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  힙하게 9

Behind Your Touch 9


- [밝은 음악] - [앵커21 국회 의원 선거가

The 21st National Assembly Election will be held nationwide today.

오늘 전국에서 일제히 실시됩니다

The 21st National Assembly Election will be held nationwide today.

선관위는 지역에 따라 차이가 있겠지만

The National Election Commission is predicting that the results will be out

개표가 빨리 진행되는 곳은 이르면  10 반쯤이면

The National Election Commission is predicting that the results will be out by 10:30 p.m. in some of the districts…

[옥희 아이고어르신 일찍 나오셨네유

Hello, sir. You're here early. Yes, I see that you're here early too.

[의환그래 자네도 일찍 나왔구먼

Yes, I see that you're here early too. Yes.

[옥희 아이


아이근데 어르신 얼굴이  까칠해 보이네유

You look a little haggard today though.

- [의환그래? [멋쩍은 웃음] - [옥희  주무셨슈?

-Do I? -Didn't you sleep well? He was on pins and needles all night, worried that Ju-man might not be elected.

[현옥아니주만이 오빠 당선  될까 

He was on pins and needles all night, worried that Ju-man might not be elected.

밤새 노심초사해서 그래요

He was on pins and needles all night, worried that Ju-man might not be elected.

[옥희 아유그냥 밤까지  자고 오지 그러셨슈

You should have just slept in.

 동네 사람 중에  의원  찍겠단 사람 있남유?

Everyone in this neighborhood will be voting for Assemblyman Cha.

- [옥희 부모의 웃음] - [의환그렇다면 다행이고

Everyone in this neighborhood will be voting for Assemblyman Cha. -That's a relief to hear. -Right.

- [옥희 아이고앞에앞에 - [옥희 

-Please go ahead. -No, please. SEONJI-MYEON, POLLING STATION 3

- [카메라 셔터음] - [주민아이고의원님의원님

My goodness, here comes Assemblyman Cha.

[주민들의 반기는 소리]

My goodness, here comes Assemblyman Cha.

아이축하드려요아유아유 - [주만좋은 하루 되십시오

-Congratulations! -Have a good day, ma'am.

[저마다 인사한다]

- [주민아유역시 - [종배선생님선생님

-You're the best. -Mr. Kim.

선생님은 투표  하세요?

Aren't you voting?



I'm not sure.

[선우딱히 찍을 사람이 없어서요

There's no one I want to vote for.

 고민해 보고요

I'll think it over.

[계속되는 카메라 셔터음]

- [주만의 웃음] - [주민들의 웃음]

[주민들의 환호성]

[주만좋은 하루 되십시오

Have a good day. -Cha Ju-man! -Hello, sir.


-Cha Ju-man! -Hello, sir. Hello, Dr. Jung.

- [현옥오빠! [웃음] - [주만의 웃음]

Ju-man! -Good luck. -Yes, thank you.


-Good luck. -Yes, thank you.

- [옥희이모 - [현옥

-Auntie. -Yes?

[옥희예분이는  왔어요?

Where's Ye-bun?

- [현옥아침 일찍 나가던데? - [옥희

She left home early this morning.

- [웃으며감사합니다 - [종묵

Thank you.


[예분 사람 이제 어떻게 되는 거예요?

So what's going to happen to those two?

[종묵… 공무 집행 방해가 맞기는 한데

It's true that they committed obstruction of justice,

그렇게  많이 방해한  같지는 않고

but it wasn't too serious.

그렇다고쓰읍 방해가 아예   것도 아니고

But then it's not like what they did had no effect at all.


It's an awkward situation.

근데 보통 저런 경우에는

But with cases like this,

[예분] '무사해서 다행이다'

don't the police usually let people go, saying, "I'm glad you're safe?"

그러고 그냥 넘어가지 않아요?

don't the police usually let people go, saying, "I'm glad you're safe?"

[종묵근데 쟤는 텄어텄어

Yes, but not that guy.

- [익살스러운 음악] - 애가 아주 그냥 인정머리가 없고

He's totally heartless.

어디 사랑이라고  봤간디

-Does he seem like he's ever been in love? -No way.

우리 같은 공감대가 형성이  되는 

He can't relate to them the way we can.

글고 오늘 무슨 날이여? - [예분선거 날이죠

Plus, what's today? Election day.


That's right.

앵간한  같으믄 아주 선거 끝나고 잡아 온다고

He could've waited until the election was over to arrest them.

그럼요 투표는 국민의 권리인데

Of course. Every citizen has the right to vote.

[종묵저런 놈을 한마디로 얘기하자면은

Do you know what he is? He's a small-minded jerk.

쫌생이 - [예분

He's a small-minded jerk. Should I arrest you two for obstruction of justice too?

[장열  진짜 공무 집행 방해로 넣어 드려요?

Should I arrest you two for obstruction of justice too?

앞으로 조용히  거지?

Can you be quiet?

 - [종묵

-Yes. -Okay.

[예분이 작게 형사님은 한다면 하는 또라이잖아요

Detective Moon is a nutjob who keeps his word.

[놀란 소리어떻게 알았디야?

Detective Moon is a nutjob who keeps his word. -How did you know? -For crying out loud.


-How did you know? -For crying out loud.

[종묵못다  얘기는 나가서

-Let's talk outside. -Okay. Have you eaten yet?

[예분식사는 하셨어요?

Have you eaten yet?

[장열의 한숨]

- [문소리] - [장열의 한숨]

'조애란은 전광식과 공모해서'

"Cho Ae-ran conspired with Jeon Gwang-sik and faked her death

'현재 일하고 있는 무진다방의 채무를 회피하기 위해'

"Cho Ae-ran conspired with Jeon Gwang-sik and faked her death to avoid paying back her debt at Mujin Coffee Shop."

'살인 사건을 조작했다', 맞죠?

to avoid paying back her debt at Mujin Coffee Shop." Is that right?


[광식아니형사님 애란이는  없슈

Wait, Detective Moon. Ae-ran didn't do anything wrong.

지가  하자고 해서  거라니께유

She only did as I suggested. No, Detective Moon.


No, Detective Moon.

[울먹이며저만 아니었음

If it weren't for me,

오빠도 이런   했어요

Gwang-sik wouldn't have done something like this.

실제 사건이 일어난  아니라 범죄 공모는   거고

You won't be charged with criminal conspiracy since there was no actual crime.

[장열수사력이 동원됐고

But you obstructed police business

 사람으로 인해서 경찰 업무에 방해가 됐으니

since an investigation opened for your case.

공무 집행 방해죄

So that would be obstruction of justice.

하지만 직접적인 위력이 있거나

But it's not like you posed any danger, used threats, or resisted arrest.

협박을 했다거나 체포에 불응했거나 하는  없으니

But it's not like you posed any danger, used threats, or resisted arrest.

좋은 변호사 구하면 쉽게 빠져나갈 거고

So a good attorney might be able to get you off the hook.

어떻게좋은 변호사 쓰실 겁니까?

Are you going to get yourselves a good attorney?

[광식 써야쥬

Of course, yes.

아휴그러면  되는데

That's not good.

[장열하지만 절대 경범죄는  피할 거예요

But you'll still be charged with a misdemeanor.

경범죄는 어찌케 되는 거래유?

What happens with that?

즉결 심판 받고 범칙금 정도 나올 겁니다

You'll be granted a summary judgment and be fined.

[둘의 안도하는 소리]

- [광식아이감사해유 [웃음] - [애란감사합니다

Thank you so much. Thank you.

경범죄도 죄예요반성하세요

It's still a crime. Reflect on what you did. -Of course. -We will.

- [애란 - [광식그럼유그럼유

-Of course. -We will. We'll be sure to reflect on it. Yes.

반성하고  반성할게유 감사합니다

We'll be sure to reflect on it. Yes. -Thank you. -Thank you, sir.

- [키보드 조작음] - [광식애란의 안도의 한숨]

-Thank you. -Thank you, sir.

[휴대전화 진동음]

[다방 직원 원장님혹시 애란이 소식 들은  없으세요?

Dr. Bong, have you heard anything about Ae-ran?



You're here.

[예분지숙 녹차 괜찮으시죠?

Do you drink green tea? -Yes, thank you. -Have a seat.

감사합니다 - [예분여기 앉으세요

-Yes, thank you. -Have a seat.

애란  찾았어요

We found Ae-ran.


What? Really?

애란이 무사한 거죠?

She's safe, right?

애란  무사히  있어요

Yes, she's safe and sound.

[예분애란 씨가 다방에서 벗어나려고

Apparently, she faked her death with Gwang-sik

광식 아저씨랑 일을 꾸민  같아요

so she could escape from the coffee shop.


Thank goodness.

 애란이가 어떻게   알고

I was worried something terrible happened to her.

[살짝 웃는다]

It seems like she has a good friend.

애란 씨는  좋은 친구를   같네요

It seems like she has a good friend.

우리 애란이 지금 어디 있어요?

Where's Ae-ran right now?

광식 아저씨랑 지금 경찰서에 있어요

She's at the police station with Gwang-sik.

- [호호 부는 소리] - [애란의 웃음]

[긴장되는 음악]

- [애란의 겁먹은 소리오빠! - [광식뭐예유!

-Gwang-sik! -What are you doing?

 하는 거예유! - [애란의 울음]

What on earth are you doing?

- [애란의 비명] - [마담조용히 따라와라

Come with us quietly. Or else your boyfriend will get beaten up as well.

괜히 니네 오빠까지 쥐어 터지게 하지 말고

Or else your boyfriend will get beaten up as well.

[광식이거 불법인  알아유?

This is illegal.

불법이면 신고해 보시든가

Go ahead and file a report then.

애란아신고할래가서 신고해

Ae-ran, what do you say? File a report.

조용히 가자

Let's behave, all right?

[애란의 겁먹은 소리]

- [애란오빠연락할게! [비명] - [광식애란아!

Gwang-sik, I'll be in touch! Ae-ran!

[마담 하니  ?

What are you doing? Come along.

[무거운 음악]

니가 감히 도망을 ?

How dare you run away?

[마담광식이 걔도 대단해

I can't believe Gwang-sik.

 과거를  아는데도 니가 좋다디?

He still likes you when he knows your past?


Hey, Kim!

당분간 이년 옆에 붙어 있고 배달은 지숙이만 보내

Watch this skank closely, and send Ji-suk for deliveries.

[어두운 음악]



[ 열리는 소리]




원장님이 말한 기유?

Did you tell her?

[광식 그랬슈 말한 기유?

Why did you do it? Why did you tell her?



[광식원장님이 지숙이한테 말하는 바람에

Ae-ran was taken by her boss because you told Ji-suk about her!

우리 애란이 마담한테 잡혀갔슈!

Ae-ran was taken by her boss because you told Ji-suk about her!

지숙 씨가요그럴 리가 없는데

Ji-suk? That can't be.

지숙 씨가 애란 씨를 얼마나 걱정했는데요

Ji-suk was very worried about Ae-ran.

[광식원장님이 지숙이한테 속은 기유

Dr. Bong, you were fooled.

마담하고 한편이라고유!

She's on her boss' side.

[당황한 숨소리]


Why did you do it? I told you about Ae-ran because I trusted you.

나는 지숙  믿고 얘기해  건데  마담한테 일렀냐고요

I told you about Ae-ran because I trusted you. Why did you tell your boss?

애란이가 도망가면

If Ae-ran runs away,

애란이  내가 대신 갚아야 돼요

I have to pay back her debt in her place. The same goes for Ae-ran.

[지숙애란이도 마찬가지고요

The same goes for Ae-ran.

서로 연대 보증 섰다고요

We stood joint surety for each other.

애란  걱정했잖아요

You were worried about Ae-ran.

그건 진심이었잖아요

That was real.

진심으로 걱정했어요

Yes, I was really worried about her.

[지숙] '연쇄 살인범한테 죽었으면 어쩌지?'

"What if she was killed by the serial killer?"

근데 그거 아니잖아요

But that's not what happened.

 살겠다고 도망간 거잖아요

She ran away to save herself,

지가 그렇게 도망가면    나한테 넘어온다는  아는데

knowing I'd have to pay her debt if she did.

근데 내가  걔를 보호해 줘야 하는데요?

So why should I protect her?

애란  빚이고 지숙  빚이고  갚으면 되잖아요

We can pay off all your debts, yours and Ae-ran's. I'll help however I can.

내가 어떻게든 도울게요

I'll help however I can.

세상엔 돈으로  갚아지는 빚도 있어요

Some debts can't be paid back with money.

- [오토바이 시동음] - [지숙비켜요바쁘니까

Get out of my way. I'm busy.

[휴대전화 진동음]


Do you have a minute? Can we meet up? There must have been a misunderstanding.


There must have been a misunderstanding.


What I did that day was a duty performed as a detective. Nothing more.


I see.


It won't happen again. Goodbye.


잠깐 시간 있냐?

Got a minute?

 그래도  보러 가려던 참이여

I was just about to go and see you.



이는 튼튼허냐?

How are your teeth?

흔들리는 이빨 없고?

Are any of them loose?


The hell are you talking about?

- [경택의 아파하는 소리] - [흥미로운 음악]

If you ever lay a finger on Hyeon-ok again,

  번만  현옥이 몸에 손대믄 그땐 진짜 죽는 

If you ever lay a finger on Hyeon-ok again, I'll actually kill you.

내가 언제 현옥이한테 손을 ?

When have I ever laid a finger on her? That was before we got divorced.

그건 이혼하기 전이지이씨

That was before we got divorced. Right, I'm doing what I couldn't back then.

맞어그때    지금 하는 

Right, I'm doing what I couldn't back then.

니가 뭔데 자식아?

Who do you think you are?


Me? I'm Won Jong-muk.

[종묵너보다는 현옥이를 몇천 배는  사랑했던 사람이여

Someone who loved her thousands of times more than you ever did.

혹시 니들  몰래 만나고 있었냐?

Wait, were you two seeing each other behind my back?

그래서 이혼한 거야?

Is that why we got divorced?

저기 사거리 편의점  치과가 잘혀여기는

I recommend the dentist's office above the convenience store at the intersection.

[종묵 임플란트  해야겄다

You're going to need some implants.


Hey, wait!

 두고 진짜이씨

You're going to get it, just wait and see!


Damn it.

이런데도 오해라고?

Was it still a misunderstanding?

[옥희 아이고무당 선상!

-There goes our shaman! -Oh, my.

아이고일로일로일로  - [주민들의 재촉하는 소리]

-There goes our shaman! -Oh, my. -Come over here. -Come sit with us.

여기 앉았다  앉았다 

-Come over here. -Come sit with us. Sit with us.

[주민1] 이번에 국회 의원은 누가   같여?

Who do you think will be our national assemblyman this time?

[상구 신빨이 오를 대로 올랐으믄

I mean, you've been on a roll lately. I'm sure you can see it all.

그것도 이렇게  보일  아니여?

I'm sure you can see it all. I do see it, but…

보이긴 하는데

I do see it, but…

- [주민1] … - [옥희 보이는데?


[ 들이켜는 소리]

The general tells me he's thirsty.

장군님께서 목이 마르다고 하시네요

The general tells me he's thirsty.

- [주민들의 옅은 탄성] - [옥희 그려?

He is?

그럼  줄까생수?

Then what would you like? Water? -Coffee? -Coffee.

커피? - [종배커피

-Coffee? -Coffee.

- [옥희 그래오케이 - [상구갖고 갖고 

-Okay. -Go bring some.


Hold up!

아이고죄송해요 그거 아니고

I'm sorry. It's just that…

 분위기 있고

He wants to have coffee

소파 푹신한 데서 자시고 싶으시다고

someplace nice where they have comfortable couches.

- [주민들의 호응] - [주민2] 그렇지


별이 다섯  장군님인디

He's a five-star general after all.

이렇게 누추한 곳에서 자시면  되지

He shouldn't have coffee at a shabby place like this.

[옥희 여기 커피  아주  말아  

Hey, bring us some nice coffee.

[종배의 헛기침]



누가 이번에 한자리 차지할지 감이  왔남?

Any idea who'll be the next assemblyman?

[종배의 헛기침]

장군님은 모르시는  없습니다

The general knows everything.

[주민의 탄성]

- [긴장되는 음악] - [옅은 신음]

- [종배 얼굴이 보이네 - [주민의 놀란 소리]

I can see a face. I see the golden badge.

금배지가 보인다

I see the golden badge.

[잘그락 놓는 소리]

- [애란의 웃음] - [흐느적 늘어지는 음악]

[주민그니께 장군님이 뭐라시는디?

Come on. So what is the general telling you?

 의원이여 사람이여?

Is it Assemblyman Cha? Is it someone else?

[옥희 아이 그거를  이짝에다 물어?

Why would you ask him?

저기 애란이가

Look at Ae-ran over there. She's alive and in one piece.

멀쩡히 살아 있는디! - [익살스러운 음악]

She's alive and in one piece.

 살아 있대요?

Why is she alive?

그럼 죽기를 바랬남?

Were you hoping she was dead?

아니요그게 아니고

Of course not.


[주민들의 못마땅한 소리]

-It's hot. -For Pete's sake!

뜨거워 - [옥희 아이고!

-It's hot. -For Pete's sake!

[상구여기 휴지  줘유

Could we have some napkins?

[옥희 아이됐어!

It's fine.

 휴지 있어

I have napkins.


This damned thing was a lot more expensive than napkins,

휴지보다 곱절은 비싼디

This damned thing was a lot more expensive than napkins,

 닦이지도 않어

but it's not nearly as absorbent.

[주민신기는 개뿔

Powers, my foot. What a load of bull.

똥촉이구먼똥촉 - [문소리]

What a load of bull.




-Hi. -Hi.

무진부동산 커피  

Two coffees for Mujin Realtors.

[흥미로운 음악]

근데  자꾸 따라와요?

Why do you keep following me?

[용명요즘에 동네가 흉흉하잖아요

The neighborhood is pretty dangerous these days.

제가 데려다드리고 싶어서요

I wanted to walk you home.

[옥희의 헛웃음 누군지 몰라요?

Don't you know who I am?

무진여고 배옥희예요

I'm Bae Ok-hui from Mujin Girls' High.

다은이가 옥희 언니  지켜 드려야 한다고 했습니다

Da-eun said I have to protect you at all costs.

다은이가요? - [용명

-She said that? -Yes. She said you saved her when she almost died.

예전에 다은이가 죽을 뻔한  구해 주셨다면서요?

She said you saved her when she almost died.

- [흥미진진한 음악] - [긴장되는 효과음]

우리 예분이 참고서값 2 3   뜯은  누구냐?

Who took 23,000 won from Ye-bun? She was supposed to buy workbooks.

니가 무진여고 배옥희냐?

Are you Bae Ok-hui from Mujin Girls' High?


So it was you.

우리 시세대로  맞자

I'll give you a beating worth 23,000 won.

[저마다의 비웃음]

What a lunatic.

[다은이런 미친년이

What a lunatic.


Get her!


[거칠게 싸우는 소리]

- [찰싹찰싹 때리는 소리] - [학생들의 비명]

- [옥희! - [학생1 비명]

Take that, and that, and that!

[학생2 비명]

[학생3] 이씨!

[학생들의 힘겨운 신음]

[다은이 악쓰며!

[다은의 놀란 소리]

[다은이거  ?

Let go. I said, let go!

? - [다은이씨이씨

-You want me to let go? -Let go.

놓지 !

No, don't let go!

놓지 놓지 놓지  - [옥희] '놓지 '?

No, don't let go! -Don't! -Is that how you plead?

[다은놓지 마세요

-Don't! -Is that how you plead? Please don't let go.

놓지 마세요언니

Please don't let go. Please don't let go, sis.

[익살스러운 효과음]

별것도 아닌 걸로

That was nothing.

됐어요그냥 가서  보세요

I'm fine. You can go.

아이아닙니다다은이가  지켜 드려야 한다고 했다니까요

No, Da-eun said I have to protect you at all--


Come on! -Is her word law? -I mean…

다은이가 죽으라면 죽을 거예요?

-Is her word law? -I mean… Why are you so intimidated by your little sister?

오빠가  가지고 동생한테  이렇게 쩔쩔매요?

Why are you so intimidated by your little sister?

[용명 다은이 때문만은 아닙니다

It's not just because of Da-eun.

제가 지켜 드리고 싶어서요 - [울리는 말소리]

I want to protect you, sis.

언니는 - [부드러운 음악]

I want to protect you, sis.



[강조되는 효과음]

[용명의 놀란 소리]

- [종이 뎅뎅 울리는 효과음] - [새소리 효과음]

- [현옥오빠 - [종묵

-Jong-muk. -Yes?

빨리 결혼했다 다시 돌아올래?

How about you get married and divorced real quick?

아이갑자기  소리여?

What are you talking about?


I mean,

나는 한번 갔다 왔는데 오빠는 총각이니까

I'm divorced, but you've never been married.

오빠가  손해 보는  같아서 - [잔잔한 음악]

I feel like you're getting the short end of the stick. That's why you brought me all the way out here?

[종묵아이겨우   할라고 여까지 델꼬  ?

That's why you brought me all the way out here?


Well, not really.

좋은 공기도  쐬고

I wanted some fresh air too.


Jong-muk, do you want some ice cream?

우리도 아이스크림 먹을까?

Jong-muk, do you want some ice cream?

아이 디야

I can't.

- [종묵 당뇨 있어 - [구슬픈 음악]

I'm diabetic.

[현옥그럼 커피라도 마실래?

Then do you want some coffee?

 갱년기여 커피 마시면   

I'm going through male menopause. I can't sleep if I drink coffee.


You too?


아까운 시간들  놓쳐 버리고

We wasted all that precious time,

이렇게 늙어 버렸네

and now we're old.

나만 늙었어 그대로여

I'm old. You're still the same.

[현옥의 웃음]

[현옥나도 늙었어

I'm old too.


No, you're not.

[종묵의 한숨]


What do you want to do now?


I'm not sure.

  없으믄 손이나 잡고 있든가

In that case, we can hold hands.

[달달 떨리는 효과음]

[현옥의 웃음]

You're nervous, aren't you?

오빠 긴장했구나

You're nervous, aren't you?

  잡았다고 이렇게 벌벌벌 떨고

You're shaking just for holding my hand.



어휴아니그게 아니고 이게

That's not it. My blood sugar's dropping.

그새 당이 떨어졌나이게 - [구슬픈 음악]

That's not it. My blood sugar's dropping. I should have had that ice cream.

아이스크림이라도 저기   그랬네

I should have had that ice cream.

- [부스럭거리는 소리] - 이것도  어떡해

You can't even open this? My gosh.


Goodness. Here.

- [현옥 - [종묵이거   

Here. One more.

[종묵의 힘겨운 소리]

[현옥 먹어, ''

Have another one.

[선거 운동원들기호 1 차주만!

-Candidate number one, Cha Ju-man! -Candidate number one, Cha Ju-man!

기호 1 차주만!

-Candidate number one, Cha Ju-man! -Candidate number one, Cha Ju-man!

[기자 후보님 이번 선거 어떻게 예상하십니까?

-How do you think this election will go? -What kind of results are you expecting?

- [주만… - [계속되는 카메라 셔터음]

-How do you think this election will go? -What kind of results are you expecting?

기자님들 그동안 고생하셨습니다

Thank you for your hard work, everyone.

저는 이제 겸허한 마음으로

I will now humbly wait for the decision of the citizens of Mujin.

무진 시민 여러분들의 선택을 기다리도록 하겠습니다

I will now humbly wait for the decision of the citizens of Mujin.

감사합니다 [웃음] - [어두운 음악]

Thank you. A word for your opponent please.

[기자상대 후보에게  말씀  주십시오

A word for your opponent please.

[주만행운이 있을 거라고 생각합니다

I wish him good luck.

여기 소주  병이랑 계란말이 주세요

A bottle of soju and a rolled omelet, please.


Coming right up.

- [예분어머! [아파하는 소리] - [선우의 신음]

My goodness.


I'm sorry.

? - [선우?


Dr. Bong.




I'm sorry.

[예분의 멋쩍은 소리]

You seemed to be a lightweight.

[선우  못하시는  같아서요

You seemed to be a lightweight.

[예분제가 쪼끔 빨리 취하고 빨리 깨요 [웃음]

I get drunk quickly and sober up quickly too.

무슨  있으세요?

Is everything all right?

혼자 낮술까지 하시고

You're drinking by yourself at this hour.

그냥  속상한 일이 있어서요

I'm just a little upset, that's all.

물어보면 실례죠?

Would you mind if I asked what happened?

그건 아닌데

Not at all.


사람을  모르겠어서요

I just can't seem to figure people out.

세상에서 그게 제일 어렵죠

That's the hardest thing in the world.

사람 마음을 안다는 

To truly know people.

 사람은 어때요?

What do you think he's like?

 의원 아저씨요?

Mr. Cha?

아저씨는 좋은 사람이죠 이거는 확실해요

He's a good man. This I'm sure of.

[선우사람은 누구나

You know, everyone has a little evil inside.

속에 악마를 데리고 산대요

everyone has a little evil inside.



보이는  다가 아니라고요

There's always more than meets the eye.

그러니까 쉽게 사람 믿지 마세요

So don't trust people too easily.


그래도 저는 믿고 싶어요

I still want to.

[잔잔한 음악]

설사 그게 사실이 아니라고 해도

Even if they're not who they seem to be,

누구를 의심하면서 사는 거보다

it's easier to trust people than to be suspicious of everyone.

믿으면서 사는   편하거든요

it's easier to trust people than to be suspicious of everyone.



저도 믿으세요?

do you trust me too?


Of course.

 선우  믿어요 선우 씨도 좋은 사람이잖아요

I trust you, Seon-woo. You're a good person too.

제가 100% 보증해요

I stand by it 100%.

말만이라도 고맙네요

Thank you for saying that.


It's true.

[예분말만 그런  아닌데?

I'm not just saying that.

진짜 믿는  보여 줘요?

Do you want me to prove that I trust you?

[작게 비밀 하나 말해 줄까요?

I'll let you in on a secret.



초능력이 하나 있거든요 말해 줄까요?

have a special power. Do you want to know?

아니요말하지 마세요

No. Don't tell me.

저도 믿지 말라고요

Don't trust me either. You don't know how I could change.

제가 어떻게 변할지 모르잖아요

You don't know how I could change.

- [달각  드는 소리] - [조르르 따르는 소리]

나중에 궁금할  물어보면

Ask me if you ever get curious,

언제든 말해 줄게요

and I'll tell you.

[옅은 웃음]


[음악이 멈춘다]

[흐느적 늘어지는 효과음]

[ 울리는 효과음]

[은은히 이어지는 잔잔한 음악]

- [크레인 작동음] - [어두운 음악]

- [웅성거리는 소리] - [남자아이예분이구먼

It's Ye-bun!

[예분의 가쁜 숨소리]

[긴장되는 효과음]

[예분의 놀란 숨소리]


[의미심장한 음악]

사장님여기 있던   보셨어요?

Ma'am, I was with someone. Do you know where she went?

[사장 전에 나가던데?

She left just a second ago.

[긴장되는 음악]

[긴장이 고조되는 효과음]


I'm back.

[마담  하니?

What are you doing?

배달 가요

I'm going on a delivery. Who said you could?

그니까 니가  배달을 가냐고

Who said you could? Ji-suk's been out on delivery all day.

지숙이 혼자 종일 배달하잖아요

Ji-suk's been out on delivery all day.

[애란 도망가요

I won't run away.

도망가면 잡아다 섬에 팔아 버리시든지 하세요

If I do, you can catch me and sell me off.


What about Gwang-sik?

[헛웃음절대  만나요

I'm not meeting him.

[애란  오빠 이용했던 거지 절대 좋아하거나 그런  아니에요

I was using him. I never liked him or anything like that.

그래   믿는 도끼에 발등 찍혀 보지

All right. I'll give you a second chance.

이제 와서  위하는 척하지 

Don't pretend you care about me.

[예분의 머뭇거리는 소리]

I'm here to apologize.

사과하러 왔어요

I'm here to apologize.



지숙  마음도 이해 가요

I understand how you feel.

[예분나였어도 원망했을 거예요

I would have been resentful too if I were you.

근데 원망하는 마음보다

But you were sincerely worried

애란 씨가 없어졌을  걱정하던  모습이

when Ae-ran went missing.

지숙  진심이라는  알아요

I know that's how you really feel about her.

내가 도와드리고 싶어요

I want to help you.

얘기했죠도와줄  있는 문제가 아니라고

I told you. You can't help us.

아니요도울  있어요

No, I can really help you.

마음대로 하세요

You can try all you want.

[지숙어어 이래요진짜?

-What are you doing? -I'm coming with you.

[예분나도 같이 가요

-What are you doing? -I'm coming with you.

바쁘니까 가면서 얘기하자고요

You're busy, so we'll talk on the way.

- [지숙미치겠네진짜 - [오토바이 시동음]


[시동이 멈춘다]

여기서 기다릴게요

I'll wait here.

[지숙의 한숨]

[지숙의 한숨대단하네요

You're really something. All right.

그래요무슨 얘기인지 들어 봅시다

All right. Let's hear what this is about.

저쪽이 좋겠네요

It looks nice over there.

저쪽 가서 얘기해요

Let's talk over there.


Thank you.

[오토바이 시동음]

[예분지숙 지숙 !



What the…


[밤새 울음]

[풀벌레 울음]

- [오토바이 엔진음] - [예분?

- [어두운 음악] - [다급한 숨소리]

[예분의 당황한 소리]


What happened?



지숙 !


지숙 ! - [고조되는 음악]

Ji-suk! What's going on?


What's going on?

[가쁜 숨소리]


[긴장되는 음악]

- [예분지숙  - [울리는 말소리]


[불안한 숨소리]

[의미심장한 효과음]

[다급한 숨소리]



[신비로운 효과음]

[긴박한 음악]


- [어둡고 의미심장한 음악] - [예분의 놀란 숨소리]

[예분의 가쁜 숨소리]

- [지숙의 비명] - [놀란 소리]

- [긴박한 음악] - [ 찌르는 소리]

- [지숙의 겁에 질린 소리] - [예분의 비명]

[지숙의 거친 숨소리]

- [예분의 힘주는 소리] - [털썩 소리]

[지숙이 울먹인다]

[지숙의 아파하는 신음]

- [베이는 소리] - [예분의 신음]

[힘주는 소리]

[지숙예분의 다급한 소리]

- [지숙의 신음] - [예분괜찮아요빨리

Are you all right? Quickly.

- [예분의 놀란 소리] - [긴장되는 음악]

[파삭파삭 검불 스치는 소리]

[스산한 효과음]


- [예분의 가쁜 숨소리] - [지숙의 힘겨운 신음]

[예분여기여기 이쪽으로조심

This way. Be careful.

[지숙의 신음]

[예분의 초조한 숨소리]


Wait here.

어깨  봐요

Let me see your shoulder.

[지숙이 울먹인다]

어깨 상처는 크지 않은데 발목이 부러진  같아요

The wound on your shoulder isn't that serious, but I think your ankle's broken. Did you see the attacker's face?

근데 범인 얼굴은 봤어요?

Did you see the attacker's face?

아니요 봤어요

No, I didn't.


Ji-suk, excuse me for a second.

제가 잠깐만 실례할게요

Ji-suk, excuse me for a second.



[신비로운 효과음]

[비틀거리는 발소리]

- [휘두르는  소리] - [지숙의 비명]

[지숙의 겁먹은 소리]

[지숙의 비명]

- [찌르고 베는 소리] - [지숙의 신음]

[예분저기일단  신고부터 하는  좋을  같아요

I think we should call the police first.

[당황한 소리]

[어두운 음악]

- [무거운 음악] - [예분잠깐만

Hold on for a bit.

여기 제가 진료 오는 동네라서  알아요

I make house calls here, so I know this place well. It's secluded, so people don't know about it.

근데 외져서 사람들  몰라요

It's secluded, so people don't know about it.

그놈도 여긴  찾을 거예요

He won't be able to find you here.

제가 가서 사람들

I'll go and get people…

믿을  있는 사람 데리고  테니까

Someone we can trust.

그때까지만  숨어 계세요

Hide here until I come back.


[지숙의 울먹이는 소리]


I'm sorry.


Please tell Ae-ran I'm sorry too.

나중에나중에 직접 얘기해요

Later. Tell her yourself later.

잠깐만 있어요

I'll be right back.

- [무거운 음악] - [지숙의 떨리는 숨소리]

[힘주는 소리]

- [어두워지는 음악] - [흐느낀다]

- [어두운 음악] - [예분의 가쁜 숨소리]

[놀란 숨소리]

- [예분의 다급한 숨소리] - [버스 경적]

[타이어 마찰음]

[예분의 거친 숨소리저기요

Excuse me.

[종배 원장님

Dr. Bong. What happened?

무슨 일이에요? - [의미심장한 효과음]

What happened? Please, help me.

저기  도와주세요… - [긴장되는 음악]

Please, help me. I…

[장열범인은 분명 무진 사람들 중에 있어

The culprit is definitely a Mujin resident.


Dr. Bong?

[예분의 거친 숨소리]

[TV  앵커] 2022 국회 의원 선거

The results of the 2022 -National Assembly Election are out. -The results are out!

개표 결과 함께 보시겠습니다 - [웅성거리는 소리]

-National Assembly Election are out. -The results are out!

먼저 충청남도 무진시 선거 결과입니다

-They're out! -First, Mujin of Chungcheongnam-do.

기호 1 차주만 후보가 당선됐습니다

Congratulations. Candidate number one, Cha Ju-man.

- [사람들의 함성] - [웅장한 음악]

Candidate number one, Cha Ju-man.

[주만의 기쁨에  포효]

- [지지자들차주만차주만! - [주민차주만차주만

-Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man! -You won, Mr. Cha!


-Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man!

[주만의 환호성고생했습니다

-We did it! -Cha Ju-man!


-We did it! -Cha Ju-man!

- [주만의 포효] - [사람들이 환호한다]

[박수 소리]

- [주만감사합니다 - [주민아유축하합니다!

Cha Ju-man!

- [요란한 자동차 경적] - [종묵그쪽 차량 통제 잘해

Control the traffic.


Hey. It's going to get chaotic soon,

지금부터 통제를 잘혀? - [미란알겠습니다

It's going to get chaotic soon, -so control the traffic. -Yes, sir. Send most of the vehicles that way.

[종묵웬만한 거는  저짝 저짝오른쪽으로 보내고?

Send most of the vehicles that way. -To the right. -Yes, sir.

 나올 이제

He'll be coming out any minute.


-Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man!


-Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man!

차주만! - [주만아이고수고하십니다

-Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man! Goodness, thank you for your hard work.

아유수고하십니다 - [사람들의 환호성]

Goodness, thank you for your hard work.

[무거운 음악]

- [지지자들차주만차주만! - [예분의 가쁜 숨소리]

-Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man!

차주만차주만! - [고조되는 음악]

-Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man!

차주만차주만차주만! - [주만감사합니다감사합니다

-Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man! -Thank you. -Cha Ju-man!

[옥희 아이  예분이 아니여?

-Thank you. -Cha Ju-man! -Hey, Ye-bun. -I will never forget your support.

 얼굴이  그려이게 어쩐 일이여?

What happened to your face? Dr. Jung.


Dr. Jung.


Dr. Jung.

[의환무슨 일이냐?

What happened to you?

[예분제가 나중에 나중에 말씀드릴게요

I'll tell you later.

- [긴장되는 음악] - [주만예분아 나잖아

Ye-bun, you're bleeding. Let's get you to the hospital.

우선 병원부터 가자

Ye-bun, you're bleeding. Let's get you to the hospital. I…


I… Later.

[의미심장한 효과음]

Have you seen Detective Moon?

저기 형사님  보셨어요?

Have you seen Detective Moon?

- [예분의 다급한 소리] - [미란아이어떻게  거예요?

Wait, what happened?

[놀라며  봐요

Wait, what happened? Look at all this blood.

 형사님  형사님 어디 있어요?

Where's Detective Moon?

 형사님 서에 가셨어요 - [예분서에서에

-He went back to the station. -The station…

- [예분의 힘겨운 숨소리] - [무거운 음악]

- [선우괜찮으세요? - [예분괜찮아요

Are you okay? Yes, I'm okay.

미안해요선우  제가 지금 시간이 없어요

I'm sorry, Seon-woo. I don't have time to lose.


Dr. Bong, your phone!

[예분의 가쁜 숨소리]

- [긴박한 음악] - 형사님

Detective Moon!

 뭐야무슨 일이야? - [예분저기빨리요

What's going on? Come quickly. Ji-suk's in danger.

지숙 씨가 위험해요 - [장열?

Come quickly. Ji-suk's in danger. -What? -I saw it.

[예분내가 봤어요판초 우의가 지숙  죽이려고 하는 

-What? -I saw it. The rain poncho guy tried to kill her.

지숙  이미 많이 다쳤어요

She's already pretty hurt.

내가 믿을 사람 형사님밖에 없다고요

And you're the only person I can trust.

내가 아무도 모르는 곳에 지숙  숨겨 놨어요

I hid her somewhere no one can find her.

- [타이어 마찰음] - [사이렌 소리]

Captain, the rain poncho killer has been spotted.

[장열반장님 판초 우의 나타났어요

Captain, the rain poncho killer has been spotted.

 먼저 현장에 가고 있습니다

I'm heading over to the scene right now.

판초 우의?

What? The rain poncho killer?

[종묵 원장이  판초 우의를 봤다는 ?

Are you saying Dr. Bong saw him?

인마근데 거기를 갖다  혼자 가믄 어떡햐?

You shouldn't be going there by yourself.

 함부로 뎀비지 말고

Don't do anything reckless and stay put.

가만있어금방  테니까잉

Don't do anything reckless and stay put. I'll be right there.

[계속되는 긴박한 음악]

- [장열여기야? - [예분

-Is this it? -Yes.

지숙  [가쁜 숨소리]



- [예분의 놀란 소리] - [어두운 효과음]

[의미심장한 음악]

[울먹이는 소리]




[무거운 효과음]

- [사이렌 소리] - [무전 소리]

[덕희 번째 피해자네요

This is the third victim. The murder weapon is indisputable,

[미란살해 흉기도 확실하고

The murder weapon is indisputable,

 원장님이 판초 우의를 직접 목격했으니까 빼박이지

and Dr. Bong witnessed the rain poncho, so there's no doubt about it.


Kim Si-a, Park Seung-gil, and Lee Ji-suk.

피해자들 공통점 조사햐 - [미란의 한숨알겠습니다

Look into what the victims had in common. Yes, sir.

[차분하고 무거운 음악]

[ 울음]

[장열의 가쁜 숨소리]

[의미심장한 음악]

[예분의 옅은 신음]

[신비로운 효과음]

[예분광식 아저씨는 아니네요

It's not Gwang-sik.



낮부터 계속  마시고 있었어요

He's been drinking since the afternoon.

[ 울음]

You said you touched the victim's butt.

[장열피해자 엉덩이 만져 봤댔지?

You said you touched the victim's butt.


Tell me more about what you saw.

지숙 씨가  오토바이를 판초 우의가 공격했어요

The rain poncho killer attacked the motorcycle Ji-suk was riding.

[예분그리고 칼로 찌르려고 했는데

He tried to stab her with a knife, but he luckily missed her.

다행히 빗나갔고

He tried to stab her with a knife, but he luckily missed her.

지숙 씨가 도망쳤어요

And Ji-suk ran away.

근데 금방 다시 잡혔고

But then the killer caught her again soon after and put a cable tie around Ji-suk's wrist.

그놈이 지숙  손목에 케이블 타이를 걸었어요

and put a cable tie around Ji-suk's wrist.

케이블 타이?

A cable tie?

[예분자기 손목이랑 해서 같이 걸었어요

He tied his and Ji-suk's wrists together with it.

그거 끊다가 손도 다친 거고요

I hurt my hand trying to cut it off.


근데 범인은  사람 있는 데를 어떻게  거야?

But how did the killer know where you two were?

그거를  모르겠어요

But how did the killer know where you two were? That's what I'm wondering too.

분명히 따돌렸고

We had definitely lost him,

쉽게 찾을  있는 데도 아니었어요

and it wasn't a place he could easily find.

[예분그리고 형사님 만나기 전까지

And I didn't tell anyone about it until I saw you.

 아무한테도 얘기  했거든요

And I didn't tell anyone about it until I saw you. There's no way he could have known.

절대 몰랐을 거예요

There's no way he could have known.

세상에 '절대' 없어

You can never be sure.

[장열니가 얘기  해도   있는 방법이 있을지도 몰라

Maybe he has a way to find things out even if you don't tell him.



만약 범인이

What if the killer has powers like you and Jeon Gwang-sik?

너랑 전광식처럼 초능력이 있다면?

has powers like you and Jeon Gwang-sik?

? - [의미심장한 음악]


[장열아니다 내가 지금  소릴

Never mind. What am I saying?


There's someone else who's also psychic.

있어요초능력자우리 말고도

There's someone else who's also psychic. What?

? - [예분광식 아저씨가

What? Gwang-sik said there was another person there

 유성우 맞던 

Gwang-sik said there was another person there

우리 말고도    있었다고 했어요

when we were hit by the meteor shower. He saw that person when he touched my leg.

 다리 만지다가  사람 봤대요

He saw that person when he touched my leg.

 사람이 누군데?

So who was it?

[예분근데 광식 아저씨도 실루엣만  모양이에요

It seems like Gwang-sik only saw his silhouette.

[장열의 한숨]

If he's the killer,

만약 그놈이 범인이라면

If he's the killer,

아마  읽었을 거야

he probably saw your memories.

그렇게 숨은 장소를 알아낸 거고

And that's how he found out where Ji-suk was.


What? You probably ran into him on your way to me after hiding the victim.

피해자 숨겨 놓고 나한테 오는 동안 만난 사람들 중에

You probably ran into him on your way to me after hiding the victim.

그놈이 있었을 거야

You probably ran into him on your way to me after hiding the victim.

[예분내가 만난 사람들?

I ran into him?

[종배 원장님 무슨 일이에요?

Dr. Bong. What happened?

[강조되는 효과음]

-Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man!


-Cha Ju-man! -Cha Ju-man!

[옥희  예분이 아니여?

Hey, Ye-bun.

어르신어르신! - [긴장되는 효과음]

Dr. Jung. What happened to you?

[의환무슨 일이냐?

What happened to you? Ye-bun, you're bleeding. Let's get you to the hospital.

[주만예분아 나잖아 우선 병원부터 가자

Ye-bun, you're bleeding. Let's get you to the hospital.

[미란어떡해  봐요

Oh, God. Look at all this blood.

 형사님 어디 있어요?

Where's Detective Moon?

- [강조되는 효과음] - [미란 형사님 서에 가셨어요

He went back to the station.

[예분의 다급한 숨소리]

[긴장되는 효과음]


Are you okay?

[장열이제야 그림이 맞춰지네

The pieces are coming together now.

 그놈을 모르지만 그놈은 니가 초능력이 있다는  알아

You don't know who he is, but he knows about your power.



범인이 가장 두려워하는  뭘까?

What is the killer most afraid of?

바로 너야

It's you.

[장열니가 자기의 범행을  읽어 버릴 테니까

Because you can see all the crimes he's committed.

그럼  범행을

Then what can he do to stop you from seeing what he's done?

니가  보게 하려면 어떻게 해야 할까?

Then what can he do to stop you from seeing what he's done?

 상대가 직접 눈으로  것만   있어

You can only see things someone has seen with their eyes.



내가 범인이라면

Then there's only one thing the killer can do.

방법은 하나야

the killer can do.



- [장열감는다 - [비밀스러운 음악]

his eyes. He was staggering because he had his eyes closed.

눈을 감았기 때문에 비틀거린 거고

He was staggering because he had his eyes closed. He stabbed the victims randomly also because his eyes were closed.

눈을 감고 찔렀기 때문에 그런 막무가내식의 상처가  거야

He stabbed the victims randomly also because his eyes were closed.

당연히 헛손질이 많았겠지 - [강조되는 효과음]

So he would have missed his aim a lot.

블랙 화면

The blackouts.

[예분제가 만질 때마다  보이는  있어요

There's something I see every time I touch someone. Blackouts.

그게 블랙 화면이에요


눈을 감았을 때나 잠들었을 때나

I thought they were created naturally when people closed their eyes or fell asleep.

자연스럽게 생긴   알았는데

when people closed their eyes or fell asleep. But someone could have created them on purpose.

의도해서 만든  수도 있겠네요

But someone could have created them on purpose.

박승길이 놓치고 나서는 수법도 진화했어

After he let Park Seung-gil slip through, his method evolved.

케이블 타이

The cable tie. It keeps the victim close to him, helping him to aim better.

[장열케이블 타이를 쓰면 사정거리가 좁혀져서

It keeps the victim close to him, helping him to aim better.

헛손질도 줄지

It keeps the victim close to him, helping him to aim better.

- [고조되는 음악] - [놀란 숨소리]

확실해그놈은 초능력자야

I'm sure of it. The killer is psychic.

[예분의 아파하는 숨소리]

Let's get you to a hospital first.

일단 병원부터 가자

Let's get you to a hospital first.

[음악이  끊긴다]

[키보드 조작음]

We're back to square one.

[장열모든  원점이야

We're back to square one.

블랙 화면이 있던 사람들은  범인일 가능성이 있으니까

The people who had blackouts are all potentially the killer.

정리해 보자

All right, let's compile a list.

오늘  만나기 전에 만났던 사람들 중에

Was there anyone suspicious among the people you ran into

의심 가는 사람 없었어?

on your way to me?

[고민하는 숨소리글쎄요

I'm not sure.

순서대로 얘기해 

Name them one by one.

제일 처음 만난  누구야?

Who did you meet first?

[종배 원장님

Dr. Bong.

무당 아저씨 - [장열무당

-Mr. Park. -The shaman.

워낙에 사기를  쳐서 믿음이   가긴 해요

He's so good at conning people. I don't really trust him.

[장열그래가능성 있어?

Yeah? Could he be the killer?

근데 아니에요 - [장열?

No, he can't be. -Why not? -His family is abroad.

기러기 아빠잖아요

-Why not? -His family is abroad.

[예분저한테 사기  것도 외국에 있는 아들 때문이고

The reason why he conned me was to support his son.

좋은 아빠가 그럴 리가 없어요

Such a good dad couldn't have done such a thing.

그다음엔 누구 만났어?

Who did you meet next?


What about Kim Seon-woo?

[예분선우 씨는



-can't be the killer. -Again? Why not?


-can't be the killer. -Again? Why not?

저한테 자기 믿지 말라고 했거든요

Because he told me not to trust him.

[장열뭔가 꿍꿍이가 있나 보지

Maybe he did that on purpose. He wouldn't have said that if he was the killer.

[예분진짜 범인이었으면 그렇게 말했겠어요?

He wouldn't have said that if he was the killer.

기러기 아빠라 옛날부터 알던 분이라

The killer can't be a good dad, someone you've known for long,


a family member, or a detective?

이런 식으로 잘도 수사하겠다

This won't get us anywhere.

진짜  사람들 중엔 그럴 만한 사람이 없는데

I really don't suspect any of these people.


[입소리를  낸다]

[장열어쨌든 후보는 좁혀졌네

Anyway, we have our suspects now.

 사람들만  만져 보면 

All you have to do is touch them.


With this hand?

[장열아니 상태로는 무리지

No, you can't in that condition.


Then what?


Jeon Gwang-sik.

광식 아저씨요?


[예분근데 아까 봤잖아요 멘털이 완전히

But you saw him earlier. -He's totally-- -We'll fix him up.

수습해 줘야지

-He's totally-- -We'll fix him up.

[무거운 음악]


[입소리를  낸다]

[ 지저귀는 소리]


Here you go, sir. You must be busy.

[의환바쁠 텐데 미안하네

You must be busy. -I'm sorry to interrupt your work. -Not at all, sir.


-I'm sorry to interrupt your work. -Not at all, sir. I'm sorry that this is all I can serve you at the moment.

[종묵제대로 대접을   드려서 어쩐대요

I'm sorry that this is all I can serve you at the moment.

지금 사건이 터져 가지고

There's an ongoing case right now,

어디로 모시고 나갈 형편이  되네요

so I can't treat you to something nicer.


Don't worry about it.


To be honest,

이거 때문에 왔네

this is why I'm here.

[종묵이게 뭔데유?

What is this?

내가 오랫동안 조사하던 사건인데

It's a case I've been investigating for a long time. I don't think I'll be able to investigate it anymore,

[의환이제  이상은 내가  하게   같아서

I don't think I'll be able to investigate it anymore,

자네한테 부탁하려고 왔네

so I came here to ask you to take it on.


If you keep digging into it,

파다 보면

If you keep digging into it,

자네도  만한 사람이 나올걸세

you'll probably come across someone you know.

그리고 하나 

And another thing.

[종묵말씀만 하세요 뭐든지

Sure, please go ahead.


It's shameless of me to ask this,

우리 현옥이

but please


take good care of Hyeon-ok.

[잔잔한 음악]


Wait. Are you leaving already?

- [종묵아니저기… - 아니아니

-Sir, wait. -No, it's fine.


All right then. Take care, sir.

살펴 가세요

Take care, sir.

[의미심장한 음악]

이거  의원 아니여?

Isn't that Assemblyman Cha?

[종묵아니 양반이  여기 있디야?

What is he doing there?

- [형사1] ? - [형사2] 의원님 오셨습니까

-Sir. -Hello, sir.

[종묵이 웃으며아유

Assemblyman Cha, congratulations on your election.

아유 의원님당선 축하드려유

Assemblyman Cha, congratulations on your election.

수고들 많으십니다

Good afternoon.

어제  살인 사건이 발생했다고 들었습니다

I heard another murder took place yesterday.


Yes, the victim was Lee Ji-suk, 27 years old.

무진다방에서 일하는 이지숙이라고 27 여성인디요

Yes, the victim was Lee Ji-suk, 27 years old. She was an employee at the Mujin Coffee Shop.

연쇄 살인범한테 그만 

She fell victim to the serial killer. Well…



연쇄 살인이라는 

Are you 100% certain

100% 확실한 겁니까?

that these are serial murders?


Yes, so…

이렇게 수법이  이렇게 비슷하고유

Yes, so… The methods of operation are similar, and the weapon is also the same.

흉기도 똑같고유

The methods of operation are similar, and the weapon is also the same.

그렇다고 해도 - [톡톡 두드리는 소리]

Even so,

[주만연쇄 살인이라는 예단은  경솔하다는 생각이 드네요

I feel like you're jumping to conclusions.


With all due respect, what do you mean?

그게 무슨 말씀이세유? [웃음]

With all due respect, what do you mean?

우리 무진이 어떤 곳입니까?

This is Mujin we're talking about.

 좋고 사람 좋고 청정하고 안전한

A safe and unpolluted city with clean water and nice people.

그야말로 오아시스 같은  아니겠습니까?

It's just like an oasis.


Yes, that's right.

근데 그런 곳에 연쇄 살인이 벌어졌다는 

If news were to spread nationwide that there's a serial killer in Mujin…

전국적으로 알려지면

If news were to spread nationwide that there's a serial killer in Mujin…

이미지가 어떻게 되겠습니까?

Just think of what that would do to our image.

이제 그치만

You're not wrong.

저희 경찰 입장에서는

But as the police,

 거를 아니라고  수는

we can't just dismiss something

이게 없는 노릇이긴 한데 [웃음]

when it's clearly there.

[깊은 한숨]

보다 신중하게

It would be best

수사를 하시는 ! - [툭툭 두드리는 소리]

to investigate

[주만좋을  같습니다

in a more discreet manner.

언론에  나가서 좋을  없지 않습니까?

We don't want this to leak to the press.

[피식하며그렇게 신중하게 하겄습니다

Yes, sir. We'll proceed in a discreet manner.

[노크 소리]

서장님 들어오셨답니다

The chief of police is here.

그럼 반장님만 믿겠습니다

I'm counting on you, Captain.

Yes, sir.


Goodbye, sir.

[멀어지는 발소리]

이야우리  의원님 진짜

Would you take a look at him? He's become a full-on politician now that he's in office.

감투 쓰더니 아주 그냥 제대로 의원질하시네?

He's become a full-on politician now that he's in office.

[ 열리는 소리]

오셨어요? - [마담경찰 왔다 갔지?

You're back. The police came by, didn't they?




I'm losing my mind over here! Not only did they hold me at the station,

[마담괜히 애먼 사람만 경찰서에 붙잡아 놓고

Not only did they hold me at the station,

사람들 보는데 가게 들락거리고

but they also keep pestering us here.

이래서 누가 오겠냐고

Who would come here now?

나라도 재수 없어서  !

I wouldn't, it feels like bad luck!


지숙이  빚도 이제 니가 갚아야 되는  알지?

You know you have to pay back Ji-suk's debt now, right?


I'm sorry?

[마담죽든 살든 니가 보증 섰잖아

You're the guarantor no matter the case.

그럼 니가 갚아야지

So you have to pay it back.

[마담의 끙끙 앓는 소리]

어휴 - [ 열리는 소리]

어서 오세요!


[마담형사님이   오셨대?

What brings you here again, Detective?

 경찰서 가서 아는  전부  말했어요

I told them everything I know at the police station.

근데 이렇게 계속 오시면

How are we supposed to conduct our business

장사는 어떻게 하라고요

when you keep intruding like this? I'm not here to investigate Ji-suk's murder.

 이지숙  사건 조사하러   아니에요

I'm not here to investigate Ji-suk's murder.

그럼 커피 자시러 오셨나?

Are you here for coffee then?

 갚으러 왔어요

I'm here to pay back the debt.



[장열애란   갚으러 왔다고요

I'm here to pay back Ae-ran's debt.

[리드미컬한 음악]

DEBTOR: CHO AE-RAN GUARANTOR: MOON JANG-YEOL I didn't loan her money for her to pay it back.

  받으려고  내준  아닌데

I didn't loan her money for her to pay it back.

[피식 웃는다]

Sure, I know. I won't be paying you back with money.

누가 뭐랍니까?

Sure, I know. I won't be paying you back with money.

나도 돈으로  갚아요

Sure, I know. I won't be paying you back with money.

[장열여기는 원래 일해서 갚는 데잖아

You're supposed to work off your debts here, right?

어서 오세요! - [장열의 헛기침]



[손님1] 뭐예요?

-Who are you? -I'm an employee here,

여기 직원

-Who are you? -I'm an employee here, obviously.

주문들 하세요

You ready to order?

[장열 드시게?

What will you have?

[손님1] … 피요

A cup of coffee, please.


Coffee it is. And you?

저도 커피요

I'll also have a cup of coffee, please.

[장열응응커피 좋아 프림설탕은?

Okay, two coffees. How much creamer and sugar?

[손님1]  ?

Two spoons of each, please.


The classic recipe. All right.

오빠들조금만 기다려

Coming right up, sweeties.

[손님1]  그냥 다음에 올게요

We'll just come back some other time.

- [손님2] 마담다음에 올게 - [마담손님

-Yes, we'll come back. -Wait!


-Yes, we'll come back. -Wait!


[전화벨 소리]

[마담의 다급한 소리]

! - [장열무진다방입니다

Mujin Coffee Shop.

사거리 당구장이요?

The billiard hall at the intersection?


Four cups of coffee.

- [흥미진진한 음악] - 알겠습니다

Four cups of coffee. All right.

[장열여기 까불이가 누구냐?

Hey, which one of you is Jokester?


That would be me.


What is this about?

커피 배달 왔다

Here's your coffee.

[ 놓는 소리]

[한숨 빨리 가야 되니까 빨리 마셔

I'm in a rush, so hurry up and chug it.

- [남자들의 힘겨운 소리] - [남자뜨거워

It's hot.

[장열빌린 돈은 계좌 이체  드릴 거고

The money will be wired to you.

다시 한번 괴롭히면

If you bother her again,

그땐 형사와 피의자로 만나는 겁니다

I'll be treating you as a criminal suspect.

지금이야 이렇게 봐드리지만

I'm cutting you some slack now,

피의자 되면 그땐 국물도 없어요

but that stops once you're my suspect.

조애란 가시죠

Let's go, Ms. Cho.

[마담 같은  꼴도 보기 싫으니까 꺼져

I'm sick of you anyway, so get lost.

지금 이분 모욕하신 거죠모욕죄가

Did you just insult her? That would be defamation.

[마담그동안 고마웠고

Thank you for working here,

우리 다신 만나지 말자

and let's never see each other again.

앞으로 어떻게  생각이에요?

What do you plan on doing from now on?


I'm not sure yet.


I'm not sure yet.

전광식 씨한테 가는  어때요?

Why don't you go to Mr. Jeon Gwang-sik?

좋은 사람 같던데

He seems like a good person.

[애란의 한숨 돼요

He seems like a good person. I can't.

저는 오빠한테 어울리는 사람이 아니에요

I'm not good enough for him.

- [애잔한 음악] - 과거도 있고

I have an embarrassing past too.

 사람은 이미  알고 있을 거예요

He probably knows about everything already.

아니요오빠는 절대 몰라요

No, there's no way he knows.

 오빠는  알아요

He knows about everything. What?



[벅찬 숨소리]




[고조되는 음악]

[흩어지듯 멈추는 음악]


- [반짝이는 효과음] - [감미로운 음악]

[ 울리는 효과음]

[음악이  끊긴다]

그거 우산 파는 거예요우산!

You have to pay for that umbrella!

진짜 오늘도 따라다닐 거예요?

Are you going to follow me around again?

언니 지켜 드려야 되니까요

Yes. I have to protect you, sis.

 오늘 어디   있어요

I have somewhere to be today.

조용히 따라다닐게요

I'll follow you around quietly.

그러든지 말든지 마음대로 해요

Whatever. Suit yourself.

- [스크린  영화 소리] - [용명의 웃음]

[스크린  남자1] 순찰출동 민원국밥

[스크린  남자2] 사건인  같습니다가시죠

[영화 소리가 계속된다]

[아련하고 몽환적인 음악]

[고조되는 음악]

[나른하고 감미로운 음악]

[용명옥희의 놀란 소리]

Oh no!

[꺅꺅 비명 소리]


[용명의 다급한 소리]




Are you all right?


[선우핸드폰 드리려고요

I'm here to return your phone.

[예분선우 씨가 갖고 있었구나

I wondered where it was.

[예분의 웃음]

저기 포장마차 우동 잘하는데

The snack stall over there makes good udon.

괜찮으시면 우동  그릇 하실래요?

Do you want to go and have udon with me?



마침 저도  우동… - [휴대전화 진동음]

I was just craving udon.


Don't forget. You're the next target.

[흥미로운 음악]

Don't forget. You're the next target.

[작게 죽어

You're going to die.


You're going to die.

오늘은 제가

I'm actually not feeling well today.

몸이 쪼끔  좋아서요

I'm actually not feeling well today.

다음에  같이 우동 먹어요

Let's have that udon next time.



Next time then.

그럼 쉬세요

Get some rest.

Thank you.


[장열 죽는다고

What? I'm telling you, you'll die.


Why, that little…


Hello? Detective Moon,

 병원  가려고요

I'm going to see a doctor. So?



겸사겸사 형사님 차로

I thought you might as well drive me-- I don't have time for that. Just be careful on your way.

[장열그럴 시간 없으니까 주변이나  살피고 갔다 

I don't have time for that. Just be careful on your way.

[통화 종료음]


Darn it.

[의사파상풍 주사는 맞으셨죠?

You got your tetanus shot, right?

You got your tetanus shot, right? Yes.

실밥은 며칠  있어야   있겠네요

We'll have to wait a few more days to remove the stitches.

[의사  닿게 조심하시고

Be careful not to get water on it.

웬만하면 이쪽 손은 쓰지 마세요

And avoid using this hand if you can.


Okay. Thank you.

[예분뭐예요여기 어떻게 알고 왔어요?

What are you doing here? How did you find me?

뭐래금방 낫는대?

What did the doctor say? Will it heal soon? He said it'll take some time.

쪼금 걸린대요

He said it'll take some time.

[예분근데  따라온  맞죠?

You followed me here, didn't you?




Were you worried about me?



[장열 혼자 가는  보면 그놈 나타날  같아서

I thought the killer would show up if he saw you were alone.


You were kind of


the bait.

[예분저러니까  첫사랑 여자한테 차여서 울었지

This is why you got dumped in 11th grade and bawled your eyes out.

인간미도 없는데 누가 좋아해

No one wants to be with cold-hearted guys.

 이쪽에 있다

The car's this way.

[안전띠 푸는 소리]

[발랄한 음악]

[탁탁 치는 소리]

[마사지하는 소리가 계속된다]

[예분아니 이렇게 말고 이렇게 넓게

That's not it. You have to use wider strokes at first.

이렇게  발라야 된다니까 처음엔

You have to use wider strokes at first.

최선을 다하고 있거든?

I'm doing the best I can.

여기 이렇게 나가면 … - [장열아이씨

Don't paint outside the nail.


By the way,

지가  이걸 하고 있어야 돼유?

why do I have to do this?

[음악이 멈춘다]

[놀란 숨소리아니  초능력자가

So that other psychic person is the serial killer?

연쇄 살인범이라고유?

So that other psychic person is the serial killer?


Yes. We need your help to catch him.

그놈을 잡는  전광식  도움이 필요합니다

We need your help to catch him.

[광식 도움이라면은

My help?


We need your psychometric power.

 원장은 지금 손이 이래서 힘들거든요

Dr. Bong can't use her hand right now.


[장열무진 사람들 중에

All you need to do is find out which Mujin resident is psychic.

초능력자가 어떤 놈인지 찾아 주시면 돼요

All you need to do is find out which Mujin resident is psychic.

 도움이 필요하다면 해야쥬

I'll help however I can.

좋습니다그럼 일단

Good. Then first, touch Dr. Bong.

 원장부터  만져 보세요 - [광식

touch Dr. Bong. -Okay. -Excuse me?


-Okay. -Excuse me?

 다리를  만져요?

Why me?

[장열유성 맞던   다른 사람 봤다면서?

You saw the other guy on the night of the meteor shower.

정확하게    확인해야지

We should check one more time.

단서가 남아 있을 수도 있으니까

There might be some clues left.

[광식듣고 보니 그러네유

You're right.

그때 잠깐 만져 가지고 제대로  봤거든유?

I saw him too briefly last time.

[예분근데 그걸 하면  옛날 

But if we do this, he'll see all my…


Then let me have a quick word with him first.

광식 아저씨랑 잠깐 얘기  먼저 할게요

Then let me have a quick word with him first.



Just the two of us.

[장열의 한숨

My gosh.


[예분여름 때부터 여름 때까지 보지 마시고요

Skip everything from my 10th grade to 12th grade. Especially skip the memories of the boy in the church choir.

교회특히 성가대 오빠 나오는  절대  돼요

Especially skip the memories of the boy in the church choir.

밸런타인데이 때도 절대  되고요

Valentine's Day in 11th grade is off-limits.

제가 수학여행 가서 담치기… 아니

The part where I climb over the fence…

그냥 제가 교복 입고 나오는  무조건 넘겨요

Just skip everything from my teenage years.

대학교  누구한테 고백할 

I asked a guy out in college,

제가 그땐 시력이  좋아 가지고 남자 얼굴이  보일 때였어요

but I had terrible eyesight back then.

- [경쾌한 음악] - 그리고

And I only cried when that bastard dumped me

 새끼한테 차였을  울었던 

And I only cried when that bastard dumped me because I remembered a sad movie, not because--

갑자기 슬픈 영화가 생각나서

because I remembered a sad movie, not because--


Just saying… But it won't matter whether I see those since you've already told me everything.

그렇게  얘기할 거믄

But it won't matter whether I see those since you've already told me everything.

지가 그냥 만져서 보는  낫지 않을까유?

But it won't matter whether I see those since you've already told me everything.

 아플 텐디

Aren't you getting tired?

아무튼  보진 마요

Anyway, don't watch everything.

 그때 거만 보셔야 돼요 아셨죠?

You have to stick to that day, okay?


Okay. I won't watch anything that seems private.

 원장님 프라이버시다 싶은 거는 지가  볼게유

I won't watch anything that seems private.

그럼 만져유

I'll touch you now.

[신비로운 효과음]


확실히  보이네유

I can definitely see better. Right?

그쵸관리해 주면 효과가 장난 아니라니깐요

Right? Taking care of your hands brings amazing results.

… [웃음]

그럼 이제 길게 만져유

Then I'll touch you for a bit longer now.

[신비로운 효과음]

- [딸랑 울리는 효과음] - [어두운 음악]

Are you just getting home?


Are you just getting home?


I'm home.

[ 울음]

 이름은 금실이유

She's Geumsil.

[강조되는 효과음]

- [음악이 멈춘다] - 어때요?

So? Did you see him?


So? Did you see him?


Just out of curiosity… Why are you and your grandfather so awkward like that?

[광식 할아버지랑  원장님 사이가 그런 거예유?

Why are you and your grandfather so awkward like that?

마음의 골이 깊은  같아 보이는디

It seems that you're not on great terms. Why don't you talk it out with him?

  풀고 그러세유

Why don't you talk it out with him? I told you not to watch anything else.

제가 다른  보지 말라고 말씀드렸잖아요

I told you not to watch anything else.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.

 맘같이   가지고

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.

[광식의 멋쩍은 소리]

So? Did you find anything?

어때요  나온  있어요?

So? Did you find anything?

하나 껄쩍지근한  있긴 있는데유

I did see something iffy.


Yeah? What is it?

- [흥미로운 음악] - [ 울음]

At the time,

[광식그때유원장님하고 지는  축사 안에 있었고유

At the time, Dr. Bong and I were here inside the cattle shed.

저기 축사  기둥 뒤에 실루엣이 있었슈

And the silhouette was over there, behind that pillar away from the shed. When Geumsil lit up,

우리 금실이가  하고 터졌을 

When Geumsil lit up, he was watching from over there, like this.

그놈이 저쪽에서 요렇게 보고 있었슈

he was watching from over there, like this.

그날 영상 속에서유요만치

From what I saw, he reached about here.

요만치 보였으니께

Yes, he seemed to reach about here, so he's average in height.

키는 보통이고유

Yes, he seemed to reach about here, so he's average in height.

지보다는 크고

It means he's taller than me but shorter than Detective Moon.

형사님보다는 작단 소리유

It means he's taller than me but shorter than Detective Moon. And then his build…


And then his build…

 안에  들어가 있는 걸로 봐서는

From the way he fit within this, he's definitely on the slim side.

뚱뚱한 사람은 절대 아니어유

he's definitely on the slim side.


Excellent. I've never seen anyone use their psychic powers

[장열이렇게 진취적이고 능동적으로

I've never seen anyone use their psychic powers in such a progressive and proactive way.

초능력을 쓰는 분은 처음입니다

in such a progressive and proactive way. So different from someone else I know.

 누구랑은 다르죠?

So different from someone else I know.

[장열의 한숨]

[장열 앞에 내려  테니까 당분간  쉬어

I'll drop you off at your house. You can take a break for now.

막상  대신할 사람 나타나니까 아쉬워?

What? Are you sad that you're being replaced?


Sad? As if.

날아갈 듯이 기쁘구만

I couldn't be happier.

[장열웬만하면 돌아다니지 말고

Don't go wandering around.

어디   있으면 연락해

Call me if you need to go somewhere.



- [부드러운 음악] - [예분?

똥차 가니까 [ 소거 효과음* 오네

Out with the bad, in with the good.

[반가운 탄성]

안녕하세요 - [예분이 살짝 웃는다]


어디 갔다 오시나 봐요 - [발랄한 음악]

Where are you coming from?

공방  꾸미고 편의점 가는 길이에요

I decorated my workshop, and now I'm on my way to work.

공방 많이 꾸몄어요?

How did the decoration go?


It's done now.

보고 싶다

I'd love to see it.

보러 오실래요?

Would you like to come over?

[선우아직 아무도 보여   없긴 한데

I haven't shown it to anyone yet.

그러면 제가 처음?

Then will I be the first to see it?

오시면 그렇게 되겠네요

If you come over, you will be.

언제 갈까요?

When should I go?

이따   끝나면 그때 같이 갈까요?

How about when I get off work later?


Sounds good.

[풀벌레 울음]

You did great today. It was exhausting, wasn't it?

[장열오늘 고생하셨어요 힘드셨죠?

You did great today. It was exhausting, wasn't it?

[광식이 웃으며아녀유

No, it was nothing.

 나랏일 돕는 건디 힘들긴유 [웃음]

I'm happy to help the police. It's not exhausting at all.


By the way,

유성우 맞던 날이유

on the night of the meteor shower, Dr. Bong and I got our powers because we were touching Geumsil.

 원장님하고 지는

Dr. Bong and I got our powers because we were touching Geumsil.

금실이 만져 가지고 이렇게 능력이 생긴 건디

Dr. Bong and I got our powers because we were touching Geumsil.

 밖에 있던 놈은 금실이를  만졌으니께

But the guy who was outside wasn't touching Geumsil,

능력은  생겼을 수도 있지 않을까유?

so maybe he didn't get any special power.


No, I'm sure he did.

[장열정확하게는 모르겠지만 능력이 생긴  확실해요

I don't know how exactly, but I'm certain he got the same power.


Is that right?

쓰읍그럼 그놈은  하믄  보인디야?

Then what does he have to do to see everything?



 형사님도 계셨네요

Hello, Detective Moon.

전광식 씨보다는 크고 나보다는 작네?

You're taller than Gwang-sik here but shorter than me.

[의미심장한 음악]

Yes, I guess I am.


Yes, I guess I am.


I'll get going then.

[광식그때 실루엣이랑 비슷한  같기도 하고유

He does seem similar to the silhouette I saw.

- [알바생어서 오세요 - [장열

Welcome. Hi.

[고조되는 음악]

[음악이 멈춘다]

혹시 최근에 케이블 타이   사람 있어요?

Has anyone bought cable ties recently?

[알바생글쎄요  있을   사람은 없는데

I'm not sure. No one bought them during my shifts.

그럼  시간대 알바는 근무 시간이 어떻게 돼요?

Then what are the working hours for the part-timer before you?

선우 형이요?

You mean Seon-woo?

[알바생오후 1시부터 9시까지요

From 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.


I see.

국회 의원 선거 날에도 김선우  근무했나요?

Did he work on the day of the National Assembly Election?

아니요그날은  있다 그래 가지고

No. He said he had plans, so I covered his shift all day.

제가 하루 종일 땜빵했는데요

No. He said he had plans, so I covered his shift all day.

- [의미심장한 음악] - [한숨]

[통화 연결음]


Where are you? Home. Where else would I be?

[예분이 작게어디긴집이죠

Home. Where else would I be? Home where?


Home where?


My room.

[장열 꺼져 있는데?

Your lights are off though.

[예분자려고 일찍 껐어요

I'm about to go to bed.

그래그럼 한번  

Yeah? Then turn them back on for me.


What? They're broken…

[장열 어디야?

Where are you?

[예분어머 핸드폰이  변기에

I dropped my phone in the toilet again!

호로로로록… - [통화 종료음]

내가  일일이  보고해야 

Do I have to report every single thing to him?

변태이거 설마

Could that perv have gone to…

[종배 형사님

-Detective Moon. -Is Mr. Kim inside?

김선우  안에 있어요?

-Detective Moon. -Is Mr. Kim inside? No, he left to go to his workshop.

아니요저기 공방 간다고 나갔는데

No, he left to go to his workshop.

[긴장되는 음악]


All right.

[예분이거  타워네요?

Is that a cat tower?

[선우 제가 만들고 있는 거예요

Yes, I'm making one.

진짜 예쁘다

It's so pretty.

[무겁게 가라앉는 음악]

[의미심장한 효과음]

[콩콩 두드리는 소리]

- [예분엄청 튼튼하네 - [콩콩 두드리는 소리]

So sturdy, too.

[예분의 탄성]

[위태롭고 긴장되는 음악]

[날카로운 효과음]

[음산한 효과음]

[고조되는 음악]

[차분한 음악]

[사이렌 소리]

[옥희너도 당할 뻔했다며 그놈한테

I heard the killer almost got you too.

[장열선거   했어요?

What were you doing on the election day? Do you think I'm the killer?

[선우제가 범인이라고 생각하세요?

Do you think I'm the killer? Let's just say there is reasonable suspicion.

[장열합리적 의심이라고  두죠

Let's just say there is reasonable suspicion.

우린 이날 초능력자를 색출할 겁니다

We're going to track down the psychic on this day.

다들  들립니까?

We're going to track down the psychic on this day. -Can everyone hear me? -Yes.


-Can everyone hear me? -Yes.

[장열우리는 만지되 범인은 우릴  만지게

We need to touch the killer without letting him touch us. Everyone's a suspect, understand?

모두가 용의자입니다아시겠어요?

Everyone's a suspect, understand? The murders started happening after he came to Mujin.

 자식이 무진에 오고 나서부터 사건이 시작됐어

The murders started happening after he came to Mujin.

김선우 조심해 뭔가 쎄해

Beware of Kim Seon-woo. Something about him feels off.

[종묵오늘은 왠지  사고가   같아

I have a feeling that something big is going to go down today.

[선우정말 괜찮습니다

I'll really have to decline.

[옥희혹시 그놈이  갖고 노는  아닐까?

Maybe he's playing with you.

 주변 사람부터 괴롭힐  같아

He'll start messing with those around you first.

[예분 주변 사람?

Those around me? Ok-hui, can't you hear me?

[장열옥희 배옥희  무전  들려요?

Ok-hui, can't you hear me?


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