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  미스터 션샤인 20

58s(사사키) [일본어대좌님!Colonel!
1:11(사사키이 새끼가 [총성이 탕 울린다]You bastard!
1:25[한국어넌 군인도 아니야You are not a soldier.
1:27전시에 군인은 군인만 상대한다!In a war, soldiers only fight soldiers.
1:30저 여인이 군인으로 보여?Does she look like one?
1:31넌 저 여인이 뭔지 아나 본데It sounds like you know who she is.
1:35(타카시저게 내 질문이었는데That was my question
1:38유진네가 답을 했어and you just gave me the answer to it.
1:41근데 그게 정답이야It was the correct answer too.
1:48(행인1) 쳐 죽일 놈들That worthless bastard.
1:53(행인2) 아이고My goodness.
2:34(승구내려라!Let her down!
2:40내 안사람이다!She's my wife!
2:51(유진) [일본어예를 갖춰서 시신을 내려Show some respect and lower the body.
2:53저분은 조선의 경위원 총관이고He's the head of the Palace Security,
2:56저 여인은 총관의 안사람이야and the woman is his wife.
2:59[한국어경위원 총관?The head of the Palace Security?
3:02(타카시생각지도 못했는데 자꾸 정답이네What a surprise. You keep giving all the right
3:05내리라는 말 안 들려?I said, put her down!
3:39웃지 마Don't you smile.
3:46넌 있잖아You know something?
3:48서 있지 말아야 할 곳에 계속 서 있어You've been making a stand where you
shouldn't be.
3:58나 이거 처음이야This was a first for me.
4:01내가 이거 꼭 갚아 줄게기대해I'll pay you back for this. Look forward to it.
4:05너도 기대해You should too.
4:07내가 너 죽일 거니까Because I'm going to kill you.
4:10(유진그러기로 약속했거든I promised I would,
4:13방금 마음도 먹었고and I've just made up my mind.
4:25(동매) [일본어수장님!Boss.
4:26(낭인들수장님!-Boss. -Boss. HEAD OF MUSIN SOCIETY
4:29오랜만이다It's been a long time,
4:31(무신회 수장이시다 쇼내 아들아Sho Ishida. My son.
4:35빈주먹으로 조선에 와서 무엇을 얻었는가?What have you achieved in Joseon after
coming here empty-handed?
4:39How much blood did you shed?

얼마나 많은 피를 흘렸고
4:42얼마나 많은 두려움을 보았는가?How much fear did you witness?
7:10[한국어대감마님께서 때마다 군자금을 대셨
Lord Go funded the army regularly.
7:14(은산만주에 거처를 마련해 놓았으니 만주로
There's a safe place for you in Manchuria, so
please head there.
7:19이주한 조선인들도 몇 있습니다A few Joseon people have already moved
7:22길 안내할 이를 붙이겠습니다I'll have someone lead the way.
7:25(조씨하면 애순이는?What about Ae-sun?
7:28애순 아씨는 함경도에서 합류하실 겁니다Lady Ae-sun will meet up with you in
Hamgyong Province.
7:42(조씨애신이 너도 같이 가는 게지?Ae-sin, you're coming too, right?
7:47I have
7:50남아서 할 일이 있습니다things left to do here.
7:53(애신키워 주셔서 감사했습니다Thank you for raising me all these years,
8:00애기씨요 (애신자네들도 함께 가게-My lady. -You two go with her.
8:04늘 고마웠네I've always been grateful.
8:06큰어머님을 잘 부탁하고Please look after my aunt.
8:10[울먹이며애기씨요My lady...
8:15(조씨) [울먹이며꼭 오너라Join us soon.
8:18내 날마다 기다릴 것이야I'll wait for you every day.
8:27꼭 가겠습니다I'll be there.
8:52떠나는 거요?Are you leaving?
8:57식솔들을 지켜 주어서 고맙소Thank you for protecting my family.
9:02귀하가 괜찮았으면 좋겠소I hope no harm comes to you.
9:08그대는 마침내 8번 공을 넣은 것 같구려It seems you have finally sunk your eight-ball.
9:13(희성그대가 내 양복을 입고 매국을 하면 어
쩌나 걱정했는데
I was worried you might become a traitor while
wearing my suit.
9:20다행이오I'm relieved.
9:22(애신신문사를 차렸다 들었소I hear you founded a newspaper company.
9:25나는 글의 힘은 믿지 않소I don't believe in the power of letters,
9:29귀하는 믿소I believe in you.
9:31(희성글도 힘이 있소The written word has power too.
9:32누군가는 기록해야 하오Someone must document it.
9:35애국도매국도The patriots and the traitors
9:40모두 기록해야 하오must all be written about.

9:43그대는 총포로 하시오 내가 기록해 주겠소You fight with your gun, and I'll write about it.
9:48응원하겠소I'll root for you.
9:55(희성아주 가기 전에 혹 빈관을 지나갈 일이
Before you leave, stop by the hotel
9:59한번 들르시오if you happen to pass by.
10:02가끔 8번 공 뒤에 내 공이 숨어 위험할 때가 있
Sometimes, your ball is hidden behind the
eight-ball, putting you in danger.
10:07그런 순간에 말이오Come by the hotel at those moments.
10:12그러겠소I will.
10:17잘 지내시오Take care.
10:55[일본어이기지도 못할 싸움을 왜 걸어Why start a fight you can't win?
11:01제대로 맞히지도 못할 거면서 총을 왜 쏘냐고Why shoot when you can't even aim properly?
11:06(타카시천한 조선인들 앞에서!Why? In front of those lowly Koreans!
11:12(사사키) [힘겨운 목소리로대좌님그게...Colonel, I--
11:18아니야아니야말하지 마No, no. Save it.
11:23그냥 죽어Just die.
11:50(타카시이제 대일본 제국 황군에Now, there's no soldier of the Imperial
Japanese Army
11:53패배한 군인은 아무도 없다who has been defeated.
11:56알았어?Is that clear?
11:57(일본군들!-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
12:00치워Clean this up.
12:17무신회의 수장님을 이리 뵙습니다I am honored to meet the head of Musin
12:20편히 오셨습니까수장님How was your trip, boss?
12:24모리 타카시Takashi Mori.
12:26(무신회 수장모리 가문의 자랑스러운 아들The proud son of the Mori Family.
12:29군복이 잘 어울리는군The uniform suits you well.
12:34(타카시예를 갖추지 못하는 점 용서하십시오Please pardon my manners.
12:38자존심이 상해서 그만I had to protect my pride.
12:44또 보네?We meet again.
12:46총 맞은 자리는 다 아물었나?How's the gunshot wound?
12:54(무신회 수장쇼의 칼끝에는 인정도 망설임도
Sho's sword knows no mercy or hesitation.
12:56자기 자신조차 없지It doesn't even contain his soul.
12:59그런 쇼가 총에 맞았다라But you say he got shot.
13:02자기 자신보다 누굴 아꼈나?Were you caring for someone else,
13:05이시다 쇼Sho Ishida?
13:07그런 일 없습니다수장님No such thing happened, boss.

13:10이시다 쇼라Sho Ishida, you say?
13:14과분한 이름이군How unworthy you are to have that name.
13:17(타카시어디Well then.
13:20술 한잔 받아 볼까?Pour me a drink,
13:23무신회 한성 지부장 이시다 쇼 군Sho Ishida, Hanseong Manager of Musin
13:48(기생실례합니다Please excuse me.
13:58제물포로 간 황군들이 전멸했습니다all men who were sent to Jemulpo have been
wiped out.
14:01(일본군1) 황군들의 시체만 널려 있고All that's left there
14:04[무거운 음악아무것도 남아 있지 않았습니다are their corpses.
14:09그러니까 지금 단서는 다 놓치고So after losing every possible lead,
14:11시체나 수거해 오자는 소리를 여기까지 와서
지껄이는 거야
you came here to tell me that we must collect
their bodies?
14:15(일본군1) 죄송합니다!Forgive me, sir!
14:18전멸인가They all died?
14:22(타카시오늘은 이래저래 제가 수장님을 뵐 면
목이 없습니다
I feel like I have done nothing but let you
down today.
14:32정말 나랑 같이 프랑스로 가길 원해?Do you really wish to take me to France?
14:37(레오이제 내 마음 받아 주는 거야?Are you finally opening up to me?
14:40진지하게 고민해 볼게I'll give it a serious thought.
14:47당신만 함께 가 준다면 에펠탑을 조선에 넘길
수도 있어
If you would come with me, I'd gladly let
Joseon have the Eiffel Tower.
14:54(히나사랑에 눈먼 반역자연락할게I'll keep in touch, Mr. Traitor-in-love.
15:06(레오기다릴게아름다운 나의 작은 새I'll wait for you, my beautiful, little bird.
15:29(히나) [한국어앞의 일어는 알아들으셨을 거
I assume you understood the Japanese,
15:31뒤의 불어는 통변할 내용이 못 됩니다 느끼해
and you probably don't want to know what we
said in French. -It was quite cheesy. -What is
15:35무슨 짓이야나한테 왜 이러는 거야?-It was quite cheesy. -What is this? Why are
you doing this to me?
15:37진정하세요Please calm down.
15:39과부끼리 치정으로 얽혀 보자는 건 아니니까I don't want us widows to get in a quarrel.
15:42(히나중요한 건 프랑스에는 못 가시겠습니다,
What's important is that you won't be going to
15:45레오는 나랑 가자는데Leo wishes to take me.
15:46왜 이러냐고 묻잖아!Why are you doing this?
15:49원하는 게 뭐야?What do you want?
15:50이정문 대감이 내게 부인의 뒷조사를 의뢰하셨Lord Lee Jeong-mun asked me to look into

15:54(히나부인이 기밀 정보를 누군가에게 넘기고
He suspected that you've been leaking
classified information.
15:56이리 다 밝혀졌으니 참 큰일이죠?What will you do now that the secret is out?
16:01그러니 이제부터 내 얘기 잘 들어Now listen carefully to what I have to say.
16:04내가 당신을 살릴 수도 있으니까It may end up saving your life.
16:15레오에 대한 모든 정보를 내놓고Hand over all the information you have on Leo
16:18이 금덩이로 프랑스행 배표를 사든지and buy a ferry ticket bound for France with
this gold bar.
16:24아니면 여기서 죽든지Or you could die right here.
16:28선택해The choice is yours.
16:30왜 기회를 주는 거지?Why are you giving me options?
16:33당신이 죽든 말든 상관없는데I don't care if you live or die,
16:37나도 쥐고 있을 정보가 필요해but I do want to possess some information.
16:39이정문 대감이 열받는 꼴도 좀 보고 싶고I'd like to see Lord Lee pissed off as well.
16:46처음에는In the beginning,
16:47(강씨죽은 그 미국 선교사의 정보를 달라고
he asked for information on the dead
American missionary
16:51이완익이 원한다면서per Lee Wan-ik's request.
16:53그 일이 끝나니After that, he asked for
16:55이번에는 제국익문사 요원들의 명단을 빼 달라
고 하더군
After that, he asked for the list of covert
agents directly under the emperor's
16:59그걸 원하는 이가 일본에서 오고 있다고He said someone who wants it was coming
from Japan.
17:01그자가 누군데그건 몰라-And who's that? -I don't know.
17:03(강씨당신도 알다시피 서로 누군지도 모르는How could I possibly get my hands on the list
of agents who don't even know each other's
17:05제국익문사 명단을 어떻게 구해내가?get my hands on the list of agents who don't
even know each other's name?
17:08그래서 넘길 수 없었어That's why I couldn't comply.
17:11이게 전부야That's all there is.
17:14그런 것 같네It seems so.
17:27뭐 하는 짓이야살려 준다면서!What are you doing? You said you'd spare my
17:30거짓말이었어I lied.
17:33[일본어끌고 가Take her.
17:50[한국어강씨가 뭐 좀 불었습니까?Did Ms. Kang say anything?
17:52불긴 했는데 진짜인지 아닌지는 확인이 필요해She did, but I need to verify her story.
17:57이완익 대감 집으로 가Take me to Lee Wan-ik's house.
17:59(진국Yes, ma'am.
18:56(동매한꺼번에 셈을 하셨네왜일까She paid months in advance. I wonder why.

19:02이 시간만큼 안 나타날 거니까Because she won't be able to come for this
19:12죽일 거니까she's going to kill Lee Wan-ik.
19:25(완익) [웃으며그 아새끼That imbecile.
19:28사람이 화가 되니 어쩌니 꼴값을 떨더니Trying to lecture me with his bullshit.
19:32다 뒈지고 아주 꼴좋다?Look at you now. All of your men are dead.
19:36그깟 계집아이 하나가 무스기라고All that for some stupid bitch.
19:44내래 오늘 간만에 단잠 좀 자갔다I'll sleep like a baby tonight.
20:18너 뭐이네?Who are you?
20:21여기가 어디라고 겁대가리 없이 쳐들어오는 거
Do you even know whose house you barged
20:30(완익너 이년You... You're...
20:32고사홍이 손녀 그년이구나Go Sa-hong's granddaughter. You're her.
20:35(애신더 빨리 왔어야 했는데I should've come sooner,
20:38내가 조금 늦었어but I was a bit late.
20:41늦었지만 왔어I'm late, but I'm here.
20:43- (희진당신을 죽이러 갔지 - (애신당신을 죽
-They set off to kill you. -I'm here to kill you.
20:46(희진오래 걸려도Even if it takes time
20:49꼭 갈 거야그들이they will come for you.
20:56그년 말이I knew there was
20:58끝끝내 재수가 없구나something devilish about her last words.
21:11허튼짓 말라Don't be so stupid.
21:13내 하나 죽인다고 다 넘어간 조선이 구해지니?Killing me won't save Joseon from falling
21:18적어도 하루는 늦출 수 있지It'll at least delay it for a day.
21:20그 하루에Then I'll add
21:22하루를 보태는 것이다another day to it.
21:27(완익개소리하지 말라I doubt that'll happen.
22:09(완익) [힘겨운 목소리로쌍간나새끼You bitch.
22:12내래 이 다리만 아니었어도...If it weren't for my leg...
23:19(동매내가 범인을 잡은 건가?Did I just catch the killer?
23:21우리 둘 다I think
23:23같은 이유로 온 것 같은데we're here for the same reason.
23:27(유진다행히 한 사람 핏자국이오Luckily, the blood is only his.
23:30그 여인은 안 다쳤소She wasn't injured.
23:32(동매그러니 다친 분이 범인 하셔야겠습니다Then the one injured should become the
23:36아시다시피 제가 지키는 쪽이라As you already know, I'm the one who

23:40그쪽이 범인이 돼 지키는 건 어떻소?How about you protect her by becoming the
23:43(동매전 증인 하겠습니다나리I'd rather be the witness, sir.
23:52(동매보지 마어떻게 이렇게 빨리 왔어?Don't look. How did you get here so fast?
23:57오는 길이었어I was on my way.
24:05(히나마츠야마 데려와 리노이에 상이 부른다
Bring Matsuyama. Tell him that Rinoie is
asking for him.
24:09가는 길에 해드리오 들러서 동생 양반 좀 이리
불러 주고
Stop by Anything You Want and tell Chun-sik
that I need him.
24:12(진국Yes, ma'am.
24:18여긴 제게 맡겨 주세요Leave this place to me.
24:19그래도 부녀지간인데 작별도 해야 하고After all, he's my father. I should bid him
24:23진범이 마츠야마인 모양이오I suppose Matsuyama will turn out to be the
24:26마츠야마를 황제의 주치의로 만들어 준다 약조
해 놓고
He probably promised Matsuyama that he'd
make him the royal physician
24:29어겼을 겁니다and didn't keep his word.
24:54마지막으로Before you leave,
24:56제게 아버지 노릇 한 번만 해 주고 가세요act like a decent father for once in your life.
25:10(마츠야마) [일본어쿠도 부인Madam Kudo.
25:12이 시간에 여기는 무슨 일로?What brings you here at this hour?
25:17리노이에 씨는 침실에 계십니다Rinoie is in his bedroom.
25:38쿠도 부인이게 무슨 짓입니까?Madam Kudo, what is this about?
25:45(히나주워 보세요Pick it up.
25:52[한국어오른손잡이네You're right-handed.
26:37참 절망스러운 노래야It's a song of despair.
26:40조선의 운명에 어울리는 것 같기도 하고I think it suits the fate of Joseon.
26:47(타카시근데 그 여인 말이야By the way, that woman...
26:50오르골을 가지고 있던 그 조선 여인The Joseon woman with the music box.
26:54그 여인은 아나?Does she know
26:56네가 조선에서 노비였다는 거?that you were born a slave here in Joseon?
27:03다른 건수 찾아You should look for another lead.
27:05그건 이미 지난한 과정을 통해 다 정리가 됐거
That's already been sorted out through a long,
difficult ordeal.
27:09오해는 말고궁금해서Don't get me wrong. I was just curious.
27:19왜 아직 치료도 안 받고?Why haven't you sought treatment yet?
27:20(유진넌 뺨 몇 대 맞은 치료를 뭘 그렇게 오래
Why do you even need treatment when you
just got punch a couple times in the face?
27:25네 꼴을 보니Judging from what I see now,
27:28나 쏜 애들 다 죽었겠는데those soldiers who shot me must be all dead

27:33죽였지Yes, I killed them.
27:34근데 오늘 제물포 절에 보낸 놈들도 다 죽었어But you see, even the ones that I sent to the
temple in Jemulpo are all dead now.
27:38(타카시병력 손실이 이만저만이 아니야 [긴장
되는 음악
We've lost so many soldiers.
27:41너 쏜 놈은 내가 죽였는데I killed the moron who shot you.
27:43제물포 절에 보낸 놈들은 누가 죽였을까?I wonder who killed my soldiers that I sent to
the temple.
27:51(무걸거기 누구요통금이오Who's there? The curfew hours have begun.
27:57통금이오The curfew is on.
28:06조심해유진You'd better watch out.
28:07조선에서 만난 넌 미국인인지 조선인인지Here in Joseon, you confuse me a great deal
because I can't tell if you're American or
28:11아주 헷갈리거든you confuse me a great deal because I can't
tell if you're American or Korean.
28:14(타카시이러면 이제 네가 나를 죽일 이유가
하나 더 느나
Now, do you have another reason to kill me?
29:11(덕문순검을 불러라순검을 불러!Call patrol! Patrol officers!
29:14정 경무경무사를 불러경무사를 불러!Right, the Police Bureau. Call the chief
commissioner of police!
29:23(춘식오래 살다 보니 이런 날도 오네예My, I never imagined that this day would
actually come.
29:26내 생전에 이완익 부고를 볼 줄은 꿈에도 몰랐
Who knew I'd see an obituary for Lee Wan-ik
in the newspaper?
29:32이완익이가 그 왜놈 의사 놈한테Lee Wan-ik promised the Japanese doctor
29:34황제 폐하 주치의 만들어 주겄다 약조를 했는
that he'd make him the royal physician
29:36돈만 받아 처먹고 그냥 팽해 부렀다and even got money from him but never kept
his word.
29:39라는 유서가 겁나 잘 만들어져서 그라제I must say, we did a good job crafting that will.
29:42내 뭐라 캤습니까자신 있다 캤지예What did I tell you? I told you I could pull it off.
29:45(춘식내 마음만 먹으면 나라도 팔았을 긴데Had I wanted to, I would've sold this country
out ages ago.
29:47헹님 만나가 옳게 산다 아입니까Thanks to you, I've become a good man.
29:50(일식아니여...Gosh, cut it out.
29:52근데 헹님 빈관 아씨가 일을 와 이리 꾸몄을
By the way, why do you think the lady at the
hotel staged the scene like that?
29:57진범 안다는 소리 아니겄냐It's probably because she knows who killed
30:00[춘식의 놀라는 숨소리저 양반도 아는 눈치고It looks like he knows too.
30:10숨으러 오시려나Will she come here to hide?
30:22(형기) [일본어리노이에 씨가 [어두운 음악
젯밤 자택에서 죽은 채로 발견되었습니다
Rinoie was found dead at his residence last
30:27(완익내가 조선인들을 기가 막히게 다루거든I'm very good at dealing with people of

30:34조선인들을 모른다니까Well, I warned him.
30:38범인은 한성 병원의 일본인 의사인 마츠야마인
He was killed by a Japanese doctor at
Hanseong Medical Center, Matsuyama,
30:42(형기리노이에 씨를 죽이고 자기도 그 자리에
서 자살했답니다
who took his own life at the scene
immediately after killing him.
30:44그래서 어쩌라고?So what?
30:46(타카시내가 일개 조선인의 죽음을 이리 자세
히 알아야 해
Must I be informed of all these details about a
mere Joseon man's death?
30:52일본인 아니니 조선에서 알아서 하라 그래He's not Japanese, so Joseon people can do
whatever they want.
30:57Yes, sir.
31:00[한국어그리된 사연으로 이완익의 비서인 이
That's what happened. Lee Wan-ik's
secretary, Lee Deok-mun,
31:03금일 낮에 신고하였습니다reported his death to us this afternoon.
31:07언젠가는 그리되었어야 할 일It is something that had to happen.
31:10(정문이완익은 조선인 아닌 지 오래니Lee Wan-ik abandoned Joseon a long time
31:13일본이 알아서 하라 일러라Tell Japan that it is their job to sort it out.
31:16제 나라를 버린 부왜인에게 조선의 법도 아깝
A traitor who betrayed his own country does
not deserve to be protected by the laws.
31:25대감Understood, my lord.
31:29조선인도 아니다일본인도 아니다 개죽음이
따로 없습니다
Joseon denies that he's one of its people, and
so does Japan. What a pathetic death.
31:33그러니 말이오That's what I'm saying.
31:34역사에 어찌 남으려고 그리 극악무도하게 살았
That ruthless man will be condemned as a
traitor for generations to come.
31:39(중현부끄럽지 않게 살아야 돼요We should never do anything that we'd be
ashamed of.
31:42옳게 살아야 합니다We must always do the right thing. GWON
31:47옳습니다Absolutely. LEE GEUN-TAEK DIRECTOR OF
31:50세상에폐하께 눈 똑바로 뜨고My gosh, I heard he looked right into His
Majesty's eyes
31:54일본 귀족 작위를 받겠다고 했다더이다and said that he wishes to obtain a ducal title
from Japan.
31:58제명에 죽었으면 나라도 팔 자 아닙니까Had he been allowed to live longer, he
would've sold Joseon.
32:01만고의 역적이 따로 없소이다What an abominable traitor.
32:28고생 많았네Thanks for everything.
32:31(승구돌아보지 말고Don't look back.
32:35여기는 이제 우리한테 맡기고Just leave it to us to sort things out here.
32:40[울먹이며잘 가시게Goodbye now.

33:06(승구) [통곡하며아이고!Oh god...
33:28여기서부터는 따로 갑시다From here, we should go our own ways.
33:33같이 갑시다No, let's go together.
33:34비키시오 조선에서 조선인이 그자를 죽이면 안
-Step aside. -A Joseon person mustn't kill him.
33:38비키라고 했는데I told you to step aside.
33:39모리 타카시의 손에 의병 명단이 있소Takashi Mori has a list of members of the
Righteous Army.
33:42(유진그건 그의 밀정이 조선에 있다는 소리고It means he has a spy reporting to him here in
33:44밀정부터 찾는 게 우선이오First, we must find who the spy is.
33:46한데 화는 나니 죽이지 말고 살립시다But I am enraged as well, so let's let him live
for the time being.
33:50술값 보태겠소?Will you pitch in for drinks?
34:02(순검1) 아씨께서 여기 무슨 일로...Madam, what brings you here?
34:09오셨습니까대감마님My lord, you're here.
34:13(정문자리를 비켜 주게Give us some privacy.
34:14(순검1) 대감마님Certainly, sir.
34:25(정문아비의 일은 안됐다I am sorry for your loss.
34:29조선에는 잘된 일이겠지요It is not a loss for Joseon.
34:33(정문아비의 수습은 내가 하마I will take care of your father's burial.
34:37그래서 왔다That is why I am here.
34:42강씨 부인은 잡아 놨습니다Ms. Kang is at my hotel.
34:44(히나내통한 자는 프랑스 공사관의 서기관인
She leaked information to the secretary at the
French legation,
34:47그의 정보가 누구에게 닿는지는 아직 캐지 못
but I haven't been able to find out to whom he
34:50그것까지 밝혀 기별드릴 테니 그때는 반드시I will find out who it is and contact you. Then
you must
34:55제 어머니의 거처를 내놓으셔야 할 것입니다give me the information on my mother's
35:03네 어미는Your mother is
35:06강원도의 한 교우촌에 있다in a Catholic village in Gangwon Province.
35:12살아 계십니까?She's alive?
35:14내가 찾았을 때는I found her
35:17이미 묻힌 뒤였다only after she had already been buried.
35:22거짓말 마세요Don't lie to my face.
35:26거짓말이셔야 합니다That had better be a lie.
35:28그게 참이면 전 대감을 죽일 겁니다If it is indeed true, I will kill you.
35:33네가 살라고 그랬다I only did it so that you could live.
35:36[히나의 어이없는 숨소리] (정문어미를 찾겠
다는 희망으로 살라고
I wanted you to keep on living with the hope -
of finding your mother. -I was hanging on.

35:39버틴 겁니다!-of finding your mother. -I was hanging on.
35:41산 게 아니라 겨우 버티고 있었던 거라고요!Don't call it "living." I was barely hanging on.
35:48[떨리는 목소리로어떻게 이런 걸 속여How could you keep it from me?
35:51어떻게 이런 걸 손에 쥐고 나를 이용했냐고!How could you use me like this when you
knew what happened to her?
35:54그 희망마저 없고 널 이용하지 않으면Without that hope and a person like me using
you in such a way,
35:59넌 스스로를 놓을 아이였다you would've given up everything a long ago.
36:12전 오늘 부모를 다 잃었습니다Today, I lost both of my parents.
36:17기다리세요You just wait.
36:20내가 대감을 죽일 겁니다I will be sure to kill you.
36:45(동매국문도 모르시는 분이 우체사 앞에서 보
You can't even read Korean. I skipped lunch
and ran here as you asked to meet up at the
postal service office.
36:48중반도 굶고 나왔지 뭡니까I skipped lunch and ran here as you asked to
meet up at the postal service office.
36:51봉변이라도 당하시나 해서I thought you were in danger or something.
36:54여길 좀 뒤져야 하는데 도와주겠소?I have to search this place. Can you help me?
36:57구경하러 온 건데 도울 이유가 없어서I simply came to watch. I have no reason to
help you.
37:00적의 적은 동지랬소They say an enemy of your enemy is your
37:03우린 지금 동지요 두 팔 걷어 돕지요-That makes us friends. -I'll roll up my sleeves
and help.
37:07저도 그자에게 갚을 게 좀 있어서I, too, must get back at him for something.
37:10(유진타카시는 1902년까지 뉴욕에 있었소Takashi lived in New York until 1902.
37:13그런 자가 조선에 오기 전부터 이미 많은 걸 꿰
고 있었소
Despite that, he already knew a lot even
before he came to Joseon.
37:18조선에 들어와 있지 않았으나 들어와 있었던
He was already in Joseon even though he
wasn't physically here.
37:21미국과 일본조선을 자유롭게 오갔다면Someone who can travel freely between
America, Japan, and here.
37:25분명 공사관 직원이란 건데It must be someone who works at the
37:30그런 자가 지금 딱 내 앞에 있는데A man who fits that description is right in front
of me now.
37:34수상한 전보가 오갔을 거요Suspicious telegrams must've been
37:36(유진일본미국조선 간에exchanged from and to the three countries.
37:43(윤 총판일들 해Do what you have to do.
37:45이게 보기보다 익숙해지면 괜찮아It won't be so bad once you get used to it.
37:48일해Just do your work.
37:53그 수상한 전보라는 게By "suspicious telegrams,"
37:57혹시 이런 걸까요?do you mean something like this?
38:00(동매게다 장수가 프랑스 공사관 서기관에게
천 엔짜리 우편환을 보냈습니다
A wooden shoes seller sent 1,000 yen
through postal service to a secretary at the

French legation.
38:06게다가 이렇게 돈이 될 줄 알았으면 무신회가
아니라 게다를 파는 건데
Who knew selling shoes was such a lucrative
business? Forget Musin Society. I should've
done that.
38:11잡은 것 같소I think we caught the spy.
38:23[불어누구세요?Who are you?
38:26(레오여기가 어딘가요?Where am I?
38:27(유진) [한국어모리 타카시에게 조선의 정보
를 판 밀정이오
He's the spy that sold information about
Joseon to Takashi Mori.
38:30이자 말고도I'm certain
38:32타카시에게 매수된 밀정이 더 있을 겁니다that there are other spies who have been
reporting to him.
38:34나 또한 찾고 있던 자다I've been trying to track him down as well.
38:38어찌 내게 내어 주는 것인가Why are you handing him over to me?
38:40내가 아는 조선인 중에Out of all Koreans that I know,
38:43제일 공갈 협박에 능하고 권모술수에 뛰어난
you are most skilled at blackmailing and
scheming. That's why.
38:49조선이 이리 또 한 번 신세를 진다You are helping Joseon once again.
38:53이제 조선이 나한테도 갚을 때도 됐는데It's about time Joseon pays me back for
everything I've done.
38:56(정문어찌 갚아 줄까산을 더 줘야 하나?What do you want? Would another mountain
39:00전쟁을 해 보면 말입니다Fighting in a war teaches you
39:03빼앗기면 되찾을 수 있으나that you can reclaim what's been taken from
39:06내어 주면 되돌릴 수 없습니다but that there's no going back when you give
something away.
39:10(유진어떤 여인도어떤 포수도Even a woman and a gunner I know
39:13지키고자 아등바등인 조선이니are doing everything in their power to protect
this country,
39:16빼앗길지언정 내어 주진 마십시오so do not give anything away even if it gets
taken from you.
39:24그리고 자기 산도 아니면서And you don't even own the mountains.
39:36(레오) [불어살려 주세요!Please spare my life!
39:46[한국어폐하Your Majesty.
39:48(정문성심의 근심을 술에 기대는 것은Relying on alcohol in moments of
apprehension and uncertainty
39:51잠시는 위로를 받으나...only provides you with a momentary relief--
39:53술 동무를 구한 것인데 경은 염려만 하는구나I asked you to keep me company while I drink,
and yet you are sitting there listing your
40:02(고종짐은 때로 간신들의 참언보다At times, your truthful words of advice hurt me
40:07경의 간언이 뼈아프다than my treacherous ministers' sweet lies.
40:10경의 옳음이 도처에 죽음을 부른다Your righteousness has caused many deaths.

40:14경은 두렵지 않은가?Aren't you afraid?
40:16(정문폐하신도 두렵사옵니다Your Majesty, I am afraid too.
40:22신이 가장 두려운 것은what I fear the most
40:25싸워 보지도 않고is not even putting up a fight
40:28대한이 일본의 손에 넘어가는 것이옵니다and letting Japan take control of this country.
40:32한 이방인이 말하길One foreigner told me
40:34빼앗기면 되찾을 수 있으나that you can reclaim what was taken from
40:37내어 주면 되돌릴 수 없다 하였사옵니다whereas there is no going back once you
voluntarily give something away.
40:42이방인의 눈에 지금 대한은I suppose in a foreigner's eyes, it seems like
we're giving everything away without even
giving Japan
40:46빼앗길 틈도 없이 내어 주고 있나 보옵니다it seems like we're giving everything away
without even giving Japan a chance to steal
from us.
40:52신은 싸울 것입니다I will fight.
40:55쉬이 손에 쥘 수 없음을 보일 것입니다I will show them that it won't be easy for them
to get what they want.
40:59미움I will gladly
41:01받겠사옵니다put up with hatred.
41:11하오니 부디 신을 칼날 삼으시고So please use me as your sword.
41:16폐하Your Majesty.
41:19백성과 함께 싸워 주시옵소서Please fight with the people of this country.
41:29(고종경은I suppose...
41:31오늘도 싸웠구려you fought even today.
41:46(타카시) [일본어절이며 강이며 시체가 산더
There are mountains of dead bodies at every
temple and river.
41:49누굴까?I wonder who did this.
41:51오르골 주인인가 선물받은 계집인가The owner of the music box? The bitch who
was gifted the music box?
41:56아니면 둘 다인가Or was it both of them?
42:13[한국어이야조선 의병들 대단하네My, the members of the Righteous Army truly
impress me.
42:18(타카시전국 각지에서 어렵게 모셔 왔는데We went through hoops to drag them here
from all over Joseon,
42:21[퍽퍽 때리는 소리가 요란하다목소리 한번 듣
기 힘드니
but they're not even grunting, let alone a
42:27(타카시다시 물을게All right. I'm going to ask you one more time.
42:33장승구는 어디 있는지 알고I already know where Jang Seung-gu is.
42:37황은산고애신이 어디에 있는지 아는 사람?Do any of you know where Hwang Eun-san or
Go Ae-sin is?

42:41우린 모른다!I don't know!
42:45모르면 잘 가고Then goodbye.
42:50너는너도 몰라?What about you? You also don't know where
they are?
42:53우리는 모른다!We don't know!
43:04(타카시너는?Then what about you?
43:06같은 대답은 아니길 바라I hope you don't give me the same answer.
43:09죽여라우린 모른다Just kill me. We don't know anything.
43:12죽는 게 낫겠다 싶은 모양인데I guess you prefer to die than suffer through
43:19그럼 살려야지Then I should let you live.
43:22[일본어이 새끼들 사람 구실 못 하게 만들어
Cripple these filthy rats.
43:24(타카시죽이진 말고Don't kill them though.
43:27(일본군들!-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
43:37(간호사여기가 마츠야마 선생님의 진료실입
This is Doctor Matsuyama's office.
43:40유품 정리는 아직 경황이 없어서...We haven't had a chance to organize the
43:42(타카시알았으니까 가 봐Okay. You may leave now.
43:46부르기 전에는 들어오지 말고Don't come in until I call you.
43:50(간호사Yes, sir.
44:18(타카시) '쿠도 신이치로'"Shinichiro Kudo."
44:22들어오지 말랬잖아I told you not to come in!
44:41(유진못 본 척하시오그럼 살 수 있소Pretend you didn't see anything if you want to
44:49[한국어저자에서 저 일본군이 한 짓을 다 보았
I actually saw everything that Japanese
soldier did near the market.
44:54따라오세요 사람들 눈에 띄지 않는 뒷길을 압
Follow me. I know a route you can take
without being seen.
45:20(일본군2) [일본어비켜비켜!Make way! Move!
45:24빨리 풀어!Take him down!
45:25(일본군들!-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
45:33(일본군2) 대좌님괜찮으십니까?Colonel, are you all right?
45:36(타카시이게 뭐야?What is this?
45:37빨리 풀어Quick, untie me.
45:42목에 이거 뭐라고 쓰여 있어?What does this say?
45:45- (타카시읽어! - (일본군2) -Read it aloud! -Yes, sir.
45:48(일본군2) '조선 의병이 일본군 대좌를 살렸다'"The Righteous Army of Joseon spared the
life of a Japanese colonel."
46:09(타카시이 개자식들다 죽여 버릴 거야!Those bastards! I'll kill them all!
46:12[총성이 탕 울린다] (일본군2) 대좌님...Colonel!

46:15이 멍청한 새끼들 너희들 다 여기 있으면 어떡
You shitheads. Why are you all here? What
the hell are you thinking?
47:13(내관) [한국어폐하Your Majesty.
47:15(내관일군 대좌가 궁에 들어 경위원 총관의
소치를 요구하옵니다
A colonel of the Japanese army is here. He is
saying he must summon the head of Palace
47:20아뢰옵기에 황공하오나I'm sorry to be the bearer of this news,
47:22지난밤 일군들이 폭도들의 습격을 받았사온데but the Japanese army was attacked by a
mob of rebels last night,
47:25그 주범으로and they're saying
47:27경위원 총관이 지목되었다 하옵니다Officer Jang of Palace Security is the main
culprit behind the attack.
47:30일군 대좌를 들라 하라You may let him in.
47:32(내관폐하Yes, Your Majesty.
47:34일군 대좌는 총검을 해제하고...Colonel Takashi must disarm himself prior to
47:46(타카시들으신 바와 같이 경위원 총관이라는
As you've heard, the head of your palace
security agency
47:50지난밤 일한 양국의 우호를 비웃고 모욕했으
dared to mock and disgrace the amity
between Japan and Korea last night.
47:54(고종일군 대좌Colonel Takashi.
47:56대좌의 본국에선 어떨지 모르나I do not know how things are done in your
47:59여기 대한 제국에선 대한 제국의 궁에선but this is the Great Korean Empire, and you
are in my palace at the moment.
48:02첫마디도 짐이 먼저 하문도 짐이 먼저호통도
짐이 먼저다
Hence, I must be the one starting this
conversation whether it's with a question or
48:10무례를 용서하십시오Pardon my rudeness.
48:12(고종대좌의 용모로 보아 작야의 습격이 거짓
은 아닌 듯하니
Judging from how you look at the moment, the
attack last night must have actually happened.
I am truly sorry to hear about it.
48:17퍽 유감이다must have actually happened. I am truly sorry
to hear about it.
48:18하나 오해는 바로잡고자 한다 작야에...However, I would like to clear up any
misunderstandings. Last night...
48:23총관은 내내 짐의 곁을 지켰다Officer Jang guarded me by my side all night.
48:26그럴 리 없습니다That is impossible.
48:28지금 짐의 말을 거짓이라 하는 것인가Are you accusing me of telling a lie?
48:31양국에 피해가 없도록 조사를 철저히 해야 하
We must launch a thorough investigation to
make sure both countries are--
48:35일군 대좌Colonel Takashi.
48:37(고종대좌는 지금 총검을 소지한 채 한 나라
의 정전에 들었다
You just barged into the main hall of my
palace with your gun and sword.
48:42내 비록 약소국의 군주이나I may be a king of a weak country,

48:44일개 대좌 정도는 이 자리에서 쳐 죽여 법도를
바로 세울 수도 있음이다
but I still have the power to kill a mere colonel
right here to set a deterrent example.
48:51짐은 때로 그리 옹졸해지니 더는 짐의 아량을
시험치 말라
I can be unforgiving at times, so you'd better
stop testing my patience.
49:03(승구신은 지난밤 폐하를 지키지 않았습니다Your Majesty, I did not guard you last night.
49:09(고종안다I am aware.
49:11하나 일군을 그리했으면However, doing that to the Japanese army
49:14짐을 지킨 것과 진배없다is no different from guarding me right by my
49:20총관의 이력을 안다I know your history.
49:30(고종그때도 총관은 짐을 지키고 있었다Even back then, you were guarding me.
49:40하나 난 그때But back then,
49:43그들을 지키지 않았다I did not protect them.
49:48짐은 사과하지 않는다I will not apologize.
49:52짐은 사과하는 자가 아니다I am not someone who can apologize.
49:59오래I tortured myself for years
50:01부끄러웠다because of the shame and guilt.
50:05고작 대좌 하나 상대하는Even just to deal with a mere colonel,
50:10이깟 위엄 뒤에 숨어서I have to hide behind the face of dignity.
50:50뭐 더 필요하시오?What else can I get you?
50:58어쩌다 다친 게요?How did you hurt your hand?
50:59(사탕 장수이거 뭐그냥 빵 만드느라...Oh, this. It happened while I was baking some
51:03그건 왜 묻소?Why do you ask?
51:06밀가루가 그리 위험한 물건인 줄 몰라서I did not know that flour could be that
51:10고사홍 어르신 사십구재 때는 가게 문이 닫혔
On the day of Lord Go's memorial service, this
bakery was closed.
51:16(사탕 장수물건 들어오는 날이라 비웠어요I couldn't work because our supplies came
that day.
51:19그 빵 재료가 워낙 귀한 거라 달에 한 번 들어와
The ingredients for that bread are rare. I only
get them once a month.
51:24뭐 문제 있소?What? Is there a problem?
51:27문제없소There's no problem.
51:29빵이 아주 맛이 있소This tastes very good.
51:34연락을 기다린다 전해 주시오 그 여인에게Tell the lady that I am waiting to hear from her.
51:40(애신양복을 입고 얼굴을 가리면When we wear Western clothes and cover our
51:42우린 얼굴도 이름도 없이When we wear Western clothes and cover our
faces, we become faceless and nameless.
51:48오직 의병이오We become only of the Righteous Army.
51:52That is why we need one another.

(애신그래서 우리는 서로가 꼭 필요하오
51:55할아버님께는 잔인하나I know it's cruel to my grandfather,
52:00그렇게 환하게 뜨거웠다가 지려 하오but I wish to burn brightly and then wilt.
52:06불꽃으로Like a flame.
52:11죽는 것은 두려우나I do fear death,
52:13난 그리 선택했소but I made up my mind.
52:17(유진내겐 고가 애신인데I know her as Go Ae-sin,
52:20그대들에겐 누구일지 모르겠으나but I'm not sure how she may be known to
you folks.
52:32(승구바다보다 먼 길이 그쪽이랍디다She says you're further away than the sea.
52:38그 멀고 먼 길을 가시겠답니다she insists on making her way to you.
52:43(승구결국 갈 길이면If she must go though,
52:45애기씨 가시는 길이 어디든 꼭 거기 서 계시오wherever that may be, I hope you'll be there
for her.
52:52(애신나를 찾는 거면 이쪽이오If you're looking for me, I'm here.
53:32(애신잘 지냈소?How have you been?
53:38그간 일이 좀 많았소Many things have happened.
53:43(유진참 밉던데I started to resent you
53:47너무 그리우니because I missed you so terribly.
53:50보고플 때마다 밉던데I resented you every time I missed you.
53:53(애신그래서 잊히면If you can forget me like that,
53:56그것도 괜찮소that will be okay too.
54:04그 말을 전하러 왔소I came here to tell you that.
54:06Just in case
54:09내 소식을 기다릴까 하여you'd be waiting to hear from me.
54:13이제 더는 기다리지 말라고I wanted to tell you not to wait any longer.
54:15그게 지금How...
54:18(유진끝끝내 기다리는 사람한테...How could you say that to me?
54:19조선은 더 위태로워졌고Joseon is in a greater danger now,
54:22(애신나의 집안은 송두리째 부서졌소and my family has been destroyed.
54:25나의 세상엔 더 이상 헛된 희망도In my world, there is no more futile hope
54:32더 들킬 낭만도 없소or romance.
54:36난 이제 더는 귀하와 나란히 걸을 수가 없소I can no longer walk side by side with you.
54:40하니 이제 그만So, let's please
54:43각자의 방향으로go our own ways now.
54:47멀어집시다We must part ways.
54:49내가 잡으면 어쩔 거요?What will you do if I stop you?
54:53가 봐야 하오동지들이 기다려서I have to go. My comrades are waiting.
54:56What about me? The fact that I'm waiting too

내 기다림은 의미 없는 거요?means nothing to you?
55:02내가 서 있을 일이 아니었나Should I not have been there for you?
55:06내가 기다릴 일이 아니었어I shouldn't have waited.
55:09(유진어디든 좋소가시오Wherever it is, I don't care. Go your way.
55:13그대가 가는 방향으로 내가 걷겠소Wherever you're headed, I'll go the same way.
55:18난 당신이 살길 바라는 거요But I want you to live--
55:20(유진나도 내가 살려고 이러는 거요안 보면
죽을 것 같아서
That's precisely why I'm being like this. I feel
like I'll die if I don't see you.
55:30그리고 아는지 모르겠지만And I don't know if you're aware,
55:33나한테 신세 진 거 하나도 안 갚았소but you haven't repaid me for anything I did
for you.
55:36떼어먹을 생각 마시오Don't you dare walk away.
55:38당신이 어디에 있든 내가 다 찾아가서 받을 거
No matter where you are, I'll track you down
and make sure you repay me.
55:48갚겠소I will repay you.
55:50(애신어디에 있든 받으러 오시오Wherever I may be, come to collect it.
55:53기별하겠소I will let you know.
56:17(직원오셨어요You're back, sir.
56:20송구하지만 얼른 룸을 확인해 보셔야겠습니다I'm sorry, but you should go and check your
room immediately.
56:23[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다무슨 일 있소
관에 도둑이 들어 난리도 아닙니다
-Did something happen? -A thief broke into
the hotel.
56:26(직원대좌님 룸에서도 뭐가 없어졌다 하시고
Colonel Takashi said something got stolen
from his room.
56:29(타카시내 방에선 하필 딱 오르골만 사라졌지
Strangely enough, only the music box got
stolen from my room.
56:37확인해 보겠소-I'll go and check. -I bet nothing was stolen
from your room.
56:38(타카시넌 잃은 게 없을 것 같은데 확인할 필
요가 있을까
-I'll go and check. -I bet nothing was stolen
from your room. Do you really have to check?
56:49네가 몰라서 그러는데You have no clue.
56:52여기서 내가 제일 큰 걸 잃었어I'm the one who lost the most valuable thing.
57:39(히나너니?Was it you?
57:41[긴장되는 음악네가 도왔어?Did you partake in it?
57:43무엇을요?What do you mean, madam?
57:46전 아닙니다It wasn't me.
57:48전 모릅니다I don't know anything.
57:50뭔데 몰라?What don't you know?
57:52모른다면서 뭔 줄 알고 아니래?What do you mean it wasn't you?
58:20(수미죄송합니다아씨I'm sorry, madam.
58:22(수미제가 도왔습니다 한데I'm the one that helped. But the thing is,
58:26범인이 누구인지는 말씀드릴 수 없습니다I cannot tell you who did it.

58:31누구인지는 이미 알아I already know who it is.
58:33(히나물건들 어쨌니안 들키려면 얼른 태워
야 해
What did you do with the things? We must
burn them, or we'll get caught.
58:53태울 게 또 있을 듯하여I brought something else to be burned.
59:01신경 쓰일 물건 같아서I thought you might be bothered by this.
59:19이걸 어떻게 처리하나 곤란했는데I've been wondering what to do with this.
59:23고맙습니다Thank you.
59:25부친의 일은 유감이오I'm sorry for what happened to your father.
59:32지은 죄가 많으니 피할 수 없는 끝맺음이지요It was bound to happen since he committed
many sins.
59:37(히나조국도 명예도 없이He died without honor and even a country.
59:40자식에게 끝끝내 부끄러운 아버지로He died as a father of whom his child will be
ashamed forever.
59:47그런 슬픈 끝맺음 말입니다What a sad ending.
59:54친우분과는 만나셨습니까다녀가신 듯한데Did you see your friend? I think she was here
1:00:00또 떠났소She left again.
1:00:04그쪽도 해피 엔딩은 아니군요Your story doesn't have a happy ending either.
1:00:28이완익의 부고를 보았습니다We saw Lee Wan-ik's obituary.
1:00:31그리고 깨달았습니다It made us realize
1:00:34작금의 조선에 적이 이완익만 있는 것이 아니
란 걸 말입니다
that Lee Wan-ik isn't the only enemy of
Joseon in its present situation.
1:00:38다시 받아 주십시오교관님Please accept us back, sir.
1:00:40조선을 위해 더 큰 복수를 하고자 합니다We wish to plan a greater revenge for Joseon.
1:00:44한 세상이 부서지고Is everyone, including you lads,
1:00:47(유진더 큰 세상으로 나아가는 건가moving on to a greater world after the
1:00:50너희들도of a smaller one?
1:00:51받아 주십시오 받아 주십시오-Please accept us back. -Please accept us
1:00:59그래그럼 연병장부터 돌아야겠지?All right, then. You must run around the track
1:01:03[비장한 음악] (유진군장 들고 집합한다실시Assemble with your gear. Go.
1:01:05(함께실시!-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
1:02:22[동전을 쓱 밀며석 달Three months.
1:02:25[동전을 쓱 밀며넉 달Four months.
1:02:27[동전을 쓱 밀며다섯 달Five months.
1:02:32반년Half a year.
1:02:38그러고도 석 달 치를 더 받았네She paid me for three more months.
1:02:50[종이 딸랑거린다] (순검2) 통금이오!Curfew hours have begun.
1:02:54통금이오!Curfew hours have begun.

1:03:08나는 이쪽으로 가겠소I'll head out that way.
1:03:24(애신고맙소Thank you.
1:03:26나란히 걷는다는 것이 참 좋소It is very nice to walk side by side with you.
1:03:30나에게는 다시없을 순간이오지금이I won't be able to experience another moment
like this.
1:03:37(애신아마도 내가 헛된 희망을 품게 되나 보
I think I'm starting to have futile hopes.
1:03:42다음에는Next time,
1:03:44더 멀리까지 가 보고 싶다는I wish to travel even further.
1:03:47(애신그런 다음이 있을지도 모른다는I could even get another chance after that.
1:03:50그런 헛된 희망 말이오That kind of hope.
1:03:52거기가 어디요?Where will you go?
1:03:55나도 함께 있소?Am I there with you?
1:03:56있소You are.
1:03:59희망이니까It's what I wish.
1:04:35(타카시) [일본어다시 조선에 오신 걸 환영합
Welcome back to Joseon.
1:04:38(하야시축배를 들 좋은 사케를 가져왔네I brought sake to celebrate with.
1:04:42드디어 일로 전쟁이야모리 대좌At last, the Russo–Japanese War, Colonel
1:04:46이젠 조선 주차군 사령부 사령관인가?No, should I address you as the commanding
officer of the Joseon Garrison Army?
1:04:52아직 임명장을 못 받아서The letter of appointment didn't come yet.
1:05:03(남자) [한국어아이고오늘도 공치겄구먼It looks like it'll be another bad day.
1:05:07요새 왜 이렇게 손님들이 씨가 말라Why are there no customers at all?
1:05:10(여자쌀집만 살판났지 쌀값이 금값이라는데Only the rice seller has a smile. Rice goes for
gold these days.
1:05:13우리 것들이야 뭐 이밥을 먹을 일이 있겠냐마
People like us will never afford rice.
1:05:17[약재를 쓱쓱 썰며찻값이랑 담뱃값이랑 다 올
Tea and tobacco prices all went up.
1:05:20포목점의 비단은 동이 나고The cloth merchant's out of silk.
1:05:23(분이네진짜 전쟁이 나려는지Will there really be a war?
1:05:28(여자저건 또 뭐고?What's that?
1:05:35(분이네외국 공사관 식솔들이 요 며칠 저러고
다 빠져나가더라니까
Families of those at the foreign legation have
been leaving like that these few days.
1:05:39그 소문이 사실인갑네?Is the rumor true then?
1:05:41무슨 소문?What? What rumor?
1:05:43청나라 어디 바다에서 왜놈들이 아라사 군함을
박살을 냈디야
In the China Sea somewhere, the Japanese
smashed a Russian battleship.
1:05:48아라사랑 왜놈들이 전쟁을 하긴 할 모양이라고
들 하던디
I heard the Russians and Japanese might go
to war.

1:05:52위험하다 싶으니까 저리 다 빠져나가는 거 아
Aren't they leaving because it's dangerous?
1:05:54(여자어째 일리가 있어 보이네You sound like you have a point.
1:05:56아이고마 이러다가 진짜 전쟁 나는 거 아이가What if there really is a war?
1:05:59(분이네무십다!Don't even say that.
1:06:08(소년호외요!Special edition!
1:06:10(소년호외요호외요!Special edition! Special edition!
1:06:13호외요!Special edition!
1:06:18그거 하나 줘 보거라Give me one.
1:06:24'1904년 2월 9'"On February 9, 1904,
1:06:27(준영) '일본군이 인천 제물포 해상에서'in waters of Jemulpo Harbor, the Japanese
1:06:29'아라사 군함 두 척을'launched a surprise attack
1:06:32'기습 격침'...on two Russian battleships and sunk them."
1:06:35(학도1) 이게 무슨 일인가어찌 타국 전쟁을
우리 해안에서 한단 말인가
What's this about? How could two other
nations fight in our waters?
1:06:39(학도2) 아라사 군함은 풀로 붙인 모양일세Are Russian battleships put together with
1:06:42아니어찌 매번 이리 격침을 당해Why are they always sinking?
1:07:08(히나결국 러일 전쟁이 터졌네요The Russo–Japanese War is happening.
1:07:12어디가 이길까요?I wonder who will win.
1:07:14일본러시아?Japan? Russia?
1:07:16(희성어느 쪽이 이기든 조선은...Whichever wins, Joseon
1:07:21애달파질 것 같구려will suffer for it.
1:07:26조선도 울기보다는 물기를 택해야 할 텐데요Joseon should choose to bite rather than cry.
1:07:31아마 이 전쟁은 미국이 어느 나라의 편에 서는
가에 따라
I think the result of this war depends
1:07:38승리가 결정될 거요on which country America sides with.
1:08:55[일본어수장님께서 다시 조선에 오신 건가Is our boss back in Joseon?
1:08:58(낭인1) 수장님께서는 만주를 거쳐He'll pass through Manchuria
1:09:01조선을 지나 다시 본국으로 돌아가시는 길이다and Joseon to return to Japan.
1:09:03근데 너희들은 왜 내 앞에 있어?Then why are you standing before me?
1:09:07(낭인2) 우리는 수장님의 눈과 귀다We are our boss' eyes and ears.
1:09:09네가 어딜 가고 무얼 하는지We have orders to watch you carefully.
1:09:12네가 이시다 쇼인지 구동매인지Where you go, what you do. If you are Sho
1:09:16잘 살펴보라는 수장님의 명령이다or Gu Dong-mae.
1:09:37(무신회 수장오늘 밤 이정문을 끌어내린다Tonight, we will oust Lee Jeong-mun.
1:09:40(낭인들!-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
1:09:50(지용) [한국어대감!My lord.
1:09:54(정문한일의정서라니A Japan-Korea Treaty?

1:09:56그 조약이 나라를 통째로 팔아넘기는 것임을
Don't you know that's as good as signing
away our country?
1:10:00네놈이 일본과 조약 체결을 작당하니If you're colluding with Japan to do this,
1:10:03역적이 아니고 무엇이냐!that makes you a traitor!
1:10:06고정하십시오 저도 거부하고 싶습니다Calm down. I wanted to object too.
1:10:10(지용한데 하야시 공사에게 돈을 받았었는데The thing is, I took a bribe from Minister
1:10:15그걸 문제 삼으니 저도 길이 없어서...and they brought that up, so I had no choice.
1:10:17(정문네 이놈입을 찢어 버릴까!You fool! I shall slit your mouth!
1:10:25내 네놈을 찢어 죽이고 싶으나I want to shred you to pieces,
1:10:28네놈이 죽으면 또 다른 외부대신을 세울 터but if I do, they'll only replace you,
1:10:31방법은 하나뿐이다so I have just one option.
1:10:34이 길로 도망쳐라Run away tonight.
1:10:36한 나라의 대신으로서 네놈이 할 일은!The only thing you can do as an official of this
1:10:41그것뿐이다is that.
1:10:45[긴장되는 음악저기...Well, about that...
1:11:05(하야시) [일본어서명해라Sign it.
1:11:07일한의정서다It's the Japan-Korea Treaty.
1:11:52[한국어오야붕께서 굳이 조선을 지나시는 걸
If our boss is passing through Joseon,
1:11:57조선에서 누구 하나 사라질 모양인데it means someone's about to disappear.
1:12:00그게 우리와 무슨 상관입니까?What does that have to do with us?
1:12:04신경 쓰시면 안 됩니다You can't get involved.
1:12:09오야붕께 맡기지 않고 직접 움직이신 거 보면...He's doing it himself instead of leaving it to
1:12:14내가 오야붕 눈 밖에 제대로 난 모양이야That means I lost his favor.
1:12:22(정 경무사이보게구동매구동...Gu Dong-mae. Hey.
1:12:28여기만 오면 무릎을...I end up kneeling whenever I'm here.
1:12:31구동매내 알아보래서 알아봤는데Gu Dong-mae. I looked into what you asked
me to.
1:12:35글쎄이정문 대감이...Lord Lee Jeong-mun...
1:12:38낭인들에게 끌려갔다지 뭔가I hear Japanese swordsmen took him.
1:12:42아니자네가 그래 놓고 그걸 또 알아봐 달
라고 한 건 그
뭔지 이게 참...
Why would you ask me to look into something
you did yourself?
1:12:49오해는 말게내 따지는 게 아니라 내 궁금해서Please don't get me wrong. I'm not
complaining. I'm just curious.
1:12:53사라진 자가 그자입니까?Is he the one who disappeared?
1:12:56(정 경무사Yes.
1:12:57잠깐 나갔다 올 테니 너희들은 여기 있어I'm going out for a bit. Stay here.

1:13:05어디 가시려고요?Where will you go?
1:13:07본국 애들이 어디서 뭘 볼 줄 알고 이러십니까?Who knows where our boss' men are?
1:13:12나는 죽을 때 죽더라도Even if I end up dying,
1:13:15살릴 사람은 살려야지I must save the ones in need.
1:13:30(히나마침 잘 왔다술 동무 필요했는데I'm glad you're here. I needed company.
1:13:33이정문 대감이 본국 오야붕의 손을 탄 듯해I think my boss from Japan got to Lee Jeong
1:13:36(동매아마 일본으로 끌려갔을 거야I think they took him to Japan.
1:13:46정확한 정보야?Are you sure?
1:13:47나 목숨 걸고 온 거야 너한테까지 닿을까 봐I risked my life to come here. In case they get
to you too.
1:13:51(동매나라님이야 어찌 되든Regardless of what happens to him,
1:13:53넌 다치지 말라고you must stay safe.
1:13:57(히나기다리세요You just wait.
1:13:59내가 대감을 죽일 겁니다I will be sure to kill you.
1:14:15그냥 두면 죽을까?Will he die if I do nothing?
1:14:18이정문 대감Lord Lee Jeong-mun.
1:14:21제명에 죽으라고 잡아가진 않지Usually people don't get taken if they are
going to be killed soon.
1:14:29알려야겠네I should get the word out.
1:14:37위험하다고This is dangerous.
1:14:40시작은 사감이었지만 그래도 명색이 제국익문
사 요원인데
I started as a housemistress, but now I'm a
covert agent for Joseon.
1:14:45내 수장을 죽게 둘 수야 있나I can't let my leader die.
1:14:52(히나궁으로 연결해Get me the palace.
1:14:54황제 폐하 바꿔Put His Majesty on.
1:15:02(고종정문이 납치되었다Jeong-mun was abducted.
1:15:05(고종빠른 시일 내에 구해야 한다We must save him as soon as possible.
1:15:08정문의 성정으로 짐작건대Based on his temperament,
1:15:09일본이 자신을 빌미로 짐과 거래를 하고자 하
if Japan tries to use him as a hostage to make
a deal with me,
1:15:13그는 자결하려 들 것이다he'll try to kill himself.
1:15:15이젠 구하십니까?Now you're saving people?
1:15:17(승구저를 구하시더니 이젠 조선의 백성을 구
First, it was me. Now are you saving the
people of Joseon?
1:15:22돕겠는가?Will you help?
1:15:27경위원 총관 장승구Head of Palace Security, Jang Seung-gu.
1:15:30황제 폐하의 명 받잡겠나이다I will uphold your command, Your Majesty.
1:15:44(은산황명이다It's a royal command.
1:15:46일본으로 납치된 이정문 대감을 구해야 한다We must save Lord Lee Jeong-mun who was
taken to Japan.

1:15:54이건This is
1:15:58황제께서 내리신 러청은행의 예치 증서다from His Majesty. A certificate of a deposit to
the Russia-China Bank.
1:16:03일아 전쟁이 발발했으니 속히 찾아야 한다The Russo-Japanese War broke out, so we
must move quickly.
1:16:07나와 이정문 대감은Lord Lee and I planned to use this money
1:16:09이 돈으로 의병들을 무장시킬 계획이었다Lord Lee and I planned to use this money to
arm the Righteous Army.
1:16:14그러니 이정문 대감을 반드시 구해Hence, we must rescue Lord Lee Jeong-mun
1:16:17이 증서와 함께 상해로 보내야 한다and get him to Shanghai with this certificate.
1:16:22그러려면To do so,
1:16:25일본에서의 거사는 피할 수가 없다we cannot help but travel to Japan.
1:16:29일본은 적의 심장부고It's the heart of the enemy
1:16:32만전에 만전을 기한다 해도and even if we take utmost precautions,
1:16:35돌아오지 못할 길일 수 있다we might not return alive.
1:16:40손 보탤 이가 있는가Will anyone help?
1:16:44(무걸제가 가겠습니다I'll go.
1:16:47(상목전 식솔도 없습니다제가 갑니다I have no family. I'll go.
1:16:52(애신내가 가겠네I will go.
1:16:56(무걸여인의 몸으로 어려운 길일 수 있습니다It might be a tough trip for a woman.
1:16:59그러니 더 유리할 수도 있지That could give me an upper hand.
1:17:03여인이라 방심할 수도 있고They might let their guard down.
1:17:05안 됩니다애기씨You can't go, my lady.
1:17:07(은산여인은 배를 타는 것부터 제약이 있습니
There are restrictions starting with a woman
taking a boat abroad.
1:17:14늘 길은 있소There's always a way.
1:17:17늘 길은 있네There's always a way.
1:17:20그 서류를 잘 숨겨 들키지 않고 일본에 입국할
수 있는 길을
There's a way to get that certificate into Japan
1:17:27내가 아네I know the way.
1:17:35(애신오랜만이오It's been a while.
1:17:56반가워할 줄 알았더니I thought you'd be pleased to see me.
1:17:59거짓말을 그리했으면서You lied to me.
1:18:03기별한다더니You said you'd let me know,
1:18:05반년 만에 나타나서는and you show up after half a year.
1:18:08그래서 이리 왔는데That's why I'm here.
1:18:13스승님께서 높은 자리에 계시니My master has an important title.
1:18:16정보가 빠르오I hear things quickly.
1:18:20본국으로 간다 들었소I heard you're returning home.
1:18:21작별 인사 하러 온 거요?Did you come to say goodbye?
1:18:23I'll come with you.

(애신함께 가겠소
1:18:26데려가시오나를Take me along with you.
1:18:31미국으로To America.
1:18:35(유진참 못됐습니다She's quite cruel.
1:18:38저는 저 여인의 뜨거움과 잔인함 사이 어디쯤
있는 걸까요
Where do I lie between her passion and
1:18:45다 왔다고 생각했는데 더 가야 할지도 모르겠
I thought I was close, but I might have to go
even further.
1:18:51불꽃 속으로One more step
1:18:54한 걸음 더into the flame.
1:19:44[총성이 탕 울린다] (유진날 이용해서 어디까
지 가는 거냐고
Where are you trying to go by using me?
1:19:47(애신내 눈에 한 번만 더 띄면 죽이겠다 했는
I said I'd kill you if I ever catch a glimpse of
you again.
1:19:50(타카시귀족이었던 젊은 여인은 더 다치겠지The young woman who was once a noble will
get hurt again.
1:19:55(동매나쁜 놈은 원래 빨리 죽어Bad guys tend to die first.
1:19:57[동매가 소리친다그래야 착한 사람들이 [총성
이 탕 울린다
오래 살거든
That way, the good can live longer.
1:20:00[사람들이 소란스럽다] (희성그 애달파지는
He must have rooted for me
1:20:02내 생을 응원했나 보오in the midst of falling in sorrow.
1:20:03(유진용기가 역사를 이끈다 그러니 사자가 되
Courage makes history. So become a lion.
1:20:07(애신조선이 평온해지는 날 꼭 가겠소The day Joseon regains peace, I promise to
1:20:12자막최혜란Subtitle translation by You-jin Lim

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