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  사생활 8

Private Lives 8


(손)‬ ‪태권도‬Taekwondo.
‪[영상에서 소리가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[탄성]‬
‪어휴, 주짓수‬Gosh, that's jiu-jitsu.
‪고수다‬He's really good.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(미숙)‬ ‪컴컴한 데서 뭐 해?‬What are you doing in the dark?
‪야동 봤구나?‬Were you watching porn?
‪봤구먼, 뭘‬-I know you were. -No.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- 아…‬ ‪- (미숙) 괜찮아, 한창때잖아‬-I know you were. -No. It's fine. You're still young.
‪아, 아닌…‬No. I wasn't…
‪[미숙이 마른안주를 오도독 씹는다]‬
‪(미숙)‬ ‪요새는 뭐 해?‬How are things going?
‪[숨을 들이켜며]‬ ‪별일 없습니다‬-I'm not doing much. -Not you.
‪(미숙)‬ ‪한손 말고‬-I'm not doing much. -Not you.
‪주은이 말이야‬What's Joo-eun up to?
‪계속 빚 갚으라고 쪼기도 뭐하고 해서‬ ‪안 찾아갔더니‬I couldn't keep pestering her to pay me back. So I haven't talked to her.
‪소식이 깜깜하네‬And she's been pretty quiet lately.
‪뭐 하고 있어?‬What's she doing?
‪[숨을 깊게 들이켠다]‬
‪흥신소 일 하는 걸로 알고 있습니다‬I heard she's running the detective agency.
‪잘 모르는 것처럼 말하네?‬You make it sound like you're not sure.
‪사랑은 아니지?‬It's not love, right?
‪(미숙)‬ ‪그래‬Right.
‪뭐, 사랑이라고 한들 어쩌겠어‬Even if it's love, what can I do about it?
‪각자 알아서 하는 거지‬It's none of my business.
‪그래도 사랑은 하지 마‬Even so, don't fall in love.
‪어차피 안 된다는 거‬You know that it won't work out for you anyway, don't you?
‪알잖아, 본인들이 더‬You know that it won't work out for you anyway, don't you?
‪자‬Let's stay true to who we really are.
‪다시 선수로 돌아가서‬Let's stay true to who we really are.
‪뭐 하고 있어, 우리 주은이?‬I'll ask again. What's she up to nowadays?
‪나한테 말하면 안 되는 일이다?‬I guess you can't tell me about it.
‪뭘까, 그 일이?‬What could it be?
‪관심 없었는데‬To be honest, I wasn't interested,
‪갑자기 굉장히 궁금해지네‬but all of a sudden, I've gotten curious.
‪갈게‬I'll get going.
‪[손의 한숨]‬
‪흥신소 주소가 어떻게 됐더라?‬Where's the detective agency?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪아휴, 곰팡이 냄새‬Gosh, this musty smell.
‪(미숙)‬ ‪레자 소파에‬A leather sofa
‪거기에 딱 걸맞은 촌스러운 직원 한 명‬and a tacky receptionist who completes the picture.
‪아, 어떻게 슬픈 상상은 틀리지를 않네‬My worries always turn out to be true for some reason.
‪이 인간 전봇대 아줌마는 누구실까?‬Who is this lanky woman?
‪(미숙)‬ ‪여기 CEO가 내 딸‬My daughter is the CEO here.
‪에?‬-What? -A cup of coffee, please.
‪커피 한 잔 부탁해요‬-What? -A cup of coffee, please.
‪(혜원)‬ ‪뭐야, 차주은 엄마?‬What? That's Cha Joo-eun's mom?
‪아, 뭐야, 저 패밀리는?‬What's wrong with her family?
‪왜 자꾸 들어와, 내 구역에, 쓱! 쯧‬Why do they keep invading my space?
‪[미숙의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(미숙)‬ ‪나도 의뢰 한번 해 볼까?‬Should I request a case, too?
‪씁, 옛날에 우리 할아버지가‬ ‪일본 놈들한테 끌려갔다는데‬I heard that my grandpa was taken by the Japanese soldiers a long time ago.
‪혹시 알아?‬Who knows? He could have survived and became a wealthy man in Japan.
‪살아서 일본에서 재벌 됐을지?‬Who knows? He could have survived and became a wealthy man in Japan.
‪주인도 없는 거 같은데‬ ‪그만 가는 게 좋을 거 같은데요‬She's not even here. I think we should go.
‪커피는 마시고 가야지‬I'll have that coffee before I go.
‪[혜원이 잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪(미숙)‬ ‪여기 CEO는 어디 갔나?‬Where's the CEO?
‪(혜원)‬ ‪모르죠‬I don't know.
‪아, 소피아 정하고‬ ‪같이 있을 수도 있겠네요‬She might be with Sophia Chung. She said she'd meet her this afternoon.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪낮에 만난다고 했으니까‬She might be with Sophia Chung. She said she'd meet her this afternoon.
‪소피아 정‬Sophia Chung.
‪안 마셔?‬-Aren't you going to drink it? -Sure. I will.
‪아, 예, 마셔야죠‬-Aren't you going to drink it? -Sure. I will.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[주은의 개운한 신음]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪이제 살겠네‬I finally feel alive.
‪언니한테 평생 감사의 마음으로 살아‬You should feel indebted to me for the rest of your life.
‪맛있는 것도 먹게 되고‬I even fed you a delicious meal.
‪김재욱‬Kim Jae-wook.
‪어떤 놈이야?‬What is he to you?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪사랑?‬Did you love him?
‪사랑은 무슨, 유치하게‬"Love"? That's so childish.
‪했네, 사랑‬You did love him.
‪자꾸 어제 일 묻지 말고‬ ‪내일만 생각하자‬Stop delving into what happened yesterday. Let's focus on tomorrow.
‪그 자식 죽이고 싶은 게‬ ‪현재 내 심리 상태니까‬I want to kill that bastard. That's how I feel at this moment.
‪나도 이제 진짜 리얼하게‬ ‪김재욱 그 자식‬I have to do everything I can to do some damage to that bastard.
‪꼭 환자 만들어야겠어‬I have to do everything I can to do some damage to that bastard.
‪좋은 자세네‬I like the attitude.
‪후회 안 해?‬-Don't you regret it? -Regret what?
‪뭐가?‬-Don't you regret it? -Regret what?
‪(주은)‬ ‪아나운서‬You were a news anchor.
‪꽤 멋있잖아, 그거?‬That's a pretty cool job.
‪그런 넌?‬What about you?
‪후회가 돼?‬Do you regret it?
‪[복기가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪어쨌든 고마워‬Anyway, thank you.
‪(복기)‬ ‪응? 뭐라고?‬What? What did you say?
‪들었잖아‬-You heard me. -No, I didn't.
‪아니, 못 들었는데?‬-You heard me. -No, I didn't.
‪하, 이 아줌마가 진짜‬Goodness, look at this old woman.
‪아, 고마우면‬ ‪진짜 그 호칭부터 좀 바꾸지?‬If you're thankful, why don't you address me with some respect?
‪아줌마가 뭐니, 아줌마가‬"Old woman"? It's unacceptable
‪아무리 질투심에‬ ‪뇌가 굳고 혀가 마비돼도 그렇지‬even if you're so jealous that you can't think and speak properly.
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪어, 짐작은 했지만 진짜 양심 없으시다‬ ‪[복기의 코웃음]‬I kind of sensed it, but you really have no conscience.
‪내가 왜? 아줌마를?‬Why would I be jealous of an old lady?
‪또, 지나가는 사람들한테‬ ‪욕먹어, 그러다가‬There you go again. If people hear you, they'll criticize you
‪친구한테 너무 심하게 한다고‬for being so mean to your friend.
‪그런다고 보낸 나이가 돌아와?‬That won't help you get back those years you lost
‪오는 시간이 멈춰져?‬or stop you from getting old.
‪아유, 이 싸가지, 진짜, 아휴‬Jeez. You and your attitude.
‪예의 있게 한 번을 안 지지, 아휴‬You never let anything slide out of politeness.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪아까 그‬You really don't know
‪정말 모르는 맨?‬that man from earlier?
‪[박진감 있는 음악]‬ ‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪아쉽게도 몰라‬Unfortunately, I don't.
‪그럼 그 정의의 맨은 누구였을까?‬Then, who was that knight in shining armor?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪그러게‬I want to know that too.
‪[캔을 달칵 딴다]‬CHIEF KO HYE-WON
‪[만족스러운 신음]‬CHIEF KO HYE-WON
‪[혀를 똑똑 굴린다]‬
‪[TV 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[시원한 신음]‬
‪(혜원)‬ ‪꿀잼, 꿀잼‬This is so funny.
‪[혜원의 웃음]‬ ‪(주은)‬ ‪혼술?‬Drinking alone?
‪음, 같이 마셔 주겠다는 핑계로‬ ‪쓱 뺏어 먹을 생각 마요‬Don't you think about joining me and stealing my drink.
‪나도 내 거 있거든요?‬I have my own.
‪[혜원의 새침한 신음]‬
‪참‬Oh, right.
‪최윤석 그 사람‬ ‪어떻게, 연락됐어요?‬Were you able to get in touch with Choi Yoon-seok?
‪아니요, 연락 두절, 노 시그널‬No. He's unreachable.
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪혹시‬Is it possible
‪고 과장 전화를 피하는 게 아닐까?‬he's dodging your calls?
‪[혜원의 헛웃음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(혜원)‬ ‪누가? 최윤석이가 내 전화를 감히?‬Who? Yoon-seok? He wouldn't dare dodge my calls.
‪참, 완전 어이없네‬Gosh, you're ridiculous.
‪아직 그 인간이 어떤 캐릭터인지‬ ‪모르시는구나‬So you obviously don't know what he's like.
‪쯧, 그래, 내가 이해해 줘야지‬So you obviously don't know what he's like. Right. I should be understanding.
‪아무튼 내 전화를 절대 씹을 수 없는‬ ‪캐릭터라고요, 그 청년은‬Anyway, I guarantee you that he'll never ignore any of my calls.
‪아! 어제 엄마 왔었어요‬Oh, right. Your mother came by yesterday.
‪그쪽 엄마‬Your mother.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(인숙)‬ ‪분위기가 왠지‬ ‪'대부'를 보는 느낌이지?‬It's like I'm watching The Godfather.
‪(남 사장)‬ ‪서비스 안 주면‬ ‪죽일 것 같은 분위기의 연속‬They might kill us if we don't give them free food.
‪(미숙)‬ ‪그래서 결론은?‬So what will you do?
‪하기로 했어, 같이 김재욱 잡기로‬I decided to work with her to catch Kim Jae-wook.
‪잘했어‬Nicely done.
‪- 다음 작전은?‬ ‪- (주은) 응?‬-What's your next step? -What?
‪정복기 그녀를 위해서 준비한‬ ‪다큐가 있을 거 아니야‬I'm sure you're planning a documentary for Jeong Bok-gi.
‪스토리가 어떻게 되냐고‬What's the plot?
‪뭐, 아직 구상 중‬I'm still working on it.
‪그래‬I see.
‪천천히‬Take your time,
‪완벽하게 심사숙고해서 짜야지‬and think carefully in order to come up with a foolproof plan.
‪(미숙)‬ ‪정복기 그년 환자 만드는 일인데‬You're taking down Jeong Bok-gi after all.
‪그때까지 너는 완벽하게 연기해야 해‬Until then, you must pull off your role,
‪정복기가 진짜 널 믿게‬so that she fully trusts you.
‪어, 그래야지‬Yes, I should.
‪(미숙)‬ ‪그리고‬And one more thing. I want to be in it, too.
‪[술을 조르륵 따르며]‬ ‪나도 출연 약속 좀 받자‬And one more thing. I want to be in it, too.
‪[미숙이 술병을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪왜? 안 돼?‬What? I can't be in it?
‪엄마, 그건 좀‬Mom, that's--
‪알아, 나도 좀 그렇다는 거‬I know that it's probably not the best idea.
‪그년하고 나 사이에‬ ‪좋은 작품 나오기 힘들겠지‬It will be difficult for me to work with her.
‪그래서 나도 비밀스럽게 움직이려고‬So I'll work behind the curtain.
‪나도 어차피 그년 면상‬ ‪만나기 싫으니까‬I don't want to see that bitch in person, either.
‪일단 스토리 나오면 그때 다시 얘기해‬Let's talk when the plot is ready.
‪[살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪좋아, 오케이‬Sure.
‪그리고 제일 중요한 거‬And most importantly,
‪돈 빨리 갚아‬pay me back soon.
‪(주은)‬ ‪[젓가락을 탁 놓으며]‬ ‪아, 알았어, 갚을게‬Okay, fine. I'll pay you back.
‪건배할까?‬Shall we?
‪(미숙)‬ ‪짠‬Cheers.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪이제 이놈을 어디 가서 찾지?‬How will I find this bastard again?
‪어, 어떻게 됐어?‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬How did it go?
‪[윤석이 라면을 후루룩 먹는다]‬
‪(윤석)‬ ‪그 사람이 누군데‬ ‪그렇게 신경 쓰는 거야?‬Who is she? Why are you protecting her?
‪형, 내 말 안 들려?‬Jeong-hwan, are you listening?
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪아무래도 안 되겠어‬I can't do this.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪어? 뭐가 안 돼?‬ ‪[정환의 힘주는 신음]‬What? Can't do what?
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[문을 찰칵 잠근다]‬
‪[정환이 스위치를 탁 누른다]‬
‪[정환이 스위치를 탁 누른다]‬
‪[문고리가 달그락거린다]‬
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪뭐야?‬What's this?
‪불 켜고 퇴근한 거야?‬Didn't she turn off the lights before going home?
‪아휴, 24시간 편의점도 아니고‬This isn't a 24-hours convenience store.
‪에이씨, 월급에서 까야지‬Damn it. I should deduct this from her pay.
‪[툭 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[달그락 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪거기 서‬Stop right there.
‪수상한 짓 접는 게 좋을 거야‬You better not try anything funny.
‪내가 이미 경찰에 신고했거든‬I already called the police.
‪알지?‬You know that the police arrive within five minutes in Korea, right?
‪대한민국 경찰‬ ‪5분 안에 도착한다는 거‬You know that the police arrive within five minutes in Korea, right?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪뭐야? 저거…‬What? He's…
‪[오토바이 시동음]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪그때 그‬Isn't he
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬
‪미스터리 맨?‬that mysterious guy?
‪(정환)‬ ‪미안해요, 주은 씨‬I'm sorry, Joo-eun.
‪미안합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[문이 달그락 열린다]‬
‪서울 지방청 교통과 김은지입니다‬I'm Kim Eun-ji from the Traffic Division of Seoul Police Agency.
‪(경비원)‬ ‪어‬I'm Kim Eun-ji from the Traffic Division of Seoul Police Agency. There was a hit-and-run accident in front of the building yesterday.
‪어제 요 앞에서‬ ‪뺑소니 사고가 발생해서요‬There was a hit-and-run accident in front of the building yesterday.
‪혹시 CCTV 좀 볼 수 있을까요?‬Could I watch the security footage?
‪(경비원)‬ ‪어, 그래요, 저기, 보세요‬Sure. Over there. Go ahead.
‪(주은)‬ ‪감사합니다‬ ‪[경비원의 호응하는 신음]‬-Thank you. -Sure.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[주은의 한숨]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪아니겠지?‬It can't be.
‪죽은 사람이 어떻게‬He's dead. It can't be.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪김재욱?‬Kim Jae-wook?
‪[복기가 숨을 들이켠다]‬This isn't Edward.
‪(복기)‬ ‪이거 에드워드 아니야‬This isn't Edward.
‪나도 같은 생각‬I agree.
‪에드워드는‬Edward doesn't have the decency to give you a warning like this.
‪이런 경고 따위를 할 인품이 아니야‬Edward doesn't have the decency to give you a warning like this.
‪[주은의 헛웃음]‬Right.
‪나 죽이려고 할 때 보니까‬I figured that out when he tried to kill me.
‪바로 행동으로 옮기는‬ ‪행동파 스타일이시지‬I could tell that he's a man of action.
‪그렇지‬That's right.
‪(주은)‬ ‪그럼 누굴까?‬Then, who do you think did this?
‪글쎄‬Not sure.
‪체크해야 될 건‬What I need to take away from this
‪날 지켜보고 있는 놈이 있다는 거지‬is that someone is watching me.
‪내 생각엔‬In my opinion,
‪우리 동생 너무‬ ‪공포스러워하지 않아도 될 거 같은데‬you have nothing to be scared of.
‪무슨 뜻?‬What do you mean?
‪경고해 주는 거잖아‬ ‪위험한 일 하지 말라고‬It's a warning. They're nicely telling you not to do anything dangerous.
‪(복기)‬ ‪그것도 아주 친절하게‬They're nicely telling you not to do anything dangerous.
‪동시에 김재욱이가‬ ‪위험한 자식이라는 걸‬And at the same time, they know that Kim Jae-wook is dangerous.
‪아주 잘 알고 있는 놈이기도 하고‬And at the same time, they know that Kim Jae-wook is dangerous.
‪[복기가 맥주 캔을 달칵 딴다]‬ ‪그래서 말인데‬That reminds me.
‪병원 미스터리 맨 말이야‬That mysterious guy from the hospital.
‪(복기)‬ ‪응?‬What?
‪아이, 그러니까 내 말은‬What I'm saying is…
‪[주은의 한숨]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪그래, 물론 말이 안 되는 건 아는데‬I know that this doesn't make any sense.
‪생각해 보면‬But when you think about it,
‪정환 씨밖에 없는 거 같아서‬it has to be Jeong-hwan.
‪뭐? 누구?‬What? Who?
‪저 낙서‬Don't you think
‪정환 씨 같지 않아?‬-Jeong-hwan wrote that warning? -Spy Lee?
‪- 스파이 리?‬ ‪- (주은) 어‬-Jeong-hwan wrote that warning? -Spy Lee? Yes.
‪그러니까 스파이 리가‬Let me get this straight. Spy Lee became a ghost
‪고스트가 돼서 저런 낙서를 했다?‬Let me get this straight. Spy Lee became a ghost and scribbled a warning?
‪아니, 고스트가 아니라‬No. Not a ghost.
‪[복기가 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪혹시 지금 우리 동생 생각이‬So, are you saying
‪(복기)‬ ‪스파이 리가 죽지 않고 살아서‬ ‪자기를 케어하고 있다?‬that Spy Lee is alive and he's taking care of you
‪그것도 숨어서, 이거야?‬while in hiding. Is that it?
‪말이 좀 안 되지?‬It doesn't make sense, does it?
‪당연히 안 되지‬Of course not.
‪아, 좀비도 아니고 사람을 막 그렇게‬ ‪부활시키고 그러면 안 돼‬He's not a zombie. You can't resurrect the dead like that.
‪(복기)‬ ‪장례도 다 치르고‬ ‪DNA 결과도 나왔다면서?‬You already had his funeral and got the DNA result.
‪그래‬But then,
‪졸지에 미망인 됐는데‬you became a widow overnight. You must have been shocked.
‪충격이 크셨겠지‬you became a widow overnight. You must have been shocked.
‪자, 그런 의미에서‬ ‪소설 그만 창작하시고‬In any case, stop imagining things.
‪언니가 현실에 도움 될 만한 얘기를‬ ‪잠깐 들려줄 테니까 들어 봐‬I'll tell you something that could actually be helpful.
‪전에 우리 동생이 들려준 스토리를‬I analyzed the story you told me before in detail.
‪언니가 또 섬세하게 분석해 봤잖아?‬I analyzed the story you told me before in detail.
‪그래서 퀘스천‬So, a question.
‪GK 이정환이가‬It means that GK's Lee Jeong-hwan put the detective agency's Lee Jeong-hwan to work.
‪흥신소 이정환한테 일을 시켰다는 건데‬It means that GK's Lee Jeong-hwan put the detective agency's Lee Jeong-hwan to work.
‪우연이 너무 많은 거 같지 않니?‬Don't you think that's one too many coincidences?
‪맨날 왜 둘이서만 만나, 왜?‬Why do they always meet without me? Why?
‪(수진)‬ ‪아휴, 씨, 열받아‬It's upsetting.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪네, 과장님‬Yes, sir.
‪김명현이는, 뭐 해?‬What is Kim Myung-hyun doing?
‪- 예?‬ ‪- (대상) 이정환 교통사고 건‬-Pardon? -Did he take his hands off
‪그거 확실히 손 뗀 거 맞아?‬Lee Jeong-hwan's car accident case?
‪아, 아…‬
‪(대상)‬ ‪아니야?‬Didn't he?
‪아니요, 맞습니다‬ ‪다른 사건들도 워낙 많아서‬Yes, he did because he had other cases.
‪(수진)‬ ‪저, 의문이 하나 생겨서‬Sir, I wanted to ask you something.
‪뭐, 질문하게?‬What is it?
‪그러니까‬ ‪수사는 왜 갑자기 종결하셨는지‬Well, why did you suddenly close the investigation?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Right.
‪너도 그게 궁금하지?‬You're curious too, aren't you?
‪형사가 궁금하면 어떻게 해야 돼?‬What should a curious detective do?
‪수사해야지?‬You should investigate.
‪끼어들 생각 하지 마‬Don't you dare butt in.
‪아이, 끼어들긴 누가‬Butt in? Me?
‪뭐 부족한 거 있으면 채워 주려 그러지‬ ‪그 즉시‬I'm just trying to serve them instantly
‪손님이 말하기 전에‬ ‪먼저 찾아가는 서비스‬before they even ring the bell.
‪(인숙)‬ ‪어‬
‪저쪽 테이블이나 닦아‬ ‪끈적끈적하더라, 아주‬Just go wipe the table over there. It's really sticky.
‪아이, 그럼 돼지갈비집이 끈적끈적…‬We serve pork ribs. Of course it's--
‪- (인숙) 씁!‬ ‪- 행주가 어디 있지?‬We serve pork ribs. Of course it's-- Where's the dishcloth?
‪(남 사장)‬ ‪여기 있구나‬Here it is.
‪(인숙)‬ ‪으유, 으유, 으유‬Gosh.
‪말씀하세요‬Go ahead.
‪뭐 물어볼 게 있다고‬ ‪하지 않으셨습니까?‬Didn't you say you had something to ask me?
‪[주은의 헛기침]‬
‪정환 씨 동명이인 말인데요‬About the person with the same name…
‪(주은)‬ ‪그러니까 GK에‬ ‪정환 씨 동명이인이 있는데‬I mean, there's a man named Lee Jeong-hwan at GK technology.
‪- (주은) 알고 계시죠?‬ ‪- 동, 동명이인이라고요?‬-You know that, right? -A man with the same name?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪네‬Yes.
‪동명이인…‬A man with the same name? I've never heard that.
‪처음 듣는데?‬A man with the same name? I've never heard that.
‪수사 제대로 한 거 맞아요?‬Did you investigate properly?
‪[정환이 스위치를 탁 누른다]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[윤석의 한숨]‬
‪[정환의 한숨]‬ ‪(윤석)‬ ‪뭐부터 해야 되는 거야, 이거?‬Where should we begin?
‪(정환)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪이래 봬도‬It looks awful, but it even has a bathroom.
‪화장실까지 갖추고 있다‬It looks awful, but it even has a bathroom.
‪시작하자‬Let's start.
‪- 뭘?‬ ‪- (정환) 청소‬-Start what? -Cleaning.
‪화장실을 네가 맡아‬You take the bathroom.
‪어? 내가 왜?‬What? Why me?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪너무하네, 진짜‬I can't believe this.
‪결혼을, 형이…‬You got married?
‪[윤석의 어이없는 숨소리]‬You said you were a groomsman.
‪아이, 들러리라며?‬You said you were a groomsman.
‪미안하다‬I'm sorry.
‪아니야, 이거는 '쏘리'로‬ ‪해결될 문제가 아니야‬No. Sorry is not going to cut it.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪아니, 어떻게 나한테까지‬ ‪시크릿으로…‬How could you keep it a secret from me?
‪[휴대전화를 탁 놓는다]‬ ‪[분한 숨소리]‬
‪아, 이 배신감‬I feel so betrayed.
‪박살 나는 우정‬ ‪파국을 맞은 파트너십‬Our friendship is broken, and our partnership's ruined.
‪과연 이 관계가 회복이 가능할까?‬Can our relationship ever be mended?
‪냉장고에 한우 있다‬There's some premium beef in the fridge.
‪아, 진짜 이 형이‬ ‪장난하는 것도 아니고, 씨‬Are you kidding me?
‪안심이야?‬Is it tenderloin?
‪[윤석이 스피커를 툭툭 친다]‬
‪(윤석)‬ ‪어? 된다‬It's working.
‪[흥겨운 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪다 익었어?‬Is it ready?
‪[윤석의 기대에 찬 숨소리]‬
‪[입바람을 후후 분다]‬
‪음, 와, 죽인다, 죽여, 응?‬It's delicious. This is what I'm talking about.
‪아, 바로 이 맛이지‬It's delicious. This is what I'm talking about.
‪형도 좀 먹어 봐‬ ‪돼지고기만 고집하지 말고‬Try some. Don't just stick to pork.
‪[입바람을 후후 불며]‬ ‪자‬Here.
‪아, 근데 형수는‬ ‪UI 같은 대기업을 그만두고‬By the way, why did your wife quit working for UI and start running
‪왜 흥신소를 하지?‬the detective agency? Did she get fired?
‪잘렸나?‬the detective agency? Did she get fired?
‪(정환)‬ ‪너 UI 들어갈 수 있겠어?‬Do you think you can penetrate UI?
‪- 왜?‬ ‪- 확실히 알아야 할 게 있어서‬-Why do you ask? -There's something I need to know.
‪- 뭘?‬ ‪- UI가 날 작업했다는 증거‬Know what? I need evidence that UI tried to kill me.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[술집이 소란스럽다]‬Cheers.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪UI 같은 대기업은 힘들지‬A conglomerate like UI is hard.
‪근데 안에서 받아 주면‬ ‪방법이 전혀 없지는 않은데‬But, if I get help from the inside, -there could be a way. -Fill your glasses!
‪(손님1)‬ ‪술잔에 담아!‬-there could be a way. -Fill your glasses!
‪[손님들이 호응한다]‬-there could be a way. -Fill your glasses!
‪(손님들)‬ ‪담아!‬-Bravo! -Bravo!
‪(손님1)‬ ‪다 함께 원샷!‬-Bravo! -Bravo! Everyone, bottoms up!
‪(손님들)‬ ‪원샷!‬-Bottoms up! -Bottoms up!
‪(손님1)‬ ‪자, 자, 자, 자, 마셔‬-Drink up! -Let's drink!
‪[손님들이 시끌시끌하다]‬-Drink up! -Let's drink!
‪[손님들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪- (손님3) 뭐야, 뭐야, 뭐야, 뭐야‬ ‪- (손님4) 조심 좀 하시지‬-Jeez. What are you doing? -Be careful.
‪죄송합니다, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪(손님5)‬ ‪아이, 됐어요, 아, 빨리 가세요‬ ‪[손님6이 말한다]‬I'm sorry. -It's fine. Just go. -Sit down.
‪[손님들이 시끌시끌하다]‬-Sit down. -Drink up.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[키보드 소리가 요란하다]‬PC GRAVEYARD
‪어, 들어갔어?‬Are you in?
‪(정환)‬ ‪어, 그래, 지금 들어왔어, 올라갈게‬Yes. I'm in. I'll go up.
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[서버 작동음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[경보음이 울린다]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[무전기 신호음]‬ ‪침입 이상, 서버실 침입 이상 발생‬The server room has been infiltrated. Please check the server room.
‪(직원1)‬ ‪서버실 확인 바랍니다‬The server room has been infiltrated. Please check the server room.
‪[서버 작동음]‬
‪[무전기 신호음]‬ ‪침입 이상 확인했습니다‬Someone tried to break in.
‪(직원2)‬ ‪CCTV 확인해 주시고‬ ‪출입문 폐쇄해 주세요‬Check the surveillance and close the entrance.
‪"출입문 폐쇄"‬
‪[경보음이 울린다]‬
‪[키보드를 탁 누른다]‬
‪(직원1)‬ ‪남색 슈트 입었습니다‬He's wearing a navy suit.
‪남색 슈트를 입었습니다‬He's wearing a navy suit.
‪(직원3)‬ ‪잠시만요‬Wait.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[전원이 탁 꺼진다]‬
‪아이씨‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Jeez.
‪[카드 인식음]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[기계 작동음]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪아이씨‬Damn it.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪(직원3)‬ ‪3층에서 추격 중입니다‬I'm chasing him on the third floor.
‪2층으로 도주하고 있습니다‬He's heading for the second floor.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(직원3)‬ ‪둘, 둘, 저쪽‬You two, go that way!
‪(직원4)‬ ‪저기 있다, 저기‬He's over there!
‪[정환의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪4층입니다, 4층!‬He's on the fourth floor!
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[정환의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[오토바이 시동음]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[차 문이 드르륵 열린다]‬ ‪[윤석이 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪[차 문이 드르륵 닫힌다]‬
‪[정환의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪- (정환) 어떻게 됐어?‬ ‪- (윤석) 어, 10분이야, 10분‬-How's it going? -Within ten minutes,
‪(윤석)‬ ‪10분 후에 시스템 업데이트될 거야‬the system will be updated.
‪그 안에 역추적 들어올 거고‬ ‪[마우스 조작음]‬They'll start tracking us then,
‪최대한 빨리 작업해야 돼‬so I need to work as fast as I can. Three minutes left.
‪[키보드를 탁탁 두드리며]‬ ‪어, 3분 남았다‬so I need to work as fast as I can. Three minutes left.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(직원1)‬ ‪추적됐나요?‬Did you trace him?
‪(직원5)‬ ‪[키보드를 탁탁 두드리며]‬ ‪씁, 어, 다 됐습니다‬It's almost done. I just need authorization.
‪이제 권한만 찾으면 되는데‬It's almost done. I just need authorization.
‪[윤석이 머리를 쿵 부딪는다]‬
‪[윤석의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[경보음이 울린다]‬ ‪(직원5)‬ ‪다운됐는데요?‬It crashed.
‪못 찾겠습니다‬I can't find him.
‪[윤석의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[윤석이 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬ ‪[윤석의 한숨]‬
‪와, 우리나라 대기업들 진짜 너무한다‬Korean conglomerates are terrible.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪사생활이란 사생활은‬ ‪싹 다 긁어모아 놨네‬They collected all sorts of private information.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬They collected all sorts of private information.
‪와, 별의별 정보가 다 있다‬ ‪완전 지라시‬Jeez, they have all kinds of information. It's like a tabloid.
‪뭐야, 얘랑 얘가 사귀었어?‬What? Were they going out?
‪대박, 얘도 마약 했어?‬Unbelievable. Did she do drugs, too?
‪뭐야?‬ ‪일반 사람들 정보도 엄청 많고‬What? They have lots of ordinary people's information, too.
‪[윤석의 기가 찬 숨소리]‬These bastards are ridiculous.
‪완전 웃기는 새끼들이네‬These bastards are ridiculous.
‪[마우스 조작음]‬Stop looking up useless information.
‪그, 쓸데없는 거 보지 말고‬Stop looking up useless information.
‪정윤경 파일 찾아‬Find the file on Jeong Yoon-kyung.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪아, 아, 어, 오케이‬
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪[윤석이 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[윤석이 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬ ‪[컴퓨터 알림음]‬SOPHIA CHUNG
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪없네‬Nothing.
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪[한숨]‬Didn't you say you gave Jeong Yoon-kyung's file to your wife?
‪정윤경 파일 형수한테 전해 줬다면서?‬Didn't you say you gave Jeong Yoon-kyung's file to your wife?
‪(윤석)‬ ‪잠깐만‬Wait.
‪혹시 형수 이 일 때문에‬ ‪회사 잘린 거 아니야?‬Did she get fired because of this?
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪뭐야?‬What? She's still with the company.
‪형수 아직 퇴사 안 했는데?‬What? She's still with the company.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬CHA JOO-EUN
‪혹시 형수‬Could she
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬be a spy sent by UI?
‪스파이 아니야? UI에서 보낸‬be a spy sent by UI?
‪[식당이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪[주은의 탄성]‬
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪(정환)‬ ‪맵다‬-It's spicy. -It's good.
‪- (주은) 맛있다‬ ‪- (정환) 응‬-It's spicy. -It's good.
‪(정환)‬ ‪끓어올라라‬ ‪[주은이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[젓가락을 잘그랑 내려놓는다]‬
‪[헛기침하며]‬ ‪정환 씨‬Jeong-hwan.
‪(정환)‬ ‪응?‬
‪김치‬Say kimchi.
‪갑자기?‬-Right now? -Yes.
‪응, 김치‬-Right now? -Yes. Say kimchi.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪(정환)‬ ‪왜요? 이, 이상하게 나왔어요?‬What? Do I look weird?
‪- 아이‬ ‪- (주은) 잠깐만요‬You should take another one. Let me see.
‪잘 좀 찍지, 봐 봐요‬You should take another one. Let me see.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪보냈어요‬I sent them to you.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪(정환)‬ ‪응?‬I sent them to you.
‪[주은의 웃음]‬JOO-EUN
‪아, 이게 뭐야‬Jeez, I look--
‪아이…‬ ‪[웃음]‬
‪아, 당장 지워요‬Delete them.
‪왜요, 난 귀여운데?‬Why? You look cute.
‪귀여워요?‬Do I?
‪[주은의 웃음]‬
‪아, 그래도 줘요, 지워 줘요‬Give me that. Please delete them.
‪(주은)‬ ‪싫어요‬-No. -Give me your phone.
‪- (정환) 아, 줘요‬ ‪- (주은) 싫어요‬-No. -Give me your phone. No.
‪아니야, 그건 아니야‬No. She's not.
‪(정환)‬ ‪[숨을 들이켜며]‬ ‪스파이는‬A spy doesn't laugh at red pepper stuck between your teeth.
‪이빨에 낀 파 따위 좋아하지 않아‬A spy doesn't laugh at red pepper stuck between your teeth.
‪뭔 소리래, 그건 또?‬What are you talking about?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪중요한 포인트는‬What matters is that
‪UI에 정윤경 파일이 없다는 거야‬UI doesn't have Jeong Yoon-kyung's file.
‪(정환)‬ ‪그렇다는 건‬ ‪정윤경과 날 작업했던 놈들‬It means that the ones who were after me and Jeong Yoon-kyung
‪그놈들은 UI가 아니라는 거고‬weren't UI.
‪내, 내 동생은 누가 죽였다는 거야?‬who killed my brother?
‪(윤석)‬ ‪혹시 GK 아니야?‬Could it be GK?
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[김 실장의 한숨]‬
‪어, 그래‬Yes.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬TRACE THE CALL
‪(정환)‬ ‪전에 부탁드렸던 건‬Did you look into the thing
‪어떻게, 알아보셨습니까?‬I asked you the other day?
‪뭐?‬ ‪[펜을 탁 내려놓는다]‬What?
‪UI?‬-UI? -Yes.
‪(정환)‬ ‪예‬-UI? -Yes.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪맞아, 우리 이 팀장 생각이 맞았어‬Yes. You were right.
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪UI야‬It was UI.
‪근데 이게 문제가‬But the problem
‪생각보다 간단치가 않아요‬isn't as simple as you think.
‪UI가 용역 애들한테‬ ‪외주를 준 모양인데‬It looks like UI hired a contractor.
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪어느 부서에서 어디 용역으로‬ ‪흘러들어 간 건지‬It's hard to find out which department
‪찾아내기가 영 어렵단 말이지‬hired what contractor.
‪(정환)‬ ‪알겠습니다‬All right.
‪나머지는‬I will
‪제가 알아내겠습니다‬find out the rest.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[GPS 작동음]‬
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪근데 혼자서 괜찮겠어?‬Will you be okay alone?
‪예, 괜찮습니다‬Yes, I'll be fine.
‪[GPS 작동음]‬ ‪(김 실장)‬ ‪역부족이다 싶으면 언제든지 얘기해‬Tell me if you need help.
‪애들 보내 줄 테니까‬I'll send my guys over.
‪아니다, 지금 어디야?‬ ‪당장 보내 주지, 뭐‬No. Where are you? I can send them over now.
‪지금 어디 있어?‬Where are you?
‪(정환)‬ ‪괜찮습니다‬It's okay.
‪저 때문에‬ ‪기업 간의 오해가 발생하는 일은‬I shouldn't cause any misunderstanding between companies.
‪없어야겠죠‬I shouldn't cause any misunderstanding between companies.
‪그래, 그럼‬Fine.
‪그래도 우리 면회는 해야지‬Still, we should meet up.
‪다시 연락드리겠습니다‬I'll call you again.
‪[휴대전화를 탁 닫는다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪너 뭐 하는 놈이야!‬Is this how you work?
‪구형 2G 폰이라‬ ‪기지국 추정만 가능해서‬he's using an older model, so we can only trace the base station.
‪[짜증 섞인 신음]‬
‪(복기)‬ ‪그러니까‬So,
‪갑자기 수사 종결 지시를 내렸다?‬ ‪형사과장이‬the chief of the criminal division ordered to end the investigation.
‪[경찰서가 분주하다]‬ ‪(민규)‬ ‪아이, 그랬다니까, 응?‬Yes, he did.
‪아, 처음에는 관심 사건이었는데‬It began as a high-profile case.
‪(민규)‬ ‪왜 그랬는지 뭐, 나도 수수께끼야‬I don't know why he did that.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪외압?‬Coercion?
‪그렇지 않고서는‬ ‪그렇게 신속하게 종결됐을 리가 없잖아‬If not, they wouldn't have closed the case so quickly.
‪흥신소 사장이 죽었는데 외압이라‬A detective agency owner died, and there was a coercion.
‪좀 난센스하지?‬Isn't it nonsensical?
‪[김 실장의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[김 실장의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪그러니까‬So,
‪자살한 최윤석이는 실종됐고‬Choi Yoon-seok who killed himself went missing.
‪아니, 정확히는 쌍둥이 동생인 거고‬No, it was his twin brother to be exact.
‪죽었던 이정환이는‬ ‪예수님처럼 부활했다?‬And Lee Jeong-hwan who died was raised from the dead like Jesus.
‪부활해서‬He resurrected
‪예고도 없이 막 내 앞에 나타나고‬and showed up without a warning.
‪자기 편할 때‬ ‪마음대로 나한테 전화하고‬Then he calls me whenever he wants.
‪이게 지금‬This is the result
‪박 부장 성적표라는 거잖아‬of your performance, isn't it?
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪[김 실장이 박 부장을 탁 잡는다]‬
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪응‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪그걸 성적표라고 가져오냐, 어?‬Is that the best you can do?
‪[박 부장의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[장갑을 쓱 벗으며]‬ ‪새끼, 흔들리기는, 씨‬How dare you trip?
‪대미지가 좀 있지?‬-That hurt, didn't it? -Yes, quite a bit.
‪네, 상당합니다‬-That hurt, didn't it? -Yes, quite a bit.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪그래서 앞으로 계획은?‬So? What's your plan?
‪찾겠습니다, 이정환‬I'll find both Lee Jeong-hwan and Choi Yoon-seok.
‪최윤석도 같이‬I'll find both Lee Jeong-hwan and Choi Yoon-seok. Then what?
‪- 찾아서?‬ ‪- (박 부장) 전에 지시한 대로‬Then what? As you ordered initially, I'll get rid of them.
‪마무리 짓겠습니다‬As you ordered initially, I'll get rid of them.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪여기서 대기해‬Wait here. -Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
‪(부하들)‬ ‪네, 형님‬-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
‪[박 부장이 안전띠를 달칵 푼다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[손의 한숨]‬
‪건방지게‬I decided to be audacious
‪경고하러 나왔습니다‬and give you a warning.
‪질문하지 마세요, 앞으로도 쭉‬Do not ask any questions from now on, as always.
‪지금 형님이 질문하면‬ ‪시비로 들립니다, 그러면‬If you start asking questions, we'll take it that you're picking a fight.
‪싸움 나는 거고요‬Then we'll have to clash.
‪그럼‬Goodbye, then.
‪듣고는 가야지‬You should hear what I have to say.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪씁, 내가 대기업 좋아하는 거 알지?‬You do know that I like conglomerates, right?
‪그러니까 걱정 말라고 전해‬So tell him not to worry.
‪이정환 팀장한테‬I'm talking about Lee Jeong-hwan.
‪(손)‬ ‪아, 그리고‬Right. One more thing.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[박 부장의 떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪나 싸움 좋아해‬I like to fight.
‪알잖아‬You know that.
‪누구야? 이정환 이름 판 새끼‬So who was it? Who used Lee Jeong-hwan's name?
‪GK, 감당되시겠…‬It was GK. Do you think you can handle them?
‪[박 부장의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪누구야?‬Who was it?
‪난 감당 안 돼서‬I definitely can't handle them.
‪아무것도 몰라, 백지야, 백지‬So, I don't know anything like an idiot. I just do what I'm told.
‪그냥 시키는 것만 해‬I just do what I'm told.
‪[박 부장의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(손)‬ ‪그럼 마지막으로 하나만 묻자‬Then let me ask one final question.
‪혁신 비전실이냐?‬Was it the Innovative Vision Room?
‪[박 부장이 털썩 넘어진다]‬
‪[꼬챙이가 툭 떨어진다]‬
‪[박 부장의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[꼬챙이를 차르륵 내던진다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬My gosh.
‪아, 놀라라‬My gosh.
‪(수진)‬ ‪선배, 선배가 여기 어떻게…‬ ‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬Myung-hyun. Why are you here? I have one question.
‪야, 하나만 묻자‬I have one question.
‪과장은 또 왜 그러는 거냐?‬What's up with the Chief?
‪아, 잘했어, 라인 잘 탔어‬You did well. You got on his good side.
‪과장 라인‬ ‪아무나 잡을 수 있는 것도 아니고‬Not everyone can get on the chief's good side.
‪아, 어깨 펴, 배에 힘주고‬ ‪잘하고 있는 거니까‬Look confident. You're doing well.
‪아휴, 씨, 쯧‬ ‪까라면 까는 거지, 뭐, 우리가‬Damn it. We have no choice but to obey.
‪(명현)‬ ‪그래서‬So? What's Woo Seok-ho up to?
‪우석호는 지금 뭐 하고 있는 거야?‬So? What's Woo Seok-ho up to?
‪꽃집 왜 들어갔어?‬Why is he at a flower shop?
‪(꽃집 사장)‬ ‪따로 뭐, 찾으시는 꽃이라도 있으세요?‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬Are you looking for anything in particular?
‪뭐, 그냥‬Well,
‪30대 후반 여자한테 줄‬ ‪적당한 그런 거?‬I'm looking for some flowers to give to a woman in her late 30s.
‪아, 애인분 생일?‬Oh, is it your girlfriend's birthday?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪결혼‬It's her wedding.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[놀란 신음]‬
‪(명현)‬ ‪뭐야?‬What?
‪(꽃집 사장)‬ ‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(석호)‬ ‪저기…‬Excuse me.
‪[석호가 살짝 웃는다]‬It is you. Gosh.
‪맞네? 우아‬It is you. Gosh.
‪반갑다, 반갑네요‬ ‪여기서 이렇게 뵙게 되네요, 또‬It's so nice to see you. I didn't expect to run into you here.
‪누구?‬Who are you again?
‪저 GK…‬I'm from GK.
‪이정환입니다‬I'm Lee Jeong-hwan.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪그땐 제가 너무 지나쳐서‬I was too harsh on you back then.
‪(주은)‬ ‪죄송했어요‬I'm sorry.
‪아이, 아닙니다‬Don't be. I understand.
‪이해해야죠, 제가‬Don't be. I understand.
‪(석호)‬ ‪그런 엄청난 사기를 당하셨는데‬You were scammed after all.
‪그 사람‬He…
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬On our wedding day.
‪그날, 결혼식 날‬On our wedding day.
‪어떻게 그런 일이…‬I had no idea.
‪여기서 이러실 게 아니라‬We shouldn't just stand here.
‪어디 다른 곳에 가서‬ ‪얘기를 이어 가실까요? 지속적으로‬Would you like to go somewhere and continue talking?
‪어, 오늘 중요한 날 아니셨어요?‬But don't you have something special going on today?
‪아, 아닙니다, 아무 날도‬Not at all.
‪전 그냥 평소에도 꽃이 좋아서‬I just like flowers, so I buy them from time to time.
‪이렇게 일상 속에서 자주 사곤 합니다‬I just like flowers, so I buy them from time to time.
‪꽃보다 남자?‬Boys Over Flowers, you know.
‪(석호)‬ ‪선물입니다, 재회 기념‬This is a gift for our reunion.
‪어, 정말 제가 받아도 되는 거예요?‬Are you sure I can take them?
‪아이, 그럼요‬Of course.
‪그럼 어디 딴 데 가서 술 한잔‬Then shall we go somewhere for a drink?
‪어…‬Well, let's go somewhere that has tasty food.
‪안주 맛있는 데로 가요‬Well, let's go somewhere that has tasty food.
‪제가 모시겠습니다‬I know of a great place.
‪[주은이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[수진의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪출발했다, 시동 걸어‬They left. -Start the car. -Gosh.
‪아이, 진짜‬-Start the car. -Gosh.
‪아이, 걸리면 어떻게 하려고‬ ‪왜 안 숨었어요‬We could've gotten caught. Why didn't you hide?
‪(명현)‬ ‪인제부터 인파이팅이지, 뭐‬Then we'll have to get down and dirty.
‪[분위기 있는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[수진의 헛기침]‬
‪[수진의 헛기침]‬
‪(명현)‬ ‪호텔 커피나 한번 마셔 보자‬Let's have some hotel coffee.
‪뭐가 이렇게 비싸‬Why is it so expensive?
‪(수진)‬ ‪[식탁을 탁탁 치며]‬ ‪선배‬Myung-hyun.
‪(명현)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪보고 있어‬-Take a look. -Okay.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪- 네, 과장님‬ ‪- (대상) 어디야?‬-Yes, Chief. -Where are you?
‪(수진)‬ ‪차하고 우 따라서‬ ‪호텔 레스토랑 들어왔습니다‬We followed Cha and Woo into a hotel restaurant.
‪근데 사진은 왜 안 보내?‬So why haven't you sent me the photos yet?
‪아, 그게, 저…‬Well…
‪너 혹시 누구랑 같이 있는 거야?‬Are you with someone right now?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪- 네‬ ‪- (대상) 김명현이‬I am. It's Kim Myung-hyun, isn't it?
‪(대상)‬ ‪김명현이지?‬It's Kim Myung-hyun, isn't it?
‪뭐야‬What is this?
‪네가 따로 내 지시 받고 있다는 거‬This must mean he knows
‪김명현이가 알고 있다는 거네, 그럼?‬that you're receiving orders from me.
‪네‬He does.
‪(대상)‬ ‪좋아‬Fine.
‪(대상)‬ ‪그럼 네 생각엔 김명현이‬Anyway, why do you think
‪[대상이 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬he's working so hard on this case?
‪얘 왜 이렇게 열심인 것 같냐?‬he's working so hard on this case?
‪[숨을 후 내뱉으며]‬ ‪글쎄요, 그건 저도 잘…‬I'm not sure either.
‪(대상)‬ ‪그 미망인 때문인가?‬Is it because of that widow?
‪차주은이‬Cha Joo-eun.
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬There must be a reason that he's digging into it like that.
‪뭔가 이유가 있으니까‬ ‪그렇게 파고드는 거 아니냐고‬There must be a reason that he's digging into it like that.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪둘이 따로 종종 만난다는‬ ‪첩보도 있고 말이지‬Word has it that the two meet alone regularly.
‪알아봐야겠지?‬Don't you think
‪차주은이하고 김명현이 관계‬you should look into their relationship?
‪[변기 물이 솨 내려간다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[명현의 헛기침]‬
‪[명현이 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[물소리가 솨 난다]‬
‪[명현이 중얼거린다]‬
‪[명현이 손을 쓱쓱 닦는다]‬
‪(석호)‬ ‪저 아세요?‬Do you know me?
‪- 아니요‬ ‪- (석호) 아니‬No. You've been staring at me.
‪아까부터 계속 보시길래‬You've been staring at me.
‪- 아, 그랬나요?‬ ‪- (석호) 그랬다니까‬-Have I? -Yes, you have.
‪(명현)‬ ‪제가 아는 분이랑 너무 닮아 가지고‬you look very similar to someone I know.
‪이정환이라고 흥신소 하는 친구인데‬His name is Lee Jeong-Hwan, and he runs a detective agency.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬His name is Lee Jeong-Hwan, and he runs a detective agency.
‪가까이서 보니까‬But up-close,
‪영 아니네‬you're not alike at all.
‪아이씨, 안경을 맞춰야 되나, 응?‬Gosh, do I need a pair of glasses?
‪실례했습니다‬sorry about that.
‪이 팀장을 안다고?‬He knows Lee Jeong-hwan?
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪"GK 시스템"‬
‪아나, 이 형사 나부랭이가‬That lousy cop.
‪내가 오늘은 아주 특별한 날이라‬ ‪봐주는 줄 알아라‬You should be grateful that today is a special day for me.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(석호)‬ ‪새끼가 어디서…‬You should be grateful that today is a special day for me. That scumbag…
‪[석호의 한숨]‬
‪(수진)‬ ‪아이, 화장실에서 무슨 일 있었어요?‬What happened in the bathroom?
‪우석호 눈빛 레이저가‬ ‪아주 등을 뚫겠는데?‬He could've burned holes through your back with that glare.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬I provoked him a little. Let's see how he reacts.
‪가볍게 잽, 어떻게 나오는지 보자고‬I provoked him a little. Let's see how he reacts.
‪그냥 룸으로 갔는데?‬He just went into the room.
‪아이, 새끼, 아웃 복서네‬Darn it. He's more careful than he looks.
‪[분위기 있는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[약통을 달그락 넣는다]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬You must've been bored.
‪저 없는 동안 많이 지루하셨죠?‬You must've been bored.
‪네, 지루해서 돌 되는 줄 알았잖아요‬ ‪[석호의 웃음]‬Yes, I was bored to death.
‪제가 그럴 줄 알고 최대한 신속하게‬That's why I made sure to be quick in the bathroom.
‪(석호)‬ ‪처리하고 왔습니다‬That's why I made sure to be quick in the bathroom.
‪(주은)‬ ‪아휴, 더러운 자식‬What a filthy bastard.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(석호)‬ ‪이거…‬This is…
‪잠시만요‬One minute.
‪저기요!‬Excuse me.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(석호)‬ ‪잔에 이거 보여요?‬Do you see this?
‪영업을 하겠다는 거야, 뭐야?‬Do your job properly, will you? I'm sorry, sir.
‪(종업원)‬ ‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪[주은의 헛기침]‬
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪잔에 뭐가 묻어 있어 가지고‬The glass was dirty.
‪아…‬I see.
‪자‬All right.
‪(석호)‬ ‪주은 씨 한 잔‬A glass for you.
‪[석호가 술병을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪- (석호) 짠‬ ‪- 짠‬-Cheers. -Cheers.
‪왜 안 드세요?‬Why aren't you drinking?
‪아, 저는 술을 못해요‬I can't drink at all.
‪아이‬Come on.
‪[잔을 툭 내려놓으며]‬ ‪그럼 저도 안 마실래요‬Then I won't drink either.
‪저 진짜 못해요‬I'm serious.
‪아이, 저도 술 못해요‬Me too.
‪[난감한 숨소리]‬
‪그럼 살짝만‬Then I'll have a sip.
‪살짝만?‬A sip?
‪[주은이 잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[석호가 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[주은의 한숨]‬
‪[석호의 웃음]‬I knew you could drink well.
‪- (석호) 잘 드실 거면서‬ ‪- 아휴‬I knew you could drink well.
‪(석호)‬ ‪근데 주은 씨는 향수 뭐 쓰세요?‬By the way, what kind of perfume do you wear?
‪[석호가 술을 조르륵 따른다]‬ ‪(주은)‬ ‪저는 그냥 타고난 저의 체취?‬Actually, this is just how I naturally smell.
‪(석호)‬ ‪어쩐지, 아까 꽃집에 있는데‬No wonder. Back at the flower shop,
‪아이, 꽃이 그렇게 많은데‬I smelled something wonderful among all those flowers.
‪너무 좋은 향기가 나서‬I smelled something wonderful among all those flowers.
‪딱 쳐다보니까‬ ‪거기 주은 씨가 서 있는 거야‬When I turned my head, you were right there.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪가장 향기 나는 꽃을 위해서 한 잔‬Cheers to the most fragrant flower.
‪[잔을 연신 쨍쨍 부딪는다]‬
‪(석호)‬ ‪뭐야? 벌써 다 비웠네, 아쉽게‬ ‪[주은의 헛기침]‬What? It's empty already. What a shame.
‪그럼‬Let's have another bottle.
‪- 한 병 더?‬ ‪- (석호) 으음‬Let's have another bottle.
‪아니요, 2차 가야죠‬No. We should go somewhere else now.
‪[함께 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(석호)‬ ‪아, 아니, 아니다‬Wait.
‪그냥 우리‬How about
‪룸서비스 시킬까요? 위의 룸에서‬we just order room service upstairs?
‪(주은)‬ ‪예?‬ ‪[석호의 웃음]‬What?
‪농담이에요, 농담, 농담‬That was a joke. A joke.
‪[석호가 살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪뭐야, 이 새끼‬What's his deal? Why isn't he collapsing?
‪왜 안 쓰러져‬What's his deal? Why isn't he collapsing?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬This is the tranquilizer they use at safaris.
‪(복기)‬ ‪사파리에서 쓰는 동물 수면제‬This is the tranquilizer they use at safaris.
‪몇 방울이면 한우도 꿈나라야‬A few drops is enough to knock out a cow.
‪적당한 타이밍 봐서‬Give it to him when the time is right. Got that?
‪알지?‬Give it to him when the time is right. Got that?
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪이 자식 뭐야?‬What's wrong with him?
‪자기가 감히 한우를 뛰어넘어?‬Is he stronger than a cow?
‪미국 소인가?‬Is he a buffalo or something?
‪[소 울음 효과음]‬ ‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[종이 뎅 울리는 효과음]‬
‪[째깍거리는 효과음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[주은의 한숨]‬
‪[경보음이 울린다]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪0718‬ ‪고려호텔 레스토랑에서 수면 모드‬0718 is sleeping at the Goryeo Hotel restaurant.
‪긴급 체크 상황 발생‬An emergency checkup is required.
‪(주은)‬ ‪'0411', '0501', 연락처가 뭐 이래?‬0411 and 0501? What the hell are these?
‪'수사 종결'‬investigation closed"?
‪'0721, 결혼식 날 실종'?‬"0721, gone missing on the day of the wedding"?
‪(명현)‬ ‪종결됐습니다‬Mr. Lee Jeong-hwan's case has been closed.
‪이정환 씨 사건‬Mr. Lee Jeong-hwan's case has been closed.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪정환 씨‬MY HUSBAND It's Jeong-hwan.
‪[주은의 놀란 숨소리]‬Woo Seok-ho
‪우석호‬Woo Seok-ho
‪정환 씨 알고 있었어‬knew Jeong-hwan.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪괜찮으세요? 손님‬Are you okay? Sir.
‪(GK 직원)‬ ‪나오세요‬Sir. Come out.
‪누구시죠?‬Who are you?
‪알 거 없습니다, 비켜 주시겠어요?‬That's none of your business. Please move aside.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪이정환‬Lee Jeong-hwan.
‪너 정체가 뭐니?‬Who are you?
‪(복기)‬ ‪어떻게, 잘했어?‬How did it go?
‪한우는 무슨‬Cow, my foot.
‪와인 세 병 비우고 겨우 쓰러졌는데‬He was finally knocked out after three bottles of wine.
‪[복기의 헛웃음]‬ ‪(주은)‬ ‪아, 정말 죽는 줄‬Gosh, it was agonizing.
‪재수 없는, 씨‬He was despicable.
‪느끼하고 더럽고‬He was greasy and disgusting.
‪눈빛 자체가 성추행이야‬He pretty much molested me with his eyes.
‪[주은의 짜증 섞인 숨소리]‬ ‪(복기)‬ ‪선수가 또 왜 이러실까‬He pretty much molested me with his eyes. Come on. You're a professional. I'm sure you've had worse.
‪더한 놈들도 많이 겪지 않았나?‬I'm sure you've had worse.
‪(주은)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪그러니까‬I'm sure you've had worse. Exactly.
‪이럴 땐 진짜‬At times like this,
‪직업에 대한 회의가 느껴져‬I have second thoughts about my job.
‪[주은의 한숨]‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪(복기)‬ ‪응‬Here.
‪[맥주 캔을 달칵 따며]‬ ‪GK 혁신 비전실이라고 들어 봤지?‬Have you heard of GK's Innovative Vision Room?
‪알지, 그럼‬Of course.
‪대한민국에서 모르는 사람 있을까‬I'm sure everyone in this country knows about it.
‪몇 년 전‬ ‪국가적 스캔들 일으키고 해체된‬They created a nationwide scandal a few years ago and were disbanded.
‪정말 그렇게 생각해?‬Do you really believe that?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(복기)‬ ‪난 아닌 거 같은데?‬I beg to differ.
‪어쨌든 그 비전실엔‬Anyway,
‪국정원 블랙 요원처럼‬ ‪그림자 사원들이 있다고 들었어‬I heard they have shadow agents just like they do at the NIS.
‪그러니까 한마디로‬Simply put, they do dirty,
‪더티하고‬Simply put, they do dirty,
‪추잡한 불법적인 일들을‬ ‪주 업무로 하는‬filthy, illegal things.
‪스파이 리처럼 다른 직업을 갖고‬ ‪민간에서 활동하는‬Like Spy Lee, they have different jobs and blend in with ordinary people.
‪혁신 비전실 소속 그림자‬They're the Innovative Vision Room's shadows.
‪스파이 리‬Spy Lee
‪진짜 GK 사원일 수도 있다는 얘기야‬could have been a real GK employee.
‪안 드세요?‬Aren't you going to drink?
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(민정)‬ ‪[술 취한 목소리로]‬ ‪왔어?‬Hey.
‪뭐야, 어디 갔다 왔어?‬Where have you been?
‪말도 안 하고 비밀스럽게‬You didn't even tell me you were going out. How suspicious.
‪- 민정아‬ ‪- (민정) 응?‬-Min-jeong. -Yes?
‪(주은)‬ ‪나 삼촌이랑 할 말 있는데‬I need to speak with him in private.
‪[웃음]‬Do you want me to leave?
‪비켜 달라고? 싫은데?‬Do you want me to leave? I don't want to.
‪[멀리서 자동차 경적이 울린다]‬
‪흥, 농담이야‬I was just kidding.
‪(민정)‬ ‪드세요‬Sit down.
‪[주은이 가방을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪GK 혁신 비전실‬You know of GK Technology's Innovative Vision Room, right?
‪알지?‬You know of GK Technology's Innovative Vision Room, right?
‪거기 그림자라고 있대‬Apparently, they have shadow agents.
‪- 정환 씨가…‬ ‪- (손) 맞아‬-Jeong-hwan was-- -You're right.
‪(주은)‬ ‪어?‬-What? -He was one of them.
‪이정환 진짜였어‬-What? -He was one of them.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪(손)‬ ‪GK 혁신 비전실 그림자‬He was one of their shadow agents.
‪[잔을 탁 내려놓으며]‬ ‪하나만 약속하자‬Promise me one thing.
‪자신만 생각해‬Just think about yourself.
‪다큐 찍을 때처럼‬Just like when you did the documentaries,
‪늘 자신만 생각하라고‬think only about yourself.
‪[손이 술을 조르륵 따른다]‬
‪[잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[드르렁 코를 곤다]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪그림자‬A shadow?
‪어떻게 솔직하게 말해 준 게‬ ‪하나도 없냐‬How could it have all been lies?
‪[어이없는 신음]‬
‪나쁜 놈‬That bastard.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪형‬Jeong-hwan.
‪뭔데?‬What is it?
‪내가 진짜 고민 많이 했거든‬I really thought a lot about this.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪그래도 형은 알고 있어야 되잖아‬And I decided that you should know.
‪[정환의 한숨]‬
‪뭔데? 빨리 말해‬What is it? Tell me now.
‪고아 아니야‬isn't an orphan.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(윤석)‬ ‪엄마는 사채업 하시고‬Her mother is a loan shark…
‪(미숙)‬ ‪웬일이니, 엄마 회사를 다 찾아오고‬What brings you all the way to my office?
‪회사는 무슨‬Office, my foot.
‪[미숙이 피식 웃는다]‬Thanks to his insurance, your documentary barely made it.
‪보험금 덕택에 겨우 흥행 성공했네‬Thanks to his insurance, your documentary barely made it.
‪호적상 사위야‬Technically, he was your son-in-law.
‪예의 좀 갖추지?‬Show some respect.
‪그래, 사위도 아들이라더니‬Fine. They say a son-in-law is still your son. What a good son he was.
‪그래서 이렇게 효도를 하네?‬What a good son he was.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬What a good son he was.
‪(미숙)‬ ‪응?‬Yes? Why do you think our family ended up like this?
‪우리 가족 왜 이렇게 됐을까?‬Why do you think our family ended up like this?
‪아빠 때문에?‬Because of Dad?
‪엄마 때문에‬It was because of you.
‪(주은)‬ ‪아빠가 밖에 나간 게 아니라‬ ‪엄마가 쫓아낸 거야, 아빠를‬He didn't leave us. It was you who kicked him out.
‪고마워할 줄 모르고‬You were never grateful
‪뭐든지 삐딱하게 받아들이는 성격‬and always pessimistic.
‪그 재수 없는 성격에‬Because of your despicable personality…
‪세상에서 혼자 잘난 것처럼‬Because you always put on airs,
‪매번 남 탓만 하고 무시하는‬ ‪그 지랄 같은 성격 때문에‬blamed, and insulted others,
‪아빠 저렇게 된 거라고‬Dad ended up like that.
‪우리 가족 다시는 한집에서 못 살아‬We'll never be able to live under the same roof again.
‪끝장난 거라고‬ ‪엄마 성격 때문에, 알아?‬You ruined everything. Do you realize that?
‪[가방을 탁 집으며]‬ ‪갈 거야‬I'm leaving.
‪아니, 쟤 얘기하는 거 좀 봐 봐‬She did not just say that.
‪저게 엄마한테 할 소리야?‬Is that how she treats her mom?
‪(미숙)‬ ‪그리고 내 성격이 뭐‬And what about my personality?
‪계집애, 아무리 성질이 나도 그렇지‬ ‪어떻게 저런 구라를 쳐?‬She shouldn't have lied no matter how furious she was.
‪유 과장도 들었지?‬You heard her, right?
‪내가 뭐, 성격이 잘난 척하고 삐딱하고‬ ‪남 탓만 한다고?‬I'm what? I put on airs, am pessimistic, and only blame others?
‪하, 참, 내가 그래?‬Am I really like that?
‪나처럼 그레이스한 여자가?‬Someone as graceful as I am?
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪아, 왜 아니라고 말을 못 해!‬Why aren't you saying anything?
‪[버럭 하며]‬ ‪어?‬Why?
‪(현태)‬ ‪주은아‬Joo-eun. …and her father is serving time for fraud.
‪(윤석)‬ ‪아빠는 사기죄로 교도소에 복역 중‬…and her father is serving time for fraud.
‪(주은)‬ ‪미안해, 아빠‬I'm sorry, Dad. I've been very busy lately.
‪내가 요새 좀 정신이 없어서‬I'm sorry, Dad. I've been very busy lately.
‪[주은의 한숨]‬
‪혼자 살 때하고 완전 달라‬Married life is so much different.
‪집 안 청소에 빨래에‬I have to clean, do laundry,
‪아침엔 또 그 사람 밥 먹여서‬ ‪출근시키고‬and cook breakfast for him every morning.
‪아무튼 정신이 좀 없어서‬ ‪미안해, 아빠‬Anyway, it's been so hectic. I'm sorry, Dad.
‪하, 왜?‬What is it?
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪그렇게 서운했어?‬Were you that sad?
‪더 미안해지게 왜 그래‬You're making me feel terrible.
‪(주은)‬ ‪응?‬Yes?
‪아빠 앞에서는 울어도 돼‬You can cry in front of me.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[현태가 울먹인다]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪우리 딸‬My daughter.
‪우리 아기‬My baby.
‪우리 아기‬My baby.
‪얼마나 힘들었을까‬It must have been hard for you.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪아빠가 미안하다‬I'm sorry.
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪(현태)‬ ‪아빠가 미안해‬I'm so sorry.
‪아빠가 미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪[흐느끼며]‬ ‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪아빠가 미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪(현태)‬ ‪엄마가 가끔 와‬Your mom visits from time to time.
‪와서 네 소식 전해 주고 그래‬She updates me on how you're doing.
‪그놈 얘기 들었어, 사진도 봤고‬She told me about him. I saw his photo too.
‪잘생겼더라, 우리 딸이 선택할 만해‬He was handsome. No wonder you chose him.
‪아빠보다는 조금 못하지만‬He wasn't as good looking as I am, though.
‪왠지 믿음이 가게 생겼어‬He looked trustworthy.
‪관상이 증거라고‬I could see it in his face.
‪그놈‬I'm sure
‪뭔가 틀림없이‬ ‪그럴 만한 이유가 있었을 거야‬ ‪[훌쩍인다]‬he had his reasons for doing such a thing.
‪- 너…‬ ‪- (윤석) 저, 그리고 형‬-You-- -Also,
‪아, 내, 내가 이거까지 말해야 되나‬ ‪고민 진짜 많이 했거든?‬I really didn't want to tell you this, but…
‪(정환)‬ ‪또?‬There's more?
‪뭔데? 말해 봐‬What is it? Tell me.
‪저기, 형수‬Joo-eun
‪전과도 있어‬has a criminal record
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(윤석)‬ ‪사기 전과‬for fraud.
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪(주은)‬ ‪청파 여자 교도소‬Cheongpa Women's Correctional Institute.
‪빵 동기예요‬We were cellmates.
‪우린 그곳을 학교라고 부르고요‬We call prisons "schools."
‪(윤석)‬ ‪형 완전 사기당한 거라고‬She totally fooled you.
‪[윤석의 기가 찬 숨소리]‬
‪아니, 근데 어떻게 그런 걸 속이지?‬How could she lie about something like that?
‪아, 아니야, 아니야, 아니야‬No. Of course, she had to. It was a fraud.
‪당연히 속였겠지, 사기 전과인데‬ ‪어, 나라도 속였겠다‬No. Of course, she had to. It was a fraud. I would have done the same.
‪근데 형수‬ ‪UI에는 어떻게 들어간 거지?‬But how did she get into UI? I'm sure she couldn't just fool them.
‪대기업은 못 속일 텐데‬But how did she get into UI? I'm sure she couldn't just fool them.
‪직접 물어봐야겠어‬I should ask her myself.
‪어? 지금 형수를 만나겠다고?‬What? You're going to see her right now?
‪(윤석)‬ ‪아, 뭐야, 진짜‬Come on.
‪아, 그렇다고‬ ‪정체를 드러내면 어떡해, 형!‬You can't just reveal yourself to her. Jeong-hwan!
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑 울린다]‬
‪[오토바이 엔진음]‬
‪[매혹적인 음악]‬
‪(복기)‬ ‪여기서 제일 힘센 놈이 누굴까?‬Who might be the most powerful person here?
‪(재욱)‬ ‪동업할까?‬Do you want to work with me?
‪(대상)‬ ‪차주은이 찾아서 넘겨줘‬Find Cha Joo-eun and hand her over.
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪탈주를 감행해, 감히?‬How dare she escape?
‪(주은)‬ ‪나 사랑하긴 했어요?‬Did you even love me?
‪(김 실장)‬ ‪오늘부로 같이 일하게 될‬ ‪김재욱 차장이야‬This is Deputy Chief Kim Jae-wook. He's joining us as of today.
‪선배는 이게 재밌죠?‬This is amusing to you, isn't it?
‪티 났어?‬ ‪[웃음]‬Can you tell?
‪(정환)‬ ‪주은 씨가 먼저 대답해 봐요‬You answer me first.
‪내가 알고 있는 주은 씨‬ ‪다 거짓말이잖아요‬I know everything you told me about yourself was a lie.
‪(주은)‬ ‪[흐느끼며]‬ ‪이거 놔, 나쁜 새끼야!‬Let go of me, you bastard!
‪[주은의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬I'm sorry.
‪내가 미안해‬I'm sorry.

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