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  사생활 3

Private Lives 3


(정환)‬ ‪인간들은 누구나 다‬People all live their own private lives.
‪사생활이라는 게 있다‬People all live their own private lives.
‪헌법에도 사생활 보호법이라는 게 있어‬ ‪비밀과 자유를 보장해 준단다‬In the Constitution, there's the Privacy Law. It protects our secrecy and freedom.
‪그런데 어디까지가 자유고 비밀일까?‬But where does the boundary lie between secrecy and freedom? We live in a world where we feel like losers
‪사생활을 공유하지 않으면‬ ‪실패한 인생처럼 느껴지는 세상에서‬We live in a world where we feel like losers if we don't share our private lives.
‪과연 어디까지가 합법이고‬What is legal
‪어디서부터가 불법일까‬and what is illegal to share?
‪기분이 좋아지면 자유고 합법일까?‬Is it legal to share if it makes you feel good?
‪기분이 엿같으면‬ ‪불법이고 비밀이 되는 건가?‬Is it illegal and should remain a secret if it makes you feel like shit?
‪비밀이든 자유든 합법이든 불법이든‬Be it a secret, freedom, legal, or illegal,
‪상관없이 타인의 사생활을‬ ‪수집하는 인간들‬people collect other people's private lives regardless.
‪자신들의 이익을 위해‬For their personal interest,
‪타인의 사생활을 수집‬ ‪이용하는 인간들‬For their personal interest, they collect and use the private lives of others.
‪그리고 조작하는 인간들‬And some people fabricate them.
‪타인과 자신의 사생활을 공유하고‬ ‪훔치고 이용하고 조작하는‬They share, steal, use, and fabricate their private lives.
‪대한민국은 지금‬Right now, Korea is facing the era of shared privacy while we are engaged
‪(정환)‬ ‪사생활 공유의 시대이자‬Right now, Korea is facing the era of shared privacy while we are engaged
‪사생활 전쟁의 시대다‬in a war of privacy.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪그리고 난, 쫓는다‬And I chase other people's private lives.
‪타인의 사생활을‬And I chase other people's private lives.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪[남자들의 다급한 신음]‬
‪[남자1이 소리친다]‬
‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬
‪[전기 충격기 작동음]‬
‪[남자들의 비명]‬ ‪[쇠 파이프가 댕그랑 떨어진다]‬
‪씨…‬Damn it.
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[주차장 입차 알림음]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪근데 지금은 쫓긴다‬But now, I'm being chased.
‪하필 오늘‬Why today of all days?
‪왜‬Why today of all days?
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬Damn it.
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[웨딩 홀이 분주하다]‬
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬EPISODE 3
‪(주은)‬ ‪좋다‬This is nice.
‪[주은이 숨을 들이켠다]‬It doesn't have that new construction smell.
‪새집 냄새도 안 나는 것 같고‬It doesn't have that new construction smell.
‪[정환이 살짝 웃는다]‬Right.
‪근데 너무 큰 거 아니에요?‬But isn't this a bit too big for us?
‪크긴요, 방 세 개밖에 안 되는데?‬It's not that big. There are only three rooms.
‪그래도 우리 둘이 살기에는 좀…‬But it's too big for just two people.
‪(정환)‬ ‪둘이라니요?‬ ‪곧 세 명 되고 네 명 되고 그럴 텐데‬"Two"? There will be three or four of us soon.
‪[따뜻한 음악]‬
‪주은 씨‬Joo-eun.
‪우리 애국합시다‬Let's be patriots.
‪두 명 가지고 애국이 되겠어요?‬Having two kids won't be enough, then.
‪아, 그럼 방 네 개짜리로?‬-Then, a four-bedroom house? -Five.
‪다섯 개‬-Then, a four-bedroom house? -Five.
‪아, 노력하겠습니다‬I'll try my best.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬I'll try my best.
‪(주은)‬ ‪자, 그럼 테스트 들어갑니다‬All right. Then, let's test this place out.
‪[물소리가 멈춘다]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪깨끗하네‬It's nice and clean.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪[주은의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪고마워요‬Thank you.
‪알면 잘해요‬-Then, be good to me. -Okay.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Then, be good to me. -Okay.
‪(주은)‬ ‪아…‬
‪전세에 저도 지분 넣을게요‬I'd like to help you with the house deposit.
‪[정환의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪주은 씨, 이건…‬Joo-eun, this is--
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[정환의 한숨]‬
‪[피곤한 숨소리]‬
‪[보글보글 끓는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪일어났어요?‬You're up.
‪뭐 해요?‬What are you doing?
‪(정환)‬ ‪아, 죽이는 김치찌개?‬I'm making killer kimchi stew.
‪우아, 나 김치찌개 되게 좋아하는데‬I love kimchi stew.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬I had a feeling that you would.
‪왠지 그럴 거 같았어요‬I had a feeling that you would.
‪[주은의 웃음]‬ ‪근데 이게 또‬ ‪보통 김치찌개가 아니란 사실‬But this isn't any ordinary kimchi stew.
‪(정환)‬ ‪살치살‬ ‪[주은의 놀란 신음]‬Chuck flap.
‪이게 거의 죽음‬This tastes amazing in the stew.
‪김치찌개에 소를 넣어요?‬You add beef to kimchi stew?
‪끝장이에요, 예술, 예술‬It will taste amazing. It's fantastic.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪우아, 다르네‬It is different.
‪- 그렇죠?‬ ‪- (주은) 맛있다‬-Right? -It's delicious.
‪(정환)‬ ‪자, 그럼 제가‬ ‪진정한 삼합을 보여 드리겠습니다‬All right. Let me show you a three-step way of enjoying this.
‪자, 보세요‬Watch.
‪수저로 밥 떠서 그 위에‬Get a spoonful of the rice. Put kimchi from the stew on top of the rice.
‪김치 올리고‬Put kimchi from the stew on top of the rice.
‪그 위에 계란프라이 올리고‬And put a piece of fried egg on it.
‪그리고 김을‬Then, the dried laver.
‪아, 이거 그냥 김 안 됩니다‬Oh, right. It shouldn't be regular dried laver.
‪양념 김 올리시고‬ ‪[주은의 웃음]‬Make sure it's salted.
‪자‬All right.
‪[주은이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[주은의 탄성]‬
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪근데‬By the way,
‪사합 아닌가?‬wasn't it four steps?
‪밥, 김치, 계란, 김‬Rice, kimchi, egg, and dried laver.
‪[당황한 신음]‬
‪밥은 그냥 베이스‬Rice doesn't count because it's just the base.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪그게 뭐예요‬Come on.
‪(정환)‬ ‪아니, 내가 착각했네‬-I lost count. -But it's so good.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪근데 너무 맛있어‬-I lost count. -But it's so good.
‪(정환)‬ ‪너무 짜거나 하진 않죠?‬It's not salty, right?
‪(주은)‬ ‪딱이에요‬It's perfect.
‪- (정환) 다행이다‬ ‪- (주은) 음‬
‪[시계가 째깍거린다]‬
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[잘그랑 소리가 난다]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪피자에 막걸리?‬Pizza and makgeolli?
‪안 먹어 봤구나‬You obviously haven't tried it. It's actually not that bad.
‪(정환)‬ ‪은근 괜찮아요, 그 조합‬You obviously haven't tried it. It's actually not that bad.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪가요, 내가 맛있는 데 알아요‬Let's go. I know a good place.
‪피자엔 소주지‬Soju is the way to go with pizza.
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[술 취한 목소리로]‬ ‪어떻게 된 거냐고‬What the heck happened?
‪하, 왜 나한테…‬Why me?
‪뭐 때문이냐고‬Why did this happen?
‪야, 이정환‬Hey, Lee Jeong-hwan.
‪나한테 왜 이러는 거냐고, 왜…‬Why are you doing this to me? Why?
‪도대체 이유가 뭐냐고‬Why did you do that?
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[부스럭 소리가 난다]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪[치약을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪내가 왜? 왜 슬퍼해야 돼?‬Why? Why should I be sad?
‪하나도 안 슬퍼, 나‬I'm not sad at all.
‪멀쩡해‬I'm fine.
‪(남 사장)‬ ‪위험한데‬ ‪이럴 때 자꾸 혼자 술 마시고 그러면‬It's dangerous to be drinking alone in that state.
‪누가 얘기도 들어 주고‬ ‪위로도 해 줘야 되는데‬Someone should listen to her and comfort her, too.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪또 나밖에 없는 건가‬I guess it's up to me.
‪그래, 하는 수 없지, 희생하자‬Fine. I have no choice. I'll make the sacrifice.
‪그러다 맞으면 덜 아프지?‬You're aching for a beating, aren't you?
‪(인숙)‬ ‪옆구리 백 대 맞기 전에 백 해‬Get back before I beat you to a pulp.
‪(남 사장)‬ ‪가만‬Hold on.
‪내가 양념장을 했던가?‬Did I make the sauce?
‪(인숙)‬ ‪[이를 악물고]‬ ‪양념장‬"The sauce"?
‪[주은의 한숨]‬
‪세상 선배로‬As a friend,
‪이럴 때 근사하게 뭔가‬I should say something nice to comfort you at a time like this.
‪위로 얘기를 해 줘야 되는데‬I should say something nice to comfort you at a time like this.
‪(인숙)‬ ‪없네, 별로, 멋진 말이‬But nothing really comes to my mind.
‪세상 참 지랄 같고‬ ‪엿같은 걸 어떡하겠냐‬What can we do? The world is just a shitty place.
‪죽기 전까지‬ ‪개같이 싸우다 가는 수밖에‬All we can do is to keep on fighting until our last breath.
‪됐거든요?‬Don't worry about it.
‪원래‬When it comes to
‪위로든 칭찬이든‬comforting or complimenting someone,
‪본인이 직접 하는 거예요‬no one can do it for you. You must do it yourself.
‪자신한테‬no one can do it for you. You must do it yourself.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪난 내가 위로해‬I'm consoling myself.
‪(주은)‬ ‪그러니까 소주나 사 줘요‬So you can help out by buying me soju and this meal.
‪고기도 오늘은 공짜로‬So you can help out by buying me soju and this meal.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬Sure.
‪(인숙)‬ ‪받아, 응‬-Let me pour you one. -Okay.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[주은이 시원한 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[손의 헛기침]‬
‪솔직하게 말해 줘‬Tell me honestly.
‪(주은)‬ ‪좋아? 지금 이게 웃겨?‬Are you happy? Is this funny to you?
‪[손의 헛기침]‬
‪내가 찍은 마지막 다큐‬The last documentary I filmed, what was it?
‪뭐야?‬The last documentary I filmed, what was it?
‪그쪽에서 나온 사람 나처럼 배우였어?‬Was he also an actor like me?
‪모른다‬-I don't know. -You did the job without knowing anything?
‪아무것도 모르고 한 거라고?‬-I don't know. -You did the job without knowing anything?
‪(손)‬ ‪레벨 차이 클 땐‬ ‪아무것도 모르는 게 좋아‬When doing a job that's above your level, it's better that way.
‪올라갈수록 공유는 없어, 독식이지‬The higher it goes, the less people share. If you ask them to share, you'll get hurt.
‪같이 먹자 조르면 입이 찢어져‬The higher it goes, the less people share. If you ask them to share, you'll get hurt.
‪[주은의 한숨]‬
‪좋아, 그럼 제작자가 누군데?‬Fine. Then who directed it?
‪(주은)‬ ‪전체 스토리를 몰라도‬Even if you don't know the plot, you must know where the order was from.
‪삼촌한테 오더 준 놈은‬ ‪알고 있을 거 아니야?‬Even if you don't know the plot, you must know where the order was from.
‪[손의 한숨]‬
‪같이 찍은 다큐가 몇 편인데‬Come on, we worked together for a long time.
‪삼촌, 나한테 이러면‬ ‪안 되는 거 아니야?‬How can you do this to me?
‪이정환‬Lee Jeong-hwan.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪뭐?‬-What? -The team manager from GK.
‪GK 이정환 팀장‬-What? -The team manager from GK.
‪[손의 한숨]‬
‪저기‬Excuse me.
‪(주은)‬ ‪그게 그러니까 여기 직원 중에‬Well, I'm here to meet a team manager. His name is Lee Jeong-hwan.
‪이정환 팀장 좀 만나러 왔는데요‬I'm here to meet a team manager. His name is Lee Jeong-hwan.
‪어느 부서죠?‬-Which department is he in? -Development Team Two.
‪개발 2팀요‬-Which department is he in? -Development Team Two.
‪(보안 직원)‬ ‪네, 수고하십니다‬ ‪여기 1층 보안 팀입니다‬Hello. This is the security from the first floor.
‪[키보드 두드리는 소리가 난다]‬ ‪(보안 직원)‬ ‪이정환 팀장님 방문객 있습니다‬Mr. Lee Jeong-hwan has a visitor here.
‪[보안 직원이 수화기를 탁 놓는다]‬
‪(보안 직원)‬ ‪내려오신답니다‬He'll come down.
‪[휘파람 소리가 울린다]‬
‪[휘파람을 분다]‬
‪[휘파람 소리가 울린다]‬
‪(보안 직원)‬ ‪어, 저기 오시네요‬-There he is. -Where's my visitor?
‪(석호)‬ ‪절 찾아오신 분이 누구시죠?‬-There he is. -Where's my visitor?
‪누구시죠?‬Who are you?
‪이정환 씨?‬-Mr. Lee Jeong-hwan? -Yes, I am.
‪그런데요?‬-Mr. Lee Jeong-hwan? -Yes, I am.
‪[주은의 한숨]‬
‪아니에요, 죄송해요, 잘못 찾아왔네요‬It's nothing. I'm sorry. I got the wrong person.
‪(석호)‬ ‪혹시‬Did you
‪절 사칭하는 놈을 만나신 건가요?‬meet a man who was impersonating me?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪전에도 몇 분 계셨었거든요‬This has happened a few times before.
‪뭐, 혹시 안 좋은 일이라도…‬Did something bad happen to you?
‪제가 경찰에 신고는 해 놨거든요‬I already reported this to the police.
‪피해 사실이 있다면‬ ‪저한테 말씀해 주시면‬You can tell me if he harmed you in any way.
‪제가 경찰에 말해 드릴 수 있는데‬I can report it to the police for you.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪아, 여기선 좀 그런가?‬I guess this isn't a good place.
‪나가서 커피라도 한잔하실래요?‬ ‪아니면 뭐, 식사라도?‬Do you want some coffee? Or do you want to have a meal?
‪너 경찰에 신고 안 했지?‬You didn't call the police, did you?
‪(주은)‬ ‪커피 다음엔 술‬After coffee, you'd offer drinks.
‪술 다음엔?‬What comes
‪뭐니?‬after drinks?
‪다 똑같은 새끼들‬Men are all dogs.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬ ‪[흥신소 직원이 수화기를 탁 든다]‬
‪(흥신소 직원)‬ ‪예, 무엇을 도와드릴까요?‬Hello. How can I help you?
‪아, 저기, 사람을 찾고 싶어서요‬I'd like to find someone.
‪- (흥신소 직원) 지금 어디십니까?‬ ‪- 네?‬-Where are you now? -Pardon?
‪(흥신소 직원)‬ ‪하, 지금 찾아뵈려고요‬-Where are you now? -Pardon? -I'd like to meet you in person. -Why?
‪왜요?‬-I'd like to meet you in person. -Why?
‪아니, 사람 찾는다면서요‬You said you wanted to find someone.
‪(흥신소 직원)‬ ‪의뢰하실 거 아입니까?‬Aren't you giving us the case?
‪[헛웃음]‬Aren't you giving us the case?
‪아니, 제가 그쪽 사무실로 가면 되는데‬I can just go to your office.
‪저희 방문 의뢰 받지 않습니다‬We don't accept visits from our clients.
‪(흥신소 직원)‬ ‪지금 어디십니까?‬Where are you now?
‪아, 네, 알겠습니다‬All right. Bye, then.
‪[통화 종료음]‬What's wrong with him?
‪뭐야, 여기‬What's wrong with him?
‪어디를 막 오겠다는 거야? 기분 나쁘게‬Why does he want to come here? That's creepy.
‪[어이없는 신음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[혜원이 중얼거린다]‬Gosh.
‪[혜원의 귀찮은 신음]‬
‪네, 다 들어준다, 스파이흥신소입니다‬This is Spy Detective Agency. We do anything for our clients.
‪(주은)‬ ‪아, 네, 사람을 찾고 싶은데요‬Hello. I'm calling because I want to find someone.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪사람을 찾는다, 그런데요?‬So you're looking for someone. So what?
‪아, 그러니까‬ ‪어떻게 해야 되는지 몰라서‬I don't know where to start.
‪아, 저, 죄송한데‬ ‪지금은 못 찾을 것 같거든요‬I'm sorry, but I don't think we can find that person for you.
‪- (주은) 네?‬ ‪- (혜원) 아, 혹시 모르니까‬Pardon? But just in case, I'll call you back if we can take the job.
‪찾을 수 있게 되면‬ ‪이 번호로 다시 연락을 드릴게요‬But just in case, I'll call you back if we can take the job.
‪성함이 어떻게 되시죠?‬ ‪[주은의 어이없는 신음]‬What's your name?
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪뭐야, 여기는 또?‬What is this now?
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[수화기를 탁 놓으며]‬ ‪나도 찾고 싶다‬I do want to find that person for you, too.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪어디로 사라진 거야, 이 새끼 진짜‬Where did this bastard go? Seriously…
‪[기가 찬 숨소리]‬
‪아는 게 이렇게 하나도 없는데‬I barely know anything about him.
‪결혼은 무슨, 씨‬Marry him?
‪용감하다, 차주은‬You were so brave, Cha Joo-eun.
‪미쳤어, 차주은‬You're insane, Cha Joo-eun.
‪[차분한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ONE YEAR AGO
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬
‪[키보드 소리가 요란하다]‬
‪[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪(박 사장)‬ ‪어, 이제 출발해, 금방 갈게‬Yes, I'm heading out now.
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[오토바이 엔진 가속음]‬
‪[박 사장이 휘파람을 분다]‬
‪[프로펠러 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(박 사장)‬ ‪오, 베이비‬
‪- (미영) 왜 이렇게 늦게 왔어‬ ‪- 오빠 기다렸어?‬-Why are you so late? -Were you waiting for me?
‪[미영의 웃음]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[쪽쪽거리는 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(박 사장)‬ ‪몇 번째야, 도대체 이게!‬This again?
‪당신 의부증이야, 이거‬You're being delusional.
‪지랄을 하고 앉았네‬Stop bullshitting us.
‪뭐? 이런, 씨…‬What? You little--
‪폭행죄로 구속시켜 드려?‬Do you want to be arrested for assault?
‪[분한 숨소리]‬
‪[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(현경)‬ ‪메일이 도착했네요‬I've just received an email.
‪[박 사장의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[쪽쪽거리는 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪그럼 이제 제가 작성한 합의서에‬ ‪사인하고 싶어진 걸로‬I assume you'll want to sign the agreement I've prepared.
‪(박 사장)‬ ‪아이씨‬
‪[메시지 알림음]‬ ‪(현경)‬ ‪매번 생큐, 다음에 한잔하자고‬OH HYUN-KYUNG SENT 20 MILLION WON Thanks. Let's have a drink next time.
‪[노트북을 탁 덮는다]‬
‪[혜원의 반가운 숨소리]‬
‪커피 한 잔 진하게 부탁‬Get me some strong coffee.
‪(혜원)‬ ‪사장님, 이게 대체 몇 년만?‬ ‪[혜원이 살짝 웃는다]‬Mr. Lee, it's been so long.
‪(정환)‬ ‪보지 마‬Don't look.
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬ ‪(혜원)‬ ‪그럼 절 보세요‬Then look at me.
‪후, 라인이 싹, 강남 여자 같죠?‬With curvy hips, don't I look great?
‪[혜원의 옅은 웃음]‬ ‪(정환)‬ ‪아, 네‬Well, sure.
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(혜원)‬ ‪얼추 겁나 몇 년 만인 듯‬It feels like it's been years.
‪서로에게 하고픈 말 고이 간직하다가‬I believe we have so much to say to each other.
‪[컴퓨터 작동음]‬ ‪이빠이 쌓였지 싶은데‬I believe we have so much to say to each other.
‪해 보세요‬ ‪강아지처럼 착하게 들어 줄 테니까‬Go ahead. I'll listen like a good puppy.
‪얼굴 못 본 지는 17일 됐고‬ ‪통화는 매일 하고 있잖아‬You haven't seen me for 17 days, but I've called every day.
‪음, 차갑네, 이 남자, 녹이고 싶게‬but I've called every day. You're as cold as ice. You make me want to melt you.
‪그, 녹아 없어지기 전에‬ ‪마지막으로 커피 한 잔만 합시다‬Before you make me melt away, let me have a cup of coffee.
‪(혜원)‬ ‪머신 빠가 된 지 3만 년 전‬It's been ages since the coffee machine broke.
‪하지만 걱정 마세요‬But don't worry.
‪신에게는 아직‬ ‪열두 개의 테이크아웃이 있으니까‬But don't worry. I can still go out and grab some coffee to go.
‪그럼 부탁해‬Then, please.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪커피만‬ ‪[혜원의 놀라는 숨소리]‬Coffee only.
‪(혜원)‬ ‪운동하는 거 보고도 모르세요?‬Can't you see that I work out?
‪흘린 땀은 울리지 않는 법‬I'd never let my hard work go to waste.
‪[혜원의 웃음]‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪(혜원)‬ ‪아포가토 바닐라랑요‬I'd like a vanilla affogato.
‪에스프레소 빅 사이즈 하나 주세요‬-And a large espresso, please. -Sure.
‪(점원)‬ ‪네‬-And a large espresso, please. -Sure.
‪[살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪잠시만요‬Wait a second.
‪(혜원)‬ ‪몸을 심하게 다뤘더니‬ ‪어느새 공복이 찾아오셨네요‬I'm feeling hungry because I've been working out so hard.
‪운동이 이래서 좋아‬This is why I like to exercise.
‪이것도 하나 주세요‬Give me this, too.
‪[복기의 한숨]‬
‪[복기가 냄새를 킁킁 맡는다]‬
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪어, 고 대리, 아, 커피?‬Yes, Ms. Ko. Did you get coffee?
‪[마우스 조작음]‬ ‪(혜원)‬ ‪손님이 쓱 찾아오셨는데요‬You have a guest.
‪[컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪그래서 무슨 일로?‬So, how can I help you?
‪사람 하나 찾으려고요‬I need to find someone.
‪(복기)‬ ‪원래 그런 거 하는 데잖아, 여기‬Isn't that what you do?
‪전문이죠‬That's our specialty.
‪내가 꼭 찾아야 될‬There is a person I must find.
‪위인이 하나 있어서‬There is a person I must find.
‪- 고 대리‬ ‪- (혜원) 네?‬-Ms. Ko? -Yes?
‪아, 가격표요?‬Oh, the price list?
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[정환의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪읽어 보시면 아시겠지만‬THE PROMISE OF SPY DETECTIVE AGENCY As you can see, we don't ask about your relationship with the target.
‪고객님과 타깃의 관계, 묻지 않습니다‬As you can see, we don't ask about your relationship with the target.
‪그냥 얼굴만 아는 사이‬ ‪전화번호만 아는 사이‬Even if it's just an acquaintance, and if you only know the phone number,
‪주민 번호, 고향, 학교, 직업, 주소‬their registration number, hometown, school, occupation, address,
‪아니면 아무런 정보도 없는‬ ‪막연한 부모…‬or even if you don't have any information--
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪가능하겠죠?‬It's possible, right?
‪[옅은 한숨]‬Ms. Ko.
‪(정환)‬ ‪고 대리‬ ‪요 앞 사거리에 위치한 중국집‬Ms. Ko. Book a VIP room for two at the Chinese restaurant
‪예약 좀 잡아 줘‬Book a VIP room for two at the Chinese restaurant
‪VIP실로 두 명‬by the intersection.
‪짜장면은 됐고‬No Chinese food, thanks.
‪비즈니스 계속하죠‬Continue with the business.
‪(정환)‬ ‪경청하겠습니다‬I'll keep my ears open.
‪'정보가 부족하다', '진행비가 없다'‬ ‪'시간이 더 필요하다'‬"There isn't enough information. I need more money and time."
‪(복기)‬ ‪난 그런 말 몰라요‬Don't give me any of that.
‪그러니까 무조건, 반드시‬ ‪신속하게 찾아 주실 걸‬I trust that you'll find this person as soon as possible.
‪믿을게요, 내가‬I trust that you'll find this person as soon as possible.
‪물론입니다‬Of course.
‪근데 질문 하나 드려도 되겠습니까?‬By the way, may I ask you a question?
‪벌써 관심 생기고 그러면 곤란한데‬You're being nosy already. This isn't good.
‪(정환)‬ ‪아…‬ ‪[정환이 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪해 봐요, 말 나왔으니까‬Finish what you started.
‪(복기)‬ ‪멈추면 궁금하잖아, 또‬You've made me curious.
‪- 어떻게 이렇게 후진 곳엘 다…‬ ‪- (복기) 왔냐고?‬This is a shabby place. Why-- -Why did I come here? -Yes.
‪예‬-Why did I come here? -Yes.
‪(복기)‬ ‪믿을 만해?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Is it trustworthy?
‪(현경)‬ ‪베스트 오브 베스트‬
‪근데 흥신소는 왜?‬Why do you need a detective agency?
‪우리 오 변‬ ‪안 본 사이에 퀘스천이 많이 늘었네‬Ms. Oh, you've gotten much more nosy while I was away.
‪비즈니스만 하자고‬Let's just do business only.
‪(복기)‬ ‪한국 돌아와서‬ ‪여기저기 인터뷰 좀 해 봤는데‬I've asked around since I returned to Korea.
‪다들 그러데?‬Everyone says you're the best of the best,
‪유가 최고라고, 스파이 리‬Everyone says you're the best of the best, "Spy Lee."
‪소문이 그렇게 또‬-So that's what they say. -I can trust you, right?
‪나한테도 믿음 줄 수 있죠?‬-So that's what they say. -I can trust you, right?
‪물론입니다‬Of course. Then,
‪(복기)‬ ‪[숨을 들이켜며]‬ ‪그럼 연락 기다려요‬Then, I'll wait for your call.
‪'어 먼스'‬
‪한 달까지 걸리겠습니까‬I don't think it'll take that long.
‪보름이면 충분합니다‬Fifteen days will be enough.
‪쉽지 않을 텐데?‬It won't be easy, though.
‪믿음 드리겠습니다‬You can trust me.
‪그래요, 그럼, 보름으로‬Fine, then. Fifteen days it is.
‪(정환)‬ ‪들어가십시오‬Goodbye.
‪[혜원의 기대에 찬 신음]‬What will we have for staff dinner?
‪(혜원)‬ ‪오늘 회식 어디로?‬What will we have for staff dinner?
‪이 정도면, 악!‬What will we have for staff dinner? We can have
‪소갈비쯤?‬ ‪[혜원이 박수 친다]‬prime rib, can't we?
‪"소피아 정"‬
‪[윤석이 입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪아, 성의가 부족했습니다, 반성합니다!‬I'm sorry I lacked sincerity.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪제가 한 쌈 올리겠습니다‬I'll make you a wrap.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬No, thanks. I only eat meat.
‪됐어요, 전 고기만 먹네요, 원래‬No, thanks. I only eat meat.
‪안 좋은 건데, 그거‬That's bad for you.
‪고기는 항상 이렇게 채소랑 같이, 응?‬ ‪이렇게, 응‬You always have to eat meat with vegetables like this.
‪이렇게 싸서 드셔야 되는데‬with vegetables like this.
‪- '아'…‬ ‪- (혜원) 괜찮아요‬It's okay.
‪(혜원)‬ ‪알코올이랑 같이 먹으니까‬I drink alcohol with it,
‪나쁜 거 다 싹 소독해 주거든요‬so all the bad stuff gets disinfected.
‪할래요?‬Do you want to do it?
‪[윤석이 콜록거린다]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪뭐, 뭘요?‬Do what?
‪(혜원)‬ ‪한잔‬Drink.
‪[윤석의 웃음]‬
‪(윤석)‬ ‪아니요, 괜찮습니다‬No, I'm good.
‪[혜원이 술을 조르륵 따른다]‬
‪술이 피부에 안 좋거든요‬ ‪그래서 전 안 먹습니다‬Alcohol isn't good for your skin, so I don't drink.
‪지켜야 하니까‬I need to protect myself.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪지킬 게 싹 없는데‬I don't think there's much to protect.
‪에이, 거짓말‬That's a lie.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪아니, 거짓말‬ ‪못하는 사람인 줄 알았는데‬I thought you couldn't lie, but you're pretty good at it.
‪은근 잘하시네요‬I thought you couldn't lie, but you're pretty good at it.
‪이런 게 선의의 거짓말이라는 건가‬Is that what people call a white lie?
‪(혜원)‬ ‪뭐지, 이 이상한 놈은?‬What's with this weirdo?
‪[혜원의 한숨]‬
‪아, 진짜 뿅 어디 간 거야?‬Seriously, where did he go?
‪(혜원)‬ ‪금방 슝 온다더니‬He said he'd be back soon.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪누구, 정환이 형요?‬Who? Jeong-hwan?
‪(혜원)‬ ‪그럼 사장님이지‬ ‪여기서 혹 누구겠어요?‬Yes. Mr. Lee, of course. Who else?
‪이상하네‬That's odd. Didn't you ask him?
‪혜원 씨가 부탁한 거 아니었어요?‬That's odd. Didn't you ask him?
‪- 뭘요?‬ ‪- (윤석) 자리 좀 비켜 달라고‬-Ask him what? -To leave us alone.
‪저랑 단둘이 있고 싶어서‬Because you wanted to be alone with me.
‪[윤석의 웃음]‬Because you wanted to be alone with me.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪확 아니거든요?‬No, I didn't. Never!
‪에이, 또 거짓말‬You're lying again.
‪[윤석의 웃음]‬ ‪어유, 싫어‬Oh, gross.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[안내 음성]‬ ‪지금은 전화를 받지 않습니다‬The number you have dialed is currently unavailable.
‪다음에 다시 걸어 주시기 바랍니다‬Please try again later.
‪[실망한 숨소리]‬
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪뭐야, 이게 다야?‬What? Is this it?
‪그냥 말로 하지 뭘, 참‬ ‪[마우스 조작음]‬She could've just said it.
‪그래, 에드워드‬All right, Edward.
‪얼굴 좀 한번 볼까?‬Let me see your face.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[자동차 리모컨 작동음]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[멀리서 사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪[카드 인식음]‬
‪[터치 패드 조작음]‬
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[카드 인식음]‬
‪[카드 인식음]‬CONFIRMED
‪[키보드 두드리는 소리가 난다]‬
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪원라인 박 사장, 이혼시켰다고?‬So you made Mr. Park of One Line get divorced?
‪(정환)‬ ‪예‬Yes, sir.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬
‪[쪽쪽거리는 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪꺼‬Turn it off.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬ ‪그래서 핵심 기술은?‬So? What about the key technology?
‪엄청난 위자료를 지불했지만‬He paid a lot of alimony,
‪(정환)‬ ‪오피스텔 생활을 끊을 순 없을 겁니다‬but he won't be able to stop seeing her.
‪아니, 이혼까지 했으니‬ ‪더 과감해지겠죠‬Now that he's divorced, he'll make bolder moves.
‪박 사장의 애인 유미영‬Mr. Park's lover, Yoo Mi-young, will be a corporate spy.
‪산업 스파이가 될 겁니다‬Mr. Park's lover, Yoo Mi-young, will be a corporate spy.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪박 사장의 컴퓨터에서 기술을 빼돌려‬She'll steal technologies from his computer
‪중국 측에 넘기게 될 시나리오입니다‬and hand them over to China.
‪박 사장이 신고라도 하면‬ ‪바로 가라 티 날 텐데?‬If Mr. Park reports her to the police, they'll know it's a scam.
‪못 할 겁니다‬He won't be able to.
‪신고하는 순간‬Because the moment he does,
‪자신이 유미영을 통해 기술을 빼돌린‬ ‪장본인이 될 테니까‬he'll look like the one who stole the technologies through Yoo Mi-young.
‪어‬I see.
‪다음 스텝은?‬What's the next step?
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪기술 중국 측으로 넘어가‬As soon as they believe
‪가치가 땅에 떨어졌다고 믿는 순간‬that the technology has been sold to China
‪우리 측이 우회해서‬ ‪손을 내밀 생각입니다‬and their value has fallen, we'll reach out to them. Indirectly.
‪(석호)‬ ‪그 정도 사이즈는‬You'll probably get what you want if you just press him a little.
‪그냥 살짝 눌러만 줘도‬ ‪알아서 토해 낼 텐데‬You'll probably get what you want if you just press him a little.
‪굳이 먼 길 돌아가는 기획 아닌가?‬Why would you take a detour?
‪이 팀장 이거 후카시 기획 같은데‬Mr. Lee, this plan looks overcomplicated.
‪[피식 웃으며]‬ ‪그래‬Do you think so?
‪네가 작품을‬ ‪이해를 못 하고 있는 것 같은데?‬Then clearly, you don't understand how it works.
‪아니야, 아니야‬No.
‪우아해, 괜찮아‬It's elegant. It's good.
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪번번이 중국 산업 스파이 하나 못 막는‬ ‪무능한 정부 프레임에‬This frames the government as incompetent in stopping Chinese industrial espionage,
‪도산 위기 중소기업 손을 잡아 준‬ ‪대기업 미담 스토리까지‬plus we'll be helping a small company in crisis of bankruptcy.
‪기업 이미지 올리고 기술 빼 오고‬We improve the company image and steal their technology.
‪좋아, 진행해‬Good. Proceed with it.
‪알겠습니다‬Yes, sir.
‪다음 건은?‬Next.
‪(정환)‬ ‪그 밖의 거리가 될 만한 민간 동향은‬ ‪없었습니다‬There were no other civil matters that'd make a stir.
‪[안경을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪살인 청부가 한 건 있었네‬There was a request for a contract killing.
‪아, 단순 보험금을 노린‬ ‪치정 사건이었습니다‬The client wanted to kill someone for insurance money.
‪- 그래서?‬ ‪- (정환) 의뢰인이 경제적인 이유로‬And? The client withdrew halfway due to financial reasons.
‪중도 포기했습니다‬The client withdrew halfway due to financial reasons.
‪- 의뢰비?‬ ‪- (정환) 예‬-Because of the fee? -Yes.
‪생각했던 것보다‬ ‪꽤나 큰 액수였던 것 같습니다‬The fee was much higher than he'd expected.
‪죽이고 싶은데 돈이 없어 못 죽였다?‬He couldn't kill someone because he didn't have enough money.
‪서민 경제가 이렇게 어려운데‬ ‪정부는 뭐 하고 있는 거야‬Working class economy is in terrible shape. What's the government doing?
‪[입바람을 하 분다]‬
‪연결해 줘‬Help him out.
‪네?‬-Pardon? -Introduce him to a subcontractor.
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪하청 맡기라고‬-Pardon? -Introduce him to a subcontractor.
‪요즘 그런 거 하는 애들 많잖아‬ ‪배 타고 들어오는 후진 애들‬The cheap ones that get in by boat, they'd do the job.
‪돈 좋아하고 무식하고 어설프고‬They're ignorant, sloppy, and love money.
‪죽이고 잡히고 기사 뜨고‬They kill, get caught, and end up on the news.
‪'민생 경제 파탄, 서민의 아픔'‬"The collapse of the people's livelihood." "The common people's pain."
‪그렇게라도 세상에 알려 줘야지‬We should let the world know.
‪알겠습니다‬Yes, sir.
‪(정환)‬ ‪저…‬-Well… -What is it?
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪뭐?‬-Well… -What is it?
‪드릴 말씀이 있습니다‬-I have something to tell you. -Say it.
‪해 봐‬-I have something to tell you. -Say it.
‪우 팀장은 안 들어도 될 거 같은데‬Mr. Woo doesn't need to hear it.
‪(석호)‬ ‪뭐?‬-What? -Mr. Woo.
‪우 팀장‬-What? -Mr. Woo.
‪네‬Yes, sir.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪뭐야, 이게?‬What are these?
‪누구야, 이거?‬Who is this?
‪아무래도 김재욱 팀장인 것 같아서‬I believe it's Kim Jae-wook.
‪화재 킴?‬Arsonist Kim?
‪[재욱의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[재욱의 한숨]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪얼굴 형태는 조금 변하긴 했습니다만‬His face has changed a bit,
‪몸의 비율, 자세‬but the body proportion
‪제가 기억하는‬ ‪김재욱 팀장과 흡사합니다‬and posture are similar to Kim Jae-wook.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪[풀벌레 울음]‬SUMMER, 2007
‪어, 왔어?‬Hey, you came.
‪현장에 양복 입고 오고‬You came to the scene in a suit?
‪처음이지, 현장?‬Is this your first time?
‪[긴장한 숨을 내뱉으며]‬ ‪예‬Yes.
‪[못마땅한 신음]‬
‪(재욱)‬ ‪양아치 같은 새끼들이‬ ‪아무 데서나 술 처먹고‬These punks drink wherever they want.
‪[재욱의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬They don't even clean up.
‪치우지도 않고‬They don't even clean up.
‪화재 나기 딱 좋은 날에 말이야‬On a perfect day for a fire to start.
‪갑시다‬Let's go.
‪가자고, 작업 끝났으니까‬I said let's go. We're done here.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪아휴, 어디 크게 화재가 났나 보네‬Gosh, I guess there's a big fire somewhere.
‪- 왜?‬ ‪- (정환) 아, 아닙니다‬-What is it? -Oh, it's nothing.
‪고졸 출신이 대통령이 돼서 그런가‬ ‪자꾸 나라가 후져져‬Maybe it's because the president didn't finish college, but this country keeps getting worse.
‪(라디오 속 앵커)‬ ‪경기도 의리시 한 산에서‬ ‪원인을 알 수 없는 불이 나‬A fire broke out at a mountain in Euiri, Gyeonggi Province
‪인근 판탁사의‬ ‪휴대폰 공장으로까지 번지는‬due to unknown causes and the fire has spread
‪사고가 발생했습니다‬to a nearby phone factory.
‪소방 당국은 대응 1단계를 발령해‬Fire authorities followed protocol for Disaster Response Level 1 and are extinguishing the fire.
‪진화 작업에 나섰지만‬for Disaster Response Level 1 and are extinguishing the fire. However, the fire has yet to be contained.
‪불길은 쉽게 잡히지 않고 있습니다‬However, the fire has yet to be contained.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪다행히 현재까지는‬ ‪인명 피해는 없는 것으로…‬Thankfully, there has been no reported casualties for now--
‪공장이 목표였습니까?‬Was the factory our target?
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬Another trustworthy small business will bite the dust
‪견실한 중소기업 하나가‬ ‪또 휘청하겠구먼‬Another trustworthy small business will bite the dust
‪가뜩이나 경제도 안 좋은데‬during difficult times like now.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪아이, 그, 아무래도‬I think
‪하, 12월엔‬ ‪경제 대통령이 탄생하겠는데, 이거?‬a more competent president will be elected this December.
‪(정환)‬ ‪그리고 영어명 에드워드‬The name, "Edward," was an alias that Kim Jae-wook used.
‪김재욱 팀장이 사용하던 영어명‬ ‪맞습니다‬The name, "Edward," was an alias that Kim Jae-wook used.
‪그, '프리티 우먼'에서‬ ‪리처드 기어의 이름이 에드워드라‬Richard Gere's character in Pretty Woman was named Edward.
‪[헛기침]‬He claimed to have looked like Richard Gere.
‪자신이 리처드 기어 닮았다면서‬He claimed to have looked like Richard Gere.
‪그 이름 꽤나 좋아했었습니다‬He liked that name quite a bit.
‪사진 출처는?‬Where did you get these?
‪(복기)‬ ‪내가 꼭 찾아야 될 위인이 하나 있어서‬There is a person I must find.
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪의뢰한 여자‬Do a background check on your client first.
‪그 여자 프로필 먼저 알아내‬Do a background check on your client first.
‪화재 킴 진위 여부는 그다음, 알겠지?‬We'll find out if it's really Arsonist Kim after that. Got it?
‪- 예‬ ‪- (김 실장) 오케이‬Yes, sir.
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪사케 한잔할까, 간만에?‬We haven't had sake in a while. Shall we?
‪왜?‬-What is it? -I'll escort you, sir.
‪(정환)‬ ‪모시겠습니다‬-What is it? -I'll escort you, sir.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[김 실장이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪괜찮네‬It's good.
‪이런 맛집은 또 어떻게 섭외했어‬How did you find such a good restaurant?
‪- (김 실장) 데이트?‬ ‪- 아닙니다‬-Did you come here on a date? -No, sir.
‪(정환)‬ ‪가끔 로펌 쪽에서도 의뢰가 들어와서‬ ‪그 친구들하고 같이‬Some of my clients were from law firms, and I came here with them.
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪야, 때깔 이쁜 거 봐라‬Look at how pretty this dish is. I bet women love this place.
‪여자들 또 엄청 좋아하겠다‬Look at how pretty this dish is. I bet women love this place.
‪만나는 사람은 있어?‬Are you seeing anyone?
‪없지?‬No, right?
‪(정환)‬ ‪아니요, 있습니다‬Actually, I am, sir.
‪내 정보력 무시하는 거야?‬Are you underestimating what I know?
‪없어도 결혼은 해야 돼‬Still, you should get married.
‪알잖아‬You know
‪우리 일은 특히 모나면 안 된다는 거‬that in this line of work, we need to look normal.
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪평범하게 결혼해, 눈에 띄지 않게‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Get married like everyone else. Don't stand out.
‪위에서도 독고다이 안 좋아해‬The higher-ups aren't fond of bachelors either.
‪가정이 없다는 건 불안 요소거든‬Not having a family means being unstable.
‪화재 킴도 솔로로 맨 불만 지르다가‬Arsonist Kim was single throughout all those years,
‪결국 아웃된 거고‬then he was kicked out.
‪매칭 돌려 줘?‬Should I set you up?
‪(정환)‬ ‪아…‬
‪매칭 돌리기 전에 찾아‬Find yourself a woman before I do so.
‪그래도 결혼은 자유로 해야지‬You should at least pick your own wife.
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬
‪(혜원)‬ ‪뭐예요, 진짜‬Come on. You wanted to drink for the first time in months,
‪몇 달 만에 짠 하자더니 휙 바람?‬Come on. You wanted to drink for the first time in months, then you stood me up?
‪어쨌든 오늘은‬ ‪올 때까지 끝까지 기다릴 거임‬This time, I'm going to wait until you come.
‪돈 없어요, 유유‬I'm broke. Sad face.
‪빨리 오셔요‬Hurry up.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪[정환의 헛웃음]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪축하해‬Congratulations.
‪(혜원)‬ ‪어머, 미쳤어, 미쳤어, 미쳤어‬ ‪이 남자가‬Oh, my God! Are you crazy?
‪[말을 더듬으며]‬ ‪사, 사장님, 이거 아니에요‬Sir, this isn't what it looks like.
‪아니거든요, 이거는 제가 아니고‬No. It wasn't me…
‪소주예요, 소주라고요‬The soju! It was the soju!
‪나쁜 소주!‬ ‪[혜원이 가방을 탁 집는다]‬Darn soju!
‪[혜원이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬
‪[의자를 드르륵 뺀다]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪좋냐?‬Are you happy?
‪(윤석)‬ ‪어, 좋아, 베리 해피‬Yes, I am. I'm very happy.
‪근데 왜 안 따라가?‬-Then why are you still here? -What?
‪(윤석)‬ ‪어?‬-Then why are you still here? -What?
‪가 봐, 빨리‬Chase after her. Hurry.
‪어, 고마워, 형, 생큐, 생큐‬Thanks.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪근데 그거 좀 빼라‬Take that off. People may think you really work for a conglomerate.
‪누가 보면‬ ‪진짜 대기업 다니는 줄 알겠다‬Take that off. People may think you really work for a conglomerate.
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[보글보글 끓는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[탁탁 칼질 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪쭉 혼자 살았지?‬You've been living alone, right?
‪요리 좀 해?‬-Do you cook? -Well, not much.
‪(정환)‬ ‪그냥 뭐, 대충 밑반찬 몇 개 정도‬-Do you cook? -Well, not much. I can make a few side dishes.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪음…‬I see. What do you put in your kimchi stew?
‪김치찌개에는 뭐 넣어?‬I see. What do you put in your kimchi stew?
‪삼겹살, 아니면 목살?‬Pork belly or neck?
‪회?‬-Raw tuna? -No.
‪아니요‬-Raw tuna? -No.
‪아, 캔‬Oh, canned tuna.
‪그럼 이건 안 먹어 봤지?‬Have you tried this before?
‪살치살‬Chuck flap tail.
‪[재욱이 소고기를 탁탁 자른다]‬
‪[분위기 있는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[재욱이 시원한 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪(재욱)‬ ‪아, 장학생 출신이라‬Since you received a scholarship,
‪선택권 같은 건 없었겠지만‬I'm sure you had no choice.
‪혁신 비전실이 뭐 하는 곳인지‬ ‪알고는 있는 거지?‬But you do know what the Innovative Vision Room is, right?
‪네, 알고 있습니다‬Yes, I do.
‪어떻게?‬What is it? I know that it serves as a foundation
‪GK테크놀로지가 바른 곳으로 가기 위한‬I know that it serves as a foundation that'll help lead GK Technology down the right path.
‪밑거름이 되는 곳이라 알고 있습니다‬that'll help lead GK Technology down the right path.
‪그렇지‬That's right.
‪그럼 말이야‬ ‪[숟가락을 탁 내려놓는다]‬Then…
‪이 나라 주인은 누굴까?‬Who do you think owns this country?
‪(재욱)‬ ‪BH? 국회?‬BH? The National Assembly?
‪검찰? 사법부? 국정원?‬The prosecution? The judiciary? The NIS?
‪바로 우리 GK야‬It's us, GK.
‪그러니까 우리가 하는 일이 바로‬I'm saying what we do
‪이 나라가 올바른 길로 갈 수 있게‬ ‪서포트해 주는 일이라는 거지‬leads this country down the right path.
‪그렇다고 어깨에 너무 뽕 넣지 말고‬Don't become too cocky, though.
‪하던 대로 쭉‬ ‪겸손하게 가면 되는 거라고‬Just do what you've been doing and be humble.
‪학교에서 했던 것처럼 말이야‬Just like back in school.
‪나도 학생 때부터 시작했거든‬I was a student when I first started.
‪운동권 가입‬Joined activist groups,
‪리스트 작성 및 사찰, 조직 분열 조장‬made a list and inspected them, broke up organizations…
‪학내 분위기‬Influenced the students,
‪(정환)‬ ‪고위층 자녀 관찰 보고‬ ‪친보수 사상 전파‬observed high-ranking officials' children, and so on.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪찌개 어때?‬How was the stew?
‪와, 죽이네요‬It was amazing.
‪와인 한잔해야지‬We should have wine.
‪[재욱의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[재욱의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪소주가 좋겠다‬Let's have soju instead.
‪와인은 여자하고 마셔‬You should drink wine with women.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪(재욱)‬ ‪소주는 사 왔는데‬There's soju at home
‪[재욱이 술을 조르륵 따른다]‬
‪집에 소주잔이 없네‬but no soju glasses.
‪[술병을 탁 내려놓는다]‬but no soju glasses.
‪[재욱의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪집 좋지?‬Isn't this house nice?
‪예, 멋지네요‬Yes, it's incredible.
‪언제 이런 집에서‬ ‪한번 살아 보나, 나는‬When will I be able to live in a house like this one?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪아, 내 집인 줄 알았어?‬-Did you think this was my place? -Is it not?
‪아닌가요?‬-Did you think this was my place? -Is it not?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪누구 집일까?‬Whose house do you think this is?
‪UI건설 최 회장의 세컨드 하우스‬This is President Choi of UI Construction's second house.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪알지?‬You know him, right?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪일주일 전 자살한…‬Didn't he commit suicide a week ago?
‪정계, 검경, 사법부까지‬ ‪삼권이 두루두루‬He controlled politics, the prosecution, the police, and the judiciary.
‪최 회장 돈으로 밑 안 닦은 놈이 없어‬Every single one of them was on the take.
‪사실로 증명된 건은‬From what I know, there was no solid proof to prove anything.
‪단 한 건도 없는 걸로 알고 있습니다‬From what I know, there was no solid proof to prove anything.
‪당연하지‬Of course.
‪최 회장의 죽음으로‬ ‪모든 걸 덮었으니까‬They all got away with it because he died.
‪어떻게 생각해?‬What's your take on that?
‪최 회장, 정말 자살했다고 생각해?‬Do you really think he committed suicide?
‪발견 당시‬When he was found,
‪밑에 받침대로 쓸 만한 것이 없었어‬they couldn't find anything to stand on.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪그렇다는 건‬That means
‪저 위에서 목을 맨 채 그대로‬ ‪[삐그덕거리는 효과음]‬he had put the noose around his neck up there
‪점프!‬and then jumped.
‪근데 말이야‬But you know what? His neck was fine.
‪목이 멀쩡해‬But you know what? His neck was fine.
‪질식사야, 저기서 떨어졌는데‬He fell from up there, but he died from asphyxiation.
‪자살이 아니라는 겁니까?‬Are you saying it wasn't suicide then?
‪아휴, 새끼들‬Those bastards.
‪높은 데 매달았으면 목을 부러트리든가‬If they hung him up high, they should've broken his neck.
‪아니면 의자라도 하나 갖다 놓든가‬Or they should've set up a chair at least.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪어쨌든‬Anyway,
‪국과수에 있는‬ ‪시체 목을 부러트릴 순 없으니까‬since they couldn't go to the NFS and break his neck,
‪뒤늦게 현장에‬ ‪의자 하나를 갖다 놨는데‬they came back here to plant a chair.
‪멍청하게 결정적인 걸 놓쳤어‬But they foolishly overlooked something important.
‪목격자‬A witness.
‪살해 현장에 있었던‬Someone had witnessed
‪목격자‬the murder.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[탁탁 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[최 회장의 괴로운 신음]‬
‪[탁탁 소리가 난다]‬
‪[복기의 다급한 신음]‬
‪[문소리가 들린다]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[복기의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[복기가 웩웩거린다]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪그럼 목격자 진술이 결정적이겠네요‬Then the witness' testimony will settle everything.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪사라졌어, 목격자가‬the witness vanished into thin air.
‪[재욱이 손가락을 딱딱 튀긴다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪목격자가 했을 오바이트로 추정‬I believe this is where the witness vomited.
‪검경은 물론‬The prosecution, the police,
‪국정원, 몇몇 의원들‬the NIS, several politicians, and Civil Affairs…
‪거기에 민정실까지‬the NIS, several politicians, and Civil Affairs…
‪온 나라가 다 찾고 있어‬Everyone's looking for the witness.
‪- 그럼…‬ ‪- (재욱) 그렇지‬-Do you mean-- -That's right.
‪그러니까 누구보다 빨리‬ ‪우리가 먼저 찾아내야 된다는 거지‬We need to find her before anyone else does.
‪목격자가 누군지‬Do you know
‪알고 계시는 겁니까?‬who the witness is?
‪알지‬Of course.
‪이 집 주인이자 최 회장의 여자‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬She's the owner of this place and President Choi's mistress,
‪정윤경‬Jeong Yoon-kyung.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬DO NOT CROSS
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[달그락 소리가 들린다]‬PC GRAVEYARD
‪(정환)‬ ‪어떻게 됐어?‬-How did it go? -I lost her.
‪- 놓쳤어‬ ‪- (정환) 어디서?‬-How did it go? -I lost her. -Where? -At the Gaemi Mart intersection.
‪개미 슈퍼 삼거리에서‬-Where? -At the Gaemi Mart intersection.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪너 설마 지금 고 대리 얘기?‬Are you talking about Ms. Ko?
‪그럼 지금 누구 얘기?‬Then who else?
‪30년 만에 찾아온 기적인데‬This was my first miracle in 30 years.
‪[윤석을 툭툭 친다]‬
‪(윤석)‬ ‪근데 혜원 씨 축지법 같은 거 해?‬Is she an olympic runner or something?
‪뛰는데, 와, 아니, 못 쫓아가겠더라고‬I couldn't catch up with her.
‪완전 허공답보 수준, 카‬It was as if she was walking on air.
‪[기가 찬 웃음]‬She must've really not wanted to get caught.
‪잡히기 정말 싫었나 보다‬She must've really not wanted to get caught.
‪누구한테?‬By whom?
‪(윤석)‬ ‪혹시 사채 애들한테‬ ‪막 쫓기고 그러는 거야?‬Is she being chased by some loan sharks?
‪빚이 얼마인데?‬ ‪내가 어떻게 좀 해 줘야 되는 건가?‬How much does she owe? Does she need my help?
‪아, 결혼 전부터 돈거래는 그런데‬I shouldn't lend her any money before marriage.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪소피아 정, 어떻게 됐어?‬did you look into Sophia Chung?
‪[마우스 조작음]‬ ‪(윤석)‬ ‪전화는 대포 폰이고‬She was using a burner phone.
‪어, 명함에서 나온 지문으로‬ ‪찾아낸 정보‬I got this by tracking her fingerprints from her business card.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬ ‪정윤경, 2007년에 사망‬Jeong Yoon-kyung. Died in 2007.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(정환)‬ ‪뭐?‬-What? -She's dead.
‪사망했다고‬-What? -She's dead.
‪정윤경‬Jeong Yoon-kyung.
‪[대상의 한숨]‬
‪확실한 거야?‬Are you sure? Her body was completely swollen and bits of her were eaten by the fish.
‪(대상)‬ ‪퉁퉁 불은 데다 생선한테 다 뜯기고‬Her body was completely swollen and bits of her were eaten by the fish.
‪다행히 신분증이 나왔어‬But thankfully, we found her ID card.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪아휴, 안됐네‬What a shame. She was young and pretty.
‪젊고 예쁜데‬What a shame. She was young and pretty.
‪사고였을까요, 아니면…‬Do you think it was an accident or--
‪(재욱)‬ ‪아니면 뭐?‬Or what?
‪살해?‬-Murder? -Shouldn't we continue investigating?
‪조사를 계속‬ ‪이어 나가야 되지 않겠습니까?‬-Murder? -Shouldn't we continue investigating?
‪[재욱이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪왜 다들 뭐 때문에‬Why do you think everyone was
‪그 여자를 찾겠다고‬ ‪그렇게 난리들을 쳤을까?‬so bent on finding her?
‪진실을 밝혀내야죠‬We need to uncover the truth.
‪[재욱이 피식 웃는다]‬We need to uncover the truth.
‪세상에 진실이 어디 있어‬There's no such thing as the truth.
‪최 회장과 정윤경‬There are only the facts
‪둘 다 죽었다는 사실만 있는 거지‬that President Choi and Jeong Yoon-kyung are dead.
‪그럼 이런 사실을 만들기 위해‬Are you saying they've done all this to create these facts?
‪그 난리들을 쳤단 말입니까?‬Are you saying they've done all this to create these facts?
‪오호, 위험한 발언‬That's a dangerous thing to say.
‪잘못 해석하면‬ ‪살해당했다는 말처럼 들려‬You're making it sound like she was murdered.
‪- 제 말은…‬ ‪- (재욱) '디 엔드'‬What I meant was--
‪정윤경 죽음으로 끝났어, 이 사건‬This case has been closed with her death.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪씁, 보고서는‬I'll leave the report up to you.
‪이 대리가 작성해서 올려‬I'll leave the report up to you.
‪[재욱이 흥얼거린다]‬
‪[달력을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪자동차 리스, 금융 업체 좀 뚫어 봐‬Look into car lease finance companies.
‪(정환)‬ ‪에드워드 킴이나‬ ‪김재욱으로 리스된 차량 있는지 좀‬Find out if any of the cars were leased under Edward Kim or Kim Jae-wook.
‪형, 그거 다 해 봤잖아‬Jeong-hwan, we already looked into that.
‪공항, 선박‬ ‪뒤질 데 다 뒤져 봤잖아, 이미‬The airports, the ports… We've already combed through everywhere.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪김재욱‬ ‪누군지 몰라도 완전 국정원 수준‬Whoever this Kim Jae-wook is, he's as good as an NIS agent.
‪알았어, 알았으니까‬Okay. I got it.
‪들어와, 들어와서 공부 계속하자‬Come back here and let's keep looking.
‪아, 김재욱 과목 너무 힘든데‬It's so difficult to find information about him.
‪그리고 내가 지금 좀‬ ‪움직이기가 그래서‬And I can't really go right now.
‪어디인데?‬Where are you?
‪그것은 나의 사생활‬That's my privacy.
‪어디냐니까‬Tell me.
‪톱 시크릿‬
‪어디냐니까!‬I said, where are you?
‪어, 개, 개미 슈퍼에서 잠복 중‬I'm on a stakeout near Gaemi Mart.
‪개미 슈퍼에서는 왜?‬Why are you there?
‪곧‬Because she'll be passing by here soon.
‪이 앞을 지나갈 거거든‬Because she'll be passing by here soon.
‪너 설마…‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Don't tell me you're waiting for Ms. Ko.
‪고 대리 기다리는 거야?‬Don't tell me you're waiting for Ms. Ko.
‪(정환)‬ ‪어, 고 대리, 어, 어서 와‬Ms. Ko, come on in.
‪손에 그 봉지에 든 건 뭐야?‬ ‪설마 맥주?‬What's in that bag? Is it beer?
‪잘됐네, 나도 한잔하고 싶었는데‬That's great. I was craving some.
‪[통화 종료음]‬CHOI YOON-SEOK
‪[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪여, 여, 여보세요?‬Hello?
‪형, 형!‬Jeong-hwan! Damn it!
‪아이씨‬Jeong-hwan! Damn it!
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[윤석의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(윤석)‬ ‪혜연 씨!‬Hye-won!
‪[윤석의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪없다, 이 자식아, 없어‬She's not here, you bastard.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪아, 형! 그런 거 거짓말하면…‬She's not here, you bastard. Jeong-hwan, how could you lie?
‪[윤석의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[윤석이 토악질한다]‬
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬
‪(재욱)‬ ‪목격자가 했을 오바이트로 추정‬I believe this is where the witness vomited.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[윤석이 컥컥거린다]‬
‪[윤석의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬Clean up that mess.
‪너 그거 다 치워 놔‬Clean up that mess.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪아니…‬Wait.
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[안전띠를 달칵 채운다]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪어, 뭐?‬Yes, what is it?
‪[혜원의 머뭇거리는 신음]‬
‪빨리해, 바빠‬Hurry up. I'm in a rush. I was wondering if the misunderstanding had been cleared up.
‪아, 제 누명은 푸셨나 해서요‬I was wondering if the misunderstanding had been cleared up.
‪(혜원)‬ ‪아니, 제가 저번에 그, 삼겹살집에서‬ ‪너무 큰 누명을 쓴 것 같아서‬I mean, I think I created a huge misunderstanding at that pork belly restaurant.
‪고 대리‬Ms. Ko.
‪괜찮은 놈이야‬-He's a pretty decent guy. -Who is?
‪혹 누가요?‬-He's a pretty decent guy. -Who is?
‪아, 갔다 와서 얘기하자‬ ‪지금 바쁘니까‬Let's talk again when I return. I'm in a rush.
‪[혜원의 당황한 신음]‬Wait.
‪(혜원)‬ ‪사장님, 사…‬Sir!
‪[속상한 신음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[풀벌레 울음]‬NO ADMITTANCE TO OUTSIDERS
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[재욱이 부채로 다리를 탁 친다]‬
‪[그릇을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[나뭇가지가 우지끈 부러진다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[재욱이 휘파람을 휙 분다]‬
‪[민규의 한숨]‬Hey, who's going to make the call?
‪(민규)‬ ‪이거 누가 연락할 거야?‬Hey, who's going to make the call?
‪[옅은 헛기침]‬
‪야, 이거, 이거‬ ‪간단한 사고 아닐 수도 있어, 어?‬This accident may not be that simple, okay?
‪꼼꼼하게 들여다봐야 된다는 거지‬We need to be thorough.
‪아이, 누가 맡을 거야?‬Who's going to take charge?
‪아이, 새끼들이 참‬Gosh, these bastards.
‪아, 왜 날 봐요?‬Why are you looking at me?
‪(명현)‬ ‪아, 가위바위보 해요, 가위바위보‬ ‪어? 가위바위보‬Let's do rock-paper-scissors.
‪자, 자, 안 내면 진 거, 가위바위‬Ready-or-not, rock-paper-scissors.
‪(형사들)‬ ‪보!‬Ready-or-not, rock-paper-scissors.
‪[책상을 쾅 친다]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪네‬Yes?
‪아, 예, 저기‬I'm Detective Kim Myung-hyun from Seoul Metropolitan police agency.
‪문자 남겼던 서울 지방청 강력계‬ ‪김명현 형사입니다‬I'm Detective Kim Myung-hyun from Seoul Metropolitan police agency. -I texted you earlier. -And?
‪(주은)‬ ‪그런데요?‬-I texted you earlier. -And?
‪[경찰서가 소란스럽다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(여자)‬ ‪내가 언제 때렸다 그래?‬-When did I hit you? -Do you not remember?
‪(남자2)‬ ‪기억 안 나?‬-When did I hit you? -Do you not remember? Look at this bruise.
‪(여자)‬ ‪멍들었잖아, 봐 봐‬Look at this bruise.
‪- (남자2) 이 여자가 때렸어요‬ ‪- (여자) 내가 언제 때렸다 그래, 진짜‬-It doesn't look too bad. -She started it. -I never hit him. -You just said you did.
‪(수진)‬ ‪아니, 때리셨다면서요?‬-I never hit him. -You just said you did.
‪- (남자2) 내가 맞았어요, 내가‬ ‪- (여자) 아니, 맞은 사람이…‬-I'm the victim here. -Take a look, detective.
‪[경찰서가 소란스럽다]‬-I'm the victim here. -Take a look, detective.
‪(명현)‬ ‪어떻게‬Excuse me.
‪어떻게 오셨죠?‬How may I help you?
‪전화받고 왔는데요‬I received a call
‪김명현 형사님한테‬from Detective Kim Myung-hyun.
‪어? 제가 김명현인데‬That's me.
‪누구시죠?‬Who are you?
‪차주은입니다‬My name is Cha Joo-eun.
‪아, 네, 차주은 씨‬Oh, I see. Ms. Cha Joo-eun.
‪[한숨]‬Gosh, I didn't even win 5,000 won.
‪5천 원도 안 됐네‬Gosh, I didn't even win 5,000 won.
‪(경섭)‬ ‪혼인 신고 한 지‬ ‪한 달밖에 안 됐답니다‬She registered her marriage just a month ago.
‪(민규)‬ ‪갓 신혼인데‬She's still a newlywed.
‪카, 쓰다, 삶이라는 게‬Life is so cruel.
‪(수진)‬ ‪안됐네요, 정말‬What a pity.
‪(민규)‬ ‪갈까?‬Shall we go?
‪[명현의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[명현의 헛기침]‬
‪[명현의 머뭇거리는 신음]‬
‪(명현)‬ ‪바로 말씀드리겠습니다‬I'll be straightforward.
‪사고가 있었습니다, 열흘 전에‬There was an accident ten days ago.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬ ‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[자동차 엔진 가속음]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(명현)‬ ‪가드레일을 들이받고‬ ‪절벽에서 떨어졌는데‬The car crashed into the guard rail and plummeted down the cliff.
‪왜 그런 건지 아직 사고 원인, 이유‬ ‪밝혀내지 못했고요‬We have yet to find out the cause of the accident.
‪(명현)‬ ‪동승자 없이 운전자만‬ ‪차 안에서 사망했는데‬The driver was the only one in the car, and he passed away.
‪뭐, DNA고 뭐고 대조군이 없어서‬We couldn't find any DNA's to test,
‪운전자 신원을‬ ‪파악하지 못하고 있었습니다‬so we weren't able to identify him.
‪현장에서 십여 미터 떨어진 곳에서‬ ‪발견됐습니다‬we found this ten meters away from the scene.
‪사고 시 창밖으로 날아간 것으로‬ ‪판단하고 있고요‬We believe it was thrown out the window during the accident.
‪정환 씨인가요?‬Is this Jeong-hwan?
‪어, 신분증은 이정환 씨가 맞는데‬The ID card is his,
‪사체가 이정환 씨라고는‬but we have yet to confirm the body.
‪아직 확신할 순 없습니다‬but we have yet to confirm the body.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪정환 씨가 죽은 건가요?‬Are you telling me that Jeong-hwan's dead?
‪죽었냐고요‬Is he?
‪(명현)‬ ‪지금으로서는‬As of now,
‪그럴 가능성이 높습니다‬it's highly likely that he is.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪(명현)‬ ‪'차주은 씨는‬ ‪이정환 씨를 전혀 모르고 있다'‬You had no idea who he was.
‪이정환 씨는 차주은 씨에 대해서‬ ‪다 알고 있었습니까?‬Did Jeong-hwan know everything about you?
‪[복기의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪네가 정환 씨를 배우로 쓴 거야?‬ ‪나 마취시키려고?‬Did you hire Jeong-hwan as an actor so I'd let down my guard?
‪[혜원의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪뭐야, 비켜!‬Did you hire Jeong-hwan as an actor so I'd let down my guard?
‪(명현)‬ ‪조폭 새끼인가, 이거?‬Could he be a gangster?
‪(재욱)‬ ‪질문이 아니라 부탁을 해야지‬ ‪살려 달라고‬You should be asking me to spare your life, not questioning me.
‪(주은)‬ ‪아, 이거 왜 이래!‬-What are you doing? -Spy Lee…
‪스파이 리‬-What are you doing? -Spy Lee…
‪설마 죽인 거니?‬Did you kill him?
‪(주은)‬ ‪김재욱, 내가 먼저 만나 보지, 뭐‬Kim Jae-wook. I'll meet him first
‪옛 제자를 기억하고 있는지‬and ask if he remembers his student,
‪[웃음]‬and ask if he remembers his student,
‪(주은)‬ ‪정환 씨 너, 내가 끝까지 밝혀 줄게‬Jeong-hwan. I'll uncover the truth
‪네가 왜 그랬는지‬as to why you did it.
‪에드워드?‬as to why you did it. Edward.

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