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  슬기로운 의사생활 S2.3

Hospital Playlist S2.3


(민하) 지금 산모분‬ ‪실신하기 일보 직전이에요!‬[Min-ha] Your wife will lose consciousness if we don't do anything.
‪엄마가 힘을 줘도‬ ‪아기가 안 내려온다고요‬She keeps pushing, but the baby just isn't coming.
‪지금 자연 분만을‬ ‪할 수 있는 상황이 아니라니까요‬Natural birth is no longer possible at this point.
‪아기 머리가 산도에‬ ‪끼어 있는 시간이 오래되면‬If the baby's head is stuck in the birth canal for too long,
‪태아에게도 좋을 게 하나도 없어요‬If the baby's head is stuck in the birth canal for too long, it won't be good for the baby.
‪조금씩 아기 심박동도‬ ‪불안정해지고 있고요‬Plus, the baby's heart rate is becoming erratic.
‪아기도 힘들 수 있어요‬We could lose the baby if we keep going.
‪하, 지금 바로 수술 들어갈 겁니다‬[scoffs] We need to get her in to surgery.
‪산모분도 간절하게 원하세요‬That is what your wife would want too.
‪아니요, 그건 절대 안 됩니다, 선생님‬No way. I can't allow that to happen, Doctor.
‪조금만 더 기다려 볼게요‬ ‪예? 조금만요‬Can we just wait a little longer. Please, Doctor?
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬[breathes heavily]
‪[한숨]‬[breathes heavily]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬[tires screech]
‪[안전벨트 조작음]‬
‪[익준의 하품]‬[yawns] [Seok-hyeong] Park my car for me.
‪(석형) 주차 좀 해라‬[Seok-hyeong] Park my car for me.
‪(남자1) 우리 와이프‬ ‪무조건 자연 분만 해야 돼요, 선생님‬[patient's husband] Doctor, my wife has to have a natural birth.
‪아마 지금 너무 힘들어서‬ ‪아무 생각이 없어서 그럴 거예요, 예‬She probably only agrees to surgery because she's in too much pain. But if she gets through all of this--
‪이 고비만 잘 넘기면…‬But if she gets through all of this--
‪지금 산모, 아기 다 위험하다고요!‬You're putting them in a critical situation.
‪산모분 이미 지치셨고‬She's completely exhausted now.
‪아기가 하늘 보면서 내려와서‬ ‪진행이 더디고 안 내려오고 있어요‬The baby is in a difficult position and hasn't budged in three hours.
‪세 시간 넘게 전혀 내려오지 못한 거면‬ ‪이거는 수술을 해야 돼요!‬We need to get them into surgery now, or we're going to lose both of them.
‪(민하) 새벽 4시 넘었어요, 지금‬Actually, it's four in the morning, so she's been there for four hours.
‪4시간이 다 돼 간다고요‬Actually, it's four in the morning, so she's been there for four hours.
‪(여자1) 저, 며느리가‬ ‪저랑 약속했거든요‬Actually, it's four in the morning, so she's been there for four hours. My daughter-in-law promised me that she would have a natural birth.
‪자연 분만 하기로‬My daughter-in-law promised me that she would have a natural birth.
‪아이, 선생님, 조금만 더 해 보고‬ ‪[민하의 한숨]‬Doctor, let's just wait a little bit longer.
‪그래도 안 되면‬ ‪그때 수술해도 되잖아요‬But if it doesn't work, then you can take her into surgery.
‪네, 그게 지금이에요‬Right, that time is now.
‪'조금만, 조금만' 해서‬ ‪그게 지금이라고요‬ ‪[문이 덜컹 열린다]‬We just can't wait a single second longer,
‪응급이에요, 응급!‬or we're going to lose both of them.
‪(석형) 산모 아직도‬ ‪수술방에 안 내리고 뭐 해!‬What are you still doing here? Why aren't you in surgery yet?
‪교수님‬Professor, her family is insisting that she have a natural birth.
‪보호자분들이‬ ‪계속 자연 분만 하고 싶다고‬Professor, her family is insisting that she have a natural birth.
‪(민하) 수술을 못 하게…‬They won't let us--
‪(여자1) 자연 분만 해야‬ ‪애가 똑똑하다는데‬I've heard babies that are born naturally tend to be smarter.
‪저, 조금만 더 해 보면 안 될까요?‬ ‪[석형의 한숨]‬-Can't we wait just a little longer? -[Seok-hyeong sighs]
‪그리고 나 때는‬ ‪2박 3일 진통하고도 잘만 낳았어요‬You know, back in my day, we had no problems with natural birth, even after three days in labor.
‪자연 분만이 목표이신가 본데‬I guess your goal is to have a natural delivery,
‪우리는 아기가 건강하게 태어나고‬but our goal here is to ensure that the delivery is safe
‪산모분이 건강하게‬ ‪출산하는 게 목표입니다‬but our goal here is to ensure that the delivery is safe for both the mother and the baby.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪(석형) 지금도 많이 늦었어요‬for both the mother and the baby. We're running out of time here.
‪최예림 산모 수술 필요하고‬ ‪산모분도 동의하셨고‬Mrs. Choi needs a surgery now. She already consented to it.
‪지금 수술 들어갑니다‬We're doing it. We are going into a surgery.
‪- (석형) 뭐 해?‬ ‪- (민하) 네‬-Get prep. -Okay.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬[patient's husband] No, wait. -[mutters] -[patient's husband sighs]
‪[여자1의 한숨]‬ ‪[순번 알림음]‬-[mutters] -[patient's husband sighs]
‪- (간호사) 김형진 님‬ ‪- (남자2) 네‬-[Yeong-ha] Mr. Kim Hyeong-jin. -Yes.
‪(간호사) 접수증이요‬[Yeong-ha] Please take this and go wait in front of room 4.
‪4번 방 앞에서 기다리실게요‬[Yeong-ha] Please take this and go wait in front of room 4.
‪(남자2) 쯧, 오늘도 외래가 많네요‬It's so busy today, like always.
‪(여자2) [웃으며] 이 정도는‬ ‪많은 것도 아니죠‬[chuckles] -Oh, this nothing compared to a week ago. -Right.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Oh, this nothing compared to a week ago. -Right.
‪- (간호사) 김형진 님, 들어가실게요‬ ‪- (남자2) 아, 예‬[Yeong-ha] Mr. Kim Hyeong-jin, please come in. Sure.
‪(간호사) 환자분 생년월일‬ ‪한 번 더 확인할게요‬[Yeong-ha] We just need to confirm your date of birth. [Hyeong-jin] January 25, 1974.
‪(남자2) 74년 1월 25일요‬[Hyeong-jin] January 25, 1974.
‪(겨울) 음, 다음 김형진 씨요‬ ‪[마우스 클릭음]‬[Gyeo-ul] Mr. Kim Hyeong-jin is next.
‪(익준) 정답‬I remember him! He lives in Yesan.
‪예산 사시고 한 달 전에‬ ‪외래 오셔서 AST 150인 분‬I remember him! He lives in Yesan. And when he came in last month, his AST level was at 150.
‪검사 결과가 나왔나?‬Do we have his results already?
‪(겨울) 그런 것까지 기억하세요?‬How do you even remember all of that?
‪기 장원‬Quiz Champion.
‪'장학퀴즈' 몰라?‬Ever heard of Janghak Quiz?
‪들어는 봤어요‬Uh, I grew up watching The Golden Bell Challenge.
‪근데 전 '골든벨' 세대라서요‬Uh, I grew up watching The Golden Bell Challenge.
‪나도 '골든벨' 세대예요‬ ‪'스타 골든벨'‬Yeah, I watch that show too. Star Golden Bell.
‪아, 안녕하세요, 한 달 만이죠, 우리?‬-Hi there, good morning, -[Gyeo-ul] Good morning. -So it's been a month, huh? -[Hyeong-jin] It has.
‪(남자2) 아유, 안녕하세요, 교수님‬-So it's been a month, huh? -[Hyeong-jin] It has. -Good morning, Dr. Lee. -[Ik-jun] Hi.
‪- (익준) 예‬ ‪- (남자2) 네‬-Good morning, Dr. Lee. -[Ik-jun] Hi.
‪[익준과 남자2의 힘주는 신음]‬[clears throat]
‪(익준) 불편하신 거 없죠?‬So how were you feeling? Good? Yes, I feel really great.
‪(남자2) 예, 한 개도 없어요‬Yes, I feel really great.
‪아유, 수술이 너무 잘된 거 같아요‬I think the surgery really did me good.
‪[웃음]‬I think the surgery really did me good. [chuckles]
‪근데 교수님 얼굴이 안 좋아 보이네요?‬But, Dr. Lee, you don't look so good today.
‪아, 어제 당직이라 밤을 새웠어요, 예‬Oh, I was on duty last night, so I didn't get any sleep. Yeah.
‪아침에 피 검사 한 결과가‬You had some blood work done this morning. But it doesn't look like…
‪아직 안 올라온 것 같네요‬ ‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬But it doesn't look like… -[knocks] -…we have the results yet.
‪교수님, 검사 결과 지금 바로 올린대요‬Dr. Lee, they're sending you the test results now.
‪(익준) 예, 감사합니다‬[Ik-jun] Okay, thanks a lot.
‪김형진 님은 살이 좀 붙으셨네‬Mr. Kim, it looks like you've gained a bit of weight.
‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬
‪(간호사) 조선호 님‬[Yeong-ha] Mr. Cho Seon-ho.
‪일주일 치 약 추가 처방 해 드렸어요‬Here's your prescription for another week.
‪이 번호로 전화하셔서‬ ‪진료 잡으시면 돼요‬Just call this number here to book your appointment.
‪(남자3) 네, 고맙습니다‬Okay, thank you very much.
‪[시끌시끌하다]‬[classical music continues playing]
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(이현) 교수님, 오늘 외래 오는 환자들‬ ‪랩이 아직 다 안 떠서요‬Professor, we don't have all the lab results in yet. So we'll be starting ten minutes late.
‪10분만 늦게 시작하겠습니다‬So we'll be starting ten minutes late.
‪가운은 진료실에 갖다 뒀어요‬Your gown should be in the treatment room.
‪(준완) 어, 그래요? 어, 다행이다‬[Jun-wan] Oh, really? Good timing.
‪저도 지금 수술 끝나서‬ ‪늦진 않을 거 같아요‬I just finished the surgery. I won't be late, then.
‪진료실로 바로 갈게요‬I'll head over right away.
‪[통화 종료음]‬I'll head over right away.
‪[밝은 음악]‬[theme music]
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬ ‪[안내 음성] 문이 열립니다‬[automated voice] Doors are opening.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪문이 닫힙니다‬Doors are closing.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪문이 열립니다‬[Ha-yul's mother pants] -[automated voice] Doors are opening. -[Ha-yul's mother] Hurry! Hurry!
‪[이현의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[여자3의 다급한 신음]‬[Ha-yul's mother panting]
‪(여자3) 감사합니다‬Thanks for holding the door.
‪(이현) 안녕‬Hi there, you like the candy?
‪맛있어요?‬Hi there, you like the candy?
‪집에 세 개 더 있어요‬I have three more at home.
‪딸기 맛‬ ‪[엘리베이터 문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬I have strawberry. I have orange and…
‪오렌지 맛‬I have strawberry. I have orange and…
‪(아이) 어…‬I have strawberry. I have orange and… -toasted rice too! -[I-hyun] Wow!
‪누룽지 맛‬-toasted rice too! -[I-hyun] Wow!
‪(이현) 우아‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬-toasted rice too! -[I-hyun] Wow!
‪[이현의 웃음]‬-toasted rice too! -[I-hyun] Wow!
‪[의아한 신음]‬
‪딸기 맛‬I have strawberry, I have orange, and…
‪오렌지 맛‬I have strawberry, I have orange, and…
‪(아이) 어…‬I have strawberry, I have orange, and…
‪음, 자두 맛?‬Hmm, do you have plum?
‪[고민하는 신음]‬Hmm. How about apple?
‪사과 맛?‬Hmm. How about apple?
‪아니, 그거 아니야, 으응‬That's wrong, I don't have those. Hmm-mm
‪(정원) [웃으며] 알았어, 알았어‬Okay then. Ha-yul, are you upset with met for not knowing?
‪하율이 지금 선생님한테 화내는 거야?‬Okay then. Ha-yul, are you upset with met for not knowing?
‪[정원의 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪오늘은 조금 떨어졌네요‬It looks like she's getting better. Her jaundice has receded a little.
‪황달 많이 좋아졌어요‬It looks like she's getting better. Her jaundice has receded a little.
‪눈 색깔도 좀 빠졌고요‬The color of her eyes is looking much better.
‪올라서 좀 걱정을 했는데‬ ‪다행히 꺾였어요‬I was worried that it would get worse. But thankfully it hasn't.
‪2주 동안 별일 없으셨죠?‬How has she been the last two weeks?
‪네, 근데 애가 지난주에‬ ‪열이 좀 올라서요‬Good. Although, she did contract a fever last week.
‪(아이) 하지 마, 그런 말 하지 마‬-Stop it, Mom! Don't tell him about that. -[chuckles]
‪(여자3) [웃으며] 어, 알았어, 안 할게‬-Stop it, Mom! Don't tell him about that. -[chuckles] Okay, fine. I won't tell him.
‪지금은요?‬-She still have it? -No, she's fine now.
‪지금은 괜찮아요‬-She still have it? -No, she's fine now. When she gets a fever, I get scared--
‪근데 갑자기 열이 오르면 무서워서요‬When she gets a fever, I get scared--
‪(아이) 하지 마, 그런 말 하지 말라고‬No. Stop! I don't want him to know about that.
‪(여자3) 어, 알았어, 안 할게‬ ‪[피식 웃는다]‬Okay, then I'll stop talking.
‪잠깐만‬All right then.
‪(정원) 하율아, 잠깐만‬Just a second, Ha-yul.
‪우리 하율이 보자‬How about we take a look?
‪[정원이 삭삭 그린다]‬[gasps] Look what he is doing.
‪[놀라며] 머리핀도 했네?‬That's a pretty hairpin there.
‪머리도 이렇게 있고‬[Jeong-won] Your hair looks really nice.
‪하율아, 이거 하율이야‬Ha-yul, look, this is you right here.
‪하율이 이거 가지고 놀아요‬Do you like it? Do you want to play with it?
‪(아이) 네‬ ‪[정원의 웃음]‬-Okay. -[chuckles]
‪(정원) 어, 지난달에 했던‬ ‪비타민 검사는 수치가 다 괜찮아요‬Ah, we tested her vitamin levels last month, and everything is looking good.
‪그러니까 아예 바꿔 보시죠‬So I suggest we change it all up.
‪비타민 주사는 다 끊고‬ ‪먹는 약으로 바꿔 봐요‬No more vitamin injections. We'll be switching to oral medications.
‪어, 비타민 K는요?‬Okay. How about Vitamin K?
‪어, 그것도 뺄게요‬Yes, we'll be giving that too. We'll be simplifying the treatment plan.
‪완전히 간소화하는 걸로 할게요‬Yes, we'll be giving that too. We'll be simplifying the treatment plan.
‪(여자3) 아, 그래도 괜찮겠죠?‬Oh, and she'll be okay, won't she?
‪(정원) 네, 괜찮습니다‬Yes, she should be fine.
‪(아이) 이거 선생님‬Doctor, look, this is you.
‪(정원) 어?‬[gasps] Huh? That's me? Oh, wow!
‪[놀라며] 우아‬[gasps] Huh? That's me? Oh, wow!
‪[정원의 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪와, 엄청 잘 그렸네‬Wow! That's such a good drawing.
‪(아이) 응‬ ‪[정원의 웃음]‬-Mm-mm. -[Jeong-won chuckles]
‪다음에 오면 선생님 또 그려 주세요‬Draw me again next time. Okay, Ha-yul.
‪(아이) 응, 네‬-Hmm, sure! -[Jeong-won laughs]
‪[정원의 웃음]‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬-Hmm, sure! -[Jeong-won laughs] -[Ha-yul's mother] Let's go. -[laughs]
‪(여자3) 자‬-[Ha-yul's mother] Let's go. -[laughs]
‪'선생님, 감사합니다'‬Say "Thank you, Dr. Ahn, Ha-yul."
‪(아이) 감사합니다‬Thank you, Dr. Ahn.
‪[정원의 웃음]‬ ‪(정원) 응?‬[chuckles] Hmm?
‪[아이가 속삭인다]‬[whispers] [gasps, laughs]
‪[정원의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[정원의 웃음]‬[gasps, laughs]
‪(여자3) 뭐래요?‬What did she say?
‪누룽지 맛, 생각났대요‬"Toasted rice flavor." She remembered it.
‪[정원의 웃음]‬[both chuckle]
‪하율이, 안녕‬Bye, Ha-yul. Bye-bye!
‪안녕‬Bye, Ha-yul. Bye-bye!
‪(아이) 안녕‬Bye!
‪(함께) 안녕하세요‬[both] Good morning, doctor.
‪네, 앉으세요‬Yes, take a seat.
‪[명태의 한숨]‬[Cheon sighs]
‪[입소리를 쩝쩝 낸다]‬[sucking teeth] [keyboard clacking]
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬[clicks tongue, inhales]
‪수치들 다 괜찮고‬Everything looks good so far.
‪정상이네‬It looks fine.
‪[함께 안도한다]‬[both chuckle]
‪아유, 다행입니다, 선생님‬That's a relief. I'm glad to hear it.
‪어젯밤, 그, 한숨도 못 잤습니다‬I couldn't sleep last night, I was so nervous about it.
‪(여자4) 엑스레이 찍은 것도 괜찮나요?‬And the X-ray we've done, does that look okay?
‪(남자4) 저기, 그‬ ‪피 검사랑 심전도는요?‬What about the blood test results and electrocardiogram?
‪음, 방금 정상이라고 말씀드렸는데‬I just told you everything looks fine.
‪[여자4의 옅은 탄성]‬Hm-mm. Right.
‪(남자4) 네‬Hm-mm. Right.
‪(여자4) 선생님‬Doctor Cheon.
‪남편이 요새 자꾸‬ ‪밤에 다리가 저리다고…‬Lately in the night, my husband has been getting leg cramps-- That has nothing to do with his heart now, does it?
‪그런 거는 심장하고 상관이 없고요‬That has nothing to do with his heart now, does it?
‪궁금하신 거 없으시죠?‬Do you have any other questions?
‪(여자4) 예‬-No. -So we're done here. Okay.
‪또 뵐게요, 그럼‬ ‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬-No. -So we're done here. Okay.
‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪누구라고?‬I'm sorry, who?
‪(남자5) 감사합니다‬[patient] Thanks, doctor.
‪(준완) 예, 조심해서 가세요‬Sure, you take care now, and don't forget to exercise.
‪운동하는 거 잊지 마시고요‬Sure, you take care now, and don't forget to exercise.
‪(여자5) 저, 안녕하세요‬[mouse clicking] -Hello, doctor. -[Jun-wan] Hi, please have a seat.
‪(준완) 예, 이쪽으로 앉으세요‬-Hello, doctor. -[Jun-wan] Hi, please have a seat.
‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬ ‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪수술한 지 두 달 넘으셨죠?‬You're surgery was two months ago. Is that right?
‪네, 벌써 두 달이나 됐어요‬Yeah, it's been two months since then.
‪머리 자르셨네요?‬You got a haircut.
‪[웃으며] 예, 잘랐어요, 교수님‬[chuckles] Yeah, that's right, I got a haircut.
‪전에 너무 미친년 같아서‬I looked like a crazy person before.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬[mouse clicking]
‪저, 교수님‬Um, Doctor Kim, did my condition get any worse?
‪뭐가 좀 안 좋아졌을까요?‬Um, Doctor Kim, did my condition get any worse?
‪어, 아니요, 아니요, 다 괜찮습니다‬No, no, everything looks good, actually.
‪어, 김수희 님 수술 전‬ ‪엑스레이 자료부터‬I reviewed all your test starting from the X-ray you had done before your surgery.
‪제가 쭉 리뷰를 했는데요‬starting from the X-ray you had done before your surgery.
‪오늘 엑스레이도 좋고‬ ‪피 검사 결과도 좋고‬Your X-rays are looking good. Your blood tests are looking good. -And the electrocardiogram is normal. -[both exhale]
‪심전도도 정상입니다‬-And the electrocardiogram is normal. -[both exhale]
‪[함께 안도한다]‬-And the electrocardiogram is normal. -[both exhale]
‪(준완) 여기 보시면‬This one was done right before surgery,
‪어, 왼쪽이 수술 전‬ ‪어, 오른쪽이 이번에 찍으신 건데‬This one was done right before surgery, and the one on the right is from today.
‪까만 게 폐, 하얀 게 심장인데요‬The lungs are in black, and the heart is in white.
‪어, 수술 전에는 우심방, 우심실이‬ ‪늘어나면서 이렇게 보이거든요‬The lungs are in black, and the heart is in white. Your right atrium and ventricle were enlarged before your surgery.
‪어, 근데 지금은‬ ‪전문가가 아닌 눈으로 보시기에도‬You don't have to be a doctor to see the difference between the two.
‪확실히 심장 사이즈가 줄었죠?‬Your heart looks notably smaller than before.
‪네, 제가 봐도 좋아졌네요‬ ‪[남자6의 안도하는 숨소리]‬-Yes, I can see the improvement. -Yeah.
‪네, 다 좋네요‬Everything is looking good. Did you experience any symptoms
‪어, 다른 별일은 없으셨어요?‬Everything is looking good. Did you experience any symptoms
‪지난달 저 보시고 나서‬after your appointment last month?
‪네‬No. Ah, everything has been all right,
‪아, 저, 다른 건 괜찮은데‬No. Ah, everything has been all right,
‪앉아 있거나 누워 있을 때‬ ‪일어서면 핑 하고 어지러워요‬but I noticed when I get up too fast I start to feel a little lightheaded.
‪아, 종종 그러세요?‬-Does it happen often? -No, just every once in a while.
‪아니요, 그렇진 않고 가끔씩?‬-Does it happen often? -No, just every once in a while.
‪그, 수술하고 나서‬ ‪이런 경우가 있기도 한가요?‬Is that a common thing to experience after surgery?
‪예, 종종 있어요‬Yeah. it does tend to happen,
‪수술하시고 나면‬ ‪그러신 분들이 계시는데‬Yeah. it does tend to happen, it is a common thing to experience after surgery,
‪시간 지나면 괜찮아지세요‬but it should disappear over time.
‪(준완) 어, 전에도 말씀드렸듯이‬To put everything simply, while you're lying down
‪누워 있을 땐 심장이랑 뇌가‬ ‪같은 레벨이거든요‬To put everything simply, while you're lying down your heart and your brain are level with each other.
‪같은 높이에 위치하는데‬So all the blood flow is normal.
‪딱 일어나는 순간 뇌가 심장보다‬ ‪몇십 센티 이상 높아지잖아요‬But the moment you get up, your brain is suddenly at the higher level than your heart
‪높아지는 순간‬ ‪혈관은 수축을 해야 돼요‬So your blood vessels contract to pump blood faster.
‪왜, 우리가 화단의‬ ‪멀리 있는 곳에 물 줄 때‬When you squeeze the tip of a garden hose.
‪호스 끝을 조이면 멀리 가잖아요‬When you squeeze the tip of a garden hose. it makes the water shoot out faster, right?
‪같은 원리로 혈관이 수축하면서‬ ‪뇌까지 피를 보내 줘야 되는데‬It's the same here. Your blood vessels have to contract to pump your blood into your brain.
‪수축이 잘 안돼서‬But if they don't do it fast enough, and blood doesn't get to your brain,
‪피가 바로 가지 않아서‬ ‪어지럽게 느껴질 수가 있어요‬But if they don't do it fast enough, and blood doesn't get to your brain, that's when you feel lightheaded.
‪아, 이해가 쏙쏙 되네요‬Ah. That's make a total sense.
‪수술하고 쓰는 이뇨제나‬ ‪혈압 강하제 같은 약 때문에‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬You were given diuretics and antihypertensives after the surgery,
‪일시적으로 조화가‬ ‪안 이루어질 수 있어요‬which can throw you off balance temporarily.
‪이럴 땐 굳이‬Rather than pushing it,
‪'나 오늘 좋아졌나? 나빠졌나?'‬ ‪실험해 보지 마시고‬so you can see whether your condition is improving or not,
‪일어서실 때 항상 천천히‬I suggest you getting up slowly,
‪천천히 일어나는 습관을‬ ‪들이시는 게 좋아요‬if you do, you can avoid feeling lightheaded.
‪- (여자5) 네‬ ‪- 성격이 엄청 급해요, 교수님‬-Okay. -My wife is awfully impatient, doctor.
‪일어날 때도 팩 일어나고‬She always getting up as fast as she can. So impatient.
‪[웃으며] 급해요, 급해‬She always getting up as fast as she can. So impatient.
‪조심할게요, 교수님‬-[husband laughs] -I'll be more careful.
‪- (준완) 더 궁금하신 건?‬ ‪- (여자5) 없습니다‬-Any other questions? -That's all.
‪- (준완) 예, 그럼‬ ‪- (여자5) 네‬-All right, then. -Thank you.
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬ ‪[아파하는 신음]‬[groans] [machine beeping]
‪[헉헉거린다]‬[machine beeping] [groans]
‪(소예) 천명태 교수님 내려오신답니다‬[So-ye] Dr. Cheon will be with you shortly. Thank you.
‪(남자7) 네‬Thank you.
‪(소예) 근데 보좌관님‬Sir, our residents here, the ones in Cardiothoracic Surgery,
‪기흉으로 인한 흉관 삽관은‬Sir, our residents here, the ones in Cardiothoracic Surgery, are quite used to performing tube thoracostomies.
‪흉부외과 전공의 선생님들이‬ ‪제일 많이 하시는데‬are quite used to performing tube thoracostomies.
‪하루에 몇 번씩도 하거든요‬They did them several times a day.
‪혹시 모르니까 흉부외과‬ ‪전공의 선생님도 호출할까요?‬Maybe it would help if I called in a resident who can here sooner?
‪교수님 기다리겠습니다‬We'll wait for Dr. Cheon.
‪오신다고?‬He's coming here?
‪(광현) 천명태 교수님 오신대?‬Dr. Cheon is on his way here right now?
‪네‬Yeah. He canceled all of his appointments, so he could be here.
‪외래 하던 거 미루고 바로 오신대요‬Yeah. He canceled all of his appointments, so he could be here.
‪(소예) 당연히 안 될 줄 알고‬ ‪욕 들을 각오 하고 전화드린 건데‬In fact, I thought he was going to say no, so I called him thinking I would get yelled at,
‪본인이 오셔서 하시겠대요‬but he said he'd come and take care of it.
‪못 살아, 아유‬but he said he'd come and take care of it. My goodness.
‪폐 쪽 안 하신 지는‬ ‪20년도 넘지 않으셨어요?‬But he hasn't treated any lung disorders in over 20 years.
‪(광현) 그 정도는 CS에선‬ ‪다 기본으로 해요‬Yes, but this is considered a basic task in CS.
‪그러네‬That's right. Because it is so basic,
‪기본으로 하는 거니까‬That's right. Because it is so basic, last time he did anything in the Emergency room
‪수술방이 아닌 응급실에서 넣는 건‬ ‪20년이 넘었을 수도 있겠다‬last time he did anything in the Emergency room was probably well over 20 years ago.
‪[광현의 헛웃음]‬ ‪[소예의 탄성]‬-[scoffs] -[So-ye] Hmm.
‪근데 저분이 누구신데요?‬This patient, how does he know Dr. Cheon?
‪(소예) 국회의원이요‬He's a politician.
‪교수님 사시는 곳 지역구 국회의원‬He represents the district where Dr. Cheon lives.
‪[희수의 옅은 탄성]‬I heard they're golf buddies.
‪골프 멤버래요‬I heard they're golf buddies.
‪(명태) 어디 계셔?‬-Where is he? -Ah, he's right over here.
‪(광현) 예, 이쪽입니다‬-Where is he? -Ah, he's right over here.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[남자8의 아파하는 신음]‬[Congressman groans]
‪[명태의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[Congressman groans]
‪[명태의 힘겨운 신음]‬[Myeong-tae breathes heavily]
‪[명태의 못마땅한 신음]‬[grunting]
‪(명태) 어유, 이게 왜 잘 안되지?‬[Myeong-tae] Why isn't this working?
‪[아파하는 신음]‬[Congressman groans]
‪어유, 씨‬[Myeong-tae] Goddammit!
‪왜 이렇게 안 뚫리냐?‬Why isn't this going in?
‪[남자8의 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[Congressman yelps]
‪씨, 이거 왜 이래?‬[Myeong-tae] What is wrong with this? It must be broken.
‪왜 이래, 이거, 어?‬[Myeong-tae] What is wrong with this? It must be broken.
‪이딴 걸 줘 가지고‬What a piece of crap. Give me the mosquito forceps. Quick!
‪모스키토로 줘 봐, 빨리!‬Give me the mosquito forceps. Quick!
‪[못마땅한 신음]‬
‪아, 왜, 왜 안, 안 되냐, 이거?‬[Myeong-tae] What the hell? Why isn't this working?
‪어유, 왜 이러지? 어유, 씨‬ ‪[남자8의 힘겨운 신음]‬What's wrong with this thing? [sucks teeth]
‪이게…‬[Myeong-tae] Hold on. Just hang in there, all right?
‪조금만 참으세요‬[Myeong-tae] Hold on. Just hang in there, all right?
‪[남자8의 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪[명태의 힘주는 신음]‬[Congressman screams]
‪[남자8의 비명]‬ ‪[명태의 당황한 신음]‬[Congressman screams]
‪아유, 이게…‬[Myeong-tae] What the hell? -[Congressman screams] -Something wrong with this.
‪아유, 이게 왜 이러지?‬-[Congressman screams] -Something wrong with this. Come on! Why isn't it working?
‪아유, 뚫려라, 좀‬ ‪[남자8의 비명]‬Come on! Why isn't it working?
‪[명태의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[남자8의 아파하는 신음]‬[Congressman screams]
‪(익준) 간 수치는 정상이고‬Your liver somatic index is normal
‪황달 수치도 정상으로 됐고‬and good, you don't have jaundice anymore,
‪원래 암이 있었으니까‬ ‪재발하는지 검사를 하고 있는데‬and you did have cancer, so we ran some tests to check for relapse.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬[inhales] Hmm. [exhales]
‪음‬ ‪[마우스 클릭음]‬Hmm. [exhales] Hmm. Your blood vessels are fine.
‪음, 혈관도 괜찮고‬Hmm. Your blood vessels are fine.
‪자‬Here, take a look at this.
‪여기 보시면‬Here, take a look at this.
‪[익준의 힘주는 신음]‬[Ik-jun grunts]
‪어, 이게 정맥인데‬[Ik-jun] This right here is your vein.
‪어…‬ ‪[마우스 클릭음]‬[Ik-jun] This right here is your vein.
‪간으로 들어가는‬ ‪간문맥도 잘 가고 있고‬Your hepatic portal vein is looking pretty good too.
‪이게 간으로 들어가는 동맥‬ ‪가느다란 거‬This is your hepatic artery. This thin thing right here.
‪이것도 잘 가고 있어서‬This one looks okay too.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬This one looks okay too. [inhales]
‪혈관 쪽은 괜찮습니다‬So your blood vessels are doing just fine.
‪[부자의 웃음]‬So your blood vessels are doing just fine. [all chuckle] Thank you, Dr. Lee.
‪(남자9) 예, 교수님‬Thank you, Dr. Lee.
‪저도 병원에 오래 다니다 보니까‬You know, I've been coming to the hospital for so long
‪이제 사진만 봐도‬ ‪좋은지 나쁜지 알겠네요‬that I can tell how things are, just by looking at the X-rays.
‪[남자9의 웃음]‬[both chuckle]
‪아버지 이식 수술 하신 지‬ ‪2년이나 됐는데‬He had the transplant on more than two years ago,
‪그래도 아직도 매번 외래 올 때마다‬ ‪전날 밤 잠을 못 주무시고 와요‬but before appointment he still has trouble sleeping, -because he's so nervous about it. -[soft sigh]
‪혹시 재발되면 어떡하나 해서‬He's worried the cancer will come back. [clicks tongue]
‪저도 엄마도 한숨도 못 자고 와요‬It keeps mom and I up all night too.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬[inhales deeply]
‪아버님은 원래 암이 심하지 않으셨고‬ ‪수술한 지 2년이 지났으니까‬Your father's cancer wasn't that serious, and the surgery was over two years ago…
‪[익준이 입술을 빡 튕긴다]‬[smacks lips, inhales]
‪완치라고 생각하셔도 될 것 같습니다‬…so I think it's safe to say that he's fully recovered by now.
‪[벅찬 숨소리]‬[chuckles]
‪아니, 서, 서, 서, 선생님…‬I… [chuckles] I couldn't believe it.
‪진짜예요, 교수님?‬Are you sure, doctor?
‪아, 저희는 암이어서‬ ‪5년은 지나야 완치라고 알고 있는데‬I thought we had to wait five years before we could assume it was gone.
‪[부자의 벅찬 숨소리]‬ ‪(남자10) 어떻게…‬[both chuckle] -Oh, gosh. -[Ik-jun chuckles]
‪[익준이 살짝 웃는다]‬-Oh, gosh. -[Ik-jun chuckles]
‪음, 좀 더 경과를 지켜봐야 하지만‬We'll still be monitoring his condition.
‪간 이식을 하고‬But statistically, the chances of the cancer recurring are small
‪어, 통계적으로‬ ‪2년 안에 재발을 안 하면‬But statistically, the chances of the cancer recurring are small
‪재발 가능성이‬ ‪거의 없다고 보고 있어요‬unless it happens within two years of the transplant.
‪물론 아버님처럼‬ ‪암이 심하지 않은 경우에요‬Only mild cases like your father's, of course.
‪[부자의 벅찬 숨소리]‬[chuckles]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪감사합니다, 교수님‬Thank you so much, Dr. Lee.
‪[흐느낀다]‬[sobbing] I'm so thankful for my son,
‪(남자9) 우리 아들한테도 고맙고‬I'm so thankful for my son,
‪우리 선생님한테도 너무너무 고맙고‬and I'm thankful for you too, Dr. Lee.
‪제가 지금 이렇게 살아 있는 게‬ ‪기적입니다, 교수님‬It's nothing sure if a miracle, but I'm still alive today.
‪아이고, 잘 회복해 주셔서‬ ‪제가 더 감사하죠‬Oh, come on, I'm really thankful that you recovered so well.
‪[남자9의 웃음]‬[both chuckle] I'd say you're almost fully cured now,
‪(익준) 거의 완치라고 하지만‬ ‪그래도 꾸준히 건강 관리 하시고‬I'd say you're almost fully cured now, but it's important that you keep taking care of yourself
‪운동도 열심히 하셔야 돼요‬but it's important that you keep taking care of yourself and get some regular exercise.
‪물론 지금까지 해 오던 거처럼‬ ‪외래도 잘 나오시고‬and get some regular exercise. Also, be sure not to miss any of your doctors' appointments and make sure your tests are all done on time.
‪때맞춰 검사도 잘 받으시고‬and make sure your tests are all done on time.
‪[웃으며] 예‬Of course. [laughs]
‪그럼 전 3개월 후에 뵙죠‬So then, I'll see you in three months.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Okay. -Thank you. Take care.
‪(남자9) 예, 감사합니다‬-Okay. -Thank you. Take care.
‪- (남자10) 안녕히 계세요‬ ‪- (익준) 네‬-Okay. -Thank you. Take care. [Ik-jun] Bye.
‪[부자의 웃음]‬[all laugh]
‪[해성의 한숨]‬ ‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬-[sighs deeply] -[door slides open]
‪(해성) 오늘 기록이네요‬ ‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬-I think that's a record. -[door slides close] You have appointments back-to-back after working the entire night shift.
‪어제 당직이셨는데‬ ‪하필 오늘 외래가 저녁까지 꽉꽉이네요‬ ‪[익준의 하품]‬You have appointments back-to-back after working the entire night shift.
‪옆방에 빵 있는데 드려요?‬Do you want some bread or something?
‪아, 아니요‬ ‪[힘겨운 신음]‬No, thank you. Ugh, I want real food. I'm gonna get a proper dinner.
‪난 밥이요, 밥‬No, thank you. Ugh, I want real food. I'm gonna get a proper dinner.
‪나 밥 먹을 거예요, 아휴‬No, thank you. Ugh, I want real food. I'm gonna get a proper dinner.
‪교수님, 한 분 더 남으셨는데‬Dr. Lee, you'll still have one patient left.
‪으응, 거짓말‬-No, you're lying -Right. I was just kidding.
‪네, 거짓말이요‬-No, you're lying -Right. I was just kidding.
‪배고프다, 밥 먹자‬Hey, I'm hungry. Let's eat something
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪그래‬Sure.
‪어유, 피곤해‬God, I'm so tired.
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬
‪[민찬 모의 놀란 신음]‬[gasps]
‪(은지 모) [멋쩍게 웃으며]‬ ‪민찬이랑 은지는 여기서 안 보여요‬[gasps] You can't see Min-chan and Eun-ji from here.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬-[chuckles] -[awkward chuckle]
‪민찬 엄마, 나 반찬 좀 싸 왔는데‬ ‪식당 내려가서 같이 먹어요, 응?‬I was thinking, I brought some food from home, -maybe we could have dinner together. -Hmm? Sure.
‪네‬-maybe we could have dinner together. -Hmm? Sure.
‪- (은지 모) 가요‬ ‪- (민찬 모) 네‬-Let's go. -[Min-chan's mother] Okay. YULJE MEDICAL CENTER PICU
‪- (민찬 모) 식당이 있어요?‬ ‪- (은지 모) 응‬-There's a cafeteria here. -[Eun-ji's mother] Yeah.
‪[정원이 흥얼거린다]‬
‪저녁은? 식당 오늘 곰탕이던데‬Have you eaten? There's beef bone soup today.
‪(정원) 맛있게 먹어, 난 데이트‬You enjoy yourself. I've got a date.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬[comical music stings]
‪야, 곰, 식당에 곰탕‬Hey, come on, let's go. Dinner, right now.
‪나 곰, 엄마랑 저녁‬I've to get going. I have dinner with Mom tonight.
‪밀지 마, 밀지 마‬Don't push me. Don't you dare.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬[comical music stings]
‪(준완) 아니, 이 새끼들이, 씨‬Those two are such jerks.
‪[통화 연결음]‬[dial tone trilling] [operator] Please leave a message after the tone…
‪[안내 음성] 연결이 되지 않아‬ ‪삐 소리 후…‬[operator] Please leave a message after the tone…
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪(준완) 아, 이익준 외래 끝났을 텐데‬Ah, Ik-jun should be done with his appointments by now.
‪개똥도 약에 쓰려면 없다고…‬That guy's never around when I need him.
‪[재학의 반가운 신음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Ah! Hey, Professor Kim! [chuckles]
‪(재학) 아, 교수님!‬Hey, Professor Kim! [chuckles]
‪[재학의 웃음]‬Hey, Professor Kim! [chuckles] As of today, I am free. All my exams are done.
‪저 오늘부로 완전 끝, 2차까지 다 끝‬As of today, I am free. All my exams are done.
‪저녁 먹으러 가요‬-Let's grab dinner together. -The interview goes well?
‪면접 잘 봤어?‬-Let's grab dinner together. -The interview goes well?
‪그럼요‬Of course it did. I have such a likable face, as you know.
‪제가 세계 제일 호감 상 아닙니까‬Of course it did. I have such a likable face, as you know. I miss the cafeteria food, so I came here super-fast.
‪병원 밥 그리워서 바로 나왔죠‬I miss the cafeteria food, so I came here super-fast.
‪(재학) 가시죠‬I miss the cafeteria food, so I came here super-fast.
‪오늘 식당 메뉴가 곰탕이라는 첩보가…‬ ‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬I've got some intel. They're serving beef bone soup.
‪첩보는 무슨‬-[cell phone ringing] -Intel, my ass. Hey.
‪- 어‬ ‪- (익준) 곰탕, 내려와‬-[cell phone ringing] -Intel, my ass. Hey. [Ik-jun] Beef bone soup. Let's go.
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪가자‬Let's go. You had to study so hard. So dinner's on me.
‪공부한다고 고생했는데‬ ‪저녁은 내가 사 줄게‬Let's go. You had to study so hard. So dinner's on me. Oh, then let's go out for dinner.
‪(재학) 아, 그, 그럼 나가야죠, 예?‬Oh, then let's go out for dinner. Come on, you should be taking me to a nice restaurant.
‪고, 고생했다고 사 주시는 거면‬ ‪적어도 나가서 외식은 해야죠!‬Come on, you should be taking me to a nice restaurant. That's what I deserve. Please?
‪(준완) 나 30분 있다 강의 있어‬ ‪잘 가, 안녕‬[Jun-wan] I have a lecture in 30 minutes. I'll see you.
‪(재학) 알죠!‬[Jae-hak] I know that you do!
‪제가 교수님 스케줄 제일 잘 알죠‬I know your schedule like the back of my hand.
‪오늘 수업 있으신 거‬ ‪제가 어떻게 몰라요‬Of course, I knew you have a lecture today.
‪농담입니다‬I was just kidding.
‪(준완) 많이 컸네, 우리 재학이‬ ‪농담도 다 하고‬Dear Jae-hak, look at you cracking jokes with me.
‪(재학) 바, 방금 '우리'라고 하셨어요?‬Did you just say "Jae-hak, dear"?
‪[준완의 한숨]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[groans] You called me "Jae-hak, dear"?
‪'우리 재학이'?‬You called me "Jae-hak, dear"?
‪[준완의 한숨]‬You called me "Jae-hak, dear"?
‪'우리', '우리'라고 하셨죠?‬-You really just called me that. -[Jun-wan] Uh, just shut up already.
‪(준완) 아유, 시끄러워‬-You really just called me that. -[Jun-wan] Uh, just shut up already.
‪(은지 모) 병원 식당 밥이‬ ‪난 이제 많이 물려서요‬[Eun-ji's mother] I've been here for so long, I'm gotten sick of the food here.
‪그냥 집에서 반찬 두어 개 싸 와서‬ ‪이렇게 먹는 게 훨씬 좋아요‬That's why I bring a few dishes from home. I prefer to eat like this.
‪[웃으며] 돈도 아끼고‬Saves me some money too.
‪언제까지 기다려야 될지 모르는데‬ ‪매끼를 어떻게 다 사 먹어요‬Who knows how much longer we'd have to wait? We can't spend for every meal.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you for this.
‪(민찬 모) 아, 전 이런 데가‬ ‪있는지 몰랐어요‬Oh, I didn't even know the hospital has a place like this.
‪(은지 모) 당연히 모르죠, 응?‬How could you have known? Hmm? Min-chan has only been hooked up to the VAD for a week.
‪민찬이 이제 바드 단 지‬ ‪일주일 됐는데, 뭐‬Min-chan has only been hooked up to the VAD for a week.
‪아직까진 정신없고 그렇지, 뭐‬I'm sure you still frazzled about it.
‪아, 내일은 제가 반찬 싸 올게요‬Uh, I'll bring some side dishes too tomorrow.
‪정신없이 애 입원시키느라‬ ‪냉장고에 반찬이 그대로 있어요‬I had to rush Min-chan to the hospital, so I still have a bunch of side dishes in the fridge.
‪그거 들고 오면 되겠다‬I bring them for us tomorrow.
‪내일은 주말‬Tomorrow's Saturday. You should go home and get some sleep even just for a day.
‪주말 하루라도‬ ‪집에 가서 눈 좀 붙이고 와요‬You should go home and get some sleep even just for a day.
‪(은지 모) 하루라도 푹 자야‬ ‪체력을 충전하죠‬You should catch up on sleep. You'll feel much better.
‪그리고 어차피 하루에‬ ‪두 번밖에 면회 안 되니까‬Besides, we can only see the kids twice a day anyway.
‪괜히 하루 종일 병원에 있지 마시고‬ ‪집에서 왔다 갔다 해요, 응?‬So you shouldn't stay here the whole day, just come back when you need to. Hmm?
‪그렇게 해도 돼‬It's okay to do that. [chuckles softly]
‪[피식 웃으며] 말했잖아요‬It's okay to do that. [chuckles softly] It's like I said, it's like we're running a marathon.
‪우린 마라톤 선수라고‬It's like I said, it's like we're running a marathon.
‪네, 감사합니다‬Right, this is so nice of you.
‪아, 민찬이 밥이나 우유에‬ ‪칼로리 보조제도 타서 먹여요‬Oh, for Min-chan, you should add some calorie boosters to his foods and milk.
‪민찬이 보니까 우리 은지보다‬ ‪개월 수는 많은데‬I know he's older than Eun-ji, but he seems to be… Don't mind if I'm saying this, but he seems shorter than usual.
‪아이가 좀 작은 편이야‬Don't mind if I'm saying this, but he seems shorter than usual.
‪아, 얼른 키워야, 애가 커야‬ ‪받을 수 있는 심장도 많아져요‬Look, the faster he grows the easier it would be for him to find a good donor.
‪네‬Mm. Right. [sighs]
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬Mm. Right. [sighs]
‪애가 어릴 때부터‬ ‪또래들보다 작아서 걱정했는데‬It's always worried me a little bit that he is smaller than he should be for his age.
‪제가 애를 잘 못 키웠나 봐요‬I guess I didn't do a good job raising him.
‪[민찬 모의 웃음]‬ ‪(은지 모) 아유‬ ‪별말을 다 한다, 진짜, 쯧‬-[awkward chuckle] -Goodness. Don't you ever say that.
‪자, 힘내요‬-Here, eat this and smile. -Thanks
‪[은지 모가 살짝 웃는다]‬-Here, eat this and smile. -Thanks
‪- (민찬 모) 네‬ ‪- 민찬이는 A형이잖아요‬-Here, eat this and smile. -Thanks Min-chan's blood type is A, isn't it?
‪A형은 A형한테도 받을 수 있고‬ ‪O형한테도 받을 수 있어서‬So that means he can get a heart from any one with blood type A or O.
‪이식받을 확률이 높아요‬So he has more chances there.
‪좋은 것만 생각해요, 좋은 것만‬Just keep thinking positive thoughts. Okay?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪네‬Okay. [chuckles]
‪밥 다 식었겠네, 얼른 드세요‬The food is getting cold. Hurry up and eat.
‪[은지 모의 웃음]‬-[both chuckle] -Thanks again for this.
‪(민찬 모) 고맙습니다‬-[both chuckle] -Thanks again for this.
‪은지가 받아야 민찬이도 받을 텐데‬I hope Eun-ji finds a donor soon so Min-chan can find one too.
‪은지 얼른 심장 떴으면 좋겠어요‬I really… I really hope they find them the right donor.
‪고마워요‬ ‪[웃음]‬I appreciate that. [chuckles]
‪전 믿어요‬I truly believed…
‪기적이 일어날 거라고‬miracles can always happen.
‪(은지 모) 얼른 먹어요‬[Eun-ji's mother] Go on, eat up.
‪[민찬 모가 살짝 웃는다]‬[Eun-ji's mother] Go on, eat up.
‪(송화) 너 다음 주에 수술 많지?‬So this week, you have a bunch of surgeries.
‪어, 다음 주, 다다음 주 다 몰려 있어‬Yeah, I'm pretty much booked for the next two weeks.
‪과장님이 부탁하신 수술도 있고‬There's one Chief Kwon asked me to do.
‪(송화) 과장님?‬Chief Kwon? He asked you to operate on a patient?
‪권순정 교수님이 수술 부탁했어?‬Chief Kwon? He asked you to operate on a patient?
‪응, 동생분‬-Yeah, his brother. -Oh, no.
‪아이고‬-Yeah, his brother. -Oh, no.
‪(익준) 동생이라서‬ ‪본인은 도저히 못 하시겠다고‬He couldn't do it, operating on his own brother.
‪나한테 부탁하시길래‬ ‪다음 주에 내가 하기로 했어‬So I told him that I'd do the surgery next week.
‪외래 시작 전에 하려고‬I'll do it before my appointments.
‪[탄성]‬Mm-mm. [sighs]
‪(송화) 아…‬[sighs]
‪말하라‬What's on your mind?
‪키다리 아저씨 건인데‬It's about Daddy-Long-Legs.
‪내가 시스템에 대해서는 얘기했지?‬I told you how it works already, didn't I?
‪응, 말했어‬Hmm, yeah, you did.
‪목포에 있는 병원에서 문의한 거야‬So few days ago, we got an inquiry from Ji-am Medical Center.
‪지암병원이라고‬So few days ago, we got an inquiry from Ji-am Medical Center.
‪일 년에 서너 건 정도지만‬A big hospital in Mokpo.
‪꾸준히 단독 이식 수술도 하는‬ ‪꽤 큰 병원인데…‬It performs three to four transplants in a year.
‪야, 우리 율제랑 강운대만‬ ‪하는 거 아니었어?‬I thought you only covered Yulje and KWMC.
‪내가 좀 넓혔어‬I've, um, expanded.
‪더 많은 사람들이 혜택받으면 좋잖아‬The more people the program can help, the better. Right?
‪전국에 있는 모든 대학 병원‬ ‪종합 병원에 익명으로 메일 보냈어‬I sent an anonymous email to every single hospital in the country,
‪키다리 아저씨라는 게 있으니‬explaining how the program works,
‪언제든지 문의해 달라고‬and I told them, they can inquire anytime.
‪[한숨]‬[sighs deeply]
‪(익준) 너 앞으로 내 앞에서‬ ‪힘들다는 소리 하지 마‬Don't ever complain that you're tired ever again.
‪(송화) 나 하나도 안 힘들어‬Really. I'm totally fine.
‪그래서 목포 병원에서 뭘 문의했는데?‬So tell me what is the hospital in Mokpo asking for?
‪처음에는 금전적인 지원을 부탁했지‬At first, they were just asking for financial support.
‪(송화) 선원분이신데‬ ‪간암으로 오래 고생했고‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬They have a patient there who's been battling liver cancer for years,
‪사보험 든 게 하나도 없어서‬ ‪모아 둔 돈은 치료비로 다 들어가고‬and he doesn't have health insurance, so he's run his savings dry on hospital bills.
‪지금은 보조금 받으시면서‬ ‪겨우 생활하시는데‬Right now, he's living off welfare and can barely makes end meet.
‪아들이 한 명 있어‬He has a son too, however, his son doesn't know he's sick.
‪근데 아들은 아버지가 아픈 걸 몰라‬He has a son too, however, his son doesn't know he's sick.
‪부부가 비밀로 했대‬He and his wife haven't told him yet.
‪그러다 하루 아들이 느낌이 싸해서‬ ‪말도 안 하고 목포로 내려갔는데‬Then one day, his son got worried all of a sudden and went to Mokpo to see him.
‪아버지가 간성 혼수가 와서‬ ‪응급실에 계셨고‬But he was in the ER due to hepatic encephalopathy.
‪배가 많이 불러 있었나 봐‬His belly was pretty swollen.
‪아들이 그런 아버지 모습 보고‬The moment his son saw his father like that,
‪그 자리에 주저앉아 펑펑 울고‬his knees buckled and he started bawling,
‪자긴 자식도 아니라고‬ ‪제발 우리 아버지 살려 달라고‬saying that he's a terrible son, and beg them to save his father.
‪아들이 이식해 줄 순 없고?‬Can't the son donate his liver?
‪아들이 바로 기증하겠다고 했대‬He said he would happily donate his liver.
‪엄마는 뇌혈관이 안 좋아서‬ ‪신경외과 치료 받는 중이라 불가능하고‬The wife was seeing a neurosurgeon about a cerebrovascular disorder, so she couldn't.
‪아버지가 정신 들자마자‬But when the father regained consciousness,
‪자식 몸에 칼 대게 하는‬ ‪아비가 어디 있냐고‬he said he'd never let his son go through all that. [clicks tongue] There is no way he let it happen.
‪쯧, 강하게 반대하셨는데‬[clicks tongue] There is no way he let it happen.
‪어머니랑 아들이 겨우 설득해서‬ ‪기증받으시기로 했어‬But eventually his wife and son were able to convince him to.
‪하, 야, 근데 너 꽤 자세하게 물어본다‬Oh. [chuckles] I'm surprised you asked for all these details.
‪당연하지, 돈을 허투루 쓸 순 없잖아‬Of course, I did. The money has to be put to good use.
‪그렇지‬Yeah. That's true.
‪우리가 지원하면 되지 않나?‬[sharp inhale] So we can help them out, can't we?
‪(송화) 어, 지원한다고 했어‬Yeah, I told them that we would.
‪근데 3일 뒤에 메일이 왔어‬But then I got an email from their doctor.
‪거기 대학 병원하고‬ ‪연계해서 수술하기로 했는데‬They were going to liaise with a local university hospital,
‪적합 검사 하는 과정에서‬ ‪기증이 어려울 거 같다고‬but while testing for compatibility, they figured it would be too difficult,
‪서울에 있는 큰 병원으로‬ ‪전원을 알아보고 있다는 거야‬and we're hoping to transfer him to a hospital down in Seoul.
‪거기도 잘하는데?‬ ‪내 은사님도 거기 계시고‬But they're good. I had a professor from there. I wonder what the problem is.
‪뭐가 문제지?‬I wonder what the problem is.
‪아버지는 90kg의 거구‬ ‪아들은 60kg도 안 돼‬The father is pretty big at 90kg, while his son weighs 60kg.
‪사이즈가 문제구나‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬-So, size is the issue. -Right.
‪(송화) 어, 사이즈 차이가 커서‬ ‪자기들은 힘들고‬-So, size is the issue. -Right. They said they can't do it due to the size difference.
‪서울에서 수술이 가능한지를‬ ‪알아보고 있는데‬They wanted to see if the surgery could be done in Seoul,
‪다른 병원에서 해도 금전적인 지원이‬ ‪가능한지를 물어보더라고‬and if we'd still be able to provide financial support to them if that were the case.
‪상관없지‬-That doesn't matter. -Right, that's what I told them.
‪상관없다고 했지‬-That doesn't matter. -Right, that's what I told them.
‪근데 오늘 아침에 또 메일이 왔어‬-That doesn't matter. -Right, that's what I told them. But then, I got another email from them this morning.
‪강운대병원, 서중병원에서‬ ‪피드백이 왔는데‬KWMC and Seojung got back to them.
‪그 병원들도 힘들 거 같다고 했대‬They also said they wouldn't be able to do it.
‪(송화) 그리고 재안병원에선‬ ‪안전하게 두 명이 기증하면‬Jae-an Medical Center told them that they could do it, if there are two donors, to be safe.
‪그럼 자기들이 한번 해 보겠다고‬if there are two donors, to be safe.
‪근데 그건 불가능해서‬But I don't think that's possible.
‪어, 지금 이식이 가능한 사람은‬ ‪아들 한 명밖에 없고‬Ah, the son is the only person who can do it at the moment, Ik-jun,
‪아버지가 두 명한테‬ ‪기증받는 건 결사반대‬and the father is strongly against getting liver grafts from two donors.
‪병원마다 각자의 기준이 있으니까‬Every hospital has its own rules and standards.
‪마지막으로 걔가 율제병원에‬ ‪문의해 보겠다길래‬The doctor there said he only ask Yulje to do it as the last resort.
‪율제는 내가 다이렉트로‬ ‪물어보겠다고 했어‬I told him I could ask Yulje because I've done business with them.
‪사업상 친한 사람 있다고‬I told him I could ask Yulje because I've done business with them.
‪그 환자 상태 안 좋아서‬ ‪시간 없는 거 같은데‬The patient isn't doing well, so we're running out of time.
‪왔다 갔다 괜히‬ ‪시간 낭비할 필요 없잖아‬The patient isn't doing well, so we're running out of time. Why waste more going back and forth?
‪내가 물어보고 알려 준다고 했어‬I told him that I'd ask Yulje for him.
‪잘했어‬Yeah, that's good.
‪네가 한 번만 봐 줘‬Could you look into it?
‪네가 판단해도 불가능한 수술이면‬If you think the surgery is one that can't be done,
‪그 수술은 불가능한 거니까‬ ‪그땐 나도 깔끔하게 포기할게‬then I'll stop and give up on it because that means it isn't possible.
‪봐 줄 수 있지?‬But you can do it, right?
‪그래, 내가 한번 볼게‬Sure, I'll look into it.
‪(익준) 그 환자분 CT랑 검사한 자료들‬ ‪받아 볼 수 있는지 한번 물어봐 줘‬Ask them if they can send over his CT scan and other test results.
‪최대한 빨리 받으면 좋고‬The sooner you do it, the better.
‪알았어, 가능한지 바로 물어볼게‬[smacks lips] Okay, I'll ask them right away.
‪- 얼른 먹어, 다 식었겠다, 야‬ ‪- (송화) 어‬-Hurry up and eat. Must be getting cold. -Oh, right.
‪(익준) 아는 사람이지?‬Is it someone you know? Who is it?
‪누구야?‬Is it someone you know? Who is it?
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪어떻게 알았어?‬-How could you tell? -It sounded like you knew the doctor.
‪좀 전에 '걔'라고 했잖아‬-How could you tell? -It sounded like you knew the doctor.
‪누군데?‬So who is it?
‪형도, 백형도‬Hyeong-do, Baek Hyeong-do.
‪우리 동기 백형도?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬You mean Baek Hyeong-do, the guy that was on my team?
‪나랑 같은 조였던 백형도?‬You mean Baek Hyeong-do, the guy that was on my team?
‪목소리 지하를 뚫고 내려가던‬The guy who had that deep and charming voice?
‪그 매력적인‬ ‪저음 보이스의 소유자 백형도?‬The guy who had that deep and charming voice? Are you talking about that Baek-Hyeong-do?
‪(송화) 어, 어, 그 백형도‬Yes, that Baek Hyeong-do. [chuckles]
‪네 라이벌‬Your rival.
‪(익준) 라이벌은 무슨, 웬 라이벌?‬"Rival"? What do you mean, "rival"?
‪걔는 6년을 그렇게 생각했어‬He thought of you as his rival for six years.
‪그래서 너 엄청 싫어했을걸?‬That's why he hated your guts.
‪나를?‬Who? Me? How can anyone hate me?
‪아니, 나를 어떻게 싫어해?‬Who? Me? How can anyone hate me?
‪이래서 싫어했겠네‬That's probably why he did.
‪쯧, 아무튼 알고 보니 형도가‬ ‪그 목포 병원 원장이더라고‬Anyway, it turns out now that he's… the director of that hospital in Mokpo.
‪야, 씨, 백형도 대단한데?‬Wow. That's really impressive.
‪씁, 거기서 이식 수술 쉽지 않은데‬Performing transplants there. That can't be easy to do.
‪쉽지 않대, 쯧‬He said it isn't. [tongue clicks] I played dumb and asked him some questions.
‪내가 모른 척하고‬ ‪이것저것 막 물어봤거든‬I played dumb and asked him some questions.
‪(송화) 손도 부족하고‬ ‪진료과도 아직 적고 힘들대‬He said they're short-staffed, and the medical office is small.
‪그래도 사명감을 가지고 하고 있대‬But he's doing his best out there.
‪자기 병원이 얼른 자리를 잡아야‬So the people there wouldn't have to go
‪여기 분들이 힘들게 서울까지‬ ‪안 올라가도 된다고‬all the way to Seoul to receive proper medical treatment.
‪리스펙트네, 리스펙트, 하‬Respect, man, respect.
‪환자 혹시 내가 맡게 되면‬ ‪그 새끼한테 전화 한번 해 봐야겠다‬Maybe I should give him a call if I do end up doing it.
‪나 생각보다 걔랑 친했어‬ ‪너희들은 싫어했지만‬He and I were close, you know, even though you hated him.
‪(준완) 누구?‬ ‪네가 안 친한 사람도 있냐?‬[Jun-wan] Who? Aren't you friends with everyone? -Hello there, Professors. -Hey, there.
‪- (재학) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (익준) 안녕‬-Hello there, Professors. -Hey, there. Hey, you know Hyeong-do, right?
‪(익준) 야, 너 형도 알지?‬Hey, you know Hyeong-do, right?
‪백형도? 알지, 네 라이벌 아니야‬-Baek Hyeong-do? -Yeah. Yeah, sure. He's your rival.
‪(재학) 라이벌요?‬-[Jae-hak] His "rival"? -He's this guy he went to school with.
‪백형도라고 우리 동기인데‬-[Jae-hak] His "rival"? -He's this guy he went to school with.
‪익준이 이기고 1등 한번 해 보겠다고‬He wanted to beat Ik-jun so bad,
‪시험 기간에 이 새끼한테‬ ‪클럽 입장권 준 애 있어‬he gave him a ticket to a club during exams.
‪자기 돈 주고 입장권 사서‬ ‪익준이한테 줬거든‬He bought the ticket with his own money,
‪실컷 놀고 꼴등 하라고‬so Ik-jun would get wasted and failed.
‪야, 그거 형도가 사서 준 거야?‬Hold on, Hyeong-do bought that ticket? He told me he got it for free because his uncle owned that club.
‪큰아버지가 하는 클럽이라고‬ ‪공짜로 받았다 그랬는데?‬He told me he got it for free because his uncle owned that club.
‪형도 큰아버지‬Hyeong-do's uncle…
‪스님이셔‬is a Buddhist monk.
‪[목탁 소리 효과음]‬ ‪(준완) 목포에서‬ ‪제일 큰 절의 주지 스님‬He's the head of biggest temple in Mokpo.
‪지금도 고명하셔‬Very respectable.
‪[송화의 웃음]‬[Jun-wan and Song-hwa chuckle]
‪그래서 꼴등 하셨어요?‬So did you end up failing?
‪(준완) 아니‬No way. He still got good grades because he got to unwind.
‪이 새끼 클럽 가서‬ ‪스트레스 너무 잘 풀고 와서‬No way. He still got good grades because he got to unwind.
‪컨디션 좋아서 계속 1등 했어‬The ticket ended up helping him.
‪(익준) 어, 야, 그때, 너희 알지?‬Hey, you guys. Remember I was crazy about Park Jin-young back then.
‪내가 박진영한테 완전히 미쳤었거든‬Remember I was crazy about Park Jin-young back then.
‪그때 나간 골반이 아직도 안 들어왔어‬My hips popped out back then, and it's still missing.
‪지금 네 엉덩이 위에‬ ‪허리 아래 있는 건‬What exactly do you call that thing between your waist and your butt?
‪골반이 아니고 뭐냐?‬What exactly do you call that thing between your waist and your butt?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- (익준) 골반 맞아‬ ‪- 나갔다며‬What exactly do you call that thing between your waist and your butt? My hips, man. [yells]
‪(익준) 슝! 방금 들어왔어‬My hips, man. [yells] Oh, there it is. Didn't you see it?
‪아, 못 봤어?‬ ‪지금 방금 쏙 해 갖고 툭, 착 들어왔지‬Oh, there it is. Didn't you see it? It zoomed back to me and click back into place just now.
‪[송화의 웃음]‬It zoomed back to me and click back into place just now. [all laugh]
‪아, 유치해, 진짜‬-You're so lame. -[laughter]
‪(재학) [웃으며] 난…‬-You're so lame. -[laughter] That was… that was really funny.
‪난 너무, 너무 웃기는데요?‬That was… that was really funny.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪(익준) 역시‬[laughing] Well, look at you, Dr. Do Jae-hak. You got a great sense of humor.
‪오, 역시 도재학 선생‬ ‪개그에 조예가 아주 깊어‬Well, look at you, Dr. Do Jae-hak. You got a great sense of humor.
‪[익준의 탄성]‬Well, look at you, Dr. Do Jae-hak. You got a great sense of humor.
‪검사 결과 오면 바로 보내 줘‬Send me his test results when you get them.
‪알았어‬I will
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬[upbeat music playing]
‪"율제병원"‬[upbeat music continues]
‪[바람이 휭 분다]‬ ‪[겨울의 추워하는 신음]‬-[wind blows] -[soft gasp]
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬[quirky music playing]
‪[겨울의 한숨]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[안전벨트 조작음]‬
‪[발랄한 음악]‬[quirky music continues]
‪(정원) 가자‬Let's go.
‪추워, 얼른 타‬Get in. It's cold.
‪머리, 머리‬[Jeong-won] Watch your head.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪[정원의 힘주는 신음]‬[Jeong-won grunts]
‪[안전벨트 조작음]‬ ‪[정원의 힘주는 신음]‬-[romantic music playing] -[Jeong-won grunts]
‪교수님, 사람들 보면 어떡하려고요?‬Professor Ahn, what if somebody sees us?
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles] Sorry, it totally slipped my mind.
‪[안전벨트 조작음]‬ ‪미안, 나 완전 까먹었어‬[chuckles] Sorry, it totally slipped my mind.
‪누구 있었어? 아무도 없었어‬Was anyone there? I didn't see anyone. Let's go.
‪가자‬Was anyone there? I didn't see anyone. Let's go.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[quirky music playing]
‪(성영) 방금 장겨울 선생님이랑‬ ‪안정원 교수님 맞지?‬[Seong-yeong] Hold on a minute, that was Dr. Jang and Professor Ahn we saw right? -[Yun-bok] Yeah. -[Jae-sin] I'm sure it was.
‪(윤복) 네‬-[Yun-bok] Yeah. -[Jae-sin] I'm sure it was.
‪(재신) 확실해요‬-[Yun-bok] Yeah. -[Jae-sin] I'm sure it was.
‪(석민) 방금 안정원 교수님이‬Did Professor Ahn just open his door for Dr. Jang and help her in?
‪장겨울 선생 차 문 열어 준 거야?‬Did Professor Ahn just open his door for Dr. Jang and help her in?
‪네, 그것도 엄청 자연스럽게‬Yes, and it looks like he's done it before.
‪[석민의 탄성]‬Wow.
‪씁, 역시 안정원 교수님 젠틀하시네‬-Professor Ahn is a true gentleman. -Totally.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪(성영) 맞아요‬-Professor Ahn is a true gentleman. -Totally. He's incredibly well-mannered.
‪(윤복) 몸에 매너가 완전 뱄어요‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬He's incredibly well-mannered.
‪(재신) 문 열어 주는 거‬ ‪완전 자연스러워‬The way he opened the door for her was so natural.
‪[재신의 감격한 신음]‬The way he opened the door for her was so natural.
‪(선빈) 어쩜 저렇게 젠틀하시지?‬He's really is such a gentleman.
‪나도 GS 갈걸‬I should have applied to GS.
‪장겨울 선생님 부럽다‬I'm pretty jealous of Dr. Jang.
‪채송화 교수님이‬ ‪그냥 주신 거예요? 공짜로?‬So Professor Chae gave you this car? And for free?
‪(정원) 응, 송화 차 바꾸면서‬ ‪쓰던 차 준 거야‬Hm. She gave me her old car because she bought a new one.
‪[겨울의 옅은 탄성]‬Hm. She gave me her old car because she bought a new one. Hmm.
‪- (정원) 손 시려?‬ ‪- [살짝 웃으며] 조금요‬-Are your hands cold? -Hmm, just a little bit.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬[light music playing]
‪[겨울이 살짝 웃는다]‬[soft chuckle]
‪[늘어지는 효과음]‬ ‪넌 아무도 없니?‬Aren't you seeing anyone yet?
‪뭐가요?‬-What do you mean? -I mean a girlfriend.
‪여자 친구‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬-What do you mean? -I mean a girlfriend.
‪없어‬-I'm not. -You don't want to date?
‪연애 안 해?‬-I'm not. -You don't want to date?
‪안 해‬I don't.
‪[석형의 웃음]‬[Seok-hyeong chuckles]
‪내가 알아서 할게‬Mom, I'll figure it out. [chuckles]
‪(석형) 신경 거두시고‬ ‪얼른 식사나 하세요‬Don't worry. Just eat. Your food will get cold.
‪엄마 때문에 그래?‬I said because of me? Are you worried I'd fight them again?
‪내가 또 막 싸울까 봐?‬I said because of me? Are you worried I'd fight them again?
‪아니야‬It's not that. I just like how things are now.
‪나 지금이 너무 좋아‬It's not that. I just like how things are now.
‪혼자 있는 게 제일 편하고 행복해‬The truth is I feel happiest when I'm all alone.
‪엄마도 그렇잖아‬Don't you feel the same?
‪아버지 없으니까‬ ‪세상 편하고 좋잖아요‬Aren't you a bit relieved that Dad's finally gone?
‪[구시렁거린다]‬I don't believe you.
‪(석형) 진짜야‬But it's true.
‪나 혼자가 너무 좋아‬I really like being single.
‪혼자도 좋지‬It's nice to be single.
‪마음 편하고 신경 쓸 사람도 없고‬It's comfortable. You don't need to worry about anyone.
‪(석형 모) 근데 그거‬But the things is,
‪사랑하는 사람과‬ ‪함께하는 즐거움에 비하면‬the joy of being single can just never compare
‪아무것도 아니야‬to the joy of falling in love.
‪'신서유기'도 둘이서 보면 훨씬 재밌어‬Even New Journey to the West would be much more enjoyable then.
‪그래서 말인데‬Now having said that,
‪엄마 친구 딸인데…‬-a friend of mine has a daughter. -Excuse me.
‪(석형) 여기요‬-a friend of mine has a daughter. -Excuse me.
‪계산 좀…‬Could I get the bill?
‪[석형이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪안 돼요, 교수님‬ ‪그럼 우리 바로 들켜요‬No, stop it, Professor. Everyone is going to find out.
‪(정원) 안 들켜‬[scoffs] No one is going to know.
‪아, 병원 밖에서도‬ ‪교수님이라고 부르면 어떡해‬And we're not at the hospital now. Why do you keep me calling "Professor"?
‪[정원의 한숨]‬
‪밖에서도 교수님인 거 싫은데‬I really don't want you to call me that.
‪그러다 우리 바로 들통나요‬Everyone will find out at this rate. All because of you.
‪특히 교수님‬Everyone will find out at this rate. All because of you.
‪교수님 지금 완전 시한폭탄이에요‬It's true you're like a ticking bomb now.
‪내가?‬-Oh, me? -Have you already forgotten
‪어제 의국에서 어떤 짓을 하셨는지‬ ‪벌써 잊으셨어요?‬-Oh, me? -Have you already forgotten what happened in the Medical Office yesterday?
‪[의아한 숨소리]‬ ‪[흥미로운 효과음]‬[instrumental strums]
‪(지훈) 어, 왔어?‬Hey, you made it. Now we're all here.
‪다 온 거 같은데?‬Hey, you made it. Now we're all here.
‪(순정) 아니, 퇴직 심포지엄 준비를‬ ‪꼭 이렇게 다들 모여서 해야 돼?‬Did you have to gather everyone for the retirement ceremony?
‪(배진) 안정원 교수 아직 안 왔어‬Professor Ahn is running a little late.
‪[지훈의 옅은 탄성]‬Professor Ahn is running a little late.
‪(정원) 죄송합니다‬I'm so sorry. Sorry, I'm late.
‪죄송합니다‬-[Gyeo-ul] Hmm. -[clears throat]
‪[익준의 한숨]‬ ‪오늘 안건이 뭐라 그랬지?‬-[sighs] -Hey, what is this meeting about?
‪어, 김진모 교수님 퇴직 기념 심포지엄‬We're planning to make a video and certificate
‪축하 영상 제작 및 공로패 문구 정리‬for Professor Kim Jin-mo's retirement ceremony.
‪[정원의 탄성]‬Right. So we've received everyone's video files already.
‪(지훈) 어, 일단 외부 축하 영상‬ ‪받기로 한 건 다 왔는데요‬So we've received everyone's video files already.
‪이번 주말에 영상 제작‬ ‪완료한다고 하니까‬They'll compile and edit them over the weekend, so if you have any additional photos or videos…
‪김진모 교수님이랑‬ ‪찍은 사진이나 영상…‬so if you have any additional photos or videos…
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[quirky music playing]
‪[의사들의 탄성]‬ ‪[순정의 웃음]‬Wow. [laughing] -Ahn Jeong-won, everyone. -Such a gentleman!
‪(배진) 역시 안정원‬-Ahn Jeong-won, everyone. -Such a gentleman!
‪(지훈) 이야, 매너남‬-Ahn Jeong-won, everyone. -Such a gentleman!
‪- (배진) 이런 걸 배워야 돼‬ ‪- (익준) 그럼‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬-[Bae-jin] We should all learn from him. -Yeah.
‪(지훈) 야, 네가 챙겨야지, 어?‬You should've done that for her.
‪장겨울 오늘‬ ‪수술 두 탕이나 뛰었는데, 어?‬She assisted you in two whole surgeries today. -My gosh, Professor Ahn. You're too good. -[all chuckle]
‪(교수1) 아, 안 교수, 참 잘해‬ ‪[의사들의 웃음]‬-My gosh, Professor Ahn. You're too good. -[all chuckle] [Bae-jin] Top of the line! -You take such good care of the residents. -[all laugh]
‪- (교수1) 전공의 잘 챙겨, 보면‬ ‪- (배진) 예‬-You take such good care of the residents. -[all laugh]
‪(세혁) 안 교수님 진짜‬ ‪자상하신 거 인정, 인정‬[Se-hyeok] Professor Ahn, you're so sweet guy. I'll give you that.
‪(지훈) 완전 인정‬ ‪[저마다 감탄한다]‬-[Ji-hun] He really is. -[all laugh] [laughing]
‪[익준의 웃음]‬[laughing] Soon, people might start thinking
‪(익준) 아, 누가 보면은‬ ‪장겨울 선생 남자 친구가‬Soon, people might start thinking that Professor Ahn is Dr. Jang's boyfriend or something.
‪안정원 교수인 줄 알겠네‬that Professor Ahn is Dr. Jang's boyfriend or something.
‪[익준의 웃음]‬that Professor Ahn is Dr. Jang's boyfriend or something. [laughs]
‪[징 소리 효과음]‬[laughs]
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬-[quirky music playing] -[Ik-jun laughs]
‪[새가 지저귀는 효과음]‬[quirky music continues]
‪[익준의 어색한 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[정원을 툭툭 치며] 그런 줄 알겠다고‬I said people might think that.
‪(지훈) 에이!‬ ‪[의사들의 웃음]‬-[Ji-hun] Come on! -[doctors laugh]
‪(세혁) 깜짝이야‬-[Ji-hun] Come on! -[doctors laugh] [Ji-hun] Yeah. No way!
‪(지훈) 야, 말도 안 돼‬ ‪누가 그렇게 생각하냐!‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[Ji-hun] Yeah. No way! -How could anyone think that? -[Bae-jin] You went too far with that one.
‪(배진) 소설 쓴다, 소설을 써‬-How could anyone think that? -[Bae-jin] You went too far with that one.
‪(순정) 하여튼 이익준 교수‬ ‪참 엉뚱해, 으이그‬-How could anyone think that? -[Bae-jin] You went too far with that one. Professor Lee, you and your absurd jokes.
‪(세혁) 아, 교수님 때문에‬ ‪두 사람 어색해지면 어떡해요‬And what if things start getting awkward between them?
‪(교수2) 아, 진짜‬And what if things start getting awkward between them? Oh! Oh, my bad. Sorry! I'm sorry, Professor Ahn.
‪(익준) 그렇지? 아, 미안해‬Oh! Oh, my bad. Sorry! I'm sorry, Professor Ahn.
‪미안해, 안정원 교수‬ ‪[익준과 정원의 어색한 웃음]‬Oh! Oh, my bad. Sorry! I'm sorry, Professor Ahn. -[laughter] -It's fine. Don't worry.
‪(정원) 아이, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬-[laughter] -It's fine. Don't worry. Oh, by the way, have we decided on the topic for the lecture yet?
‪근데 강연자로 오실 외부 교수님들‬ ‪강의 주제는 정해졌어?‬Oh, by the way, have we decided on the topic for the lecture yet?
‪(지훈) 어, 그, 강운대 암센터장님은‬ ‪'최소 침습 수술의 현재와 미래'‬Yes. KWMC's Cancer Center Director is giving a lecture on surgeries of the future.
‪(정원) [이를 악물며] 너‬ ‪이따 좀 남을래, 미친 새끼야?‬ ‪[지훈이 계속 말한다]‬is giving a lecture on surgeries of the future. [murmurs] You and I are gonna talk after this, -asshole. -[chuckles]
‪[익준의 어색한 웃음]‬-asshole. -[chuckles] [murmurs] I'm busy.
‪(익준) 나 바빠, 나 이민 준비 해야 돼‬[murmurs] I'm busy. I need to get my immigration documents ready. [surgeon 1] I think we should also start making plans and everything.
‪[정원과 익준의 어색한 웃음]‬ ‪(지훈) 그리고 만약에‬ ‪비는 시간이 조금 있으면‬[surgeon 1] I think we should also start making plans and everything.
‪우리가 장기 자랑을‬ ‪좀 해야 되는데 그거는…‬[surgeon 2] What do you guys think, huh? -I'm thinking… -Yeah, it sounds good.
‪내 얘기 듣고 있지?‬-I'm thinking… -Yeah, it sounds good.
‪(익준) 아, 시원해, 어‬ ‪[정원의 어색한 웃음]‬-I'm thinking… -Yeah, it sounds good.
‪(정원) [놀라며] 얼굴이 왜 이렇게 차?‬[Jeong-won sighs] Why are your cheeks so cold?
‪밖에 잠깐 있었는데 코까지 빨개‬We've only been out for few minutes and your nose is red already.
‪얼른 들어가, 응?‬You should get inside. Hmm?
‪손을 놓으셔야 들어가죠‬I can't, until you let go of me.
‪[옅은 탄성]‬Ah!
‪[정원의 웃음]‬[both chuckle]
‪잘 자‬Good night.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬[both chuckle]
‪[밝은 음악]‬[both chuckle]
‪[함께 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪[정원의 웃음]‬[both giggle]
‪[열차 소리가 들린다]‬[train engine rumbles in distance]
‪(준완) 어유, 야, 지금 나가려고?‬What the hell? You leaving this early?
‪(정원) 응, 더 자‬Yeah. Go back to bed. Wow.
‪(준완) 와, 안정원 진짜 대단…‬Wow. You really are something, aren't you?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles softly]
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬[door opens, closes]
‪[정원의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[놀란 신음]‬Mmm. [munching]
‪엄마, 이거 좀 전에 한 거야?‬Mom, did you just make this?
‪(정원) 깻잎이 막 살아 있어‬The perilla leaves are so fresh.
‪(로사) 어, 엄마가 새벽에‬ ‪한 장 한 장 양념 올린 거야‬The perilla leaves are so fresh. Yes. I marinated them all this morning, one leaf at a time.
‪[정원의 탄성]‬Wow.
‪우리 아들 싱싱한 깻잎 먹이려고‬I wanted my son to eat the freshest leaves today. Here.
‪자‬I wanted my son to eat the freshest leaves today. Here.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪엄마, 이, 이걸 어떻게 다 먹어?‬Mom, I… I can't finish all this
‪왜 다 못 먹어? 한창때인데‬And why not? You're still growing.
‪[정원의 헛웃음]‬[chuckles softly]
‪나이 마흔하나가 한창때야?‬I'm 41 and I'm still growing?
‪세상에, 아들 춘추가‬ ‪벌써 마흔하나라니, 쯧‬I can't believe my son is already 41 years old.
‪엄마 너무 오래 살았나 보다‬I suppose I've lived too long.
‪엄마, 70이면 요즘은 아줌마야‬Mom, 70 is the new 50. You'll live another 30 years at the very least.
‪앞으로 30년은 넘게 사실 거예요‬You'll live another 30 years at the very least.
‪(로사) 치‬Oh, please.
‪[놀란 신음]‬Mmm.
‪진짜 맛있어‬-It's really so good. -Hmm.
‪- (로사) 응?‬ ‪- 오늘이 최고‬-It's really so good. -Hmm. This is the best. The best perilla leaves I've ever had!
‪[로사의 탄성]‬ ‪(정원) 오늘 깻잎 제일 잘됐어‬This is the best. The best perilla leaves I've ever had!
‪[로사의 웃음]‬This is the best. The best perilla leaves I've ever had!
‪[로사의 힘주는 신음]‬Have some more then. [chuckles]
‪[로사의 웃음]‬Have some more then. [chuckles]
‪그릇이 작아‬Don't be fooled by the bowl, it's really not that much rice.
‪보기엔 많아 보여도 얼마 안 돼‬Don't be fooled by the bowl, it's really not that much rice.
‪- 나 다 먹을 수 있어‬ ‪- (로사) 응‬-Yeah, I can finish this. -Hmm.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪[로사의 웃음]‬-Yeah, I can finish this. -Hmm. [Rosa chuckles]
‪[로사의 탄성]‬[Rosa] Mmm-mm.
‪엄마, 된장에 감자‬ ‪이렇게 크게 넣으니까 또 괜찮다‬Mom, I really like these big chunks of potatoes in the soybean paste stew.
‪그렇지?‬It's good, right? They're from my neighbor.
‪옆집에서 준 건데‬ ‪씨알이 너무 작아서 통째로 넣었는데‬It's good, right? They're from my neighbor. They were all pretty small, so I didn't cut them up.
‪(로사) 그게 또 괜찮더라?‬They were all pretty small, so I didn't cut them up. -But they are still pretty good. -They really are.
‪[로사의 웃음]‬ ‪(정원) 그러네‬-But they are still pretty good. -They really are. Yes. [Rosa chuckles]
‪- 엄마, 고사리 한 거야?‬ ‪- (로사) 응‬-Did you cook these yourself too? -Um-hm.
‪(정원) [놀라며] 고사리 같은 손으로‬ ‪또 이걸 했어요?‬-Did you cook these yourself too? -Um-hm. Why ever did you cook this food for me?
‪(로사) 응‬Why ever did you cook this food for me? -Mmm-mm. -Ah.
‪(정원) '아'‬-Mmm-mm. -Ah. [Rosa] Mmm. Ah.
‪(로사) '아'‬[Rosa] Mmm. Ah.
‪[로사의 탄성]‬Mmm.
‪- (로사) 맛있다‬ ‪- 맛있어?‬-So good. -It's good?
‪(로사) 응, 아들이 주니까 맛있다‬Yes, because my son fed it to me.
‪(정원) 엄마, 커피?‬Mom, you want coffee? Black or with milk and sugar?
‪블랙? 아니면 달달이?‬Mom, you want coffee? Black or with milk and sugar?
‪(로사) 달달이‬Milk and sugar.
‪달달이‬ ‪[초인종이 울린다]‬Milk and sugar. Okay. [doorbell screeching]
‪이 시간에 누구예요?‬Who's coming over this early?
‪이 시간에 올 사람 한 명밖에 없는데?‬Only one person who'd come here this early.
‪(로사) 무슨 일 있었어?‬[Rosa] Is everything okay? Why are you staring at the falling leaves?
‪낙엽만 몇 분을 보는 거야?‬[Rosa] Is everything okay? Why are you staring at the falling leaves?
‪나 같아서‬Because they're like me.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬[sighs, clicks tongue]
‪낙엽, 네 꼬라지나 내 꼬라지나‬The falling leaves remind me of myself. They're just like me.
‪[종수의 한숨]‬
‪애들 때문이야?‬Is it about your kids?
‪큰애 오랜만에 한국 나와서‬ ‪같이 저녁 먹는다고 좋아하더니‬Your eldest is visiting and I thought you were excited to have dinner together.
‪몇 달 만에 아버지 만나서 한다는 말이‬It's been months, but the minute he saw me, he said…
‪아버지 건강하실 때‬ ‪재산 정리하는 게 어떻겠냐고‬he said I should decide how to divide my assets while I'm healthy.
‪[종수의 웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬[smacks lips, sucks teeth]
‪나중에 정신 불안해지고‬ ‪판단력 흐려지면은‬If I wait until I become senile and lose my good judgement,
‪(종수) 자식들 괜히‬ ‪재산 문제로 큰 싸움 난다고‬my children would get into a big fight over my assets.
‪이번에 확실하게‬ ‪재산 정리해서 나눠 달래‬So he said I should sell everything and divide it up to avoid that.
‪뭘 또 그렇게 매정하게 말했을까‬Did he really say it to you that coldly?
‪이 말 그대로 했어‬Yes, that's exactly what he said.
‪오히려 내가 너한테 깎아서 말한 거야‬Actually, it was even worse than how I said it.
‪아유, 말하니까 또 열받네‬God, I'm getting upset just thinking about it.
‪아, 맞는 말인 건 나도 아는데‬I know that he's right and I should do it.
‪아이, 왜 이렇게 서운하고 밉냐?‬[sighs] But I gotta say, I feel so hurt and angry.
‪[종수의 한숨]‬[sharp exhale]
‪애들한테 줄 거야‬I'll give them everything I own.
‪아들 둘한테 안 주면은‬ ‪내가 누구한테 주겠어?‬Who is going to get everything if my two sons don't?
‪근데 그걸 그냥 대놓고 달라니까‬They ask me for it so bluntly.
‪너무 섭섭하고 너무 짜증 나고‬It really hurt me. I'm really pissed off.
‪아이씨‬Damn it.
‪어차피 애들 줄 거라며‬So you giving them everything anyway.
‪이참에 싹 정리해서 애들한테 나눠 줘‬Go ahead and give them what they are asking for. Seriously.
‪그리고‬Go ahead and give them what they are asking for. Seriously.
‪큰애도 며칠을 고민하다‬ ‪너한테 어렵게 얘기 꺼냈을 거야‬It must've been hard for Geon-tae to bring it up with you out of nowhere. I'm sure he hesitated to bring it up.
‪건태라고 말 꺼내기 쉬웠겠어?‬I'm sure he hesitated to bring it up.
‪로사야‬Rosa, hey, you know my son is nothing like Jeong-won.
‪우리 애는 정원이가 아니야‬Rosa, hey, you know my son is nothing like Jeong-won.
‪(종수) 정원이 같은 애는 세상에 없어‬Jeong-won is one of a kind, there's no one like him.
‪쟤는 지금 당장 신부님이 된다고 해도‬ ‪이상할 거 하나도 없는 애야‬You know, if he told me he wanted to become a priest, I'd say there's no one better for it.
‪(로사) 야, 쯧‬I'd say there's no one better for it. -Hey! -Just watch this.
‪(종수) 봐 봐라‬-Hey! -Just watch this.
‪정원아‬-Jeong-won. -[sniffles]
‪[훌쩍인다]‬-Jeong-won. -[sniffles]
‪네?‬-Yes? -I'm sure that you know your mother
‪너희 엄마 경기도 화성에‬ ‪땅 있는 거 알지?‬-Yes? -I'm sure that you know your mother owned some land in Hwaseong, it's a big property.
‪만 평 넘어‬owned some land in Hwaseong, it's a big property.
‪(종수) 외할아버지가 물려주신 거‬She inherited it from her father.
‪(정원) 어, 들은 거 같아요‬Yeah, I think I heard about it.
‪엄마가 너 준대, 유산이래‬It's all yours, the entire thing, you can have it.
‪(정원) 예?‬What?
‪엄마, 진짜야?‬Hey, Mom, is this true?
‪어, 진짜야, 너 줄 거야‬Yes, it's true. It's all yours.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬[quirky music]
‪나한테 왜 줘? 나 필요 없는데‬Why would you give it to me? I don't need it.
‪[종수의 탄성]‬-[Rosa mutters] -[deep sigh]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪엄마나 그 땅 팔아서‬You should just sell it, so you can buy a nice apartment and live a comfortable life.
‪좋은 아파트 들어가서‬ ‪좀 편하게 좀 사세요‬so you can buy a nice apartment and live a comfortable life.
‪(정원) 허리도 안 좋은데‬ ‪텃밭에서 고생하지 마시고‬Working on your vegetable garden will only make your back worse.
‪돈 부족하면‬ ‪내가 대출받아서 보태 드릴게, 응?‬If you need more money, I'll take out a loan and help you. Okay?
‪[늘어지는 효과음]‬A loan?
‪대출?‬A loan?
‪넌 의사나 돼서 돈도 없니?‬You're a doctor! And you don't have money?
‪너 지금 대출받아야 될 형편이야?‬Do you need to get a loan for money?
‪아, 아이, 그게 아니라 대…‬No, that's not what I meant. A loan is an asset too.
‪대출도 자산인데?‬No, that's not what I meant. A loan is an asset too.
‪그거 아무나‬ ‪받을 수 있는 거 아니야, 엄마‬It's not like just anyone can get a loan, Mom.
‪시끄러워!‬Shut up!
‪[한숨]‬[sighs deeply]
‪[밝은 음악]‬[chuckles softly] [scoffs]
‪[정원의 헛웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬[dial tone trilling]
‪- (송화) 어‬ ‪- 어, 내가 할게‬-[Song-hwa] Hey. -I'll do it.
‪- (송화) 정말?‬ ‪- 내가 할 수 있을 거 같아‬-Really? -I think I can do it.
‪(송화) 아, 다행이다‬[sighs] That's a relief.
‪근데 무리하는 건 아니지?‬-I hope it's not too much to ask. -[chuckles]
‪[피식 웃는다]‬-I hope it's not too much to ask. -[chuckles]
‪좀 무리는 되겠지만‬ ‪보더라인에 근접한 거라 해 볼 만해‬It's not gonna be easy. but it's a borderline case, so it's doable.
‪예전에 이 환자보다‬ ‪더 낮은 GRWR 환자도‬I have operated on a patient with a lower GRWR,
‪수술해서 성공한 적 있고‬and that surgery went pretty well.
‪검사한 자료들 보니까‬ ‪아들이 젊고 건강해‬And these tests tell me that his son is young and healthy.
‪경계에 있긴 해도 해 볼 만해‬It's a borderline case, but it's doable.
‪간 기능이 얼마 남지 않았고‬ ‪다른 기증자도 구할 수 없으니까‬His liver is barely functioning, and we can't find another donor for him. So I'm thinking we should take the risk and give it a shot.
‪위험을 감수하고라도 해야 할 것 같아‬So I'm thinking we should take the risk and give it a shot.
‪월요일 날 외래 잡고‬ ‪빨리 검사해야 할 거 같은데?‬Have him come in on Monday, so we can get him fully tested.
‪(송화) 알았어‬ ‪내가 형도한테 문자할게‬Okay, then, I'll let Hyeong-do know.
‪아, 아니다‬Okay, then, I'll let Hyeong-do know. No, that's okay, just send his number over to me.
‪어, 형도 번호를 나한테 찍어 줘‬No, that's okay, just send his number over to me.
‪내가 직접 통화할게‬I have to ask him some questions about this anyway.
‪뭐, 이것저것 물어볼 것도 있고‬I have to ask him some questions about this anyway.
‪(송화) 그럴래?‬Really? Hold on, he doesn't know I'm Daddy-Long-Legs.
‪아, 형도는 내가‬ ‪키다리 아저씨인지 모른다‬Really? Hold on, he doesn't know I'm Daddy-Long-Legs.
‪이런, 사람을 뭘로 보고, 쯧‬Hey, you think I'm some kind of a snitch, don't you?
‪우리 병원 사회사업 팀한테‬ ‪전달받았다고 할 거야‬Don't worry, I'll tell him Social Services gave me his details.
‪(송화) 그래, 그렇게 입을 맞춰‬Okay, we'll tell him that.
‪- (송화) 안녕‬ ‪- 어‬-Bye. -Bye.
‪[통화 종료음]‬[inhales]
‪[힘주는 신음]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[뼈가 우두둑거린다]‬ ‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[Ik-jun groans]
‪[익준의 힘주는 신음]‬[Ik-jun groans]
‪(익준) 손 씻었어?‬You wash your hands?
‪응, 합격‬Mmm. Good job!
‪[익준이 살짝 웃는다]‬Good job! So what do you feel like eating?
‪우주, 뭐 먹을지 정했어?‬So what do you feel like eating?
‪아빠 집에서 일 좀 더 해야 돼서‬ ‪시켜 먹을 건데, 괜찮지?‬I have to do some work from home, so we'll get something delivered, okay?
‪- (우주) 응‬ ‪- 응‬-Mmm. -Great.
‪씁, 아빠, 음‬ ‪우주 뭐 먹고 싶은지 맞혀 볼까?‬[sucks teeth] How about, hmm… I'll guess what you feel like eating tonight, huh?
‪어, 객관식이야‬Okay, it's a multiple choice.
‪우주 그런 말도 할 줄 알아?‬Oh, do you even know what that means?
‪[익준의 탄성]‬Mmm. Tell me the choices then.
‪보기를 대시오‬Mmm. Tell me the choices then.
‪다음 중 지금 우주가‬ ‪제일 먹고 싶은 것은?‬Choose the dish U-ju feels like eating the most right now.
‪아, 잠깐만, 너무 어렵다‬Wait, this is too hard. Gosh. I don't think I can do this.
‪아빠 못 맞힐 거 같아‬Wait, this is too hard. Gosh. I don't think I can do this.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪1번 햄버거‬Is it A, a hamburger.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬-Or B, a burger. -[mutters]
‪(우주) 2번‬-Or B, a burger. -[mutters]
‪햄벅‬-Or B, a burger. -[mutters]
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬Uh-huh. -[U-ju] Or C. -Uh-huh.
‪3번‬ ‪[의아한 신음]‬-[U-ju] Or C. -Uh-huh.
‪어, 그…‬Um… Wait.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪[우주의 고민하는 신음]‬-Hold on, ah… -[mutters]
‪아, 생각이 안 나는구나?‬Ah, don't you remember what the third choice was?
‪(익준) 그럼, 저‬ ‪아, 그러면 우주야, 잠깐만‬Then, hold on. Uh, hey, U-ju. Come on, okay. Uh…
‪그러면, 어, 아빠가‬ ‪저, 일단 우리 얼른 가서‬Then, hold on. Uh, hey, U-ju. Come on, okay. Uh… Let's go home while you try to remember, while you're eating a burger. Okay, let's go?
‪어, 집에 가서‬ ‪햄버거 먹으면서 생각하자‬while you try to remember, while you're eating a burger. Okay, let's go?
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪[익준이 흥얼거린다]‬[Ik-jun humming]
‪[익준이 휴대전화를 툭 내려놓는다]‬[Ik-jun humming]
‪[익준의 한숨]‬[deep exhale]
‪(익준) 이모님, 점심은요?‬Hey, have you had lunch? Tell me what kind of burger you want.
‪햄버거 주문받을게요‬Hey, have you had lunch? Tell me what kind of burger you want.
‪전 방금 먹었어요‬I just had my lunch, thanks.
‪경비실에 택배 온 거 받아 올게요‬So for now, I'll go pick up the packages.
‪(익준) 아, 네‬So for now, I'll go pick up the packages. Okay then. U-ju, I'm getting you a Happy Meal. Sound good?
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬ ‪우주는 해피밀로 시킨다, 뭘로 해?‬Okay then. U-ju, I'm getting you a Happy Meal. Sound good? -The bulgogi burger, nuggets-- -Bulgogi burger, the set meal.
‪불고기버거? 너겟?‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬-The bulgogi burger, nuggets-- -Bulgogi burger, the set meal.
‪(우주) 불고기버거, 세트로‬-The bulgogi burger, nuggets-- -Bulgogi burger, the set meal.
‪프렌치프라이로 바꿔 주고‬ ‪주스로 해 줘‬I want it with French fries and some orange juice.
‪하이고, 메뉴를 달달 외우고 있구먼‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Gosh, he knows the whole menu by heart.
‪- (우주) 아빠는?‬ ‪- 아빠?‬-What about you? -Oh, me? [Ik-jun chuckles]
‪아빠는 뭘 먹었으면 좋겠는데?‬What do you suggest I get?
‪(우주) 아빠? 아빠는 슈슈‬For you? The supreme shrimp burger.
‪슈슈?‬-Shrimp? -Um-hmm.
‪응, 아빠는 슈슈 라지 세트로‬-Shrimp? -Um-hmm. The supreme shrimp burger large combo.
‪프렌치프라이 말고 치즈스틱‬Get the French fries upgraded to cheese sticks.
‪(우주) 콜라는 그대로‬ ‪나도 한 입 먹을 거야‬And get a soda. I'll have a sip of it, okay?
‪네‬Yes, sir. [chuckles]
‪[발랄한 효과음]‬ ‪[피식 웃는다]‬Yes, sir. [chuckles]
‪(익준) 맛있어?‬Is it good?
‪아, 아빠도 햄버거 진짜 잘 만드는데‬You know I actually make burgers pretty well.
‪어떻게, 다음 주에‬ ‪아빠가 실력 발휘 한번 해 봐?‬How about I show you my cooking skills next week, huh?
‪그냥 시켜 먹을래, 이게 더 맛있어‬Um-hmm. Let's just order in. This tastes better.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪(익준) 어‬Okay.
‪모네는 잘 지내지? 마네도‬How are Mo-ne and Ma-ne? They're okay?
‪마네, 모네 맨날 아빠랑 캠핑 가‬Ma-ne and Mo-ne are always going camping.
‪- (익준) 캠핑?‬ ‪- 응‬-Camping? -Um-hm.
‪주말마다 아빠랑 캠핑 간다고‬ ‪맨날 맨날 맨날 자랑해‬They always bragging about camping with their dad. They go camping every weekend.
‪우주도 캠핑 가고 싶어?‬-Do you wanna go camping too? -Um.
‪응‬-Do you wanna go camping too? -Um.
‪우리도 가면 되지, 아빠랑 가자‬ ‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬Sure, we can do that. Let's go camping.
‪- (우주) 정말?‬ ‪- 응‬-Really? -Hm.
‪어‬-Hello. -[Gyeo-ul] Dr. Lee, Kim Eun-sun
‪(겨울) 교수님, 김은순 환자‬ ‪지금 토혈 중인데‬-Hello. -[Gyeo-ul] Dr. Lee, Kim Eun-sun started vomiting blood today.
‪게스트릭 베릭스 블리딩 의심됩니다‬Gastric variceal bleeding is suspected.
‪SB튜브로 지혈 중인데‬We're using the SB tube and it's looking better,
‪블리딩은 줄었는데‬ ‪아직은 계속되는 거 같습니다‬We're using the SB tube and it's looking better, -but the bleeding won't stop. -I'm on my way there.
‪바로 갈게, 바이털 잘 체크하고‬-but the bleeding won't stop. -I'm on my way there. You have to keep checking her vitals
‪응급 내시경 해야 하니까‬ ‪소화기내과 당직 호출해‬and call Gastroenterology for an emergency endoscopy.
‪내시경 못 할 수도 있으니까‬We may not be able to do it, so get a CT scan done
‪일단 CT 찍어서 영상의학과에‬ ‪TIPS 가능한지 알아보고‬We may not be able to do it, so get a CT scan done and see if she can get TIPS done too.
‪(익준) 응‬Um-hm.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪(우주) 다녀오세요‬See you later, Dad.
‪괜찮아, 하루 이틀도 아니고‬It's all right. I'm used to it by now.
‪미안해, 아빠가 미안해‬I'm sorry, little guy. I'm sorry.
‪아니야, 아빠 하나도 안 미안해도 돼‬No, Dad. You really don't need to be sorry.
‪(우주) 아빠 좋은 일 하는 거잖아‬You're doing good things at work.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪아빠도 우주랑 같이 있고 싶은데‬I'm your universe and you want to be here.
‪더 큰 우주를 구해야 해서‬ ‪바쁜 거라 그랬어‬But the bigger universe out there needs your help right now.
‪누가?‬-Who told you that? -Aunt Terminator.
‪고모가‬-Who told you that? -Aunt Terminator.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪(익준) 아빠 빨리 갔다 올게‬-[Ik-jun] I'll be quick. Okay? -[chuckles]
‪(세혁) 과장님이‬ ‪걱정 많이 하시는 거 같던데‬[Se-hyeok] Chief Kwon was getting really worried.
‪예후는 괜찮겠죠?‬The recovery should be smooth, right?
‪(익준) 출혈도 별로 없고‬[Ik-jun] Blood loss was minimal, the incision was small,
‪절제 부위도 크지 않아서‬ ‪렘넌트 리버 볼륨 충분하니까‬[Ik-jun] Blood loss was minimal, the incision was small, and there's sufficient remnant liver volume,
‪문제없이 잘 회복하실 거야‬-so recovery won't be a problem. -[Se-hyeok] Okay.
‪(세혁) 네‬-so recovery won't be a problem. -[Se-hyeok] Okay.
‪(익준) 수고들 하셨습니다‬[Ik-jun] Good work, everyone.
‪(의료진들) 수고하셨습니다‬[doctors] Thank you, doctor. [Ik-jun] Well done, you guys.
‪(익준) 고생 많으셨어요‬[Ik-jun] Well done, you guys.
‪(익준) 어유‬[Ik-jun] Hey.
‪들어오시지‬Why didn't you come in?
‪(순정) 고생했어‬[Chief Kwon] Thanks for this. You work pretty quick.
‪일찍 끝났네?‬[Chief Kwon] Thanks for this. You work pretty quick.
‪(익준) 아휴, 네‬[Ik-jun] Yeah. Thankfully, it was smaller than we thought,
‪다행히 MRI에서 본 대로‬ ‪크기가 크지 않고 위치도 괜찮아서‬[Ik-jun] Yeah. Thankfully, it was smaller than we thought, and the location wasn't too bad either.
‪수술 잘됐고‬The surgery went well,
‪렘넌트 리버 볼륨도 충분하니까‬ ‪걱정 안 하셔도 될 것 같습니다‬and the remnant liver volume is good enough. So I don't think you need to be worried.
‪[순정의 안도하는 한숨]‬[sighs deeply] Oh, my goodness.
‪아휴, 하여튼‬Oh, my goodness. [Ik-jun] Hey, were you that worried? You could've done this yourself.
‪예? 과장님도, 그렇게 걱정되셨으면은‬[Ik-jun] Hey, were you that worried? You could've done this yourself.
‪과장님이 직접 하시지 그러셨어요‬This is a cakewalk for you. As far as I know,
‪대한민국에서 리버 리섹션‬ ‪제일 많이 하신 분이‬This is a cakewalk for you. As far as I know, no other doctor has performed more liver resections than you.
‪(순정) 동생이 부탁했어‬[Chief Kwon] This was my brother's request, and I said yes right away.
‪나도 한 번에 오케이했고‬[Chief Kwon] This was my brother's request, and I said yes right away.
‪(익준) 뭘요?‬[Ik-jun] What request?
‪(순정) 동생이 내가 수술하면‬ ‪부담 가져서 오히려 수술 망친다고‬[Chief Kwon] He said I'd feel too pressured, and I might mess up the surgery. He asked me to recommend a doctor that I trusted.
‪제일 잘하고 믿는 의사‬ ‪추천해 달라고 했거든‬He asked me to recommend a doctor that I trusted.
‪(익준) [웃으며] 아이고, 참‬[Ik-jun chuckles]
‪(순정) 바로 외래 시작이지?‬[Chief Kwon] Don't you have appointments today?
‪미안해, 내가 오늘 큰 신세 졌어‬I'm sorry. I owe you big-time.
‪다음에 열 배로 갚을게‬I'll pay you back tenfold. [Ik-jun] Oh, don't even mention it.
‪(익준) 아이, 별말씀을요‬[Ik-jun] Oh, don't even mention it.
‪외래 시작하려면 시간 좀 남았는데‬I still have some time to my first appointment.
‪과장님, 저 커피 사 주세요‬You could buy me coffee.
‪(순정) 야, 씨, 커피가 문제야?‬ ‪커피 기계라도 사 줄 판인데‬Sure thing. You know what, I buy you a coffee machine if you wanted.
‪가자!‬Let's go!
‪(익준) 아, 아니다‬[Ik-jun] Actually, forget it.
‪쯧, 아이‬I…
‪저 과장님이랑 커피 안 마실래요‬I don't wanna have coffee with you.
‪(순정) 뭐야, 이랬다저랬다‬How come? Why are you so fickle?
‪아, 커피는 제가 알아서 마실게요‬I'll get coffee in my own time.
‪아니, 아침부터 과장님이랑‬I don't wanna start my morning making small talk
‪단둘이 카페에서‬ ‪커피 마시긴 싫단 말이에요‬I don't wanna start my morning making small talk by the coffee machine with you.
‪[순정의 웃음]‬[laughs]
‪[익준이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪아이, 과장님, 좀 쉬세요‬You should get some rest, Chief Kwon.
‪이따가 이식 수술도 있으신데‬I know you still have a transplant to do later.
‪(순정) 동생 나오는 거 보고‬ ‪깨는 거 보고 쉬려고‬[Chief Kwon] I'm gonna wait for my brother. I'll wait for him to wake up.
‪이 교수‬Dr. Lee, if there's anything that I can ever do for you,
‪나한테 부탁할 일 있으면‬ ‪언제라도 얘기해‬Dr. Lee, if there's anything that I can ever do for you,
‪내가 뭐든 도와줄 테니까‬you just say the word.
‪(익준) 네, 알겠습니다‬Okay, thank you.
‪- 고마워‬ ‪- (익준) 네‬-Thank you. -[Ik-jun] Sure.
‪[익준의 웃음]‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬[Ik-jun chuckles]
‪[송화의 한숨]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[개운한 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪씁, 아, 추워‬[shivers]
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[창문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(선빈) 교수님, 굿 모닝이요‬[Seon-bin] Professor. Hi, good morning.
‪어, 안녕‬Oh, good morning.
‪(선빈) 빵 좀 드세요, 교수님‬I brought you some bread today.
‪(송화) 고마워‬Thank you.
‪너 아침에 콘퍼런스 있지 않아?‬You supposed to be at the conference today, right?
‪(선빈) 시간 좀 남았어요‬I still have some time.
‪교수님 오셨다길래‬ ‪얼른 얼굴 뵈러 왔죠‬I still have some time. I just wanted to stop to see you before I went.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles softly]
‪이번 주는 쭉 있을 거야‬You know, I'll be here all week. Seok-min's farewell party soon.
‪석민이 쫑파티도 있고‬You know, I'll be here all week. Seok-min's farewell party soon.
‪아휴, 용석민‬ ‪진짜 왜 나가는지 모르겠어요‬[sighs] I don't get it. I don't understand why he's leaving.
‪싸웠어?‬You two fighting?
‪네, 지금 냉전 중이요‬Yeah, it's like the Cold War.
‪근데 교수님, 혹시 유경진 씨 어머니가‬ ‪소개팅하라는 말 안 하세요?‬Oh, by the way, has Ms. Yoo's mother asked if she could set you up with someone?
‪(선빈) 저 볼 때마다‬ ‪교수님에 대해서 물어보세요‬She asks me about you every time she sees me.
‪나이는 몇 살이냐, 남자 친구는 있냐‬"How old is she now? Does she have a boyfriend?
‪아버지는 뭐 하시냐‬ ‪학교는 어디 나왔냐‬What does her father do? Where did she go to school?"
‪[질색하는 신음]‬What does her father do? Where did she go to school?"
‪(송화) 나 회진 때는 별말 없으시던데?‬She didn't say much when I was doing my rounds.
‪교수님 무서워서 저한테 물어보나 봐요‬She must've asked me because she's intimidated by you.
‪아들 한 명 있는데‬ ‪교수님이랑 어울릴 거 같다고‬She has a son your age and she thinks you'd be good together,
‪저 볼 때마다 교수님 뒷조사해요, 아으‬so she asks me about you all the time.
‪교수님, 혹시 아들이랑‬ ‪소개팅하라고 하면…‬So she asks you if you've like to be set up with her son.
‪안 한다고 했어‬I told her I wasn't interested.
‪(선빈) 예?‬What?
‪(송화) 벌써 물어보셨고‬ ‪벌써 안 한다고 말했어‬She already asked me, and I had to turn her down.
‪(선빈) [웃으며] 아, 다행이다‬Ah. [chuckles] -That's a relief. -No way.
‪아휴, 내가 환자 가족이랑‬ ‪소개팅을 왜 해?‬Why would I go on a date with my patient's brother?
‪부담스럽다고 거절했어‬I told her I wasn't comfortable with it.
‪그래도 아마 절대 포기 안 하실 거예요‬She's probably going to keep asking you, you know.
‪교수님, 차라리‬ ‪남자 친구 있다고 하세요‬I think you should just tell her you have a boyfriend.
‪거짓말까지 해야 돼?‬You're saying I should lie to her?
‪나 신경 안 써‬I don't care that much.
‪귀찮잖아요‬But it's annoying.
‪친구분들 중에 아무나 한 명 정해서‬ ‪남자 친구라고 하세요‬Just pick out one of your friends and tell her he's your boyfriend. -Say you're getting married soon. -[chuckles softly]
‪(선빈) 곧 결혼하신다고‬ ‪[피식 웃는다]‬-Say you're getting married soon. -[chuckles softly] Otherwise, you know that she's never going to let up on you.
‪안 그럼 그 전엔‬ ‪절대 포기 안 할 거 같아요‬Otherwise, you know that she's never going to let up on you.
‪이분 어때요?‬What about that guy?
‪율제병원 오너, 재벌 2세‬You know, the owner of Yulje. The wealthy heir.
‪[팡파르 효과음]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[triumphant music playing]
‪송화야, 이번 주 노래 뭐야?‬[triumphant music playing] Song-ha, what song are we doing this week?
‪[환호성과 박수 효과음]‬Song-ha, what song are we doing this week? [mumbles]
‪(선빈) 안녕하세요‬-Good morning, doctor. -Oh, good morning.
‪(정원) 아, 네, 안녕하세요‬-Good morning, doctor. -Oh, good morning.
‪'아이 라이크 유'‬"I Like You."
‪누구 선곡이야?‬-Who picked that? -Ik-jun did.
‪익준이‬-Who picked that? -Ik-jun did.
‪우리를 죽일 셈이구먼‬Is he trying to kill us or what?
‪(송화) 정원이 이 병원 오너 아니야‬Jeong-won doesn't own this hospital.
‪그리고 이 병원에 오너 없어‬It doesn't have an owner.
‪이봐요, 제가 알아서 할게요‬Don't worry. I'll take care of it, all right?
‪이분‬I know.
‪이분이라면 무조건 속을 거 같은데‬If it is him, then she's bound to believe you.
‪교수님이랑 제일 친하신 분이요‬I'm talking about your best friend.
‪항상 교수님 웃음‬ ‪빵빵 터트려 주시는 분‬That guy that's always making you laugh with his lame jokes.
‪이익준 교수님이요‬-Professor Lee Ik-jun. -Ah.
‪아‬-Professor Lee Ik-jun. -Ah. I bet that if you ask him, he'll totally do it for you.
‪(선빈) 이익준 교수님한테 부탁하면‬ ‪바로 해 주실 거 같은데요?‬I bet that if you ask him, he'll totally do it for you.
‪걔 바빠‬He's really busy, and I am too.
‪나도 바쁘고‬He's really busy, and I am too.
‪(송화) 근데 네가 제일 바빠, 선빈아‬But you know? You're the busiest one here, Seon-bin.
‪[놀란 신음]‬[gasps] I'm sorry, I have to go.
‪가 보겠습니다‬[gasps] I'm sorry, I have to go.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬ ‪[피식 웃는다]‬-[door opens, closes] -[chuckles]
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬[cell phone ringing]
‪(익준) 여보세요?‬-Yes, hello? -[Hyeong-do] Good morning.
‪(형도) 굿 모닝‬-Yes, hello? -[Hyeong-do] Good morning. Good morning to you, Hyeong-do.
‪(익준) 어, 그래‬ ‪나도 굿 모닝이야, 형도야‬Good morning to you, Hyeong-do.
‪야, 너 그렇게 걱정되면 올라와서 봐‬You should be here if you're that worried, you know.
‪(형도) 아직 못 뵀지?‬Have you met him yet?
‪어, 첫 타임으로 보려고‬No, but he's my first patient.
‪(형도) 수술 스케줄이 되니?‬ ‪빨리하면 좋겠는데‬Can you squeeze in his surgery? I hope he can get it soon.
‪어, 이번 주 금요일 수술 하나가‬ ‪다음 주로 밀려서‬Yeah, my surgery on Friday got moved to next week,
‪준비만 되면 이번 주 금요일에‬ ‪수술할 수 있을 것 같아‬so Friday's good. I should be able to do it this Friday if everything's ready.
‪(익준) 야, 농담 아니고‬ ‪너 시간 되면 수술할 때 올라와‬Seriously though, if you can. Come join us this Friday.
‪네가 신경 많이 쓴 환자인데‬ ‪수술 전에 얼굴 보면 좋잖아‬You've done so much for this patient. It'd be nice to see him before his surgery.
‪아니면 내 수술 들어와서 도와주든지‬Or put on some scrub and help me out. [Hyeong-do] I do want to be there for the surgery,
‪(형도) 나도 너 수술하는 거‬ ‪꼭 보고 싶은데 하필 금요일이니‬[Hyeong-do] I do want to be there for the surgery, but does it have to be this Friday?
‪나 그날 넉 달 만에 이식 수술 잡혔어‬but does it have to be this Friday? I'm doing my first transplant in four months.
‪오, 잘됐다, 야, 너희 병원 단독 수술?‬Nice. You guys are doing a transplant yourselves?
‪(형도) 응, 이번에는‬ ‪우리 병원 단독으로 하는 이식 수술‬Yeah. We're doing the whole thing ourselves this time.
‪환자분이 우리 병원 오래 다녔고‬It's for a long-time patient of mine,
‪여기 의료진 믿고 여기서 하시겠대‬who trusts us to perform the surgery.
‪(익준) 야, 축하한다‬I see. Congratulations. [chuckles softly]
‪[피식 웃는다]‬I see. Congratulations. [chuckles softly]
‪야, 인력은 충분해?‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬Do you have enough staff? How many assistants you got?
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬ ‪어시스트는 몇 명이야?‬Do you have enough staff? How many assistants you got?
‪(형도) 펠로우 한 명이랑 전공의 한 명‬Just one fellow and one resident.
‪근데 전공의는‬ ‪이제 2년 차라 잘 모르고‬The resident is in his second year,
‪펠로우 한 명이랑 해‬but the fellow will help me, he's pretty good.
‪잘해, 그 친구도‬but the fellow will help me, he's pretty good.
‪야, 개척자네, 개척자‬Wow! Look at you, man. Such a trailblazer.
‪참, 내가 내려가면 좋은데‬Well, I'd love to visit you someday.
‪(형도) 넌 우리‬ ‪선원 아버님이나 꼭 살려‬Just make sure you save my patient. He's a good man.
‪좋으신 분이야‬Just make sure you save my patient. He's a good man.
‪간암 치료 때문에 내가 몇 년을 봤는데‬I treated his liver cancer for several years.
‪건강 이렇게 나빠지기 전까지‬ ‪요양원 목욕 봉사도 다니시고‬He used to volunteer at nursing house before his health took a turn, and he donates 10,000 won to an orphanage every month.
‪없는 살림에 한 달에‬ ‪만 원씩 보육원에 기부도 하시고‬ ‪[탄성]‬and he donates 10,000 won to an orphanage every month.
‪환자이기 전에 내가 존경하는 분이야‬He's more than just a patient to me.
‪그래, 알았어, 곧 뵐 건데‬ ‪네 얘기 꼭 할게, 응‬Okay then, I'm meeting him soon. I'll tell him you said hi.
‪아, 맞는다, 형도야‬Oh, by the way, Hyeong-do.
‪그, 너희 큰아버지 말이야‬About that uncle of yours… He still owns that club, doesn't he?
‪아직도 뭐, 클럽을 잘하시지?‬About that uncle of yours… He still owns that club, doesn't he?
‪(형도) 우리 큰아버지가 클럽을 해?‬[Hyeong-do] My uncle owns a club, huh?
‪지금 묵언 수행 98일째신데‬He's been meditating in silence for 98 days.
‪끊어‬Bye then.
‪[통화 종료음]‬[quirky music playing]
‪[목탁 소리 효과음]‬[quirky music playing]
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[씩씩거린다]‬[quirky music playing] [breathes heavily]
‪[남자11의 힘겨운 신음]‬[groans]
‪(익준) 쉽지 않은 수술인 건 맞습니다‬This surgery isn't going to be easy.
‪어, GRWR이 낮아서‬ ‪좀 우려가 되는 것도 사실이고요‬Frankly, the low GRWR is a caused for much concerned.
‪기증자가 워낙에 젊고‬the donor is young and very healthy.
‪예, 건강하고, 응‬So it looks good. Hmm. His liver is in good condition, and with this size…
‪간도 상태가 좋아서 이 정도 크기면은‬His liver is in good condition, and with this size…
‪수술 가능할 것 같습니다‬The surgery should go well.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps, sighs deeply] Thank you, doctor.
‪(남자12) 아휴, 감사합니다‬[gasps, sighs deeply] Thank you, doctor.
‪진짜 감사합니다, 교수님‬-Thank you so much, Dr. Lee. -Thank you, doctor.
‪감사합니다, 아이고‬-Thank you so much, Dr. Lee. -Thank you, doctor.
‪경계에 딱 걸려 있는데‬It's a borderline case.
‪아드님이 마르셔도‬ ‪건강 관리를 잘하셨네요‬But you are pretty healthy for such lanky guy, you know.
‪[울먹이며] 감사합니다, 교수님‬[chuckles] Thank you, doctor.
‪해 보죠‬Let's do it.
‪그리고 사실 지금으로서는‬ ‪다른 선택지가 없습니다‬And to be fully honest with you. We're kinda running out of options.
‪(남자12) 알고 있습니다, 교수님‬Yes, I'm aware of that.
‪어, 지금 아버님 상태는‬ ‪이식밖에 방법이 없는데‬A liver transplant is your father's only option now.
‪아드님만 이식이 가능하다면‬And since you're the only suitable donor,
‪해야죠‬we have to.
‪제가 최선을 다해서 해 보겠습니다‬I promise. I'll do my very best.
‪[옅은 신음]‬[groaning] It's an emergency surgery. So we'll get him in right away.
‪(익준) 응급으로 진행할 거고요‬It's an emergency surgery. So we'll get him in right away.
‪오늘 바로 입원하시고‬ ‪검사도 몇 가지 더 받으셔야 합니다‬It's an emergency surgery. So we'll get him in right away. But before that, we need to run a few more tests.
‪그리고 수술 날짜는 이번 주 금요일‬And the surgery will be done this Friday.
‪금요일 수술 하나가 미뤄져서‬One of my surgeries was rescheduled,
‪큰 문제가 없다면‬ ‪금요일에 수술하는 걸로 할게요‬so we'll do it this Friday if there are no more issues.
‪교수님, 감사합니다‬Thanks again, Dr. Lee.
‪(남자11) 기증하는 사람이 없어 놔서‬I've heard that many people die…
‪[남자11의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[breathes deeply]
‪돌아가시는 분들도 많다고 들었는데‬…because they can't find a good donor. It's always bleak.
‪거시기에 비하면 지는‬Compared to them, I'm… I'm…
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[sighs]
‪겁나 복받은 사람이지라‬I'm so… I'm so incredibly lucky.
‪[울컥하는 신음]‬
‪교수님‬[Jong-gil] Dr. Lee…
‪지는 아파도 괜찮으니께‬I can… handle any pain just fine.
‪지 땜시‬But my son…
‪[남자11이 흐느낀다]‬[groans]
‪우리 아들이 큰 수술 하게 생겼으니‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬He has to do this. He has to go through this because of me.
‪[훌쩍인다]‬[all sob] So please… So please…
‪우리 아들은‬So please… So please…
‪하나도 안 아프게 수술해 주세유‬make sure everything is painless for my son, doctor.
‪네‬I will.
‪제가 아드님 수술은‬ ‪정말로 하나도 안 아프게 할게요‬I'll make sure surgery is completely free of any pain. Don't you worry.
‪걱정 마세요‬Don't you worry.
‪[연신 흐느낀다]‬Thank you. Thank you. [sobbing]
‪(남자11) 감사해유, 교수님‬Thank you. Thank you. [sobbing]
‪(준완) 괜찮아요, 이런 경우 꽤 있어요‬ ‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬It's all right. This happens quite often.
‪양쪽 흉곽에 흉수가 차서‬ ‪이런 경우가 있는데‬It's a bilateral pleural effusion. Or water in the lungs. Hopefully, the cardiac stimulant and diuretics will help him through this.
‪강심제 사용하고 이뇨제 늘렸으니까‬Hopefully, the cardiac stimulant and diuretics will help him through this.
‪좋아지길 기대하면서 지켜볼게요‬Hopefully, the cardiac stimulant and diuretics will help him through this.
‪저희가 잘 지켜보고 있으니까‬ ‪너무 걱정하지 마세요‬We're keeping a close eye on him, so don't worry too much.
‪네, 교수님‬ ‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬Okay, thank you, doctor.
‪(준완) 잠시만…‬Excuse me. Yeah?
‪어‬Excuse me. Yeah?
‪혈압 괜찮니?‬How's the BP? Do his hands feel warm?
‪환자 손발은 따뜻하고?‬How's the BP? Do his hands feel warm?
‪어, 지금 갈게‬All right, I'm on my way.
‪그럼‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬Excuse me.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬[dramatic music playing]
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬[machine beeping]
‪(준완) 손찬규 씨, 목 많이 마르세요?‬Mr. Son Chan-gyu, are you thirsty?
‪네, 엄청 갈증 나요‬Yeah, actually, a little bit parched.
‪(준완) 환자분도 목마르다고 하시잖아‬He's feeling pretty thirsty.
‪어, CVP도 낮고 전 시간의 I/O가‬ ‪너무 네거티브해서 그러니까‬His CVP is low, and his fluid balance is in the negative.
‪인풋 줄이지 말고 더 드시게 해도 돼‬Don't reduce the input. You can increase it.
‪이상하면 이렇게 바로 콜하고‬-And call me if anything changes. -[Chang-min] Got it.
‪(창민) 네‬-And call me if anything changes. -[Chang-min] Got it.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪(홍도) 안녕하세요, 교수님‬-Hello, Professor Kim. -[Jun-wan] Oh, hi.
‪(준완) 어, 안녕‬-Hello, Professor Kim. -[Jun-wan] Oh, hi.
‪(홍도) 바드는 체내형과‬ ‪체외형으로 나뉘는데‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬There are two types of ventricular assist device,
‪영유아 및 소아의 경우 체격이 작아‬ ‪체외형 바드만 이식 가능합니다‬internal and external. Only the external type can be used on infants and young children.
‪(준완) 어‬Only the external type can be used on infants and young children. -Right. -The power source
‪(홍도) 체외 전원 장치와는‬ ‪전선으로 연결되어 있는데‬-Right. -The power source and control unit outside shut down within 30 minutes if disconnected,
‪30분 이상 떨어지면‬ ‪셧다운이 되기 때문에‬and control unit outside shut down within 30 minutes if disconnected, so at that point, hospitalization is required.
‪병원에 입원해서 생활해야 합니다‬so at that point, hospitalization is required.
‪하지만 성인의 경우‬ ‪체내 삽입이 가능해‬But adults can get the implantable type,
‪퇴원 후 심장 이식을 기다리며‬ ‪일상생활이 가능합니다‬so they can be discharged and wait to receive a transplant.
‪굿‬-Good. -Also, they operate differently.
‪(홍도) 또 구동 방식이 다릅니다‬-Good. -Also, they operate differently. Okay now, answer this one. What is the most basic factor considered
‪그럼 심장 이식에서‬Okay now, answer this one. What is the most basic factor considered
‪공여자와 수여자를 매칭하는 데‬ ‪제일 기본 조건이 뭐니?‬Okay now, answer this one. What is the most basic factor considered for selecting a compatible donor?
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪이건 너무 기본인데?‬This is a basic question.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[rock music playing]
‪혈액형?‬-Is it blood type? -Yes, it's blood type.
‪그래, 혈액형, 혈액형이 일단 맞아야지‬-Is it blood type? -Yes, it's blood type. The blood type should be compatible.
‪그거 대답하는데‬ ‪한참 생각하면 어떡해?‬I can't believe you had to think that long about this.
‪어떡하지?‬That's not good.
‪시험 범위가 너무 넓다‬Looks like you'll have to study harder.
‪난이도 상중하 문제가 랜덤으로 나오네‬The difficulty level is all over the place.
‪(창민) 근데‬But I hope that Professor Kim knows that I'm a fixed intern in this hospital.
‪김준완 교수님은‬ ‪내가 픽스턴인지는 아시겠지?‬But I hope that Professor Kim knows that I'm a fixed intern in this hospital.
‪당연히 아시겠죠‬I'm sure he knows that.
‪교수님이 과장님이시라‬ ‪직접 면접 보셨는데‬He interviewed you himself as the department chief.
‪그러게‬That's right.
‪아휴, 난 벌써 CS가 두렵다‬[sighs] I'm already afraid of CS.
‪[홍도와 창민의 한숨]‬[breathes deeply]
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬[chuckles softly]
‪[재학의 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[both chuckle]
‪[재학의 웃음]‬
‪(준완) 뭐 해, 여기서?‬What are you doing here?
‪어, 잠깐 경미 씨랑 아이 콘택트요‬Just making eye contact with Gyeong-mi. -You mean, Professor Cheon's patient? -Yes.
‪- 천명태 교수님 환자분?‬ ‪- (재학) 예‬-You mean, Professor Cheon's patient? -Yes.
‪- 가자, 밥 먹으러‬ ‪- (재학) 예‬-Okay, come on, let's eat. -Okay.
‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬[door opens, closes]
‪(재학) 천명태 교수님 환자분이신데‬She's Professor Cheon's patient. Our eyes met when I was walking by.
‪지나는 길에 창문 너머로‬ ‪눈이 마주쳤어요‬She's Professor Cheon's patient. Our eyes met when I was walking by.
‪눈으로 웃으시길래‬ ‪저도 살인 미소를 날려 드렸죠‬She smiled at me with her eyes, so I smiled back at her.
‪(준완) 저분이 그 환자분이시지?‬She had an aortic dissection while riding her bike, right? She had surgery for it.
‪지난주 자전거 타다‬ ‪다이섹션 와서 수술받으신 분‬She had an aortic dissection while riding her bike, right? She had surgery for it.
‪(재학) 예, 선천성 유전병 진단‬ ‪받으신 분인데‬Yeah, she's been diagnosed with a hereditary disease.
‪치료 잘 받으시다가‬ ‪지난주에 운도 없게‬Her treatment for it had been going pretty well,
‪자전거 타다가 갑자기‬ ‪다이섹션 와서 잘못 넘어지면서‬but the dissection occurred when she was riding her bike, -and the fall damaged her two vertebrae. -Oh, no.
‪경추 3번, 4번이 손상됐어요‬-and the fall damaged her two vertebrae. -Oh, no.
‪(준완) 아휴‬-and the fall damaged her two vertebrae. -Oh, no.
‪(재학) 쿼드리플레지아는‬ ‪피하기 힘들 거 같다고‬I think she might end up a quadriplegic.
‪수술도 엄청 힘들었고요‬The surgery was tough too.
‪(준완) 이 병이 그래서 무서워‬The surgery was tough too. It's scary because you'd never know when a dissection can occur.
‪언제 다이섹션이 올지 모르니까‬It's scary because you'd never know when a dissection can occur.
‪가족분들이 걱정이 많으시겠네‬Her family must be very worried.
‪(재학) 가족이 없어요‬She has no family.
‪고아예요‬She's an orphan.
‪(준완) 아, 그래도‬ ‪보호자는 있을 거 아니야‬Doesn't she have a legal guardian?
‪(재학) 아무도 없어요‬ ‪가족도 없고 친척도 없어요‬She doesn't, either. She has no family or relatives. There's a nun who visits sometimes,
‪가끔 수녀님이 오시는데‬There's a nun who visits sometimes,
‪저 여기 하루도 빠짐없이 왔거든요‬but I've been stopping by every single day,
‪근데 올 때마다 항상 혼자 계세요‬and she's always alone when I look.
‪아휴, 저라도 가서‬ ‪말동무라도 해 드리고 싶은데‬[sighs] I wish I could keep her company, so she isn't alone, but I don't have the time.
‪저도 시간이 없고‬so she isn't alone, but I don't have the time.
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬[machine beeping]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬["In Front of the Post Office in Autumn" by Kim Dae Myeung playing]
‪[은지 모의 한숨]‬[sighs deeply]
‪(은지 모) 우리 은지도‬Eun-ji has had a pleural effusion before too.
‪흉곽에 흉수 찬 적 있어요‬Eun-ji has had a pleural effusion before too.
‪[살짝 웃으며] 그때 나도‬ ‪많이 놀랐는데‬I was just as worried as you.
‪다 넘어갔어요‬But she did get better.
‪괜찮을 거예요‬It's going to be okay.
‪에이, 아직 아무것도 안 먹었죠?‬-Hey, you haven't eaten, have you? -Um-hm.
‪나 사과 좀 깎아 왔는데‬ ‪같이 먹어요, 응?‬I brought some apples. We can eat them together. Hm?
‪가요‬-Come on. -Hm.
‪[은지 모가 살짝 웃는다]‬-Come on. -Hm. [chuckles softly]
‪[은지 모의 한숨]‬[Eun-ji's mother] Come on now.
‪[영하가 말한다]‬[nurse] Could you check on it?
‪- (재환) 없습니다‬ ‪- (영하) 없어? 트리마도?‬-No, there's nothing here. -Nothing? Can you double-check?
‪(익준) 안녕하세요‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬[Ik-jun] Hi, everyone.
‪(겨울) 안녕하세요‬ ‪[저마다 인사한다]‬[Gyeo-ul] Hello, Dr. Lee.
‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬ ‪[남자11의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[breathes deeply]
‪(여자6) 어머, 교수님, 아유‬Oh, the doctor is here.
‪아유, 안녕하세요, 교수님‬-Hi, hello, Dr. Lee. -[Ik-jun] Hi, how are you?
‪(익준) 예, 안녕하세요‬-Hi, hello, Dr. Lee. -[Ik-jun] Hi, how are you?
‪수술 하루 전날인데 컨디션 어떠세요?‬So your surgery is tomorrow. How are you feeling?
‪[남자11이 살짝 웃는다]‬So your surgery is tomorrow. How are you feeling?
‪(남자11) 좋아유‬[Jong-gil] I feel good.
‪다 좋아유‬-I feel pretty good. -Hm.
‪(익준) 아드님은?‬[Ik-jun] What about you?
‪(남자12) 저도 컨디션 좋습니다‬[Jong-gil's son] I'm feeling good too, doctor.
‪(익준) 아, 예, 다행이네요‬[Ik-jun] I'm glad to hear that. I'm feeling pretty great myself.
‪네, 저도 좋습니다‬[Ik-jun] I'm glad to hear that. I'm feeling pretty great myself.
‪(여자6) 아, 저, 저, 교수님, 지가요‬[Jong-gil's wife] Excuse me, doctor. Dr. Lee.
‪어제는 암시렁 안 했거든요‬I was feeling just fine until yesterday. But then, it suddenly hit me that the surgery is tomorrow.
‪근디 오늘 아침 되니께‬ ‪내일 수술한다고 하니께로‬But then, it suddenly hit me that the surgery is tomorrow. And my heart has been pounding and pounding since then.
‪오메, 세상에‬ ‪심장이 막 엄청 그냥 뛰고‬And my heart has been pounding and pounding since then. Even my… even my hands have been trembling.
‪아주 손도 막 벌벌벌 떨리고‬Even my… even my hands have been trembling.
‪지가 더 긴장되고 불안하고 그라네요‬I think I'm more nervous and anxious than they are.
‪(익준) 아, 너무 걱정하지 마세요‬[Ik-jun] You don't need to worry too much.
‪큰 수술이고 어려운 수술인데‬[Ik-jun] You don't need to worry too much. It is a big, difficult surgery,
‪그거는 이제‬ ‪수술하는 제가 어려운 거지‬but I'm very much prepared to deal with it. So then, it'll all be over once they wake up.
‪두 분은 푹 주무시고 일어나면‬ ‪다 끝나 있을 겁니다‬So then, it'll all be over once they wake up. So don't worry too much, and take good care of yourself today.
‪그러니까 너무 걱정하지 마시고‬ ‪오늘 하루 컨디션 관리 잘하세요‬So don't worry too much, and take good care of yourself today.
‪(남자12) 감사합니다, 교수님‬[Jong-gil's son] We will, doctor. Thank you.
‪(남자11) 그라고 혹시‬[Jong-gil] And if you get a chance…
‪백형도 교수님하고‬to talk to Dr. Baek, please give him my thanks…
‪연락하시면유‬to talk to Dr. Baek, please give him my thanks…
‪[남자11의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[breathes deeply]
‪감사하다고 꼭 좀 전해 주세유‬Please let him know I'm so grateful for all his help.
‪교수님 동기시라면서요‬He said you two are high school friends.
‪(익준) 네, 자주 통화해요‬Yes, we catch up sometimes.
‪(남자11) 수술받고 찾아뵐 건디요‬I plan to visit him after the surgery,
‪그래도 수술 전에‬but I want him to know…
‪잘 받고 내려가겄다고‬that the next time I do see him,
‪[울먹이며] 너무 걱정하지 마시라고‬ ‪전해 주세유‬I know I will be healthy and happy, so don't worry.
‪(익준) 잘 전달하겠습니다, 예‬[Ik-jun] I'll be sure to let him know.
‪그럼 쉬세요‬Okay, get some rest.
‪- (남자12) 예‬ ‪- (여자6) 아유, 아유‬Okay, get some rest. [Jong-gil] Will do.
‪(익준) 수술 일찍 끝났네?‬-Your surgery finished early. -Yeah.
‪(정원) 어, 너 수술 있다‬ ‪그러지 않았어?‬-Your surgery finished early. -Yeah. Didn't you have surgery today too?
‪(익준) 어, 나도 얼른 먹고 가야지‬Didn't you have surgery today too? Yeah, I'm just grabbing a quick bite. I have a few minutes.
‪시간이 좀 남아서‬Yeah, I'm just grabbing a quick bite. I have a few minutes.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[quirky music playing]
‪(정원) 아침 안 먹었어?‬You missed breakfast or something?
‪첫 끼야?‬That's a lot.
‪첫 끼 아니야‬I did have breakfast.
‪내가 좋아하는 고기반찬이라 그래‬I just really love this meat dish.
‪(익준) 야, 넌 애‬ ‪왜 기를 죽이고 그래?‬Hey, why did you have to discourage her like that?
‪어? 얘 또 눈치 본다고‬How would you feel if suddenly she's too embarrassed
‪갖고 온 거 다 못 먹고‬ ‪그러면 어떡하려고 그래?‬How would you feel if suddenly she's too embarrassed to finish her own food, huh?
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪- (익준) 송화야‬ ‪- (송화) 응?‬-Song-hwa. -Hm?
‪이따 나갈 때 5만 원 더 내고 가‬ ‪양심이 있으면‬I think you should probably pay extra if you have a conscience.
‪(송화) 응‬Hmm.
‪[정원이 피식 웃는다]‬[munching]
‪아참, 형도가 수술 의뢰했다며?‬All right, I heard Hyeong-do sent you a patient.
‪키다리 아저씨가‬ ‪수술 지원까지 하는 건 또 처음이네‬This is the first surgery that Daddy-Long-Legs is sponsoring.
‪괜찮은 거 같아, 어‬This is really good.
‪앞으로 이런 방향도 좋은 거 같아‬-I think this is a good direction for us. -[Song-hwa] Um-hm.
‪- (송화) 응‬ ‪- 네가 키다리 아저씨를 어떻게 알아?‬-I think this is a good direction for us. -[Song-hwa] Um-hm. How do you know about Daddy-Long-Legs?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[quirky music playing]
‪조크, 조크‬I'm just kidding. Just kidding.
‪[헛웃음]‬[Ik-jun chuckles]
‪아유, 이 도른자, 도른자, 진짜, 씨‬[sighs] You know, you are unbelievable.
‪아, 형도는 잘 있어?‬Ah, so how's Hyeong-do doing?
‪이 새끼 라이벌이었잖아‬He was this prick's rival.
‪[송화의 웃음]‬ ‪(익준) 아, 맞는다‬ ‪형도한테 전화해 줘야지‬Oh, that's reminds me. I have to call him.
‪[정원의 웃음]‬Gosh. [Jeong-won clicks tongue]
‪[통화 연결음]‬[dial tone trilling]
‪어, 형도야, 통화 가능?‬Hey, do you have time to talk? Yeah… [Hyeong-do clears throat]
‪(형도) 어, 으흠, 말해‬Yeah… [Hyeong-do clears throat] -…what's up? -My patient, Mr. Jang Jong-gil says hi.
‪(익준) 어, 장종길 씨가 안부 전하셔‬-…what's up? -My patient, Mr. Jang Jong-gil says hi.
‪수술 잘 받겠다고‬ ‪너무 걱정하지 마시라고‬-…what's up? -My patient, Mr. Jang Jong-gil says hi. He asked me to tell you not to worry about his surgery.
‪(형도) 네가 수술하는 건데‬ ‪걱정을 왜 해?‬[Hyeong-do] Why would I worry when you're the one doing it?
‪하나도 걱정 안 한다고‬ ‪수술 잘 받으시라고 전해 줘‬Tell him I'm not worried at all and give him my best regards.
‪너 무슨 일 있냐? 목소리가 별로인데‬Is everything okay? You sound a little down.
‪[형도의 한숨]‬[Hyeong-do sighs] My surgery is tomorrow, but something happened.
‪(형도) 내일 수술해야 하는데‬ ‪일이 생겼어‬My surgery is tomorrow, but something happened.
‪수술 못 할 거 같은데, 아‬I'm not sure we can do it anymore.
‪(익준) 무슨 일?‬What happened?
‪(형도) 펠로우 선생님이‬ ‪아침에 출근하다 뇌출혈로 쓰러졌어‬My fellow had a cerebral hemorrhage and collapsed this morning.
‪[어두운 음악]‬My fellow had a cerebral hemorrhage and collapsed this morning.
‪빨리 발견해서 지금 수술 중인데‬ ‪생명엔 지장이 없을 거 같아‬Thankfully, he's in surgery now, so he's going to live.
‪근데 내일 수술이 문제‬But the problem is the surgery tomorrow.
‪급하게 여기 대학 병원에‬ ‪한 명만 지원해 달라고 요청했는데‬I asked a university hospital nearby to send us a doctor, but looks like, they're short-staffed too.
‪거기도 손이 부족하긴 마찬가지야‬but looks like, they're short-staffed too.
‪미뤄야 될 거 같은데‬We'll need to reschedule it.
‪[익준의 한숨]‬ ‪아, 환자한테 말해야 하는데‬ ‪입이 안 떨어진다‬[Hyeong-do sighs] But I just can't bring myself to tell the patient.
‪(익준) 형도야, 잠깐만‬But I just can't bring myself to tell the patient. Hold on, give me a second. Jeong-won, can you clean this up for me?
‪야, 정원아, 네가 좀 치워‬Hold on, give me a second. Jeong-won, can you clean this up for me?
‪(정원) 어, 그래‬Oh, sure.
‪(은지 모) 통영에서 올라온 솔이 엄마‬ ‪병원 앞에 달방 잡았다네요‬Sol's mother from Tongyeong is renting a place near the hospital.
‪(민찬 모) 정말요? 잘하셨다‬Oh, really? That's good news. Must be so hard for her.
‪너무 고생하셨잖아요‬Oh, really? That's good news. Must be so hard for her. -[chuckles] -Well, you can always go home to shower.
‪저희야 뭐, 집에서 씻고라도 오지‬-[chuckles] -Well, you can always go home to shower.
‪맨날 사우나에서 씻으시고‬But she's always at the spa nearby. She takes naps there too.
‪거기서 새우잠 주무시고‬But she's always at the spa nearby. She takes naps there too.
‪아휴, 자기 방 잡았다고‬Yeah, and she was kind enough to tell me,
‪우리보고 급할 때‬ ‪아무 때나 와서 씻고 쉬고 가래요‬we can shower and sleep at her place if we need to.
‪[웃음]‬-[both chuckle] -It's true.
‪나한테 방 비밀번호까지 알려 줬어요‬She even gave me her door code.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬[giggles] That is extremely kind of her.
‪말씀만으로도 고맙네요‬[giggles] That is extremely kind of her.
‪솔이는 에크모 단 지 얼마나 됐어요?‬How long has Sol been hooked up to the ECMO?
‪응, 솔이도 꽤 됐지‬Hmm. I think it's been a while.
‪[피식 웃으며]‬ ‪우리 은지만큼은 아니지만‬But not as long as Eun-ji though.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬ ‪(민찬 모) 응‬-Hmm. -[cell phone ringing]
‪어머, 간호사 선생님이 왜…‬-Oh, gosh. Why is the nurse calling? -[cell phone ringing]
‪네, 선생님‬Yes, hello, what is it?
‪네?‬[Min-chan's mother] What?
‪[차분한 음악]‬[Min-chan's mother] What? [dramatic music playing]
‪정말요?‬Is this for real?
‪(이현) 네, 민찬이가 1순위로‬ ‪심장 받게 됐어요, 어머니‬[I-hyun] Yes, Min-chan is actually the first name on the waiting list.
‪코노스에서 연락 왔는데‬ ‪지금 1차 뇌사 판정 끝났고‬KONOS just called us up. The first brain death was confirmed,
‪우리 민찬이가 심장 받게 됐어요‬and Min-chan is getting the heart.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you so much.
‪정말 감사합니다‬Really. Thank you so much.
‪(민찬 모) 이거 꿈 아닌 거죠, 선생님?‬This is real, isn't it? I'm not dream, am I?
‪(이현) 네, 꿈 아니에요‬[I-hyun] No, you're not dreaming. You're at the hospital now, right?
‪[흐느낀다]‬ ‪지금 병원에 계시죠?‬[I-hyun] No, you're not dreaming. You're at the hospital now, right?
‪PICU로 오시면 교수님이‬ ‪자세하게 말씀해 주실 거예요‬Come to the PICU. Professor Kim will fill you in on the details.
‪알겠습니다, 바로 갈게요‬Okay, I'm on my way there right now.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪어떡해요?‬What should I do? My gosh…
‪[은지 모의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪어떡해?‬What should I do? My gosh…
‪뭐, 뭐, 뭐야, 뭐야‬ ‪저기, 민찬이 공여자 나왔어요?‬What's going on? Did they find a donor for Min-chan?
‪네‬Yes, Min-chan is finally getting a new heart.
‪우리 민찬이가 받는대요‬Yes, Min-chan is finally getting a new heart.
‪우리 민찬이가 받기로 했대요‬They chose Min-chan to get a new heart. [sobbing]
‪[민찬 모가 흐느낀다]‬They chose Min-chan to get a new heart. [sobbing] Hurry up and go then.
‪빨리 가 봐요, 어?‬Hurry up and go then.
‪(은지 모) 아, 지금 울 때 아니야‬ ‪얼른 가요, 얼른‬You don't have time to cry now. Go on.
‪축하해요, 민찬 엄마‬-Congratulations to you. -Thank you so much.
‪감사합니다‬-Congratulations to you. -Thank you so much.
‪[민찬 모의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(은지 모) 기적이에요, 기적!‬[Eun-ji's mother] Miracles really do happen!
‪[은지 모의 벅찬 숨소리]‬[chuckles softly]
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[한숨]‬[sighs deeply]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[gentle music]
‪아침에 공여자가 나왔고‬We found a donor this morning.
‪혈액형, 체중‬ ‪여러 조건들을 매칭한 결과‬Considering blood type, weight, and all the other factors, Min-chan was at the top of our list.
‪민찬이가 1순위였습니다‬Min-chan was at the top of our list.
‪(준완) 어, 저희로서는‬ ‪상황이 바뀔 수도 있어서‬But we thought the situation might change, so we waited for the declaration of brain death.
‪1차 뇌사 판정 기다리고 있었는데‬so we waited for the declaration of brain death.
‪조금 전 코노스에서 연락이 왔어요‬And then we got a call from KONOS.
‪1차 뇌사 판정 났고 이식 결정됐다고‬The first assessment and the transplant have been confirmed.
‪민찬이가 1순위로 심장 받게 됐고‬Min-chan's will be receiving a donor's heart,
‪이식 수술 진행할 겁니다‬and we're pushing through with the transplant.
‪[민찬 모가 흐느낀다]‬[sobbing] Thank you. Thank you so much, Dr. Kim.
‪(민찬 부) 감사합니다‬ ‪감사합니다, 교수님‬Thank you. Thank you so much, Dr. Kim.
‪공여자는 6세, 어, 체중은 18kg‬The donor is 6 years old and weighs 18 kilograms.
‪혈액형은 민찬이와 같은 A형입니다‬Blood type A, which is the same as Min-chan's.
‪(민찬 모) 세상에‬ ‪이런 기적이 저희한테 오네요‬Oh, my god, I can't believe this is really happening.
‪(민찬 부) 감사합니다‬ ‪저, 저, 정말 감사합니다‬Thank you, doctor. Thank you so very much.
‪(준완) 감사는 제가 아니라‬I'm not the one to thank for.
‪힘든 결정을 해 주신‬ ‪기증자 가족분들에게 하셔야…‬You should thank the donor's family for making such a difficult decision--
‪네, 평생 가슴에‬Yes, I'm forever grateful…
‪감사하는 마음으로 살겠습니다‬I'll be grateful until the day I die.
‪[민찬 모가 흐느낀다]‬[sobbing]
‪(준완) 예‬Yes, but there's still a second assessment before they make a final decision,
‪아직 2차 판정도 남았고‬ ‪뇌사 판정 위원회 절차도 있어서‬Yes, but there's still a second assessment before they make a final decision,
‪이식 수술은 내일쯤 할 것 같은데‬so the transplant surgery won't take place until tomorrow.
‪괜히 병원에서 밤새우지 마시고‬[Jun-wan] Don't stay up all night here.
‪집에 가셔서 잘 쉬시다가‬ ‪내일 아침에 나오세요‬You should go home, get some rest, and come back tomorrow.
‪(함께) 네‬[both] Okay.
‪집에 안 가실 거죠?‬I guess you're not going home.
‪민찬이 옆에 있을래요‬We want to stay here with Min-chan.
‪[민찬 부가 살짝 웃는다]‬[both chuckle]
‪알겠습니다, 그럼‬All right, then.
‪(민찬 부) 감사합니다‬[Min-chan's father] Thank you.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[light music playing]
‪(여자7) 너무 잘됐어요‬[woman 1] Oh, I'm so happy for you.
‪(여자8) 완전 기적이다, 기적‬-[woman 2] It is a miracle. -[woman 3] Congratulations. [woman 2] I can't believe it.
‪- (민찬 모) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (민찬 부) 민찬 엄마가 고생했죠‬[woman 2] I can't believe it. [Min-chan's father] My wife deserves all the prays.
‪[저마다 축하한다]‬[Min-chan's father] My wife deserves all the prays. [overlapping chatter]
‪(여자9) 마음고생 많았는데‬[overlapping chatter]
‪민찬이 건강해질 일만 남았네‬[overlapping chatter]
‪(여자7) 맞아, 축하드려요‬
‪- (재학) 교수님‬ ‪- (준완) 응?‬-Professor Kim. -Hm?
‪(재학) 우리 은지한테도‬Eun-ji's is going to have her turn soon, right?
‪기회가 오겠죠?‬Eun-ji's is going to have her turn soon, right?
‪(준완) 그럼, 당연히 오지‬Yes, of course, she will
‪난 믿어‬I have faith.
‪(재학) 네‬Yeah.
‪[사이렌 소리가 들려온다]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬[cell phone ringing]
‪수업 끝났어?‬Hey, is your class over?
‪(익순) 어, 집이에요‬Yes, I'm home now.
‪어? 뭔가 좋은 일 있는 거 같은데?‬Wow. You seem to be in a great mood.
‪(익순) 어? 티 나요?‬Oh, can you tell?
‪어, 너무 티 나‬Yeah, it's so obvious.
‪(익순) 오빠, 저 주말에‬ ‪친구들하고 여행 가기로 했어요‬I'm going on a trip with some of my friends this weekend.
‪본머스로 2박 3일‬We're going to Bournemouth, for three days!
‪진짜?‬Oh, really? That's great. You go and have fun.
‪잘했다, 가서 재밌게 놀다 와‬Oh, really? That's great. You go and have fun. Who are you going with?
‪누구랑 가는데?‬Who are you going with?
‪(익순) 세경이랑‬ ‪세경이 친구 커플하고요‬Just Se-gyeong and a couple Se-gyeong knows.
‪4명이서 가기로 했어요‬So four people in total. We're going to rent a car.
‪렌트해서 가요‬We're going to rent a car.
‪렌트?‬Oh, really? Will you be okay? They drive on the left there, you know.
‪운전 괜찮겠어? 거기 우리랑 반대인데‬Oh, really? Will you be okay? They drive on the left there, you know.
‪그냥 기차나 버스 타고 가지‬Just take the train or bus.
‪(익순) 내가 운전 안 해요‬ ‪세경이 친구가 할 거야‬I won't be driving. Se-gyeong's friend is going to.
‪걱정 마셔요, '돈트 워리'‬So I will be all right. Don't worry.
‪(준완) 알았어‬Okay, fine. Be sure to call me when you're leaving
‪출발할 때 전화하고‬ ‪도착하면 전화하고‬Okay, fine. Be sure to call me when you're leaving and when you get there.
‪(익순) 네, 출발 보고‬ ‪도착 보고 드리겠습니다‬Sure. I'll be sure to report to you as often as I can, sir.
‪아, 너무 걱정되는데‬Oh, gosh, I'm feel little worried.
‪(익순) 아, 뭐가 걱정이야‬Oh, gosh, I'm feel little worried. Why are you worried?
‪교수님, 저도 내일모레 마흔이에요‬Dr. Kim, you know that I'm turning 40 soon.
‪마흔이랑 운전이랑 뭔 상관이에요‬What does any of that have to do with driving there?
‪아무튼 친구 옆에서 감시 잘해라‬Anyway, just make sure your friend drives safely.
‪(익순) 네, 알겠습니다‬Yup, I'll make sure he does.
‪오빠, 나 배고파, 밥 먹을래‬I'm hungry. I gonna eat something.
‪안녕‬-Bye! -Hm. Bye.
‪(준완) 응, 안녕‬-Bye! -Hm. Bye.
‪[통화 종료음]‬[cell phone beeps]
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬[knocks on door]
‪(준완) 들어와‬[Jun-wan] Come in.
‪교수님, 잠깐 정원에‬ ‪바람 쐬러 가실래요?‬Professor, do you wanna step outside for some fresh air?
‪별이 좋은데‬The stars are out.
‪그러자‬Sounds good.
‪(준완) 나야 너 들어오면 좋지‬It'd be great if you could help out.
‪퍼스트는 박 선생이 할 거니까‬ ‪그럼 네가 세컨드 해‬Dr. Park is my main assistant. You can be the second one.
‪(재학) 아니면 제가 이번에‬ ‪구득 가겠습니다‬Or I could maybe take care of the procurement for you.
‪(준완) 그럴래?‬Really? That would be great.
‪나야 좋지‬Really? That would be great. Yeah, that is much better. Let's give the kids a chance to shine.
‪야, 그래, 그게 낫겠다‬Yeah, that is much better. Let's give the kids a chance to shine.
‪괜히 애들 기회 뺏지 말고‬Yeah, that is much better. Let's give the kids a chance to shine. [Jae-hak] Mm-hmm.
‪왜요, 교수님?‬Something wrong, Professor?
‪우리 여기 좀 있자‬Hang on, just a minute.
‪(재학) 예‬ ‪[울음소리가 들린다]‬Okay.
‪[흐느낀다]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[sobbing continues]
‪[초조한 숨소리]‬
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬["The Wind Is Blowing" by Lee Sora continues playing]
‪- (준완) 이제 심장 떼자‬ ‪- (의사1) 네‬-[Jun-wan] Let's start removing the heart. -[doctor] Okay.
‪(재학) 교수님, 심장 도착했습니다‬[Jae-hak] Professor Kim, the donor's heart is here.
‪(준완) 수고했어‬[Jun-wan] Thank you.
‪떼기 전까지 심장 뛰는 거 괜찮았지?‬Was it beating fine until it was removed?
‪(재학) 예, 괜찮았습니다‬[Jae-hak] Yes, it seemed fine.
‪(준완) 고생했다‬[Jun-wan] Thanks.
‪(재학) 아닙니다, 손 닦고 오겠습니다‬[Jae-hak] No problem. I'll go wash my hands.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬[machine beeping]
‪(익준) 간문맥이 막혀서‬ ‪베릭스가 많고 복수도 많이 있을 거야‬ ‪[물이 솨 나온다]‬[Ik-jun] The portal vein is blocked, so you'll see a lot of varices and severe ascites.
‪수술할 때 출혈 조심해, 당황하지 말고‬Manage bleeding carefully, and don't get flustered.
‪(세혁) 네, 교수님‬[Se-hyeok] Yes, Professor. I'll give you a call, in case I can't keep the bleeding under control.
‪죄송하지만 출혈 심해서‬ ‪혹시 컨트롤 안 되면 연락드리겠습니다‬I'll give you a call, in case I can't keep the bleeding under control.
‪[페달 조작음]‬-[Ik-jun] Sure, call me whenever. -[scrubbing]
‪(익준) 얼마든지‬-[Ik-jun] Sure, call me whenever. -[scrubbing]
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪자, 오늘도 잘 부탁드립니다‬Let's do a good job, just like we always do.
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬[machine beeping]
‪[익준의 한숨]‬
‪(익준) 예상대로 간 크기가 좀 작은데‬ ‪그래도 해 볼 만하네‬The liver is quite small as we expected, but we can do this.
‪난 벤치 워크 하러 갈 테니까‬I'll take care of all the benchwork. Make sure you check for bleeding and if there's any bile leakage.
‪피 나는지 잘 보고‬ ‪담즙 새는지 잘 확인하고‬Make sure you check for bleeding and if there's any bile leakage.
‪배 예쁘게 닫아 줘‬Close it up nicely.
‪(겨울과 의사2) 네‬-[Gyeo-ul] Yes, sir. -[doctor] Got it.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[gentle piano music]
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬
‪(송화) 이 시간에 퇴원이라니 어색하다‬[Song-hwa] Discharging a patient at this hour is unheard of.
‪(선빈) 내일까지 입원한 걸로 해서‬ ‪병실료 낸다고 했대요‬[Seon-bin] The room is entirely paid for until tomorrow.
‪하루에 170만 원인데‬ ‪그 돈 내고 그냥 천천히 나가시겠다고‬ ‪[카드 인식음]‬They paid another 1.7 million just so they wouldn't have to rush.
‪와, 플렉스‬Wow. Flex.
‪그건 또 무슨 말이야?‬What do you mean by that? "Flaxen"?
‪플렉스?‬What do you mean by that? "Flaxen"?
‪다음에 알려 드릴게요‬I'll tell you next time.
‪(송화) 안녕하세요‬[Song-hwa] Good evening, congratulations on being discharged.
‪퇴원 축하드립니다‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[Song-hwa] Good evening, congratulations on being discharged.
‪(경진) 안녕하세요, 교수님‬Hello, Dr. Chae.
‪(경진 모) 교수님 안 오시면 어떡하나‬ ‪엄청 맘 졸였는데‬Hello, Dr. Chae, I was so anxious, thinking you might not stop by today.
‪이렇게 딱 오시네요‬This is perfect timing.
‪[웃음]‬This is perfect timing.
‪인연은 인연인가 봐요‬I think you two are meant to be.
‪(경진) 오빠, 인사해‬Hey, come over here, this is Dr. Chae Song-hwa,
‪나 수술해 주신 채송화 교수님‬Hey, come over here, this is Dr. Chae Song-hwa, my surgeon.
‪안녕하세요‬-Nice to meet you. -Oh, nice to meet you.
‪(송화) 아, 예, 예, 안녕하세요‬-Nice to meet you. -Oh, nice to meet you.
‪(경진 모) 이리로 나와 봐‬Come join us over here. [Gyeong-jin's mother chuckles]
‪교수님, 우리 애가‬ ‪저렇게 숫기가 없어요‬Her older brother, he's really quite a shy type.
‪[경진 모의 웃음]‬Her older brother, he's really quite a shy type. It's no wonder he never really had a girlfriend before.
‪저러니 아직 연애 한 번을‬ ‪제대로 못 해 봤지‬It's no wonder he never really had a girlfriend before.
‪[웃으며] 어유, 참‬It's no wonder he never really had a girlfriend before. My goodness. Take a seat, doctor.
‪앉으세요, 교수님, 차 한잔 드릴게요‬My goodness. Take a seat, doctor. I'll make you a cup of tea. We have some cookies too.
‪쿠키도 있는데‬I'll make you a cup of tea. We have some cookies too. -Please, have a seat. -That's quite all right, ma'am.
‪앉으세요‬-Please, have a seat. -That's quite all right, ma'am.
‪괜찮습니다, 어머니‬ ‪방금 마시고 왔어요‬-Please, have a seat. -That's quite all right, ma'am. I just had some tea.
‪(송화) 뇌종양 수술 하신 환자분들은‬Seizures can occur quite frequently especially after brain surgery,
‪경련 발생할 수 있으니‬Seizures can occur quite frequently especially after brain surgery,
‪처방해 드린 항경련제‬ ‪꼭 잘 챙겨 드세요‬so make sure you take all the medication I prescribe you.
‪수술한 지 얼마 안 돼서‬ ‪수술 부위에 출혈이 생길 수 있고‬You may experience some post-op bleeding, as the surgical site is still healing.
‪상처 부위 벌어질 수 있으니‬The incision could re-open, so please avoid any strenuous activities.
‪과격한 운동 같은 건‬ ‪조심하셔야 됩니다‬The incision could re-open, so please avoid any strenuous activities.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Sure, I'll do all of that.
‪외래는 2주 후에 오시면 되는데‬So come back and see me in about two weeks,
‪두통이나 어지럼증 있으시면‬ ‪언제든 응급실로 오시고요‬but you need to rush to the ER if you experience headaches or dizziness.
‪그럼 전 외래 때 뵙겠습니다‬So then, I'll see you in two weeks.
‪(경진 모) 저기, 교수님‬Oh, hold on, Professor, I hope you don't mind,
‪[웃음]‬Oh, hold on, Professor, I hope you don't mind,
‪혹시 괜찮으시면 우리 가족이랑‬ ‪사진 한 장 안 찍으실래요?‬Oh, hold on, Professor, I hope you don't mind, but we just love to have a picture taken with you.
‪이것도 인연인데 같이 찍어요‬I'm so glad that we met. Please just a picture.
‪네, 그래요, 같이 찍어요‬Yes, please take a picture with us.
‪[송화의 난처한 신음]‬-Well… -Son, come join us already!
‪(경진 모) 아들, 빨리 나와 봐‬ ‪교수님하고 사진 찍자‬-Well… -Son, come join us already! We're taking a picture together.
‪교수님, 제가 커피 한잔 사 드릴게요‬Let me buy a coffee, Dr. Chae. Is that okay, Mom?
‪(경진 오빠) 괜찮죠, 엄마?‬Let me buy a coffee, Dr. Chae. Is that okay, Mom? Yes, of course. Go right ahead.
‪(경진 모) 어, 그럼, 엄만 너무 좋지‬Yes, of course. Go right ahead.
‪가시죠‬Well, shall we?
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪(송화) 그럴까요?‬All right then.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[giggles]
‪[민찬 모의 초조한 숨소리]‬
‪(민찬 모) 원래 말씀하신 시간보다‬ ‪한 시간이나 일찍 끝났는데‬[Min-chan's mother] Oh, the surgery ended an hour early. I hope that it isn't a bad thing.
‪무슨 문제 있는 거 아니겠지?‬It doesn't mean there's a problem, right?
‪(민찬 부) 그럼, 걱정하지 마, 괜찮아‬[Min-chan's father] Of course not. Don't worry. I'm sure it went well.
‪(민찬 모) 응‬Okay.
‪[준완의 힘겨운 신음]‬[groans]
‪수술 잘 끝났습니다‬The surgery went very well.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[sobbing]
‪[민찬 부모가 흐느낀다]‬[sobbing] Thank you so much. Thank you, Dr. Kim!
‪감사합니다, 감사합니다, 교수님‬Thank you so much. Thank you, Dr. Kim! Thank you so much, Dr. Kim.
‪(민찬 부) 아유, 감사합니다, 교수님‬Thank you so much, Dr. Kim.
‪아유, 우리 민찬이 이제 살았다‬[both sobbing] Min-chan is finally gonna be okay.
‪우리 민찬이 이제 살았어, 여보‬Our son is finally going to live. [both sobbing]
‪좋은 일인데 왜 우세요‬Don't cry. This is happy news.
‪수술 잘 끝났고요‬The surgery went well,
‪(준완) 적출 심장도 제시간에 도착했고‬and we received the donor's heart on time.
‪심장 뛰는 것도 괜찮고‬The heartbeat is strong, and the bleeding was minimal,
‪출혈도 별로 없어서‬ ‪예상했던 것보다 빨리 끝났습니다‬The heartbeat is strong, and the bleeding was minimal, so we finished a bit sooner than we expected.
‪민찬이 지금 가슴 닫고 있고‬They're closing up his chest now,
‪아마 한 30분 뒤쯤‬ ‪중환자실로 갈 겁니다‬and we'll be moving him to the ICU in about half an hour.
‪전 거기서 다시 뵐게요, 그럼‬So I'll see you there in a bit. All right?
‪(민찬 모) 감사합니다‬-Thank you, doctor. -Thank you, doctor.
‪(민찬 부) 감사합니다‬-Thank you, doctor. -Thank you, doctor.
‪[민찬 부모가 연신 흐느낀다]‬-Thank you, doctor. -Thank you, doctor. [both sobbing]
‪(익준) 고생해요‬-[Ik-jun] Good work, guys. -[nurses] Thank you, doctor.
‪(의료진들) 수고하셨습니다‬-[Ik-jun] Good work, guys. -[nurses] Thank you, doctor.
‪아유, 아유, 교수님‬Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh, Dr. Lee.
‪(익준) 수술 잘 마쳤습니다‬The surgery went very well.
‪아이고메‬Oh, my goodness.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪[웃음]‬-[chuckles softly] -Thank you.
‪(여자6) 아유, 감사합니다‬-[chuckles softly] -Thank you.
‪간문맥 막고 있던 혈전 제거하는데‬ ‪위험한 상황이 있었고‬We had a bit of difficulty removing the blood clot from the portal vein,
‪전에도 있었던 정맥류 출혈이‬ ‪수술 중에도 발생해서 위험했는데‬We had a bit of difficulty removing the blood clot from the portal vein, and he had another variceal hemorrhage, like the one that happened before.
‪(익준) 다행히도‬ ‪간 연결하고 피가 멈췄어요‬But thankfully, the bleeding stopped once we got to the liver.
‪[여자6의 안도하는 한숨]‬But thankfully, the bleeding stopped once we got to the liver. [gasps, groans]
‪그래서 예상보다‬ ‪시간이 좀 더 걸렸는데‬That's why it took a bit longer than we had expected,
‪수술은 잘 끝났습니다‬but the surgery went very well.
‪아, 지금 중요한 부분 다 끝났고요‬ ‪상처 마무리하고 있는데‬All the important parts are done, so they're wrapping up in there now. And he'll be moved to the ICU in about an hour or so.
‪약 한 시간 정도 지나면‬ ‪중환자실로 가시게 될 거고‬And he'll be moved to the ICU in about an hour or so.
‪아마 한동안 인공호흡기를‬ ‪달고 주무셔서‬And he'll be moved to the ICU in about an hour or so. He'll be hooked on a ventilator for a while, so he won't be able to talk.
‪대화를 하실 수 없겠지만‬He'll be hooked on a ventilator for a while, so he won't be able to talk.
‪그래도 면회하실 수 있게‬ ‪자리 마련해 드리겠습니다‬But the good news is that I'll make sure that you -can still visit him whenever you like. -Oh, my god, Dr. Lee…
‪[흐느끼며] 아유, 아유, 교수님‬-can still visit him whenever you like. -Oh, my god, Dr. Lee…
‪아유, 아유, 아유‬-can still visit him whenever you like. -Oh, my god, Dr. Lee…
‪(여자6) 아유, 감사합니다, 교수님‬Thank you so much, doctor. [Jong-gil's wife sobbing]
‪(익준) 고생 많으셨어요‬ ‪고생 많으셨어‬[Ik-jun] You don't need to worry anymore. Don't worry now. It's okay.
‪아, 그만 우세요‬ ‪[익준의 웃음]‬Don't worry now. It's okay.
‪정말 죄송합니다, 예‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬I'm really sorry about that. It must have made you uncomfortable.
‪많이 곤란하셨을 텐데‬ ‪제가 대신 사과드릴게요‬I'm really sorry about that. It must have made you uncomfortable. I apologize on her behalf. I'm really sorry.
‪(경진 오빠) 죄송합니다‬I apologize on her behalf. I'm really sorry.
‪(송화) 괜찮아요‬That's all right. I'm not really the type to be bothered by things like that.
‪제가 그런 걸‬ ‪크게 신경 쓰는 타입이 아니라서‬That's all right. I'm not really the type to be bothered by things like that.
‪(경진 오빠) 바쁘실 텐데‬You're probably busy.
‪얼마나 귀찮게 해 드렸을지‬ ‪제가 너무 잘 알아서요‬I'm thinking she must have been quite a nail on your side. Again, I'd like to apologize.
‪다시 한번 죄송합니다‬Again, I'd like to apologize.
‪아니에요, 오히려 제가 감사해요‬No, really. I should thank you for getting me out of there.
‪좀 전에 구해 주셔서‬No, really. I should thank you for getting me out of there.
‪저도 뭐, 이젠 나름 노하우가 생겨서요‬[chuckles] I know exactly how to handle those things.
‪아까 자연스러웠죠?‬Pretty smooth, huh?
‪네‬Yeah. [chuckles]
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Yeah. [chuckles] [both chuckle]
‪(준완) 카페 문 아직 안 닫았겠지?‬You know if the café still open?
‪(익준) 어, 알바생한테 DM 왔어‬-Yeah, the part-timer there sent me a DM. -What?
‪(준완) 뭐가 와?‬-Yeah, the part-timer there sent me a DM. -What? A DM. We're friends on Instagram.
‪(익준) DM, 나랑 인친이거든‬A DM. We're friends on Instagram.
‪(준완) 대체 그게 다 무슨 말이니?‬-What the hell are you talking about? -[cell phone beeps]
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬-What the hell are you talking about? -[cell phone beeps]
‪민찬이 나왔네‬Min-chan's out. Hey, I've got to go.
‪야, 나 간다‬Min-chan's out. Hey, I've got to go.
‪(익준) 오케이‬Min-chan's out. Hey, I've got to go. Okay!
‪정말요?‬Wait. Really?
‪예, 저 여자 친구 있어요‬Yeah, I really do have a girlfriend.
‪어머니는 모르시는 거 같던데‬Your mother seemed to have no idea.
‪(경진 오빠) 아세요, 어머니‬She does know.
‪아, 동생은 모르죠‬ ‪걔는 계속 외국에 있었어서‬Oh, but my sister doesn't because she was overseas for a while.
‪(송화) 반대하시는구나?‬Does she not approve of her?
‪네, 엄청요‬No, definitely not.
‪여자 친구 집이 평범하거든요‬My girlfriend isn't from a rich family. My mother doesn't like that, and she hates her job.
‪평범한 집안은 싫으시대요‬My mother doesn't like that, and she hates her job.
‪직업도 마음에 안 들고‬My mother doesn't like that, and she hates her job.
‪하, 예전엔 그렇게 좋아하고‬ ‪챙겨 주시더니‬She used to be so fond of her, though.
‪아, 저랑 오랜 친구 사이예요‬Oh, we were friends before we dated.
‪어머니도 잘 아는 대학교 때부터 친구‬My mother knows her pretty well. We became friends in college.
‪어머, 근데 어떻게 갑자기…‬Wow. Then how did you two start dating?
‪그 친구가 갑자기 고백을 했어요‬She confessed to me out of the blue one day.
‪(경진 오빠) 작년에, 좋아한다고‬Just last year. She said, she liked me.
‪[옅은 탄성]‬
‪처음에는 거절했죠‬I rejected her at first.
‪제일 친한 친구인데‬ ‪어색해지는 거 싫다고‬We were best friends, so I didn't want to mess things up.
‪지금처럼 가장 친한 친구로 지내자고‬So I said, "I just want us to stay friends, best friends."
‪[경진 오빠가 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬[sharp inhale]
‪근데 그날 밤 집에 와서‬ ‪곰곰이 생각을 해 보니까‬You know, that night, I mulled over everything that I said to her.
‪제가 그 친구 질문에‬ ‪동문서답을 했더라고요‬And that when I realized I never really answered her question.
‪좋아한다고 했는데‬She told me that she liked me,
‪'친구 사이 어색해지는 거 싫다'‬but I said I didn't want our relationship to get awkward.
‪제가 이상한 말을 했더라고요‬My answer didn't make any sense.
‪그래서 그날 이후로‬ ‪생각을 다르게 하기 시작했어요‬So I started seeing our relationship in a bit of a different light.
‪친구가 아니라‬As a man and a woman, not just two friends.
‪남자 대 여자로‬As a man and a woman, not just two friends.
‪저는 그 친구가‬I really like her. She's wonderful.
‪너무 좋거든요‬I really like her. She's wonderful.
‪같이 있으면 그냥‬When I'm with her, I feel…
‪[웃음]‬[chuckles softly] …happy.
‪같이 있으면‬When I'm with her, I just feel…
‪항상‬When I'm with her, I just feel…
‪기분이 좋아요‬I feel great.
‪[송화와 경진 오빠의 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪교수님도 그런 사람 있으세요?‬Do you have a friend that you like too?
‪저요?‬Oh, me?
‪(익준) 아, 예‬Hello.
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬Oh, I'm so sorry. [chuckles]
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪[웃음]‬[laughs]
‪(익준) 자‬Here, this is for the nursing staff.
‪병동 간호사 선생님들 드려‬Here, this is for the nursing staff. -Enjoy. -Thank you.
‪(겨울) 감사합니다, 좋아하시겠다‬-Enjoy. -Thank you. -This is going to make their day. -Hmm.
‪(익준) 응‬-This is going to make their day. -Hmm.
‪(겨울) 교수님, 퇴근 안 하세요?‬-Aren't you done for the day? -Yeah, yeah.
‪(익준) 해야지, 장종길 씨만 보고‬-Aren't you done for the day? -Yeah, yeah. -I wanted to check in on Mr. Jang. -Oh.
‪[겨울의 옅은 탄성]‬-I wanted to check in on Mr. Jang. -Oh.
‪(겨울) 근데 하나는 빨대가 없네요?‬Hold on. One of these is missing a straw.
‪(익준) 아, 이건 내 거‬Oh, this one is mine.
‪[익준의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪고생해‬-Take it easy. Bye. -Bye.
‪- (겨울) 네‬ ‪- (익준) 응‬-Take it easy. Bye. -Bye.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬[cell phone ringing]
‪수술 잘 끝났고‬ ‪지금 중환자실로 보러 가는 중‬It went well. I'm headed to the ICU now to see him.
‪(형도) 아, 너 진짜!‬[Hyeong-do sighs] Seriously.
‪(익준) 왜?‬-What? -Hey, I can't believe you sent your chief.
‪(형도) 야, 그렇다고‬ ‪과장님을 보내면 어떡하냐!‬-What? -Hey, I can't believe you sent your chief.
‪(익준) 잘하시지 않아?‬-What? -Hey, I can't believe you sent your chief. Wasn't he good?
‪씁, 오랜만에 어시스턴트‬ ‪하신다고 좀 헤매셨나?‬ ‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬Was he confused because he hasn't assisted anyone in a while?
‪(형도) 아유, 이익준 진짜…‬Gosh. Jeez. You're unbelievable.
‪[안내 음성] 문이 닫힙니다‬Gosh. Jeez. You're unbelievable.
‪(형도) 하, 또라이, 또라이, 아‬Gosh. Jeez. You're unbelievable. -You're crazy, you know that? -[laughs]
‪[웃음]‬-You're crazy, you know that? -[laughs]
‪(익준) 형도야, 잠깐만‬Hold on, give me a second. Jeong-won, could you clean this up for me?
‪야, 정원아, 네가 좀 치워‬Hold on, give me a second. Jeong-won, could you clean this up for me?
‪(정원) 어, 그래‬Oh, sure.
‪(익준) 형도야, 일단‬ ‪환자분한테 얘기하지 말아 봐‬Hyeong-do, don't tell the patient anything just yet. I'll call you in five minutes.
‪내가 5분 안에 전화할게‬I'll call you in five minutes.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[안마기 작동음]‬ ‪말해, 뭐든지‬Tell me, whatever it is.
‪내가 다 들어줄게‬Your wish is my command.
‪과장님, 내일 뭐 하세요?‬Are you doing anything tomorrow?
‪- (순정) 내일?‬ ‪- (익준) 네‬-Tomorrow? -Yeah.
‪(순정) 아침에 콘퍼런스 하나 있고‬ ‪이후엔 다 괜찮아‬I have a conference in the morning, but I'm available after that.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬I have a conference in the morning, but I'm available after that.
‪요즘 가능하면‬ ‪금요일 점심 이후에는 스케줄 안 잡아‬These days, I try not to book anything after lunch on Fridays.
‪정년이 코앞인데 농땡이 좀 치면 어때?‬I'm going to retire soon, so I can slack off a little. No one cares.
‪어쩔 거야?‬ ‪[웃음]‬so I can slack off a little. No one cares. [chuckles]
‪왜? 무슨 일인데?‬Why? What is it that you need?
‪(익준) 씁, 음…‬[exhales] Hmm.
‪그럼 과장님, 내일 목포 좀 다녀오세요‬Do you think you can go to Mokpo for me tomorrow?
‪개척자들에게 도움을 줄 수 있는‬ ‪기회를 드리고 싶습니다‬I'd like to give you the opportunity to help out some trailblazers.
‪[안마기 작동이 멈춘다]‬
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪(익준) 수술 잘 끝났지?‬[Ik-jun] So, the surgery went well?
‪(형도) 어, 아주 잘 끝났어‬-[Hyeong-do] Yeah, it went very well. -Way to go.
‪고생했다‬-[Hyeong-do] Yeah, it went very well. -Way to go.
‪(형도) 익준아, 과장님 오셔서‬ ‪정말 큰 도움 됐다‬Ik-jun, Chief Kwon helped us out so much today.
‪위기의 순간 과장님 도움으로‬ ‪여러 번 넘겼어‬He really helped us clear bunch of hurdles.
‪어, 그래?‬He really helped us clear bunch of hurdles. Really? I'm going to call him in a bit. I'll let him know.
‪좀 있다 전화 한번 드릴 건데‬ ‪꼭 전해 줄게‬Really? I'm going to call him in a bit. I'll let him know.
‪(형도) 고맙다‬-Thanks a lot. -What? Come on.
‪별, 아유‬-Thanks a lot. -What? Come on. I got to go. Get some rest. See you.
‪야, 됐어, 끊어, 쯧‬I got to go. Get some rest. See you.
‪얼른 쉬어‬I got to go. Get some rest. See you.
‪(형도) 그래, 너도 고생했어‬-Okay, nice work today. -Bye.
‪어‬-Okay, nice work today. -Bye.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[경쾌한 음악이 연주된다]‬["I Like You" by Mido and Falasol playing]
‪♪ 아직은 사랑을 몰라 ♪‬♪ I don't know what love is yet ♪
‪♪ 몰라 ♪‬♪ I do not know ♪
‪♪ 그래도 우리는 좋아 ♪‬♪ But we are happy together ♪
‪(익준) ♪ 좋아 ♪‬♪ But we are happy together ♪
‪♪ 알 수 없는 너의 고백이 ♪‬♪ Your confusing confession Makes my heart flutter ♪
‪♪ 내 가슴을 뛰게 하지만 ♪‬♪ Your confusing confession Makes my heart flutter ♪
‪♪ 그런 말은 너무 어려워, 싫어 ♪‬♪ But it's too difficult to understand So I don't like it ♪
‪♪ 싫어 ♪‬♪ I don't like it ♪
‪♪ 남들이 나에게 말하기를 ♪‬♪ People have told me ♪
‪♪ 귀여운 웃음이 좋다나요 ♪‬♪ That they like my cute smile ♪
‪♪ 그러나 이제는 안 그래요 ♪‬♪ But not anymore ♪
‪♪ 나만의 비밀이 생겼어요 ♪‬♪ I have a secret now ♪
‪♪ 하지만 나는 너 좋아 ♪‬♪ But I like you, this could be love ♪
‪♪ 사랑일지도 몰라 ♪‬♪ But I like you, this could be love ♪
‪♪ 하지만 나는 너 좋아 ♪‬♪ But I like you, this could be love ♪
‪♪ 사랑일지도 몰라 ♪‬♪ But I like you, this could be love ♪
‪[경쾌한 음악이 계속 연주된다]‬Guitar. [guitar strums]
‪♪ 아직은 사랑을 몰라 ♪‬♪ I don't know what love is yet I do not know ♪
‪♪ 몰라 ♪‬♪ I don't know what love is yet I do not know ♪
‪♪ 그래도 우리는 좋아 ♪‬♪ But we are happy together ♪
‪♪ 좋아 ♪‬♪ But we are happy together ♪
‪♪ 알 수 없는 너의 고백이 ♪‬♪ Your confusing confession Makes my heart flutter ♪
‪♪ 내 가슴을 뛰게 하지만 ♪‬♪ Your confusing confession Makes my heart flutter ♪
‪♪ 그런 말은 너무 어려워, 싫어 ♪‬♪ But it's too difficult to understand So I don't like it ♪
‪♪ 싫어 ♪‬♪ I don't like it ♪
‪♪ 남들이 나에게 말하기를 ♪‬♪ People have told me ♪
‪♪ 귀여운 웃음이 좋다나요 ♪‬♪ That they like my cute smile ♪
‪♪ 그러나 이제는 안 그래요 ♪‬♪ But not anymore ♪
‪♪ 나만의 비밀이 생겼어요 ♪‬♪ I have a secret now ♪
‪♪ 하지만 나는 너 좋아 ♪‬♪ But I like you, this could be love ♪
‪♪ 사랑일지도 몰라 ♪‬♪ But I like you, this could be love ♪
‪♪ 하지만 나는 너 좋아 ♪‬♪ But I like you, this could be love ♪
‪♪ 사랑일지도 몰라 ♪‬♪ But I like you, this could be love ♪
‪♪ 하지만 나는 너 좋아 ♪‬♪ But I like you, this could be love ♪
‪♪ 사랑일지도 몰라 ♪‬♪ But I like you, this could be love ♪
‪♪ 랄랄라 랄랄라 랄라 ♪‬♪ La-la-la-la-la-la ♪
‪♪ 랄랄라 랄랄라 ♪‬♪La-la-la-la-la-la ♪
‪♪ 라 ♪‬♪La-la-la-la-la-la ♪
‪[익준의 추임새]‬[Ik-jun] Whoo!
‪[송화의 탄성]‬ ‪[친구들의 힘겨운 신음]‬Who… whoa. Wow. Whoa.
‪(준완) 벌써 도착했을 텐데‬She's supposed to be there by now.
‪왜 계속 전화를 안 받지?‬Why isn't she answering her phone?
‪[통화 연결음]‬[dial tone ringing]
‪[입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[스위치 조작음]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(남자13) 여보세요‬[Se-gyeong] Hello?
‪이익순 씨 휴대폰 아닌가요?‬I'm sorry, is this Lee Ik-sun's phone?
‪(남자13) 네, 맞습니다‬Yes, it is. Sorry, but Ik-sun can't come to the phone right now.
‪익순이가 지금 전화받을 상황이‬ ‪아니어서 제가 받았습니다‬Yes, it is. Sorry, but Ik-sun can't come to the phone right now.
‪남자 친구분이시죠?‬You must be her boyfriend. I picked up because I didn't want you to worry.
‪걱정하실까 봐 제가 대신 받았습니다‬You must be her boyfriend. I picked up because I didn't want you to worry.
‪저 익순이 친구예요‬I'm Ik-sun's friend.
‪아, 네, 안녕하세요‬ ‪익순이한테 무슨 일 있습니까?‬Oh, I see, I see. Is everything all right with her? Well, it's nothing too serious. But we got into an accident,
‪(남자13) 그게, 심각한 건 아니고‬ ‪교통사고가 났는데‬Well, it's nothing too serious. But we got into an accident, and she is a little hurt.
‪익순이가 조금 다쳤어요‬and she is a little hurt.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪팔이랑 머리 쪽을 다쳤는데‬ ‪지금 검사 중입니다‬She hurt her arm and her head. She's having some tests done.
‪[준완의 한숨]‬ ‪정말 심각한 상황은 아니고요‬Really. It's nothing serious, though. You don't need to be too worried.
‪진짜 걱정 많이 안 하셔도 됩니다‬Really. It's nothing serious, though. You don't need to be too worried.
‪(준완) 어, 그…‬-Well, uh… -She'll be just fine.
‪(남자13) 익순이가 절대‬ ‪집에도 남자 친구분한테도‬-Well, uh… -She'll be just fine. She asked me not to tell you or her family…
‪말하지 말라고 했는데‬She asked me not to tell you or her family… -Wait. -…but I didn't want you to worry.
‪- (준완) 저…‬ ‪- (남자13) 그래도 걱정하실까 봐‬-Wait. -…but I didn't want you to worry.
‪(준완) 그, 지금 무슨 검사 중이죠?‬Wait. What kinds of tests are they doing?
‪(남자13) 자세하게‬ ‪무슨 검사인지는 잘…‬To be honest, I'm not really sure.
‪아마 머리에서 피가 좀 많이 나서‬ ‪뇌 쪽 검사를 하는 거 같아요‬It's probably a brain test. She bled a bit from a head wound.
‪익순이 조금 있으면 나올 건데‬ ‪바로 전화하라고 할게요‬She'll be out in a bit. I'll tell her to call you. Okay, tell her I'll stay up and i'll wait for her call, okay?
‪네, 안 자고 기다린다고‬ ‪꼭 전화해 달라고 전해 주실래요?‬Okay, tell her I'll stay up and i'll wait for her call, okay?
‪(남자13) 네, 알겠습니다‬Okay, I'll let her know.
‪감사합니다, 근데 성함이…‬Thanks a lot. What's your name?
‪(남자13) 아, 저는‬Oh, sorry. My name is Ko Se-gyeong.
‪고세경이라고 합니다‬Oh, sorry. My name is Ko Se-gyeong.
‪익순이랑 같은 건물에 살고 있고요‬Ik-sun and I live in the same building.
‪지금 익순이랑 제일 친한 친구입니다‬I'm pretty much her closest friend here.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬[drum sticks tapping]
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪준완이 요즘 무슨 일 있어?‬ ‪살이 쏙 빠졌어‬[Song-hwa] Is something up with Jun-wan? He's lost so much weight.
‪밥이 잘 안 넘어가네‬I can't really eat. It feels like I'm chewing sand.
‪모래 씹는 거 같아‬I can't really eat. It feels like I'm chewing sand.
‪준완이 요즘 힘들어‬ ‪수술도 많고 일도 많고‬[Ik-jun] He's pretty stressed out. Too many surgeries. He's overworked.
‪아, 그 새끼 이렇게 힘들어하는 거‬ ‪나도 처음 봤다‬I've never seen him so stressed out.
‪천명태 교수님 다음 주 학회 가시는데‬Professor Cheon has a conference next week.
‪교수님이 환자 맡으시기로 하셨어요?‬Are you taking his patients? [Jun-wan] I don't care. Mind your own business.
‪관심 없어, 너도 신경 꺼‬[Jun-wan] I don't care. Mind your own business.
‪무슨 말이야?‬What do you mean? Ik-sun.
‪익순아, 너 무슨 일 있구나?‬What do you mean? Ik-sun. Something's happened, right?
‪여자 친구랑 헤어진 거 아니지?‬[Seok-hyeong] Could he have broken up with his girlfriend?
‪요샌 작게‬ ‪이런저런 스트레스 받을 일이 많네‬It's just a bunch of things are stressing me out these days.
‪신경 쓸 일도 많고‬I have a lot on my mind.
‪그리고 또?‬And? What else?
‪나도 들었어‬[Song-hwa] I heard too. You know, everyone at the hospital already knows.
‪병원에서 모르는 사람이 없던데?‬[Song-hwa] I heard too. You know, everyone at the hospital already knows.
‪기다려 봐, 계기가 있을 거야‬Just wait. Something will come along.
‪근데 조건이 있어‬On one condition, though.
‪나 오늘 밤 속초 내려갈지도 몰라‬I might go back to Sokcho tonight. I'm pretty weird, right?
‪내가 이상한 거지?‬I might go back to Sokcho tonight. I'm pretty weird, right?
‪아무한테도 얘기 안 할게‬ ‪나만 알고 있을게‬[Ik-jun] I won't tell anyone. I'll keep it to myself.
‪교수님, 어떻게 아셨어요?‬How did you even know I had a question? Are you some kind of mind reader?
‪제 마음을 읽으세요?‬How did you even know I had a question? Are you some kind of mind reader?
‪교수님이 서울에 계시면 제 마음이‬ ‪얼마나 든든하고 좋은지 몰라요‬[Seon-bin] You make me feel so reassured, it's like I'm always giving you a boost whenever you're in Seoul.
‪허선빈 선생‬ ‪머리 그렇게 쉽게 여는 거 아니에요‬Dr. Heo, we shouldn't be so quick to open up the head.
‪오버하지 마, 그럴 가능성이 높아?‬[doctor] No way. What are the chances?
‪죄송합니다‬-[Seon-bin] I'm sorry. -[Ik-jun] You know this is serious, right?
‪지금 심각한 상황인 거 알지?‬-[Seon-bin] I'm sorry. -[Ik-jun] You know this is serious, right?
‪진짜 알 수 없는 사람이네요‬[Jun-wan] I really can't figure him out.

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