좋아하면 울리는 S2.1
Love Alarm S2.1
[KOR-ENG Dual sub]
(조조) 너는 다시 | There's no way |
돌아올 리 없는데 | you'll come back, |
나는 아직 | but I still wait |
그 갈대숲에 혼자 남아 있다 | alone in the field of reeds. |
모든 게 다 | Was it all |
내 잘못인 걸까? | my fault? |
[새가 지저귄다] | |
(몬순) [작은 소리로] 뭐 해, 늦었어 | Come on, we're late. |
[밝은 음악] - (몬순) 빨리빨리, 빨리빨리 - 어, 알았어 | Hurry. Come on. Okay. |
(몬순) 어? 어, 안녕 | My gosh, I'm sorry. |
어? | |
- (몬순) 또 봐 - (남학생1) 가 | -See you. -Sure. |
- (조조) 늦은 거 아니야? - (몬순) 몇 시인데? | Aren't we late? What time is it? |
(조조) 빨리, 빨리 | |
[학생들이 시끌벅적하다] | |
(조조) 아, 다행이다 아직 교수님 안 오셨나 봐 | Thank goodness. The professor isn't here yet. |
(몬순) 센스 있으셔, 숨 고를 시간도 주고 | He's cool. He's giving us time to catch our breath. |
[거친 숨소리] | |
[좋알람 작동음] | |
[저마다 대화를 나눈다] | |
(몬순) 역시 예상했던 바야 | Yes. I knew it. |
뭐가? | What? |
여기 있는 남자들 | All the guys here |
다 내가 좋아할 사람 리스트에 있어 | are on the list of people I'll like. |
진짜? 한 명도 안 빼고? | Really? Every single one? |
(몬순) 응, 너는? 너도 봐 봐 | Yes. What about you? Check yours too. |
아… | |
교수님, 안녕하세요 | Hello, professor. |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[학생들의 탄성] | |
[학생들이 술렁인다] | |
(교수) 지각한 남학생을 좋아하는 여학생들이 이 강의실에 많은가 보네? | I guess there are a lot of girls in this classroom who like this tardy boy. |
[학생들의 웃음] | |
날씨도 좋고 벚꽃도 피고 | The weather is nice, and cherry blossoms have bloomed. |
너야? | Was it you? |
잘생겨서 | Was it you? He's cute. |
[교수가 계속 말한다] 어쩔 수 없었다 | I couldn't help it. |
(조조) 야 | Seriously. |
(교수) 그래도 우린 수업을 시작해야 하는데 [휴대전화 진동음] | We should start class. |
[학생들이 불평한다] | |
자, 이제 교수님 원망 그만하고 수업 시작할게요 | Let's all stop resenting me and start class, shall we? JOJO, I'M ON CAMPUS I'LL WAIT AT THE AMPHITHEATER |
[시끌벅적하다] [좋알람이 울린다] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[학생들이 시끌벅적하다] | |
[힘주는 신음] | |
[밝은 음악] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
(조조) 이제 사귀는 사이라면 | Now, you don't have to ask where your partner is if you are dating. |
아무도 서로의 위치를 묻지 않는다 | you don't have to ask where your partner is if you are dating. |
[좋알람이 울린다] | you don't have to ask where your partner is if you are dating. |
(여학생2) 아, 오빠, 왔어? | Hi sweetie. You're here. |
[여학생2의 웃음] | |
- (남학생2) 가자 - (여학생2) 응 | -Let's go. -Okay. |
[피식 웃는다] | |
(조조) 좋아한다면 울려야 하는 세상 | It has to ring if you like someone in the world we live in now. |
(조조) 일은 어떡하고? | What about work? |
(혜영) 빨리 끝냈어 | What about work? I finished early |
보고 싶어서 [조조가 피식 웃는다] | because I missed you. |
(조조) 그래도 오랜만에 학식 먹으니까 좋지? [젓가락이 잘그락 떨어진다] | It's nice to have cafeteria food again, isn't it? |
- (혜영) 아, 내가 가져올게 - (조조) 어? | It's nice to have cafeteria food again, isn't it? I'll get you a new one. |
(혜영) 앉아 있어 | Wait here. |
[젓가락을 잘그락거린다] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[학생들이 술렁인다] | |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
응? | |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[학생들이 웅성거린다] | |
(여학생들) 뭐야 | What the heck? Seriously. |
[좋알람이 울린다] [학생들이 소란스럽다] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[작은 소리로] 빨리 와 | Stop it. |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[학생들의 탄성] | |
(여학생3) 멋있다 | |
(혜영) 아, 이제야 좀 울린 거 같네 | It's finally ringing. |
고마워 | Thanks. |
내가 너 좋알람 하루에 열 번씩 울려 준댔잖아 | I promised that I'd make your Love Alarm ring ten times a day. |
오늘따라 왜 이렇게 기분이 좋아 보이지? | Why are you in such a good mood today? |
무슨 좋은 일 있어? | Did something good happen? |
[한숨] | |
[좋알람 작동음] | |
보여? 나를 좋아할 사람에 떠 있는 이름 | See that? See the name of the person who will love me? |
그게 그렇게 좋아? | Is that why you're so happy? |
[휴대전화를 툭 내려놓으며] 좋지, 그럼, 네가 나 좋아할 거라는데 | Of course. It says you'll love me. |
좋알람 2.0 빅 데이터가 꽤 정교해 | The data accumulated in Love Alarm 2.0 is pretty accurate. |
(혜영) 내가 거기 직원이라서 하는 말은 절대 아니고 | The data accumulated in Love Alarm 2.0 is pretty accurate. I'm not saying that because I work there. |
(조조) 그래도 | Still, you'll be a lot happier if I made your Love Alarm ring. |
좋알람 울리는 게 더 좋겠지 | Still, you'll be a lot happier if I made your Love Alarm ring. |
이렇게 천천히 쌓아 가는 거 | I like building things up slowly like this. |
나는 좋아 | I like building things up slowly like this. |
[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다] | |
[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다] | |
[한숨] | |
[사진작가1의 답답한 숨소리] | |
(사진작가1) 그래, 차라리 아련한 게 낫겠다 | This won't do. Maybe looking sad will be better. Okay. Sadder. |
[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다] 자, 조금만 더 아련하게 | Maybe looking sad will be better. Okay. Sadder. |
자, 첫사랑이라도 좀 떠올려 보든가 | Think about your first love or something. |
좋아, 좋다! | Yes. Nice. |
미친 듯이 사랑하는 거야, 미친 듯이 | You love her like crazy. Like crazy. |
근데 그 여자가 갑자기 좋알람을 안 울려 | But suddenly, she stops ringing your Love Alarm. |
와, 애절하다, 애절해 자, 조금만 더, 더! | Yes, you look sorrowful. A little more. More. |
왜? | Why not? |
(사진작가1) 왜? | What? Why not what? |
왜는 뭐가 왜야? | What? Why not what? |
왜 갑자기 안 울리냐고 | Why doesn't it ring anymore? |
그렇게 좋아하는데 왜? | When we like each other so much? |
(사진작가1) 아니, 그러니까 | I'm asking you to act as if that's happened. |
연기를 그렇게 하라고, 연기를 [좋알람이 울린다] | I'm asking you to act as if that's happened. |
[한숨] | |
(스태프1) 나 아니야 | It wasn't mine. |
(민재) 나? 나 아니야 | Me? It wasn't me. |
- (선오) 가자 - 어딜? | Let's go. Where? You're not done yet. |
촬영 아직이잖아 | Where? You're not done yet. |
더 하기 싫어, 오늘 | I don't want to do it. |
- (민재) 야, 선오야 - (육조) 오빠 | -Hey, Sun-oh. -Sun-oh. |
(민재) 야, 선오야! | Sun-oh! |
(사진작가1) 저런 새끼가 다 있어, 이씨 | That rude punk! |
(민재) 아, 죄송합니다 | I'm sorry. |
[혜영이 창문을 탁 연다] | |
[새가 지저귄다] | |
(조조) 내가 정리하는 것 좀 도와줄까? | Want me to help you unpack? |
(혜영) 아니야, 괜찮아 | No, it's okay. |
금방 끝나니까 좀 앉아 있어 | I'll be done soon, so wait here. |
[혜영의 힘주는 숨소리] | |
[혜영이 짐을 탁 놓는다] | |
[조조의 놀란 숨소리] | |
이런 걸 여태 안 버리고 있었어? | You still have these? |
(혜영) 버리면 안 되지, 다 내 추억인데 | I can't throw them out. They're all memories. |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
이게 70년대 모델이야 | This was from the '70s. |
보여? 시리얼 넘버 | Do you see the serial number? |
한국 최초 카세트 플레이어가 74년 출시인데 | The very first cassette player was sold in 1974 in Korea, |
이건 그 전 모델이야 | but this is even older than that. |
근데 여기 스페스라는 부품을 못 구해서 | But I couldn't find the missing part here, so it still won't work. |
아직 구현은 못 해 | But I couldn't find the missing part here, so it still won't work. |
그래도 제일 중요한 | Still, the most important component, the magnetic tape head, is clean, |
자기 테이프 방식 헤드 부분은 완전 깨끗해서 | Still, the most important component, the magnetic tape head, is clean, |
스페스만 구하면… | Still, the most important component, the magnetic tape head, is clean, so once I find the missing part… |
[혜영이 살짝 웃는다] | |
[혜영이 카세트를 탁 내려놓는다] | |
재미없지? | I'm boring you, aren't I? |
왜, 나 좀 그래? | What? Am I lame? |
(조조) 아니 | No. |
그건 뷰파인더랑 렌즈 | I got that for the viewfinder and the lens. |
(혜영) 이중 합치 다 교정된 거고 | Everything's set up correctly, and it has the original lens cap too. |
정품 렌즈 캡도 포함돼 있어 | Everything's set up correctly, and it has the original lens cap too. |
아, 거기 내가 처음으로 찍은 사진도 있는데 | The very first photo I took is in there too. |
어릴 때 '잭과 콩나무' 보고 따라서 심어 봤거든 | I planted a bean after reading Jack and the Beanstalk. |
근데 진짜 싹이 자란 거야 | And it really sprouted. |
신기해서 찍어 놨었는데 | I thought it was cool, so I took a picture. |
이게 콩나무야? | This is a bean sprout? |
(혜영) 아, 그게 새차광막이 오래돼서 그래 | It's because the light seal was too old. |
그거 교체하면 빛 새는 거 줄일 수 있는데 | I could've stopped the light leaking if I had replaced it, |
그땐 잘 몰라서 | I could've stopped the light leaking if I had replaced it, but I didn't know then. |
- (육조) 오빠 - (선오) 응? | -Sun-oh. -Yes? |
(육조) 선물은? 샀어? | -Sun-oh. -Yes? Did you get a gift? |
(선오) 선물? | Did you get a gift? What gift? |
(육조) 오늘 어머님 생신이라며 | What gift? Isn't today your mother's birthday? |
(점원) 어서 오세요 | Hello. |
이게 좋겠다 | This is nice. |
- 저희 이걸로 할게요 - (점원) 준비해 드릴게요 | We'll take this. I'll wrap it up for you. |
꽃은 받아도 받아도 좋은 거야 | You can never receive too many flowers. |
꽃이 안 통할 때는 없다고 | Flowers never fail. |
[밝은 음악] | |
(여자1) [놀라며] 이육조 아니야? | |
- (남자1) 이육조? - (여자1) 어 [저마다 놀란다] | |
[사람들이 소곤거린다] | |
(남자1) 찍자, 찍자, 오 | |
어? | |
황선오 아니야? | |
- (남자1) 진짜 크다 - (여자1) 진짜 커 | |
나한테 사 달라고 하지 | I could've gotten it for you. |
오빤 안 먹잖아 | You don't eat sweets. |
먹어 | I do. |
[육조의 놀라는 숨소리] | |
오빠 단거 싫어하잖아 | I thought you hated sweets. |
꽃이 안 통할 땐 없다며 | You said flowers never fail. |
[육조의 웃음] | |
이 정도면 나 괜찮은 거 같아 | I guess this is good enough. |
뭐가? | What is? |
좋다고 | I like it |
(육조) 오빠가 이렇게 노력하니까 | because you're trying. |
꽃은 언제 사 왔대? | When did you buy these flowers? |
(선오) 응? 예쁘길래 | When did you buy these flowers? I just thought they were pretty. |
(육조) 먹을래? | Want some? |
[카메라 셔터음] | |
- 응? - (혜영) 어? | |
(혜영) 이거 필름 남아 있었네 | There's still film in this. |
뭐야 | What? |
[혜영의 웃음] (조조) 야, 뭐 찍은 거야 | What did you just shoot? Let me see. Show me. |
봐 봐, 볼래 | What did you just shoot? Let me see. Show me. |
이거 필름 카메라라 지금은 확인 못 해 | This is a film camera, so you can't see it now. |
나 이상하게 나왔으면 어떡해 [혜영의 웃음] | What if I look funny? |
필름 맡길 거지? 그럼 나 먼저 보여 줘야 돼 | Will you get this developed? You have to show me first. Sure. Let's finish the roll |
응, 그럼 이거 다 찍자 | Sure. Let's finish the roll -so I can get it developed. -Okay. |
- 빨리 맡기게 - (조조) 그래 | -so I can get it developed. -Okay. |
[부드러운 음악] - 어떡해? 그냥 이렇게 있어? - (혜영) 기다려 봐 | -What should I do? Just sit here? -Hold on. |
(혜영) 응, 하나, 둘, 셋! | Okay. One, two, three. |
[카메라 셔터음] [혜영의 웃음] | |
- 김조조 씨, 보세요, 자연스럽게 - (조조) 네 | -Ms. Kim Jojo. -Yes? Act natural. |
- (혜영) 카메라 의식하지 말고 - 알겠어, 알겠어 | -Forget that the camera's here. -Okay. |
[혜영과 조조의 웃음] | |
[카메라 셔터음] 괜찮아? 뭐야 | Do I look okay? What are you doing? |
[혜영과 조조의 웃음] (조조) 있어 봐, 잠깐만 | What are you doing? Hold on. |
- (혜영) 와, 다 읽었다 - 와, 다 읽었다 | -Say, "Yay, I finished." -Yay, I finished. |
열심히 일에 집중한다 | Work hard and concentrate. Focus, okay? |
- (조조) 집중하는 모습 - (혜영) 어… | Work hard and concentrate. Focus, okay? All right. |
(조조) 조금 더 멋있게 해 봐 | Try to look cooler. |
조금 더 멋있게? 카메라를 들어야 멋있으려나? | Try to look cooler. Cooler? I'll look cooler holding a camera. |
[카메라 셔터음] | |
[카메라 셔터음] 아, 못 하겠어 | I can't do it. |
괜찮아? | Is it good? |
응, 괜찮아 | Yes, it's good. Here we go. |
찍는다 | Yes, it's good. Here we go. |
빨리 와, 빨리 와 | Hurry. |
[카메라 타이머가 울린다] | |
[카메라 셔터음] | |
[카메라 셔터음] | |
좋다 | How nice. |
벚꽃 이쁘다, 그렇지? | Aren't cherry blossoms pretty? |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
응, 이쁘다 | Yes, very pretty. |
[놀란 신음] | |
(혜영) 안 다쳤어? | Are you hurt? |
(조조) 어, 어 | No. |
[거친 숨소리] | |
응? | |
(혜영) 가자, 데려다줄게 | Let's go. I'll drop you off. |
어딜? | Where? |
나랑 있으니까 시간 가는 줄도 모르겠지? | Time flew since you were with me, right? |
(혜영) 편의점 알바 | Your part-time job. |
아, 맞는다 | Oh, right. |
(여자2) 언니, 언니, 언니, 언니, 언니 이것 좀 봐 봐, 봐 봐 | -Hey. -Look that way. -Take a look at this. -Turn a little more. |
- (현숙) 뒤쪽에 - 아유, 제대로 좀 봐 봐, 봐 봐 | -Take a look at this. -Turn a little more. Look closely. |
(여자2) 이게 다 날 좋아할 남자들이라는 거야 | These are all the men who will like me. |
신랑이랑 헤어져도 다른 남자들이 이렇게나 많아 | These are all the men who will like me. Even if I break up with my husband, I have so many options. |
신랑이 속 썩이면 이제 참을 필요 없다고 | Even if I break up with my husband, I have so many options. If my husband annoys me, I don't have to put up with it anymore. |
- (현숙) 그래, 좋겠다 - (여자3) 숙희야, 뭔데 그래 | -Okay. Good for you. -Hey, show me too. |
- (여자2) 어, 좋알람 2.0 - (여자4) 일로 와 봐 봐 [TV 뉴스가 흘러나온다] | -Okay. Good for you. -Hey, show me too. You know, Love Alarm 2.0. More and more people have been |
(여자2) 좋알람 2.0 | More and more people have been -signing up for Love Alarm 2.0 -It's Love Alarm 2.0. |
(TV 속 앵커) 연일 화제의 중심에 선 인물이 있는데요 | -signing up for Love Alarm 2.0 -It's Love Alarm 2.0. and one person has been at the center of it all. |
바로 좋알람을 이끄는 CTO 브라이언 천입니다 | and one person has been at the center of it all. That person is Brian Chon, the CTO of Love Alarm. |
[여자들이 시끌벅적하다] [TV 뉴스가 계속된다] | That person is Brian Chon, the CTO of Love Alarm. He showed himself to the public and demonstrated |
미쳤나 봐 | -This is insane. -the new functions of Love Alarm 2.0. |
(굴미) 미쳤어 | -This is insane. -the new functions of Love Alarm 2.0. -Totally insane. -Many people are showing interest |
진짜 또 잘생겼어 | -Totally insane. -Many people are showing interest -in Brian Chon since he is -He's so good-looking. |
(현숙) 미쳤지, 제정신 아니지, 네가 | -both handsome and talented -Insane is right. -and the viewer count has been -You're totally insane. |
몇 시야, 지금 | -skyrocketing. -What's the time? -Until now, Brian Chon's identity was… -Mom, I have to go. |
(굴미) 엄마, 나, 나 지금 가야겠다 나 지금 출근 시간이거든? | -Until now, Brian Chon's identity was… -Mom, I have to go. I need to be at work. Bye! |
- (굴미) 나 먼저 갈게 - (현숙) 무슨 출근 | I need to be at work. Bye! What work? |
(현숙) 너 어디 취직했어? | Did you get a job? |
[흥미진진한 음악] | |
(팬1) 브라이언 천이다! | It's Brian Chon! |
[팬들의 환호] | It's Brian Chon! |
[굴미의 다급한 숨소리] | |
[굴미의 다급한 숨소리] | |
[굴미의 거친 숨소리] | |
- (경호원) 자, 이쪽으로 오세요 - (굴미) 잠시만, 잠시만, 잠시만 | This way please. Hold on. Wait! Just a second! |
(굴미) 잠시만, 잠시만 | Hold on. Wait! Just a second! |
아, 잠시만, 잠시만 | Wait. Just a second! |
[굴미의 기뻐하는 탄성] | Wait. Just a second! |
[굴미의 거친 숨소리] | |
방금 봤어요? 방금 봤죠? | Did you see that? You saw that, right? |
방금 나 보고 놀랐어 | He was shocked when he saw me |
내가 너무 예쁘니까 | because I'm so pretty. |
내가 너무 예쁘니까 날 보고 놀랐어 | He was shocked when he saw me because I'm so pretty. |
[거친 숨소리] | He was shocked when he saw me because I'm so pretty. |
(팬2) 배지 클럽 회원은 들어갈 수 있을 텐데 | We'd be able to go in if we were members of the Badge Club. |
(팬3) '울리는 세계' 작가도 들어갔었잖아 | The artist behind The Ringing World went in too. |
- (팬2) 그러니까 - (팬3) 아, 부러워 | The artist behind The Ringing World went in too. -Exactly. -I want to go in so badly. |
(팬3) 너무 멋있어 | -Exactly. -I want to go in so badly. He's so hot. |
(굴미) 아… | |
또 그놈의 '울리는 세계', 씨… | The Ringing World, again? |
중앙 CCTV 10분 전 | Center camera, ten minutes ago. |
줌 인 | |
[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[미미의 헛기침] | |
[재철의 한숨] | |
(재철) 선거 얼마 남지도 않았는데 내와도 꼭 이런 걸 | Do you have to serve seaweed when the election is coming up soon? |
후원금 행사 꼭 참석해 | Make sure to attend the donation event. |
사진 잘 박아 오고 | Get some nice photos taken. |
너 이번에도 사고 치면… | If you cause trouble again-- |
(미미) 알아서 잘하겠지 | I'm sure he'll behave. |
알아서 잘한다고 수학여행 보내 놨더니 | I thought he'd behave on the school trip, |
(재철) 계집애랑 오토바이나 타고 사고나 내고 그래? | but he got into a motorcycle accident with some chick. |
내가 그거 틀어막느라고 얼마나… | Do you know how difficult it was to cover that up… |
애 단속 철저히 해 | Keep the kid in check. |
[수저를 탁 놓는다] | |
[선오의 한숨] | |
(육조) 오늘 엄청 예쁘세요 | You look stunning today. |
'첫사랑' 찍으셨을 때 생각나요 | It reminds me of when you were in First Love. |
- 그때 그대로신 거… - (미미) 그때 조연이었어 | -You haven't-- -I played a supporting role for that. |
(육조) 아, 죄송해요 | I'm sorry. |
[선오의 한숨] | |
꽃은 마음에 드세요? | Did you like the flowers? |
오빠가 직접 고른 거예요 | Sun-oh picked them himself. |
(미미) 꽃은 왜? | Sun-oh picked them himself. What for? |
금방 시들어 버릴 거 | They'll wither soon anyway. |
[한숨] | |
(선오) 일어나, 가자 | Get up. Let's go. |
(육조) 오빠 | Sun-oh. |
들어가, 도착하면 연락할게 | Go inside. I'll message you when I get home. |
(미미) 그렇게 만나고도 정이 안 붙니? | Is she still not growing on you after all this time? |
(미미) 넌 담배 끊었지? | You quit smoking, right? |
네 아빠는 아직도 내가 담배 피우는 거 몰라 | Your dad still doesn't know that I smoke. |
피우고 나서 손 씻고 양치질하고 | After I smoke, I wash my hands, brush my teeth, |
옷 갈아입고 향수 뿌리고 | change, put on perfume-- |
(선오) 향수는 뿌리지 마 | Don't put on perfume. |
섞이니까 더 지독해 | It makes you stink even more. |
(미미) 걔는 요즘 뭐 한대? | What is she up to these days? |
너 고등학교 때 좋아했던 애 | The girl you liked in high school. |
[잔잔한 음악] 걔 좋아할 땐 | When you liked her, you set her photo as your phone wallpaper and bragged to me. |
휴대폰 바탕 화면에 깔아 놓고 나한테 자랑했었잖아 | When you liked her, you set her photo as your phone wallpaper and bragged to me. |
근데 지금은 기본 화면이네? | But now, it's the stock wallpaper. |
왜 남의 걸 함부로 봐 | Why are you looking at my phone? |
엄마가 뺏어다 줄까? | Should I steal her for you? |
김조조 | Kim Jojo. |
맞지? | Right? |
이제 와서 엄마 노릇 하고 싶어? | Do you want to be a mom all of a sudden? |
할 거면 어릴 때 했어야지 | You should have done that when I was young. |
(미미) 걔는 뭘 좋아해? | What does she like? |
돈 좋아해? | Does she like money? |
사람들이 다 엄마 같은 줄 알지? | You think everyone's like you, don't you? |
그럼 뭘 좋아해? | Then what does she like? |
(미미) 돈도 안 좋아하면 | If she doesn't like money |
뭘 좋아할까? | what could she like? |
혜영이 | Hye-yeong. |
혜영이 좋아해 | She likes Hye-yeong. |
[피식한다] | |
[물 뿌리는 소리가 들린다] | |
걔가 몰라도 한참을 모르네 | She's completely clueless. |
[멀리서 개가 짖는다] | |
[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다] | |
(조조) 왜? | What? |
(굴미) 왜긴 | What else? |
그냥 돕는 거지 | I'm just trying to help. |
야, 너 요즘 그거 안 올리더라 | Hey, so… You haven't been posting that recently. |
(조조) 뭘 | What? |
(굴미) 그거 | That. The Ringing World. |
'울리는 세계' | That. The Ringing World. |
이제 필요 없나 봐? | I guess you don't need it anymore. |
야 | Hey. |
너 그거 안 하면 그거 내가 할까? | If you don't want to do it, should I? |
아이, 들어 봐, 끝까지 | Hear me out. |
내가 진짜 필요한 데가 있어서 그래 | I really need it for something. |
내가 딱 한 번만 '울세' 작가라고 하면 안 되나? | I really need it for something. Can't I say I'm the artist behind TRW just once? |
그, 뭐 안 좋거나 나쁘거나 그런 거 아니잖아 | It's not like it's going to do you any harm. |
말도 안 되는 소리 하지 마 | Stop being ridiculous. |
너도 내 방 네 방처럼 쓰잖아 | You use my room as if it's yours too. |
나는 왜 안 돼? | You use my room as if it's yours too. So why can't I? |
딱 한 번 쓸게, 딱 한 번만 | I'll use it just once. Just once. |
안 돼, 넌 그게 뭔지도 모르잖아 | No. You don't even know what that is. |
모르긴 뭘 몰라, 뻔하지 | I do know. It's obvious. |
(굴미) 자기가 어디서 과거에 황선오한테 구걸했던 것처럼, 어? | You're selling your past to get pity points |
자기 과거나 다 팔아먹으려는 거겠지 | like you did with Sun-oh back in the day. |
[조조의 한숨] 너 여기서 더 유명해지잖아? | If you get even more famous, |
그럼 사람들이 네 과거 싹 다 알게 될 텐데 | people will find out about your past. |
너 이제 그건 하나도 안 무섭나 보다 | people will find out about your past. I guess that doesn't scare you anymore. |
[출입문 종이 울린다] (조조) 야, 넌 무슨 말을 그렇게 하니 | I guess that doesn't scare you anymore. Hey. How could you say that? |
나도 엄마 아빠가 그렇게 죽었으면 금방 유명해졌을 텐데 [조조의 한숨] | I could have been as famous as you were if my parents died like that. |
이젠 내 불행도 샘나니? | Are you even jealous of my misery now? |
(현숙) [굴미를 퍽 때리며] 어휴, 정말! 너 일로 와 | You brat! Get over here. |
(굴미) 아! 아, 귀, 귀, 귀 | My ear! It hurts! |
아, 아파, 아파, 아파, 아파 | My ear! It hurts! |
살아 있어서 미안하다, 이년아 | I'm sorry I'm still alive. |
입에서 나온다고 그게 다 말이야? | How could you say such a thing? |
엄마, 그게 아니고 | -Mom, that's not what I meant. -Where did you spend my million won? |
(현숙) 너, 내 돈 백만 원 이거 어디다 갖다 썼어 | -Mom, that's not what I meant. -Where did you spend my million won? |
조조 돈 갖다 쓴 지 얼마나 됐다고 여기까지 손을 대! | You took Jojo's money not too long ago, and now this? |
(굴미) 아, 엄마한테 말하려고 했어! | You took Jojo's money not too long ago, and now this? I was going to tell you! |
근데 요즘 반품 너무 많이 들어오니까 일단 급한 것 좀 막느라고 | I've been getting too many returns lately, so it was an emergency. |
아휴, 정말! 너 하는 일이 뭐야 | I've been getting too many returns lately, so it was an emergency. You brat. What exactly do you do? |
옷 장사 한다고 일만 벌여 놓고 | What exactly do you do? You say you want to sell clothes, but all you do is spend money! |
제대로 하는 게 뭐냐고, 도대체, 아유! [굴미의 아파하는 신음] | You say you want to sell clothes, but all you do is spend money! |
(조조) 이모, 진정하세요 | You say you want to sell clothes, but all you do is spend money! Aunt, please calm down. |
(굴미) 네가 뭔데 진정하라 마라야 | Aunt, please calm down. Who are you to tell her to calm down? |
엄마, 쟤 또 잘난 척해 나 진짜 미치겠어 | She's acting all high and mighty again. I can't stand her. |
- (현숙) 아, 시끄러워, 나가! - (굴미) 내가 왜 나가? [한숨] | She's acting all high and mighty again. I can't stand her. Shut up and get out! Why should I? |
(굴미) 김조조 때문에 먼저 시작된 거야 | Why should I? She started it! |
왜 엄마는 알지도 못하면서 맨날 나한테만 뭐라 그래! | Why take it out on me when you don't know anything? |
(현숙) 그럼 둘 다 나가! | Why take it out on me when you don't know anything? Then both of you can get out! |
[한숨] | |
[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다] | |
(굴미) 치사해서 진짜 | I can't stand her. |
두고 봐, 내가 꼭 성공해서 이 지긋지긋한 집구석 나갈 거야 | I can't stand her. Just wait. I'll become successful and leave this hell hole. |
[흥미진진한 음악] | |
(굴미) 짜잔 | Ta-da! |
여러분, 제가 입고 있는 요 예쁜 아이는요 | Do you see this beauty that I'm wearing? |
올해 트렌드 컬러 퍼플 | Do you see this beauty that I'm wearing? It's this year's trendy color, purple. |
근데 퍼플만 있는 것도 아니야 [시청자들이 소란스럽다] | -But it isn't just purple. -This store is closing. It has puffed sleeves as well. |
퍼프도 있다? | It has puffed sleeves as well. |
그래서 퍼플 퍼프 원피스 | So it's called "Purple Puffed Sleeve Dress." |
굴미의 원 픽이에요 [웃음] | This one's been hand-picked by Gul-mi. |
음… | -When will I get my refund? -I'm waiting for my refund too! |
언제 다 나갔어? | When did they all leave? |
이것들이, 씨 | Those jerks. |
[마우스 클릭음] | |
[퇴장 알림음이 연신 울린다] | |
여러분 | Guys. |
제가 재밌는 얘기 하나 해 드릴까요? | Want to hear something interesting? |
(시청자1) 또 뭔 주접을 떨려고? | What is it this time? |
(시청자2) | I'll bring more people if it's fun. |
제가 '울리는 세계' 작가 알고 있거든요 | I know the artist behind The Ringing World. |
(시청자3) | I know the artist behind The Ringing World. -Who is it? -Tell us. |
(시청자4) | -Who is it? -Tell us. |
[굴미의 고민하는 신음] (시청자2) | I'll make you pay if you don't. |
신상 원피스 주문 20개만 딱 들어오면 | If I get 20 orders for the new dress, I'll tell you where the artist is. |
그때 어디 있는지 알려 줄게요 | If I get 20 orders for the new dress, I'll tell you where the artist is. |
[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다] | |
[한숨] | |
[한숨] | |
(조조) | Hye-yeong, what are you up to? |
[한숨] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] 어? | |
[출입문 종이 울린다] | |
(조조) 어서 오세요 | Welcome. |
[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다] | |
[조조의 한숨] | |
[한숨] | |
[안내 음성] 원 플러스 원 행사 상품입니다 | -This item is on two for one special. -That'll be 1,000 won. |
천 원입니다 | -This item is on two for one special. -That'll be 1,000 won. |
(조조) 감사합니다 | Thank you. |
손님, 이거 두고 가셨어요 | Excuse me. You forgot this. |
드세요 | You can have it. |
아니요, 저… | It's okay. I… |
[출입문 종이 울린다] | |
[당황한 신음] | |
[출입문 종이 울린다] | |
[조조의 한숨] | |
[조조의 놀란 신음] | |
(남자2) 저기 | Sorry, |
아까 못 물어본 게 있어서 그런데요 | I wanted to ask you something earlier. |
요새 왜 안 올리세요? | Why don't you upload them anymore? |
네? | Sorry? |
'울리는 세계'요 | The Ringing World. |
[의미심장한 효과음] (남자2) 그거 기다리고 있는데 | I've been waiting for updates. |
[놀란 숨소리] | |
힘들죠? | It's hard, isn't it? |
그거 나도 알아요 | I understand. |
[당황한 숨소리] | |
무슨 소린지 잘… | I don't know what you mean. |
[어두운 음악] [조조의 놀란 숨소리] | |
(남자2) 나한테 얘기해요 | Tell me. |
내가 도와줄 수 있… | I can help-- |
[조조의 겁먹은 숨소리] | |
[겁먹은 숨소리] | |
[긴박한 음악] [조조의 거친 숨소리] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[조조의 거친 숨소리] | |
[달려오는 발걸음] [조조의 놀란 숨소리] | |
[남자2의 거친 숨소리] | |
[조조의 거친 숨소리] | |
[멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다] | |
[남자2의 거친 숨소리] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] [놀란 숨소리] | |
[긴장되는 음악] | |
[거친 숨소리] | |
[조조의 놀란 신음] [혜영의 신음] | |
[놀란 숨소리] | |
[놀라며] 혜영아 | Hye-yeong. |
(굴미) 내가 딱 한 번만 '울세' 작가라고 하면 안 되나? | Can't I say I'm the artist behind TRW just once? |
그거 뭐, 나쁘거나 그런 거 절대 아니잖아 | It's not like it's going to do you any harm. |
야, 너 여기서 더 유명해지잖아? | If you get even more famous, |
그럼 다른 사람들이 네 과거 싹 다 알게 될 텐데 | people will find out about your past. |
너 이젠 그거 하나도 안 무섭나 보다 | I guess that doesn't scare you anymore. |
[한숨] | |
[통화 연결음] | |
박굴미 | Gul-mi. |
나한테 뭐 할 말 없어? | Don't you have something to tell me? |
뭔 말 | Tell you what? |
나한테 욕 더 먹고 싶어? | Do you want me to yell at you some more? |
[입바람을 후 분다] | |
나야말로 억울하고 분통 터져서 지금 뒤로 고꾸라지겠어 | I'm the one who's bitter and pissed off right now. |
너 때문에 나 지금 지하에서 자야 된다고 | I have to sleep in the basement because of you. |
(조조) 그거 말고 다른 거 진짜 없냐고 | I have to sleep in the basement because of you. Not that. Are you sure there isn't anything else? |
[짜증 섞인 숨소리] [휴대전화 조작음] | Not that. Are you sure there isn't anything else? Jeez. |
얘가 자꾸 뭐라는 거야 | What is she babbling about? What? Just say it. |
뭐, 말을 해 | What is she babbling about? What? Just say it. |
뭔 또 생사람을 잡으려고 | What are you blaming me for this time? |
(조조) 아까 편의점에서 쫓아온 남자 | What are you blaming me for this time? The man who followed me just now. Did you have nothing to do with that? |
그럼 네가 그런 거 진짜 아니지? | The man who followed me just now. Did you have nothing to do with that? |
이게 진짜 미쳤나 | Are you freaking mad? |
(굴미) 누가 널 쫓아와? | Who followed you? You're not a Badge Club member. |
네가 무슨 배지 클럽이라도 되니? | Who followed you? You're not a Badge Club member. |
[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다] | |
(시청자4) | I can't hear. Raise the volume. |
(시청자5) '울세' 작가 안다며, 어디 사는데? | You said you knew the artist behind TRW. Where does she live? |
(시청자3) | -She doesn't know anything. -She's a pathological liar. |
(시청자4) | -She doesn't know anything. -She's a pathological liar. |
내가 왜 말하냐? 옷도 하나도 안 샀으면서 | Why would I tell you? You didn't buy any of my clothes. |
거지 같은 것들이 | Why would I tell you? You didn't buy any of my clothes. You jerks. |
- 미안해 - (혜영) 으음 | I'm sorry. |
(혜영) 넌 좀 진정됐어? | Have you calmed down? |
(조조) 응 | Yes. |
(혜영) 괜찮아, 너 아무 일 없는 걸로 됐어 | It's fine. I'm just glad you're okay. |
놀랐지? | You must have been startled. |
(혜영) 네가 더 놀랐지 | You were startled more. |
[혜영의 한숨] | |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
(혜영) 발목 시리겠다 | Your ankles must be cold. |
너 이대로 보내면 나 불안해서 잠 못 자 | I won't be able to sleep if I let you go like this. |
집 앞에 아직 그놈 있을지도 모르잖아 | He may be waiting in front of your place. |
[한숨] | |
오늘은 우리 집에 가자 | Stay at my place tonight. |
어? | |
[빗소리가 들린다] | |
[휴대전화 알림음] | |
(육조) | You're going tomorrow to make your donation, right? But my shoot has been delayed by an hour. |
(육조) | But my shoot has been delayed by an hour. Does this mean I can't see you tomorrow? |
(어린 혜영) 선오야, 괜찮아? | Sun-oh, are you all right? |
내가 네 편이 되어 줄게 | I'll be on your side. |
'나한테는 혜영이가 있어서 좋다' | I'm happy to have Hye-yeong in my life. |
[조조의 한숨] | |
[한숨] | |
(혜영) 아, 깼어? | Did I wake you? |
내가 시끄러웠나 | Was I too loud? |
아니, 너 없는 줄 알고 | No. I thought you were gone. |
(조조) 뭐 하고 있어, 내일 하지 | What are you doing? Just do it tomorrow. |
금방 할게 생각보다 불빛이 많이 들어오네 | I'll be done soon. There's too much light coming in. |
(조조) 이런 기분이구나 | So this is how it feels |
같이 있는데 빈 하트를 보는 기분 | to see an empty heart when you're together. |
[조조의 한숨] | |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
이제 괜찮아? | Are you okay now? |
응 | Yes. |
잘 자 | Good night. |
[한숨] | |
[한숨] | |
[뛰어오는 발걸음] | |
[분위기가 고조되는 음악] | |
잘 자 | Good night. |
[옅은 웃음] | |
(조조) 궁금해졌다 | I wonder. |
[혜영의 옅은 웃음] 나한테 만약 방패가 없다면 | If I didn't have the shield, |
지금 나는 혜영이의 좋알람을 울렸을까? | would I have rung Hye-yeong's Love Alarm just now? |
[새가 지저귄다] | |
(조조) 지금 내가 할 수 있는 건 | All that I can do now |
방패를 없애고 | is get rid of the shield, and… |
[달칵 소리가 들린다] | is get rid of the shield, and… |
(조조) 내가 해 봐도 돼? | Can I try? |
(혜영) 응 | Sure. |
[부드러운 음악] | |
[함께 웃는다] | |
이렇게는 출근 못 하겠지? | You can't go to work like this, can you? |
(혜영) 어 | No. |
봐 봐 | Watch. Loop this around once like this. |
이거를 이렇게 한 바퀴 돌려 | Watch. Loop this around once like this. |
한 바퀴 돌리면 | -If you do this… -And be honest… |
[혜영이 계속 말한다] (조조) 사람들 앞에 | -If you do this… -And be honest… |
(혜영) 손가락 두 개 정도를 끼고 | About the width of two fingers. |
어때? | See that? |
오늘 출근 잘해 | Have a nice day at work. I'll work hard today too. |
나도 오늘 열심히 할 거야 | Have a nice day at work. I'll work hard today too. |
(혜영) 뭘? | On what? |
그냥 뭐든 | Anything. |
(조조) 이렇게 좋은 사람 앞에 | And be honest in front of good people like him. |
솔직한 모습으로 서는 것 | And be honest in front of good people like him. |
[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다] [카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다] | |
(사진작가2) 아, 좋아요 | Nice. |
(사진작가2) 아주 좋아요 | Very good. |
확인하고 갈게요 | I'll go see how they look. |
[스태프들이 수군거린다] | |
[휴대전화 알림음] | |
(스태프2) 둘이 사귀니까, 뭐 | -They're going out. -They look good together. |
(스태프3) 둘이 잘 어울려 | -They're going out. -They look good together. |
(육조) 오늘 못 만날 줄 알았는데 | I didn't think I'd get to see you today. |
[휴대전화 조작음] | |
(선오) 나 곧 가야 되니까 촬영에 집중해 메시지 그만 보내고 | I have to go soon, so focus on the shoot. Stop texting. |
(스태프4) 언니는 선오 오빠가 기다리고 있는데 촬영이 돼요? | How can you work with Sun-oh waiting? |
아, 난 내가 막 손이 떨려서 | I'm shaking myself. |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[스태프들이 당황한다] | |
[스태프들의 웃음] | |
(스태프5) 아, 저 언니 좋아해 | She likes him. |
(스태프6) 아, 언니, 그런 거 아니에요 | Yuk-jo, it's not like that. It must be broken. |
아, 이게 망가졌나 봐요 | Yuk-jo, it's not like that. It must be broken. |
(스태프4) 알아, 네가 일부러 그랬겠니? | Yuk-jo, it's not like that. It must be broken. I know you didn't do it on purpose. What can you do? You have eyes. |
눈이 달린 죄지 [스태프4의 웃음] | I know you didn't do it on purpose. What can you do? You have eyes. |
(사진작가2) 다시 할게요 | Let's go again. |
자, 이번엔 좀 더 시크하게 | Okay. Give me a little more attitude this time. |
[카메라 셔터음] | |
(함께) 수고하셨습니다 | -Thank you. -Thank you. |
(육조) 수고하셨습니다 | Thank you. |
가자 | Let's go. |
(스태프6) 부럽다 | I'm jealous. How could someone like him exist in real life? |
뭐 저렇게까지 비현실적이야 | I'm jealous. How could someone like him exist in real life? |
(스태프4) 촬영 내내 한 번을 안 쳐다보던데, 뭐 | He didn't look at her once during the shoot. |
서로 좋알람 울리잖아요 | He didn't look at her once during the shoot. They still ring each other's Love Alarm. |
(스태프6) 언니, 황선오가 좋알람 울려 주면 어떤 기분일까요? | How do you think it feels to have Hwang Sun-oh ring your Love Alarm? |
(스태프4) 뭐, 저런 기분이겠지? | Well, it probably feels like that. |
(육조) 가자 | Well, it probably feels like that. Let's go. |
[휴대전화 벨 소리] | |
[옅은 숨소리] | |
(굴미) 네 | Hello? |
경찰서요? | The police? |
잡혔어요? | You caught him? |
진짜요? 아… | Really? |
예 | Okay. |
[신난 신음] | Yes! Yes! |
역시 사람은 죽으란 법이 없구나 | There is always hope. |
다 죽었어, 이것들, 씨, 다 죽었어 | You jerks. You're dead meat now. |
[사이렌이 울린다] | |
[굴미의 거친 숨소리] | |
[당황한 신음] | |
[소란스럽다] | |
(경찰1) 조금만 조용히 해 주세요! | Please quiet down! |
아, 제 말 좀 들어 보세요 | Listen to me. |
아, 이렇게 떠드시면 수사가 진행이 안 돼요 | Listen to me. If you're too loud, it'll hinder the investigation. |
자, 알겠습니다 억울하신 거 알겠는데 | If you're too loud, it'll hinder the investigation. Okay. Yes, I know you were wronged, |
제 말씀을 잘 들으시고 | -but please listen to me. -Step back, please. |
자, 여기 용지에다가 피해 사항하고 인적 사항 적으시면 | -but please listen to me. -Step back, please. Please write down your information and what loss you suffered. |
(경찰2) 그러니까 작년 10월 5일 삼성동 설명회 때부터 | Please write down your information and what loss you suffered. Since October 5th, you've been claiming that you're the developer |
초기 개발자라고 사칭했던 거고 | Since October 5th, you've been claiming that you're the developer and sold fake items to members. Am I correct? |
회원들한테 가짜 하트 판매한 거 맞죠? | and sold fake items to members. Am I correct? |
어차피 기록을 보면 다 나와 있어요 [남자3의 한숨] | We'll know once we see the records. |
아저씨 | Hey, mister. |
[작은 목소리로] 저는 돈 안 받아도 되니까 | I don't need my money back. Can you do it for me? |
딱 한 번만 해 주면 안 돼요? | I don't need my money back. Can you do it for me? |
[헛웃음] | I don't need my money back. Can you do it for me? |
하트 알람 수 | I want my heart alarm number faked. |
조작 | I want my heart alarm number faked. |
조작하는 거 | Can you fake it for me just once? |
그거 딱 한 번만 해 주면 안 되냐고요, 제발, 제발 | Can you fake it for me just once? Please? |
(경찰2) 아가씨, 저리 가요 | Please? Young lady. Please step away. |
장난하는 것도 아니고 | Are you kidding me? |
(굴미) 좋알람 초창기 멤버라면서 그거 할 수 있다 그랬잖아요 | You said you were a developer. You said you could do it. |
딱 한 번만 해 줘요, 제발 딱 한 번만, 딱 한 번만 | You said you were a developer. You said you could do it. Do it for me just once. Just once. |
[소곤거린다] | |
[흥미진진한 음악] | |
[작은 소리로] CDG, CDG | |
(남자4) CDG, CDG | |
CDG | |
CDG? | |
아, 제발 | Please. I have no more money to get scammed out of. |
이제 더 이상 털릴 돈도 없어, 진짜 | Please. I have no more money to get scammed out of. |
진짜 마지막이야 | This is really my last chance. |
(기자) 짝사랑했던 여학생에게 고백하려고 좋알람을 만들었다 | You said you created the Love Alarm to tell a girl you liked how you felt. |
그렇다면 그 여학생하고는 서로 울리셨나요? | You said you created the Love Alarm to tell a girl you liked how you felt. Then did you and that girl ring each other's alarm? |
그땐 뭐… | Back then… |
- 차였죠 - (기자) 네? | I was rejected. Sorry? |
(기자) 지금의 인기로는 상상도 할 수 없는 일인데 | That's impossible to imagine given your popularity now. |
그렇다면 학창 시절과 지금의 모습이 | That's impossible to imagine given your popularity now. Then I guess you look rather different now than you did in school. |
좀 많이 다르셨나 봐요 | Then I guess you look rather different now than you did in school. |
학창 시절… | When I was in school… |
[잔잔한 음악] [키보드 치는 소리가 들린다] | |
뭐, 크게 다르지 않았었던 거 같은데 | I don't think I looked all that different. |
(조조) 문의합니다 | I have an inquiry to make. I would like to meet you in person. |
꼭 만나 뵙고 싶습니다 | I have an inquiry to make. I would like to meet you in person. |
(몬순) 이것들 읽어 보긴 하나? | I have an inquiry to make. I would like to meet you in person. Does he even read them? |
(조조) 글 확인은 하시나요? [몬순이 구시렁거린다] | -He won't respond. -Do you even read these? |
전화드렸던 '울리는 세계' 작가입니다 | I'm the artist of The Ringing World. I've called you before. |
(몬순) 전화는? | Did you call? |
'울리는 세계' 작가라고 밝혔어? | Did you tell him you're the artist behind TRW? |
(조조) 응 | Did you tell him you're the artist behind TRW? Yes, but it's useless. |
말해도 소용이 없네 | Yes, but it's useless. |
전화도 너무 자주 하니까 이제 메모도 안 남겨 주는 거 같고 | I don't think they give him my messages anymore because I call too often. |
(몬순) 아, 그때 쇼케이스장에 갔을 때 | I don't think they give him my messages anymore because I call too often. When we saw him at the showcase, |
'네가 덕구냐?' | we should have just asked him if he was Duk-gu. |
딱 물어봤어야 되는 건데 | we should have just asked him if he was Duk-gu. |
그때 혜영이가 와서 | But Hye-yeong came. |
아니다, 근데 생각해 보면 | No. Come to think of it, even if Hye-yeong hadn't shown up, |
그때 혜영이가 안 왔어도 날 따로 만나 줬을까 싶어 | No. Come to think of it, even if Hye-yeong hadn't shown up, I doubt he would have met with me. |
그리고 TV에서 보니까 덕구 아닌 거 같아, 얼굴이 너무 달라 | From what I've seen on TV, I don't think it's Duk-gu. He looks different. |
- 얼굴이? - (조조) 응 | -His face? -Yes. |
(몬순) 근데 천덕구가 개발자인 건 확실해? | Are you sure Duk-gu was the developer? |
그걸 어떻게 알아? | How do you know that? |
(덕구) 조조야 | Jojo. |
넌 창과 방패가 있다면 뭘 고를 거 같아? | If you had a choice between a sword and a shield, which would you choose? |
(조조) 글쎄 | I'm not sure. |
나라면 | I would… |
방패? | The shield? |
(덕구) 그래, 넌 그럴 줄 알았어 | Sure. I knew you would say that. |
(몬순) 아유, 아유! | Darn it. |
비밀 많은 여자, 아유 | You have so many secrets. |
매력 있어 | You're very alluring. |
그래서 이제 어떻게 할 건데? | So? What will you do now? |
(조조) 학교에 가 보려고 | I want to go to the school and get Duk-gu's address. |
덕구 주소라도 알아보게 | I want to go to the school and get Duk-gu's address. |
(몬순) 너 남친도 고등학교 때 만났다 그랬지? | You said you met your boyfriend in high school, right? |
보자마자 반했어? | Was it love at first sight? |
모름지기 사랑은 한눈에 훅 빠지는 맛인데 | That's the best kind of love you can be in. |
[한숨] | |
[통화 연결음] | |
[안내 음성] 고객님이 통화 중이어서 음성 사서함으로 연결되며 | The number you have dialed is currently unavailable. |
[한숨] | |
[자전거 벨이 울린다] | |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
[저마다 대화를 나눈다] | |
[떨리는 숨소리] | |
[문이 탁 열린다] | |
[문이 탁 닫힌다] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[문이 삐거덕 열린다] | |
[문이 달칵 닫힌다] | |
[좋알람이 울린다] | |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
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