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  너를 닮은 사람 10

Reflection Of You 10


‪[우재의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪이제 와?‬What took you so long?
‪[가방이 툭 떨어진다]‬
‪(해원) 기다리지‬ ‪말라 그럴 걸 그랬어‬I shouldn't have told him to wait.
‪병원에만 바로 왔어도‬Had he come to the hospital right away, they would've tried surgery at least.
‪수술이라도 해 볼 수 있었다는데‬Had he come to the hospital right away, they would've tried surgery at least.
‪내가 괜히 간다고 해서…‬I shouldn't have said I'd go to him.
‪선배도 못 갈 거 같으면 못 간다고‬And you, if you didn't think you could make it,
‪나한테 말을 해 줘야지‬you should've told me so.
‪거기서 세 시간이나 혼자…‬He waited for three hours at the terminal.
‪그렇게 기다리시게 두면‬ ‪안 되는 거잖아‬We shouldn't have made him wait that long.
‪알아‬I know.
‪다 내 잘못이야‬It's my fault.
‪아, 아니야, 내가…‬No. I…
‪그래, 선배‬So tell me.
‪선배 그 시간에 어디 있었어?‬Where were you then?
‪어디 있었는데?‬Where were you?
‪선배 그 시간에 어디 있었냐고‬ ‪대체 어디 있었냐고!‬Where in the world were you?
‪정희주랑 같이 있었어?‬Were you with Hui-ju?
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬
‪네가 미쳤구나, 네가 미쳤어, 그냥‬You must be nuts!
‪(해원) 어떻게 나한테 이래!‬How could you do this to me?
‪(우재) 미치겠어!‬It's driving me nuts!
‪나도 내가 이상해 미치겠다고‬I don't know what the hell is wrong with me!
‪자꾸 다른 사람이 보여‬I keep seeing someone else in her.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪미친놈‬You crazy bastard.
‪[바람이 솨 부는 소리]‬
‪[쨍그랑 깨지는 소리]‬ ‪[아이들의 웃음]‬
‪[새 울음]‬
‪[해원이 라이터를 칙 켠다]‬ ‪[담뱃불이 치익 탄다]‬
‪[해원의 한숨]‬
‪(윤정) 얼마 전에‬ ‪결혼식에 오시지 않았어요?‬Didn't he come to the wedding recently?
‪그땐 정정해 보이셨는데‬He looked so healthy.
‪(정은) 참 사람이라는 게‬That's life.
‪지금 우리가 이렇게‬ ‪떠들면서 들어갈 순 있어도‬We all look well and healthy right now,
‪다 같이 나온다는 보장은 없는 게‬ ‪목숨이야‬but any one of us can die at any moment. You never know.
‪먼저 들어가세요, 잠시만…‬Please excuse me. I'll meet you inside.
‪(희주) 대표님이 같이 가자고‬ ‪연락 주셨어‬Ms. Lee called and asked me to come with her.
‪조문은 해야 할 거 같아서‬And I thought it was only right to.
‪네가 할아버지를‬ ‪얼마나 생각하는지 알아‬I know you loved your grandfather very much.
‪기운 내‬Stay strong.
‪기운‬I am
‪지금 낼 수 있을 만큼‬ ‪내고 있는 거예요‬doing my best to stay strong right now.
‪아, 그렇겠다‬Right, of course. I'm sorry.
‪미안해‬Right, of course. I'm sorry.
‪뭐가 미안해요?‬For what?
‪(해원) 나한테 미안한 게‬ ‪한두 개가 아닐 거라‬There are many things you should be sorry about.
‪싸우려고 온 게 아니야‬I'm not here to fight.
‪아니면?‬What then? Are you here to comfort me?
‪같잖게 위로하려고?‬What then? Are you here to comfort me?
‪이제 와 내가 불쌍해요?‬Do you feel bad for me now?
‪내가 괜히 와서‬ ‪네 마음 상하게 한 거 같다‬I shouldn't have come and upset you.
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪어쩌나?‬That's a shame.
‪언닌 이제 미안해할 자격이 없는데‬Because you no longer have the right to be sorry.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[해원의 한숨]‬
‪내가 언니한테 사과를 바랐을 땐‬When I had asked you to apologize,
‪언니를 어느 정도‬ ‪용서해 주고 싶은‬I was still willing to forgive you.
‪마음이 있었던 거예요‬I was still willing to forgive you.
‪(해원) 근데 지금은‬-But now-- -It's not the time to talk about that.
‪지금 여기서 할 얘기 아니야‬-But now-- -It's not the time to talk about that.
‪갈게‬I should go.
‪(해원) 아니요‬No.
‪지금 해야 돼요‬This is the right time.
‪언니가 지금‬Because you just apologized to me when you don't have the right to.
‪함부로 사과를 하고 있으니까‬Because you just apologized to me when you don't have the right to.
‪그동안 있었던‬ ‪수많은 기회를 다 무시하고‬You had numerous chances to ask for my forgiveness.
‪내가 가장 무너져 있는 지금‬And you chose to do it now when I'm at my lowest.
‪선심 쓰듯이 내뱉는‬ ‪그따위 사과는 받지 않으려고요‬You sound like you're doing me a favor. I won't accept it.
‪이렇게 가벼운 사과로‬I'm sure you'd like to think
‪다 떨쳐 냈다고 생각할‬ ‪언니의 마음을‬that your trivial apology has settled all the issues between us.
‪나는 절대 허락하지 않을 거예요‬But I won't allow that.
‪나는 당신을 경멸합니다‬I despise you.
‪그런 날 계속 보게 될 거예요‬And you'll see me time after time.
‪어디에 있든‬Wherever you are, I will follow you tirelessly.
‪내가 지긋지긋하게‬ ‪따라다닐 테니까‬Wherever you are, I will follow you tirelessly.
‪사는 동안 지옥일 테니‬It'll be a living hell,
‪오래오래 살다가‬so I hope you live a long life
‪외롭게 죽길 바랄게요‬and die all alone.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[정연의 한숨]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(해원) 네 마음이 괴로워 죽겠단‬ ‪그런 얼굴로‬Don't give me that tormented look--
‪그딴 마음으로‬ ‪여기 있을 생각 하지 말고‬If you're going to stay here like that,
‪가‬just leave.
‪(우재) 해원아‬Hae-won.
‪가라고‬Just leave.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(희주) 응?‬
‪왜?‬What is it?
‪꿈꿨어?‬Did you have a nightmare?
‪(호수) 응‬Yes.
‪(희주) 일로 와‬Come here.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪하, 무서운 꿈 꿨어?‬Was it a scary nightmare?
‪아휴‬Goodness. My baby.
‪우리 호수‬Goodness. My baby.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[뚜껑을 탁 연다]‬
‪[뚜껑을 달그락 내려놓는다]‬
‪[슬픈 음악]‬
‪(해원) 나한테‬Grandpa.
‪아직 선한 것이 남아 있다면‬ ‪할아버지‬If I have any good left in me,
‪그건 다‬it's all
‪할아버지한테 받은 거야‬from you.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[장작이 타닥거린다]‬
‪(광모) 요즘 뭐 하냐, 바쁘냐?‬How are you these days? Are you busy?
‪네 몸 챙기면서 해‬Take care of yourself.
‪시간 나면 집에나 좀 오고‬And come see me when you have time.
‪정연아, 밥은 먹었냐?‬Jeong-yeon, did you have lunch yet?
‪밥 먹고 있는데 생각나서 연락했다‬I thought of you while eating, so I thought I'd ask.
‪(해원) 먹어‬Eat.
‪난 밥 먹을 자격 없어‬I don't deserve to.
‪[해원이 숟가락을 달그락거린다]‬
‪(해원) 먹어‬Eat.
‪할아버지는 엄마가 잘못한 거‬ ‪다 잊어버렸어‬He forgot about all the bad things you did.
‪엄마가 잘한 것만 기억해‬He only remembered the good things.
‪[숟가락을 달그락 내려놓는다]‬
‪내가 뭐 잘한 게 있어?‬As if I ever did anything good.
‪나 낳은 거‬You gave birth to me.
‪그거 하나로 됐다고‬He said that alone was enough.
‪진짜 잘했다고‬He was proud of you.
‪나한테 매번 그랬어‬He said that many times.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪진짜?‬-Really? -Really.
‪진짜‬-Really? -Really.
‪(해원) 그러니까 먹어‬So eat.
‪할아버지 우리가 밥 굶는 거‬ ‪되게 싫어해‬He hates it when we skip meals.
‪이 콩나물도‬He grew these bean sprouts to make you some hangover soup.
‪할아버지가 엄마‬ ‪술국 끓여 준다고 키운 거야‬He grew these bean sprouts to make you some hangover soup.
‪[정연이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪마늘을 왜 이렇게‬ ‪많이 넣었어, 쓰게‬Why did you put in so much garlic? It's so bitter.
‪엄마 사람 되라고‬So you'd turn into a human.
‪이씨, 쯧‬You little…
‪(정연) 걘 어쩌고 있대?‬What's he doing? Your husband.
‪네 남편‬What's he doing? Your husband.
‪장례식에서도 말 한마디 없이, 어?‬ ‪죽을상을 하고 있고‬He didn't say a word and looked miserable during the funeral.
‪아니, 잘생겨서 좀‬ ‪봐주고 싶다가도‬I want to go easy on him because he's handsome, but then…
‪아휴, 마음에 안 들어‬I don't like him.
‪(우재) 저는 작가님을‬ ‪싫어했던 게 아니라‬ ‪[어두운 효과음]‬I didn't hate you. I liked you.
‪좋아했던 겁니다‬I didn't hate you. I liked you.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪기억이…‬Do you remember?
‪나요?‬Do you remember?
‪(우재) 기억은 여전히 안 납니다‬No, I still don't.
‪그러니까 작가님이 말해 주세요‬So I need you to tell me.
‪제가 작가님을‬Did I have feelings for you?
‪좋아했습니까?‬Did I have feelings for you?
‪아, 잠깐?‬Briefly.
‪아주 잠깐‬Very briefly.
‪아…‬When you and Hae-won were having a hard time while preparing to go abroad,
‪전에 두 사람이 유학 준비로‬ ‪좀 힘들어할 때‬When you and Hae-won were having a hard time while preparing to go abroad,
‪(희주) 가볍게‬we had a fling.
‪굳이 들춰낼 거 없어서 그랬어요‬I didn't mention it since it was nothing serious.
‪(우재) 그런 가벼운 마음으로‬Are you saying I left Hae-won
‪제가 해원이를 버렸다고요?‬due to a trivial fling?
‪서 작가님 마음까진 나도 모르죠‬Only you know the answer to that.
‪(우재) 그럼 작가님은요?‬Then what about you?
‪작가님은 그때‬Did you also
‪저랑 같은 마음이었습니까?‬have feelings for me?
‪(우재) 그건 과거잖아요‬That was in the past.
‪과거에 내가‬ ‪당신을 싫어했다고 해도‬Even if I hated you in the past,
‪지금의 나는 아니에요‬I don't hate you now.
‪오히려 신경이 쓰입니다‬Actually, I'm concerned about you.
‪[희주의 옅은 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(직원1) 이사님‬Sir, we had the latest model ready like you asked.
‪지난번에 말씀하신‬ ‪신차로 준비해 놨습니다‬Sir, we had the latest model ready like you asked.
‪- 좋아요, 이걸로 하죠‬ ‪- (직원1) 네‬-I like it. I'll take it. -Yes, sir.
‪리사 엄마하고 잘 맞겠네‬This will suit her.
‪(직원1) 자, 이쪽으로‬This way, please.
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬
‪곧 나온다고요?‬He'll be released soon?
‪구해원 씨가 변호사를 통해‬ ‪구속 적부 심사를 신청했어‬Ms. Gu's lawyer recently requested a review on the legality of his arrest.
‪미성년 자녀가 혼자 생활한다는‬ ‪탄원서도‬She also mentioned that his young daughter was living alone.
‪옆에서 조언을 잘해 주는‬ ‪변호사가 있나 보네요‬She must have one competent lawyer.
‪[형기의 헛웃음]‬
‪동의서는요?‬And the agreement form?
‪구해원 씨가‬It'll take some time since she recently lost her father,
‪얼마 전에 조부상을 치러서‬ ‪시간이 좀 걸리는데‬It'll take some time since she recently lost her father, but there won't be any problem.
‪(형기) 문제는 없어‬but there won't be any problem.
‪조부상?‬She lost her father?
‪혼자 정리할 게 많겠네‬She must have a lot on her mind.
‪[스위치가 달칵거린다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪어‬-Hey. -Why aren't you home yet?
‪(희주) 안 들어오고 뭐 해?‬-Hey. -Why aren't you home yet?
‪일요일엔 애들하고‬ ‪저녁 같이 먹기로 했잖아‬We're supposed to have a family dinner every Sunday.
‪가고 있어, 얼마 안 걸려‬I'm on my way. It won't take long.
‪연어 좋지‬Salmon sounds great. Okay.
‪응‬Salmon sounds great. Okay.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪(민서) 요샌‬Nowadays, the parents decide on a theme that their kids like.
‪애들 좋아하는 콘셉트 하나 잡아서‬ ‪이벤트 회사에 넘겨주면‬Nowadays, the parents decide on a theme that their kids like. Then the event manager prepares everything for them.
‪알아서 다 준비해 줘요‬Then the event manager prepares everything for them.
‪편하겠어‬How convenient.
‪(영선) 그래도 답례품은‬ ‪네가 따로 정해‬You should still pick the party favors yourself, so Ho-su doesn't feel bad.
‪호수 기죽지 않게‬You should still pick the party favors yourself, so Ho-su doesn't feel bad.
‪답례품이요?‬The party favors?
‪요샌 애들 생일 파티에도‬ ‪답례품을 돌려요?‬Is that needed for a kid's birthday party?
‪전에 지호네 생일엔 지호 엄마가‬At Ji-ho's birthday party, Ji-ho's mom read a storybook to the kids.
‪(민서) 어릴 때 보던‬ ‪동화책 읽어 주던데‬Ji-ho's mom read a storybook to the kids.
‪보기 좋더라‬It was nice. You should try something similar.
‪너도 그런 거 해 봐‬It was nice. You should try something similar.
‪쟤가 어릴 때 뭘 읽어나 봤겠니?‬As if she read anything when she was little.
‪그래서 감사해요, 어머님‬That's why I'm grateful to you.
‪(희주) 저는 받지 못한 거‬My kids are able
‪제 아이들한텐 해 줄 수 있게 돼서‬ ‪정말 감사드려요‬to experience things I wasn't able to when I was little. Thank you.
‪앉아, 너도, 부산스러워‬Stop distracting us and sit down.
‪아, 맞다‬Right. About Mr. Seo Woo-jae…
‪서우재 씨?‬Right. About Mr. Seo Woo-jae…
‪[민서의 헛웃음]‬
‪(민서) 뭘 그렇게 놀라?‬Why do you look so surprised?
‪궁금해했잖아‬You asked about him. He's doing much better.
‪많이 좋아지고 있다고‬You asked about him. He's doing much better.
‪기억을 찾을 수도 있겠어‬He may regain his memories.
‪아, 네‬I see. That's a relief.
‪다행이네요‬I see. That's a relief.
‪(해원) 안녕하세요?‬Hello.
‪인사는 받아 주세요‬You should at least say hi.
‪이번 프로젝트‬After all, I'm Ms. Lee's assistant for the upcoming project.
‪제가 대표님 어시잖아요‬After all, I'm Ms. Lee's assistant for the upcoming project.
‪대표님한텐 내가 얘기할게‬I'll tell her myself
‪부부가 같이 일하는 거‬ ‪내 쪽에서 불편하다고‬that I'm uncomfortable working with a married couple.
‪지금 갤러리에 여기‬ ‪투입할 수 있는 인력이 없어요‬No one else at the gallery has time to assist her.
‪그러니 절 뽑으셨겠죠‬That's why she hired me.
‪어시 할 사람이야‬ ‪아무나 구하면 되는 거고‬Hiring an assistant isn't difficult.
‪아‬Right. How is Mr. An doing?
‪이사님은 좀 괜찮아지셨어요?‬Right. How is Mr. An doing?
‪(해원) 주영 아버님 일‬ ‪잘 처리해 주셔서‬I'd like to thank him for settling things with Mr. Lee.
‪감사하다고 인사드리고 싶은데‬I'd like to thank him for settling things with Mr. Lee.
‪언제부터 내 남편하고‬ ‪안부를 묻는 사이가 됐니?‬Since when did you care how my husband was doing?
‪걱정 마세요‬Don't worry.
‪제가 언니 남편을 건드는 일은‬ ‪절대 없어요‬I won't be seducing your husband.
‪하나뿐인 소중한 걸‬ ‪빼앗기는 기분이 어떤 건지‬I want you to also feel the pain of having the most precious person
‪언니도 알았으면 좋겠는데‬stolen from you.
‪그게 언니 남편은‬ ‪아닌 거 같아서요‬But I don't think that's him.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪언니한테 남편은 소중한 게 아니라‬ ‪필요한 거니까‬He's not precious to you. You just need him.
‪그만 좀 해, 제발‬Can you please stop?
‪(해원) 언니야말로 그만해요‬You're the one who should stop.
‪아닌 척, 모르는 척 우기기만 하다‬What if Woo-jae regains his memories while you keep feigning ignorance?
‪선배가 기억이라도 찾으면‬ ‪어쩌려고?‬What if Woo-jae regains his memories while you keep feigning ignorance?
‪너도 참 복잡하게 산다‬Why are you making things so complicated?
‪(희주) 그렇게 잘 알면‬ ‪그냥 떠들고 다녀‬Why don't you just tell everyone about it?
‪네 남자가 널 버리고 도망쳤다고‬ ‪여기저기 말하고 다녀‬Tell them that your husband abandoned you. Though I doubt anyone would believe you.
‪누가 믿어 줄진 모르겠지만‬Tell them that your husband abandoned you. Though I doubt anyone would believe you.
‪그러기 싫은데요?‬I don't want to do that.
‪그럼 그냥 가벼운 가십거리로‬ ‪끝나잖아요‬It'll only become something to gossip about.
‪(희주) 그래‬ ‪그런 가벼운 가십거리가‬Exactly. If you were so hurt by people gossiping about that,
‪그렇게 큰 상처였다면‬Exactly. If you were so hurt by people gossiping about that,
‪나한테 더 꼭꼭 숨었어야지‬you should've stayed away from me.
‪굳이 내 앞에 서우재를‬ ‪데리고 나타난 이유가 뭐야‬Why the hell did you show up with Woo-jae in front of me?
‪과거를 다시 되돌리고 싶어?‬Do you want to turn back time?
‪그런다고 뭐가 달라질 거 같아?‬What difference will that make?
‪차라리 네가 지금 원하는 걸 말해‬Just tell me what you want.
‪네 인생을 왜 이렇게 낭비하니?‬Why waste your life like this?
‪그래서 남는 게 뭐야?‬What will you get in return?
‪적어도‬At the very least, you'll feel the pain I felt.
‪내가 얼마나 괴로웠는지‬ ‪언니도 알게 되겠죠‬At the very least, you'll feel the pain I felt.
‪같이 불행해지자?‬So you want me to be miserable as well?
‪너 진짜…‬You're really…
‪불쌍하다‬so pathetic.
‪- (우재) 저기…‬ ‪- (남자) 네‬-Excuse me. -Yes?
‪(남자) 어? 우재 선배‬Hey, Woo-jae. How have you been?
‪잘 지냈어요?‬ ‪웬일이에요, 여기?‬Hey, Woo-jae. How have you been? What brings you here?
‪아, 혹시‬Well… Have you been in touch with Hae-won lately?
‪해원이랑 요즘에도 연락하고 지내?‬Well… Have you been in touch with Hae-won lately?
‪(남자) 동기들 중에 걔랑‬ ‪연락되는 애 아무도 없을 텐데‬I doubt any of us are in touch with her.
‪해원이 소식이야‬ ‪선배가 더 잘 아는 거 아니었어요?‬I thought you'd know what she was up to.
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬
‪[따뜻한 음악]‬
‪[매미 울음]‬
‪(해원) 선배‬Woo-jae.
‪(해원) 여기서 뭐 해?‬What are you doing here?
‪(우재) 네가 여길 어떻게…‬How did you find me?
‪내가 말했잖아‬I told you. I'm good at finding you.
‪나 선배 잘 찾는다고‬I told you. I'm good at finding you.
‪여기서 뭐 하냐니까?‬Answer my question.
‪영재 만났어‬I met Yeong-jae, your schoolmate.
‪네 동기‬I met Yeong-jae, your schoolmate.
‪(우재) 혹시 뭐 아는 게‬ ‪있을까 싶어 왔는데‬I was wondering if he knew anything about us.
‪네가 졸업도 안 하고‬ ‪연을 끊었다고‬But he said you left school and cut ties with him,
‪나한테 네 소식을 묻더라‬and asked me about you.
‪시간 낭비했네‬You wasted your time.
‪나도 모르고 선배도 모르는 걸‬ ‪걔들이 어떻게 알아?‬How would they know something that even you and I don't know?
‪그럼 네가 아는 걸 말해 줘‬Then tell me what you know.
‪(우재) 넌 항상‬ ‪좋은 기억만 말하잖아‬You always tell me about the good memories we had.
‪사람이 어떻게 좋기만 해‬But we're human.
‪그렇게 좋았으면‬ ‪우리가 왜 이렇게 됐는데?‬If things were always rosy, why did we turn out this way?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪우리가 지금 어떤데?‬How did we turn out?
‪우리 지금 5일 만에 보는 거야‬We haven't seen each other in five days.
‪나한테 괜찮냐고 묻는 게‬ ‪먼저지 않니?‬Shouldn't you ask how I'm doing first?
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪대표님이 선배 작업‬ ‪얼마나 진행됐는지 궁금해하셔‬Ms. Lee wants to know how much progress you've made.
‪[멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다]‬
‪집에는 계속 안 온 거야?‬Have you been staying here all along?
‪(우재) 너도 없는데‬ ‪혼자 들어가는 게 이상해서‬ ‪[해원이 물건을 정리한다]‬It didn't feel right to go home without you.
‪쭉 작업실에 있었어‬So I slept here.
‪(해원) 그래도‬ ‪나하고 같이 사는 집에서‬I guess you felt guilty
‪다른 사람 생각하는 게‬ ‪미안하긴 했나 봐?‬thinking about someone else in the house we share together.
‪변명도 안 하네?‬No excuses?
‪우리 결혼식 왜 했는지 알아?‬Do you know why we had the wedding?
‪선배 손에 수갑 채우려고‬So that I could hold you down.
‪선배는 이제‬ ‪공개적으로 유부남이야‬You're officially a married man now.
‪다른 사람이 보이는 건‬ ‪어쩔 수 없겠지만‬I can't stop you from having feelings for someone else,
‪선배를 가게‬ ‪내버려 두진 않을 거야‬but I will never let you go.
‪너희들끼리‬ ‪아무리 애틋하고 절절해도‬No matter how much you pine for each other,
‪아무도 인정해 주지 않는‬ ‪더러운 불륜‬it's nothing but a filthy affair that no one recognizes.
‪그거밖에 안 된다고‬That's all.
‪알아‬I know.
‪알아?‬You do?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(우재) 뭐 하는 거야‬What are you doing?
‪뭐 하긴‬What do you think? I'm getting rid of it for you.
‪대신 치워 주는 거잖아‬What do you think? I'm getting rid of it for you.
‪망가진 거에 미련 갖지 마‬Don't yearn for something that's ruined.
‪인생이야 망가져도‬ ‪끌어안고 가야 되지만‬If your life is ruined, you just have to endure it.
‪이런 건 다시 만들면 그만이야‬But you can always make these things.
‪네 인생이 나 때문에‬ ‪그렇게 망가졌는데‬I'm the one who ruined your life,
‪그래도 넌 나를‬ ‪끌어안고 가겠다고?‬yet you want to keep me by your side?
‪내가 어떻게 하면 좋겠니?‬What do you want me to do?
‪그냥 말해 주면 안 돼?‬Can't you just tell me?
‪숨이 막힌다‬I'm suffocating.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪숨이 막혀?‬Are you?
‪고작 몇 달 만에?‬It's only been a few months.
‪난 몇 년을 그랬어‬It was years for me.
‪선배가 말도 없이 떠나서‬You left without saying anything.
‪원망하고 자책하고 그러다 두렵고‬I resented you, blamed myself, and felt afraid…
‪그렇게 몇 년이야‬for years.
‪(해원) 뭘 더 말해 줄까?‬What more do you want to know?
‪선배가 갑자기 사라졌다‬You vanished into thin air.
‪이게 내가 아는 다야‬That's all that I know.
‪내일 다시 볼 것처럼‬ ‪웃으며 손을 흔들고는‬You smiled and waved goodbye as if we'd meet the next day, then you vanished.
‪그대로 꺼져 버렸어, 너‬You smiled and waved goodbye as if we'd meet the next day, then you vanished.
‪나머진 내가 꿰맞춘 퍼즐이야‬I had to piece together the rest.
‪그 마지막 조각은‬ ‪선배가 맞춰 줘야지‬So have the decency to put the last piece in.
‪선배가 날 이렇게 망가뜨렸어‬You're the one who made me like this.
‪그때 내가 뭘 잃어버렸는지 알아?‬Do you know what I lost then?
‪아니‬No. Do you know what we lost?
‪우리가 뭘 잃어버렸는지 알아?‬No. Do you know what we lost?
‪다시는 가질 수 없는‬ ‪소중한 걸 잃어버렸어!‬We lost something precious that we'll never get back!
‪알아?‬Do you know that?
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[펜을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪"아이리시 펍"‬
‪"슬라이고 그랜드 호텔"‬
‪(직원2) [영어]‬ ‪감사합니다, 좋은 시간 되세요‬
‪(현성) 어제 체크인한‬ ‪동행이 있습니다, 정희주, 한국‬
‪(직원2) 잠시만요‬
‪뷰 아트페어 참석하신 정희주 씨‬
‪네, 확인됐습니다‬
‪손님, 잠시만요‬
‪부재중에 메시지가 도착했습니다‬
‪- (현성) 아, 감사합니다‬ ‪- (직원2) 감사합니다‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(우재) [한국어]‬ ‪아일랜드에 왔다는 소식 들었어‬I heard you're back in Ireland.
‪올 때까지 기다릴게‬I'll wait for you.
‪아이리시 펍‬
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[현성의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪"아이리시 펍"‬
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑 울린다]‬
‪[저마다 대화한다]‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[컵 받침을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[정연의 웃음]‬
‪비번 바꿨어?‬-Did you change the passcode? -My God.
‪(정연) 아유, 놀라라‬-Did you change the passcode? -My God.
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪(해원) 자기 집 두고‬ ‪왜 여길 들어와 있어?‬Why aren't you staying at your house?
‪(정연) [힘주며] 보증금 빼서‬ ‪어디 좀 투자했어‬I took out the security deposit and invested it somewhere.
‪(해원) 또?‬Again? What are you wasting it on this time?
‪이번엔 어디다 날리려고?‬Again? What are you wasting it on this time?
‪잘되면 어쩌려고 입초사야, 쯧‬Why are you jinxing it?
‪[해원의 한숨]‬ ‪어차피 이 집 계약 기간‬ ‪한참 남았는데‬The lease on this house won't be up anytime soon,
‪넌 그놈하고 산다고 나가 놓고‬and you moved out to live with him.
‪빈집 놀리느니 뭐 해‬Why keep it vacant?
‪야, 근데 너 왜 일로 와? 싸웠어?‬Why are you here anyway? Did you have a fight?
‪[해원의 한숨]‬
‪[기계 작동음]‬
‪[기계 버튼음]‬ ‪[정연의 놀란 탄성]‬My God.
‪야, 누가 알면‬ ‪애 엄마인 줄 알겠다‬You have the skin of a mom who's been busy childrearing.
‪아니다‬You have the skin of a mom who's been busy childrearing. Scratch that. Even moms take great care of their skin these days.
‪요즘 애 엄마들도‬ ‪관리 잘하는 사람 많더라‬Scratch that. Even moms take great care of their skin these days.
‪넌 진짜, 아유‬You're unbelievable.
‪(해원) 피부는 유전이야, DNA‬It's all genetics.
‪(정연) 웃기네‬Don't be ridiculous. Look at me.
‪내 피부를 봐‬ ‪넌 다 관리를 안 해서…‬Don't be ridiculous. Look at me. It's just poor care.
‪(해원) 아빠 닮았나 보지‬Maybe I take after my dad whom I've never met before.
‪본 적은 없지만‬Maybe I take after my dad whom I've never met before.
‪(정연) 이거 완전 VVIP 서비스야‬This is some top-notch skincare.
‪너 이거 한 번에‬ ‪얼마짜리인 줄 알아?‬Do you know how much this thing costs?
‪엄마는 아직도‬ ‪애 엄마처럼 안 보여‬You still look so young.
‪(정연) 당연하지‬Of course. I put a lot of time and effort into my skin.
‪내가 피부에 얼마나 공을 들이는데‬Of course. I put a lot of time and effort into my skin.
‪엄만 어떻게 그 나이에‬ ‪날 낳을 생각을 했어?‬How did you think of having me at such a young age?
‪생각 있으면 낳았겠냐?‬I wasn't thinking, obviously.
‪아무것도 모르니까 덜컥‬Because I was clueless back then.
‪(정연) 아유, 아유, 씨‬
‪씁, 아휴…‬
‪애는 나왔는데 왜 배는 계속 아파?‬I can still feel the pain of giving birth.
‪밑은 쓸려서 다 헐고‬I can still feel the pain of giving birth. I also suffered from inflammation.
‪아유!‬I also suffered from inflammation.
‪아휴, 하긴‬Why bother explaining?
‪말한다고 네가‬ ‪그 고통을 알겠냐? 아유‬It's not like you'd understand.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪한 번이니까 했지, 다신 못 해‬I refuse to repeat it ever again.
‪내가 왜 중졸인데, 다 너 때문에‬I couldn't graduate high school thanks to you.
‪나 때문에 그 많은 걸 포기한 거‬I admire you for giving up so much all for me.
‪대단해‬I admire you for giving up so much all for me.
‪그리고 미안해‬And I'm sorry.
‪그래도 예뻤어‬You were still lovely.
‪그 정신없는 와중에도‬ ‪너 예쁜 건 알겠더라‬You were still lovely. Even amidst all the chaos, you were so lovable.
‪(정연) 생각해 봤는데‬Come to think of it,
‪네 할아버지한테‬there's another good thing I did for your grandpa.
‪잘한 게 하나 더 있더라?‬there's another good thing I did for your grandpa.
‪너 낳은 건 맞고‬The first one was giving birth to you.
‪다른 하나는‬And the second one
‪아빠보다 먼저 죽지 않은 거‬is outliving him.
‪엄마하고 오빠 죽었을 때 난‬When your grandma and uncle died,
‪사람이 그렇게 짐승 같은‬ ‪소리를 내면서 우는 거 처음 봤다?‬I'd never heard your grandpa bawl and cry like that before.
‪그때 내가 진짜‬That's when I promised myself that I'd outlive him at all costs.
‪난 아빠보단 오래 산다‬That's when I promised myself that I'd outlive him at all costs.
‪결심했거든‬That's when I promised myself that I'd outlive him at all costs.
‪그러니까‬So you just do those two things too.
‪너도 그거 딱 두 개만 해‬So you just do those two things too.
‪너보다 잘난 새끼 낳고‬ ‪나보다 오래 살아‬Have a baby who's better off than you and outlive me.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[해원의 비명]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪미안, 엄마‬Sorry, Mom.
‪난 둘 다 못 할 것 같아‬I don't think I can do either of them.
‪(일성) 에취!‬
‪[일성이 콜록거린다]‬
‪(해원) 아버님 신용 상태 때문에‬Due to your bad credit,
‪보상금이 들어와도‬ ‪바로 가압류가 되니까‬your compensation will be seized immediately.
‪나오시면 먼저 주영이 명의로‬ ‪통장부터 만드세요‬As soon as you're released, open a bank account under Ju-yeong's name.
‪[재채기한다]‬As soon as you're released, open a bank account under Ju-yeong's name.
‪(선생님1) '어떤'이‬ ‪붙을 수 있거든?‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬It's about "the type."
‪어떤 모습, 어떤 나의 모습‬The type of person you are.
‪자, 이 어떤 모습을‬And this is also called your moral self-image.
‪도덕적 자아상에 대해서‬ ‪이야기해 볼 건데‬ ‪[수업 종이 울린다]‬And this is also called your moral self-image.
‪이건 다음 시간에‬We'll talk about that next time. That'll be all.
‪오늘 여기까지‬We'll talk about that next time. That'll be all.
‪(학생들) 수고하셨습니다‬-Thank you. -Thank you.
‪[학생들이 대화한다]‬LEE JU-YEONG
‪(리사) 야, 너 밤에 뭐 하고‬ ‪계속 자?‬What did you do last night?
‪야, 이주영‬Hey, Ju-yeong. Aren't you going to eat?
‪너 밥 안 먹어?‬Hey, Ju-yeong. Aren't you going to eat?
‪(주영) 오늘 급식‬ ‪진짜 토 나오던데‬Today's school lunch was disgusting. I'm so lucky.
‪완전 러키‬Today's school lunch was disgusting. I'm so lucky.
‪(해원) 그동안 연락 못 해서‬ ‪미안해, 주영아‬I'm sorry for not being in touch lately.
‪괜찮아요‬It's okay.
‪쌤 할아버지 돌아가셨다면서요‬I heard your grandfather passed away.
‪(해원) 아, 메시지 받았지?‬Did you get the text?
‪아빠 오늘 나오셨어‬ ‪집에 가면 계실 거야‬Your dad was discharged today. He'll be home.
‪(주영) 감사합니다‬-Thank you. -Enjoy.
‪(주인) 맛있게 드세요‬-Thank you. -Enjoy.
‪리사하곤 잘 지내지?‬Is everything fine with you and Li-sa?
‪걔 요샌 오전 수업만 하고‬ ‪실기 하러 가서 잘 안 만나요‬She goes to the dance studio in the afternoon, so we barely meet.
‪결혼식에 리사도 왔었다며‬I heard she was at my wedding.
‪너랑 같이 온 거야?‬Did you bring her?
‪쌤‬Ms. Gu, she's a bit strange.
‪걔 좀 이상해요‬Ms. Gu, she's a bit strange.
‪(주영) 아니‬She took my phone and looked at the video I took of you that day.
‪그날 쌤 찍어 온 거 보여 달라고‬ ‪막 핸드폰 뺏어 가더니‬She took my phone and looked at the video I took of you that day.
‪자기 혼자 그거 보고 울고불고‬ ‪막 난리를 쳤다니까요?‬Then she cried and threw a fit.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(해원) 결혼식 와 줘서‬ ‪고마워, 리사야‬Thanks for coming to my wedding, Li-sa.
‪아, 이주영 짜증 나‬Damn it, Ju-yeong.
‪[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(해원)‬You should've said hi. Why did you just leave?
‪(리사)‬Why did you marry him when he had feelings for another woman?
‪(해원)‬It's easy to fall in love, but breaking up is complicated.
‪(리사) 그 여자 누군지 봤어요?‬Did you see who that woman was?
‪(해원) 봤지‬I did.
‪그림으로‬Through a painting.
‪(리사)‬A painting?
‪(해원)‬He drew a painting of her. I could feel his emotions through his paintings.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(선우) 자, 천천히 올리시고‬Raise your arm slowly.
‪통증 느끼시면 말씀하세요‬Let me know if you feel pain.
‪(우재) 아, 네‬Let me know if you feel pain. Okay.
‪[선우가 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪(선우) 작업을 좀‬ ‪줄이셔야 될 거 같은데‬You should cut down on work.
‪전에 다쳤던 부위가‬ ‪다시 덧난 거라‬You injured the same area.
‪최대한 자극을‬ ‪주지 않는 게 좋아요‬It's best to let it rest.
‪[우재의 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪통증 주사 맞으셨다니까‬Since you got an injection, I'll just do heat treatment today.
‪- 오늘은 찜질만 할게요‬ ‪- (우재) 네‬Since you got an injection, I'll just do heat treatment today. Okay.
‪(선우) 근데 해원 씨는‬ ‪좀 괜찮아졌어요?‬By the way, how is Hae-won doing?
‪다음엔 같이 오세요‬You should bring her with you next time even if she says no.
‪귀찮다고 해도 꼭이요‬You should bring her with you next time even if she says no.
‪해원 씨‬I heard she took up
‪전에 디자인 회사 다닐 때‬ ‪외주 작업 많이 했다고 들었어요‬a lot of outsourcing work at her previous design job.
‪그때 류머티즘이 생긴 거 같은데‬I believe that's when her rheumatism manifested.
‪지난번에 약 타 간 거 보니까‬And judging by her medication, she must also have fibromyalgia.
‪섬유 근육통도‬ ‪같이 온 거 같아서요‬And judging by her medication, she must also have fibromyalgia.
‪아, 그게 진짜 최악이거든요‬That's the worst, you see.
‪어디 가리지 않고 통증이 생겨서‬ ‪진짜 온몸이 아픈 거라‬You feel pain all over your body.
‪밤에 통증이 심해서‬I bet she has to rely on painkillers to sleep at night.
‪진통제 없인 자기도 힘들 거예요‬I bet she has to rely on painkillers to sleep at night.
‪몰랐습니다‬I didn't know since I always fell asleep first.
‪매번 제가 먼저 잠들어서‬I didn't know since I always fell asleep first.
‪(선우) 벤조디아제핀은‬If you take benzodiazepine
‪스테로이드제랑 같이 복용하면‬ ‪몸에 더 안 좋은 건데‬with steroids, it's worse for your health.
‪선배한테 먹여요‬I give that to Woo-jae.
‪(해원) 나 자는 동안‬ ‪선배가 도망갈까 불안해서‬I'm nervous that Woo-jae might run away while I'm asleep.
‪아, 저, 죄송해요‬I'm sorry.
‪저, 제 직업병이에요‬It's a force of habit.
‪괜한 참견이라도 이해해 주세요‬I didn't mean to be nosy.
‪아니요, 오히려 다행이죠‬It's okay. I'm rather relieved.
‪누구라도 해원이 아픈 걸‬ ‪알아주는 사람이 있어서‬At least someone knows about her pain.
‪(선우) 저, 조심히 가세요‬Take care.
‪(옥수) 선우야‬Seon-u.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪- (선우) 오셨어요?‬ ‪- 응‬-Hello. -Hey.
‪(옥수) 아, 이거 이번 주부터‬ ‪하기로 했으니까 시간 맞춰 와‬It's starting this week, so make sure you come.
‪노력해야지‬Give it your all.
‪착하게 살려면 노력이 필요해‬Strive to be a better person.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪얼마나 더요?‬For how much longer?
‪'얼마나'라는 거는 없어‬There's no end to that.
‪나쁜 놈이 더 나빠지려고‬ ‪노력하는 거 봤니?‬Have you ever seen a bad guy striving to be badder?
‪그냥 내버려 두면‬ ‪알아서 나빠지는데‬They don't need to try.
‪그게 나쁜 사람들 본능이잖아‬It's a part of their nature.
‪(옥수) 그러니까 너는‬So you should do your utmost to become a better person
‪힘닿는 데까지, 죽을 때까지‬So you should do your utmost to become a better person
‪최선을 다해서 노력해야지‬until your very last breath.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪밥 먹으러 가자‬Let's go eat.
‪[물건을 뒤적인다]‬
‪[서랍을 쓱 닫는다]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(리사) 씨…‬Darn it.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(희주) 리사야‬Li-sa.
‪여기서 뭐 해?‬What are you doing here?
‪이거 뭐야?‬What is this?
‪(희주) 아, 이거?‬This?
‪전에 네가 이상한 소릴 하길래‬ ‪찾아 봤더니 있더라‬After what you said last time, I looked for the photo and found it.
‪봐, 아빠랑 간 거 맞지?‬See? We were there with your dad.
‪그릴 거야?‬-Are you going to paint it? -What?
‪응?‬-Are you going to paint it? -What?
‪이 사진도 그릴 거냐고‬Are you going to paint that too?
‪네가 한창 이쁠 때라‬ ‪그리고 싶긴 한데‬I do want to since you were adorable back then.
‪그려 줘‬Do it.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪자기 그리는 거 그렇게 싫어하더니‬ ‪웬일이야?‬What's with you? You hate it when I draw you.
‪그냥‬I just
‪엄마가 이 사진 그릴 때‬ ‪어떤 마음인지 보고 싶어‬want to see the emotions you feel when you paint it.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(상호) 이 보드카가‬You see, vodka…
‪참 재밌는 술이야‬is a fascinating drink
‪맛이나 향을 내겠다고‬ ‪그 용을 쓰는데 얘는‬Unlike other drinks that try to stand out,
‪무색, 무미, 무취‬this has no color, taste, or smell.
‪그럴수록 좋은 술‬Less is more with this one.
‪뭐로 만들어도 상관없어요‬ ‪어차피 만들면서‬It doesn't matter what this is made from
‪맛이건 향이건 다 지워 버리니까‬because all tastes and scents are gone in the end.
‪대신‬But it mixes well with any drink
‪아무하고나 잘 섞여서‬But it mixes well with any drink
‪뭘 넣느냐에 따라서‬ ‪술맛이 달라져요‬and tastes different depending on what you add.
‪[술병을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪마셔 봐요‬Try it.
‪[잔을 탁 든다]‬
‪지난번에 할아버지가 오셨을 때‬ ‪주고 가신 거‬Your grandfather gave me some last time.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪술이 부드러워졌죠?‬Doesn't it taste smoother?
‪[상호가 뚜껑을 잘그락 닫는다]‬
‪우리 아내가‬My wife…
‪나 퇴직금 당겨 받은 거‬ ‪적금 든 거, 집 담보 대출 받은 거‬spent all my retirement pay, savings, and money from our home equity loan
‪몽땅 털어서 나 몰래 땅을 샀어요‬on a patch of land without telling me.
‪사기였지, 뭐‬She was scammed.
‪나한테 말도 못 하고‬ ‪끙끙 앓다가 쓰러졌는데‬After keeping it from me for a while, she fell ill.
‪암이랍디다‬It was cancer.
‪그 길로 손도 못 쓰고 갔어요‬There was nothing we could do.
‪근데 내가‬However,
‪그 사기 친 놈 잡겠다고‬ ‪슬퍼할 겨를이 없었네‬I was too busy chasing after those frauds to mourn for her.
‪잡긴 잡았어요?‬Did you eventually catch them?
‪맹지라도 땅을 사긴 샀으니‬It was also her fault for purchasing the land,
‪속은 놈도 잘못이라‬ ‪처벌도 못 하고 풀어 줬어요, 그냥‬so they got away with it without getting punished.
‪억울했겠다‬You must've been upset.
‪억울했죠‬I was.
‪그놈 잡는다고 시간은 허비하고‬I wasted so much time chasing after them
‪결과는 없고‬and reaped nothing in return.
‪그게 미안하고 괴로워서‬and reaped nothing in return. I felt guilty and was in pain.
‪잊어버리려다‬ ‪좋은 것까지 다 놓치고‬I erased everything, even the good memories I had.
‪해원 씨는 그러지 마요‬Don't be like me.
‪슬퍼할 수 있을 때‬ ‪충분히 슬퍼하고‬Mourn as much as you need to while you can.
‪좋은 건 오래 간직하고 그럽시다‬And cherish the good memories.
‪어떻게 왔어?‬How did you find me?
‪날 그렇게 못 믿었어?‬Do you not trust me?
‪힘들었겠다, 너‬It must've tormented you.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪뭐 하자는 거야?‬What is this?
‪네 말대로‬Like you said, I ruined your life.
‪내가 네 인생을 망쳤고‬Like you said, I ruined your life.
‪그래서 수갑도 찼고‬So you're holding me down.
‪(우재) 그럼 이제 너한테‬ ‪어떻게 보상해 줘야 되나‬I'm thinking of what I should do
‪생각 중이야‬to make up for it.
‪가자‬Let's go home.
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬
‪- (직원3) 탁송 기사입니다‬ ‪- (희주) 네‬-Here's your key. -Thank you.
‪(희주) 저, 도착하면‬ ‪호수한테 점심부터 먹이시고요‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬Can you feed him lunch as soon as you get there?
‪- (가정부) 네‬ ‪- (희주) 가자‬Can you feed him lunch as soon as you get there? -Okay. -Let's go.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(우재) 왜 벌써 일어났어?‬Why are you up already? Get some more sleep.
‪더 자‬Why are you up already? Get some more sleep.
‪그게 다 뭐야?‬What's all that?
‪(우재) 작업이 밀려서‬I'm behind on my work so I'll stay at the studio for a while.
‪당분간 작업실에서 지낼 거야‬I'm behind on my work so I'll stay at the studio for a while.
‪카레 소분해서 냉동고에 얼려 놨어‬I've frozen some curry.
‪밥하고 같이 레인지에 돌리면 돼‬Microwave it with some rice.
‪차라리 놔 달라고 비는 게 낫겠다‬Why don't you just beg me for a divorce?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪집 나가면서 다정하게 구는 거‬Don't you think it's cowardly to pretend to care for me
‪너무 비겁하지 않아?‬as you leave home?
‪(희주) 서 작가는 이미 한 번‬ ‪해원이를 버렸으니까‬Because you already abandoned Hae-won once before.
‪서 작가가 여기서 또 돌아서면‬If you turn away from her again, Hae-won will die.
‪해원이는 죽어요‬If you turn away from her again, Hae-won will die.
‪(우재) 나가는 게 아니라‬I'm not leaving for good. It's only temporary.
‪이번 작업 하는 동안만‬I'm not leaving for good. It's only temporary.
‪잘하고 싶어‬I want to do well.
‪그 앱은 안 지웠어‬And I didn't delete the app.
‪나 어디 있는지 확인하고 싶으면‬ ‪언제든 해‬Feel free to check my location whenever you want.
‪다녀올게‬I'll get going.
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪(가정부) 자‬ ‪하나만 먹어 보자, 응?‬Here. Have one bite. Please?
‪돈가스 싫어?‬Don't you like tonkatsu?
‪다른 거 사 올게‬I'll go order something else. Hold on.
‪잠시만‬I'll go order something else. Hold on.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[똑똑 두드린다]‬
‪안녕, 나 본 적 있지?‬Hi. We've met before, right?
‪왜, 맛이 없니?‬What's wrong? Is it not tasty?
‪맛있는데‬It's good.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪돈가스는 돼지고기로 만들어‬Tonkatsu is made with pork.
‪꿀꿀 돼지‬Oink-oink, pig.
‪(해원) 돼지는 태어나서‬ ‪1년만 지나면 아줌마만큼 커진대‬Pigs become as big as me even when they're just a year old.
‪그럼 이렇게 잡아먹히는 거야‬Then they get killed for meat like this.
‪불쌍하지?‬Don't you feel bad?
‪그럼 우리가‬ ‪맛있게라도 먹어 줘야지‬Then we should at least savor it.
‪자, 먹어‬Here. Eat.
‪(호수) 아줌마도‬ ‪내 생일 파티 때문에 온 거예요?‬Are you also here for my birthday party?
‪(해원) 어머‬Oh, my.
‪호수 생일이야?‬Your birthday party? When's your birthday?
‪언젠데?‬Your birthday party? When's your birthday?
‪금요일이요‬This Friday.
‪좋은 날이다‬What a great day.
‪아줌마는 아직 초대를 못 받았는데‬I don't think I was invited yet.
‪초대해 줄래?‬Will you invite me?
‪아줌마 생일은 언제예요?‬When's your birthday?
‪글쎄‬I'm not sure. I haven't celebrated it in ages.
‪해 본 지가 오래돼서‬I'm not sure. I haven't celebrated it in ages.
‪생일이 뭐 하는 날이더라‬What were birthdays for…
‪(호수) 그것도 몰라요?‬Don't you know?
‪촛불 부는 날이잖아요‬It's the day you blow out candles.
‪아, 촛불 부는구나?‬Right. I see.
‪호수는 이번에 몇 개 불어?‬How many candles will you blow out?
‪(호수) 음…‬
‪하나, 둘, 셋, 넷‬ ‪다섯, 여섯, 일곱‬One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
‪일곱 개요‬Seven candles.
‪일곱 살?‬You'll be turning seven?
‪호수 생일 파티에 와 줬다고‬ ‪답례품까지 줘야 돼?‬Do you seriously need party favors for his birthday party?
‪요즘은 그렇대‬That's how it is apparently.
‪우리야 동네 사람들부터‬ ‪다 가난했으니까‬Back when we were little, all our neighbors were poor.
‪생일 파티니 뭐니‬ ‪그런 거 모르고 자랐지만‬Birthday parties were a privilege.
‪호수는 다르잖아‬But Ho-su is different.
‪하긴‬That's true.
‪(선우) 음‬
‪누나, 기억나?‬Hui-ju, do you remember?
‪(희주) 응?‬What?
‪내가 호수만 할 때인가?‬I think I was around Ho-su's age.
‪그, 왜, 있잖아, 그, 그…‬Do you remember that 500-won toy in front of our school?
‪학교 앞에서 팔던‬ ‪그 500원짜리 장난감‬Do you remember that 500-won toy in front of our school?
‪(선우) 아유, 그거 훔쳤다고‬I came home crying about how the store owner accused me of stealing it.
‪문방구 아저씨한테‬ ‪혼나고 와서 울고 있는데‬I came home crying about how the store owner accused me of stealing it.
‪누나가 나 홀딱 벗겨 씻겨 가지고‬You bathed me, dressed me in my best clothes, and went back.
‪제일 좋은 옷 입혀서‬ ‪다시 데려갔잖아‬You bathed me, dressed me in my best clothes, and went back.
‪'우리 선우는 그런 애 아닙니다'‬"Seon-u doesn't steal things."
‪그랬나?‬Did I do that?
‪(선우) 그리고 나한테‬ ‪여기서 사고 싶은 거 다 고르라고‬And you told me to pick anything I wanted to buy in that store.
‪그게 누나 급식비인지도 모르고‬ ‪좋다고 다 사고‬I did, having no idea that was your lunch money.
‪그랬어, 누나가‬That's what you did.
‪아, 근데 왜 안 물어봤어?‬By the way, why didn't you ask me?
‪내가 진짜 훔친 건지 아닌지‬Whether I stole it or not.
‪물어봐 뭐 해‬ ‪네가 500원이 어디 있어?‬What for? I knew you didn't have any money.
‪아, 그럼 다 알면서‬Despite knowing everything,
‪한 달을 쫄쫄 굶어 가면서‬ ‪내 편 들어 준 거야?‬you defended me and sacrificed your lunch money?
‪정말 갖고 싶은 거면‬When there's something you want badly enough, people will even steal for it.
‪훔쳐서라도 갖고 싶으니까‬When there's something you want badly enough, people will even steal for it.
‪내가 그때‬That day,
‪난 진짜 무조건 누나 말 잘 듣고‬ ‪누나한테 진짜 잘해야겠다 그랬어‬I promised myself to always listen to you and treat you well.
‪그럼 너 오늘 오후까지‬ ‪호수 좀 봐 줘‬Then you can babysit Ho-su this afternoon.
‪(희주) 이모님은‬ ‪생일 음식 준비 때문에‬His babysitter needs to go grocery shopping for his birthday party.
‪마트 가셔야 되니까‬His babysitter needs to go grocery shopping for his birthday party.
‪(선우) 와, 그걸 벌써 써먹어?‬His babysitter needs to go grocery shopping for his birthday party. Gosh, you took that favor real quick.
‪알았어‬Sure. What about you?
‪누나는?‬Sure. What about you?
‪일‬I have to work.
‪아, 근데 난 다 뭔지‬ ‪정말 모르겠다‬I'm too stuck.
‪그냥 호수더러 좋아하는 거‬ ‪고르라고 할래‬I'll just let Ho-su pick the one he likes.
‪- (호수) 엄마!‬ ‪- (희주) 어, 호수, 엄마한테 와‬-Mom! -Ho-su, come here.
‪(희주) 뭐 갖고 싶어? 뭐가 좋아?‬Ho-su, which one do you like?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[호수의 고민하는 신음]‬
‪이거?‬This one?
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[괴로운 신음]‬Gosh.
‪[캔을 잘그락 든다]‬
‪[캔을 팍 내던진다]‬
‪주영아, 물‬Ju-yeong, bring me water.
‪[문이 덜컹거린다]‬ ‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪뭐야, 씨, 뭐야‬Who the hell is that?
‪(일성) 야, 너희 뭐야‬-Hey. Who the hell are you? -Hey!
‪[남자들의 위협하는 신음]‬ ‪뭐야, 이 새끼들, 뭐야‬-Hey. Who the hell are you? -Hey!
‪야, 야, 놔‬-Damn it. -Hey, let me go.
‪[소란스럽다]‬Stop it! Don't touch that!
‪야, 그거 만지지 마!‬ ‪[일성의 신음]‬Don't touch that!
‪[시계를 잘그락거린다]‬
‪(희주) 해산물 알레르기 있는‬ ‪친구도 있으니까요‬Some of the kids are allergic to seafood.
‪네‬Yes, vegan.
‪아, 비건‬Yes, vegan.
‪지호 엄마가 비건이라서요‬Ji-ho's mom is a vegan.
‪네, 그쪽으로도 신경 좀 써 주세요‬Ji-ho's mom is a vegan. Please take note of that.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪준비는 대략 다 된 거 같은데‬I think we're pretty much ready.
‪아직 모자란 거 더 있을까요?‬Is there anything else I should do?
‪급하게 배운 거치곤 나쁘지 않네‬You're a quick study. Not bad.
‪너 제법 취향이란 게 생겼다?‬You've formed your own taste.
‪어머님이 다 봐주신 덕분이죠‬It's all thanks to you.
‪내가 널 왜 봐주는 거 같아?‬Why do you think I'm tolerant of you?
‪애 낳은 걸로 유세할 생각 않고‬You don't use your kids to your advantage.
‪(영선) 분수 모르게 나대지 않고‬You know your place.
‪네 부모만큼 격 떨어지게‬ ‪천박하진 않고‬You're not as vulgar as your parents.
‪대신 배우는 자세는 돼 있고‬Rather, you're eager to learn.
‪그래서 봐준 거야‬ ‪네가 뭘 잘해서 봐주는 게 아니라‬That's why. It's not because you're good at anything.
‪명심해‬Remember this.
‪앞으로도 내가 싫어할 짓은‬ ‪안 하는 게 중요하단 말이야‬You better not do anything I don't like in the future as well.
‪호수는?‬Where's Ho-su?
‪네, 호수 아빠가 일찍 퇴근하고‬His dad will leave work early
‪유치원에서‬ ‪같이 데리고 오겠다고요‬His dad will leave work early and pick him up from kindergarten.
‪(영선) 파티는 내 집에서 할 테니‬ ‪그리 알아‬The party will be held at my place.
‪(희주) 여기서 하는 걸로‬ ‪준비해 놨는…‬I thought we'd have it here--
‪(영선) 사람이 몇인데‬ ‪이 좁은 데서‬How will you fit so many people in this tiny house?
‪손님을 받아 봤어야 알지‬How will you fit so many people in this tiny house? You don't know anything.
‪"로얄 인피니티 호텔"‬
‪[아이들이 시끌벅적하다]‬HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HO-SU
‪[아이들의 환호와 박수]‬
‪(희주) 안녕, 고마워‬ ‪안녕, 고마워‬Hi. Thank you for coming.
‪(여자) 이거 호수가‬ ‪좋아할지 모르겠어요‬Hi. Thank you for coming. I hope he likes it.
‪(희주) 아유, 그냥 오시라니까‬ ‪왜 이런 걸 갖고 오세요‬You didn't have to bring anything.
‪(여자) 준비하느라 고생했겠어요‬You didn't have to bring anything. You must've been busy preparing.
‪좀 시켰어요‬You must've been busy preparing. -I ordered them. -Did you?
‪(여자) 업체 어디예요?‬-From where? -I'll tell you later.
‪나중에 알려 드릴게요‬ ‪[여자의 웃음]‬-From where? -I'll tell you later.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪(호수) 어? 드라큘라다!‬SECURITY It's Dracula!
‪(선생님2) 호수야, 기다려‬Ho-su, wait.
‪네, 아버님‬Hello, Mr. An.
‪[아이들이 시끌벅적하다]‬ ‪네, 네, 지금 막 도착했어요‬Hello, Mr. An. Yes, we just arrived.
‪네, 네, 생일 파티요‬Yes, his birthday party.
‪네, 근데 누가‬ ‪데리러 오신 거 같은데‬I think someone's here to pick him up.
‪네, 잠시만요‬One minute.
‪들어가, 들어가, 들어가‬Let's go inside.
‪(아이와 선생님2)‬ ‪- 호수야, 안녕, 잘 가!‬ ‪- 한 명씩 천천히, 천천히‬Let's go inside. One by one. Slowly. Don't rush.
‪(선생님2) 순서대로‬One by one. Slowly. Don't rush.
‪- (현성) 어‬ ‪- 호수는?‬Where's Ho-su?
‪데리고 들어갔다며‬I heard he was here.
‪무슨 소리야?‬What are you talking about? You were supposed to pick him up.
‪당신이 데리고 오기로 했잖아‬What are you talking about? You were supposed to pick him up.
‪(현성) 나 늦는다고 전화했더니‬ ‪앞에 나와 있는다고…‬I was late, so I called. She said someone picked him up.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪(희주) 호수야‬Ho-su.
‪[불안한 숨소리]‬
‪(희주) 호수야‬Ho-su!
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪호수야, 호수야, 호수야!‬Ho-su!
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬Ho-su!
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(해원) 언니‬Hi, Hui-ju. About Ho-su's birthday party,
‪호수 생일 파티요‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Hi, Hui-ju. About Ho-su's birthday party,
‪초대받고도 못 가서‬I was invited but I can't make it. So I'd like to send him a gift.
‪제가 선물을 하나 보내려고요‬I was invited but I can't make it. So I'd like to send him a gift.
‪호수 어디 있어?‬Where is Ho-su?
‪구해원‬Hae-won, where is he?
‪(희주) 호수 어디 있어?‬Hae-won, where is he?
‪(해원) 언니‬Hui-ju.
‪그래‬Fine. I was wrong.
‪내가 잘못했다‬Fine. I was wrong.
‪내가 죽을죄를 지었다고 치자‬Let's say I committed a grave sin.
‪그래도 그렇다고 해서 네가‬But that still doesn't give you
‪내 새끼를 건드려도 된다는‬ ‪면죄부를 주는 건 아니야!‬the right to touch my kid!
‪[해원의 한숨]‬
‪(해원) '했다 치자'가 아니죠‬It shouldn't be, "Let's say".
‪말을 똑바로 하세요, 언니‬Get that straight.
‪그래, 내가 잘못했다‬Okay, I was wrong. I'm to blame for everything.
‪내가 다 잘못했어‬Okay, I was wrong. I'm to blame for everything.
‪미안해‬I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Hae-won.
‪미안해, 해원아‬I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Hae-won.
‪정말 미안하다‬I'm truly sorry, so please bring back--
‪그러니까 우리, 제발 우리 호수‬I'm truly sorry, so please bring back--
‪[훌쩍인다]‬ ‪(해원) 미안해하지 말아요, 언니‬I'm truly sorry, so please bring back-- Don't be sorry, Hui-ju.
‪내가 말했잖아요‬I told you already.
‪[종이 뎅 울린다]‬ ‪언니는 이제‬You don't have the right to apologize anymore.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪사과할 자격이 없다고‬You don't have the right to apologize anymore.
‪(해원) 필요에 의한 사과는‬ ‪더더욱요‬And even more so if you're forcing yourself.
‪불쾌하기만 해요‬That's offensive.
‪- 네, 언니‬ ‪- (희주) 너 어디 있어?‬-Yes? -Where are you?
‪(희주) 너 어디 있어?‬Answer me.
‪지금 당장 튀어와‬Come here right now. Give me my son back!
‪호수 데려와!‬Come here right now. Give me my son back!
‪아니면 너 내가‬ ‪지금 당장 죽여 버릴 거야‬If you don't, I'm going to kill you.
‪내가 너 찢어 죽여 버릴 거라고!‬I'll rip you to shreds!
‪구해원!‬Gu Hae-won! Where are you?
‪너 어디 있어!‬Gu Hae-won! Where are you?
‪호수 데려와, 구해원!‬Give me my son back!
‪너 내가 죽여 버릴 거야!‬I'll kill you!
‪- 호수야!‬ ‪- (현성) 무슨 일이야, 희주야‬-Ho-su! -What's the matter, Hui-ju?
‪(희주) 호수 왜 안 데려왔어!‬Why didn't you pick him up?
‪호수 데려온다고 했으면‬You should've picked him up
‪같이 왔었어야지!‬as you were supposed to!
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(희주) 왜 안 데려왔어?‬ ‪어떡해, 호수 찾아 줘!‬I'm so sorry to Ho-su! Do something! Find Ho-su!
‪호수는 내가 찾을 거야‬I'm going to find Ho-su.
‪내 새끼 건드리면‬I'm going to find Ho-su. I told you I'd kill you if you touched my child.
‪죽여 버린다고 했지?‬I told you I'd kill you if you touched my child.
‪(호수) 어? 우리 집 이쪽 아닌데‬What? My house isn't this way.
‪(희주) 해원이가 시킨 거야‬Hae-won made him do it.
‪너도 알고 있었지?‬You knew, didn't you?
‪(해원) 전 언니 인생이‬ ‪망가져 가는 것만 보면 되니까‬ ‪[문이 쾅쾅거린다]‬I only need to watch your life getting ruined.
‪(우재) 작가님 남편 알고 있어요‬I only need to watch your life getting ruined. Your husband knows.
‪(현성) 네가 감히 내 앞에서 또…‬You dare ask me again…
‪우리 호수 어디 있어!‬Where's Ho-su?
‪(우재) 그쪽도 서로 비밀이 많네요‬It seems you also have many secrets.
‪거짓말이라도!‬ ‪[희주의 놀란 숨소리]‬Even if it's a lie!
‪(현성) 무슨 말이라도 해 봐‬Just say something.
‪내 짐작이 맞구나?‬I guess I was right.
‪(해원) 결국 내 이야기는‬In the end, my story…
‪해피 엔딩이 될 수 없을 거다‬won't have a happy ending.

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