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  미스터 션샤인 9

59s러브가 쉬운 줄 알았는데I thought love was easy.
1:03꽤 어렵구려But it's quite hard.
1:07여러모로 미안하오For everything... I apologize.
1:11힘들면 그만해도 되는데We can stop if it's too much.
1:15그만하는 건 언제든 할 수 있으니We can stop at any time.
1:20오늘은 하지 맙시다So let's not stop today.
1:27걷던 쪽으로 한 걸음 더we shall take a step forward.
1:29(애신그러니 알려 주시오Now tell me.
1:31통성명An introduction.
1:34악수A handshake.
1:38그리고 무얼 해야 하는지What should we do next?
1:42못 할 거요You won't be able to do it.
1:44(유진다음은 허그라It's called a "hug."
1:57(애신) H는 내 이미 다 배웠소I already learned all the words beginning with
2:38이렇게 하는 게 맞소?Did I do it correctly?
2:41학당 공부 너무 열심히 하지 말랬는데Didn't I tell you not to study so hard?
2:46잠시만 여기서 기다리시오Can you wait here for a moment?
2:49또 어딜?Where are you off to now?
2:51그런 거 아니오It's not what you think.
2:53여긴 오래 있으면 주인에게 방해가 되니We'll cause a nuisance if we stay here for too
2:56(애신다른 곳으로 갑시다so let's go elsewhere.
2:59들어들 오게Come on in.
3:08(애신정식으로 소개한 적이 없는 것 같아서I don't think I have formally introduced them
3:11행랑아범과 함안댁이오This is Mr. Haengrang and Ms. Haman.
3:13나의 오른팔과 왼팔이오My right-hand and left-hand man.
3:19괜찮은 거요?Is it all right?
3:21같은 패요이들도Are they on the same side?
3:23만약을 위해 모르는 게 좋소It's best you don't know, just in case.
3:26(애신그럼 얘기들 나누고 계시게Well, I'll let you have a chat.
3:39(행랑아범접때도 말했지만 난 무서울 것이 일
절 없는 사람이여
I told you this before, but I'm a man who has
nothing to fear.
3:42무자비하지I'm ruthless.

3:46(유진어르신이 오른팔이오?Are you her right-hand man?
3:48(행랑아범그것이 우리의 전략이여That is our strategy.
3:50다들 나가 오른팔인 줄 알고 경계를 풀어People lower their guards, thinking that's the
3:52하나 난 왼팔이여 [함안댁이 우두둑 소리를 낸
But I'm the left hand.
3:59오해는 금물이여Don't be mistaken.
4:00그짝이 이뻐서 주는 것이 절대 아니여We didn't give you that to be cordial.
4:02항시 약방에 온 연유가 있어야 항께You'll need a reason why you were at an
4:05(함안댁여기 들락거리려면 어데 아픈 사람이
To come here on a regular basis, you need to
know someone who's ill
4:08본인이 그자주 아파야 될 긴데or be ill yourself.
4:11(유진알리바이 (함안댁진짜-Like an alibi. -My goodness.
4:14그래 알리 쌓고 그카믄 안 된다니까요!You can't let others know about this.
4:16아이고참 나우짜면 좋나This guy, seriously.
4:18실제로 좀 아프게 해 드려야 되나 날을 한번 잡
아 볼까
Should we make you an actual patient? Will
today be that day?
4:26진짜 든든하시겠소I see you're safe in their hands.
4:28귀하가 나가자마자The moment you left,
4:30지금까지 날 협박했소둘이 같이they both started to threaten me.
4:37(애신협박이 아니라 구박이었을 거요I doubt it. They were just giving you a hard
4:40이해가 가는 바이고and I can understand that.
4:42갑시다Let's go.
5:35(유진방금 뭐 한 거요?What was that?
5:38(애신보호요Protecting you.
5:44(유진사내 둘을 태우고 가니 인력거꾼이 힘들
만도 하겠소
It must be hard for him to carry two men in his
5:50근데 지금 우리 어디 가는 거요?Where exactly are we going right now?
5:53거기까진 생각을 안 해 봤소I haven't thought that far ahead.
5:56(애신그저 나란히 앉아 보고 싶었소I just wanted to sit side by side with you
5:59걷는 건 지난번에 해 봐서since we walked side by side last time.
6:05그럼 글로리 빈관은 어떻소?How about we head to Glory Hotel?
6:08(유진내가 맡아 둔 복면 가져가시오You can take back the mask I was holding on
6:20(유진) 304호 앞에 가서 기다리게 키 받아 가겠
Wait in front of Room 304. I'll bring the key.
6:25(히나손님이 오셨나 봅니다I see you have a guest.
6:27(유진뉴욕에 있을 때 알던It's a friend of mine from New York.
6:30함께 수학하던 친우요We used to study together.
6:33(히나룸이 더 필요하실까요?Do you need an extra room?

6:35괜찮소 [유진이 열쇠를 잘그락 받는다]That won't be necessary.
6:36옛날얘기나 나누다가 갈 거요He'll be on his way after we catch up.
6:40(히나그건 씹어 드시렵니까?Are you planning on eating that raw?
6:43달여서 때마다 올려 보내겠습니다I'll have it brewed and sent to your room.
6:49고맙소I appreciate it.
6:58어디에 정신이 팔리신 건가?I wonder where his head is at.
7:01(양복점 직원애기씨께서 가장 최근에 지으신
양복 말씀이십니까
The suit Lady Ae-sin recently had made?
7:04(희성내 그 옷이 너무 마음에 드는데 알다
시피 좀 작지 뭔가
Yes, I like its style, but it's a little too snug.
7:08그렇다고 그 옷을 안 입으면 정혼자께서 서운
해할 듯싶어서
But if I don't wear this, my fiancée might be
7:12(양복점 직원아이고두 분 마음 씀씀이가 참
예쁘게 닮으셨습니다
You both have such kind hearts.
7:23이 옷감 맞지요도련님불란서에서 유행하는This is the fabric, isn't it? It's popular in
7:30맞네It is.
7:35(애신빈관의 방은 이렇게 생겼구려So this is what a hotel room looks like.
7:38내 빈관 안은 처음이라I've never been in one before.
7:40(유진나도 누굴 손수 방에 들인 건 처음이오I've never brought anyone to my room either.
7:43매번 뒤져지기만 해서It's been rummaged though.
7:45방에 뭔가 중한 게 많은가 보오You must have many valuables in here.
7:47(유진방금도 들어왔소Now I have one more.
7:53이건 무엇이오?What's this?
7:55뮤직 박스라는 건데This is a music box.
7:57(유진태엽을 감으면 음악이 나오는 기계요It plays music when you wind it up.
7:59음악?-Music? -It's a folk song called
8:00(유진) '푸른 옷소매'라는 서양 민요요 들어 보
-Music? -It's a folk song called
"Greensleeves." Care to listen to it?
8:03그러니까 서양의 새타령이라는 거구려 [
진의 웃음
So Westerners have a folk song of their own.
8:07틀어 보시오Let's hear it.
8:38친우와 오르골 감상이라He's listening to a music box with his friend.
8:40퍽 간지럽네How awkward.
8:55마음에 드시오?Do you like it?
8:58(애신흥겨울 줄 알았소I thought it'd be a merry tune,
9:00이리 슬픈 곡일 줄은but it's heartbreakingly sad.
9:05사연이 있소?Is there a story behind it?
9:12처음 미국에 도착했을 때When I first arrived in America,
9:14(유진말은 낯설고 길은 무섭고I didn't know the language the streets were

9:18배는 고프고I was starving,
9:20(유진너무 추워 손은 얼고 맞은 곳은 아팠는
my hands were frozen from the cold, and I
was beaten up and in pain.
9:33(유진이 노래가 들렸소That's when I heard this song.
9:44많이 울었던 것 같소I cried my eyes out.
9:47조선에 와서도Did you listen to it often
9:49자주 들었소?after you came back here?
9:52한동안은 아니었는데No, not for a while.
9:56최근에 다시 들었소But I recently got the chance to.
9:58또 아팠소나 말고-Were you hurt again? -Not me,
10:02누가 다쳤대서but I heard someone was injured.
10:06겁이 나서It scared me.
10:09내 걱정을 한 게요?Were you worried about me?
10:10구동매가 그날 제물포에서It seemed like Gu Dong-mae recognized you
10:13귀하를 알아본 듯하던데at Jemulpo that day.
10:16알고 있소That's right.
10:19구동매는 그날That day,
10:21날 알아보고 쐈소he took the shot after recognizing me.
10:24(애신다음 날 새벽 기차역에서 내가 맞는지
확인까지 했고
He confirmed that it was me the next morning
at the train station.
10:29(애신비키게죽여 버리기 전에Step aside before I kill you.
10:31(동매그건 제가 더 빠르지 않겠습니까애기
Wouldn't I be a bit quicker, my lady?
10:34아닌 것 같은데I don't think so.
10:36(애신난 해도Although I can do it,
10:38자넨 못 할 듯싶은데I don't think you can.
10:43(유죠) [일본어대장 하야시 공사에게서 제물
포 건으로 전갈이 왔습니다
Boss, Minister Hayashi sent a message
regarding what happened at Jemulpo.
10:47결과가 궁금한 모양인데He's curious about the result.
10:50현장에 있던 놈들은 다 놓쳤고But we lost track of everyone at the scene.
10:54어찌할까요?What should we do?
10:55다 안 놓쳤어Not everyone.
10:58한 놈의 얼굴을 봤거든I saw the face of one of them.
11:00(애신) [한국어그자가 날 해치고자 했다면If he wanted to hurt me,
11:03그때가 가장 적절했을 거요it would've been the perfect moment.
11:06근데 그러지 않았소But he didn't.
11:09아마 앞으로 그러지 않을 것이고And I think he never will.
11:13그자를 믿는 거요?Do you trust him?
11:18어려서I saved him once

11:20그자를 한 번 구해 준 적이 있소when we were both young.
11:24(애신한데 그자는 내가 선의로 내민 손을When I offered him a hand out of good
11:29(어린 동매호강에 겨운 양반 계집You're just a noble fool who lives in luxury.
11:31짐승처럼 할퀴었소...he bit it like a wild animal.
11:36그때 그렇게 할퀴었으니Since he did so back then,
11:39그자도 나를 한 번은 구하지 않겠소?I'm sure that he will spare my life at least
11:42그게 믿는 거요Do you trust him?
11:44굳이 답하자면If I must answer...
11:45그런 것 같소I think I do.
11:47굳이 답하라고 안 했는데I didn't say you should answer.
11:52(애신하나 분명한 건One thing is for certain.
11:54내가 이리 양복 입은 사내일 때 그자를 다시 만
If I encounter him once again while dressed
like this...
11:59내가 먼저 그자를 쏠 것이오I will be the first one to open fire.
12:04(애신하니 걱정 마시오So don't you worry.
12:07그러려면 이것이 필요하오I will be needing this in order to do so.
12:10가져가겠소I'm taking it back.
12:11(유진안 하면 될 거 아니오?But you don't have to do it.
12:14양복 입는 일을Putting on the suit, I mean.
12:19조선은 점점 더 위태해져 갈 거요Joseon will become more and more volatile.
12:23귀하는 점점 더 위험해질 거고You will be in more danger.
12:28(애신) '주목받지 마라'"Do not draw attention.
12:30'당분간 움막에 오지 마라'Do not come by the hut.
12:33'학당 공부 열심히 하지 마라'Do not study English so much."
12:36왜 늘 하지 말라고만You're always telling me not to do something.
12:39하나쯤은 하라고 해 주면 안 되오?Can't you allow me to do at least one thing?
12:42러브 하자고 했잖소You said you wanted to love.
12:47(애신깜빡했소I forgot about that.
12:55(유진수나 놓으며 꽃으로만 살아도 될 텐데You could live your life in comfort, vibrant like
a flower.
13:00내 기억 속 조선의 사대부 여인들은In my memory, that's the kind of life
13:04다들 그리 살던데all noble women of Joseon resorted to.
13:09나도 그렇소I'm not much different.
13:12나도 꽃으로 살고 있소My life is also vibrant.
13:15(애신다만 나는 불꽃이오The only difference is that I wish to be a
13:19거사에 나갈 때마다 생각하오 죽음의 무게에
When I'm out in the field, I always think about
the weight of death.

13:24그래서 정확히 쏘고 빨리 튀지So I take my shot carefully and retreat quickly.
13:30봐서 알 텐데You've seen me do so.
13:36양복을 입고 얼굴을 가리면When we wear Western clothes and cover our
13:39우리는 얼굴도이름도 없이When we wear Western clothes and cover our
faces, we become faceless and nameless.
13:45오직 의병이오We become only of the Righteous Army.
13:49그래서 우리는 서로가 꼭 필요하오That is why we need one another.
13:52할아버님께는 잔인하나I know it's cruel to my grandfather,
13:57그렇게 환하게 뜨거웠다가 지려 하오but I wish to burn brightly and then wilt.
14:03불꽃으로Like a flame.
14:08죽는 것은 두려우나I do fear death,
14:10but I
14:12그리 선택했소made up my mind.
14:17(유진참 못됐습니다She's quite cruel.
14:20저는 저 여인의 뜨거움과 잔인함 사이Where do I lie between her passion
14:23어디쯤 있는 걸까요?and cruelty?
14:26다 왔다고 생각했는데 더 가야 할지도 모르겠
I thought I was close, but I might have to go
even further.
14:32불꽃 속으로One more step
14:34한 걸음 더into the flame.
14:38요셉 전 아주Joseph, it seems like
14:41크게 망한 것 같습니다I'm in big trouble.
14:50그만 가 봐야겠소I should get going.
14:53(유진) 303호가 아직 안 들어왔소The man in Room 303 isn't back yet.
14:55나가다가 마주칠지도 모르는데You might bump into him on your way out.
14:57303호가 누구요?Who's staying in Room 303?
15:01귀하의 정혼자가 옆방에 묵소Your fiancé is staying there.
15:04아직 예서 묵고 있소?He's still staying here?
15:07내가 더 자주 보는 거요?Am I more acquainted than you are?
15:11그거 하나는 마음에 드네I'm glad.
15:13내 정혼자를 자주 보시오?To be acquainted with my fiancé?
15:15내가 당신을With you.
15:21그 얘긴 다음에We'll talk about that later
15:23아주 긴 얘기요since it'll take a while.
15:26나는 이쪽으로 가겠소I'll head out that way.
15:27(유진여기 3층이오 (애신그럼 뒤를 부탁하오-This is the third floor. -I'll leave the rest to
15:53(행인뭐야이거?What's this?
15:57여기 웬 동전이?Why is there a coin here?

16:53(지게꾼어찌 이리 길을 막으시고For what reason am I being stopped?
16:56(동매제가 아는 분 같아서요나리I believe I've seen you before, sir.
16:59(동매지게꾼 벌이가 제법 되나 봅니다You must earn quite a lot as an A-frame
17:01그 비싼 기차도 타시고seeing how you can afford a train ride.
17:05무슨 말씀이신지...I'm not sure what you mean.
17:06(동매우리 봤을 텐데 제물포로 가는 기차 안
I believe we met on the train bound to
17:10총질하던 항구에서도and at the harbor too.
17:14(동매거기서 나리 말고도 여럿 봤는데내가You weren't the only one I saw.
17:21사람을 잘못 보신 것 같은데I think you're mistaking me for someone else.
17:27(동매움직이면 다치니까 조심하십시오나리Don't move or you'll hurt yourself, sir.
17:29죽여얼른 죽여!Kill me. Kill me already!
17:31(동매성격 급하시네You're not very patient.
17:33소인이 받은 돈이 있어서 일을 하긴 해야 하는
I already got paid, so I must do my job.
17:36다 잡아들이자니 수지가 안 맞아서요나리But hunting down every one of you wouldn't
be a very efficient method.
17:40면피할 놈 딱 한 놈만 있으면 되거든You see, all I need is just one person to take
the bullet for me.
17:45그러니까 대답 잘하셔야 돼So think carefully before you answer me.
17:48다른 놈 불고 본인이 살 수도 있어요Give me a name and I might let you live.
17:50사설은 집어치우고 죽이라니까죽여그리되
-Stop the blabbering and just kill me! -You'll
get your wish,
17:56한데 그건 제일 나중 순서라...but that comes at the very end.
17:59그 전에 말입니다Before anything though,
18:01제가 정말 궁금해서 그러는데I'm really curious about something.
18:06대체 왜 하는 겁니까그 일Why do you do it?
18:09목숨 내놓고 살긴 이놈도 매한가지인데I put my life on the line every day too,
18:12그래도 살 궁리를 먼저 하지 죽자고 덤비진 않
아 봐서
but my life comes first before anything. I'd
never risk my life for what I do.
18:18의병Does the Righteous Army
18:20그게 돈이 많이 됩니까?pay you well?
18:22돈 되는 거면 나도 좀 하게If it does, I want in.
18:25너 같은 버러지가 뭘 알까마는A piece of trash like you wouldn't understand,
18:27[동매의 헛웃음] (지게꾼이게 내 유언이면but if I am to die right now,
18:29여기에라도 남겨 두려 하니 잘 들어라these are my last words, so listen carefully.
18:32또 뭐버러지래"A piece of trash"?
18:33작금의 조선이 어떤 줄 아느냐Are you aware of the current state Joseon is
18:35[무거운 음악] (지게꾼작금의 조선엔 조선의
것이 없다
Nothing in Joseon is ours now.

18:38아라사는 압록강두만강의 삼림에 경원 광산,
종성 광산을 수탈해 갔다
Russia took Yalu River, the forests of Tumen
River, Gyeongwon and Jongseong Mines.
18:43미국은 운산 광산에 수도전차전기경인선
America took Unsan Mine, our streetcar
system, electricity, and the Gyeongin Line.
18:47일본은 직산 광산경부선경원선을!Japan took Jiksan Mine, the Gyeongbu and
Gyeongwon Lines.
18:49영길리는 은산 광산 법국은 경의선을 수탈해
Britain took Eunsan Mine, and France stole
the Gyeongui Line from us.
18:53그래서 하는 것이다That is why I'm doing this.
18:55이런 나라라도 빼앗기지 않으려고!I do not want to be robbed of this feeble
19:03나보다 나은 놈들이 그리 많습니까조선에Are there that many people who are better
than me in Joseon?
19:06헛일인 줄은 알았다만I knew it'd be useless,
19:08다른 이를 발고하면 살려 주겠다고 했지?but you said you'd let me live if I told you
another name.
19:11하나 네놈은 내게 단 한 명의 이름도 듣지 못할
But you know what? I won't tell you a single
19:20미쳤어?Have you lost your mind?
19:22들키면 튀고 잡히면 죽는다"Run away if your cover is blown and die if
you get caught."
19:25(지게꾼백번을 잡아 봐 나의 동지들 누구든
이리할 테니
Try catching a hundred of us. Any of my
comrades would do the same.
19:35[일본어이 새끼 끌고 와We're taking him with us.
19:43(동매찾으시던 화월루 주인장입니다Here's the owner of Hwawollu you've been
looking for, sir.
19:45부산까지 도망쳐He went all the way to Busan.
19:47나가사키로 가는 배에 타려던 걸 잡아 왔습니
We caught him as he was getting on a ship to
19:50(하야시의병 놈들은 어쩌고What about those rats in the Righteous Army?
19:53이 새끼를 잡아 와!Why did you bring this moron to me?
19:56의병들이야 이미 육로로 다 달아나고 없지요The Righteous Army already fled through land
19:59(동매공사님의 잘못된 정보 덕에Because of the incorrect information you gave
20:02우리 애들도 두엇 다쳤으니a couple of my guys got injured as well,
20:05이자로 퉁치시지요so let's call it even, sir.
20:08(화월루 주인대장내 헐값에 가게도 넘겨줬
Sir, I even sold my business at a dirt cheap
20:12대체 왜 이러나?Why do this to me?
20:13(동매애초에 당신이 고용했잖아 그 게이샤You're the one who hired that geisha.
20:16하면 책임을 져야지You must take responsibility.
20:18(화월루 주인저는 정말 몰랐습니다I really had no idea.
20:20천황 폐하께 맹세코 저도 당한 겁니다!I swear to His Imperial Majesty. I've been
fooled too.

20:23(하야시닥쳐!Shut your mouth!
20:25명줄 재촉하지 말고Don't make me want to kill you.
20:28하면 소인은 이만I'll be off, then.
20:31(화월루 주인살려 주십시오살려 주십시오,
Please spare my life, sir. Please don't kill me,
20:39[한국어살고 싶으면If you want to live,
20:42지금부터 힘차게 달려 도망치시는 겁니다run away as fast as you can.
20:44[긴장되는 음악가능하면 한성 땅에서 멀리If you can, flee to somewhere far from
20:49우리 눈에만 띄진 않았을 겁니다 대체 무슨 꿍
-I'm certain that others saw you too. -What are
you up to?
20:53지금 날 살려 주겠다는 거야? [동매가 칼을 챙
Are you saying you will spare my life?
20:56살려 주는 게 아니라 아직 안 죽이는 거야Not exactly. I've simply decided not to kill you
just yet.
21:00한성 바닥에서 숨소리라도 들리면 그땐 꼭 사
지를 찢어 버릴 거고
If I catch even a glimpse of you in Hanseong, I
will rip you to pieces.
21:07그리 소원이시니Since you wish to die.
21:33(히나이상도 하지How strange.
21:35그 친우분은 들어오시는 건 보았는데 나가시는
걸 못 보았네
I saw that friend of his coming in, but I never
saw him leaving.
21:45(동매나중에 올게마저 해I'll come back another time. Finish your bath.
21:47(히나들어와끝났어Come in. I'm done.
21:55(동매칼 쓰는 사내보다 상처가 더 많은 건 뭘
Why do you have more scars than a man who
brandishes a sword for a living?
21:58(히나이 풍진 세상에It was definitely not easy
22:01일본에서 조선 계집으로 사는 게 뭐 쉬웠을까to live in Japan as a Joseon girl in this
turbulent world.
22:12어쩐 일이야?What brings you here?
22:14기분이 좀 별로라I'm feeling a little down today.
22:20(동매의병 한 놈을 놔줬거든I let a member of the Righteous Army go.
22:23(히나놔줬다고?You let him go? Why?
22:27(동매죽이면Because I thought
22:29의병들이 슬퍼할 것 같아서that his comrades would be sad if I killed him.
22:32올해 들은 말 중에 제일 웃기다That is the funniest thing I've heard this year.
22:36구동매 곧 총 맞겠네 살려 보내면 어떡해?Dong-mae, you'll be shot to death soon. You
shouldn't have let him go.
22:39(동매보통 내 앞에 오면Most people
22:41불문곡직 무조건 살려 달라고부터 하거든beg me to spare their lives,
22:45근데 그자는but that man
22:47그냥 죽이래told me to just kill him.
22:50근데 그게 진짜인 거야And he truly meant it.

22:52거기서 이미 내가 졌더라고I realized at that moment that I already lost.
22:55이해가 가야 말이지I couldn't wrap my head around it.
22:57한낱 지게꾼이 나라에 목숨을 건다는 게Why would a mere A-frame coolie risk his life
for this country?
23:02(히나칼로도 벨 수 없는 것들이 있지There are things that even swords cannot
23:07의롭고 뜨거운 마음 같은 거Such a passionate, righteous heart, for
23:11구동매 너무 크게 졌네 지금이라도 죽여You certainly lost the fight, Dong-mae. You
can kill him now if you want.
23:17(동매가라 그랬는데 어떻게 또 그래How could I? I let him go.
23:20한낱 낭인도 남아일언은 중천금이야I may be a man of no importance, but I keep
my word.
23:25(히나올해 들은 말 중에 두 번째로 웃기다That is the second funniest thing I've heard
this year.
23:29천하의 구동매가You of all people...
23:32대체 뭐에 목숨을 건 거지?What are you risking your life for?
23:44난 목숨 안 걸어I'd never risk my life for anything.
23:46(동매목숨을 빼앗지I take lives of others.
23:58얼마나 잃으셨소?How much have you lost?
24:01묻지 마시오Don't ask.
24:03한데 내가 아주 부자였던 기억이But I do remember the days when I was very
24:06희미하게 남아 있소albeit faintly.
24:08저런Oh, no.
24:19(희성저 인력거가 부인 것이었구려So, that rickshaw was yours.
24:23(애순뒤따라오던 인력거가 어딜 가나 했더
I wondered where the rickshaw behind mine
was headed.
24:40(희성보통 이리 어색할 땐 통성명을 하던데People usually introduce themselves when
they feel this awkward.
24:45내 조부의 땅이 이렇게 전당포가 되었구려My grandfather's land has been turned into
this pawnshop.
24:49김희성이오I'm Kim Hui-seong.
24:51어찌 그러시오?What's wrong?
24:53(애순고가 애순이오I'm Go Ae-sun.
24:58(희성처형?My future cousin-in-law?
25:00(애순제부?Are we cousins-in-law?
25:18(함안댁오셨습니까 (애순안 반가워안 반가
-Hello, my lady. -I'm not excited to see you.
25:24네 정혼자Hey. Your fiancé...
25:28노름하더라He gambles.
25:30(애신언니도 하시잖아요So do you, Ae-sun.
25:32언니는아씨라고 불러이년아!Call me "my lady" you wench.

25:35아씨도 노름하시잖아요You gamble too, my lady.
25:37이게 한 마디를 안 지고You always have to talk back, don't you?
25:39(애순네 정혼자 문전옥답 천 마지기 갑부
Hey, are you trying to boast about your
handsome fiancé
25:42얼굴 좀 반반하다고 유세하는 거야?who is from a wealthy family that owns a ton
of land?
25:45하이고그깟 재산 말아먹는 데 달포도 안 걸리
Goodness, who cares if he's rich now? He can
easily lose all his money in a month.
25:49전당은 또 얼마나 잡혔는지 눈 감고도 오더라,
He must have impawned a lot of things. He
frequents the pawnshop.
25:52그리 잘 아시는 거 보니It sounds like you know him very well.
25:54노름판이며 전당포며 같이 계셨던 모양입니다I suppose you met him at the gambling den as
well as the pawnshop.
26:00큰어머니!-Aunt! -Hey, I'm leaving.
26:01(애순간다가잖아 신발 신었다지금-Aunt! -Hey, I'm leaving. I even have my
shoes on.
26:04가다가 한마디 한 거야가다가I just wanted to stop by to tell you that.
26:08계집이 서책은 무슨You're a girl. Why bother reading books?
26:10[애순의 힘주는 신음패물이나 사 놔이년아!Just buy some jewelry.
26:22[애신의 깊은 한숨] (함안댁아니옷을 비단으
She does not deserve to wear that silk dress.
26:24빼입으면 뭐 합니까 값도 제대로 못 하고참말
She does not deserve to wear that silk dress.
What a waste of silk.
26:27죽은 누에만 불쌍하지I feel bad for the silkworms that died for it.
26:29[트림을 끅 하며어유소화 다 됐다진짜My goodness.
26:31[책을 바스락거리며아이고십년감수했네Thank goodness she's gone.
26:36(귀단아씨께서 가져다드리라고 하셔서요Ms. Kudo asked me to bring this to you.
26:39(유진고맙소Thank you.
26:41(귀단식기 전에 드시고 그릇 주시어요Please drink it before it gets cold and return
the bowl.
27:03(유진고맙소 [유진이 그릇을 탁 놓는다]Thank you.
27:14[한국어외출하시나 봅니다I guess you're heading out.
27:17전에 달아 뒀던 프리 드링크 오늘 마실까 하는
Your offer for a complimentary drink... I'd like
to have that drink today. Do you have time?
27:21시간이 되시오?I'd like to have that drink today. Do you have
27:22키를 제대로 드리니 외려 찾아오시네요I gave you the correct key, and you came to
me first.
27:26(히나오르골은 잘 고쳐진 것 같더군요It seems like you managed to get your music
box fixed.
27:29친우분과 들으시던데You listened to it with your friend.
27:32소개해 준 대장장이 솜씨가 꽤 좋았소The blacksmith you told me about was quite
27:35약은 잘 마시고 있소고맙소I'm taking the herbal medicine too. Thank you.

27:37별말씀을요제가 달이는 것도 아니고Don't mention it. It's not like I decoct the herbs
27:41호텔 사업을 한 지는 얼마나 됐소?How long have you been running this hotel?
27:43(히나짓는 데 2년 문 연 지는 3년 되어 갑니다It took two years to build, and it opened three
years ago.
27:47일본에서는 고인이 된 남편 덕에In Japan, I started learning about hotel
management at a young age
27:50어려서부터 호텔 경영을 배웠고요thanks to my late ex-husband.
27:52조선에선 아녀자가 이런 사업을 하기가 거의
It is nearly impossible for a woman to run this
kind of business here in Joseon,
27:57전 일본인 호적 덕을 보았지요but I had an advantage because I'm legally
27:59한데 그건 왜 궁금하십니까?But why do you ask?
28:03(애신양복을 입고 얼굴을 가리면When we wear Western clothes and cover our
28:06우린 얼굴도이름도 없이 오직 의병이오we become faceless and nameless. We
become only of the Righteous Army.
28:12그래서 우리는 서로가 꼭 필요하오That is why we need one another.
28:15혹시 나랏일을 하나 해서Do you work for the government?
28:17저야 그저 장사꾼이지요I'm just a businesswoman.
28:19그저 장사꾼이Why did a mere businesswoman
28:21내게 역관을 쓰라는 키는 왜 준 거요?advise me to converse through an interpreter?
28:24그자의 통변이 일본에 유리하던가요?Did he interpret your words in favor of Japan?
28:29나를 통해 확인을 한 거요?Did you want to check it through me?
28:31(히나글로리에는 정보가 많답니다Here, I have access to abundance of
28:33저는 호기심이 많고요And I'm a curious person.
28:34그래서 어떤 선택을 하셨습니까?So? What kind of choice did you make?
28:40그 많은 정보 중에Does any of the information
28:43혹시 내가 조만간 시체로 발견될 거란 정보도
happen to be about how I may be found dead
in the near future?
28:48그런 선택을 하셨나요?Is that the choice you've made?
28:52(유진잘 모르겠소I'm not sure.
28:56나도 내 선택의 결과가 궁금할 뿐이오I'm also curious about the outcome of my
29:27(역관1) 아유대감이 어찌 여기...Lord Lee. What brings you here?
29:31소인 분명...I was told to...
29:33통변을 의뢰한 이를 만나러 왔겠지You must be here to meet the person who
wanted to hire you as an interpreter.
29:37사적으로 통변을 하고 있더구나I heard that you take personal interpreting
29:39그저 소일거리로... (역관1) 용서하십시오대감It's just a pastime to keep myself busy. Please
forgive me, my lord.
29:44(정문용서를 구할 것이 그뿐만은 아닐 터인데I am certain that is not the only thing you need
forgiveness for.

29:48[긴장되는 음악?-Pardon me? -Hence, it must accept help
29:50(역관1) 일본을 비롯한 강국의 도움을 받아들
여야 한다는 것이
-Pardon me? -Hence, it must accept help from
Japan and other powerful nations.
29:53폐하 앞에서 통변을 틀리게 하였더구나You interpreted incorrectly in front of His
29:59고의로 한 것이냐 타의로 한 것이냐Was it of your own accord? Or did someone
put you up to it?
30:04(역관1) 죽을죄를 지었습니다대감I've committed a mortal sin, my lord.
30:07고의라니요당치도 않습니다How... How could it have been of my own
accord? Of course not, my lord.
30:12이완익 이완익 대감이 시킨 일입니다It's Lee Wan-ik. Lord Lee Wan-ik ordered me
to do it.
30:21궁에 출입하는 다른 역관들도 그러하냐?Are other interpreters at the palace like that
30:25(역관1) 그건 잘 모릅니다 그것까진 잘
That... That I do not know. I don't know at the
30:31살려만 주신다면 제가 다 알아보고...but if you spare my life, I will find out--
30:33됐다There is no need.
30:36내가 직접 알아볼 것이다I will find out myself.
30:38대감My lord.
31:00어찌 그러시오?What's wrong?
31:03일이 일인지라 쪼까 변복이 필요헝께I had to disguise myself given the situation.
31:07깜짝 놀랐소You startled me.
31:08[일식의 어이없는 숨소리] (유진그리 차려입
으니 영락없이 닮아서
You look just like him dressed like that.
31:11얼굴이 많이 상했구나 했소I was wondering why he looked so weary
31:14뭣이 닮아어디가 닮아!Nonsense. I look nothing like him.
31:16(일식어저께꺼정만 혀도 나가 얼굴이 참 고왔
I looked very handsome and youthful until
31:24좋은 일에는 남이요 궂은일에는 일가라 하더만People turn to families and friends only in
times of difficulty.
31:27궂은일은 나가 하는디 그리운 것은 애먼 쪽인
I guess you missed someone else when I'm
the one doing all the hard work.
31:30그때 그냥 상자를 확 거시기 했어야 했어I should've smashed that darn crate back
31:33애먼 쪽도 뭐 그리 맑은 일로 간 건 아니오The person I'm missing also has some other
hard work to do.
31:39부탁한 일은 어찌 됐소?So how did it go?
31:40지난밤에 이정문 대감이 움직였소Lord Lee Jeong-mun made a move last night.
31:55(일식칼끝에 일말의 망설임도 없이 깔끔혔소He did a clean job. In a single stroke and
without any hesitation.
32:00내 선택의 결과가 그것인 모양이오I suppose that is the outcome of my choice.
32:05조만간 들르겠소I'll visit again soon.
32:08하면 전당 잡힌 것을...Then the thing at my shop should be...

32:12다른 선택도 해 볼까 하여I'm considering making a different choice.
32:25(히나애기씨께서 이 시간에 어쩐 일이십니
Lady Ae-sin, what brings you here this early?
32:27정혼자를 만나러 왔소I am here to see my fiancé.
32:30도련님은 아직 기침 전이신 모양입니다I think he's still asleep.
32:33곧 모닝 가배 드시러 내려오실 시간이긴 합니
He should be coming down shortly to have his
morning coffee though.
32:37하면 기다리겠소 어디서 기다리면 되오?Then I will wait for him. Where should I wait?
32:40(히나초심자이시니 [잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온
가배당부터 시작하시는 게 좋습니다
Since you haven't tried it before, you should
add some sugar.
32:53이 쓴 걸 왜 마시는 거요?Why drink something so bitter?
32:55처음엔 쓴맛만 나던 것이At first, you can only taste the bitterness,
32:57어느 순간 시고 고소하고 달콤해지지요but it starts to taste sour, sweet, and flavorful
before you even know it.
33:01(히나심장을 뛰게 하고 잠 못 들게 하고It makes your heart race and keeps you up at
33:04무엇보다 아주 비싸답니다And most importantly, it's very expensive.
33:07마치 헛된 희망 같달까요It's kind of like vain hope.
33:09하면 귀하는 헛된 희망을 파는 거요?Does that mean you sell vain hope?
33:13그것도 비싸게For a hefty price.
33:14헛될수록 비싸고 달콤하지요It is always the vain things that are expensive
and sweet.
33:17(히나그 찰나의 희망에 사람들은 돈을 많이
Such a momentary, fleeting illusion of hope
makes people spend money.
33:22나라를 팔아 부자가 되겠다는 불순한 희망The greedy hope of becoming wealthy by
selling one's country.
33:25애를 쓰면 나라가 안 팔릴 거라는 안쓰러운 희
The pathetic hope that we can stop others
from selling our country.
33:29정혼을 깰 수 있겠다는And the wimpish hope
33:32나약한 희망 그런 헛된 것들요of calling off one's engagement. Things like
33:35여인이 빈관에 손수 발걸음을 그것도 대가 댁
A young lady from a noble family came to this
hotel all by herself.
33:39혼인이 물 흐르듯 흘러갈 것이면 없어도 되는
You wouldn't have had to if your wedding were
to happen as planned.
33:44내게 관심이 아주 많은가 보오You seem to have immense interest in me.
33:50제가 쏟는 관심에 방해가 돼서요Because you're in the way of what I'm actually
interested in.
33:58(히나애기씨께서 이러시면 울어야 하나물어
야 하나
If you're going to be like this, shall I cry or
34:04손수건을 받았으니 울게 되려나Will I end up shedding tears because I
accepted the handkerchief?
34:12꿈속이 내내 꽃밭이더니No wonder why I dreamed of strolling in a field
of flowers.
34:19Are you here to see me?

(희성날 보러 와 준 게요?
34:44(희성당구라는 놀이요This is called billiards.
34:46배워 보겠소내가 가르쳐 주겠소-Would you like to learn? I'll teach you. -I have
no time for this.
34:49서양 사내들은 동무들끼리 이 놀이를 하오Western men play this when they hang out
with friends.
34:52꽤 재미있소It's quite fun.
34:53(애신미안하지만 거두절미하고 본론만I'm sorry, but I'd like to get straight to the
34:56(희성이미 하셨소찾아온 것만으로도You already got your message across by
coming here.
35:00그대가 나를 먼저 찾아올 이유는 하나뿐이지
There's only one reason you'd come all the
way here to see me.
35:03정혼을 깨자는 얘기To break off our engagement.
35:05맞소That's right.
35:07온갖 추문에 시달렸단 얘기 기억하시오?I told you I suffered because of all sorts of
rumors. Do you remember?
35:12(애신이미 잡힐 흉은 다 잡혔단 뜻이오I have already been criticized and mortified.
35:15내 평생 혼자 산들 문제없단 뜻이고I'll have no problem even if I decide to live
alone for the rest of my life.
35:18(희성집안끼리 맺은 약조요But it's a promise between our families.
35:20우리 둘이 깬다고 깨질 약조겠소?It won't be broken off even if the two of us
decide to do so.
35:23시도라도 해 보잔 거요But we should still try.
35:25(애신나는 조부님께 말씀드려 보겠소I will speak with my grandfather.
35:28(희성Do you...
35:30다른 정인이 있소?have another man?
35:32다른 정인이 있으면What if I do?
35:35그건 혼인을 깨는 방법이 되겠소?Will that be enough reason to call off our
35:42그럼 싸워야지누군진 몰라도Then I'll have to fight regardless of who that
35:47물러설 이유가 전혀 없소I have no reason to back off.
35:49이건 전적으로 내가 유리한 싸움이라I am certainly at an advantage.
35:51그러지 마시오Don't.
35:53그러길 바란다면If you don't want me to fight,
36:00날 자극하지 마시오do not provoke me.
36:04내게 시간 낭비하지 말란 소리요Don't waste your time on me.
36:07(애신귀하에게도 꿈이 있을 것 아니오?You must -have a dream too. -No, I don't.
36:11(애신사내로 태어나 대의가 없단 말이오?You're a man. Do you not have any
36:13꼭 있어야 하오?Must I have one?
36:17(희성관직에 나가는 건 질색이오 아침잠이 많
I'd hate to work for the government. It's hard
for me to wake up in the morning.

36:20항일을 하자니 몸이 고단할 것 같고Joining the anti-Japan movement will be
physically taxing,
36:23친일을 하자니and becoming pro-Japanese
36:24마음이 고단할 것 같고will agonize my heart.
36:29난 원체 무용한 것들을 좋아하오I've always liked things that are considered
36:32The moon, the stars,
36:34바람flowers, and the wind.
36:36[살짝 웃으며웃음Laughters...
36:40농담and jokes.
36:43그런 것들Things like that.
36:44그렇게 흘러가는 대로 살다 멎는 곳에서 죽는
I wish to just go with the flow and die
wherever my journey stops. I suppose I can
say that's my dream.
36:48나의 꿈이라면 꿈이오and die wherever my journey stops. I suppose
I can say that's my dream.
36:49그럴 수 있을 것 같소I understand.
36:52(애신하나 나는 응원할 수 없소However, I cannot root for you
36:56서로 멎는 곳이 다를 듯하니for our journeys will probably end in different
37:02이미 누구도 응원하지 않는 생이니No one is rooting for me anyway,
37:08괜찮소so it's fine.
37:11혼인을 할 수도 없고 정혼을 깰 수도 없으니We can neither get married nor break off our
37:15(희성서로 다그치지 맙시다so let's not be harsh on each other.
37:16그냥 오늘은Today,
37:18그저 날 동무 정도로만just think of me as a friend.
37:24남겨 주면 안 되겠소?Can't you?
37:32(애신어찌하는 거요?So how do you play this?
37:37가르쳐 주시오Teach me.
37:39동무끼리 하는 거라며You said this is what friends do.
37:438번 공은 언제 넣으라고?So when should you hit the eight ball?
37:46마지막에At the end.
37:52(희성이론은 다 됐소All right, we've covered all the rules.
37:55이제 그 막대기로 흰 공을 쳐서...Now, with that cue stick, hit this white ball...
38:03이렇게 하는 게 맞소?Is that what I'm supposed to do?
38:06(희성맞소Yes, that's right.
38:10계속 치시오Keep going.
38:16계속 나만 치면 그대는 무얼 한단 말이오?You want me to keep going? Then what will
you do?
38:25(희성난 이걸 하오I'll do this.

38:58(동매자리가 없어 앉는 것뿐입니다I'm only joining because there's no other table.
39:04이리 만난 것도 간만인데 한잔 받으시오Let me pour you one to celebrate our meeting.
39:07(동매따로 드시지요Pour your own.
39:10(희성그럼 건배라도Then how about a toast?
39:11말 걸지 말걸I shouldn't have spoken to you.
39:15건배란 게 말이오Clinking glasses
39:17잔을 부딪치면 술과 술이 넘나들면서causes the two drinks to swish and mix.
39:21(희성당신을 죽일 독을 타지 않았다는 걸 확
인하는 일이라 하오
It's to prove that I didn't spike yours with any
39:30뭘 타고 싶소?Do you want to poison me?
39:37하시는 일은Your job.
39:40잘돼 가시오?Is it going well?
39:41내가 무슨 일을 하고 있는지는 아시고?Do you even know what I do?
39:44자세히는 모르나Not in detail,
39:47사람을 잡거나 잡아서 패거나but you catch people or beat them up.
39:51[작은 목소리로죽이는 일을 하지 않소Or kill them, don't you?
39:57그렇다면 일이 잘 안 풀리는 듯합니다In that case, I must say it's not going my way.
40:04왜 그런 일을 선택한 거요?Why do you do that?
40:05왜 아무 일도 선택하지 않는 거요?Why do you do nothing?
40:10내 요즘 그 질문을 자주 받소I've been getting that a lot.
40:13고국에 돌아오니 내 그릇이 티가 나는 모양이
Now that I'm here, people seem to see what I
40:21(희성내가 무언가를 한다면 나는 아주 큰사람
이 될 거요
If I were to do something, I will become
someone very great.
40:29그래서 이러오That's why I do nothing.
40:31독을 들고 다녀야 하나Maybe I should carry poison with me.
40:38(술집 주인) [일본어죄송합니다손님I'm sorry, sir.
40:39지금 자리가...There are no seats...
40:42저기 자리가 있는 모양이오Over there. There's an empty seat.
40:45(술집 주인앉으시지요Please, sir.
40:48(유진) [한국어그날 당신 조부가 그랬지That day, your grandfather said to me
40:50(유진) '부모의 죄가 곧 자식의 죄다'that the child must bear its parents' sin too.
40:53아홉 살짜리한테I was only nine.
40:57부모의 죄가 자식의 죄면 태중에 있었다고 해
서 뭐가 다르겠어
If a child must bear its parents' sin, a baby
inside its mother's womb should too.
41:01(유진마셔도 되겠소?May I?
41:05(희성늦었지만 환영하오I know it's late, but welcome.
41:07조선에 돌아온 거Welcome back to Joseon.

41:09가란 뜻으로 들리오Sounds like you want me gone.
41:14(동매두 분 사이에 또 무슨 일이 있나 봅니다Something must've happened again between
you two.
41:17궁금해 죽겠네I'm dead curious.
41:19(희성이미 있는 일로도 충분해서We have more than enough going on.
41:22(유진찾는다던 사내는 찾았소?Did you find the man you're looking for?
41:24다리 저는 사내The one with a limp?
41:33(동매이걸 찾았다고 해야 하나 못 찾았다고
해야 하나
Should I say I found him or not?
41:37난 한 놈 봤는데I saw someone.
41:42이완익이라는 자가 다리를 절던데A man named Lee Wan-ik walks with a limp.
41:46그자와 친밀했던 듯하고You seemed to be close with him.
41:48이완익 대감과는 결별한 지 오래입니다I parted ways with him long ago.
41:51그리고 내가 찾고 있는 건 젊은 놈이라And the man I'm looking for is young.
41:56(술집 주인) [일본어술이 금방 동이 나네요You run out so fast.
41:58세 분이 동무이신가 봅니다You three must be friends.
41:59(함께아니오 [술집 주인의 당황하는 신음]-No. -No.
42:01(희성) [한국어우린 그저 우연히 합석한We just happened to meet.
42:02[일본어미국인인 조선인An American-Joseon man,
42:04일본인인 조선인 잘생긴 조선인a Japanese-Joseon man, and a handsome
Joseon man.
42:06그게 우리 사이요That's what we are.
42:08(술집 주인...I see, sir.
42:10(희성) [한국어하면 잘생긴 조선인은 먼저 가
Well, the handsome Joseon man must leave.
42:14나오지들 마시오No need to see me off.
42:21그쪽 다리 아닌데It was the other leg.
42:29뭘 알고 저러는 건지Does he even know what he's doing?
42:31알고 저러는 거요 저자는 늘 진심이라He does. He's always straightforward.
42:34이자도 아는 것 같은데 늘 진심이고You seem to know too. You're straightforward.
42:37안다니까이완익I said I know Lee Wan-ik.
42:40숨겨 주는 거요?Are you hiding him?
42:42달리 추정이 안 돼서I can't tell.
42:44(동매그러시는 나리는 누굴 숨기시는데 이러
Who are you hiding then?
42:49(유진나도 이완익을 숨기는 거요I'm also hiding Lee Wan-ik.
42:52다리 저는 놈은 이완익이어야지He should be the one limping.
42:56그렇게 결론이 나야지That should be the conclusion.
43:01우리 둘 다For us both.
43:03아니우리 셋 다No, for all three of us.

43:17[오르골에서 잔잔한 음이 흘러나온다] (유진)
마음에 드나 보오
You must like it.
43:20가져가서 들어 보겠소?Would you like to borrow it?
43:23그래도 되오?Can I do that?
43:25빌려줄 테니 충분히 들으시고I'll lend it to you. You can return it
43:28나중에 돌려주시오after you've heard enough.
43:30하면 그간 아프지 마시오Then don't get sick in the meantime.
44:12(승구털옷이 필요하신 건 아닌 것 같고I don't think you're here for fur clothes.
44:18술값 잘 받았다는 인사가 없어서You never thanked me for paying for the
44:21(유진일전에 술값은 충분히 받으신 것 같소?I believe I paid more than enough.
44:25넉넉했소It sufficed.
44:29거슬러 받으러 온 게요?What? Are you here for your change?
44:32이번엔 술값을 좀 보태 달라 해 볼까 싶어서I was hoping to ask you to pay this time.
44:39술 끊었는데방금I just quit drinking.
44:41(유진내가 본 술상이 마음에 들 겁니다You'll like what I prepared.
44:44외부대신 이세훈이오Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lee Se-hun.
44:51사연은 묻지 마시고Don't ask for the story.
44:53보태 주시겠소?Will you chip in?
45:00어찌 이리 사람을 오라 가라 불러 대는 것이야?How dare he make me come and go?
45:03내 경을 칠 것이야He deserves a scolding.
45:05어서 그자에게 안내하려무나Take me to him.
45:07영사 대리 그자 말이다The acting consul.
45:09(도미영사 대리 나리께서는 출타 중이십니다The acting consul is out.
45:12한데 뉘십니까?If I may ask, who are you?
45:17(애신나를 몰라보고 노상에 이리 세워 두는
You're the second man to not recognize me
45:21네가 두 번째구나and keep me standing.
45:25나리! (도미나리 저기 오셨습니다Sir! There he is.
45:47(유진부른 기억이 없는데?I never called for you.
45:49(애신머리를 좀 썼소I got smart.
45:51한밤중까지 기다리기엔 하루가 너무 길어서I couldn't wait until tonight. The day was too
45:55뮤직 박스 돌려주러 온 거요?Are you here to return the music box?
46:00내 머리를 썼기 때문에 그 핑계는 아껴 놨소I'm saving that excuse for another day.
46:03(애신하니 내게 신세 진 거요You owe me this time.
46:06오해 마시오 내 허투루 온 것은 아니니Don't get me wrong. I'm actually here for a
46:09I came across something I don't know.

공부하다 모르는 게 있어서
46:12이게 내 이름이오This is my name.
46:17맞소That's correct.
46:19(애신문제는 이건데This was where I got stuck.
46:23이건 영어로 어찌 쓰는가 해서I was wondering how to write this in English.
46:28내 도통 모르겠어서I just couldn't figure it out.
46:45학당 공부 열심히 하지 말랬다고I told you not to study too hard,
46:47[애신의 수줍은 웃음] (유진이 정도도 모르
but if you don't even know that...
46:52그리고 이런 건This is
46:54스스로 해야지something you should figure out yourself.
46:55내가 도와주면 그게 또 무슨 의미가 있나 싶기
도 하고
something you should figure out yourself. It
wouldn't help at all if I were to give you the
47:01아유이 쉬운 걸...It's such an easy one.
47:07(애신그만 가야겠소실례했구려I should go. Sorry for the intrusion.
47:09사발은 언제 또 필요할 것 같소?When will you need a new bowl?
47:13그건 왜 묻소?Why do you ask?
47:17(유진노꾼이 필요하지 않을까 싶어서I thought you might need a wherryman.
47:25초닷새 점심나절...Around lunchtime on the 5th.
47:29(애신왜 답신을 안 한 거요?Why didn't you write back?
47:31아직 못 읽었소I haven't read it yet.
47:41읽어 보시오Read this.
47:44(유진스스로 공부를...I said you should study on your own...
47:48혹시 글을...Can you not read?
48:06[한국어내 영어는 출중한데My English is excellent.
48:10(애신그러니까 글을...So you can't--
48:11(유진이게 신문신문이네 신문이나 읽어 볼
This is a newspaper. I should read this.
48:15다 여기다 영어로...It's in English.
48:17배웅해 주겠소갑시다I'll walk you out. Let's go.
48:47(유진잠시...Just a moment.
48:51그때 내게 지어 준 약 말이오The herbs you gave me last time.
48:54그게 대체 무슨 약이오?What were they for?
48:56그 약요?Oh, that?
49:02혹시 드셨어라?Did you take it?
49:05아직 안 먹...Not yet...
49:09왜 그러시오?-What's the matter? -The thing is,
49:10(행랑아범그것이 뜨거운 물에 푹 고아서
발을 푹 담그시면
-What's the matter? -The thing is, if you brew
it in hot water and put your feet in it,

49:14피로가 확 풀리면서 썩은 물이 푹 나오는 그런
it helps you relax and gets the toxins out of
your body.
49:18몸에 있는 독소가 다 빠져 버린당께요It gets rid of everything bad that's inside you.
49:26절대 드시지 마쇼Don't you ever drink it.
49:30배운 양반이니께 다 잘 알아서 안 마셨겄지
You're educated enough to know it's not for
49:36살펴 가시오Take care.
49:39(행랑아범마시면...Don't drink it.
50:04(역관2) 이보게들대체 무슨 일인가?What is going on?
50:06왜 급히 모이라는 겐가?Why were we summoned so suddenly?
50:08(역관3) 이보게아라사 글쎄미국이 변사체로
Listen carefully, Russia. America was found
50:13칼을 맞았다지 뭔가He was stabbed.
50:15(역관2) 그게 무슨 일인가?What do you mean?
50:17칼을 맞다니미국이 왜?America was stabbed? Why?
50:20(역관3) 난들 알겠는가How would I know?
50:22이걸 어디다 보고를 해야 하나Who should we report this to?
50:26(역관4) 무슨 소리인가Isn't it obvious?
50:27당연히 외부대신 이세훈 대감께 보고를 해야지We must tell Lord Lee Se-hun, the Minister of
Foreign Affairs.
50:29(역관3) 그럼 불란서 자네는 그리 가시든가Then you go to him, France.
50:32- (역관3) 우린 이쪽일세가세 - (역관5) 아이,
-We'll go this way. -Let's go.
50:35(역관4) 이보이보게Wait.
50:38저자들이 대체 어딜 가는 게야?Where are they going?
50:45(세훈어찌 혼자 온 것이야?Why are you alone?
50:47내 다 모이라 이르지 않았느냐I told you all to gather.
50:49(역관4) 소인이 알아보았사온데I asked around, my lord.
50:51역관들이 죄다 이완익 대감 댁으로 몰려갔다
The interpreters all went to Lee Wan-ik's.
50:55어찌 관직도 없는 그놈 집으로 몰려가 한낱 중
인 놈한테
But he's not even a government official. He's
50:59저희도 다 중인입니다요대감마님We're all middle-class, my lord.
51:01(세훈그러니 말이다그러니!That's the problem.
51:02중인 놈들끼리 뭘 해결하겠다고What can a bunch of middle-class men solve?
51:05네놈들도 뒈진 놈처럼 칼을 맞아 봐야 정신을
차릴 것이냐
Will you come to your senses after you're
stabbed yourselves?
51:10아무래도 역관들 사이에서 도는 소문 때문인
I think it's because of the rumor circulating
among the interpreters.
51:15(세훈소문이라니 무슨 소문?A rumor? What rumor?

51:18(역관4) 하야시 공사가 대감에게 실망이 이만
저만이 아니라는 얘기가 돌면서
Word got out that Minister Hayashi is
displeased with you
51:22대감께선 이제 끈 떨어진 연이라고 [긴장되는
and that now you're like a kite with no string.
51:26이등박문의 뒷배인 이완익 대감 쪽으로 줄을
서야 산다고요
That to survive, we must side with Lee Wan-ik
who's close to Ito Hirobumi.
51:31무엇보다 소문에 대감께서 이완익 대감에게Above all, rumor has it that Lee Wan-ik even
slapped you in the face.
51:35뺨싸대기도 맞으셨다고Lee Wan-ik even slapped you in the face.
51:37(완익나의 인사요That is my greeting.
52:11(완익대감께서 내 집에 어쩐 일이시오?What brings you to my place?
52:14내 인사부터...A greeting is in order--
52:16인사받았네It's fine.
52:18(세훈얼굴 봤으면 그게 인사지There's no need for such formality.
52:20안 그런가Wouldn't you agree?
52:32(완익그래용건이 무스기요?So, what are you here about?
52:35항간에 자네가 이등박문의 오른팔이란 소문이
There's talk that you're Ito Hirobumi's right
hand man.
52:39(완익그렇답니까?Is that so?
52:41겸손이야말로 성인군자의 미덕이지Humility is a virtue that every great man
should have.
52:49(세훈해서 말일세My point is...
52:55왼팔은 내가 하겠네I'll be his left hand.
52:58이토 히로부미가 천민 출신인 건 아시오?Do you know that Ito's from the lowest social
53:03천민의 오른팔도 아니고 왼팔인데 일없겠소?You want to be the left hand of a low-class
53:07(세훈나라 꼴이 이런데 출신이 무슨 대수겠나Who cares about hierarchy when our
country's a mess?
53:10내 그간 자네에게 섭섭히 대한 것이 영 마음에
I was very bothered by how I mistreated you.
53:14작은 선물 하나 갖고 왔네I brought you a small present.
53:18빈손인데?You brought nothing.
53:20(세훈이년뭐 하고 섰느냐얼른 절 올리지 않
You wench. Don't just stand there. Come and
53:26대감!My lord.
53:32네 이놈!You fool.
53:34절은 네놈이 해야지비You should be the one to bow.
53:37(완익절은 부탁하는 놈이 하는 기다The man who asks for a favor should bow.
53:41뭐 하는가Don't just sit there.
53:42어디 한번 해 보라!Go on and bow.
53:59궂은일이면 같이 가 드리고I'll come along if it's a tough job.
54:01여직 같이 오셨소You've done enough.

54:04(유진그간 나 때문에 충분히 위험했소I put you in enough danger.
54:07고마웠소Thank you.
54:09(호위병1) 물렀거라외부대신 이세훈 대감 행
Make way for Lee Se-hun, the Minister of
Foreign Affairs.
54:15(세훈왜 이러는 것이야What's the matter?
54:18저런 미친놈을 보...Has he lost his mind?
54:19[가마꾼들의 겁먹은 신음너는 그때 그...You... You're that man from...
54:26이런 주리를 틀 놈들 돌아오지 못할까!I should have them beaten to death. Come
back here!
54:35옳아You must be the American who looks like a
Joseon man
54:37네놈이 그 황군과 총질을 한 조선인 외양의 미
국인이란 그놈이구나
You must be the American who looks like a
Joseon man that shot the Japanese soldier.
54:42나에 대해 아는 게 그게 다면 곤란한데It's a great pity if that's all you know about me.
54:45뭐라 지껄이는 것이냐What are you talking about?
54:46네놈 때문에 내가 어떤 꼴을 당했는데Do you know what trouble you got me in?
54:48그건 잊으시오Forget about that.
54:50지금부터 당할 거에 비하면 꽃길이었을 테니Compared to what'll happen now, that was
54:53뭐가 어째혓바닥을 뽑아 버릴까What did you say? I'll have your tongue pulled
54:57(세훈뭣들 하는 게야저놈을 당장 말에서 끌
어 내리지 않고
Don't just stand there. Get him off the horse.
55:02나서지 마시오Stay out of it.
55:04당신들에겐 감정이 없소I have nothing against you.
55:09(세훈이런 정신 나간 놈들You utter fools.
55:11네놈들 달삯을 미군이 준다더냐Are the Americans paying your wages?
55:14내 이번 참에 양놈들에게 제대로 본을 보일 것
I shall make use of this opportunity to show
those Americans who's in charge.
55:18당장 저놈을 내 앞에 꿇려라!Get him on his knees before me!
55:42(세훈네 이놈내가 누군지 아느냐 네놈이 이
러고도 살기를
You fool. Do you know who I am? Do you
have a death wish?
55:49내 걱정은 됐으니까 네 걱정이나 해Don't worry about me. You should worry about
55:51내가 오늘 널 죽일 거거든I'm going to kill you today.
55:54[힘겨운 목소리로네놈이 정녕Have you really
55:57미치지 않고서야lost your mind?
56:00미군이An American
56:03조선 땅에서on Joseon soil
56:06감히 조선의 외부대신을 죽이겠다고 겁박을 하
는 것이냐
dares to threaten to kill the Minister of Foreign
Affairs of Joseon?
56:10넌 미군의 손에 죽지 않아You won't die at the hands of an American.

56:12넌 오늘Today,
56:14조선인의 손에 죽을 거야you'll die at the hands of a Joseon man.
56:17감히 조선 땅에서 어떤 놈이!Who would dare to do that?
56:19네놈을 피해My mother who jumped into a well
56:22우물에 몸을 던진 내 어미야to get away from you.
56:31매 맞아 죽어 가던My father
56:33내 아비야who was beaten to death.
56:36죄인처럼And me, a little boy who was a slave
56:39조선을 도망쳤던who ran away from Joseon
56:46어린 노비야as if he committed a sin.
56:57설마It can't be.
57:15제발 살려 줘Please don't kill me.
57:22제발 목숨만Please spare my life.
57:23으음빌지 마No, don't beg.
57:26여기서 죽이고 싶어지니까It makes me want to kill you right here right
57:28네가 죽을 곳은This is not
57:32여기가 아니거든where I'll be taking your life.
57:48(세훈그 미친놈을 내가 아주 찢어 죽일 것이
I will shred that lunatic to pieces.
57:57아니이게 다 어딜...Where did it all go?
58:01계향이 이년 어디 갔어!Gye-hyang, where are you?
58:03내 금My gold.
58:05계향이 이년!Gye-hyang, you wench!
58:07내 금!My gold!
58:31여봐라폭도다 경무청을 불러라Is anyone there? It's an attack! Call the Police
58:36(하인1) 아유폭도요아니이게 대체 무슨 일
An attack? What's going on?
58:40묻지 말고 뛰란 말이다이 등신아!Don't ask questions and run!
58:45이건 어떻게 쏘는 거야How does this thing work?
58:53(하인3) 순심아순심아!Soon-sim. Soon-sim.
58:55(하인1) 순심아 [하인2의 아파하는 신음]Soon-sim.
58:56(하인3) 대감마님 이 아이가 총에 맞았
My lord, you just shot her.
58:59그년이 거기 서 있던 걸 나더러 어쩌란 게야!It was her fault for standing there!

59:03(세훈뭣들 하고 섰어경무청을 부르라니까Don't just stand there. Get the Police Bureau.
59:11(세훈나머진 날 호위해라 날 에워싸서 지키란
The rest of you, surround me. Surround and
protect me!
59:16경무청은 대체 언제 오는 거야When will the bureau get here?
59:19거기 너당장 다시 가서 고하거라당장!You. Report this immediately. Right now!
59:23(하인1) 의원 먼저 다녀오겠습니다요I'll go to a physician first.
59:25이리 두면 죽습니다요!She'll die if I don't.
59:27이런 육시랄 놈!You stupid fool!
59:29네놈들부터 쏴 죽여 주랴!Shall I shoot you first?
59:37(세훈내 팔!My arm!
59:43의원을 불러라Call a physician.
59:45의원을 불러라!Call a physician!
59:59(세훈드디어 왔군Who's there?
1:00:17(세훈대감께서 여긴 어쩐 일이시오?What brings you here?
1:00:22(정문샅샅이 뒤져라Search the house.
1:00:25궤짝 하나화병 하나 놓치지 말고 뒤져라!Don't forget to check every chest and every
1:00:28죄인 이세훈은 포박하여 꿇려라!Tie up Lee Se-hun and get him on his knees.
1:00:32(순검들!-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
1:00:35(세훈이게 지금 무슨 짓이오미치셨소?What are you doing? Are you crazy?
1:00:39이거 놓지 못할까!Let go of me.
1:00:41내 이 나라 외부대신이오I'm the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
1:00:43놔라이놈들내 네놈들을 가만두지 않을 것이
Let me go! I'll make you all pay.
1:00:53(유진일본도 러시아도 조선도 찾고 있는 그
예치 증서
The certificate of deposit that Japan, Russia,
and Joseon all want.
1:00:57내가 찾게 해 주겠소I'll give it to you.
1:01:01(정문갑자기 찾아와서는 무슨 뚱딴지같은 소
You showed up suddenly just to talk
1:01:04네가 그걸 무슨 수로?How can you do that?
1:01:05(유진그 예치 증서가 이세훈 대감 집에 있소That certificate is at Lord Lee Se-hun's
1:01:11네놈이 그걸 어찌 알아?How do you know that?
1:01:13내가 가져다 놓을 거니까Because I will put it there.
1:01:15대체 그게 무슨...What do you mean?
1:01:16원래 조선의 것을 조선에 돌려주겠단 소리요It belongs to Joseon. I'm simply returning it.
1:01:22내 방식으로 할 거요I'll do it my way.
1:01:23(정문지금 그 말을 나더러 믿으란 말인가?Do you expect me to believe you?
1:01:29믿었던데You believed me last time.
1:01:35예치 증서가 이세훈의 집에서 발견되면If you find the document at his residence,

1:01:38그자는 어떻게 할 거요?what will happen to him?
1:01:43(정문음도불궤죄역모다Plotting high treason. Treason is the worst
crime a Joseon national can commit.
1:01:47조선에서 가장 무거운 죄를 물어Treason is the worst crime a Joseon national
can commit.
1:01:49이세훈은 역적으로 죽을 것이다Lee Se-hun will die a traitor.
1:01:53마음에 드네I like that.
1:01:55그걸로 합시다Let's go with that.
1:01:56(세훈대체 왜 이러는 거요대감Why are you doing this?
1:01:59도적이 들었다고 경무청에 고한 게 나라니까!I'm the one who reported a theft!
1:02:04(호위병3) 대감My lord.
1:02:23폐하께서 그토록 찾으시던 문건이The document that His Majesty looked so
hard for.
1:02:28어째서 네놈 집에 있는 것이냐?Why is it in your house?
1:02:32나는 모르는 일이오I don't know anything about this.
1:02:35(세훈하늘에 맹세코 모르는 일이오I swear I don't know.
1:02:37도적이 들었다 했더냐?Did you say there was a thief?
1:02:41조선의 것을 사사로이 훔쳤으니You stole what belongs to Joseon.
1:02:45네놈이 바로 도적이다That makes you the thief.
1:02:46아니오!No! I was framed.
1:02:48(세훈모함이오보시오No! I was framed. Look.
1:02:50이렇게 총을 맞은 건 나라고!I'm the one who was shot. Look!
1:02:53(순검황제 폐하 납시오!Here comes His Majesty, the Emperor of
1:03:08폐하Your Majesty.
1:03:13폐하!Your Majesty!
1:03:22(완익조선은 너희 것들을 버렸다Joseon has abandoned you.
1:03:34(승구내 나라 임금이So that is
1:03:38저리 생겼구나what the king looks like.
1:03:45(유진사연은 모르겠으나I don't know your story,
1:03:47오늘 밤 역적은 한 명이면 족할 듯한데but I think one traitor is enough for tonight.
1:04:02(정문이자의 집에서 발견된 것입니다We found this in his house.
1:04:04(세훈폐하Your Majesty.
1:04:06모함입니다I was framed.
1:04:08신은 그 문건을 본 적도 없사옵니다I've never seen that document before.
1:04:14신을 매도하려는 수작입니다is trying to frame me.
1:04:18속지 마시옵소서Don't fall for it.
1:04:20모함입니다폐하!I'm being set up, Your Majesty!
1:04:32(고종역모다This is treason.

1:04:35역적 이세훈을Lee Se-hun is a traitor.
1:04:39죽여라Kill him.
1:05:51다친 게요어쩌다?Were you hurt? How?
1:05:55이거 훈련 중에...It happened during training.
1:06:01강이 얼었소The river's frozen.
1:06:03노꾼이 필요 없어졌소You wouldn't need a wherryman.
1:06:09나란히 걸을 수 있겠구려we could walk side by side.
1:06:23(애신간밤에 사대문 안이 시끄러웠던 모양이
There was a ruckus in the city last night.
1:06:26저자에 사람이 많아 돌아오느라 조금 늦었소The square was crowded and it took me a
while to take a detour.
1:06:30(유진들었소I heard.
1:06:32외부대신 이세훈이 역모로 밝혀졌다고Minister Lee Se-hun turned out to be a traitor.
1:06:37혹 교류가 있던 양반이오?Is he someone you knew?
1:06:41조선의 관료들은 잘 몰라서I'm not familiar with officials of Joseon.
1:06:44친일하던 자라 주시하고만 있었소He was pro-Japanese, so I had my eyes on
1:06:48로건이 죽을 때도 그자가 함께였고He was there when Logan died.
1:06:53누구 하나 슬퍼하지 않는 죽음이오No one mourns his death.
1:06:58위험하니 조심히 걸으시오It's slippery. You should watch your step.
1:07:03(애신그러셔야겠소You really should.
1:07:04(유진아니조선의 강은 유난히 미끄럽소Joseon's rivers are very slippery.
1:07:07미국의 허드슨강은 안 이런데The Hudson isn't like this.
1:07:11(애신미국에 아주 어릴 때 갔나 보오 글도 떼
기 전이니
Did you move to America when you were
young? Before you learned to read?
1:07:20신기해서It's fascinating.
1:07:22조선에서 태어나 어찌 그 먼 땅까지 갔는지How did you end up so far away from where
you were born?
1:07:31듣고 싶소?Do you want to know?
1:07:34궁금하오I'm curious.
1:07:36귀하의 긴 얘기가About your long story.
1:07:48아마 내 긴 이야기가 끝나면When I'm done telling my long story,
1:07:52우린 따로 떠나게 될 거요we will have to part ways.
1:07:56(애신어째서 그렇소?What makes you say that?
1:08:14조선을 떠난 건 아홉 살 때였소I left Joseon when I was nine.
1:08:20그저 달렸소조선 밖으로I just ran. Far away from Joseon.
1:08:26조선에서 가장 먼 곳으로The farthest I could get.
1:08:32그런 내 앞에 파란 눈의 금발 머리 선교사가Just then, a missionary with blonde hair and
blue eyes
1:08:36구세주처럼 나타났소showed up like my savior.

1:08:41그의 도움으로 미국 군함에 숨어들었고With his help, I sneaked into an American
1:08:46한 열흘쯤 가면 되겠지 했는데I thought it would take ten days.
1:08:50한 달을 갔소But it took a month.
1:08:55한데Why did a nine-year-old boy
1:08:57아홉 살 아이가 무슨 연유로?Why did a nine-year-old boy have to leave?
1:09:08'죽여라'"Kill him.
1:09:10(유진) '재산이 축나는 건 아까우나'It may be a waste of my property,
1:09:13'종놈들에게 좋은 본을 보이니 손해는 아닐 것
but this will teach the other slaves a lesson,
so I guess it is not all a loss."
1:09:21그게 내가 기억하는That is
1:09:24마지막 조선이오my last memory of Joseon.
1:09:32누가 그런 말을 했단 말이오?Who said such a thing?
1:09:34상전이었던 양반이Some noble man.
1:09:41무엇에 놀란 거요?What was it that shocked you?
1:09:46양반의 말에?What the noble man said?
1:09:50아니면Or was it
1:09:54내 신분에?my origin?
1:10:02맞소That's right.
1:10:06조선에서 난When I was in Joseon,
1:10:10노비였소I was a slave.
1:10:17귀하가 구하려는 조선에는This country you're trying to protect.
1:10:22누가 사는 거요?Who is it for?
1:10:27백정은 살 수 있소?Is there a life for butchers?
1:10:33노비는 살 수 있소?Is there a life for slaves?
1:11:52(애신스승님 위에는 누가 계십니까?Who is the one that gives you orders?
1:11:55(승구그자와의 인연도 그만 놓으셔야 합니다Time has come for you to part ways with him.
1:11:59(고종일본에 매수되지 않을 자Someone who won't be bought off by the
1:12:01제 잇속 때문에 일을 그르치지 않을 자Someone who will not be blinded by selfish
interests. Had I learned the name of the
bastard who did this to me,
1:12:04(완익그때 내 이리 만든 그 아새끼 이름 석 자
만 알아 놨어도
Had I learned the name of the bastard who
did this to me,
1:12:09찢어 죽일 거인데I'd have him ripped to pieces.
1:12:10(희성어떤 이들이 날 알아보고 눈을 못 떼는
지 한번 볼까
I wonder who won't be able to take their eyes
off me.
1:12:15(히나남보다 못한 사내 셋이 한방에 모였다라Three men who are worse than strangers to
one another are gathered in one room.
1:12:20(애신그랬지이방의 사내That's right. A foreign man.
1:12:22(유진어디든 조선이 아닌 곳으로 갑니다Wherever it may be, it won't be Joseon.

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