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  슬기로운 의사생활 S2.4

Hospital Playlist S2.4


감사합니다, 근데 성함이…‬Thanks a lot. What's your name?
‪(세경) 아, 저는 고세경이라고 합니다‬[Se-gyeong] Oh, sorry, my name is Ko Se-gyeong.
‪[어두운 음악]‬[Se-gyeong] Oh, sorry, my name is Ko Se-gyeong. Ik-sun and I live in the same building. I'm pretty much her closest friend here.
‪익순이랑 같은 건물에 살고 있고요‬Ik-sun and I live in the same building. I'm pretty much her closest friend here.
‪지금 익순이랑 제일 친한 친구입니다‬Ik-sun and I live in the same building. I'm pretty much her closest friend here.
‪아, 네, 세경 씨‬Yeah, I'm still here.
‪한 번 더 부탁드릴게요‬I know I already said this earlier, but when she's out,
‪익순이 나오면 늦어도 상관없으니까‬I know I already said this earlier, but when she's out, it doesn't matter how late it is,
‪남자 친구한테‬ ‪바로 전화해 달라고 전해 줄래요?‬whatever the case, I want you to make her call me right away.
‪(세경) 네, 꼭 전하겠습니다‬[Se-gyeong] Yes, don't worry, I will. In any case, you really don't need to worry too much.
‪아, 근데 정말 걱정하지 않으셔도 돼요‬In any case, you really don't need to worry too much.
‪진짜 크게 다친 거 아니에요‬Her injury isn't that serious.
‪네, 알겠습니다, 그럼‬Okay, thanks again.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬-[phone chimes] -[breathes coarsely]
‪미치겠다, 진짜‬Damn it. This is nuts…
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪안 자고 뭐 해?‬What are you doing still up?
‪(준완) 여자 친구랑 통화하기로 했어‬My girlfriend is supposed to call me.
‪맥주 같이 마셔 줘?‬Do you need a drinking buddy there?
‪[헛웃음]‬No, thanks. Just do your thing.
‪됐어, 가던 길이나 가‬No, thanks. Just do your thing.
‪(정원) 알았어‬-All right, then. -[switch clicks]
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬-[door closes] -[sighs]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬-[door closes] -[clicks tongue]
‪[한숨]‬[sighs] [cellphone ringing]
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬[cellphone ringing]
‪(준완) 여보세요, 괜찮아?‬Hello? You okay?
‪(준완) 그만하길 천만다행이네‬Thank goodness you're not seriously hurt.
‪운전한 친구는?‬What about the driver?
‪(익순) 다 괜찮아‬[Ik-sun] Everyone's fine.
‪그 커플은 벌써 숙소 갔어‬That couple's already at the place we're staying.
‪(준완) 다 괜찮긴‬That couple's already at the place we're staying. No, you're not fine.
‪너 브레인 CT 찍었는데‬ ‪뇌에 출혈 있었다며‬Your brain CT scan showed some bleeding in the brain,
‪팔도 찢어졌는데 그게 어떻게 괜찮아?‬not to mention, you hurt your arm too. How's that "fine"?
‪(익순) 머리가 깨진 것도 아니고‬Come on. It's not like my skull is broken.
‪출혈도 아주 쪼끔, 아주 쪼끔이랬어‬Plus, it's only a tiny bit of blood. Hell, even the doctor said it's negligible.
‪여기서도 크게 걱정할 수준‬ ‪아니라고 했어‬They told me I shouldn't be worried about it. There's no need to stress myself.
‪오빠, 나 괜찮아, 완전 멀쩡해‬There's no need to stress myself. So, please, I'm totally fine. Really, I'm okay.
‪목소리 들으면 몰라?‬Can't you tell from my voice?
‪(준완) 지금 CT상으론‬ ‪별 이상 없다고 해도‬Look, even if the CT scan looks okay now,
‪시간 지나면 후유증 있을 수 있어‬you could experience delayed injury symptoms.
‪보통 이삼일 내에‬ ‪출혈량 늘 수도 있으니까‬The bleeding could get much worse in the next two days.
‪쉬면서 잘 지켜봐야 돼‬You need to monitor it carefully.
‪만약 두통 있거나‬ ‪구토, 어지럼증 있으면‬If you vomit, have a headache, or feel dizzy, go to the ER.
‪바로 응급실 가고‬If you vomit, have a headache, or feel dizzy, go to the ER.
‪(익순) 네, 알겠습니다‬[Ik-sun] Yes, understood, sir.
‪저기, 김준완 교수님‬ ‪제 걱정은 그만하시고 얼른 주무세요‬Stop worrying about me, Professor Kim. I'm telling you I'll be fine, so you can go to bed now.
‪서울 지금 새벽 아니야?‬-Isn't it really late there now? -Uh, yeah, it's 2 a.m.
‪(준완) 응, 새벽 2시‬-Isn't it really late there now? -Uh, yeah, it's 2 a.m.
‪그, 오늘 하루는 입원하라고 하지?‬They, they want you to stay there to make sure, right?
‪(익순) 어, 오늘 밤은 좀 지켜본대‬Yeah, they wanna monitor my condition.
‪아, 정말 아무렇지도 않은데‬God, I feel totally fine, though, so why?
‪내일 퇴원해서 하루 까먹었으니깐‬ ‪본머스 피어 정도만 가 보려고‬I've wasted an entire day, so tomorrow I'm going to check out Bournemouth Pier and take it easy.
‪어딜 가‬What are you talking about?
‪그냥 내일하고 모레는 숙소에서 쉬고‬ ‪얼른 런던으로 가야지‬What you should do is rest up for the next two days and just head back to London.
‪하, 난 내일 하루는‬ ‪숙소에서 푹 쉬다가‬As a matter of fact, you should rest up tomorrow
‪다음 날 바로 집으로 갔으면 좋겠는데‬As a matter of fact, you should rest up tomorrow and just head straight back home the next day.
‪집에서 쉬는 게 더 편하지 않을까?‬You feel more comfortable at home.
‪(익순) 여기까지 왔는데‬ ‪어떻게 그냥 가?‬I don't wanna head back right away.
‪잠깐만 나갔다 오려고‬I'll step out for just a short while.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪내 몸은 내가 알아서 해요‬-[sighs] -I can take care of myself, you know.
‪걱정은 그만하셔도 됩니다요‬You can stop worrying about me 24/7, okay?
‪오빠, 나 찾는다‬Oops. They're looking for me. I'll just call you later, okay?
‪이따 다시 전화할게‬Oops. They're looking for me. I'll just call you later, okay?
‪아니다, 내일 퇴원하면서 전화할게‬Actually, I'll call you as soon as I'm leaving the hospital tomorrow.
‪얼른 자‬Actually, I'll call you as soon as I'm leaving the hospital tomorrow.
‪괜히 나 때문에‬ ‪오빠 귀한 잠 시간 허비했다‬Go to bed. I'm already feeling terrible you stayed up all night because of me.
‪미안, 굿 나이트‬I'm already feeling terrible you stayed up all night because of me. I'm sorry. Good night.
‪사랑해, 아프지 마‬I love you. Feel better.
‪(익순) 알았어, 안 아플게‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Okay, I will. I promise you.
‪나도 내가 아픈 거 제일 싫어‬You know I hate it when I don't feel well.
‪오빠, 잘 자, 사랑해‬Sweet dreams, Jun-wan. I love you.
‪(준완) 응‬Mm.
‪[통화 종료음]‬[phone chimes]
‪[밝은 음악]‬[theme music playing]
‪(정원) 우리 바다 보러 갈까요?‬What's up? You wanna see Ba-da now?
‪(다영) 네‬-Sure. -Hello, Professor Ahn. How are you?
‪(겨울) 네, 안녕하세요, 교수님‬ ‪[갈매기가 끼룩거리는 효과음]‬-Sure. -Hello, Professor Ahn. How are you?
‪(정원) [웃으며] 네, 안녕하세요‬I'm fine. Thank you.
‪교수님, 서아 항생제‬ ‪오늘까지 쓰는 걸로 되어 있는데‬Professor Ahn, with Seo-a, we're only going to keep her on antibiotics until today.
‪(가희) 예정대로 오늘까지만 쓰고‬ ‪DC 하면 될까요?‬Any new developments or should we stick to the plan in DC?
‪네, 오늘까지만 쓰고‬ ‪내일부턴 DC 해 주시면 됩니다‬Yeah, no changes at all. We're taking her off of it as of tomorrow.
‪[밝은 음악]‬[light music]
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬[monitor beeping]
‪(준완) 도재학 선생님‬[Jun-wan] Dr. Do Jae-hak,
‪오늘 수술 잘 좀 부탁합니다‬I expect you'll be doing a good job with the surgery.
‪(재학) 걱정 마세요, 교수님‬[Jae-hak] No need to worry, Professor.
‪저만 믿으시면 됩니다‬You can definitely count on me.
‪(준완) 아유, 실력이 늘어야 되는데‬ ‪점점 말발만 늘어 가지고‬It feels like all you ever learned is how to smooth-talk your way through things.
‪너희 둘이 편하면 이 수술 늦게 끝나고‬This is gonna take too long if you have it easy. But if I have it easy, it'll be quick.
‪내가 편해야 이 수술 금방 끝나‬But if I have it easy, it'll be quick.
‪제발 오늘 날 좀 편하게 해 줄래?‬So, please make sure I can have it easy today. Can you do that?
‪할 수 있지?‬So, please make sure I can have it easy today. Can you do that?
‪(재학) 예, 노력하겠습니다‬[groans] Well, I'll do the best I can.
‪(준완) 야! 쯧‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬-Jae-hak! -[metal clanks]
‪(다영) 교수님, 바다 어머니가‬ ‪걱정이 좀 많으세요‬Professor Ahn, Ba-da's mother has been getting increasingly worried. We told her it's gonna be a simple surgery,
‪간단한 수술이라고 말씀드려도‬We told her it's gonna be a simple surgery, but she's worried about the general anesthesia and the scarrings.
‪전신 마취도 걱정되고‬ ‪흉터도 걱정되시고‬but she's worried about the general anesthesia and the scarrings.
‪(정원) 당연히 걱정되시죠‬No surprise. Of course, she's worried.
‪엄마한테 간단한 수술이란 건 없습니다‬To a mother, there's no such thing as a simple surgery.
‪(다영) 교수님‬Professor Ahn.
‪애 있죠?‬Do you have a kid?
‪저요?‬Me? Yeah. Many, in fact.
‪애 많죠‬Me? Yeah. Many, in fact.
‪제가 수술하고 치료한 애들이‬ ‪다 제 애죠, 뭐‬Because I think of all the kids I've treated as my very own.
‪(정원) 안녕하세요‬[Jeong-won] Hello there.
‪[피식 웃으며] 정말 홀리, 홀리‬[chuckles] He really is like a saint.
‪저도 홀리, 홀리‬You can say that again. [chuckles]
‪(송화) 논문 초안 잘 봤어‬I read the draft for your thesis.
‪내용 복잡했을 텐데 잘 썼어‬I know it's a complex topic. You did a great job.
‪(선빈) 교수님‬ ‪착한 거짓말이신 거 알아요‬Professor, I know you're holding back to make me feel better.
‪거침없이 지적해 주세요‬But I want your honest opinion. It's okay. I can handle it.
‪저 괜찮습니다‬But I want your honest opinion. It's okay. I can handle it.
‪(송화) 음‬Hmm…
‪우리 커피 한잔 마시면서 할까?‬what do you say, we have some coffee first?
‪(선빈) 네, 바로 준비하겠습니다‬Sure, I'll go and make some right now.
‪교수님, 아침엔 마일드하게 드시죠?‬I'm guessing you prefer it mild in the morning?
‪응, 고마워‬Mm-hmm. Thank you.
‪아니다, 내가 할게‬No, wait, I'll do it.
‪선빈아, 넌 논문 쓴 거 프린트해‬You just go and print out the draft, Seon-bin,
‪- (송화) 보면서 하자‬ ‪- 아, 네‬-so we can look at it. -Oh, sure.
‪(선빈) 교수님, 오늘 밤‬ ‪바로 속초 내려가세요?‬Professor Chae, will you be going back to Sokcho tonight?
‪어, 내일은 오후 진료라서‬ ‪내일 아침에 내려가려고‬No, I won't. I'm going tomorrow morning. Appointments are in the afternoon.
‪넌 다크지?‬-Dark roast, right? -Yes, thank you very much.
‪네, 감사합니다‬-Dark roast, right? -Yes, thank you very much.
‪(송화) 별말씀을요‬[Song-hwa] No problem, Seon-bin.
‪(정원) 수술은‬ ‪내일 아침 일찍 할 거 같고요‬[Jeong-won] We're going to be performing the surgery early tomorrow morning.
‪오늘 자기 전까지는‬ ‪자유롭게 먹이셔도 되는데‬She can eat anything she wants until bedtime tonight, provided that
‪내일 아침 일어나서부터는‬she doesn't eat or drink anything when she wakes up tomorrow,
‪물 포함해서‬ ‪아무것도 먹이시면 안 됩니다‬she doesn't eat or drink anything when she wakes up tomorrow, including water, unfortunately. [inhales]
‪혹시 바다가 먹는 거 많이 좋아하나요?‬Also, is Ba-da a big eater, by any chance?
‪엄청요, 식탐이 엄청 많아요‬Yes, she is. She gets so greedy with food.
‪아이고‬Oh, no.
‪내일 수술 끝나고‬ ‪네 시간 후부터는 먹을 수 있으니까‬You need to keep in mind that you can only give her food four hours after the surgery,
‪내일 아침까지만 좀 조심시켜 주세요‬four hours after the surgery, so please just be careful until tomorrow morning.
‪혹시 내일 수술 관련해서 궁금하신 건?‬That's it, so do you have any questions about the surgery tomorrow?
‪수술 시간은 얼마나…‬Just how long will the procedure take?
‪(정원) 어, 수술 자체는 한 시간 정도?‬Uh, the surgery itself will take about an hour, give or take.
‪근데 수술장 들어가고‬ ‪마취하고 그런 시간들까지 합치면‬But if we go ahead and include the time we need to move her to the OR and put her under then,
‪어, 길어야 세 시간입니다‬I'd say around three hours at the most.
‪정확한 수술 이름은‬ ‪갑상 설관 낭종 제거 수술이고요‬We're going to be performing a procedure called thyroglossal duct cyst excision.
‪목주름 선으로‬ ‪가로로 3에서 5cm 정도 절개를 해서‬We'll be making an incision of about 3 to 5 cm on the neck to remove the cyst. Should be a straightforward operation.
‪물혹을 제거해 줄 겁니다‬to remove the cyst. Should be a straightforward operation.
‪흉터 많이 남겠죠?‬Is it gonna leave a noticeable scar?
‪어, 한 이 정도?‬Well, around, maybe this size?
‪(정원) 아무리 적게 째도‬ ‪한 이 정도는 남을 건데…‬Even if we try to make it smaller, it'll be about the same size as the incision.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬[all laugh]
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[all laugh] I'm sorry. She's been doing that to everyone she's been seeing lately.
‪얘가 요즘에 약속 놀이를 많이 해서‬I'm sorry. She's been doing that to everyone she's been seeing lately.
‪(정원) 선생님이랑 약속‬Okay, how about we make a pinky swear for you?
‪우리 바다 수술 잘 받고 얼른 나을게요‬Ba-da, the surgery is gonna go well, and you'll recover in no time, okay?
‪(아이) 응‬ ‪[정원의 웃음]‬Ba-da, the surgery is gonna go well, and you'll recover in no time, okay? -All right. -[both laugh]
‪[아이의 웃음]‬ ‪(정원) 아이고‬-All right. -[both laugh] Good girl.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[laughter]
‪(석형) 심은영 환자는‬ ‪이벤트가 있었어?‬[Seok-hyeong] What about Sim Eun-yeong? Did anything come up with her?
‪(펠로우1) 진찰해 봤는데‬[Ha-jin] We checked her cervix.
‪경부는 1cm 정도로‬ ‪이전과 변화는 없습니다‬[Ha-jin] We checked her cervix. It's about 1 cm, so it hasn't dilated any further.
‪근데 모니터링에서는‬ ‪수축이 지속적으로 있고‬But she is having contractions. I'd say pretty regularly, and her pulse has increased to 120, so she's having a hard time.
‪산모 맥박이 120회로‬ ‪상승하고 힘들어해서‬and her pulse has increased to 120, so she's having a hard time.
‪리토드린 중단하고‬ ‪아토시반으로 바꿨습니다‬We took her off ritodrine and switched to atosiban
‪- (석형) 응‬ ‪- (펠로우1) 베타 커버했고요‬and betamethasone.
‪(석형) 체스트는 확인했니?‬[Seok-hyeong] What about a chest X-ray? Any fluid in the lungs?
‪폐부종은 없고?‬[Seok-hyeong] What about a chest X-ray? Any fluid in the lungs? [Ha-jin] No, we checked, and there are no signs of pulmonary edema.
‪(펠로우1) 네, 체스트 확인했고‬ ‪폐부종은 없습니다‬[Ha-jin] No, we checked, and there are no signs of pulmonary edema.
‪산모는 많이 불안해하는 상태고요‬But even so, the patient is still very worried. And you'd like for me to have a look at her, right?
‪내가 좀 봐 줬으면 좋겠다는 거지?‬And you'd like for me to have a look at her, right?
‪(펠로우1) 네‬[Ha-jin] Yes.
‪[민하가 사각사각 적는다]‬
‪알았어‬All right, then.
‪- 민하야‬ ‪- (민하) 네?‬-Min-ha. -Huh?
‪질문해‬Ask away.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪교수님, 어떻게 아셨어요?‬How did you even know I have a question?
‪제 마음을 읽으세요?‬Oh, are you some kind of mind reader?
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[doctors chuckle softly]
‪내가 네 마음을 어떻게 읽어?‬No. Of course, I'm not. I just saw what you were writing down.
‪네가 거기에 적었잖아‬No. Of course, I'm not. I just saw what you were writing down.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪[민하의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬TO ASK OR NOT TO ASK, THAT IS THE QUESTION
‪(석형) 햄릿이니?‬TO ASK OR NOT TO ASK, THAT IS THE QUESTION [Seok-hyeong] Trying to be Hamlet?
‪물어봐‬Go ahead.
‪아, 김예지 산모 퇴원시켜도 될까요?‬Okay, can patient Kim Ye-ji be discharged at this point?
‪그거 여쭤보려고…‬That's what I was wondering.
‪(석형) 어, 나이트라진‬ ‪파지티브 아니지?‬Uh, she's not nitrazine positive, am I correct?
‪네, 아닙니다‬Right. No, she's not. And no pooling is detected.
‪풀링도 전혀 없고요‬Right. No, she's not. And no pooling is detected.
‪다행이다‬That's a relief.
‪내가 회진 돌 때 가서 말씀드릴게‬Okay, I'll let her know while I'm doing the rounds.
‪- 가자, 기다리시겠다‬ ‪- (민하) 네‬-Let's go. She's probably waiting. -[Min-ha] Okay.
‪(익준) 음‬ ‪[마우스 클릭음]‬[groans]
‪간 수치 다 좋네요, 예‬Your liver somatic index looks good. Yeah.
‪면역 억제제 농도도‬ ‪적당히 잘 유지 중이시고‬Plus, the immunosuppressant levels are looking very good too.
‪신장 기능도 정상이네요‬And your kidneys are working fine too. So, good news. Everything looks good.
‪아유, 다 좋습니다, 네‬And your kidneys are working fine too. So, good news. Everything looks good. [laughter]
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[laughter]
‪다른 불편한 건 없으시죠?‬Are there any other concerns you may have?
‪(여자1) 아이, 마이는 아인데‬Are there any other concerns you may have? Oh, it's nothing serious, really. I can't seem to digest any food as well as I did.
‪소화가 예전맨치로 잘 안돼예‬I can't seem to digest any food as well as I did. My stomach gets upset all the time.
‪속이 쪼매 불편합니더‬My stomach gets upset all the time.
‪전에도 말씀드렸지만‬ ‪간 이식 수술 할 때 담낭을 제거하는데‬Well, as I've explained before, the gallbladder is removed during a liver transplant,
‪아무래도 담낭이 없으면은‬ ‪그, 소화력이 좀 떨어져요‬which can temporarily cause a bit of digestive problems, sorry.
‪되도록 기름진 거 많이 드시지 마시고‬I say, just try to stay away from any greasy food.
‪운동, 운동 열심히 하셔야 돼요‬I say, just try to stay away from any greasy food. Also, exercise regularly.
‪예, 선생님이 시키는 대로‬ ‪운동 열심히 하고 있습니더‬Yes, I took your advice, and I have been exercising regularly.
‪선생님, 걱정하지 마이소‬Don't you even worry, doctor. I'll always make sure she never becomes lax.
‪제가 옆에서 스파르타로 시킵니더‬Don't you even worry, doctor. I'll always make sure she never becomes lax.
‪우예 찾은 건강인데요‬Now that she's finally healthy,
‪운동하고 식단은 교수님‬ ‪한 개도 걱정 안 하셔도 됩니데이‬I promise you, you will never have to worry about her diet and workouts now
‪아이고, 예, 잘하시고 계세요, 네‬I like that, all right. Keep up the good work, you two. Okay?
‪그러면 저랑은 한 달 뒤에 뵐까요?‬So that's about it. I'll see you both in a month.
‪(여자1과 남자1) 예‬-Okay. -Oh.
‪(익준) 아!‬-Okay. -Oh.
‪집이 진해셨죠?‬-You two live in Jinhae, don't you? -Yes.
‪(여자1) 예‬-You two live in Jinhae, don't you? -Yes.
‪(익준) 왔다 갔다 하시느라‬ ‪많이 힘드시겠네‬It must be tiring to come all the way here.
‪오늘은 몇 시에 출발하셨어요?‬Tell me, what time did you have to leave?
‪어젯밤에 올라왔십니더‬-Actually, we got here last night. -Oh, no.
‪아이고‬-Actually, we got here last night. -Oh, no.
‪(남자1) 새벽에 병원 와가‬ ‪1층 로비 원무과 의자에서 좀 잤십니더‬We got here in the wee hours. There was so much time, we just slept on the bench in the lobby.
‪예전에는 뭐, 여관도 잡고‬ ‪모텔도 잡고 했는데‬In the past, we used to just get a motel room and spend the night there,
‪요새는 뭐, 방도 마이 없고‬but it's hard to get a room these days.
‪방을 잡아 봐야 뭐‬ ‪어차피 아침 일찍 나와야 하니까‬Not to mention, we'd have to check out early in the morning anyway,
‪뭐, 돈도 좀 아깝고 해가‬so we didn't want to waste any money.
‪아, 그래도 잠을‬ ‪잘 주무셔야 하는데, 참‬Huh. It's important that you get enough sleep as it is. Don't you also have an appointment with our neurologist,
‪아, 그리고 우리 병원에서‬ ‪신경과 진료도 있지 않으세요?‬Don't you also have an appointment with our neurologist, because you were treated for a cerebral infarction?
‪뇌경색 시술 하셨잖아요‬because you were treated for a cerebral infarction?
‪맞십니더‬Wow. That's right! Doctor, you're so smart.
‪(여자1) 아유, 우리 선생님‬ ‪억수로 똘똘하시네‬Wow. That's right! Doctor, you're so smart. You're like a mind reader, you know that?
‪아유‬ ‪[익준과 여자1의 웃음]‬What? [laughs]
‪(익준) 아니, 뭐, 제가‬ ‪아니, 그런 말은 왕왕…‬You're not the first one to call me that, you know. I'm not, relax. [chuckles]
‪[익준과 여자1의 웃음]‬I'm not, relax. [chuckles]
‪신경과 진료는 언제세요?‬So what date is that appointment set for? You'll have to come back for it.
‪그때 또 올라오셔야겠네‬So what date is that appointment set for? You'll have to come back for it.
‪오경애 님 신경과 진료 언제예요?‬Can you pull up their appointment details, please?
‪(해성) 아, 잠시만요‬Can you pull up their appointment details, please? Oh, just a moment, please.
‪(남자1) 3월 25일입니더‬Twenty fifth. It's on the 25th of March.
‪[살짝 웃으며] 네, 3월 25일‬Twenty fifth. It's on the 25th of March. It's on March 25, with Professor Yoon Mi-hye, right?
‪윤미혜 교수님 맞으시죠?‬It's on March 25, with Professor Yoon Mi-hye, right?
‪아, 예, 맞아예‬Yeah, that's right.
‪어? 그럼 있어 봐라‬Oh. Hold on a second. Does that mean that…
‪그럼 우찌 되노?‬Oh. Hold on a second. Does that mean that…
‪우리 선생님을 그러면 한 달 뒤에 보고‬ ‪[남자1이 호응한다]‬I do have an appointment with Professor Lee in a month,
‪(여자1) 대충, 그, 일주일 있다가‬ ‪또 올라온단 얘기가? 맞제?‬that means I have to come back about a week immediately after that?
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬ ‪(남자1) 또 올라오지, 뭐‬Sure, we'll come back. It's always nice to spend some more time in Seoul.
‪서울 구경 실컷 하고 안 좋나‬Sure, we'll come back. It's always nice to spend some more time in Seoul.
‪(여자1) 아, 좋기는, 참말로, 진짜‬What in the world are you talking about? This is very exhausting for me.
‪사람 피곤한 것도 모르고, 진짜, 쯧‬What in the world are you talking about? This is very exhausting for me. I'll work around your schedule, yeah.
‪제가 맞춰 드릴게요, 예‬I'll work around your schedule, yeah.
‪저랑도 신경과 진료 보러 오는 날‬ ‪그날 뵐게요‬I can just see you when you're here for your neurologist appointment in a month.
‪저도 수요일 날‬ ‪외래가 있어서 괜찮습니다‬I usually take outpatient appointments for Wednesdays.
‪아, 진짭니까?‬Uh, are you sure about that? Is that really okay?
‪진짜 괜찮습니까?‬Uh, are you sure about that? Is that really okay?
‪네, 회복 속도도 빠르시고‬Yeah. You're recovering quickly, anyway.
‪수치들도 좋으셔서‬ ‪일주일 정도는 괜찮습니다‬All the numbers look good, so we can push it back by a week.
‪약 처방을 한 주 더 해 드릴게요‬I'll prescribe you enough medicine.
‪아, 멀리서 오시는데‬ ‪그 정도는 챙겨 드려야죠‬You live too far away, so this is no problem at all.
‪아유, 선생님, 진짜 감사합니데이‬-Oh, thank you so much, Doctor. -That's awfully generous.
‪고맙십니더, 선생님‬-Oh, thank you so much, Doctor. -That's awfully generous.
‪아이고, 별말씀을요, 예‬No, it's not a problem at all. Have a safe trip home.
‪조심히 내려가세요‬No, it's not a problem at all. Have a safe trip home. -Thanks. I'll see you in about a month. -Yes.
‪- (여자1) 네, 한 달 뒤에 뵙겠십니더‬ ‪- (남자1) 예, 예‬-Thanks. I'll see you in about a month. -Yes. -[woman] About a month. -[man] Let's go.
‪- (익준) 예, 예, 예‬ ‪- (남자1) 가자, 가자‬-[woman] About a month. -[man] Let's go. Come on. Thank you.
‪(남자1) 예‬Come on. Thank you.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬ ‪(준완) 네, 고생들 해요‬-Okay, take it easy. -[cellphone ringing]
‪네, 김준완입니다‬Kim Jun-wan speaking.
‪어, 지금 갈게요‬ ‪수술 끝나서 갈 수 있어요‬Just finished my surgery. I'll come right over.
‪네‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬-Okay. -[phone chimes]
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬[footsteps thumping]
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪(보안원) 면회 시작하겠습니다‬You can all come in now.
‪다들 오셨는지 확인하고‬ ‪같이 들어갈게요‬Let's check if everyone's here, so we can go in as one group.
‪어, 강동현 환자 보호자님‬Is Kang Dong-hyeon's guardian here? -Here. -Great.
‪- (여자2) 예‬ ‪- (보안원) 예‬-Here. -Great.
‪(보안원) 어, 최한나 환자 보호자님‬Is Choi Han-na's guardian here?
‪- (남자2) 네‬ ‪- (보안원) 예‬-Yes. -Okay.
‪(보안원) 이원우 환자 보호자님‬-Is Lee Won-u's guardian here? -Yes.
‪- (남자3) 네‬ ‪- (보안원) 예‬-Is Lee Won-u's guardian here? -Yes. Great. Uh, Bae Min-jin's guardian?
‪(보안원) 어, 배민진 환자 보호자님‬Great. Uh, Bae Min-jin's guardian?
‪- (남자4) 예‬ ‪- (보안원) 예‬-Here. -Okay. Lee Hye-ri's guardian?
‪(보안원) 이예리 환자 보호자님‬-Here. -Okay. Lee Hye-ri's guardian?
‪(선빈) 다른 변수들에 대한 결과들은‬ ‪빼라는 말씀이시죠?‬So I should edit out the results concerning other variables, correct?
‪(송화) 응‬Mm-hm, you included the results
‪리절트 부분에‬Mm-hm, you included the results
‪통계적으로 의미 없는 결과들까지‬ ‪죄다 쓰여 있으니까 너무 산만해‬that aren't statistically significant, and most people, including myself -find it distracting. -Okay.
‪- 네‬ ‪- (송화) 응, 마지막으로‬-find it distracting. -Okay. Hmm. And lastly…
‪결과에서‬If you look over here,
‪뇌부종을 일으키는 메닌지오마‬ ‪볼륨 스레스홀드가 14cc였잖아‬you wrote in the conclusion that the volume threshold for meningioma is 14cc.
‪그러니까 디스커션에서는‬So I think that the discussion should be completely focused on the mechanism
‪메닌지오마가 커짐에 따라‬So I think that the discussion should be completely focused on the mechanism
‪뇌부종이 일어나는 메커니즘에‬ ‪포커스를 맞춰야 될 거 같아‬So I think that the discussion should be completely focused on the mechanism of how growing meningiomas cause cerebral edema.
‪(송화) 내가 생각한‬ ‪그럴듯한 메커니즘이 있어서‬I've already written down some key points for you.
‪그거 정리해 봤는데‬But why don't you rewrite this part?
‪일단 네가 먼저 써서 나한테 보내 주면‬But why don't you rewrite this part? You can just send it to me after you do it again,
‪내가 쓴 거 너한테‬ ‪메일로 보내 줄 테니까 그거 참고해 봐‬and then I'll email you my response after I check, for your reference.
‪네, 알겠습니다, 감사합니다‬Okay, I'll do just that. Thank you so much.
‪얼른 추가해서 다시 보내 드리겠습니다‬I'll get on it and send it over right away.
‪(송화) 그래라‬Sounds good.
‪음, 잘 탔다‬Mmm. This is good.
‪교수님이 타셨는데요?‬Actually, you made the coffee.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬Actually, you made the coffee. [sighs]
‪나한테 하는 말이야‬-I was talking to myself. -[Seon-bin chuckles]
‪[선빈의 웃음]‬-I was talking to myself. -[Seon-bin chuckles]
‪(선빈) 근데 교수님은‬ ‪공부가 좋으시죠?‬I know it is, that you really like studying, don't you? You enjoy it.
‪재밌으시고?‬I know it is, that you really like studying, don't you? You enjoy it.
‪[머뭇거리는 신음]‬Well, of course, I don't.
‪재미없어‬Well, of course, I don't.
‪공부가 어떻게 재밌니‬Who on Earth thinks that studying is fun?
‪교수님‬Professor, stop.
‪난 좀 재밌어‬I do enjoy it.
‪[웃음]‬I do enjoy it.
‪알아 가는 즐거움이 있지 않니?‬Isn't it fun to learn new things?
‪내가 왜 뇌를 선택했는데‬I chose to study the brain because the more you learn…
‪하면 할수록‬I chose to study the brain because the more you learn…
‪- 어려워요‬ ‪- (송화) 재밌어‬-It's hard. -[Song-hwa] …it's fun.
‪(송화) 공부하면 할수록‬ ‪뇌가 얼마나 재밌는데‬What are you saying? Don't you know how interesting the human brain is?
‪아직 안 밝혀진 것도 많아서‬ ‪연구할 것도 많고‬There are still a multitude of things we don't know about the brain.
‪나는 환자 보는 것도 좋은데‬Although I do enjoy treating patients,
‪평생 책 보고 연구만 했으면 좋겠어‬I wish I could read and study all my life.
‪내가 이상한 거지?‬[sighs] You think I'm weird, right?
‪[어색한 웃음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬[chuckles] [comical music sting]
‪(준완) 제가 벤트 세팅 좀 조절했어요‬I modified the ventilator setting.
‪30분 뒤에 ABGA 한 번 더 봐 주세요‬Run an ABG analysis again in 30 minutes.
‪(소연) 네‬Got it.
‪(홍도) 안녕하세요‬Hello, sir.
‪좀 전에도 인사했잖아‬You just said hello earlier. What are you doing it again for?
‪인사 두 번 하는 게 어디 있어?‬You just said hello earlier. What are you doing it again for?
‪죄송합니다‬I'm really sorry.
‪- 장홍도 군‬ ‪- (홍도) 네‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-Jang Hong-do. -Sir?
‪심장 수술 할 때 인공 심폐기는‬ ‪어디 어디 연결하지?‬Where should the heart-lung machine be connected during heart surgery?
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪대동맥과…‬The aorta and…
‪(홍도) 어…‬Well…
‪대동맥과…‬the aorta and…
‪대동맥과…‬The aorta and…
‪대동맥과 백두산이‬ ‪마르고 닳도록 더 공부해서 와‬ ‪[버튼 조작음]‬You need to study harder so you can answer these questions right away when asked.
‪다음에 보면 같은 거 물어볼 수도 있고‬ ‪아닐 수도 있고‬And if you try, I may ask you the same question, or I may not ever ask it again.
‪(준완) 고생해요‬Take it easy.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[sentimental music]
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬[sentimental music]
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬[cell phone ringing]
‪(준완) 나왔어?‬-Is Ru-bin out? -[Jae-hak] Yes, we're in the PICU now.
‪(재학) 네, 방금 PICU로 왔습니다‬-Is Ru-bin out? -[Jae-hak] Yes, we're in the PICU now.
‪(준완) 어, 갈게‬I'm on the way.
‪[통화 종료음]‬[phone chimes]
‪(준완) 수술 잘 끝났습니다‬ ‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬The surgery went well.
‪수술 전 검사에서 예상했던 대로‬As we had expected based on the test results,
‪심실과 심실 간에 큰 구멍이 있어서‬we discovered a big hole between the two ventricles.
‪자기 심장을 둘러싸고 있는‬ ‪심낭이라는 얇은 막을 이용해‬We were able to fix it by making use of the pericardium, which is a thin sac that surrounds the heart.
‪덧대어 막아 주었고요‬which is a thin sac that surrounds the heart. We also found a small hole between the two atria,
‪또 심방과 심방 사이에도‬ ‪작은 구멍이 있었는데‬We also found a small hole between the two atria,
‪그것도 잘 막았습니다‬and we also fixed that.
‪어, 수술 중에 특별한 이벤트 없이‬ ‪잘 진행됐기 때문에‬Uh, the surgery went smoothly without any issues, whatsoever,
‪전 별문제 없이‬ ‪잘 회복될 것으로 기대하고 있습니다‬so as far as I'm concerned, I don't think we need to be worried about the recovery.
‪너무 걱정하지 마세요‬Don't worry about anything. We'll keep monitoring Ru-bin carefully.
‪저희가 꼼꼼히 잘 보겠습니다‬Don't worry about anything. We'll keep monitoring Ru-bin carefully.
‪- (남자5) 감사합니다, 교수님‬ ‪- (여자3) 감사합니다‬-Thank you, Doctor Kim. -Thank you.
‪(여자3) [울먹이며] 우리 루빈이‬ ‪고생했다, 그렇지?‬Thank goodness, Ru-bin got through it.
‪(준완) 그럼‬Of course.
‪아, 민찬이 어머니 아버지‬ ‪병원 안에 계시죠?‬Oh, Min-chan's parents are here, right? So, where are they now?
‪네, 밖에 계세요‬They're both outside. Should I tell them to come in?
‪들어오시라고 할까요?‬They're both outside. Should I tell them to come in?
‪(준완) 아니에요‬ ‪제가 나가서 말씀드릴게요‬No, don't. I'll go and talk to them.
‪[준완의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪어디 가니?‬-Hey, what are you doing? -I'm following you around.
‪교수님 따라가는데요‬-Hey, what are you doing? -I'm following you around.
‪왜?‬-And why? -Because you're off to deliver good news.
‪좋은 소식 전하실 거 같아서요‬-And why? -Because you're off to deliver good news.
‪저도 힐링 좀 하려고‬-And why? -Because you're off to deliver good news. I need a cheerer-upper.
‪넌 언제 내게 힐링이 될까?‬When will you ever cheer me up then?
‪교수님은 제겐 이미 힐링이세요‬I can't help it. You always cheer me up somehow.
‪아, 치유돼‬ ‪[웃음]‬[chuckles] I already feel so much better.
‪(준완) 아휴, 진짜‬ ‪말로는 못 이겨, 진짜, 아유‬Oh, this guy. You always have something to say, don't you?
‪[민찬 부모의 벅찬 숨소리]‬[both chuckle]
‪(준완) 초음파도 괜찮고‬ ‪심장 뛰는 것도 괜찮아요‬[Jun-wan] The ultrasound looks good, and the heartbeat is solid, so far.
‪새로 받은 심장이‬ ‪열심히 자리 잡고 있습니다‬Min-chan is working hard. His body is getting used to the new heart.
‪내일쯤 일반 병실로 올라갈 겁니다‬Tomorrow, we should be able to move him to a regular ward.
‪이런 날도 오네요, 교수님‬I can't believe this day is finally here.
‪일반 병실 가셔도‬ ‪몇 가지 주의할 것들이 있는데‬There's still some pointers, a few things you need to keep in mind.
‪그건 다시 말씀드릴게요‬-I'll go over them with you later. -Mm.
‪점심시간인데 얼른 식사하셔야죠‬It's around lunchtime now. You should have something to eat.
‪네, 교수님도 식사 맛있게 하십시오‬Yeah, you should also go ahead and enjoy your lunch.
‪(민찬 부) 마음 같아서는‬If only we could, we would treat you to dinner at the most expensive restaurant…
‪한국에서 제일 비싸고‬ ‪좋은 음식 대접하고 싶은데‬we would treat you to dinner at the most expensive restaurant…
‪그, 그건 절대 안 되는 거죠, 교수님?‬…but I guess we're not allowed to do that, right?
‪네, 저 그럼 잘립니다‬That's right, 'cause I'll get fired.
‪[민찬 부모의 웃음]‬That's right, 'cause I'll get fired. [both laugh]
‪말씀만으로도 충분합니다‬But I do thank you for the offer, though.
‪(준완) 마음만 받을게요‬It's the thought that counts. Thank you.
‪그럼‬It's the thought that counts. Thank you.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[준완의 한숨]‬
‪(재학) 저랑은 점심 드실 거죠?‬-You'll have lunch with me, though, right? -Ugh. Whatever.
‪(준완) 아, 몰라‬-You'll have lunch with me, though, right? -Ugh. Whatever.
‪[재학의 웃음]‬ ‪아유, 좀 가, 좀‬-You'll have lunch with me, though, right? -Ugh. Whatever. -[chuckles] -Just leave me alone, will you? [Jae-hak] What?
‪[키오스크 조작음]‬-[gentle music] -[beeping]
‪(재학) 아, 교수님‬ ‪유경진 씨 있잖아요‬Oh, that's right. You know Yoo Gyeong-jin, the violinist?
‪바이올리니스트‬Oh, that's right. You know Yoo Gyeong-jin, the violinist?
‪병원비 얼마 냈는지 들으셨어요?‬Did you hear how much she paid us? I couldn't believe it.
‪관심 없어, 너도 신경 꺼‬Did you hear how much she paid us? I couldn't believe it. I don't care about that. Mind your own business.
‪(준완) 어‬Hey.
‪(재학) 어? 안녕하십니까!‬[Jae-hak] Oh, good afternoon!
‪(송화) [웃으며] 네, 안녕하세요‬[giggles] Hey, good afternoon.
‪(준완) 밥 먹을 거지? 내가 계산할게‬-[chuckles] -Here for lunch, right? 'Cause it's on me.
‪그럴래? 나 일행 있는데?‬Really? I have company, though.
‪같이 계산할게, 몇 명?‬I'll pay for them too. How many?
‪(선빈) 안녕하세요‬[doctors] Good afternoon.
‪- (윤복) 교수님, 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (성영) 안녕하세요, 교수님‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[doctors] Good afternoon. [chuckles] [comical music sting]
‪(송화) 잘 먹을게‬Thanks a bunch. Lunch is on Jun-wan.
‪준완이가 쏜대‬Thanks a bunch. Lunch is on Jun-wan.
‪- (성영) 앗싸‬ ‪- (선빈) 감사합니다‬-[Seong-yeon] Nice. -[Seon-bin] Thank you so much.
‪(윤복) 감사합니다‬ ‪[재학의 웃음]‬-[Seong-yeon] Nice. -[Seon-bin] Thank you so much. [woman] Thank you very much.
‪[재학의 탄성]‬Wow, the best lunch menu I've ever seen.
‪(재학) 오늘 역대급이네요‬Wow, the best lunch menu I've ever seen.
‪(준완) 이래서 내가 여길 못 벗어나지‬This is why I can't eat anywhere else. What do you think that is, the Olympic torch? Put it down.
‪아유, 야, 내려놔‬ ‪무슨 성화 봉송하냐?‬What do you think that is, the Olympic torch? Put it down.
‪(재학) 어, 이거 모형 아니야?‬But it just… It just looks too perfect.
‪[재학의 웃음]‬But it just… It just looks too perfect.
‪음, 모형이 아니야‬Mm! It is real, all right. Hm.
‪교수님‬ ‪저 이거 한 번 더 먹어도 되죠?‬Professor, can I maybe get some more of this?
‪그래, 더 먹어, 너라도 많이 먹어‬Sure, go for it. Eat as much as you want.
‪[재학의 들뜬 신음]‬Sure, go for it. Eat as much as you want. [chuckles softly]
‪(재학) 응? 입, 입맛이 없으세요?‬Aren't you hungry?
‪(준완) 어‬-No. -Wow.
‪와, 교수님‬ ‪이렇게 식사하실 때도 있네요?‬-No. -Wow. What's wrong? I've never seen you eat so little.
‪늘 전투적으로 드셨는데‬You always used to devour your food.
‪밥이 잘 안 넘어가네‬I can't really eat anything. I feel like I'm chewing sand.
‪모래 씹는 거 같아‬I can't really eat anything. I feel like I'm chewing sand.
‪아이고‬Oh, no. Then you should give me your drumstick.
‪그럼 닭 다리 저 주세요‬Oh, no. Then you should give me your drumstick.
‪(준완) 안 돼‬Why is that? I'm eating this one.
‪이건 먹을 거야‬Why is that? I'm eating this one.
‪밥이 잘 안 넘어가신다면서요‬You just said you can't really eat anything,
‪모래 씹는 거 같다 그러시더니‬because it's like chewing sand.
‪밥이 그렇다고, 닭은 아니야‬I meant just the rice, not the chicken.
‪(준완) 나중에 먹으려고 아껴 둔 거야‬Besides, I was saving it for last.
‪- 신경 꺼‬ ‪- (재학) 신경을 또 꺼요?‬-Mind your own business. -Again with that?
‪[기계 전원 효과음]‬
‪아, 닭 다리 익순이도 엄청 좋아하는데‬[sighs] -Ik-sun really loves drumsticks as well. -"Ik-sun"?
‪(재학) 익순이요?‬-Ik-sun really loves drumsticks as well. -"Ik-sun"?
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪익준이‬-Ik-jun. -"Ik-sun."
‪- (재학) 익순이‬ ‪- 익준이‬-Ik-jun. -"Ik-sun." -Ik-jun. -No. You said "Ik-sun."
‪(재학) 익순이라고 하셨는데?‬-Ik-jun. -No. You said "Ik-sun."
‪익준이, 익준이, 익준이라고 했어!‬Ik-jun, Ik-jun! I said Ik-jun! Damn it!
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪(준완) 밥 먹자‬Let's just eat.
‪(재학) 네‬Okay.
‪[차분한 음악]‬-[crunches] -[gentle music]
‪근데 교수님‬Come to think of it. There's actually a chance
‪세상 어딘가에‬Come to think of it. There's actually a chance
‪익순이라는 사람도 있겠죠?‬that somewhere out there, there is an Ik-sun.
‪(준완) 있겠지‬Probably.
‪지구 반대편에 있을지 누가 알아‬Maybe on the other side of the planet.
‪[재학이 피식 웃는다]‬[Jae-hak chuckles]
‪(익준) 어, 채송화 말하라‬Hey, what is it, Song-hwa? [Song-hwa] Hey, they're serving drumsticks today. Hurry up!
‪(송화) 야, 오늘 닭 다리 나왔어‬ ‪빨리 와‬[Song-hwa] Hey, they're serving drumsticks today. Hurry up!
‪(익준) 아, 진짜?‬[Song-hwa] Hey, they're serving drumsticks today. Hurry up! Are you serious? Oh, damn it! What a bummer.
‪아, 어떡해, 아, 짜증‬Are you serious? Oh, damn it! What a bummer.
‪아, 오늘 점심에 회동 있어‬If only I didn't have a lunch meeting today. [Song-hwa] What's it for? Do you have a conference?
‪(송화) 무슨 회동?‬[Song-hwa] What's it for? Do you have a conference?
‪콘퍼런스 있어?‬[Song-hwa] What's it for? Do you have a conference?
‪(익준) 지난주에 잡아 놓은‬ ‪중요한 회동이야‬It's a very important tteokbokki meeting, which was already scheduled last week.
‪사랑의 떡볶이 회동‬It's a very important tteokbokki meeting, which was already scheduled last week.
‪아, 애들 기다리고 있어‬They're all waiting for me. [chuckles] I thought you had a conference.
‪(송화) [헛웃음 치며] 난 또 뭐라고‬[chuckles] I thought you had a conference. All right, then.
‪알았어‬All right, then.
‪(익준) 야, 점심 먹고 네 방으로 갈게‬ ‪커피 마시자‬I'll stop by your office later for some coffee.
‪오늘 늦게까지 있을 거지?‬I'll stop by your office later for some coffee. Are you staying late today?
‪(송화) 응, 얼른 가‬Uh-huh. You should go now. Enjoy your meal.
‪맛있게 먹어‬Uh-huh. You should go now. Enjoy your meal. Hmm, you too.
‪(익준) 응, 너도‬Hmm, you too.
‪(민찬 부) 자, 먹자, 먹자‬All right, let's dig in. [Min-chan's dad chuckles]
‪[민찬 부의 웃음]‬All right, let's dig in. [Min-chan's dad chuckles]
‪아, 맛있겠다, 응?‬This looks delicious.
‪여보, 이 감자볶음 좀 먹어, 응?‬You gotta try these potatoes too, huh?
‪자, 숟가락‬[Min-chan's dad] Here's a spoon.
‪[민찬 부가 수저를 달그락거린다]‬-[cutlery clinks] -[Min-chan's dad sighs, grunts]
‪[민찬 부의 힘주는 신음]‬-[cutlery clinks] -[Min-chan's dad sighs, grunts]
‪[민찬 부가 중얼거린다]‬-This one's for me. Here we go. -[thudding]
‪여보, 식기 전에 얼른 먹어, 응?‬Honey, it'll get cold soon. Hm?
‪(민찬 모) 응‬ ‪[민찬 부의 웃음]‬-[exclaims] -[Min-chan's dad chuckles]
‪[무거운 음악]‬[sad music]
‪[은지 모의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[힘주는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬-[door closes] -Nice!
‪[신난 탄성]‬-[door closes] -Nice!
‪[민하의 힘주는 신음]‬-[Min-ha grunts] -[gasps]
‪[민하의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪설마 한 사람당‬ ‪하나씩 시킨 건 아니지?‬Don't tell me you actually got one for each for us.
‪[웃음]‬ ‪(익준) 여기 그런 데 아니야‬-[exclaims] -'Cause we don't do that here.
‪[민하가 봉지를 부스럭거린다]‬-[exclaims] -'Cause we don't do that here. -Whoa! What is this? -[plastic rustles]
‪어유, 뭐야?‬-Whoa! What is this? -[plastic rustles]
‪안녕하세요‬Good afternoon.
‪떡볶이 벌써 왔어요?‬Is the tteokbokki here now?
‪(익준) 겨울아, 우리 추추‬ ‪원래 손이 이렇게 컸니?‬Hey, Gyeo-ul, don't tell me Chuchu always orders this much?
‪(겨울) 왜요?‬Hey, Gyeo-ul, don't tell me Chuchu always orders this much? -What's wrong? -Look at all this.
‪(익준) 추민하 선생님‬ ‪떡볶이 세 통이나 시켰어‬-What's wrong? -Look at all this. Min-ha ordered three full servings!
‪저 혼자 하나 다 먹어요‬I can finish one by myself.
‪이게 반반, 오리지널 맛‬This is half and half. The original flavor.
‪어유, 그거 좀 매울 텐데?‬That one looks pretty spicy.
‪저 매운 거 완전 좋아해요‬Exactly. I love spicy food.
‪어떡하냐, 우리 정원이는‬ ‪매운 거 잘 못 먹는데‬I'm just saying. Jeong-won can't handle spicy food…
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬[comical music sting]
‪아, 아세요‬Ah… She knows.
‪추민하 선생님 알아요‬It's fine. Dr. Chu knows. I already told her.
‪제가 말했어요‬It's fine. Dr. Chu knows. I already told her.
‪(겨울) 우리 병원에서‬ ‪유일하게 아는 사람‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬She's the only one at Yulje who knows about it. I congratulated her when I found out. She actually beat God.
‪(민하) 제가 엄청 축하해 줬어요‬I congratulated her when I found out. She actually beat God.
‪하느님을 이겼잖아요‬I congratulated her when I found out. She actually beat God.
‪(익준) [손가락을 탁 튀기며] 그렇지‬That's right! Gyeo-ul beat God. Can you believe that?
‪우리 겨울이가 하느님을 이겼어, 카‬That's right! Gyeo-ul beat God. Can you believe that? [chuckles]
‪[익준의 힘주는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪우리 건 뭐야?‬-So, what did you get us? -The mild-flavored one.
‪(민하) 초보 맛이요‬-So, what did you get us? -The mild-flavored one.
‪근데 교수님, 오늘 한 사람 더‬ ‪불렀다고 하지 않으셨어요?‬And by the way, didn't you say you invited one more person to join us?
‪응, 불렀지‬-[cracks] -Yes, I did.
‪이번엔 꽝이 아니라 당첨을 불렀지‬And I got it right this time. Don't even worry about it.
‪근데 이 새끼 왜 안 와?‬[inhales] Now where is this prick?
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬Hey! You can't come just barging in here!
‪(익준) 아, 진짜‬ ‪여길 어디라고 네가 들어와!‬Hey! You can't come just barging in here!
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬-[comical music sting] -[gasps]
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪(겨울) 안녕하세요‬-Hello, Professor. -[sighs]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬-[door closes] -[chuckles] [Seok-hyeong] I thought this was the GS Medical Office.
‪(석형) 순간 GS 의국인가 했네‬[Seok-hyeong] I thought this was the GS Medical Office.
‪너 여기서 뭐 해?‬-What are you guys doing here? -We're eating tteokbokki, obviously.
‪뭐 하긴, 떡볶이 먹지‬-What are you guys doing here? -We're eating tteokbokki, obviously.
‪(민하) 여기 떡볶이 좀 드세요‬Here, you can have some tteokbokki too. Try the steamed eggs as well.
‪어, 계란찜도‬Here, you can have some tteokbokki too. Try the steamed eggs as well.
‪(익준) 계란찜 내 거야‬Here, you can have some tteokbokki too. Try the steamed eggs as well. The steamed eggs are mine. I'm eating all of it.
‪내가 먹을 거라고‬The steamed eggs are mine. I'm eating all of it.
‪(민하) 아, 네‬Oh, well, okay.
‪(석형) 난 괜찮아‬ ‪옹졸한 쟤 먹으라 그래‬No, it's all good. That jerk can shove it all up his face.
‪[민하의 웃음]‬No, it's all good. That jerk can shove it all up his face. [chuckles]
‪어? 이거 매운 거야?‬-Is this one spicy? -It's the mild flavor.
‪(민하) 어, 초보 맛이요‬-Is this one spicy? -It's the mild flavor.
‪[놀라며] 교수님, 매운 거 못 드세요?‬-Hold on. You can't eat spicy food? -I can. I like spicy food.
‪아니, 나 잘 먹어, 좋아해‬-Hold on. You can't eat spicy food? -I can. I like spicy food.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬[comical music sting]
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(석형) 얘도 괜찮은데?‬-This one's actually good. -[exclaims]
‪[민하의 탄성]‬-This one's actually good. -[exclaims]
‪얼른 먹어‬Come on, dig in.
‪[석형의 탄성]‬[sighs]
‪응, 여기‬-Hmm. Here. -Mm. Wow. Thank you so much.
‪(민하) 음, 교수님, 감사합니다‬-Hmm. Here. -Mm. Wow. Thank you so much.
‪교수님도 드, 드세요‬[Min-ha] You should have some too, though. Here.
‪- (민하) 여기, 네‬ ‪- (석형) 응‬-[Seok-hyeong] Mm. Sure. -[Min-ha] There you go.
‪[민하가 음료수를 졸졸 따른다]‬-[Seok-hyeong] Mm. Sure. -[Min-ha] There you go.
‪(민하) 그리고 주먹밥도 드세요‬And have some rice balls too, while you're at it.
‪- 너 먹어, 너 많이 먹어‬ ‪- (민하) 네‬-Get some too. You need to eat up. -Okay.
‪[머뭇거리는 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪- 겨울아‬ ‪- (겨울) 네?‬[softly] Right about now. -Gyeo-ul. -Yeah?
‪쓰리‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Three.
‪(익준) 원‬One.
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪(민하) 응? 안녕하세요‬[chuckles] -Good afternoon. -Oh, good. You made it.
‪- (겨울) 오셨어요?‬ ‪- (정원) 안녕하세요‬-Good afternoon. -Oh, good. You made it. How are you guys? Hey.
‪[겨울의 웃음]‬ ‪(정원) 어‬How are you guys? Hey.
‪(익준) 안드레아, 빨리빨리 좀 다녀라‬Andrea, what took you so long?
‪어? 우리 병원 소아 수술은‬ ‪네가 다 하니?‬You're doing all the pediatric surgeries here?
‪어, 내가 다 해‬Yes, I am, actually.
‪그렇지, 네가 다 하지, 응‬I know that. Of course, you do.
‪야, 의문형이 아니라 감탄형이었어‬It was a rhetorical. It wasn't a question.
‪[놀란 신음]‬[gasps]
‪오, 이거 좀 맵다‬Whoa. This is pretty spicy.
‪(익준) 어, 너한테 좀 매울 수 있겠다‬It's probably too spicy for you.
‪[정원이 살짝 웃는다]‬[both chuckle softly]
‪와, 진짜‬Wow, seriously.
‪아, 너희들, 나한테 이러는 거 아니지‬Uh, I guess, that's how it's gonna be, huh? This is how you're gonna be treating your cupid angel? That's cruel.
‪야, 오작교한테 이러면 안 돼, 너희들‬ ‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬This is how you're gonna be treating your cupid angel? That's cruel.
‪어, 어디야?‬Hey, where are you?
‪어, 나 아무거나‬I'm fine with anything.
‪어, 알았어, 거기서 봐‬Okay, I'll see you there.
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪나 갈 거야, 굶을 거라고!‬-[phone chimes] -Guess I'll starve. See you all later.
‪(민하) 응? 교수님‬Mm. Professor Lee.
‪(석형) 송화야?‬Was that Song-hwa? Do you wanna take this unopened box of rice balls with you?
‪이거 주먹밥 하나 그대로 있는데‬ ‪가져가서 먹을래?‬Was that Song-hwa? Do you wanna take this unopened box of rice balls with you?
‪아니야, 나 많이 먹었어‬It's okay. I had enough food. Enjoy your lunch. See ya.
‪너희들 먹어, 갈게‬It's okay. I had enough food. Enjoy your lunch. See ya.
‪(재학) 교수님‬-[Jae-hak] Professor. -Hm.
‪(준완) 응‬-[Jae-hak] Professor. -Hm.
‪(재학) 저, 천명태 교수님‬ ‪다음 주 학회 가시는데‬You know Professor Cheon has a conference next week?
‪교수님이 환자 맡으시기로 하셨어요?‬-Are you taking his patients? -Yes, just three.
‪(준완) 난 세 분만‬-Are you taking his patients? -Yes, just three.
‪이경미 환자도요?‬Including Lee Gyeong-mi?
‪(준완) 응‬Mm-hm. [inhales]
‪근데 이경미 환자는‬ ‪내가 맡았다고 하기도 좀 그렇다‬I'm not even sure "taking in" is the right term for what we're doing, because there really isn't much we can do for her.
‪지금 우리가‬ ‪해 줄 수 있는 게 별로 없어서‬because there really isn't much we can do for her.
‪(재학) 쯧, 그렇긴 하죠‬[clicks tongue] You're right about that.
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬[So-yeon] Professor Cheon has a conference scheduled for next week,
‪(소연) 천명태 교수님이‬ ‪다음 주 학회셔서‬[So-yeon] Professor Cheon has a conference scheduled for next week,
‪다음 주에는‬ ‪김준완 교수님이 맡으실 거예요‬so Professor Kim Jun-wan will fill in and look after you.
‪김준완 교수님 좋으세요‬[So-yeon] Professor Kim Jun-wan is great. No need to worry about anything.
‪걱정 안 하셔도 돼요‬[So-yeon] Professor Kim Jun-wan is great. No need to worry about anything.
‪뭐, 좀 무뚝뚝하셔도‬ ‪환자 엄청 챙기세요‬He can be a little blunt, but he cares a lot about his patients. And he checks his patients often.
‪환자도 자주 보시고‬And he checks his patients often.
‪아, 이미 알고 계시죠?‬Oh, you already knew that, right?
‪[소연이 살짝 웃는다]‬[So-yeon chuckles]
‪안 외로우세요?‬Are you feeling lonely?
‪에구‬Oh, dear.
‪저희가 자주 올게요‬I promise you, we'll check on you often.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[soft music]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[소연이 살짝 웃는다]‬[soft music] [chuckles]
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬[door slides close]
‪(송화) 그래도 너무 많이 주시니까‬[Song-hwa] Still, though, she always sends way too much.
‪어차피 다 먹지도 못하는데‬-Like, tons. I can never finish any of it. -[laughs]
‪[익준의 웃음]‬ ‪[송화의 헛웃음]‬-Like, tons. I can never finish any of it. -[laughs] And it's not like I want to throw any of it out.
‪아, 버리면 아깝잖아‬And it's not like I want to throw any of it out.
‪조금만 달라고 해도‬ ‪항상 박스가 이만해‬And it's not like I want to throw any of it out. I told her to only send a little, but she gets a huge box.
‪택배 박스 무거워서‬ ‪나 혼자 들지도 못한다니까‬It's so heavy I can't even carry it on my own.
‪속초 내려가니까‬ ‪이제 거기로 보내시는데‬And now, she sends these stuff to Sokcho too. [sighs]
‪아, 정말 너무 많이 보내, 너무 많이‬[sighs] That woman is sending me way too much food.
‪(익준) 아유, 우리 엄마도 그래‬Oh. My mom's the same way. When I moved to Seoul over 20 years ago,
‪난 상경한 지 20년이 넘었다‬Oh. My mom's the same way. When I moved to Seoul over 20 years ago,
‪그걸로 초반에 엄청 싸웠거든‬we ended up fighting about it in the beginning.
‪'제발, 엄마, 제발'‬"Mom, I'm begging you, please. Not again."
‪'제발 조금만 보내, 엄마'‬"Mom, I'm begging you, please. Not again." "Please stop sending me all these food. You're killing me!"
‪'이번엔 제발 조금만 보내'‬ ‪[송화의 웃음]‬"Please stop sending me all these food. You're killing me!"
‪근데 안 돼, 절대 안 돼‬-[laughs] -But it didn't work. Because she never listens.
‪야, 우리 엄마 컨디션 좋으면은‬I'm not kidding. She sends me, like, 50 million perilla leaves
‪양념깻잎을 한 5천만 장씩 해서 보내‬I'm not kidding. She sends me, like, 50 million perilla leaves whenever she's feeling energetic.
‪[송화의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[익준의 헛웃음]‬[gasps, sighs]
‪[탄식]‬[gasps, sighs]
‪이번엔 뭘 보내셨는데?‬What did she send you this time?
‪(송화) 장아찌‬Pickled vegetables.
‪(익준) 맛있겠네‬Sounds delicious.
‪(송화) 마늘, 고추, 미나리‬ ‪각각 한 통씩‬Garlic, chili, and water celery. One container each.
‪아, 언제 다 먹어, 언제‬Oh, God, it's gonna take me forever to finish it.
‪나 오늘 밤 속초 내려갈지도 몰라‬I might have to go back to Sokcho tonight.
‪가서 장아찌 먹어야 되거든‬-To eat my pickled vegetables. -[laughs]
‪(익준) [피식 웃으며] 나 좀 줘‬-To eat my pickled vegetables. -[laughs] Give me some.
‪(송화) 야, 그래, 너 좀 가져가‬Great idea. Why don't you take some? No way, I'll finish it on my own.
‪나 혼자 절대 다 못 먹어‬Great idea. Why don't you take some? No way, I'll finish it on my own.
‪그래, 어머니도‬ ‪주변 사람들이랑 나눠 먹으라고‬Yeah, if you think about it, your mom probably sent you extra
‪그렇게 많이 보내셨을 거야‬so that you can share them with friends.
‪나 좀 주고 준완이랑 정원이도 좀 줘‬so that you can share them with friends. So, just give them to me, Jun-wan and Jeong-won too.
‪정원이가 요리 잘하니까‬ ‪주면 좋아하겠네‬And Jeong-won's a good cook, so he'll appreciate it.
‪어, 그럼 되겠다‬Yeah, I should do that.
‪(익준) 응‬Mm-hm.
‪근데 조건이 있어‬On one condition, though.
‪내 깻잎 좀 가져가‬Take my perilla leaves.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬[comical music sting]
‪집에 약 2천만 장 있거든‬I still have about 20 million of them.
‪너 10%만 가져가‬You can take 10 percent.
‪좋아, 나 깻잎 좋아해‬Okay, I like perilla leaves. -Deal! -Deal.
‪- (익준) 딜‬ ‪- 딜‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬-Deal! -Deal. [quirky music]
‪[익준이 숨을 하 내쉰다]‬Ah.
‪이쁘네‬That looks nice.
‪(재학) 교수님‬ ‪이 스탠드 어때요? 괜찮죠?‬What do you think? It's a table lamp? Nice, right?
‪괜찮네‬Yeah, it's nice.
‪근데 넌 남의 SNS를 왜 보니?‬What are you looking at a stranger's post for?
‪제 와이프예요‬-That's my wife, actually. -[comical music sting]
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬-That's my wife, actually. -[comical music sting]
‪(재학) 제 와이프 SNS요‬My wife posted this just now.
‪오늘 스탠드 새로 샀다고 올린 거예요‬She saw this lamp today and bought it.
‪처음부터 그럼 와이프라고 얘기를 하지‬Why didn't you tell me it was your wife in the first place?
‪여, 여기 밑에 해시태그에‬Well, just take a look at these hashtags. "My hubby's just the best."
‪'역시 남편뿐'‬Well, just take a look at these hashtags. "My hubby's just the best."
‪'도재학, 고마워'라고 돼 있잖아요‬"Thank you, Jae-hak." See? It's right there.
‪(재학) 커피가 없는데‬ ‪뭘 드시고 계시는 거지?‬Your cup is empty. What are you even drinking right now?
‪그리고 SNS는 원래 남의 거‬ ‪구경하는 맛에 하는 거예요‬Everyone goes on social media to look at other people's photos these days.
‪교수님도 SNS 하시잖아요‬I know you're on social media too, but your account is on private.
‪비공개시던데?‬I know you're on social media too, but your account is on private.
‪그럼‬-That's right. I have an account. -Oh.
‪나도 있어‬ ‪[재학의 탄성]‬-That's right. I have an account. -Oh.
‪(준완) 나도 해, SNS‬[Jun-wan] I'm on social media too.
‪아유, 이렇게 휑하게 두실 거면‬ ‪뭐 하러 SNS를 하세요?‬That's nice. But what's the point of even being on it if you're not even gonna post anything at all?
‪아무것도 없네?‬There's not a single post. Nothing at all.
‪아무것도 없어‬There's not a single post. Nothing at all.
‪난 사실 거의 안 해‬I rarely go online.
‪여자 친구가 영국 가면서‬ ‪계정만 만들어 준 거야‬My girlfriend created the account for me before she left for the UK.
‪(준완) 난 여자 친구 거‬ ‪보는 용도로만 써‬I only use it to look at my girlfriend's posts.
‪왜 보기만 하세요?‬ ‪교수님도 올리셔야죠‬Don't just use it for looking. You should post some photos too.
‪그래야 여자 친구분도 보시고, 어?‬That way, your girlfriend can also see you, huh?
‪교수님 근황도 알고‬ ‪또 잘 지내시는지 확인도 하죠‬Whatever it is you're up to, or how your day's been going so far.
‪(준완) 매일 통화해‬We talk every day.
‪통화하는 거랑‬Talking isn't the same thing.
‪그 사람의 일상을‬ ‪공유하는 거랑은 다르죠‬It's much different from sharing your day-to-day life with her.
‪내 일상이 어디 있어?‬My day-to-day? [sighs] I don't have a life.
‪집하고 병원밖에 없는데‬I work and go home, on repeat.
‪뭐, 그런 거라도 공유하면 좋죠‬Well, then it'd be nice to share that either way.
‪교수님, 사진 좀 찍어 올리세요‬It's easy. You just post some photos online, and she'll see them immediately.
‪여자 친구분 보시게, 예?‬You just post some photos online, and she'll see them immediately.
‪(재학) 아, 하‬ ‪제가 좀 가르쳐 드려요?‬Oh, do you want me to teach you how to do it?
‪(준완) 아유, 됐어‬ ‪그게 뭐라고 가르쳐?‬Oh, do you want me to teach you how to do it? Oh, please. What's there to teach, anyway? I just shoot and then post.
‪그냥 올리면 되는 거잖아‬Oh, please. What's there to teach, anyway? I just shoot and then post.
‪(재학) [피식 웃으며] 교수님‬ ‪휴대폰 줘 보세요‬Professor, give me your phone for a sec.
‪(준완) 왜?‬Why?
‪(재학) 씁, 어디 보자‬Let's see here.
‪자‬-Don't move. -[camera shutter clicks]
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪(준완) 야‬-Don't move. -[camera shutter clicks] -Hey. -Nice!
‪[재학의 놀란 신음]‬-Hey. -Nice!
‪(재학) 오, 대박‬ ‪사진 대박 잘 나왔어요‬Wow, what the… That's a really great photo.
‪와, 증명사진이야, 증명사진, 와‬I bet you could even use this as your passport photo.
‪[재학의 탄성]‬[chuckles]
‪(준완) 지워‬Delete it.
‪이거 밑에다 뭐라고 적을까요?‬-What would the caption be for this one? -"Kim Jun-wan"?
‪'김준완'?‬-What would the caption be for this one? -"Kim Jun-wan"?
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪아이, 누가 김준완인 거 몰라요?‬[chuckles] Everyone already knows what your name is?
‪'율제병원 흉부외과 교수 김준완'?‬"The Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery"?
‪[씩씩한 음악]‬"The Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery"?
‪관등 성명 하십니까?‬Why would you write your position?
‪(재학) [코를 훌쩍이며] 그냥, 음‬Why not, hm…
‪'여자 친구 보아라'‬"This is for my girlfriend."
‪(준완) 아유, 됐어, 하지 마‬ ‪야, 여자 친구 기절한다, 진짜‬Forget it. My girlfriend's gonna freak out if she reads that nonsense.
‪(재학) 씁, 해시태그는 뭐라고 하지?‬Forget it. My girlfriend's gonna freak out if she reads that nonsense. Now, what about the hashtags?
‪음‬[Jae-hak] Hmm.
‪그건 왜 하는데?‬-[keypad clacking] -What's that for?
‪[재학의 한숨]‬
‪(재학) 많은 사람들이‬ ‪봐야 할 거 아니에요?‬Well, you do want many people to see it, right?
‪그럼 해시태그를 다양하게 올려 놔야‬The hashtag can do that. You post it with different hashtags,
‪사람들이 검색해서 들어오죠‬and your photo can be discovered by more people.
‪많은 사람들이 보는 거 싫은데‬I don't want other people to see it.
‪내 여자 친구만 보게 해 줘‬Only my girlfriend should see it.
‪그럼 해시태그 아무것도 안 해요‬Then I just won't use any hashtags.
‪응, 아무것도 하지 마‬Hmm, then don't use any.
‪내 여자 친구만 보면 돼‬I just want her to see it.
‪(재학) 됐다‬It's done.
‪나중에 SNS‬ ‪더 배우고 싶으시면 말하세요‬Just let me know anytime if you want to learn more about social media.
‪그럴 일 없어‬That's gonna happen.
‪혹시‬Just in case,
‪혹시라도 그런 마음이 드시면‬ ‪저한테 딱 한 마디만 하세요‬if you ever you feel like you wanna learn some more, just come up to me and say this.
‪'재학아, 시간 있니?'‬"Hey, Jae-hak, do you have a minute?"
‪(준완) 그럴 일 없다니까‬You've got some imagination. I'm gonna go rest.
‪나 좀 쉰다‬You've got some imagination. I'm gonna go rest.
‪[무거운 음악]‬[somber music]
‪[준완의 한숨]‬[somber music]
‪[사이렌 소리가 들려온다]‬[siren wailing]
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬Hello, everyone. Did you all have a good weekend?
‪(재학) 안녕하세요‬ ‪주말 잘 보내셨어요?‬Hello, everyone. Did you all have a good weekend?
‪(지민) 선생님, 은지가 좀 이상해요‬Doctor, something's wrong with Eun-ji.
‪좀 전에 깼는데 왼팔을 잘 못 써요‬She suddenly woke up unable to move her left arm.
‪예?‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬What?
‪[페달 조작음]‬ ‪[물이 솨 나온다]‬[tense music]
‪(익준) 너 요새 수술 많다?‬You've been doing a lot of surgeries.
‪(준완) 어, 이번 주 몰렸어‬[Jun-wan] Yeah, I'm all booked up for this week. You're pretty early.
‪너 일찍 내려왔다?‬[Jun-wan] Yeah, I'm all booked up for this week. You're pretty early.
‪어, 휴게실에서‬ ‪커피 한잔 마시고 들어가려고‬Yeah, I went to have some coffee before I go in.
‪(간호사) 김준완 교수님, 전화요‬Professor Kim, sorry, a call for you. It's Dr. Do Jae-hak.
‪도재학 선생님이요‬Professor Kim, sorry, a call for you. It's Dr. Do Jae-hak. [metal clanking]
‪[페달 조작음]‬ ‪[물이 뚝 멈춘다]‬[metal clanking]
‪(준완) 어, 왜?‬What's up?
‪(재학) 급하게 노티드릴 게 있어서‬ ‪전화했습니다‬[Jae-hak] We have a bit of an emergency happening.
‪(준완) 말해‬-What is it? -Eun-ji's left-side motor control is poor.
‪(재학) 은지 왼쪽 팔다리의‬ ‪모터가 떨어집니다‬-What is it? -Eun-ji's left-side motor control is poor.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪팔은 그레이드 투 정도‬-What is it? -Eun-ji's left-side motor control is poor. I'd say her arm is Grade 2, while her leg is about Grade 3.
‪다리는 그레이드 쓰리 정도 됩니다‬I'd say her arm is Grade 2, while her leg is about Grade 3. -What's her PT at? -Her INR is 2.8.
‪(준완) 은지 PT가 얼마니?‬-What's her PT at? -Her INR is 2.8.
‪(재학) INR 2.8입니다‬-What's her PT at? -Her INR is 2.8. We can't do an MRI because of the VAD. Do a CT scan.
‪(준완) 바드 때문에‬ ‪MRI 못 찍으니까 CT라도 찍자‬We can't do an MRI because of the VAD. Do a CT scan.
‪신경과 콜해서‬ ‪와서 한번 봐 달라고 하고‬Call Neurology and ask them to take a look.
‪은지 어머니한테 상황 설명해 드리고‬Make sure to talk to Eun-ji's mother and to keep me updated
‪중간에 다른 이벤트 생기면 바로 콜해‬Make sure to talk to Eun-ji's mother and to keep me updated while I'm doing surgery. I'll be there after.
‪수술 끝나면 바로 갈게‬while I'm doing surgery. I'll be there after.
‪생큐‬Thank you.
‪[통화 종료음]‬-Thank you. -Mm.
‪(익준) 감사합니다‬-Thank you. -Mm.
‪(선빈) VIP 수술은‬ ‪교수님이 다 하시는 거예요?‬Are you the one who personally handles all the VIP surgeries?
‪다른 교수님하고 나눠 하시면 안 돼요?‬Can't the other professors at least take care of some?
‪속초에서 어떻게‬ ‪매번 왔다 갔다 하세요‬You can't commute from Sokcho every single time.
‪매번은 아니고 2주에 한 번 정도‬It's not for every surgery. It's only once every two weeks.
‪잘 마실게‬Thanks for the coffee.
‪뇌물이니?‬-Are you bribing me? -No, it's not a bribe. It's a gift.
‪뇌물이 아니라 선물이요‬-Are you bribing me? -No, it's not a bribe. It's a gift.
‪교수님이 서울에 계시면 제 마음이‬ ‪얼마나 든든하고 좋은지 몰라요‬You make me feel so reassured. It's like I'm always getting a boost -whenever you're in Seoul. -[chuckles softly]
‪드래건 잘 있지?‬How's Seok-min?
‪둘이 아직도 화해 안 했어?‬Wait. Haven't you guys made up yet?
‪(선빈) 네‬No.
‪(송화) 크게 싸웠니?‬Was it a big fight?
‪전 뇌를 하고 싶어서 신경외과 왔는데‬I told him I chose neurosurgery so I could study the brain and that I don't understand how he could give up so easily.
‪어떻게 그렇게 쉽게 꿈을 포기하냐고‬and that I don't understand how he could give up so easily.
‪(선빈) 석민 오빠는‬And Seok-min said, "This is why people say those who have had it easy in life,
‪이래서 인생의 평지풍파‬ ‪안 겪어 본 애들이‬And Seok-min said, "This is why people say those who have had it easy in life,
‪생각이 짧다는 소리를 듣는 거라고‬always end up becoming inconsiderate."
‪[송화의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪(송화) 크게 싸웠네‬So it was a big fight.
‪(선빈) 네‬[Seon-bin] Yes.
‪(송화) 네가 먼저 전화해‬Why don't you call him first?
‪(선빈) 했는데 더 싸움만 되더라고요‬I did, but we always end up arguing.
‪안 본 지 2주 넘었어요‬I haven't seen him for two weeks.
‪우리 이대로 헤어지면‬ ‪어떡해요, 교수님?‬I'm afraid we're gonna break-up at this rate.
‪기다려 봐‬Just you wait.
‪계기가 있을 거야‬Something will come along.
‪[송화가 피식 웃는다]‬[Song-hwa chuckles]
‪나도 전에 연애할 때 엄청 싸웠거든‬It's like my ex-boyfriend and I. We fought too.
‪그리고 싸우고 나면‬ ‪어떻게든 빨리 해결해 보려고‬And every time we fought, I wanted to patch things up immediately,
‪없는 시간 쪼개서‬ ‪전화하고 만나고 100분 토론 하고‬so I took time out of my busy schedule to call and see him, and have long discussions. [laughs]
‪[웃음]‬and have long discussions. [laughs] [sighs]
‪아, 진짜 피곤했어, 정말‬[sighs] It was definitely exhausting.
‪근데 나이가 점점 들면서‬ ‪저절로 깨달은 게 하나 있어‬However, there's something that I learned. It came naturally with age.
‪둘 다 '헤어질 거야'라는‬ ‪마음만 없으면‬As long as you both are willing to make it work,
‪그리고 둘이‬ ‪엄청 떨어져 있는 것만 아니면‬and aren't unreasonably way too far apart, just wait and see.
‪그냥 있어 봐‬just wait and see.
‪그럼 계기가 생기더라고‬Something always comes along.
‪우리 하루하루 별일들이 많잖아‬A whole lot of things can happen in a day, you know.
‪좋은 일이든 나쁜 일이든‬ ‪항상 별일들이 생기는데‬Bad things, good thing, whether you want them or not, basically. And sometimes, you have to call and meet up
‪이런 것들이 서로에게 전화하고‬ ‪만나게 하는 계기가 되더라고‬And sometimes, you have to call and meet up because something crucial happens.
‪드래건 지금 많이 바쁠 거야‬He's probably just very busy at the moment,
‪(송화) 새 직장이라 배울 것도 많고‬ ‪인사할 데도 많고‬learning new things and meeting people at his new job.
‪그리고 너도 바쁘잖아‬And you're busy as well.
‪이럴 땐 그냥 각자 알아서 바쁘게 살아‬The best thing is to just keep as busy as possible.
‪그렇게 잘 살고 있으면‬Try to focus on your life,
‪그러다 보면‬and naturally,
‪전화 안 하고는 못 배기는 일‬like clockwork, something comes along,
‪무조건 만날 수밖에‬ ‪없는 일이 생길 거야‬and you're gonna have to call and see each other, eventually.
‪네, 맞아요‬Again, you're right.
‪제가 사고 쳐서 드래건한테‬ ‪전화할 수도 있죠‬Who knows, maybe I'll get in trouble and end up suddenly calling him.
‪드래건이 사고 쳐서‬ ‪너한테 전화할 수도 있고‬It could easily be just the other way around too.
‪그러니까 너희는 그렇게‬ ‪알아서 굴러가게 내버려 두고‬To conclude, in relationships, just let nature take its course.
‪우리 일이나 하자‬Let's get some work done. I think I'll be late for my surgery.
‪나 수술 늦을 거 같은데?‬Let's get some work done. I think I'll be late for my surgery. I'm sorry, Professor Chae.
‪죄송합니다, 교수님‬I'm sorry, Professor Chae.
‪(선빈) 감사합니다‬And thank you.
‪(은행원) 네, 서류는 다 됐습니다‬Well, looks like we have all the paperwork.
‪어, 빠르면 이번 주 안으로‬ ‪대출 집행 될 겁니다‬Most likely, the loan will be issued to you as early as this week.
‪(정원) [웃으며] 감사합니다‬[chuckles] Great. -Thank you. -Doctor Ahn.
‪(은행원) 교수님, 집 구하시면‬ ‪저희 지점도 작은 선물 하나 할게요‬-Thank you. -Doctor Ahn. We would like to give you a small gift when you find the house that you like.
‪지점장님이 좋은 뜻으로 하시는 일인데‬The branch manager here wants to help in any way.
‪작은 보탬이라도 되고 싶다고 하시네요‬It's our pleasure because it's for a good cause.
‪아, 정말요?‬It's our pleasure because it's for a good cause. Oh, really?
‪대출도 빨리 처리해 주셨는데‬ ‪선물까지 주시고‬A gift, on top of taking my loan application so quickly?
‪사양하지 않겠습니다‬-I'm not gonna decline. -[both chuckle]
‪[정원의 웃음]‬-I'm not gonna decline. -[both chuckle]
‪저, 근데‬By the way, don't you give that doll to all of your loan clients?
‪대출은 어부바 인형 안 주나요?‬By the way, don't you give that doll to all of your loan clients? I even have two savings accounts with you.
‪저 여기 적금도 두 개나 들었는데‬I even have two savings accounts with you.
‪[웃으며] 아, 드릴게요‬[laughs] Oh, sure. I'll give you one.
‪(은행원) 교수님 아이 있으시구나?‬Are you going to give this doll to your kid?
‪전 미혼이신 줄 알았어요‬I actually thought you were single.
‪아, 아직은요‬Ah, I'm not married yet.
‪저 한 마리만 주시면 됩니다‬Just give me one. I only need one.
‪두 마리 드릴게요‬I'll give you two, doctor.
‪한 마리는 여자 친구분 드리세요‬Maybe, you can give one to your girlfriend if you want.
‪[정원의 웃음]‬Maybe, you can give one to your girlfriend if you want. [chuckles] Thank you very much.
‪(정원) 감사합니다‬[chuckles] Thank you very much.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬[quirky music]
‪(겨울) 안녕하세요‬How do you do?
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[footsteps approaching]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪- (겨울) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (지훈) 어‬-Hello, Professor. -[Ji-hun] Hi.
‪(지훈) 오호‬Cute dolls. What are they for?
‪웬 인형?‬Cute dolls. What are they for?
‪아, 어떡해, 귀여워, 어떡해, 카‬Aww! They're so adorable! I just wanna…
‪줄줄이 달려 있는 거 뭐야?‬[Ji-hun] Oh, look at those little ones. God, they're delightful.
‪야, 진짜 귀엽다‬[Ji-hun] Oh, look at those little ones. God, they're delightful.
‪우리 애가 딱 좋아하는 스타일이야‬My kid would love that thing so much.
‪근데 두 개네, 응?‬I see, you've got two, hmm?
‪사실 우리 애가 다다음 달에 생일인데‬It's just that my kid's birthday is coming up soon.
‪너무 이런 스타일을 좋아해 가지고‬-My kid absolutely loves dolls like that. -[sighs]
‪그냥 뭐, 그렇다고, 생일이라고‬I'm just saying, you know. It's soon, so…
‪그, 어떻게…‬-Maybe you can… -Yeah?
‪(겨울) 네‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬-Maybe you can… -Yeah? I'm coming over now. Uh.
‪바로 가겠습니다‬I'm coming over now. Uh.
‪응급 콜이요‬Emergency. I gotta go.
‪가 보겠습니다‬Emergency. I gotta go.
‪(지훈) 어?‬[Ji-hun] Oh.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[quirky music]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(준완) 어, 지금 가고 있어‬Hey, I'm coming over now.
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬ ‪(재학) 다행히 출혈은 없어 보입니다‬Thankfully, there was no hemorrhage.
‪일단 영상의학과 선생님한테‬ ‪잠깐 보여 드렸는데 출혈은 없고‬I showed it to the radiologist, and there was none detected. There's no hemorrhage, but we're not sure whether or not an embolism has occurred.
‪엠볼리즘이 생겼는지는‬ ‪확실하지가 않습니다‬There's no hemorrhage, but we're not sure whether or not an embolism has occurred.
‪그래도 은지 지금은‬ ‪거의 다 돌아오긴 했습니다‬And Eun-ji has almost fully regained her motor function.
‪어휴, 진짜 십년감수했어요, 교수님‬[sighs] And thank goodness for that, seriously.
‪(준완) 하, 와파린 어제 얼마 줬니?‬How much warfarin did she get? [Jae-hak] 1ml yesterday.
‪(재학) 1mL 들어갔습니다‬[Jae-hak] 1ml yesterday.
‪(준완) 오늘 1.5로 올리고‬Give her 1.5ml today, but it'll take a while,
‪바로 안 오를 테니까‬ ‪일단 에녹사파린 써‬Give her 1.5ml today, but it'll take a while, so give her enoxaparin.
‪(재학) 은지 어머님이 많이 놀라셨어요‬Eun-ji's mother is very worried about her condition.
‪은지 괜찮아졌다고‬ ‪제가 방금 설명을 해 드리긴 했는데‬Although, I did explain to her that Eun-ji should be in the clear for now at least.
‪그래도 교수님이‬ ‪한 번 더 말씀해 주시면‬I think you should talk to her and explain so she'll understand.
‪진정을 좀 하실 것 같습니다‬It'll at least help her calm down.
‪(준완) 안 그래도 내가‬ ‪다시 설명드릴 거야‬Yeah, I was gonna talk to her anyway.
‪고생했다, 다 왔어‬I'm here now. Thanks.
‪[통화 종료음]‬-[phone chimes] -[pants]
‪(준완) 항응고제를 잘 쓴다고 해도‬ ‪혈전이 생길 수 있습니다‬[Jun-wan] Blood clots can occur here and there even if we use blood thinners.
‪마이크로 엠볼리즘이라고 얘기하는데‬This condition is called a microembolism.
‪눈에 안 보이는 작은 혈전 같은 게‬ ‪뇌로 날아가서 혈류를 막았다가‬I think a tiny blood clot had traveled to the brain through the bloodstream and caused some blockage.
‪다행히 지금은 뚫린 것 같습니다‬But thankfully, though, the blockage has been cleared.
‪그, 항응고제를 많이 쓰면요?‬Then what if we try and give her more blood thinners?
‪[준완의 한숨]‬Then what if we try and give her more blood thinners?
‪전에도 몇 번 말씀드렸고 겪었듯이‬I'd explained this before, and we've also experienced it.
‪항응고제를 많이 쓰면‬ ‪출혈이 생길 수 있습니다‬Taking too much blood thinners can lead to further bleeding.
‪만약 그게 뇌에서 생긴다면‬ ‪매우 심각한 상황이 되고요‬And if it happens inside her brain, it'll be a serious complication.
‪[은지 모의 한숨]‬[sighs deeply] We kept checking Eun-ji's blood work.
‪(준완) 그래도 은지 같은 경우는‬We kept checking Eun-ji's blood work.
‪피 검사 보면서‬ ‪항응고제를 잘 쓴다고 썼는데‬Based on this, we were careful with the application of blood thinners,
‪그럼에도 불구하고‬ ‪이렇게 생길 수가 있습니다‬but this still happened, which means it can happen again.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[whimpers]
‪시한폭탄 같은 거를‬ ‪가슴에 달고 있는 건데‬In a way, it's kind of like having a time bomb in your chest.
‪점점 초가 다가오는 느낌이에요‬It feels as if time's running out.
‪공여자가 생기면‬ ‪빨리 수술하는 게 좋을 것 같습니다‬She should get the surgery as soon as we find a donor.
‪[은지 모의 답답한 숨소리]‬[scoffs]
‪[가슴을 탁 친다]‬
‪교수님‬[inhales] Doctor Kim.
‪[답답한 신음]‬[sobs]
‪매일매일이 너무 힘들어요‬Every day feels like torture.
‪[은지 모의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪우리 은지‬My daughter, Eun-ji…
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪하루하루 보내는 것도‬ ‪너무 지치고 힘이 듭니다‬beyond exhausted, and I find myself struggling just to get through the day.
‪자고 일어나면은‬I wake up in the morning,
‪또 무슨 일이 벌어질까‬and I anxiously wonder what's next.
‪가슴이 너무 뛰어서‬My heart races like crazy.
‪살 수가 없어요‬I really can't live like this.
‪'정말 이제 포기해야 하나'라는‬ ‪생각도 들고‬I wonder if we maybe it would be better if we just give up and leave it to fate.
‪(은지 부) 여보‬Honey.
‪잘하고 있어‬You've been doing so well.
‪당신 잘하고 있는데‬You've been staying strong and…
‪왜 그래?‬Don't be like this.
‪(은지 모) 죄송합니다, 교수님‬I'm sorry, Doctor Kim. I apologize.
‪예, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, Doctor Kim. I apologize.
‪아닙니다‬It's okay.
‪[은지 모의 한숨]‬[Eun-ji's mom sighs]
‪은지 어머니‬Ma'am, please.
‪어머니 너무 잘하고 계세요‬You have been doing so well.
‪[울먹이는 신음]‬ ‪(준완) 은지도 잘 버텨 주고 있고요‬[Jun-wan] Eun-ji is staying strong like you.
‪어머니만 포기하지 않으면‬As long as you don't give up on her,
‪저희가 먼저 포기하는 일은 없습니다‬none of us will be giving up on her either.
‪[흐느낀다]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[sobbing]
‪심장 공여자 나올 거고, 은지‬We will find a heart donor for Eun-ji…
‪수술받을 수 있을 겁니다‬and she will get a transplant.
‪기운 내시고‬Keep your head up,
‪절대 포기하지 마세요, 네?‬and do not give up, okay?
‪[연신 흐느낀다]‬[crying loudly]
‪네, 교수님‬Okay, Dr. Kim.
‪(은지 모) 감사합니다‬Thank you for everything.
‪[카드 인식음]‬[sentimental music]
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬
‪[사이렌 소리가 들려온다]‬ ‪(송화) 어…‬[Song-hwa] Well…
‪그럼 집은 다음 주에 계약할 거고‬so this means we'll sign the lease next week…
‪(정원) 응‬so this means we'll sign the lease next week… -[Jeong-won] Mm-hm. -…and then, if I'm following this right,
‪(송화) 매달 관리비 명목으로‬ ‪유지비는 병원에서 대기로 했고‬-[Jeong-won] Mm-hm. -…and then, if I'm following this right, the hospital will take care of the monthly maintenance costs.
‪[정원이 호응한다]‬[Jeong-won] Mm-hm.
‪다음 주 확실히 계약할 수 있지?‬Can we sign the lease next week for sure?
‪(정원) 어, 오늘 대출 완료‬Can we sign the lease next week for sure? Yeah, the loan was approved today.
‪빠르면 이번 주 안에 넣어 준대‬We'll get the money as early as this week.
‪(송화) 그러면 사야 할 걸 정리해 보자‬Well, then, let's list the things we need. [knocking on door]
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬[knocking on door]
‪(익준) 저녁들 먹었어?‬-Did you guys have dinner? -[Song-hwa] Yeah, already did.
‪(송화) 어, 먹었어‬-Did you guys have dinner? -[Song-hwa] Yeah, already did.
‪(익준) 나도 먹었어‬Good, 'cause so have I. [sighs]
‪(송화) 냉장고, TV, 소파, 세탁기‬A fridge, a TV, a sofa, washing machine…
‪침대는 필요 없겠지?‬We won't need any beds, right?
‪침대? 그래도 있어야 하지 않을까?‬A bed? Wouldn't it be good to get at least one?
‪그럼 싱글이 낫겠나?‬But just single beds, right?
‪(익준) 둘이 살림 차리기로 한 거야?‬Are you guys moving in together?
‪(정원) 어, 우리 살림 차리기로 했어‬ ‪[송화가 피식 웃는다]‬Yeah, it's true. Ain't that right, roomie? [Song-hwa chuckles]
‪(익준) 아, 뭐야?‬[Song-hwa chuckles] [laughs] What's going on?
‪둘이 뭔 꿍꿍이야, 또?‬-Tell me. What are you two up to? -[chuckles]
‪정원이가‬He's setting up a patient guardian shelter,
‪보호자 쉼터 만든대‬He's setting up a patient guardian shelter,
‪(송화) 지방에서 올라오시는 분들‬for patients who live too far away,
‪항암이나 투석 때문에‬ ‪통원 치료 하시는 분들 위해서‬like those who need anticancer therapy or hemodialysis.
‪병원 근처에 집을 하나 사기로 했대‬He's buying a house, and it's really close to the hospital.
‪(정원) 전세야, 전세‬-It's a long-term lease. -Oh, that's right, that's right.
‪(송화) 아, 전세, 전세‬-It's a long-term lease. -Oh, that's right, that's right.
‪일단 전세로 시작한대‬We'll be starting out with a lease first.
‪[익준의 탄성]‬We'll be starting out with a lease first. Whoa! So, that's Daddy-Long-Legs and The Shelter with just the revenue
‪야, VIP 병동 수익으로‬ ‪키다리 아저씨도 하고‬Whoa! So, that's Daddy-Long-Legs and The Shelter with just the revenue
‪쉼터가 가능해?‬from the VIP Ward? It's gonna cost quite a bit to manage all of that.
‪그거 유지하고 관리하려면‬ ‪돈이 꽤 들 텐데?‬It's gonna cost quite a bit to manage all of that.
‪[정원이 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪병원장님이랑 거래를 했지‬And that is why I cut a deal with Director Ju.
‪나 병원 남을 때 남는 조건으로‬I asked him for his support on my personal project,
‪내가 하는 사업의 일정 부분을‬ ‪지원해 달라고 했어‬and in return for kickstarting this endeavor, I promised that I would stay here.
‪키다리 아저씨는 당연히 모르시니까‬He doesn't really know anything about Daddy-Long-Legs,
‪내 꿈의 시작‬and so I asked him to help me turn my dream into a reality.
‪그 시작부터 도와 달라고 했지‬and so I asked him to help me turn my dream into a reality.
‪시작이 보호자 쉼터?‬Starting with this guardian shelter?
‪(정원) 응‬Mm-hm. [clicks tongue, inhales]
‪실제로 환자들한테‬ ‪제일 필요한 걸로 치면‬Just from simple observation, I figured this is something patients need
‪그게 아닐까 싶어서‬Just from simple observation, I figured this is something patients need that I can deliver.
‪다른 것들은 정책적으로‬ ‪해결해야 하는 것도 있고‬For the other stuff, we'd have to go through some major changes in our policies.
‪시간도 걸리는 것들이라‬It'll take a while to tackle those. [inhales]
‪우선 시작은 보호자 쉼터부터 하려고‬That's why I thought to start with the guardian shelter.
‪[익준의 탄성]‬And your ultimate dream is?
‪너 최종 꿈이 뭔데?‬And your ultimate dream is?
‪(정원) 음‬[inhales] Mm…
‪어린이 병원‬A children's hospital.
‪(송화) 뭐?‬What?
‪내 최종 꿈은 어린이 병원이야‬My ultimate dream is to build a hospital.
‪(정원) 소아 관련한 모든 것들이‬ ‪한곳에 모여 있는‬One day I want to build a children's hospital that offers comprehensive and inclusive pediatric care.
‪어린이 병원을 짓고 싶어‬that offers comprehensive and inclusive pediatric care.
‪그거 돈 많이 들 텐데‬Wouldn't that cost a fortune?
‪(정원) 씁, 대충 한 4천억 정도?‬Wouldn't that cost a fortune? It'll cost about 400 billion won.
‪(송화) [놀라며] 뭐?‬[gasps] Whoa!
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪와‬WOW
‪[헛웃음]‬[laughs] You… This whole time you were just writing that joke?
‪너 그거 한번 웃기려고‬ ‪아까부터 진짜…‬You… This whole time you were just writing that joke?
‪(송화) 너 뭐 했어?‬What did you write?
‪와‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬WOW
‪[송화의 웃음]‬[laughs]
‪너 이런 거 좋아하더라?‬You actually like his lame jokes?
‪너무 웃기잖…‬It's funny! I'm sorry.
‪(익준) 야, 근데 안정원 대단해, 진짜‬Ahn Jeong-won, you really are something. Let's try that one more time!
‪야, 한 번 더‬Ahn Jeong-won, you really are something. Let's try that one more time!
‪송화야, 같이‬Together now.
‪(함께) 와‬-Wow. -Wow.
‪[송화의 웃음]‬ ‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬-Wow. -Wow. -[laughs] -Oh, your phone.
‪(정원) 야, 야‬-[laughs] -Oh, your phone. -[phone ringing] -Oh, it's Gyeo-ul.
‪(익준) 어? 장겨울이네‬-[phone ringing] -Oh, it's Gyeo-ul.
‪어, 겨울아‬Hey, Gyeo-ul.
‪(겨울) 오늘 아침에‬ ‪랩도 좋아지고 회복돼서‬[Gyeo-ul] Choi Han-na's lab results came out looking good,
‪내일 병동 올리려고 한 최한나 환자요‬[Gyeo-ul] Choi Han-na's lab results came out looking good, so we were going to move her to the regular ward by tomorrow.
‪하루 종일 식사도 안 하시고‬ ‪데피케이션도 안 되고 있습니다‬so we were going to move her to the regular ward by tomorrow. But she's not eating and has been having trouble with her bowel movements.
‪관장해도 될까요?‬-Can we do an enema for her? -Okay, wait for me. I'm coming.
‪어, 기다려, 내가 지금 갈게‬-Can we do an enema for her? -Okay, wait for me. I'm coming. You did a chest PA, right?
‪체스트PA만 찍었지?‬You did a chest PA, right?
‪앱더멘 사진도 좀 찍어 봐, 응‬Take an abdominal X-ray. All right.
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪(익준) 나 갈게‬[phone chimes] Got to jet. Have a fun meeting.
‪[휴대전화를 툭 내려놓으며]‬ ‪둘이 회의 잘해‬Got to jet. Have a fun meeting.
‪야, 나중에 집 정해지면‬ ‪내가 뭐, 뭐, 뭐 하나 사 줄게‬Tell me when you sign the lease. I'll get you a housewarming gift.
‪뭐, 뭐가 좋을까? 커피 머신?‬Like, what do you want? A coffee machine?
‪아, 그건 1층 은행 지점장님이‬ ‪사 주기로 했어‬No, the manager of the bank is already getting one for us.
‪아, 그래?‬Oh, really? [clicks tongue] Let me think about it.
‪쯧, 그럼 내가 고민 좀 해 볼게, 간다‬[clicks tongue] Let me think about it.
‪야, 한 번 더, 야‬All right, wait. One more time. Wow.
‪[송화의 웃음]‬All right, wait. One more time. Wow.
‪(정원) 아, 빨리 가!‬-[Jeong-won] Get going already! -[laughs]
‪(익준) 어‬ ‪[정원이 피식 웃는다]‬OKAY
‪(송화) [웃으며] 아유, 나 진짜‬-[laughter] -[door opens]
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬-[laughter] -[door opens]
‪(정원) 전자레인지 필요하지 않을까?‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬-[door closes] -So, what else do we need? A microwave?
‪- (송화) 어, 하나 있으면 좋지‬ ‪- (정원) 응‬-Yeah, it would be good to have one. -[exclaims]
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬ ‪(익준) 의식이 좋은 환자분이시라‬[Ik-jun] She's actually still very alert,
‪다른 사람이 배변을 처리해 주는‬ ‪중환자실에 적응을 못 해서‬so she's been holding it in intentionally because she's not used to anyone helping her relieve herself.
‪일부러 참으셨던 거 같아‬anyone helping her relieve herself.
‪(겨울) 아…‬Oh.
‪드러나는 환자의 병만 보지 말고‬ ‪마인드까지 종합적으로 잘 살펴봐‬Don't just monitor the physical condition. Try to observe how the patient might be feeling too, okay?
‪알았지?‬Try to observe how the patient might be feeling too, okay?
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Got it. I'll do better. Sorry, Professor.
‪죄송합니다‬Got it. I'll do better. Sorry, Professor.
‪죄송까지, 무슨‬-Don't be sorry. Keep it up. -[exclaims]
‪고생해‬ ‪[겨울을 다독인다]‬-Don't be sorry. Keep it up. -[exclaims]
‪[겨울의 한숨]‬[Gyeo-ul sighs]
‪(준완) 어‬Hey, wanna have coffee?
‪커피 한잔할까?‬Hey, wanna have coffee?
‪밥 먹었어?‬Have you eaten yet?
‪(준완) 어, 몰라‬I'm not sure.
‪(익준) 하이고, 참‬[Ik-jun scoffs] This guy!
‪(익준) 야, 너 요새 수술실, 어?‬Hey, you've been practically living in the OR, the ICU, and the PICU.
‪ICU, PICU 무한 반복이다?‬Hey, you've been practically living in the OR, the ICU, and the PICU.
‪수술 좀 줄여, 환자를 줄이든가‬Maybe cut down on surgery or take in less patients.
‪[테이블을 탁탁 치며]‬ ‪야, 과장님한테 말씀드려‬You should go and talk to your chief.
‪내가 과장이야‬I am the chief.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬[owl hooting]
‪(준완) 수술이야 늘 많은 거고‬ ‪늘 하는 일인데‬I'm always performing surgery, so I'm used to it.
‪요샌 작게‬ ‪이런저런 스트레스 받을 일이 많네‬It's just a bunch of things are stressing me out these days.
‪신경 쓸 일도 많고‬I have a lot on my mind.
‪(익준) 오늘 수술 힘들었어?‬Today's surgery a tough one?
‪(준완) 아니, 수술은 잘됐어‬It wasn't. It went very well.
‪수술 끝나고 인공 심폐기를 줄이는데‬ ‪심장 뛰는 게 너무 안 좋은 거야‬But the patient's heartbeat was very unstable. This was after the surgery, so…
‪에크모 달고 나왔어‬we had to use the ECMO.
‪쯧, 회복될 거야, 뭘‬[clicks tongue] The patient's gonna recover.
‪그리고 은지라고…‬Eun-ji, however-- Eun-ji. You told me about her a bit.
‪알지, 네가 몇 번 말했잖아‬Eun-ji. You told me about her a bit. The kid has been hooked up to a VAD for the longest time.
‪우리 병원에서‬ ‪가장 오래 바드 달고 있는 아이‬The kid has been hooked up to a VAD for the longest time.
‪어, 맞아‬Oh, yeah. That's right.
‪거의 다섯 달째 바드 달고‬ ‪심장 이식 기다리는데‬[inhales] Been on VAD for almost five months, waiting for the heart transplant, but still no donor yet.
‪공여자가 안 나온다‬waiting for the heart transplant, but still no donor yet.
‪[한숨]‬We were careful with the meds,
‪(준완) 약을 잘 쓴다고 쓰는데‬ ‪혈전도 생기고 출혈도 생기고‬We were careful with the meds, but she's experienced blood clots and even bleeding.
‪쯧, 이런저런 이벤트가 계속 있네‬[clicks tongue] We keep running into all sorts of problems. -[sighs] -[spoon clinks]
‪[식판을 탁 친다]‬-[sighs] -[spoon clinks]
‪아, 불안해, 빨리 이식해 줘야 되는데‬She needs a transplant as soon as possible.
‪나올 거야‬You'll find a donor.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪(익준) 그리고 또?‬-[slurps] -What else? Huh?
‪오늘이 우리 아버지 생신이더라‬Today is my father's birthday.
‪[놀라며] 아‬[gasps] -Right! -I just remembered.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(준완) 좀 전에 알았어‬-Right! -I just remembered.
‪(익준) 야, 얼른 전화드려‬-Call him right now then. -I already did.
‪(준완) 전화드렸지‬ ‪근데 벌써 주무시더라고‬-Call him right now then. -I already did. He was asleep, though, so…
‪하이고야‬Oh, boy.
‪생신 축하한단 말도 못 드리고, 아유‬I didn't even get to wish him a happy birthday.
‪야, 너 얼른 집에 가, 가서 좀 자‬You should go home now and get some rest. You're little out of it, and you're sleep-deprived.
‪내가 볼 때는 너, 너 수면 부족이야‬You're little out of it, and you're sleep-deprived.
‪나 오늘 당직이야‬But I'm on duty tonight.
‪나도‬-Me too. -At least I won't be lonely.
‪외롭진 않군‬-Me too. -At least I won't be lonely.
‪(익준) 아이고‬[sighs] That's right.
‪이따 방으로 갈게‬I'll stop by later.
‪(준완) 아유, 나 괜찮아, 신경 쓰지 마‬Hey, don't worry about it. I'm totally fine.
‪신경 안 써, 나 과자 먹으러 갈 거야‬I'm not worried. I just wanna eat the snacks you have.
‪요새 신상이 많이 들어왔더라‬I noticed that you had a lot of new ones.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬[humorous music sting]
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪어유, 춥다‬Ooh. It's so cold in here.
‪(준완) 그래, 가자‬All right, let's go. I'm feeling cold physically and mentally.
‪몸도 춥고 마음도 춥다‬All right, let's go. I'm feeling cold physically and mentally.
‪[익준의 추워하는 신음]‬Jesus.
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬[monitor beeping]
‪(기준) 잘 닫고 마무리 잘해라‬Close it up and take care of the rest.
‪ICU에서도 출혈 있는지 확인 잘하고‬Make sure to check for bleeding even in the ICU.
‪(펠로우2) 네, 알겠습니다‬-[Jeong-ung] Understood. -Keep it up.
‪(기준) 수고들 해‬-[Jeong-ung] Understood. -Keep it up.
‪- (펠로우2) 고생하셨습니다‬ ‪- (선빈) 고생하셨습니다‬-[Jeong-ung] Thank you, Professor. -[Seon-bin] Thank you, Doctor.
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬
‪(펠로우2) 젤폼 여기 구멍 크기 맞게‬ ‪잘라서 줘 봐‬Cut up the Gelfoam for this size and pass it over.
‪(선빈) 네‬Yes, Doctor.
‪(준완) 머리가 계속 아팠다고?‬ ‪열도 나고?‬[Jun-wan] So you've been having headaches lately and a fever too? You need to see a doctor.
‪그럼 병원 가야지‬You need to see a doctor.
‪(익순) 지난주에 갔어‬[Ik-sun] I did that last week.
‪검사받는 김에‬ ‪피 검사랑 가슴 엑스레이도 찍었고‬I also got a blood test and a chest X-ray while I was there.
‪교통사고 후유증 같아‬I bet it's that accident.
‪약 먹고 이제 괜찮아졌어‬-I took some meds. I'm okay now. -[inhales]
‪결과는 나왔어?‬Are the test results out yet?
‪(익순) 아직 안 나왔지‬ ‪한국인 줄 알아?‬No, of course not. This isn't Korea, you know.
‪빠르면 이번 주‬ ‪아마 다음 주에나 나올 거야‬They won't get the results back until around next week maybe.
‪- 어‬ ‪- (익순) 오빠 목소리에 힘이 없는데?‬Oh. You know, you sound a little down today.
‪(익순) 무슨 일 있어요? 환자 안 좋아?‬Did something happen? Is it your patient?
‪아니, 환자도 좋고 무슨 일 없어‬No, I'm fine. And the patients are doing fine too.
‪오늘 당직이라 방에서 책 보고 있어‬I'm on duty, just reading my book in my office.
‪- (익순) 오빠, 나 시험 본 거 있잖아‬ ‪- 응‬I'm on duty, just reading my book in my office. By the way, you remember that test I took? -Hmm. -I got the highest score.
‪(익순) 나 1등 했어‬-Hmm. -I got the highest score.
‪진짜?‬Oh, really? Wow, congratulations, seriously. Wow, I thought
‪오, 축하해, 어? 진짜 축하해‬Oh, really? Wow, congratulations, seriously. Wow, I thought
‪아, 뭐야, 너 시험 못 봤다 그러더니‬you said before you bombed the test.
‪(익순) 페이크지, 우리 집 전통이야‬Well, I lied. It's a family habit.
‪어유, 진짜 축하해‬Well, geez. Congratulations.
‪그럼 뭐, 반에서 1등?‬ ‪아니면 학교 전체에서 1등?‬The highest in your class or is it the entire school?
‪오, 오, 진짜 축하할 일이네, 어?‬Oh, that is seriously impressive. Wow! [chuckles] Well done, seriously.
‪[웃으며] 진짜 축하해, 어‬[chuckles] Well done, seriously.
‪어, 어, 어, 어, 그래‬ ‪바꿔 줘, 바꿔 줘‬Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. It's okay. It's okay.
‪(준완) 아, 아, 네, 안녕하세요, 예‬[chuckles] Oh. Hello. How are you going?
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪아, 네, 말씀 많이 들었습니다, 네‬[chuckles] Oh. Hello. How are you going? I already heard so much about you. Yeah.
‪[웃으며] 아‬I already heard so much about you. Yeah.
‪아니요, 아니요, 네, 네, 네‬No, that's right. Right, right, right.
‪아이, 그럼요, 네‬[Jun-wan] Of course, I know. Yeah.
‪[준완의 웃음]‬ ‪[한숨]‬[Jun-wan laughs]
‪네, 어‬I see. Yeah.
‪아유, 뭐, 저 지금 바쁜 건 없어요, 네‬No, I'm not busy at the moment. It's okay, really.
‪네‬ ‪[준완의 웃음]‬Yeah. [chuckles]
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬[monitor beeping]
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[ominous music]
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬[slurping]
‪(선빈) 선생님, 드릴 말씀이 있는데요‬Hello, Doctor, I need to talk to you about something.
‪(펠로우2) 어, 말해‬Oh, what is it?
‪(선빈) 좀 전에 디퓨즈‬ ‪에스트로사이토마 의심돼서‬We performed a nav-guided biopsy on Won Jin-hwan earlier
‪내비게이션 바이옵시 한 원진환 환자요‬because we suspected a diffuse astrocytoma.
‪CT 촬영 했는데 바이옵시한 부분에‬ ‪ICH가 조금 생겼습니다‬We just did a CT scan and detected ICH around the biopsy site.
‪교수님께 말씀드렸더니‬ ‪선생님과 상의하라고 하시는데…‬Professor Min told me to discuss it with you first before proceeding further.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪종양 위치도 그렇고‬Considering where the tumor is,
‪바이옵시 때 바이옵시 니들이‬I'm concerned the biopsy needle might have touched the distal branch middle cerebral artery
‪MCA 디스탈 브랜치를‬ ‪좀 건드린 게 아닐까 걱정이 돼서요‬might have touched the distal branch middle cerebral artery and caused the problem.
‪제가 잘은 모르지만‬ ‪수술방에서 내비게이션상에서 봤을 때‬Although, I'm not sure. It looked like the needle had gone in deeper than it should have.
‪바이옵시 니들이‬ ‪조금 깊이 들어간 거 같아 보였거든요‬At least, that's what it looked like seeing it from the screen in the operating room.
‪TFCA 해서 정확한 위치를‬ ‪파악하는 게 어떨까요?‬Why don't we do a TFCA so then we can find out the exact location?
‪아니, 니들이 그걸‬ ‪찌를 확률이 얼마나 된다고‬It's highly unlikely that you guys poked it with the needle.
‪오버하지 마, 그럴 가능성이 높아?‬That's impossible. I mean, what are the chances?
‪아닙니다‬-I understand. -A tumor biopsy isn't perfect.
‪튜머 바이옵시 하면‬ ‪블리딩 충분히 생길 수 있는 거니까‬-I understand. -A tumor biopsy isn't perfect. There's a chance that it could cause bleeding.
‪일단 환자 잘 지켜봐‬Just monitor the patient.
‪(펠로우2) 아, 좀 있다가‬ ‪시간 좀 지나면‬For now at least, we'll have to wait a little bit
‪그때 사진 다시 찍어 보고‬ ‪확인하자, 응?‬before another angiogram procedure, hmm?
‪오른쪽 퓨필 사이즈도‬ ‪0.4 정도로 커져 있습니다‬Also, his right pupil is dilated to about 0.4 now.
‪(펠로우2) 그 정도는 괜찮아‬That's okay. It's fine.
‪아, 네‬ ‪[마우스 클릭음]‬-Oh, I see. -[mouse clicks]
‪[펠로우2의 힘주는 신음]‬[sighs]
‪(펠로우2) 야, 나 당직실에서 좀 잘게‬I'm off. I'll go rest in the on-call room.
‪고생해라‬-Take it easy. -Right.
‪(선빈) 네‬-Take it easy. -Right.
‪[선빈의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[재학의 하품]‬ ‪[버튼 조작음]‬ICU
‪(준완) 어, 너 잘 만났다‬-[Jae-hak yawns] -Hey, good timing.
‪재학아, 혹시 시간 있니?‬Jae-hak, do you have a minute?
‪가시죠‬Let's do this.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[humorous music] So you want to post a photo?
‪사진을 올리고 싶다?‬So you want to post a photo?
‪글만 쓸 건데?‬No, just a caption.
‪그건 안 되는데‬You can't do that.
‪(재학) 글만은 안 돼요‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬It can't just be a caption.
‪사진 아무거나 한 장 올리시고‬ ‪여기다 글 쓰시면 돼요‬Just post whatever photo you have and write the caption here.
‪(준완) 해시태그는?‬What about a hashtag?
‪(재학) 해시태그도 하시려고요?‬You wanna use a hashtag? Ooh. I like that attitude.
‪오, 좋은 자세‬You wanna use a hashtag? Ooh. I like that attitude.
‪여기, 샤프 버튼 누르시고‬ ‪관련된 단어들 쓰시면 돼요‬Here, you press on the pound sign, and you list the related words.
‪(준완) 그럼 그 단어들 검색하면‬ ‪내 화면도 뜨는 거야?‬Does that mean my photo's gonna come up if people look up those words?
‪(재학) 예‬Does that mean my photo's gonna come up if people look up those words? Yeah!
‪많이 보게 하시려면‬ ‪해시태그 많이 하시면 되고‬The more hashtags you use, the more people it's gonna be able to reach.
‪일단 비공개부터 좀 푸시고요‬But first, you need to make your profile public.
‪좋아, 해 보겠어‬All right, let's give this a shot.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬Hm. [wind whooshing]
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬[monitor beeping]
‪(선빈) 환자분‬ ‪오른손 한번 들어 볼까요?‬Mr. Won, can you try lifting your right arm, please?
‪왼손도 들어 볼게요‬And now, your left arm.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪아, 전화로 하지‬Hey, you should have called me.
‪(선빈) 전화도 방금 드렸는데‬I did. Just now, actually.
‪(펠로우2) 아, 그래?‬I did. Just now, actually. Oh, really?
‪왜, 무슨 일이야?‬-Why? What's going on? -It's about Won Jin-hwan.
‪(선빈) 원진환 환자요‬-Why? What's going on? -It's about Won Jin-hwan.
‪아무래도 MCA 디스탈 브랜치‬ ‪출혈인 거 같아서요‬I think it's possible he might have some bleeding in the MCA distal branch.
‪왼쪽 모터가 그레이드 쓰리로‬ ‪오른쪽보다 떨어집니다‬His motor function is lower on the left side, at Grade 3.
‪CT 한번 찍어 보면 안 될까요?‬Can't we do a CT scan now?
‪그 환자 CT 찍은 지 얼마 안 됐어‬We already did one not too long ago.
‪MCA 디스탈 브랜치가 찢어졌는지‬How do you know if the bleeding is caused by a tear
‪다른 데서 생긴 출혈인 건지‬ ‪그, 뭐, 어떻게 안다고‬in the MCA distal branch or if it's something else?
‪혹시 디스탈 브랜치 쪽‬ ‪아테리가 럽쳐된 거면‬If it's an artery in the distal branch that has been ruptured,
‪지금 블리딩이 계속되고 있을 텐데‬then that means the bleeding will continue.
‪그럼 이따가 CT 찍을 때‬ ‪CT 엔지오를 찍어 보면 안 될까요?‬Then can we do a CT angiogram along with the CT scan later on?
‪그 환자 오베이 되는 거잖아‬[clicks tongue] He can obey commands, right?
‪그렇지?‬Can he?
‪환자 손도 들고‬ ‪눈도 깜빡이고 다 하시잖아‬He has the ability to raise both of his hands and blink?
‪(펠로우2) 좀 더 지켜보다가‬Then let's just wait and see. Continue to monitor him carefully.
‪지금처럼 잘 지켜보다가‬Then let's just wait and see. Continue to monitor him carefully.
‪환자 더 처지면 그때 CT 찍자, 응?‬We'll do a CT angiogram if he gets worse. Hmm?
‪그때 CT 찍고 출혈량 확인해서‬ ‪교수님 콜하자고, 우리, 응?‬We'll do it, then we'll see how bad the bleeding is. Then we'll call Professor Min, hmm?
‪그리고 허선빈 선생‬Also, Dr. Heo…
‪머리 그렇게 쉽게 여는 거 아니에요‬we shouldn't be so quick to open up the head.
‪바이옵시하면서‬ ‪미세하게 블리딩된 걸 거야‬It's probably the biopsy that caused the minor bleeding.
‪출혈 금방 멈출 거고‬It'll stop sometime soon.
‪우리 마니톨 쓰면서‬ ‪조금 더 지켜봅시다‬Let's give him mannitol and see how it goes from there.
‪네? 아시겠죠?‬Okay? Understand?
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Yes, I understand.
‪(펠로우2) 응‬-Hmm. -[sighs]
‪[선빈의 한숨]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬-[exhales] -[door closes]
‪[통화 연결음]‬[line ringing]
‪아이고, 우리 동생, 잘 살고 있지?‬There she is! How's my lovely sister doing?
‪(익순) 오빠, 안녕‬Hey, you. How's everything? How's U-ju?
‪별일 없어? 우주는?‬Hey, you. How's everything? How's U-ju?
‪우주 잘 있지‬U-ju's doing great.
‪너 얼굴이 왜 그래?‬You don't look so well.
‪어, 공부하느라 피곤해서 그래‬Oh, I'm just tired from all the studying.
‪병원이네?‬You're still at work. Are you on duty too?
‪오빠도 오늘 당직이야?‬You're still at work. Are you on duty too?
‪어, 당직‬Yup, I sure am. Wait, so who else is on duty?
‪나 말고 또 누가 당직이야?‬Yup, I sure am. Wait, so who else is on duty?
‪어, 내 친구‬Oh, just a friend.
‪같이 사는 친구도‬ ‪오늘 당직이라고 밤새운다고 했거든‬Oh, just a friend. I meant my roommate who also has a night shift today, actually.
‪다들 잘 있지?‬How's everyone, then? How's Song-hwa doing?
‪송화 언니는?‬How's everyone, then? How's Song-hwa doing?
‪채송화 잘 있지‬Song-hwa is doing great.
‪정원 오빠는?‬What about Jeong-won and Seok-hyeong? Are they doing well?
‪석형 오빠도 잘 있고?‬What about Jeong-won and Seok-hyeong? Are they doing well?
‪다 잘 있지‬What about Jeong-won and Seok-hyeong? Are they doing well? Everyone's well. And since when did you care so much about my friends?
‪야, 너 언제부터‬ ‪내 친구들을 그렇게 챙겼어?‬Everyone's well. And since when did you care so much about my friends?
‪다 잘 살아, 네 건강이나 잘 챙겨‬They're all doing great. Just take care of yourself.
‪어디 아픈 덴 없고?‬Is everything well with you?
‪없어, 없어, 아주 건강해‬Is everything well with you? Yes, I'm happy and healthy.
‪어, 준완 오빤?‬All right, how's Jun-wan? Professor Kim is doing well too, right?
‪김준완 교수님도 잘 계시지?‬All right, how's Jun-wan? Professor Kim is doing well too, right?
‪(익준) 쯧, 준완이는 잘 못 있어‬[clicks tongue] No, not really.
‪준완이 요즘 힘들어‬He's getting overworked. He's been doing too many surgeries.
‪수술도 많고 일도 많고‬He's getting overworked. He's been doing too many surgeries.
‪아, 그 새끼 이렇게 힘들어하는 거‬ ‪나도 처음 봤다‬I've never seen him so stressed out before.
‪무슨 일 있어, 준완 오빠?‬Did anything happen to him lately?
‪무슨 일 있는 건 아닌데‬No, but it kind of seems like a bunch of things are stressing him out
‪뭐, 이래저래 스트레스를‬ ‪많이 받고 있는 거 같아, 요즘‬No, but it kind of seems like a bunch of things are stressing him out one after another.
‪이 와중에 여자 친구 때문에‬ ‪더 힘든 것 같고‬And I think his girlfriend is adding to that stress.
‪여자 친구가 좀 이기적인 거 같아‬Looks like his girlfriend is quite selfish.
‪(익순) 어, 여자 친구가 왜?‬Oh. You think it's his girlfriend. Why?
‪아니, 잘은 모르지만, 쯧‬ ‪준완이에 대한 배려가 너무 없어‬I don't really know much, but… I think she's a very inconsiderate person.
‪자기 생각만 하는 거 같아‬She seems self-centered. Jun-wan is under a lot of stress,
‪준완이 요즘 진짜 힘들거든‬She seems self-centered. Jun-wan is under a lot of stress,
‪이 와중에 여자 친구 기분 맞춰 주느라‬ ‪힘들단 말도 못 하고‬but he's so busy walking on eggshells around her that he can't even vent.
‪여자 친구는‬ ‪자기 얘기 하느라 바쁘고, 아휴‬It sounds like she's always busy talking about herself.
‪오빠, 나 스터디 가야 된다, 늦었어‬Hey, I'm running late for my study session.
‪어, 그래, 알았어‬All right. Watch out for those cars, and you should stop skipping breakfast.
‪항상 차 조심하고‬ ‪아침밥 꼬박꼬박 챙겨 먹고‬All right. Watch out for those cars, and you should stop skipping breakfast.
‪어, 돈 떨어지면‬ ‪오빠한테 바로 전화하고, 알았지?‬Call me right away if you run out of money, yeah?
‪알았어‬I understand. You take care of yourself as well.
‪오빠도 건강 잘 챙겨‬I understand. You take care of yourself as well.
‪- (익순) 끊는다‬ ‪- 응, 알았어‬-Goodbye. -Hmm. Take care.
‪[통화 종료음]‬[chimes]
‪[무거운 음악]‬[brooding music]
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬
‪(소연) 5분 전에도 보셨잖아요‬-You checked in on him five minutes ago. -It's already been five minutes?
‪(선빈) 5분이나 지났어요?‬-You checked in on him five minutes ago. -It's already been five minutes?
‪[버튼 조작음]‬[thuds]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[남자6을 툭툭 치며] 원진환 씨?‬-[tapping] -Mr. Won Jin-hwan.
‪(선빈) 환자분‬Mr. Won!
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(선빈) 선생님, 원진환 환자‬ ‪오른쪽 퓨필 0.6으로 더 열렸고‬Hello, Doctor, Mr. Won's pupil has dilated to 0.6 now.
‪멘탈 스투퍼‬ ‪그리고 왼쪽 모터가 더 떨어졌습니다‬Mental status, stupor. And the left-side motor function is worse.
‪교수님 호출하겠습니다‬Mental status, stupor. And the left-side motor function is worse. I'm calling Professor Min now.
‪(펠로우2) 야, 있어 봐‬ ‪내가 지금 갈게‬I'm calling Professor Min now. [Jeong-ung] Hey, hang on. I'm on my way.
‪아, 시간 없다고요!‬[grunts] But we don't have time for this! If something bad happens to the patient under our watch,
‪환자 잘못되면‬ ‪선생님이 책임지실 거예요?‬If something bad happens to the patient under our watch,
‪책임지실 거냐고요!‬If something bad happens to the patient under our watch, are you gonna take responsibility?
‪[어두운 음악]‬are you gonna take responsibility? I'm going to order a CT scan right away and call Professor Min.
‪(선빈) 원진환 환자 지금 바로 CT 찍고‬ ‪교수님 호출하겠습니다‬I'm going to order a CT scan right away and call Professor Min.
‪[통화 종료음]‬[phone chimes] Please prepare the patient for intubation.
‪빨리 여기 인투베이션할 거‬ ‪가져다주세요‬Please prepare the patient for intubation.
‪네‬Please prepare the patient for intubation. Okay.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬
‪(기준) 환자 BP 괜찮나요?‬Are we okay with the BP?
‪(마취과 의사) BP‬ ‪140에 80으로 괜찮습니다‬Are we okay with the BP? [anesthesiologist] Yes, BP is at 140 over 80 right now.
‪(기준) 지금 빨리 열어야 되니까‬ ‪다들 긴장해‬[anesthesiologist] Yes, BP is at 140 over 80 right now. We need to open him up now. So focus.
‪(펠로우2와 선빈) 네‬-[Jeong-ung] Yes. -Yes, Doctor.
‪(기준) 너 환자 똑바로 본 거 맞지?‬Have you been monitoring him carefully?
‪(펠로우2) 네, 10분 간격으로 체크했고‬Yes, we checked in on him every ten minutes.
‪환자 의식 처지는 거 확인하자마자‬As soon as we confirmed his mental status,
‪바로 CT 찍고 출혈량 확인해서‬ ‪교수님 콜했습니다‬we checked the bleeding with a CT scan and called you upon confirming.
‪(기준) 이 환자 잘못되면‬If anything bad happens to this patient,
‪다들 각오하세요‬it's all on you guys.
‪- (선빈) 네‬ ‪- (펠로우2) 네‬-Yes, doctor. -[Jeong-ung] Yes.
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬-[monitor beeping] -[air hissing]
‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬-[door slides open] -[So-yeon] Dr. Heo.
‪(소연) 선생님‬-[door slides open] -[So-yeon] Dr. Heo.
‪눈 좀 붙이세요‬You should get some sleep. That bed is available now.
‪옆에 자리 났어요‬You should get some sleep. That bed is available now.
‪좀 주무세요, 제가 깨워 드릴게요‬Go and take a nap. I'll just wake you up.
‪아니에요, 여기 앉아서 자면 돼요‬It's okay. I can just doze off right here.
‪(선빈) 저 앉아서 자는 거 전공입니다‬I'm pretty good at sleeping while sitting down.
‪[한숨]‬[chuckles softly]
‪아직 아침 안 됐죠?‬It's not morning yet, is it?
‪해가 뜰락 말락 해요‬The sun is about to rise, so almost.
‪근데 펠로우 선생님한테‬ ‪한 소리 들으셨죠?‬That fellow, he must have given you an earful just now, didn't he?
‪수술 끝나고 아직 뵙지를 못해서…‬I haven't seen him since the surgery concluded.
‪한 소리 하시면 들어야죠‬If he does, then I'll listen. To be fair, I was rude to him.
‪제가 말을 막 했으니까‬If he does, then I'll listen. To be fair, I was rude to him.
‪뭐, 한 소리 들으시면‬ ‪한쪽 귀로 그냥 흘리세요‬Just let it go in one ear and right out the other. Simple enough.
‪(소연) 환자분 그래도‬ ‪허선빈 선생님이 계속 지켜보고 계셔서‬I'm well aware that we were able to operate on the patient right away only because you kept monitoring his condition.
‪수술 바로 들어갈 수 있었잖아요‬only because you kept monitoring his condition.
‪수술도 잘 끝났고‬And the surgery went well.
‪전 선생님 편입니다‬Just so you know, I'm on your side.
‪감사합니다‬[chuckles softly] Thank you very much. I'll take you out for a drink when we can move Mr. Won
‪원진환 환자분 안정되고‬ ‪일반 병실로 올라가면 제가 술 살게요‬I'll take you out for a drink when we can move Mr. Won to a regular ward once he's stable.
‪오, 네, 꼭이요‬-Oh, sure. I'd love that. -[chuckles]
‪[소연이 살짝 웃는다]‬-Oh, sure. I'd love that. -[chuckles]
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬[door slides open]
‪[선빈의 한숨]‬[sighs] [door slides close]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(송화) 나도 들었어‬[Song-hwa] Yeah, I heard too.
‪병원에서 모르는 사람이 없던데?‬I think everyone at the hospital knows about it.
‪(선빈) 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪환자분은 어때?‬How's the patient doing?
‪조금 전에도 체크했는데‬ ‪퓨필 사이즈가 정상화됐고‬I checked in on him again just now. His pupil size has gone back to normal.
‪왼쪽 모터가 떨어져 있지만‬ ‪전반적인 액티비티가 호전되고 있어서‬His left-side motor function is still low, but compared to before, he's better overall,
‪(선빈) 의식 회복되는 거‬ ‪기대할 수 있을 것 같습니다‬so I think he'll be regaining consciousness soon.
‪(송화) 펠로우 선생님한테 얘기할 때‬When you were informing the fellow,
‪환자분 뉴롤로지가 정확히 어땠어?‬what was the patient's neurological assessment like?
‪의심할 만한 뉴롤로지가 있었어?‬Was he exhibiting neurological symptoms?
‪처음에 ICU 왔을 때‬ ‪오베이 커맨드는 됐습니다‬He was still able to obey commands when we moved him to the ICU.
‪근데 오른쪽 퓨필이 약간 커져 있었고‬But then, his right pupil was slightly dilated,
‪왼쪽 모터는‬ ‪마취가 덜 깨서 그렇다고 하기엔‬and his left-side motor functions were significantly reduced. At least, compared to the right side's even considering the anesthesia.
‪오른쪽에 비해서‬ ‪그레이드 쓰리 정도로 떨어져 있었어요‬At least, compared to the right side's even considering the anesthesia.
‪(선빈) 그러다가‬ ‪한 한 시간 정도에 걸쳐서‬After that, within about an hour or so,
‪멘탈 스투퍼 되고 퓨필이 열렸습니다‬he was in a state of stupor, and his pupils were dilated.
‪그렇게 의심한 건 잘했어‬It's good that you questioned the fellow's opinion.
‪너 그거 빼곤 네가 잘못했어‬other than that, you're the one at fault.
‪네가 잘못한 거야‬It was still your fault.
‪(선빈) 죄송합니다‬I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been so rude to him.
‪제가 말실수를 했어요‬I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been so rude to him.
‪펠로우 선생님한텐‬ ‪정중하게 사과드리겠습니다‬I'll politely apologize to the fellow the first chance I get.
‪싸울 의도는 아니었는데‬I didn't mean to argue with him, really.
‪순간적으로 목소리가 커졌어요‬I raised my voice without even realizing it.
‪죄송합니다‬I'm really sorry.
‪아니‬You're wrong.
‪더 싸웠어야지‬You should have fought him much earlier.
‪네 판단이 맞는다고 생각되면‬ ‪밀어붙였어야지‬You should have pushed ahead with your decision if you strongly believed in it.
‪네가 옆에서 계속 지켜봤잖아‬You've been closely monitoring the patient.
‪네가 제일 잘 알아‬ ‪그 환자분에 대해서‬That means you, of all people, should know what's best.
‪그럼 네 판단을 믿고 더 싸웠어야지‬You should have trusted your judgment and fought harder.
‪(송화) 환자분 만약 잘못됐다면‬If anything bad had happened to him,
‪그거 너 때문이야‬it would have been on you.
‪너 망설이고 우유부단했던 시간 때문에‬ ‪환자 상태 더 나빠진 거라고‬His condition worsened because you kept wasting time hesitating and being indecisive.
‪치열하게 고민하고‬ ‪치열하게 환자 봤으면‬You've been working so much, studying and observing him,
‪치열하게 싸워‬so fight hard for it.
‪그래야‬That's the only way…
‪환자 살려‬you can save them.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[sentimental music] [sighs]
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬The nurses will go over how to take care of the wound to minimize the scarring.
‪흉터 관리하는 요령은‬The nurses will go over how to take care of the wound to minimize the scarring.
‪밖에서 다시 한번‬ ‪자세히 안내해 드릴 겁니다‬The nurses will go over how to take care of the wound to minimize the scarring.
‪어, 저랑은‬ ‪한 달 뒤에 뵙는 걸로 하시죠‬The nurses will go over how to take care of the wound to minimize the scarring. Uh, I will see you again in about a month.
‪고생하셨습니다‬You keep it up.
‪(남자7) 네, 선생님, 감사합니다‬Yes, I will. Thank you, Doctor.
‪[준완의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪- (준완) 마지막 분이셨죠?‬ ‪- 네, 고생하셨습니다, 교수님‬ ‪[문이 스르륵 여닫힌다]‬-That my last appointment? -Yes, well done. That's all of it.
‪(준완) 고생하셨어요‬-That my last appointment? -Yes, well done. That's all of it. Finally. Thank you.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬-[objects rattle] -[cell phone ringing]
‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬
‪응, 거기 지금 아침 아니야?‬ ‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬Hmm, isn't it still early there? Have you slept?
‪안 잤어?‬Hmm, isn't it still early there? Have you slept? [Ik-sun] Are you okay to talk right now?
‪(익순) 오빠, 지금 통화 가능해?‬[Ik-sun] Are you okay to talk right now?
‪어, 괜찮아‬Yeah, that's okay. I just finished my last appointment.
‪외래 방금 다 끝났어, 얘기해‬Yeah, that's okay. I just finished my last appointment.
‪(익순) 오빠, 방에 가면‬Only when you're in your office.
‪방에 가서 전화 좀 해 줘‬ ‪기다리고 있을게‬Go there, then call me. I'll be waiting right here for your call.
‪어, 그래, 알았어‬Okay, I got it. I'll call you right back.
‪내가 바로 다시 전화할게‬Okay, I got it. I'll call you right back.
‪[통화 종료음]‬-[phone chimes] -[inhales]
‪[통화 연결음]‬[line ringing]
‪[준완의 초조한 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪어, 방이야, 너 무슨 일 있어?‬I'm in my office now. So what's going on?
‪(익순) 음‬[Ik-sun] Hmm…
‪익순아, 너 무슨 일 있구나?‬Ik-sun. Tell me what's happening.
‪그렇지? 어?‬It's okay. Hey.
‪(익순) 오빠, 나 좋아하는 사람 생겼어‬[Ik-sun] The truth is, I've fallen for someone else. [somber music]
‪[무거운 음악]‬[somber music]
‪미안‬I'm sorry.
‪(준완) 무슨 말이야?‬What do you mean?
‪(익순) 미안해‬I'm really sorry.
‪혹시 세경이니?‬Is it Se-gyeong?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(익순) 오빠, 미안해, 끊을게요‬[cries] I'm sorry, Jun-wan. I have to go. [line chimes]
‪[통화 종료음]‬[line chimes]
‪[바스락거리는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(익준) 준완이는?‬[Ik-jun] Where's Jun-wan?
‪(정원) 안 먹는다네?‬He doesn't feel like eating.
‪(송화) 준완이 요즘 무슨 일 있어?‬What are you talking about? Something up with him?
‪살이 쏙 빠졌어‬He's lost so much weight.
‪(석형) 여자 친구랑 헤어진 거 아니지?‬Could he have broken up with his girlfriend?
‪내가 준완이에 대해 다 아는 건 아니야‬Excuse me, and I'm sorry, but I don't know everything about Jun-wan. How about you guys?
‪너희들은 알아?‬How about you guys?
‪(익준) 우린 몰라도 너는 알아야지‬ ‪같이 사는데‬You should know more than us because you two live together.
‪야, 같이 산다고 어떻게 다 아냐?‬You should know more than us because you two live together. Yeah, but still, I don't know everything that's going on with him.
‪(송화) 정원아, 이제 그만‬ ‪독립할 때도 되지 않았니?‬Yeah, but still, I don't know everything that's going on with him. Jeong-won, maybe it's time to go and get your own place.
‪너 그래도 월급은 나올 거 아니야‬I mean, Yulje does pays you, don't they? Can't you pay for an apartment?
‪전세는 구할 수 있잖아‬I mean, Yulje does pays you, don't they? Can't you pay for an apartment?
‪당연하지, 나도 그 정도 재력은 돼‬Of course, I can definitely afford to do all that.
‪얘들아, 나 여러 번‬ ‪준완이한테 나간다고 했어‬But, guys, I've told him multiple times that I wanna move out.
‪- 근데?‬ ‪- (정원) 근데‬-Only? -Only…
‪와, 그때마다‬ ‪준완이 눈이 얼마나 슬픈지‬[scoffs] …everytime I try, he makes the saddest face I've ever seen.
‪준완이 새끼 외로움 엄청 타지‬Jun-wan is the type that gets lonely very easily.
‪(정원) 완전‬Exactly.
‪(송화) 그래?‬Exactly. -Really? -Yeah.
‪(정원) 어‬-Really? -Yeah.
‪재작년에 이사할 때도‬ ‪내가 나가서 따로 살겠다고 했거든‬I already told him I'd move out eventually even when we were moving in two years ago.
‪눈이 촉촉하지?‬Did his eyes well up with tears?
‪세상에, 세상에‬ ‪그렇게 슬픈 눈 내가 또 처음 봤네‬I had never in my life seen anyone with such sad watery eyes.
‪(정원) 쯧, 그 새끼‬ ‪외로움 진짜 많이 타‬[clicks tongue] Unfortunately, he gets lonely so easily.
‪내가 준완이한테‬ ‪빌붙어 사는 게 아니라‬I mean, it's not as if I'm actively mooching off him.
‪준완이가 내 옆에 딱 붙어사는 거야‬I'm not doing that. He's just not letting me go.
‪알지, 준완이 새끼 절대 혼자 못 살아‬Yeah, we know that. Jun-wan's someone who can never live alone.
‪아, 그 새끼, 씁‬ ‪은근히 겉바속촉이라니까‬He's tough on the outside, but completely fluffy soft on the inside.
‪외강내유란 뜻이지?‬-You mean, he's like a paper tiger? -Bingo. Yeah.
‪딩동댕‬-You mean, he's like a paper tiger? -Bingo. Yeah.
‪[송화의 웃음]‬[Song-hwa chuckles]
‪[정원의 헛웃음]‬[Song-hwa chuckles]
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬[cell phone ringing]
‪[한숨]‬[sighs deeply]
‪(종수) 빨리 나와, 해 더 떨어져‬Hurry up now. The sun is setting soon.
‪[로사의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪- (종수) 허수아비야?‬ ‪- 별로야?‬-Are you a scarecrow? -Is it that bad?
‪이쁘라고 쓰는 거야?‬-It's supposed to be nice? -No, it's to block out the UV rays.
‪아니야, 햇빛 가리려고 쓰는 거야‬-It's supposed to be nice? -No, it's to block out the UV rays.
‪- 그럼 됐어‬ ‪- (로사) 써? 말아?‬-If you say so. -Should I keep it on?
‪- 별론데?‬ ‪- (로사) 이씨‬-It looks ugly. -Oh, you little…
‪햇빛 가리려고 쓰는 건데‬ ‪별로인 게 어디 있어‬I'm wearing it to protect my face. It doesn't have to look nice.
‪이쁘라고 쓰는 거야?‬I'm wearing it to protect my face. It doesn't have to look nice. -And who cares? -No one. It's for the sun's rays.
‪아니, 햇빛 가리려고‬-And who cares? -No one. It's for the sun's rays.
‪그럼 쓸 거야‬I'll keep it on.
‪[종수의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪(로사) 나 허수아비 같지?‬I look like a scarecrow?
‪별로야?‬I look like a scarecrow?
‪예뻐‬[laughs softly] You don't.
‪예쁘다, 야‬You look pretty.
‪[종수의 웃음]‬-[chuckles softly] -[clears throat]
‪내가 본 허수아비 중에 제일 예뻐‬The prettiest scarecrow I've ever seen.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪야!‬-Hey! -[laughs]
‪[로사의 못마땅한 신음]‬ ‪자, 자, 가, 가자, 가자, 어?‬Come on, we gotta hurry. Go. The sun's gonna be setting soon.
‪(종수) 해 다 떨어지겠다, 가자‬Come on, we gotta hurry. Go. The sun's gonna be setting soon.
‪- 어, 그러네, 해 넘어간다, 얼른 가자‬ ‪- (종수) 그래‬Yes, we should hurry and get moving.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬[exciting music]
‪(종수) 어유, 산책로에‬ ‪벌써 쑥이 다 나왔더라고‬[Jong-su] Mugworts are already out. They're sprouting all along the hiking trail. [Rosa] Yes, they sprouted a while ago.
‪(로사) 나온 지 좀 됐어‬[Rosa] Yes, they sprouted a while ago.
‪너 쑥국 먹을래? 해 줄까?‬Do you want mugwort soup? Shall I make it?
‪- (종수) 쑥국?‬ ‪- (로사) 어‬-[Jong-su] Mugwort? -Yes.
‪(종수) ♪ 쑥국, 쑥쑥국, 쑥국 ♪‬♪ Mugwort. The mugwort soup's good ♪
‪[로사의 추임새]‬ ‪♪ 쑥국, 쑥쑥국, 쑥국 ♪‬[both] ♪ The mugwort soup's good ♪
‪(로사) ♪ 쑥쑥국, 어이 ♪‬ ‪[종수의 웃음]‬[both] ♪ The mugwort soup's good ♪
‪[로사의 추임새]‬ ‪(종수) ♪ 쑥국 ♪‬[both] ♪ The mugwort soup's good ♪
‪[종수의 탄성]‬[both] ♪ The mugwort soup's good ♪
‪[로사와 종수의 웃음]‬[both] ♪ The mugwort soup's good ♪ [both laugh] [Rosa] ♪ Mugwort soup Is sounding really good ♪
‪- (로사) 쑥국, 쑥국, 쑥국‬ ‪- (종수) 아이고‬[Rosa] ♪ Mugwort soup Is sounding really good ♪
‪[로사의 웃음]‬ ‪(종수) 쑥국 좋지, 쑥국‬[Jong-su] Mugwort. Okay, soup sounds great.
‪(송화) 아, 내가 딱 좋아하는 시간대다‬[exclaims] You know, this is my favorite time of day.
‪해가 질락 말락‬Right when the sun is about to set. It'd be even better if it was raining now.
‪(익준) 이때 비까지 와 주면‬ ‪딱 좋은데, 그렇지?‬It'd be even better if it was raining now.
‪(송화) 어‬Hey, so does U-ju like rainy days too?
‪야, 우주도 비 오는 날 좋아해?‬Hey, so does U-ju like rainy days too? [Ik-jun clicks tongue] Nah.
‪(익준) 아니‬[Ik-jun clicks tongue] Nah.
‪우주는 세상의 단 하나만을 좋아해‬I know there's only one thing in the world that he likes.
‪(송화) 아빠?‬I know there's only one thing in the world that he likes. -His daddy? -No, his girlfriend.
‪(익준) 여자 친구‬-His daddy? -No, his girlfriend. [laughs]
‪[송화의 웃음]‬ ‪여자 친구한테 푹 빠졌어‬[laughs] He's head over heels for his girlfriend. They're so in love. I'm jealous.
‪목하 열애 중이야‬He's head over heels for his girlfriend. They're so in love. I'm jealous.
‪(송화) 아, 우주 여자 친구도 있어?‬No way. U-ju has a girlfriend?
‪(익준) 어, 오래 사귀었어, 모네라고‬Yeah, for a while now. Her name is Mo-ne.
‪(송화) 모네? 오, 이름 이쁘다‬"Mo-ne"? Ooh. That's a pretty name.
‪홍도랑 윤복이 사촌이야, 이종사촌‬And she's actually Hong-do and Yun-bok's cousin.
‪(송화) 우리 윤복이랑 홍도?‬Yun-bok and Hong-do at Yulje?
‪(익준) 어, 우리, 우리 홍도랑 윤복이‬Yeah, that's right. Our Hong-do and Yun-bok. -What, you didn't know? Uh-huh. -I had no idea.
‪아, 몰랐구나?‬-What, you didn't know? Uh-huh. -I had no idea.
‪- 몰랐지‬ ‪- (익준) 어‬-What, you didn't know? Uh-huh. -I had no idea.
‪(송화) 오, 인연이네, 인연‬-What a nice coincidence. -[chuckles]
‪야, 근데 홍도랑 윤복이 보면‬ ‪옛날 우리 생각 나지 않아?‬Hey, by the way, don't Hong-do and Yun-bok remind you of us in the old days?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Hey, by the way, don't Hong-do and Yun-bok remind you of us in the old days? [both laugh]
‪(익준) 나는 홍도보단‬ ‪똑똑했던 거 같은데, 아‬I think I was a little smarter than Hong-do is right now.
‪(송화) 홍도보다는 똑똑했는데‬Okay, I'll give you that. Maybe you're right.
‪홍도보다는 훨씬 구렸어‬But back then, you were such a loser. Whoa, what are you talking about?
‪(익준) 야, 왜 이래?‬Whoa, what are you talking about?
‪(송화) [웃으며] 왜?‬ ‪[익준의 헛웃음]‬Whoa, what are you talking about? What? [laughs]
‪(익준) 야, 나‬ ‪나 전직 오렌지족이었어‬Come on. For your information, I was a fashionista.
‪[송화의 탄성]‬ ‪창원 최고의 깔롱쟁이였다고‬Come on. For your information, I was a fashionista. -The most stylish guy in Changwon. -Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yeah.
‪(송화) [불안한 음정으로]‬ ‪♪ 예전보다 지금 네가 ♪‬[in Korean] ♪ You're probably better now than before ♪
‪♪ 더욱 괜찮을 거야 ♪‬[in Korean] ♪ You're probably better now than before ♪
‪[밝은 효과음]‬ ‪무슨 노래지?‬[in Korean] ♪ You're probably better now than before ♪ -What is that song? -[Song-hwa] ♪ You have fulfilled ♪
‪(송화) ♪ 허전했던 나의 빈 곳을 ♪‬-What is that song? -[Song-hwa] ♪ You have fulfilled ♪ [in Korean] ♪ This void in my heart ♪
‪♪ 이젠 채워 줬으니 ♪‬[in Korean] ♪ This void in my heart ♪
‪♪ 아름다운 세상에서 ♪‬♪ I used to feel so lonely In this beautiful world ♪
‪♪ 많이 외로워하며 ♪‬♪ I used to feel so lonely In this beautiful world ♪
‪(익준) 서, 설마 '커플'?‬♪ I used to feel so lonely In this beautiful world ♪ No way. Is this "Couple"?
‪(송화) ♪ 내 반쪽을 찾아 헤맨 건 ♪‬[Song-hwa in Korean] ♪ And wander around Looking for my other half ♪
‪(송화) ♪ Oh, Love ♪‬♪ Oh, love ♪
‪♪ 왜 이제서야 ♪‬♪ What took you so long to find me ♪
‪♪ 많이 외롭던 나를 찾아온 거야 ♪‬♪ Drowning in my loneliness? ♪
‪♪ Oh, Love ♪‬♪ Oh, love. Oh, love ♪
‪♪ Oh, Love ♪‬♪ Oh, love. Oh, love ♪
‪♪ 너를 사랑해 ♪‬♪ I love you ♪
‪♪ 이제 모든 시간들을 나와 함께해 ♪‬♪ Now, you can spend Every moment with me ♪ -[applauds] -Finally. Well done.
‪(익준) 잘했다, 끝났다‬-[applauds] -Finally. Well done.
‪(송화) ♪ All right, All right ♪‬♪ All right, all right ♪
‪♪ When I saw you one time ♪‬♪ When I saw you one time I lost my heart to you ♪
‪♪ I lost my heart to you ♪‬♪ When I saw you one time I lost my heart to you ♪
‪♪ Oops, Baby ♪‬♪ When I saw you one time I lost my heart to you ♪ ♪ Oops, baby I'll be loving you Forever with you now ♪
‪♪ I'll be loving you ♪‬♪ Oops, baby I'll be loving you Forever with you now ♪
‪♪ Forever with you now ♪‬♪ Oops, baby I'll be loving you Forever with you now ♪
‪♪ Baby, Don't go too far ♪‬♪ Baby, don't go too far I won't let you go ♪
‪♪ I won't let you go ♪‬♪ Baby, don't go too far I won't let you go ♪ ♪ Please don't go I want to hold you tight ♪
‪♪ Please, Don't go‬ ‪I want to hold you tight ♪‬♪ Please don't go I want to hold you tight ♪
‪♪ And I need your love ♪‬♪ And I need your love, yeah ♪
‪[추임새]‬♪ And I need your love, yeah ♪
‪[송화의 헛기침]‬[clears throat]
‪- 다 했어?‬ ‪- (송화) 응‬-Are you done? -Mm-hm. -Like for real? -Mm-hm.
‪- 어, 끝났어?‬ ‪- (송화) 응‬-Like for real? -Mm-hm.
‪(익준) 가, 갈까?‬-Then shall we? -Let's go.
‪(송화) 갈까?‬-Then shall we? -Let's go.
‪(익준) 아, 고생했다‬All right. Well done.
‪[밝은 음악]‬All right. Well done. [gentle music]
‪(송화) 아, 좋다‬[Song-hwa sighs] This is nice.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬-[cell phone ringing] -[sighs]
‪(준완) 네, 말씀하세요‬Good evening. What is it?
‪(이현) 교수님, 공여자 나왔어요‬[I-hyun] Professor Kim, we have a donor now!
‪은지 공여자 나왔어요, 교수님!‬-We've found a suitable donor for Eun-ji. -What?
‪네?‬-We've found a suitable donor for Eun-ji. -What?
‪(이현) 방금 코노스에서 연락 왔어요‬ ‪받겠냐고‬KONOS called now, asking if we need the heart.
‪재안병원에서 안 받는대요?‬ ‪우리 1순위 아니었잖아요‬But Jae-an Medical Center had priority over us.
‪(이현) 재안병원에서 안 받는대요‬Jae-an Medical Center doesn't need it.
‪그 환자분 감염 문제가 있어서‬ ‪이번에 안 받기로 했대요‬They had to decline because the patient has an infection, -so it goes to us. -How much does the donor weigh?
‪(준완) 그, 고, 공여자‬ ‪몸무게가 어떻게 되죠?‬-so it goes to us. -How much does the donor weigh?
‪(이현) 그게, 40kg요‬Well… according to this, he's a 11-year-old boy.
‪11세 남자아이인데 몸무게 40kg입니다‬Well… according to this, he's a 11-year-old boy. And he weighs 40 kilograms.
‪받아요, 교수님?‬Should we accept the heart?
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪네, 받아요, 우린 무조건 받습니다‬Should we accept the heart? Yes, we will. We'll get it no matter what.
‪은지 이번 아니면‬ ‪기회 없을지도 몰라요‬This could be Eun-ji's only chance to get better.
‪(이현) 네, 알겠습니다‬ ‪준비하겠습니다‬This could be Eun-ji's only chance to get better. -Okay, we'll prepare everything. -Okay.
‪(준완) 네‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬-Okay, we'll prepare everything. -Okay. -[phone chimes] -[cheerful music]
‪[준완의 벅찬 숨소리]‬[gasping]
‪[통화 연결음]‬[phone chimes] [line ringing]
‪(재학) 네, 충성!‬-[Jae-hak] Oh, hello, Professor! -We've found a donor for Eun-ji.
‪은지 공여자 나왔어, 너 지금 어디야?‬-[Jae-hak] Oh, hello, Professor! -We've found a donor for Eun-ji. -Where are you? -Seriously?
‪(재학) 진짜요?‬-Where are you? -Seriously?
‪와, 살았다, 우리 은지 살았다!‬Whoa! Finally! We can save Eun-ji!
‪교수님, 저 당직실이요‬-I'm in the on-call room now. -You know where her mother is right now?
‪(준완) 은지 어머니 지금 어디 계시니?‬-I'm in the on-call room now. -You know where her mother is right now?
‪(재학) 어, 아마 PICU 앞‬ ‪복도 의자에 앉아 계실 거예요‬-I'm in the on-call room now. -You know where her mother is right now? She's probably in the hallway in front of the PICU. She's always there.
‪항상 거기 계세요‬She's probably in the hallway in front of the PICU. She's always there.
‪(준완) 알았어, 일단 은지 와파린 끊고‬ ‪너 얼른 수술 준비해‬Okay. Get Eun-ji. Get her off warfarin and get ready for surgery.
‪(재학) 네!‬-Got it! -[phone chimes]
‪[통화 종료음]‬-Got it! -[phone chimes] [chuckles softly]
‪[준완의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[footsteps approaching]
‪(준완) 은지 어머니‬Excuse me, ma'am.
‪(은지 모) 어, 교수님‬Oh, Doctor Kim.
‪아직 퇴근 안 하셨어요?‬-I didn't know that you were still here. -I'm not so sure if I can go home tonight.
‪오늘 퇴근 못 할 것 같습니다‬-I didn't know that you were still here. -I'm not so sure if I can go home tonight.
‪왜요, 또 당직이에요?‬-Why not? Are you on duty again? -I'm not.
‪(준완) 아니요‬-Why not? Are you on duty again? -I'm not.
‪은지 이식 수술이 있어서요‬I have to perform Eun-ji's heart transplant.
‪심장 공여자 나왔고‬A donor has just been found.
‪우리가 받기로 했습니다‬We'll be receiving the heart.
‪[벅찬 신음]‬[whimpers] [emotional music]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[emotional music]
‪뇌사 1차 판정 났고‬ ‪지금 2차 판정 기다리고 있습니다‬There's still a brain death assessment. The first one's done. We're waiting for the second.
‪큰 문제 없으면‬ ‪은지가 심장 받게 될 겁니다‬Eun-ji will get the heart provided there are no major issues.
‪오래 기다리셨어요, 어머니‬You've waited so long for this.
‪우리가 바드 달고 버틴 5개월간‬You know, many things have happened in the past five months
‪많은 일들이 있었는데‬since she got the VAD,
‪어머니가 잘 참으시고‬ ‪기다려 주신 덕분에‬but thanks to all your patience and your strong resilience,
‪오늘 이런 날이 오네요‬this day has finally arrived.
‪교수님‬[sniffles] Doctor Kim.
‪이거 정말 꿈 아니죠? 응?‬This really isn't a dream, is it? Hmm?
‪우리 은지가 진짜로 받는 거예요?‬Is Eun-ji really, finally getting a heart?
‪네‬Yes, Eun-ji is finally getting a heart.
‪은지가 받기로 했습니다‬Yes, Eun-ji is finally getting a heart.
‪[벅찬 신음]‬[gasps]
‪[은지 모가 흐느낀다]‬[sobbing]
‪웬 꽃이에요?‬What are these for?
‪[석민의 한숨]‬[Seok-min sighs]
‪[석민의 힘주는 신음]‬[exhales]
‪(석민) 집에 있길래‬I found them at home.
‪괜찮아?‬Are you all right?
‪괜찮아요‬Yeah, I'm fine.
‪너 잘했어, 너 잘못한 거 하나도 없어‬You did the right thing. You didn't do anything wrong, huh?
‪어? 선배한테‬ ‪크게 소리 지를 수도 있는 거지, 뭘‬You did the right thing. You didn't do anything wrong, huh? As if there's anything wrong with yelling at a senior colleague?
‪(석민) 주눅 들지 마, 잘했어‬Don't be discouraged. Well done.
‪그 얘기 하려고‬ ‪이 밤에 여기까지 온 거예요?‬Did you come all the way here this late just to say that?
‪(석민) 아니‬I didn't.
‪쯧, 내가 미안하다‬[clicks tongue] I'm sorry, Seon-bin.
‪말이 심했어‬I was out of line.
‪나 생각해서 한 말인데‬I know you only really care.
‪내가 콤플렉스가 있나 봐‬I guess I'm just insecure.
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪[입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬
‪그 꽃 꽃말이 뭔지 알아?‬Do you know what that flower symbolizes?
‪뭔데요?‬No, what?
‪용서와 화해‬Love and forgiveness.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles softly]
‪(선빈) [헛웃음 치며] 별걸 다 알아‬How do you know that?
‪진짜 꽃집 아들 맞나 봐‬Your parents must really own a flower shop.
‪우리 집에 튤립이 깔별로 있어‬Every kind. We have tulips in every color.
‪말만 해, 내가 다 갖다줄 테니까‬Just tell me what you like. I'll bring any that you want.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪[피식 웃는다]‬-Aren't you hungry? -[chuckles]
‪(석민) 배 안 고파?‬-Aren't you hungry? -[chuckles]
‪앞의 김밥집 열었던데‬'Cause that gimbap place is still open… Right, you're still on duty.
‪아유, 너 당직이지?‬'Cause that gimbap place is still open… Right, you're still on duty.
‪내가 사 올게, 있어‬I'll pick some up. You stay.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(준완) 바드를 가지고 있었던 시간이‬ ‪오래됐기 때문에‬[Jun-wan] Because she's been hooked up to the VAD for a long while now,
‪가슴 안 유착이 심할 거고‬the adhesion will be pretty severe, so it's gonna take us a while to dissect the adhesion.
‪유착을 박리하는 데‬ ‪시간이 꽤 걸릴 겁니다‬so it's gonna take us a while to dissect the adhesion.
‪심장이 좀 클 수도 있는데‬The heart might be a bit too big,
‪심장이 커서 가슴이 안 닫히면‬ ‪열고 나올 수도 있고요‬so she may be leaving the OR with the chest open.
‪근데 전‬But you know…
‪오늘 무슨 일이 있어도‬no matter what happens now,
‪은지 살려서 나오고 싶습니다‬I wanna save Eun-ji today.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪오늘 이날을 위해‬The two of you and Eun-ji have endured so much the past months
‪어머니, 아버지, 은지가‬ ‪그렇게 고생을 하신 겁니다‬The two of you and Eun-ji have endured so much the past months just to get to this point.
‪모두가 고생했고‬ ‪모두가 기다려 온 시간인데‬We've all been waiting for this exact moment.
‪제가 망치고 싶지 않습니다‬And I don't wanna be the one to ruin it.
‪최선을 다하겠습니다‬I'll do my absolute best.
‪은지 꼭 살릴게요‬I will save Eun-ji.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[soft music]
‪[카드 인식음]‬-[beeping] -[doors rattle]
‪[은지 모가 흐느낀다]‬-[beeping] -[doors rattle] [sobbing]
‪[은지 모가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[은지 모의 한숨]‬
‪[은지 모가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[은지 모의 벅찬 숨소리]‬-[somber music] -[sobs]
‪[민찬 모가 연신 흐느낀다]‬[sobbing continues]
‪[은지 모의 벅찬 신음]‬[sobbing continues]
‪정말‬I'm just…
‪너무 잘됐어요‬I'm so happy for you…
‪너무너무 축하해요‬from the bottom of my heart.
‪고마워요‬Thank you very much.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪수술 잘될 거니까‬The surgery's gonna go well,
‪걱정 하나도 하지 마세요‬so don't you worry about anything.
‪(은지 모) 응‬[chuckles softly]
‪감사합니다‬Thank you so much.
‪[흐느낀다]‬-[crying] -[Eun-ji's mom] Oh, my goodness.
‪[웃으며] 아유‬-[crying] -[Eun-ji's mom] Oh, my goodness.
‪아이고‬Oh, dear.
‪아이고‬[Eun-ji's mom] There, there.
‪[익준의 의아한 숨소리]‬[scoffs]
‪(익준) 야, 너 진짜 아픈 거 아니야?‬What, are you not feeling well today? You look like you've lost a lot of weight.
‪얼굴이 반쪽이 됐어, 인마‬What, are you not feeling well today? You look like you've lost a lot of weight.
‪(준완) 괜찮아, 멀쩡해‬What, are you not feeling well today? You look like you've lost a lot of weight. I'm fine. I'm all good.
‪- 하, 참‬ ‪- (준완) 응?‬[sighs] Weird.
‪(준완) 안녕하세요‬-Hello, Professor. -Hello, Professor
‪(익준) 안녕하세요‬-Hello, Professor. -Hello, Professor
‪(교수) 어, 오랜만이네, 김 교수‬Hey! It's been a while, Professor Kim.
‪잠깐 나랑 얘기 좀 할 수 있나?‬Listen. Do you have a moment to spare?
‪(준완) 아, 네‬[Jun-wan] Yes, Doctor.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬[cell phone ringing]
‪어, 웬일이야, 먼저 전화를 다 주고?‬Hey, what's up, sis? You rarely call me first.
‪(익순) [울먹이며] 오빠‬[Ik-sun crying] Ik-jun.
‪너 무슨 일 있어?‬Are you okay?
‪(익순) 지난주 여기서‬[Ik-sun] I wasn't feeling well last week,
‪몸이 안 좋아서 검사 몇 가지를 했는데‬I went to a doctor, got some tests done and found out that…
‪나 간 수치가 300이 넘어‬my liver somatic index is over 300.
‪[익순의 떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬my liver somatic index is over 300. [Ik-sun sobs]
‪간 수치가 300이 넘고‬The doctor said it's over 300, and my bile ducts look a bit swollen.
‪담관이 좀 늘어나 보인대‬The doctor said it's over 300, and my bile ducts look a bit swollen.
‪어떡해?‬What should I do?
‪너 당장 들어와‬Come home at once.
‪[익순이 흐느낀다]‬[Ik-sun sobbing]
‪(익준) 지금 심각한 상황인 거 알지?‬You do know this is serious, right?
‪하이고, 야, 울지 마, 익순아, 괜찮아‬Oh, my goodness. Come on, don't cry, Ik-sun. It's okay.
‪오빠가 고쳐 줄 테니까‬ ‪아무 걱정 하지 마‬You don't need to worry about a thing. I'm going to fix it.
‪너 바로 지금 한국으로 들어와‬Just come home immediately.
‪티켓값 줄 테니깐‬I'll send you money for your flight… Actually, no.
‪아니다‬I'll send you money for your flight… Actually, no.
‪비행기 예약할 테니까‬ ‪내일이라도 당장 들어와, 알았지?‬I'll book your flight for you myself, so come home tomorrow. You got it, huh?
‪응?‬I'll book your flight for you myself, so come home tomorrow. You got it, huh?
‪(익순) 알았어‬All right, but please…
‪오빠, 근데‬All right, but please…
‪아무한테도 말하지 마‬make sure to keep this to yourself.
‪나 사람들 아는 거 싫어‬-I don't want anyone to find out. -Okay.
‪(익준) 하, 지금 그게 중요해?‬-I don't want anyone to find out. -Okay. Is that important right now? There's a chance you'll need a transplant.
‪너 이식받아야 할 수도 있어‬Is that important right now? There's a chance you'll need a transplant.
‪(익순) 아무한테도 말하지 말라고‬Just don't tell anyone. I don't want them to know.
‪(익준) 그래, 알았으니까‬ ‪네 몸부터 챙기자‬All right. But for now, let's just focus on treating you.
‪응, 아무한테도 말 안 해‬ ‪나만 알고 있을게‬I won't tell anyone. I'll keep it to myself.
‪(익순) 엄마 아빠한테도 말하지 마‬Don't tell Mom and Dad, either. Okay?
‪알았어‬Don't tell Mom and Dad, either. Okay? -Okay, I won't. -And also…
‪(익순) 그리고‬-Okay, I won't. -And also…
‪준완 오빠한테도‬don't tell Jun-wan. [dramatic music]
‪준완 오빠한테‬ ‪절대 얘기하면 안 돼, 오빠‬Don't you ever tell Jun-wan, no matter what happens, Ik-jun.
‪알았지?‬You understand?
‪[준완의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[아련한 음악이 연주된다]‬["Let's Forget It" playing]
‪(익준) ♪ 이젠 잊기로 해요 ♪‬[in Korean] ♪ Let's now forget ♪
‪♪ 이젠 잊어야 해요 ♪‬♪ We must forget ♪
‪♪ 사람 없는 성당에서 ♪‬♪ The day we prayed on our knees In the empty cathedral ♪
‪♪ 무릎 꿇고 기도했던 걸 ♪‬♪ The day we prayed on our knees In the empty cathedral ♪
‪♪ 잊어요 ♪‬♪ Let's forget it now ♪
‪♪ 이젠 잊기로 해요 ♪‬♪ Let's now forget ♪
‪♪ 이젠 잊어야 해요 ♪‬♪ We must forget ♪
‪♪ 그대 생일 그대에게 ♪‬♪ Forget all the meanings Behind my birthday gifts to you ♪
‪♪ 선물했던 모든 의미를 ♪‬♪ Forget all the meanings Behind my birthday gifts to you ♪
‪♪ 잊어요 ♪‬♪ Let's forget it now ♪
‪♪ 사람 없는 성당에서 ♪‬♪ The day we prayed on our knees In the empty cathedral ♪
‪♪ 무릎 꿇고 기도했던 걸 ♪‬♪ The day we prayed on our knees In the empty cathedral ♪
‪♪ 잊어요 ♪‬♪ Let's forget it now ♪
‪♪ 그대 생일 그대에게 ♪‬♪ Forget all the meanings Behind my birthday gifts to you ♪
‪♪ 선물했던 모든 의미를 ♪‬♪ Forget all the meanings Behind my birthday gifts to you ♪
‪♪ 잊어요 ♪‬♪ Let's forget it now ♪
‪♪ 술 취한 밤 그대에게 ♪‬♪ The night I got drunk And confessed my feelings for you ♪
‪♪ 고백했던 모든 일들을 ♪‬♪ The night I got drunk And confessed my feelings for you ♪ ♪ Let's forget it now ♪
‪♪ 잊어요 ♪‬♪ Let's forget it now ♪
‪♪ 눈 오던 날 같이 걷던 ♪‬♪ Walking together on the snowy day It felt like a romantic movie scene ♪
‪♪ 영화처럼 그 좋았던 걸 ♪‬♪ Walking together on the snowy day It felt like a romantic movie scene ♪ ♪ We must forget it now ♪
‪♪ 잊어요 ♪‬♪ We must forget it now ♪
‪[아련한 음악이 계속 연주된다]‬♪ We must forget it now ♪
‪[안경이 툭 떨어진다]‬-[grunts] -[gasps]
‪[준완과 익순의 놀란 숨소리]‬-[grunts] -[gasps]
‪안녕하세요, 헛것입니다‬ ‪[익준이 노래한다]‬-Hello. I'm your hallucination. -[Ik-jun] ♪ Let's now forget ♪
‪[익순의 웃음]‬[laughs]
‪(익준) ♪ 이젠 잊어야 해요 ♪‬[Ik-jun] ♪ We must forget ♪
‪♪ 사람 없는 성당에서 ♪‬♪ Forget all the meanings Behind my birthday gift to you ♪
‪♪ 무릎 꿇고 기도했던 걸 ♪‬♪ Forget all the meanings Behind my birthday gift to you ♪
‪(익준) ♪ 이젠 잊기로 해요 ♪‬♪ Let's now forget ♪
‪♪ 이젠 잊어야 해요 ♪‬♪ We must forget ♪
‪♪ 술 취한 밤 그대에게 ♪‬♪ The night I got drunk And confessed my feelings for you ♪
‪♪ 고백했던 모든 일들을 ♪‬♪ The night I got drunk And confessed my feelings for you ♪
‪(익준) ♪ 이젠 잊기로 해요 ♪‬♪ Let's now forget ♪
‪♪ 이젠 잊기로 해요 ♪‬♪ Let's now forget ♪
‪[친구들이 흥얼거린다]‬♪ La, la, la, la, la, la ♪
‪(재학) 이경미 환자‬ ‪오늘 면회 온 사람 있네요?‬Patient Lee Gyeong-mi has a visitor today.
‪(소연) 네, 어제부터 하루에 두 번‬ ‪한 분씩 면회 오세요‬Yes. She's been getting visitors somehow, twice a day since yesterday.
‪모르세요?‬You didn't know?
‪SNS에 올렸잖아요‬Seems it was a social media post.
‪'말동무 구합니다'‬Volunteers to keep her company.
‪누가요?‬But who posted it?
‪[소연이 살짝 웃는다]‬[sighs]
‪(소연) 어, 여기‬Here, look.
‪김준완 교수님이‬ ‪본인 SNS에 올리셨어요‬[So-yeon] Professor Kim posted it using his personal social media account.
‪물론 이경미 환자분한테‬ ‪미리 말씀도 드렸고요‬Of course, we talked to Ms. Lee about it in advance just to make sure.
‪경미 씨 너무 좋아하세요‬ ‪이제 외롭지 않으시다고‬She's seems so happy now. She said she doesn't feel lonely anymore.
‪[소연이 피식 웃는다]‬[laughs] Gosh,
‪아, 전 왜 그런 생각을 못 했죠?‬[laughs] Gosh, I wonder why I hadn't thought of that before.
‪많은 분들이 지원해 주셨어요‬So many people have applied already. The social services team is going through the list to arrange everything
‪그래서 사회사업 팀에서‬The social services team is going through the list to arrange everything
‪명단 받아 가지고‬ ‪어레인지도 하고 있고요‬The social services team is going through the list to arrange everything and set schedules.
‪쯧, 김준완 교수님 진짜…‬When it comes to Professor Kim, that guy…
‪진짜‬That guy…
‪알 수 없는 사람이네요‬I will never figure him out.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[laughs]
‪[친구들이 흥얼거린다]‬
‪(익준) ♪ 이젠 잊기로 해요 ♪‬[in Korean] ♪ Let's now forget ♪
‪♪ 이젠 잊어야 해요 ♪‬♪ We must forget ♪
‪다음 곡‬Next song.
‪[리드미컬한 드럼 연주]‬[drum beating]
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬["Beyond The Rainbow Forest" music]
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪자, 말해, 채송화‬[Ik-jun] So, tell us, Song-hwa.
‪대체 무슨 일이길래‬ ‪대낮부터 비상소집이야?‬Why did you call us here all here in the middle of the day?
‪이제 정말 좀 쉴까 해‬[Song-hwa] I'm going to take a little break.
‪충전을 좀 해야겠어‬I need to recharge.
‪교수님, 이제 서울 안 오세요?‬Aren't you coming to Seoul anymore?
‪나 이제 그만 잊어 줘, 어?‬Just forget I exist, okay?
‪교수님, 질문이 있는데요‬[Seon-bin] Professor, I have a question I wanna ask.
‪내 성격은 왜 이럴까?‬[Seon-bin] Professor, I have a question I wanna ask. [Seok-hyeong] Why the heck am I always like this?
‪괴로운 일, 힘든 일 생기면‬ ‪도망치려고만 하고‬[Seok-hyeong] Why the heck am I always like this? The moment I'm faced with any difficulties, I think of running away.
‪왜 자식을 끌어들여?‬I think of running away. [Rosa] Why bring your son into this? Don't make things harder for him.
‪괜히 이번에도 석형이 인생에 끼어들어‬ ‪애들 힘들게 하지 말고‬[Rosa] Why bring your son into this? Don't make things harder for him. And you should stop meddling in his life from now on.
‪인생에 아무런 미련이 없다‬[Jong-su] I have no regrets left in the life I've lived.
‪이제 겨우 70인데‬ ‪왜 벌써 미련이 없어?‬[Rosa] You've only just turned 70. How could you say all that?
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪바다도 보고 드라이브도 하고‬[Jeong-won] We can see the ocean and then go for a drive.
‪며칠 놀다 오지, 뭐‬-We'll spend a few days. -[Gyeo-ul] Do you think we'll ever get to?
‪그날이 올까요?‬-We'll spend a few days. -[Gyeo-ul] Do you think we'll ever get to?
‪왜, 어디 가?‬-We'll spend a few days. -[Gyeo-ul] Do you think we'll ever get to? -Why? Are you going somewhere? -[Gyeo-ul] You should promise me too.
‪교수님도 약속하세요‬-Why? Are you going somewhere? -[Gyeo-ul] You should promise me too.
‪이게 뭡니까?‬[Jun-wan] Tell me. What is this? -[Jeong-won] Why aren't you asleep? -[Jun-wan] I'm going to.
‪안 자고 뭐 해?‬-[Jeong-won] Why aren't you asleep? -[Jun-wan] I'm going to.
‪어, 잘 거야‬-[Jeong-won] Why aren't you asleep? -[Jun-wan] I'm going to.
‪잠이 안 오네‬I can't seem to sleep.
‪저녁은 같이 먹을 수 있어‬I can still have dinner with you.
‪장겨울 선생이랑 안 먹어?‬So, then what about Gyeo-ul?
‪혹시 내가 모르는 무슨 일이 있니?‬Is there something that you should be telling me?
‪이러지 않겠다는 약속 못 해요‬[Gyeo-ul] I can't promise you I won't do it again. I just can't.
‪저희 못 믿으시는 거예요?‬Can't you even trust us anymore? All right. I was just asking.
‪아니야, 노파심‬Can't you even trust us anymore? All right. I was just asking.
‪겨울이한테 무슨 일 생기면‬ ‪뭐든 나한테 얘기해 줘‬[Jeong-won] I'm asking you to tell me right away if anything happens to Gyeo-ul.

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