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  미스터 션샤인 10

1:02'죽여라'"Kill him.
1:04'재산이 축나는 건 아까우나'It may be a waste of my property,
1:07'종놈들에게 좋은 본을 보이니 손해는 아닐 것
but this will teach the other slaves a lesson,
so I guess it is not all a loss."
1:17그게 내가 기억하는That is
1:20마지막 조선이오my last memory of Joseon.
1:29누가 그런 말을 했단 말이오?Who said such a thing?
1:30상전이었던 양반이Some noble man.
1:37무엇에 놀란 거요?What was it that shocked you?
1:42양반의 말에?What the noble man said?
1:46아니면Or was it
1:50내 신분에?my origin?
1:58맞소That's right.
2:02조선에서 난When I was in Joseon,
2:06노비였소I was a slave.
2:11조선은 내 부모를 죽인 나라였고Joseon is the country that killed my parents.
2:14내가 도망쳐 온 나라였소It's the one I escaped from.
2:19그래서 모질게 조선을 밟고 조선을 건너That's why I wanted to crush it, leave it,
2:24(유진내 조국 미국으로 다시 돌아갈 생각이었
and go back to my homeland which is
2:30그러다 한 여인을 만났고But then I met a woman.
2:36자주 흔들렸소She often made me waver.
2:42내 긴 얘기 끝에I knew you'd give that look
2:46그런 표정일 줄 알았으면서도if I told you my story.
2:51알고도I knew,
2:55마음은 아프오but it still hurts.
3:01귀하가 구하려는 조선에는This country you're trying to protect.
3:05누가 사는 거요?Who is it for?
3:08백정은 살 수 있소?Is there a life for butchers?
3:13노비는 살 수 있소?Is there a life for slaves?
3:36사발은I'll take...
3:38내가 가져가는 걸로 합시다the bowl with me.
3:42귀하는 먼저 가시오You should head back first.
3:49더는 나란히 걸을 수 없을 듯하니I suppose we can no longer walk side by side.
5:17(애신신세 졌소Thank you.
6:00(인력거꾼1) 얘기들 들어 부렀어?-Did you hear the news? -What news?

6:02(인력거꾼1) 간밤에Last night,
6:05외부대신 이세훈이the Minister of Foreign Affairs
6:07역모로 뒈져 부렀대목이 잘려서was decapitated for treason.
6:09- (인력거꾼3) ? - (인력거꾼2) 총에 맞은 게
-What? -Wasn't he shot?
6:11(인력거꾼3) 아이Keep it down.
6:13경득이가 총소리 들었다던디Gyeong-deuk said he heard gun shots.
6:15[인력거꾼1의 놀란 숨소리뭐라도 맞아서
죽으면 된 거 아니여
The fact that he died matters, not how.
6:17(인력거꾼2) 그라지 그 덕에-Right. -Anyway,
6:20빈관에 외국 놈들 허벌나게 드나드니 좋기만
it's good for us because more foreigners come
by the hotel now.
6:26(인력거꾼3) 오늘 벌이만 같으면 원이 없겠다If only we could earn this much every day.
6:28우리가 이세훈이 덕을 다 보네I can't believe we're benefiting from him.
6:30(인력거꾼2) 그라네 [인력거꾼들의 웃음]You're right.
6:32진작 죽어 불지!He should've died sooner.
6:33(인력거꾼2) 그라지 [인력거꾼1의 웃음]Exactly.
6:35(동매그렇게 별 볼 일 없는 자가 역모로 죽었
A nobody like him died for plotting treason?
6:40명예롭게 죽었네 역사에 이름도 남겠고That's an honorable death. His name will be
written in history books.
6:50(춘식절마들 저거 저칼 빼모 시체라!Those goons are nothing without their swords.
6:53사과나 깎나 모리겄다I bet they can't even peel an apple.
6:56칼로는 마내도 왕년에 마싹 마 달빛 좀 베어
봤다 아입니까
You know, I was quite skilled with swords back
in my days.
7:00시끄럽고 아까 하던 얘기나 계속해 봐Enough with the nonsense and carry on.
7:02(사탕 장수그래이세훈이 소실이 뭐 어쨌다
What about Lee Se-hun's mistress?
7:05아니하늘이 도왔는가 뭔 감이 있었는가She either was lucky or must've had a hunch.
7:09그 사달이 나기 반나절 전에 홀랑 튀었다 캅니
Half a day before he died, she ran away.
7:12(춘식종들 말로는His servants say that
7:14이세훈이가 막 금을 막 한그슥 재워 놨다 카던
he had a stash of gold,
7:17그거를 막 싹 마 다 들고 튀었다 카고but it seems like she took everything with her.
7:19(사탕 장수이야난 년이네난 년이야My gosh. That's one hell of a woman.
7:23어디로 숨었으려나I wonder where she is now.
7:25그러니까예 금이 무거워가 멀리는 못 갔지 싶
My thoughts exactly. The gold is too heavy to
travel far with.
7:28(사탕 장수이야That's true.

7:34부인께 내 양장을 한 벌 팔아라 그 말씀이시지
you want me to sell you one of my dresses.
7:39(계향그렇소That's right.
7:40내 급히 떠나야 해서 옷 맞출 시간이 없어 그러
I must leave post-haste, so I don't have time
to get one tailored.
7:43이 꼴로 다니면 알아볼 자들도 있을 테고I'll be recognized if I dress like this,
7:48이왕이면 불란서 양장이었으면 좋겠는데so I'd appreciate it if you sold me a French
7:52내가 신고를 할지 도움을 줄지 어찌 아시고How do you know I won't simply turn you in?
7:55이리 용감하게You're a brave woman.
8:00(계향돈 앞에 장사 없다 했소There's nothing money can't buy.
8:04(히나와서 골라 보시지요Take your pick.
8:17한 벌은 입고 가시고 두 벌은 싸 드리겠습니다You can wear one and take two more with
8:20세 벌 값을 내셔서You gave me enough for three dresses.
8:22고맙소이 은혜는 잊지 않겠소Thank you. I won't forget your kindness.
8:27(히나그러실 필요 없습니다There's no need for that.
8:29은혜는 그 가방으로 받지요You can repay me with that bag.
8:33이 한 덩이는 양장값 나머지는 목숨값This one bar pays for the dresses. The rest is
for letting you live.
8:38그게 무슨 소리요?What are you talking about?
8:40이건 내 그 영감 비위 맞춰 주며 욕본 대가로...I earned this by putting up with that old--
8:42역적의 소실이었던 대가는The price one must pay as the mistress of a
8:46금이 아니라 죽음이었을 텐데should be death, not gold.
8:55날도 추운데 옷이라도 건져 가시지요It's cold outside, so make do with the dresses.
8:59금도목숨도 다 잃지 마시고If not, you'll lose both the gold and your life.
9:14(덕문좀 안 아프게 놓을 수 없소?Can't you make it less painful?
9:18(완익두라귀먹었다Let him be. He's deaf anyway.
9:22알아 오라는 건 어찌 됐니?Did you look into what I asked?
9:23(덕문짚으셨던 대로입니다Yes, sir. You were right.
9:26어제 그 시각엔 이미 이세훈이네 가택 주변 가
두가 다 비워졌답니다
The streets near Lee Se-hun's residence were
empty at the time.
9:31황제가 행차할 길을They must've kept it that way
9:34앞서서 비워 뒀단 얘기인데so that the emperor could pass through.
9:40이세훈이는 그걸 손에 넣을 수 있을 만한 그릇
이 아이야
Lee Se-hun's not clever enough to get his
hands on the document.
9:45이정문이가 짠 판에 걸려든 거 아이겠니He must've fallen into Lee Jeong-mun's trap.
9:53어찌 그러니?What is it?
9:55(완익이정문이가 종형제라 팔이 안으로 굽
Are you worried about Lee Jeong-mun since
he's your cousin?
9:58아유그런 게 아니라That's not it, sir.

10:00(덕문이정문 대감이 애초에 증서를 가지고 있
If Lord Lee had kept the certificate all along,
10:03왜 굳이 이세훈이를 끌어들였을까 하는 생각이
it wouldn't have been necessary for him to
involve Lee Se-hun.
10:09(완익그렇지You're right.
10:10다른 뱃속이 있었던 건 분명한데He obviously had other intentions.
10:16이세훈이가 죽어서 춤을 출 놈들이 어디 한두
놈이라야 감을 잡디
But I can't guess who's behind this since so
many people benefit from Lee Se-hun's death.
10:22그건 일단 묵혀 두고Leave that be for now
10:25털옷하고 사냥총 몇 개 준비하라and bring me my fur coat and a few hunting
10:27내래 사냥을 좀 나가야갔다I'm going out on a hunt.
10:30이 추위에요다리도 성치 않으신데...In this cold? But your leg--
10:32다리 얘기는 왜 꺼내니Why would you mention that?
10:36내 천추의 한이 그때 내 이리 만든 그 아새끼The deepest regret of my life is letting the
bastard who did this to me
10:39[총성이 탕 울린다] (완익기냥 보내 준 기야walk away unpunished.
10:43이름 석 자만 알아 놨어도Had I learned the name of that little bastard,
10:45찾아다가 찢어 죽일 거인디I'd have him ripped to pieces.
11:01(완익죽이든 살리든 양이들 속대로 하라는 기
Whether you live or die is up to the foreigners.
11:05조선은 너희 것들을 버렸다Joseon has abandoned you.
11:18(고종증서가 돌아왔으니Now that we reclaimed the certificate,
11:20잠시나마 대국들의 약점에서 놓여났음이야we can momentarily be free from the
countries of power.
11:24참으로 기뻐-I am glad. -It's nighttime, Your Majesty.
11:25침소에 드실 밤에 가배는 적당치 않사옵니다-I am glad. -It's nighttime, Your Majesty.
Coffee should be avoided.
11:30(고종짐은 가배가 의지가 된다Actually, it's something I rely on.
11:33정신이 더욱 또렷했으면 함이다I wish to be more alert.
11:40이 예치금을 되찾아 어떤 일에 쓰면 합당하겠
What do you think is the appropriate way to
spend the deposit?
11:44(정문아뢰옵기 황공하오나If I may, Your Majesty,
11:46영국은 지금 아라사를 견제하기 위해England even lent money to Japan
11:50일본에 차관까지 해 주면서as a way of defense against Russia.
11:52아라사와의 전쟁을 부추기고 있사옵니다They're instigating a war between the two.
11:56일아 전쟁이 난다면 그 가장 큰 피해국은If a war breaks out, the country that has most
to lose
12:01대한이 아닐는지요would be ours.
12:03하루속히 무관 학교를 재정비하심이 옳은 줄
I believe your best option is to realign the
Royal Military Academy.
12:08짐의 생각도 같다I agree with that opinion.
12:11그 일을 맡아 해낼 만한 자가 있겠는가So is there a man we can trust with the job?

12:15일본에 매수되지 않을 자Someone who won't be bought off by the
12:17제 잇속 때문에 일을 그르치지 않을 자Someone who will not be blinded by selfish
12:21혹 이번 일을 도모한 그자를 염두에 두시는 것
Are you referring to the man who recently
plotted the recent incident?
12:26이번 일로 쓰임을 보였다He proved how useful he could be.
12:30믿어 봄 직하겠는가?Do you think he is worth our trust?
12:32그자가 대한의 편을 들긴 하였으나He may be on our side for now,
12:35그 목적이 대한을 위함이 아니었을지도 모릅니
but his goal might not be to aid or help Joseon
12:40어찌 그리 생각하는가?Why do you say so?
12:44그자를 잘 짚고 있다 여겼사온데I thought I knew what kind of a man he is.
12:49되돌아 생각해 보니Come to think of it now,
12:51그자가 신을 짚고 있었사옵니다I believe he was the one who saw through
12:54[의미심장한 음악] (유진그날 내게 통변을 하
던 역관이
That day, the interpreter who translated for me
12:57통변을 거짓으로 하고 있었소changed my words.
13:01(유진예치 증서가 이세훈의 집에서 발견되면
그자는 어떻게 할 거요
If you find the document at his residence,
what will happen to him?
13:09(정문그자에 대해 알 만한 자가 있으니There is someone who knows about him,
13:12신중히 더 알아보겠사옵니다so I will look into it more thoroughly, Your
13:15신중히 하되 신속히 하라Be thorough but also be quick.
13:21희한하게도 자꾸 담기는구나Oddly enough, I keep finding myself...
13:26그자가drawn to him.
14:00(정문어찌 여기서 보자 한 것이냐?Why did you want to see me here?
14:07바람도 쐴 겸 집도 둘러볼 겸I wanted some fresh air and to look around.
14:12일종의 투자지요Think of it as an investment.
14:15(히나조선이 일본에 넘어가건 러시아에 넘어
Whether Joseon goes over to Japan or
14:18땅이야 남지 않겠습니까?there will always be land to buy.
14:27제가 이 집을 살까 합니다I plan on buying this house.
14:31역적의 가택이니 국고로 환수될 테고A traitor's residence is turned over to the
14:34조선은 늘 돈이 없으니 어차피 누군가에게 팔
릴 테고
Joseon has no money, so it'll be sold to
14:39제가 사겠습니다It'd like it to be me.
14:43가쾌를 보내거라Send over your realtor.
14:45탁지부에 연통해 둘 터이니I'll let the Ministry of Finance know.
14:48그리하겠습니다I'll do that.

14:51(정문네 아비는What about your father?
14:54만났느냐?Have you met him?
14:56조선 땅에 들어왔으니He's back in Joseon,
14:59한 번은 널 찾을 법도 한데so I'm sure he'll look for you.
15:01아실 텐데요You should know
15:03저는 아비가 없습니다that I don't have a father.
15:10네 어미는 백방으로 찾고 있다I'm looking everywhere for your mother.
15:14압니다매번 같은 말씀이시니I know. You always say that.
15:19혹여Do you think
15:21내가 네게 거짓으로 찾고 있다고 하는 것 같으
I'm lying to you when I say I'm looking for her?
15:24그런데 전 방법이 없습니다I have no other way
15:26하니 그저 믿어야지요but to trust you, right?
15:29(히나헛된 희망이라도 가져야지요I should at least have some vain hope.
15:32제게 어미가 귀한 만큼 대감께도Just like how my mother is precious to me,
15:38제가 가진 정보가 귀할 테니까요the information I have is valuable to you.
15:44그럼 이제 하문하시지요Now, ask away.
15:53그 검은 머리의 미국인 사내 말이다It's about the American with black hair.
15:59네가 보기엔 어떠하더냐?What do you think of him?
16:05(히나장사꾼으로서는From a businessman's perspective,
16:07장기 투숙에 방세 안 밀리니 알짜 손님이지요he's a long-term guest who's never late on
16:11손님을 떼고 보면?What if he wasn't a guest?
16:14대감께서 이미 말씀하셨지 않습니까?You already said so yourself.
16:17검은 머리의 미국인이라고He's an American with black hair.
16:21(히나미국은 일이 틀어지면 그를 조선인이라
할 테고
When things go south, America will say he's
from Joseon
16:25조선은 일이 틀어지면 그를 미국인이라 할 테
while Joseon will say he's an American.
16:31그는 그저He's nothing
16:33쓸쓸한 이방인입니다but a lonely foreigner.
16:41(정문하면Does that mean
16:43그자에겐 미국에 두고 온 식솔조차 없느냐?he has no family back in America?
16:46(히나없는 듯 보였습니다Not from what I can tell.
16:48빈관 방에도 사무실에도 사진 한 장 없는 걸 보
He has no photo of anyone in his room or
16:53(정문혹 빈관으로 찾아오는 이들은 없었고?Did any guests come to visit him while staying
at the hotel?
16:57(히나함경도에서 온 선교사의 서신이 있었고He received a letter from a missionary in
Hamgyong Province.
17:00격의 없이 지내는 미군 동료 하나가 빈관에 함A good fellow American soldier stays at the
hotel as well.

께 머물고 있고
17:05며칠 전에는 미국에서 친우가 한 명 왔었는데A few days ago, a friend from America came
17:09그 외에는 정식 방문은 없고 주로 몰래 숨어듭
Besides that, there weren't official entries.
Usually, they sneak into his room.
17:16그의 방이 여러 번 뒤져졌습니다His room was rummaged many times.
17:20(유진일본도러시아도 조선도 찾고 있는 그
예치 증서
The certificate of deposit that Japan, Russia,
and Joseon all want.
17:25내가 찾게 해 주겠소I'll give it to you.
17:29다 미국에서의 연이구나So most of his acquaintances are from
17:34조선에서는 연을 맺고 있는 자는 없더냐?Does he have any friends in Joseon?
17:39그의 옆방에 김안평 댁 도련님이 묵고 계시는
The son of Kim An-pyeong is staying in the
room next door.
17:43묵은 인연이 있는 듯 보였습니다They seemed to know each other,
17:44좋은 연은 아닌 듯싶었고요but they're not on good terms.
17:51고사홍 대감 댁 애기씨와there have been interactions between him
17:56교류가 있습니다and Lady Ae-sin of the Go Family.
18:12(유진귀하가 구하려는 조선에는This country you're trying to protect.
18:16(유진누가 사는 거요?Who is it for?
18:18백정은 살 수 있소?Is there a life for butchers?
18:22노비는 살 수 있소?Is there a life for slaves?
18:36(어린 동매호강에 겨운 양반 계집You're just a noble fool who lives in luxury.
18:52(승구어찌 온 것이냐?What brings you by?
18:53다친 곳은 괜찮은 게야?How's your injury?
18:57(애신몹시 아프지만 연습을 게을리할 순 없어
It extremely hurts, but I still must practice.
19:02(승구내 이래서 너를 못 믿는 것이다?This is why I can't trust you.
19:05금세 다 나았구먼You must've recovered.
19:10여쭐 것이 있습니다I have something to ask.
19:12스승님이 우리 동지들의 총대장이십니까?Are you the leader of my comrades?
19:17난 너의 대장이지I certainly am yours.
19:19근데 요즘은 네가 내 대장 같구나However, these days, you seem to order me
19:23(애신그럼 딱 앉아 보십시오졸병처럼Then go sit there like my minion.
19:34(승구네가 앉으래서 앉는 것이 아니고I'm not sitting because you ordered me to.
19:37앉던 중에앉던 중에 네가 말한 것이야You just happened to say it when I was
already doing so.

19:51스승님 위에는 누가 계십니까?Who is the one that gives you orders?
19:58뭐가 궁금한 것이냐?What do you want to know?
19:59그분은Is he...
20:01양반입니까?a noble?
20:04(애신그분이 지키려는 조선엔 누가 살 수 있
The Joseon he wishes to protect. Who is it
20:10그저 묻지도 않고 '하더니You never used to ask questions like these,
20:13(승구이제 와서 갑자기 왜?so why the sudden change?
20:16어떤 이에게 질문을 받았는데Someone asked me the same question.
20:20그는 그저 제게 물었을 뿐인데It was only a simple question,
20:26물은 이도 (애신물음을 받은 저도but the one who asked it and myself both
20:31다쳐서요got hurt.
20:37(승구네가 동지라 했던 널 도운 그 미군 말이
The man you referred to as a comrade. That
American soldier.
20:43그자가 항간에 떠돌던He returned
20:46임금의 증서를 조선에 돌려주었다the king's bank certificate to Joseon.
20:49이세훈을 처단한 것도He took Lee Se-hun down
20:51소아가 한성 밖으로 빠져나갈 수 있도록 육로
를 터 준 것도
and found a land route to get So-a safely out.
20:55그자의 도움이었다It was all him.
20:58늘 모르는 게 좋다 하시더니You always said it's better if I don't know.
21:04왜 얘기해 주십니까?Why are you telling me this?
21:05(승구네가 아는 건Your knowing
21:07그자에게 중요한 것 같아서seems to be important to him.
21:11혹여Is it...
21:14그게 너에게도 중요한 것이냐?important to you as well?
21:25혹시 알았느냐?Did you know
21:27그자의 출신을of his low birth?
21:31스승님은 알고 계셨습니까?You knew already?
21:34내가 처음에 널 여기 데려왔을 때 하대를 한 이
When I first brought you here, I spoke down to
21:38(승구이 험한 길을 며칠 오가다That was because I thought you'd come for a
few days
21:41제풀에 나가떨어지겠지 해서였다then get sick of it after a while and stop
21:45근데 넌 10년을 오갔다But you visited for ten years.
21:47네가 무슨 질문을 어떻게 받았든Whatever questions he threw at you,
21:51넌 그 10년으로 이미 답해 왔다the past ten years answered them all.

21:58- (애신저는... - (승구하나-Am I-- -However,
22:04(승구애기씨my lady.
22:07소인이 애기씨와 이리 지내는 것이 세간에 알
If people find out how close we are,
22:12소인은 반상의 법도를 능멸한 죄인입니다I will be charged for breaking all moral laws.
22:17강상죄로 소인은 죽음을 면치 못합니다I will be killed for mistreating someone beyond
my social rank.
22:23스승님 (승구애기씨의 뜻과는 상관이 없지요-Master-- -It has nothing to do with how you
22:28법이 그러합니다 세상이 그러합니다That's the law, my lady. That's how the world
22:38안 될 일입니다It cannot be.
22:43그자와의 인연도Time has come for you
22:47그만 놓으셔야 합니다to part ways with him.
23:11(동매내가 찾는 거여야 할 텐데It better be what I'm looking for.
23:14아녀자 울리기 싫거든I do not want to make a woman shed tears.
23:15뭐라도 있어야 되는데진짜There better be something.
23:28(귀단방을 소제하느라I was cleaning his room.
23:30낮에 손님이 많아 바빠서 방금 다 끝이 나서...We were busy during the day. I just finished
the room.
23:34그럴 수 있지That's understandable.
23:37한데 내가 뭘 묻던?But did I ask?
23:43방을 소제했는데 걸레도 빗자루도 시트도 없이You cleaned a room without a broom, mop, or
23:47급했단 얘기지?You were in a hurry.
23:49따라와Follow me.
23:51변명이 그럴싸해야 할 거야 길바닥에 나앉기
You'd better have a good excuse unless you
want to end up on the streets.
24:00뭘 뒤진 거니?What did you search for?
24:05아닙니다아씨절대 아닙니다You're wrong. It's not what you think.
24:09아니야?It's not?
24:12넌 네가 뭘 찾는지도 모르지만You don't even know what you should be
looking for,
24:14난 네가 찾던 게 뭔지 아는데but I already know what it is.
24:21이리 멍청한 너를 움직인 이가 누굴까귀단아?Who could be controlling someone as stupid
as you?
24:27(귀단) [떨리는 목소리로아씨께서 제게You told me
24:29울지 말고 물라고 하셔서not to cry and to bite back.
24:33I'm sorry. I really am.

24:40적어도 상대의 어딜 물어야 하는진 알고 물어
You should at least know where to bite your
24:43하나 보다 중요한 건 물 수 있음에도 물지 않는
What's more important is to not bite even
though you can.
24:47그게 의리라는 것이다That's called loyalty.
24:49아무것도 못 찾았습니다정말입니다I didn't find anything. I swear.
24:53(귀단영어로 된 종이를 찾으라 해서 처음에
찾아 줬는데
I was told to find an English document and I
24:56[울먹이며그게 아니었던 모양입니다but it wasn't the right one.
25:00제발 살려 주세요아씨 용서해 주세요아씨Please help me. Please forgive me, madam.
25:04(히나용서는 또 볼 사이에 하는 거란다Forgiveness is for someone you'll see again.
25:07누가 시켰는지 몰라 물은 것도 아니고It's not like I don't know who's controlling you.
25:12이젠 네년이 우는 것도 무는 것도 꼴 보기가 싫
I'm sick of seeing you cry and bite.
25:17나가Get out.
25:22(완익) [일본어인사가 늦었소이완익이오Sorry for the late introduction. I'm Lee Wan-ik.
25:26(하야시본국에서 연락받았소I got word from the mainland.
25:28이토 각하께서는 뭐라고 하시오?What did Lord Ito say?
25:30이런 산골짜기까지 오라 가라 할 만한 얘기인
Is it something worth bringing me to a place
like this?
25:35잘 들어 보라 하시던데I'm to listen carefully.
25:38제일 은행 화폐가 통용이 안 돼서I heard you're having issues
25:40골머리를 썩고 있다고 내 알고 있소because Dai-Ichi Bank's bills aren't circulating.
25:43(완익그건 내가 처리하겠소I'll sort that out for you.
25:45조선에서 일본 화폐가 통용이 돼야We need Japanese bills to be used widely in
25:48그 돈으로 선로도 깔고 그 길로 군수품도 실어
나를 것 아니겠소
We need Japanese bills to be used widely in
Joseon to build railways and to transport war
25:54원하는 게 뭐요?What is it that you want?
25:57외부대신 자리To be Minister of Foreign Affairs.
26:01(완익이 모든 약조는 내가 그 자리에 앉으면
I'll keep my word once I obtain that title.
26:08조선의 황제는Joseon's emperor
26:10나를 일본과 조선welcomed me back to make sure that
26:12그 어느 곳에도 쓰이지 말라 금의환향을 시킨
welcomed me back to make sure that I can't
work for either Joseon or Japan.
26:18그러니 공사가 힘을 좀 보태야겠소For such reason, I need your help.
26:24일영 동맹도 좀 이용해서Let's use the Anglo-Japanese Alliance.

26:27이세훈이는 그냥 똥개로 썼는데Lee Se-hun was just a dog.
26:29리노이에 씨는 어느 쪽인가Which are you, Rinoie?
26:32(하야시이세훈이 죽어서 새로운 개가 필요하
던 참이긴 한데
With Lee Se-hun dead, I was feeling the need
for another dog to order about.
26:40내 사냥개든 똥개든 그 개들을 부리는 쪽이오Whether I'm a hound or a mutt, I'll be the one
to boss the other dogs.
26:57(완익조선 조정의 각부 대신들이오They're the ministers of Joseon's court.
27:02저자들에게Did you call them here on purpose
27:04나랑 같이 있는 모습을 보여 주려고 일부러 부
른 건가
Did you call them here on purpose so they'd
see you with me?
27:09[한국어알면 좀 웃어라이 작자야If you know that, you might as well smile.
27:13꼴은 저래도 우리 편인데They look a mess, but they're our allies.
27:24(완익내래 부른 거이 다섯인데I called five of you,
27:28넷만 왔구나but only four showed up.
27:30줄을 잘 서야 오래 살 거인데 말이야?You should side with the right guy if you want
to live long.
27:37사서삼경이니 맹자니 공자니The Seven Chinese Classics, Mencius,
27:40이런 것들은 좀 읽어 봤니?Did you read up on them?
27:43내 명색이 학부의 대신이오I'm the Minister of Education.
27:45그런 것은 아홉 살이면 다 떼는 것이오I read that when I was nine.
27:48(완익아새끼 정색은Don't be a sour-faced fool.
27:50아새새끼라니How dare you call me that?
27:52(완익묻지도 못하니? [완익이 고기를 툭
Can't I even ask a question?
27:55(시덕한데 그건 어찌 묻소이까?Why did you ask about that anyway?
28:00내래 아이 읽었거든Because I haven't read any of them.
28:03(완익아홉 살에 뗐을 정도면If you read that at nine,
28:05상소는 기막히게들 쓰겠구나?you must write amazing petitions and
28:11기대해도 되갔니?Don't let me down.
28:24(히나일하던 여급 아이 하나가 그만뒀지 뭡니
One of the maids quit.
28:27내 방이 또 뒤져졌던데 그 이유요?Someone searched my room again. -Is that
the reason? -Is something missing?
28:30혹시 분실물이 있으신가요?-Is that the reason? -Is something missing?
28:32예치 증서가 궁으로 돌아가서The bank document is with the king now.
28:36이젠 없으시려나?I suppose nothing's missing.
28:38무슨 소리인지 모르겠소I'm not following.
28:44(히나조선이고 일본이고A document that
28:46서양 대국들까지 주시하던 문서가 행방이 묘연
Japan, Joseon, and even America were
interested in had disappeared.

28:50대뜸 이세훈 대감 집에서 발견됐답니다It suddenly showed up at Lord Lee Se-hun's
28:53잘린 여급은 손님 룸에서 영어로 된 종이를 찾
고 있었다 하고
The maid that was fired was looking for an
English document in a guest's room.
29:00이래도 모르실까요?Do you still not follow?
29:02난 전혀Not at all.
29:06(유진보통은 방이 뒤져졌으면 방을 옮겨 준다
When someone searches a guest's room,
shouldn't you apologize
29:10미안하다고 하는 게 먼저 아니오?and suggest I switch rooms?
29:12보통은 방이 뒤져졌으면If your room is searched,
29:14방을 옮겨 달라거나 항의를 하는 게 먼저 아닌
shouldn't you demand a different room or
29:20이해심이 많은 편이오I'm an understanding person.
29:22지금이라도 방을 바꿔 드릴까요?Do you want another room?
29:25[오르골에서 잔잔한 음이 흘러나온다] (유진)
빌려줄 테니 충분히 들으시고
I'll lend it to you. You can return it
29:28나중에 돌려주시오after you've had enough.
29:30그간 아프지 마시오Don't get sick in the meantime.
29:32괜찮소인내심도 강한 편이오It's fine. I'm quite patient too.
29:47(도미오셨습니까나리Welcome back, sir.
29:59네 누이 말이야Your sister.
30:02아직도 친척 집에서 지내?Does she still stay with relatives?
30:07막내 요 백 일도 안 된 놈이 제법 자리를 차지해
The youngest is only 100 days old, but he
takes up a lot of room.
30:11발 뻗을 데가 없습니다We can barely stretch our legs.
30:13누이한테 글로리 호텔에 가 보라 그래Tell your sister to go to the Glory Hotel.
30:16여급을 구하는 모양이야 숙식도 제공하고They're hiring a maid. With food and lodgings.
30:19참말입니까?Is that true, sir?
30:21그리하겠습니다 정말 감사합니다나리I'll tell her. Thank you so much.
30:26너 내 부탁 하나만 들어줄래?will you do me a favor?
30:32(도미기역니은디귿리을Giyuk, nieun, digeut, rieul.
30:36입으로 말하면서 쓰셔야 빨리 늡니다You'll learn it quicker if you speak out loud.
30:46뭐야?Ni... Ni... What?
30:49(도미니은It's nieun.

30:54- (도미디귿 - (유진디귿-Digeut. -Okay, digeut.
30:59- (도미을 - (유진리을리을-It's Rieul. -Rieul.
31:00(도미기역니은디귿리을Giyuk, nieun, digeut, rieul.
31:04다섯 번씩 쓰세요Write that five times each.
31:06[도미의 한숨허리 곧게 펴시고Keep your back straight.
31:09바른 자세에서 바른 글씨가 나오는 겁니다Good handwriting requires a good posture.
31:12너 일그 군화 닦았어?Did you clean my boots?
31:14얼른 쓰십시오Yes. Now keep writing.
31:18(유진닦았네?You did that already?
31:28허리 펴고 쓰는 거라며 왜 허리를 굽히고 쓰지,
I have to sit up, but you get to hunch over?
31:33(도미이것이 나리 존함입니다This is your name.
31:36유진 초이"Eugene Choi."
31:41(유진유진 초이Eugene Choi.
31:48너 이거 읽을 줄 알아?Can you read this?
32:01(도미이것이 뭡니까?What's this? I MSSD YUO
32:08?"Miss"? "Mass"?
32:13'보고 싶었소'?"I missed you"?
32:18(도미) [중얼거리며] '보고 싶었소'There.
32:25'보고 싶었소', 맞지요?"I missed you." Is that it?
32:42나도Me too.
32:51(시덕폐하한시바삐 외부대신의 빈자리를 채
Your Majesty. You must appoint a new
Minister of Foreign Affairs
32:56조정의 안정을 도모하셔야 하옵니다and bring things back to order.
32:59(대신대국과의 외교에 혜안이 있는 이완익을
Appoint Lee Wan-ik who has ties with Japan
33:03속히 정국을 바로잡으소서and bring order to the court.
33:05폐하통촉하여 주시옵소서Your Majesty, please grant our petition.
33:09(대신들통촉하여 주시옵소서!-Please grant our petition. -Please grant our
33:14(하야시) [일본어폐하대한 제국과 각 나라 사
Your Majesty. Your country has an abundance
of issues
33:18[역관1이 한국어로 통역한다논의해야 할 큰
외교적 사안들이 태산이옵니다
that must be discussed and negotiated with
various other nations.
33:36(고종) [한국어예상은 했다만I expected as much,
33:38완익의 행보가 대단히 노골적이구나but Wan-ik is being very direct.
33:45이가 완익을 들라 하라Summon Lee Wan-ik.

33:51(고종현재 공석인 외부대신에As the new Minister of Foreign Affairs,
33:55현 농상공부 대신 박시덕을 임명한다I appoint Park Si-deok, the current Minister of
Farming and Trade.
34:00따라서 다시 공석인 농상공부 대신에As the new Minister of Farming and Trade,
34:03전 주일 한국 공사 이완익을 임명한다I appoint Lee Wan-ik who worked at the
Joseon legation in Japan.
34:08경들은 각자의 자리에서 조선을 위해 힘쓰라Serve your nation as best you can in your new
34:12(시덕폐하성은이 망극하옵나이다Your Majesty, I thank you for your grace.
34:16(대신들성은이 망극하옵나이다-Thank you for your grace. -Thank you for
your grace.
34:22성은이 망극하옵네다Thank you for your grace.
34:29내래 소작농 출신이라고 밭떼기나 관리하라 이
I'm to manage fields because I was a tenant
34:33(완익감히 나를 농상공부에 처박아?How dare he appoint me in Farming and
34:37좋게 얘기하니까 내래 사람이 좋아 보였지비Does he think I'm nice because I was soft
34:41- (완익덕문아 - (덕문대감-Deok-mun. -Yes, sir.
34:42너 만주에 좀 다녀오라Go to Manchuria.
34:45서둘러 데려올 자가 있다There's someone you need to get.
34:48내 면전에 똥칠을 했으니He smeared mud on my face.
34:51내 이명복이 면전에다가 피 칠갑을 할 것이야I'll put blood all over Lee Myeong-bok's face.
35:11[용주가 총을 철컥 장전한다] (용주총을 버려
Drop your gun.
35:33오늘 내 운세가 어떠냐?What is my fortune?
35:46운예지망이라Hoping for clouds and a rainbow?
35:53무지개는 무슨What rainbow?
35:56비단에도 손이 베이던데Even silk cuts skin.
36:20(동매왜 놀라?Why are you surprised?
36:21[아기 울음] (동매난 돈 안 되는 사람은 안 죽
I don't kill those who aren't worth anything.
36:25(수미그게...It's just that...
36:29갑자기 서 계셔서you appeared suddenly.
36:30(동매여기서 일하나 봐?You work here?
36:35취직되었습니다 나리께서는 여길 어찌...I just started. What brings you here?
36:39내가 이 호텔 뒤를 봐주고 있거든I look out for the people here.
36:41그래서 난 주로 뒤로 다녀So I take the back door.
36:44?-Pardon? -It was a joke.
36:45웃으라고 한 말인데 안 웃으면 나라도 웃어야
-Pardon? -It was a joke. If you won't laugh, I
36:53That's nice silk.

(동매좋은 비단이네
36:55아까워서It's a waste to throw it away.
36:57동생 조끼나 만들어 줄까 하고I was hoping to make my brother a vest.
37:00그래라You do that.
37:19(동매그때 우리 애들이 일을 못했네My minions did a terrible job.
37:22엉망진창으로 다 뒤졌어야 했거든They were supposed to make a mess
searching the room.
37:25한 군데도 빠짐없이 다They should've checked everywhere.
37:27그럼 저기 있었을 것 같은데Then it should've been there.
37:30그때 내가 뭘 찾고 있었거든 늦었지I was looking for something, you see. But it's
too late now.
37:34그게 지금 어디 있는지 세상천지가 다 아니Now the whole world knows where it is.
37:37내가 궁금한 건What I want to know is...
37:39네가 그걸 누구한테 갖다줬는지야who you gave it to.
37:42말해 주면 안 잡아가고Tell me and I'll leave you here.
37:44말 안 해 주면 잡아가고Don't tell me and I'll take you.
37:49어떡할래?What will you do?
37:58[한국어살려 주세요!Save me!
38:00[수미가 문을 쾅쾅 두드린다] (수미저 좀 도와
Please help me.
38:01저 좀 살려 주세요!Save me!
38:25(애신어찌 이러는가!Why are you doing this?
38:27같은 조선인들끼리 서로 돕지는 못할망정The people of Joseon should help each other.
38:30어찌 이리 사납게아직 아이인데Why are you being so harsh? She's just a
38:33(동매애고 어른이고Adult or child,
38:34조선인들끼리 돕고 사는 걸 보고 배운 적이 없
I was never taught that Joseon people would
help each other.
38:39애기씨가 끼실 자리가 아닙니다This is none of your business, my lady.
38:43내가 이런 순간에만 보는 것인가Do I see you only at times like this
38:48자네가 이런 순간으로만 사는 것인가or are you always like this?
38:54어떤 순간을 말씀하시는 건지What times are you talking about?
39:01(수미살려 주세요애기씨Save me, my lady.
39:04(동매이런 순간을 말씀하시는 겁니까?Are you talking about times like this?
39:14이런 순간도 살길 바라네I hope you also live through times like that.
39:22- (애신함안댁! - (함안댁-Ms. Haman. -Yes?
39:24(애신아이를 데려가게Take the girl.
39:27(함안댁이리 온나Come here.
39:33이유가 무엇이야?What is the reason?
39:35아이에게 이러는 이유가 무엇이야!Why did you do that to her?
39:37I lost a large sum of money, my lady.

큰돈을 날렸습니다애기씨
39:40(동매저 아이가 제가 찾고 있는 걸 다른 이에
게 주는 바람에요
She gave something I was looking for to
someone else.
39:42날린 돈이 얼만가내가 내겠네How much did you lose? I'll pay for it. Will that
39:45그러면 되겠는가!I'll pay for it. Will that do?
39:46그러시면 됩니다That would do.
39:49얼만가?How much was it?
39:50(동매되는대로 들고 오시지요Bring whatever you can.
39:52들고 오시는 거 보고 흥정을 해 보겠습니다I'll see how much you bring and negotiate.
39:55내달 보름까지 직접 오시지요Come to me on the 15th of next month.
39:58애기씨가 직접 말입니다Bring it yourself, my lady.
40:03얼마인지나 얘기해Tell me how much you want.
40:05(동매얼마인지는 와서 들으시는 겁니다I'll tell you how much on the day.
40:07그래야 내달 보름까지That way,
40:09저 아이의 안전이 보장되지 않겠습니까?that girl will be safe at least until the 15th.
40:16하면 그때 뵙겠습니다I'll see you then.
40:20동생 조끼 잘 만들어 입혀Make your brother a nice vest.
40:22좋은 비단이던데It's good silk.
40:26[일본어가자Let's go.
40:51(동매) [한국어?What?
40:53웃으셔서You smiled.
40:57내가 살길 바란다잖아She wants me to live.
41:00얼마 전엔 죽여 버리겠다던 이가A while ago, she wanted me dead.
41:02(애신비키게죽여 버리기 전에Step aside before I kill you.
41:05(애신이런 순간도 살길 바라네I hope you also live through times like that.
41:18(수미구해 주셔서 감사합니다Thank you for saving me.
41:21한데 저 때문에...I got you in trouble.
41:23송구합니다애기씨I'm sorry, my lady.
41:25(애신너 때문이 아니다It's not your fault.
41:27다친 데가 없으니 다행이야I'm glad you weren't hurt.
41:30하나 내 한 가지는 물어야겠다But I must ask you something.
41:34네가 무언가 중요한 걸 가지고 있었다는 건Is it true that you had something
41:37맞는 것이냐?that was important?
41:40(수미저도 자세히는 모르오나I don't know very well,
41:43조선의 운명이라 하셨는데but he said it's the fate of Joseon.
41:46(애신조선의 운명?The fate of Joseon?
41:48누가?-Who said that? -I'm sorry, my lady.
41:49죄송합니다애기씨 그건 말씀 못 드립니다-Who said that? -I'm sorry, my lady. I can't tell
you that.

42:01네가 지금 누군가를 지키고 있는 것이냐?Are you trying to protect someone?
42:06그래알았다 난 괜찮으니...I understand. I don't mind.
42:12(유진혹시 내 방을 뒤진 자들과 한패요?Are you with the people who searched my
42:14(동매큰돈을 날렸습니다애기씨I lost a large sum of money.
42:16저 아이가 제가 찾고 있는 걸 다른 이에게 주는
She gave something I was looking for to
someone else.
42:19(승구그자가 항간에 떠돌던 임금의 증서를 조
선에 돌려주었다
He returned the king's bank certificate to
42:24내 하나만 더 묻고 싶은데I'd like... to ask you one more thing.
42:30네가 어찌 그 중한 걸 가지고 있었던 것이냐?How did you come to have something that
42:43전에 제가 어떤 미국 나리 댁에서 일을 했는데I used to work at an American master's house.
42:47(수미바깥 나리께서 아기 포대기에 뭔가를 숨
겨 놓으셨습니다
My master had hidden something inside a
baby quilt.
42:51한데 나리가 돌아가셔서 어찌하지 못하다가I initially didn't know what to do with it
because he passed away,
42:55(수미은혜를 입은 분께 드린 겁니다but I gave it to someone to whom I was
42:58그리된 것이구나알았다I see, that's what happened. Okay.
43:02(애신대신 나와 약조 하나만 하자Promise me something.
43:06내가 널 도운 걸Do not tell the person
43:08네가 지키는 그분께는 말씀드리지 말아라whom you're trying to protect that I helped you
43:11이건 너와 나 둘만의 비밀로 하자꾸나This will be our secret.
43:16애기씨Yes, my lady.
43:22(양복점 직원이야아니보통은 옷이 날개라
They say clothes maketh the man,
43:25도련님은 옷이 도련님 덕을 봅니다but in your case, it's the other way around.
43:28참으로 근사하십니다You look fantastic.
43:29애기씨께서도 새삼 눈을 못 떼실 겁니다Lady Ae-sin won't be able to take her eyes off
43:32그런가You think so?
43:33새삼 그러시려나?Do you think she will be smitten by me for a
43:38그럼 자리 좀 비켜 주게 내 잠시 혼자 취해 있고
Give me some privacy. I'd like to admire
myself for a few minutes.
43:42(양복점 직원Oh, sure.
43:49(희성옷이 이리 근사하니This outfit is exquisite indeed.
43:51어떤 이들이 날 알아보고 눈을 못 떼는지I wonder who won't be able to take their eyes
off me.
43:56한번 볼까Let's see.
44:01[출입문 종이 딸랑거린다] - (희성아이진짜! --Gosh, seriously! -Stay still.

44:03(희성잠깐만 놔 보시오!Let go of me for a second!
44:04(유진다리가 불편하니 지금 우리가 부축하는
거 아니오
We're just trying to help you because you hurt
your leg.
44:07(희성가도 내 발로 가겠소I'll walk with my own two feet.
44:09(유진가만히 좀 있으시오! (동매문은 제가 따
나리 [희성의 힘겨운 신음]
-Stop moving around so much. -I'll open the
door for you, sir.
44:12- (희성여기 있소... - (유진어디 있소?-Where's the key? -How dare...
44:13(유진그쪽에서 좀...Keep it down, will you?
44:17(희성괜찮으시오... [히나의 탄식]Goodness, are you okay? Well, it looks like
Young Master Hui-seong is seriously injured,
44:18도련님께서 많이 다치신 모양입니다Well, it looks like Young Master Hui-seong is
seriously injured,
44:21혹은 많이 다칠 예정이거나or that is what is to come.
44:28(동매문을 부숴만 봤지 이렇게 열고 들어오는
I'm so used to breaking down doors.
44:301900년대 들어 처음인 것 같은데It's been such a long time since I opened one
with a key.
44:34덕분에 내 아주 곱게 잘 왔소Thanks to the two of you, I got in safe and
44:36(유진밖에선 할 수 없는 얘기라앉으시오We can't have this talk outside. Have a seat.
44:38[희성의 한숨] (동매우리부터 먼저 하시지요,
You and I need to talk first.
44:41전 제물포에서 봤습니다한 번I saw you once in Jemulpo.
44:52안 물었소I never asked.
44:55내 당해 봐서 아오I know how that feels.
44:57아주 얄밉지 않소?Isn't he terribly annoying?
44:59(동매그러게 말입니다He surely is.
45:00대답을 했어야 그 빌미로 죽이는 건데 아깝네
I could only kill him if he answered. It's too
45:04(희성내가 물은 걸로 할 참이었는데I was going to say I asked.
45:06큰일 날 뻔했구려I'm glad I didn't.
45:10혹시 내가 이 옷을 입고 다리를 절면Will the story become complete if I walk with a
45:15완벽해지는 이야기요?wearing this outfit?
45:20이것도 내가 제일 늦었구려Even with this, I'm the last one.
45:22(동매우리 셋이 싸울 일은 아닌 것 같은데I do not think the three of us should fight.
45:24우리 셋이 사이좋게 의논할 일도 아닌 것 같고It's not something that calls for an amicable
45:29각자 알아서 합시다 셋 다 아는 정보도 다 다른
Let's figure it out on our own. It seems like we
all have different information.
45:34(희성그럼 셋이서 술이나 한잔합시다 남들이
Then let's have some drinks. If people see...

45:38남들이 다 봤지People already saw everything.
45:39그러니 남자 셋이 술도 없이 이러고 있는 게 퍽
이상해 보일 텐데
Three men gathered like this with no drinks
will look very strange.
45:43(유진지금 우리 셋이 술을 한잔하는 것도 퍽
The three of us drinking together now would
equally strange.
45:48(동매내가 오늘 술이 들어가면 둘 중 누구 하
나는 죽일 것 같아서요
I'm afraid I may end up killing one of you if I
drink today, sir.
45:53나로 정한 것 같은데?I suppose that will be me.
45:58(희성싸우지들 마시오 옷 걱정도 말고Don't fight, you two. And don't worry about the
46:01오늘 내가 입었으니 보름 안에 한성에 대유행
일 거요
Since I wore it today, it will become the
newest trend in about two weeks.
46:05입을...That mouth of yours.
46:07(동매아니옷을 찢어 버려야 하나Or shall I just rip the suit to pieces?
46:12(희성이쪽으로 정한 거 아니었소?I thought he was going to be your prey.
46:22(히나남보다 못한 사내 셋이 한방에 모였다라Three men who are worse than strangers to
one another are gathered in one room.
46:40- (유진부축하는 거 아니오? - (희성가도 내
발로 가겠소
-You hurt your leg. -I'll walk with my own two
46:42(유진가만히 좀 있으시오!Stop moving around so much.
46:46그 계집이 뭐라고Why is that girl such a big deal?
47:43[한국어그래서 그...So did you...
47:45그 여인은 잘 배웅해 줬소?send the woman off?
47:47웃으며 떠났습니다Yes, sir. She left with a big smile on her face.
47:49여행 내내 날씨가 좋았던 거 보면 배도 잘 도착
했을 테고요
The weather was good throughout our trip, so
the ship must've arrived safely too.
47:53고생했소Great, thank you.
47:55한데By the way,
47:57내 선물은 없소?is there no gift for me?
47:59(관수실은 나리 걱정하실까 봐 함구하려
Actually, I wasn't going to tell you what
happened as I didn't want to worry you.
48:02냉골 피하고 범골 피하고 잘 오나 싶었는데We thought all would be fine because we
didn't run into any tigers,
48:05글쎄화적 떼를 딱 만났지 뭡니까but we ended up running into a group of
48:09화적 떼가 내 선물만 가져갔소?And they only took my gift?
48:13(관수라고 카일 나리께서 의견을 내셔서I mean, Major Moore suggested saying that
as an excuse,
48:16제가 안 된다고안 된다고and I told him that you wouldn't buy it.

48:18화적 떼가 내 선물만 가져갔냐고 물으면 어떡
I was like, "What should we do if he asks why
the bandits only took his gift?"
49:04(홍파) [한국어많이 잡수시오Eat up.
49:07많이 잡수시오Eat up.
49:17(유진) [한국어고애신은 가마터에서 [의미심
장한 음악
깨진 사발을 산다
Go Ae-sin buys broken bowls at the kiln site.
49:19고애신의 스승은 장 포수다Gunner Jang is her master.
49:20장 포수는 도공 황은산의 벗이다He's a friend of Potter Hwang.
49:22황은산의 가마터는 이 나루터에서 저 주모를
통해 배를 타고 가야 한다
You can only get to his kiln site via wherry
from here through that barkeep.
49:26내게 바가지도 씌웠던 주모가 통통한 백숙을
She once tried to rip me off but gave me this
meaty chicken today.
49:28난 게이샤를 구한 적이 있다I saved a geisha's life.
49:30그게 백숙 사이즈가 달라진 이유일 것이다That must be why the size of the chicken
49:32요약하면 저들은 다 한패다In other words, they're all comrades.
49:35조직이 이렇게 허술해서야-What a clumsy organization. -Did you just say
49:39[한국어주모여기 탁배기 두 개 주세요Excuse me, we'd like two bottles of rice wine.
49:44대체 어디서 뭘 하다 온 거야?What on earth have you been up to?
49:46[카일의 탄성오늘 온 게 아닌데?It's as if you never left.
50:12사랑해!I love you!
50:24나 여기 오래 기억하려고 그랬는데I wanted to remember this place for a long
50:29너 때문에 망했어but you ruined it all.
50:40이 곶감이 아주 달큰한 게예These dried persimmons are very sweet.
50:44근데 뭐를 그래 사부작사부작By the way, what are you making, my lady?
50:48(애신알려 주려 하였어I wanted to tell him.
50:53둘만 아는 신호를 만들려고I wanted to come up with a signal that only we
50:58약방 처마에A red pinwheel
51:00붉은 바람개비가 걸리면under the apothecary's roof
51:04내가 거사에 나가는 것이라고would mean that I left for a mission.
51:09혹여 아무것도 모르고I didn't want him to keep waiting
51:15약방에서 오래 기다릴까 봐at the apothecary, not knowing what was
going on.
51:24잘 돌아가나 한번 볼까예?Well, shall we test it and see if it spins well?
51:48(함안댁한번 보소Look at this.
53:41[한국어아껴 둔 핑계였는데I was saving this excuse.
53:52하니 아프지 마시오Please don't be hurt.

54:08(여자1) 백정 년이 어딜 감히 장마당에 기어 나
재수 없게!
How dare a butcher like you set foot in the
54:11(여자2) 그래이 재수 없는 년아That's right, you bitch!
54:15(동매모레가 설입디다New Year's Day is around the corner.
54:31(히나이제는 봐도 못 알아볼까 봐I may not even recognize you now.
54:34좀 무섭다엄마I'm afraid, Mom.
55:07[한국어역시 조선에 오는 건 아니었나 봐I guess I shouldn't have returned to Joseon.
55:13(친척1) 적적하지 않으십니까백부님Aren't you lonely these days, Uncle?
55:15(사홍적적하다고 상투를 자르랴Even if I am, I will never chop my hair off
55:19양놈들과 섞여 야소쟁이가 되랴or mingle with Westerners and worship Jesus
like they do.
55:23(친척2) 종친 중에 희망하는 이가 많으니Many of our distant relatives wish to be
adopted by you.
55:26이제 그만 양손을 들이시어 대를 이으시지요You should adopt one as your grandson so
that you can have an heir.
55:30(친척3) 애순이야 출가외인이고Ae-sun is already married.
55:33애신이 하나 남았는데Ae-sin is the only unmarried one.
55:35혹여 데릴사위를 생각하시는 겁니까?Will you have her live here with you even after
she gets married?
55:40(친척4) 김안평이가 삼대독자를 데릴사위로 줄
리도 없을뿐더러
Kim An-pyeong would never let the family's
third-generation only son live here.
55:45고씨 가문 대대로 쌓아 온 덕이며 재산이며And would you really want to give our family's
reputation and money
55:49피 한 방울 섞이지 않은 남의 손에 쥐여 줘서야
to someone who doesn't even share a drop of
blood with you?
55:52숙고하셔야 하네Please think carefully.
55:54(친척5) 자식 잃은 슬픔이야 단장지애임을 모
르는 바 아니나
We understand how devastating must be for a
parent to lose his children,
55:59애들 간 지가 언제입니까?but they died years ago.
56:01이제 이쯤 하셨으면 인정하시고 제사도 지내시
It's about time you came to terms with it. Let's
hold a memorial ceremony--
56:06그 상자 속 뼛가루가 내 아들이란 말이냐!Are you saying that my sons became of the
mere ashes in that crate?
56:10(친척5) 형님이 계속 이러시면If you keep denying their deaths,
56:12[무거운 음악상진이상완이 눈 못 감습니다they won't be able to rest in peace.
56:15감지도 않은 눈을 네놈들이 감기는구나You are killing them with your words.
56:21(사홍꼴도 보기 싫다!Get out of my sight.
56:23양손 들일 생각 추호도 없으니 썩들 물러가거
I have no interest in adopting a grandson. Get
out of my sight!
56:31(사홍하면그 상자 속 뼛가루가 내 아들이란
What? Are you saying that my sons became
of the mere ashes in that crate?
56:38내 누굴 닮아 이리 예쁘고Who gave me my looks

56:41(애신내 누굴 닮아 이리 총도 잘 쏘는지and my ability to shoot so accurately?
56:45(애신그릴 얼굴을 모르니I cannot miss you
56:48그리워할 수가 없습니다because I do not even know your faces.
56:54두 분은 거기 같이 계십니까?Are you two there together?
56:59(애신저만 이리 혼자 두고You left me all alone like this.
57:05같이 계시니 좋으십니까?Are you happy that you're together?
57:08(애신꿈에라도 오십시오Please visit me even if it's in a dream.
57:11정신 차리라고Tell me to come to my senses.
57:15혼내시더라도You can scold me all you want.
57:34[한국어다시 조선으로 걸으며On my way back to Joseon,
57:37저는 기대라는 걸 했었는지도 모르겠습니다I may have had some hopes.
57:42내가 달라졌다는 기대I hoped that I had changed,
57:45조선이 달라졌으리라는 기대and I hoped that Joseon would've changed
57:49하여 이 땅에서 만난 한 여인의 곁에 서서Hence, I hoped to stand next to the woman I
met on this soil
57:53나란히 걷고 싶다는 기대를 했던 것 같습니다and walk side by side with her.
57:58처음 본 순간부터 말입니다From the very first moment I saw her.
58:03하나 저는 아직도But it doesn't seem like
58:06그 작은 상자 속을 벗어나지 못한 듯싶습니다I've managed to get out of that small crate yet.
58:11제 긴 이야기 끝에Even though I knew she'd give that look
58:13그 여인의 표정이 그럴 것임을 알았음에도if I told her my long story.
58:17그 솔직한 진심에Because of her sincerity,
58:21전 다시 조선을 달려 달아납니다I've decided to run away from Joseon again.
58:26조선 밖으로 말입니다I will leave Joseon.
58:33못 뵙고 떠날 것 같습니다I don't think I'll see you before I leave.
58:37내내 건강하십시오Please stay healthy.
58:55무슨 일이 있소?Did something happen?
59:05(히나이쪽으로기다리고 계십니다This way, please. He's been waiting.
59:11(유진폐하Your Majesty.
59:14(고종잠시 들렀다I just wanted to stop by.
59:16가배를 핑계 삼아 그대에게 청할 것이 있어서Coffee is only an excuse. I have a favor to ask
59:26짐은 그대가I'd like you to be
59:28대한 제국 무관 학교의 교관을 맡아 주었으면
a drill instructor at the Royal Military Academy.
59:32그 일은 제 일이 아닙니다That is not a job for me.
59:35다른 적임자가 분명 있을 것입니다I'm certain that you can find a better
59:37거절치 말라Do not reject my offer.

59:39(고종조선을 도운 자You helped Joseon.
59:42신분과 파벌에 상관치 아니하고You do not care about things such as class or
59:44옳은 일을 도모하려는 정의가 있는 자You are a just man who wants to do what is
59:48그대가 적임자다You are the perfect candidate.
59:52잘못 아셨습니다You are wrong, Your Majesty.
59:55(유진신분에 연연하여 한 짓입니다I did what I did because I care about class.
59:59제가 조선을 도운 것이 아니라I did not help Joseon.
1:00:01제 복수를 조선이 도왔습니다Rather, Joseon helped me get my revenge.
1:00:05복수? (유진사사로운 부분입니다-"Revenge"? -It is a personal matter.
1:00:08무엇보다 전 곧 조선을 떠납니다And most importantly, I will leave Joseon
1:00:12(고종미국으로 돌아가는 것인가?Are you going back to America?
1:00:15어디든 조선이 아닌 곳으로 갑니다Wherever it may be, it won't be Joseon.
1:00:23그대를 상심케 하는 일이 있었는가?something cause you despair?
1:00:29누군가를 상하게 할까 떠나는 것입니다decided to leave so that I don't end up hurting
1:00:37(고종그대는 나의 신민이 아니다You are not one of my people.
1:00:40하니 명할 수 없고Hence, I cannot give you orders.
1:00:42명할 수 없으니 잡을 수도 없다And for that reason, I cannot ask you to stay.
1:00:49그대의 뜻은 잘 알았다I got your point.
1:00:52이만 가 봐도 좋다You may leave.
1:01:09설득이 잘 안되신 모양입니다폐하I guess you couldn't persuade him, Your
1:01:15(고종황제라 하여 모든 것이 뜻대로 되는 것
은 아니니
Even a king cannot have his way with
1:01:20황제 폐하시라 하여 가배값을 안 받을 수도 없
And even a king must pay for his coffee.
1:01:26값은 치르고 가셔야 합니다폐하Please make sure you pay before you leave,
Your Majesty.
1:01:34(고종얼마를 내면 되겠는가?How much do I owe you?
1:01:40(안평새해도 됐으니 이제 그만 집에 들어오너
A new year has begun, so you should move
back in.
1:01:44혼인도 서두르고Expedite your wedding too.
1:01:46안 그렇소부인?Don't you agree, my dear?
1:01:48[헛기침하며안 그렇습니다No, I do not agree.
1:01:50(호선혼인이고 집안 행사고 당분간 안 된다니
까 그러
Forget the wedding. I told you that he needs
to lay low for a while...
1:02:00그놈 관심이 집중될 거 아닙니까?All eyes will be on him, you know.

1:02:04무슨 일 있습니까?Is something going on?
1:02:07(호선밥이나 먹어Just eat your food.
1:02:10요즘 제 뒤를 쫓는 그림자가 보이던데 그놈들
Some guys have been tailing me. Is it about
1:02:14(희성최근에도 두 놈에게 목덜미를...Even the other day, two jerks grabbed me...
1:02:17콱 잡혔지 뭡니까by the collar.
1:02:20(호선어떤 놈어떤 놈들이야?What? Who? Who did that to you?
1:02:25그냥They were...
1:02:29못생긴 놈들이었습니다just some ugly jerks.
1:02:31(희성싸우면 많이 다치게 할까 싶어 잘 타일
러 보냈습니다
I didn't want to hurt them, so I had a word with
them and let them go.
1:02:36무슨 일인지는 모르지만 당분간은 두 분 걱정
안 하셔도 됩니다
I don't know what's going on, but you don't
need to worry for the time being.
1:02:41그리고 아버님And Father.
1:02:46(안평?What is it?
1:02:48무슨 일 있었느냐? (희성-Did something else happen? -Yes.
1:02:52세뱃돈 안 주셨습니다You haven't given me my lucky money yet.
1:02:54제가 그걸 받아야 갈 터인데I can't leave until I get it.
1:02:56지금 떡국을 두 그릇이나 먹고 있습니다아버
You see, this is my second bowl of tteokguk,
1:03:00(안평이놈의 새끼가 나이 서른에 아직도 정신
을 못 차리고
You brat. You're 30 now, and yet you still
behave like a kid.
1:03:04서른은 재재작년이었습니다아버님It's now been 3 years since I turned 30.
1:03:06재재작년 욕이다이놈의 새끼야이거 확!Then this is long overdue, you brat. I shall...
Gosh, you little...
1:03:08(안평아유요거I shall... Gosh, you little...
1:03:18해거름에 예까지 어쩐 일이실까?What brings you all the way here at sundown?
1:03:22누가 반긴다고You're not welcome here.
1:03:27하루만 재워 주십시오Let me stay the night.
1:03:29(어린 유진하루만 재워 주십시오Let me stay the night.
1:03:30너무 고단합니다I'm exhausted.
1:03:38(은산언제는 노꾼이라더니Well, you introduced yourself as a wherryman
last time.
1:03:41오늘은 지나가는 나그네인가?Are you a wandering traveler today?
1:03:44주막은 오던 길 돌아가시면 있소If you're looking for a tavern, you'll find it on
your way back.
1:03:50(유진여기 든 게 [잘그랑 소리가 난다미국 맥
주라는 건데
I have American beers in this bag.
1:04:01(은산아유이거뭐 밍밍하니 별로네아유Well, it's too bland. I don't like it.
1:04:08(유진해서 재워 주실 겁니까?So will you let me sleep here tonight?
1:04:11(은산왜 자꾸 재워 달라고 지랄이야지랄Why do you keep asking me to let you sleep

1:04:14신소리 말고 꺼져이놈아Stop spewing nonsense and get lost.
1:04:18(유진그 비싼 술 마시고 왜 이렇게 말은 반
I brought you expensive drinks. Why are you
so short with me?
1:04:24그럼 맥줏값으로 그...Then let me take some broken bowls
1:04:27깨진 사발이나 주십시오in return for the beers I brought.
1:04:30안 재워 주신다니Since I can't stay the night,
1:04:32해 지기 전에 그만 가야겠습니다I shall get going before it gets dark.
1:04:39(은산삐졌냐?Are you mad at me now?
1:04:42삐져서 갈랍니다Yes. I'm mad at you, so I'm just going to leave.
1:04:46(유진계속 성질껏 사십시오Keep being that cranky old man you are,
1:04:50늙지 마시고but don't get too old.
1:04:56뵐 수 있어 다행이었습니다I'm glad I got to meet you again.
1:05:02그렇게 모르는 얼굴 마십시오Don't act like you know nothing.
1:05:07다 보신 거죠?You saw everything, didn't you?
1:05:10제 방 뒤지셨을 때When you searched my room.
1:05:11(은산이놈아You fool, I don't even have enough time to
make bowls stuck here in the mountains.
1:05:12산속에서 사발 굽기도 바쁜데 뭔 헛소리야You fool, I don't even have enough time to
make bowls stuck here in the mountains.
What on earth are you talking about?
1:05:18(유진노리개 같은 거 보셨을 거 같은데You must've seen an ornament.
1:05:21쌀 서 말은 받아야 할 것 같은 거The kind that'd be worth at least three mals of
1:05:23(은산봤으면 인마 내다 팔았지이놈아
Had I seen such a thing, I would have sold it a
long ago.
1:05:30그러십시오All right, then.
1:05:34그렇게 계속 시침 떼고 사셔야 합니다You must keep acting like you know nothing.
1:05:40전 살아서I survived
1:05:42미국에 잘 도착했습니다and made it to America safe and sound.
1:05:46(유진은혜는 크게 못 갚아 죄송합니다I'm sorry I couldn't do much to repay your
1:05:52그때 그 어린 종놈이 접니다That young slave boy was me.
1:05:59많이 늦은 인사지만I know that this is very late,
1:06:02감사했습니다but I wanted to thank you.
1:06:25(은산나는 다 받았다You've done enough.
1:06:31소아를 살리고You saved So-a's life,
1:06:33그 증서를 조선에 돌려주고returned the certificate to Joseon,
1:06:37이세훈을 처단하고and got rid of Lee Se-hun.
1:06:40너는 크게 다 갚았다You've done more than enough to repay me.
1:06:48은혜를 크게 갚고You did repay my kindness,

1:06:49이 손은 작구먼?but you're a stingy man, I must say.
1:06:53이왕 들고 올 거면 양손에 좀 그득하게 들고 오
If you were bringing these anyway, you
should've brought two big bags filled with
1:06:58아이고한 손을 놀려 왔네My goodness, why not use both hands?
1:07:06자고 가Sleep here tonight.
1:07:09재워 줄 테니I'll let you stay.
1:07:14아유방에 불이나 좀 넣어야겠다아유I should go warm up the room.
1:07:55애기씨Lady Ae-sin.
1:07:56영어 공부는 복습을 철저히 하셔야 잘하실 수
You must review everything you've learned to
master English.
1:08:01여인은 미스"Miss" is for women.
1:08:04사내는 미스터"Mister" is for men.
1:08:08달빛은 문라이트"Moonlight" refers to the light of the moon.
1:08:11기적은 미라클"Miracle" is a fascinating event.
1:08:17내 다 외웠다I've memorized everything.
1:08:19송구합니다My sincere apologies.
1:08:24(남종) [한국어그럼 오늘은 S, U, V를 공부하
Today, we'll study the letters, S, U, and V.
1:08:29S에는As for the letter, S...
1:08:32(애신새드 엔딩이 있지I know "sad ending."
1:08:34슬픈 끝맺음 말이다A sorrowful closure.
1:08:37맞다 애기씨께서 처음부터 알고 계신 말이
Oh, yes. You knew that word even before you
started studying English.
1:08:42그랬지That's right.
1:08:45이방의 사내A foreign man.
1:08:49(애신이리될 줄 처음부터 알고 있었지I knew from the start that the ending would be
like this.
1:08:55(남종?Pardon me?
1:09:01(애신질문이다I was asking you a question.
1:09:04이방인은 영어로 무엇이냐고 물은 것이야What is the English equivalent to "foreign
1:09:06신기합니다Oh, what a coincidence.
1:09:09이방인도 S에 있습니다That starts with S too.
1:09:19S에는 온통 슬픈 단어들뿐이구나Every word that starts with S has a sad
1:09:24아닙니다, S에는That's not true, my lady. There's also...
1:09:28스노우도 있습니다the word, "snow."
1:09:32(남종그리고 선샤인도 있고And there's "sunshine" too.
1:09:36스타도 있습니다Another word would be "star."
1:09:39햇살과 별입니다Like a ray of sunshine and the stars in the sky.

1:09:43(애신눈과 햇살과 별이라Snow, the sunshine, and the stars.
1:09:49모두 하늘에서 빛나는 것들이구나They all sparkle in the sky.
1:09:52그 하늘도 S에 있습니다Even the word, "sky," starts with S.
1:09:56애기씨는 이 중 어떤 단어가 제일 좋으십니까?Lady Ae-sin, what is your favorite word among
1:10:03글쎄I'm not sure.
1:10:23(가마꾼아휴쇠 당나구만 지나가면 이 지랄
Goodness. Why do the lights go on and off
every time a tram passes by?
1:10:27어여 가세Let's hurry.
1:10:49(유진내 긴 얘기 끝에I knew you'd give that look
1:10:52그런 표정일 줄 알았으면서도if I told you my story.
1:10:59마음은 아프오But it still hurts.
1:12:34(동매근간엔 어찌 이리 위험한 여인들만 맞닥
I keep encountering such dangerous women.
1:12:38(히나그러고 싶은데 우아하게 안 두네세상
I'd like to keep my grace, but this world is not
letting me.
1:12:41(애신정혼자께서 내게 선물을 하시는 겐가Is this a gift from my fiancé
1:12:45경고를 하시는 겐가or a warning?
1:12:47[총성이 요란하다] (완익용주 그 아새끼한테
밥값 하라 전해라
Tell that idiot, Yong-ju, that he'd better get his
job done.
1:12:50(돌쇠얼마 전에 저희 댁 앞에서 영 수상한 사
내를 봐서요
I saw a suspicious-looking man in front of my
house a little while ago.
1:12:54(정문그 선교사를 내 예정보다 서둘러 봐야겠
I should meet the missionary sooner than I
had planned.
1:12:59(승구손 보탤 자가 필요하다 보태겠느냐?We need an extra pair of hands. Will you help
1:13:02(희성하니 위험하면 달려와 숨으시오So if things get dangerous, run to me and
1:13:06(유진그대는 계속 나아가시오You should keep moving forward.
1:13:08난 한 걸음 물러나니I am taking a step back.

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