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  미스터 션샤인 23

1:08(일식그림요?A painting?
1:09화조도 좋고 산수도 좋고요Of flowers, birds, or landscape.
1:12되도록 평범한 거요I'd like something plain.
1:23(히나신윤복김홍도가 다 여기 있으면 어떡
Sin Yun-bok and Kim Hong-do... What are all
their work doing here?
1:27(춘식어데예!Don't be mistaken.
1:29신은복김흥도 아입니까I copied theirs, these are all my work.
1:34어디 방에다 거시려고요?Which room is it for?
1:35아주 컴컴한 방에요A very dark one.
1:38(히나걸어 두면 보러 오려나요I wonder if he'll come to see it.
1:45하나 더요There's one more thing.
1:46혹시 폭탄도 구해 주시나요?Could you get me explosives?
1:50으메놀라라My gosh. You scared me.
1:54(히나구해 준 이들도 위험해질 수 있는 일이
It might put you in danger as well.
1:58해 줄 수 있을까요?Is it possible?
2:02긍게그것을 얻다 쓰시려고Well... What will it be used for?
2:05(히나제 호텔을 날려 버릴까 하고요I'm thinking about blowing up my hotel.
2:092층 객실이The Joseon Garrison Army
2:11주차군 사령부나 다름없네요is using the second floor as its headquarters.
2:18해드리오I'll get it for you.
2:25좋네요Thank you.
2:28이 개새끼들아!You bastards!
3:18(일본군3) [일본어너 이 새끼 뭐야!Hey, you!
3:19뭐 찍는 거야?What do you think you're doing?
3:31(연주) [한국어준영아Jun-yeong...
3:58[울먹이며준영이가 아침에 훈련 간다고 갔는
Jun-yeong... He went to train this morning,
4:03총소리가 났는데 이리들 누워 있어요but then I heard gunshots and this is what
4:06얼른 집에 가집에 가 있어Go home and stay there.
4:09준영이는 내가 찾으마I'll find Jun-yeong.

4:10안 돼요저도 찾을 거...No, I'll look for him too.
4:12(희성네가 예서 이러고 있으면!If you're out here like this...
4:16집에 혼자 있을 도영이는?What about Do-yeong who's home alone?
4:24(희성이거 갖고 얼른 집에 가Take this and head home.
4:56(소작농대감마님제발 [하인이 재촉한다] (
식구들 좀 살려 주십시오
My lord! My lord! Please have mercy on my
4:59이놈아이놈들! [하인이 계속 재촉한다]Let go!
5:01(소작농어디 그 잘난 시계는 [사람들의 놀라
는 신음
Does your stupid watch
5:0310년이 지나도 째깍째깍 잘 가십니까?still work fine after all these years?
5:38(히나이 비환을 지니고 있으면 염원하던 일을
이룰 수 있대
I heard that this bracelet will make what you
wish come true.
5:43한데 나는 이루지 못했단다It didn't work for me though.
5:48아무래도 죄가 많았나 봐I guess I committed too many sins.
5:54네 염원은 통할지도 모르니 마법을 부려 보렴It might listen to your wishes, so go on and
cast a spell.
5:58이 귀한 걸...Isn't this too valuable--
6:00(히나나는 네가 더 귀하단다You're more valuable to me.
6:03그러니 살아라아가So stay alive.
6:07여기서 제일 먼 곳으로 도망치는 거야run away as far as you can.
6:11아씨My lady...
6:13(히나그리고 부탁이 하나 있단다Also, I have a favor to ask.
6:18귀중한 문서가Important documents...
6:22자꾸만 이 작은 손에 들리는구나keep getting delivered by your hands.
6:36잘할 수 있습니다I can do this.
6:39믿는다I know you can.
7:06(일식뭣을 훔치러 왔는가 몰라도 날 잘못 잡
You chose the wrong day to rob the place.
7:09여는 싹 다 날라갈 참인께This place will soon be blown to bits.
7:16(춘식헹님내 그림쟁이인 거 알지예?You know I'm a painter, right?
7:18딱 보면 알아예그 용모파기I recognize those features from the wanted
7:21의병이오?Are you from the Righteous Army?
7:24(애신도모한 이가 누구요?Who's behind this?
7:26여자라예?Are you a woman?
7:29조선인들이오The people of Joseon.
7:31(일본군4) [일본어내가 그 조선 놈 머리통에I stabbed one of them in the head
7:35(일본군4) 이렇게 팍 칼을 꽂으니까like this. When the blade went in,

7:39피가 딱 이렇게 튀더라니까?the blood gushed out like this.
7:46(일본군5) 넌 고작 한 놈이냐?You killed just one?
7:48난 조선 놈들을 이만큼이나 죽였다고Well, this is how many Joseon people I killed.
7:53(일본군6) 역시 대좌님이십니다You have my respect, Colonel.
8:12(애신) [한국어뭘 하려는 거요?What are you up to?
8:13애기씨가 오늘 여기서 하려는 일과 같지 않을
Something similar to what you're trying to
doing here tonight.
8:16진짜 호텔을 통째로 날릴 작정이오?Are you really going to blow the hotel up?
8:18그러니 얼른 피하세요You should get away from here.
8:22사장은 안 피할 작정이구려You're planning on staying.
8:25제가 피하면 의심을 삽니다Suspicions will arise if my body doesn't get
8:27(애신그럴 작정이면 됐소Now I see which side you are on.
8:30목적은 다르나 목표가 같소 같이 합시다We have different purposes, but we want the
same thing. Let's do it together.
8:34돕는 이들을 보았소I met those helping you.
8:36그 일을 내가 하겠소I'll do their job.
8:40그들이라도 살면Even if we are to die here,
8:43좋지 않겠소don't you want them to live?
8:47[일본군들의 웃음소리가 들린다적어도At least,
8:51저기서 웃고 있는 자들 중에no one laughing downstairs
8:53오늘 여기를 살아 나갈 자는 아무도 없을 거요will make it out of here alive tonight.
9:01기어이 이리 편을 만드시네You just had to become my ally, didn't you?
9:13(히나다들 빠져나갔니?Has everyone left?
9:16(직원저희가 마지막입니다Yes, we're the last ones remaining.
9:27(히나그간 고마웠다최대한 멀리 가렴Thank you for everything. Go as far as you
9:32무슨 소리가 들려도 돌아보지 말고Don't look back no matter what you hear,
9:35돌아오지도 말고and don't come back.
9:38아씨...My lady...
9:41얼른동트기 전에Hurry before the day breaks.
9:47(히나얼른Come on.
10:08인자 불만 붙이면 되겄다All we need to do is light it up.
10:12시간 다 됐어예불붙이소It's time. Light it up.
10:20(춘식) [작은 목소리로헹님헹님Il-sik!
10:22들었어I heard it.
10:28미쳐 불겄네Damn it!

10:37(일본군7) [일본어이것들 뭐야!Who are you bastards?
10:50[한국어두 분은 피하시오You should go.
10:52총성 때문에 아래층에서 움직일 거요The men downstairs must've heard the
10:54(일식아적 불을 못 붙였소I haven't lit it up yet.
10:56불은 내가 붙이겠소Leave it to me.
11:02(일본군8) [일본어] 2층이다!Upstairs!
11:24(일본군5) 너 이년어디 가지금 이 총성은 뭐
Where do you think you're going? What was
that gunshot just now?
11:31(애신) [한국어심지에 불은 붙였소서두르시
I lit the fuse. We must hurry.
12:25(일본군9) [일본어저게 뭐야?What was that?
12:28다들 따라와!-What? -Follow me!
13:12(유진) [한국어맥은 있소She has a pulse.
13:15안전한 곳으로 피하시오 [동매의 힘주는 신음]Let's get her to safety.
13:19다른 여인도 꼭 찾으십시오Make sure to find the other woman.
13:56(양복점 직원이쪽으로 오십시오 어제 그 난리
로 당분간 문 안 엽니다
Come this way. We're closed since
yesterday's commotion.
14:50(유진내 아버지 요셉의 아버지이신 하나님Dear Lord, Father of Joseph.
14:55(유진내 남은 생을 다 쓰겠습니다I'll devote the rest of my life to this cause.
14:59그 모든 걸음을For each and every step I took...
15:01오직 헛된 희망에 의지하였으니I clung to a vain hope.
15:06살아만 있게 하십시오Just keep me alive.
15:10그 이유 하나면 전As long as I'm alive,
15:13나는 듯이 가겠습니다I will go like the wind.
15:39타십시오 왜 돕는 거요?-Get in. -Why are you helping us?
15:41그럼 저쪽을 도울까요?Then should I help them instead?
16:05출혈이 심하오She's bleeding excessively.
16:07병원은 위험할 테니 우선 약방으로 갑시다The hospital is too dangerous, so head to the
16:10지금 거긴 주인이 없습니다 비어 있는 곳이라There's no pharmacist there. It's been
16:13(일본군11) [일본어거기 뭐야세워!Hey, you. Stop the rickshaw.
16:23(유진) [한국어움직이지만 마시오Just stay still.
16:28(일본군11) [일본어안에 누가 타고 있는지 봐
We need to check who's inside.
16:50(승구) [한국어물 건너온 것이네미국 총일세It's from overseas. It's an American rifle.

16:54(대장장이이게 발사가 되네아는 얼굴이고This actually works. I recognize you.
16:58[진국이 인력거를 탁 내려놓는다] (유진환자
가 있소 안전히 누일 곳이 필요하오
She's injured and needs a place to rest.
17:01내리시오 일단 대장간으로 옮깁시다Let's move her to the smithy for now.
17:06일군들 시신을 처리해 주시오You must get rid of the bodies.
17:08(유진시신이 있으면 근방을 다 수색하려 들
If soldiers see them, they'll search the vicinity.
17:11걱정 마십시오Don't worry.
17:17지혈만 좀 부탁하오 금방 다녀오겠소Please stop the bleeding. I'll be right back.
17:33(일본군12) [일본어너 뭐야왜 여기 얼쩡거
Who are you? Why are you here?
17:37난 여기 묵고 있었소I've been staying at this hotel.
17:41여기 사장은...The owner...
17:44살아 나왔소?Did she survive?
17:46(일본군12) 너 이 새끼사장 년이랑 무슨 관계
있는 거 아니야
This prick could be in connection with the
hotel owner.
17:50이 새끼 경시청으로 끌고 가!Take him to the station!
17:52(일본군들!-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
17:56(일본군4) 잠깐 변소 간 사이에 터졌어The bomb went off while I went for a piss.
17:59오줌 싸러 안 갔으면 나도 골로 갔다고If I had been at the hotel, I would've died too!
18:02분명 그 사장 년 짓이야 그년 행방은 찾았어?The hotel owner was behind it for sure. Did
you find that bitch?
18:05백방으로 찾는 중입니다We're looking everywhere for her, sir.
18:09건물 잔해 더미 밑에서Under a pile of debris,
18:11(정 경무사여인의 구두 한 짝이 발견되었는데
[애잔한 음악]
we found a shoe that belongs to a woman.
18:15한 짝인 걸로 보아Only having one on,
18:16발이 짝짝이니 어디 멀리는 못 갔을...she wouldn't have gotten far...
18:22(일본군4) 이 등신은 또 뭐야!Who the hell is this guy?
18:27[한국어술이 넘치게 들어오는구려That's an awful lot of alcohol.
18:31내일은 호텔에 들어오지 마십시오Don't be at the hotel tomorrow.
18:34(히나귀한 물건이 있으시면 품고 나가시고요Take any valuables you have when you leave
18:37술은 들이고 난 나가라는 거요?You're bringing in alcohol, but you won't let me
18:40희성 상과는 달리 전Unlike you,
18:43아주 나쁜 마음을 먹었거든요I decided to have ill intentions.
18:48그간 감사했습니다Thank you for everything.
18:51글로리의 VIP 고객이셨어요You've been a VIP guest at Glory Hotel.
18:53...It sounds like...
18:56어디 멀리 가는 사람 같소you'll be going somewhere far away.

18:59(히나아마 그리될 것 같습니다I'm afraid that's how it'll be.
19:03예쁜 양혜도 하나 맞췄고I even bought new shoes for the occasion.
19:14(정 경무사) [일본어폭탄을 이용했으니The fuse could've been lit beforehand,
19:16분명 구해 준 이가 있을 겁니다so someone must've saved her afterwards.
19:18기필코 잡아내겠습니다!I'll track her down no matter what.
19:21그리고 저 도련님께서는That young master over there
19:23그 호텔에 묵으시니 오해를 받으신 모양인데was wrongfully accused since he was a guest
at the hotel.
19:27저분은 그런 분이 아닙니다He would never do such a thing.
19:29조선 최고의 갑부 집 자제분입니다He's from one of Joseon's richest families.
19:32누가 봐도 친일할 집안이지 반일할 집안은 아
He surely would be pro-Japanese. His family
wouldn't be against us.
19:44어깨는 왜 그래?What's with your shoulder?
19:51당신들이 쐈잖소You ought to know. Your men shot me.
19:57이 비싼 양복에This is an expensive suit.
20:01옷감만 해도 장교 석 달 봉급과 맞먹을 가격인
The fabric alone costs more than three times
your pay.
20:06(희성이건 누구한테 말해야 보상을 받는 거
Who must I talk to in order to be
20:14정신없어 죽겠는데!I don't have time for this nonsense!
20:17(일본군4) 내보내Let him go.
20:36[한국어정신이 좀 들어?Are you okay?
20:46돌아왔네구동매Dong-mae, you're back.
20:48여기 직원이 침의를 부르러 갔어The man who works here went to get an
20:52조금만 참아Hang in there.
20:54알잖아You already know
20:57나 곧 죽어I don't have much time left.
21:00(히나온몸이 망가졌는데My body is a wreck.
21:11지금도 예뻐You're still beautiful.
21:25Take me...
21:28엄마한테 데려다줘to my mom.
21:31(히나아편 있으면 좀 주고Give me opium if you have any.
21:34너무 아파It hurts so much.
22:26환자가 있소 최소한으로만 챙겨 가겠소I have a patient. I'll take the bare minimum.
22:30(유진진통제와 항생제와 지혈제요A painkiller, an antibiotic drug, and a styptic.
22:37붕대와 소독약은 제가 챙겨 드리겠습니다I'll get you bandages and disinfectant.
22:40(일본군13) [일본어간호사간호사 어디 있어?Nurse. Where are you?

22:46(간호사) [한국어나오지 마세요Stay here.
22:55(일본군13) [일본어지금 대일본 제국의 장교
Officers of the Great Empire of Japan
22:59폭파 사고로 부상을 입고 실려 오고 있다are being brought in because of an explosion.
23:02당장 병실을 마련하고 모든 의사를 대기시켜라Prepare a room to care for them and have the
doctors on standby.
23:07일본인 의사들과 간호사들은 모두 2층 일본인
병실에 있습니다
The Japanese doctors and nurses are on the
second floor.
23:10(간호사보시다시피 여기는 침상이 다 찼습니
As you can see, the beds here are all taken.
23:13우선 바닥에...For now, put them...
23:22(일본군13) 이제 자리 생겼네The beds aren't taken anymore.
23:24앞으로 조선인들 치료하면If you accept any Joseon patients,
23:27너도 죽어you'll die as well.
23:34이봐넌 뭐야?Who are you?
23:44넌 뭐냐고이 새끼야I asked who you are.
24:22여기서 다시 교전이 시작됐소Another scuffle broke out here.
24:24서로 저격했고 전원 사망한 거요They shot each other and everyone died.
24:31(유진걸을 수 있겠어?Can you walk?
24:33(시위대 군인1) Yes.
24:37다시 돌아오신 겁니까?Are you back in Joseon, sir?
24:38(유진아직 오는 중이야가자 서둘러야 돼I'm still on my way back. Let's go. We must
25:09나 누군지Do you
25:11알아보겠소?recognize me?
25:17불꽃으로 살고 있을 줄은 알았지만I knew you'd jump into the flame,
25:21이리 폭발하는 호텔 앞에 서 있을 줄은but I didn't think you'd be standing
25:26몰랐소outside an exploding hotel.
25:28[힘겨운 목소리로또 그 꿈이네It's that dream again.
25:34속이 메스껍고 어지러울 수 있소You might feel dizzy and nauseous.
25:37진통제 때문이오That's because of the painkiller.
25:38(애신빈관...The hotel owner...
25:42빈관 사장과 함께였는데I was with the hotel owner.
25:45안전한 곳으로 옮겼을 거요구동매가Gu Dong-mae will have taken her somewhere
25:50살아왔구려He came back alive.
25:53다행이오I'm glad.
25:57나는?What about me?
26:05수도 없이 꾸었던 꿈이오I had this dream so many times.
26:09(애신이젠 속지 않소I won't fall for it again.

26:13귀하는You are...
26:16조선에 없소not in Joseon.
26:29꿈 아닌데It's not a dream.
26:34여기 있는데I'm right here.
26:37[울먹이며스승님이...My master...
26:42돌아가셨소He passed away.
26:47(애신그러니 오지 마시오So don't come back.
26:50조선은 온통 지옥이오Joseon is like hell.
26:55이리 꿈에도 오지 마시오Don't come to me even in my dreams.
26:59하루라도 잊혀야It's too painful.
27:03내가 살지 않겠소I want to stop thinking about you at least for a
27:41(대장장이곧 동지들이 도착할 거요Our comrades will be here soon.
27:43애기씨 걱정은 말고 그만 가시오Don't worry about her and leave.
27:46나도 가겠소 (대장장이그건 안 되겠소-I'll come with you. -You can't.
27:49외부인에게 거점을 노출시킬 수 없소We can't let an outsider know where our base
27:56그럼 부상병도 데려가시오Then take the wounded man.
27:58내 제자이자I trained him
28:00장 포수의 부하였소and he worked for Gunner Jang too.
28:17조금만 견디십시오Hang in there just a little bit.
28:27서둘러야겠다We must hurry.
28:28- (상목예 - (무걸-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
29:45호텔이 폭발했소 그대들이 폭탄을 구해 준 거
The hotel exploded. Did you provide the
29:49(일식폭탄이 뭐데요?What's a bomb?
29:51(춘식난데없이 뭔 소리인가 모르겠네I have no idea what you're talking about.
29:53경시청에서 조사를 시작할 거요The Japanese police will open an
29:56빨리 도망치셔야 하오You must hide.
29:58(춘식내 뭐라 캤어예들킨다 캤지예What did I say? I told you they'd find out.
30:01대체 그 일은 왜 도운 거요잘 살고 있지 않았
Why did you help? You were doing just fine.
30:04(희성위험해질 것도 알았을 것인데I bet you knew you'd get into danger.
30:06밥이 안 넘어간께요Because I couldn't eat.
30:08(일식나가 하루 한 끼는 꼭 묵어야 되는디I need to eat at least one meal a day.
30:10지는 끝내 반대했어예I was against it to the end.
30:14(일식우덜 없으면...Without us...
30:17도련님이 욕볼 것인디You'll have a hard time.
30:21내 걱정은 마시오 나는 못 건드릴 거요Don't worry about me. They won't be able to
get to me.

30:28김희성이거든I'm Kim Hui-seong.
30:41그럼 도련님만 믿겄소You have my trust.
30:43점방 잘 부탁허요Please look after the store.
30:45[시계를 잘그락 꺼내며잠깐 빌려 썼어예I borrowed this.
30:59부디 몸조심하시오I hope that you stay safe.
31:16뭐가 어째?You will what?
31:18(안평이젠 하다 하다 객식구까지 들여 쌀까지
축내겠다는 거냐
You're going to bring in an outsider and have
them eat our food?
31:22혼인할 여인을 데려오랬더니 어디서 저런 애
딸린 계집을 데려와
I told you to bring a woman you'll marry, but
you brought a woman with a child?
31:26(희성말씀은 저리하셔도 모질지가 못하시니
편히 지내거라
He's not as cold-hearted as he sounds. You
can relax.
31:30내 집이다 생각하고Think of this place as home.
31:33그리고 아버님 어머님Father, Mother.
31:35이 아이는 이 여인의 아우이고The boy is the woman's brother
31:37이 여인은 저와 혼인할 여인입니다and she is to be my wife.
31:43아이고아이고부인 아뭐라 말씀 좀 해 보세
My gosh, darling. Say something.
31:54희성이 말이 맞다Hui-seong is right.
31:56(호선말씀은 이리하셔도 악의는 없으시니 걱
정 말거라
He speaks like that, but he means well. Don't
32:03잘 왔다You're welcome.
32:08아유어린것부터 안으로 눕히자꾸나Let's take the boy inside.
32:11(연주고맙습니다Thank you.
32:29늘 드는 생각이지만This isn't anything new,
32:32(희성아버님께서는 참but you married
32:35처복이 있으십니다such a great woman.
32:37(안평뭐가 있어?What? What did you say?
32:39이놈의 새끼가 또 얼렁뚱땅 넘어가려고You're trying to talk your way out of this, aren't
32:42(희성하니 지켜 주십시오So please keep them safe.
32:45저 아이도저 여인도Both that boy and that lady.
32:50부탁드립니다아버님Please do it for me, Father.
33:15(동매조선인 외양의 미국인한테Let me know if there is anything you want to
33:18전할 말 있거든 해to the American man that looks like us.
33:22돌아왔거든He's back.
33:27(히나) [힘겨운 목소리로봤어I saw him too.

33:31나 대신 악수를 전해 줘환영한다고Shake his hand for me. Tell him I said,
"Welcome back."
33:36룸에 달아 놓은 게 있었거든He owes me a handshake.
33:40(동매그래All right.
33:45(히나그 사내That man...
33:48이제 내 마음에 없어is no longer in my heart.
33:52오래전에 보냈어I let him go a long time ago.
33:57(동매몰랐네I didn't know.
33:59(히나모르더라I could tell you didn't.
34:07다른 사내를 기다렸지I was waiting for someone else.
34:11호텔 뒷마당에서In the backyard of the hotel,
34:15길에서전차에서on the streets, on the streetcar,
34:20그 사내의 방에서and in his room.
34:26살아오라고I prayed for him to return alive.
34:29꼭 살아오라고That he must come back in one piece.
34:37오직 고애신을 사랑해서But Go Ae-sin is the only one he loves,
34:42사랑에 미친and he is crazy about that love.
34:44사랑해서 미친 그런 사내를That love has made him crazy.
34:50난 기다렸지Still, I waited for that man.
35:15이 길This place...
35:17눈 오면 예쁘겠다It will be so beautiful when it snows.
35:21그렇지?Don't you think so?
35:51[힘겨운 숨을 내뱉으며눈 오면When it snows,
35:55나 보러 와you have to visit me.
35:59(히나나 기다린다I'll wait for you.
36:04눈 오려면It won't snow
36:06아직 한참이야for a long while.
36:09그 한참을 넌 더 살라고Right, so you should keep living for that long
36:14빨리 오지 말고Don't hurry to see me.
36:26[울먹이며거기서는 나I won't be...
36:30너 안 기다린다waiting for you there.
37:05?Are you asleep?
37:34(동매) [울먹이며자고 있어Sleep some more.
37:37거의 다 왔어We're almost there.
38:08(히로부미) [일본어일군들이 묵는 호텔이 폭
The hotel where our soldiers were staying
blew up.
38:12이건 명백한 보복 행위다I am certain that it was an act of retaliation.

38:14(완용) [한국어송구합니다I apologize, sir.
38:15[형기가 일본어로 통역한다군대 해산으로 이
리 동요가 클 줄은 미처 예상치 못했습니다
I did not expect the disbandment of the army
to stir things up this much.
38:20풍악이 울리고 술잔이 돈 것이All the music and drinking
38:21조선의 정서에는 조금 맞지가 않았던 것 같습
must have aggravated the public sentiment in
38:26[일본어그걸 변명이라고 하고 있어?You call that an excuse?
38:27[한국어변명 마시랍니다He does not want to hear excuses.
38:29(완용송구합니다각하I sincerely apologize, sir.
38:30반드시 진범을 잡겠습니다!I will be sure to catch the culprit behind what
38:32(히로부미) [일본어해산 군인들은 물론The disbanded soldiers
38:35폭도들 또한 가담했을 터and even rebels must have taken part in it.
38:37일한 양국의 우호 관계에 해를 끼치는 폭도들
Those rebels are jeopardizing the rapport
between Japan and Korea. We must track
down and get rid
38:41모조리 찾아내 소탕하겠다We must track down and get rid of every
single one of them.
38:44[한국어일한 양국의 우호 관계에 해를 끼치는
Those who are jeopardizing the rapport
38:49[일본어대체 본국 말은 언제 익힐 거야?When will you learn our language?
38:54[한국어일본어는 언제 익히실 거냐고...He is asking when you will learn Japanese.
38:57(완용) [일본어! [한국어곧 배우겠습니다!Yes, sir! I will learn it as soon as possible.
39:14(노모나리요나리나리Sir, please! Please don't...
39:17(노모나리나리Sir, please...
39:18(남자1) 안 돼!Mother!
39:27(여자2) 아이가 길에서 총을 맞았어요My son got shot on the street.
39:29제발 살려 주세요Please save his life.
39:34(간호사) [일본어저기아이가 길에서 총을...That boy got shot on the street...
39:46(일본군15) 이봐뭐 해? [여자2가 오열한다]Hey, why are you just standing there?
39:48부상병들이 고통스러워하고 있잖아Our soldiers are in pain.
39:52뭐라도 해 봐Do something.
39:56뭐라도 해 보겠습니다 [여자2가 계속 오열
Yes, sir. I should do something.
40:20(양복점 주인이 핏자국 뭐야!What is this blood on the floor?
40:21너도 의병이야?Are you in the Righteous Army too?
40:23이 새끼가!You prick!
40:26[한국어이제 그리될 겁니다I will be.
40:31(양복점 주인) [일본어뭐라는 거야저 조
선 놈이
What did he just say? That Joseon rat.
40:34(병준) [한국어아이고피비린내The streets reek of blood.
40:36이기지도 못할 싸움은 왜 하고 지랄이야지랄Why bother to start a fight they can't win?

40:38거리나 더럽히고The streets are a mess.
40:40더 빨리 가거라!Go faster!
40:42빨리 가게 해 드리지요!All right, I'll make you go faster!
41:13(어린 승구나는요아재Mister, I...
41:15절대 아버지처럼 죽지 않을 것이오I'll never die like my father.
41:28(분이네아이고아이고아재Oh, it's you!
41:31여긴 어찌 왔소다쳤어요?What brings you here? Are you hurt?
41:34(간호사오는 길에 제가 봐 드리긴 했습니다
[잔잔한 음악]
I dressed his wound on our way here.
41:41부상자가 많을 듯하여I figured you could use my help.
41:44(진국저 먹을 건 들고 왔습니다 함께 싸우겠
I brought food. I will fight with you.
41:48(양복점 직원저는 몸 하나 왔습니다 뭐든 하
I came empty-handed, but I will do anything.
41:56다들 잘 왔네Thank you all for coming.
42:26(히나먼저 이 서신을 들고 간 아이의 안위를
폐하께 의탁드립니다
First and foremost, I'd like to ask you, Your
Majesty, to look after the girl who brought this
letter to you.
42:34일본이 대한의 군을 해산시키고Japan disbanded our army,
42:37이를 기념하며 제 호텔에서 축하연을 연다 하
and they will have a party at my hotel to
celebrate it.
42:41제가 상상 못 할 정도로 성대히 상을 차려 볼까
I am planning to prepare a splendid party that
goes beyond their imagination.
42:46이 잔치가 끝나면 일본은 범인을 색출하려 할
After the party, they will try to track down the
42:51애먼 이가 범인으로 몰리지 않도록Please make sure they don't accuse an
innocent person of the deed
42:53폐하께서 일본인 쿠도 히나의 짓임을Please make sure they don't accuse an
innocent person of the deed by publicly
announcing that it was done
42:58공표해 주시길 희망합니다by a Japanese woman, Hina Kudo.
43:02(히나하여 일본어로 된 진술서를 동봉합니다For that reason, I am enclosing my statement
written in Japanese.
43:07달아 놓으신 가배값은 이리 받겠습니다This is how you can pay me for all the coffee
on your tab.
43:11(고종통감의 손에 든 것이What you are holding now
43:13그 빈관 사장의 진술서요is the hotel owner's statement.
43:16일본인 쿠도 히나의 자백으로The Japanese woman's statement
43:18사건의 전모가 명백해졌으니revealed the whole story about the incident.
43:23통감은 대한의 백성을 폭도라 칭하며Hence, I forbid you from calling the people of
this country mobs
43:26무차별 수색 하는 일을and searching them without their consent.
43:28당장 멈추시오You must stop it immediately.

43:37[일본어그리하겠습니다I will do so.
43:39(역관) [한국어그리하겠다 하옵니다He says he will do so, Your Majesty.
43:55(동매그래All right.
43:59(동매그렇게 실컷 울고 내일부터는 다른 꿈을
Cry all you want today so you can start afresh
with a new dream tomorrow.
44:06이양화로도 쿠도 히나로도 살지 말고Forget your life as Lee Yang-hwa, and stop
living as Hina Kudo.
44:12가방엔 총 대신 분을 넣고Carry makeup in your purse instead of a gun.
44:16방에는 펜싱 칼 대신In your room, hang a beautiful painting
44:19[한숨화사한 그림을 걸고instead of your fencing sword.
44:23(동매착한 사내를 만나Meet a good man.
44:26울지도 말고 물지도 말고Don't cry and don't bite.
44:32(동매그렇게 평범하게 사는 꿈을 꿔Just dream of living such a normal life.
45:07달아 둔 게 있다던데She said you owe her something.
45:12대신 전합니다I'm here on behalf of her.
45:25다른 여인은 무사하오The other woman is safe.
45:28동지들과 합류도 했소She's with her comrades.
45:32살아 돌아와 다행이라고 그리 말하던데She's glad you're back alive. That's what she
45:38하면 전 이만I should go now.
45:41중한 일이 있어서I have important business to deal with.
45:42(동매곧 보름이라It's the 15th of the month soon.
45:46(유진혹 아편을 하는 거요?Do you take opium?
45:49매번 그리 꿰어 보시니You always see through me.
45:52뭘 숨기려면 안 만나야 하나 싶고To keep a secret, I should not meet you.
45:55만나서 좋은데I like seeing you.
45:58(유진도움이 필요하면 얘기하시오 내 화월루
에 묵을 예정이오
Tell me if you need help. I'll be staying at
46:03그 중한 일 다음엔After you're done with your business,
46:06화월루도 되찾으러 오는 거요?will you return to take back Hwawollu?
46:11진짜 다 아신다니까You really know everything about me.
46:15금방 찾으러 가겠습니다I'll come back for it soon.
46:31(낭인1) [일본어죽어이 새끼야!You stupid bastard!
46:33[한국어으이구빌어먹을 놈들Those scumbags.
46:35[상인의 힘겨운 신음구관이 명관이라더니I miss the old days.
46:49(낭인2) [일본어이시다 쇼Sho Ishida.
46:51네놈이 살아 있었어?You... You were alive?
47:00(동매반겨 주니 즐겁네I'm delighted by the warm welcome.
47:04이제 그만 내 것을I think it's about time
47:07돌려줘야겠어I take back what is mine.

47:15죽여라!Kill him!
47:32(동매) [한국어혹여나 하늘이 도와If the heavens help me,
47:40전신이 나빠 전보가 늦고and the telegram arrives late due to the poor
47:50날이 흐려 배가 더디고and the poor weather delays the ship...
48:01그 모든 걸 감안하더라도Even if all that were to happen,
48:04일본에서 내게 닿기까지the time it takes for the others to reach me
from Japan...
48:20고작 열흘It would only take... ten days.
48:30그 열흘을Ten days.
48:34일 년처럼 살아 볼까I will live as if it's a year.
48:42그리 죽어 볼까That's how I'll die.
49:11(화월루 직원1) 이 손님께서 글로리 호텔이 없
어져서 셋방을 쓰시겠다 하십니다
Because of what happened to Glory Hotel, he
needs a room.
49:15계집은 필요 없고 식사와 세답만...He needs no company, just food and a room--
49:17낯이 익은데You look familiar.
49:19(덕문이덕문이오날 보자고 했다고I'm Lee Deok-mun. You asked to see me?
49:22(덕문그 개차반... (유진난 화월루 주인을
-You're that... -I asked to see the owner of
49:26(덕문내가 주인이오I am the owner.
49:27그럴 리가That can't be.
49:29(유진좀 전에 구동매를 보고 오는 길인데I was just with Gu Dong-mae.
49:32무슨 개소리야그 새끼 죽은 지가 언제인데What nonsense is that? That bastard died a
long time ago.
49:35(덕문여기 시건방진 미국 분 안내해 드려라Escort this arrogant American.
49:38누가 주인인지 꼭 얘기하고Be sure to tell him who owns this place.
49:42(화월루 직원1) 따라오십시오Come with me.
49:45(화월루 직원2) 사장님!Sir.
49:48지금 진고개에 난리가 났습니다There's a terrible commotion in Jingogae.
49:51오야붕이 돌아왔습니다구동매요He's back. Gu Dong-mae.
49:54구동매 확실해?What? Are you sure it's him?
49:59[작은 목소리로뒈졌다며!You said he's dead.
50:00제 눈으로 똑똑히 봤습니다 구동매였습니다I saw him with my own eyes. It was him.
50:04(화월루 직원2) 방금 막 저기 제빵소 앞에서요I saw him outside the bakery.
50:06그리고 유도장에서 피바다로 만들어 버렸답니
He caused a bloodbath in the dojo.
50:10(덕문그럼 다음 피바다는 여기라는 얘기잖아That means he'll come here next.
50:12뭐 하고 있어!Don't just stand there!
50:13당장 경시청으로 달려가서 보호 요청하지 않
Go to the police and ask for protection!

50:16나 죽게 생겼다고 해얼른Yes, sir. Tell them I'm about to die.
50:19(화월루 직원2) Yes, sir.
50:22(내관태황제 폐하Your Majesty.
50:25(내관궁내부 미국 역관 들었사옵니다The American interpreter is here.
50:40금일 신문은 8월 초닷새 자 뉴욕 타임스입니다Today's paper is the New York Times printed
on August the 5th.
50:45(고종낭독해 보라Read it for me.
50:51미국의 뉴욕과 불란서의 파리 간의 자동차 경
주가 열린다 하옵니다
There will be a car race from New York,
America to Paris, France.
50:56(관수이 경주는 거의 지구 한 바퀴를 도는 정
도의 대장정이라
The race is long enough to circle the whole
51:00전례 없이 장대한 발표에 만천하의 이목이 모
두 집중되어
so it's a huge event and the whole world is
51:04(고종그게 제일 큰 소식인가?Is that the biggest article on the first page?
51:11그러하옵니다태황제 폐하It is, Your Majesty.
51:13(고종대한에 대한 소식은 없는가?Is there nothing on our country?
51:17단 한 줄도Not even...
51:20없는가?a single line?
51:25(관수망극하옵니다태황제 폐하I regret to inform you, Your Majesty.
51:30(고종그 이방인은That foreigner.
51:32혹 들어온 기별은 없는가?Have you heard if he has returned?
51:343년 형을 받았다 했으니He was sentenced to three years.
51:37지금쯤이면 석방이 되지 않았겠나 해서He should have been released by now.
51:41아뢰옵기 황공하오나I'm sorry to say,
51:44그 미국인은but that American
51:46더는 군인의 신분도 아니시고is no longer a soldier.
51:49돌아오기는 힘들 것으로 사료되옵니다I believe it'll be hard for him to return.
51:52(고종돌아오기를 바라지 않는다I do not wish for his return.
51:57그저I just...
51:59살아 있기를 바랄 뿐이다wish that he is alive.
52:05대한에 주둔했을 당시 각별했던 동료가 현재
일본에 있사오니
His close colleague whom he was in Joseon
with is now stationed in Japan.
52:09신이 기별해 보겠나이다태황제 폐하I will contact him, Your Majesty.
52:19(관수) [한국어오랜만에 소식을 여쭙니다
I haven't talked to you for a long time.
52:21무탈하신지요How are you doing?
52:30그사이 도미도 부쩍 크고Do-mi has grown up quickly
52:32저는 궁 생활에 부쩍 적응이 되어 잘 지내고 있
and I am doing well, getting used to the life in
the palace.
52:37각설하고 이리 서신을 쓰는 이유는By the way, I am writing this letter to you
52:40유진 초이 나리의 생사 여부를...since I don't know whether Eugene Choi's

alive or not.
52:49[한숨 쉬며이리 날이 좋으니The weather's so nice.
52:53살아는 계시는지I wonder if he's alive.
53:01제 목소리 들리십니까?Do you hear my voice?
53:04(유진임 역관은 이미 내가 죽었는데?I bet you think I'm already dead.
53:10내가 저기 있소?Am I over there?
53:14정녕 나리십니까?Is it really you?
53:17(유진저기 형용사가 하나 빠졌소You're missing an adjective.
53:18'잘생긴'을 넣었어야 하오You should've added "handsome."
53:23[울먹이며맞네It is you.
53:25(관수맞아It is you.
53:31영영 가신 줄 알고 저는I thought you were gone for good.
53:33맨날 어디론가 가신다 하셔서You always say you're going somewhere.
53:38저기까지 가신 줄만 알고I thought you'd ended up there.
53:42여전히 생각을 많이 하나 보오You still think too much.
53:50(유진That's enough.
54:21[은산의 힘겨운 숨소리] (유진안 오시는 줄 알
I thought you wouldn't come.
54:24오는 길에 못 봤냐?Didn't you notice?
54:25벽마다 내 얼굴 안 붙은 곳이 없다My face is plastered on every wall.
54:29(은산너 없는 새 내 아주 유명 인사가 돼서I've become famous since you left.
54:32나다니기가 힘들다이놈아It's hard for me to be out in public.
54:34아이기다릴 걸 아니까 마음은 또 얼마나 급하
I was in such a hurry, knowing you'd be
54:40(유진이거 장 포수 겁니다 [은산의 당황한
It's for Gunner Jang.
54:45어르신 거는 여기 있습니다Yours is here.
54:55올 줄 알았네You knew I'd come, didn't you?
54:58난 입이 없나I can drink too, you know.
55:06애기씨는Lady Ae-sin
55:08네놈이 돌아온 거를 모르는 눈치던데doesn't seem to know that you're back.
55:13진통제가 영 셌던 모양입니다The painkiller seemed to be very strong.
55:18(유진슬픔도 셌고As was her sadness.
55:20자꾸 꿈인 줄 알던데She kept thinking it was a dream.
55:22Why wouldn't she?

55:28뭣 하러 돌아와게서 잘 살지Why did you come back? Why not stay there
and enjoy life?
55:32(유진와서 좋으면서I know you're glad I'm back.
55:34아이고My goodness.
55:36귀한 미국 분이 조선의 의병을 할 것도 아니
It's not like that an American like you would
join the Righteous Army.
55:40좋긴 뭐가 좋아이놈아Why would I be glad that you're back?
55:43(유진You're right.
55:46전 여전히 조선의 주권이 어디에 있든 관심 없
I still don't care who has sovereignty of
55:51전 그저 그 여인이I just wish...
55:55제 은인들이 안 죽기만을 바랄 뿐입니다that her and those who helped me stay alive.
55:59그래서 계속 멀리 가 보는데So I keep working towards that,
56:03그 길이 자꾸 겹칩니다의병이랑but I keep crossing paths with the Righteous
56:05(은산비껴가거라Take a different path.
56:07총 맞기 싫으면If you don't want to get shot.
56:11그랬어야 됐는데I should have.
56:14끝끝내 비껴가게 될 걸 알면서도I knew we would fail to cross paths,
56:19온 생을 걸고 오고 있었습니다but I was risking my life to come here.
56:26그리고 깨달았죠Then I realized something.
56:32나도 뱃멀미를 하는구나That I get seasick too.
56:41(유진그러니 잘 왔다고 해 주십시오So just welcome me back.
56:49잘 왔다이놈아Welcome back.
56:53죽지도 마시고요Don't get killed.
56:56전 그것만 할 겁니다That's all I'll do.
56:59어차피 겹친 길I'm here already.
57:05좋다Very well.
57:08이놈 이구해 먹기가 어찌나 힘들던지This thing. It was so hard to get my hands on
one of these.
57:12나 이...It was so hard to get my hands on one of
57:15(유진짐작했던 것보다Joseon went downhill quicker
57:19더 빠르게 저물었습니다조선은than I thought.
57:25우리가 하나를 보태 갈 때마다When we add one in number,
57:29그들은 열을 보태 간다they increase by ten.
57:39(형기) [일본어] '독을 먹을 거면 접시까지 먹어
If you'll eat the poison, eat the plate too.
57:43(은산) [한국어지키려는 이가 백 명이면If 100 want to save our country,
57:45[분위기가 고조되는 음악나라를 팔겠다는 놈
들은 천 명이다
a thousand people want to give it up.

57:50하나But the ten that they increase by
57:51그들이 보탠 열은 쉬이 무너질 것이다But the ten that they increase by will crumble
57:58나라를 파는 이는That's because traitors
58:01목숨 걸고 하지 않으나don't risk their lives.
58:03(은산우리는 목숨을 걸고 지키니까But we fight to protect our country with our
59:14(덕문고사홍황은산장승구..."Go Sa-hong, Hwang Eun-san, Jang Seung
59:20이거 어디서 났어?Where did you get this?
59:21When Colonel Mori was alive,
59:23모리 대좌 살아생전에 혹시나 싶어 제가 베껴
적어 놓은 것입니다
When Colonel Mori was alive, I made a copy
just in case.
59:41(형기이게 뭐돈이 될까 싶었는디At that time, I didn't know what it could be
59:43용모파기를 보는 순간 알았습니다요but I knew as soon as I saw the wanted
59:46(형기이자가 도공 황은산This is Hwang Eun-san, the potter.
59:49이자는 파루 담당관 박무걸This is Park Mu-geol, the bell-ringer.
59:51남은 둘은 파악하지 못했습니다I couldn't identify the other two.
59:56(덕문이자는 내가 알아I know this person.
1:00:05(형기애기씨요?Who? Lady Ae-sin?
1:00:07(덕문황은산의 백자가 고사홍 집에Hwang Eun-san's vase was at Go Sa-hong's
1:00:10고사홍의 멧 고기는 장승구라는 포수가Go Sa-hong's boar meat was provided by
Jang Seung-gu.
1:00:15그놈의 움막에서 본 고애신I saw Go Ae-sin at his hut.
1:00:17이년은 고애신이 확실해This is definitely her.
1:00:19(형기아니아니혹시 다른 이가 아닐까요?Couldn't it be someone else?
1:00:23영어로 뭐가 적혀 있었는디There was something written in English.
1:00:25막 휘갈겨져 있어 가지고 제가 미처 못 따라 그
It was scribbled out, and I couldn't copy that.
1:00:29(덕문양놈은 필요 없어 선교사 나부랭이겠지I don't care. It must've been the name of some
1:00:33이년이 중요해This one is important.
1:00:35제일 큰 돈이 될 거거든She'll make us the most money.
1:00:41자네 이제 나와 한배를 탔어We're now in the same boat.
1:00:46(일본군16) [일본어꺼져!Get lost.
1:00:47(일본군16) 하세가와 대장님은 바쁘시다Captain Hasegawa is busy.
1:00:50급한 용건이라니까I have urgent business.

1:00:52내게 아주 중요한 정보가 있으니 꼭 뵈어야겠
I have important information. I must see him.
1:00:57(일본군16) 건방진 조선 놈이You arrogant Joseon fool.
1:00:59건방진 졸병 놈이!You arrogant foot soldier!
1:01:01(덕문내가 가진 정보가 뭔지나 알고 까불어!Do you even know what information I bring?
1:01:04내가 네 모가지 당장 날아가게 해 줘?Do you want me to get you killed this instant?
1:01:07이 새끼가You little...
1:01:09(요시미치무슨 일이야?What's going on?
1:01:24(히로부미어째서 이리 흉한 것을 내 책상에
올려놓는 것인가
How dare you put something this filthy on my
1:01:28폭도들의 거점을 소인이 알아냈습니다각하I located the mobs' base, Your Excellency.
1:01:33(덕문태황제의 총관을 지냈던 포수 장승구의
Gunner Jang Seung-gu who served as an
officer under the previous emperor.
1:01:37그자들의 거점입니다His hut is their base.
1:01:40뿐만 아니라That's not all.
1:01:42폭도들의 명단도 입수했습니다I also have a list of members.
1:01:45한성은 물론It includes the local leaders
1:01:46각 지방의 폭도 우두머리들 이름까지 죄다 적
혀 있습니다
It includes the local leaders not only of
Hanseong but of other regions.
1:01:51그럼 그걸 가지고 왔어야지Then you should've brought me that.
1:01:54명단은 어디 있는가?Where's the list?
1:01:56이놈 꿈이 큽니다각하I dream big, sir.
1:01:59(덕문그 꿈을 펼치게 해 주신다면If you help me realize that dream,
1:02:02지금이라도 들고 오겠습니다I'll bring it to you this instant.
1:02:04무얼 보고 믿으란 것인가?How can I believe you?
1:02:10(덕문이년이 제 처제입니다This woman is my wife's cousin.
1:02:13제 처조부가 태황제의 스승이었던 고사홍이었
My wife's grandfather was the previous
emperor's mentor, Go Sa-hong.
1:02:27(요시미치각하밑져야 본전이니 제가 확인해
Your Excellency, you have nothing to lose. Let
me check and confirm.
1:02:33태황제의 스승이었던 자의 손녀가 의병이라니The previous emperor's mentor's
granddaughter is in the Righteous Army?
1:02:39더없이 좋은 명분이다This is a great excuse.
1:02:42(히로부미샅샅이 뒤지되 확신에 확신을 기해Search thoroughly and be sure of everything.
1:02:45손모가지라도 하나 내 눈앞에 가져와라Bring me something, even a hand.
1:02:49하나 만약 또 한 번 태황제 앞에서However, if once more,
1:02:52내 체면이 구겨진다면I am humiliated before the previous emperor...
1:02:59하세가와 대장Captain Hasegawa.
1:03:01그대도 무사하진 못할 것이다You too will not be spared.
1:03:03(요시미치!Yes, sir.
1:03:08Dismissed soldiers are gathering at the hut.

(덕문) [한국어지금 그 움막으로 해산한 군인
들이 속속 가담하고 있답니다
1:03:13적게 잡아도 수십은 모였을 거고There will be dozens at least.
1:03:15식량이며 물자가 턱없이 부족할 테니They'll be short on food and supplies
1:03:18분명 인근 마을을 오갈 것입니다and will definitely visit villages close-by.
1:03:21사흘 안에 반드시 잡을 수 있습니다We can get them all in three days.
1:03:26이야잡았다!I shot one.
1:03:27(여자3) 못 써Be quiet.
1:03:57낮술은 어미 아비도 몰라본다는데They say drinking before dusk could make
you highly intoxicated.
1:04:01네놈이 뭔 돈이 있어서 여기서 이러고 있어Where did you get the money to drink here?
1:04:04몰라뵀으면 좋겠어서 그럽니다성님I'd feel better if I could just get inebriated.
1:04:10종이 쪼가리 하나가 이렇게 돈이 됩디다One piece of paper was worth this much.
1:04:16뭔 종이가 이렇게 돈이 됐는데?What paper was this expensive?
1:04:22[형기가 술잔을 탁 내려놓는다] (관수너 이 새
끼 똑바로 말해
Tell me the truth, you bastard.
1:04:26너 또 이덕문한테 돈 받았지?You went to Lee Deok-mun again, didn't you?
1:04:29대체 또 뭘 판 거야!What did you sell this time?
1:04:35모리 대좌가 가지고 있던 의병 명단요Colonel Mori's list of the Righteous Army
1:04:45뭘 팔아?You sold what?
1:04:47이 미친놈아?You crazy bastard.
1:04:49어떻게 그런 걸 팔아어떻게?How could you sell something like that?
1:04:56넌 나라를 판 것이다You sold your own country.
1:05:00종이 쪼가리가 아니라!Not just a piece of paper.
1:05:02이 나라를 판 거라고 [형기가 훌쩍인다]You sold our country.
1:05:05(형기나도I really didn't know
1:05:07일이 이리 커질 줄은 몰랐소참말이오it would get out of hand like this.
1:05:10(관수이 못난 새끼You fool.
1:05:17거기I didn't know
1:05:21애기씨 이름이 적힐 줄은 몰랐단 말이오it included Lady Go's name.
1:05:24(형기누가 상상이나 혀요!Who would have even imagined?
1:05:42무슨 일이오?What is it?
1:05:45이 일을 어쩌면 좋습니까What should we do?
1:06:02(은산이덕문이 손에 의병 명단이 들어간 듯합It seems that Lee Deok-mun got his hands on

니다a list of our members.
1:06:06저와 애기씨는 물론Me, you,
1:06:07우리 거점도 위험에 처했습니다and our hideout is now in danger.
1:06:11죽여야 한다 판단되면 죽이십시오If you believe one must die, take the shot.
1:06:45이건 꿈일 리 없는데This can't be a dream.
1:06:48황 도공한테 내가 연락한 건데I'm the one who contacted the potter, Hwang
1:06:53몸은 괜찮소?Are you all right now?
1:06:56(유진치료도 내가 다 해...I also treated your wound...
1:07:16이만하면This shows me
1:07:18치료가 잘된 모양이오that I treated your wound pretty well.
1:07:20[울먹이며꿈인 줄 알았소I thought it was a dream.
1:07:24(애신너무 생생해서But it felt so real.
1:07:26며칠을 허둥댔단 말이오I couldn't stop thinking about it for days.
1:07:32이럴 거면서 왜 오지 말래Then why did you tell me not to return?
1:07:38(유진얼굴 좀 봅시다Let me see your face.
1:07:41아픈 얼굴만 봐서I only saw you when you were in pain.
1:07:56지금이 더 아프려나Are you in a deeper pain now?
1:07:59(애신이리 오면 어떡하오How could you show up like this?
1:08:01진짜 이렇게 눈앞에 있으면 어떡해What am I to do if you are standing right
before my eyes like this?
1:08:04헤어질 때 분명When we were parting ways,
1:08:07또 보자고 했는데I said I'd see you again.
1:08:09조선은 너무 위험하오It is too dangerous here in Joseon now.
1:08:11달리 방법이 없었소 안 돌아올 방법이I had no choice but to return.
1:08:15아무리 그래도Still...
1:08:19거기까지 갔는데You went back to that faraway land.
1:08:22고작 한 뼘 반이었소내겐For me, it was only one and a half handspan
1:08:26어찌나 보고 싶던지I missed you too much.
1:08:29(유진걱정 마시오Don't worry.
1:08:31당신은You should...
1:08:34당신의 조선을 구하시오protect your country, Joseon.
1:08:39난 당신을 구할 거니까I will protect you.
1:08:43이건 내 역사고 난 그리 선택했소This is my history, and I've decided to do this.
1:08:48이리 무모한 자를 봤나You reckless man.
1:08:59표적은 이덕문이오Your target is Lee Deok-mun.
1:09:03괜찮겠소?Will you be okay?
1:09:05힘들면 내게 맡기시오If you can't do it, let me handle it.
1:09:09(애신빈관 사장의 부고를 들었소I heard that the owner of the hotel died.

1:09:12I will...
1:09:15그이의 몫까지 나아갈 거요fight on behalf of her too
1:09:18뜨겁게 간 어느 누구의 죽음도 헛되지 않게so that every patriotic death is meaningful.
1:09:25총도 내가 귀하보다 더 잘 쏘고Besides, I'm a better shooter than you.
1:09:35(준영밥은 하루 한 번 아침에만 짓습니다 연
기 때문에
We only cook once a day, in the morning. It's
because of the smoke.
1:09:38그리고 저쪽에 개울이 있습니다And there's a little stream over there.
1:09:41거리가 좀 머니까 반드시 2인 1조로 다니시고It's a bit far, so please make sure at least one
person goes with you.
1:09:44개울가에 머루나무가 하나 있습니다There's a mulberry tree by the stream.
1:09:46곧 먹기 좋게 익을 테니 아직은 따 먹지 마십시
The mulberries will ripen soon, so please don't
pick them yet. They're too bitter and sour now.
1:09:50떫고 십니다so please don't pick them yet. They're too
bitter and sour now.
1:09:55(남자2) 확실히 젊은이들이 오니께는 그냥
Now that we have some young people here,
we feel much safer.
1:09:59산중이 다 화사허네You're brightening up the whole place.
1:10:03(행랑아범아가 니도 오느라고 고생했다Kid, you too. The journey here mustn't have
been an easy one.
1:10:07같은 편끼리 쏘는 거 아니여 왜놈들을 쏴야지You must not shoot your comrades. Shoot
those Japanese jerks.
1:10:11아까 쐈어요그래서 도망갔어요I shot them earlier, and they ran away.
1:10:14(남자3) 어메장하네큰 장수 나겄다Oh, my. Nicely done. -He'll grow into a brave
fellow. -I know, right?
1:10:19아까언제집에서?Earlier? When? -At home? -No.
1:10:23(아이아니요-At home? -No.
1:10:24여기 올 때 내가 탕 해서 잡았어요On our way here, I shot them down like this.
1:10:27두 명Two soldiers.
1:10:30(은산거점이 노출된 듯싶다It looks like our base here has been exposed.
1:10:33해 지기 전에 이동 준비를 마쳐야 한다We must be ready to leave before sunset.
1:10:37총기를 다룰 줄 아는 이는 이쪽으로 따로 모여
Those of you who know how to use firearms,
gather over here.
1:10:41세간과 곡식을 분류해 따로 맡고Separate grain from other things.
1:10:45여인들은 아이들이 울지 않게 잘 챙겨야 할 것
And women must look after children and
make sure they should not cry.
1:10:53(행랑아범아가네가 큰일 했다Kiddo, we could find out about it thanks to
1:10:57이 할아비도 뭔가 하긴 해야겄제?This old man should make a contribution too,
1:11:20(요시미치) [일본어이게 어떻게 된 거야
What is this? There is no one here.
1:11:23여기 불 피운 흔적이랑 여기 발자국들...Don't you see this residue of bonfires and
these footprints?

1:11:27분명 여기에 있었습니다I'm sure they were here.
1:11:28(요시미치있었던 게 뭐가 중요해!That is not important!
1:11:30다 도망쳤는데!They already fled!
1:11:33이제 어떡할 거야?So what now?
1:11:34멀리 못 갔을 겁니다They couldn't have gone far.
1:11:36뒤져야 합니다We must search the woods.
1:11:37계집에 애들에 걸음이 더딜 겁니다I bet girls and children can't walk fast.
1:11:39(일본군17) 대장님!Captain!
1:11:41숲에 숨어 있었습니다I found him hiding in the woods.
1:11:43데려와라Bring him here.
1:11:46(덕문) [한국어네놈은...Oh, you're...
1:11:48(요시미치) [일본어뭐 하는 자냐?Identify yourself.
1:11:50폭도 잔당이야?Are you one of the rebels?
1:11:52그런 모양인데Yes, sir. I think he is,
1:11:55저자는 귀머거리에 벙어리입니다but that man is deaf-mute.
1:11:59(요시미치하필!Damn it!
1:12:01- (요시미치죽여 버려 - (일본군17) -Kill him. -Yes, sir.
1:12:06(침의다 얘기하겠습니다Please don't shoot. Spare my life, please. I
will tell you everything.
1:12:09(요시미치) [일본어귀머거리에 벙어리라며You said he's deaf-mute.
1:12:12넌 대체 제대로 아는 게 뭐야?You don't know a thing, do you?
1:12:14[한국어그게그게 아니라 그러니까...No, I mean...
1:12:16[일본어저자가 다 말하겠답니다He's willing to tell us everything.
1:12:19(덕문다 안답니다He said he knows everything.
1:12:21[한국어얼른 말해 봐얼른Hey, tell us.
1:12:23고애신 어디 갔어황은산은 어디로 튀었어?Where is Go Ae-sin? And where the hell did
Hwang Eun-san go?
1:12:26저자로 내려갔습니다They went into town.
1:12:27[긴장되는 음악오늘 거사가 있다는 얘기를 들
I heard they have a big plan today.
1:12:30(침의애기씨랑 행랑아범함안댁 그 외 여럿
이 내려갔습니다
Lady Ae-sin, Mr. Haengrang, Ms. Haman, and
a few more people went together.
1:12:34일본군 대장인가를 죽인다던데They want to assassinate the captain of the
Japanese army.
1:12:38[일본어그 계집년이 저자로 내려갔답니다That bitch went into town.
1:12:41(덕문외람되게도 대장님을 죽인다고...They're planning to assassinate you.
1:12:45날 죽여?They're planning to kill me?
1:12:47(덕문걱정 마십시오Please do not worry, sir.
1:12:48제가 그년이랑 그 식솔들 얼굴을 다 압니다I know what that bitch and all of her family
members look like.

1:12:54(요시미치어이수색을 멈추고 전원 하산한
Listen! Stop the search. We're leaving!
1:12:59(일본군들!-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
1:13:21(행랑아범) [한국어무서운가?Are you scared?
1:13:23(함안댁아이고어데요No, not at all.
1:13:25애기씨를 못 뵙고 가I didn't get to see Lady Ae-sin.
1:13:29그거 하나 마음에 딱 얹힙니다It's the only thing that's worrying me.
1:13:31(행랑아범나는 쪼까 억울하네I'm a bit sad.
1:13:33자네 손 한번 못 잡아 보고 가는 것이I haven't even held your hand, but I must
leave everything behind.
1:13:36(함안댁) [멋쩍게 웃으며아이고옴마야My goodness.
1:13:38아이고참 갈 때 되니 별소리를 다 한다Oh, boy. You're being silly.
1:13:42잡아 봐야 거칠거칠하니 뭐 할 기고Why would you want to hold my rough hand?
1:13:44아이고참말로 [남자2의 웃음]Goodness.
1:13:46(남자2) 시방이라도 잡으면 되지Go ahead and hold her hand.
1:13:48언능 꽉 한번 잡아 봐Hurry up and hold it now.
1:13:50(남자3) 그려시간 없어 [함안댁의 어이없는 웃
Yes, we don't have much time.
1:13:52지금 아니면 언제 잡아 보겄어It's now or never.
1:13:54[남자2의 웃음] (함안댁아이고이 양반들이
You folks are making me blush.
1:13:57아이고와 따라와 갖고 난리입니까Why did you even follow us?
1:13:59(남자2) 후들후들 죽겄어 말 돌리덜 말고?We're scared shitless now. Don't change the
1:14:03어여 좋은 구경 한번 시켜 줘 봐and entertain us so that we can relax a little.
1:14:12[일본어제가 앞장서겠습니다I'll lead the way, sir.
1:14:15분명 가마를 탔을 겁니다She must be in a palanquin.
1:14:17(덕문이건 다 제 공입니다You need to give me credit for all of this, sir.
1:14:23(요시미치) 1소대 저쪽! 2소대 이쪽!Platoon One, go that way. And Platoon Two,
this way.
1:14:26가마를 찾아라Look for a palanquin.
1:14:28가마는 누가 봐도 가마야Anyone can spot a palanquin.
1:14:33넌 개소리 말고 명단이나 가져와Stop spewing total nonsense. Just bring me
the list.
1:14:37거점도 날아갔고They've already fled the hideout.
1:14:39이제 남은 건 네가 갖고 있다는 명단뿐이야Now, the only thing left is the list, which you
supposedly have.
1:14:43이번에도 별거 없으면If even that is nothing important,
1:14:46네놈의 목을 쳐서I will cut your head off
1:14:48이토 각하 앞에 갖다 바칠 거야and take it to Lord Ito.
1:14:50폭도라고I'll tell him you're one of the rebels.

1:14:54알아들어?You got that?
1:14:55[힘겨운 목소리로!Yes, sir!
1:15:00가마를 쫓아!Find the palanquin!
1:15:01[긴장되는 음악] (일본군들!-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
1:15:42(일본군18) 가마다이쪽이다!I see a palanquin. This way!
1:15:56(행랑아범) [한국어발소리가 들리는구먼I hear footsteps.
1:15:59뒤에 따라붙었는갑다They must be following us now.
1:16:01(남자2) 침의 그 양반 용허네?I'm impressed by that man.
1:16:05듣도 못하고 말도 못 함시롱 잘해 부렀구먼He's deaf-mute, but he must have done a
great job.
1:16:09[행랑아범의 웃음] (함안댁아이고뭔 소리입
Gosh, what are you talking about?
1:16:11그 양반이 소리도 잘하고 말도 얼매나 청산유
That man is such an eloquent speaker, and he
even sings well.
1:16:15- (남자2) 아니참말이여? - (남자3) 참말이여?-Are you serious? -Really?
1:16:17(함안댁아유그거를 나만 압니까Am I the only one who knew it?
1:16:19(남자3) 평생 한마디 하는 걸 본 적이 없는디I've never seen him talk.
1:16:22마지막 말을 멋들어지게 하고 가셨나 벼He must've been incredibly well-spoken in his
final moments.
1:16:26(남자2) 그럼 우리도 이참에Actually, how about
1:16:29평생 못 해 본 말 한마디씩 하는 거 어뗘?we also give ourselves a chance to say the
things we never got to say?
1:16:32- (남자3) 좋지 - (남자2) 어차피 가는 마당에-Great idea. -I mean, all of us will die soon
1:16:34- (남자3) 이 - (남자4) 그려그려Yes, let's do it.
1:16:35- (남자4) 나가 - (남자2) 이 (남자4) 꼭 한마디
하고 싶은 말이 있긴 있었제
There is something I've always wanted to say.
1:16:39(행랑아범뭔디해 봐What is it? Go ahead and say it.
1:16:42(남자4) [헛기침하며이리 오니라!-Come out and greet! -Goodness.
1:16:44이리 오니라!Come and out greet!
1:16:48(함안댁아이고맞네요Gosh, you're right.
1:16:49오늘이 뭐생애 마지막 날이라 카믄If this is indeed the last day of my life,
1:16:52내도 못 할 말이 없지요I have no reason to hold back.
1:16:59내는요옆에 이녁이 계셔가 참 좋았습니다Thank you for always staying by my side.
1:17:05이리 오이소 까짓것 손 한번 꼭 잡아 보입시다Come here. Let's hold hands.
1:17:09(남자2) 언능 잡아언능!Go on. Hold her hand!
1:17:12(행랑아범참말이여?Are you sure?
1:17:14어허My goodness.
1:20:31자막최혜란Subtitle translation by You-jin Lim

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