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  너를 닮은 사람 8

Reflection Of You 8


‪(현성) 리사야‬Li-sa.
‪[달려가는 발걸음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪혹시 그럼 리사가 연습하면서‬Was there anyone Li-sa was close with while practicing?
‪좀 친하게 지냈던 친구나‬ ‪연락할 만한 친구들 있을까요?‬Anyone who might know where she went?
‪(선생님) 아, 연습 때마다‬ ‪리사 촬영해 주던 친구가 있었어요‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬Yes. There was a girl who'd film all of her rehearsals.
‪- (선생님) 이름이…‬ ‪- (현성) 이주영 학생인가요?‬Yes. There was a girl who'd film all of her rehearsals. -Her name was-- -Lee Ju-yeong?
‪(선생님) 네, 네, 맞는 거 같아요‬Yes, I think so.
‪(현성) 이주영 학생‬ ‪오늘 여기 왔나요?‬Did she come here today?
‪(선생님) 아까 본 거 같긴 한데‬I think I saw her a while ago, but I don't know where she went.
‪저도 지금은‬ ‪어디 있는지 모르겠어요‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬I think I saw her a while ago, but I don't know where she went.
‪[현성의 한숨]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(현성) 예, 알겠습니다‬I see. Thanks.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪내가, 내가 좀 더 찾아 볼게‬I'll go look around more.
‪[희주의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[희주의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(리사) 누군가를 그리는 건‬You draw someone because you love them.
‪그 사람을 사랑해서 그리는 거래‬You draw someone because you love them.
‪나 거기서 그 아저씨 본 거 같아‬And I think I saw him there.
‪[노트를 사락 넘긴다]‬
‪[노트를 탁 덮는다]‬ ‪[훌쩍인다]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(현성) 어, 주영이 학생하고‬ ‪연락됐어, 같이 있대‬I got a hold of Ju-yeong. They're together.
‪걱정하지 말고‬Don't worry.
‪듣고 있어?‬Are you there?
‪희주야‬Hui-ju. Where are you right now?
‪당신 지금 어디야?‬Hui-ju. Where are you right now?
‪[어두운 효과음]‬ ‪[희주의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(리사) 야! 같이 가!‬Hey! Wait up!
‪[주영의 당황한 신음]‬My goodness.
‪[리사와 주영의 웃음]‬ ‪야, 같이 가, 좀 천천히 좀 가‬Wait up! Walk slowly!
‪알았어, 알았어‬Okay.
‪[희주의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[희주의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(희주) 최선을 다해‬ ‪도망쳤다고 생각했는데‬I thought I ran away best I could,
‪다시 여기야‬but I'm back to square one.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[탁탁 칼질하는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪- (광모) 배고프지?‬ ‪- 응‬-Are you hungry? -Yes.
‪뭇국 끓일게, 금방 돼‬I'll make some radish soup. It won't take long.
‪선배는?‬Where's Woo-jae?
‪새벽에‬He said he was busy and left early in the morning.
‪일 있다고 먼저 올라간다더라‬He said he was busy and left early in the morning.
‪나한테 말도 안 하고?‬Without even telling me?
‪(광모) 네가 너무 곤히 자서‬ ‪못 깨우겠다고‬You were sound asleep, so he didn't want to wake you.
‪좀 더 재우라고‬He wanted you to sleep in.
‪그럼 나 더 잘래요‬Then I'll sleep a bit more.
‪[문이 삐거덕 닫힌다]‬
‪[탁탁 칼질하는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(해원) 주영아, 학교는 갔니?‬Ju-yeong, did you go to school?
‪선생님이 부탁이 좀 있는데‬I have a favor to ask.
‪사유지라고 분명히 말했을 텐데‬I told you that place was private property.
‪거긴 왜 또 올라갔어요?‬Why did you go up there again?
‪죽으려고?‬To die?
‪(희주) 내가 괜히 잡아 줬나?‬Maybe I shouldn't have grabbed you.
‪(우재) 아, 아니요‬-That's not why. -Then
‪(희주) 아니면‬-That's not why. -Then
‪해원이가 시켰어요?‬did Hae-won tell you to keep an eye on me?
‪나 감시하라고?‬did Hae-won tell you to keep an eye on me?
‪설마요‬Of course not.
‪작가님이 거기 오실 줄은‬ ‪몰랐습니다‬I had no idea you'd be there.
‪이번에도 그냥 우연이다?‬So it's just another coincidence?
‪아닐 수도 있겠네요‬Or maybe not.
‪(우재) 어쩌면‬I did think that maybe
‪작가님을‬ ‪만날 수 있을지도 모른다고‬I did think that maybe
‪생각은 했습니다‬I would run into you there.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪혹시 어제 내가 한 말 때문이라면‬If it was because of what I said yesterday…
‪(희주) 이번엔 꼭‬ ‪행복하게 잘 살아‬I hope you will be happy this time.
‪(우재) '이번엔 행복해라'‬You want us to be happy this time?
‪그럼 그 전에 저희는‬ ‪불행했습니까?‬Then were we unhappy before?
‪너무 귀담아듣지 마요‬Don't take it to heart.
‪(희주) 두 사람이 어떻게 살든‬ ‪사실 난 전혀 관심이 없어요‬To be frank, I don't care much how you two live.
‪지금도 그래요‬Even now.
‪밤새 안 들어온 딸이 아니라‬ ‪내 걱정만 해요‬I'm more worried about myself than my daughter who didn't come home.
‪프로젝트 때문에‬We'll be running into each other often because of the project,
‪앞으로 자주‬ ‪마주쳐야 할 거 같은데‬We'll be running into each other often because of the project,
‪이런 식은 아니었으면 좋겠어요‬but I hope not like this.
‪잘 부탁해요, 서 작가‬Let's do a good job, Mr. Seo.
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑 울린다]‬
‪(현성) 그냥 한 번 실수한 거야‬ ‪잘못한 건 아니야‬It was just a mistake. It's not a big deal.
‪(리사) 한 번만 실수한 거 아니야‬It is a big deal.
‪매번 똑같은 데서 넘어져‬I keep making the same mistake.
‪거기서 실수할 걸 아니까‬ ‪신경 쓰여서 더 넘어져‬And that makes me anxious, so I keep falling.
‪망친 거에 미련 갖지 마‬Don't let it get to you.
‪어디서 넘어질지 안다는 건‬ ‪앞으로 대비할 수 있다는 거야‬It means you'll get better if you work on it.
‪(현성) 네가 잘못한 건‬But you should be sorry for running away and worrying us.
‪제일 걱정할 사람들 다 팽개치고‬ ‪도망간 거야‬But you should be sorry for running away and worrying us.
‪엄마 너 때문에 잠 한숨 못 자고‬ ‪새벽부터 너 보겠다고 나갔어‬Your mom couldn't sleep and left early in the morning to find you.
‪엄마가?‬-She did? -Yes.
‪그래‬-She did? -Yes.
‪주영이네 집에 찾아갔을 텐데‬ ‪[문이 탁 열린다]‬She went to Ju-yeong's house. Didn't you see her?
‪못 봤어?‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬She went to Ju-yeong's house. Didn't you see her?
‪[희주가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[울먹이며] 리사야‬Li-sa.
‪(희주) 엄마한테‬To me, no one is more precious than you are.
‪네가 제일 소중해‬To me, no one is more precious than you are.
‪네가 알아야 될 건 그게 다야‬That's all you need to know.
‪(리사) 뭐야, 다 젖었잖아‬Let me go. You're drenched.
‪[희주가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[광모의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪이게‬It may have seemed useless,
‪밑 빠진 독에 물 붓기 같지만‬It may have seemed useless,
‪(광모) 봐라, 벌써 요만큼 자랐지‬but look at how much they've grown.
‪이걸로 너희 엄마 술국 끓여야겠다‬I should make your mom some hangover soup with this.
‪마늘 좀 잔뜩 넣어서‬I'll add a bunch of garlic.
‪그, 너희 엄마는 언제 사람 된다냐‬When will she grow up?
‪[광모의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪그놈 아니면‬You just can't give up on him, can you?
‪안 되는 거지?‬You just can't give up on him, can you?
‪그래‬Fine. Do as you wish.
‪네 성에 찰 때까지 해 봐‬Fine. Do as you wish.
‪사람 마음‬It's not like I can stop you from loving him.
‪말린다고 될 일이 아니니까‬It's not like I can stop you from loving him.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(광모) 해원아!‬Hae-won! Gu Hae-won!
‪구해원!‬Hae-won! Gu Hae-won!
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬ ‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[진동음이 계속 울린다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬ ‪[서랍을 탁 닫는다]‬
‪(희주) 아니‬ ‪진동이 계속 울리는데 못 찾았어‬Your phone was vibrating, but I couldn't find it.
‪폰 두고 갔어?‬Did you leave it here?
‪휴대폰이 또 있어? 왜?‬You have two phones? Why?
‪업무용‬This is my work phone. I use this for work-related matters.
‪재단 사업 관련해선‬ ‪이 번호로 따로 받아‬This is my work phone. I use this for work-related matters.
‪[휴대전화를 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪[서랍을 쓱 닫는다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪좀 잤어?‬Did you get some sleep?
‪응‬Yes. But I still feel under the weather. I should go.
‪근데 아직 으슬해, 갈게‬Yes. But I still feel under the weather. I should go.
‪이따 리사 연습실에서 꼭 데려와요‬Make sure you pick up Li-sa from her dance studio. Okay.
‪- 가요‬ ‪- (현성) 응‬-Bye. -Bye.
‪[문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬
‪(동미) 세컨드 폰은 100% 바람이야‬He's definitely cheating on you if he has two phones.
‪(희주) 혹시 그때 그분한테‬Could your ex
‪통화 기록 같은 것도‬ ‪알 수 있을까?‬get me my husband's call records? I want to see if it's really for work.
‪정말 업무용인지‬get me my husband's call records? I want to see if it's really for work.
‪(동미) 부탁이야 하면 되는데‬ ‪괜찮겠어?‬I can ask him, but are you sure about this?
‪괜히 어설프게 의심하면서‬ ‪괴로운 거보다 확실한 게 낫잖아‬It's better to be certain than to torment myself with doubts.
‪그러다 진짜면 어쩌려고?‬What if he's really cheating?
‪어쩌긴, 모른 척해야지‬What do you think? I'll turn a blind eye.
‪(동미) 아, 그럴 걸 뭘 알아봐?‬Then why bother looking into it?
‪아예 모르는 거하고‬ ‪알면서 모르는 척해 주는 건‬Being uncertain and turning a blind eye are very different things.
‪다른 얘기니까‬Being uncertain and turning a blind eye are very different things.
‪하긴, 모른 척해야‬ ‪바람으로 끝나지‬I guess looking the other way lets it end as a fling.
‪(동미) 넌 호호 할머니 될 때까지‬ ‪리사 아빠랑 살아야 돼‬You must protect your marriage until you grow old.
‪이혼하면 잃을 게 너무 많아, 넌‬You have too much to lose if you get a divorce.
‪설마 걘 아니겠지?‬It can't be her, right?
‪그때 여기 온 애‬The woman who came here last time. She seemed feisty.
‪보통내기 아니던데‬The woman who came here last time. She seemed feisty.
‪복수한답시고 네 남편 꼬여 내려고‬Maybe she's taking revenge on you.
‪자기 결혼식 앞두고?‬Right before her wedding?
‪(동미) 에? 결혼했다지 않았어?‬What? Isn't she already married?
‪식은 안 올렸거든‬They didn't have a wedding yet.
‪(동미) 이제 와 식만? 왜?‬Why would she have it now?
‪너 보라고‬ ‪일부러 그러는 거 아니야?‬Maybe she's warning you.
‪이 남자 이제 내 거니까‬"He's mine, so don't you dare touch him again."
‪다신 눈독 들이지 마시오, 꽝꽝꽝‬ ‪이런 거‬"He's mine, so don't you dare touch him again." Something like that.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪쓸데없다‬That's so pointless. Why would I go through that hell again?
‪내가 그 지옥엘 왜 다시 가‬That's so pointless. Why would I go through that hell again?
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪[물소리가 들린다]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[물소리가 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪그렇게 말없이 가지 마‬Don't leave without telling me.
‪자는 거 깨우기 싫었어‬I didn't want to wake you.
‪또 도망간 줄 알았잖아‬I thought you ran away again.
‪미안‬I'm sorry.
‪쉬어‬Get some rest.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(광모) 아깝다고‬ ‪계속 붙들고 있어 봤자‬There's no point in holding onto him.
‪쓰도 못할 게‬Doing that won't do you any good.
‪미련이야‬Doing that won't do you any good.
‪버려야 살아‬Abandon him and live your life.
‪내가 버릴 수 있는 게 아닌데?‬But I can't abandon him.
‪버려진 건‬Because I am…
‪나잖아‬the abandoned one here.
‪[만화 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(희주) 호수야‬Ho-su, let's go home.
‪집에 가자‬ ‪고생하셨어요, 어머님‬Ho-su, let's go home. Thank you, Mother.
‪(영선) 그래‬Sure. Massage my legs before you go if you're thankful.
‪나 고생한 거 알면‬ ‪다리 좀 주무르고 가‬Sure. Massage my legs before you go if you're thankful.
‪발이 퉁퉁 부었다, 아휴‬My legs are swollen.
‪[영선의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪리사는?‬Where's Li-sa?
‪아빠랑 오는 중이래요, 연습실에서‬Hyeon-seong just picked her up from her dance studio.
‪[혀를 찬다]‬
‪벌써부터 가출이나 하고‬How dare she run away from home?
‪가출 아니에요‬She didn't. She told him she'd be sleeping over at her friend's.
‪아빠한테 연락하고‬ ‪친구 집에서 잤어요, 어머님‬She didn't. She told him she'd be sleeping over at her friend's.
‪네가 제대로 교육을 받아 봤어야‬ ‪애를 컨트롤하지‬How can you control her when you didn't receive proper discipline?
‪(영선) 못 할 거 같으면 손 떼‬ ‪전문가 붙이면 돼‬If you can't handle her, we'll just hire an expert.
‪곧 입시라‬The entrance exam is just around the corner, so she's sensitive.
‪리사 예민해요‬The entrance exam is just around the corner, so she's sensitive.
‪그러니까 더 잘하는 사람을‬ ‪부리라고‬All the more reason why you should hire an expert.
‪[영선의 헛기침]‬
‪(영선) 무조건 엄마 손으로‬ ‪애 키우려는 것도‬Only those who have no money argue that kids need their mother's touch.
‪다 없는 사람들 얘기야‬Only those who have no money argue that kids need their mother's touch.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪아휴, 좋다‬That feels nice.
‪넌 참‬You sure are dexterous.
‪손으로 하는 건 다 잘해‬You sure are dexterous.
‪난 마사지사 부르는 거보다‬ ‪네가 하는 게 더 시원하더라‬I'd rather have you massage me than call a masseuse.
‪사람은‬We need to do what we're good at.
‪잘하는 걸 해야 돼‬We need to do what we're good at.
‪[만화 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(윤정) 어, 저기‬ ‪그건 조심하셔야 돼요‬Sir, be careful with that.
‪이번 작품들도 전부…‬Have all these paintings been--
‪전시 초반에 벌써 다 결정됐죠‬They were purchased at the beginning of the exhibition.
‪빨리 받고 싶어 하는‬ ‪구매자가 있어서‬Some of the buyers wanted them sooner, so we already sent out a few yesterday.
‪몇 점은 어제 미리 나갔고‬Some of the buyers wanted them sooner, so we already sent out a few yesterday.
‪저 작품은‬ ‪어떤 분이 구매하셨어요?‬Who bought that painting?
‪저도 좋아하는 작품이라‬That's one of my favorites,
‪어디에 걸릴지 궁금해서요‬so I'm just curious.
‪(정은) 이 분위기 어쩔 거야‬What's with this awkwardness?
‪[희주의 헛기침]‬
‪줘요‬Let me.
‪이번 전시‬Congratulations on the success of your exhibition.
‪성공적으로 마무리된 거‬ ‪축하드립니다‬Congratulations on the success of your exhibition.
‪(희주) 시간이 촉박해서‬ ‪아쉬웠는데‬It was unfortunate that I was in a rush.
‪대표님께서 도와주셔서‬ ‪잘 끝났어요‬But it went smoothly all thanks to you.
‪이번 연작들‬You know that your works will be hung
‪양진그룹 신사옥에‬ ‪걸리는 거 아시죠?‬You know that your works will be hung at Yangjin Group's new headquarters, right?
‪(정은) 좋은 위치에‬ ‪전시될 수 있도록‬I'll make sure they're displayed in the best spots.
‪제가 잘 말씀드릴게요‬I'll make sure they're displayed in the best spots.
‪네‬Thank you.
‪근데 이런 얘긴 저희끼리 따로…‬Maybe we can talk about this in private.
‪(정은) 아…‬
‪아, 내가 이래‬Silly me.
‪우 선생님 뵙기 전에‬I wanted you to see some of Mr. Woo's works before meeting him.
‪미리 자료 보고 가면‬ ‪좋을 거 같아 불러 놓곤‬I wanted you to see some of Mr. Woo's works before meeting him.
‪서 작가 위해서‬Let me thank you again for accepting this offer for Mr. Seo's sake.
‪이 제안 받아 준 거‬ ‪다시 한번 감사해요‬Let me thank you again for accepting this offer for Mr. Seo's sake.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[풍경이 울리는 소리]‬ ‪[영어 강의가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[아기 호수가 칭얼거린다]‬
‪(우재) 왜?‬What's wrong?
‪(희주) [작은 소리로]‬ ‪뭐라고 하는지 하나도 안 들려‬I can't understand a thing he's saying.
‪말이 안 통해도‬ ‪이해되는 게 그림인데, 뭐‬You don't have to understand language to understand art.
‪그냥 다 내 욕심이었어‬ ‪네 기회까지 뺏으면서‬It was selfish of me to steal your opportunity and pursue this.
‪난 좀 늦어도 돼‬I can wait.
‪젊잖아‬I'm still young.
‪[영어 강의가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[아기 호수의 울음]‬
‪[녹음기 버튼음]‬ ‪(우재) 호수야‬Ho-su.
‪[장난감이 딸랑거린다]‬Ho-su.
‪[아기 호수의 울음이 잦아든다]‬
‪[모빌이 딸랑거린다]‬
‪자자‬Go to sleep.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[모빌이 딸랑거린다]‬
‪(희주) 원래 우정효 선생님 작업에‬ ‪관심이 많았어요‬I've always been a fan of Mr. Woo's work.
‪누굴 위해서라든가‬ ‪다른 뜻은 없습니다‬I'm not doing this for anyone or doing you a favor.
‪(정은) 우 선생님은‬ ‪거기로 바로 오시겠다고 하니까‬Mr. Woo will be meeting us there,
‪제 차로 한 번에 움직이죠‬so let's all take my car.
‪갤러리까진 다시 모실게요‬I'll drop you off here again.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪(정은) 우정효 선생님이시고‬ ‪여기 정희주 작가님‬This is Mr. Woo Jeong-hyo. This is Ms. Jeong Hui-ju.
‪- (정효) 네, 반가워요‬ ‪- (정은) 여기‬-And this is -Hello.
‪- (희주) 네‬ ‪- (정은) 서우재 작가님이세요‬-And this is -Hello. Mr. Seo Woo-jae.
‪(정효) 수고했어요, 오느라‬Thank you for coming.
‪- (우재) 네‬ ‪- (정효) 자, 그럼 들어가 볼까요?‬Shall we go inside?
‪- (정은) 네‬ ‪- (희주) 예‬-Okay. -Okay.
‪[정은과 정효가 대화한다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[정효의 웃음]‬
‪(정효) 어때요?‬What do you think?
‪전시가 끝나면 사라질‬ ‪건물이라는 게 너무 아쉬워요‬It's a pity that this place will be demolished after the exhibition.
‪(정효) 그게 건축이 가진 한계죠‬That's the downside of architectural art.
‪다른 예술하곤 다르게‬It's different from other art.
‪사용하려고 만든 거라‬Since they're built for use,
‪결국엔 훼손되고‬they're bound to wear down and disappear.
‪사라질 수밖에 없는 운명이니까‬they're bound to wear down and disappear.
‪게다가 여긴 너무 방치됐어요‬Besides, this place has been abandoned for too long.
‪뭐든 오래 보려면‬To keep something for a long time, effort and sacrifice are needed.
‪노력과 희생이 필요한데‬To keep something for a long time, effort and sacrifice are needed.
‪맞아요‬You're right.
‪있는 것들을 지키는 게‬ ‪얼마나 힘든 일인지‬Now that I've grown older, I finally realize how hard it is
‪나이가 들수록 사무쳐요‬to protect what's already mine.
‪[정효의 웃음]‬
‪아직 한창이신데요, 뭐‬You're still very young though.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪- (정효) 자, 갑시다‬ ‪- 네‬-Let's go. -Okay.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(우재) 차 가지러 가신다고…‬She's getting her car.
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 열린다]‬
‪(해원) 대표님은 우 선생님‬ ‪모셔다드린다고 먼저 가셨어요‬Ms. Lee left first to drive Mr. Woo.
‪갤러리까지 이 차로 가시죠‬I'll drop you off at the gallery.
‪(실장) 아유, 지저분하네‬Gosh, it's so messy.
‪(직원1) 이쪽에 한 번 더 붙일게요‬ ‪[실장이 호응한다]‬-Let's put one here. -Sure.
‪- (직원2) 여기?‬ ‪- (실장) 어, 거기야, 거기‬-Up here? -Over there.
‪- (직원1) 위쪽에다 붙일까?‬ ‪- (직원2) 위쪽에다?‬-Up here? -Over there.
‪[직원들이 놀란다]‬ ‪(실장) 아! 깜짝이야‬My gosh!
‪- (일성) 당구장 건들지 마‬ ‪- (실장) 아, 아버님‬Don't touch my property. -Sir! Please calm down! -Leave.
‪(일성) 빨리 가‬ ‪건들지 말고 빨리 가, 빨리 가!‬ ‪[실장이 제지한다]‬-Sir! Please calm down! -Leave. -Sir! -Get away from here, you bastards!
‪[일성이 소리친다]‬ ‪(실장) 다쳐요, 아유, 그거 놓고‬ ‪그거 내려놔요‬-Sir! -Get away from here, you bastards! -You're going to hurt someone! -Leave!
‪내려놓고 말씀하세요‬ ‪아버님, 오…‬That's enough! Sir!
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪저희로선‬We've given you more than enough time.
‪충분히 시간을 드렸습니다‬We've given you more than enough time.
‪모든 조건을 거절하신 건‬ ‪아버님이시고요‬You're the one who rejected all our offers.
‪그깟 보상금 몇 푼으로?‬You mean that chump change?
‪어차피 다 죽은 상권‬ ‪여기서 버틴다고‬This area is pretty much dead. Holding out here won't bring it back to life, will it?
‪장사가 되는 건 아니지 않습니까‬Holding out here won't bring it back to life, will it?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪따님을 먼저 생각하시죠‬Think of your daughter.
‪재능 있는 친구입니다‬She's very talented.
‪(현성) 원하는 학교에‬ ‪갈 수 있도록‬Shouldn't you help her attend the school of her dreams?
‪아버님께서 좀 도와주셔야죠‬Shouldn't you help her attend the school of her dreams?
‪그러니까 못 나간다고‬That's exactly why I can't leave. If I leave, we'll die.
‪(일성) 여기서 나가면 다 죽어‬That's exactly why I can't leave. If I leave, we'll die.
‪다 죽는다고, 다 죽는다고!‬That's exactly why I can't leave. If I leave, we'll die. We'll all die!
‪여기서 버텨도 죽어요‬Hold out here, and you'll also die.
‪다 죽어‬We'll all die. We'll just all die.
‪죽어, 다 같이 죽어‬We'll all die. We'll just all die.
‪(일성) 죽어! 죽어, 죽어, 죽어‬Die!
‪답답하시면 히터 끌게요‬If it feels stuffy, I'll turn off the heater.
‪계속 잔기침하시던데‬You were dry coughing. It's cold out.
‪바람이 차요‬You were dry coughing. It's cold out.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪(해원) 어, 주영아‬ ‪선생님 운전 중인데, 왜?‬Hey, Ju-yeong. I'm driving right now. What is it?
‪(주영) [울먹이며] 쌤, 어떡해요?‬Ms. Gu, what should I do?
‪어떻게 알고 왔어?‬How did you know I was here?
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪내가 어떻게 안 게 중요해?‬Does that even matter right now?
‪왜 이렇게 된 건데?‬What happened?
‪괜찮아, 별거 아니야‬It's nothing.
‪(희주) 별게 아닌데‬How could you say that when you cut your forehead?
‪이마가 찢어져?‬How could you say that when you cut your forehead?
‪(형기) 아‬
‪CT상으론 문제없대요‬The CT scan came out fine.
‪상처 치료만 잘하면 됩니다‬He just needs to treat his wound.
‪(현성) 누나 말고 다른 의사한테‬ ‪진단서 끊죠‬Let's ask another doctor to treat me, not my sister.
‪뭐, 안 그래도 그렇게 했어‬I already did.
‪(형기) 하루는 입원해야‬ ‪우리한텐 유리할 거 같은데‬You need to be admitted for us to be at an advantage.
‪(현성) 해야죠‬I should do that.
‪보상안에 도장 찍기 전까지는‬I won't settle with him until he accepts the compensation.
‪합의는 없습니다‬I won't settle with him until he accepts the compensation.
‪보상안이 아니라‬ ‪손해 배상을 청구해야지‬Rather, you should demand compensation from him.
‪(형기) 그쪽에서‬ ‪빌고 나와야 될 거야‬He's at a disadvantage.
‪큐대를 들고 덤빈 거라‬This is a special assault case since he hit you with a cue stick.
‪특수 상해니까‬This is a special assault case since he hit you with a cue stick.
‪(현성) 괜찮아, 얼굴 펴‬I'm fine. You can relax.
‪별거 아니야, 일이야, 일‬It's just a work-related matter,
‪다 잘되고 있고‬and it's going well.
‪당신 설마…‬Honey, did you…
‪일부러 맞았어?‬get hit on purpose?
‪[밖에서 사이렌이 울린다]‬ ‪(일성) 설마 내가‬ ‪진짜 치려고 그랬겠어요?‬I wasn't going to actually hit him.
‪나, 난, 난 그냥 이렇게‬ ‪휘두르기만 한 건데‬I was just swinging it around,
‪자기가 와서 맞았다니까요‬ ‪자기가?‬but he approached me and got hit.
‪그랬대도 폭행한 사실이‬ ‪변하진 않아요, 아버님‬That still doesn't change the fact that you assaulted him.
‪(일성) 아, 그럼 영업 중인 가게에‬ ‪딱지를 붙였는데‬But how could I sit still and watch them post those notices?
‪그걸 그냥 가만히 보고 있습니까?‬But how could I sit still and watch them post those notices?
‪그걸 가만 보고 있어요, 그거를?‬How could I?
‪선생님이 그랬잖아요‬Remember what you told me?
‪절대 포기하지 말라고‬You said not to give up and that we had enough time.
‪서두를 거 없다고‬You said not to give up and that we had enough time.
‪근데 이렇게 갑작스레‬ ‪철거 명령을 내려요?‬So what is this sudden notice of demolition?
‪이게 말이 돼요, 이게?‬Does this make any sense to you? Of course not.
‪말이 안 되지, 이건‬Does this make any sense to you? Of course not.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪같이 집으로 가‬Take her to our house. She shouldn't be alone.
‪학생 혼자 두지 말고‬Take her to our house. She shouldn't be alone.
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪- 선배는?‬ ‪- (우재) 난 작업실 가 있으면 돼‬-What about you? -I can stay at the studio. Go on.
‪가‬Go on.
‪[차 문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬ ‪[장작이 타닥거린다]‬
‪[안내 음성] 연결이 되지 않아‬ ‪삐 소리 후 소리샘…‬Your call could not be made. After the tone…
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[인터폰이 울린다]‬
‪(관리인1) 사모님, 방문객입니다‬Ma'am, you have a visitor.
‪이 시간에요?‬At this hour?
‪(관리인1) 가방 전해 드리러‬ ‪오셨답니다‬He's here to give you your bag.
‪[희주가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(희주) 가방은요?‬Where's my bag?
‪(관리인1) 직접 전해 주시겠다고…‬Where's my bag? He wants to give it to you himself.
‪전화를 안 받으셔서요‬You weren't picking up, so…
‪대표님한테 여기 사신다고 들어서‬Ms. Lee gave me your address.
‪(우재) 전해 드리러 왔어요‬Here's your bag.
‪[가방을 툭 받는다]‬ ‪고마워요‬Thank you. Goodbye, then.
‪- 그럼‬ ‪- (우재) 저…‬Thank you. Goodbye, then. Wait.
‪그, 보려고 본 건 아닌데‬I wasn't meaning to look, but…
‪(우재) 혹시 이거‬Are these my sketches?
‪제가 그린 겁니까?‬Are these my sketches?
‪내가 그린 거죠?‬They are, aren't they?
‪[어두운 음악]‬Of course not.
‪무, 무슨…‬Of course not.
‪(희주) 그랬다면‬ ‪내가 갖고 있을 이유가 없죠‬If that was the case, why would I have them?
‪가 보세요‬Goodbye.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(관리인2) 방문객 보고드립니다‬There was a visitor.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪(우재) 그 친구는 어쩌고‬ ‪여기 와 있어?‬What are you doing here without the girl?
‪(해원) 피곤했는지 자‬She must've been tired. She's asleep.
‪선배는 어디 갔다 와?‬Where have you been?
‪정 작가님 가방 전해 드리러‬I went to give back Ms. Jeong's bag.
‪차에 두고 가셨는데‬She had left it in the car, and you had a lot on your mind.
‪넌 정신없을 거 같아서‬She had left it in the car, and you had a lot on your mind.
‪이 밤에?‬-At this hour? -I left it there.
‪그냥 집 앞에‬-At this hour? -I left it there.
‪관리실에 맡기고 왔어‬At the maintenance office.
‪아까 답사하면서 쓴 화구 가방이라‬She had brought it with her to the site, so I thought she'd need it.
‪필요하실 거 같았어‬She had brought it with her to the site, so I thought she'd need it.
‪정 작가님한테 신경 많이 쓰네?‬You seem to be quite concerned about her.
‪좋은 기회도 주셨고‬She provided me with a great opportunity.
‪같이 일하려면‬And since we'll be working together, we'll have to…
‪(우재) 아무래도…‬And since we'll be working together, we'll have to…
‪[해원이 봉투를 사락거린다]‬
‪(해원) 선배는 이것만 해‬You just need to fill this in. I'll take care of the rest.
‪다른 준비는 내가 다 해‬You just need to fill this in. I'll take care of the rest.
‪[무거운 음악]‬MARRIAGE VOW
‪주례를 부를 건 아니고‬There will be no officiant.
‪요샌 서로‬ ‪혼인 서약서만 읽어 준대‬They just read their vows nowadays.
‪왜, 싫어?‬What is it? Do you not want to?
‪그냥 나한텐 다 너무 갑자기라‬It's just all very sudden for me.
‪시간을 좀 주면 안 돼?‬Can you give me some time?
‪난 너무 오래 기다렸어‬I've waited way far too long.
‪이번엔 선배가 나한테 맞춰야지‬You should yield to me this time.
‪[문이 쓱 닫힌다]‬
‪주영 아버님이‬ ‪때릴 의도는 아니었단 거‬You know that Mr. Lee had no intention
‪알고 계시잖아요‬of harming you.
‪(해원) 합의 안 해 주시면‬ ‪나오기 힘들어요‬Please settle and let him out.
‪주영이 유일한 보호자예요‬He's Ju-yeong's sole guardian.
‪그쪽은 어차피 진다고 내가‬Didn't I already tell you that this was a losing game?
‪미리 말하지 않았어요?‬Didn't I already tell you that this was a losing game?
‪괜한 희망을 갖게‬ ‪만들지 말았어야죠‬You shouldn't have given him false hope.
‪(현성) 조용히 보상금 받고‬ ‪나왔어야 할 사람을‬And you're responsible for turning him
‪부질없이 투사로 만든 건‬ ‪그쪽 구 선생이고요‬into a fighter when he should've just taken the compensation.
‪예정된 기한을 당긴 건 재단이죠‬You're the one who rushed the process.
‪애초에 상가 전체 동의를‬ ‪받은 것도 아니고‬Not everyone in the building consented to this.
‪(해원) 임대인이 동의했어도‬ ‪임차인에게 충분한 시간을 줘야…‬Also, the tenants deserve some time even if the lessor consented--
‪(현성) 구 선생님‬Also, the tenants deserve some time even if the lessor consented-- Ms. Gu.
‪하나만 하시죠‬Make up your mind.
‪본인 가정을 지킬지‬Either protect your family
‪아니면 되도 않는‬ ‪사회 정의를 외칠지‬or put up a useless fight for justice.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(해원) 아, 이러면 안 되는데‬I shouldn't laugh.
‪이사님이 너무 이해가 돼서요‬But I can empathize with you.
‪다른 걸 망가뜨려서라도‬ ‪지키고 싶은 게 있는 마음‬You're willing to wreak havoc to protect something.
‪제가 정말 잘 알거든요‬I know how that feels.
‪그래도 이사님‬But sir,
‪더는 갈 곳 없는 사람들‬don't corner those who have nowhere else to go.
‪너무 몰아세우지 마세요‬don't corner those who have nowhere else to go.
‪전에 우리 할아버지가 그랬어요‬My grandfather once told me this.
‪나무는 뿌리가 박혀서‬ ‪도망칠 수 없으니까‬"Since trees are deeply rooted and can't flee,
‪침입자가 오면‬they emit reeking smells or poison
‪아주아주 불쾌한 냄새나‬they emit reeking smells or poison
‪독을 뿜어서 쫓아낸대요‬to scare their enemies away."
‪[영선의 어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪(영선) 야!‬Hey.
‪내 말 안 들리니?‬Did you not hear me?
‪네, 말씀하세요‬Fine. What is it?
‪[영선의 어이없는 웃음]‬
‪얘 봐라?‬Look at you.
‪남의 남자한테‬ ‪꼬리 치는 것도 모자라‬Not only are you a homewrecker, but you're brazen as well.
‪건방지기까지 하네?‬Not only are you a homewrecker, but you're brazen as well.
‪그건 저한테 하실 말씀은‬ ‪아닌 거 같은데요‬You should tell that to someone else.
‪(현성) 학교 일로 온 거예요‬ ‪다른 거 없어요‬We were just discussing school matters.
‪학교 일이면 학교에서‬ ‪해결을 했어야지!‬You should've discussed that at school.
‪(영선) 너 전에‬ ‪집에도 찾아왔었지?‬You even came to his house, didn't you?
‪이게 쪽팔린 줄도 모르고‬How shameless of you.
‪전 쪽팔릴 짓을 한 적이 없는데요‬I've never done anything shameful.
‪(영선) 어른이 말하는데 따박따박‬How dare you talk back to me?
‪야‬Hey. Did you grow up without any parents? Did you?
‪넌 부모도 없니? 없어?‬Hey. Did you grow up without any parents? Did you?
‪(해원) 네, 이렇게 경우 없는‬ ‪부모는 없습니다‬Yes. I never had impudent parents like you.
‪- 구 선생‬ ‪- (영선) 얘 이거 완전 막장이네‬-Ms. Gu. -You're a lost cause, aren't you?
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬-Ms. Gu. -You're a lost cause, aren't you?
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪- 그만 가세요‬ ‪- (해원) 막장이라니요, 사모님‬-You should go. -A lost cause?
‪그런 말 쉽게 하지 마세요‬You should watch what you say.
‪(해원) 탄광에서 사람들이‬ ‪목숨 걸고 일하는 데가 막장이야‬You should never be quick to judge someone like that.
‪목숨을 건다고, 알아요?‬Never. Got that?
‪너 지금 누굴 가르쳐!‬How dare you talk back?
‪그쪽이 말하는 천박한 막장 얘기는‬ ‪내가 아니라!‬I'm not the lost cause here. It's--
‪(희주) 어디서 행패야?‬What do you think you're doing?
‪나한테 하는 걸로는 모자라‬ ‪여기까지 와서 이래?‬Was pestering me not enough?
‪어머님, 들어가세요‬ ‪보는 눈 많아요‬Mother, go inside. People are watching.
‪(해원) 왜 피해요?‬ ‪내가 무슨 말 할지 무서워?‬Why do you want her to leave? Scared of what I'll say?
‪아니, 시간 낭비라서‬No, it's a waste of time.
‪네가 이래도 바뀌는 건‬ ‪아무것도 없어‬No matter what you do, nothing will change.
‪[가방이 툭 떨어진다]‬
‪[해원의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[난처한 숨소리]‬
‪죄송합니다‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬I'm sorry.
‪(우재) 죄송합니다, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪사과하지 마, 사과하지 마‬ ‪사과하지 마!‬Don't apologize!
‪- (해원) 사과하지 말라고!‬ ‪- (우재) 진정해‬Don't apologize!
‪(희주와 해원)‬ ‪- 어머님, 들어가세요, 어머님‬ ‪- 놔, 놔!‬-Let me go! -Mother, let's go. Please, Hae-won.
‪(우재) 제발‬Please, Hae-won.
‪[해원이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[해원이 울부짖는다]‬Let me go!
‪(현성) 이렇게 될까 봐‬ ‪병원을 옮기라고 한 겁니다‬This is exactly why I told you to change hospitals.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪왜 사과했어?‬-Why did you apologize? -Hae-won.
‪- (우재) 해원아‬ ‪- 선배는 내 편을 들었어야지‬-Why did you apologize? -Hae-won. You should've defended me.
‪(해원) 내가 미친년처럼‬ ‪군다고 해서‬Just because I acted like a crazy bitch doesn't mean I was wrong.
‪그게 내가‬ ‪잘못했단 얘기는 아니잖아‬Just because I acted like a crazy bitch doesn't mean I was wrong.
‪억울해서 그랬을 거란 생각은‬ ‪안 해 봤어?‬Did you not think that maybe I was the victim?
‪그럼 말을 했어야지‬ ‪소리만 지를 게 아니라‬Then you should've said so instead of yelling.
‪안 통하니까!‬I couldn't get through to them!
‪고상하게 말로 하면‬ ‪못 알아 처먹으니까‬They couldn't understand me when I was being nice.
‪너 이런 애 아니었잖아‬You weren't like this before.
‪[무거운 음악]‬Really?
‪난 내가 예전에 어땠는지‬ ‪기억 안 나‬I don't remember the person I used to be.
‪선배가 말해 봐‬So tell me.
‪난 어떤 사람이었어?‬What was I like?
‪(희주) 이이 말이 맞아요, 어머님‬He's right, Mother.
‪어제 일로‬ ‪합의해 달라고 온 거예요‬She wanted him to settle yesterday's incident.
‪어머님이 생각하시는‬ ‪그런 일 아닙니다‬It's not what you think it is.
‪그랬다면 제가 먼저 알았을 거예요‬If that was the case, I would've caught on.
‪여자가 작정하고 달려들면‬All men are bound to be seduced if a woman sets her mind to it.
‪안 넘어갈 남자 없어‬All men are bound to be seduced if a woman sets her mind to it.
‪(영선) 걔가 너한테‬ ‪애살거리는 걸 봐서 하는 소리야‬I'm only saying this because of her attitude towards you.
‪너 조심해‬You better be careful.
‪내가 바람이라면‬ ‪아주 지긋지긋한 사람이야‬I'm absolutely sick and tired of affairs.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(동미) 야, 네 남편 세컨드 폰‬Your husband mainly used that phone to make international calls.
‪통화 내역이‬ ‪죄다 외국 번호라는데?‬Your husband mainly used that phone to make international calls.
‪(동미) 우리가 봐서 뭐 알겠어?‬That's all that we know.
‪이따 톡으로 보낼 테니까‬ ‪네가 확인해‬I'll text the call records to you, so check later.
‪응, 고마워‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬Okay. Thanks.
‪왜 그래요?‬What's wrong?
‪[상호가 짐을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪맞았어요?‬Did someone hit you?
‪- 티 나요?‬ ‪- (상호) 누구한테?‬-Does it show? -Who was it?
‪다시 만난다는 그…‬That guy you're seeing again?
‪하, 설마요‬No.
‪그렇게 하찮은 인간이면‬ ‪기다리지도 않았어요‬I wouldn't have waited for him if he were that kind of man.
‪(상호) 그러면‬Then was it…
‪저번에 여기서…‬that woman from before?
‪때린 건 그 사람인데‬She's the one who hit me,
‪화는 왜 선배한테 나는지‬ ‪모르겠어요‬but I'm more upset with Woo-jae.
‪원래 가까운 사람한테‬ ‪더 많이 화내게 돼요‬We tend to be more upset with those we are close with.
‪헤어졌다가 다시 만나게 되면‬They say when a couple gets back together,
‪결국‬there's a higher chance that they'll break up again.
‪또다시 헤어질 확률이 높다잖아요‬there's a higher chance that they'll break up again.
‪에이, 그런 숫자 놀음 의미 없어요‬Come on. Statistics don't matter.
‪헤어질 사람은‬ ‪온 나라가 도와줘도 헤어지고‬Those who are bound to break up are destined to do so.
‪잘되는 사람은‬Then there are those
‪서로 조심하니까‬ ‪더 돈독해지는 거고‬who become more cautious and never break up again.
‪어느 쪽일지 궁금하다‬I wonder which one it'll be.
‪해원 씨야‬Aren't you seeing him again
‪더 잘되려고 만나는 거잖아요‬so you can work things out?
‪저 말고 다른 쪽이요‬I'm talking about them, not me.
‪(상호) 예?‬What?
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪선배가 떠났을 때‬When Woo-jae left me,
‪내가 제일 많이 들은 말이요‬this is what I heard most about me.
‪'고작 남자 하나 때문에'‬"It was just a guy."
‪'그렇게 젊은데'‬"She's a fool…
‪'그깟 남자 하나 때문에‬ ‪인생 포기한 바보 같은 년'‬for letting a guy ruin her entire life."
‪'자기가 뭘 잘못했겠지'‬"She must've done something wrong."
‪[상호의 한숨]‬
‪제대로 모르는 사람들이‬Those who don't know the story
‪더 크게 떠들어요‬gossip the most.
‪알면 안 그래, 아니, 못 그래‬If they did, they could never do that.
‪맞아요‬If they did, they could never do that. You're right.
‪남들한텐 그깟 남자 하나가‬He may have just been "a guy" to them,
‪나한텐 친구고 애인이고‬but to me, he was a friend, lover,
‪세상이고 우주인 걸 모르니까‬the world, and the universe.
‪그래서 당한 건 난데‬I was the victim,
‪한심하다고 욕을 먹는 것도‬ ‪나였어요‬but they criticized me for being a fool.
‪너무하잖아‬That's so harsh.
‪그래서 그 사람들도‬So I hope
‪나처럼 좀 힘들었으면 좋겠어요‬they'll go through what I've been through.
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪- (리사) 진짜야?‬ ‪- (현성) 어?‬-Is it true? -What?
‪이주영 아빠가 그런 거 진짜냐고‬Did Ju-yeong's dad really do that?
‪(현성) 저기, 리사야‬Li-sa. I'm sorry, but you should stop hanging out with her for the time being.
‪미안한데 당분간 주영이하고‬ ‪거리를 좀 두자‬Li-sa. I'm sorry, but you should stop hanging out with her for the time being.
‪이주영 아빠 감옥 가?‬Will he go to jail?
‪아직 확실하게 정해진 건 없어‬Nothing is certain yet.
‪그럼 주영이는?‬What will happen to Ju-yeong?
‪그 친구‬She'll be staying with Ms. Gu, so don't worry about her.
‪구해원 선생님하고 같이 있으니까‬ ‪너무 걱정하지 말고‬She'll be staying with Ms. Gu, so don't worry about her.
‪아빠 좀 쉴게‬I need to rest.
‪(리사) 아빠‬Dad.
‪어쩌다 그런 건데? 어?‬What happened? Tell me.
‪왜 말 안 해 줘?‬Why won't you tell me?
‪(현성) 아빠 괜찮아‬ ‪리사, 밥 먹었어?‬I'm fine. Have you eaten dinner yet?
‪(리사) 갑자기?‬I'm fine. Have you eaten dinner yet? What? Don't change the subject.
‪말 돌리지 마‬What? Don't change the subject.
‪[여권을 사락 넘긴다]‬
‪[편안한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪원래 결혼식 준비하다가‬ ‪많이 싸우고 그러잖아요‬Couples often fight while planning their wedding.
‪(정연) 그러니까요‬ ‪진짜 쓸데없는 걸로 많이 싸워‬Exactly. They fight over the most trivial things.
‪근데도 그걸 꼭 해야겠니?‬Do you really have to have a wedding?
‪자기도 못 해 봤으면서‬Not like you've had one before.
‪[정연의 헛기침]‬
‪어쨌든‬Anyway, men aren't attracted to clingy women.
‪남자는 자기한테‬ ‪매달리는 여자보다는‬Anyway, men aren't attracted to clingy women.
‪자기 없이도 혼자 잘 먹고‬ ‪잘 살 것 같은 여자한테 더 끌려‬They find independent ones more alluring.
‪사장님은 결혼식 때 어땠는지‬ ‪기억나요?‬Do you remember how you felt on your wedding day?
‪(상호) 힘들고 귀찮고‬I was exhausted, and it was a hassle.
‪그래도 하는 게 낫죠‬But you should try it out to realize that it's nothing special.
‪해 봐야 별거 없다는 것도 알고‬But you should try it out to realize that it's nothing special.
‪거봐‬See? He has experience and says it's nothing special.
‪해 본 사람도 별거 없다잖아‬See? He has experience and says it's nothing special.
‪(상호) 아니, 뭐‬ ‪결혼 생활이라는 게‬I'm just saying,
‪뭐 그리 대단한 사랑, 행복‬ ‪그런 걸로 유지되는 게 아니라‬married life isn't all about some magnificent love or happiness.
‪아무리 지지리 볶아도‬It's about sticking with each other through thick and thin.
‪뭐든 같이하면서 쌓여야‬ ‪역사가 된다‬It's about sticking with each other through thick and thin.
‪뭐, 그런 얘기죠‬That's what I mean.
‪[정연의 한숨]‬
‪다 나보다 잘났네, 응‬Fine, you're all better than me.
‪내가 뭘 해 봤어야 알지‬Like I know anything.
‪엄마도 같이 해야지‬You'll be a part of it. I can't do it alone.
‪결혼식 혼자 해?‬You'll be a part of it. I can't do it alone.
‪(해원) 일단 옷부터 맞춰‬ ‪좋은 걸로‬First, get a nice outfit.
‪(정연) 아유, 싫어‬ ‪난 한복 딱 질색이야‬No. I hate hanbok.
‪어깨 각져서‬ ‪목만 짧아 보인단 말이야‬The stiff shoulders make my neck look short.
‪[해원의 한숨]‬Then you can wear a dress too.
‪그럼 엄마도 드레스 입어‬Then you can wear a dress too.
‪드레스?‬A dress?
‪격식 차릴 거 아니니까‬ ‪엄마 입고 싶은 거 입어‬It won't be formal, so wear whatever you want.
‪[정연의 설레는 신음]‬
‪어유, 야, 진짜?‬Gosh, are you serious? Can I really do that?
‪아, 진짜, 진짜 나 그래도 돼? 어?‬Gosh, are you serious? Can I really do that?
‪[정연의 웃음]‬
‪(정연) 아, 그럼 나야 좋지‬I'd love that.
‪[정연의 웃음]‬I'd love that.
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(민서) 병원이 떠나가라 싸웠다며‬I heard there was a ruckus at the hospital.
‪우리 아버지‬My father only cheated once. Just once.
‪딱 한 번이었어, 딱 한 번‬My father only cheated once. Just once.
‪근데 엄마가 어떻게 했는지 알지?‬And you know what my mother did, right?
‪엄마 밑에서‬ ‪몇십 년을 노예처럼 살다‬He lived like her slave for decades.
‪은퇴하시면서 이제 할 만큼 했으니‬ ‪놔 달라고 하셨어‬When he retired, he said he'd done enough and asked for a divorce.
‪난 아버지도 이해해‬I empathized with him. He really did enough.
‪정말 할 만큼 하셨거든‬I empathized with him. He really did enough.
‪근데 엄마한텐‬But she didn't budge an inch.
‪할 만큼 했다는 말은‬ ‪씨알도 안 먹혔어‬But she didn't budge an inch.
‪결국 아버지는 돌아가실 때까지‬ ‪감옥살이‬He lived like a prisoner until his last breath.
‪배신감은 정말‬I guess the wound of betrayal lasts a lifetime.
‪평생 가나 봐‬I guess the wound of betrayal lasts a lifetime.
‪그 얘길 지금 왜…‬Why are you bringing that up here?
‪우리 엄마‬My mom will never condone cheating
‪아무리 제 자식이라도‬My mom will never condone cheating
‪바람피우는 꼴은 못 보니까‬ ‪걱정 말라고‬even if it's her own son, so don't worry.
‪걱정 안 해요‬ ‪전 리사 아빠 믿어요, 형님‬I don't. I trust Hyeon-seong.
‪너무 확신하진 말고‬Don't be so sure, though.
‪(민서) 저 혼자 보는 일기장에도‬ ‪거짓말하는 게 사람이잖아‬After all, we even lie in our diaries.
‪[아파하는 신음]‬After all, we even lie in our diaries.
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry. Your measurements changed, so I had to adjust them.
‪(직원3) 치수가 바뀌셔서‬ ‪다시 조정하느라…‬I'm sorry. Your measurements changed, so I had to adjust them.
‪(희주) 어, 괜찮아요‬ ‪[문이 탁 열린다]‬I'm fine.
‪(정연) [놀라며] 어머‬ ‪원단 고급진 거 봐, 어머‬Goodness. Look at the quality of these clothes. For heaven's sake.
‪[정연의 놀란 숨소리]‬Look at the quality of these clothes. For heaven's sake.
‪와, 세상에‬Look at the quality of these clothes. For heaven's sake.
‪어머, 야‬Oh, my. It's that crazy bitch from before.
‪그때 봤던 그 미친년이다‬Oh, my. It's that crazy bitch from before.
‪안녕하세요, 선생님‬ ‪여기서 뵙네요‬Hello, Dr. An. What a surprise running into you here.
‪그러게요? 여긴 어떻게…‬It is. What brings you here?
‪정 작가님이 여기서‬ ‪옷 맞추신다는 얘기 들었거든요‬I heard Ms. Jeong gets her dresses fitted here.
‪(해원) 이번 전시회 때‬ ‪입으신 옷이 너무 예뻐서요‬I loved the outfit she wore for her exhibition.
‪저도 좋은 날‬ ‪제대로 입어 보려고요‬So I came to get a dress here for a special occasion.
‪[희주가 살짝 웃는다]‬Can I have a cup of tea, please?
‪(희주) 차 한 잔 주시겠어요?‬Can I have a cup of tea, please?
‪좋은 날? 무슨, 아!‬What kind of special--
‪(민서) 여기 핀 좀 다 빼요‬Take out all the pins.
‪(직원3) 어, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪병원에서 그 소란을 피워 놓고‬After yesterday's commotion, you still want my blessing?
‪축하를 해 달라?‬After yesterday's commotion, you still want my blessing?
‪그날 일은 신경 쓰지 마세요‬Please don't take to heart what happened that day.
‪얼굴 맞는 건‬ ‪얼마든지 참을 수 있어요‬I can forgive you for slapping my face.
‪뒤통수치는 게 문제지‬But not for stabbing me in the back.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪저도 언니처럼 하려고요‬I want to be like you, Hui-ju.
‪(해원) 언니는 어쩜‬ ‪그렇게 아무렇지 않은 척‬I wondered how you could pretend…
‪아니, 아무 일도 없었던 것처럼‬ ‪편하게 지낼 수 있을까‬No, live as if nothing ever happened.
‪생각해 봤거든요‬I gave it some thought.
‪죄책감을 버리면 되더라고요‬You just have to let go of the guilt.
‪죄책감, 미안함‬Once you let go of that guilt and become unapologetic,
‪그런 걸 다 버리니까‬Once you let go of that guilt and become unapologetic,
‪이렇게 뻔뻔해져요‬you become shameless.
‪언니처럼‬Just like you.
‪꼭 오세요, 언니‬Please come.
‪(동미) 아일랜드?‬In Ireland?
‪(희주) 아, 재단에서‬His foundation has an overseas business department,
‪해외 사업 팀을 운영하는데‬ ‪다 그쪽 관련 번호였어‬His foundation has an overseas business department, and all the numbers were from there.
‪거기에 여자가 있을지 어떻게 알아‬What if he has a mistress in Ireland?
‪(동미) 현지처란 말 못 들어 봤어?‬International lovers do exist.
‪직접 전화해서 확인해‬Call the number and check for yourself.
‪너 그 얘기 해 주려고‬ ‪여기까지 온 거야?‬You came all the way here to tell me that?
‪음, 겸사겸사?‬That and something else.
‪[동미의 웃음]‬
‪하, 얘 진짜 뭐니?‬ ‪날 몇 번 봤다고‬What's her deal? We barely know each other.
‪[동미의 어이없는 숨소리]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(동미) 직접 찾아와서 전해 주는데‬She gave this to me in person,
‪왜 이렇게까지 하는지‬ ‪궁금해지긴 하더라‬and I couldn't help but wonder why she was going that far.
‪나도 받았어‬She gave one to me too.
‪미친년‬What a lunatic. Are you going?
‪갈 거야?‬What a lunatic. Are you going?
‪(동미) 자기 친구들이 아니라‬ ‪다 네 지인들 초대한 거 아니야?‬What if she invited your friends instead of hers out of vengeance?
‪너 엿 먹으라고?‬your friends instead of hers out of vengeance?
‪그렇게 원하던 결혼식을?‬She dreamed of this wedding, so I doubt she'd want to ruin it.
‪망치려고 작정한 것도 아니고‬She dreamed of this wedding, so I doubt she'd want to ruin it.
‪(동미) 하긴‬That's true.
‪그래도 너 긴장 좀 해‬Still, you should be on your toes
‪이거 다 지키려면‬if you want to keep all of this.
‪(해원) 주영이 아버님 당구장은‬COMPLAINT LETTER PLAINTIFF: LEE IL-SEONG We're going to argue
‪태림예고 정화 구역 내에‬ ‪해당하지 않는다고 주장할 겁니다‬that his billiard hall isn't included on the school site.
‪그럼 실측을‬ ‪다시 하셔야 할 거고요‬Then you'll have to measure the area once again.
‪(현성) 구 선생‬Ms. Gu.
‪아니, 구해원 씨‬Hae-won.
‪엄밀히 말하면‬Strictly speaking, it's not even a part of the school.
‪학교 구역이라고 볼 수도 없죠‬Strictly speaking, it's not even a part of the school.
‪갤러리 부지가 되는 거니까요‬It'll be a part of the gallery.
‪왜 이렇게 에너지를 낭비합니까?‬Why waste your energy on this?
‪(해원) 1심에서 지면‬ ‪항소할 겁니다‬If we lose, we'll appeal.
‪시간도 무기가 될 수 있으니까요‬At least that'll help us buy some time.
‪[잔을 잘그락 들며] 좋아요‬ ‪보상금이라면 다시 협상하고‬Fine. If the compensation is the problem, we can renegotiate--
‪합의부터 해 주세요‬Let him out first.
‪아무리 개차반이라도‬He may be a mess,
‪아직 주영이한텐‬ ‪보호자가 필요해요‬but Ju-yeong still needs a guardian.
‪(해원) 부탁드립니다‬Please.
‪아, 그리고‬And please tell Hui-ju I said thanks.
‪언니한테 저 대신‬ ‪인사 좀 전해 주세요‬And please tell Hui-ju I said thanks.
‪이번 프로젝트‬I'm truly grateful
‪선배하고 같이 해 주셔서‬that she decided to work with Woo-jae on the project.
‪대단히 감사하다고‬that she decided to work with Woo-jae on the project.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(최 변호사) 이정은 대표가‬ ‪사모님께 먼저 제안했답니다‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬Ms. Lee proposed the offer to your wife first.
‪건축가 우정효 선생은‬It was Mr. Woo's third collaboration with Hwain Gallery.
‪화인 갤러리와 세 번째 컬래버인데‬It was Mr. Woo's third collaboration with Hwain Gallery.
‪서우재 씨를 추천한 것도 역시‬ ‪이 대표입니다‬She was also the one who recommended Mr. Seo.
‪사모님 입장에선‬ ‪거절하기 어려웠을 겁니다‬I'm sure your wife was pressured into accepting the offer.
‪- 오실 때 됐죠?‬ ‪- (최 변호사) 네‬Will he be here soon? Yes, sir.
‪(최 변호사) 이 대표의 독주가‬ ‪반갑지 않은 평론가 중에‬Among the critics who disapprove of Ms. Lee's success,
‪가장 영향력 있는 분입니다‬he's the most influential one.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪처음 뵙겠습니다, 어서 오시죠‬Welcome. It's nice to meet you.
‪(현성) 갤러리에서‬ ‪패키지를 잘 만들어서‬The gallery sugarcoats rookie artists and help them gain fame?
‪신인 작가의 명성을 올린다?‬The gallery sugarcoats rookie artists and help them gain fame?
‪그렇게 부풀려진다는 게‬ ‪작가한테도‬I'm sure that can't always be in the artists' best interest.
‪좋기만 한 건 아니지 않습니까‬I'm sure that can't always be in the artists' best interest.
‪있는 그대로만 써 주시죠‬You can just state the facts.
‪그것만으로도 충분합니다‬That'll be enough.
‪(정효) 서 작가가‬"FABRICATED" ROOKIE ARTISTS IN THE ART COMMUNITY Didn't you say Mr. Seo was well-received among the critics?
‪평론가들 사이에서‬Didn't you say Mr. Seo was well-received among the critics?
‪평이 좋다지 않았어요?‬Didn't you say Mr. Seo was well-received among the critics?
‪아직 시작도 안 한 프로젝트에‬ ‪이렇게까지 초를 치나?‬How could they bash a project that has yet to be launched?
‪(윤정) 걱정이긴 해요‬This is a problem.
‪박재관 평론가‬Park Jae-gwan is the operation director of Korea Art Week
‪이번 코리아 아트 위크‬ ‪운영 위원장이기도 하고‬Park Jae-gwan is the operation director of Korea Art Week
‪편집자로 있는 '아티클'도‬and the editor of ARTicle,
‪컬렉터들 사이에선‬ ‪가장 권위 있는 매체라‬the most influential journal among art collectors.
‪그런 매체에서‬For such a powerful journal to dedicate an entire page
‪일개 신인 작가에게‬For such a powerful journal to dedicate an entire page
‪이렇게 페이지를‬ ‪할애하면서까지 깐다는 건‬to criticize a rookie artist must mean that they're very much interested in him.
‪(정은) 그만큼‬ ‪관심 있단 뜻 아닐까요?‬to criticize a rookie artist must mean that they're very much interested in him.
‪'업계 순위를 다투는 갤러리'‬"An exhibition by one of the top art galleries
‪(희주) '대중적‬ ‪인지도가 있는 작가'‬alongside a popular artist…"
‪저, 이거 저겠죠?‬This must be me.
‪'유수의 상을 수상한‬ ‪유명 건축가가 함께하는'‬"And an architect who received an outstanding award."
‪'그들만의 전시'‬ ‪[정효의 웃음]‬"And an architect who received an outstanding award."
‪결국 부럽다는 거네요‬They're just envious.
‪그냥 배알이 꼴린다는 걸‬ ‪그럴싸하게 써 놓은 거잖아요‬They're just criticizing us because they're jealous.
‪뭐 하나 자기 손으로‬ ‪만들어 보지 않았으니까‬They can only be so quick to judge
‪이렇게 쉽게 섣불리 판단하고‬ ‪재단하는 거죠‬They can only be so quick to judge because they've never created art themselves.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(정효) 아‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(우재) 제가 늦었습니까?‬Am I late?
‪(정은) 아니요‬Not at all. We just came early. Have a seat, Mr. Seo.
‪저희가 일찍 왔어요‬ ‪앉아요, 작가님‬Not at all. We just came early. Have a seat, Mr. Seo.
‪- (윤정) 작가님‬ ‪- 예‬Here.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[정효의 웃음]‬
‪(정효) 날씨가 고약하네요‬What terrible weather.
‪(희주) 예, 아직 바람이‬ ‪많이 붑니다‬You're right. It's still very windy.
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪(우재) 저 먼저 가 보겠습니다‬You're right. It's still very windy. Please excuse me.
‪[문이 탁 열린다]‬
‪[똑똑 노크한다]‬
‪[바람이 세차게 분다]‬
‪(직원4) 사고네요‬It was an accident.
‪이건 천재지변이라‬ ‪저희가 해 드릴 수 있는 게…‬There's nothing we can do about natural disasters.
‪할 수 없죠‬That's okay. It's not like accidents happen with a warning.
‪사고가 예고하고 나는 건 아니니까‬That's okay. It's not like accidents happen with a warning.
‪[장작이 타닥거린다]‬
‪저거 제가 심은 나무예요‬I planted that tree.
‪(우재) 여기 저희 아버지가‬ ‪쓰던 작업실이에요‬This used to be my father's studio.
‪유일한 유산이라고 해야 되나?‬It's my only inheritance.
‪저 자리에‬There used to be a very old tree in its place.
‪정말 오래된 나무가 있었는데‬There used to be a very old tree in its place.
‪저 어릴 때 그 큰 나무가‬ ‪벼락을 맞고 쓰러졌어요‬But when I was young, it was struck by lightning.
‪그때 처음으로‬ ‪아버지가 우는 걸 봤고‬That was the first time I'd seen my father cry.
‪어디가 웃는 포인트예요?‬But why are you smiling?
‪아버지도 울 줄 아는‬ ‪사람이라는 게‬I was happy to know
‪기뻤어요‬that he could cry too.
‪(우재) 그래서‬ ‪그 나무 뽑은 자리에‬That's why I planted a new tree in the same spot.
‪제가 다시 심은 건데‬That's why I planted a new tree in the same spot.
‪또 이렇게 됐다는 게 참…‬But I can't believe it died as well.
‪그럼 나무를 잘못 심은 거 같은데‬Maybe you picked the wrong tree.
‪저거 옻나무잖아‬That's a Chinese lacquer tree.
‪(희주) 옻나무는 다른 나무들처럼‬Unlike others, Chinese lacquer trees don't become magnificent as they age.
‪수령이 오래될수록‬ ‪근사해지는 나무가 아니에요‬Unlike others, Chinese lacquer trees don't become magnificent as they age.
‪가지도 성겨지고 말라서‬The branches become thin,
‪빈약하게 늙어 버려요‬and they wither away.
‪그런 모습 보이기 전에‬Perhaps it's best for them
‪저렇게 쓰러져 버리는 게 나을지도‬to meet their fate before they turn out that way.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪그런데 그 수액으론‬But their sap leaves behind beautiful works of art.
‪또 정말 아름다운‬ ‪예술품을 남기니까‬But their sap leaves behind beautiful works of art.
‪재밌는 나무죠‬They're quite fascinating.
‪왜요?‬What is it?
‪화를 안 내실 땐‬So this is how you sound
‪이런 목소리구나‬when you're not upset.
‪목소리 좋아요‬You have a lovely voice.
‪[우재가 장작을 달그락거린다]‬
‪(희주) 왜 그렇게 봐요?‬Why are you staring at me?
‪(우재) 궁금해서요‬Because you're fascinating.
‪눈이 간지러울 때‬ ‪긁지 않고 찡그리는 거 알아요?‬Do you know you frown instead of scratching them when your eyes are itchy?
‪뭐가 마음에 안 들면‬ ‪계속 귀 만지던데‬You touch your ears if you're not happy with your work.
‪피곤하면 금방 입술 옆이‬ ‪부풀어 오르고‬And your lips swell when you're tired.
‪그만 좀 놀려요, 전에도…‬Stop teasing me. Last time…
‪(우재) 아름답다 그런 거?‬When I said you were beautiful?
‪그거 진짠데‬I meant it.
‪아줌마한테‬ ‪그런 말 하는 거 아니에요‬Don't you know I'm married?
‪왜 안 돼요?‬So?
‪(우재) 결혼을 했든 아이가 있든‬Being married or having kids
‪그게 정희주 씨의‬ ‪아름다움을 해치는 건 아닌데‬doesn't affect your beauty.
‪그런 거 나이 들면‬ ‪다 사라져요, 쓸모없어‬It all disappears with age. It becomes useless.
‪아름다움은 사라지지 않아요‬Beauty doesn't disappear.
‪달라지는 거지‬It just changes.
‪저 이만 가 볼게요‬I should get going.
‪(우재) 아…‬
‪아까 고마웠습니다‬Thank you for what you said back there.
‪평론가들 얘기‬ ‪신경 쓸 거 없다고 생각했는데‬I was going to just ignore what critics say.
‪괜히 센 척했나 봐요‬But it wasn't that easy.
‪작가님이 아까‬ ‪해 주신 말 들으니까 좋더라고요‬Your words were comforting.
‪내 편 들어 준 거 같아서‬It felt like you were defending me.
‪[바람이 세차게 분다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[그릇을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[약봉지를 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪[컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[약봉지를 부스럭거린다]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(여자1) [영어]‬ ‪태림 헬스케어입니다‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(여자2) 아일랜드 한인회‬ ‪사무실입니다‬CUSTOMER NAME: AN HYEON-SEONG
‪(여자3) [한국어]‬ ‪아일랜드 한인회입니다‬This is the Ireland Korean Association.
‪(여자4) [영어] 성 스테판 재단‬ ‪더블린 지사입니다‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪무엇을 도와드릴까요?‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(남자) 슬라이고 병원 MRD입니다‬
‪무엇을 도와드릴까요?‬
‪"슬라이고 병원"‬
‪"더블린 공항‬ ‪2018년 3월 16일"‬
‪(남자) 신원 미상 환자분은‬
‪교통사고로‬ ‪3월 16일에 입원했습니다‬
‪병원비는 태림재단이 지불했습니다‬ ‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪(구급대원) 교통사고가 있었어요‬ ‪호흡이 좋지 않습니다‬
‪과다 출혈에‬ ‪심장 박동 수는 40 정도입니다‬
‪호흡은 28, 혈압은 84에 50입니다‬
‪(의사) 네, 바로 수술 들어갈게요‬
‪혈액 충분히 확보해 주세요‬
‪(희주) [한국어] 다행히 그이에게‬ ‪여자는 없었다‬Thankfully, he wasn't having an affair.
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪(현성) '낭떠러지 아래로는‬ ‪아득히 강물이 흐르고 있었죠'‬"A long river was flowing below the cliff."
‪'푸른 오지를 가로질러‬ ‪콸콸 흘러가는 강물이'‬"The rushing river pierced through the farmland."
‪'햇빛에 반짝거렸어요'‬"It glistened underneath the sunlight."
‪[현성이 동화책을 읽는다]‬"The mountains in the sky…"
‪(희주) 살아서도‬ ‪지옥인 세상에 대해 생각한다‬Though alive, I think of the world as hell.
‪나의 지옥은‬To me, hell is…
‪가장 믿어야 할 사람을‬ ‪믿지 못하는 것‬not being able to trust the person that I should the most.
‪[까마귀 울음]‬
‪[희주의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[고풍스러운 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(정연) 보정발 아니야?‬This has to be photoshopped.
‪근데 실물은 어디 있는 거야, 응?‬Where in the world are they?
‪[사람들이 대화한다]‬-Hey. -You're so pretty.
‪(광모) 이제 와서‬ ‪이게 다 뭔 짓인가 했더니‬-Hey. -You're so pretty. I thought it was ridiculous to have the wedding now.
‪너 차린 모습 보니 좋다‬But it sure makes me happy to see you in a wedding dress.
‪사람들이‬This must be why people have weddings.
‪이러는 덴 다 이유가 있었네‬This must be why people have weddings.
‪내려가서‬We should
‪동네잔치라도 해야…‬hold a party when we go back.
‪(정연) 어머머‬Goodness. Dad.
‪아버지, 이렇게 좋은 날‬ ‪우는 거 아니야, 촌스럽게, 아유‬Goodness. Dad. You shouldn't cry on such a happy day. Don't be silly.
‪(광모) 넌 이게 뭐냐‬ ‪철딱서니 없이‬Why are you dressed so immaturely?
‪아, 네가 결혼하니?‬It's not your wedding.
‪(정연) 그래도 이쁘지?‬Don't I still look pretty?
‪[정연의 웃음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬MARRIAGE VOW
‪[볼펜을 달칵거린다]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(직원5) 이제 옷‬ ‪갈아입으셔야 합니다‬You should get changed now.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(해원) 언니는 내가‬ ‪뭘 알고 있는지‬You must not be interested in what I know.
‪궁금하지 않은가 봐요?‬You must not be interested in what I know.
‪[사람들이 대화한다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[희주의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(해원) 나는‬I wanted to display my misfortune.
‪나의 불행을 전시하고 싶었다‬I wanted to display my misfortune.
‪내가 누구로 인해‬I wanted everyone to know
‪무엇을 잃었는지‬what I lost
‪모두에게‬and to whom.
‪(해원) 언니도 왔었구나‬ ‪내 결혼식에‬So you came to my wedding after all.
‪(희주) 사고 칠 거 같아서‬ ‪도망쳤거든‬I ran away because I thought I would cause trouble.
‪(영선) 그 둘이‬ ‪뭐로 더럽게 엮인지나 알아봐‬Find out what those two are caught up in.
‪(희주) 너 내 남편하곤‬ ‪무슨 작당을 하는 거야?‬What did you talk about with my husband?
‪(해원) 그게 이제야 궁금해요?‬Now you're interested?
‪(리사) 핸드폰 내놔‬Give me your phone.
‪[리사가 울부짖는다]‬
‪아깝다‬Too bad. It could have been interesting.
‪더 재밌을 수도 있었는데‬Too bad. It could have been interesting.
‪(우재) 내가 돌아온 게‬ ‪너한테 좋은 일일까?‬Was it a good thing for me to come back?
‪보고 싶습니다‬I want to see you.
‪(희주) 거기선 이렇게‬ ‪숨어서 만날 필요 없어‬We don't have to hide like this over there.
‪우리가 왜 숨어야 하죠?‬Why do we have to hide?
‪(우재) 저한테 거짓말하셨죠?‬You lied to me.
‪(희주) 기억이…‬Do you

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