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  미스터 션샤인 17

1:26(윤 상궁마마고가 애신 들었사옵니다Your Highness, Ae-sin of the Go Family is
1:29(엄비충주에서 보내온 진상품이라 하는구나These are delicacies sent from Chungju.
1:33달고 맛이 좋아 나만 몰래 먹는 것인데They're sweet and tasty, so I've been keeping
them for myself.
1:36네가 온다 하여 특별히 내놓은 것이다I had them served just for you.
1:39들어 보아라Give it a try.
1:45황공하옵니다Thank you, Your Highness.
1:54반가의 여식이 신학문을 배우고 있다기에I was intrigued to hear that a nobleman's
daughter was learning English.
1:58내 매우 반가웠다to hear that a nobleman's daughter was
learning English.
2:00(엄비그래너는 어찌하여 서양의 말에 관심
을 둔 것이냐
How did you become interested in the
Western language?
2:04[웅얼거리며아뢰옵기 황공하...Your Highness...
2:09괜찮으니 삼키고 답해도 된다It's all right. You may swallow first.
2:18아뢰옵기 황공하오나Pardon me, Your Highness.
2:21처음 시작은 어떤 이의 이름을 읽고자 함이었
It was so that I could read someone's name.
2:27(엄비이름누구의 이름이었을꼬A name? I wonder whose it was.
2:31한 이방인의 이름이었사옵니다It was of a foreigner.
2:34해서 읽게 되었느냐?Can you now read it then?
2:36쓸 줄도 알게 되었사옵니다I now can even write it.
2:38참으로 장하구나That is truly impressive.
2:43(엄비그래도 호기심으로 걸음 하기에는Still, I reckon the decision wasn't easy to
2:46학당은 퍽 낯설었을 터인데Still, I reckon the decision wasn't easy to
make when you decided to go to school.
2:49새드 엔딩이라는 영어 낱말이 있사온데There's an English word called "sad ending."
2:53슬픈 끝맺음이라고 알려 준 이가The owner of the hotel who recommended me
to you
2:56저를 마마께 추천해 준 빈관 사장이었사옵니다was the one who taught me its meaning,
which is "sorrowful closure."
3:00(애신처음 그 말을 들었을 때When I first heard of its meaning,
3:02학당에 다녀야겠다 결심하였사옵니다I made up my mind to go to school.
3:06새드 엔딩의It's because
3:08반대말을 알고 싶었기 때문입니다I wanted to learn the antonym of that word.
3:11And have you?

(엄비하여 알게 되었느냐?
3:18모든 끝맺음은 나름의 슬픔을 품고 있으니Every conclusion harbors sadness in each of
their own way.
3:23여직 알지 못하였사옵니다So I have yet to learn.
3:26참으로 우문이요 참으로 현답이다What a wise answer to such a silly question.
3:29(엄비그래또 무엇을 배웠느냐?So what else did you learn?
3:34읽어 지혜를 얻는 글들은Writings that teach you wisdom,
3:36'시경'의 글귀나 난설헌의 글귀나 서양 서책의
whether it's from the Book of Odes, or of Heo
Nanseolheon, or in English, despite the
difference in language,
3:42언어만 다르지 그 정신은 일맥상통한 듯하옵니
or in English, despite the difference in
language, they're all connected in terms of
their view.
3:46(애신다만 하나에 하나를 더하면 둘이 된다는
산수의 약속이나
Still, the rules of mathematics that say one
plus one is two,
3:51우리가 살고 있는 이 땅을 지구라 하며and the scientific facts about
3:54그 지구는 둥글다 하는 과학의 법칙들은how the planet we live on is round
3:58매우 흥미롭사옵니다are quite intriguing.
4:01이리 총명하니 조부께서 자랑스러워하시겠어,
Your grandfather must be very proud to have
such a bright granddaughter.
4:06(엄비너를 보니 내 대한의 여인들을 위해Looking at you has reassured me of the
4:09학당을 세우는 일이 헛된 일은 아닐 것 같구나has reassured me of the benefits of
establishing a school for Korean women.
4:15담소를 더 이어 가고 싶으나I'd love to talk some more,
4:17빈관의 사장이 너를 기다린다고 하니 이제 그
만 가 보아라
but the owner of Glory Hotel is supposedly
waiting for you. You should get going.
4:21그날 그때 거기라고 하던데She said you'll know where.
4:24망극하옵니다Thank you, Your Highness.
4:27(애신엄비 마마를 통할 줄은 몰랐소I had no idea you'd go through the queen.
4:29무엄하게도 말이지요?Was I too impertinent?
4:31무엄하기도 했고You were,
4:32but most of all,
4:34귀하가 내게 힘을 과시했다는 생각이 들어서it felt like a display of power from your end.
4:38(히나전 그저 빨리 답을 드리고 싶어서I just wanted to inform you as soon as
4:41구동매에게 직접 들은 내막이라I heard something from Gu Dong-mae
4:43난 서신을 기다렸는데I was waiting for a letter.
4:44전 글로 남기는 것을 선호하지 않는 편이라I'd rather not leave trails of writing.
4:47경험상Experience taught me that.
4:52부탁하오내막이 무엇이오?So please tell me. What was it about?
4:55Your grandfather sent writings across the

(히나애기씨 조부께서 전국 각처에 글을 보내
4:58그 서신이 당도하기도 전에 몽땅 불태워진 모
but they were all burned before they could
reach anyone.
5:02[의미심장한 음악그중 하나 남은 것을Gu Dong-mae scaled the wall of your
5:04구동매가 손에 넣어 돌려드리려고 담을 넘은
Gu Dong-mae scaled the wall of your
residence to return the one that he managed
to retrieve.
5:07서신의 내용은 알지 못하며 불태워진 내막도
He's unaware of the content of the letters and
doesn't know why they were burned.
5:11다만 하나 짐작해 보면This much I can guess though.
5:13구동매가 직접 담을 넘었다는 건Gu Dong-mae scaled the wall himself
5:17애기씨의 조부를 구하기 위함이었겠지요in order to save your grandfather.
5:22답이 되셨습니까?Does that answer your question?
5:27고맙소Thank you.
5:28(히나하면 제게도 답을 좀 주시겠습니까?Now I'd like an answer too.
5:31희성 상 손에 납채서가 들렸던데Hui-seong had in his hand the letter of your
5:34애기씨 손에는Is that
5:36헛된 희망이 쥐어진 걸까요?false hope I see in your hands?
5:39떠보지 마시오이유는 잘 알 거고Don't beat around the bushes. You very well
know why.
5:43(애신그날 내가 처음 간 것이 아니란 것도 알
고 있는 듯하던데
And you already knew that it wasn't my first
visit that day.
5:50한번은 들어오는 걸 보았고One day, I saw you enter.
5:52(히나무슨 일... (히나그때는 나오는 걸 보았
-What's the matter? -The other day, I saw you
5:55들고 나는 날은 달랐으나It wasn't the same day,
5:57애기씨는 그 방에 계속 있는 사람 같았습니다It wasn't the same day, but it seemed like you
had stayed there.
6:05고맙다는 말은 않으셔도 됩니다 저도 도움을
There's no need to thank me since I received
help from you too.
6:09오늘은 고마웠소Thank you for today.
6:11(애신이리 나를 담 밖으로 빼내 준 것 말이오Thanks to you, I was able to get out.
6:15하면 이만 가 봐야겠소Anyway, I should get back.
6:18내 아직 벌을 받는 중이라I'm still grounded.
6:21이 떡값은 내가 치르리다I'll pay for the cake today.
6:23잘 먹겠습니다Thank you.
6:25(히나궁은 어떠셨습니까?How was the palace?
6:34울 뻔하였는데I nearly cried,
6:38다행히 웃었소but I managed to smile.
6:56[옅은 한숨] (조교전체 차렷!Attention!

6:59(조교열중쉬어!Stand at ease. THE ROYAL MILITARY
7:05열중쉬어는 이렇게 하시는 겁니다This is how you stand at ease.
7:09뭐가 다른지 통 모르겠는데I can't tell the difference.
7:10그러니 말일세I'll say.
7:14(조교말씀하십시오교관 나리Sir, please continue.
7:17난 오늘부터 학도들을 가르칠 미 해병대 대위
유진 초이다
I am your drill instructor, US Marine Corps
Captain Eugene Choi.
7:22(유진이름이 유진성이 초이다First name Eugene, last name Choi.
7:24학도들이 부를 일은 없겠지만Although, you won't be addressing me that.
7:26(학도1) 유진초희?Yu-jin... Cho-hee? Why does he have two first
7:29어찌 이름만 두 개란 말인가Cho-hee? Why does he have two first names?
7:31그러고 보니 미군 군복일세He's wearing the uniform of the US Marine
7:34(학도2) 하면 미국인이라고?Does that mean he's an American?
7:41난 학도들의 신념과I'm not interested
7:43(유진신체와 정신의 무장에는 전혀 관심이 없
in strengthening your body, mind, or
7:46그건 각자 알아서들 다지고Those, you'll hone yourselves.
7:48앞으로 내가 가르칠 건 죽지 않는 방법이다What I will be teaching you is how to not die.
7:52내 수업은 길지 않으나 힘들 거고My classes will be short but brutal.
7:56자주 하지 않으나 힘들 거다They'll be tough though not frequent.
7:58잘해 보자Let's do well.
8:00죽다니우리가 말인가?Die? Why will we die?
8:01(학도3) 내 정신이 부재한 신체라My body has a feeble mind.
8:04난 벌써 힘이 드네I'm already exhausted.
8:09(유진당분간은 총을 몸에 익히는 연습을 하도
록 하겠다
For the meantime, you will get accustomed to
8:13여기 보이는 총기는This one
8:14미 해군에서 주로 사용하는 해군용 콜트와is a colt pistol the US Marine Corps carries.
8:18화약을 장전해 불을 붙여 사용하는 화승총This is the matchlock musket which operates
on gunpowder.
8:22저격 소총인 러시아제 볼트 액션이다Next is the Russian bolt-action sniper rifle.
8:27이 중에...Out of these...
8:28(준영저는저는 이걸로 하겠습니다I... I'll use this one.
8:34이걸로 할 거야You'll train with this.
8:35(완익뭐야무관 학교 교관에 누굴 앉혀?What? Who got appointed as the drill
8:37외부대신인 나도 모르게 어째 외국인 교관이
I'm the Minister of Foreign Affairs and a
foreigner got appointed without my

8:44이정문 대감이 작정을 하고 그 미국인을 앉힌
It looks like Lord Lee Jeong-mun was
determined to make it happen.
8:48(군부대신대감께서 외부대신에 오르시기 전
부터 이미 내정돼 있었답니다
I hear it was already decided before you were
appointed as minister.
8:52내래 지금 그거 묻네?Is that what you think I meant?
8:54(완익이정문이가 작정을 할 동안 니는 뭐 한
거이냐고 묻는 기야
I'm asking what you've been doing while Lee
Jeong-mun came up with this!
8:59내래 원수부부터 축소하갔다 했니안 했니?I said I wanted to downsize the Board of
9:01근데 거기다가 냅다 미국인 교관을 앉히니?but you let an American be the drill instructor.
9:05무관 학교는 황제 폐하 직속의 원수부 소속이
The Royal Military Academy is directly under
the emperor's jurisdiction.
9:10저도 어제 알아 가지고...I only found out yesterday.
9:12그게 말이니막걸리니?Are you kidding me?
9:14(완익내관에 궁녀에 궁내부 역관들까지I had everyone know including even the court
9:16안 얼러 둔 놈이 없는데 어째 그걸 어제 아니?and the interpreters at the palace. -How could
you find out just yesterday? -Well...
9:19그것이...-How could you find out just yesterday? -
9:22(군부대신바로 저리되었습니다That's what happened.
9:33새로이 뽑은 궁내부 역관들이오They are the newly appointed interpreters.
9:39(정문외부대신께서 외교에 힘쓰느라 안팎으
로 노고가 많으니
The minister is busy dealing with affairs in and
out of the country,
9:43자네들의 일이 중하다so your role here is important.
9:45대신께서 신경 쓰시지 않도록Devote yourself to the country's affairs
9:48대한의 일에 성심을 다하라to less burden the minister.
9:50(역관들대감-Yes, my lord. -Yes, my lord.
9:52(완익어째 일 잘하던 아들을 싹 다 갈아 치
웠나 모르겠네
Well, I don't understand why you replaced
their hardworking predecessors.
9:58고인 물은 썩기 마련이라Stagnant water tends to rot.
10:01이래 물불을 못 가리면 일찍 고인이 돼서Those who don't know their places, tend to die
10:05(완익땅속에서 썩기 십상인데and rot in the ground.
10:08입 밖에 내는 말이라고는 겁박밖에 없는All you do is spit out threats.
10:12- (완익? - (정문참으로 품위 없는 종자-What? -What a disgrace of a man.
10:14뭐이 어드래? - (정문들은 대로요-What was that? -You heard me.
10:17인명은 재천이고And life and death are in the hands of the
10:20가자Let's go.
10:21(역관들대감-Yes, my lord. -Yes, my lord.
10:28(완익저거이...That little...

10:29내 복장 터지라고 아주 지랄을 하는구나He'll do anything to get on my nerves.
10:35인명이 재천인지 어디 한번 보갔어We'll see if life and death really are in the
hands of the deity.
10:39뭐 하고 섰니 무관 학교에 안 가 볼 거이네?Why are you still here? Get to the military
10:42(조교어깨!Ready to fire.
10:44조준발사Aim. Fire!
10:46(학도들) [힘없는 목소리로-Bang. -Bang.
10:47(조교바로As you were.
10:48우향우다음Right face. Next.
10:55어깨!Ready to fire.
11:14(조교대감마님미리 기별도 안 주시고 예까
지 직접
My lord, if I knew you were coming, I
11:18(완익비키라가린다Move. You're in my way.
11:32(군부대신저자가 실성을 했
Is... Is he out of his mind?
11:35(유진이게 그렇게 어려워이 자세가?Is this that hard to do?
11:37뭐가 어려워?What's so hard about it?
11:39개머리판을 어깨에 고정시키고Lock the butt plate at your shoulder.
11:43(용주상완이와 그의 처를 죽인 자는 이완익이
The one who killed Sang-wan and his wife
was Lee Wan-ik.
11:55(유진다들 명심하고 오늘 훈련은 여기까지야Keep that in mind. That is the end of today's
11:57전체 해산You're dismissed.
11:59(학도4) 뭘 명심하라는 겐가?Keep what in mind?
12:00(학도5) 난들 아나 그나저나 실력이 형편없지
How should I know? By the way, he's a crappy
12:12(완익무스기 환영을 이리 거칠게 하니?That was one loud welcome.
12:15국방비가 어케 쓰이나 했더니I was curious of the defense budget,
12:17총알을 그리 막 써 재껴서 되갔니?but I see you've been wasting bullets.
12:20내래 그 돈으로 냉면 한 사발 사 먹는 게 나았갔
I'll be better off spending that money on a
bowl of noodles.
12:24미 해병 보급품이니 신경 안 쓰셔도 됩니다The supplies are from the US Marine Crops,
so don't worry.
12:26너 방금 그거 살인 미수다Your action just now can be considered as
attempted murder.
12:32(유진훈련장에서 오발 사고야 늘 있는 법이라Accidents tend to happen at shooting ranges.
12:34(군부대신어허보자 보자 하니까 이자가 진
You're crossing the line.
12:37미국 물이 좋긴 좋구나The American spirit sure is nice.
12:39(완익확실히 조선 놈 간땡이는 아이다Those guts of yours definitely aren't Korean.

12:42내래 단도직입적으로 묻갔어Let me ask you directly.
12:45이정문이랑은 어케 아니?How do you know Lee Jeong-mun?
12:47이정문이가 뭔 생각으로 이 판에 너를 앉혔는
가 이 말이야
What is he scheming by putting you in charge
12:52이세훈이 가마 넘은 것도 그렇고Is that why you boldly attacked Lee Se-hun?
12:57너 혹시 이정문이 밀정이니?Are you Lee Jeong-mun's spy?
13:01알렌이 알면 가만있갔니?What would Allen say if he found out?
13:04그리 몰아갈 생각이신가 본데I guess that's how you plan to frame me.
13:07한번 몰아 보시든가몰리나Well, do your best. I'd like to see you try.
13:17중요한 얘기 하는데 누가 이리 탕탕거리니?Who's interrupting us?
13:20(유진거기 학도생 총기 반납하고 하교한다,
Cadet, return your firearm and head home.
13:31(완익계속 그렇게 깐죽대 보라Keep testing my temper.
13:34미국 이름 가진 조선 아새끼 하나 죽이는 거 일
도 아니니
It won't be difficult to kill a Korean with an
American name.
13:38나도 뭐일본 이름 가진 조선인 하나 죽이는 게It won't be difficult to kill a Korean
13:41일은 아닐 겁니다with a Japanese name either,
13:43작금의 조선에서는especially in this day and age.
13:45(유진하니 몸조심하십시오So you should be careful.
13:46일전에 보니By the looks of it,
13:48외부대신 자리에만 앉으면 다들 죽어 나가던데the Minister of Foreign Affairs keeps getting
13:55(관수개차반개차반 그런 개차반이 없습니다What a mess. You have no idea.
13:58사치스럽기는 또 얼마나 사치스러운지Do you know just how extravagant he is?
14:00황제 폐하도 아껴 드신다는 그 비싼 가배를Even though coffee is too expensive for even
the emperor,
14:03아침저녁으로 마시고he drinks it day and night.
14:05미국서 인이 박였다나He says he picked up the habit in America.
14:07참 나My gosh. You know what else?
14:08한데 딱히 또 영어 발음이 좋지도 않습니다My gosh. You know what else? His English
isn't even that good.
14:11웨스트버지니아 그쪽 발음이랄까?I think the dialect is of West Virginia.
14:19[한국어뭐야이게?Can you believe it?
14:21듣도 보도 못한 발음입니다 듣도 보도 못해I've never heard of such pronunciation before!
14:23맨날 어디론가 가고 있다 그러고 일은 맨날
제가 다 합니다
He's always off to some place, and I end up
doing all the work.
14:28조선에서 교류하는 자는 따로 없나?Is he close to anyone in Joseon?
14:29사람이 아주 정이 없고 차가운 것이 가까이 지
내는 이도 없습니다
He's so cold-hearted that no one has
befriended him.

14:33하긴 그버르장머리가 없긴 하던데That's not a surprise. I also thought he was
quite rude.
14:36그럼 혹 만나는 계집은?Is he seeing any woman?
14:41계집요?A woman?
14:44잘 생각해 처먹은 만큼 내놓는 것도 있어야지Think before you answer. This meal isn't for
free, you know.
14:48있어없어?Is there a woman or not?
14:49남녀상열지사 쪽을 원하시는구나So that's what you're interested in.
14:55(관수그럼 미리 말씀을 하시지Why didn't you say so from the start?
14:57저는 업무 태도성격활동 계획I only focused on his work ethics, personality,
and future plans.
15:02그런 쪽으로만 중점을 뒀지 뭡니까Things like that, you know.
15:05- (덕문? - (관수해서 드는 생각인데-What? -So I've been thinking.
15:08밀정 이게 의욕만 있다 해서 될까요?Is a will or drive all you need to be a spy?
15:11(관수고기도 먹어 본 놈이 먹고 나라도 팔아
본 놈이
If you think about it, those who've betrayed
their country...
15:18팔아 본 놈이 파는 것인데Those who have past experiences do well.
15:20저도 노력하면 되겠지요나리?Would I be able to get to that level too?
15:22(덕문이런 미친Why you...
15:25돈 처먹고 밥 처먹고 그게 할 소리야!How dare you say that after all I did for you?
15:30아휴시간만 버렸네What a waste of time.
15:34내 오늘은 그냥 가는데I'll let it slide this time,
15:36다음번에는 더 확실한 거 들고나와야 돼but I expect more solid intel when we meet
15:39거 맨날 혼자 어딘가 간다는데 한번 따라가 보
Why not follow him when he goes off on his
15:45살펴 가십시오나리Right. Take care, sir.
15:59갔습니다He's gone.
16:14들어서 아시겠지만 뭐믿게 하려다 보니I'm sure you knew, but I had to be convincing.
16:17본심은 아니었습니다I didn't mean any of it.
16:18본심이던데I know you did.
16:21신났던데You were having a blast.
16:23듣다 보니 그런 개차반이 없던데?Even I thought I was a scumbag.
16:26(관수아니이런!Oh, dear.
16:30카일 나리 쇼핑을 돕기로 하였는데I forgot that I promised Major Moore with his
16:35하면 전 이만 가 보겠습니다I should get going.
16:47오늘 고마웠소달아 놓으시오Thank you for today. You can put it on my tab.
16:49식사 안 하셨으면 하고 가시지요Join me if you haven't eaten.
16:52수저만 놓으면 되겠는데All we need is some cutlery.
16:54왜 갑자기 친절한 거요?Why the sudden hospitality?
16:56I heard of your heartbreaking backstory.

눈물겨운 사연이 있으시길래
16:59나랑 비슷한You and I are similar.
17:02노비던데You too are a lowborn.
17:08난 백정인 거 알았어도 아무 말 안 했는데I didn't say anything when I found out you
were a butcher.
17:11제가 아는 노비 중에 제일 점잖으십니다Out of all the lowborns I know, you sure are
the politest.
17:16속상해 마시오Don't be upset.
17:18내가 더 나은 사람인 건 그쪽 잘못이 아니니It's not your fault that I'm the better person.
17:27[술을 조르르 따르며난 조선에 돌아오자마자
다 죽였는데
When I first returned to Joseon, I killed them
17:33내 부모 그렇게 만든 것들Those who spat on my parents, I mean.
17:37나도 생각 안 해 본 건 아니오It's not like I haven't thought about it.
17:41수백 번도 더 죽여 보았소 마음속에서I've killed them hundreds of times in my head.
17:45용서를 하신 걸까요 용기가 없으셨던 걸까요?Did you forgive them or did you not have the
17:52우리 부모와 달리unlike our parents,
17:55누구든 벨 수 있고 누구든 쏠 수 있는데can shoot a gun or drive a sword through
17:59선택한 거요I made a choice.
18:02우린 우리 부모와 달리 무엇이든 선택할 수 있
We, unlike our parents, have the luxury of
making choices.
18:08그렇지You're right.
18:10총인지 칼인지It can either be a sword or a gun.
18:14그만 가 봐야겠소I should get going.
18:17(유진나도 오늘 그쪽 덕에 중한 일이 생긴 것
Thanks to you, I now have something
important to do.
18:25[일본어손님 가신다배웅해 드려라My guest is leaving. See him out.
18:35(희성) [한국어부탁드립니다어머니Please, Mother.
18:41한 번만 더save me
18:45구해 주십시오once more.
19:05(집사마님손님이 오셨습니다My lady, you have a visitor.
19:16(호선잠시 자리를 비켜 주게Give us a moment.
19:20마님Yes, my lady.
19:30내 희성이만 모르게 해 달라고 그리 애원했거
I begged you desperately to not tell my son.
19:34어찌 그리 홀랑...How could you...
19:38이리 복수하니 이제 속이 시원하겠구나You must feel better now that you have gotten
your revenge.
19:42(유진당신 아들은 이미 알고 있었소Your son already knew.

19:46내게 더 물을 줄 알았더니I thought he'd ask me questions about it,
19:49스스로에게 묻고 있는 모양이고but he's been figuring out the answers
19:54그게 오늘 내가 여기에 온 이유요That is why I am here today.
19:58네가 얘기한 게 아니라고?You didn't tell him?
20:00당신 말처럼Just like you said,
20:02그 노리개는 내 어미의 목숨값이니 내가 갖겠
the ornament was the price of my mother's
life, so I'll keep it.
20:09그렇다고 당신들을 용서할 생각은 없소But that doesn't mean I'll forgive you.
20:13(유진당신들의 죄는 방관이오The sin you committed is indifference.
20:17평생 용서받지 못한 채 살아가시오Live the rest of your life without being
20:21하나 김희성에게 죄를 묻진 않겠소But I won't ask your son to pay the price.
20:25부모의 죄는 그저 부모의 죄요The child must not bear its parents' sin.
20:30당신 아들은Your son
20:32부모의 죄를 감당하느라 애쓰고 있소has been trying to repent for your sins.
20:36해서 김희성과 난Which is why your son and I
20:38복수에 멈춰 서지 않고 지나쳐 나아가겠소will not be stopped by revenge. We will keep
moving forward.
20:45난 먼 길을 떠나도 봤고 돌아와도 봤소Once, I've taken the long road and also the
road back.
20:49뭐 하나 쉬운 길은 없었소No path was easy.
20:54당신 아들 또한 그럴 것이오It'll be the same for your son too.
20:58응원해 주시오Root for him.
21:16[문이 달칵 닫힌다] (양복점 직원아유어서 오
Hello, young master.
21:19아이오랜만에 오셨습니다It's been a while.
21:21(희성내 그간 공사다망하여I've been quite busy.
21:25(양복점 직원마침 새 옷감이 딱 들어왔는
데 이리 오시니 제가 더 기쁩니다
We actually received this new fabric just now.
I'm glad you came at the perfect time.
21:30(희성그런가Is that so? Then...
21:31하면 이 옷감으로 양복 한 벌 맞춰 주게Is that so? Then... make a suit for me with this
21:35치수는 동경으로 보내던 걸로 부탁하고Use my old measurements for the suits that
you used to send to Tokyo.
21:40내 살을 좀 뺄까 해서I'd like to lose a bit of weight.
21:42(양복점 직원아니지금 딱 뵙기 좋으신데I beg your pardon? I think you look great now.
22:19'한성부 남부 김가 안평은'"I, Kim An-pyeong, in the Southern District of
22:27'한성부 남부'would like to ask
22:30'고가 사홍께'Lord Go Sa-hong
22:36'여쭙습니다'in Hanseong."
22:44(희성이런Oh, my.

22:47(희성) '어른께서'"If you do not think
22:49'저희의 한미함을 낮춰 보지 않으시고'too lowly of me..."
22:59(애신가르쳐 주시오Teach me.
23:02동무끼리 하는 거라며You said this is what friends do.
23:05(희성) '중매의 의논에 좇아'"...we should follow up on our discussions."
23:19고맙소Thank you.
23:22(희성) '손녀 애신을'"If you'd like your granddaughter, Ae-sin
23:35'제 아들 희성의 아내로 주심을'to marry my son, Hui-seong,
23:42(희성) [흐느끼며] '허락받아'...with your permission..."
25:14(히나조선에서 펜싱을 할 줄 아는 이는 제가
알기로는 둘 정도입니다
As far as I know, only two people in Joseon
can fence.
25:18하나는 영국 공사의 처남One is the British minister's brother-in-law.
25:20다른 하나는The other is
25:22불란서 공사관의 서기관 레오the French minister's secretary. Leo.
25:26(레오) [불어정지Stop.
25:29무슨 일 있어?What happened to you?
25:31(레오오늘 팡트가 잘 안되네 무릎이 많이 경
직되어 있어
Your lunges are bad today. Your knees are
very stiff.
25:48내가 조선에 온 건 당신을 만나기 위해서였나
I must've ended up in Joseon to meet you.
25:52이 좁은 땅에 갇힌 나의 작은 새My little bird confined in this tiny country.
25:55나와 함께 프랑스로 가지 않을...Would you like to move to France with--
25:58(히나무릎 놔Let go of my knee.
26:01이제 너한테 더 배울 게 없네레오I have nothing more to learn from you, Leo.
26:05꺼져Get lost.
26:12(히나) [한국어강씨 부인과 내 펜싱 선생이If you see my fencing instructor and Ms. Kang
meeting for the third time,
26:14세 번째 만나는 걸 목격하거든 내게 와서 알려If you see my fencing instructor and Ms. Kang
meeting for the third time, you must let me
26:19세 번을 만났다면 우연일 리가 없으니까If they met three times, it cannot be a
26:26(강씨) [일본어이게 뭐야잘생긴 얼굴에Oh, no. Look at that on your handsome face.
26:28펜싱 가르치는 거 그만하면 안 돼?Can you quit teaching fencing?
26:31그 계집 마음에 안 들어I don't like that wench.
26:34안 그래도 그만하려고 당신한테 집중하고 싶어
I am actually planning on quitting so that I can
be more attentive to you.
26:40(강씨그럼 우리 이제 프랑스로 가는 거야?Does that mean we'll move to France together

26:44[작은 목소리로그 명단 하나면 된다니까I told you that I just need the list.
26:48제국익문사 요원들 명단The list of all covert officers.
26:50미국 선교사 건만 잘 처리하면 떠나기로 했잖
You said we could leave as soon as you sort
out what happened with the American
26:57자기프랑스에 가서 멋지게 살고 싶은 거 아니
Darling, don't you want to live a fabulous life
with me in France?
27:01(레오그 명단이면 우리는 평생을 멋지게 살
수 있어
With that list, we can live luxuriously for the
rest of our lives.
27:07이번 일도 배후는 비밀이야?And even this time, you cannot tell me who is
behind it?
27:12나는 당신한테 다 넘겨줬는데...But I have given you all the information I
27:19[작은 목소리로이 건은 더 큰 거라 조심해야
I have to be extremely careful this time as it's
a very important mission.
27:23그 명단을 원하는 이가 곧 일본에서 조선에 들
The person who wants that list will return to
Joseon from Japan soon.
27:28그때 말해 줄게I'll tell you who it is then.
28:36(유진) [한국어이 댁 식솔 중 누군가가 [무거운
외부에 이 댁 사정을 고하고 있는 것 같소
It seems that someone in this household is
leaking information about the family.
28:40그것이 뭔 소...What nonsense...
28:42(행랑아범너 지금 어디 갔다 왔어?Where were you, you fool?
28:43잠깐 볼일 보러 간다더니만 뭔 볼일이 한나절
What small errand took so long?
28:46오다가 저아는 이를 좀 만나서요I met someone I know on the way back.
28:50찾을 수 있겠소?Can you find out who it is?
28:52더 많은 말들이 담 밖을 넘어가기 전에Before more information gets out.
28:56찾는다손 치면 집 안에 둘 수 없는 노릇인디If I do find out who it is, we cannot keep that
person here.
29:00(행랑아범그렇다고 쫓아내면But if he or she is kicked out,
29:02그 입단속은 또 어찌해야 쓰겄는지more information will get out.
29:04찾는 즉시 내보내시오Whoever it is, kick them out right away.
29:07입단속은 다른 이가 하게 될 거요Someone else will make sure nothing else
gets out.
29:13(돌쇠새끼 꼬던 사람 어디 갔나뭔 생각을 그
You're supposed to be making this rope with
me. What are you pondering?
29:20(행랑아범어떤 썩을 놈이 하나 있는디There is a treacherous jerk I know.
29:23그 인생을 어떻게 꽈 줄까 생각 중이여I was wondering what I can do to destroy his
29:36[밝은 음악] (유진총을 몸에 익혔으니You now know how to hold a rifle.
29:38이제부턴 호흡법을 익힌다Next, I want you lads to learn how to breathe.
29:41방법은 간단하다It's very simple.
29:43목표물을 정확히 본다Aim precisely at your target.
29:46숨을 멈춘다Then hold your breath.

29:47방아쇠를 당긴다Now, pull the trigger.
29:50설명했듯이 아주 쉽다As you just heard, it's very easy.
29:52이것도 못 하면 바보겠지?You'd be a moron if you couldn't do it.
30:01탕 소리는 내지 않는다Don't shout, "Bang."
30:03전체 조준All of you, aim.
30:06숨 멈추고Hold your breath.
30:08발사-Now, fire. -Bang!
30:14다 같이 복창한다Everyone, repeat after me.
30:17'나는 바보다'I'm a moron.
30:22(준영제대로 가르치시는 거 맞습니까?Are you teaching us properly, sir?
30:27아닌 거 같아?You don't think I am?
30:28(준영며칠 전에 보니 교관님 실력도 영 별로
The other day, I noticed that you are a lousy
shooter yourself.
30:38아닐 텐데?I beg to differ.
30:43(유진올려Put it on.
31:00이제 가르쳐도 되겠어?Am I fit to train you lads now?
31:03지금부터 각자 연습한다Now, practice individually.
31:05이준영 학도는 따라오고Lee Jun-yeong, follow me.
31:10(준영왜 부르신 겁니까?Why did you wish to see me, sir?
31:12궁금한 게 있어서I'm curious about something.
31:16미 공사관 영사 대리랑은 어떻게 알아?How do you know the acting consul at the
American legation?
31:20그건 왜 물으십니까?Why do you ask?
31:23입학 서류를 보다 보니까I was going through your application form
31:25네 보증인란에 그 사람 이름이 있길래친해?and saw his name listed as your guarantor. -
Are you close to him? -Is that a problem?
31:28그게 무슨 문제가 됩니까?-Are you close to him? -Is that a problem?
31:31난 친하냐고 물었지 문제가 된다고는 안 했는
I asked if you two are close. I never said it's a
31:37교관님은 친하십니까?Are you close to him, sir?
31:39글쎄친하다고 해야 되나 잘 알기는 하는데Well, shall I say that I am? I do know him very
well though.
31:44얼마나 말입니까?How well do you know him, sir?
31:47너 왜 자꾸 내가 묻는 말에 대답은 안 하고 질문
을 하냐
Why do you keep asking me questions
without answering mine?
31:51답이 없단 뜻인가?Does it mean you can't answer?
31:52혹시 가셔서 제 얘기 하실 겁니까?Will you ask him about me when you meet
31:56안 하긴 할 건데No, I won't.
31:59이미 다 알걸?But I bet he already knows
32:01네가 서류를 위조한 거that you forged all the documents.

32:08그분은 아무 잘못이 없습니다He did not do anything wrong, sir.
32:10아닐걸I disagree with that.
32:11(유진이 서류에 그 영사 대리가 직접 서명을
I know that he signed this,
32:15이 서류가 위조인 거 알면서도fully knowing that it was forged.
32:17그런 걸 보통 공범이라고 하지Whoever that does such a thing is called an
32:20그걸 교관님이 어떻게 다 아십니까?How do you know that, sir?
32:23이 위조 서류에 직접 서명을 한 그 영사 대리가The acting consul who signed this
32:27바로 나거든is me.
32:32(유진네 서류에서 본 그림이랑 비슷하지 않
Doesn't this look like the signature on the
32:37"보증인 유진 초이"GUARANTOR
32:47그럼 저는 이제 어떻게 되는 겁니까?Then what will happen to me now?
32:49(준영저 퇴교되는 겁니까?Will I be expelled?
32:54(유진네가 할 수 있는 선택은 두 가지야You have two options.
32:55날 죽여 입을 막든가 날 믿어 입을 막든가If you want my silence, you have to either kill
me or trust me.
33:01어찌 결론이 같습니까?Why is the conclusion the same?
33:03넌 날 죽일 실력이 안 되고You obviously can't kill me,
33:05and I'd like to...
33:07어리고 어리석은 학도의 진짜 보증인이 될까
be a real guarantor for a young, foolish
33:12그러니까 왜 그러시는 거냔 말입니다But why would you do that?
33:14할 수 있으니까Because I can.
33:21(사홍내 하늘에 그자가 검은 새인가Is he an ominous blackbird flying in my skies?
33:25그자 하늘에 내가 검은 새인가Or is it the other way around?
33:49희성 도련님께서 애기씨께 보내신 가마입니다Young Master Hui-seong sent this palanquin
for Lady Ae-sin.
33:52옴마야My goodness.
33:54(함안댁지금 상황에 꽃가마를 보낼 일이
아닐 긴데
Knowing the situation, I'm not sure why he
sent her a floral palanquin.
33:58(하인대감마님!My lord.
34:01(함안댁아이고대감마님Gosh, my lord.
34:07애신이한테 고해 주고Let Ae-sin know
34:11다녀오라 일러라and tell her to go talk to him.
34:12(함안댁아이고대감마님Oh, boy. Of course, my lord. I will do so.
34:19아야니 쪼매만 기둘리래이Hey, wait a moment, okay?

34:26대감마님이 옳으신 기라Lord Go is right.
34:29다른 사내를 심속에 품은 여인네가 우예 사랑
A woman who fancies another man does not
deserve to be loved.
34:33아이고몬 산다몬 살아Gosh, what a disaster.
34:36저래 이쁜 꽃가마를 놔두고 참말로She could be riding that exquisite floral
34:54(히나그 공을 먼저 넣으시면 집니다If you sink that ball first, you lose.
34:57(희성알고 있소I know.
34:59대신 새로운 경기를 시작할 수 있지But it also means that I can start a new game.
35:04애기씨께서 오셨습니다 어디로 모실까요?Lady Ae-sin is here. Where should I take her?
35:07이리로 부탁하오Please bring her here.
35:12(희성오는 길은 편안하였소?Did you have a comfortable journey here?
35:15덕분에Yes, thanks to you.
35:18잘 지냈소노력 중이오-How have you been? -I'm doing my best to
be okay.
35:22(희성그때 내가 당구 가르쳐 줬을 때 보니 꽤
소질이 있던데
When I taught you how to play pool, I could
tell you have a knack for it.
35:27오늘은 나와 내기 한판 합시다How about we play a game today?
35:30이긴 사람 소원 들어주기The loser has to grant the winner's wish.
35:32내가 먼저 하겠소I'll go first.
35:35이건 반드시 이겨야 하는 내기라It's a game I must win.
35:40줄 공이 내 공이오The striped balls are mine.
36:37(희성내가 이겼소I won.
36:41내기를 했으니I won the game fair and square,
36:44소원을 들어주시오so you must grant my wish now.
36:50소원이 무엇이오?What is your wish?
36:55우리 이제 그만Let's...
37:01분분히 헤어집시다end it now.
37:08이젠 그대는 나의나는 그대의We are no longer
37:11정혼자가 아니오engaged to each other.
37:15이것이 내 소원이오That is my wish.
37:46저 문을 나서면Once you walk out of that door,
37:50온갖 수군거림이 그대에게 쏟아질 거요people will gossip and speak ill of you.
38:00잘 버텨 주시오stay strong.
38:21귀하 역시You too.
38:28내내 고마웠소Thank you for everything.
38:34(애신오늘까지도Even for today.
38:39진심이오I truly mean it.
38:45믿소I believe you

38:48(희성그대가 한때for you once had
38:52내 진심이었으니까my heart.
40:32일이 이리되어I'm sorry that things ended up like this.
40:35면목이 없습니다I don't even know what to say.
40:37아닙니다Don't be sorry.
40:39(조씨인연이 아닌 인연을 맺어 놓았었나 봅니
I suppose they are simply not meant to be
40:43저희야 사내놈이니It is not really frowned upon for men,
40:47애신이가 걱정입니다but I am concerned about Ae-sin.
40:49평생의 흠이 될 터인데She will have to carry the stigma for the rest
of her life.
40:52잘 이겨 낼 겝니다I trust that she will get through it.
40:54마음 써 주셔서 고맙습니다Thank you for your concern.
40:58(조씨부디 건강하시고요And please look after your health.
41:01뵐 때마다 고뿔에 걸리신 듯하여You seem to have a cold every time I see you.
41:09이거Oh, this...
41:29제 평생의 흠이지요It is a scar that I cannot erase.
41:33이 상처가This scar
41:35그 댁 영애를 며느리로 맞지 못하는 이유입니
is the reason we cannot dare to welcome your
niece into our family.
41:41사연은 묻지 말아 주십시오Don't ask me to tell you more about it.
41:44평생I will
41:46속죄하며 살고자 합니다atone for my sins for the rest of my life.
41:53사돈의 연은 안 되었으나 뵐 때마다 참 좋았습
Even though we can't be in-laws now, I've
enjoyed every encounter with you.
41:58(호선더러 놀러 오세요Feel free to come by often.
42:00그 댁 어르신께서도 강녕하시길 빕니다I hope Lord Go stays healthy as well.
42:06부인께서도 강녕하십시오You too. Please stay healthy, Lady Yun.
42:27(남자1) 파혼애기씨가?Her fiancé called off their engagement?
42:29[무거운 음악아니이것이 뭔 일이여?What happened?
42:31(남자2) 애기씨 몸에 큰 흉이 있디야Apparently, Lady Ae-sin has a big scar on her
42:33신랑 댁에서 납채서 보낼 때까지 그걸 숨겼디
She didn't tell her fiancé's family about it until
she received the wedding letter.
42:37(남자3) 신랑 될 이가 10년 동안 안 돌아온 이유
가 있었네
No wonder why her fiancé lived abroad for ten
42:42(남자1) 양놈들한테 빠져 갖고 학당에 댕기다
소박맞은 것은 아니고
Didn't he dump her because she spends too
much time with Westerners?
42:45(남자2) 아이고뭐든 간에 양반이고 상놈이고Goodness. Whatever the real reason may be,
those who grow up without parents always
42:49부모 없이 자란 티가 나는 거 아니겄어many flaws regardless of their origin.

42:52(남자3) 그 대단한 집안 여식도 소박을 다 맞네That girl from such an influential family got
42:54평생 시집가긴 글렀지She'll be single for the rest of her life.
42:58기어이So, it finally happened.
43:00한 뼘 더 멀어지시네She's taken another step away from me.
43:12요즘은 가는 데마다 그 얘기네요I hear people talking about it wherever I go.
43:16애신 애기씨요I mean, about Lady Ae-sin.
43:18(관수실은 애기씨랑 김안평 대감 댁 희성 도
Lady Ae-sin was actually engaged
43:21정혼을 한 사이였는데 말입니다to Lord Kim An-pyeong's son,
43:23그 정혼이 글쎄 와장창 깨졌다지 뭡니까but I heard that their engagement has been
broken off.
43:27제가 생각을 해 봤는데요I thought about what the reason could be,
43:33분명 도련님 쪽에 다른 여인이 있는 겝니다and I'm certain that he has another woman.
43:36그러니 유학에서 안 돌아오시고 그리 버틴 거
Only that explains why he stayed in Japan for
that long.
43:40아닐 거요I don't think so.
43:43무엇이 말씀이십니까?What do you mean, sir?
43:45그는 다른 여인이 없소He does not have another woman.
43:48오직 한 여인뿐일 거요There is only one woman in his heart.
43:50앞으로도That won't ever change.
43:52그걸 나리가 어찌 아십니까?But how do you know that, sir?
44:09(관수경위원 총순들입니다 어찌 이러는 걸까
They must be from Palace Security. What do
they want from us?
44:11(총순미 공사관 영사 대리따라오시오The American acting consul, please come
with us.
44:16아휴난 또Gosh, what a relief.
44:19아이고가슴이야That scared me.
44:21난 또?"What a relief"?
44:23오래전 기억이긴 합니다만I know that it's from a long time ago,
44:26그때 나리께서도 이렇게 하시던데but you did the exact same thing.
44:45맛있소?Is it good?
44:50어딜 그리 쏘다니는 게냐움막도 비우고Where on earth have you been? You weren't
even at the hut.
44:55지리산 쪽으로 갔다가 골짜기 넘어서 통영에도
갔다 왔소
First, I went to Jisan. Then I crossed over the
valley there and even went to Tongyeong.
45:01포수가 바다는 왜?What was a gunner doing in a coastal town?
45:05멧 고기만 먹다 보니 물고기가 먹고 싶어서요I suppose I got sick of wild boar meat. I had a
sudden craving for fish.
45:12(은산맛있게 먹었어?So, did you enjoy the fish?
45:15무슨 일 있소?What's the matter?
45:17아재답지 않게 왜 이리 캐묻소?Why are you asking so many questions?

45:20(은산내 예언 하나 해 주랴?Shall I make a prediction?
45:23네놈 머리에 곧 뭘 쓰게 될 것이다Something will be put over your head very
45:28밑도 끝도 없이 그게 뭔 소리요? [다가오는 발
How random. What on earth are you talking
45:32(승구아이누구야이거누구야은산 아재!What... Identify yourself! Who are you? Who
sent you?
45:35누구야이거이씨!What is happening? Hey! How dare you...
45:43(어린 승구아재요나는Mister, I...
45:45역적이 되렵니다I'm going to become a rebel.
45:48길은 내가 터 주었으니I opened up the path for you,
45:53해 보겠으면 해 보든가so try and see if you can pull it off if that is
your wish.
46:15대감이 날 왜 끌고 온 게요?Why on earth did you have these lads drag
me here?
46:19은산 아재는 어디 있소?Where is Eun-san?
46:20황은산은 걱정할 거 없다You need not be concerned for his safety.
46:23그에게 내가 청한 것이다I asked him to arrange this for me.
46:25대체 내게 뭔 볼일이 있길래 이리 성질을 돋우
What the hell do you need to talk to me
about? Must you get on my nerves like this?
46:29지금 궁에는 이완익의 사주를 받은 자들로 넘
쳐 난다
The palace is filled with Lee Wan-ik's people
at the moment.
46:34(정문난 그들로부터 황제 폐하를 지킬 무사를
찾고 있고
I am on the lookout for someone who can
protect His Majesty from them.
46:38해서Hence, I'd like you, Gunner Jang,
46:40경위원 총관 자리에 포수 장 아무개를 앉히려
Hence, I'd like you, Gunner Jang, to be the
head of Palace Security.
46:46웃기는 소리 마시오Stop spewing utter nonsense.
46:52저들이 고초를 겪을 것인데those men over there will suffer.
46:58(유진아니대체 이게 무슨 모임이오?What on earth is this about?
47:06지난해 가을 미군이 조선에 들어올 때Last fall, when the American army first arrived
in Joseon,
47:10(정문기차에서 총기 도난 사건이 있었다a rifle was stolen on the train.
47:13내 그 범인을 찾게 되어 지금부터 대질코자 한
I've managed to track down the culprit, and I'd
like to interrogate all parties involved.
47:20누군가는 훔치고Someone stole it,
47:23누군가는 분해하고and someone else took it apart.
47:26또 누군가는 묵인했고Then someone let it slide unpunished.
47:33(유진그 사건이 그렇기는 한데About that incident... You are correct,
47:36그 사건은 이미 마무리가 잘돼 가지고...but we already closed the case without any
47:39(정문안연 공사도 그리 생각하겠는가?Do you think that Minister Allen would agree
with you?

47:41아니왜 조선인들은 다들 그걸로 협박을 하는
Gosh, why does everyone in Joseon have to
threaten me with that?
47:49이 마무리는 장 포수가 할 수 있지 싶은데I believe that only Gunner Jang can sort this
47:52(정문내가 앉힌 경위원 총관이I cannot let the head of Palace Security whom
I appointed
47:55절도 사건의 범인이 되게 둘 순 없지를 않겠나be convicted of theft.
48:02(유진왜 그런 눈으로 보는 거요그거 무엄한
What's with that look? That's rude.
48:06보아하니 관직을 준다는 얘기 같은데It sounds like he's offering you a position in
the government.
48:08관복이I think the robe...
48:11참 잘 어울릴 얼굴이오will suit you very well.
48:12얼른 하겠다 하시오Tell him that you'll do it.
48:14이리 얄팍한 인사였소?Who knew you were such a coward?
48:15내가 지금 두꺼울 재간이 없소I'm in no position to be audacious at the
48:18거기 그...Well, you see...
48:22가시는 길에 서 있으라며You asked me to be there for her.
48:25내가 거기 꼭 서 있으려고 이러는 거요I'm doing this to keep that promise.
48:28(유진공사관에서 알면If those at the legation find out,
48:30난 중징계요I'll be reprimanded harshly.
48:33하시오얼른Just accept it already.
48:38(승구생각해 보니 원수가 궁 안에 둘이나 있
Come to think of it, two of my enemies are
inside the palace.
48:42거절할 이유가 없네I have no reason to turn it down.
48:44해 봅시다그럼I'll do it.
48:48이완익이 말고 또 누구에게 원한이 있단 말인
One must be Lee Wan-ik, but who is the other
enemy of yours?
48:51그럼 대감까지 셋인가?Oh, wait. Should I say there are three,
including you?
48:57(승구저리 생겼구나So that is what the king looks like.
49:04(유진사연은 모르겠으나I don't know your story,
49:07오늘 밤 역적은 한 명이면 족할 듯한데but I think one traitor is enough for tonight.
49:12근데 경위원 총관이 뭐 하는 자리요?By the way, what does the head of Palace
Security do?
49:16황제 폐하를 최측근에서 호위하는 막중한 자리
He'll be responsible for closely escorting and
protecting His Majesty. It is a very important
49:23하라며?You told me to do it.
49:26좀 멀찍이서 하시오 일단은 내가 살고 봐야 해
Don't be near me when you do it. I do not
want to die just yet.

49:40(홍파축하주 한잔하세요저랑Let's drink together to celebrate.
49:42상해에서 기별이 왔는데 승재가 잘 도착했답니
I heard from those in Shanghai. Seung-jae got
there safe and sound.
49:47잘됐네That is great news.
49:49(홍파장 포수는 여러 날 안 보이네요I haven't seen Gunner Jang for days.
49:51뭐 들은 거 없으세요?Have you heard from him at all?
49:53한동안은 걸음 못 할 게야He won't be able to visit us for the next little
49:57못 보던 모습으로 나타나도 놀라지 말고Don't be surprised even if he shows up
looking like a different person.
50:02상목이는 여전히 기별이 없고?What about Sang-mok? Still no word from
50:06Oh, still nothing.
50:09여직 짚신 한 짝도 고대로 있고 별일이 없어야
할 것인데
Even the one shoe he left is still there. I hope
he's okay.
50:20(동매의병 그게 돈이 많이 됩니까?Does the Righteous Army pay you well?
50:24돈 되는 거면 나도 좀 하게If it does, I want in.
50:40오늘 내 운세가 어떠냐?How is my fortune for today?
51:08(동매딱 봐도 좋은 점괘는 아니네At a glance, I can tell that it won't be my lucky
51:11무슨 뜻인데?What do they mean?
51:32틀리는 날도 있겠지I'm sure it can't always be accurate.
51:44나가야 돼I have to head out.
51:46오늘 보름이라Today is the 15th of the month.
52:24오늘이 보름이라Today is the 15th of the month.
52:39저자에 온통 애기씨 얘기입니다My lady, everyone in town is gossiping about
52:43이런 흠저런 흉They say that you are a flawed woman.
52:46다들 한마디씩 보태던데Everyone is saying something.
52:50그런가Is that so?
52:55(애신이번 달 치일세Here is the payment for this month.
53:06고작Did you...
53:08이 약속을 지키시러 예까지come all the way here just to keep this
53:11고민은 됐으나I was torn,
53:13약조는 약조이고but a promise is a promise.
53:18전할 말도 있고 해서I also came to tell you something.
53:20그저 전할 것이 있어 왔습니다I simply came to deliver something to you.
53:26많이 고마웠네Thank you very much for everything.
53:29(애신이유는 알 거고You must know the reason.
53:32그럼 다음 보름에 보세Then I will see you again next month.
53:48점괘가 틀렸네Hotaru's reading was wrong.

53:56계속 이리 살리시네나를She keeps on giving me hope like this.
54:12[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다] (히나궁에 있는
내관과 궁녀들이
The court maids and eunuchs
54:14궁으로만 들어오는 귀한 것들을 몰래 빼돌려
smuggle out and sell valuable things delivered
to the king.
54:18그걸 이이한테만 살 수 있답니다You can buy them only from her.
54:21구경들 하셔요Have a look.
54:22(귀부인1) 세상에세상에My goodness.
54:25이리 예쁜 물건들이 한곳에 들어 있으니All these beautiful things in one place?
54:28참 보기 좋습니다그래It's a lovely sight.
54:32(아파이 비환은 저 멀리 희랍이라는 곳에서
건너온 물건인데
This bracelet is from a faraway country called
54:37이 비환을 지니고 있으면 마법처럼If you wear it, just like magic,
54:40염원하던 일을 이룰 수 있다 합니다all your wishes come true.
54:44(강씨솔깃한 말이네That's a nice story.
54:46할멈이 지어낸 거 아니야?Are you sure you didn't just make it up?
54:51(귀부인2) 부인께서도 염원하는 것이 있으셔
Do you have a wish?
54:54혹 멋진 사내인가?Would you like a handsome man?
54:58(귀부인1) 부인Goodness...
55:00(강씨내 염원이야 늘 로티플 아니면 삼팔광땡
All I wish for is to win every card game I play.
55:05[강씨의 웃음] (귀부인1) 으음말해 뭐 해요I'm sure.
55:10(히나이이의 말솜씨에 얼마를 쓰나 모르겠습
I spend too much because of her storytelling.
55:14이건 내가 사할멈I'll take the bracelet.
55:17과연 제가 찾는 것이I wonder if I'll find
55:20찾아지려나요?what it is I want.
55:33아파의 말이 사실이면 넌 참 멀리서 왔구나If what the peddler said is true, you came from
so far away.
55:40부디 마법을 좀 부려 보렴Cast some of your magic for me.
55:43(일식과 춘식아씨!-Miss. -Miss.
55:48(일식의뢰하신 일은 다 마쳤구머니라We completed the task.
55:52제가 부탁한 다른 일은요?What about the other job?
55:54(춘식조만간 단디 될 거 같습니다It'll be done soon.
55:57지금도한쪽 눈 감고는 그려예Actually, he's getting pretty good.
56:03(히나이건 이제 더는 필요 없을 것 같군요I don't think I'll need this anymore.
56:06(일식연통이 닿은 게라?You reached her?
56:11붙여도 닿지 않는 곳에 계신 듯하여I think she's where I can't reach her.

56:19(히나수고비입니다Your pay.
56:20태우는 값까지 넣었어요 태워 주세요I put in a little extra to burn these.
56:35언능 챙겨목간하러 가야 쓴게Pick them up. We need to bathe.
56:37목간은 와예?What for?
56:41(일식어째 잘 태워 드려야 될 성싶다I have a feeling we must burn these
56:45와예누군지 물어봤어예?Why? Did you ask who this is?
56:48돈 들고 튄 여급은 아닌 것 같고It can't be an employee who fled with her
56:51딱 봐도 성뻘인데She's obviously someone older.
56:54어려 헤어졌으면 엄니뻘이제If they parted young, it would be her mother.
56:58빨리할게예I'll hurry then.
57:10(애신이제야 살 것 같네-I feel much better. -Right.
57:11(함안댁예 아이고풀이 많이 자랐네요The grass has grown a lot.
57:21(애신아이귀하가 여긴 어찌...Why are you here?
57:26(유진나야 사격 연습이 어떻게I just came to see
57:29잘돼 가고 있나 어쩌나how you're doing at target practice.
57:32귀하는귀하야말로What about you?
57:34난 스승님께서I came to see my master
57:37할아버님 일을 도우시는 것 같아 여쭤보려고
because I thought he's helping my
57:41[살짝 웃으며안 계시는 듯하니 허탕이오He must not be here, so it's a wasted trip.
57:46아유이런That's too bad.
58:20(애신다섯 발 중 두 발은 안 맞게 쏘느라 애쓰
는 중이오
I'm trying very hard to miss two out of five
58:28그냥 두 발이 안 맞은 것 같은데I think you just missed twice.
58:31나 때문에Was it because of me?
58:38그러면서 뭐 허탕이래섭섭하게It's a wasted trip? You didn't have to say that.
58:47그건 함안댁 앞이라I said that because of Ms. Haman.
58:51놀라기도 했고And I was surprised.
58:53내가 여기 올 줄 어찌 알고 왔을까 하고I wondered how you knew I would be here.
58:56몰랐소I didn't.
58:58어제는 배 타던 곳에 그제는 약방에오늘은 여
Yesterday was the pier, the day before, the
pharmacy, today, I came here.
59:04어떤 여인이 올 만한 곳에 난 계속 서 있는 중이
I just go and stand in places where I think
someone will be at.
59:15궁에선 딴 여인이랑 말을 길게 하던데You spoke with another woman for a while in
the palace.
59:19거기 있던 어떤 여인 들으라고It was so someone else there would hear.

59:23오얏꽃이 예뻤소 그 어떤 여인이 예뻤소?Which were prettier, the plum flowers or the
other woman?
59:28예쁘기는The prettier
59:31오얏꽃이 예뻤소were the flowers.
59:36(애신줘 보시오Give me those.
59:38내 이 두 발 다 명중시키고 이 수업 안 받으려니
I'll hit the target with these so I don't need
more lessons.
59:57(유진좋소Well done.
59:59내가 무관 학교에서I train some woman's future comrades
1:00:01어떤 여인의 미래의 동지들을 키워 내고 있는
I train some woman's future comrades at the
Royal Military Academy.
1:00:05이 학도들이 다 양반이오They're all from noble families,
1:00:07근데 말을 정말 안 듣소 내 얘기 들으시오?but they never listen. Are you listening?
1:00:11[무거운 음악] (사홍이리 어려운 걸음으로 모
여 주어 고맙네
Thank you so much for making the long trip.
1:00:16서신에 언급한 대로As mentioned in my letter, I plan to submit
1:00:18내 임금께 지부상소를 하려 함이야As mentioned in my letter, I plan to submit a
severe and serious petition to the king.
1:00:22(사홍그대들 중에 이름을 보탤 자가 있는가Will any of you add your name to it?
1:00:25뜻은 더하나 이름은 보태지 않아도If you support in mind but not in name,
1:00:31이해할 것이고I will understand.
1:00:33(선비1) 고초를 겪으실 겝니다You will be persecuted.
1:00:35저희 젊은 선비들이 앞장서겠습니다Let us young men take the lead.
1:00:37어르신께서는 그저 계셔만 주십시오We just need for you to support us.
1:00:41(선비2) 청송의 말이 옳습니다He's right.
1:00:43작금의 조선에는Our country
1:00:45임금이 없사옵니다has no king.
1:00:47그저 일본의 입김에 흔들리는 나약한 황제가
있을 뿐입니다
We just have a weak puppet who is influenced
by Japan.
1:00:51황제의 그릇으로 보아Based on how weak he is,
1:00:54이번 일은 추포를 각오하고 도모해야 할 일입
we run the risk of arrest by making a stand
1:00:57그러니 내가 해야지That is why I must do it.
1:00:59내가 얼마나 더 살겠나How much time do you think I have left?
1:01:01(선비들어르신!-My lord. -My lord.
1:01:03백성들은 무엇이 잘못된 것인지The people are allowing themselves to be
subject to this
1:01:08알지 못하여 당하는 것일세because they don't know what's wrong.
1:01:11그러니 내가 잡혀가는 것은My being arrested
1:01:14의미가 있네will have great meaning.
1:01:27"유생 김남준"KIM NAM-JUN

1:01:37"남원 서도"SEO DO
1:02:17(사홍물자의 수탈은If they take our supplies,
1:02:19곧 침략의 발판이 될 것이 자명한데it's obvious that the next step will be to invade
1:02:23조선의 임금께서는 어찌 일본의 편을 드신단
Why is the king of Joseon taking the side of
the Japanese?
1:02:30(사홍조선은 오백 년 역사를 이어온 나라요Joseon has a history of 500 years.
1:02:35(사홍작금의 이 시절은 곧 성상의 역사이옵니
What is happening now will become part of
your legacy.
1:02:41성상께서는 진정Your Majesty, must you go down a path that
will lead
1:02:44이런 망국의 역사를 기록게 하시겠나이까!Your Majesty, must you go down a path that
will lead to the destruction of our dynasty?
1:02:49(선비들통촉하여 주시옵소서!-Please accept our plea. -Please accept our
1:03:03[일본어고사홍인가 뭔가 뭔 늙은 놈이 궁 앞에
서 난리를 쳐 대고 있는데
An old man called Go Sa-hong is causing a
fuss outside the palace.
1:03:07(하야시뭐 하고 있는 거요?What are you doing?
1:03:09당장 입궁해 황제를 압박하고 주동자를 잡아들
이지 않고
Go to the palace immediately, pressure the
king, and arrest the ringleader.
1:03:14모르는 소리 마시오You don't know what you're saying.
1:03:16황제는 이미 압박을 당하고 있고The king's already under a lot of pressure
1:03:18지금 고사홍을 잡아들이면 조선인들이 불같이
일어날 텐데
and if we arrest Go Sa-hong now, the Joseon
peasants will start a riot.
1:03:23다 때가 있는 법이니 기다리시오There's a time for everything, so wait.
1:03:26기다리다 또 통용 철회라도 하면 어쩔 거요?What if we wait and the king decides not to
circulate our currency?
1:03:32기껏 외부대신 자리에 올려놨더니 이제 와 나
몰라라 이거요
I made you Minister of Foreign Affairs and
now you ignore me?
1:03:38(완익이보시오하야시 공사Look, Minister Hayashi.
1:03:40이 자리까지는 내 힘으로 올라왔고I got to where I am by myself.
1:03:44제일 은행권도 내가 통용시켜 줬지 않소!I'm the one who got Dai-Ichi Bank's bills in
1:03:48[한국어개소리야What nonsense.
1:03:49[일본어지금 뭐라 했소? [한국어못 알아 처
먹었으면 말라
-What did you say? -If you don't understand
then forget it.
1:03:53[일본어이따위로 나올 건가Are you really going to be like this?
1:03:55리노이에라 불러 주니Just because you're called Rinoie,
1:03:56(하야시진짜 대일본 제국 신민이라도 된 거
do you think you're a Japanese citizen?
1:04:00이런 성가신 일은 조선인인 당신이 나서야 할
거 아니야
A bothersome task like this is for Joseon
people like you to take care of!
1:04:05그래서 내 기다리라 하지 않소!That's why I told you to wait!
1:04:07왜 조선인 충고를 안 듣고 떠들어 대는 거요Why are you ignoring a Joseon man's advice?

1:04:10만약 일 틀어지면 [완익의 한숨]If things go wrong,
1:04:13(하야시저들이 들고 온 도끼로 제일 먼저 당
신 목부터 칠 거야
the first thing that will happen is you losing
your head with the ax they brought.
1:04:25[한국어잡아들여 될 것 같으면 내 진즉에 했다If arresting them would help, I'd have done it
1:04:29조선이 뭐 그리 쉽게 날로 먹어질 것 같니?Does he think it's that easy to take over
1:04:33뭐이 사는 게 이케 어렵니Why is life so difficult?
1:04:44(함안댁애기씨!My lady.
1:04:47[함안댁의 다급한 숨소리] (애신할아버님
은 어찌하고 계시던가
How's my grandfather?
1:04:50(함안댁아이고말도 마이소You don't want to know.
1:04:51궁 앞에서요 대감마님캉 그 선비님들캉 [무거
운 음악
He's outside the palace with the young
1:04:54싹 다 머리 풀고 옷도 백의로 맞춰 입고Their hair's loose and they're in white.
1:04:57막 임금 나오라고 난리 났다 아입니까They're demanding to see the king.
1:04:59기어이 지부상소를 올리고 계시다는 말인가He submitted a serious petition?
1:05:02(함안댁아이고그라니까 난리 아입니까That's why it's such a huge fuss.
1:05:05아니나라님 욕을 왜 그 궁 앞에 가서 하시냐고
Why would he badmouth his own king right
outside the palace?
1:05:08여기서 하셔도 될 긴데He could do it in the house.
1:05:10아이고사람들 다 듣구로참말로Everyone will hear what he says now.
1:05:13(종섬애기씨!My lady.
1:05:15지금 문중 어르신들께서 오셨습니다The elders from your family are here.
1:05:35왜 말 안 걸어? (사탕 장수아유-Why aren't you talking to me? -Pardon?
1:05:40그냥 지나가시는 길이실까 봐서요I thought you were just passing by.
1:05:43여기 오는 길이야This was my destination.
1:05:45사탕 줘I want candy.
1:05:47(사탕 장수Okay.
1:06:33(사탕 장수이보시오누구 없소오야붕이 총
에 맞았소
Can anyone help? Gu Dong-mae has been
1:07:13(희성이게 무슨 일이오?What happened?
1:07:16이보시오정신 차리시오 내가 보이시오?Stay with me. Can you see me?
1:07:24[힘겨운 목소리로다행이지 뭡니까Isn't this a relief?
1:07:28난 또 그 여인인가 해서I thought it was that woman.
1:07:33그게 무슨 소리요?What do you mean?
1:07:37(희성나 보시오절대 정신 놓지 마시오Look at me. You have to stay with me.
1:07:40인력거를 부르고 이자의 낭인들을 부르시오,
Get a rickshaw and call his men here. Hurry!
1:07:49(애신많이 고마웠네Thank you very much for everything.
1:07:54이유는 알 거고You must know the reason.

1:07:58(희성구동매Gu Dong-mae.
1:08:02그 인사가 진심인 걸It was a sincere greeting.
1:08:06이리 확인합니다I see that now.
1:08:17구동매Gu Dong-mae.
1:08:19(희성구동매!Gu Dong-mae!
1:08:31구동매!Gu Dong-mae!
1:08:36(일본군1) [일본어저년 잡아!Tie her up!
1:08:37(남종) [한국어진짜대체 왜 이러는 거
What on earth are you doing?
1:08:40여긴 여인들이 글공부하는 곳이오 그는 우리
Women learn to read and write here. -You
can't-- -Shut up!
1:08:43(일본군1) [일본어닥쳐!-You can't-- -Shut up!
1:08:44이 미국 년이 일본 정보를 캐내 미국에 팔아먹
This American witch sold Japanese
information to America.
1:08:47이년은 밀정이야!She's a spy!
1:08:48[한국어나 왜놈 말 몰라!I don't speak your language!
1:08:50너희들 뭐냐고 우리 스승 왜 잡아가냐고! [일본
1의 힘주는 신음]
Who are you? Why are you taking my
1:08:53(일본군1) [일본어이 조선 계집들이 [총을 철
컥 장전하며
다 죽고 싶어!
Do you want to die, you Joseon wench?
1:09:04(일본군1) [일본어가자!-March! -Yes, sir!
1:09:07(여학생들) [한국어선생님!-Teacher. -Teacher.
1:09:11(친척1) 너는 이 집안 큰며느리가 돼서 어찌 이
리 생각이 없느냐
You're the eldest daughter-in-law. Why are
you so mindless?
1:09:14너희 시아비가 그러고 나가시거든 바짓가랑이
잡고 말렸어야지
You should've clung to his robes to stop him
from doing this.
1:09:20(친척2) 집안에 아들이 없으니 이 사달이 나는
This happened because you have no son.
1:09:24일단 안으로 드시지요Please come inside.
1:09:26이 서방을 불렀으니 곧 올 겁니다Mr. Lee will be here soon.
1:09:28(친척1) 집안 중대사는 그렇게 차일피일 미루
He ignored our family's business,
1:09:31나랏일에는 아주 선두에 서셨네선두에but he cares so much about his country.
1:09:34기어이 집안을 말아먹으시려고Is he trying to ruin our family's reputation?
1:09:36[조씨의 옅은 한숨] (친척2) 이리 큰일을 하실
If he were going to do this,
1:09:38양손부터 들이셨어야지he should've adopted a son first.
1:10:04(일본군2) [일본어일동 차렷!Attention!
1:10:29(행랑아범) [한국어이런 육시랄 놈이 있나How dare you?

1:10:32여기가 어디라고 말을 타고 들어와 싸게 안 내
You can't come in on horseback. Get off right
1:10:36(타카시) [일본어이 댁 영애께서 다니시는The teacher of the school
1:10:38학당의 선생이 밀정 혐의로 체포되었다the young lady of this house goes to was
arrested for spying.
1:10:41따라서 학생들을 전수 조사 중이다Therefore, we are interrogating the students.
1:10:45(형기) [한국어이 댁의 영애께서 다니시는The teacher from the school someone here
goes to
1:10:46학당의 선생이 밀정 혐의로 체포돼서 학생들까
지 싹 다 조사 중이랍니다
The teacher from the school someone here
goes to was arrested for spying. They're
investigating all the students.
1:10:51(친척2) 학당학당이라니A school? What school?
1:10:54이 집안에서 대체 누가...Who here attends a school?
1:10:57(애신작은할아버님Sir, I will make it all right.
1:10:59바로잡겠습니다 제가 다 바로잡겠습니다Sir, I will make it all right. I'll make things right.
1:11:02(친척3) 애신이 네네가 학당에 다녔단 말이
Ae-sin? You attended a school?
1:11:06이런 경천동지할 일이 있냐!What a disgrace this is.
1:11:08반가의 여식이 학당이라니!A woman of a noble family going to school?
1:11:11이게 다 집안에 아들이 없어서야아들이 없
This is all because there's no son in the
1:11:16지금 그걸 따지실 때가 아니지 않습니까!Now is not the time for such remarks.
1:11:20(애신통변하게Interpret for me.
1:11:23일본인들은 협조를 이런 식으로 청하는가Is this how the Japanese request for
1:11:26어찌 남의 나라에 와 이리 법도도 없이 굴 수 있
단 말인가
How dare they act so disgracefully in another
1:11:31내 죄가 있다면 조사를 받을 것이나If I did anything wrong, I will accept an
1:11:34일군이 아니라 조선 경무청에서 받겠다 전하게but it'll be at Joseon's Police Bureau, and not
by a Japanese soldier.
1:11:38그러니 당장 이 집에서 나가라 전해!Tell him to leave this house immediately.
1:11:45웃어?You dare smile?
1:11:50(일본군들!-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
1:11:54(친척3) [한국어천인공노할 일이!How dare they?
1:11:56(행랑아범이런 찢어 죽일 놈들이 이런 육시랄
I'll tear you all apart. Who do they think they
1:12:00(조씨나서지들 말게총 든 군인들이 아닌가Do not fight back. They're armed soldiers.
1:12:05통변하는 이가 있으니 말도 삼가는 게 좋겠네
[형기의 난감한 숨소리]
They brought an interpreter, so watch what
you say too.

(일본군2) [일본어대좌님!
1:12:50지금 밖에 미군이 왔습니다There are American soldiers outside.
1:12:52미군?American soldiers?
1:13:22(타카시) [일본어유진일본이랑 조선은 무척
Eugene, Japan and Joseon are very close.
1:13:25나 귀국하면 놀러 와동경에When I go back home, you should visit me in
1:13:29높은 사람이 됐네?You got promoted.
1:13:31여전히 영어는 안 늘었고And your English is still terrible.
1:13:36[한국어] [어눌한 말투로내 조국에서는 원래
In my country, I was always high up.
1:13:40너랑은 달리Unlike you.
1:13:43조선말을 하네You speak Korean.
1:13:45내가 왜 영어가 안 늘었는지 알아?Do you know why my English never
1:13:48난 그때 영어 대신 조선말을 배웠거든Because I was studying Korean, not English.
1:13:54내 식민지Dreaming of the day I'd work
1:13:57조선에 올 날을 고대하며in Joseon, my country's colony.
1:14:03[일본어반가워유진It's been a while, Eugene.
1:15:12(유진) [한국어적이 아무리 거대해 보여도I tell them not to be afraid
1:15:14두려움을 갖지 말라고 가르쳐even though the enemy might seem
1:15:16(타카시나라를 구하겠다고 목숨을 내놓죠 민
People risk their lives to protect the country.
The commoners.
1:15:21그들은 스스로를 의병이라고 부르죠They call themselves the Righteous Army.
1:15:24(완익그 아새끼한테 애가 있었으면 딱 그년
If that fool had a child, it would be her age.
1:15:29(애신난 내 선택 그 어떤 것도 후회하지 않아I don't regret making any of my choices.
1:15:32(동매지금부터 애기씨의 무언가가 되어 볼까
I intend to become a man of use for you from
now on.
1:15:35세상 모두가 적이 되어도 상관없겠다 싶어졌거
I don't care if I have to make the whole world
my enemy.

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