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  나는 신이다: 신이 배신한 사람들 8

In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal 8


(친구)‬You've never thought it was wrong?
‪(친구)‬-So you're always completely obedient? -Yeah.
‪(신도)‬-So you're always completely obedient? -Yeah.
‪(신도)‬It's not even that weird.
‪(친구)‬Why isn't it weird?
‪(친구)‬Do you have to do everything he says?
‪(친구)‬Like if he asks women to have sex with him?
‪(신도)‬Pastor Lee is God. That makes everything okay.
‪(신도)‬If the Father says it's not a sin, then it's not a sin.
‪(성피해자1) '사랑하면‬ ‪다 하는 거야'‬"Anyone in love would do this."
‪(성피해자2) 신이니까‬Because he's God.
‪(성피해자3) '네 가슴이‬ ‪보고 싶다'‬He said, "I want to see your breasts." Then he asked me to take my clothes off.
‪그러면 옷 벗을 수 있냐고‬He said, "I want to see your breasts." Then he asked me to take my clothes off.
‪(성피해자4) 소리를 내라고‬ ‪계속 그랬어요‬And he kept telling me to moan.
‪(성피해자5) 그곳을 굉장히 자세히‬ ‪관찰을 해요‬He examines that "part" very closely.
‪자세히 들여다봐요‬He just keeps staring at it.
‪(영상 속 재록) 사람 보기‬ ‪흠이 있고 티가 있었다 해도‬Even if people can see my flaws,
‪설령 뭐, 뽀뽀를 했다 해도‬even if I kissed someone,
‪같이 설령 누워 있었다 해도‬and even if I laid next to them, I believe that you will all forgive me.
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[연신 강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[신비로운 음악]‬
‪(성우) 사랑하는 만민의‬ ‪성도 여러분‬Our beloved members of Manmin,
‪[새가 지저귀는 소리]‬
‪목자의 성에 오신 것을‬ ‪환영합니다‬welcome to the castle of the pastor.
‪[경건한 음악]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(성우) 아버지께서는‬ ‪만민의 성도님들을 위해‬For the believers of Manmin, our Father is preparing
‪이토록 아름다운 곳을‬ ‪준비하고 계십니다‬a place as beautiful as this.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪천국은 이제‬ ‪5단계로 되어 있거든요?‬So there are five levels to Heaven.
‪(명준) 그래서 1단계에는‬So, on the first level,
‪낙원이라는 처소에 들어가고‬you enter a place called Paradise.
‪그다음 2단계는 일천층‬The second level is the 1st Kingdom of Heaven.
‪그다음 위에는 이천층‬Above that is the 2nd Kingdom of Heaven.
‪그 위에 삼천층‬The 3rd Kingdom of Heaven next.
‪마지막 이제‬ ‪새예루살렘이 있거든요‬At the very top is New Jerusalem.
‪낙원은 그냥 영원히‬ ‪그냥 풀밭에서 사는 거고요‬In Paradise, you just live in the grass fields forever.
‪일천층에는 아파트가 있고‬There are apartments in the 1st Kingdom.
‪이천층은 단독주택이 주어지고요‬In the 2nd Kingdom, you get to live in a house.
‪삼천층은 성이 주어지고‬In the 3rd Kingdom, you are given a castle.
‪새예루살렘에는‬You get an entire palace in New Jerusalem. That's what they teach you.
‪완전 궁전 같은 성이 주어진다고‬ ‪그렇게 가르쳐요‬You get an entire palace in New Jerusalem. That's what they teach you.
‪[신도들의 박수]‬ ‪(무대 위 신도들) 아버지‬ ‪감사합니다!‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(신도들) 아멘!‬Amen!
‪(재록) 네‬Yes, it's very big. The main castles are as spacious
‪(재록) 뭐, 수백만 평‬ ‪이렇게 된다고 봐야죠, 우선‬as several millions of square meters.
‪거기에 바다도 있고‬ ‪여러분 좋아하는 호수도 있고‬There's an ocean there too and a lake that you all love.
‪[불안한 음악]‬ ‪거기 가기 위한 목적으로 살았었죠‬My goal in life was to end up there.
‪가장 좋은 곳‬The best place?
‪아버지 하나님 보좌가‬ ‪가장 가까운 곳‬The place closest to the Throne of God.
‪믿음의 분량이라고 그러는데‬They called it the Measure of Faith,
‪만민교회에서‬ ‪이용해 먹기 시작한 거예요‬and they started to take advantage of it.
‪(명준) 사람들한테‬ ‪쪽지, 그 종이에다가‬On a piece of paper,
‪'네 믿음의 현주소는 여기다'라고‬they would put a number to your current faith and hand that out.
‪수치화해서 그거를‬ ‪나눠주기 시작해요‬they would put a number to your current faith and hand that out. "Your faith is 30% on the second level."
‪'너는 믿음의 2단계 30%다'‬"Your faith is 30% on the second level."
‪'너는 믿음의 3단계 70%다'‬"Yours is 70% on the third level."
‪그러니까 사람들이‬ ‪그거에 대해서 열광을 하면서도‬So whilst people were going crazy over it,
‪이제 완전 안절부절못하는 거죠‬they were also anxious and tense.
‪믿음의 분량이 높게 나온 사람들은‬People who get a high Measure of Faith
‪스타가 돼서 이제‬ ‪계속 고속 승진 하는 거고‬become celebrities and breeze through the ranks.
‪믿음의 분량이 안 나온 사람들은‬But those who get a low Measure fall behind the others.
‪완전 도태돼 가지고‬ ‪그렇게 뒤처지는 거고‬ ‪[영상 속 탄식 소리]‬But those who get a low Measure fall behind the others.
‪믿음의 분량을 받기 위해서‬ ‪굉장히 혈안이 돼 가지고‬I became so desperate to get a higher Measure of Faith.
‪그때부터 정말 더 많이 심고‬So I started to sow more, give more, and invest more.
‪더 많이 바치고 투자하고‬ ‪노력했습니다‬ ‪[영상 속 신도1의 한숨]‬So I started to sow more, give more, and invest more.
‪(신도2) '오, 예!'‬Yes!
‪[피식 웃으며] 저는…‬I think I got to three percent on the fourth level.
‪4단계 3%까지 갔던 거 같습니다‬I think I got to three percent on the fourth level.
‪(탈퇴자) 3단계 이제 뭐, 40% 정도‬ ‪이렇게 받았습니다‬I was around 40% on the third level.
‪저는 3단계‬I was on the third level with 60-point-something percent.
‪60점 몇 프로라고 주더군요‬I was on the third level with 60-point-something percent.
‪최소한 이제 3단계 60%라는 게‬You were said to be on "the rock" if you were over 60% on the third level.
‪만민중앙교회에서 이제 반석‬if you were over 60% on the third level.
‪아, 저는 뭐, 일찍 받았습니다‬I got there pretty early.
‪솔직히 얘기해서 일찍 받았는데‬ ‪너무 좋은 거예요‬I got there early, so I was very happy.
‪한 800등은 했던 거 같아요, 제가‬I think I was around 800th place or something,
‪한 만, 한 오천 명 중에서‬out of 15,000 people.
‪천국 서열이에요, 요게‬It was like your rank in Heaven.
‪800등이면‬ ‪어마어마한 서열이었습니다‬So 800th place was a very impressive rank.
‪(영상 속 재록) 어느 분은 이제‬ ‪반석에 못 들어온 분들‬If you never climbed up to "the rock,"
‪몇 년 동안 말씀도 못 받은 분들‬if you never received a single word for years,
‪얼굴을 알 만한데도 못 받은 분들‬if you never received the Measure for a long time,
‪못 받았으면 이유가 있는 거고요‬there's a reason why you haven't made it yet.
‪그걸, 그걸 깨우쳐야죠‬You need to find out the reason.
‪돌이켜 생각해 보니까‬ ‪믿음의 분량은‬Looking back, people who paid a lot got a good Measure of Faith,
‪돈 많이 내는 사람은 잘 나오고‬Looking back, people who paid a lot got a good Measure of Faith,
‪돈 안 내는 사람은 안 나왔어요‬and those who didn't pay a lot didn't.
‪이거 제가 느낀 결론입니다‬That's the conclusion I've come to.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(영상 속 재록) 금번 설교는‬ ‪사실 지옥 설교의‬In a way, you could say this sermon is actually a continuation of the sermon on Hell.
‪연장선상에 있다고‬ ‪할 수가 있습니다‬is actually a continuation of the sermon on Hell.
‪십일조와 헌물을 하지 않을 때‬If you don't pay your tithe and offerings,
‪하나님의 저주가 임한다는 것을‬ ‪여러분 아셔야 됩니다‬you must know that God will place a curse upon you.
‪(신도들) 아멘‬Amen.
‪저는 너무 많이 봅니다‬I see it way too often.
‪그래서 제가‬ ‪'교통사고를 뭐, 당했다'‬See, if someone gets into a car crash
‪'그런데 뭐, 뼈가 막‬ ‪부러져 버리고 깨졌다'라든가‬and breaks and shatters their bones
‪아니면 '뇌출혈‬ ‪뇌에 뭐, 출혈을 당했다'‬or suffers a brain hemorrhage,
‪그거 백발백중이에요‬ ‪답은 뻔한 거니까‬it's always the same answer. It's obvious.
‪아니, 온전한 십일조 안 했죠?‬They didn't pay proper tithes, right?
‪[신도들이 경건하게 노래한다]‬
‪(탈퇴자) 감사 헌금‬An offering of thanks, sanctuary-building offering,
‪건축 헌금‬An offering of thanks, sanctuary-building offering,
‪구제 헌금‬charity offering, special offering,
‪특별 헌금‬charity offering, special offering,
‪구역 예배에서 낸 헌금‬offerings made in group services, the Feast of Harvest offering,
‪맥추 감사 헌금‬offerings made in group services, the Feast of Harvest offering,
‪부활절 헌금‬Easter offering.
‪크리스마스라고 또 헌금 있었고‬There was also a Christmas offering
‪십일조 헌금‬and a tithe.
‪십일조는 세전이었습니다‬The tithe was made before the tax.
‪(재록) 어떤 분들은‬ ‪자신은 직장이 없으므로‬Some say that they can't pay the tithe
‪십일조를 낼 수입이‬ ‪없다고 말합니다‬because they're unemployed and don't have an income.
‪그러나 십일조가‬ ‪없는 사람은 없습니다‬But every single person can pay the tithe.
‪아주 어린 아이들도‬ ‪세뱃돈이나 용돈‬Even very young children have income from New Year's, allowances,
‪백일, 돌, 생일 선물 등‬ ‪수입이 있지요‬100-day celebrations, first birthdays, and other birthdays.
‪부모가 이런 수입에 대해‬The parents can pay the tithe in their child's name with that income.
‪아이의 이름으로‬ ‪십일조를 내 주면 됩니다‬The parents can pay the tithe in their child's name with that income.
‪만민교회에는 돈 낼 때‬ ‪이제 두 가지 루트가 있는데요‬There are two ways to give money in Manmin Central Church.
‪헌금과 예물이 있어요‬Offerings and gifts.
‪그러니까 헌금 봉투에 담아서‬ ‪내는 돈을 헌금이라 그러고요‬Offerings are what you call the money you give in offering envelopes.
‪예물은 비공식적인 돈이에요‬But gifts are money given unofficially.
‪[영상 속 신도들이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪(호기) 그러니까 헌금은‬ ‪따로 있는 거고‬So, offerings are a separate thing.
‪헌금은 헌금대로 하고‬ ‪예물은 또 예물대로 하기 때문에‬The members pay offerings and gifts separately,
‪그 교회를 다니시는 분들은‬ ‪정말 생활할 돈이 없어요‬so the members of the church really don't have any money to live.
‪그럼에도 막 몇만 원이라도‬ ‪털어 가지고‬Despite all that, they scrape together some money,
‪빚을 내서라도 예물을 심는 거예요‬even if they went into debt, to sow their offerings.
‪자꾸 이제‬ ‪A 성도, B 성도, C 성도한테‬He put the church members in competition against one another
‪경쟁을 붙이는 거예요‬He put the church members in competition against one another
‪(광오) 누가 많이 내나‬ ‪'1등은 누구'‬to see who pays the most. "So-and-so gets first place."
‪'뭐, 2등‬ ‪[음 소거 효과음] 문** 장로'‬"This elder gets second place. That elder gets third place."
‪'3등 누구누구 장로'‬"This elder gets second place. That elder gets third place."
‪뭐, '7등, 여기 이광오'‬"Lee Kwang-oh is in seventh place."
‪저도 24년간 하면서, 어…‬I think I paid over a billion won over the course of 24 years.
‪10억은 넘는 걸로‬ ‪제가 알고 있습니다‬I think I paid over a billion won over the course of 24 years.
‪집안으로 따지면은‬ ‪저희도 10억은 넘을 겁니다‬I think my entire family paid over a billion won too.
‪(탈퇴자) 계산을 최소 잡았을 때‬ ‪8억인 거지‬At the very least, it's 800 million. But I think I paid over a billion won.
‪제가 보기에는‬ ‪최소 10억은 넘습니다‬At the very least, it's 800 million. But I think I paid over a billion won.
‪정말 금융적으로‬There were so many people that were taken advantage of financially.
‪착취당하신 분들도‬ ‪굉장히 많았어요‬There were so many people that were taken advantage of financially.
‪그러니까, 요 인생을 정말‬There were so many people that were taken advantage of financially. These people dedicated their whole lives to giving offerings to the church.
‪그 만민교회의 곳간을 채우는 데‬ ‪바치신 분들‬These people dedicated their whole lives to giving offerings to the church.
‪이렇게 다 세뇌시키고‬He's an atrocious man
‪결국은 그 세뇌시킨 것을‬who brainwashed them all and then used that for his own gain.
‪자기 이익을 위해서 사용한‬who brainwashed them all and then used that for his own gain.
‪아주 나쁜 사람이죠‬who brainwashed them all and then used that for his own gain.
‪[요란한 매미 소리]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(탈퇴자) 만민교회에‬ ‪다니는 분들의‬Many members of Manmin Central Church
‪삶의 수준을 생각해 보게 되면‬have a very low quality of life.
‪최하층이 많죠‬have a very low quality of life.
‪[영상 속 개 짖는 소리]‬ ‪월 소득 기준으로 봤을 때‬In terms of monthly earnings,
‪굉장히 밑의 분야에 속한 분들이‬it's probably fair to say most members are at the bottom of the ladder.
‪대다수라고 보시면 될 거 같고요‬it's probably fair to say most members are at the bottom of the ladder.
‪그럼에도 불구하고‬ ‪헌금액은 굉장히 많았어요‬Despite that, they gave a lot of offerings to the church.
‪어떻게 그렇게 많을 수가 있었느냐‬How did that happen? The members would work part-time.
‪아르바이트를 하죠‬How did that happen? The members would work part-time.
‪[기름이 지글거리는 소리]‬ ‪(사장) 얘, 이거나 갖다 줘‬Hey, bring this to that table.
‪(탈퇴자) 가정주부가‬ ‪[영상 속 물소리]‬These housewives worked so hard to earn that money.
‪열심히 아르바이트를 해서‬ ‪번 돈을 가지고‬These housewives worked so hard to earn that money.
‪[바코드 인식음]‬
‪뭐, 500만 원, 천만 원‬Five million, ten million won.
‪그러니까 빠듯하게 사는 걸 넘어서‬Not only did they barely have enough to live,
‪마이너스를 내시는 사람들이‬ ‪많았었어요‬but a lot of them also went into debt.
‪예배가 끝나면 보통은‬ ‪교회 밖으로 나오잖아요?‬You usually leave the church after a service, right?
‪만민중앙교회는‬But in Manmin Central Church, the members all line up after a service.
‪(성광) 예배가 끝나고‬ ‪신도들이 도열을 딱 합니다‬ ‪[영상 속 신도들이 왁자지껄하다]‬But in Manmin Central Church, the members all line up after a service.
‪[신도들의 환호성]‬
‪(신도들) 아버지, 목자님! 목자님!‬-Pastor Lee! -Pastor Lee!
‪(신도1) 당회장님!‬Pastor Lee!
‪(신도2) 3대대 응원 드립니다!‬Our entire family supports you!
‪(재록) 예, 고맙습니다‬Sure. Thank you.
‪(광오) 이재록 씨 손을 잡고‬ ‪기도를 해 달라고 하면‬If you grabbed Lee Jae-rock's hand and asked him to pray, his car stopped.
‪또 차가 섭니다‬If you grabbed Lee Jae-rock's hand and asked him to pray, his car stopped.
‪[신도들이 애타게 부른다]‬
‪[영상 속 신도들이 소란하다]‬ ‪(광오) 그러면 뭐, A 성도‬ ‪뭐, 기도 1분‬Then a member might get a minute of prayer, 20 seconds, or 30 seconds.
‪뭐, 20초, 30초‬Then a member might get a minute of prayer, 20 seconds, or 30 seconds.
‪이 안에서 이제 돈 봉투를‬ ‪따로 걷으시는 분이 있어요‬There's someone in the car collecting the money envelopes.
‪[영상 속 신도들의 환호성]‬ ‪우리 이제 기획실장이라고‬ ‪있습니다‬He's the director of planning.
‪아, 제가 알기로는‬ ‪많게는 수백만 원씩‬As far as I know, there were thousands of people
‪우리 현금을 이제 넣어 갖고‬who paid millions of won in offerings to receive his benediction.
‪축복 기도를 받는 사람이‬ ‪수천 명이에요, 이게‬who paid millions of won in offerings to receive his benediction.
‪주님께서 친히‬ ‪머리, 머리에 안수해 주옵소서‬May Jesus lay his hand upon you in prayer.
‪(신도들) 아멘!‬May Jesus lay his hand upon you in prayer. Amen. Show us the inspiration, influence, and greatness of the Holy Spirit.
‪위로부터 성령의 감동, 감화‬ ‪충만함을 입혀 주시고‬Show us the inspiration, influence, and greatness of the Holy Spirit.
‪(신도들) 아멘!‬Amen.
‪빛으로 둘러 주시기 원합니다‬We pray you'll surround us with light.
‪(신도들) 아멘!‬Amen.
‪(광오) 실업인 선교회‬ ‪이제 모임이 있습니다, 그 안에‬So, there is a missionary meeting for businesspeople,
‪돈을 좀 많이 내시는 실세들‬influential people who paid a lot.
‪아, 저희가 초대를 받았습니다‬We were invited to that meeting.
‪거길 가게 되면 또 1인당‬ ‪뭐, 300만 원, 500만 원씩‬When you go, they collect around three to five million won from each person.
‪또 착출을 걷어요‬When you go, they collect around three to five million won from each person.
‪7, 8월경에 십일조가…‬The tithe from August…
‪어, 한 천만 원 이상‬ ‪드린다는 사람이‬There were six or seven people who said
‪7명, 6, 7명 됐는데‬they will pay more than ten million won,
‪지금 12명 넘었더라고요‬but now, there are more than 12.
‪(신도들) 아멘!‬Amen.
‪(신도1) 아버지 기쁨이 되겠습니다‬ ‪[재록이 호응한다]‬-I'll become your joy, Father. -Sure. All right.
‪(신도2) 자, 이제 차로‬ ‪기도받으러 갑시다‬Let's go to the car to receive prayers.
‪- (재록) 예, 예‬ ‪- (신도2) 여기로‬-Sure. -Over here.
‪- (재록) 예‬ ‪- (신도2) 얼른 나오셔‬-Okay. -Come on, come out.
‪(재록) 예, 예‬ ‪[신도3이 중얼거린다]‬-Yes. -Let us have a hug.
‪(광오) [웃으며] 제가‬ ‪목자님 차 바꿨습니다‬I got a new car for you, Pastor Lee.
‪(재록) 어디, 어디 제인가?‬Where is it from?
‪독일제입니다, 독일 차‬Where is it from? Germany. It's a German car.
‪아버지 하나님, 이 시간‬ ‪차에 친히 안수해 주옵소서‬-Our Father, please bless this car. -Amen.
‪(신도들) 아멘‬-Our Father, please bless this car. -Amen. -Please bless the key as well. -Amen.
‪- 키에도 안수해 주시기 원합니다‬ ‪- (신도들) 아멘‬-Please bless the key as well. -Amen.
‪- 빛이여 임하라‬ ‪- (신도들) 아멘‬-Bless your light upon it. -Amen.
‪우리 주 예수 그리스도의 이름으로‬ ‪기도하옵나이다‬I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
‪- (재록) 아멘‬ ‪- (신도들) 아멘‬-Amen. -Amen.
‪[수상한 음악]‬
‪(탈퇴자) 목자님이랑 같이‬ ‪사진을 찍으려면 돈을 내야 돼요‬You had to pay to take a picture with Pastor Lee.
‪[영상 속 카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪정확한 액수는 기억이 나질 않는데‬I don't remember the exact amount,
‪일단 최소 몇십부터 시작을 하고요‬but it started around hundreds of thousands of won.
‪나중 가서는 목자님이랑‬Later, there were so many members hoping to take a picture with Pastor Lee.
‪사진 찍으려고 하는‬ ‪신도들이 많아져서‬Later, there were so many members hoping to take a picture with Pastor Lee.
‪최소 100만 원을 내야‬ ‪사진을 찍을 수 있었던 걸로…‬I remember the price going up to at least a million.
‪헌물을 한 천만 원 내고‬ ‪찍은 사진으로 알고 있습니다‬I'm pretty sure I gave ten million won in offerings to take this picture.
‪[컵을 달그락 내려놓는다]‬
‪(광오) 이게 다 돈 내고 찍은‬ ‪사진이에요‬These are all pictures I paid to have taken.
‪저런 액자가‬ ‪한 40개가 넘었습니다‬I had over 40 of those framed pictures.
‪개당 뭐, 천만 원씩만 잡아도‬ ‪뭐, 2억이 넘죠‬Let's say one costs 10 million won, that's over 200 million in total.
‪(명준) 만민서점이라고 해서‬ ‪만민교회 서점이 있는데‬Manmin Central Church had a bookstore called Manmin Bookstore.
‪이재록 사진이 들어간 액자라든지‬They sold framed pictures of Lee Jae-rock
‪아니면 뭐…‬or key rings or notebooks, merchandise like that.
‪열쇠고리라든지 수첩이라든지‬ ‪그런 굿즈를 많이 팔거든요?‬or key rings or notebooks, merchandise like that.
‪이제 그런 거 하나하나씩‬ ‪사기 시작하는 거죠‬So people buy these things one by one.
‪정말 어떻게 보면‬ ‪되게 영악한 비즈니스 같은 거예요‬In a way, it's a really shrewd business.
‪저는 뭐, 가장 재밌었던 거는‬ ‪무안단물인 거 같고‬The funniest one for me was Muan Sweet Water.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪무안단물을 쉽게 쓸 수 있게끔‬These people put Muan Sweet Water in these spray bottles
‪어떤 스프레이 통 같은 것도‬ ‪만들었어요, 이 사람들이‬These people put Muan Sweet Water in these spray bottles to make it easier to use too.
‪(호기) 정말 기가 막히죠‬ ‪그걸 또 팔아요‬It was incredulous. Then they would sell them.
‪그럼 쌍꺼풀 없는 데다 뿌리면‬ ‪쌍꺼풀이 생기고‬You could spray it on to get double eyelids.
‪고장 난 세탁기에 뿌리면‬ ‪세탁기가 돌아간다는 거죠‬A broken washing machine would work again if you spray on it.
‪(기자) 단물의 기적은 고장 난‬ ‪세탁기에서도 나타났습니다‬Muan Sweet Water worked its miracle on a broken washing machine as well.
‪(신도) 이거 날씨가 차가워서‬ ‪그런가 본데?‬I think it's because it's so cold.
‪안 열리네, 이거 어떡하나?‬Oh, no. It's not opening.
‪(성우) 약 50분이 넘도록‬ ‪열리지 않던 문이‬The door remained locked for over 50 minutes,
‪무안단물을 뿌리고 난 뒤‬but it opened with a "click"
‪바로 찰칵 소리와 함께‬ ‪문이 열렸다‬after it was sprayed with Muan Sweet Water.
‪[눈길 걷는 발소리]‬
‪[개가 연신 짖는다]‬
‪(명준) 무안단물이라고 하는 거는‬ ‪이제 만민 교인에 있어서‬To Manmin Central Church, Muan Sweet Water is like a cure-all
‪일종의 만병통치약 같은‬ ‪느낌인데요‬for the members of the church.
‪그 무안단물에는‬ ‪이재록이 기도해 주었기 때문에‬They say there's this light, this power in this Muan Sweet Water
‪그 안에 빛이…‬They say there's this light, this power in this Muan Sweet Water because Lee Jae-rock prayed over it.
‪그러니까 이제 권능이‬ ‪들어가 있다고 주장을 해요‬because Lee Jae-rock prayed over it.
‪그래서 단물을 먹거나 바를 때‬So, they claim that you can experience a miracle
‪어떤 신기한 기적을‬ ‪체험할 수 있다고 주장을 하는데요‬So, they claim that you can experience a miracle if you drink the water or put it on yourself.
‪그, 사서함이라고 해서 정말‬There was a thing called the mailbox
‪무슨 ARS처럼 전화를 해 가지고‬that was like ARS that you could call.
‪이재록 목사가‬ ‪이미 녹음해 놓은 거를‬And you could listen to pre-recorded messages from Pastor Lee.
‪콘텐츠를 듣는 거죠‬And you could listen to pre-recorded messages from Pastor Lee.
‪[ARS 안내 음성]‬ ‪만민중앙성결교회입니다‬This is Manmin Central Church.
‪이재록 목사의‬ ‪하루를 시작하는 기도는 10번‬Press ten to start your day with Pastor Lee's prayers.
‪운전을 위한 기도는 20번‬Press 20 to hear a prayer for safety.
‪3분 설교는 30번‬Press 30 for a three-minute sermon. Press 40 for a prayer for the ill.
‪환자를 위한 기도는 40번‬Press 30 for a three-minute sermon. Press 40 for a prayer for the ill.
‪저희 할아버지가 이제‬ ‪돌아가시기 전에‬Before my grandfather passed away,
‪(탈퇴자) 병원에 이렇게‬ ‪누워 계실 때‬he was in the hospital.
‪나았으면 좋겠다는 생각에‬I really wanted him to get better.
‪이재록의, 이제 환자 기도를‬So, I remember playing Lee Jae-rock's prayers for the ill for him.
‪이어폰으로 이제‬ ‪귀에 꽂아 드렸던 기억이 나네요‬So, I remember playing Lee Jae-rock's prayers for the ill for him.
‪[ARS 속 재록 음성] 환자를 위한‬ ‪기도를 하겠습니다‬Let me begin the prayer for the ill.
‪아픈 곳이나 연약한 곳에‬ ‪손을 얹고 기도받으시고‬Place your hand on the place where it hurts or feels weak.
‪아프지 않으신 분들은‬ ‪가슴에 손을 얹고…‬If you're not ill, place your hand over your heart…
‪(탈퇴자) 그냥 좀 듣고 계시다가‬ ‪[ARS 속 음성이 연신 흘러나온다]‬He listened to it for a while,
‪'아유, 좀 빼줬으면 좋겠다'‬ ‪이렇게 쳐다보셨는데‬then he looked at me like he wanted me to take the earphones out.
‪'그냥 제가 끝까지 다‬ ‪들으셨으면 좋겠다' 해서‬But I remember I made him listen to the whole thing as I wanted him to.
‪다 듣게 해 드렸던 기억이 납니다‬But I remember I made him listen to the whole thing as I wanted him to.
‪할아버지하고 말 좀 더 하고‬I should have just spoken to him more or gone on a trip with him.
‪진짜 놀러나 한 번‬ ‪더 갈 걸 그랬습니다, 예‬I should have just spoken to him more or gone on a trip with him.
‪다 돈이에요, 사실‬ ‪결과적으로 봤을 때‬In actuality, it's all about money in the end.
‪아니라고 교회에서‬ ‪많이 부정하고 있지만‬The church is denying it,
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(호기) 교회는 정말 많은 돈을‬ ‪축적하고 있었고‬but they saved up an enormous amount of money.
‪(탈퇴자) 300만 원 하면은요‬If you paid over three million won,
‪300만 원 이상‬ ‪낸 사람끼리 한 번 만나고요‬you could meet Lee with others who also paid the same.
‪500만 원 이상 하면‬Those who paid over five million would meet him together.
‪또 500만 원 이상 낸 사람끼리‬ ‪또 한 번 만나고요‬Those who paid over five million would meet him together.
‪천만 원 이상 하면 천만 원 이상‬The same for ten million won.
‪그다음에 제일 많이 한 사람‬ ‪또 독대 한 번‬If you paid the most, you'd meet him privately.
‪그런 사람들은 보통 1억씩 내죠‬Those people usually paid around 100 million won.
‪(피디) 그렇게 많은 돈을‬ ‪내는 사람을‬How did the church treat the people who paid that much money?
‪교회에서는 어떻게 대접하죠?‬How did the church treat the people who paid that much money?
‪교회의 대접은, 어…‬The church
‪뭐, VIP 아닌 VIP 대접을‬ ‪해 주시죠, 저희들한텐‬basically treated you like a VIP, more or less.
‪우리 한복을 예쁘게 이제‬ ‪입으신 분들이 있어요‬There were people who were dressed in really pretty hanbok.
‪(광오) 뭐, 그런 분들이 오셔서‬ ‪이제 특별석을‬Those people came to reserve
‪어, 좌석을 해 주시는 거예요‬special seats for us, right at the very front of the hall.
‪그럼 이제 본당 맨 앞에‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬special seats for us, right at the very front of the hall.
‪만민교회에서는‬ ‪선망의 대상이 되는 거예요‬That basically makes you the envy of Manmin Central Church.
‪'와, 저 자리는‬ ‪아무나 가는 자리가 아니다'‬"Wow, that's not a place for just anybody."
‪'어, 저분은 헌금도 많이 하고‬ ‪당회장님께 많이 심고'‬"They must have given a lot of offerings and sowed a lot to Pastor Lee."
‪아, 그때 표현은 좀‬Honestly, back then, it felt pretty nice.
‪어… 솔직히 얘기하면 좋죠‬Honestly, back then, it felt pretty nice.
‪그것 때문에 이제 아빠는‬Because of that, my dad paid at least three million,
‪매년 헌신 예배 때마다‬ ‪최소 300부터 시작해서‬Because of that, my dad paid at least three million, up to tens of millions of won each year at the devotion worship
‪몇천까지 내시면서‬up to tens of millions of won each year at the devotion worship
‪저희 언니를 맨 앞자리에 앉히셨죠‬to have my older sister sit at the very front.
‪(탈퇴자) 돈을 많이 내면‬ ‪많이 낼수록‬If you gave more money, you got the right to sit up front.
‪앞자리에 앉을 수 있는‬ ‪권한이 생겼어요‬If you gave more money, you got the right to sit up front.
‪(피디) 맨 앞자리에 앉는 게‬ ‪왜 중요해요?‬Why is it important to sit in the front row?
‪목자님을‬ ‪맨 앞에서 볼 수 있거든요‬Because you got to be the closest to Pastor Lee.
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪질병은 죄의 저주의 결과로‬ ‪임하는 것입니다‬Illnesses happen as a result of the curse of sins.
‪죄의 담만 없으면 아프지 않아요‬You'll never be ill if you don't sin.
‪여러분 죄 없이 말씀대로‬ ‪사는 사람들 아프던가요, 누가?‬Have you ever seen anyone become ill when they obey the words and never sin?
‪(신도들) 아멘‬Amen.
‪내가 죽을병이 왔다고 하는 거는‬If you catch a deadly illness,
‪죽을, 이런 죄를 지었단 얘기예요‬ ‪사망에 이르는 죄를‬it means that you committed a sin worthy of death, a sin that will lead to death.
‪(탈퇴자) '죄가 없으면‬ ‪병이 안 오는데'‬"Only the sinners get ill. You're ill because you sinned."
‪'넌 죄가 있기 때문에‬ ‪병이 온 거다'‬"Only the sinners get ill. You're ill because you sinned."
‪[불안한 음악]‬ ‪그, 병원 가면은 이 믿음이 좀‬ ‪부족하다는 인식이 많았거든요‬People thought that going to the hospital reflected a lack of faith.
‪왜냐하면은 이재록이 제일 이제‬That's because Lee Jae-rock was always proud to say,
‪항상 자랑스럽게 얘기했던 게‬That's because Lee Jae-rock was always proud to say,
‪'우리 성도는 안 아프다'‬"Our members never get sick."
‪그래서 실질적으로‬ ‪조그마한 병인데‬In reality, they were very minor illnesses that could have been cured
‪초기에 잡으면‬ ‪아무것도 아닌 병들이‬if they were treated early on.
‪기도로만 하니까‬But because they just prayed about it, many people died from tuberculosis.
‪음, 폐결핵으로‬ ‪죽은 사람들이 많아요‬But because they just prayed about it, many people died from tuberculosis.
‪폐결핵은 거의‬ ‪뭐, 만민 역사와 같이‬It's been with the church for a long time.
‪왔다고 해도 과언이 아닐 정도로‬ ‪옛날부터 있었어요‬You could even say it's a part of the church's history.
‪예능위원회 평균 연령이‬The Performing Arts Committee members
‪한 20대, 30대 정도밖에‬ ‪안 되니까‬The Performing Arts Committee members are in their twenties or thirties on average.
‪거기 안에서 같이 노래를 하고‬ ‪춤을 추고 이러다 보니까‬They all sing and dance together.
‪또 젊잖아요‬They're also young,
‪더 활성화되잖아요‬so they are more active.
‪♪ 기쁨의 열매 ♪‬Fruits of joy
‪(함께) ♪ 기쁨의 열매 ♪‬Fruits of joy
‪[함께 노래한다]‬
‪(신도) ♪ 변화되었네 ♪‬I am changed
‪♪ 변화되었네 ♪‬I am changed
‪♪ 주신 그 사랑 ♪‬His love saved me
‪너무나 이쁜 사람들이‬So many beautiful people ended up passing away like that.
‪다들 이렇게 가게 됐어요‬So many beautiful people ended up passing away like that.
‪[긴 한숨]‬
‪제 와이프는…‬My wife…
‪2006년도에 소천했어요‬She passed away in 2006.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪사랑하는 성도 여러분‬Hello, dear beloved believers. I'm Kim…
‪안녕하세요‬ ‪[음 소거 효과음] 김**입니다‬Hello, dear beloved believers. I'm Kim…
‪지난 100회 특집 이후에‬ ‪아버지 하나님께서‬After the 100th episode special, God showed his great power through Pastor Lee…
‪당회장님을 통해‬ ‪베풀어 주셨던 크신 권능과…‬God showed his great power through Pastor Lee…
‪(탈퇴자)‬ ‪[음 소거 효과음] ** 언니는‬She was
‪할렐루야 선교단에 있었던‬ ‪너무 이뻤던 언니예요‬this really pretty girl who was a part of the Hallelujah Praising Team.
‪진짜 몸도 너무 야리야리하고‬She was so slender and had this super feminine voice.
‪목소리도 되게 여성 여성 하고‬She was so slender and had this super feminine voice.
‪(남편) 양치를 하는데‬She was brushing her teeth,
‪저한테 양치 거품을 물고‬ ‪달려오는 거예요‬then she ran up to me with toothpaste still in her mouth,
‪피 나온다고‬saying she was bleeding.
‪그래서 병원을‬ ‪가 보자고 그랬더니…‬So I said we should go to the hospital, and…
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪이게…‬
‪결핵이라는 거죠‬She had tuberculosis.
‪여기는 믿음으로‬ ‪치료를 받아야 되고‬Faith was supposed to be our treatment,
‪믿음 있는 찬양 팀이고 하니까‬and she was in the faithful praise team.
‪처음에 발견됐을 땐‬So, when we first found out about it,
‪[남편의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(남편) [한숨 쉬며] 믿음으로‬ ‪치료받겠다고…‬she said she'd get treatment through faith.
‪'내가 이재록만 바라보고‬ ‪살았어야 하는데'‬She said, "I was supposed to only love Lee Jae-rock."
‪'결혼을 해서‬ ‪이런 병에 걸리게 됐고'‬"I got this illness because I got married, and I'm going to die from it."
‪'이렇게 죽게 된 거다'‬"I got this illness because I got married, and I'm going to die from it."
‪죽으면서도 죄인인 거예요‬So she was a sinner even as she died.
‪내가 죽을병이 왔다고 하는 거는‬If you catch a deadly illness,
‪죽을, 이런 죄를 지었단 얘기예요‬ ‪사망에 이르는 죄를‬it means that you committed a sin worthy of death, a sin that will lead to death.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[남편의 울음]‬
‪(남편) 거의 소천할 때는‬When she was about to pass away,
‪정말…‬ ‪[남편의 떨리는 숨소리]‬she was…
‪바싹 마르고‬so skinny.
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 폐는 거의‬ ‪남아 있지 않을 정도로 해서…‬And her lungs were basically gone.
‪그렇게…‬ ‪[남편의 떨리는 숨소리]‬And she…
‪[남편의 숨소리가 연신 떨린다]‬ ‪고통스럽게 갔죠‬She died a painful death.
‪[새들이 끼루룩거린다]‬
‪폐결핵 말고도 사실 뭐, 암‬Even aside from tuberculosis, a lot of people suffered from cancer.
‪특히 암 때문에‬ ‪많이들 고통받으셨어요‬Even aside from tuberculosis, a lot of people suffered from cancer.
‪그런 거 보면서‬ ‪'대체 이 신앙이라는 게 뭔가'‬When I saw that happen, I thought, "What is faith?"
‪'도대체 이 많은 사람들을‬ ‪병원에도 가지 못하게 하고'‬"Is it really faith to stop people from going to hospitals,
‪'이렇게 죽음에 이르게 하는 게‬ ‪정말 신앙이 맞나?'‬causing many people to die like this?"
‪그런 생각을 했고‬That's what I thought.
‪(재록)‬The reason you're affected by evil spirits, as also mentioned in the sermon,
‪[불안한 음악]‬
‪(재록)‬They have adulterous spirits, so they want to do it. So they keep doing it, also committing crimes.
‪이재록이 특히 간음에 대해서‬ ‪많이 강조를 했어요‬Lee Jae-rock always emphasized adultery.
‪그러니까 남녀 간의 관계에 대해서‬Relationships between men and women.
‪그러면서 자기가 늘 하는 말이‬And he always said,
‪'자기는 간음이‬ ‪하나도 없기 때문에'‬"As I don't have any adulterous spirits in me,
‪'벗은 여자의 몸을 봐도'‬even when I see a naked woman,
‪'아무 생각도 안 난다'라는 얘기를‬ ‪참 많이 했어요‬I don't feel anything." He said it quite often.
‪(탈퇴자) 그러니까‬ ‪어느 순간 되니깐‬At one point, they started to divide up the men and women.
‪남자랑 여자랑 엄청 갈랐거든요‬At one point, they started to divide up the men and women.
‪'같이 옆에 앉지도 말라'‬They said, "Don't sit next to each other."
‪'한 공간에 있지도 말라' 그러면서‬"Don't even be in the same space."
‪두 사람, 만약에 남자, 여자면은‬For example, a man and a woman
‪직접적으로 연락을 할 수가 없어요‬couldn't talk to each other directly.
‪(찬희) 어떻게 해야 되냐‬So, what do you need to do?
‪본인의 여자 형제나‬You had to talk to the other person
‪뭐, 이런 사람을 거쳐서‬through your female sibling,
‪그 사람한테 전달을‬ ‪해야 되는 거예요‬or someone like that.
‪그러면 저 같은 경우도‬In my case, my younger sister would relay my message,
‪제 동생이 전달을 해 주고‬In my case, my younger sister would relay my message,
‪그 친구가 다시‬ ‪제 동생한테 알려 주면‬and when the other person gave her a response,
‪동생이 또 저한테 알려 주고‬she passed that message on to me.
‪2010년도에 발생한‬ ‪회개 편지 사건이 있는데요‬There was an incident involving the letters of repentance in 2010.
‪(명준) '알고 보니까‬ ‪성도들의 죄가 너무 많더라'‬"It turns out that the members have too many sins."
‪'너희들이 너무 더럽게 살았더라'‬"All of you have led such sinful lives."
‪우리 성도 가운데서‬I did not think
‪이런 죄를 짓는 사람이‬ ‪나오리라고는‬that such sinners
‪생각지 못했습니다‬would be a part of our church.
‪정욕을 좇아 음행을 하고‬There are some people
‪가증한 일을 행한 이들이‬ ‪있었습니다‬who gave in to their sexual desires and acted indecently.
‪'이재록 씨한테 자기가 있었던‬ ‪모든 죄의 내용을'‬They said, "If you write a letter to Lee Jae-rock about your wrongdoings,
‪'편지로 쓰게 되면‬ ‪그럼 죄 용서가 된다'‬They said, "If you write a letter to Lee Jae-rock about your wrongdoings, your sins will be forgiven."
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬I have cried out in tears…
‪[흐느끼는 숨소리]‬
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(탈퇴자) 각자의 치부를‬ ‪다 이야기해야 하는 거예요‬We had to confess our biggest secrets and weaknesses.
‪7살 때 손잡았던 거 기억해야 하고‬I had to remember holding hands with somebody when I was seven
‪20살 때 어떤 선배랑 뭘 했고‬and what I did with some upperclassman when I was 20.
‪'후배랑은 없었나?'‬"What about with an underclassman?"
‪다 생각해 내야 해요‬ ‪막 짜내야 하고‬I had to remember everything and try to put it down.
‪이렇게 되는 거죠‬That's what happened.
‪(명준) 너도나도 회개 편지를‬ ‪쓰기 시작하다 보니까‬Once everybody started writing their letters of repentance,
‪이제 뭐, 거의 뭐‬ ‪전 성도가 동참하는‬it became a mandatory thing for all the church members.
‪그런 필수 코스가 된 거예요‬it became a mandatory thing for all the church members.
‪회개 편지를 안 쓰고서는‬Without writing a letter of repentance,
‪거의 '내가 뭐, 구원을‬ ‪받을 수 있을까, 없을까'‬Without writing a letter of repentance, you'd be on the edge of a cliff, questioning whether you'd be saved or not.
‪낭떠러지에 막 처한‬ ‪상황이 된 거죠‬you'd be on the edge of a cliff, questioning whether you'd be saved or not.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬If you are still committing those deadly sins,
‪아, 근데 PD님‬ ‪이 얘기 근데 하기…‬ ‪[난처한 웃음]‬You know, this topic is kind of…
‪저는 이 얘기는‬ ‪좀 하기 좀 그런데…‬I feel kind of bad talking about this.
‪아, 그분한테‬ ‪너무 피해가 될까 싶어서‬This might really hurt that person.
‪그 가족들이 너무‬ ‪힘들어하고 있어 가지고, 아직도‬Because their family is still having a really hard time.
‪그 형이 좀 뭐…‬ ‪[불길한 음악]‬He was a bit…
‪되게…‬He was a bit…
‪원래는 자유로운 사람이었죠‬He was a person with a free spirit. He dated a lot of people.
‪연애도 잘하고 다니고‬He was a person with a free spirit. He dated a lot of people.
‪뭐, 사람들 잘 만나고 다니고‬ ‪이랬던 사람이었는데‬He was a huge extrovert, you know?
‪[불안한 음악]‬
‪(탈퇴자1) 여러, 이제 몇 건의‬He ran into several problems with women.
‪그러한 이성과의‬ ‪그런 문제들이 있었고‬He ran into several problems with women.
‪그러면서 그 이성과의 문제가…‬Then Lee Jae-rock found out about those problems with women.
‪이제 이재록 씨가‬ ‪알게 된 거죠, 예‬Then Lee Jae-rock found out about those problems with women.
‪그러면서 이게‬Then that ended up being a huge disadvantage for him.
‪결국은 큰 장애로 작용하게 되고‬Then that ended up being a huge disadvantage for him.
‪'구원받지 못한다'‬He said, "You can't be saved." Simply, "It's a work of the flesh."
‪쉽게 말하면 '육체의 일이다'‬He said, "You can't be saved." Simply, "It's a work of the flesh."
‪(탈퇴자2) 잘랐죠, 자기 거를‬He cut his thing off.
‪성기를 잘랐죠‬He cut his genitals off.
‪생리적으로 몸적으로‬ ‪벌써 차이가 나요‬You could see biological and physical differences.
‪차츰 여성스러워져요‬He started to become more feminine.
‪운동 좋아하는 친구고‬ ‪경호하는 친구인데‬He was a bodyguard who enjoyed exercising.
‪몸이 왜소해요‬But he's so skinny now.
‪근육도 안 붙고‬ ‪예, 수염도 안 나고‬He has no muscles and no facial hair either.
‪있을 수 없는, 상식적으로‬ ‪납득이 안 되는 행동을‬Those things shouldn't have happened. They were just illogical.
‪(탈퇴자1) 그게 한 사람도 아니고‬ ‪두 사람도 아니고‬ ‪[영상 속 심전도계 비프음]‬And they didn't just happen to one or two people.
‪제가 알고 있는 인원만 해도‬ ‪십여 명 가까이 넘는데‬There are at least around ten people just from what I know.
‪(탈퇴자2) 너무 맹신하니까‬ ‪맞는다고 생각하니까‬He had such blind faith and thought it was the right thing to do.
‪그걸 자르는 사람이 어디 있어요?‬ ‪근데 자르게 되더라고요‬Who on earth cuts it off? But he ended up doing it.
‪저도 알아봤거든요‬I looked into it as well.
‪(탈퇴자1) 알아보니까‬ ‪얘기해 주더라고요‬And when I looked into it, he told me where in Gangwon-do it was,
‪강원도 어디, 얼마라고까지‬And when I looked into it, he told me where in Gangwon-do it was, as well as how much it had cost.
‪불법으로‬It was done illegally.
‪수술받고 이렇게‬ ‪활동할 수 있는 데‬He said it took three to five days to recover from the surgery.
‪3일이면 된대요, 3일, 5일‬He said it took three to five days to recover from the surgery.
‪어렵지 않다 그러더라고요‬ ‪[불안한 음악]‬He said it wasn't that hard.
‪[전통 가락이 흐른다]‬
‪[불안한 음악]‬ ‪(찬희) 예능위원회 사람이랑‬ ‪뭐, 연애를 했거나‬Lee Jae-rock was especially sensitive
‪이런 경우에 대해서 이재록이‬ ‪유독 그렇게 민감하게 반응해요‬about things like dating someone from the Performing Arts Committee.
‪[어두운 음악]‬about things like dating someone from the Performing Arts Committee.
‪(탈퇴자) 만민에 예쁜 언니들이‬ ‪많았다고 했잖아요‬There were many pretty girls in Manmin, like I said.
‪그 언니들을 다 본인 거라고‬ ‪생각을 했던 거 같아요‬I think he thought that all of those girls belonged to him.
‪그런데 남자랑 사귀거나‬But if they dated or slept with another man,
‪한번 그런 경험을 했던 언니들은‬But if they dated or slept with another man,
‪'오염됐다, 더럽혀졌다'라고‬ ‪생각을 하는 거 같았어요‬I think he considered them dirty or contaminated.
‪왜냐, 본인이 취해야 하거든요‬Why? Because he had to have them.
‪다른 남자들은 취하면 안 되거든요‬Because other men can't have them.
‪서울 만민중앙교회 이재록 목사‬Manmin Central Church's Pastor Lee is being accused
‪여신도 9명을 성폭행한 혐의로…‬of sexually assaulting nine women…
‪(앵커) 경찰은 성폭력이 오랜 시간‬The police believe that the sexual assault
‪상습적으로 이루어진 것으로‬ ‪파악하고 있습니다‬The police believe that the sexual assault happened frequently over a long period of time.
‪(최 기자) 저, 혐의 아예‬ ‪부인하셨는데요‬You denied all of your charges.
‪성관계 자체를 부인하시는 건가요?‬ ‪[남자1의 곤란한 신음]‬Are you saying you didn't have sex?
‪(남자1) 저, 위험합니다‬ ‪조금만, 예‬This is dangerous. Please, he's walking here…
‪좀 걸음걸이가 좀…‬This is dangerous. Please, he's walking here… -Are you denying you had sex? -He's hurt…
‪(최 기자) 성관계 자체를‬ ‪부인하십니까?‬-Are you denying you had sex? -He's hurt…
‪(남자1) 저기, 저‬ ‪아니, 그냥 가셔도 됩니다‬Go. You can just go.
‪(최 기자) 네, 성관계 자체를‬ ‪부인하시는 겁니까?‬ ‪[남자1이 저지한다]‬Are you denying the intercourse or just the sexual assault?
‪아니면 성폭행을‬ ‪부인하시는 겁니까?‬Are you denying the intercourse or just the sexual assault?
‪- (남자2) 잠시만요…‬ ‪- (재록) 다 부인했어요‬-Excuse me. -I denied everything.
‪(최 기자) 그러면 밤에 여신도들‬ ‪왜 자꾸 부르셨습니까?‬Then why did you call for your followers at night?
‪이재록 씨가 성관계 요구하면‬ ‪끔찍이 싫었다는데‬They hated it when you asked for sex. Why did you call them at night?
‪왜 자꾸 밤에 부르셨습니까?‬They hated it when you asked for sex. Why did you call them at night?
‪- (남자1) 그, 그냥…‬ ‪- (재록) 그런 적 없어요‬I never did that.
‪(최 기자) 그런 적‬ ‪아예 없으시다고요?‬ ‪[재록이 긍정한다]‬-You never did that? -No.
‪- (최 기자) 피해자들한테…‬ ‪- 저, 최 기자님, 잠시만요‬-Any words… -Ms. Choi, excuse us.
‪(최 기자) 피해자들한테 미안하신‬ ‪마음 한 말씀 없으십니까?‬-Any words of apology for the victims? -Uh, Ms. Choi.
‪- (남자1) 최 기자님‬ ‪- (남자3) 어, 저, 저…‬-Any words of apology for the victims? -Uh, Ms. Choi.
‪최 기자님, 잠시만요‬Excuse me, Ms. Choi.
‪[재록의 힘겨운 탄성]‬
‪(남자1) 다리 조심하시고요‬Watch your legs, sir.
‪이거요, 믿기지도 않는 얘기예요‬Well, it was just unbelievable. It was unbelievable.
‪믿기지도 않는 얘기인데‬Well, it was just unbelievable. It was unbelievable.
‪'진짜 이런 미친 일이‬ ‪일어날 수가 있나?'‬I was like, "Something like this couldn't happen."
‪아, 이게 도저히‬I mean…
‪[어이없이 웃으며] 뭐, 이 사람이‬ ‪성범죄자라고‬Who could have imagined that he could be a sex offender?
‪어떻게 상상을 하겠어요?‬Who could have imagined that he could be a sex offender?
‪(탈퇴자) 다 거짓 소문이라‬ ‪생각했어요‬I thought they were false rumors.
‪하나, 거짓 증언 즉각 중단하라!‬Number one, stop all false claims right now!
‪(신도들) 중단하라!‬ ‪중단하라! 중단하라!‬Stop them!
‪목자님의 진실은 만민이 증거한다!‬Manmin will prove Pastor Lee's innocence.
‪(신도들) 증거한다!‬ ‪증거한다! 증거한다!‬We'll prove it!
‪취재를 시작할 때까지만 하더라도‬When we first started gathering material for this piece,
‪사이비 종교 집단의 수장 정도로‬ ‪사실은 생각을 했었는데‬we thought he was just a leader of a cult.
‪이렇게 심각한 범죄자일 거라고는‬But we never imagined that he was such a serious criminal.
‪상상도 하지 못했습니다‬But we never imagined that he was such a serious criminal.
‪신도 성폭력 의혹으로‬ ‪수사를 받고 있는‬Another sexual assault victim filed a lawsuit
‪만민중앙교회‬ ‪이재록 목사와 관련해서‬against Pastor Lee Jae-rock of Manmin Central Church,
‪오늘 또 다른 피해 여성이‬who is being investigated for sexually assaulting his followers.
‪추가로 고소장을 제출했습니다‬who is being investigated for sexually assaulting his followers.
‪(앵커) 이문현 기자입니다‬Reporter Lee Moon-hyeon.
‪(뉴스 속 문현) 이재록‬ ‪만민중앙교회 목사에게‬She says she was sexually assaulted by Pastor Lee of Manmin Central Church…
‪성폭력을 당했다는…‬She says she was sexually assaulted by Pastor Lee of Manmin Central Church…
‪피해 여성분은‬The female victim
‪청년층 그, 교회 신도들 중에서도‬was like a leader
‪리더 역할을 하시는 분이셨어요‬among the younger church members.
‪(문현) 그 여성이 가지고 왔던‬ ‪증거 자료들‬She brought in the evidence,
‪본인이 이재록과‬ ‪함께 찍었던 사진들‬as well as the pictures that she took with Lee Jae-rock.
‪(성피해자) 저는 제가‬ ‪지금까지 배웠던 거는‬Up until now, I learned things like virtue, honesty, and love.
‪선, 진실, 사랑, 이런 걸 배웠어요‬Up until now, I learned things like virtue, honesty, and love.
‪이게 너무 좋았고…‬I loved learning about those things…
‪(문현) 그리고 본인이‬She was very specific about the last time, as well as the location,
‪마지막으로 이재록에게‬ ‪성범죄를 당했던 날짜‬She was very specific about the last time, as well as the location,
‪그다음에 장소를‬ ‪모두 다 특정하고 있었습니다‬she had been sexually assaulted by Lee Jae-rock.
‪당사자만 알 수 있는 내용들이라서‬These are information only the victim herself would know,
‪'그분의 진술을 신뢰할 수 있겠다'‬These are information only the victim herself would know, so I knew I could trust her story.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪(문현) 2011년에 본인이 처음으로‬She said she first received a call from Lee Jae-rock in 2011.
‪이재록 씨에게‬ ‪전화를 받았다고 합니다‬ ‪[영상 속 전화벨 소리]‬She said she first received a call from Lee Jae-rock in 2011.
‪(재록) 어, 그래‬Yeah, all right.
‪(문현) 너무 기뻤다고 해요‬She said she was ecstatic. You see, she was born with the religion.
‪모태 신앙을 갖고 계신 분이었는데‬She said she was ecstatic. You see, she was born with the religion.
‪신으로 생각했던‬ ‪절대 선이라고 생각했던‬This man who she believed to be God, to be the absolute good,
‪나에게는 너무 고귀해 보였던‬ ‪그분이 전화를 주셔서‬who she thought was so noble, had given her a call.
‪(성피해자) '아…'‬"Oh, maybe he wants to talk to me about my Measure of Faith in private."
‪'나에게 무슨 믿음의 분량을‬ ‪따로 얘기해 주시는 걸까?'‬"Oh, maybe he wants to talk to me about my Measure of Faith in private."
‪'아니면 나에게 무슨 사명과‬ ‪직책을 주시는 걸까?'‬"Or maybe he'll assign me a duty and title."
‪'응, 여기야‬ ‪여기 아파트로 오면 돼'‬He said, "Yeah, right here. You can come to the apartment."
‪'여긴 아무도 모른다'‬"Nobody knows about this place, so come without telling anybody."
‪'아무한테도 얘기하지 말고 와라'‬"Nobody knows about this place, so come without telling anybody."
‪택시로 갔었어요‬I took a taxi. I took a taxi there.
‪택시로 갔었고‬I took a taxi. I took a taxi there.
‪조금 철두철미했던 게‬He was pretty careful. He said, "Don't use a card. Use cash."
‪'카드는 쓰지 마라‬ ‪현금으로 써라'‬He was pretty careful. He said, "Don't use a card. Use cash."
‪이재록 목사에게‬ ‪자신의 어떤 신념을‬They wanted to show Pastor Lee their conviction,
‪잘 보여 주기 위해서‬They wanted to show Pastor Lee their conviction,
‪그동안 모았던 적금을 깨서‬so they dipped into their savings,
‪현금으로 인출해 가지고‬ ‪봉투에 담고‬withdrew the money in cash, and put it in an envelope.
‪그다음에 자신이 가지고 있는‬ ‪옷 중에서‬Then they changed into their cleanest and whitest clothes.
‪가장 깨끗하고‬ ‪하얀 옷으로 갈아입고‬Then they changed into their cleanest and whitest clothes.
‪(성피해자) 처음 벨을 누르는데‬ ‪너무 떨리는 거예요‬I felt so nervous when I pressed the doorbell.
‪[초인종 소리]‬
‪(성피해자) 기도하면서 막 갔는데‬ ‪[도어록 작동음]‬I was praying on my way there.
‪빼꼼 하고‬ ‪고개를 내미는 그 모습도‬Then even the way he poked his head out was so shocking to me.
‪너무 충격적인 거예요‬Then even the way he poked his head out was so shocking to me.
‪들어가자마자 거실에‬ ‪큰 매트리스가 있었어요‬As soon as I went inside, I saw a large mattress in the living room.
‪피해 사실은 정말‬ ‪소름 돋을 정도로 유사했어요‬The stories of the victims were eerily similar.
‪(호기) 집으로 갑자기‬ ‪초대했다라는 거‬They were all invited to his house out of the blue.
‪[초인종 소리]‬
‪'나는 신이다'‬He told them, "I am God."
‪(호기) '그러니‬ ‪지금 여기서 있는 일은'‬"So, there's nothing wrong with the things that will happen here."
‪'아무 문제 될 것이 없다'‬"So, there's nothing wrong with the things that will happen here."
‪혹은 '여기는 에덴동산이다'‬Or he said, "This is the Garden of Eden. Therefore, you must not be clothed."
‪'그러니 옷을 입어서는 안 된다'‬Or he said, "This is the Garden of Eden. Therefore, you must not be clothed."
‪이런 식으로 피해자들에게‬ ‪얘기를 했다는 점‬That's what he told the victims.
‪그다음 또 안타까운 거는‬And also, the sad thing is
‪피해자들이 자신이 지금 어떤 일을‬ ‪당하고 있는지를 모른다는 거‬that the victims didn't realize what was happening to them.
‪(성피해자) 머리가‬ ‪너무 복잡했어요‬I couldn't think straight.
‪'이게 뭐지?'‬"What's going on?"
‪'죄가 없으신 분은‬ ‪이래도 되는 건가?'‬"Is it okay for him to do this because he's sinless?"
‪'아니, 뭐지? 뭐지, 뭐지?'‬"Wait, what is this? What's going on?"
‪'아, 나를‬ ‪다른 남자로부터 지켜서'‬"Oh, this must be his grace to protect me from other men,
‪'아버지만 보고 갈 수 있게‬ ‪해 주시는 은혜인가 보다'‬so that I can love only the Father."
‪한 달 정도 기도하면서‬As I prayed for about a month,
‪'아, 이건 정말 하나님이 주신‬ ‪은혜구나'라고 생각하면서‬I think I decided to accept it, thinking, "Oh, that must have truly been God's grace."
‪받아들였던 거 같고요‬"Oh, that must have truly been God's grace."
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[발소리가 울린다]‬
‪(성광) 신이 아니라 악마였죠‬He wasn't God. He was the Devil.
‪'내 몸을 만지는 것만 해도‬ ‪너희는 치유가 된다'‬He said, "Just by touching my body, you'll be healed."
‪그리고 '너는‬ ‪신과 같이 있는 거다'‬He also said, "You are in the presence of God."
‪'천국에 간다'‬ ‪그리고 '구원을 받는다'‬"You'll go to Heaven. You'll be saved."
‪양의 탈을 쓴 악마였죠‬He was the Devil pretending to be a sheep.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(성피해자1) 속옷을 풀더라고요‬He started unclasping my bra.
‪속옷을 푸는데‬ ‪너무 능수능란해서 깜짝 놀랐어요‬I was really surprised because he was so good at it.
‪(성피해자2)‬ ‪'정혜 [음 소거 효과음] 보*는‬ ‪누구 거?'‬"Who does your ***** belong to, Jeong-hye?"
‪그곳을 굉장히 자세히 관찰을 해요‬He examines that "part" very closely.
‪그냥 자세히 들여다봐요‬He just keeps staring at it.
‪얼굴을 이렇게‬ ‪자기 성기 쪽으로 갖다 대요‬He brought my face closer to his genitals.
‪근데 그렇게 하는 게 아니라고‬Then he said, "That's not how you do it."
‪치아가 닿으면 아프다고‬"It hurts if you use your teeth."
‪(성피해자3) 관계를 갖는 중에‬While we were having intercourse, he kept asking me if it felt good.
‪계속 좋냐고‬ ‪막 물어봤어요, 나한테‬While we were having intercourse, he kept asking me if it felt good.
‪소리를 내라고 계속 그랬어요‬And he kept telling me to moan.
‪'좋아? 좋아?'‬He was like, "Do you like that?"
‪(성피해자4) 너나 나나‬ ‪할 것 없이 그냥‬You know, everyone just watches on as he has sex with my friends.
‪친구랑 관계하는 걸‬ ‪지켜보기도 하고‬You know, everyone just watches on as he has sex with my friends.
‪(성피해자3) 너희 너무‬ ‪촌스러우니까‬He told us to watch some porn and practice because we were too inexperienced.
‪[TV 속 여자의 신음]‬ ‪포르노라도 보고‬ ‪연습 좀 해 오라고‬He told us to watch some porn and practice because we were too inexperienced.
‪그래서 그 비서 친구가‬ ‪포르노를 틀어 주면‬So the assistant would play porn for us, and you'd hear moaning.
‪막 이제 신음 소리도 나고‬So the assistant would play porn for us, and you'd hear moaning.
‪(탈퇴자) 그 언니들이 이쁘잖아요‬Those girls were really pretty.
‪거의 태어났을 때부터‬He picked out the girls who were born religious, like me,
‪저처럼 모태 신앙인‬ ‪언니들을 건드렸고요‬He picked out the girls who were born religious, like me,
‪왜냐하면은 순수하니까요‬because they were pure and innocent.
‪남자의 때가 묻지 않았으니까‬Because they'd never been touched by a man.
‪성폭행이 이루어지고 난 후에는‬After he sexually assaulted the victims,
‪이거 돈 쓰라면서‬ ‪한 300만 원 정도씩…‬he gave them each around three million won.
‪갑자기 좋은 차가 생기고‬ ‪갑자기 좋은 집이 생기고‬People got these nice cars and houses all of a sudden.
‪이런 상황들이 생기는 거예요‬These were happening.
‪'도대체 저 사람들 어디서‬ ‪돈이 나서 저런 걸 산 거지?'‬I was like, "How on earth did they get the money for those things?"
‪[불안한 음악]‬He gave me an envelope that had a million won in cash.
‪(성피해자1) 100만 원으로‬He gave me an envelope that had a million won in cash.
‪현금으로 돼 있는 봉투를‬ ‪이렇게 주더라고요‬He gave me an envelope that had a million won in cash.
‪(성피해자2) 200만 원이나‬ ‪300만 원, 이렇게 받았어요‬I used to get two or three million won.
‪(성피해자3) 흰 봉투에‬ ‪초록색 펜으로‬He wrote "five million won" in green ink on a white envelope and gave it to me.
‪500이라고 써서‬ ‪넣어 주시는 거예요‬He wrote "five million won" in green ink on a white envelope and gave it to me.
‪600만 원을 주신 거예요‬He gave me six million won.
‪성도님들이 예물 심은 거‬It was the offerings the church members had sowed.
‪그걸로 떼어다 주는 거예요‬That's where he was getting this money.
‪200만 원, 300만 원?‬He gave me two, three million won.
‪많을 땐 500만 원‬Up to five million won at most.
‪십일조 하고‬And I gave tithe too.
‪저도 받은 돈을 다 그대로‬There were many times I sowed all that money back too.
‪다시 심은 적도 여러 번 있었고‬There were many times I sowed all that money back too.
‪'이 귀한 돈을 어떻게 할까?'‬I thought, "What do I do with this precious money?"
‪아깝고, 이 돈을 쓴다라는 건‬I didn't want to waste it, and it didn't make any sense to use it,
‪너무 말이 안 되는 거 같아 가지고‬I didn't want to waste it, and it didn't make any sense to use it,
‪다시 교회에다 심었죠‬so I sowed it back to the church.
‪그다음에 이제 교회 안에서는‬After that, their Measure of Faith would suddenly increase within the church.
‪믿음의 분량이 높아지죠, 갑자기‬After that, their Measure of Faith would suddenly increase within the church.
‪예능위원회에서‬ ‪영이 굉장히 많았어요‬Many Performing Arts Committee members had really high spiritual rankings.
‪[숨을 씁 들이켜며]‬ ‪한 20, 30명 정도 된 것 같아요‬Many Performing Arts Committee members had really high spiritual rankings. I think there were 20 to 30 people.
‪그게 이제 연결이 다 톱니바퀴처럼‬Everything was connected, like cogs on a wheel.
‪연결이 돼 있는 거죠‬Everything was connected, like cogs on a wheel.
‪영의 단계를 올라가야 되고‬You had to get to higher spiritual levels, and to do so, you had to sleep with him.
‪단계를 올라가기 위해서는‬ ‪잠자리가 필요한 거고‬You had to get to higher spiritual levels, and to do so, you had to sleep with him.
‪그런데 그 피해자를 두고서‬And his victims were constantly victimized again.
‪2차 가해들이‬ ‪계속적으로 이뤄졌고‬And his victims were constantly victimized again.
‪(신도들) 아멘!‬Amen!
‪(사회자) 사랑하는 목자님!‬Dear beloved Pastor Lee!
‪(사회자와 신도들) 우리가‬ ‪있습니다!‬We're here for you! Be strong!
‪힘내세요! 사랑합니다!‬Be strong! We love you!
‪우리가 봐 온 목자님의 모습은‬ ‪수십 년간 변함이 없어요‬The pastor we've encountered has not changed over the past decades.
‪항상 인자하고 사랑이 많고‬He is always kind and loving.
‪성도들과 같이‬ ‪울어 주고 웃어 주고‬He would cry and laugh with the members.
‪그런 모습만 봐 왔기 때문에‬As we'd only seen that side of him,
‪'아, 그, 나간 여자들은‬ ‪원래 문란한 애들이었어'‬we thought, "Those women who left were always promiscuous."
‪'걔네들은 원래 남자관계가‬ ‪복잡한 애들이었어'‬"They've always fooled around with men."
‪이제 이렇게 소문이 안에서‬ ‪확 돈 거예요, 또‬And that rumor spread within the church.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(탈퇴자) '아주 부도덕하고‬ ‪지저분했던'‬"They were very immoral and dirty. They were messy girls."
‪'난잡했던 아이들이다'‬"They were very immoral and dirty. They were messy girls."
‪이렇게 암암리에 소문을 냈죠‬ ‪말을 하고, 사석 모임에서‬They secretly spread this rumor, talking about it at private gatherings.
‪어른들도요, 이 사실을‬ ‪많이 알고 있었어요‬Many of the adults also knew the truth.
‪근데도 교회에‬ ‪꼭 붙어 있는 거예요‬But they didn't leave the church.
‪왜냐하면 그, 성령님이시니까‬And that was because they thought he was the Holy Spirit.
‪(성피해자) '성령님이‬ ‪하시는 일에 대해서는'‬They thought, "Humans can't pass judgment on the Holy Spirit's actions."
‪'사람이 판단할 수 없다'‬They thought, "Humans can't pass judgment on the Holy Spirit's actions."
‪한두 명만이라도 제대로 밝혀서‬Only if one or two people had revealed the truth
‪'이거 진짜 아닌 거 아니냐'고‬ ‪이렇게 했으면은‬and protested against what happened,
‪이렇게 오랫동안‬ ‪수십 년이 오지는 않았겠죠‬this wouldn't have lasted several decades.
‪(문현) 성폭행 혐의 인정하시나요?‬Do you admit your sexual assault charges? Why did you do it?
‪왜 그러셨어요?‬Do you admit your sexual assault charges? Why did you do it?
‪성폭행 인정‬ ‪안 하신다는 말씀이세요?‬ ‪[최 기자가 재차 묻는다]‬You're still not admitting the charges?
‪(남자1) 어디로 가세요?‬ ‪어디로 가면…‬Where are we going?
‪(문현) 신도들 왜 부르셨어요?‬ ‪[남자1의 곤란한 신음]‬Why did you call the women?
‪(문현과 최 기자)‬ ‪- 광장동 자이아파트 기억하세요?‬ ‪- 본인이 성령이라고 생각합니까?‬Do you remember the Bangbae-dong apartment?
‪(문현) 저희가 이제‬ ‪엘리베이터 앞까지 가서‬I remember we kept asking him questions right up to the elevator.
‪끝까지 물어봤던 기억이 나거든요‬I remember we kept asking him questions right up to the elevator.
‪그 당시에 이재록 씨는‬But at the time, Lee Jae-rock said nothing about himself.
‪단 한마디도‬ ‪하지 않았어요, 본인에 대해서‬But at the time, Lee Jae-rock said nothing about himself.
‪그리고 그 주변에 있는 인물들은‬And the people around him
‪저희 기자들을 밀쳐내는 데 바빴고‬were too busy just trying to shove away the reporters.
‪굉장히 뻔뻔하게 임했던 걸로‬ ‪기억이 납니다‬I remember him acting very shameless.
‪- (남자2) 아, 죄송합니다‬ ‪- (최 기자) 나, 아유‬ ‪[저마다 소란스럽다]‬Oh, sorry.
‪(문현) 당회장실로‬ ‪왜 부르셨어요? 10시!‬Why did you call them to your room at 10:00 p.m.?
‪4월 12일 날 기억하세요?‬ ‪[최 기자가 연신 말한다]‬Do you remember April 12?
‪이후에 그, 검찰 수사에서도‬After that, he continued to deny his charges,
‪자신의 혐의를 계속 부인을 했었고‬even during the prosecution investigation.
‪재판에서도‬ ‪'성폭력을 한 것이 아니다'라고‬In the trial, he also denied his charges, saying he didn't sexually assault them.
‪혐의를 부인을 했었죠‬ ‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬saying he didn't sexually assault them.
‪굉장히 비싼‬ ‪전관 변호사들을 선임을 해서‬He hired very expensive lawyers
‪자기의 무죄를‬ ‪끝까지 주장했었죠, 하지만…‬and asserted his innocence until the very end, but…
‪그 당시에 만민을 무너지게 했던‬ ‪가장 큰 계기가 있었어요‬There was this very major incident that brought down Manmin.
‪그 당시에 어떤 한 자매의‬ ‪파일이 돌았는데‬Back then, a file from a female member started to circulate.
‪이 자매는 누구냐면‬She was one of the most active members of the church.
‪가장 활발하게 활약했던‬ ‪스타 중의 한 명이었어요‬She was one of the most active members of the church.
‪근데 이 자매가 자기 친구와‬She had a voice recording of herself calling one of her friends.
‪녹음한 그 녹취 파일이 있는데‬She had a voice recording of herself calling one of her friends.
‪이재록이랑 그런 관계를‬ ‪가진 거에 대해서‬She thought there was nothing wrong
‪자기는 '그게 너무 당연한 거고‬ ‪오히려 영광이라고 생각한다'‬with having sex with Lee Jae-rock, and that it was a great honor.
‪(친구)‬Just because he's the Holy Spirit, do you really think it's right for him to demand that from unwilling women?
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(친구)‬-You've never thought that it was wrong? -No.
‪(신도)‬-You've never thought that it was wrong? -No.
‪(친구)‬-So you're always completely obedient? -Yeah.
‪(신도)‬-So you're always completely obedient? -Yeah.
‪(신도)‬-It's not even that weird. -Why isn't it weird?
‪(친구)‬-It's not even that weird. -Why isn't it weird?
‪(친구)‬Do you have to do everything he says?
‪(친구)‬Do you have to do everything he says? Like if he asks women to have sex with him?
‪(신도)‬Pastor Lee is God. That makes everything okay.
‪(신도)‬If the Father says that it's not a sin, then it's not a sin.
‪그 녹취록을 들으면서‬When I listened to that recording, I realized that it was all true.
‪'아, 이게 진짜구나'라고‬When I listened to that recording, I realized that it was all true.
‪거의 21년 동안 믿어 왔던 게‬My 21 years of faith was shattered in just two hours.
‪이 2시간 만에‬ ‪거의 깨지게 됐습니다‬My 21 years of faith was shattered in just two hours.
‪(피디) 자, 21년간‬ ‪믿어 왔던 것들이‬Now, what does it feel like when 21 years of faith shatters?
‪깨지는 느낌은 어떤 건가요?‬Now, what does it feel like when 21 years of faith shatters?
‪[착잡한 한숨]‬ ‪그때의 그…‬It felt like…
‪[피식 웃으며] 감정은…‬It felt like…
‪그냥, 그냥 머리를 진짜‬It felt like my head had gotten slammed with a huge hammer.
‪1톤 망치로 얻어맞아 가지고‬It felt like my head had gotten slammed with a huge hammer.
‪아무 생각이 들지 않는 그런 상태‬So I just couldn't think at all.
‪그냥 하루 종일‬ ‪아무것도 못 하겠더라고요‬I was so shocked that I couldn't do anything all day.
‪너무 충격을 받아 가지고, 예‬I was so shocked that I couldn't do anything all day.
‪상상도 못 했습니다‬I could've never imagined it.
‪하나님이 그런 일을‬ ‪할 수 있을 거라 생각을 못 하죠‬You just never think that God could do something like that.
‪저는 아주…‬I was just…
‪그냥 뭐, 폭탄 하나 맞은‬ ‪그런 기분이었어요‬It felt like I had gotten hit by a bomb.
‪아니, 이재록 씨와‬ ‪그 아이들의 나이 차이가‬Lee Jae-rock was more than 50 years older than those girls.
‪50년이 넘고‬Lee Jae-rock was more than 50 years older than those girls.
‪몰랐던 아이들도 아니고‬And it's not like he didn't know them.
‪(탈퇴자) 엄마가 교회 왔을 때‬These were the kids
‪아장아장 걷던 애들이었고‬who came to the church on their mother's backs,
‪자기가 기도해 줬던‬who he prayed for while they were still toddlers.
‪엄마 등에 업혀 있던‬ ‪그런 아이들이에요‬who he prayed for while they were still toddlers.
‪그런 아이들을 상대로‬ ‪몹쓸 짓을 행했다?‬And he did such unspeakable things to those children?
‪처음에는 쌍욕이 나올 뻔했어요‬At first, I almost swore at him.
‪(성피해자) 10대부터 키워 가지고‬ ‪20대까지 그렇게 해서‬To think he'd groomed these girls since they were in their teens,
‪젊디젊은 스무 살, 스물한두 살의‬and did something like that when they were barely into their twenties…
‪그 여자애들을 그렇게 했다라는 게‬and did something like that when they were barely into their twenties…
‪칠십 넘었던 그 노인네가‬ ‪진짜 뭐라고 해야 될까?‬He was over 70 years old. I don't even know what to call him.
‪변태? 색마?‬A pervert? A sex addict?
‪'나라면 어떻게 했을까?'라는‬ ‪생각을 해 봤어요‬I thought about what I would do if it were me?
‪목자님께서 전화가 오고‬ ‪거처로 오라고 하고‬What if Pastor Lee called and told me to come to his room,
‪(탈퇴자) '너도 에덴동산의‬ ‪아담과 하와처럼 옷을 벗어라'‬and said, "Take off your clothes like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden"?
‪이렇게 얘기를 했다면은‬and said, "Take off your clothes like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden"?
‪솔직히 좀 충격적인 말이시겠지만‬ ‪저도 그대로 했을 거 같아요‬You might find this pretty shocking, but I would have obeyed him.
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬I loved you so much. I loved you spiritually.
‪(재록)‬I loved you so much. I loved you spiritually. The body is one thing, but I loved you with my spirit.
‪(재록)‬The body is one thing, but I loved you with my spirit.
‪(성피해자) [울먹이며]‬I know that.
‪(재록)‬But if you don't like the physical love, I won't even consider it.
‪(성피해자) [울먹이며] 네‬Okay.
‪[성피해자가 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪(재록)‬I won't even consider it if you don't like it. That's not the reason why I love you.
‪(성피해자) [훌쩍이며]‬Okay.
‪(재록)‬All right. I'll see you in the morning.
‪(성피해자) [울먹이며]‬Okay, thank you. Sure.
‪[성피해자가 숨을 내뱉는다]‬ ‪(재록)‬Sure. I love you. Bye.
‪(성피해자) [울먹이며]‬Okay. Bye.
‪[성피해자가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[수화기 내려놓는 소리]‬
‪(문현) 2018년 5월 3일‬May 3, 2018
‪그들이 모셨던 신이‬was the day their God had fallen.
‪몰락하는 순간이었죠‬was the day their God had fallen.
‪[요란한 카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[신도들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪[신도1이 흐느낀다]‬ ‪(신도2) [울먹이며]‬We're here for you! Stay strong.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[요란한 카메라 셔터음]‬MAY 3, 2018
‪(기자) 혐의 인정하십니까?‬Do you admit your charges?
‪[남자의 말소리]‬ ‪혐의 여전히 부인하십니까?‬Do you still deny your charges?
‪어제 기도회에서 경찰과 검찰‬What did you mean yesterday when you said you don't fear the police and prosecutors?
‪두려워할 필요 없다고‬ ‪말씀하셨던데 무슨 뜻인가요?‬when you said you don't fear the police and prosecutors?
‪신도들을 상습적으로‬ ‪성폭행한 혐의를 받고 있는‬Pastor Lee Jae-rock of Manmin Central Church,
‪만민중앙성결교회 이재록 목사가‬ ‪구속됐습니다‬who was accused of sexually assaulting his followers, has been arrested.
‪[발소리가 쿵쿵 울린다]‬
‪(명준) 근데 구속되는 그날‬The day that he was arrested, it suddenly started hailing.
‪갑자기 우박이‬ ‪쏟아진 거예요, 하늘에서‬The day that he was arrested, it suddenly started hailing.
‪'거봐라, 하나님이 화나셨다'‬"Look at that. God is angry."
‪(광오) 그날 이제‬ ‪만민중앙교회에서는‬Manmin Central Church calls that day "the Hail Incident."
‪우박 사건이라고 표현을 합니다‬Manmin Central Church calls that day "the Hail Incident."
‪고초의 고난을 받는다고‬All members of the church panicked as he was put through so much hardship.
‪전 성도인들 울고불고‬ ‪난리가 났었어요‬All members of the church panicked as he was put through so much hardship.
‪[영상 속 신도들이 시끌시끌하다]‬MANMIN CENTRAL CHURCH
‪(신도들) 분명하게 공개하라!‬ ‪공개하라!‬Disclose the truth! The truth!
‪공개하라! 공개하라! 공개하라!‬We want the truth!
‪[요란한 카메라 셔터음]‬
‪- (남자1) 맨 앞에?‬ ‪- (남자2) 예, 맨 앞에‬At the front?
‪[요란한 카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪- (남자1) 맨 앞에요?‬ ‪- (남자2) 예, 맨 앞에‬He's at the very front.
‪- (남자1) 3114?‬ ‪- (남자2) 예‬Number 3114?
‪처음 본 사람 많았어요‬For many people, it was the first time
‪흰머리에 비겁한 모습‬seeing him with white hair, looking like a coward.
‪(탈퇴자) 종종거리면서‬He was taking short steps,
‪호송차에서 내리면서‬as he was getting out of the vehicle. He looked all timid to me.
‪눈치 보는 모습이‬ ‪저한텐 보였거든요‬as he was getting out of the vehicle. He looked all timid to me.
‪'이재록은 신이기 때문에‬ ‪흰머리도 안 생기고'‬They said because Jae-rock is God, he doesn't get white hair,
‪'완전 그렇게 나이가 들었어도‬ ‪검은 머리뿐이다'라고 했는데‬that his hair will be black even though he's really old.
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪(명준) 영락없는 노인네의‬ ‪모습이었던 거죠, 그냥‬But he just looked like a regular old man.
‪(사회자) 예, 여러분‬ ‪그거, 그거를 마음에 품고‬All right, everyone. Let's keep that in our hearts
‪우리 목자님께‬ ‪새해 인사 하도록 하겠습니다‬as we wish Pastor Lee a happy new year.
‪'새해 복 많이 받으세요', 큰절로‬Let's say "Happy New Year" and bow.
‪(신도들) 새해 복 많이 받으세요‬Happy New Year.
‪(신도들) 목자님!‬Pastor Lee!
‪뵙고 싶어요!‬We miss you!
‪(신도) 빨리 나오세요‬Come back to us soon.
‪저는 현재 서울남부구치소‬I am currently at Seoul Nambu Detention Center,
‪교정협의회 사무국장으로‬ ‪제가 일을 하고 있어요‬as the Director of the Council of Corrections.
‪교도소에서는‬I have quite a lot of authority
‪[웃으며] 어…‬I have quite a lot of authority
‪좀 권한이 조금 있어요‬in the detention center.
‪(광오) 2021년도 3월 달에‬I visited Daegu Detention Center in March 2021.
‪대구교도소를‬ ‪이제 한번 다녀왔습니다‬I visited Daegu Detention Center in March 2021.
‪우리를 이렇게, 어?‬ ‪기만하고 했던 사람‬I was curious how the man who deceived us was doing.
‪과연 본새가 어떤가‬ ‪제가 궁금도 했었어요‬how the man who deceived us was doing.
‪그래서 이렇게 보니까 보여‬ ‪그래서 '어, 이재록 씨'‬I could see him, so I said, "Hey, Lee Jae-rock!"
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬I could see him, so I said, "Hey, Lee Jae-rock!" And he looked at me, but…
‪(광오) 하니까‬ ‪이러고 보더라고요, 근데…‬And he looked at me, but…
‪얼마나 저도 그 이름을 부를 때‬Imagine how hard my heart was pounding when I called out his name.
‪심장이 두근두근댔겠어요?‬Imagine how hard my heart was pounding when I called out his name.
‪[심장 박동 효과음]‬
‪'똑바로 사세요! 응?‬ ‪하나님이 무섭지 않습니까?'‬"You should be ashamed! Aren't you scared of God?"
‪이렇게 하고 싶었어요‬ ‪하고 싶었지만…‬That's what I wanted to tell him, but…
‪[숨을 씁 들이켜며]‬ ‪못 알아보더라고요‬He didn't recognize me.
‪(광오) 그리고 그 안에서도‬ ‪방장을 하고 계신 거예요‬And even in prison, he was the leader of his cell.
‪영치금이 항상‬ ‪500만 원 만땅이에요‬He always has five million won kept in custody, which is the limit.
‪잘 먹고 잘 생활하고 있어요‬He's living a good life.

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