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  너를 닮은 사람 7

Reflection Of You 7


너 이게 다 무슨 수작이야?‬What are you playing at?
‪이제 와서‬ ‪대체 뭘 어쩌자고 이러는데?‬What is that you're trying to achieve?
‪[희주의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪절 왜 이렇게 겁내요?‬Why are you so scared of me?
‪(우재) 우리‬Did something happen between us?
‪뭐 있었어요?‬Did something happen between us?
‪[희주의 떨리는 신음]‬
‪피하지만 말고 말해 주세요‬Stop dodging my questions. Just tell me.
‪그래야 내가 조심하지‬So I can be careful around you.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(현성) 서우재 씨‬Mr. Seo.
‪[희주의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪어떻게 여기서 보네요?‬Fancy seeing you here.
‪(우재) 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪여긴 어쩐 일로…‬What brings you here?
‪(우재) 제가 야구를 좋아했는지‬I wanted to see if I liked baseball.
‪확인하고 싶어서요‬I wanted to see if I liked baseball.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(우재) 병원에서‬ ‪포스터를 봤습니다‬I saw the poster at the hospital.
‪마침 오늘이고‬ ‪근처이기도 해서‬I noticed it was happening today and was nearby, so…
‪여기 계실 줄은 몰랐습니다‬But I didn't know you were here.
‪(호수) 아빠, 캐치볼, 캐치볼‬Dad, play catch with me.
‪캐치볼, 캐치볼‬Play catch with me.
‪(현성) 그래, 들어가자‬Sure. Let's go.
‪[문이 철커덩 열린다]‬
‪- (현성) 편해?‬ ‪- (호수) 응‬-Is this comfortable? -Yes.
‪(현성) 오케이‬
‪자, 캐치볼, 갑시다!‬Let's play catch. Let's go.
‪자, 호수, 던져 봐‬Okay. Go ahead.
‪[현성의 탄성]‬
‪[현성의 웃음]‬ ‪그냥 우연히‬ ‪포스터를 보고 온 거다?‬So you happened to see the poster and came here? There you go.
‪(현성) 그렇지, 나이스 캐치‬There you go.
‪(우재) 네‬Yes.
‪그렇다고 생각했는데‬-I thought I did. -You're only throwing strikes.
‪(현성) 오, 다 스트라이크야‬-I thought I did. -You're only throwing strikes.
‪[현성의 탄성]‬
‪제가 정말‬I wonder
‪야구 때문에 여기 온 걸까요?‬if I really came here because of baseball.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(현성) 이야, 호수야‬Ho-su, where did you learn to do this?
‪너 누구 닮아서 이렇게 잘 던져?‬Ho-su, where did you learn to do this?
‪- (호수) 아빠요‬ ‪- (현성) 아빠 닮았어?‬-You! -You got it from me?
‪(현성) 자, 이번엔 엄마한테!‬All right. Throw it to Mom!
‪[호수의 웃음]‬ ‪- (희주) 엄마가 할 수 있을까!‬ ‪- (현성) 엄마한테!‬-I don't know if I can catch it! -Throw it to Mom!
‪아빠, 간다!‬Dad, catch!
‪[현성의 힘주는 탄성]‬ ‪[희주의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪[희주 가족이 단란하다]‬-Mom. -Yes? -Higher. -Catch it. Mom!
‪[바람이 솨 부는 소리]‬Ho-su, I'll throw it high.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(신부) 자, 이쪽으로 들어오세요‬All right. Come in.
‪기본적인 순서는‬ ‪일반 미사와 똑같이 진행되고요‬The order of events will be identical to that of Mass.
‪제가 강론한 후에‬ ‪혼인 예식이 시작됩니다‬After my sermon, your wedding will take place.
‪강론 마치고 제가‬ ‪신랑, 신부님 쪽으로 다가가면‬I will approach the bride and groom after my sermon.
‪신부님은 부케를 탁자 위에 두시고‬Then the bride can put the bouquet on the table,
‪신랑, 신부님 두 분 다‬ ‪장갑을 벗으시면 됩니다‬and both of you can take off your gloves.
‪씁, 이때에‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬and both of you can take off your gloves. That's when I need a witness each from both of you to step forward…
‪신랑, 신부님 증인‬ ‪한 분씩 나와 주시면 됩니다‬That's when I need a witness each from both of you to step forward…
‪(주영) 쌤, 학교 잘린 거‬ ‪진짜예요?‬ ‪[신부가 계속 말한다]‬Ms. Gu, is it true that you were fired?
‪오늘 언제 오세요?‬When are you coming today?
‪[무거운 음악]‬When are you coming today?
‪(영상 속 희주) 몰래 찍는 건‬ ‪불법이야‬Filming without consent is illegal.
‪시켜서 하는 것도 물론‬And so is doing it for someone else.
‪그런다고 네가 선생님에게‬ ‪특별한 존재가 될 거 같니?‬Do you think you'll be special to her if you do what she tells you to do?
‪아니‬No. If you were special to her,
‪특별하다면‬No. If you were special to her,
‪범죄를 저지르게‬ ‪내버려 두진 않았겠지‬she wouldn't have let you commit a crime.
‪널 함부로 대하는 사람에게‬ ‪이용되지 마‬Don't let those who don't care about you take advantage of you.
‪너한테 기회를 주고‬You should start identifying those who are giving you a chance
‪이득을 주는 사람이 누군지‬You should start identifying those who are giving you a chance
‪(영상 속 희주) 지금부터라도‬ ‪잘 판단…‬and helping you…
‪(해원) 하, 다 맞는 말씀이네‬Everything she said is true.
‪성공한 어른이 해 주는‬ ‪좋은 충고잖아‬It's good advice from a successful painter.
‪근데‬But people like her who can afford failure shouldn't give out such advice.
‪저런 충고는 몇 번을 실패해도‬ ‪끄떡없을 사람이 하면 안 되지‬But people like her who can afford failure shouldn't give out such advice.
‪(해원) 그렇잖아‬Don't you see?
‪우리 같은 사람들은‬ ‪한 번만 실패해도 기회를 잃는데‬People like us won't get another chance if we mess up once.
‪원하는 걸 얻으려고‬ ‪좀 비겁하게 굴면 안 되나?‬Is it so wrong to be a bit sly to get what we want?
‪(주영) 음…‬
‪돼요‬You can.
‪맞다, 쌤, 전시회요‬Right. Li-sa acted totally nuts at the exhibition.
‪거기서 리사 완전‬ ‪사이코처럼 굴었어요‬Right. Li-sa acted totally nuts at the exhibition.
‪그 남자 작가님 앞에서‬ ‪막 막말하고‬She kept being rude to that sculptor and threw a fit at her mom.
‪자기네 엄마한테 계속 짜증 내고‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬She kept being rude to that sculptor and threw a fit at her mom.
‪리사 어머니도‬Li-sa's mother came with you guys?
‪같이 오셨어?‬Li-sa's mother came with you guys?
‪(주영) 쌤, 저 이제‬ ‪음료도 만들어요‬Ms. Gu. I can make drinks now.
‪잠깐만 기다리세요‬Wait here.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑 울린다]‬
‪(해원) 왜 그냥 가?‬ ‪주영이 보러 온 거 아니었어?‬Why are you leaving? Aren't you here to see Ju-yeong?
‪아, 살찌거든요?‬That's fattening.
‪(해원) 나 때문에 안 들어온 거니?‬Did you not come in because of me?
‪(리사) 아, 연락 안 돼서‬ ‪와 봤더니‬I came because I couldn't reach her. What is this? So annoying.
‪이주영 뭐야, 짜증 나게‬I came because I couldn't reach her. What is this? So annoying.
‪그건 짜증 나는 게 아니라‬ ‪섭섭한 건데‬That's not the right word. You're disappointed.
‪(해원) 누가 궁금하다는 건‬ ‪관심이 있다는 거고‬If you are curious about someone, it means you are interested.
‪근데 그 사람이 너만큼 관심을‬ ‪주질 않아서 짜증 난다는 건‬And if you are annoyed because she won't reciprocate your interest,
‪섭섭하고 서운한 거야‬you must be sad and disappointed.
‪뭐래, 미친‬You're full of crap. You're totally off base here.
‪그런 거 아니거든요?‬You're full of crap. You're totally off base here.
‪네 감정이 정확히 어떤지‬I just thought that you should face your feelings as they are.
‪너는 알고 있어야 할 것 같아서‬I just thought that you should face your feelings as they are.
‪(해원) 주영이하고‬ ‪전시는 잘 봤니?‬Did you enjoy the exhibition with her?
‪(리사) 그딴 걸 왜 보라 그래요?‬Did you enjoy the exhibition with her? Why did you invite me?
‪남편이거든, 작가가‬The sculptor is my husband.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪결혼했어요?‬You're married?
‪근데 왜 결혼 안 한 척했어요?‬Why did you pretend to be single?
‪척한 적 없는데?‬I did no such thing.
‪좀 떨어져 있어서 그래 보였나?‬Did it seem so because we were apart?
‪[해원의 한숨]‬
‪그 사람이 잠깐‬He fell in love
‪다른 여자를 사랑했거든‬with someone else for a while.
‪온다, 또 보자‬There it is. See you around.
‪[현성의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[가방을 직 닫는다]‬
‪[트렁크 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(현성) 경기를‬ ‪다 보고 가는 거 보면‬Seeing how you watched the game until the end,
‪야구는 좋아했던 걸로?‬you must've liked baseball.
‪아, 네‬Right. I guess I did.
‪그런 거 같습니다‬Right. I guess I did.
‪- 그럼‬ ‪- (현성) 타세요‬-Bye, then. -Get in, please.
‪지금 나오는 사람 많아서‬ ‪택시 잡기 힘들 겁니다‬They're all leaving, so it's hard to get a cab now.
‪아닙니다, 괜찮습니다‬No. Thank you for the offer.
‪타세요, 자리 남아요‬Please get in. We have space.
‪(현성) 2세 계획은 없어요?‬Any plans on having kids?
‪아이들 좋아하는 거 같던데‬You seem to like kids.
‪(우재) 상황도 그렇고‬I'm neither fit nor confident to be a dad right now.
‪자신도 없습니다‬I'm neither fit nor confident to be a dad right now.
‪자신 있는 부모가 어디 있어요?‬No one feels ready to be a parent.
‪닥치면 닥치는 대로‬ ‪헤쳐 나가는 거지‬You just do your best with whatever you have.
‪아버지가 된다는 건‬But I've never imagined myself being a dad.
‪상상해 본 적이 없어서‬But I've never imagined myself being a dad.
‪상상으론 절대 알 수 없는‬ ‪감정이긴 하죠‬Well, it isn't something you can just imagine.
‪내가 그 아이의‬ ‪전부가 되는 일이니까‬Being everything to your kid.
‪(현성) 힘들다고‬ ‪중간에 그만둘 수도 없고‬You can't give up just because it gets hard.
‪그만둬서도 안 되고‬And giving up on them isn't right.
‪다른 사람이‬ ‪대신 해 줄 수 있는 일도 아니고‬On top of that, it's not something other people can do for you. You know?
‪그렇죠?‬On top of that, it's not something other people can do for you. You know?
‪그럼 전 아직 자격이 안 되겠네요‬Then I guess I'm not ready yet.
‪나보다 더 사랑하고‬ ‪책임져야 할 존재가 생긴다는 게‬Having someone whom I love more than myself and must be responsible for…
‪지금은 좀 버겁습니다‬I'm not ready for that yet.
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪왜?‬What's wrong?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪그냥 가요‬Just go around her.
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[똑똑 노크한다]‬
‪(희주) 여보‬Honey.
‪나서지 마요, 괜히 일 커져요‬Don't get out. It will just get worse.
‪- (희주) 뭐야?‬ ‪- 나와요, 차 더러워지니까‬What is this? Get out, or your car will get dirty.
‪여보, 잠깐만‬Give me a minute, honey.
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 열린다]‬
‪(현성) 구 선생!‬Ms. Gu! What do you think you are you doing?
‪[차 문을 탁 닫으며]‬ ‪지금 뭐 하는 거예요?‬Ms. Gu! What do you think you are you doing?
‪여보, 호수, 호수 먼저 좀…‬Honey, go check on Ho-su first.
‪(희주) 여보‬Honey.
‪(현성) 호수야, 일로 와‬ ‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬Come here, Ho-su.
‪(우재) 해원아!‬Hae-won!
‪(희주) 넌 뭐가 그렇게 쫄려서‬What scares you so much to feel the need to go this far?
‪이런 짓까지 하는 거야?‬What scares you so much to feel the need to go this far?
‪(해원) 놔‬-Let go. -Stop.
‪이거 놔!‬-Let go. -Stop. Let go. Let go of me!
‪[울먹이며] 놓으란 말이야!‬Let go. Let go of me!
‪이거 놔! 놔!‬Let go! -Stop. -Let go!
‪[해원이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[문이 쾅 닫힌다]‬ ‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(해원) 그 사람이 잠깐‬He fell in love with someone else for a while.
‪다른 여자를 사랑했거든‬He fell in love with someone else for a while.
‪[현성의 힘주는 신음]‬Here we go.
‪(현성) 잠깐만‬ ‪호수야, 이것만 벗자‬Hold on. Let's just take this off, Ho-su.
‪[현성이 지퍼를 직 내린다]‬ ‪너희들 싸웠니?‬Did you two fight?
‪(현성) 아니요‬No.
‪(영선) 근데 잠든 애를‬ ‪왜 이리로 데려와?‬Then why bring your sleepy son here?
‪(현성) 저, 누워‬Lie down. There you go.
‪옳지‬Lie down. There you go.
‪오구오구, 내 새끼‬My puppy. What did you do? Why do you look so exhausted?
‪뭘 해서 이래 녹초가 됐누‬My puppy. What did you do? Why do you look so exhausted?
‪나 오늘 홈런 쳤어‬I hit a home run today.
‪아이고‬Good boy.
‪(호수) 아빠가…‬Dad…
‪엄마한테 달콤한 냄새 나‬Mom smells sweet.
‪(현성) 꿈꿨나 봐요‬He must've had a dream.
‪호수야, 오늘은 여기서‬ ‪할머니하고 자‬Ho-su, you can sleep here with your grandma today.
‪엄마한테 왜 달콤한 냄새가 날까?‬I wonder why your mother smells sweet.
‪응?‬I wonder why your mother smells sweet.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(호수) 어떤 아저씨한테‬ ‪엄마가 화내서‬She got mad at some man.
‪공룡 아줌마하고 싸우고‬So the dinosaur lady had a fight with her.
‪갈게요‬Good night.
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪(우재) 계속 말 안 할 거야?‬You're not going to tell me?
‪선의로 여기까지‬ ‪데려다준 사람들이야‬They gave me a ride with good intentions.
‪선의?‬With good intentions? They hate me.
‪그 사람들 나 싫어해‬With good intentions? They hate me.
‪근데 무슨 선의‬What good intentions?
‪우연히 만났어‬I ran into them.
‪다른 의도가 있을 리 없는데‬They had no ulterior motives.
‪왜 자꾸 우연히 만나?‬Why do you keep running into them?
‪그게 더 이상해‬That's even stranger.
‪- 해원아‬ ‪- (해원) 나 없는 데서 만나지 마‬-Hae-won. -Don't meet them when I'm not with you.
‪(해원) 괜한 말 해서 선배가 나‬ ‪싫어하게 만들 수도 있어‬She might say something to make you hate me.
‪그게 무슨…‬What on earth…
‪그 표정 뭐야?‬What's that look?
‪내 말 못 믿어?‬You don't believe me?
‪아, 저 사람들 말에‬ ‪내가 널 왜 싫어해‬Why would I hate you because of something they say?
‪안 그럴 자신 있어?‬Are you sure you won't?
‪우리가 왜 다른 사람들 때문에‬ ‪싸워야 되는지 모르겠다‬I don't know why we're arguing over someone else
‪우린 괜찮은데‬when we're doing fine.
‪안 괜찮아‬We're not fine.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪그냥 괜찮은 척하는 거야‬I'm just pretending to be okay.
‪사실 나 하나도 안 괜찮아‬Honestly, I'm not okay at all.
‪선배 몰랐지?‬I bet you didn't know that.
‪그동안 내가‬ ‪어떻게 살아왔는지도 모르잖아‬You don't even know how I've been all these years.
‪근데 뭐가 괜찮아?‬So how could it be okay?
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪(희주) 너 여기서 뭐 해?‬What are you doing here?
‪그때 그 전시회에서 만났던‬ ‪아저씨 있잖아‬Do you remember that guy we met at the exhibition?
‪(리사) 누군가를 그리는 건‬You draw someone
‪그 사람을 사랑해서 그리는 거래‬because you love them.
‪그 아저씨가‬That's what he said.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪아, 늦었어, 어서 가서 자‬It's getting late. Go to sleep.
‪(희주) 엄마 네 얘기 들어 줄‬ ‪정신 없어‬I don't have time to listen to you.
‪히스 말이야‬-The heath… -What?
‪뭐?‬-The heath… -What?
‪꽃, 히스‬You know, the flowers.
‪옛날에 엄마‬ ‪그림 그리러 갔던 언덕에‬They were all over the hill where you went to draw a long time ago.
‪잔뜩 피어 있었잖아‬They were all over the hill where you went to draw a long time ago.
‪기억나?‬Do you remember?
‪[바람이 솨 부는 소리]‬ ‪[풍경이 울리는 소리]‬
‪나 거기서 그 아저씨 본 거 같아‬And I think I saw him there.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪무슨 소리야?‬What are you talking about?
‪봤다고‬I remember seeing him there.
‪그 아저씨‬I remember seeing him there.
‪네가 그 사람을 거기서 어떻게 봐‬How could you have seen him there?
‪어릴 때라 잘못 기억하는 거야‬You were little. You're remembering it wrong.
‪아니야, 거기서 분명 그 아저씨…‬No. I'm sure it was him there.
‪아빠야‬That was your dad.
‪거길 같이 갔던 사람은 아빠라고‬Your dad was there with us.
‪그럼 아빠한테 다시 물어봐야겠다‬Then I should ask Dad.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(우재) 몰랐어‬I had no idea.
‪몰라서 미안해‬I'm sorry I didn't know.
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[해원의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(리사) 아빠‬Dad. When I went to see Mom with you when I was little,
‪나 어려서‬ ‪아빠랑 엄마 보러 갔을 때‬Dad. When I went to see Mom with you when I was little,
‪그때 거기 있던 꽃‬those flowers there.
‪(현성) 꽃?‬-Flowers? -Yes, what were they called?
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪응, 그거 뭐였어?‬-Flowers? -Yes, what were they called?
‪무슨 꽃?‬What flowers?
‪[리사가 숟가락을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪전에도 저랬는데, 뭐야?‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬She asked me that question before. What flower?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(해원) 사실 나 하나도 안 괜찮아‬Honestly, I'm not okay at all.
‪그동안 내가‬ ‪어떻게 살아왔는지도 모르잖아‬You don't even know how I've been all these years.
‪[목재를 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪우리 리사 만났어요?‬Did you meet my daughter Li-sa?
‪아, 네‬Right, I did. I met her at your exhibition.
‪작가님 개인전에서‬Right, I did. I met her at your exhibition.
‪리사한테‬What did you
‪무슨 말 했어요?‬tell her?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪무슨 이상한 얘길 했길래 애가…‬What nonsense did you tell her? She--
‪(우재) 추워요‬It's cold. We can talk sitting.
‪앉아서 얘기하세요‬It's cold. We can talk sitting.
‪작가님이 계속 이러시면‬If you keep acting this way,
‪제가 진짜‬ ‪나쁜 놈이었던 거 같아서‬it makes me think I was someone awful. And that scares me.
‪저도 무서워요‬it makes me think I was someone awful. And that scares me.
‪해원이 말론‬Hae-won told me that I used to hate you.
‪내가 작가님을 싫어했다고 하던데‬Hae-won told me that I used to hate you.
‪옛날얘기나 하자고 온 건 아니고‬I'm not here to talk about our past.
‪- 리사가 아무래도…‬ ‪- (우재) 히스‬-I think Li-sa-- -Heath.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪꽃 이름을 가르쳐 준 게‬ ‪다였습니다‬I only told her the name of the flower.
‪아주 잠깐 마주친 거라‬As our meeting was brief, nothing else happened.
‪다른 일은 없었어요‬As our meeting was brief, nothing else happened.
‪(우재) 걱정하시는 거 이해해요‬I understand why you are worried.
‪해원이가 교사로 있을 때‬I heard that Hae-won hurt your daughter when she was her teacher.
‪그 학생한테‬ ‪상처를 줬다고 들었습니다‬I heard that Hae-won hurt your daughter when she was her teacher.
‪앞으론‬From now on, I will try to be careful not to run into her…
‪우연이라도 마주치지 않도록‬From now on, I will try to be careful not to run into her…
‪부탁해요‬I would appreciate that. And I apologize for barging in.
‪갑자기 찾아온 것도 미안하고요‬I would appreciate that. And I apologize for barging in.
‪서우재 씨가‬ ‪저 싫어했던 거 맞아요‬It's true that you hated me.
‪저 역시 그래서 그쪽이 불편한데‬So I don't feel comfortable around you either.
‪(희주) 이미 지나간 일 다시‬ ‪떠올릴 필요는 없을 거 같아서‬But I think there's any need to try to remember that.
‪기억 못 하면 없던 일인 거니까‬If you don't remember it, then it's never happened.
‪(우재) 그건 과거잖아요‬That was in the past.
‪과거에 내가‬ ‪당신을 싫어했다고 해도‬Even if I hated you in the past,
‪지금의 나는 아니에요‬I don't hate you now.
‪오히려 신경이 쓰입니다‬Actually, I'm concerned about you.
‪제가 걱정할 일 아닌 거 아는데‬I know that it's my place to worry about you.
‪뭐에 쫓기는 사람처럼‬ ‪애쓰는 게 안쓰러워서‬You look like you're being chased. And that bothers me.
‪지금은 그게 다입니다‬That's all I feel now.
‪다쳐요, 손 떼요‬Let go. You'll hurt your hand.
‪그냥 말해야 될 거 같았어요‬I just wanted to tell you…
‪걱정하지 말라고‬not to worry.
‪[가방을 뒤적이며]‬ ‪누가 누굴 걱정해‬He's worried about me? How ridiculous.
‪(정은) 3개월은 인턴‬You'll be an intern for three months and assist Mr. Seo as you learn the ropes.
‪일 배우면서 서 작가 서포트하고‬You'll be an intern for three months and assist Mr. Seo as you learn the ropes.
‪작가들은 어디 소속되고‬ ‪계약서 쓰면‬I know artists don't like to be part of an agency
‪묶이는 거라고 싫어하는데‬because contracts make them feel tied down.
‪안정적으로 작업하려면‬But to have a stable working environment,
‪갤러리 후원이 절대적으로‬ ‪필요한 것도 사실이에요‬But to have a stable working environment, they definitely need to be sponsored by the galleries.
‪말씀하신 조건이면‬With these conditions, I don't think Woo-jae will turn down your offer.
‪선배가 마다할 이유는 없을 거예요‬With these conditions, I don't think Woo-jae will turn down your offer.
‪(정은) 후속 작업을‬ ‪빨리 진행하는 게 좋겠어요‬He should work on his next project right away.
‪기세는 몰아가는 맛이라‬We must keep the momentum going.
‪(정은) 해원 씨야말로‬Mr. Seo told me that
‪기대받는 루키였다고‬ ‪서 작가가 그러던데‬you were the rookie everyone had their eyes on.
‪그림은 왜 그만둔 거예요?‬Why did you stop drawing?
‪(컬렉터) 정 작가 초기 작품‬I actually have
‪제가 저, 몇 점 가지고 있어요‬a few of your early pieces.
‪근데‬But the themes and style of your works have changed a lot
‪지금하곤 주제도 화풍도‬But the themes and style of your works have changed a lot
‪너무 달라서…‬from back then.
‪씁, 뭐, 어떤‬ ‪바뀐 계기가 있습니까?‬Was there any reason behind the changes?
‪결국 사람이 그리는 거니까‬Well, artists are human after all.
‪어떻게 살았느냐에 따라서‬ ‪그림도 달라지는 거겠죠‬So the paintings are bound to change based on the life of the artists.
‪저처럼 자기 주변을‬ ‪주로 그리는 사람은‬Since I find my inspiration around me,
‪(희주) 더 그래 보일 거예요‬the changes would've been more noticeable.
‪(컬렉터) 아…‬
‪그렇다면 아주‬That must mean you've lived a good life.
‪잘 살아오신 거네‬That must mean you've lived a good life.
‪[희주의 웃음]‬
‪- (윤정) 선생님‬ ‪- (컬렉터) 예‬-Sir. Could I talk to you? -Yes?
‪(윤정) 잠시 말씀 좀‬ ‪나눌 수 있을까요?‬-Sir. Could I talk to you? -Yes?
‪(컬렉터) 아!‬-Sir. Could I talk to you? -Yes?
‪(희주) 네‬Okay.
‪(해원) 잘 살아온 건가?‬Have you been living a good life then?
‪난 언니 초기작이 더 좋던데‬I liked your early pieces more because I could feel Woo-jae's influence.
‪선배 냄새가 나서‬I liked your early pieces more because I could feel Woo-jae's influence.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪지금 언니 그림은 뭐랄까…‬But your current paintings…
‪답답해‬They are suffocating.
‪예쁜 것만 골라서‬ ‪박제해 놓은 느낌이에요‬It's like you purposely painted only pretty things.
‪그래도 이렇게 행복해 보여서‬ ‪다행이에요‬But I'm glad to see that you are happy…
‪또 누굴 뺏어 갈 만큼‬because you must not be lonely enough to steal someone else's man again.
‪외롭진 않다는 거니까‬because you must not be lonely enough to steal someone else's man again.
‪[컬렉터가 말한다]‬When I saw this painting, the angle…
‪(희주) 서우재 작가하고 컬래버요?‬You want me to work with Mr. Seo? There's a building that will be demolished soon,
‪(정은) 이번에 아시아 건축상 받은‬ ‪우정효 선생님 작품 중에‬There's a building that will be demolished soon, that was designed by Asia's Best Architect Award winner, Woo Jeong-hyo.
‪곧 철거할 건물이 있어요‬that was designed by Asia's Best Architect Award winner, Woo Jeong-hyo.
‪거기서 기획 전시를 해 볼까 해요‬ ‪[컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬So I'm thinking of doing an exhibition there.
‪정 작가님처럼‬ ‪네임 밸류 있는 분들이‬I know that well-known artists like you
‪컬래버를‬ ‪좋아하지 않는다는 거 알아요‬prefer to work alone.
‪그래서 도와 달라고 말하는 거예요‬So I'm asking you for a favor.
‪우리 갤러리와 서 작가를 위해서‬So I'm asking you for a favor. For my gallery and Mr. Seo.
‪제가 왜 그래야 하죠?‬I don't understand why I should.
‪혹시 큐레이터 이직 때문이라면…‬If this is because I recruited your curator--
‪(정은) 내년 아트 바젤 기획전에‬My gallery was chosen for next year's Art Basel.
‪우리 갤러리가 선정됐어요‬My gallery was chosen for next year's Art Basel.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪- 아…‬ ‪- (정은) 평론가들이‬There's a special "unlimited" exhibition, curated by the critics.
‪(정은) 큐레이션하는‬ ‪언리미티드 특별 전시‬There's a special "unlimited" exhibition, curated by the critics.
‪국내에서 참가할 수 있는‬ ‪갤러리라고 해 봐야‬I'm sure you know that only two of galleries in Korea
‪두 곳 정도인 건 알고 있죠?‬will have a chance to participate.
‪아트 바젤은‬An entry to Art Basel
‪출품하는 거 자체로‬ ‪세계 시장에서 주목받아요‬will be enough to attract attention from the global market.
‪그 기회를 정 작가님이‬ ‪잡을 수도 있다는 거고‬And you might be the one who gets that chance.
‪(영선) 갤러리를 오픈한다는 거‬ ‪자체가 도박이야‬Opening a gallery itself is a gamble.
‪대기업 걔들하고 우리가 같니?‬We're not some conglomerate.
‪걔들은 돈이 많으니까‬ ‪망해도 상관없지‬They are filthy-rich, so a failed business won't hurt them.
‪그리고 이 봐‬And look.
‪증축만 한다며?‬Wasn't this an expansion job?
‪근데 비용이 왜 이따위야?‬Why does it cost this much?
‪총공사비로 치면 20% 감면한 거고‬We reduced 20 percent of the total construction cost.
‪(현성) 예산의 35%는‬ ‪투자금으로 이미 확보했어요‬And we've already got 35 percent of the budget from investments.
‪(영선) 다 자기 마음대로야, 아주‬You always do whatever you want.
‪어차피 너희들 마음대로 할 거‬ ‪왜 물어봐, 그럼?‬You always do whatever you want. Why ask me if you're not going to listen to me?
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(현성) 이번엔 리사 엄마 선택 좀‬ ‪믿어 주세요‬Can you support Hui-ju on this?
‪(영선) 믿을 만해야 믿지‬She needs to earn it.
‪애 앞에서 이놈, 저년 하고‬ ‪싸우는 앨 어떻게 믿니?‬How can I support her when she fights people?
‪싸우기는 무슨‬She didn't fight anyone.
‪(영선) 애들 야구래도‬ ‪엄연히 병원 행사야‬It was just a baseball game, but it was a work event.
‪거기까지 가서‬How could she…
‪너 설마 그때 그 일로…‬Wait. Is this about that thing?
‪아니라고 몇 번을 말씀드려요‬I told you it wasn't what it looked like.
‪내가 아무리‬ ‪걔가 마음에 안 들어도‬I may disapprove of her,
‪너 바람나 가정 깨는 건‬ ‪절대 못 봐‬but I will not let you divorce her because of your affair.
‪야구장에 서우재 씨 왔었니?‬Was Mr. Seo at the baseball game?
‪[형기의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(형기) 죄송합니다‬ ‪제가 늦었습니다‬I'm sorry I'm late. I thought the meeting was happening now.
‪이 시간으로 알고 있었는데‬I'm sorry I'm late. I thought the meeting was happening now.
‪(영선) 늦은 거 아니야‬ ‪때맞춰 왔어‬You're not late. You're right on time.
‪삼인호텔까지 네가 운전해‬I want you to drive to Samin Hotel.
‪(형기) 예, 알겠습니다‬Okay.
‪(영선) 빨리 와‬So, about the gallery…
‪[영선이 말한다]‬So, about the gallery…
‪무슨 얘기 했어요?‬What did you talk about?
‪재단 운영 얘기지, 뭐‬What did you talk about? It was about the foundation.
‪그런데 나는 안 부르고‬ ‪운전기사로만 쓰겠다?‬But she didn't invite me and just wants to use me as a driver?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪그럼 당신이 따로‬Then you can
‪나중에 얘기해 줘요‬update me later.
‪(영선) 안 오니?‬Are you coming?
‪어제는 죄송했습니다‬I'm sorry about yesterday. Hae-won--
‪- 해원이가…‬ ‪- (현성) 학교 일로‬I'm sorry about yesterday. Hae-won-- She must be very upset about her job. Please comfort her.
‪구 선생이 많이‬ ‪서운했던 거 같은데‬She must be very upset about her job. Please comfort her.
‪잘 좀 추슬러 주세요‬She must be very upset about her job. Please comfort her.
‪이해해 주셔서 감사합니다‬Thank you for understanding.
‪이해는 합니다만‬I do understand, but as you've seen yesterday,
‪(현성) 어제 보셔서 아시겠지만‬I do understand, but as you've seen yesterday,
‪만나서 서로‬ ‪반가운 사이는 아니라서요‬we're not very comfortable around each other.
‪서우재 씨도 병원을‬ ‪옮겨 주셨으면 좋겠습니다‬I'd like for you to also move hospitals.
‪매, 매형‬-Hyeon-seong. -Do you have time today?
‪오늘 저녁에 시간 되지?‬ ‪집에 와서 밥 먹자‬-Hyeon-seong. -Do you have time today? Let's eat dinner at our house. Your sister wants to see you more often.
‪(현성) 누나가 많이 서운해해‬ ‪자주 안 온다고‬Let's eat dinner at our house. Your sister wants to see you more often.
‪이따가 봐‬-See you later. -Okay.
‪(선우) 예‬-See you later. -Okay.
‪매형한텐 제가 다시…‬-I'll talk to him later-- -Ms. Jeong is your sister?
‪정 작가님이 누나?‬-I'll talk to him later-- -Ms. Jeong is your sister?
‪아…‬Yes, she is.
‪예‬Yes, she is.
‪아, 저‬I see Dr. Choi is taking care of you. Dr. Choi is great.
‪최 선생님이 담당이네요‬ ‪되게 좋으신데‬I see Dr. Choi is taking care of you. Dr. Choi is great.
‪아, 네‬Yes, an honest and good person.
‪솔직하고 좋은 분인데‬Yes, an honest and good person.
‪아직 성과는 없어요‬But progress is slow.
‪문제는 저라서‬-Since the problem is me. -Gosh. Don't think of it like that.
‪(선우) 에이‬ ‪문제라고 생각 안 하면 되죠‬-Since the problem is me. -Gosh. Don't think of it like that.
‪과거에 잡혀 사는 거보단‬It could be better only thinking of the present,
‪지금만 생각해도 되는 게‬ ‪더 좋을 수 있어요‬than being stuck on the past.
‪정 작가님도 비슷한 말을 했는데‬Ms. Jeong said something similar.
‪전 아직 잘 모르겠어요‬ ‪뭐가 맞는 건지‬I'm not sure what is going on.
‪(우재) 지금은 다 뒤죽박죽이라‬Everything is jumbled up.
‪지금 내가 느끼는 감정은 진짜다‬Whenever you're confused, just think, "The emotions I feel right now are real."
‪헷갈릴 땐 그것만 믿으세요‬Whenever you're confused, just think, "The emotions I feel right now are real."
‪(선우) 아, 그리고‬ ‪무슨 일이 있었건‬And whatever it is that happened, I'm against you moving hospitals.
‪병원 옮기는 건 반대입니다‬And whatever it is that happened, I'm against you moving hospitals.
‪제가 실력이 제일 좋거든요‬You see, I'm the best there is.
‪들어가세요‬Take care.
‪(정은) 우정효 선생님하곤‬ ‪조만간 자리 마련할게요‬I'll set up a meeting with architect Woo Jeong-hyo soon. Okay.
‪(희주) 네‬Okay.
‪(정은) 아, 구해원 씨‬By the way, Ms. Gu agreed to work at my gallery.
‪우리 갤러리에서‬ ‪일 시작하기로 했어요‬By the way, Ms. Gu agreed to work at my gallery.
‪전공도 이쪽이고‬She majored in art too.
‪그림 해석하는 눈도 탁월하고‬She has a great eye for interpreting art.
‪작가들 대하는 태도가 좋아요‬I like that she respects artists too.
‪그리고 난‬Besides, I like having happy couples around. It's therapeutic.
‪사이좋은 사람들 보는 게 좋아‬ ‪힐링되잖아‬Besides, I like having happy couples around. It's therapeutic.
‪서 작가가 아버지하고 달리‬ ‪제대로 가정 꾸린 거‬I'm so happy to see that Mr. Seo formed a happy family
‪정말 다행이에요‬I'm so happy to see that Mr. Seo formed a happy family unlike his father.
‪그런 사람이‬And it's ironic how a man like his father raised such a loving person like him.
‪저런 아들을 키웠다는 거 자체가‬ ‪아이러니였지‬And it's ironic how a man like his father raised such a loving person like him.
‪(희주) 전 잘 모르지만‬I don't know much about him.
‪인간 서우재에겐‬ ‪좋은 아버지가 아니었더라도‬But even if he wasn't a good father to Mr. Seo,
‪예술가 서우재에겐‬ ‪최고의 아버지였을 거 같은데요?‬I'm sure he was the best father to the artist within Mr. Seo.
‪재능을 물려주면서‬Not only did he pass down his talent,
‪채울 수 없는 결핍도‬ ‪같이 줬으니까‬but also a sense of hunger that couldn't be satiated.
‪서 작가, 가치를 증명해 낼 겁니다‬I'm sure Mr. Seo will prove his worth.
‪긴장해야겠다, 나‬I should be on my toes.
‪(우재) 왔어? 일은 어땠어?‬Hey. How was work?
‪(해원) 선배 작품 판 돈을‬ ‪왜 나한테 보내?‬Why did you send me the money from your sale?
‪내가 쓸데가 어디 있어?‬I don't have anything to spend on. You can spend it.
‪네가 써‬I don't have anything to spend on. You can spend it.
‪이걸로 너 하고 싶은 거 해‬I want you to do whatever you want with that. That's my wish.
‪내 부탁이야‬I want you to do whatever you want with that. That's my wish.
‪차 줄게‬I'll get you some tea.
‪(해원) 결혼식 하자‬Let's have a wedding.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪혼인 신고만 하고‬ ‪결혼식은 못 했잖아‬We never had one. We only registered our marriage.
‪이 돈으로 결혼식 해‬Let's use the money for that.
‪사람들도 부르고‬We can invite a lot of people,
‪사진도 많이 찍고 좋은 옷도 입고‬take tons of photos, and wear pretty clothes too.
‪(우재) 우리 이미 부부야‬We're already married.
‪(해원) 그러니까‬Exactly. I want to show people that we are married.
‪우리가 부부라는 걸 알리고 싶어‬Exactly. I want to show people that we are married.
‪다 알았으면 좋겠어‬Exactly. I want to show people that we are married. I want everyone to know.
‪우리가 부를 사람이 어디 있어?‬We don't have anyone to invite.
‪[식기를 달그락거리며]‬ ‪내가 가족이 있는 것도 아니고‬It's not like I have any other family.
‪따로 만나는 친구도 없고‬And I don't have any close friends.
‪내 가족이 선배 가족이야‬My family is your family.
‪할아버지, 엄마‬We have my grandpa and my mom.
‪갤러리 사람들도 부르고‬We can invite people from the gallery and your recently-gained fans.
‪벌써 생긴 선배 팬들도 부르고‬We can invite people from the gallery and your recently-gained fans.
‪선배는 한다고만 하면 돼‬You just have to say yes.
‪준비는 내가 다 해‬I'll plan everything.
‪나 하고 싶은 거 하라며‬You told me to do what I wanted with it.
‪축하받고 싶어‬I want to be congratulated.
‪사람들한테 축하받을래‬I want people to congratulate us.
‪청첩장은 직접 만들까?‬Should we make our own invitations?
‪그림 그린 지도 오래됐는데‬It's been ages since I drew anything.
‪(해원) 언제 하는 게 좋을까?‬When should we have the wedding? Where should we have it?
‪어디서 하는 게 좋겠어?‬When should we have the wedding? Where should we have it?
‪갤러리에서 하는 건 어때?‬What do you think about the gallery?
‪[선우의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[현성의 탄성]‬ ‪(선우) 와, 호수야‬Goodness, Ho-su. The elephant's ears are bigger than its trunk.
‪코끼리 귀가 코보다 크네?‬Goodness, Ho-su. The elephant's ears are bigger than its trunk.
‪(호수) 얘 이름은 파카야‬Its name is Paka.
‪파카는 귀가 커서‬ ‪날아다닐 수도 있어‬Paka has big ears, so he can even fly with them.
‪(선우) [놀라며]‬ ‪우아, 날개도 되는 귀야?‬Paka has big ears, so he can even fly with them. Goodness. They can be wings too?
‪우아, 진짜 멋있다‬This is super cool.
‪이거 화가 시켜야겠는데요?‬Look. He should be an artist.
‪좀 남다르지?‬He's talented, isn't he?
‪누나도 어렸을 때부터‬ ‪그림 잘 그렸나?‬Was Hui-ju also artistic when she was young?
‪[선우의 시원한 숨소리]‬
‪(선우) 어릴 땐 못 봤어요‬ ‪누나 그림‬I had never seen her draw as a kid.
‪학교 다니는 것도 사치였던 집이라‬We were lucky to go to school.
‪매형한텐 진짜 고마워요‬I'm really grateful to you
‪누나가 하고 싶은 일‬ ‪하게 도와준 거요‬for helping her follow her dream.
‪도와주긴‬I didn't help much. Your sister is just talented.
‪누나가 재능 있는 거야‬I didn't help much. Your sister is just talented.
‪(선우) 아, 뭐야, 누나‬Goodness, Hui-ju. How long have you been standing there?
‪언제 왔어‬Goodness, Hui-ju. How long have you been standing there?
‪(희주) 온다고 말을 하지‬You should've told me you were coming over.
‪(현성) 내가 불렀어‬I invited him over.
‪정선우 선생 여기저기서‬ ‪스카우트하려고 노리고 있어서‬Every hospital is trying to steal him from our hospital,
‪내가 좀 붙잡아 두려고‬so I'm trying to keep him at ours.
‪전부터 스포츠 물리 치료‬ ‪배우고 싶댔잖아‬You wanted to study sports physical therapy.
‪USC의 레지던시‬ ‪프로그램도 괜찮고‬USC has a good residency program.
‪세인트루이스에서 풀타임‬ ‪임상 인턴십 같은 거 해도 좋고‬Or you can go for a full-time clinical internship in St. Louis.
‪한 2년 정도 다녀와서‬After you study there for two years,
‪병원 직속으로‬ ‪센터를 운영해 보면 어떨까 하고‬why don't you run your own center within the hospital?
‪아, 아니, 저, 그렇게까지 저…‬Gosh. That's such a generous offer.
‪(희주) 네 매형이 나보다 낫다‬Gosh. That's such a generous offer. He cares about you more than I do. That's never crossed my mind.
‪난 그런 생각 해 보지도 않았는데‬He cares about you more than I do. That's never crossed my mind.
‪[현성이 맥주 캔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪리사는요?‬What about Li-sa?
‪아직 안 들어왔는데?‬She's not home yet.
‪당신한테‬ ‪따로 연락한 거 아니었어?‬I thought she already called you.
‪(리사) 야, 왜 이제 와‬ ‪언제 불렀는데‬What took you so long? I texted you hours ago.
‪알바 끝나자마자 바로 온 거야‬I came as soon as my shift ended.
‪나 오늘 집에 안 가‬I'm not going home today.
‪너희 집에서 잔다?‬I'll crash at your place.
‪아빠 있는데, 집에‬My dad is home.
‪그게 뭐, 네 방에서 자면 되잖아‬So what? I can sleep in your room.
‪[드르렁 코 고는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[물건이 우당탕거린다]‬
‪[코를 드르렁 곤다]‬
‪(리사) 그건 또 왜?‬What's that for?
‪(주영) 나중에‬ ‪어떻게 쓸지 모르잖아‬Who knows what might be useful later?
‪일단 다 찍어 두게‬I'll film everything.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪- (주영) 골랐어?‬ ‪- 응‬-Did you pick one? -Yes.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪너희 엄마한테 계속 전화 오는데‬She's blowing up your phone.
‪말 안 하고 왔어?‬You didn't tell her?
‪(리사) 아이씨‬Darn it. What about your mom? Where is she?
‪너희 엄마는? 어디 있어?‬Darn it. What about your mom? Where is she?
‪(주영) 몰라‬Who knows? She might be dead on some alley for all I know.
‪어디서 뒈졌는지 알 게 뭐야‬Who knows? She might be dead on some alley for all I know.
‪이혼했어?‬-Did they divorce? -No.
‪(주영) 아니‬-Did they divorce? -No.
‪[입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪그냥 나갔어‬She just left.
‪아빠는 엄마가 바람나서 나갔다고‬ ‪맨날 뭐라 하는데‬He keeps badmouthing her, saying that she left for another man.
‪난 완전 이해해‬But I totally get why.
‪너 같으면 저런 사람이랑‬ ‪살고 싶겠냐?‬Would you want to live with someone like him?
‪어쨌든 널 버리고 간 거잖아‬In any case, she did abandon you.
‪남자가 그렇게 좋나‬How can she like men over her kid?
‪(주영) 난 나한테‬ ‪잘해 주는 남잔 좋던데‬I like men who are nice to me.
‪(리사) 하, 더러워‬They are gross.
‪뭐가 더러워‬Why are they gross? You just haven't met the right person.
‪네가 아직 못 만나 봐서 그래‬Why are they gross? You just haven't met the right person.
‪웃기네, 그럼 넌 키스해 봤어?‬You're full of it. -Then have you ever kissed anyone? -Yes.
‪(주영) 응‬-Then have you ever kissed anyone? -Yes.
‪뻥치지 마, 네가 언제?‬ ‪누구랑? 어떻게?‬Stop lying. When? Who? How?
‪[쪽 뽀뽀한다]‬
‪(주영) 이렇게‬Like this. It's not a big deal.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪별거 아니야‬Like this. It's not a big deal.
‪[우당탕 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[일성이 잠꼬대한다]‬Come on! Get off me! You stupid.
‪신경 쓰지 마, 저러다 다시 자‬Don't mind him. He falls back asleep after that.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬Don't mind him. He falls back asleep after that. -Bring me more drinks. -I'm leaving.
‪(리사) 갈래‬-Bring me more drinks. -I'm leaving.
‪왜, 자고 간다며‬You're not sleeping over?
‪시끄러워, 자겠냐?‬It's so loud. How can I sleep here?
‪야, 여기 나가는 길 복잡해‬ ‪같이 가‬ ‪[리사가 커튼을 착 친다]‬The path out of here is complicated. Wait up!
‪(희주) 집 앞으로‬ ‪택시를 부르지, 왜‬You should have called a cab to the house.
‪(선우) 이 김에 누나랑 좀 걷게‬I wanted to walk with you.
‪(희주) 그럴 거면 좀 자주 오든가‬Then you should visit more often.
‪(선우) 아, 뭐, 나도‬Well, I want to.
‪나도 그러고 싶은데‬Well, I want to.
‪난 여기 아직 어색해‬But I don't feel like myself here. I feel out of place.
‪남의 자리 온 것처럼‬But I don't feel like myself here. I feel out of place.
‪아, 맞다‬Hey. What happened yesterday?
‪어제 뭔 일 있었어?‬Hey. What happened yesterday?
‪(희주) 일?‬What do you mean? Hyeon-seong and Mr. Seo ran into each other at the hospital.
‪(선우) 어, 그…‬Hyeon-seong and Mr. Seo ran into each other at the hospital.
‪낮에 병원에서‬ ‪서우재 씨하고 매형이 마주쳤는데‬Hyeon-seong and Mr. Seo ran into each other at the hospital.
‪매형이 서우재 씨한테‬ ‪병원 옮기라고…‬He asked Mr. Seo to switch to another hospital.
‪(희주) 어?‬What?
‪- (희주) 왜?‬ ‪- 구 선생님 얘기 나와서‬Why? Ms. Gu was mentioned, so I think I know why,
‪짐작은 하겠는데‬Ms. Gu was mentioned, so I think I know why,
‪(선우) 내가 물어볼‬ ‪분위기는 아니었어‬but it wasn't my place to ask.
‪[자동차 경적]‬ ‪(희주) 어?‬
‪(선우) 어? 택시 왔다‬-That's my cab. I'll get going. Bye. -Bye.
‪- (선우) 누나, 나 갈게, 들어가‬ ‪- (희주) 어‬-That's my cab. I'll get going. Bye. -Bye.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬
‪[멀어지는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪(선우) 매형이 서우재 씨한테‬ ‪병원 옮기라고…‬He asked Mr. Seo to switch to another hospital.
‪(리사) 나 거기서‬ ‪그 아저씨 본 거 같아‬And I think I saw him there.
‪(해원) 무슨 생각을 그렇게 해?‬What are you thinking about?
‪(우재) 내가‬I'm trying to figure out why I went to Ireland all of a sudden.
‪갑자기 아일랜드엔 왜 갔을까‬I'm trying to figure out why I went to Ireland all of a sudden.
‪그런 생각‬Stuff like that.
‪갑자기는 아니지‬Well, it wasn't so sudden.
‪선배는 늘 가고 싶어 했어‬You always wanted to go.
‪선배가 제일 좋아하는 조각가‬Your favorite sculptor…
‪로완 길레스피?‬Rowan Gillespie?
‪- 그리고 모허…‬ ‪- (우재) 모허‬-And the Cliffs… -Cliffs of Moher.
‪절벽‬of Moher.
‪어차피 죽을 거라면‬Since we all die at some point,
‪그런 곳에서 죽고 싶다고 했어‬you wanted to die in a place like that.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[파도가 철썩인다]‬ ‪[갈매기 울음]‬
‪(해원) 시체도 찾을 수 없어서‬So no one would know if you were dead or alive
‪살았는지 죽었는지 아무도 모르게‬because no one would find your body.
‪[맥주 캔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(우재) 해원아!‬Hae-won!
‪[우재의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪위험하잖아, 왜 이래‬What was that? That was dangerous.
‪믿음이 필요하니까‬I needed to believe.
‪(해원) 선배는 날 다치게‬ ‪내버려 두지 않을 거라는 믿음‬I needed to believe that you wouldn't let me get hurt.
‪[키보드 조작음이 들린다]‬
‪[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪(우재) '한국 경찰에서‬ ‪서우재 씨가 실종되었다는'‬Mr. Seo Woo-jae, Korean police received a report
‪'신고가 접수되었습니다'‬that you had gone missing.
‪'아일랜드를 출국한‬ ‪기록이 확인되어'‬We confirmed that you departed for Ireland.
‪'인터폴과 주아일랜드‬ ‪대한민국 대사관으로'‬So Interpol and our embassy were requested to cooperate.
‪'협조 요청이 들어왔습니다'‬So Interpol and our embassy were requested to cooperate.
‪(경찰) 네, 2014년 7월 20일‬Yes. You were reported missing on July 20th, 2014.
‪실종 신고가 접수됐었네요?‬Yes. You were reported missing on July 20th, 2014.
‪아일랜드 출국 기록 확인돼서‬The embassy located your whereabouts after finding your travel logs to Ireland.
‪대사관에서 한 달 만에‬ ‪소재 파악한 걸로 나옵니다‬The embassy located your whereabouts after finding your travel logs to Ireland.
‪본인 요청으로 신고는 취하됐고요‬And the missing person report was cancelled at your request.
‪신고는 누가 했습니까?‬Who first made the report?
‪아내분이요‬Gu Hae-won, your wife.
‪구해원 씨‬Gu Hae-won, your wife.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪(희주) 구해원 선생님이요‬It's about Ms. Gu.
‪학교 그만두셨는데‬She quit. I thought you were informed of it.
‪소식 못 들으셨습니까?‬She quit. I thought you were informed of it.
‪정확히 어떻게 된 건지 궁금해서요‬I was wondering how exactly that happened.
‪(실장) 징계위에서는‬ ‪해임으로 결정했는데‬The disciplinary committee decided to dismiss her.
‪예고 전환 건도 시끄러우니‬ ‪그냥 좋게 마무리하시겠다고‬As there's much talk about our high school, Mr. An didn't want any scandals.
‪이사님이 구 선생한테‬ ‪다른 학교 추천서를 주셨어요‬So he wrote a letter of recommendation for Ms. Gu.
‪이제 그쪽에서도‬And Ms. Gu won't
‪그때 일을‬ ‪더는 문제 삼지 못할 겁니다‬be able to cause problems regarding the incident.
‪(희주) 그 말은‬That means my husband met up with her in private.
‪리사 아빠가 구 선생을‬ ‪따로 만났다는 거네요?‬That means my husband met up with her in private.
‪(우재) 조금만 늦게 발견됐어도‬ ‪죽었을 거라고‬I heard I would've died if I was found any later.
‪그래서 절 도와주신 분에게‬So I wanted to express my gratitude to the man who saved me.
‪감사 인사는‬ ‪전해야 할 거 같아서요‬So I wanted to express my gratitude to the man who saved me.
‪"슬라이고 종합 병원‬ ‪신원 미상 환자 진료 기록"‬
‪(현성) '최준영'?‬Choi Jun-yeong?
‪(우재) 네‬Yes. From what I heard, he took me to the hospital
‪그분이 저를 병원으로 옮기셨고‬Yes. From what I heard, he took me to the hospital
‪제 병원비를 후원한 태림재단도‬and was the one who linked me to Taerim Foundation for my medical bills.
‪그분이 연결해 주셨다고‬ ‪들었습니다‬and was the one who linked me to Taerim Foundation for my medical bills.
‪혹시 알아볼 수 있을까 싶어서요‬I was wondering if I could find this man.
‪[종이를 사락거린다]‬
‪여긴 내 아들이 태어난 병원이라‬ ‪후원을 한 건 맞아요‬It is true that I donated some money because my son was born there.
‪하지만 저희는 사회사업에‬ ‪지원만 할 뿐이지‬But we only sponsor their social programs.
‪특정인을 지정하진 않습니다‬We don't pick the recipient.
‪연고가 불분명한 서우재 씨를‬ ‪지원자로 선정한 건‬It must have been the hospital's decision who chose to sponsor you.
‪씁, 병원 측일 거 같은데‬It must have been the hospital's decision who chose to sponsor you.
‪그쪽으로도 문의를 해 봤는데‬I asked the hospital too. But I was unable to get an answer.
‪답변을 받을 수 없었습니다‬I asked the hospital too. But I was unable to get an answer.
‪서류는 두고 가세요‬Leave the documents here.
‪저희 쪽에서도‬ ‪알아볼 수 있는 건 해 드리죠‬We'll look into it as much as we can.
‪됐습니까?‬-Is that all? -Yes. Thank you.
‪네, 감사합니다‬-Is that all? -Yes. Thank you.
‪(현성) 서우재 씨가‬Mr. Seo.
‪이런 일로 여기 온 건‬Does Ms. Gu know that you came here for this matter?
‪구 선생이 알고 있어요?‬Does Ms. Gu know that you came here for this matter?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪병원은 알아보고 있어요?‬ ‪아니면 내가 따로…‬Are you looking for a new hospital? Or I can--
‪(우재) 아니요‬Are you looking for a new hospital? Or I can-- No. I got much better at your hospital.
‪덕분에 많이 좋아지기도 했고‬No. I got much better at your hospital.
‪정신과는 쉽게 옮길 수가 없어서요‬And I can't easily get a new psychiatrist.
‪조금만 더 양해 부탁드립니다‬Please be a bit more understanding.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(실장) 이사님‬ ‪방금 사모님 다녀가셨습니다‬Sir, your wife was here just a moment ago.
‪(현성) 지금?‬Just now?
‪어디 있어요?‬Where is she?
‪손님 계신다니까 그냥 가시겠다고‬She just left when she knew you had a visitor.
‪차 나가는 거 보고 왔습니다‬I saw her car leave.
‪최 변호사 지금 바로‬ ‪학교로 들어오라고 하세요‬Tell Mr. Choi I want to see him here now.
‪예‬Yes, sir.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪[파쇄기 작동음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(희주) 전 제가 여기까지‬ ‪어떻게 왔는지‬Because I know very well
‪아주 잘 알거든요‬how I've gotten this far.
‪거의 다 왔어‬I'm almost there.
‪[바람이 솨 부는 소리]‬ ‪[풍경이 울리는 소리]‬
‪[전철 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(해원) 안녕하세요, 선생님‬Hello. This is Gu Hae-won.
‪구해원이에요‬Hello. This is Gu Hae-won.
‪네, 잠깐 통화 괜찮으세요?‬Yes. Can we talk for a minute?
‪오늘 주영이 입시 상담이요‬It's about Ju-yeong's high school admission counsel.
‪주영이 아버님 못 오셨죠?‬Her father couldn't make it, right?
‪저라도 대신 가 봤어야 하는데‬I should have been there at least.
‪혹시라도 리사 어머님이랑‬ ‪마주칠까 싶어서…‬But I didn't want to run into Li-sa's mother…
‪아, 오셨구나‬I see. She came.
‪네‬Right. Then some other time…
‪그럼 다음에 따로…‬Right. Then some other time…
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(선우) 아, 이럴 거면‬ ‪그냥 성당 다녀요‬You should just start coming to weekly service.
‪아, 점심시간 길어요?‬Do you have a long lunch break?
‪갤러리에서 일 시작했다면서‬ ‪산책을 여기까지?‬You work at the gallery now. You came this far?
‪뭘 좀 알아보려고 왔는데‬I came here to see if I could do something here, but they said no.
‪안 해 준다네요‬I came here to see if I could do something here, but they said no.
‪성당에서 안 해 줄 일이면‬If the church said no,
‪하지 말아야 되는 거 아니에요?‬maybe you shouldn't?
‪그런가?‬You think so?
‪(선우) 아, 근데‬ ‪서우재 씨는 어쩌고 혼자 다녀요?‬Where's Mr. Seo? Why are you here alone? And you've stopped getting treatment.
‪병원도 안 오고‬Where's Mr. Seo? Why are you here alone? And you've stopped getting treatment.
‪그러게요‬I don't know.
‪선배는 어딜 간 걸까요?‬I wonder where he went.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(선우) 저, 나가야 돼요‬ ‪여기서 이러면…‬I have to go out. I can't be in here.
‪(해원) 도대체 무슨 약점을 잡혀서‬ ‪그 여자한테 끌려다녀요?‬What does she have on you? Why do you let her walk all over you?
‪고백은 이쪽에서 해야 되네‬This must be the confessing side.
‪(선우) 아, 아니, 저기…‬No. You should confess to a priest.
‪저기, 그건 신부님한테…‬No. You should confess to a priest.
‪(해원) 세상엔 불공평한 게‬ ‪참 많은 거 같아요‬No. You should confess to a priest. This world is so unfair.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪사랑도 그래‬So is love.
‪시작할 땐 둘이 같이 하면서‬It takes two people to fall in love.
‪끝낼 땐‬But when it ends,
‪혼자 떠나 버리면 그만이야‬one of them can just easily walk away.
‪남은 사람이 아파하면‬ ‪집착이고 미련이래‬And when the other one is in pain, they're considered obsessive or clingy.
‪그게 너무 억울해요‬I find that really unfair.
‪아, 저기…‬-Hey… -I wanted to have a wedding here.
‪저 여기서 결혼식 하고 싶었어요‬-Hey… -I wanted to have a wedding here.
‪이런 데서 한 약속은‬Breaking a promise made here would
‪깨면 진짜 벌받을 것 같잖아요‬make you feel like you'd really be punished.
‪근데 안 된대요‬But they said no.
‪뭔 제약이 그렇게 많아‬There are so many restrictions. I thought God was supposed to be generous.
‪신이 아량도 없이‬There are so many restrictions. I thought God was supposed to be generous.
‪저, 서우재 씨는요?‬Well, what about Mr. Seo?
‪한쪽만 신자여도 되는데‬Only one of you needs to be a believer.
‪(선우) 어, 저, 그게 아니면 저기‬ ‪부모님은요?‬Or what about your parents?
‪그럼 혼배 미사는 못 하더라도‬ ‪대관 정도는…‬It might not be enough for a nuptial Mass, but you can at least rent the church.
‪수고 많아요‬Thanks for trying to listen to my useless crap.
‪이런 의미 없는 얘기 들어 주느라‬Thanks for trying to listen to my useless crap.
‪이젠 더 귀찮게 안 할게요‬I won't bother you anymore.
‪(선우) 의미 없던 적‬I never thought
‪없어요‬it was useless.
‪귀찮을 리도 없고‬And you're not bothering me.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪해원 씨가 했던 얘기들‬When I'm alone,
‪혼자 있을 때도‬I often think about the things you tell me.
‪자주 생각하거든요‬I often think about the things you tell me.
‪(해원) 뭐 이렇게까지 상냥해요?‬Why are you so kind?
‪매번 좋은 사람 역할만 하는 것도‬ ‪피곤하겠다‬It must be taxing to always be the good guy.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪그렇게 말했는데‬I thought I made myself clear.
‪둘이 그새 친해졌나 봐‬You two must have gotten close already.
‪저 여자‬That woman…
‪네가 사람 죽인 건 아니?‬Does she know you're a murderer?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(해원) 오늘 종일 어디 있었어?‬Where have you been all day?
‪(우재) 어디긴, 작업실이지‬Where else? I was in my studio.
‪(해원) 전화는 왜 안 받았어?‬Why didn't you answer your phone?
‪못 받은 거야‬I just missed your call. So I called back.
‪다시 전화했잖아‬I just missed your call. So I called back.
‪왜?‬What's wrong?
‪내가 너한테서‬Did I
‪도망쳤었어?‬run away from you?
‪(우재) 실종 신고가 되어 있었대‬I was reported missing. And you were the one who reported it.
‪네가 신고인이고‬I was reported missing. And you were the one who reported it.
‪내가 정말 너한테‬ ‪아무 말도 없이‬Did I really disappear on you without giving you an explanation?
‪사라졌다고?‬Did I really disappear on you without giving you an explanation?
‪왜?‬Why did I?
‪[해원이 수저를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(해원) 나도 궁금해‬I'd like to know too.
‪[무거운 음악]‬You said you would tell me everything once you came back.
‪돌아와서 다 얘기하겠다고‬You said you would tell me everything once you came back.
‪그래서 기다렸는데 안 왔어‬You said you would tell me everything once you came back. So I waited, but you never came back.
‪선배를 기다리는 게 너무 괴로워서‬Waiting for you was so hard.
‪사고라도 당한 거면 좋겠다고‬ ‪생각한 적이 있었어‬So there was a point when I wished you'd had an accident.
‪차라리 죽어 버린 거라면‬If you were dead…
‪더는 고통스럽지 않고‬It wouldn't have been as painful. I could have just mourned for you.
‪슬퍼만 하면 되겠다‬It wouldn't have been as painful. I could have just mourned for you.
‪그랬는데 정말 사고였대‬But it turned out you were in an accident.
‪그리고 이렇게‬ ‪새사람이 돼서 나타났어‬And you showed up in front of me as a different man.
‪원망도 못 하게‬So I can't even resent you.
‪무책임하게‬How irresponsible of you.
‪선배는 돌아왔지만‬ ‪난 아직도 기다리는 중이야‬You may have come back, but I'm still waiting
‪선배가 나한테 설명해 주길‬for you to explain everything.
‪[젓가락을 잘그락 든다]‬
‪도대체 그 기억은‬ ‪언제 찾을 수 있대?‬When will you get your memories back?
‪의사는 뭐래?‬What did your doctor say?
‪다음엔 나도 같이 가‬I'll go with you next time.
‪우정효 선생님 작업실을‬I think you should visit the architect's studio at least once.
‪(정은) 한번 가 봐야 할 거 같은데‬I think you should visit the architect's studio at least once.
‪스케줄 한번 맞춰 보죠‬-Let's see when you're all available. -Okay.
‪네‬ ‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬-Let's see when you're all available. -Okay.
‪최 작가님 기다리십니다‬Artist Choi is here for you.
‪벌써 시간이…‬Is it already time?
‪우 선생님은 오늘 일정이 있으셔서‬Woo Jeong-hyo isn't available today.
‪(정은) 다음 주에 답사할 때‬ ‪인사하는 걸로 하죠‬So you can all meet next week at the site.
‪[정은이 자료를 쓱쓱 정리한다]‬
‪저, 대표님‬Ms. Lee. I wanted to ask you something.
‪부탁드리고 싶은 게 있는데요‬Ms. Lee. I wanted to ask you something.
‪선배랑 저 식을 못 올려서요‬Woo-jae and I never had our wedding.
‪더 늦기 전에‬ ‪결혼식을 하려고 해요‬So we want to hold a wedding soon.
‪(정은) 결혼식? 언제?‬A wedding? When?
‪아직 못 정했어요‬We haven't set the date yet.
‪(해원) 초대할 지인이 많지 않아서‬ ‪식장 잡기도 애매하고‬We don't have a lot of guests to invite. So it's iffy to rent a venue.
‪그래서요, 대표님‬That brings me to my question.
‪여기 전시관을‬ ‪하루만 대관할 수 있을까요?‬Could we rent your gallery just for one day?
‪(정은) 뭐, 하루 대관이야‬ ‪스케줄 맞으면 얼마든지‬Of course, as long as the schedule allows.
‪담당 직원하고 상의해 봐요‬You can discuss it with my staff.
‪난 그럼 바빠서 이만‬-Excuse me. I have another meeting. -Bye.
‪(희주) [웃으며] 네‬-Excuse me. I have another meeting. -Bye.
‪(해원) 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪이번엔 꼭 행복하게 잘 살아‬I hope you will be happy this time.
‪(우재) 왜 그렇게 말씀하세요?‬Why did you say that?
‪'이번엔 행복해라'‬You want us to be happy this time?
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪그럼 그 전에 저희는‬ ‪불행했습니까?‬Then were we unhappy before?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪안 되겠다, 세워, 내가 할게‬You can't drive right now. Pull over. I'll drive.
‪그때도 할아버지가 다쳤어‬My grandpa was hurt back then too.
‪(해원) 그래서 선배가 나 대신‬ ‪언니 수업을 시작했고‬That's how you started teaching Hui-ju in my place.
‪끔찍해‬This is awful.
‪아직 몰라, 괜찮으실 거야‬We don't know how he is yet. I'm sure he's okay.
‪(해원) 할아버지 걱정이 아니라‬I'm not worried about my grandpa.
‪그때 일을 먼저 떠올리는‬ ‪내가 끔찍하다고‬It's awful that I'm reminded of those days.
‪[가속 엔진음]‬
‪[막대기가 툭 떨어진다]‬
‪왜, 왜 그래?‬What's wrong?
‪아프다며, 아프다며!‬I heard you were sick!
‪아유, 보건소 놈들‬Those people at the health center.
‪일일이 자식한테‬ ‪이렇게 전화질을 해 대니‬They always call my family.
‪(광모) 어디 마음 놓고‬ ‪약 한번 타겠나‬I can't even get my medicine without making you worry.
‪정연이가 또 설레발 쳤냐?‬Did your mom make a fuss again?
‪[해원의 애타는 신음]‬ ‪자기가 올 것도 아니면서 유난…‬She's not even here. Why all the fuss…
‪(해원) 아, 왜 그래‬What are you doing? Come on. Stop.
‪아, 왜 그래, 아, 그만해‬ ‪[광모의 힘주는 신음]‬What are you doing? Come on. Stop.
‪그만해, 그만‬Stop it.
‪[해원의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(광모) 사고?‬An accident?
‪(해원) 몇 번을 말해‬How many times must I tell you?
‪사고가 나서‬You were in an accident,
‪몇 년을 정신도 못 차리고‬ ‪누워만 있었다?‬so you were unconscious in bed for all these years?
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪우리 이번엔 결혼식도 할 거야‬We'll have a wedding this time even if it's small.
‪작게라도‬We'll have a wedding this time even if it's small.
‪왜 작게 올려?‬Why should it be small?
‪기왕이면 동네 사람들 죄다 불러서‬ ‪크게 하지‬Throw a big one, so everyone in our town can come.
‪신혼여행도 갈 거야‬We'll go on our honeymoon too.
‪(광모) 너는 왜 말이 없어?‬Cat got your tongue?
‪식은 얘 혼자 하냐?‬It's your wedding too.
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪너 돈벌이는 하는 거냐?‬Do you even make money?
‪[밤새 울음]‬
‪(광모) 넌‬You're a real son of a bitch.
‪나한테 개새끼다‬You're a real son of a bitch.
‪개도 너보단 낫다‬Hell, I'd prefer a dog.
‪[아파하는 숨소리]‬
‪아, 멀뚱히 서 있지 말고 걷어‬Don't just stand there. Take this down.
‪(우재) 네‬Yes, sir.
‪(광모) 한 번만 더‬If I ever hear my baby say she doesn't want to live,
‪내 새끼 입에서‬ ‪살기 싫다는 소리 나오면‬If I ever hear my baby say she doesn't want to live,
‪내가 네 사지를 뜯어 먹을 거야‬I'll tear off your limbs and eat them.
‪이거 한바탕‬It seems like it might rain.
‪비가 쏟아지겠는데?‬It seems like it might rain.
‪이거 전부 걷어 들여‬Take these all down.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪가야 되는데 너무 졸려‬We should head back, but I'm so sleepy.
‪(우재) 종일 피곤했어‬You've been exhausted all day.
‪자고 가‬We'll sleep over.
‪선배 약도 안 가져왔는데…‬We didn't even bring your meds.
‪걱정하지 마‬Don't worry.
‪(해원) 안 되는데…‬No, we can't.
‪결혼식 준비도 하고‬We have to go plan the wedding.
‪신혼여행도 가…‬And our honeymoon too.
‪그래, 가자‬Sure. Let's do that.
‪모허 절벽으로 가자‬Let's go to the Cliffs of Moher.
‪[무거운 음악]‬Sure.
‪가서 직접 보면‬I'm sure they will look so beautiful
‪아름답겠지?‬in person, right?
‪진짜 아름다운 걸 보면‬When we look at something so beautiful,
‪살고 싶어질 거야‬we'll want to live.
‪(우재) 응‬Right.
‪어떨까?‬I'm curious.
‪그 높은 데 서면‬Standing way up there…
‪선밴 누가 생각날 것 같아?‬who would you think of?
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[거리 소음이 들린다]‬
‪[전철 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[바람이 솨 분다]‬
‪(해원) 어떨까?‬I'm curious.
‪그 높은 데 서면‬Standing way up there…
‪선밴‬who would you think of?
‪누가 생각날 것 같아?‬who would you think of?
‪[풍경이 울리는 소리]‬
‪[파도가 철썩인다]‬
‪[천둥이 우르릉 울린다]‬
‪[비가 쏴 내린다]‬
‪[희주의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(해원) 결혼식 말곤 별일 없는데‬There's not much else besides the wedding.
‪선배가 불안하게 하나?‬Is it because of Woo-jae?
‪선배가 말해 봐, 나 사랑해?‬Tell me, Woo-jae. Do you love me?
‪(우재) 미안해‬Tell me, Woo-jae. Do you love me? -I'm sorry. -Don't apologize!
‪사과하지 마! 사과하지 말라고!‬-I'm sorry. -Don't apologize!
‪(희주) 서 작가가‬ ‪여기서 또 돌아서면‬If you turn away from her again, Hae-won will die.
‪해원이는 죽어요‬If you turn away from her again, Hae-won will die.
‪(일성) 죽어!‬
‪(우재) 사고가‬ ‪예고하고 나는 건 아니니까‬ ‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬It's not like accidents happen with a warning.
‪(해원) 저도 언니처럼 하려고요‬I want to be like you, Hui-ju.
‪(희주) 최선을 다해‬ ‪도망쳤다고 생각했는데‬I thought I ran away best I could.
‪(우재) 나의 손을 잡아 준‬ ‪당신과 함께‬Together with you holding my hand.
‪(해원) 그 길이‬ ‪고통뿐인 지옥이라도‬Even if that path is nothing but a torturous hell,
‪당신과 함께할 것을‬I vow to be with you together.
‪맹세합니다‬I vow to be with you together.

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