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  미스터 션샤인 8

59s아니어야 할 거요It better not be.
1:04나쁜 마음 먹기 싫거든I'd hate to start having ill intentions.
1:08아직은At least not yet.
1:21역시 도련님인 건가오늘은?So you are a young master after all.
1:23(희성그게 제일 걸리는 모양인데 (유진충고
-If that's your concern-- -Let me give you a
piece of advice.
1:27그러지 마시오Don't be like that.
1:29303호 정도로 남으시오Be the man in Room 303 and nothing more.
1:32그리고 우리 사이에 다시는 그 여인을 세우지
And don't you ever put that woman between
us again.
1:36다시는 내 앞에서 인내심을 얘기하지도 말고Don't talk about endurance in front of me
1:40다음엔 충고로 안 끝날 것 같아서It won't end with an advice next time.
1:56(동매) [살짝 웃으며두 나리 사이에There must be
1:57제가 모르는 재미있는 일이 있나 봅니다something interesting going on between you
1:59오늘은 중한 일이 없소?Don't you have anything better to do?
2:01(동매개중 이 일이 제일 흥미로워서요This interests me the most among everything
2:04이러면 누굴 더 미워해야 하나 두 나리 중에Now I'm wondering whom I should hate more.
2:09두 분이 좀 힘껏 싸우셔서 한 분만 남으면 참 좋
It would be best if you two fight and only one
of you survive.
2:29(희성물을 땐 답을 않더니You never answered when I asked.
2:32우리 사이에 그 여인을 세우니But now that the woman is between us,
2:36이제야 답을 듣는 거요?you've finally given me an answer.
2:45(유진무슨 답?What answer?
2:48뭘 들었는데나한테?What do you think you heard from me?
2:59참고 있다고That you're enduring.
3:04(희성참고 있는 게 대체 무엇이오?What is it that you're enduring?
3:0630년 전 내 조부의 가택에서 일했던 그이들을
I heard you were looking for servants who
worked for my grandfather 30 years ago.
3:10그들은 또 왜 찾는 거고Why are you looking for them?
3:12내가 반가운 사람 찾는 것 같아?Do you think I'm looking for a long-lost friend?
3:17그날 당신도 거기 있었어You were there that day too.
3:20(유진당신 어머니 태중에Your mother was pregnant with you.
3:22그날 당신 조부가 그랬지That day, your grandfather said to me
3:25'부모의 죄가 곧 자식의 죄다'that the child must bear its parents' sin too.
3:28아홉 살짜리한테I was only nine.

3:32부모의 죄가 자식의 죄면 태중에 있었다고 해
서 뭐가 다르겠어
If a child must bear its parents' sin, a baby
inside its mother's womb should too.
3:38그러니까 당신 부모와 나 사이에도 서지 마So don't stand between me and your parents
3:41없는 죄도 만들고 싶어지니까Unless you want to give me more reasons to
make you pay.
3:56(유진누구나 제 손톱 밑의 가시가 제일 아플
수 있어
One may think that his own problem is bigger
than anyone else's.
4:02근데 심장이 뜯겨 나가 본 사람 앞에서But when there's a man in front of you whose
heart has been torn out,
4:06아프다는 소린 말아야지you shouldn't say you're hurt.
4:10그건 부끄러움의 문제거든That would be a shameful thing to do.
5:22(희성애달파지는 건The one who was about to feel sorrow
5:27나였나must've been me.
6:04(사탕 장수사탕 사사시게요?Would... Would you like some candy, sir?
6:10이딴 걸 왜 사래?Why would I buy this stuff?
6:13너무 달아서 쓰던데It's so sweet that it's bitter.
6:26(유죠) [일본어화월루 주인이 대장을 뵙고 싶
어 합니다
The owner of Hwawollu wishes to meet you.
6:29(화월루 주인치에코 그년이 글쎄 치에코가 아
니라 조선 년이었어
Chieko, that bitch. That Joseon bitch faked
her identity.
6:34근데 그년이 심지어 의병 끄나풀이었지 뭐야What's worse is that she was an informant for
the Righteous Army.
6:36나 정말 몰랐어나도 당했다고What's worse is that she was an informant for
the Righteous Army. I swear, I really didn't
6:39(동매하야시 공사가 그 말을 믿어 줄지 모르
I'm not sure if Minister Hayashi will believe
6:43(화월루 주인안 그래도 하야시가 날 찾고 난
Actually, he is looking everywhere for me.
6:45돈이고 나발이고 목숨은 지키고 봐야지I mean, money's good and all, but I need to be
alive first.
6:49급히 처분하려니I need to sell this place quick
6:51사 줄 만한 사람이 대장밖에 없어and you're the only person I can think of.
6:53[긴장되는 음악나와의 거래엔 돈이 드는 거 알
You are aware that a deal with me requires
money, right?
6:57미국 놈은 총 맞아 죽고An American was shot to death
6:59(동매일본 놈은 목매달려 죽고and a Japanese was hung to death.
7:02제값은 못 쳐줘Don't expect me to pay in full price.
7:06(유죠오늘부터 이곳 화월루는 무신회에서 운
Starting today, Musin Society will be in charge
of managing Hwawollu.
7:11기존의 방식대로 영업하되The business will be run the usual way,
7:13오가는 직원 모두 빠짐없이 신상을 기록하여but those working in this building will fill out a
record of personal information

7:18무신회 한성 지부장에게 보고하라and report to the Hanseong manager of Musin
7:20(낭인들알겠습니다!-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
7:28[한국어술 먹다 뒈지기 딱 좋은 방이네What a perfect spot to get shot at while
enjoying the night.
7:33다음엔 누가 뒈지려나I wonder who will die next.
8:00(애신언제 오셨습니까?When did you get here?
8:03(승구총소리가 뜨문뜨문이던데There were pauses between the shots you
8:06생각이 많은 총소리 말이다It sounded like you had a lot on your mind.
8:11(애신집중을 좀 못 했습니다I wasn't able to focus.
8:13그 여인은 어찌 되었습니까?What happened to that woman?
8:17(승구어떤 여인?Which woman?
8:19거사가 있던 날 창문을 열어 저를 도운 여인요The woman who gave me the signal by
opening the window.
8:26알아보았습니다I recognized her.
8:28해서 구했습니다동지니까요So I saved her. Because we're comrades.
8:34그 미군 사내도 동지라 그날 널 도운 것이냐?Did that American man help you that day
because you are his comrade?
8:44그자에 대해 캐묻자는 것이 아니다 다만I don't mean to question you about that man.
8:48넌 그날 네 신분을 노출시켰다But that day, you exposed yourself.
8:51너와 그 여인 둘 다 위험해질 수 있었단 얘기야It could've been dangerous for both you and
that woman.
8:54달리 방도가 없었습니다There was no other way.
8:57구해야 했으니까요I had to save her.
9:01혹시 그 여인... 살았다-Did that woman-- -She's alive.
9:06다행입니다That's a relief.
9:08네가 살린 그 아이That girl you saved.
9:11이름이 소아다Her name's So-a.
9:14(승구너에게 고맙다는 말을 전해 달라고 하더
She wanted me to thank you on her behalf.
9:22이름도 모를 뻔했습니다I might have never known her name.
9:24(승구듣고 잊어라Forget her name.
9:26그들은 그저None of them
9:28아무개다have their own names.
9:30그 아무개들 모두의 이름이And they all share one name.
9:33의병이다The Righteous Army.
9:39이름도 얼굴도 없이 살겠지만They'll live without a name or a face.
9:44다행히 조선이 훗날까지 살아남아 유구히 흐른
But if Joseon lives through the struggles and
its history persists,
9:50역사에 그 이름 한 줄이면 된다their names will be remembered by others.
9:57I understand.

10:01(애신밥이 탑니다You'll burn the rice.
10:04아까부터 탔다It's been burnt for a while now.
10:13(고종나라의 운명은 누기와 같을진대The entire nation is sitting on a powder keg.
10:17밤하늘은 참으로 고요하구나And yet, the night sky is calmer than ever.
10:23어느 돌을 치워Which obstacle should I overcome first
10:27어떤 수를 놓아야 좋을꼬in order to remedy the situation?
10:29폐하Your Majesty.
10:32일전에 일군과 맞섰던 그 미군 아무개 말이옵
About that American man who confronted the
Japanese solider...
10:40그자를 한번 불러 쓰임이 있겠는지 살펴보시겠
May I advise you to summon him and see if
we could use him in a way?
10:46그자를 무슨 연유로?What purpose can he fulfill?
10:49(정문그자는 현재He is currently
10:51영사 대리의 직책을 수행하는 미국 시민이자
미 해병대 대위로
the acting consul of the American legation and
a captain of the US Marine Corps.
10:58무엇보다 환향한 자로 사료되옵니다Above all, Joseon is his native soil.
11:02환향? (고종하면 그자가 조선인이란 말인가?Native soil? Do you mean to say he is a
Joseon man?
11:07(정문폐하Yes, Your Majesty.
11:09어려서 미국으로 건너간 듯합니다It seems he went to America at a young age.
11:12실은 신이 미 공사관에서 그자를 본 적이 있사
In fact, I saw him once at the American
11:17영락없는 조선인의 외양이었사옵니다His appearance was that of a Joseon man.
11:21(고종이런 반갑고 기특한 일이That is some great news.
11:25계속해 보라Go on.
11:27(정문현재 안연 공사가 상해에 가 공석이니Minister Allen is currently absent due to his
business in Shanghai,
11:30귀국 전에 불러 보심이 좋을 듯하옵니다so it would be best to contact him before the
minister's return.
11:34미 공사관에는There could be more information
11:35예치 증서에 관한 정보가 더 있을 수도 있고at the American legation regarding the deposit
11:39나아가 다른 나라 공사들을 견제할 수도 있사
오니 불러 다독이시고
Moreover, it sends a message to the ministers
of other countries, so persuade him
11:44그자를 대국들의 제일 앞줄에 세우소서and have him stand in the forefront.
12:23(유진여긴 어쩐 일로What brings you here?
12:24궁에서 기별이 와 전달합니다 비공식적으로I have word from the palace, -but it's
unofficial. -For me?
12:28내게 말이오?-but it's unofficial. -For me?
12:29(히나군복은 두시고 양장을 하세요Please change into a suit.
12:30허리에 차신 것도 놓고 가셔야 합니다You must leave behind what's on your waist
12:33궁에서 나를 보자는 이가 누구요?Who is it that wants to see me at the palace?

12:36대한 제국의 황제 폐하십니다The emperor of Korea.
12:40날 왜?-Why would he-- -I'm not sure.
12:41(히나글쎄요전 전달만 할 뿐 내용은 듣지 못
-Why would he-- -I'm not sure. I wouldn't know
since I'm only the messenger.
12:45대신 이번엔 제가 제대로 된 키를 드리죠However, I'll give you the correct key this time.
12:49지난번 고의에 대한 면피랄까요I'm making up for my previous intentional
12:52궁에선 누구를 만나든 영어를 쓰세요No matter who you meet there, speak in
12:55궁내부 역관을 불러 통변하게 하시고요Have the palace's interpreter deliver your
12:57키는 일부러 잘못 준 거였소?You gave me the wrong key on purpose?
13:01더러 그럴까 하였는데I was meaning to do it again,
13:03그렇게 바로 짚으시니 민망하네요but I feel embarrassed now that you pointed it
13:06더러 속을 테니 그럽시다I'll look the other way then.
13:09언제 어디로 가면 되오?So when and where should I be?
13:11(히나금일 밤 술시에 호텔을 나서시면Tonight at around 8 p.m. outside the hotel,
13:13붉은 띠를 두른 인력거꾼이 곁을 지날 겁니다a rickshaw-puller with a red sash will pass by.
13:16그 인력거를 타세요Hop on that rickshaw.
13:18그이가 궁 안까지 안전히 모셔다드릴 겁니다He will escort you safely to the palace.
13:25(도미뭘 그리 보십니까나리?What are you looking at, sir?
13:32내가 하늘인지 검은 새인지 모르겠어서I can't tell if I'm the sky or the black bird.
13:51(행랑아범대감마님장 포수가 들었습니다요My lord, Gunner Jang is here.
13:58사랑채에 시방 장 포수가...Gunner Jang is waiting at the--
13:59검은 새 한 마리가"One black bird
14:03온 하늘을 망칠 수도 있다니can ruin the entire sky."
14:06그 자체로도 명문장이 아닌가What a great saying that is.
14:13어찌 컸을꼬I wonder who he grew up to be.
14:16(승구동지 하나가 신분이 노출되어 상해로 보
내려 합니다
A comrade has been exposed, so I wish to
send her off to Shanghai.
14:21정식 배편은 위험할 듯싶어 밀항 편을 알아보
는 중인데
I'm afraid taking the official route could be
dangerous. So she needs to be stowed away.
14:26그자들은 부르는 것이 값이라However, the price is too high.
14:30하여 송구스럽지만 이리 또 대감마님을 찾아뵈
I know it's too much to ask, but I had no one
to turn to.
14:36올해로 몇 해째던가How long has it been
14:40자네가 애신이를 가르친 것이since you became Ae-sin's mentor?
14:44거진 십 년입니다대감마님About ten years, my lord.
14:46자기 몸 하나는 지킬 수 있게 됐는가?Can she now protect herself?
14:51웬만한 사내보다 나으십니다She's better -than most men. -What should
she do

14:54웬만한 사내보다 나아 어디에 쓰면 좋겠는가-than most men. -What should she do with
those skills then?
14:59(사홍혹은 이미 어디에 쓰이는가?Or is she already utilizing what she has
15:05대감마님My lord.
15:07상완이가 그 길을 갈 때도When Sang-wan took that path,
15:09난 자네들에게 돈을 댔었네I aided by funding you with money.
15:13(사홍결국 내가 댄 돈이In the end, the money I funded
15:17내 자식을 죽였지killed my own son.
15:23(사홍막아서 막아지는 것이 아님을 아네I know that she's too willing to be stopped.
15:27나도 막아서지 못한 것을 자네에게 하라고는
I won't ask you to do what I couldn't do myself.
15:34그러니 애신이가 잘 쓰이더라도So even if Ae-sin can be put to good use,
15:38자주는 말고 더러는 모르게도 하고don't let it be too often. Sometimes, keep her
in the dark.
15:44그래 주게Please do so.
15:56(사홍이 돈은 살리고자 하는 이를 살리고Use this money to save those you can.
16:01번번이 송구하고 감사드립니다 대감마님I'm always sorry and grateful to you, my lord.
16:15(애신이보게You there.
16:18잠시 나 좀 보고 가게I would like a word with you.
16:21애기씨My lady.
16:24함안댁이 음식을 좀 싸고 있네 가져가게Ms. Haman is packing some food. Take it with
16:30(애신할아버님과 나누신 말씀 들었습니다I heard you talking to my grandfather, Master.
16:35그 여인이 아직 안전하지 못한 겁니까?Is the woman still in danger?
16:41그럼 상해로는 언제... 이번 일은 소인이 알아
-When will she leave for Shanghai? -This
time, I will take care of--
16:45제가제가 필요하실 겁니다No. You will need me.
16:49손 보탤 자가 있을 겝니다I can find help elsewhere.
16:50제가 구한 여인입니다She's the woman I saved.
16:53안전하길 바랍니다I want her to be safe.
16:56마무리도 제가 하겠습니다I want to be the one who gets her to safety.
17:00(애신다음엔 더러 빠지겠습니다After this mission, I will sit out a few.
17:04모른 척도 하겠습니다참말입니다I'll look the other way. I promise.
17:15거사 장소는 제물포항입니다It will take place at Jemulpo Harbor.
17:20- (애신예 - (승구누굴 닮아 이러시는지-Right. -I wonder who you take after.
17:23(승구두 번 묻지도 않고 그저 ''You did not even hesitate once.
17:27(애신그 아이 목숨도 달렸지만-Sorry? -Her life is on the line,
17:31애기씨 목숨도 달린 일입니다but yours will be too, my lady.
17:37I know.
17:39(정문폐하미 공사관 아무개 들었사옵니다Your Majesty, it's the man from the American

17:47(고종어린 나이에 이국으로 건너갔다 들었다I heard you went to a foreign country as a
young child.
17:51대국의 요직에 올라 조국으로 돌아와서How magnificent it is that you came back to
your homeland
17:54일군의 횡포에 맞서 조국의 안위에 힘쓰니to stand up against the tyranny of the
Japanese military
17:58참으로 훌륭하다for the security of your home country.
18:20(고종) [한국어짐이 오늘 그대를 부른 것은The reason I called for you today
18:22조선인인 그대에게is to get your advice as a Korean man
18:24미국과의 교류에 대해 조언을 듣고자 함이다regarding the relations between the US and
our country.
18:29그대가 보기에In your opinion,
18:31대한 제국에 대한 미국의 입장은 어떠한가what is the US's position on the Korean
19:20(역관) [한국어폐하아뢰옵기 황공하오나Please forgive me, Your Majesty,
19:23대한 제국은 약소국으로The Korean Empire is a small, weak nation.
19:25일본을 비롯한 강국의 도움을 받아들여야 한다
는 것이
Hence, it must accept help from Japan and
other powerful nations.
19:29미국의 입장이라 하옵니다That is the US's opinion.
19:32그러한가Is that so?
19:34(고종그것이 정녕 미국의 입장인가Is that really what America thinks?
19:37(역관폐하-Yes, Your Majesty. -Hold on.
19:39(정문한데 넌 조선말에 능통하지 않았더냐-Yes, Your Majesty. -Hold on. I know you are
fluent in Korean.
19:43[긴장되는 음악어찌 역관을 통하는 것이냐?What is the purpose of the interpreter?
19:46(유진궁중 예법을 알지 못하여 역관의 도움을
얻고자 함이었습니다
Since I was unfamiliar with the royal etiquette,
I meant to seek the help of an interpreter.
19:51(고종생각이 바르고 옳다That is proper and correct of you.
19:53짐이 감안하겠으니 역관은 물러가라I will take that into consideration, so the
interpreter may leave us.
20:00폐하Yes, Your Majesty.
20:13(고종그대의 이력이 보던 중 드물다It is not every day I come across someone
with your experience.
20:17그래조선에서 그대의 본은 어디였는가?What family of Joseon do you come from?
20:28모릅니다I do not know.
20:32몰라?-You do not know? -How dare you!
20:33(정문네 이놈폐하께서 하문하시지 않느냐-You do not know? -How dare you! His
Majesty asked you a question.
20:36제대로 답을 하지 못할까!You will answer him honestly.
20:40(유진폐하의 백성 중 많은 이들은Many of those under your ruling
20:43제 본이 어디인지 모릅니다do not know of their origins.
20:45[무거운 음악제 본이 어디인지 모르는 것은Those with unknown origins
20:48are mainly slaves and servants, so they take

노비는 성이 없어 주인의 성을 따르는 경우가
the name of their owners.
20:55제 아비의 첫 주인이 최가라My father's first owner was from the Choi
20:57제 아비와 제가 최가입니다which is why my father and I are Chois as
21:01제 어미는 그마저도 없이 죽었습니다My mother passed away with no surname at
21:07제 아비와 어미는 노비였습니다My mother and father were slaves.
21:19(정문폐하곧 기로소의 원로대신들이 든다
Your Majesty, the senior officials will shortly be
here for the gathering.
21:24더 하문하실 것이 없으시면 이만 물러가라 하
If there is nothing more to ask, I advise you to
dismiss him.
21:29(고종이만 물러가라You are dismissed.
21:42송구하옵니다폐하I apologize, Your Majesty.
21:44(정문소신 미국인이라는 신분만 고려하느라I was only focused on his status as an
21:48천출일 줄은 미처 살피지 못하였습니다I did not consider the possibility of his lowly
21:51살폈던들 다를 게 없음이야It would not have changed anything.
21:55(고종시종일관 눈빛이 차갑고 말투가 건조하
His gaze was cold the entire time, his manner
of speech was half-hearted,
21:59역관의 통변 내용도 염세적이지 않았는가and the interpreted message was pessimistic.
22:04조선에 대한 감정 또한His feelings for Joseon
22:07다름이 없음일 터are probably the same.
22:10소신이 좀 더 신중히 살피겠사옵니다I will be more careful next time, Your Majesty.
22:32(호선이게 발이 달렸나손이 달렸나 이게
대체 어디로 간 게야
Does it have legs or something? Where on
earth did it go?
22:39(안평무엇을 그리 찾으시오부인?What are you looking for?
22:41(호선그때 그 노리개요The ornament.
22:43내 분명 잘 싸서 여기 넣어 뒀는데 이게 감쪽같
이 사라졌지 뭡니까
I tucked it away safely, but it's gone.
22:47(안평) [웃으며그거내가 내다 팔았는데That? I went out and sold it.
22:51값을 아주 금쪽같이 잘 쳐서I actually got a good bargain.
22:56[호선이 씩씩거린다아유깜짝이야You startled me.
22:57(안평그때 부인께서 하도 재수 없다고 경
기를 하시길래
I remember you throwing a fit about how it
gives you the creeps, so--
23:01(호선경기를 하겠네경기를 하겠어!How about I throw one now?
23:03미치신 겝니까?Have you gone mad? Have you?
23:05[안평을 짝 때리며그리 한 많은 물건을 내다
팔면 어쩝니까
How can you sell something with such a story
attached to it?
23:08혹여 그놈이 다시 찾으러 오기라도 하면 어쩌What will you do when he comes back for it?

냐고요 [안평의 놀라는 신음]
23:11부인이 총...Please, not the gun.
23:14(안평이 손은 제발 치우시고Please lower your hands.
23:20(호선얻다 파셨어요얻다!Who did you sell it to? Tell me!
23:24(춘식여 있습니다맞지예?Here it is. This is it, right?
23:29(호선팔고 받은 돈 그대로 들고 왔으니 셀 것
도 없네
I brought the money you gave for it. It'll all be
23:34(일식원래 그팔 때는 그 값이어도 되사실 때
는 값이 오르는 법인디
We might have bought it at that price, but the
price gets higher when you buy it back.
23:40한 푼도 안 올랐지 뭡니까 싸게 내드려싸게Although, that is not the case today. Give it to
23:49내 이 물건 어디서 많이 본 듯한데This thing. It seems familiar.
23:53(춘식어찌 딱 알아보십니까이기 마님 댁 도
련님이 맡기고 가신 물건인데
You recognized it right away. Your son asked
us to hold on to this.
24:01아유나 이... 내 이 썩을 놈의 새끼I must teach that brazen brat a lesson.
24:14여긴 어쩐 일이십니까?What are you doing here?
24:16I was just...
24:18지나가던 길인데passing by. PAWNSHOP
24:20(호선지나가던 길?You were just passing by?
24:24지나가던 길이놈의 새끼가 그냥 [희성의 아파
하는 신음
Don't lie to my face, you brat.
24:28(희성어머니이거 흘리셨습니다Mother. You dropped this.
24:32아니이제 하다 하다 아버지께서 노리개까지
중고로 사라 하십니까
I can't believe this. Did father tell you that you
have to buy secondhand ornaments?
24:36정말 지독하십니다He is such a cheapskate.
24:38부전자전이다이놈아And you're just like your father.
24:41(호선넌 이제 하다 하다 이제 옷까지 내다 파
는 게냐
What is this? Are you selling your clothes
24:44(희성아니유행이 지난 것 같아서 [희성의
멋쩍은 웃음
Oh, these are out of fashion now.
24:52(호선하면 이것도 유행이 지나서 내다 판 것
Then what about this? Did you sell this for the
same reason?
24:56조부님께서Your grandfather bought this watch for you
when you were leaving for Japan.
24:58유학길에 사 주신 이 귀한 시계를 네가 전당을
Your grandfather bought this watch for you
when you were leaving for Japan. How dare
you impawn this?
25:01내가 이런 놈을 낳고 미역국을 먹었다미역
국을 먹었어
Gosh, I can't believe I gave birth to such a
25:05그 미역국 드신 날 말입니다The day you gave birth to me--
25:07(호선뭐라고 떠드는 게야이놈은 이게 입이What now? How could you have the audacity

열 개라도 그냥
25:10뭔 국?What? What about it?
25:14제가 태어나던 해에The year I was born...
25:16혹은 달에It could've been the month
25:19혹은 날에 말입니다어머니or the day I was born.
25:27(호선그날이 어째What about that day?
25:30?Why do you ask?
25:32다른 일은 없었습니까?Did anything else happen?
25:36가령 아홉 살짜리 노비에게 생긴Like a tragic incident that happened
25:39[무거운 음악슬픈 일 같은 거 말입니다to a nine-year-old slave, perhaps.
25:44아이고아유내 정신 좀 봐라Oh, my goodness. I'm so forgetful.
25:48대감마님 중반도 안 챙기고 이러고 있다I completely forgot to prepare lunch for your
25:58(호선너 기별할 때까지 빈관에서 꼼짝 말고
Listen, don't do anything and just stay at the
hotel until you hear from me.
26:03꼼짝 말고Don't go anywhere, okay?
26:06가자Let's go.
26:37(소작농세상천지에 이런 법이 어디 있습니까
How could you do this to us, my lord?
26:42대감마님제발 식구들 좀 살려 주십시오 [하인
들이 재촉한다
My lord! Please have mercy on my family!
26:45이놈아이놈들대감마님!Let go! My lord!
26:53(양복점 직원희성 도련님 아니십니까?Aren't you Young Master Hui-seong?
26:55(희성누구신지?Do I know you?
26:56내 사내는 잘 기억 못 해서I'm not good at remembering guys' faces.
26:58(양복점 직원편안하셨습니까도련님How have you been, young master?
27:00저 태라양복점에서 일하는 신가 종민입니다I'm Sin Jong-min, and I work at Taera Tailor
27:04도련님 처음 단발하시고 양복 맞추셨을 때When you cut your hair short and got your first
suit tailored,
27:07제가 치수 재 드리고 했었는데 기억 안 나십니
? [희성의 웃음]
I took your measurements. Don't you
27:10기억이 나네잘 지냈는가I do remember you. Have you been well?
27:11(양복점 직원도련님 [희성의 웃음]Yes, young master.
27:13혹여 수선이 필요하신가 하여I was wondering if you need to get that
27:16이건 다른 용도가 있어서This is for something else.
27:18(양복점 직원Oh, I see.
27:19근데 어찌 양복은 잘 맞으십니까?By the way, does the suit fit you well?
27:21애기씨께서 치수를 잘 모르셨나 봅니다I don't think Lady Ae-sin had the correct
27:23좀 작으셨을 것 같은데It's probably a bit too small.

27:26무슨 양복?What suit?
27:28(양복점 직원애기씨께서 해마다 지어 보
내 드린 도련님 양복 말입니다
Lady Ae-sin got a suit made for you every
year, you know.
27:32조선에서 해마다 보내왔던 그 양복 말인가The suit I received from Joseon every year
when I was in Japan?
27:34내 그새 좀 컸네I guess I grew a little.
27:36동경에서는 아주 잘 입었었어 자네 솜씨인가?I wore it very often when I was in Tokyo. Did
you make it?
27:39(양복점 직원스승님 솜씨입니다 전 여직 치수
만 잽니다
No, my master did. I still only take
27:42제가 조선인이라because I'm a Joseon man.
27:44다시 치수를 재 드릴 테니 한번 들르십
I'll take your measurements again. Please
stop by soon, young master.
27:49잘 가게또 보세 - (양복점 직원-Take care. See you again soon. -Yes, master.
27:59정혼을 깰 생각이라던 여인이She said she wanted to annul the
28:02해마다 옷을 맞췄다라and yet she got a suit made for me every
28:16복면Right, the mask.
28:19[애신의 놀란 숨소리] (애신이게 무슨...What are you--
28:20(유진걸읍시다자연스럽게Let's walk naturally.
29:22(유진) [한국어합시다러브Let's do it. Love.
29:28마음에 들였지Into my heart.
29:31이렇게 들키네You caught me.
29:32(카일) [어눌한 말투로마음에?Did you say "heart"?
29:39[한국어아니왜 이렇게 다들 공부를 열심히...Why is everyone studying so hard these
33:00(역관) [한국어대한 제국은 약소국으로The Korean Empire is a small, weak nation.
33:02일본을 비롯한 강국의 도움을 받아들여야 한다
는 것이
Hence, it must accept help from Japan and
other powerful nations.
33:06(유진제 아비와 어미는 노비였습니다My mother and father were slaves.
33:22(유진이정문 대감을 찾아왔소계시오?I'm here to meet Lord Lee Jeong-mun. Is he
33:36(유진그날That day,
33:38내 말을 통변하던 역관이 통변을 거짓으로 하
고 있었소
the interpreter who translated for me changed
my words.
33:45미국에도 조선에도 유리한 통변이 아니었소It was neither for the sake of America nor
33:48일본에 유리한 통변이었소He did it for Japan.
33:58(정문그걸 왜 이제야 알려 주는 것인가Why are you telling me this now?
34:01그날 폐하께 곧장 고할 수도 있었고You could have told His Majesty right away
that day.
34:04영원히 말하지 않을 수도 있었는데You could have also taken it to your grave.

34:10그때와는 마음이 좀 달라졌소I've had a change of heart.
34:15마음이 달라졌다?You've had a change of heart.
34:18(정문그간 생각할 시간이 충분했을 터I am sure you have had enough time to
34:22본인이 한 말을 주워 담고자 하는 것은 아닌가You wish to take back what you said, don't
34:28출신이 노비여서 나라를 떠난 자의 말을Would you believe the words of a man who
left Joseon
34:32자네라면 믿겠는가because he was born a slave?
34:44믿고 안 믿고는 대감 마음이오Whether you trust me or not is up to you.
34:50(유진하나 내가 대감을 찾아온 건However, visiting you in person like this
34:53총 쏘는 것보다 어렵고 그보다 더 위험하고was more difficult and dangerous than
shooting guns.
34:58그보다 조금은 뜨거운 마음이었소It also required more courage.
35:04헛걸음인 듯싶소만But I guess I wasted my time.
35:25언제 여기...When did you...
35:26(관수가두가 뒤숭숭한 것이 나리 걱정이
I've been so worried about you, sir.
35:29어디 다녀오시는 길이십니까?Where have you been?
35:31일이 좀 있어서I had to be somewhere.
35:32(관수조선에도 뭔 일이 있는 듯합니다 방금
Something must be going on. You saw that
just now, right?
35:38순검들 말이오?-Are you talking about the inspectors? -Yes.
35:39(관수이세훈 대감이 경무청을 움직여서-Are you talking about the inspectors? -Yes.
Lord Lee Se-hun ordered the Police Bureau
35:42번화했든 외졌든 한성 길목이란 길목은 다 막
고 수색 중이랍니다
to block every street and alleyway in
Hanseong to inspect all passersby. I bet he's
trying to track someone down.
35:46분명 누군가를 찾고 있는 게지요to inspect all passersby. I bet he's trying to
track someone down.
35:49누굴 말이오화월루에서 도망친 게이샤랍니
-Who could that be? -A geisha who ran away
from Hwawollu.
35:54게이샤를 왜?A geisha? Why?
35:55(관수이세훈 대감이 조선 편이면 저리 찾겠습
He wouldn't look for her if he were on
Joseon's side.
35:57분명 일본 편인 게지요He's obviously on Japan's side.
35:59낮말은 새가 듣고 일본 말은 게이샤가 듣는다
지 않습니까
As they say, geishas know every man's
36:02그 게이샤가 분명I bet the one who ran away was a spy
36:03화월루에 잠입해 있었던 정보원이었던 게지요I bet the one who ran away was a spy that
was planted in Hwawollu.
36:07- (유진그건 알겠고 - (관수-Okay, I get your point. -All right.
36:10그만 속삭이시오좀 떨어지고Stop whispering and don't stand so close.
36:23먼저 가시오Continue along without me.

36:28[작은 목소리로어딜 또 가십니까!Where are you going now?
36:36(행랑아범고 사 자 홍 자 어르신 애기씨의 가
This palanquin belongs to Lord Go Sa-hong's
36:40가세Let's go.
36:43(순검1) 어유이리 그냥 가시면 안 되오Stop right there.
36:45가마 속을 봐야 하니 가마를 내리시오We must inspect the palanquin, so please put
it down.
36:48뭐여시방 나의 말을 똥구녕으로 들은 거여
What? Did you not hear what I just said to
36:52어디 감히 애기씨 가마를 내리라 마라여How dare you order us to put down Lady Ae
sin's palanquin?
36:54(행랑아범미쳤는가?-Have you lost your mind? -Don't be offended.
36:55(순검2) 그것이 아니고 아위에서 하도 닦
-Have you lost your mind? -Don't be offended.
It's just that our higher-ups are hounding us.
36:58용의자가 워낙 위장에 능해서 예외 없이 검문
하라는 지시입니다
The suspect is a master of disguise. We have
been told to inspect every passerby, no
37:03(애신행랑아범가마를 내리게Mr. Haengrang, put the palanquin down.
37:11(순검2) 송구합니다애기씨We apologize, Lady Ae-sin.
37:12남녀지위 불문하고 공정하게 검문하라 해서
We've been told to inspect everyone,
including those from noble families.
37:25(희성혹여 그이가Is that person
37:28내 정혼자요?my fiancée?
37:35(순검1) 확인됐습니다 타셔도 됩니다애기씨All good. You can get back on it now, Lady
37:39혹시 이런 계집을 본 적 없소?Have you seen a woman who looks like this
by any chance?
37:44[무거운 음악] (함안댁아이고예쁘기도My, she's beautiful.
37:46이 얼굴로 뭔 죄를 지었길래 이 밤중에 이
What did that pretty lady do for you to make
such a fuss at this hour?
37:50(순검2) 안 그래도 왜놈들 때문에 민심이 흉흉
People are already disturbed by what the
Japanese have been doing.
37:53글쎄돈 몇 푼 더 벌어 보겠다고 조선인으로서
의 긍지도 버리고
But she abandoned her pride as a Joseon
37:57왜각시로 일을 했답니다왜각시로and worked as a geisha to earn money.
37:59이게 무슨 천인공노할 일입니까이게She does not deserve to be forgiven, don't
you think?
38:01쓸쓸한 일이구먼That is sad.
38:54(함안댁아이고애기씨My lady.
38:56지금 거리도 흉흉하고 혼란스러운데 여 계속
It's chaotic out there now. If you stay here--
39:00알고 있네I'm aware.
39:03내 이러고 있을 때가 아니지I shouldn't waste my time like this.
39:08가세한 이틀 분주할 게야Let's go. I'll be busy for the next couple of

39:12제물포에 갈 구실을 제대로 만들어야 돼서I need to come up with an excuse to go to
39:37(하야시) [일본어망할 조선 계집!That filthy Joseon wench!
39:39(하야시고작 그 조선 년 하나 때문에Because of that one Joseon wench,
39:42우리 황군이 사형을 당했어our soldiers were executed.
39:44조선 황제는 미국 환심 좀 사겠다고 나를 깔아
And the king of Joseon belittled me to curry
favor with America.
39:49그년을 잡으면...When we catch that wench--
39:52(동매그럼 가서 잡으시지 여긴 어쩐 일이십니
Then go catch her. What brings you here, sir?
39:56일본 공사관에서 직접 나섰다간 외교 문제로
번질 가능성이 커
If the Japanese legation gets involved directly,
it may turn into a diplomatic fight.
40:01(하야시빈대 잡겠다고 초가삼간 태울 수야 없
I cannot burn the entire house to catch one
little rat.
40:04그러니까That being said,
40:07그년 좀 찾아 줘야겠어I need you to find her.
40:11그러기엔 조선 경무청이 이미 요란스레 찾고
Joseon's police bureau is already making a
big fuss to find her.
40:15그래야 소문이 나지We're doing that to make the word spread.
40:17한성의 모든 육로가 막혔다고We want her to know that every land route is
40:21넌 제물포로 가서 항구를 막아Go to Jemulpo and block the port there.
40:25분명 위조 신분으로 상해에 가려 할 거야She'll try to flee to Shanghai with a fake
40:29이건This is
40:30(하야시그년이 사라진 뒤 발급해 준 집조 호
조 명단이야
a group travel certificate, which was issued
after she disappeared.
40:34일본인 다섯청인 아홉조선인 여섯Five are Japanese, nine are Chinese, and six
are Joseon people.
40:39이 중에 있어She must be one of them.
40:41[살짝 웃으며알겠고All right.
40:44값부터 치르시죠공사님But you'll have to pay me first, sir.
40:47선금입니다You must pay me up-front.
40:49(동매자꾸 없는 걸 찾으라 하시는 통에 잔금
이 아쉬워서요
You keep telling me to find things that don't
exist. So I'm worried you may not pay me later
40:53다 먹고살자고 하는 짓인데I do this for a living, you know.
40:55뭣이 어째?What did you just say?
40:57(동매싫으면 딴 놈 알아보시든가Find someone else to do the job if you don't
want to pay me now.
41:03(낭인2) 빨리 불어You'd better tell us now.
41:04(선원1) [한국어아닙니다밀항이라니요No, sir. Stowing away?

41:07[울먹이며당치도 않습니다요That is impossible.
41:09[선원1이 퍽퍽 맞는다저는 아무것도 모르는
I don't know anything about it, sir.
41:16저희 애들이 조금 팼는데 너무 시끄러워서요,
My guys beat you a little, but you're way too
noisy, sir.
41:21지금부터 생각이라는 걸 해 보시는 겁니다All right. Now, use your brain and try to think.
41:24(선원1) 나리살려 주세요Please don't kill me.
41:25우리가 지금 나리를 밀항업자라고 해서 패는
것 같습니까
Do you think we're beating you up because
you're a stowaway broker?
41:30(선원1) ?Pardon me?
41:38단지 확인하는 겁니다We simply want to check.
41:41하니 주먹으로 끝날 일에So please do not make me use
41:44(동매칼 쓰게 하지 마시지요나리my sword when fists should be enough.
41:49사흘 뒤입니다It's... It's in three days.
41:52(선원1) 오시까지 온다고 했습니다They said they'd arrive by noon.
41:54젊은 계집 하나 실어 주면 된다고I've been told to just make sure a girl gets on
that boat.
41:57[흐느끼며정말입니다제발 살려 주십시오I'm telling you the truth. Please don't kill me.
42:04젊은 계집이 아니라 사내일 텐데It must be a young guy, not a girl.
42:06(선원1) 아닙니다계집이라고 했습니다정말
No, sir. I've been told that it's a girl. I'm telling
you the truth, sir.
42:12[일본어이 새끼 말 맞아He is telling us the truth.
42:14사흘 뒤 오시Three days from today. At noon.
42:19[한국어어디로 오기로 했다고요나리?Where are you supposed to meet them, sir?
42:22조선인 외양의 미군을 만나러 왔소I'm here to meet the American soldier who
looks like a Joseon man.
42:25(승구안에 전하시오Please let them know.
42:42(승구) [한국어술값 받으러 왔소You owe me for your drinks.
42:44(유진포수였소?You're a gunner?
42:45(승구움막에 미군이 왔다 갔다던데 그쪽일 듯
I heard an American soldier came by my hut.
That must've been you.
42:50알고 왔다 간 거 아니오?You knew, didn't you?
42:51그 움막 주인인 장 포수가 그쪽이오팔엔 총상
-You're Gunner Jang who lives in that hut? -
Did you get shot in the arm?
42:58그 게이샤는 무사하오?Is that geisha okay?
42:59그 게이샤가 누구요그쪽이 윗선이오?-Who is "that geisha"? -Are you the leader?
43:02무슨 윗선?What are you talking about?
43:04찍었소아니면 말고Forget it. It was just a shot in the dark.
43:06얼마요술값?How much do I owe you?
43:08애기씨 주변을 맴도는 이유가 뭐요?Why do you keep hovering around Lady Ae

43:12애기씨라"Lady Ae-sin"?
43:15나와 있었던 이는 사내였는데 적어도 외양은The one I was with was a guy. He at least
looked like a guy.
43:20이리 다 알고 계시면It sounds like you already know everything.
43:23내가 나리를 살려 둘 수가 없는데If that is the case, I cannot let you live.
43:28(승구그 게이샤 왜 도운 거요?That geisha... Why did you help her?
43:30스승과 제자가 퍽 닮았소 (승구내가 농이라도
치는 것 같소
-You and your pupil are very much alike. -Do
you think I'm joking now?
43:36- (유진소용없을 거요 - (승구그거야 쏴 봐야
아는 것이고
-Don't bother. -Talk after I pull the trigger.
43:38안 쏴지니까 소용이 없다는 얘기요I'm telling you not to bother because it doesn't
43:41(유진그 총에 총알은 있는데 이 스프링이 빠
It is loaded with bullets, but it's missing this.
43:49(승구물 건너온 것이네미국 총일세It's from overseas. It's an American rifle.
43:54어째서 그 여인 주변의 사내들은 다들 그렇게
날 못 죽여서 안달이오
Why is it that every man around her is dying
to kill me?
43:58그때는 모가지를 댕강 잘라서I will cut your head off...
44:01(동매손에 종이 같은 거 들고 계시면 제 손에
If I ever see you with a piece of paper in your
hand, I will kill you.
44:05외려 난 돕기만 했는데 조선에 돌아온 내내All I did was to try to help ever since I returned
to Joseon.
44:09그러니 묻는 거요 [승구가 총을 탁 내려놓는다]That is precisely why.
44:12조선인 외양을 한들 당신은 미군이오You look like one of us, but you're still an
American soldier.
44:16(승구신미년에 당신들이 조선에 무슨 짓을 했
는지 난 다 본 사람이오
I witnessed everything you Americans did to
us back in 1871.
44:20우리에 대해 다 알고 있는 듯한데 잡아들여 추
궁을 한다면 모를까
It seems like you already know everything
about us. Shouldn't you arrest and interrogate
44:24왜 돕고 있느냔 말이오!Why are you trying to help us?
44:26(유진내 마음이오도와도 난리요?I can do whatever I want. You don't want my
44:29(승구미군이 조선인을 아무 뜻 없이 도울 리
I bet you're helping because you have a
hidden agenda.
44:33추궁은 그쪽에서 하고 있소지금You're the one who's interrogating me now.
44:37술값 받으러 왔으면 술값이나 받아 가시오Just take your money and leave.
44:43- (승구주시오 - (유진얼마요?-Pay me back, then. -How much?
44:44(승구부르는 대로 줄 건가꽤 비쌀 것인데Will you give me however much I say? Then
it'll be quite a bit.
45:10"제물포항 세관"All right, let's go.
45:26(동매) [일본어딱 봐도 이상한 새끼들은 다 뒤
져 봐
Search everyone that looks suspicious.
45:30조선 놈이고 미국 놈이고 간에Everyone from Joseon people to Americans.
45:34For example...

예를 들면
45:36이런 새끼Like this bastard here.
45:38(하야시망할 조선 계집!That filthy Joseon wench!
45:40[한국어하야시가 날 못 믿네I guess Hayashi doesn't trust me.
45:42(동매) [일본어하야시 쪽에서 보낸 놈이야This is one of Hayashi's men.
45:45(하야시 부하네 일이나 잘해Focus on doing your job.
45:47넌 꺼지기나 해Get lost.
45:51(선원2) 승선하시오승선하시오!Everyone, please board!
45:55승선하시오!12 P.M. SHANGHAI
45:57[중국어승선하시오12:30 P.M.
45:59상해행 배가 곧 출발하오 늦지 않게 승선하시
The Shanghai-bound ship will depart soon.
46:03어서 승선하시오어서Come on. Hurry up. Get on before it's too late.
46:13(선원2) [일본어승선하시오상해행 배가 곧
Please get on now. The ship will depart
46:17(동매근데 말이야By the way,
46:19아까 삼등칸에 있었던 장사치들 말이야the merchants we saw in the third-class
compartment earlier...
46:29(동매왜 단 한 명도 안 보이지?Why don't we see any of them here?
46:33철수한다We must leave now.
46:35한 시 기차 타야 돼We have to catch the one o'clock train.
46:38그 기차 놓치면 그년도 놓치는 거야If we miss the train, we'll lose that girl too.
46:41그게 무슨 말씀입니까?-What do you mean, sir? -The detailed
information we got.
46:42(동매정확한 정보 너무 정확해서 이상한 정보-What do you mean, sir? -The detailed
information we got. It was too detailed that it
felt like something was off.
46:46여기가 아니야하야시가 속았어It's not here! Hayashi was fooled.
46:48그년은 지금 육로로 튀었어That wench took a land route.
46:51(유죠나와기차역으로 돌아간다! [낭인들이
Let's go! We're headed back to the train
46:59저쪽이다저 새끼 잡아!Over there. Get that bastard!
47:04(동매그쪽이 아니라니까기차에 타발 묶으
려는 수작이야
She's not there. We must get on that train!
Those bastards are trying to keep us here!
47:23[사람들이 소란스럽다] (동매이럴 때가 아니
한성에 먼저 연락을...
We don't have time for this! We must contact
those in Hanseong first...
47:28전화기Right, a phone.
48:18(승구) [한국어그 게이샤 아직 괜찮지가 않소That geisha... She's not safe yet.
48:25근데 왜 여기서 이러고 있소?Then what are you doing here?
48:27(승구모든 정황을 제물포에서We made it look like she's supposed to stow

48:30상해로 가는 배를 타는 것으로 짜 두었소from Jemulpo to Shanghai.
48:32제물포가 미끼라는 걸 아는 순간 무신회는 바
로 육로로 쫓을 것이오
As soon as Musin Society finds out that it was
a trap, they'll search the land route.
48:39다행히 기차는 하루에 두 번밖에 운행되지 않
Thankfully, there are only two trains a day.
48:42(승구무신회는 제물포에 발이 묶여 기차를 놓
칠 거요
They'll miss the train and get stuck in
48:45[일본어저쪽이다!It's that way!
48:47[한국어그사이 우리는 육로로 한성을 빠져나
가려 하오
Our plan is to get out of Hanseong through a
land route while they're there.
48:54그런 계획을 왜 나한테 얘기하는 거요?Why are you telling me all this?
48:56(승구미군과 군속은 수색을 안 할 테니까Because the American army and its soldiers
don't get searched.
49:01도와주시오Please help us.
49:02[무거운 음악무사히 한성만 빠져나가게 해 주
Help us so that she can get out of Hanseong
safe and sound.
49:07(유진날 뭘 믿고조선인을 아무 뜻 없이 도울
How can you trust me? Why would I help
Joseon people?
49:10스스로 팔을 쏴서라도 그 여인을 구했지 않소!You shot yourself in the arm to save her life.
49:13틀렸소No, you're wrong.
49:14(유진내가 구한 여인은 그 게이샤가 아니오I wasn't trying to save that geisha's life.
49:17고애신이지I wanted to save Go Ae-sin.
49:22내가 아주 비싼 술을 빚졌네What an expensive drink I owe you.
49:28그럼 이제 그 게이샤를 구해야 하나Must I save the geisha now?
49:44(관수) [한국어준비는 다 됐습니다Everything's ready.
49:46카일 나리는 언제 출발하신답니까?When will Major Moore set off?
49:47(유진통변이 구해지는 대로 출발할 거요As soon as he finds an interpreter.
49:51(관수제가 있는데 왜 통변을 구하십니까?Why find someone when you have me?
49:55개인적인 여행이오 이 일은 그대의 일이 아니
It's a private trip. It's not part of your duty.
50:00제가 생각을 좀 해 봤는데요나리I did some thinking, sir.
50:05또 무슨?What now?
50:07경무청이 한성을 빠져나가는 통로를 막고The Police Bureau blocked all roads leading
out from Hanseong
50:10게이샤를 찾고 있지요to find a geisha
50:11한데 이런 시기에 마침 카일 나리께서 여행을
and that's just when Major Moore decides to
go on a trip.
50:15그것도 모르는 사내와 함께 동행하셔서요On top of that, with a man he barely knows.
50:18분명I'm positive
50:20그 사내를 도우시려는 게지요that he wants to help that man.
50:24(관수그럼 당연히 이 일은 제 일이 아니겠습
Then of course that makes it my duty.

50:28그대가 왜?Why would you...
50:31조선인이니까요Because I am a man of Joseon.
50:35(관수여기 계시는 그 누구보다도 제가 제일
I'm more of a Joseon man than anyone in this
50:38그러니 저만 믿으십시오So you can trust me.
50:49(유진몸조심하시오 무사히 도착하길 빌겠소Take care. I hope you arrive safely.
50:52고맙습니다Thank you. Also,
50:54그리고 일전에 나리의 방을 뒤진 건 죄송했습
Thank you. Also, I apologize for searching
your room.
51:00그쪽이었소?That was you?
51:02제가 정보를 줘서요I tipped them off.
51:04한데 어찌 저를 도우시는지...Why are you helping me?
51:10조선이 늦게 망하는 쪽으로 걸어 볼까 하여I want to prolong Josoen's demise a little
51:39(희성) [한국어어찌 이 시계는How is it that this watch
51:44늘상 다시 돌아옵니다always returns to me?
51:49제 업보처럼요할아버님Just like my karma, Grandfather.
52:04(양복점 직원애기씨께서 해마다 지어 보내 드
린 도련님 양복 말입니다
Lady Ae-sin got a suit made for you every
year, you know.
52:08양복의 용도가 이리 많아서야There are too many uses for a suit.
52:15내 정혼자에겐 무슨 용도로 쓰이려나Of what use would it be to my fiancée?
54:36(유죠) [일본어어떡합니까?What now?
54:38다음 기차는 내일 아침 7시에나 있답니다The next train leaves at 7 a.m. tomorrow
54:40너희는 말을 구해서 한성으로 가Go to Hanseong on horseback.
54:43목적지는 상해가 맞아They're heading to Shanghai.
54:45밀항이 틀린 거야They aren't going by boat.
54:49(동매북쪽으로 가Go north.
54:51나는 남아서 할 일이 있으니I have something to do here.
54:55혼자 남으시게요무슨 일이십니까?You'll remain on your own? Is something
55:02확인I must check something.
55:21(순검3) [한국어미국인이오?Is he... an American?
55:26(관수그렇소 이 나리께서는 미군 대장이시오Yes. This man is an American officer.
55:29우리는 이 나리의 일정에 동행하는 미 공사관
의 역관들이오
We're interpreters from the legation aiding him
on his travels.
55:34(순검4) 뒤의 저 나리도 역관이십니까?Is that man in the back also an interpreter?
55:49(관수) [한국어앞의 말은 이 나리께서 본인
소개를 하셨고요
The first part of that was his own introduction.
55:53뒤의 말은 다 욕인데...The rest were curses.
55:54(순검4) 가시오휘 가시오얼른Get going. Get out of here.

55:57뒤에 오시오 얼른 좀 오시오얼른Come over here. Come on.
56:16(함안댁애기씨일나 보소My lady, drink this.
56:19꿀꺽꿀꺽 넘기소Drink it up.
56:22이기 진통제입니다It's a painkiller.
56:28절대 정신 놓지 마이소Stay with us.
56:31(보살상처가 깊어 꿰매야 해It's deep and needs stitches.
56:33[한숨 쉬며난 보기는 했지만 직접 해 본 적은
I've seen others do it but never did one
56:38아무래도 의원을 부르는...I think you need a physician--
56:40(함안댁아유안 됩니더 의원한테 갈 줄 몰라
가 여로 왔겠습니까
No way. Do you think we came here because
we don't know that?
56:46지가 하겠습니더I'll do it.
56:48침모 30년입니다 뭐꼬매는 기야 안 같겠습니
I was a seamstress for 30 years. It'll be just
like sewing.
56:59바늘하고 실 좀 내오이소Give me a needle and thread.
57:21(관수) [한국어행운을 빈답니다He wishes you luck.
57:23부디 잘 가시오Stay safe.
57:56오지 마Don't come.
58:00오지 마라Don't come here.
58:24오지 말라니까I told you not to come.
58:37이렇게 다시 뵙습니다애기씨We meet again, my lady.
58:48이 새벽 기차역에서So early, at a train station.
58:53절에 다녀오는 길이네I went to a temple.
59:06이자를 어찌해야 할까What must I do with you?
59:10자네 눈엔 내 상복이 안 보이는가Do you not see I'm wearing the clothes of a
59:16비키게죽여 버리기 전에Step aside before I kill you.
59:24(동매그건 제가 더 빠르지 않겠습니까애기
Wouldn't I be a bit quicker, my lady?
59:29그런가Would you be?
59:33아닌 것 같은데I don't think so.
59:41난 해도Although I can do it,
59:44자넨 못 할 듯싶은데I don't think you can.
1:00:12오지 말랬더니 기어이 와서는I told you not to come and you did.
1:00:20그것까지 아십니까On top of that, you already know.
1:01:01"태라양복점"TAERA TAILOR SHOP
1:01:09(유진다 고쳤다 기별이 와서I heard you fixed it.
1:01:11(대장장이기다리시오Wait a moment.
1:01:14참 구슬픈 가락이더이다It was such a sad tune.
1:01:18정말 고친 거요?You really fixed it?

1:01:27간만에 뵙습니다나리We meet again, sir.
1:01:31(동매저는 어제 일하다가 아끼는 칼을 한 자
루 해 먹어서요
I was at work yesterday and broke a sword
that I cherished.
1:01:36(유진일을 험하게 했나 보오 칼이 부러질 정
It must've been a tough fight since you broke
your sword.
1:01:39상대가 총을 든 놈이지 뭡니까I was up against a shooter.
1:01:42(동매칼 쓰는 놈이다 보니 총이 서툴러서I'm a sword-fighter and not a shooter,
1:01:45죽이진 못하고 다리를 맞히긴 했는데so I shot him in the leg instead.
1:01:50일대에 다리 절고 다니는 놈 있으면 기별을 좀
If you see someone with a limp, please tell
me, sir.
1:01:56쫓는다고 쫓았는데 놓쳤지 뭡니까I tried to chase him but I lost him.
1:03:20여기서 기다리래서I was told to wait here.
1:03:31오늘도 못 보나 했소I thought I'd miss you again.
1:03:37나도Me too.
1:03:43(애신다친 곳은 괜찮소?How is your wound?
1:03:49귀하가 다친 곳은 괜찮소?How is yours?
1:03:54(유진구동매가Gu Dong-mae is
1:03:57다리 다친 사내를 찾고 있던데looking for a man with a wounded leg.
1:04:01귀하요?-Is it you? -It's true that I was shot,
1:04:02(애신그자들에게 총을 맞은 건 맞지만 사내는
-Is it you? -It's true that I was shot, but I'm no
1:04:10하니 비밀로 해 주시오So keep it a secret.
1:04:11또 내게 신세 지는 거요?You're asking for another favor?
1:04:14고맙소Thank you.
1:04:18그때 배 태워 준 거 이제 이렇게 퉁칩시다Let's call it even for the boat ride.
1:04:24그놈의 배 괜히 탔네I shouldn't have taken that boat.
1:04:26심지어 노는 내가 저었는데I did all the rowing.
1:04:29(애신후회해도 이미 늦었소It's too late for regrets.
1:04:32러브가 쉬운 줄 알았는데I thought love was easy.
1:04:36꽤 어렵구려But it's quite hard.
1:04:40여러모로For everything...
1:04:44미안했소I apologize.
1:04:46힘들면 그만해도 되는데We can stop if it's too much.
1:04:52그만하는 건 언제든 할 수 있으니We can stop at any time.
1:04:57오늘은 하지 맙시다So let's not stop today.
1:05:04걷던 쪽으로 한 걸음 더we shall take a step forward.
1:05:07(애신그러니 알려 주시오Now tell me.
1:05:10통성명악수An introduction. A handshake.
1:05:16그리고 무얼 해야 하는지What should we do next?

1:05:20못 할 거요You won't be able to do it.
1:05:22(유진다음은 허그라It's called a "hug."
1:05:36(애신) H는 내 이미 다 배웠소I already learned all the words beginning with
1:06:52(희성그 옷을 안 입으면 정혼자께서 서운해할
If I don't wear this, my fiancée might be
1:06:55(애신환하게 뜨거웠다가 지려 하오I will burn brightly then wilt.
1:06:58(동매의병 그게 돈이 많이 됩니까돈 되는 거
면 나도 좀 하게
Does the Righteous Army pay you well? If it
does, I want in.
1:07:01(히나헛될수록 비싸고 달콤하지요What's fruitless is sweeter and dearer.
1:07:03(희성그러길 바란다면 날 자극하지 마시오If that's what you wish, do not agitate me.
1:07:07(히나애를 쓰면 나라가 안 팔릴 거라는 안쓰
러운 희망
The pathetic hope that we can stop others
from selling our country.
1:07:10(애신죽는 것은 두려우나 난 그리 선택했소,
I do fear death, but I made up my mind to be a
1:07:15(유진넌 오늘 조선인의 손에 죽을 거야You'll die at the hands of a Joseon man

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