, staying at home doesn't feel safe.


You did well.


Let's go.

[부드러운 음악이 흐른다]

[다가오는 발소리]

- [ 내려놓는 소리] - [놀란 숨소리]

[종업원맛있게 드세요



Thank you.

여기 공들여 예약한 맛집이야

It was hard to make a reservation here.

그런  같아요맛있어요

I can tell. The food is good.

당신 아직 먹지도 않았어

You haven't even started eating yet.

[신유긴장 풀어



잠은  잤어?

Did you get some sleep?



[홍조밤엔  잤고 낮엔  졸았어요

I couldn't sleep, and I nodded off this afternoon.

내가 생각을  봤는데요

I gave it some thought.

가장 유력한 용의자는 화원 사장님인  같아요

I think the prime suspect is the garden owner.

 용의선상엔 권재경도 있어

Jae-gyeong's on my list of suspects too.

[신유잠옷을 훔치기에 가장 용이하잖아

It's easy for him to steal your pajamas.

우리랑 동선도 묘하게 많이 겹쳤고

We came across each other quite often too.

보좌관님은 그럴 사람 아니에요

He's not someone who would do that.

덮머 봤어요?

With his hair down,

[홍조얼마나 귀엽고 순한 인상인데

he looks very cute and docile.

덮머 하면 나도 귀엽고 순해 보여

I look cute and docile with my hair down too.


Like now.


요샌 혼밥  ?

Do you still eat alone?

선배들이  챙겨 줘요

No. My seniors take good care of me.


 장신유  덕분이에요

It's all thanks to you.

[홍조불쌍해 보였나 봐요

I must've looked pitiful.

내가 장신유 씨한테 찝쩍대다가 차인  알거든요

They think I hit on you and then was turned down.

우리는 같은 동병상련이라면서

They said we were in the same boat.

술도  줬어요

They even bought me drinks.


They even bought me drinks.


Then this one's on you.

 덕에 왕따 벗어났으니까

You're not an outcast anymore, thanks to me.


Come on.

건설사 사장 아들에  부자에

You're the son of a construction company owner,

[홍조] '조선왕조실록' 이름 실린 조상이 있는

have lots of land, and have an ancestor mentioned in Joseon Dynasty Records.

대대로 있는 집안 아들이 이럴 거예요?

have lots of land, and have an ancestor mentioned in Joseon Dynasty Records. Don't do this.

나에 대해서 아는  많네?

You know a lot about me.

나는 이홍조 씨에 대해서 아는  별로 없는데

I don't know much about you.

[차분한 음악]


다른 가족은 없어?

Do you have other family members? Mom, aunt, or uncle?

[신유엄마나 이모나 삼촌

Do you have other family members? Mom, aunt, or uncle?

엄마는  낳고 얼마  돼서 돌아가셨고

My mom passed away soon after she gave birth to me.

아빠는 외동이라 별다른 친척이 없어요

My dad was an only child, so I don't have any relatives.

[홍조의 쓸쓸한 웃음]

 이제 초코파이보다 조금 나은 사람이  건가?

Have I now passed the "friend you share snacks with" level?

친한 사람 아니면 자기 얘기  한다면서?

You said you don't talk about yourself to strangers.

[홍조의 헛기침]

[홍조백주술도  먹혔으니까

Since white magic didn't work, black magic won't as well, right?

흑주술도  먹히겠죠?

Since white magic didn't work, black magic won't as well, right?

사실 장신유  이름에 해코지해 놓은 

Actually, it bothers me that they nailed your name.

마음에 걸려요

that they nailed your name.

데스노트도 아닌데

It's not a Death Note.

이름 썼다고 죽기야 하겠어?

I won't die from my name being written there.


Don't worry.

[경쾌한 음악]

[신유뛰지 이홍조  위험하니까

Don't run, Hong-jo. It's dangerous.

[홍조장신유 얼른 와요

Come quickly.

[홍조의 탄성]

[신난 탄성]

장신유  와요?

Sin-yu. Aren't you coming?

[세찬 바람 소리]

바람이 잦아들면 갈게

I'll come when the wind stops.

[어색한 웃음]


Do you need help?


Yes, please.


[신유넘어지지 않게 조심조심해이홍조 

-Be careful. You might fall. -One, two…


-Be careful. You might fall. -One, two…

[홍조신유의 놀란 소리]


[홍조준비 많이 했네요?

You prepared a lot.

[신유데이트처럼 보이는  목적이잖아

Our goal is to make this look like a date.

[홍조아휴인생 진짜 꿀꿀해

Look at my pathetic life.

스토커 잡겠다고 가짜 데이트나 하고 있고

I'm on a fake date to catch a stalker.

그래도 야경은 예뻤어요

Regardless, the night view was nice.

[홍조가  웃는다]

Regardless, the night view was nice.

근데 장신유  진짜 대단한  같아

By the way, I think you're amazing.

뭐가 대단한데?


고소 공포증 있다면서요

You said you had a fear of heights.

[홍조근데 여기  올라갔다  거잖아

Still, you went all the way up there.

 그런  없어

I don't have that fear.

[신유 전반적으로 무서운  없는 사람이야?

I generally don't have any fear.

 항상 '대범하다'

Since I was young, everyone told me I was bold.

이런 얘기만 듣고 살아온 사람이라고내가

Since I was young, everyone told me I was bold.


That's a lie.

키는 이따만해 가지고

You're so tall, but you have tiny guts.

간은 요따만한가 

You're so tall, but you have tiny guts.

[홍조아니벌레도 무서워하고 개도 무서워하고

You're scared of bugs, dogs, and even heights.

높은 데도 무서워하고

You're scared of bugs, dogs, and even heights.

저주 인형은  무서웠어요?

Didn't the curse doll scare you?

밤새 악몽 꾸면서

You might have a nightmare and say,

[애교스럽게] ' 기싱 꿍꼬또이러고 우는  아니에요?

"A ghost appeared in my dream."

[홍조의 웃음]

[차분한 음악]

그런  하지 마요

Don't look at me like that.

 눈이 어땠는데?

How am I looking at you?

사람 헷갈리게 하는 

In a way that makes me confused.

[홍조의 옅은 한숨]

장신유  나한테  그런 거예요?

Sin-yu. Why did you do that?

나랑  하자는 건데요?

What do you want to do with me?

당신은 나랑  하고 싶은데?

What do you want to do with me?

 대답  하고 떠넘겨요?

Why are you pushing it back to me?

[홍조사람 놀리는 것도 아니고

It's as if you're playing with me.

마음 살짝 보여 주고 닫는 

You show a bit of your feelings and hide them.

그래 놓고 ' 어때?' 떠보는 

Then you feel me out.

진짜 비겁해

You're such a coward.

처음엔 애정 성사술 때문에 어쩔  없는 거라고 생각했어

At first, I thought it couldn't be helped because of the Love Spell.

[신유근데 주술이 없대

But spells didn't work.

그럼 정신 차려야 하는 거잖아

Then I need to wake up.




I'm still a mess.

[애잔한 음악]

나도 일시적인 감정 같은  믿고 싶지 않아

I don't want to believe in temporary feelings either.


I really…

정말 그러고 싶지 않은데

I really don't want to.

이홍조 씨를 보고 있으면

But when I look at you…


I can't control myself.

[홍조의 한숨]

You know,

윤나연이랑 친구 아니에요

I'm not friends with Na-yeon.

[홍조잠깐 우정이라고 생각도 했는데

I thought we were for a while,


but I was mistaken.

그치만 남의 남자 뺏는 여잔 되고 싶지 않아요

But I don't want to steal someone else's boyfriend.

그러니까 아무것도 하지 말아요

So don't do anything.

그쪽은 시청 변호사님

You're a City Hall lawyer.

나는 같은 시청에 다니는 공무원

I'm a civil servant of the same City Hall.

우리 그렇게만 있어요

Let's just stay that way.

조금도 가까워지지 말고

Let's not get any closer.

- [신유그대로 있어 - [달칵 안전띠 소리]

Stay right there.

[  닫히는 소리]

고마워요근사한 야경 보여 줘서

Thank you for showing me the great night view.

[감성적인 음악]

끝까지 데이트인 척을 해야 하니까

This needs to look like a real date until the end.


Go in.

  주변  둘러보고 갈게

Go in. I'll check around the house before I leave.

스프레이 줄게요

-Take the spray. -No.


-Take the spray. -No.

그건 당신이 갖고 있어

Keep it with you.


Be careful.


Don't worry.

먼저  볼게요

I'll get going now.

[대문 닫히는 소리]

[도어  조작음]


[다가오는 발소리]

[깊은 한숨]

[신유일찍일찍  다닐  없어요?

Why are you so late?


You weren't

 기다린 거야?

waiting for me, were you?

어디 갔다  거예요어제 집에도 없던데

Where have you been? You weren't home yesterday.

어제도 왔었어?

You were here last night?

어제도  만나러  거야?

To see me?

[무거운 음악]

아니면 아직도 홍조 씨한테 미련을  버린 거야?

Or are you still not over Hong-jo?

일단 어디 갔다 왔는지부터 얘기하죠? [한숨]

Tell me where you've been first.

시장님이랑 2 3 강원도 출장 다녀왔어

I was on a three-day business trip with the mayor.

이제  용건 말해

Now tell me why you're here.

허락을 구해야겠어서

I need your permission.

- [긴장되는 음악] - [  열리는 소리]

- [신유의 한숨] - [  닫히는 소리]

[신유의 긴장한 숨소리]


[드르륵  열리는 소리]

[ 들이켜는 소리]




[오싹한 효과음]

[긴장감 고조되는 음악]

[놀란 숨소리]

[조경사 밤에  사러   아니실 테고

You can't be here to buy flowers at this late hour.

단도직입적으로 물어볼게요

I'll be straightforward.

저기 있던 짚단

The straw that was there.

어디에 쓰셨어요?

What did you use it for?



Gosh, this is unbelievable.

[통화 연결음]

[새별이 흥얼거린다]

선배   봐요

Ms. Yoo. Look at me.

[ 소리를 내며어때요?

How do I look?

자연스러운 스머징

Naturally smudged makeup that makes people want to kiss me.

키스를 부르는 메이크업!

Naturally smudged makeup that makes people want to kiss me.

[앙증맞은 효과음]

튀김 먹고  닦은  같아

Did you not wipe your mouth after eating?

- [익살스러운 음악] - [한숨]

남자가 봤을  다를 수도 있죠

Men might think differently.

 지금 변호사님한테 자문받으러 올라갈 거거든요

I'm going to Mr. Jang for a consultation.

그런다고 넘어오겠냐?

He won't fall for you.


Why not?

1 여자 요새 코빼기도  보이던데

The woman on the first floor is nowhere to be seen recently.

둘이 찢어졌을 수도 있죠

They might've broken up.

영원한 사랑은 없는 거예요

No love lasts forever.



움직이는 거예요



Ms. Son. Can you pass mine to him too?

가는 김에  것도  부탁드릴게요

Ms. Son. Can you pass mine to him too?

길고양이 급식소 문제로 상담했는데

I asked him about the stray cat issue, but he hasn't replied or picked up.

아직까지 답변도 없고 전화도  받아요

I asked him about the stray cat issue, but he hasn't replied or picked up.

그런 부탁!

That kind of a request…

너무 좋다 [웃음] - [흥미로운 음악]

I love it.

홍조 씨가 센스가 있어 - [익살스러운 효과음]

You're thoughtful.

- [홍조… - [새별의  입소리]

갔다 올게

I'm off.


Thank you.

[수정같이  가도 ?

Thank you.


[새별의 한숨]

[수정 벌써 ?

Why are you back already?

변호사님 자리에  계세요

Mr. Jang's not there.

[새별병가 내셨대

He's on sick leave.


-Why? -I wouldn't know about that.

자세한  나도 모르지

-Why? -I wouldn't know about that.

[새별법무팀 기동 씨가 그러던데?

Gi-dong told me that.

 오늘 옷도 새로  입은 건데

I even bought new clothes.

- [차분한 음악] - [수정내일도 입고 

I even bought new clothes. Wear them tomorrow.

어차피 이틀 연달아 입은  변호사님은 모르잖아

He won't know you wore the same clothes two days in a row.

하루 이틀 아니고 [한숨]

He's not gone for a day or two. Gi-dong doesn't know when he'll be back.

언제 복귀하실지도 모르겠대요

He's not gone for a day or two. Gi-dong doesn't know when he'll be back.

[수정어디 많이 아픈가?

Is he very ill?

[새별빨리 나아야  텐데

I hope he gets well soon.

 잘생긴 사람이 아프면 마음이  아파

My heart breaks when a handsome man falls ill.

[서구의 트림]

- [수정? - [서구수정   불렀어

Yes? I didn't call you.

이거 팜플렛 샘플 나왔으니까

The pamphlet's sample is here. Let's check together.

 같이 점검  하자

The pamphlet's sample is here. Let's check together.


Where's Ms. Ma?

[새별근데 이거 벌써 적었어도 되나?

Can we write this already?

미안미안 - [수정

I'm sorry. -Hello. -Where have you been?

[서구어딜 그래 돌아댕기고 있어요?

-Hello. -Where have you been?

축제가 코앞이라 바빠 죽겠구마는

The festival's soon, so we're busy.

도저히  되겠어서 병원 갔다 왔다

I couldn't endure it anymore. -So I went to hospital. -Oh, my.

- [새별어머! - [서구이거  이러노?

-So I went to hospital. -Oh, my. What happened?

[은영세탁기가 수평이  맞는지 자꾸 비집어 나와서

My unbalanced washing machine would keep sticking out.

그거 넣으려다가 손가락 꼈잖아

I sprained a finger while fixing it.


[은영혼자 살기 너무 힘들어

It's so hard living alone.

세탁기도  옮겨

I can't move a washing machine nor my bed alone.

[헛웃음 치며침대도  옮겨

I can't move a washing machine nor my bed alone.

집이 아주 난장판

My house is a mess.

저는 와인 뚜껑  열어서  적도 있잖아요

I cried because I couldn't uncork wine.

[새별] '남친 있으면 열어  텐데'

My boyfriend would've opened it for me if I had one.

 생각 하니까 너무 외롭고

My boyfriend would've opened it for me if I had one. It made me feel so lonely and miserable.


It made me feel so lonely and miserable.

[수정그러고 보니 우리  여기 싱글이네요?

Speaking of which, all of us are single.

우리 팀에 무슨 마라도 꼈나?

Is this team under a curse?


It is.

[익살스러운 음악]


Under a malicious one.

[서구의 웃음]

Under a malicious one.

[수정의 웃음]

[새별아니근데 그래도  끝나는  아니에요?

Won't the curse be lifted soon?

팀장님 오늘 소개팅하시잖아요!

You're going on a blind date today.

- [서구그렇지 - [새별의 탄성]

That's right.


쓸데없는 소리 말고 팜플렛 

Stop your nonsense. Check the pamphlet.

[은영작년에도 오타 있어서 난리   기억  ?

We got in big trouble last year because of a typo.

[홍조여기 오타요

There's a typo here.


Instead of "festival," it's written "testival."

- [홍조] '낙하'라고  있어요 - [수정?

Instead of "festival," it's written "testival."

[그르렁대는 효과음]

초안 누가 썼니?

Who wrote the draft?


I did.

 이따위로  거야?

Are you going to work like this?

[서구수정  잘못 아입니다 이거

It's not her fault.

내가 마지막에 체크를 잘몬해 가지고

I didn't check properly at the end.

[흥미로운 음악]

얼른 연락해서 수정해

-Call them and fix this. -Okay.


-Call them and fix this. -Okay.

[은영소개팅 준비는 그렇게 야무지게 하더니

You're so prepared for the blind date, but your work's a mess.

일은 엉망진창이지아주

You're so prepared for the blind date, but your work's a mess.

[한숨  되게 좋다

You got good eyes.

[서구그래눈이 커서 그런가

Yes. Maybe because she has big eyes.

 찾네 - [수정의 헛웃음]

-Goodness. -Good job.

죄송합니다 - [수정의 한숨]

I'm sorry.

근데 여기 하나  있는데

But there's one more.

아따 - [익살스러운 효과음]

Come on.

[기동들어가 보겠습니다



- [무거운 음악] - [재경 니가

Why do you want

 집에 CCTV 달겠다는 거야?

to set up a CCTV at my house?

누군가 이홍조  집에서 옷을 훔쳐 갔어요

Someone stole Hong-jo's clothes from her house.

다시  그런 일이 생길까  걱정이 돼서

I'm worried about it happening again.


Are you suspecting me?

그래서 어디 갔다 왔는지 확인한 거야?

So you asked where I've been?

그렇게 들렸으면 그런 거고

If it sounded like that, I guess that's true.


CCTV 다는  허락  하겠다

I can't let you set up a CCTV.

그런  필요하다면 내가 알아서 할게

If we need one, I'll set it up myself.


If we need one, I'll set it up myself. Stay out of it.



[홍조예쁘게  나왔네요

It looks pretty.

고생하셨습니다 - [사장의 웃음]

Thank you for your hard work.

[사장안내판은 내일 오후에 나올 겁니다

The signboard will be done tomorrow afternoon.

설치하고 나면 연락드릴게요

I'll call you when it's up.

 보고서용으로 사진  찍을게요

Okay. I'll take pictures for my report.

[사장의 옅은 웃음]

[카메라 셔터음]

- [카메라 셔터음] - 멋있다

It's cool.

[옅은 웃음]

- [카메라 셔터음] - [바람 소리]

[어두운 음악]


[홍조조명이  꺼졌죠?

What? Why are the lights off?

축제 당일날도 이러면  돼요사장님

This shouldn't happen during the festival, sir.







[당황한 숨소리]


- [휴대 전화 진동음] - [한숨]




[남자의 숨소리]

여보세요… - [통화 종료음]


[신유 용의선상엔 권재경도 있어

Jae-gyeong's on my list of suspects too.

그리고 동선도

We came across each other quite often too.

묘하게 우리랑 많이 겹쳤고

We came across each other quite often too.


What's happening?

[긴장되는 음악]

[홍조의 한숨]

[홍조의 불안한 소리]

[홍조의 떨리는 숨소리]

[의미심장한 효과음]

[홍조의 가쁜 숨소리]

[섬뜩한 효과음]

[놀란 숨소리]

[휴대 전화 진동음]

[홍조의 떨리는 숨소리]

[스산한 효과음]

- [계속되는 휴대 전화 진동음] - [다급한 숨소리]

[홍조의 아파하는 신음]

[섬뜩한 효과음]

[홍조의 겁먹은 숨소리]

[긴장감 고조되는 음악]

[홍조의 가쁜 숨소리]

[놀란 소리]

[감성적인 음악]

[신유 우리 신유 잘못되는  아니죠?

-Will Sin-yu be fine? -Hong-jo.

[재경이홍조 !

-Will Sin-yu be fine? -Hong-jo.

수면제도 가져왔어요  자는  좋을  같아서

I brought some sleeping pills. You need to sleep soundly.

[홍조저주 인형이 맘에 걸려서요

I'm concerned about the curse doll.


[은월신유가 아픈 

Do you think Sin-yu's sick because of this curse?

 저주 때문이라고 생각하는 거야?

Do you think Sin-yu's sick because of this curse?

[홍조] '반드시 재앙이 일어날 것이니'

"A disaster will happen for sure."

'영과 육이 파괴되리라'

"Your soul and body will be destroyed."

[남자 네게 벌어질 일은   앞도 모르는구나

You know nothing about what will happen to you.


Let's run away.


It doesn't matter where.


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