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  신세계로부터 7

New World 7

[KOR-ENG Dual sub]

"넷째 날"‬
‪"다섯째 날"‬
‪(환) 7번입니다, 7번!‬Seven.
‪- (나래) 승기야, 승기야, 에이‬ ‪- (카이) 승기 형!‬Seven. -Seung-gi. -Seung-gi.
‪(희철) 야, 너‬ ‪[카이의 웃음]‬-Seung-gi. -Seung-gi. Hey.
‪(승기) 왜?‬Hey. -What? -Seung-gi, what is it?
‪- (카이) 형, 왜 그래, 형?‬ ‪- [웃으며] 왜, 왜?‬-What? -Seung-gi, what is it?
‪(승기) 일단 빨리 가서‬ ‪이 돈 환전하고‬I need to hurry over there and collect my winnings.
‪아, 오늘 너무 개운하게 잘 잤는데‬I slept so well last night,
‪아침에 일어나 보니까‬but I became anxious when I woke up in the morning.
‪너무 불안한 거예요‬but I became anxious when I woke up in the morning.
‪9억 냥이잖아요, 9억 냥‬The winnings is 900 million nyang.
‪그럼 내 거‬ ‪지금 2억 냥 가까이 있으니까‬The winnings is 900 million nyang. Since I have about 200 million nyang right now,
‪더하면 거의 11억 냥이야‬Since I have about 200 million nyang right now, the total will be about 1.1 billion nyang.
‪와, 이 정도면‬ ‪무조건 1등 아니면 2등인데‬the total will be about 1.1 billion nyang. Then I will either be in first place or second place.
‪- (은행원) 어서 오세요, 고객님‬ ‪- (승기) 대리님, 안녕하세요‬HE HAPPILY ENTERS MEGA BANK Welcome. -Hello, Ms. Cho. -Hello.
‪(은행원) 아, 네, 안녕하세요‬-Hello, Ms. Cho. -Hello.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪- (승기) 자‬ ‪- (은행원) 네‬-Hello, Ms. Cho. -Hello. -All right. Did you sleep well last night? -Welcome.
‪- 잘 주무셨죠?‬ ‪- (은행원) 어, 당연하죠‬-All right. Did you sleep well last night? -Welcome. Of course.
‪어떤 일로 오셨나요?‬-How may I help you? -I will be a VIP customer at this bank.
‪(승기) 이 은행의 VIP가 되는‬ ‪날입니다‬-How may I help you? -I will be a VIP customer at this bank.
‪(은행원) 아, 진짜요?‬Really? Did something happen?
‪어? 어떤 일로…‬Really? Did something happen?
‪복권, 메가 복권‬-I won the lottery. The Mega Lottery. -The lottery?
‪(은행원) 복권이요?‬-I won the lottery. The Mega Lottery. -The lottery?
‪그럼 제가 확인을 위해서‬Would you show me your lottery ticket for confirmation?
‪복권 용지 좀‬ ‪저희 보여 주시겠어요?‬Would you show me your lottery ticket for confirmation?
‪(승기) 자, 확인해 보세요‬Here you go.
‪(은행원) 오, 당첨되셨네요‬ ‪축하드립니다‬You won. Congratulations.
‪저희 이번 메가 복권 당첨금은‬ ‪총 9억 냥인데요‬The prize is 900 million nyang.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬I'm the only winner.
‪(은행원)‬No, you are not.
‪아니라고요?‬-I'm not? -There are two winners,
‪지금 두 분이 당첨되셔서‬-I'm not? -There are two winners,
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪4억 5천만 냥씩‬ ‪지급해 드리고 있어요‬so you will receive 450 million nyang each.
‪- 두 사람이라고요?‬ ‪- (은행원) 네‬-There are two winners? -Yes.
‪1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9를‬ ‪쓴 사람이 둘이라고요?‬ARE THERE 2 WINNERS? Two people who wrote one, three, five, six, seven, and nine?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪나 하나인데?‬I'm the only one.
‪(은행원) 누군진 말씀 못 드리고요‬ ‪두 분이세요‬I'm the only one. I can't tell you who, but there is another winner.
‪어? 알고 계시는 걸로 알고 있는데‬ ‪아닌가 봐요?‬I thought you knew. I must have been mistaken.
‪두 분이세요‬-There are two winners. -What?
‪뭐야, 연…‬ ‪[경쾌한 음악]‬-There are two winners. -What?
‪(화면 속 환) 마지막‬ ‪여섯 번째 번호는 바로‬-There are two winners. -What? LAST NIGHT
‪아, 둘이라고?‬There are two winners?
‪(은행원) 네, 두 분이세요‬-Yes. I guess you didn't know. -Who is the other one?
‪- (은행원) 모르셨나 봐요?‬ ‪- 누구지?‬-Yes. I guess you didn't know. -Who is the other one?
‪(승기) 지금 일단‬ ‪빨리 주세요, 돈을‬-Okay. Please give me my winnings. -Okay. Please wait.
‪(은행원) 알겠습니다, 잠시만요‬-Okay. Please give me my winnings. -Okay. Please wait.
‪(승기) 아, 그러면‬ ‪계획이 많이 틀어지는…‬-Okay. Please give me my winnings. -Okay. Please wait. That messes up my plan. I got it!
‪- 어, 왔다‬ ‪- (은행원) 왔나요?‬That messes up my plan. I got it! -Did you receive it? -Yes.
‪예‬-Did you receive it? -Yes.
‪아이씨, 내가 바라던 잔고보다는‬ ‪부족한데‬-Did you receive it? -Yes. I expected to see a bigger balance.
‪(은행원) 하지만‬ ‪너무 축하드립니다‬-Still, congratulations. -Thank you.
‪(승기) 감사합니다‬ ‪[은행원의 박수]‬-Still, congratulations. -Thank you.
‪(남자) [변조된 목소리로]‬ ‪아침부터 다들 요가하러 가셨구나?‬They must have gone to a yoga class.
‪어서 오세요, 고객님‬Welcome.
‪- (은행원) 어서 오세요, 고객님‬ ‪- (카이) 안녕하세요‬-Welcome. -Hello.
‪- (은행원) 무슨 일로 오셨나요?‬ ‪- 운이 너무 좋네요‬-Welcome. -Hello. -How may I help you? -I'm so lucky.
‪(은행원) 무슨 일이신데요?‬What happened?
‪제가 복권에 당첨됐습니다‬ ‪[은행원의 놀란 숨소리]‬I won the lottery.
‪- (은행원) 아, 정말요?‬ ‪- (카이) 예‬-Really? -Yes.
‪- (카이) 조용히, 조용히‬ ‪- (은행원) 네, 네‬-Really? -Yes. -Please keep it down. -Okay.
‪(화면 속 환) 7번입니다, 7번!‬LAST NIGHT
‪- (나래) 승기야, 승기야, 에이‬ ‪- (카이) 승기 형!‬LAST NIGHT EVERYONE'S EYES WERE ON SEUNG-GI
‪맞네요, 축하드립니다‬You really won. Congratulations.
‪- 네, 맞습니다‬ ‪- (은행원) 우와‬You really won. Congratulations. Thank you.
‪지금 두 분이 당첨되셔서‬Since there are two winners, you will receive 450 million nyang.
‪4억 5천만 냥씩‬ ‪지급해 드리고 있어요‬Since there are two winners, you will receive 450 million nyang.
‪[대답한다]‬ ‪(은행원) 잠시만요‬ ‪입금해 드릴게요‬Please wait. I'll wire you the money.
‪네, 지급 완료되었습니다‬The transfer has been made.
‪[카이의 탄성]‬ ‪혹시 갔나요?‬The transfer has been made. -Did you receive it? -Yes.
‪- 네, 들어왔습니다‬ ‪- (은행원) 와, 축하드립니다‬-Did you receive it? -Yes. -Congratulations. -Thank you.
‪(카이) 아유, 감사합니다‬-Congratulations. -Thank you.
‪또 올 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다‬-I hope I can come back here again. -I hope to see you again.
‪(은행원) 아, 네‬ ‪꼭 또 뵙길 바랍니다‬-I hope I can come back here again. -I hope to see you again.
‪- (카이) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (은행원) 네‬-Thank you. -All right.
‪(카이) 아, 처리할 거 처리했다‬I received the winnings.
‪(승기) 일단 그림자 상점 가서‬ ‪뭐 살지 한번 봐야 되겠다, 일단‬I will go to the Shadow Store and see what items are available.
‪- (승기) 아유, 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (상인) 어서 오세요‬-Welcome. -Hello.
‪마스터님‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Shadow Merchant.
‪(상인) 무엇을 도와드릴까요?‬HIS GREETING BECAME DIGNIFIED How may I help you?
‪요새 형편이 좀 나아져 가지고‬My financial situation has improved,
‪새로운 거 뭐 좀 없나 해 가지고‬ ‪좀 왔거든요‬so I came to see if there were any new items.
‪- (상인) 아, 축하드립니다‬ ‪- (승기) 네‬-Congratulations. -Thanks. Are there any good items?
‪(승기) 뭐 좀 괜찮은 거 없어요?‬-Congratulations. -Thanks. Are there any good items?
‪잠깐만‬Hold on. What is this?
‪뭐야, 이거‬Hold on. What is this?
‪이거 원래 있었어요?‬Was this here before?
‪(상인) 당신이 신세계에서‬ ‪즐겁게 생활하는 동안‬While you were enjoying your time in New World,
‪사용하지 않은 새 아이템이‬ ‪흘러 들어온 겁니다‬While you were enjoying your time in New World, new items found their way to the Shadow Store.
‪어?‬ ‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬What?
‪(승기) 뭐지?‬What? An item that randomly changes
‪'상위권 순위의 보유 자산과'‬What? An item that randomly changes
‪'하위권 순위의 보유 자산을‬ ‪랜덤으로 바꿀 수 있는 아이템'?‬What? An item that randomly changes a top ranker and a bottom ranker's balances.
‪(상인) 네, 운명의 주사위입니다‬Yes. It's the Dice of Destiny.
‪얼마예요?‬How much is it?
‪이 카드는‬-This card costs 300 million nyang. -Did you say 300 million nyang?
‪3억?‬-This card costs 300 million nyang. -Did you say 300 million nyang?
‪(승기) 잠깐만요, 잠깐만요‬Hold on.
‪한 방 노릴까?‬Should I aim for a big break?
‪아이씨, 완전 영끌인데?‬I will have to spend all of my money.
‪3억 냥?‬It's 300 million nyang.
‪와, 진짜 비싸네‬It's so expensive.
‪걸어 봅니다‬-I will take a chance. -Okay.
‪- (상인) 네‬ ‪- 결제해 주세요‬-I will take a chance. -Okay. I will make the payment.
‪(승기) 절반 줄었어‬ ‪예, 결제했어요‬The balance has been halved. I made the payment.
‪[승기의 한숨]‬The balance has been halved. I made the payment.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪(상인) 바로 준비해 드리도록‬ ‪하겠습니다‬I will prepare the item.
‪(승기) 어?‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪- (승기) 형, 뭐야?‬ ‪- (희철) 오, 승기야, 반갑다‬-Hee-chul. -Seung-gi, it's good to see you.
‪(승기) 아니, 형, 형‬Hee-chul, you can come in.
‪형 들어와도 되겠다‬ ‪들어와, 들어와‬Hee-chul, you can come in.
‪- (희철) 아, 왜, 왜? 나?‬ ‪- (승기) 들어와 봐, 들어와 봐‬-Come in. -Me?
‪(승기) 내가 여기 큰마음 먹고‬ ‪지금 진짜 센 거 하나 샀거든?‬I just bought a really expensive item.
‪- (희철) 진짜?‬ ‪- (승기) 형, 근데 이게…‬I just bought a really expensive item. -Really? -Hee-chul, it's a new item.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬ ‪(승기) 새로운 뉴 아이템이야‬-Really? -Hee-chul, it's a new item.
‪상위권 보유 자산과‬ ‪하위권 보유 자산의‬It randomly changes the balances of a top ranker and a bottom ranker.
‪그걸 랜덤으로‬ ‪바꿔 줄 수 있는 거야‬the balances of a top ranker and a bottom ranker.
‪오, 오, 제발!‬Please, please use it.
‪[승기의 웃음]‬ ‪오, 제발!‬Please, please use it.
‪(승기) 형, 왜, 왜‬ ‪[희철이 흐느낀다]‬Please, please use it. HEE-CHUL IS DESPERATE -What? -Seung-gi, my god.
‪- (희철) 승기 신이여‬ ‪- (승기) 왜, 왜, 왜, 왜‬-What? -Seung-gi, my god.
‪(희철) 오, 제발‬-What? -Seung-gi, my god. Please. Seung-gi, my god.
‪승기 신이여‬Please. Seung-gi, my god.
‪(승기) 형, 형‬ ‪일단 기다려 봐, 내가‬Please. Seung-gi, my god. Hee-chul, wait a second.
‪- (희철) 알았어‬ ‪- 아, 효능을 듣고‬Hee-chul, wait a second. -Okay. -Let's hear the explanation.
‪- (희철) 알았어, 알았어‬ ‪- (상인) 자, 그럼‬-Okay. -Let's hear the explanation. -Okay. -All right.
‪(상인) 운명의 주사위에 대한‬ ‪설명을 드리도록 하겠습니다‬Now, I will explain to you how the Dice of Destiny works.
‪[희철의 탄성]‬ ‪(승기) 예‬Now, I will explain to you how the Dice of Destiny works. Okay.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬ ‪(상인) 당신이‬ ‪그 주사위를 굴렸을 때‬You roll a die when you use the item,
‪나오는 숫자에 해당되는 주민과‬You roll a die when you use the item, and the balance of the resident whose rank corresponds with the number you get
‪당신의 재산을‬ ‪맞교환할 수 있습니다‬and the balance of the resident whose rank corresponds with the number you get will be switched with your balance.
‪다만 당신보다 자산이 적은‬ ‪주민이 나왔을 때도‬DICE OF DESTINY However, the same rule applies even if the resident's rank is lower than yours.
‪맞교환할 수 있습니다‬even if the resident's rank is lower than yours.
‪난 상관없어!‬That doesn't matter to me!
‪(상인) 그러므로‬ ‪신중하게 고민하고‬Thus, think carefully
‪주사위를 굴려 주셔야 합니다‬Thus, think carefully before you use the item.
‪그리고‬before you use the item. And for your information, two of these items arrived at the store.
‪이 아이템은‬And for your information, two of these items arrived at the store.
‪2개가 저희 상점에 도착했습니다‬ ‪[신비로운 음악]‬And for your information, two of these items arrived at the store. 2 DICE AND 2 FATES
‪[승기의 탄성]‬2 DICE AND 2 FATES
‪이거 완전 형한테 필요한 거네‬This is an item you need.
‪- 완전이요, 완전이요‬ ‪- (승기) 형은 형 밑이 없잖아‬-Totally. -You are at rock bottom.
‪(승기) 그냥 아무거나 굴려도‬ ‪형은 이득이잖아‬-Totally. -Any number will benefit you.
‪- '밑이 없잖아'?‬ ‪- (승기) 형, 밑이 없잖아‬-"Rock bottom"? -Yes.
‪정확하십니다!‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬You are absolutely correct.
‪(승기) 그러면 얼마 있는데?‬How much do you have? HEE-CHUL'S BALANCE: 154,500,000 NYANG
‪[승기의 탄식]‬ ‪(희철) 그러면은 네가‬HEE-CHUL'S BALANCE: 154,500,000 NYANG In that case, lend me 200 million nyang.
‪2억 냥만 빌려줘‬In that case, lend me 200 million nyang.
‪저에게 빌려주시면은‬If you lend me that money,
‪이게 만약에‬ ‪누구랑이라도 바뀌잖아요?‬If you lend me that money, I will change my balance with someone else's
‪그러면 이 가격 쳐드리고‬ ‪반 쳐드립니다‬I will change my balance with someone else's and give you what I borrowed as well as half of the changed balance.
‪난 뭘 해도 이득이라서‬It will benefit me either way.
‪형, 그럼 뭐, 담보‬Then what will be the collateral? There should be one.
‪- (승기) 담보가 있어야지‬ ‪- (희철) 담보?‬Then what will be the collateral? There should be one. -Collateral? -How about Chul-borghini?
‪(승기) 저 철보르니기‬-Collateral? -How about Chul-borghini?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪- (희철) 오케이, 철보르니기‬ ‪- (승기) 철보르기니‬-Okay. Chul-borghini. -Chul-borghini.
‪(희철) 진짜야, 철보르기니가‬ ‪어, 담보‬-It will be Chul-borghini. -Collateral.
‪철보르기니가 아니라‬ ‪담보르기니야‬Let's call it Colla-borghini now.
‪(승기) 담보르기니‬Let's call it Colla-borghini now. Colla-borghini.
‪(희철) 지금…‬ ‪[승기의 박수]‬Colla-borghini. That's right.
‪오, 왔어, 왔어‬ ‪[승기의 웃음]‬I received the money. -I have no money now. -Gosh, I want to keep the money as it is.
‪오, 나 그냥 이대로‬-I have no money now. -Gosh, I want to keep the money as it is.
‪저거 안 사고‬ ‪그냥 이대로 간직하고 싶어‬-I have no money now. -Gosh, I want to keep the money as it is.
‪[희철이 말한다]‬ ‪(승기) 아, 진짜‬-I got it. -Really?
‪(상인) 감사합니다‬ ‪처음으로 큰 걸 사 주셔서‬Thank you for your first big purchase.
‪[승기의 웃음]‬Thank you for your first big purchase.
‪(희철과 승기) 감사합니다‬-Thank you. -Thank you.
‪- (상인) 안녕히 가십시오‬ ‪- (희철) 네‬-Bye. -Okay.
‪저, 좀 조심조심 몰아 주세요‬ ‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬Please drive it gently.
‪(승기) 오, 잘 나가네‬-It drives nicely. -Of course.
‪아이, 그럼‬-It drives nicely. -Of course.
‪(희철) 세차 싹 했는데‬-It drives nicely. -Of course. I cleaned it thoroughly.
‪아니, 이제 그리고 길이 잘 들었어‬ ‪하도 타 가지고‬ ‪[희철이 호응한다]‬I cleaned it thoroughly. -It's been broken in. -Yes.
‪- (승기) 형, 갈게요‬ ‪- 가‬-I'm going now. -Okay.
‪- (희철) 철보르기니‬ ‪- (지원) 너 되게 있어 보인다‬WHEN I HAD NOTHING, CHUL-BORGHINI WAS MY EVERYTHING
‪(승기) 있는 거 차 하나야‬WHEN I HAD NOTHING, CHUL-BORGHINI WAS MY EVERYTHING Advance payment! One million nyang each…
‪(희철) 선결제, 아!‬Advance payment! One million nyang each…
‪백만 냥씩 주시면 바로 출동합니다‬Advance payment! One million nyang each… I'm on my way.
‪(희철) 돈 없어도, 집 없어도‬ ‪붕붕이만 있으면 행복해요‬Even if I have no money or a house, Chul-borghini makes me happy.
‪씨, 5천만 냥 남겨 놨는데‬I have 50 million nyang left.
‪(희철) 나 랜덤 박스‬ ‪너무 하고 싶은데?‬I want to buy the Random Box.
‪(희철) 도박은‬ ‪신세계에서만 해야지‬I will gamble in New World only.
‪(보아) 아, 유토피아에‬ ‪청소기가 한 대가 없어 가지고‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬They call it a utopia but I don't even have a vacuum cleaner of my own.
‪[보아의 한숨]‬
‪청소기 때문에 앞자리가 바뀌었어‬The vacuum cleaner changed the first digit of my balance.
‪(보아) [놀라며] 어머, 어머‬UNLUCKY ENERGY CLOUDS THE HOUSE My goodness. What was that, a crow?
‪방금 뭐예요? 까마귀죠?‬My goodness. What was that, a crow?
‪아침부터 까마귀가 오빠 집을‬ ‪습격했어‬A crow attacked Hee-chul's house in the morning.
‪[까마귀 울음]‬IT'S UNUSUAL
‪(희철) 제발‬Please.
‪[희철의 한숨]‬Please.
‪어?‬HEE-CHUL IS DRAWING A RANDOM ITEM What? What's the Telescope?
‪망원경이 뭐예요?‬What? What's the Telescope?
‪원하는 곳의 위치를 볼 수 있는‬ ‪망원경입니다‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬The Telescope allows you to see a location of your choice.
‪(희철) 이게 뭔 소용이에요, 지금?‬That doesn't sound very useful.
‪이거…‬That doesn't sound very useful.
‪언젠가는‬ ‪유용하게 쓸 수 있는 물건이니‬The item will come in handy someday,
‪잘 간직하시기 바랍니다‬The item will come in handy someday, so hold onto it.
‪(희철) '언젠가는'이요?‬"Someday"?
‪[단말기 알림 효과음]‬ ‪어? 공지 떴다‬It's an announcement.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬"Today at 10 a.m…"
‪트윈트리 카페?‬"Twin Tree Cafe"?
‪"넷플릭스 시리즈"‬
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪- (카이) 어, 누나, 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (보아) 오셨어요‬-Welcome. Good morning. -Hello.
‪- (지원) 안녕‬ ‪- 안녕히 주무셨어요‬-Welcome. Good morning. -Hello.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(카이) 어, 형‬Hee-chul.
‪(보아) 안녕히 주무셨어요‬Good morning.
‪(지원) 야, 거지 온다, 거지‬ ‪[카이의 웃음]‬Here comes the beggar.
‪오빠, 옷도 못 갈아입었어요?‬Didn't you get the chance to change?
‪(희철) 말 걸지 마‬ ‪[보아의 웃음]‬Don't talk to me.
‪[카트 경적음]‬
‪- (보아) 어? 뭐야?‬ ‪- (승기) 아이고‬-What? -What?
‪- (나래) 뭐야?‬ ‪- (카이) 아니, 형‬-What? -What?
‪- (승기) 반갑습니다‬ ‪- (보아) 안녕히 주무셨어요‬-Hello. -Good morning.
‪- (지원) 야‬ ‪- (나래) 아유, 안녕하세요‬-Hey. -Hello.
‪- (승기) 아이고‬ ‪- (나래) 차 팔았어, 오빠?‬-Hey. -Hello. -Did you sell the cart? -Where is the ribbon?
‪- (승기) 아유‬ ‪- (희철) 야, 내 리본 어쨌어?‬-Did you sell the cart? -Where is the ribbon?
‪(승기) 무슨 소리야, 내 차인데‬ ‪승카인데‬What are you saying? It's my car. It's Seung-Car.
‪- (나래) 어? 팔았어?‬ ‪- (보아) 언제?‬ ‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬-Did you sell it? -When?
‪- 야, 차 팔았어?‬ ‪- (카이) 진짜로?‬-Did you sell it? -Really?
‪- (희철) 내 리본도 뺐어?‬ ‪- (승기) 야, 나는 차가 있으니까‬-Did you sell it? -Really? -You took off my ribbon. -Having a car gives me so much free time.
‪(승기) 너무, 너무 여유가 있다‬-You took off my ribbon. -Having a car gives me so much free time.
‪(지원) 아니, 승기한테‬ ‪차를 왜 맡기고‬Why did you borrow money with the cart as collateral?
‪왜 돈을 당겼는데?‬Why did you borrow money with the cart as collateral?
‪돈이 없으니까!‬-I had no money! -Why did you need money?
‪(지원) 뭐 하려고 돈이…‬-I had no money! -Why did you need money?
‪- (희철) 돈이 없으니까!‬ ‪- (승기) 아이고‬I had no money!
‪밥 먹을 돈도 없으니까!‬I had no money for food.
‪아, 나 소름 돋는 거 있어요‬Something chilling happened. I was taking a stroll
‪저 오늘 여기서 산책하는데‬Something chilling happened. I was taking a stroll
‪(보아) 희철 오빠 집에서‬ ‪까마귀가 엄청 날아다니는 거예요‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬when I saw a crow fly around Hee-chul's house.
‪그래서 보고 있는데‬ ‪갑자기 까마귀가‬As I was looking at it, it hit one of the garden lights.
‪[까마귀 울음]‬ ‪오빠 집에 있는 그 조명을‬ ‪치고 가고‬As I was looking at it, it hit one of the garden lights.
‪진짜로?‬-Are you serious? -Yes. I picked it up for you
‪(보아) 예, 그래서 제가 조명‬ ‪다시 올려놓고 문 닫고 왔거든요‬-Are you serious? -Yes. I picked it up for you and closed the door.
‪문도 열려 가지고‬and closed the door. -Are you serious? -Really?
‪(나래와 보아)‬ ‪- 아니, 뭐야, 진짜야, 뭐야?‬ ‪- 그냥 진짜 리얼로‬-Are you serious? -Really? It really happened.
‪그거 까마귀 아이템 아니야?‬Maybe it was a crow item.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪- (지원) 내가 썼어‬ ‪- (나래) 누가 아이템 쓴 거야?‬-I used it. -Someone used an item.
‪- 내가 썼어‬ ‪- (나래) 아이템 쓰면 어떡해?‬-I used it. -Someone used an item. -It was me. -Come on.
‪(희철) 까마귀 얘기도 하지 마‬-It was me. -Come on. Don't talk about crows. I failed because of crows.
‪까마귀 때문에‬ ‪여신의 언덕 망했으니까‬Don't talk about crows. I failed because of crows.
‪- (나래) [웃으며] 맞아‬ ‪- (승기) 아니, 저 우리…‬That's right.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[까마귀 울음]‬
‪까마귀 소리 나‬The crows are cawing. LOSS
‪[홀로 음성] 6위는 김희철 씨‬LOSS In sixth place is Kim Hee-chul.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬In sixth place is Kim Hee-chul. LAST PLACE
‪(나래) 춘삼이 형‬Beggar Kim.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬
‪(직원1) 아, 돈 있으세요?‬THOSE OF YOU WHO LAUGHED AT ME…
‪(태호) 돈 있으세요?‬-Do you have money? -Everyone, get lost!
‪(희철) 야, 야, 다 꺼져‬-Do you have money? -Everyone, get lost!
‪[웅장한 음악]‬ ‪야, 인어야, 진주 왔다!‬I WILL SHOW YOU THE NEW ME
‪(승기) 야, 희철이 형‬ ‪오늘따라 멋있어 보인다‬Hee-chul looks cool today.
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬
‪비빔밥! 햄버거!‬FOLLOW ME!
‪(카이) 형이 에이스야‬ ‪형이 에이스!‬-You are the ace. -I'm smart!
‪(희철) 나는 똑똑하다!‬ ‪[희철의 목소리가 울린다]‬-You are the ace. -I'm smart! BEGGAR KIM'S LUCKY DAY COMING SOON
‪- (나래) 어이구, 나오네, 나오네‬ ‪- (카이) 밥부터 먹죠‬-Here comes the food. -Let's eat.
‪(나래) 밥 먹을 땐‬ ‪우리 일 얘기 하지 맙시다, 그래요‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬-Here comes the food. -Let's eat. Let's not talk about money when we are eating.
‪[승기의 탄성]‬ ‪아이고, 그릇 크다‬Let's not talk about money when we are eating. The bowls are big.
‪- (지원) 모밀국수구나!‬ ‪- (카이) 아, 좋다‬ ‪[침을 꿀꺽 삼키는 효과음]‬-Buckwheat noodles. -Nice.
‪냉모밀!‬Cold buckwheat noodles.
‪(승기) 아니, 우리 셰프님은‬ ‪뭐 못 하는 게 없네?‬-There is nothing the chef can't make. -He is so talented.
‪(나래) 너무 잘하셔‬-There is nothing the chef can't make. -He is so talented.
‪- (승기) 잘 먹겠습니다‬ ‪- (희철) 잘 먹겠습니다, 무 넣고‬-Thank you for the food. -Thank you.
‪(나래) 너무 잘 나와‬ ‪너무 잘 나와, 너무 행복해‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬It's a hearty meal. I'm so happy.
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬
‪[지원의 탄성]‬ ‪(나래) 야, 미쳤다‬This is insane.
‪- (나래) 롤도 맛있어‬ ‪- (카이) 맛있어요?‬-The rolls are tasty too. -Is it tasty?
‪[나래의 탄성]‬I APPROVE
‪(승기) 야, 이런 뷰에서‬ ‪이렇게 먹으니까 진짜 대박이다‬I APPROVE It's amazing to be enjoying food with an incredible view.
‪(카이) 계산할까요, 그러면‬THEY ENJOY A TASTY MEAL UNDER THE COOL BREEZE -Shall I pay then? -Go ahead and pay.
‪(승기) 계산 한번 하죠‬-Shall I pay then? -Go ahead and pay.
‪(카이) 그럼 제가 누구누구‬ ‪사 주는 거예요?‬Who am I paying for?
‪(승기와 나래)‬ ‪- 나래 누나가 지원이 형 사 준대‬ ‪- 오케이, 오케이‬-Na-rae, pay for Ji-won. -Okay.
‪(카이) 그래요, 그래요‬ ‪그럼 제가 희철이 형이랑 승기 형‬I will pay for Hee-chul and Seung-gi.
‪(희철) 어? 홀로 켜졌다‬BO-AH'S BREAKFAST MINUS TEN MILLION NYANG -Holo turned on. -Holo.
‪(승기) 홀로‬ ‪[신비로운 음악]‬-Holo turned on. -Holo.
‪[홀로 음성] 안녕하십니까‬ ‪신세계 주민 여러분‬-Hello, residents of New World. -Hello.
‪[승기가 호응한다]‬ ‪(희철) 홀로 어제 과음했나 본데?‬-Hello, residents of New World. -Hello. -I think Holo drank yesterday. -It's your fifth day in New World.
‪[홀로 음성] 신세계에서의‬ ‪다섯 번째 날이 밝았습니다‬-I think Holo drank yesterday. -It's your fifth day in New World.
‪[나래의 탄성]‬ ‪(카이) 벌써 다섯 번째야?‬Is it the fifth day already?
‪[홀로 음성] 오늘은 신세계의‬ ‪유일한 기념일이자‬Today is New World's only anniversary
‪가장 신비로운 날인‬Today is New World's only anniversary and the most mysterious day,
‪인어의 날입니다‬Mermaid's Day.
‪여기에 인어가 살았었어요, 옛날에‬-A mermaid lived here. -What?
‪- (승기) 인어의 날?‬ ‪- 인어의 날이 뭐예요?‬-A mermaid lived here. -What? What's Mermaid's Day?
‪[홀로 음성] 현재‬ ‪이곳에 머물고 있는 여러분은‬What's Mermaid's Day? You, the residents,
‪오늘 하루 인어의 흔적을‬ ‪경험하시게 될 겁니다‬You, the residents, will come across the traces of the mermaid today.
‪(카이) 인어의 흔적을 찾나 보다‬will come across the traces of the mermaid today. I guess we will look for them.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬ ‪[홀로 음성] 신세계 곳곳에‬ ‪깃들어 있는‬If you follow the mermaid's traces that are scattered around the island,
‪인어의 흔적을 찾아가다 보면은‬If you follow the mermaid's traces that are scattered around the island,
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪'인어의 눈물'이라고 불리는‬you will be able to obtain
‪귀중한 진주를‬ ‪얻으실 수 있을 겁니다‬you will be able to obtain precious pearls that are called the Mermaid's Tears.
‪해당 진주는 개당‬Each pearl is valued at 300 million nyang.
‪3억 냥의 가치를 지니고요‬ ‪[희철의 비명]‬Each pearl is valued at 300 million nyang.
‪[홀로 음성] 총 6개가 존재합니다‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 숨소리]‬There are six pearls in total.
‪[희철의 탄성]‬ ‪- (승기) 18억 냥‬ ‪- [홀로 음성] 즉‬-That's 1.8 billion nyang. -It will be a big break.
‪진짜 한 방‬-That's 1.8 billion nyang. -It will be a big break.
‪[홀로 음성] 또한 이것은‬Also, you can sell these pearls
‪그림자 상점에서‬ ‪매도가 가능합니다‬Also, you can sell these pearls at the Shadow Store.
‪하지만 이 진주는‬However, only those who qualify
‪인어의 후예 자격을‬ ‪갖춘 자만이 얻을 수 있을 겁니다‬as the mermaid's descendants can obtain these pearls.
‪(나래) 후예의 자격?‬-The mermaid's descendants? -You need to carry her blood.
‪인어의 피가 섞여 있어야 돼‬ ‪지금 자기 몸 안에‬-The mermaid's descendants? -You need to carry her blood.
‪아니, 그래서, 그래서?‬Please go on.
‪[홀로 음성] 인어의 후예가 되려면‬To be a mermaid's descendant,
‪총 3가지 관문을 통과해야 합니다‬To be a mermaid's descendant, you need to complete three tasks.
‪- (카이) 오, 3개?‬ ‪- (나래) 와, 3개나 돼?‬ ‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬-Three tasks. -That's a lot.
‪[홀로 음성] 여러분 모두가‬ ‪그 관문을 같이 맞이하시게 되어‬You will work on the tasks together.
‪- 아, 선착순이 아니구나‬ ‪- (승기) 오늘 팀전인가 보다‬-It's not first-come, first-served. -We must be a team.
‪(지원) 팀전인데 어떻게…‬-It's not first-come, first-served. -We must be a team. -A team. -However, if you fail
‪[홀로 음성] 그런데 각 관문에서‬ ‪정해진 기준 안으로‬-A team. -However, if you fail to complete the task per set criteria,
‪통과하지 못할 경우에는‬to complete the task per set criteria,
‪해당 단계에서‬ ‪주민들 중 한 사람을‬you must choose one resident
‪여러분의 선택으로‬ ‪반드시 탈락시켜야 됩니다‬to be eliminated.
‪(희철) 야, 나 시킬 거지?‬to be eliminated. You will eliminate me, right?
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪(나래) 아유, 오빠, 자격지심이야‬You will eliminate me, right? -You are paranoid. We won't. -You're paranoid.
‪- (나래) 아니야, 아니야‬ ‪- (보아) 자격지심‬-You are paranoid. We won't. -You're paranoid.
‪나냐?‬Will it be me?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(나래) 근데 우리가‬ ‪게임을 안 지면 되는 거 아니야‬Will it be me? -We will be fine if we don't lose. -That's right.
‪(카이) 쯧, 그럼요‬-We will be fine if we don't lose. -That's right.
‪[홀로 음성] 자, 인어의 눈물‬ ‪앞으로 모여서‬WILL ALL OF THEM BE ABLE TO ADVANCE? Please gather in front of the Mermaid's Tears
‪인어의 흔적을 찾으시기 바랍니다‬and find the mermaid's traces.
‪- (승기) 일단 같이 가죠‬ ‪- (나래) 아, 날씨 좋다‬-The weather is nice. -Let's go together.
‪(카이) 아이‬ ‪다 같이 하는 게임이에요‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-The weather is nice. -Let's go together. -Let's go together. -That's right.
‪(나래) 그래‬ ‪아니, 왜 이렇게 그래‬-Let's go together. -That's right.
‪- (희철) 어, 나도…‬ ‪- (카이) 형, 오늘‬-I… -Hee-chul, you look intense.
‪- (나래) 오빠, 옷 갈아입었네‬ ‪- (카이) 강렬한데?‬-I… -Hee-chul, you look intense. -You changed. -I wore this outfit to show my passion.
‪(희철) 오늘 좀 나의 정열을‬ ‪표현하기 위해서‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬-You changed. -I wore this outfit to show my passion.
‪(승기) 야, 불장 상승 올라가느냐‬You will either rise to the top or burn and perish.
‪불타서 사라지느냐‬ ‪둘 중의 하나인 거야‬You will either rise to the top or burn and perish. -It could also represent bloody tears. -Do you have one in every color?
‪(나래) 아니면‬ ‪이게 피눈물이 될 수도 있고‬-It could also represent bloody tears. -Do you have one in every color?
‪(카이) 형, 근데‬ ‪이거 종류별로 다 있어요?‬-It could also represent bloody tears. -Do you have one in every color?
‪- (희철) 그럼‬ ‪- (나래) 아이고‬ ‪[승기의 웃음]‬Of course.
‪(희철) 야, 너희 어디 가냐?‬Of course. Where are you guys going?
‪- (나래) 왜?‬ ‪- (카이와 승기) 인어의 눈물‬-What? -The Mermaid's Tears.
‪(희철) 야, 야‬-Gosh. -Didn't you know?
‪- (카이) 형, 몰라요?‬ ‪- (나래) 아이‬-Gosh. -Didn't you know? What would you guys have done without me?
‪(희철) 야, 오늘 다들 나 없었으면‬ ‪어쩔 뻔했어?‬What would you guys have done without me?
‪- (카이) 왜요?‬ ‪- (승기) 여기 아니야?‬What would you guys have done without me? -Isn't this the way? -This isn't the way.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(희철) 인어의 눈물 여기 아니야‬-Isn't this the way? -This isn't the way.
‪- (카이) 그럼요?‬ ‪- (나래) 어?‬-Isn't this the way? -This isn't the way. -No? -Then where is it?
‪- (지원) 어디인데?‬ ‪- (나래) 저기잖아‬ ‪[승기가 호응한다]‬-No? -Then where is it? -It's over there. -It's over there.
‪(직원2) 이 광장에서‬ ‪가장 으뜸인 동상이‬TOURING NEW WORLD
‪여기 있는 이 인어 동상이에요‬It's the Mermaid Statue.
‪옛날옛날에 신세계섬 안에서‬ ‪인어가 살았었다고 해요‬It's the Mermaid Statue. THE MERMAID STATUE IS THE BEST ONE IN VENUS SQUARE
‪[보아의 놀란 숨소리]‬-Isn't that it? -It's so cool.
‪- (희철) 인어?‬ ‪- (나래) 멋있다‬-Isn't that it? -It's so cool.
‪(희철) 그러니까‬-Isn't that it? -It's so cool. EVERYONE SAW THE LOCATION OF THE MERMAID STATUE
‪(희철) 아이, 아니죠‬It isn't over there.
‪(지원) 그럼 넌 글로 가‬ ‪우린 일로 갈게‬Then you can go alone.
‪모두가 '예스'라고 할 때‬ ‪'노'라고 할 수 있는 사람이‬I'm someone who can say no when everyone else says yes.
‪그게 나야‬I'm someone who can say no when everyone else says yes.
‪(카이) [웃으며] 그래서 형이‬ ‪이렇게 된 거 아니야?‬ ‪[나래가 호응한다]‬I'm someone who can say no when everyone else says yes. -That's why you ended up this way. -Right.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(희철) 내 말 믿어 봐‬-Trust me. -Lead the way then.
‪(카이와 승기)‬ ‪- 일단 가 봐요‬ ‪- 일단 형 쪽으로 한번 가 볼게‬-Trust me. -Lead the way then. -We will follow you. -Really?
‪- (카이) 어디쯤이에요, 어디쯤?‬ ‪- (지원) 어디인데?‬-We will follow you. -Really? -Where is it? -Where is it?
‪(카이) 그건 말해 줄 수 있잖아요‬-Where is it? -Where is it? -You can tell us. -Let's trust Hee-chul.
‪(승기) 그래, 희철이 형‬ ‪한번 믿어 주자‬-You can tell us. -Let's trust Hee-chul.
‪- (카이) 그래‬ ‪- (나래) 보아야‬-Okay. -Bo-ah.
‪- (희철) 만약에 내가 틀리면‬ ‪- (지원) 어‬-If I'm wrong… -Go on.
‪(희철) 승기 재산‬ ‪다 형한테 줄게요‬-If I'm wrong… -Go on. …you can have Seung-gi's balance.
‪(지원) 그래, 그러면 콜‬ ‪[보아의 웃음]‬Okay. We have a deal.
‪(희철) 난 돈이 없잖아‬I have no money.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-Yes. He had to offer something. -You guys have no trust.
‪(나래와 승기)‬ ‪- 그래, 뭐라도 줘야 될 거 아니야‬ ‪- 왜 그러는 거야?‬-Yes. He had to offer something. -You guys have no trust.
‪(희철) 사람들이 믿음이 없네‬-Yes. He had to offer something. -You guys have no trust.
‪- (나래) 오빠, 확실해?‬ ‪- (승기) 어디인데?‬-Are you sure? -Where is it?
‪(보아) 근데 지금‬ ‪오빠 집 가는 거 아니에요?‬-Isn't this a way to your house? -If you are wrong, we will ignore you.
‪(지원) 틀릴 시 너는‬ ‪앞으로 계속 무시한다‬-Isn't this a way to your house? -If you are wrong, we will ignore you.
‪[카이의 웃음]‬ ‪어?‬-Isn't this a way to your house? -If you are wrong, we will ignore you. BEGGAR KIM MIGHT LOSE HIS VOICE
‪(승기) 근데 그냥 내 촉상은‬ ‪진짜 여긴 아닌 거 같은데‬-I don't think this is the way. -Seriously.
‪(나래) 여기서‬ ‪무슨 게임을 할 수 있겠어‬-I don't think this is the way. -Seriously. We can't play games on the slope.
‪오빠, 비탈길에서‬We can't play games on the slope.
‪(지원) 어딜 가냐? 거긴 아니야‬We can't play games on the slope. Where are you going? This isn't the way.
‪(승기) 아니, 저기, 뭐‬ ‪헤치고 가면…‬Where are you going? This isn't the way. I see something over there.
‪(카이와 나래) 저기 뭐가 있어‬ ‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬I see something over there. -There is something. -That's right.
‪- (승기) 어? 뭐야?‬ ‪- (카이) 뭐야?‬SOMETHING IS THERE -What? -Aren't you guys glad you have me?
‪(희철) 나 없었으면 어쩔 뻔했니?‬-What? -Aren't you guys glad you have me?
‪[카이와 승기의 놀란 신음]‬-What? -Aren't you guys glad you have me?
‪- (승기) 어? 인어의 눈물이다‬ ‪- (카이) 대박!‬-It's the Mermaid's Tears. -No way.
‪[승기의 탄성]‬-It's the Mermaid's Tears. -No way.
‪[카이의 탄성]‬ ‪(나래) 맞네‬He was right. THE MERMAID'S TEARS
‪- (희철) 야‬ ‪- (승기) 뭐야?‬What?
‪- (카이) 우와, 진짜야‬ ‪- (나래) 맞네‬What? -He was right. -This is incredible.
‪(승기) 와, 진짜 대박!‬-He was right. -This is incredible.
‪(카이) 형‬-He was right. -This is incredible. Hee-chul.
‪(희철) 이런 데도 있을 법한데‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬RESETTING THE CAMERAS
‪33번이 있었네‬There was number 33.
‪나 없었으면 어쩔 뻔했어‬ ‪진짜 다들!‬-Aren't you guys glad you have me? -Seriously.
‪(카이) 형, 진짜로!‬-Aren't you guys glad you have me? -Seriously.
‪(지원과 승기)‬ ‪- 야, 희철이 진짜‬ ‪- 진짜 인어의 눈물이 여기야?‬-Aren't you guys glad you have me? -Seriously. -This is awesome. -Hee-chul.
‪- (카이) 형, 형 진짜 대박‬ ‪- (나래) 어? 잠깐만‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-This is awesome. -Hee-chul. -You're awesome. -Hold on.
‪(나래) 화살표가 여기 있어‬There is an arrow.
‪- (카이) 이거 뭐야?‬ ‪- (승기) 일로 가래‬There is an arrow. -What? -It's pointing that way.
‪(나래) 여기서 어떻게 가?‬-Where are we supposed to go? -I guess we need to go that way.
‪(지원) 일로 가라 하나 보다, 여기‬-Where are we supposed to go? -I guess we need to go that way.
‪(희철) 일단 가 봐, 일단 가 봐‬Let's go.
‪(지원) 야, 진짜 희철이‬Let's go. -Gosh, Hee-chul. -Is the Mermaid's Tears this way?
‪(승기) 아, 인어의 눈물이 여기야?‬-Gosh, Hee-chul. -Is the Mermaid's Tears this way?
‪- (지원) 꿈에도 몰랐어‬ ‪- (카이) 진짜로‬-I had no idea. -Seriously.
‪(나래) 맞아? 근데 여기?‬-I had no idea. -Seriously. -Is this the way? -I don't think anything would be here.
‪(승기) 아무것도‬ ‪없어 보이는데, 여기‬-Is this the way? -I don't think anything would be here.
‪(카이) 길이 더 있어요‬ ‪길이 더 있어‬-Is this the way? -I don't think anything would be here. There is a path.
‪(나래) 그러니까, 여기‬Aren't we heading toward a cliff?
‪야, 여기 밑으로 가면‬ ‪낭떠러지 아니야?‬Aren't we heading toward a cliff?
‪(카이) 형, 여기 뭐 있어!‬Wait. There is something!
‪- (카이) 뭐 있어, 뭐 있어!‬ ‪- (희철) 맞다니까!‬Wait. There is something! -I see it. -There is a greenhouse.
‪(카이) 비닐하우스 있어‬ ‪비닐하우스‬-I see it. -There is a greenhouse.
‪- (나래) 비닐하우스?‬ ‪- (승기) 뭐야?‬-A greenhouse? -What?
‪(나래) 야‬ ‪이런 비닐하우스가 있었어?‬ ‪[보아의 탄성]‬-A greenhouse? -What? There's a greenhouse?
‪(승기) 뭐야? 이런 공간이 있었어?‬What? I had no idea about this place.
‪와, 여기는‬ ‪왜 한 번도 못 와 봤지?‬What? I had no idea about this place. Why did I never visit this place?
‪(희철) 나만 믿어, 나만‬ ‪가자, 가자, 가자‬ ‪[나래가 호응한다]‬-Trust me. -Okay.
‪(지원) 희철이가 앞장서, 이번엔‬-Trust me. -Okay. -You lead the way as our captain. -That's right.
‪(카이) 대장, 대장님‬-You lead the way as our captain. -That's right. -Seriously. -Let's go.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬ ‪(승기) 와, 확실히‬-Seriously. -Let's go.
‪야, 희철이 형‬ ‪오늘따라 멋있어 보인다‬-Seriously. -Let's go. Hee-chul looks cool today.
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬Hee-chul looks cool today. I agree.
‪(지원) 어, 빨간 옷이 뭔가 되게‬ ‪선봉장 같아, 약간‬I agree. He looks like a leader with the red outfit.
‪(카이) 기운이 좋아‬He has good energy. HE HAS GOOD ENERGY TODAY
‪(나래와 희철)‬ ‪- 잠깐만, 여기 인어의 눈물!‬ ‪- 자, 여러분‬-Hold on. That's the Mermaid's Tears! -Guys.
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪인어의 눈물!‬-Hold on. That's the Mermaid's Tears! -Guys.
‪- (승기) 뭐야!‬ ‪- (지원) 야, 퀘스트다, 퀘스트‬-What? -It's a quest.
‪[신비로운 음악]‬ ‪- (희철) 퀘스트다!‬ ‪- (카이) 와, 재밌겠다!‬-It's a quest. -It will be fun.
‪- (승기) 야, 퀘스트다!‬ ‪- (나래) 뭐야‬-It's a quest. -It will be fun. -It's a quest. -What is it?
‪- (승기) 우와, 뭐야?‬ ‪- (나래) 대박, 이게 뭐야?‬THEY FIND ANOTHER MERMAID'S TEARS -This is incredible. What is that? -What is that?
‪(카이) 약간 소름 돋았어요‬I got goosebumps.
‪[승기의 탄성]‬ ‪- (나래) 야, 진짜…‬ ‪- (희철) 연다?‬I got goosebumps. -I will open it. -Open it.
‪(지원) 열어‬-I will open it. -Open it. WHAT WAITS INSIDE THE BOOKCASE?
‪(나래와 카이)‬ ‪- 인어가 갇혀 있는 거 아니야?‬ ‪- 대박‬WHAT WAITS INSIDE THE BOOKCASE? -Will there be a mermaid inside? -No way.
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬-Will there be a mermaid inside? -No way.
‪(카이) '이곳에는'‬-"Long time ago…" -The Mermaid's Tear.
‪(승기) '오래전 이곳에는‬ ‪아름다운 인어 공주가 있었어요'‬FIND THE MERMAID'S PEARL NOW "Long time ago, a beautiful mermaid lived here."
‪'어느 날 바다에 빠질 뻔한'‬"The mermaid saved a prince from drowning in the sea one day."
‪'인간 세계의 왕자를‬ ‪구해 준 인연으로'‬"The mermaid saved a prince from drowning in the sea one day."
‪'두 사람은 사랑에 빠져'‬"The two of them fell in love
‪'비밀 장소에서‬ ‪행복한 만남을 가졌습니다'‬ ‪[희철이 호응한다]‬"The two of them fell in love -and met up at a secret place." -Yes.
‪'왕자는 인어를 위한‬ ‪그들만의 길을 만들어'‬"The prince made the road of their own for the mermaid
‪(승기) '사랑을 키워 갔습니다'‬"The prince made the road of their own for the mermaid and fostered their love."
‪[나래의 의아한 신음]‬ ‪'어느 날'‬and fostered their love." "One day, the prince perished in a sea storm."
‪'왕자가 바다에서‬ ‪풍랑을 만나게 되었고'‬"One day, the prince perished in a sea storm."
‪[천둥 효과음]‬ ‪'그의 죽음을 슬퍼한 인어는‬ ‪스스로 바다로 걸어 들어갔습니다'‬"One day, the prince perished in a sea storm." "Devastated by his death, the mermaid returned to the sea."
‪'그들의 사랑을 안타까워하던‬ ‪수문장은 자신의 지혜를 이용해'‬"The gatekeeper of the sea who felt bad for them used its wisdom
‪'신비의 보석함에 인어의 눈물인'‬"The gatekeeper of the sea who felt bad for them used its wisdom to hide the Mermaid's Tears in the Mysterious Jewelry Box."
‪'진주를 숨겨 놓았답니다'‬to hide the Mermaid's Tears in the Mysterious Jewelry Box." -We need to find the jewelry box. -Where is it?
‪신비의 보석함을 찾아야 되나 봐‬-We need to find the jewelry box. -Where is it?
‪(나래) 신비의 보석함이‬ ‪어디 있어?‬-We need to find the jewelry box. -Where is it?
‪'지금부터‬ ‪인어의 진주를 찾으세요'?‬-We need to find the jewelry box. -Where is it? "Find the mermaid's pearl now."
‪이게 지금 왠지‬"Find the mermaid's pearl now." I think each paragraph describes
‪이게 첫 번째 관문이고‬I think each paragraph describes
‪이게 두 번째 관문이고‬ ‪세 번째 관문인가?‬the task we need to complete. The first task involves finding the road of their own.
‪첫 번째는‬ ‪그들만의 길을 가야 되고‬The first task involves finding the road of their own.
‪두 번째는‬ ‪수문장을 만나야 되는 거지‬The second task involves meeting the gatekeeper.
‪세 번째는 신비의 보석함을‬ ‪찾아야 되는 거고‬The second task involves meeting the gatekeeper. The third task involves finding the Mysterious Jewelry box.
‪근데 이거 지금‬ ‪자물쇠가 있어, 여기‬-There is a lock over here. -You are right.
‪- (카이) 그렇네‬ ‪- (승기) 어?‬-There is a lock over here. -You are right.
‪- 어? 뭐야?‬ ‪- (승기) 뭐야?‬ ‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬-There is a lock over here. -You are right. -What? -What is it?
‪(나래) 이게 키가…‬-What? -What is it? -This lock… -The passcode must be a set of directions.
‪(카이) 이거 이렇게, 위아래, 왼쪽‬ ‪이렇게 하는 거잖아‬-This lock… -The passcode must be a set of directions.
‪(나래와 카이)‬ ‪- 지금 이 글이 힌트가 있을 거야‬ ‪- 보석함이 어디 있는지‬-This lock… -The passcode must be a set of directions. This story should contain a clue. -The location of the jewelry box. -Unlike the last time,
‪(희철) 띄어쓰기랑 이런 게‬-The location of the jewelry box. -Unlike the last time,
‪우리 지난번 운석 때랑 다르게‬ ‪다 제대로 돼 있거든?‬-The location of the jewelry box. -Unlike the last time, the spacing is normal.
‪(카이) 제 생각에‬ ‪뭔가 찾아야 돼요‬-We need to open it. -I think we need to find something.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬-We need to open it. -I think we need to find something. FIND THE MERMAID'S PEARL NOW
‪(지원) 비밀 장소‬-A secret place. -Hold on.
‪(승기와 나래)‬ ‪- 어? 잠깐만‬ ‪- 여긴 없지, 여긴 없지? 왜, 왜?‬-A secret place. -Hold on. -What is it? -Hold on.
‪(승기) 잠깐만, 잠깐만‬-What is it? -Hold on.
‪이 괄호 있잖아‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-Look at these brackets. -Okay.
‪이쪽 하나, 이쪽 하나인가?‬Is the passcode left and right?
‪(카이) 어? 아니요, 형, 봐 봐요‬No. Take a look.
‪왼쪽, 아래, 아래, 오른쪽‬Left, down, down, right.
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬ ‪(승기) 어, 왼쪽, 아래, 오른쪽!‬Left, down, down, right. -Left, down, down, right. -Left, down, down, right.
‪대박이다‬-Left, down, down, right. -Left, down, down, right. -Amazing. -How did you know?
‪- (나래) 너 어떻게 알았냐?‬ ‪- (카이) 대박이죠?‬-Amazing. -How did you know? -Isn't it amazing? -No.
‪[나래의 탄성]‬ ‪(지원) 아니야, 그러면‬ ‪야, 이것도 포함이야‬-Isn't it amazing? -No. Then these ones should be included.
‪(카이) 어, 그러네‬ ‪[나래가 호응한다]‬Then these ones should be included. You are right. Left, right, down, down, up, right.
‪왼쪽, 오른쪽, 아래, 아래‬You are right. Left, right, down, down, up, right.
‪(함께) 위에!‬You are right. Left, right, down, down, up, right.
‪(나래) 그렇게 해 보자‬ ‪그렇게 해 보자‬-Then… -Let's try it.
‪(사람들) 왼쪽‬-Left, right… -Left.
‪오른쪽‬-Left, right… -Left.
‪- (나래) 아래, 아래‬ ‪- (승기) 아래‬-Down, down… -Down.
‪(사람들) 위에‬-Up. -Up.
‪(승기) 오른쪽‬-Up. -Up. Right.
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪- (카이) 나는!‬ ‪- (승기) 대박, 대박!‬THEY OPENED THE LOCK AS A TEAM -I did it! -Amazing.
‪[보아의 탄성]‬ ‪(카이) 날 버릴 수 있겠어?‬-I did it! -Amazing. You can't get rid of me.
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪(지원) 이걸 찾아야 돼‬ ‪조개의 길이 어디야?‬We need to find the Clam's Path.
‪(나래) '맑은 인어의‬ ‪진주 모습 그대로'‬We need to find the Clam's Path. "With the clear and unchanged pearl, follow the Clam's Path."
‪'조개의 길을 따르라'?‬"With the clear and unchanged pearl, follow the Clam's Path."
‪(카이) 바닷가 근처 아니겠어요?‬Wouldn't it be near the sea?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪- (지원) 야, 조개 길 여기 있네!‬ ‪- (나래) 정말 나 못 살겠네‬-That must be the Clam's Path. -I can't believe it.
‪- (보아) 와, 조개 길이다‬ ‪- (지원) 난 조개 길 갈 거야!‬-The Clam Path. -I will follow it.
‪(지원) 난 조개 길 갈 거야!‬ ‪[보아의 탄성]‬I will follow the path.
‪(희철) 아니야, 아니야‬ ‪여기 읽어 보면‬I will follow the path. Read this.
‪인어의 진주 모습 그대로‬ ‪조개의 길을 따르라는 건‬"With the clear and unchanged pearl, follow the Clam Path."
‪이 모습 그대로 유지를 해야 돼‬"With the clear and unchanged pearl, follow the Clam Path." We need to maintain it as it is.
‪(나래와 희철)‬ ‪- 이걸 가져가야 돼?‬ ‪- 이걸 들고 가야 된다는 거야‬-Do we need to carry it? -We need to carry it.
‪- 쇠똥구리처럼?‬ ‪- (희철) 가자, 가자‬-Like a dung beetle? -Let's go.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(나래) 이게 무슨 일이야, 이게‬ ‪미쳤나 봐‬-Like a dung beetle? -Let's go. I can't believe it. This is insane. It's so heavy.
‪어머머, 너무 무거워‬I can't believe it. This is insane. It's so heavy.
‪야, 이게 무슨 일이야, 이게‬I can't believe it.
‪들어야 된다고?‬I can't believe it. Do we need to carry it?
‪(보아) 이걸 들고 간다고요?‬Do we need to carry it? -Do we need to carry it? -Yes.
‪(나래) 어, 우리는 지금‬ ‪인간 쇠똥구리야‬-Do we need to carry it? -Yes. We are dung beetles. We need to carry it.
‪이걸 들어야 된다고‬ ‪[웃음]‬We are dung beetles. We need to carry it.
‪(승기) 이거, 이거 장비 써야 돼‬We need to use tools.
‪여기다 올려 봐‬Put it on the top. Let's lift it up.
‪올려서 이렇게 들자‬Put it on the top. Let's lift it up.
‪(카이) 굴리면…‬Roll it.
‪(승기) 자, 여기, 여기, 밑에‬Here. Watch the bottom.
‪카이랑 내가 들 테니까‬ ‪옆에서 잘 받쳐 줘‬KAI and I will carry it, so support it from the sides.
‪(나래) 이게 무슨 일이야, 이게‬KAI and I will carry it, so support it from the sides. This is unbelievable.
‪(사람들) 하나, 둘, 하나, 둘‬-Heave-ho. -Heave-ho.
‪(희철) 이번까지만 참아‬-Heave-ho. -Heave-ho. Hang in there.
‪(승기) 난 앞이 안 보여‬-I can't see. Tell me if anything happens. -Look down.
‪(승기와 나래)‬ ‪- 재밌는 거 있으면 얘기해 줘‬ ‪- 바닥을 보세요‬-I can't see. Tell me if anything happens. -Look down.
‪(지원) 야, 조개 길 잘 봐‬Look for the clams.
‪(카이) 예, 제가 보고 있어요‬ ‪[나래가 대답한다]‬Look for the clams. -Okay. -We are doing that.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪(승기) 조개 길을 앞에서 봐 줘‬ ‪난 아예 안 보이니까‬Do it at the front since I can't see.
‪(카이) 야, 이거…‬My goodness.
‪- (나래) 아유, 저기 지금…‬ ‪- (카이) 야, 언덕이야‬My goodness. -Look over there. -It's uphill.
‪(나래) 조심해야 될 거 같아‬ ‪지금 이게 젖은 상태여 가지고‬WELCOME TO THE CLAM PATH We need to be careful. The floor is wet red clay.
‪여기에 떨어트리면‬ ‪이거는 진짜 끝이야, 끝‬It will be game over if we drop the pearl here.
‪(카이) 아, 이래서‬ ‪깨끗하게 가야 된다는 거구나‬It will be game over if we drop the pearl here. This is why we need to keep it clean.
‪(카이와 나래)‬ ‪- 여기다 떨어트리면 안 돼요‬ ‪- 안 돼, 절대 안 돼, 절대 안 돼‬-We can't drop it here. -Never.
‪(승기) 카이야, 네가‬ ‪작전 지휘 잘해 줘야 돼‬KAI, command the team.
‪(나래) 잠깐 기다려 봐!‬KAI, command the team. -Wait a second. -There is mud on the top.
‪(지원) 야, 위에‬ ‪이거 다 묻혀 놨네, 진흙을‬-Wait a second. -There is mud on the top.
‪(카이) 위에서, 이거 치워야 돼‬We need to get rid of it.
‪[지원의 탄성]‬ ‪치워야 돼‬We need to get rid of it.
‪(지원) 이 그물망 때문에‬ ‪어차피 숙여서 가란 얘기야‬ ‪[나래의 짜증 섞인 신음]‬We need to duck under the net.
‪(카이) 그렇긴 한데‬ ‪국물이 흘러, 국물이 흘러, 국물이‬ ‪[나래가 호응한다]‬We need to duck under the net. -Mud is dripping. -It's dripping.
‪(지원) 필요가 없어, 그거 떼도‬You don't need to do that.
‪(지원과 나래)‬ ‪- 소용이 없어‬ ‪- 일단 국물 흐르는 것만 뺄게‬-We will remove the dripping mud. -It's dripping.
‪(승기) 어떻게 되는 거야?‬What's happening?
‪어떻게 되는 상황이야?‬What's happening?
‪(지원과 카이)‬ ‪- 진흙을…‬ ‪- 아, 누나, 누나 얼굴에 다 튀어‬What's happening? THIS IS WHAT'S HAPPENING
‪(카이) 누나 얼굴에 다 튀어‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Na-rae, it's getting on your face.
‪(나래) 방법이 없어‬There is no other way.
‪(승기) 왜, 왜, 왜?‬ ‪어떻게 됐는데, 앞의 상황이?‬There is no other way. Why? What's happening?
‪(희철) 아, 승기한테‬ ‪얘기해 줘야 되지‬We should tell him. Seung-gi, are you doing well?
‪승기야, 잘 있어?‬We should tell him. Seung-gi, are you doing well?
‪- (승기) 어, 있어, 있어‬ ‪- 괜찮아?‬We should tell him. Seung-gi, are you doing well? -Yes. -Are you okay?
‪- (승기) 얘기는 좀 해 줘, 형‬ ‪- (희철) 어, 알았어, 알았어‬-Please keep me updated. -Okay.
‪- (카이) 자, 형, 살짝 낮춰야 돼‬ ‪- (희철) 낮춰 봐, 낮춰 봐‬Seung-gi, lower the pearl.
‪(지원) 더 낮춰, 더‬ ‪이 상태로 가야 돼, 이 상태로‬-Lower it. -More. -We need to go like this. -Let's go.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪- (카이) 오케이, 가자‬ ‪- (승기) 와‬-We need to go like this. -Let's go.
‪(지원) 그 위로 올려야 돼, 그쪽‬Lift up the net.
‪- (지원) 어, 그쪽 올려, 어‬ ‪- (카이) 오케이‬-Lift up that side. -Okay.
‪(나래) 가요, 가요‬ ‪낮게, 낮게, 낮게, 낮게‬-Go. Wait a second. Lower it. -Na-rae's side.
‪- (지원) 나래 쪽 위에…‬ ‪- (보아) 됐어, 됐어‬-Go. Wait a second. Lower it. -Na-rae's side. -Go. I'm too short. -Lift up that side.
‪(나래) 아유‬ ‪내가 키가 작아서 그래, 이거‬-Go. I'm too short. -Lift up that side.
‪- (보아) 가요, 가요, 가요‬ ‪- (카이) 앞에 이거, 앞에‬-Go. I'm too short. -Lift up that side. -Go -The net at the front.
‪(지원) 잠깐만, 있어, 거기‬ ‪잠깐만, 스톱!‬Hold on. Stop. I'm coming.
‪내가 갈게‬Hold on. Stop. I'm coming.
‪(보아) 가요, 가, 가, 가, 가‬-Go. Let's go. -Go.
‪고, 고, 고‬-Go. Let's go. -Go. THEY MOVE IN UNISON
‪(카이와 보아)‬ ‪- 갑니다‬ ‪- 가요, 빨리요, 빨리 와 주세요‬THEY MOVE IN UNISON -We will go. -Walk fast.
‪(나래) 조심, 조심‬ ‪거기 국물 안 떨어지게‬ ‪[보아가 재촉한다]‬-Hurry. -Be careful of the mud. All right. Hold on. Stop.
‪- (지원) 아직, 아직‬ ‪- (나래) 아, 스톱!‬ ‪[희철의 비명]‬All right. Hold on. Stop.
‪(희철) 스톱, 스톱, 스톱‬
‪(승기) 뭐가 막 떨어지는데?‬-Something is dripping. -Be careful.
‪- (희철) 들어야 돼, 들어야 돼‬ ‪- (나래) 어, 조심, 조심, 조심‬-Something is dripping. -Be careful. -It's like I'm doing squats. -Go.
‪(보아) 중심 안 맞았어요‬ ‪가요, 고, 고, 고‬-It's like I'm doing squats. -Go.
‪(희철) 됐어, 됐어, 됐어‬ ‪당겼어, 당겼어‬-It's like I'm doing squats. -Go. -We lifted it up. -Go.
‪(지원과 보아)‬ ‪- 야, 이제 무조건 빨리 달려!‬ ‪- 아, 힘들겠다‬-We lifted it up. -Go. -Run fast. -That looks exhausting.
‪- (지원) 달려!‬ ‪- (나래) 에라이‬-Run. -Darn it.
‪(지원) 야, 이런 게 있을 줄은‬ ‪꿈에도…‬ ‪[사람들의 힘겨운 신음]‬-I never imagined something like this. -Hold on.
‪(승기) 어, 잠깐만‬-I never imagined something like this. -Hold on.
‪(희철) 뒤에 봐 봐, 이랬었어‬ ‪승기야‬Look behind you. That was the obstacle.
‪(승기) 와, 이거 너무하잖아‬Look behind you. That was the obstacle. Gosh, that's too much.
‪- (희철) 가자, 가자, 가자, 가자‬ ‪- (승기) 바꿔, 바꿔‬ ‪[나래의 한숨]‬Gosh, that's too much. -Let's go. -Let's switch places.
‪- (카이) 어? 물 나와, 물!‬ ‪- (나래) 어, 뭐야?‬-Let's go. -Let's switch places. Watch out for the water!
‪- (지원) 저거 뭔데, 뭔데?‬ ‪- (보아) 이거?‬-What? -What is that? -This? -It's getting wet.
‪(카이와 지원)‬ ‪- 빨리빨리, 다 젖는다, 젖는다‬ ‪- 어? 왜?‬-This? -It's getting wet. -What is up with the water? -We can't go this way.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(희철) 어? 물…‬-What is up with the water? -We can't go this way.
‪(카이) 누나, 그걸로 안 돼‬ ‪판, 옆에 판‬-What is up with the water? -We can't go this way. Use the boards.
‪(승기) 됐다, 가자, 가자, 가자!‬ ‪[나래의 힘겨운 신음]‬-Let's go. -Hold on.
‪- (나래) 잠깐만, 빨리 가!‬ ‪- (카이) 가자!‬-Let's go. -Hold on. Hurry up!
‪[희철의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(나래) 이게 뭐야!‬Hurry up! -What is this? -People at the front need to do well.
‪(지원) 앞에서 잘해야 돼, 앞에서‬-What is this? -People at the front need to do well. -We will lead. -Command the team.
‪- (나래) 우리가 먼저 갈게‬ ‪- (승기) 자, 자, 자‬-We will lead. -Command the team. -Hold on. Switch places. -I will take your place.
‪- (카이) 잠깐만, 나 바꿔 줘야 돼‬ ‪- (승기) 내가 바꿔 줄게‬-Hold on. Switch places. -I will take your place.
‪(나래) 우리가 먼저 가서‬ ‪뭐가 있는지 볼게‬-Hold on. Switch places. -I will take your place. We will check what lies ahead.
‪- (승기) 어, 알았어‬ ‪- (지원) 야, 빨리 가 봐!‬We will check what lies ahead. -Okay. -Go on.
‪(나래) 조심히 와, 일단 와‬Be careful. -Come. -Come.
‪(보아) 오세요, 오세요‬-Come. -Come.
‪[보아의 비명]‬ ‪(지원) 어? 뭐야, 뭐야‬ ‪뭐야, 뭐야‬-Come. -Come. WHAT IS THAT? What is that?
‪- (승기) 뭐야‬ ‪- (지원) 몸으로 막아!‬What is that? -Block it with your body. -It's covered in mud.
‪(지원) 몸으로 막아! 몸으로 막아‬-Block it with your body. -It's covered in mud.
‪(나래) 잘했어, 잘했어‬-Good job. -That was great.
‪(승기) 야, 좋아, 보아 좋다‬-Good job. -That was great.
‪[보아의 웃음]‬ ‪(나래) 또 왔다, 또 왔다!‬-Great job, Bo-ah. -Here comes another one.
‪패스할게, 패스할게‬ ‪네가 차 버려!‬-Kick it off. -Na-rae!
‪[희철의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(보아) 언니!‬-Kick it off. -Na-rae!
‪- (지원) 몸으로 막아!‬ ‪- (카이) 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼…‬-Block it with your body. -Keep it away.
‪(지원) 꺼져!‬ ‪[지원의 기합]‬-Block it with your body. -Keep it away. All right.
‪[보아의 웃음]‬All right.
‪(나래) 고, 고!‬
‪(지원) 고, 고!‬ ‪내가 앞에서 막을게‬I will stand at the front.
‪- (승기) 자, 앞으로 전진‬ ‪- (지원) 전진!‬-Forward march. -Forward march.
‪(승기) 야, 저 트랩 너무 무서워‬-Forward march. -Forward march. That trap is so scary.
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(나래) 조심조심, 조심히‬That trap is so scary. -Be careful. -Kick it. Kick it away.
‪(지원) 야, 발로 차!‬-Be careful. -Kick it. Kick it away.
‪발로 차 버려, 그렇지!‬ ‪[카이의 웃음]‬-Be careful. -Kick it. Kick it away. THIS IS NOTHING
‪- (지원) 발로 차 버려, 그렇지‬ ‪- (나래) 차, 차‬-Kick it. -Kick it away. Good.
‪[카이의 웃음]‬-Kick it. -Kick it away. Good.
‪(보아) 여기요, 오빠‬-Over here. -We didn't travel far.
‪(희철과 나래)‬ ‪- 야, 이제 여기 온 거야, 우리?‬ ‪- 어‬-Over here. -We didn't travel far. Seriously.
‪(희철) 이 정도면 진짜 성공했어‬-I count it as a success. -Me too.
‪(나래) 성공이지‬-I count it as a success. -Me too.
‪[웃으며] 누나‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(승기) 야, 나래 누나‬Na-rae.
‪(나래와 승기)‬ ‪- 몰라‬ ‪- 누나, 그러면 이왕 이렇게 된 거‬Na-rae. -I don't even know. -Since you became dirty,
‪- (나래) 어, 어‬ ‪- (승기) 누나가 선봉장이 돼 줘‬-I don't even know. -Since you became dirty, -you should lead the way. -Okay.
‪(나래) 알았어‬-you should lead the way. -Okay.
‪(카이) 아까 누나‬ ‪물 몸으로 막는 거 잊지 않을게요‬-you should lead the way. -Okay. I won't forget the way you blocked the water with your body.
‪(나래) 난 괜찮으니까 어여 가자고‬I won't forget the way you blocked the water with your body. I'm okay. Let's keep going.
‪- (보아) 어, 조개 길 여기 있다‬ ‪- (희철) 이쪽으로 가 볼까?‬-Here is the Clam's Path. -Shall we follow it?
‪- (보아) 여기요‬ ‪- (승기) 조개 길‬ ‪[나래가 호응한다]‬-It's this way. -The Clam's Path.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- (지원) 또 있어?‬ ‪- (나래) 잠깐만, 뭐가 있어?‬-It's this way. -The Clam's Path. -Is there more? -What now?
‪- (나래) 조심, 조심, 조심‬ ‪- (보아) 카이, 조심, 카이, 조심‬-Be careful. -KAI, be careful.
‪(승기) 몸에 힘 빡 주세요, 형‬Keep your muscles tense.
‪(나래) 일단은 이쪽은‬ ‪뭐 없는 거 같아‬I don't think there is anything here. You can relax.
‪안심하고 와‬I don't think there is anything here. You can relax.
‪[달칵 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[승기의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(나래) 괜찮아, 괜찮아?‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-What? -Are you okay?
‪[달칵 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[승기의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(나래) 괜찮아, 괜찮아?‬ ‪왜, 왜, 왜?‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-What? -Are you okay? -What is it? -What?
‪(지원과 나래)‬ ‪- 뭐야, 아이, 누가 뭘 쐈어, 아이‬ ‪- 뭘 쐈어?‬-What is it? -What? -Someone shot at the pearl. -What?
‪(승기) 야, 뭐 있었어, 위에서‬-There was something above us. -Where? Like what?
‪- (나래) 어디가, 뭐가 있는데?‬ ‪- (승기) 잠깐만‬-There was something above us. -Where? Like what?
‪(승기) 저기 있었어, 저기, 아‬-It was over there. -Where?
‪- (나래) 어디, 어디?‬ ‪- (승기) 위에‬-It was over there. -Where? Up in the tree.
‪(나래) 아!‬Up in the tree.
‪(카이) 이거 홍시야, 홍시‬These are persimmons.
‪(지원) 야, 뭐 던져서 터트려!‬These are persimmons. Throw something to burst them.
‪(나래) 오, 됐다, 됐다!‬Throw something to burst them. There you go.
‪[보아의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪- (승기) 됐어, 홍시야, 홍시‬ ‪- (나래) 됐어, 하나 더, 하나 더‬THEY'RE SUDDENLY PICKING PERSIMMONS -Persimmons. -One more.
‪- (나래) 됐어, 됐어, 가자, 가자‬ ‪- (승기) 됐어, 가면 돼, 가면 돼‬-There we go. -You can go now.
‪[나래의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(나래와 승기)‬ ‪- 조심조심, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪- 뭐야, 아이고‬-Be careful. It's okay. -What is this?
‪(지원) 야, 이거는‬ ‪빨리 가면 되지 않냐?‬-We can run fast to avoid them. -Yes. Let's run fast.
‪(승기) 어, 빨리 가자‬ ‪이거 빨리 가자‬-We can run fast to avoid them. -Yes. Let's run fast.
‪(지원) 자, 달려야 돼, 희철아‬ ‪하나, 둘‬-We can run fast to avoid them. -Yes. Let's run fast. We need to run, Hee-chul. One, two…
‪달려! 달려!‬ ‪[경쾌한 음악]‬Run. Let's run!
‪[보아의 비명]‬ ‪(승기) 오케이!‬
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬ ‪- (나래) 됐다‬ ‪- (승기) 피했어, 피했어‬THEY PASS SAFELY We dodged them.
‪(승기) 오케이‬ ‪[사람들의 한숨]‬We dodged them.
‪- (나래) 대박이다‬ ‪- (승기) 가자, 가자‬-Unbelievable. -Let's go.
‪- (승기) 바꿔, 바꿔‬ ‪- (지원) 내려 봐‬-Let's switch. -Put it down.
‪(지원) 야, 무슨 첫 관문부터‬ ‪이런…‬Even the first task is difficult.
‪(보아) 오빠들, 돌아가시래요‬Even the first task is difficult. We need to go back.
‪- (카이) 돌아가라고?‬ ‪- (나래) 어?‬We need to go back. -Go back? -We can't do that.
‪(지원) 어떻게 돌아가, 이걸 들고?‬-Go back? -We can't do that.
‪(지원) 야, 'NO ENTRY'면‬ ‪돌아가…‬That means we need to go back.
‪(카이) 그러니까, '돌아가시오'‬"Go back."
‪- (희철) 아니야, 아니야‬ ‪- (지원) 정말 돌아가시겠다‬"Go back." -No. -I'm about to die.
‪(나래) 일단은 우리가 먼저‬ ‪앞장설게, 가자‬We will lead the way. Let's go.
‪아, 이게 무슨 일이야‬This is ridiculous. We shouldn't have entered.
‪이거 괜히 들어왔다가‬ ‪진짜 된통 당했네‬This is ridiculous. We shouldn't have entered.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(보아) 어? 조개 길이 여기 있네‬What? The Clam's Path is here.
‪(나래) 지금 여기로 가면 돼‬ ‪이거 쉬었다 갈 거 아니지?‬It's this way. You won't take a break, right?
‪(카이와 나래)‬ ‪- 예, 바로 가요, 바로 가요‬ ‪- 가, 가‬It's this way. You won't take a break, right? -Let's keep going. -Okay.
‪(희철) 아, 조개 길이‬ ‪이렇게 돼 있네‬-Let's keep going. -Okay. The Clam's Path leads this way.
‪- (지원) 저길 왜 들어간 거야?‬ ‪- (승기) 아, 조개 여기 있네‬The Clam's Path leads this way. -Why did we enter that trail? -It's here.
‪(카이) 천천히‬Slowly.
‪- (지원) 야, 승기야!‬ ‪- (카이) 낮춰야 돼, 낮춰야 돼‬-Lower it. -Hey, Seung-gi.
‪(승기) 어‬-Lower it. -Hey, Seung-gi. Why are you walking backward?
‪(지원) 앞으로 보고 와야지‬ ‪왜 글로 내려오냐?‬Why are you walking backward? You can hold the pearl with your back.
‪[웃으며] 등, 등으로‬ ‪공 대고 오면 되잖아‬You can hold the pearl with your back.
‪(나래) 조심해, 조심‬You can hold the pearl with your back. -Be careful. -What is up with Seung-gi?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(보아) 승기 오빠 왜 이래요?‬-Be careful. -What is up with Seung-gi?
‪(나래) 왜 이러는 거야, 얘가‬What is up with him? He used to be so smart.
‪똑똑한 애가 왜 이렇게 됐어?‬What is up with him? He used to be so smart.
‪(카이) 형, 이제‬ ‪앞으로 돌아봐도 될 것 같아요‬-You can turn around now. -Why are you walking backward?
‪- (지원) 야, 이걸 왜 이러고 와‬ ‪- (승기) 이제 앞으로 돌아가?‬-You can turn around now. -Why are you walking backward? Shall I turn around?
‪(나래) 또 무슨‬ ‪부비 트랩 있는지 봐 봐‬See if there are booby traps.
‪천천히, 천천히, 천천히‬Go slowly.
‪(보아와 승기)‬ ‪- 오빠, 잠깐만요, 잠깐만요‬ ‪- 오케이‬Hold on.
‪[사람들의 비명]‬ ‪(지원) 몸으로 막아!‬Okay. Gosh! Block it with your body.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[승기의 비명]‬Block it with your body.
‪(승기) 야, 몸으로 막아‬Block it with your body.
‪저 사람 제압해, 제압해!‬ ‪[지원의 성난 신음]‬Take them out.
‪(카이와 승기)‬ ‪- 고, 고!‬ ‪- 가자, 가자, 가자, 고, 고…‬Take them out. Let's go.
‪(나래) 빨리빨리 가, 빨리 가!‬Let's go.
‪(지원) 가자, 서유기가 지켜 준다!‬Let's go. I will protect the pearl.
‪- (승기) 가!‬ ‪- (희철) 조심, 승기야, 조심‬Go. -Be careful. -It's okay.
‪(승기) 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-Be careful. -It's okay.
‪괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-Be careful. -It's okay.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(보아) 어디?‬Where did it come from?
‪(희철) 드론!‬ ‪[승기가 소리친다]‬-What? -This is insane.
‪(승기) 가, 가, 가, 가, 가‬-Go, go. -It's falling from the sky.
‪- (승기) 가, 가, 가, 가, 가‬ ‪- (카이) 내 눈앞에 떨어졌어요‬-Go, go. -It's falling from the sky.
‪- (승기) 앞에 정찰병‬ ‪- (나래) 어‬Scout the area.
‪(지원) 아! 떨어진다, 또‬ ‪틀어!‬It's falling.
‪(나래) 너무 다행이야‬ ‪너무 다행이야‬It's falling. -This is insane. -Keep going.
‪이제 하나 남았어‬ ‪두 개, 두 개 남았어, 두 개!‬Two water bombs remain.
‪[희철의 힘겨운 신음]‬YOU DODGED WELL
‪(승기) 스톱‬ ‪오케이, 오케이, 오케이‬YOU DODGED WELL
‪- (나래) 어, 오케이, 오케이‬ ‪- (승기) 명중률 낮아‬It's this way.
‪- (카이) 좀만 더 가면 돼‬ ‪- (승기) 오케이, 오케이‬It's this way. -I see the clams. -Okay. It's this way.
‪(승기) 자, 여기, 여기‬-I see the clams. -Okay. It's this way.
‪(나래) 아이고, 잠깐만‬ ‪[사람들의 탄식]‬CONTAMINATION LEVEL -Gosh, hold on. -What are we going to do?
‪큰일 났네, 이거‬-Gosh, hold on. -What are we going to do?
‪(지원) 양쪽에 달린 거 뭐냐?‬ ‪희철이가 가 봐‬-Gosh, hold on. -What are we going to do? What are those? Hee-chul, go and check.
‪(희철) 뭐지, 이게?‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬What are those? Hee-chul, go and check. What are those?
‪- (승기) 뭐야, 뭐야?‬ ‪- (나래) 이게 뭐냐면은‬-What are those? -Let me explain.
‪(보아) '쏘우'예요, 오빠‬-It's like Saw. -In Saw, the walls close in.
‪(나래) '쏘우'에서 보면은‬ ‪벽이 좁아지는 것처럼‬-It's like Saw. -In Saw, the walls close in.
‪계속 뭐가 오거든‬-It's like Saw. -In Saw, the walls close in.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪우리가 한 명씩 맡아 가지고‬ ‪잡고 있을 테니까‬-It's like Saw. -In Saw, the walls close in. Each one of us will grab it, so move slowly.
‪천천히 와야 돼‬Each one of us will grab it, so move slowly.
‪(보아) 오케이, 자, 올라와요‬ ‪그러면 우리가 하나씩 이렇게 막자‬Okay. We will block one each.
‪(희철) 가자, 가자‬Okay. We will block one each. -Let's go. -This is insane.
‪(카이) [웃으며] 야, 이거 미쳤다‬-Let's go. -This is insane.
‪(나래) 그래, 그래‬All right.
‪(보아) 빨리빨리‬-Hurry. -Here we go.
‪- (승기) 자, 바로 간다‬ ‪- (보아) 네‬-Hurry. -Here we go. Okay.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Okay. COME HERE, PEARL
‪(승기) 하나, 둘, 셋‬ ‪자, 고‬-One, two, three. -Let's go.
‪- (카이) 고‬ ‪- (승기) 고, 고, 고, 고, 고, 고‬-One, two, three. -Let's go. PROTECT THE PEARL AT ALL COSTS
‪(카이) 달려?‬ ‪갑니다, 빨리 갑니다‬PROTECT THE PEARL AT ALL COSTS We will go fast.
‪- (승기) 빨리 가‬ ‪- (보아) 됐어, 됐어‬We will go fast. -Go fast. -All right.
‪[사람들의 당황한 신음]‬-Go fast. -All right.
‪[강렬한 음악]‬ ‪(희철) 야, 막아야 돼, 막아야 돼‬ ‪막아야 돼‬-Hey. -We need to stop them.
‪[지원이 중얼거린다]‬ ‪(카이) 묻는다, 이거 묻는다‬-Hey. -We need to stop them. -It doesn't matter. -The pearl is getting dirty.
‪[보아의 비명]‬
‪- (카이) 뒤에서, 뒤에서‬ ‪- (보아) 잠깐만요‬-Hold on. -Roll the pearl.
‪(지원) 굴려, 굴려, 굴려‬-Hold on. -Roll the pearl.
‪(승기) 자‬-Hold on. -Roll the pearl. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO CARRY! ROLL IT!
‪(지원) 야, 이거 미쳤어‬ ‪야, 이거 미쳤어!‬This is insane. This is insane.
‪야, 이거 미쳤어!‬This is insane.
‪야!‬This is insane. -Hey. -What are we going to do?
‪(카이) 와, 이거 어떡해‬-Hey. -What are we going to do?
‪(승기) 야, 잠깐만, 잠깐만‬-Hey. -What are we going to do? Hold on.
‪[승기의 비명]‬ ‪(지원) 아니야, 가야 돼‬Hold on. We need to keep going. There is no other way.
‪어쩔 수 없어, 이거‬ ‪늦어 봤자‬We need to keep going. There is no other way.
‪계속 굴려‬Roll it.
‪[사람들의 힘주는 신음]‬LET'S JUST ESCAPE!
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬
‪(지원) 굴려, 굴려‬Roll it.
‪야, 이씨!‬Gosh.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[희철의 괴로운 신음]‬WAIT FOR ME!
‪[사람들의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(승기) 야‬ ‪[보아의 거친 숨소리]‬A BIG MESS
‪- (승기) 야, 잠깐만‬ ‪- (나래) 이게 의미가 있냐, 지금?‬-Hold on. -What's the point?
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬-Hold on. -What's the point?
‪(나래) 이게 의미가…‬-What's the point? -Let's go. It's okay.
‪(카이) 가자, 가자‬ ‪괜찮아, 괜찮아‬-What's the point? -Let's go. It's okay.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪다 왔어, 다 왔어, 다 왔어‬-We are almost there. -I protected it with my body.
‪(지원) 내가 온몸으로 다 지켰다‬-We are almost there. -I protected it with my body.
‪- (나래) 온몸으로, 온몸으로‬ ‪- (승기) 자, 가자‬-With my body… -Let's go. Roll it.
‪(지원과 카이)‬ ‪- 굴려‬ ‪- 근데 이거 진주가 예뻐졌어, 더‬-With my body… -Let's go. Roll it. The pearl became prettier.
‪(나래) 어? 저기 봐 봐‬ ‪저기 조개 두 개 있다‬Look over there. I see two clams.
‪- (희철) 뭐가?‬ ‪- (나래) 저기 신전에‬ ‪[승기가 말한다]‬Look over there. I see two clams. -What? -The temple.
‪[신비로운 음악]‬
‪(나래) 이 신전으로‬ ‪올라가야 되나 봐‬We need to go up to the temple.
‪(카이) 여기서, 여기서 올려야 돼‬We need to go up to the temple. -Let's lift it up. -My goodness.
‪[승기의 힘주는 신음]‬-Let's lift it up. -My goodness.
‪- (나래) 조심‬ ‪- (승기) 자, 천천히, 천천히‬-Be careful. -Slowly.
‪(나래) 일단 여기다 두자‬-Be careful. -Slowly. -Let's put it down. -Can we throw it now?
‪(희철) 야, 이제‬ ‪이거 밖에 던지면 되는 거야?‬-Let's put it down. -Can we throw it now?
‪(나래) 야, 야, 야, 그래도‬ ‪좀 뒤집어 놓자, 깔끔한 데로‬-Let's put it down. -Can we throw it now? A cleaner side should face up.
‪야, 인어야! 진주 왔다!‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Mermaid, the pearl is here.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬Mermaid, the pearl is here.
‪이 사람 진상이네, 은근히‬Hee-chul is ridiculous.
‪(지원) 야, 이!‬-Mermaid. -Mermaid, take it.
‪(지원과 희철)‬ ‪- 야, 인어야, 가져가라, 이거!‬ ‪- 인어야!‬-Mermaid. -Mermaid, take it.
‪인어야, 진주 왔어!‬Mermaid, the pearl is here.
‪[신비로운 음악]‬ ‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪- (승기) 어, 내려간다‬ ‪- (카이) 어, 내려간다, 내려간다‬-It's going down. -It's going down.
‪- (승기) 어, 내려간다‬ ‪- (카이) 어, 내려간다, 내려간다‬-It's going down. -It's going down. THE PEARL GETS TAKEN AWAY DESPITE BEING DIRTY
‪잘 가!‬Bye.
‪- (나래) 간다‬ ‪- (희철) 잘 가, 진주야‬-It's going. -Bye, pearl.
‪- (카이) 다시는 보지 말자‬ ‪- (희철) 두 번 다시 보지 말자‬I hope we never meet ever again.
‪(나래) 홀로다, 홀로‬ ‪홀로, 홀로‬It's Holo. Holo.
‪[홀로 음성] 험난한 진주 로드를‬Despite the struggle, you safely brought the pearl.
‪무사히 마친 여러분‬ ‪고생하셨습니다‬Despite the struggle, you safely brought the pearl.
‪(카이) 무사히 마쳤다고?‬Despite the struggle, you safely brought the pearl. -Pay us. -Good work.
‪[홀로 음성] 여러분들은 진주를‬ ‪무사히 단상 위에 올려 두셨지만‬You got the pearl on the platform,
‪진주는 오염되면 흠이 생겨서‬ ‪그 가치가 떨어지게 됩니다‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬but a pearl loses its value when it becomes contaminated.
‪(카이) 아이, 진짜‬-Gosh. -Does it now cost
‪(나래) 그래서 한 백만 냥‬ ‪이렇게 돼 있는 거 아니야?‬-Gosh. -Does it now cost -one million nyang? -Lower than that.
‪(승기) 아, 그것도 안 주는 거야‬-one million nyang? -Lower than that.
‪[홀로 음성] 진주 오염도‬ ‪측정 결과‬The contamination level has been calculated.
‪(나래) 아, 좀 잘 좀 쳐줘요‬The contamination level has been calculated. Please pay us well.
‪[홀로 음성] 오염도‬The contamination level…
‪42%로…‬-…is at 42 percent. -Not bad.
‪- (카이) 오, 좋아, 이 정도면‬ ‪- (나래) 오, 그래, 절반은 그래도‬-…is at 42 percent. -Not bad.
‪[홀로 음성] 진주가‬ ‪오염되었습니다‬That much has been contaminated.
‪(나래와 희철)‬ ‪- 괜찮다, 괜찮아, 그래도, 야‬ ‪- 그러면은 반값 이상은 받네‬-Not bad. -We will receive more than half.
‪[홀로 음성] 그래서 이번 탈락자는‬-That's right. -Thus, you will lose
‪없습니다‬ ‪[카이의 환호성]‬zero members.
‪(나래) 오케이, 오케이, 오케이‬ ‪보아야!‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬TEAMWORK PAID OFF NO MEMBER LOST This is good!
‪[홀로 음성] 진주 오염도가‬This is good! Since the contamination level was below 50 percent,
‪성공 기준치인‬ ‪50% 이하였기 때문에‬Since the contamination level was below 50 percent,
‪미니 진주 15개를 지급합니다‬ ‪[카이의 환호성]‬-you will be given 15 mini pearls. -Yes.
‪(사람들) 어?‬-you will be given 15 mini pearls. -Yes.
‪[홀로 음성] 다음 관문에 필요한‬ ‪미니 진주알입니다‬Mini pearls are needed for the next task.
‪자유롭게‬ ‪나누어 가지시기 바랍니다‬Mini pearls are needed for the next task. Divide them freely among yourselves.
‪(카이) 아이, 또 뭐야, 이거‬ ‪또 왜 자유롭게야?‬-Gosh, why is it up to us? -Why are you smiling?
‪(승기와 나래)‬ ‪- 다음 미션‬ ‪- 너 왜 그 얘기 하면서 웃어?‬-Gosh, why is it up to us? -Why are you smiling?
‪(카이) [웃으며] 아니‬ ‪나 고생 많이 했거든요‬-Gosh, why is it up to us? -Why are you smiling? I struggled a lot.
‪(희철) 반만 줘‬ ‪[사람들이 당황한다]‬I struggled a lot. -Give me half. -What?
‪(보아) 진주, 진주예요, 진주‬-What? -Those are pearls.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬ ‪(승기) 어, 진주가 막 나오는데?‬-What? -Those are pearls. Pearls are being shot out.
‪서로 그냥 이렇게 한다고?‬Is this how we will divide them?
‪[보아의 웃음]‬ ‪아니, 아니, 저기, 여보세요‬Excuse me.
‪- (승기) 아니, 우리‬ ‪- (희철) [웃으며] 야‬Weren't we going to divide them as a team?
‪(승기) 우리 팀으로 뭐‬ ‪다 같이 하기로 하지 않았어?‬Weren't we going to divide them as a team?
‪(나래) 어, 나온다, 나오네‬They keep coming.
‪- (나래) 뭐야? 열쇠다!‬ ‪- (카이) 어? 얘 뭐야?‬-What is this? -What? It's a key.
‪- (나래) 열쇠 뭐야?‬ ‪- (승기) 몇 개 있어요, 지금?‬-What is that key? -How many do you have?
‪(카이) 어? 근데 글씨가 쓰여 있어‬CURRENT NUMBER OF PEARLS Something is written on the pearls.
‪- (나래) 무슨, '상', '하', '하'‬ ‪- (보아) '상', '하'가 있어‬Something is written on the pearls. -There are high and low. -High and low.
‪(지원) 야, 적은 사람 다 버려‬Ditch those with a few pearls. Come here if you have many pearls.
‪[카이의 웃음]‬ ‪많은 사람 일로 와 봐‬Ditch those with a few pearls. Come here if you have many pearls.
‪- (지원) 어쩔 수가 없어‬ ‪- 이 형 뭐야?‬-It can't be helped. -What are you doing?
‪(지원) 야, 많은 사람끼리‬ ‪뭉쳐야 돼‬We should stick together. It can't be helped.
‪어쩔 수가 없어‬We should stick together. It can't be helped.
‪이거 어차피 근데 같이 가야 돼‬In any case, we need to work together.
‪(지원) 너는 아쉬울 때만‬ ‪같이 가야 된다고‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬In any case, we need to work together. You only say that when you're disadvantaged.
‪(승기) [웃으며] 왜요‬You only say that when you're disadvantaged.
‪우리 버리고‬ ‪뭐 할 수 있는 게 없다니까‬You won't be able to do much without us.
‪야, 일단‬ ‪조개 길 계속 가 보자, 여기‬Let's keep following the Clam's Path.
‪[신비로운 음악]‬Let's keep following the Clam's Path.
‪(나래) 아니, 이거 왠지‬ ‪마녀랑 거래하는 거일 거 같아‬I feel like we're about to strike a deal with a witch.
‪(지원과 나래)‬ ‪- 마녀가 어디 있어?‬ ‪- 아니면 아이템일 수도 있는 거고‬I feel like we're about to strike a deal with a witch. -Where is the witch? -There could be an item.
‪- (승기) 여기 등대도 되게 묘해‬ ‪- (카이) 어?‬The lighthouse looks strange.
‪(나래) 뭐야?‬THEY ENTER THE MYSTERIOUS LIGHTHOUSE What is it? It's the Door of Time and Space.
‪어? 시공간의 문이래‬What is it? It's the Door of Time and Space.
‪(희철) 열어 봐‬WHERE WILL THE DOOR LEAD US? -Open it. -Hold on. Would that be a good idea?
‪(승기) 잠깐만‬ ‪그거 그냥 열면 돼?‬-Open it. -Hold on. Would that be a good idea?
‪아, 여기다 쓰는 건가 보네‬The key is for this door.
‪오, 된다, 들어갔어‬ ‪[신비로운 음악]‬HE USES THE KEY HE OBTAINED It works. It went in.
‪[나래의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 탄성]‬THE DOOR OF TIME AND SPACE
‪[나래의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪(희철) 야, 바다야, 뭐야? 우와‬-It's the sea. -What?
‪(카이) 누나, 들어가 봐요‬ ‪들어가 봐요, 들어가 봐‬ ‪[나래의 놀란 신음]‬-It's the sea. -What? -It's the sea. -Go on in.
‪(지원과 나래)‬ ‪- 야, 여기를 어떻게, 뭐야?‬ ‪- 이게 무슨 일이야‬What is this place? What is going on?
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬What is going on? THE DOOR LEADS TO ANOTHER SPACE
‪(승기) 바다야‬It's the sea.
‪- (카이) 누나, 빨리 들어가요‬ ‪- (나래) 아, 잠깐만‬It's the sea. -Go on in. -Hold on.
‪(나래) 나, 나 준비 운동 좀 하고!‬-Go on in. -Hold on. -Hurry up. -Let me prepare myself.
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬
‪- (희철) 뭐야?‬ ‪- (나래) 이게 뭐야?‬-What? -What is this place?
‪[나래와 보아의 놀란 신음]‬-What? -What is this place? STARTLED
‪(사람들) 어, 뭐야!‬STARTLED
‪야, 주꾸미 아니야? 주꾸미?‬Is that a webfoot octopus?
‪- (지원) 저거 뭐야?‬ ‪- (나래) 문어 아니야?‬-What is that? -Hey, it's an octopus.
‪(희철과 보아)‬ ‪- 야! 문어 마녀, 문어 마녀!‬ ‪- 마녀, 마녀‬-What is that? -Hey, it's an octopus. -Is that the witch? -The octopus witch.
‪- (나래) 그래, 문어 마녀‬ ‪- (희철) 문어 마녀‬-Is that the witch? -The octopus witch.
‪(희철) 야, 저거 문어 마녀‬ ‪저거 뭐야?‬ ‪[지원이 말한다]‬THE SECOND TASK, OCTOPUS GATEKEEPER -What is that? -Let's approach it.
‪- (나래) 와, 대박이다‬ ‪- (승기) 가자, 가자‬This is incredible. -Let's go. -I'll call it "Webby."
‪(지원) 야, 꾸미, 꾸미‬ ‪꾸미야, 꾸미‬-Let's go. -I'll call it "Webby."
‪(승기) 이야, 꾸미‬-Let's go. -I'll call it "Webby." -Webby. -Hey, Webby!
‪(지원) 야, 꾸미야‬-Webby. -Hey, Webby!
‪(수문장) 자, 조용, 조용, 조용!‬-Webby. -Hey, Webby! Quiet down.
‪- (카이) 어? 말한다‬ ‪- (지원) 뭐야?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-What? -It spoke. DID THE OCTOPUS SPEAK?
‪(카이) 움직이는 거야?‬DID THE OCTOPUS SPEAK? Did it just move?
‪- 뭐야?‬ ‪- (지원) 야, 주꾸미!‬Webfoot octopus!
‪- (희철) 오, 주꾸미 뭐야? 뭐야?‬ ‪- (나래) 누구야?‬-What is up with the webfoot octopus? -What is it?
‪(수문장) 나는 인어 세계의‬ ‪수문장이자 척척박사다‬-What is up with the webfoot octopus? -What is it? I'm the gatekeeper and the holder of all knowledge.
‪- (나래) 척척박사요?‬ ‪- (희철) 주꾸미가?‬-The holder of all knowledge? -An octopus?
‪(수문장) 자, 여기까지 온 걸 보면‬ ‪알고 싶은 게 있는 거 같은데‬Seeing as how you came this far, you must have a question.
‪(카이와 승기)‬ ‪- 그래, 찾는다‬ ‪- 인어의 흔적을 찾아야 되는데‬-That's right. -We need to find the mermaid's traces.
‪우리가 어떻게 찾아요, 그걸?‬How do we find them?
‪(지원) 인어의 흔적을 찾았고‬How do we find them? We needed to find the mermaid's traces, but we found food for dinner.
‪오늘 회식감도 찾았다‬We needed to find the mermaid's traces, but we found food for dinner.
‪(나래) 오늘 문어 숙회다‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬We needed to find the mermaid's traces, but we found food for dinner. We will have boiled octopus. Let's go to the kitchen.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪나랑 같이 주방으로 가자‬We will have boiled octopus. Let's go to the kitchen.
‪(수문장) 나는 물거품으로 사라진‬ ‪인어를 안타깝게 여겨‬I'm a mysterious being who felt bad for the mermaid
‪[신비로운 음악]‬ ‪인어의 눈물이자 흔적인 진주를‬I'm a mysterious being who felt bad for the mermaid and used my wisdom to hide the pearl
‪나의 지혜를 이용해 봉인한‬ ‪신비의 존재다‬and used my wisdom to hide the pearl that is the Mermaid's Tears with the trace of the Mermaid.
‪이 말은 곧‬that is the Mermaid's Tears with the trace of the Mermaid. That means I have information on the pearl you are looking for.
‪여러분이 찾고 있는 진주를‬ ‪내가 알고 있다는 얘기다‬That means I have information on the pearl you are looking for.
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬That means I have information on the pearl you are looking for. SO TREAT ME WELL
‪- 어디 있어!‬ ‪- (승기) 우리 진주 좀 찾게‬-Where is it? -Please help us find it.
‪빨리 알려 주세요, 도와주세요!‬-Where is it? -Please help us find it.
‪(수문장) 지금부터 내가 할 것은‬ ‪당신들의 지식을 시험해서‬Now, I will test your knowledge and see
‪인어의 진주를‬ ‪과연 가질 자격이 있는지‬ ‪[나래가 의아해한다]‬-if you deserve the mermaid's pearl. -Knowledge?
‪확인하는 것이다‬-if you deserve the mermaid's pearl. -Knowledge?
‪- (희철) 오, 지식‬ ‪- (승기) 아, 퀴즈, 퀴즈‬-Knowledge. -A quiz.
‪(나래) 아, 퀴즈 좋아‬ ‪퀴즈 좋아요‬We love quizzes.
‪(수문장) 지식들은 어디에서인가‬ ‪한 번씩 봤을 것이다‬You will be tested on something you should have stumbled upon.
‪잘 기억해라‬You will be tested on something you should have stumbled upon. Try to remember it.
‪지금부터 출제하는 지식들은‬Try to remember it. The questions come from New World Trivia
‪'오늘의 신세계 상식'이란‬ ‪게시물로‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬The questions come from New World Trivia
‪[나래의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(수문장)‬that was posted all over New World at places such as
‪(수문장) 여러분들이 머문‬ ‪신세계 곳곳에 게시돼 있었다‬that was posted all over New World at places such as Bistro Oasis, New Mart, Mega Bank, and Twin Tree Cafe.
‪(승기) 아까 신세계 상식 있었는데‬ ‪와, 안 봤어‬ ‪[나래의 탄성]‬INFORMATION FOR THE QUIZ WAS ALL OVER NEW WORLD I saw New World Trivia, but I didn't read it.
‪(나래와 태호)‬ ‪- 많이 살 겁니다‬ ‪- 여러분, 다들 고생 많으셨어요‬I'm going to buy a lot. Great work everyone.
‪(나래) 아, 이게 뭔 일이야, 이게‬What just happened?
‪- (나래) 나 매일매일 봤어‬ ‪- (카이) 아예 안 봤어‬ ‪[승기의 놀란 신음]‬I read it every day. -Really? -You are our only hope.
‪(카이와 승기)‬ ‪- 진짜?‬ ‪- 누나밖에 없다, 누나밖에 없다‬-Really? -You are our only hope.
‪- 나 매일매일 봤어‬ ‪- (승기) 아까도 봤어? 트윈트리?‬-I read it every day. -Did you read it today?
‪(지원) 야, 이거 안 되면‬ ‪나 진짜 돈 날린다, 너무 크게‬IT WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF JI-WON'S FACE
‪(수문장) 자, 지금부터‬ ‪내가 내는 질문에‬I will give you questions. If you answer correctly six times,
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪여섯 번 정답을 맞히면‬I will give you questions. If you answer correctly six times,
‪인어의 눈물을 얻을 수 있게‬ ‪도와주겠다‬ ‪[승기의 탄성]‬I will help you obtain the Mermaid's Tears. -Okay. -However,
‪- 오케이‬ ‪- (수문장) 하지만‬-Okay. -However,
‪(수문장) 틀리거나 제시한‬ ‪시간 내에 문제를 풀지 못할 경우‬if you answer incorrectly or fail to solve the question in time,
‪그 대가를 치르게 될 것이다‬you will pay the price.
‪너희들이 갖고 있는 작은 진주는‬ ‪서로 양도하거나 교환할 수 없다‬The small pearls you hold can't be given away or traded.
‪그 진주가‬ ‪각자에게 주어진 기회이다‬The pearls represent your opportunities.
‪(카이) 많은 사람은‬ ‪많이 대답할 수가 있는 거네‬ ‪[승기가 호응한다]‬The pearls represent your opportunities. If you have many pearls, you can answer more than one question.
‪많이 잡을 필요가 없었네‬There was no need to have many.
‪(승기) 그러니까, 희철이 형이‬ ‪계속 다 맞혀야 되네‬Hee-chul needs to answer all the questions.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(나래) 그러면…‬Hee-chul needs to answer all the questions.
‪(지원) 야, 난리 났네‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬-This is bad. -Seriously.
‪(나래) 그럼 내가 맞힐 수가 없네?‬-This is bad. -Seriously. I can't answer.
‪- (승기) 지식을 빨리 알려 줘‬ ‪- (카이) 아, 누나, 아…‬I can't answer. -Give him the knowledge. -Na-rae.
‪(수문장) 첫 질문에‬ ‪대답할 사람만 남고 나머지는‬Except for the one who will answer, everyone should stand by my legs.
‪내 다리 속으로 들어와라‬everyone should stand by my legs.
‪- (나래) 하, 어떡하지?‬ ‪- 다리 속?‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬-The legs? -What should we do?
‪(지원과 승기)‬ ‪- 야, 처음에 내가 갈게‬ ‪- 아니야, 신세계 상식이잖아‬-I will go first. -It's about New World Trivia. I have many pearls.
‪- 내가 여러 개라서‬ ‪- (승기) 아, 오케이, 오케이‬I have many pearls.
‪(나래) 그래, 그래‬Okay.
‪아유, 세상에‬My goodness.
‪(지원) 여기, 여기, 여기‬Here.
‪(수문장) 첫 번째 도전자‬Here. First contestant, put a pearl in my mouth.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪내 입에 상, 하 진주 중‬ ‪하나를 넣어라‬First contestant, put a pearl in my mouth.
‪난이도다‬ ‪'상'이 난이도야‬High and low refer to the difficulty.
‪[나래의 한숨]‬ ‪(지원) 야, 하로 넣어, 하!‬High and low refer to the difficulty. Pick low. Make sure to pick low.
‪하로 넣어야 돼‬ ‪야, 이건 난이도야‬Pick low. Make sure to pick low. It's the level of difficulty.
‪(카이) [웃으며] 나온다‬ ‪[사람들의 환호]‬-Something is coming out. -Isn't it a canon?
‪(나래) 대포 아니야?‬ ‪저 정도면?‬-Something is coming out. -Isn't it a canon?
‪[사람들의 환호와 웃음]‬
‪대포냐고‬-It's a canon. -It's so big.
‪(희철) 피노키오야, 뭐야?‬Is it Pinocchio?
‪(수문장) 자, 대답은‬ ‪꼭 30초 안에 해야 된다‬You must answer within 30 seconds.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(수문장)‬Korea's fast-paced culture led to an invention the world has never seen before.
‪(희철) 와…‬the world has never seen before.
‪(카이) 와, 이거 어떻게 알아?‬How would we know?
‪- 이게 하라고?‬ ‪- (카이) 이게 뭐야?‬-Is the difficulty level low? -This is ridiculous.
‪(수문장)‬It has been chosen as a must-buy souvenir for tourists who visit Korea.
‪(수문장) 답을 얘기하라‬ ‪지금 시간이 흐르고 있어‬-Time is passing. -Say something.
‪빨리, 그냥 아무거나‬ ‪[카이가 재촉한다]‬-Time is passing. -Say something.
‪(지원) 아, 보기가 없는 거예요?‬Are there no choices?
‪(나래) 보기 없어, 주관식이야‬ ‪오빠, 이거‬-There are no choices. -It's a short-answer question.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(수문장) 주관식이야, 주관식‬-There are no choices. -It's a short-answer question.
‪휴대용 고추장!‬Travel size gochujang.
‪(수문장) 땡!‬Incorrect.
‪[카이의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[웅장한 음악]‬
‪이 무식한 것들!‬You stupid morons!
‪이 물은 지식의 약수다‬This is the Water of Knowledge. Did it wake you up?
‪[비명]‬ ‪맞고 정신 차려라‬This is the Water of Knowledge. Did it wake you up?
‪(보아) 으아…‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬This is the Water of Knowledge. Did it wake you up?
‪[사람들의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪이게 뭐야, 이거?‬What was that?
‪[사람들의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(수문장) 정답은‬The answer is coffee mix.
‪커피믹스였다‬The answer is coffee mix.
‪[사람들의 탄식]‬The answer is coffee mix. ANSWER: COFFEE MIX
‪- (희철) 나 한번 해 볼게‬ ‪- (지원) 커피믹스라고?‬-I will go next. -Coffee mix?
‪- (승기) 형‬ ‪- (희철) 형, 어떻게…‬ ‪[지원의 피곤한 신음]‬PRETENDING TO BE PENNILESS
‪(지원) 넌 어떻게‬ ‪날 깨우지도 않고 가냐? 먼저‬Why didn't you wake me up in the morning?
‪우리 집 소파에서 자다가‬ ‪어제 잠깐 사라진 거 아니었어?‬THE ANSWER WAS NEARBY
‪(희철) [웃으며] 소파에서 잤어?‬THE ANSWER WAS NEARBY
‪(수문장) 첫 번째 기회가 실패했다‬ ‪시간이 지나 버렸다‬You blew your first chance. You failed to answer in time.
‪[지원이 구시렁거린다]‬ ‪30초 내에 빨리‬ ‪많은 답을 얘기하도록 해라‬Give as many answers as possible in 30 seconds.
‪누나, 근데 굉장히 깨끗해졌어요‬Na-rae, you became very clean.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(나래) 그래? 다행이다‬ ‪[카이의 웃음]‬-Really? -I'm glad. -Seriously. -This is good for you.
‪- (카이) 차라리 나아‬ ‪- (승기) 누나는 이게 맞다‬-Seriously. -This is good for you.
‪(카이) 어, 차라리 낫다‬-Seriously. -This is good for you. This is good for you.
‪- (희철) 나 한번 해 볼게‬ ‪- (지원) 커피믹스라고?‬-I will go next. -Coffee mix?
‪- (희철) 가자!‬ ‪- (카이) 형, 상 한번 해 봐요, 상‬-I will go next. -Coffee mix? -Let's go. -Pick high. -Let's see how difficult it is. -I will pick high.
‪- (카이) 상이 어떤지 한번 보자‬ ‪- 상 가 볼게, 일단‬-Let's see how difficult it is. -I will pick high.
‪- (희철) 상‬ ‪- (카이) 상이 어떤지 한번 보자‬-High. -Let's see how difficult it is.
‪(수문장) 상 진주를 주었으니‬ ‪상에 걸맞은 문제를 주겠다‬Since you gave me a "high" pearl, I will ask an appropriate question.
‪[신비로운 음악]‬ ‪(수문장)‬It's the name of an ugly and slow fish -that is dubbed "Ttukji." -Ttukji?
‪뚝지?‬-that is dubbed "Ttukji." -Ttukji?
‪(수문장)‬The word is also used to describe a person who is slow-witted. What is the word?
‪빠가사리!‬Korean bullhead.
‪- 아무거나 다 얘기해‬ ‪- (수문장) 땡‬-Keep going. -Incorrect.
‪빠가사리, 쏘가리!‬-Mandarin fish. -Incorrect.
‪- (수문장) 땡‬ ‪- 아무거나 해 봐, 오빠, 계속‬-Mandarin fish. -Incorrect. -Try different answers. -Sea horse.
‪- (희철) 해마!‬ ‪- (수문장) 땡‬-Try different answers. -Sea horse. -Incorrect. -Marlin.
‪- (희철) 청새치!‬ ‪- (수문장) 땡‬-Incorrect. -Marlin. -Incorrect. -Shark.
‪- (희철) 청상어!‬ ‪- (수문장) 땡‬-Incorrect. -Shark. -Incorrect. -Seal.
‪- (희철) 바다표범!‬ ‪- (수문장) 땡‬-Incorrect. -Seal. Incorrect.
‪(희철) 카, 맛있는 거 많이 파네‬Incorrect. DURING THE REAL ESTATE WAR
‪이거 우유 유통 기한 지난 거‬ ‪아니에요?‬RIGHT NEXT TO THE EXPIRED MILK
‪(직원1) 아, 진짜요?‬NEW WORLD TRIVIA
‪죄송해요‬ ‪제가 확인을 못 했나 봐요‬THE ANSWER IS SEA FISH
‪아, 뭐야?‬-What's the answer? -It's too hard.
‪(보아) 너무 어려워‬-What's the answer? -It's too hard.
‪(수문장) 점점 주변 사람들은‬ ‪각오해야 될 것이다‬You had better prepare yourself for the penalty.
‪(희철) 잠깐만! 이게 뭐라고…‬You had better prepare yourself for the penalty. -Hold on. -Come on.
‪- 야, 뭐 있냐?‬ ‪- (카이) 터진다!‬What's the answer?
‪가오리!‬ ‪[보아의 겁먹은 신음]‬What's the answer? Stingray.
‪(승기) 가오…‬TIME'S UP
‪[비명]‬ ‪[나래의 웃음]‬TIME'S UP
‪- 주꾸미, 다 같이 맞히면 안 돼?‬ ‪- (나래) 그래!‬-Can we answer together? -Seriously.
‪(수문장) 만약에 주변 사람이‬ ‪입을 뻥긋이라도 하면‬-Can we answer together? -Seriously. If someone so much as opens his or her mouth to help,
‪그에 따른 대가가 따를 것이다‬you will pay the price.
‪(희철) 야, 이거 확 그냥‬-You little… -Especially you, red tracksuit.
‪(수문장) 특히 빨간 추리닝‬-You little… -Especially you, red tracksuit.
‪(나래) 어, 어, 아이고‬ ‪요주의 인물이네‬ ‪[보아의 웃음]‬It has its eyes on you.
‪아, 주꾸미가‬ ‪[승기의 웃음]‬It has its eyes on you. This webfoot octopus… Are you looking down on me too?
‪(희철) 야, 지점장도 무시해‬ ‪[나래의 웃음]‬This webfoot octopus… Are you looking down on me too? The branch manager looked down on me. Shadow Merchant looked down on me.
‪그림자 마스터도 무시해‬The branch manager looked down on me. Shadow Merchant looked down on me.
‪[나래의 한숨]‬ ‪주꾸미도 무시하냐, 이제?‬Now, it's the webfoot octopus.
‪야, 진짜 나 미치겠네‬ ‪[웃음]‬This is driving me crazy.
‪(수문장) 자‬ ‪질문에 답하고 싶으면‬Give me a pearl if you want to answer a question.
‪진주를 나에게 줘라‬Give me a pearl if you want to answer a question.
‪- (나래) 내가 갈게‬ ‪- (승기) 누나, 누나‬-I will go next. -Go ahead.
‪(승기) 우리 여섯 개 맞혀야 돼‬ ‪여섯 개, 여섯 개 해야 돼‬We need to answer six questions, right?
‪(수문장)‬In the UK, it's called "Love apple." In the US, it's called "Wolf apple." What is this?
‪[고풍스러운 음악]‬ ‪(수문장)‬In the US, it's called "Wolf apple." What is this?
‪- (카이) 이게 뭐야? 러브 애플?‬ ‪- (나래) 예?‬-What? Love apple and wolf apple? -What?
‪울프 애플‬-What? Love apple and wolf apple? -What?
‪울프, 나 이거‬ ‪나 이거 못 봤던 거야‬-I don't know this one. -What?
‪(승기) 러브 애플?‬-I don't know this one. -What?
‪아무거나 얘기해, 누나, 그냥‬Take a wild guess.
‪- (나래) 사과!‬ ‪- (희철) 아니야, 아니야‬-Apple. -No.
‪그건 애플이잖아‬ ‪[나래가 중얼거린다]‬That's just apple.
‪- (나래) 어, 아니야, 어?‬ ‪- (승기) 무슨 애플‬ ‪[긴박한 음악]‬-No. -What is it? Mango.
‪어, 뭐지? 망고?‬-No. -What is it? Mango.
‪라즈베리‬ ‪[승기의 비명]‬-Na-rae. -Raspberry. Strawberry.
‪딸기‬ ‪[카이의 웃음]‬-Na-rae. -Raspberry. Strawberry. KNOWING THE PENALTY SCARES THEM
‪(나래) 그, 뭐야?‬ ‪[사람들의 겁먹은 신음]‬KNOWING THE PENALTY SCARES THEM
‪- 무화과‬ ‪- (수문장) 5초‬-Fig. -Five seconds.
‪[사람들의 겁먹은 신음]‬ ‪야, 어떡하지?‬What should I do?
‪(나래) 야, 이거 문제, 나 봤던 거‬ ‪아니란 말이야, 이거 진짜‬-Na-rae. -I didn't read about this one.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[사람들의 힘겨운 신음]‬EVEN THE TRIVIA MASTER FAILED
‪정답이 뭐야?‬What's the answer?
‪(수문장) 토마토‬ANSWER: TOMATO
‪[사람들의 탄식]‬ANSWER: TOMATO
‪[사람들의 비명과 웃음]‬ ‪(나래) 아휴, 씨‬
‪[카이의 웃음]‬ ‪[나래의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬WHAT IS GOING ON?
‪[승기의 웃음]‬WHAT IS GOING ON?
‪(수문장) 아! 내 다리!‬My leg!
‪내 다리!‬ ‪[수문장의 목소리가 울린다]‬My leg! WE ARE RUINED, RIGHT?
‪내 다리!‬ ‪[수문장의 목소리가 울린다]‬WE ARE RUINED, RIGHT?
‪영영 진주의 비밀을‬ ‪알고 싶지 않나!‬ ‪[보아의 웃음]‬Don't you want to know the secret of the pearl?
‪(보아) 레몬!‬Don't you want to know the secret of the pearl? Lemon.
‪헨리!‬Hurry up.
‪미꾸라지‬Hurry up. Loach.
‪[카이의 힘겨운 신음]‬Loach. THE PEARL GROWS DISTANT
‪(수문장) 한 문제도 못 맞히다니‬ ‪한심하구먼‬You didn't get a single question right. How pathetic.
‪이번엔 빨간 추리닝인가?‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Is it the red tracksuit's turn?
‪야, 하 한번 가 봐‬Here is a "low" pearl. A HERO RISES DURING TROUBLED TIMES
‪[웅장한 음악]‬ ‪(수문장)‬Unless there were other disqualifying factors,
‪(수문장)‬Napoleon hired people with big "Blank."
‪(수문장)‬What goes in the blank?
‪[희철의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪(승기) 아무거나, 아무거나‬Say anything. Say all the body parts.
‪아무거나 다 얘기해, 신체 뭐‬Say anything. Say all the body parts.
‪아, 머리!‬Head. Eyes.
‪눈! 코!‬Head. Eyes. -Nose. Brain. -Correct.
‪- (희철) 뇌!‬ ‪- (수문장) 딩동댕‬-Nose. Brain. -Correct.
‪(보아) 어?‬ ‪[사람들의 환호성]‬-Nose. Brain. -Correct. NAPOLEON PREFERRED PEOPLE WITH A BIG NOSES
‪(희철) 해냈다, 승기야!‬-Seung-gi, I did it. -Good job.
‪- (승기) 좋았어!‬ ‪- (나래) 됐다‬-Seung-gi, I did it. -Good job.
‪(승기) 오, 정답 맞히니까‬ ‪리본에 불 들어왔어‬Light came on since he answered a question.
‪- 자, 자, 가자! 주꾸미!‬ ‪- (지원) 야, 다리를 하나 더 잘라‬-Let's go. -Come on. Webfoot octopus, let's go.
‪가자!‬ ‪[승기의 웃음]‬Webfoot octopus, let's go.
‪(수문장) 개복치‬-What's the scientific name of sunfish? -I know what sunfish is.
‪- 개복치 알지‬ ‪- (수문장) 의 학명은?‬-What's the scientific name of sunfish? -I know what sunfish is.
‪- (카이) 어?‬ ‪- 학명?‬-The scientific name? -What's that?
‪학명이 뭐야?‬-The scientific name? -What's that?
‪(수문장)‬Here comes a hint. It's a song by Um Jung-hwa.
‪(희철) 몰라 몰라!‬Mola mola.
‪(수문장) 딩동댕‬ ‪[사람들의 환호성]‬Correct.
‪- 야!‬ ‪- (지원) 와, 몰라 몰라!‬Mola mola.
‪(승기) 야, 희철이 형‬ ‪오늘따라 멋있어 보인다‬ ‪[사람들의 탄성]‬Mola mola. FORGET ABOUT THE OLD BEGGAR KIM
‪나 없었으면 어쩔 뻔했어‬ ‪진짜 다들!‬THE RED HEE-CHUL IS ON THE RISE
‪코! 몰라 몰라!‬Nose. Mola mola.
‪- (승기) 좋았어!‬ ‪- (나래) 됐다‬We did it.
‪- (희철) 와, 대박, 대박이다‬ ‪- (카이) 와, 대박이다‬I WILL OVERCOME THE GATEKEEPER -That was incredible. -That was incredible.
‪(승기) 대박이다‬-That was incredible. -That was incredible.
‪(희철) 비빔밥!‬Bibimbap. Hot dog. Instant noodles.
‪핫도그, 라면!‬Bibimbap. Hot dog. Instant noodles.
‪(승기) 아무거나‬ ‪아무거나 얘기해, 그냥‬-Keep guessing. -Keep guessing.
‪- (보아) 힌트, 힌트‬ ‪- (희철) 스테이크‬-Hint. -Steak.
‪(희철) 샌드위치!‬-Sandwich. -Correct.
‪(수문장) 정답‬ ‪[사람들의 환호성]‬-Sandwich. -Correct. BEGGAR KIM DID IT AGAIN!
‪- (승기) 잘했어, 잘했어, 잘했어!‬ ‪- (희철) 야, 승기야!‬-Good job. -Seung-gi!
‪- (승기) 이야, 형!‬ ‪- (희철) 승기야, 형이야!‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음과 박수]‬-Good job. -Seung-gi!
‪(희철과 카이)‬ ‪- 카이야!‬ ‪- 형이 에이스야, 형이 에이스야!‬-Good job. -Seung-gi! You are the ace. -You are the ace. -I did it.
‪- 내가 에이스야!‬ ‪- (승기) 좋아, 좋아, 좋아!‬-You are the ace. -I did it.
‪(승기) 야, 희철이 형‬-You are the ace. -I did it. -Hee-chul. -I'm smart!
‪(희철) 나는 똑똑하다!‬ ‪[카이의 웃음]‬-Hee-chul. -I'm smart!
‪나는 똑똑하다!‬ ‪[희철의 목소리가 울린다]‬I, KIM HEE-CHUL, AM SMART
‪야, 다음 누구야!‬-Who is next? Let's keep this up. -Good.
‪야, 이 기세 몰아가!‬-Who is next? Let's keep this up. -Good.
‪(수문장) 자, 질문을 주겠다‬-Here comes the question. -What is it?
‪(카이) 뭐야?‬-Here comes the question. -What is it?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(수문장)‬According to a Russian proverb,
‪(수문장)‬you should pray three times when you do this.
‪(나래) 사랑을 할 때‬ ‪결혼을 할 때‬When you love. When you get married.
‪(수문장) 딩동댕‬ ‪[사람들의 환호성]‬Correct.
‪[나래의 안도하는 한숨]‬MARRIAGE
‪(수문장)‬When there is a position available, people say that there is T.O.
‪(수문장)‬What does T stand for?
‪(수문장) 딩동댕‬ ‪[사람들의 환호성]‬Correct. Seung-gi is smart.
‪야, 얘는 그냥 똑똑하구나‬Seung-gi is smart.
‪(나래) 야, 그냥 똑똑하네‬ ‪[승기의 환호성]‬-You just answered it. -Good job.
‪(승기) 봤지, 봤지, 봤지, 봤지!‬-You just answered it. -Good job.
‪(나래) 야, 대박이다‬ ‪[환호성]‬-You just answered it. -Good job. That was incredible.
‪(희철과 승기)‬ ‪- 하나 남았어, 하나 남았어‬ ‪- 하나만 하면 된다, 우리 하나만‬-One question left. -We have one question left.
‪- 하나 남았잖아, 우리 지금‬ ‪- (승기) 하나만 하면 돼, 하나만‬-We have one question left. -One question left.
‪할 수 있어‬ ‪[신비로운 음악]‬We can do it.
‪(지원) 야, 아무도 없어, 이제?‬Does no one else have a pearl?
‪(사람들) 없어‬Does no one else have a pearl? -No. -No.
‪(나래) 카이야, 너 없어?‬KAI, don't you have any?
‪(수문장)‬This consumption pattern appears during the economic recession.
‪(수문장)‬The sales of cheap luxury goods go up. What is the pattern called?
‪(수문장)‬The sales of cheap luxury goods go up. What is the pattern called?
‪(승기) 저렴한 사치품의…‬The sales of cheap luxury goods go up. What is the pattern called? Cheap luxury goods.
‪[나래의 힘겨운 신음]‬TIME'S UP
‪(지원) 아니, 뭐, 그런 거 아니야?‬TIME'S UP Isn't it correct?
‪[사람들의 힘겨운 신음]‬REMAINING PEARLS: 3
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(수문장)‬In The Jehol Diary, Park Ji-won described this animal
‪(수문장)‬as having ears like clouds
‪(수문장)‬and eyes like the crescent moon. What is this animal?
‪[지원의 의아한 신음]‬ ‪오빠‬-Ji-won. -The next question.
‪쏴, 다음 거‬-Ji-won. -The next question.
‪[카이의 분한 신음]‬ ‪(보아) 아, 얄미워!‬It's so annoying.
‪(수문장) 이것을 잃으면‬It's so annoying. Losing this item was considered as a sign of giving up on chastity.
‪절개를 굽히는 것으로‬ ‪간주되었다고 하는데‬Losing this item was considered as a sign of giving up on chastity.
‪이것은?‬What is this item?
‪[사람들의 힘겨운 신음]‬REMAINING PEARL: 1
‪아이, 좀 맞혀!‬Answer the question!
‪왜 이렇게 많이 주웠어, 형!‬ ‪쓸데없이‬Why did you pick up so many pearls?
‪그러니까 왜 나한테 다‬ ‪야, 이거…‬Why did they come to me? Can't I give them to someone else?
‪(지원) 이거 양도해 줄 수 없어?‬Can't I give them to someone else?
‪(나래) 오빠한테 나온 문제는‬ ‪다 내가 봤던 거야‬Can't I give them to someone else? Those were the questions I had read about.
‪[사람들의 탄식]‬Those were the questions I had read about.
‪야, 이제 상이야‬-The difficulty level will be high now. -Put it in.
‪- (희철) 빨리 넣어, 그럼, 추워!‬ ‪- (나래) 오빠, 넣어, 넣어!‬-The difficulty level will be high now. -Put it in.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(수문장) 마지막인가?‬Is this your last chance? THE LAST MINI PEARL, THE LAST CHANCE
‪형, 그냥 해 보자‬-Let's do this. -Here comes the last question.
‪(수문장) 자, 마지막 질문‬-Let's do this. -Here comes the last question.
‪상에 걸맞은 문제를 주겠다‬I will ask an appropriate question for a "high" pearl.
‪(수문장)‬In Greek Mythology, who is the first woman
‪(수문장)‬In Greek Mythology, who is the first woman Zeus made with all other gods? WHO IS THE FIRST WOMAN ZEUS MADE WITH ALL OTHER GODS?
‪신 다 말하면 돼, 다‬-Name all the gods. -Venus.
‪- (카이) 신 아무나‬ ‪- 비너스!‬-Name all the gods. -Venus.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- (승기) 신이…‬ ‪- (수문장) 20초‬Twenty seconds.
‪형, 빨리 아무거나 막…‬Hurry up.
‪(승기) 아무거나 다 얘기해‬Give all the names.
‪야, 이거 한 명 탈락하겠는데‬Someone will be eliminated.
‪(수문장) 10초‬Ten seconds.
‪아담, 이브!‬Adam. Eve.
‪(수문장) 5초‬Five seconds.
‪(카이) 제발!‬ ‪[희철의 괴로운 신음]‬Please.
‪[사람들의 괴로운 신음]‬ ‪(희철) 안녕히 계세요, 여러분!‬Please. Bye, everyone.
‪[사람들의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪(지원) 누군데?‬Who is it?
‪(수문장) 판도라‬Who is it? Pandora.
‪아, 판도라가 만들어…‬I see.
‪(수문장) 성공 조건인‬ ‪여섯 문제 중‬You needed to answer six questions,
‪다섯 문제만 맞혔기 때문에‬but you answered five questions.
‪이번 관문은 실패이다‬You failed the task.
‪실패했기 때문에 너희들 중에‬ ‪주민 한 명을 탈락시켜야 된다‬Thus, you must eliminate one resident.
‪[단말기 알림 효과음]‬
‪- (희철) 어, 잠깐만‬ ‪- (카이) 왔다, 왔다, 왔다‬-Hold on. -Here it comes.
‪얘들아, 미안하다‬I'm sorry.
‪(승기) [웃으며] 투표인가 봐‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬I'm sorry. I'm responsible for this failure.
‪- 이 실패는 형으로 인해서‬ ‪- (나래) 아니야‬I'm responsible for this failure. -That's not true. -We could have succeeded,
‪(지원) 다 같이‬ ‪성공할 수 있었는데‬-That's not true. -We could have succeeded,
‪나로 인해서 한 문제를 못 맞혀서‬ ‪[나래가 부정한다]‬-but I failed to answer a question. -That's not true, Ji-won.
‪- 오빠, 아니라고‬ ‪- (지원) 실패했어‬-but I failed to answer a question. -That's not true, Ji-won.
‪- 그래요, 형, 그래요‬ ‪- (나래) 아니야, 오빠‬-but I failed to answer a question. -That's not true, Ji-won. -It's okay. -Let's vote.
‪(희철) 일단 투표해‬-It's okay. -Let's vote.
‪아니, 누구 하지? 진짜‬Who should I pick?
‪나, 나 3개 맞혔어‬I answered three questions.
‪(지원) 너는 인정, 인정‬I answered three questions. You did well.
‪- (나래) 맞아‬ ‪- (승기) 나, 나 한…‬I answered a question.
‪- 원 샷 원 킬 했잖아‬ ‪- (나래) 맞아, 그건 그래‬I answered a question. -That's right. -It's a secret ballot.
‪(희철) 비밀 투표 해, 일단‬-That's right. -It's a secret ballot. PICK A RESIDENT WHO WILL BE ELIMINATED
‪(수문장)‬The ballot has ended.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(수문장) 여러분이 뽑은 탈락자는‬The person who will be eliminated is…
‪은지원‬…Eun Ji-won.
‪은지원은 집으로 돌아가길 바란다‬EUN JI-WON IS OUT Eun Ji-won, please return to your house.
‪잘 가‬Eun Ji-won, please return to your house. -Bye. -We will give you some money.
‪형, 어쨌든 우리가 섭섭지 않게‬ ‪챙겨 줄게요‬-Bye. -We will give you some money.
‪아니야, 밥만 사 줘‬It's okay. Just buy me meals.
‪- (나래) 오빠, 걱정하지 마‬ ‪- 밥만 사 줘도‬It's okay. Just buy me meals. -Don't worry. -Just buy me meals.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- (승기) 걱정하지 마‬ ‪- (지원) 밥만 사 줘도 돼‬-Don't worry. -Just buy me meals. We will buy you meals.
‪- (승기) 집에 가 있어‬ ‪- (지원) 파이팅 해!‬We will buy you meals. -Good luck. -Okay.
‪- (승기) 집에 가 있어, 빨리 가요‬ ‪- (지원) 파이팅!‬-Good luck. -Okay. -Good luck. -You did well.
‪(승기) 집에 가 있어‬-Good luck. -You did well.
‪(수문장) 자, 안타깝지만‬ ‪여러분 중에 탈락자가 발생했다‬ ‪[나래의 한숨]‬-Good luck. -You did well. Unfortunately, one of you got eliminated.
‪남은 자들은‬ ‪다시 분수대로 돌아가라‬The rest of you should return to the fountain.
‪- (승기) 자, 일단 빨리 돌아가서‬ ‪- 가자‬THE LAST TASK AWAITS -Let's return. -Let's go.
‪- (승기) 우리 다시 인어…‬ ‪- (희철) 일단 시공간, 시공간!‬-Let's return. -Let's go. -We need to go to Venus Square. -The Door of Time and Space.
‪(승기) 비너스 광장으로 가야 돼‬ ‪비너스 광장‬-We need to go to Venus Square. -The Door of Time and Space.
‪- (카이) 절로 갑시다‬ ‪- (승기) 자, 가자‬-We need to go to Venus Square. -The Door of Time and Space. -Time and space. -Let's go. Let's hurry.
‪(승기) 카이야, 빨리 가자‬-Time and space. -Let's go. Let's hurry. THEY ARE RUNNING TOWARD THE END
‪[희철의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(나래) 아이, 아깝다‬THEY ARE RUNNING TOWARD THE END We were so close.
‪(지원) 뭐 한 게 있다고‬ ‪배가 고프냐, 씨‬HE CAN'T HELP BUT SIGH I'm hungry even though I didn't do much.
‪넌 밥 먹을 자격이 없어‬I don't deserve to eat.
‪[샤워기 물이 솨 흐른다]‬
‪이러다가 나 꼴찌 하겠는데?‬At this rate, I will become poorer than Hee-chul.
‪희철이보다도?‬At this rate, I will become poorer than Hee-chul.
‪아, 진짜‬For goodness' sake.
‪야, 여기도 경치 좋네, 나름‬HE GETS SOME FRESH AIR The view is nice here as well.
‪아, 저 등대 이제 꼴 보기 싫어‬That lighthouse is an eyesore now.
‪[신비로운 음악]‬That lighthouse is an eyesore now.
‪[사람들의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(승기) 야, 야, 너무 추워‬THE SURVIVING RESIDENTS RETURN -It's so cold. -Is everyone okay?
‪[카이의 떨리는 신음]‬ ‪야, 괜찮아?‬-It's so cold. -Is everyone okay?
‪일단, 일단 시간이 별로 없어요‬-It's so cold. -Is everyone okay? We don't have much time.
‪어디서 모이는지는 다 알지?‬ ‪[카이가 대답한다]‬-You know where to go, right? -Yes.
‪- (승기) 오케이, 빨리 가자‬ ‪- (카이) 가요, 가요, 가요, 가요‬-Let's hurry over. -Let's go.
‪(승기) 가자, 가자, 가자‬-Let's hurry over. -Let's go.
‪[신비로운 음악]‬
‪- (나래) 운전을 잘하네, 어?‬ ‪- (승기) 아휴, 잘하지‬-You are a good driver. -Of course I am.
‪(나래) 어?‬
‪- (나래) 뭐야, 이거?‬ ‪- (승기) 시계가 있네?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-What is that? -There is a clock.
‪- (나래) 뭐야, 불안하게‬ ‪- (승기) 미션인가?‬I'm anxious. -Is it a mission? -What?
‪(카이) 뭐야?‬-Is it a mission? -What?
‪뭐야?‬What is this?
‪(나래) 또 뭐가 있는 거야?‬Who is that?
‪와, 이거‬ ‪담금주 키트 아니야, 이거?‬THE RESIDENTS ARE CONFUSED Isn't this a bottle for infused liquor?
‪이거 담금주 병인데‬That's what it looks like.
‪- (승기) 뭐지, 이게?‬ ‪- (나래) 뭐야, 이거?‬-What is this? -What is this?
‪(나래) 어? 이거, 이거‬ ‪진주 아니야?‬Aren't these pearls?
‪(승기) 이거잖아, 이거‬That must be it.
‪(나래) 오, 조심해, 조심조심‬Be careful.
‪[승기의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[달그락 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪- (승기) 이게…‬ ‪- (나래) 오, 야, 안에 뭐 들었다‬-This is… -There's something inside.
‪- (나래) 어? 왜 그래?‬ ‪- (승기) 어?‬-What? -What's wrong?
‪[달그락 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(승기) 어, 진주 있어!‬-There are pearls inside. -Of course.
‪(나래) 진주 있어‬-There are pearls inside. -Of course.
‪(승기) 어, 진주 있어‬-There are pearls inside. -Of course. -There are pearls inside. -Is there a hammer?
‪야, 어디 망치 같은 거 없냐?‬-There are pearls inside. -Is there a hammer?
‪(나래) 내리치면 될 거 같은데‬ ‪[웃음]‬-There are pearls inside. -Is there a hammer? We could open it that way.
‪어? 왜 그래?‬What is it?
‪(승기) 이야…‬What is it? That must be the key.
‪이거, 이 열쇠인가 보다‬That must be the key.
‪이 열쇠인가 보다‬That must be the key.
‪(승기와 나래)‬ ‪- 이거 열쇠 구멍 있잖아, 여기‬ ‪- 아, 그러네‬-There is a keyhole. -You are right.
‪(나래) 야, 기가 막히지, 이거‬This is incredible.
‪- 씻으셨어요?‬ ‪- (승기) 어‬-Did you wash up? -Yes.
‪(승기) 야, 일단‬ ‪이게 진주함인가 봐‬ ‪[보아가 놀란다]‬-I think this is the Jewelry Box. -What?
‪여기서 발견했어‬-I think this is the Jewelry Box. -What? -We found it here. -Do we need to wait for the others?
‪(보아) 누구 더 와야 돼요?‬ ‪오빠들?‬-We found it here. -Do we need to wait for the others?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(함께) [웃으며] 와야지‬-Yes, we do. -Yes, we do.
‪[웃음]‬ ‪(승기) 와야지, 보아야‬-Yes, we do. -Yes, we do.
‪(나래) 아, 우리 셋이서?‬ ‪셋이서 먹자고?‬-You wanted the three of us to share. -We got here first.
‪- (승기) 보아야, 와야지, 와야지‬ ‪- (보아) 온 김에‬-You wanted the three of us to share. -We got here first.
‪그래, 너의 그런 자세 너무 좋다‬I love your attitude.
‪[보아의 웃음]‬ ‪(나래와 승기) 너무 좋아‬I love your attitude. -I love it. -I love it.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬You are here.
‪- (나래) 아이고, 오셨어요?‬ ‪- 제가 꼴등 아니죠?‬You are here. -I'm not the last one, right? -Of course not.
‪- (나래) 아이고, 아직 안 왔어‬ ‪- (승기) 어, 카이 왔어?‬-I'm not the last one, right? -Of course not.
‪- (카이) 어? 희철이 형 없네?‬ ‪- (나래) 없어‬-Hee-chul isn't here yet. -No.
‪(승기) 희철이 형 아니야?‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Isn't that Hee-chul?
‪[카이의 웃음]‬ ‪(나래) 오빠‬Isn't that Hee-chul? Hee-chul.
‪[웅장한 효과음]‬ ‪(희철) 오늘의 캐리맨‬The MVP of the day.
‪[희철의 목소리가 울린다]‬ ‪[보아의 웃음]‬The MVP of the day.
‪야, 햇볕 좋다‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬Gosh, the sun feels nice.
‪- (승기) 요!‬ ‪- (카이) 아니, 아니, 아니야‬ ‪[나래의 웃음]‬No, that's not it.
‪[보아의 웃음]‬
‪(희철) 오늘의 캐리맨‬ ‪[희철의 목소리가 울린다]‬The MVP of the day. HE REMINDS THEM AGAIN
‪(카이) 아, 근데 형, 진짜‬ ‪[나래의 한숨]‬Hee-chul, you made a major contribution for the first time.
‪처음으로 엄청난 활약상‬Hee-chul, you made a major contribution for the first time.
‪'처음으로'?‬ ‪[카이의 웃음]‬"For the first time?"
‪(희철) 너의 그런 미운 말‬ ‪한마디, 한마디가‬Every mean comment you make will come back to you in the end.
‪너의 목을 조를 것이다‬Every mean comment you make will come back to you in the end.
‪(카이) 아니에요, 아니야, 아니야‬Every mean comment you make will come back to you in the end. Don't say that.
‪[홀로 음성] 문어‬ ‪잘 만나고 오셨나요?‬Did you meet the octopus?
‪- (카이) 아, 문어가 근데 건방져‬ ‪- (승기) 주꾸미, 주꾸미‬-It was rather cocky. -It's a webfoot octopus.
‪(희철) 주꾸미‬-It was rather cocky. -It's a webfoot octopus.
‪아직 문어가 될 그릇이 안 됐어‬ ‪[카이가 호응한다]‬It didn't have the caliber of an octopus.
‪[신비로운 음악]‬ ‪[홀로 음성] 어쨌든 이곳은‬ ‪수문장이‬It didn't have the caliber of an octopus. This is where the gatekeeper
‪인어의 진주를 봉인해 둔 곳입니다‬This is where the gatekeeper -sealed the mermaid's pearls. -I see.
‪(희철) 봉인‬ ‪[승기의 탄성]‬-sealed the mermaid's pearls. -I see. To break the seal on the pearls…
‪[홀로 음성] 여러분들이‬ ‪진주의 봉인을 풀기 위해서는‬To break the seal on the pearls…
‪뭘까?‬-What should we do? -…you must use the mermaid's holy water.
‪[홀로 음성] 인어의 성수를‬ ‪이용해야 합니다‬-What should we do? -…you must use the mermaid's holy water.
‪뭐야?‬-What? Okay. -Behind you in Venus Square
‪[홀로 음성] 지금 여러분들 뒤‬ ‪비너스 광장에는‬-What? Okay. -Behind you in Venus Square
‪(나래) 예‬-What? Okay. -Behind you in Venus Square is the main fountain.
‪[홀로 음성] 중앙 분수대가‬ ‪있습니다‬is the main fountain. MAIN FOUNTAIN, A PLACE WHERE THE MERMAID'S HOLY WATER FLOWS
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪중앙 분수대 앞에‬ ‪항아리가 3개가 있어요‬There are three pots in front of the main fountain.
‪그 중앙 분수대로부터 나오는‬From the main fountain,
‪푸른색의 신비로운‬ ‪인어의 성수를 받아서‬fill the pots with the mermaid's holy water, which is blue.
‪(나래) 어디?‬fill the pots with the mermaid's holy water, which is blue. -Where is it? -You can obtain the key
‪[홀로 음성] 인어 동상 앞에 있는‬-Where is it? -You can obtain the key
‪빈 수조를 가득 채우면‬ ‪열쇠를 획득할 수가 있습니다‬by filling up the empty tank in front of the Mermaid Statue.
‪(나래) 아니, 뭐야, 저, 저기‬ ‪이거, 이거?‬ ‪[희철의 탄성]‬Do you mean those pots?
‪[홀로 음성] 3개의 항아리라는 게‬ ‪곧 도전 기회이고‬The three pots represent the number of attempts.
‪세 번 내에 빈 수조를 채워서‬In three attempts, you must fill up the empty tank
‪열쇠를 획득해야 되는 겁니다‬In three attempts, you must fill up the empty tank -and obtain the key. -Three attempts?
‪- 세 번에?‬ ‪- (승기) 세 번?‬-and obtain the key. -Three attempts? -Three attempts? -However.
‪[홀로 음성] 단, 인어의 성수는‬ ‪극히 예민한 성질이기 때문에‬-Three attempts? -However. The mermaid's holy water is quite volatile.
‪각별히 주의해서 옮겨야 하며‬The mermaid's holy water is quite volatile. You must be very careful when you move it.
‪[보아의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪성수가 든 항아리는‬Once a pot contains the holy water,
‪수문장이 설치해 놓은‬ ‪돌림판이 가리키는 방향으로만‬it can only move in the direction the wheel is pointing.
‪이동시킬 수 있습니다‬in the direction the wheel is pointing.
‪(승기) 고, 고, 고‬
‪- (승기) 어? 구멍 있는데?‬ ‪- (나래) 보자‬-Let's see them. -There is a hole.
‪(승기) 별로 안 커‬ ‪[보아의 의아한 신음]‬-They aren't very big. -What? Is there a hole?
‪(보아) 구멍이 있다고요?‬-They aren't very big. -What? Is there a hole? THERE IS A HOLE
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- (카이) 어디에요? 여기 있다‬ ‪- (나래) 어디 봐‬-Let's see. -Here.
‪(나래) 에이‬-Let's see. -Here. -Gosh. -There are many holes.
‪- (카이) 그게, 그게‬ ‪- (나래) 잠깐만‬-That one. -Hold on.
‪- (나래) 아이, 구멍은 다 똑같네‬ ‪- (카이) 이게 제일 작지 않아요?‬-They all have holes. -Isn't this better?
‪(승기) 이거 어차피 물은 새‬ ‪완벽하게 못 막아‬ ‪[나래가 호응한다]‬It will leak anyhow. We won't be able to close them.
‪- (카이) 그래서‬ ‪- (희철) 두 턴에 끝이야‬It will leak anyhow. We won't be able to close them. -That's right. -Listen.
‪(카이) 지금 여기를 보시면 흰색‬ ‪주황색, 파란색, 검은색 있으니까‬As you can see, there are white, orange, blue, and black.
‪(카이와 나래)‬ ‪- 거기 가 있어야지, 우리가‬ ‪- 거기 가 있으면 돼요‬-We should go there. -Yes. Let's go.
‪- (나래) 가자, 우리, 그러면‬ ‪- (희철) 가자, 가자‬Let's go. -Then… -Let's go.
‪- (나래) 어‬ ‪- (카이) 형‬Hee-chul.
‪- (희철) 승기야‬ ‪- (카이) 팀전이에요‬-Seung-gi. -We are a team.
‪(승기) 신세계 파이팅!‬New World, let's go!
‪(함께) 파이팅!‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-Let's go! -Let's go!
‪주민 여러분, 힘냅시다!‬Residents, we can do it.
‪18억 냥이 눈앞에 있다‬We can win 800 million nyang.
‪[보아의 기합]‬ ‪(승기) 힘냅시다!‬-Let's go! -Let's do this.
‪(보아) 하얀색‬White.
‪[경기 대기음]‬
‪[경기 알림음]‬GO
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪(나래) 아, 꽤 무겁네?‬ ‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬It's quite heavy.
‪[승기의 힘주는 신음]‬It's quite heavy.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪- (승기) 주황색, 주황색‬ ‪- (나래) 주황색‬-Orange. -Orange.
‪(승기) 오‬
‪물 아까워, 물 아까워‬ ‪물 새, 물 새, 물 새, 이거‬I don't want to waste water. It's leaking.
‪- (카이) 누나, 거기 빨간색 있죠?‬ ‪- (승기) 잘 못 막아‬I don't want to waste water. It's leaking. -Close up the holes. -There is red, right? -Red. -Na-rae.
‪- (카이) 빨간색‬ ‪- (승기) [웃으며] 누나‬-Red. -Na-rae.
‪(나래) 뭐야, 이거‬What is this?
‪(카이) 누나, 빨간색‬Try to get red.
‪(함께) 노란색, 노란색, 노란색!‬-Yellow. -Yellow.
‪(승기와 나래) 노란색‬ ‪노란색, 노란색!‬THERE IS NO ONE AT YELLOW
‪- (나래) 희철 오빠, 노란색!‬ ‪- (승기) 노란색, 노란색!‬-Hee-chul, go to yellow. -Yellow.
‪- (나래) 희철 오빠, 노란색!‬ ‪- (희철) 노란색, 노란색, 노란색!‬-Yellow. -Yellow.
‪(희철) 노란색, 노란색, 노란색‬Yellow. To yellow!
‪(카이) 보아 누나, 흰색‬ ‪보아 누나, 흰색‬Yellow. To yellow! Bo-ah, go to white.
‪(희철) 돌린다?‬Bo-ah, go to white. I will spin it.
‪(나래) 아니야, 아니야, 하지 마‬ ‪여기까지 가야 돼‬I will spin it. Hold on. I will do it.
‪(카이) 그러면 저 어디 가요?‬Hold on. I will do it. -Where should I go? -It's leaking.
‪(희철과 나래)‬ ‪- 야, 야, 야, 너무 샌다, 이거‬ ‪- 너무 새, 너무 새, 너무 새‬-Where should I go? -It's leaking.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(나래) 얼른, 지금 해, 지금 해‬Do it now. White.
‪흰색, 흰색, 흰색‬ ‪잠깐, 희색‬Do it now. White.
‪(승기) 어? 저거 다 샌다, 다 샌다‬It's leaking.
‪야, 다 새, 다 새!‬It's leaking. It's leaking.
‪- (카이) 돌려요‬ ‪- (승기) 야, 다 새, 다 새‬-Spin it. -It's leaking.
‪(희철) 야, 주황색!‬-Orange. -Hurry up.
‪- 아유‬ ‪- (승기) 형, 빨리 와, 빨리 와‬-Orange. -Hurry up.
‪(승기) 빨리 와, 빨리 와‬ ‪빨리 와!‬Hurry up.
‪밑에 좀 잘 막아!‬Hurry up. Cover up the holes well.
‪(카이) 형, 그러면‬ ‪제가 저기 가 있을게요, 빨간색‬I will go to red.
‪(희철과 승기)‬ ‪- 물 다시 떠야 되는 거 아니야?‬ ‪- 아이씨, 야, 이거‬HEE-CHUL LEAKED ALL THE HOLY WATER Shouldn't we get the water again?
‪- (승기) 중앙, 중앙, 다시 중앙‬ ‪- (희철) 중앙, 중앙, 물 떠‬-The center. -Fill up the pot again.
‪(보아) 아, 물 떠도 돼요?‬-The center. -Fill up the pot again. Can we do that?
‪(승기) 자, 자, 자, 자, 자‬All right.
‪- (보아) 으아! 물 다 들어갔어!‬ ‪- (승기) 제발!‬-Please. -It's leaking.
‪- (카이) 흰색!‬ ‪- (보아) 흰색, 제발 흰색‬-White. -Please let it be white.
‪- (승기) 주황색, 주황색도 괜찮아‬ ‪- (보아) 주황색!‬-White. -Please let it be white. -Orange. That's not too bad. -Orange.
‪[보아가 중얼거린다]‬ ‪(희철) 돌려, 돌려!‬-Na-rae. -Spin it.
‪- (나래) 노란색, 오빠, 노란색!‬ ‪- (승기) 노란색?‬-Yellow. -Yellow.
‪(희철) 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어‬ ‪[나래의 가쁜 숨소리]‬-Yellow. -Yellow. Run.
‪- (보아) 하얀색‬ ‪- (희철) [웃으며] 주황색?‬Run. -White. -Orange?
‪(희철) 이거 오늘 끝나냐? 돌려!‬-White. -Orange? Will we be done today?
‪(카이와 보아)‬ ‪- 누나, 가운데, 누나, 가운데‬ ‪- 회색!‬Will we be done today? -The center. -Gray.
‪- (보아) 주황색‬ ‪- (희철) 야, 나 주황색‬-The center. -Gray. -Orange. -Orange.
‪(희철) 야, 노란색, 노란색‬ ‪노란색!‬-Orange. -Orange. -Yellow. -Yellow?
‪(승기) 노란색?‬-Yellow. -Yellow?
‪(나래) 한다‬ ‪[희철의 가쁜 숨소리]‬I will spin it.
‪제발 흰색, 제발‬Please let it be white.
‪- (나래) 흰색!‬ ‪- (희철) 와, 흰색, 흰색, 나래야‬-White! -White.
‪- (나래) 흰색!‬ ‪- (희철) 와, 흰색, 흰색‬-White! -White. Run.
‪(희철) 나래야‬ ‪들고 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어‬Run.
‪(나래) 왔어, 물 괜찮아‬ ‪물 괜찮아, 물 괜찮아‬SHE RUNS WITH HER SMALL FEET There is a lot of water.
‪(카이) 누가 한 명 검은색‬ ‪누가 한 명 회색‬There is a lot of water. There should be people at black and gray.
‪[나래의 초조한 신음]‬
‪- (나래) 어, 흰색, 흰색!‬ ‪- (희철) 와, 넣어, 넣어!‬-White. -Pour it in.
‪(나래) 아, 흰색!‬-White. -Pour it in.
‪(희철과 승기)‬ ‪- 와, 넣어, 넣어, 부어, 부어‬ ‪- 와, 흰색, 흰색…‬-White. -Pour it in. -White. -Pour it in. Pour the water in.
‪(희철) 물 부어, 물 부어!‬-White. -Pour it in. Pour the water in.
‪- (카이) 물 퍼야 돼, 물‬ ‪- (보아) 하나 더?‬-Pour the water in. -I will hold it.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- (희철) 잡을게, 잡을게, 잡을게‬ ‪- (나래) 조심해, 조심해‬-Pour the water in. -I will hold it. Be careful.
‪[나래의 한숨]‬
‪(나래) 좋아, 좋아, 좋아‬That's good.
‪오케이, 오케이‬
‪야, 이거 하려면 되겠다, 이거‬We will be able to succeed.
‪- (승기) 아…‬ ‪- (나래) 됐다‬-All done. -Squeeze out water.
‪- (희철) 짜내, 짜내, 짜내, 짜내‬ ‪- (나래) 짜내, 짜내‬-All done. -Squeeze out water.
‪- (승기) 됐어‬ ‪- (희철) 짜내, 물 짜‬-Okay. -Squeeze out water.
‪(희철)‬Squeeze out water.
‪(나래) 아휴‬
‪[보아의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[보아의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(카이) 잠깐만, 그럼 누나‬ ‪돌릴게요, 미리 돌릴까?‬Bo-ah, shall we spin it?
‪(카이와 보아)‬ ‪- 내가 아무 데나 가면 되니까‬ ‪- 오케이, 오케이‬I can go anywhere.
‪(카이) 어, 아무 데나‬ ‪내가 가면 되니까‬I can go anywhere. I can go anywhere.
‪- (보아) 나 돌릴게, 여기서‬ ‪- (카이) 내가 나오는 방향으로‬-I will spin it. -I will go in the direction you get.
‪[천둥 효과음]‬ ‪(카이) [웃으며] 검은색?‬Black? IT'S A DISASTER
‪[웃으며] 검은색?‬ ‪[보아의 웃음]‬KAI & BO-AH BLACK IS FURTHEST FROM THE SINK Black?
‪(보아) 야, 카이야‬ ‪이거 가져가야지‬ ‪[카이의 웃음]‬We won't have water by the time we get there.
‪우리 둘이 하는 거야, 지금 이거?‬ ‪[카이가 중얼거린다]‬-Seriously. -We are on our own.
‪(카이) 우리 둘이서?‬We are on our own.
‪- (보아) 빨간색‬ ‪- (카이) 빨간색, 빨간색‬Red.
‪(카이) 형, 저기 한 명, 주황색‬We need someone at orange.
‪- (승기) 어, 저기 하고 있다‬ ‪- (희철) 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어!‬They got started.
‪[보아의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪- (카이) 갑니다‬ ‪- (보아) 네‬-Here I go. -Okay.
‪(카이) [웃으며] 주황색!‬Orange.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬KAI
‪- (카이) 형, 이거 회색 가야 돼‬ ‪- (희철) 차라리 회색‬-We need gray. We need to fill it up. -Gray. Let's go.
‪(승기와 희철)‬ ‪- 중간, 중간에 한 번 와야 돼‬ ‪- 간다, 간다‬-We need gray. We need to fill it up. -Gray. Let's go.
‪(나래) 오빠‬ ‪차라리 회색 해, 회색‬Hee-chul, we need gray.
‪(승기) 중간‬ ‪중간에 한 번 와야 돼‬We need to go to the center.
‪- (희철) 간다, 간다‬ ‪- (카이) 형, 회색 가야 돼‬-Here I go. -We need gray.
‪(희철) 자!‬Come on.
‪- (카이) 노란색, 노란색‬ ‪- (희철) 노란색‬-Yellow. -Yellow.
‪물도 없어‬There is no water.
‪- (카이) 물 없어, 물 없어‬ ‪- (희철) 야, 물이 없어, 야‬-There is no water. -We need gray.
‪(희철) 회색 나와야 돼‬-There is no water. -We need gray.
‪(나래) 아, 이거‬ ‪주황색 해야 되는데, 다시‬-There is no water. -We need gray. That means we need orange again.
‪- (카이) 아, 그냥…‬ ‪- (희철) 돌려, 돌려, 돌려‬-Just… -Spin it.
‪(희철) 흰색 나오면 안 돼‬Don't get white.
‪- (나래) 아유!‬ ‪- (희철) 아!‬ ‪[천둥 효과음]‬Don't get white. -Gosh. -Gosh.
‪- (나래) 아유! 어떡해‬ ‪- (희철) 아!‬-Gosh. -Gosh.
‪(카이) 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪넣으면 돼, 넣으면 돼‬-Gosh. -Gosh. -No. -It's okay. We can fill it up.
‪여기서 회색, 여기서 회색‬Let's get gray here.
‪- (나래) 여기서 회색, 회색, 회색‬ ‪- (카이) 제가 돌릴게요‬-Get gray. -I will spin it.
‪(승기와 나래) 제발‬-Please. -Please.
‪(나래) 회색, 회색, 회색‬-Please. -Please. -Gray. -Gray.
‪- (나래) 회색, 회색, 회색…‬ ‪- (승기) 회색‬-Gray. -Gray.
‪[사람들의 탄식]‬ ‪(카이) 아, 넣어야 돼!‬-Gray. -Gray. We need to fill up the tank.
‪[사람들의 탄식]‬ ‪아, 넣어야 돼!‬MURPHY'S LAW
‪(희철) 너, 너, 아, 망했어, 씨‬ ‪[승기가 소리친다]‬MURPHY'S LAW Fill up the tank. We are ruined.
‪(나래) 들어갈 물이 있어?‬Is there water?
‪아, 어떡해‬What are we going to do?
‪(승기) 와…‬ ‪[희철의 탄성]‬
‪[나래의 한숨]‬ ‪- (승기) 와, 이거‬ ‪- (희철) 와, 이거 진짜‬-Gosh, this is… -Seriously.
‪(승기) 와, 벌써 두 개야?‬-We used up two pots. -We got unlucky with the second pot.
‪(희철) 야, 두 번째 게‬ ‪너무 운이 안 좋다, 그렇지?‬-We used up two pots. -We got unlucky with the second pot.
‪(승기) 누나, 다 넣을 수 있으면‬ ‪어디까지 넣어요?‬How far does your hand go?
‪아, 여기까지다‬How far does your hand go? -This far. -Can you put it in farther away?
‪- 이씨‬ ‪- (승기) 좀만 넣어 볼까?‬-This far. -Can you put it in farther away?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- (나래) [아파하며] 아이, 잠깐‬ ‪- (승기) 좀만 넣어 볼까?‬-Hold on. -A bit more.
‪- 안 돼, 아!‬ ‪- (희철) 야, 야‬-No. -Come on.
‪- (승기) 조금만, 조금만‬ ‪- 너 인마, 진주에 누나를‬ ‪[나래의 아파하는 신음]‬-No. -Come on. You will sacrifice Na-rae.
‪(승기) 조금만!‬-A bit more. Come on. -No.
‪조금만 오므려! 오므려‬-A bit more. Come on. -No.
‪- 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼‬ ‪- (승기) 안 돼?‬-A bit more. Come on. -No. -I can't. -You can't?
‪(희철) 봐 봐, 승기야‬ ‪이번에 항아리…‬Seung-gi, we will fail even if we fill up the tank much.
‪이번에 물을‬ ‪여기까지 온다 그래도 안 돼‬Seung-gi, we will fail even if we fill up the tank much.
‪- 아니, 저게 진짜 커요‬ ‪- (승기) 저거 진짜 커‬The last pot is huge. -It's huge. -Still…
‪(희철) 야, 물 여기까진 돼야 돼‬-It's huge. -Still…
‪(승기) 아니야, 할 수 있어‬ ‪할 수 있을 것 같아‬-We can do it. -We can do it.
‪[카이가 호응한다]‬ ‪가자, 가 보자!‬-We can do it. -We can do it. -Yes. -Let's do this.
‪(보아) 그럼 이번에 물 흘리면‬ ‪안 되겠네?‬So we shouldn't spill water.
‪(카이) 이번에 흘리면 안 돼‬ ‪여기서 한 번에 가야 돼‬So we shouldn't spill water. No, we shouldn't. We need to get there at once.
‪여기서 한 번에?‬-At once? -We need to get there at once.
‪(카이) 여기서 한 번에 가야 돼‬-At once? -We need to get there at once.
‪- (희철) 하, 나래야‬ ‪- (나래) 어?‬-Na-rae. -Yes?
‪- (희철) 지금 너랑 나랑‬ ‪- (나래) 응‬You, Seung-gi, and I are a team.
‪- (희철) 승기잖아‬ ‪- (나래) 응‬You, Seung-gi, and I are a team. -Yes. -Think about it.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- (희철) 생각해 봐‬ ‪- (나래) 어‬-Yes. -Think about it.
‪오히려 여기서 실패하는 게‬ ‪나을 수도 있어‬It might be better to fail this task.
‪카이를 떨굴 수가 있거든‬Then we can eliminate KAI.
‪(승기) 이게 지금‬ ‪생각을 잘해야 되는 게‬RIGHT AFTER RETURNING TO NEW WORLD
‪같이 하려고 그랬는데‬ ‪이게 지금 한 명, 한 명씩‬JI-WON'S ELIMINATION OPENED THEIR EYES
‪[자물쇠가 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪(승기) 아유, 자, 자, 자, 자‬ ‪자, 자, 자, 자‬THE TASKS ASK FOR TEAMWORK, BUT THERE IS A FLAW
‪[홀로 음성] 해당 단계에서‬ ‪주민들 중 한 사람을‬THE RULES OF THE MERMAID'S TEARS
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪- 어, 승기야‬ ‪- (승기) 형‬-Seung-gi. -Hee-chul.
‪카이가 지금 가지고 있는 돈이‬ ‪약 15억 냥이야‬KAI currently has about 1.5 billion nyang.
‪- (희철) 와, 많다‬ ‪- (승기) 그렇지? 15억 냥‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-That's a lot. -Right? He has 1.5 billion nyang.
‪(승기) 형, 만약에 이거‬ ‪세 번째 관문 그냥 가잖아?‬If we succeed in the third task,
‪[희철이 호응한다]‬ ‪그러면 카이는‬ ‪우리가 아예 범접 불가야‬it will be impossible to catch up with KAI.
‪[희철이 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬ ‪이거는 어쩔 수 없이‬We have no choice
‪한 명을 빼야 되는 상황이 있으면‬ ‪무조건 카이를 빼야 돼‬We have no choice but to eliminate KAI.
‪그러면 너랑 나랑‬ ‪한 표씩 해 가지고‬You and I will give two votes to KAI.
‪카이가 두 표야‬You and I will give two votes to KAI.
‪(승기) 어, 그리고 한 명 더 하면‬ ‪확실하지‬It will be nice to have another vote.
‪(희철) 근데 한 명을‬ ‪누굴 꼬실 거냐 이 말이야‬It will be nice to have another vote. Who should we recruit?
‪- (희철) 생각해 봐‬ ‪- (나래) 어?‬-Think about it. -Okay.
‪(희철) 나도 지금 최대한‬ ‪열심히는 하지만‬ ‪[나래가 호응한다]‬I'm working hard,
‪굳이 아쉬워하는 연기만 하면 돼‬I'm working hard, -but I just need to act sorry. -That's right.
‪(나래) 그렇지‬-but I just need to act sorry. -That's right.
‪(희철) 오히려 여기서‬ ‪실패하는 게 나을 수도 있어‬It might be better to fail this task.
‪희철이 형!‬Hee-chul.
‪- 우리의 목적은 지금 카이거든?‬ ‪- (카이) 희철이 형!‬-Our target is KAI. -Hee-chul.
‪(희철) 어, 돌려, 카이야, 가자!‬-Our target is KAI. -Hee-chul. Spin it. KAI, let's go.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬ ‪사랑해!‬Spin it. KAI, let's go. I love you.
‪- (희철) 흰색 가 있어, 종인아‬ ‪- (카이) 예‬I love you. -Go to white. -Okay. HEE-CHUL'S FIRST TIME TO SPIN
‪- (희철) 돌린다?‬ ‪- (보아) 네‬KAI -I will spin it. -Okay.
‪(희철) 이야!‬Okay.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬HE FREEZES
‪[보아의 환호성]‬ ‪(희철)‬-White! -White!
‪(승기) 흰색!‬White!
‪[희철의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(승기) 형, 잘 막아야 돼‬Cover up the holes well. Then you won't lose much water.
‪형, 잘 막으면 진짜 좀 줄어‬Cover up the holes well. Then you won't lose much water.
‪잘 막아야 돼, 형‬Cover up the holes well.
‪손가락으로 막아, 손가락으로‬ ‪천천히‬Cover up the holes well. Use your fingers.
‪(카이) 갑니다‬-Slowly. -I will spin it once he arrives.
‪도착하면‬-Slowly. -I will spin it once he arrives.
‪- (희철) 돌려, 돌려…‬ ‪- (카이) 세게, 약하게? 세게?‬-Do it. -Shall I spin it hard?
‪- (승기) 아, 세게 돌려‬ ‪- (희철) 돌려, 빨리빨리!‬-Spin it hard. -Go ahead.
‪(희철) 빨리!‬Hurry!
‪(나래) 무슨 색이야?‬What color is it?
‪- (카이) 와, 흰색!‬ ‪- (희철) 와, 흰색, 흰색, 흰색!‬-White! -White!
‪- (카이) 와, 흰색!‬ ‪- (승기) 와, 흰색, 흰색, 흰색!‬IT'S BEGGAR KIM'S MAGIC AGAIN
‪[탄성]‬ ‪- (카이) 흰색, 흰색!‬ ‪- (희철) 야, 넣어!‬-White. -Hey.
‪- (카이) 흰색, 흰색!‬ ‪- (희철) 야, 넣어!‬-White. -Hey.
‪(희철) 야, 좋아, 좋아‬That's good.
‪[카이가 당황한다]‬ ‪(희철) 야, 야, 야!‬-Hey. -Slow down.
‪[카이가 당황한다]‬ ‪(나래) 아이고, 아이고‬-Hey. -Slow down.
‪아이고, 아이고, 아이고‬ ‪어떻게, 어떻게, 어떻게‬My goodness. Come on.
‪- (승기) 잠깐만, 잠깐만‬ ‪- (나래) 아이고‬-Hold on. -My goodness.
‪(카이) 이걸로 넣어요‬ ‪형, 이걸로, 아래로‬Use the holes. Use the holes on the bottom.
‪- (카이) 구멍으로‬ ‪- (나래) 똑똑하네?‬ ‪[보아의 탄성]‬Use the holes. Use the holes on the bottom. You are smart.
‪(카이) 어, 구멍으로‬Use the holes.
‪(나래) 아이, 그럴걸, 아이고‬Use the holes. -We should have done that. -Hold on. I got this.
‪(승기) 잠깐만, 잠깐만‬ ‪됐어, 됐어, 됐어‬-We should have done that. -Hold on. I got this.
‪- (승기) 이제부터 막을게‬ ‪- (나래) 어‬-We should have done that. -Hold on. I got this. -I covered them up. -Okay.
‪(승기) 이게, 주둥이가‬-The spout is… -My goodness.
‪(나래) 아이고, 아, 야…‬-The spout is… -My goodness.
‪(보아) 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪괜찮아‬It's okay.
‪(나래) 잘하면 되겠는데?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬We might succeed.
‪- (나래) 잘하면 될 수도 있어‬ ‪- (승기) 확 부어야 돼‬We might succeed. -We might succeed. -Pour it in.
‪좀만, 좀만, 좀만…‬A bit more.
‪(승기) 으아!‬
‪[사람들의 탄식]‬
‪- (승기) 이게 주둥이가 넓어서‬ ‪- (나래) 그러네‬The water didn't go in cleanly -due to the wide spout. -I see. They chose these pots on purpose.
‪(승기) 그렇게‬ ‪야무지게 안 들어가, 아‬-due to the wide spout. -I see. They chose these pots on purpose.
‪(나래) 이게 일부러 그랬네‬ ‪크기도 하고‬-due to the wide spout. -I see. They chose these pots on purpose.
‪(승기) 저기, 보아야‬ ‪손 넣을 수 있겠어?‬-due to the wide spout. -I see. They chose these pots on purpose. Bo-ah, can you put your hand in?
‪- (보아) 잠깐만, 오빠‬ ‪- (승기) 잠깐만, 잠깐만‬-Hold on. -Can you do it?
‪(나래) 넣을 수 있겠어?‬ ‪너 얇으니까 될 거 같아‬-Hold on. -Can you do it? -You have a small hand. -Try it.
‪- (승기) 한 번, 한 번만‬ ‪- (나래) 넣어 봐, 넣어 봐‬-You have a small hand. -Try it. -Put it in. -We were so close.
‪(카이) 아, 진짜 아깝다‬-Put it in. -We were so close.
‪안 빠지면 어떡해?‬-What if my hand gets stuck? -It's okay even if your hand gets stuck.
‪[나래가 말한다]‬ ‪(희철) 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪안 빠져도 돼‬-What if my hand gets stuck? -It's okay even if your hand gets stuck.
‪[보아의 웃음]‬ ‪(나래) 아이, 위험해, 위험해‬-What if my hand gets stuck? -It's okay even if your hand gets stuck.
‪[나래가 걱정한다]‬ ‪(보아) 들어는 갈 거 같아‬-Don't overdo it. -It might go in.
‪아, 잘했는데‬ ‪우리 진짜 잘했어, 그래도‬We did so well.
‪- (나래) 아, 너무 아깝다‬ ‪- (카이) 와, 근데 방금 거 진짜‬We did so well. -It's too bad. -We got white twice in a row
‪(카이) 흰색 한 번에 딱 걸렸는데‬-It's too bad. -We got white twice in a row -just now. -There was this much water.
‪(희철) 어, 한 번에‬ ‪이만큼 있었어, 이만큼‬-just now. -There was this much water.
‪(나래와 승기)‬ ‪- 아, 아깝다‬ ‪- 와, 아깝다, 와, 아깝다, 진짜‬-It's too bad. -It's too bad. Seriously.
‪[홀로 음성] 열쇠 획득에‬ ‪실패하였습니다‬You failed to obtain the key.
‪- (나래) 아휴‬ ‪- (희철) 아, 이거 너무 힘들었다‬You failed to obtain the key. -Gosh. -It was so hard.
‪[홀로 음성] 최종 관문의 실패로‬Since you failed to complete the task,
‪탈락자가 한 명 발생됩니다‬Since you failed to complete the task, one resident will be eliminated.
‪지금 바로 탈락자 선정 투표를‬ ‪시작하겠습니다‬one resident will be eliminated. The ballot will begin right away.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(승기) 아, 이거‬ ‪진짜 다 열심히 해 가지고‬-Gosh. -Everyone worked hard.
‪(카이) 아, 근데 이거‬-Gosh. -Everyone worked hard.
‪누가 탈락해요, 이거는‬It's hard to choose one.
‪- (희철) 이거 진짜 다 잘했는데‬ ‪- (승기) 아, 이거 다 열심히 했어‬It's hard to choose one. -Everyone worked hard. -Seriously.
‪(카이) 혹시 아까 지원이 형처럼‬ ‪멋있게 자진 탈락 할 사람‬-Everyone worked hard. -Seriously. Does anyone want to quit like Ji-won did?
‪(나래와 카이)‬ ‪- 너 손 든 거야?‬ ‪- [웃으며] 아니, 아니, 아니요‬-Did you raise your hand? -No.
‪- (승기) 너야?‬ ‪- (카이) 아유, 저는‬-You? -I worked hard, Seung-gi.
‪(카이) 열심히 했잖아요, 형님‬-You? -I worked hard, Seung-gi.
‪(승기) 어? 투표 왔다‬-You? -I worked hard, Seung-gi. -It's time to vote. -Not now.
‪- (희철) 왔어?‬ ‪- (보아) 아, 잠깐만‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-It's time to vote. -Not now.
‪아, 이거 진짜‬ ‪다 열심히 해 가지고‬Everyone worked hard.
‪(보아) 아…‬Everyone worked hard.
‪아, 너무 이거, 아휴, 쯧‬This is too…
‪(희철) 기권해야 되나, 이거?‬Should I quit?
‪우리 멋있게 각자 뽑는 거 어때요?‬Why don't we vote for ourselves?
‪(나래) 근데 그러면 또‬ ‪계속 투표하시라고‬If we do that, we will simply get another ballot.
‪또 뜰 거 아니야‬If we do that, we will simply get another ballot.
‪(보아) 일단 해 보자‬-Let's see what happens. -Right.
‪(승기) 일단 해 보자‬-Let's see what happens. -Right.
‪(카이) 각자 뽑는 걸로?‬ ‪[승기가 말한다]‬-Shall we vote for ourselves? -Let's vote for ourselves.
‪(승기) 각자 한번 찍어 보자‬-Shall we vote for ourselves? -Let's vote for ourselves.
‪[나래의 한숨]‬
‪[홀로 음성] 투표가‬ ‪종료되었습니다‬The ballot has ended.
‪- (승기) 난 홀로 너, 진짜‬ ‪- (나래) 탈락자는 홀로라고 했어‬-We'll show you how tightly we're bonded. -Holo, you're out.
‪(승기와 나래)‬ ‪- 우리의 단합력 보여 줄 거야‬ ‪- 홀로가 탈락자야‬-We'll show you how tightly we're bonded. -Holo, you're out. -Seung-gi. -Yes?
‪- (카이) 형‬ ‪- (승기) 어, 왜?‬-Seung-gi. -Yes?
‪- (카이) 형, 연기 톤 나오는데요?‬ ‪- (승기) 아니야‬-It sounds like you're acting. -No.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- (승기) 내가?‬ ‪- (카이) 네‬-Me? -Yes.
‪인간의 단합력을 보여 줄 거야‬You will see how we humans bond during hardship.
‪- 나 믿어, 우리 멤버들 믿어!‬ ‪- (희철) 그만두고 싶어, 진짜‬I trust the members.
‪(나래) 이 게임의 탈락자는‬ ‪바로 너야!‬You are the one who will be eliminated!
‪[홀로 음성] 탈락자는‬-The eliminated resident… -Is there one?
‪있다고?‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬-The eliminated resident… -Is there one?
‪- (카이) 없죠‬ ‪- (승기) 없어‬-No. -No.
‪- 없지‬ ‪- (보아) 있다고?‬-No. -No. WITNESS OUR TEAMWORK
‪[홀로 음성] 탈락자는‬-The eliminated resident… -Is there one?
‪- (카이) 없죠‬ ‪- (보아) 있다고?‬-The eliminated resident… -Is there one?
‪[홀로 음성]‬…received four votes.
‪카이입니다‬It's KAI.
‪표 수를 얘기하면 어떡하니‬ ‪너 양아치니?‬ ‪[희철이 소리친다]‬Why did you reveal the number of votes? Don't be an asshole.
‪(나래) 한 번도 표 수를‬ ‪얘기한 적이 없는데?‬ ‪[사람들이 저마다 화낸다]‬-You never did that before. -Holo, why are you such an asshole?
‪[나래가 말한다]‬ ‪(승기) 홀로, 너 양아치야?‬I CAN'T BELIEVE THESE PEOPLE
‪- (승기) 홀로, 야, 홀로‬ ‪- (나래) 이걸 얘기하면 어떡하니?‬I CAN'T BELIEVE THESE PEOPLE -Holo. -Why did you reveal it? -Holo. -Unplug it.
‪(나래와 승기)‬ ‪- 야, 코드 뽑아, 코드 뽑아…‬ ‪- 홀로‬-Holo. -Unplug it.
‪- (승기) [웃으며] 아니, 왜‬ ‪- (나래) 야, 물 끼얹어…‬-Holo. -Unplug it. -Pour water on it. -There must have been an error.
‪(승기) 야, 야, 전산 오류인가 봐‬-Pour water on it. -There must have been an error.
‪- (희철) 홀로‬ ‪- (나래) 왜 그랬지?‬-Holo. -How did he do that?
‪(희철) 잠깐만, 그러면‬ ‪내가 나 찍은 거 빼고는‬Hold on. I voted for myself. Did everyone else vote for KAI?
‪다 카이를 찍은 거야?‬Hold on. I voted for myself. Did everyone else vote for KAI?
‪[카이가 말한다]‬ ‪- (보아) 나도 나 찍었는데?‬ ‪- 나도 나 찍었어‬I voted for myself. -I voted for myself. -I voted for myself.
‪(함께) 나도 나 찍었는데?‬-I voted for myself. -I voted for myself.
‪(승기) 뭐야‬-What? -Who is lying?
‪(희철) 지금 누가‬ ‪거짓말하고 있는 거야?‬-What? -Who is lying?
‪(나래) 야, 우리끼리 그러지 말자‬-What? -Who is lying? We shouldn't be like that.
‪내가 진짜 여기서‬ ‪확신할 수 있는 사람 한 명‬I know that one of you is lying for sure.
‪- (나래) 누구?‬ ‪- (카이) 형‬-Who? -Seung-gi.
‪(승기) 나?‬ ‪[카이의 웃음]‬Me?
‪승기야, 너 카이 찍었어?‬Did you vote for KAI?
‪- (승기) 나 나 찍었지‬ ‪- (카이) 아니, 입맛을 다시더라고‬-I voted for myself. -He licked his lips.
‪(승기) 이승기 몇 표 나왔어‬ ‪빨리 한번 해 봐 봐요‬-How many votes did I receive? -Seung-gi received zero votes.
‪[홀로 음성] 이승기 0표‬-How many votes did I receive? -Seung-gi received zero votes.
‪(승기) 0표야?‬ ‪[나래의 웃음]‬Zero votes? There must have been an error.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬ ‪전산 오류다‬Zero votes? There must have been an error.
‪- (희철) 나는, 나는?‬ ‪- (카이) 다음!‬Zero votes? There must have been an error. -How about me? -Hee-chul received zero votes.
‪[홀로 음성] 김희철 0표‬-How about me? -Hee-chul received zero votes.
‪(희철) 아이, 얘기하지 마!‬ ‪그런 얘기‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬Don't say that! Why did you say that?
‪그런 얘기 왜 하는 거야‬Don't say that! Why did you say that?
‪홀로, 이 개구쟁이 녀석!‬Holo, you mischievous AI.
‪홀로, 어색하니까‬ ‪한 명 빨리 보내 줘‬Holo, it's getting awkward. Send away the eliminated resident.
‪(희철) 어, 빨리‬Holo, it's getting awkward. Send away the eliminated resident.
‪[홀로 음성] 카이 님은‬ ‪탈락자로 선정돼‬KAI, since you are eliminated, you won't be able to acquire the pearls.
‪진주의 가치를‬ ‪얻지 못하게 됐습니다‬KAI, since you are eliminated, you won't be able to acquire the pearls.
‪내가 여기서 한 명 보낸다‬I will end one of you.
‪카이야‬-KAI. -Don't be like that.
‪(나래) 아유, 왜 그러니‬-KAI. -Don't be like that.
‪(카이) 형님들, 누나들‬Guys, don't forget about my sacrifice.
‪제가 여기서 희생한 거‬ ‪잊지 마세요‬Guys, don't forget about my sacrifice.
‪(희철) 멀리 못 가요‬Goodbye.
‪내가 제일 불쌍하다‬I'm the most pitiful.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬ ‪지원이 형이 제일 좋아‬Ji-won had it the best. He got eliminated early on.
‪애초에 떨어졌잖아‬Ji-won had it the best. He got eliminated early on.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[홀로 음성] 투표에서 생존한‬ ‪최후의 4인은‬The last four survivors
‪성수를 떠서‬ ‪열쇠를 꺼내셔도 좋습니다‬The last four survivors may take out the key with the holy water.
‪(보아) 근데 재밌다‬This is fun.
‪돼, 승기야?‬Seung-gi, is it working?
‪- 충분해‬ ‪- (보아) 충분해요?‬-This is enough. -Is that enough?
‪(나래) 됐네, 아, 진짜 아깝다‬We were so close.
‪(희철) 부어, 버려, 버려, 버려‬Bo-ah, throw it away.
‪- (나래) 아깝다, 에이‬ ‪- 와…‬Bo-ah, throw it away. We were so close.
‪(승기) 이거 아까 거‬We would have succeeded if the pop had been completely full.
‪진짜 가득만 하나 했었어도‬ ‪[나래의 탄식]‬We would have succeeded if the pop had been completely full.
‪(나래) 아이고‬THEY ACQUIRE THE PRECIOUS KEY My goodness.
‪(승기) ♪ 따라란 ♪‬My goodness.
‪[사람들의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪영롱하다‬They are beautiful.
‪(승기와 나래)‬ ‪- 자, 일단 하나씩 가지시고‬ ‪- 아, 아이고‬-Have one each. -My gosh.
‪(승기) 자‬ ‪[희철이 호응한다]‬Here. Have one each.
‪하나씩 갖고‬ ‪이 나머지 두 개 어떻게 할까?‬Here. Have one each. -How about these two? -Let's keep them.
‪(희철) 이거 나누자‬-How about these two? -Let's keep them. UNHESITANT
‪내가 봤을 때는‬ ‪저 둘에게는 줄 이유가 없어‬Why give them to the two eliminated residents?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(승기) 나눠요?‬Shall we keep them?
‪근데 나는 솔직히 말하면…‬Shall we keep them? To be honest…
‪(승기) 진짜 딱 그것만 얘기해‬ ‪'예스' 오어 '노'‬To be honest… Just choose one. Yes or no?
‪[나래의 한숨]‬ ‪(희철) 나눠, 말아? 딱 얘기해, 야‬Shall we keep them or not?
‪근데 이거 하나에 얼마예요?‬How much is one pearl?
‪- (승기) 3억‬ ‪- (나래) 3억 냥이야‬-It's 300 million nyang. -It's 300 million nyang.
‪(희철) 3억 냥‬-It's 300 million nyang. -It's 300 million nyang.
‪(보아) 그럼 6억이네‬ ‪두 개가 지금?‬Those two pearls are 600 million nyang.
‪- '나눈다, 안 나눈다'로, 자‬ ‪- (보아) 아, 잠깐만요, 잠깐‬-Shall we keep them or not? -Hold on.
‪(승기) 안 나눈다‬ ‪안 나눌 사람이 손 들자‬-Shall we keep them or not? -Hold on. -Raise your hand if you want to keep them. -Okay.
‪(희철) 그래, 안 나눌 사람‬ ‪손 들어‬-Raise your hand if you want to keep them. -Okay.
‪(승기와 희철) 하나, 둘, 셋!‬-One, two, three. -One, two, three.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪셋!‬-One, two, three. -One, two, three.
‪(승기) 오케이, 좋아, 좋아‬ ‪[보아의 웃음]‬Okay. That's good.
‪- (승기) 야, 깔끔하다‬ ‪- (희철) 야, 야‬Okay. That's good. That was clean.
‪(승기) 깔끔하다, 깔끔하다‬That was clean.
‪- (승기) 야, 보아야, 깔끔하다‬ ‪- (희철) 야, 너 뭐‬-Bo-ah, that was clean. -Hey.
‪[보아의 웃음]‬ ‪- (희철) 보아야, 깔끔하다, 야‬ ‪- (승기) 보아야‬-Bo-ah, that was clean. -Hey. -Bo-ah, that was clean. -Bo-ah.
‪(승기) 가서 팔자‬Let's go and sell them.
‪(희철) 가자, 야, 차 타고 가자‬-Let's ride the cart. -It's my cart.
‪(승기) 내 붕붕이지‬-Let's ride the cart. -It's my cart.
‪형, 담보잖아, 아직‬-Let's ride the cart. -It's my cart. It's collateral.
‪(보아) 와, 우리 진짜‬ ‪부자 되는 거 아니에요?‬We will become rich.
‪(나래) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Shadow Merchant.
‪(승기) 아유, 마스터님‬-Hello. -Shadow Merchant.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬ ‪어서 오세요‬Welcome.
‪(나래) 저희 물건 팔러 왔는데‬We are here to sell some items.
‪- (승기) 인어의 눈물, 진주‬ ‪- (나래) 진품입니다, 예‬-The Mermaid's Tears. -They are authentic.
‪(나래) 가품 아니고요‬They aren't fake.
‪(상인) 아주 귀한 보물을‬ ‪찾으셨군요‬They aren't fake. You found precious treasures.
‪하나에 3억 냥씩‬ ‪매입해 드릴 수 있습니다‬I will pay 300 million nyang per pearl.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬I will pay 300 million nyang per pearl.
‪그러면 전체 18억 냥에‬ ‪제가 매입하도록 하겠습니다‬I will pay 1.8 billion nyang for all the pearls.
‪(승기) 알겠습니다‬ ‪[나래의 탄성]‬I will pay 1.8 billion nyang for all the pearls. Okay.
‪(희철) 저한테‬ ‪먼저 다 보내 주세요‬Send me the total amount.
‪그리고 제가 나눠 줄게요‬Then I will distribute it.
‪나 한 번이라도‬ ‪큰돈 한번 만져 보고 싶다‬Then I will distribute it. -I want to have a big sum of money. -Okay.
‪(승기와 나래) 그래그래, 그래그래‬-I want to have a big sum of money. -Okay.
‪동의합니다‬Please do that.
‪[단말기 알림 효과음]‬
‪(나래) 들어왔다‬ ‪[희철이 놀란다]‬
‪(나래와 희철)‬ ‪- 들어왔다‬ ‪- [놀라며] 오, 이 숫자 처음이야‬HEE-CHUL RECEIVED 1.8 BILLION NYANG I have never seen such a number!
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪[희철이 오열한다]‬I have never seen such a number! HE'S OVERWHELMED I LOVE IT!
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(나래) 그러면은 오빠‬ ‪만약에 이게 지금 오빠한테는‬HE'S OVERWHELMED I LOVE IT! Right now, you are
‪우리 신세계에서 제일 재벌 1위야‬ ‪[희철의 탄성]‬Right now, you are -the richest man. -Let me see.
‪[승기의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪(희철) 야, 어떻게 그런데‬ ‪딱 18억 냥밖에 없냐‬I still have 1.8 billion nyang.
‪(승기) 우와, 형 진짜 거지였구나‬Hee-chul, you were penniless.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪(희철) 딱 18억 냥밖에‬ ‪없는 거 봤지?‬Hee-chul, you were penniless. I still have 1.8 billion nyang.
‪(나래) 진짜 1억 냥도 없었네‬ ‪이 오빠‬I still have 1.8 billion nyang. -He didn't even have 100 million nyang. -He was penniless.
‪(승기) 없어, 없어, 진짜‬ ‪[희철이 오열한다]‬-He didn't even have 100 million nyang. -He was penniless.
‪(희철) 나눠 줄게‬I will distribute it.
‪- (승기) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (상인) 네‬-Thank you. -Take care.
‪(나래) 수고하세요‬-Thank you. -Take care.
‪(희철) 이제 마스터님이랑도‬ ‪오늘이 마지막이네요‬Today is the last day we meet.
‪- (상인) 네‬ ‪- (희철) 제일 부자, 제일 부자‬-Yes. -You are the richest.
‪- (보아) 고생하셨습니다‬ ‪- (나래) 수고하셨습니다‬-Yes. -You are the richest. -Thank you for your hard work. -Thank you.
‪- (승기) 수고하셨어요‬ ‪- 안녕히 가십시오‬-Thank you for your hard work. -Thank you. -Bye. -Bye.
‪(희철) 안녕히 계세요‬-Bye. -Bye.
‪[홀로 음성] 오늘은 여러분들이‬ ‪신세계에서 보내는‬THE LAST NIGHT IN NEW WORLD ARRIVES This is your last night in New World.
‪마지막 밤입니다‬This is your last night in New World.
‪[사람들의 탄식]‬ ‪- (나래) 아쉽다‬ ‪- (희철) 맞다‬-It's too bad. -That's right. Bistro Oasis prepared a special feast,
‪[홀로 음성] 비스트로‬ ‪오아시스에서‬Bistro Oasis prepared a special feast,
‪오늘 특별한 만찬을 준비했으니까‬Bistro Oasis prepared a special feast,
‪모두 즐거운 식사를‬ ‪즐기시기 바랍니다‬so please enjoy the dinner.
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪(승기) 오늘, 오늘이 제일 비싸‬ ‪천오백만 냥이야‬This meal is the most expensive. It's 15 million nyang.
‪[나래의 탄성]‬This meal is the most expensive. It's 15 million nyang.
‪(나래) 랍스터다‬ ‪[사람들의 탄성]‬It's lobster.
‪(카이) 바다에 온 기분 난다‬I finally feel like I'm at the sea.
‪(희철) 잘 먹겠습니다‬I finally feel like I'm at the sea. Thank you for the food.
‪(카이) 이건 뭐지, 이거?‬-What is this? -It's been steamed.
‪- (지원) 안심, 와‬ ‪- (카이) 미쳤네‬-What is this? -It's been steamed.
‪(카이) 고기가 녹는데?‬The meat melts in my mouth.
‪[나래의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪고기가 녹아 버려‬-The meat melts in my mouth. -It's perfectly cooked.
‪(나래) 고기 너무 잘 익었다‬-The meat melts in my mouth. -It's perfectly cooked.
‪(승기) 와, 셰프님, 진짜, 와‬-The meat melts in my mouth. -It's perfectly cooked. The chef is the best. IT'S SO TASTY
‪대박이다‬IT'S SO TASTY It's the best.
‪(희철) [웃으며] 6 빼기 1은 0‬Six minus one is zero.
‪뭐라고?‬-What did you say? -Six minus one is zero.
‪- (희철) 6 빼기 1은 0‬ ‪- (나래) 아이고‬-What did you say? -Six minus one is zero.
‪(승기) 아이고‬ ‪어쨌든 고생하셨습니다‬Good work, everyone.
‪(나래) 수고했어‬Good work.
‪(희철) 자, 원샷!‬Bottoms up.
‪(나래) 우리 속세에서도 봅시다‬ ‪[카이의 웃음]‬Let's meet again in the real world.
‪- (카이) 원샷이요? 와인을?‬ ‪- (지원) 원샷이라니‬Let's meet again in the real world. -Bottoms up? It's wine. -Bottoms up?
‪(나래와 보아) 해피해피‬-Happy, happy. -Happy, happy.
‪나 겉옷 좀 갖고 오자‬ ‪아, 추워, 씨‬I will bring a jacket. It's cold.
‪겉옷 갖고 오세요‬Go ahead.
‪(승기) 원샷이 나을 거 같아‬-You should do that. -Why am I so sad to see it end?
‪(나래) 아, 근데‬ ‪되게 뭐가 아쉽냐, 이렇게‬-You should do that. -Why am I so sad to see it end?
‪- 왜요?‬ ‪- (승기) 이제‬-Why? -The competition will be fierce now.
‪이제부터 치열해질 거 같아‬-Why? -The competition will be fierce now.
‪- 이제부터‬ ‪- (보아) 맞아, 맞아‬ ‪[나래가 호응한다]‬-That's right. -Seriously.
‪- 안 미안한 시점이 왔거든‬ ‪- (카이) 진짜 안 미안해요‬ ‪[보아의 웃음]‬-We don't feel bad anymore. -I don't feel bad.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-We don't feel bad anymore. -I don't feel bad. -I don't feel bad at all. -We don't feel guilty at all.
‪(승기) 이제 무슨 걸 해도‬ ‪안 미안하거든‬-I don't feel bad at all. -We don't feel guilty at all. -I finally let go of my guilt. -Yes.
‪(카이) 드디어 가책을 내려놨는데‬ ‪[승기가 호응한다]‬-I finally let go of my guilt. -Yes.
‪(승기) 그러기 때문에‬ ‪지금부터가 진짜인데‬ ‪[한숨]‬-So the real competition begins now. -It is.
‪(카이) 진짜인데‬-So the real competition begins now. -It is.
‪(승기) 이제 솔직히 우리가 이제‬ ‪아쉽게 헤어져야 되면‬It's disappointing that we need to say goodbye now.
‪(희철) 어유, 너무 많이 먹어서‬ ‪배가 나왔어, 배가‬My belly swelled up since I ate so much.
‪너무 많이 먹어서‬ ‪배가 나왔어, 배가‬ ‪[승기의 웃음]‬ARE YOU SAD TO LEAVE?
‪- (승기) 이야‬ ‪- (카이) 이게 뭐야?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬What is that?
‪(희철) 너무 많이 먹어서‬ ‪형이 배가 좀 나왔다‬My belly got bigger since I ate so much.
‪(카이) [웃으며] 아니, 형‬ ‪[승기의 웃음]‬My belly got bigger since I ate so much.
‪뭐, 얼마나 먹었다고‬ ‪형 이렇게 나와요‬You didn't eat that much.
‪[보아의 탄식]‬
‪(희철) 행운의 주사위‬Dice of Destiny.
‪내 인생을 바꿀‬It's the dice that will change my life and balance.
‪나의 통장을 바꿀 주사위‬It's the dice that will change my life and balance.
‪- (희철) 간다! 1 나와라!‬ ‪- (카이) 잠깐만!‬-Here I go! -Hold on.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬DAY 4 BALANCE

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