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  미스터 션샤인 14

1:07(함안댁안 됩니다 이런 데 근처도 계시면 안
No, my lady. You shouldn't be around here.
1:10이 문제는 때려죽여도 그래 몬 합니다I will not let you have the final say in this.
1:13서두르소!Now hurry along!
1:14(행랑아범어여 가세Let's go.
1:30이렇게 오십니까Why are you like this?
1:43왜 이렇게 오십니까Why are you like this?
1:46(유진보고 싶구나유진"I miss you, Eugene.
1:49고귀하고 위대한 자여Dear great and noble one.
1:52나의 아들아My son.
1:55네가 어디에 있든 널 위해 기도하마Wherever you are, I will pray for you.
2:02기도하지 않는 밤에도Even on the nights when I don't pray,
2:04늘 신이 너와 함께하기를 바라며I hope that God is always with you.
2:08요셉From Joseph."
2:52(함안댁) [한국어알아봤어예?-Did you look into it? -Yes.
2:53[문이 쾅 닫힌다] (행랑아범제물포서-Did you look into it? -Yes. A dead American
missionary was brought here from Jemulpo.
2:55미국인 선교사가 죽어 실려 왔다는디A dead American missionary was brought
here from Jemulpo.
2:57사고나 그런 것이 아니라 봉변을 당한 것 같은
He wasn't in an accident. He was attacked.
3:02총에 맞았답니다He was shot.
3:05(유진그 땅에서도 내가 유진으로 불릴 수 있
게 해 준 이가
The man who wrote this letter is the one who
helped me
3:10이 서신을 보낸 사람이오live there as Eugene.
3:12그 선교사가 아니었다면 난 아마 죽었을 거요If it weren't for him, I would've died.
3:33(유죠) [일본어대장Boss.
3:35우리 구역에서 미국인 하나가 살해됐답니다An American was murdered in our area.
3:38조선인 외양의?The one who looks like a Joseon man?
3:40아닙니다 금발 벽안의 진짜 미국인입니다No, it was a real American with blond hair and
pale skin.
3:44아쉽네That's too bad.
3:46어디서제물포 일본인 조계지입니다-Where? -At the Japanese settlement in
3:49귀찮게 됐네Now that's troublesome.

3:52밑의 애들 중 알아봐Look into it
3:54혹시 사고 친 놈 없는지and see if it was our men's doing.
3:56Yes, sir.
4:23(관수) [한국어상해로 가는 배표입니다 사흘
전 출항이고요
It's a ferry ticket to Shanghai dated three days
4:28사흘 전이면Three days ago?
4:29저희가 제물포에 군수품 실으러 갔던 날 아닙
That's when we were at Jemulpo Harbor to
retrieve military supplies.
4:34나리가 글로리 호텔 205호에서 보셨다는
서신들도 말입니다
The letters you saw at Room 205 of the Glory
4:41(관수함경도에서 오던 서신들이 왜 김용주의
방에 있었을까요
Why were letters from Hamgyong Province in
Kim Yong-ju's room?
4:45나리께 오는 서신만 다른 곳에서 발견된 것도
And it's odd how only letters sent to you were
found in a different place.
4:49그 다른 곳이 어디입니까?Where exactly was it?
4:51(완익내래 그 집에 들어간 뒤로 되는 일이 없
Maybe that's why nothing has been going my
way since I moved there.
4:54며칠 전에는 좀도둑이 들지를 않나Even a thief broke into the house a few days
4:57(애신읽으시오Read it.
5:01(관수이 상황들을 종합해 보면 [의미심장한
If you add everything up,
5:02일전에 김용주가 나리를 습격했던 것과this is connected to the incident
5:05[총성이 요란하다] (관수이 사건은 분명 관련
이 있습니다
this is connected to the incident where Kim
Yong-ju attacked you.
5:07다만 의아한 건 순서인데What's odd is the order of events.
5:09(관수나리를 노려 고인에게 접근한 건지Were you always the intended target,
5:11고인을 노려 나리를 간본 건지 말입니다or were you used to get to the deceased?
5:36(완익) [한국어피가 이래 묻어가 글씨가 보이
How am I supposed to read it when it's
covered in blood?
5:38(덕문일본에 있는 김용주의 식솔들에게는 사
람을 시켜 돈을 보냈고
I had people pay Kim Yong-ju's family who are
currently in Japan.
5:42김용주한테는 우리 쪽 사람을 하나 붙여 놨습
I also have a man following him.
5:45한데 이리 풀어놔도 되는 겁니까?Are you sure it's all right to just let him be?
5:48풀어놔?Let him be?
5:51세상에 식솔만 한 족쇄가 있간?There aren't better shackles than family.
5:55죽어도 혼자 죽을 거이니 걱정 말라He won't take us down with him, so don't
5:58하면 입궁 준비를 할까요?Shall we get ready to enter the palace then?
6:01입궁?Enter the palace?
6:03황제의 밀서를 손에 넣으셨으니You have the emperor's secret letter.
6:06By blackmailing the emperor, you can become

황제를 겁박해서 외부대신 자리를 차지하셔
the minister of foreign...
6:10(완익내 무스기 아쉬워서 제 발로 찾아가Why would I go to him myself
6:12'그 선교사 내가 죽였소자수를 하갔니?and announce that I killed the missionary?
6:16잘 들으라Listen to me carefully.
6:18이 밀서는 가짜야This letter is a fake.
6:21황제가 본 적도 쓴 적도 없는The emperor never saw or wrote this.
6:25(덕문이게 가짜입니까?It's a fake?
6:27이기 가짜면 내 원하는 걸 황제가 내주겠니?If it was, would the emperor give me what I
6:30대감께서 방금...But you just said...
6:33(완익문이나 열라 그거는 잘할 수 있지?Just get the door. I'm sure that you can do.
6:36(덕문Yes, sir.
6:42(덕문누가 대문을 열어 준 거야!Who opened the gates?
6:46이게 무슨 무례요?This is highly disrespectful.
6:48여기가 어디인 줄 알고!Where do you think you are?
6:49김용주가 경무청에서 나왔던데Kim Yong-ju was released from the police.
6:51죄가 없었나 보지He must be innocent then.
6:52(덕문그렇다고 지금 여길 쳐들어온 거요?Is that why you came barging in here?
6:55여기 조정 대신의 댁이야!This is a minister's residence!
6:57용의자가 숨기 딱 좋은 댁이네It's a great hideout for a suspect.
7:03(덕문) [한국어이자가 미쳤나Are you insane?
7:05어디 일개 군인 따위가 감히!You're nothing but a mere soldier!
7:11가만히 있는 게 좋을 거야You better not try anything.
7:14애먼 데 화풀이하기 싫거든I'd rather not take it out on you.
7:19이 아새끼래 아주 대장부로구나I see that you're quite bold.
7:22(완익목숨 내놓고 일하는 거 보니?It's like you have a death wish.
7:25(덕문죄송합니다대감 막무가내로 들이닥치
는 바람에
I'm sorry, sir. They just barged in here.
7:28사흘 전 제물포에서Three days ago in Jemulpo,
7:30미국인 선교사가 살해당했소an American missionary was murdered.
7:33(유진난 조선인 김용주가 범인이고I suspect Kim Yong-ju as the killer
7:35배후에 당신이 있다는 의심이 들어서and that you're the mastermind.
7:41그럼 내가 좀 더 보태 줘도 되갔니?Maybe I could add on to that.
7:46(완익조선 땅에서 일어나는 변고의 반은 내래
사주한 일이야
Half the trouble that occurs in Joseon is
instigated by me.
7:51한데 그 누구도 나한테 죄를 묻지 못하지비But no one can hold me responsible.
7:54어째 그런지 아니?Do you know why?
7:58의병 잔당 다섯이 나를 죽이겠다 작당을 했는Five members of the Righteous Army plotted

to execute me.
8:02(완익그때 그놈들 편을 들던 소작농들까지In return, I even rounded up the farmers who
aided them
8:06내 동학도로 몰아 싹 다 죽였지비and had all of them killed as rioters.
8:09내래 일본에 공사로 가기 직전의 일이다That happened right before I was sent to
Japan as a minister.
8:12이 조선 땅에서 어디 너만 정의로웠갔니?You weren't the only one who wanted justice
in Joseon.
8:16개새끼네You son of a bitch.
8:18(유진난 조선인이 아니라 속마음을 직역
Being an American, I must've spoken my
8:28지금까지는 어땠는지 몰라도I don't know how it's been for you,
8:30이제부터는 당신도 목숨 내놓고 사주해야 할
but you'll have to worry about your life when
you give future orders.
8:34난 미국인이고I'm an American
8:36당신을 의심하기 시작했고who has started to suspect you.
8:39늦더라도 꼭 찾으러 올 거거든당신을No matter how long it takes, I'll come for you.
8:43종간나새끼You pathetic fool.
8:45네가 지금 일본을 적으로 두겠다 이거니?Are you saying you want Japan as your
8:47내가 무슨 수로I couldn't do that.
8:50근데 일본이 당신을 적으로 두게 할 수는 있지Still, I could make them turn against you.
8:55(완익기래그럼 들이대 봐라Sure. Keep coming at me.
8:58기왕 할 거면 좀 서두르고You should hurry up though.
9:01지금쯤이면 진범이 잡혔을 거인데 어쩌게?I'm sure the culprit has been caught as about
now. So what will you do?
9:09[일본어다시 한번 말해 봐Say that again.
9:12(동매내가 누구를 죽여?Who are you accusing me of killing?
9:17미국인 선교사The American missionary.
9:24(낭인1) 개소리하지 마That's bullshit.
9:26내가 죽였다면 어쩔 건데?What will you do if it were me?
9:33(스즈키또 나와 봐누가 죽였어?Now, who else killed the American?
9:35(유죠내가 죽였다!I did!
9:37(낭인2) 아니내가 죽였어날 잡아가!No, it was me. Take me instead!
9:41(스즈키무신회에는It looks like
9:43오늘 죽어도 여한이 없는 자들이 많네there are many who wouldn't mind dying
9:50그만하시지요That's enough.
9:52내가 죽인 게 맞나 봅니다나리I guess it was me who killed the American.
9:56(유죠대장 (동매) [한국어나서지 마-Boss. -Stay back.

9:58이거 판이 크다 자칫하면 다 죽겠어This isn't something small. We might all end
up dead.
10:02나 없는 동안 애들 챙겨Take care of the boys while I'm gone.
10:05쟤들은 못 알아들으니I'm sure they didn't understand that.
10:09[일본어앞장서시지요나리Lead the way, sir.
10:14묶어Tie him up.
10:15(순검들!-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
10:20(가쾌) [한국어도련님도련님도련님!Young master!
10:21(희성아유천천히 오시오넘어지겠소 [가쾌
의 가쁜 숨소리
Slow down. You'll fall and trip.
10:24(가쾌그게 아니라 총소리 못 들으셨습니
That's not it. Didn't you hear the gunshot?
10:28오면서 들으니 진고개 쪽에서 총소리가 들리고On my way here, There was a gun fired in
Jingogae and I heard an American missionary
10:32(가쾌양이 선교사가 하나 죽었다고 하고There was a gun fired in Jingogae and I heard
an American missionary died.
10:33암튼 저금일은Anyway,
10:35진고개 쪽으로 안 가는 게 좋을 것 같습니다요you should stay away from Jingogae today.
10:37(희성이런 내 봐 둔 점방이 그곳에 있는데Oh, dear. I was hoping to visit a fortuneteller
10:49저 잡혀가는 사내가 구동매 아니오?Isn't that man in ropes Gu Dong-mae?
10:52(가쾌It is.
10:54잠시 기다리시오Wait for me here.
11:02무슨 일이오?What's going on?
11:04왜 잡혀가는 거요?Why have you been arrested?
11:05(순검1) 얼마 전 제물포에서 일어난 살인 사건
의 범인이오
He's the suspect of the recent Jemulpo
murder case.
11:08길을 트시오Now step aside.
11:09(동매이자들이 범인을 만든 모양인데 전 아닙
They're trying to frame me when I had nothing
to do with it.
11:12(스즈키) [일본어빨리 걸어이 새끼야!Keep walking, you bastard!
11:17이보시오Hold on.
11:19(희성이리 힘든 상황에도How could you call him that
11:21저리 애써 웃는데 이 새끼라니 말이 심하지 않
when he's smiling even in a dire condition?
Those were some harsh words.
11:25적법한 판결 전에는 모두 무죄요Before he's found guilty, he remains innocent.
11:33정중히 대해 주시오Please treat him with respect.
11:38(스즈키뭐라는 거야닥쳐!What is this guy saying? Shut your mouth!
11:40(동매) [한국어그리 도움 안 되는 말이나 하실If you're not going to be of any help,

11:43전 이만 가겠습니다I'll go on my way.
11:49(희성내 경무사랑 안면이 좀 있으니 험히 대
하면 내 이름을 대시오
I know the Chief of Police, so say my name if
you're treated poorly.
11:54면회 가겠소!I'll come and visit!
11:58초면에 이런 말 좀 그렇긴 한데I hate to say this when we've just met,
12:03못 오게 해 주시오but don't let him visit.
12:05(가쾌What? Yes, of course.
12:13(유진구동매?Gu Dong-mae?
12:14잡힌 진범이 구동매란 말이오?The culprit is Gu Dong-mae?
12:16(관수그렇답니다That's what they say.
12:17한데 암만 생각해도 이상하지 않습니까?Isn't it odd though?
12:20구동매가 사람 죽인 게 새삼스러운 일도 아닌
It's not the first time Gu Dong-mae committed
12:22새삼스레 체포라니요?so what's with the charade?
12:24(유진구동매는 진범이 아니오He's not the real culprit.
12:26(관수어찌 그리 생각하십니까?Why do you think that?
12:28(유진그날 나와 제물포에서 마주쳤었소We ran into each other at Jemulpo Harbor that
12:32(동매이게 누구십니까 날씨 얘기라도 했어야
Look who's here. Should I have mentioned the
12:35(유진근데 날 반가워했소He was glad to see me.
12:37(유진진심이었고And genuinely too.
12:40(유진그래서 구동매는 아니오That's why it can't be him.
12:42(관수지금 그게 이유가 된다고 생각하십
Sorry? How is that a logical reason?
12:46(유진나한테는 이유가 되오It is to me.
12:47진범은 김용주요Kim Yong-ju is the real killer.
12:49지금부터 우린 김용주를 쫓을 거요From this moment on, we'll go after him.
12:52상해와 일본으로 가는 배가 닷새 후니Ferries to Shanghai and Japan leave in five
12:56김용주가 아직 한성에 있다면If he's still in Hanseong,
12:58우린 닷새 안에 그자를 반드시 잡아야 하오we'll have to catch him in five days.
13:35(은산) [한국어누가 오기 전에 빠져나가세Let's leave before anyone shows up.
13:55(정 경무사) [한국어언제까지 버틸 거야?When will you crack?
13:56그 선교사 사망 추정일 앞뒤로The day before and after the missionary was
13:59네가 제물포에서 두 번이나 목격됐다니까!You were seen twice at Jemulpo.
14:05[힘겨운 목소리로몇 번을 말해Must I repeat myself again?
14:08일 때문에 갔다고I was there on business.

14:11두 번 다 일 때문이었다?You were there on business both times?
14:18내가 그랬다면 그런 거야That's what I said, isn't it?
14:20(동매보기보다 부지런해서내가I'm more diligent than you think.
14:22(정 경무사똑바로 고해!Tell the truth!
14:23한 번은 죽일 장소를 살피러 한 번은 죽이러 간
거 아니야
At first, you scouted the place and then
returned to murder him!
14:26(동매이리 못 믿으니Since you don't believe me,
14:28내가 안 죽였다는 걸 증명하기 위해 누굴 하나
죽여 볼게
let me demonstrate how I murder people to
prove my innocence.
14:32내가 죽였다면 그 나리는If I had killed the man,
14:35서양인이었는지 조선인이었는지 알아볼 수도
없었을 거야
you wouldn't have been able to recognize his
14:40아주 잔인해서He'd have been mutilated.
14:44(정 경무사시끄러워!Shut it!
14:46목격자 앞에서도 그딴 말이 나오는지 보자고Let's see if you can say that in front of a
14:49들여보내!Bring her in!
15:01네년은 또 웬일이냐?What are you doing here?
15:06(히나목격자?-A witness? -Yes.
15:07(순검2) 사망한 미국인이 제물포에서 죽어
발견이 됐는데
The murdered American was found in
15:11사망 추정일에 제물포에서 오야붕을 본 자가
A witness saw our boss there around the time
of the murder.
15:14그게 누군데?Who's the witness?
15:16그거까지는 저도 잘...That I don't know.
15:18내가 준 금덩이 받고 입이 무거우면 서로 곤란
I didn't give you the gold bar to keep silent.
15:24(순검2) 그게...Well...
15:27이 빈관에서 일하던 계집입니다It's one of your hotel employees.
15:29이름이 귀단이랬나I think her name is Gui-dan.
15:34이년이 또 잘못 물었네She's barking up the wrong tree again.
15:50(히나잠은 재워 주겠는데 난 네 목숨에는 관
심 없어
I'll let you stay, but I'm not responsible for your
15:54하니 자기 목숨은 자기가 알아서 지켜It's up to you to take care of yourself.
15:58"대장은 어떻게 된 거야?"WHAT'S GOING ON WITH BOSS?
16:00"무사해어디에 있어?"IS HE ALL RIGHT? WHERE IS HE?
16:03알면 네가 할 수 있는 게 뭔데?It's not like you can help him.
16:06잠이나 자Get some sleep.
16:07베개 밑에 총 있으니 쓸 일 있으면 쓰고Use the gun under your pillow if you want.
16:10남한테 쓰든 너한테 쓰든Either on yourself or others.
16:12구동매한테 짐 되지 말라는 얘기야Don't be a burden to Dong-mae.

16:21(완익) [일본어구동매의 수하들은Gu Dong-mae's men
16:23(완익일본에 충성하지 않소aren't loyal to Japan.
16:26구동매에게 충성하지They're only loyal to Gu Dong-mae.
16:29이참에 무신회 한성 지부를 우리 입맛대로 재
구성할 거요
I'm thinking about taking this opportunity to
restructure the Hanseong division of Musin
16:34(하야시잘됐군Good idea.
16:37안 그래도 골칫거리였는데They were a pain in the ass anyway.
16:39조선 놈도 일본 놈도 아닌 놈들이Those neither Japanese nor Korean
16:41결국 대일본 제국의 약점이 되거든will only become Great Japan's weakness.
16:47(완익지금 나 들으라고 하는 소리요?Was that for me to hear?
16:50(하야시구동매 얘기 중이지 않소No, we're talking about Gu Dong-mae.
16:52뭘 그리 발끈하시나?There's no need to get feisty.
16:56근데 말이오 나야 구동매가 눈엣가시지만I'm curious though. Gu Dong-mae is a thorn in
my side,
17:00리노이에 씨는 어째서요?but what's your reason?
17:15나야 늘As you know,
17:18(완익일본을 위해서 아니겠소everything I do is for the sake of Japan.
17:24(귀단) [한국어제가 보았습니다I saw it all.
17:27저자가 제물포에서 칼 찬 낭인들을 우르르 몰
He led a group of men with swords in Jemulpo
17:31미국인을 만나는 거and met with an American.
17:32그러는 네년은 제물포에 왜 있었는데?Why were you in Jemulpo Harbor yourself?
17:35부끄럽지만I'm ashamed to say this,
17:37저야 사내와 있었죠but I was with a man.
17:40먹고살아야 하니A girl's got to live.
17:42(정 경무사이래도 계속 발 뺄 거야?Will you keep denying it?
17:44발을 들인 적이 없다니까I said it wasn't me.
17:45기인지 아닌지는 대조해 보면 알겠지We'll find out soon enough.
17:48(정 경무사이자가 만났다던 미국인 들어오라
Bring in the American he supposedly met.
17:54구동매와 만났다는 미국인이 이자가 맞느냐?Is this the American he met with?
17:59(귀단아닙니다다른 미국인이었습니다No, sir. It was someone else.
18:02잘 생각해Think carefully.
18:04(동매내가 여기서 살아서 나갈 수도 있어I may make it out of here alive.
18:06(정 경무사넌 닥치고 있어!Shut it!
18:07이자가 만난 미국인은The American he met
18:09선교사 옷을 입고 있었습니다was dressed like a missionary.
18:12(귀단그 선교사를 끌고 어둠 속으로 들어가는
I saw him drag the missionary into a dark
18:16보았습니다drag the missionary into a dark alley.

18:17(철도 기술자) [일본어나를 왜 불렀는지는 모
I don't know why you asked me here,
18:21근 한 달간은 저자를 만난 적이 없소but I haven't seen this man in over a month.
18:25뭘 또 폭도래?A mob, you say?
18:27(동매망가뜨릴 만하니까 망가뜨렸겠지They must've had their reason to do so.
18:29이번 일은 다른 데 알아보시지요Find someone else to do the job.
18:32(철도 기술자다른 이와 나를 착각하신 듯싶소I think you have me confused with someone
18:35이해합니다I understand though.
18:37조선 사람들은 서양인들 얼굴을 종종 헷갈려
Korean people seem to have trouble
distinguishing foreigners.
18:49[한국어이것들 봐라?Would you look at that?
18:51(동매내가 어디서부터 걸려든 건가How did I let myself get in this mess?
19:00(완익) [일본어그 선교사 품에서 나온It's the secret letter the missionary had on
19:03조선 황제의 밀서요It was written by the emperor of Joseon.
19:07일본이 차관해 주겠다 할 때마다 버티더니He's been refusing Japan's offer to lend them
19:12미국에 구걸을 하고 있었소only to beg America for it instead.
19:15(하야시알렌 바짓가랑이만 잡고 늘어질 줄 알
I thought you'd only been clinging to Mr.
Allen's pants.
19:19상해까지But this?
19:22제법이네Not bad.
19:25이 밀서 하나로With this letter alone,
19:27구동매알렌조선의 황제까지 꿇리고you'll have power over Gu Dong-mae, Allen,
the emperor of Joseon,
19:32외부대신 자리에 앉을 테니and secure a spot as Minister of Foreign
19:35일석삼조인가?You'll kill three birds with one stone.
19:39(완익일석사조가 될 것이오Actually, it'll be four.
19:49(정 경무사) [한국어사주한 자가 누구야?Who gave you the orders?
19:52돈만 주면 뭐든 하는 놈이잖아You do anything for money.
19:56그게 목적이었어?Is that what this is about?
19:59내 입에서 나와야 될 이름이 이미 정해져 있었
던 거면
If there was a name you wanted me to say,
20:03두들겨 패기 전에 물어보지 그랬어you should've told me before beating me up.
20:06누굴 불어 줄까이완익은 어때?Whose name should I give? How about Lee
20:10[일본어하야시는 어때?How about Hayashi?
20:14(스즈키이 새끼가 감히 누구 이름을 들먹여!Who are you to dare mention that name?
20:16[동매의 힘겨운 신음더 지껄여 봐Keep babbling.
20:19너희 애들네 그 벙어리 계집까지 갈기갈기 찢
어 줄 테니까
Then I'll shred your men and that mute bitch
of yours to pieces.

20:24하나 확실한 건This I'm certain of.
20:26내가 여기서 나가면 너부터 죽일 거야Once I leave, I'm coming after you first.
20:29진범은 나겠지만I'll sure be the killer,
20:30(동매네가 누군지는 아무도 못 알아볼 거야but you'll be left beyond recognition.
20:34네 면상을 갈기갈기 찢어 줄 거니까Your face will be torn into shreds.
20:42(정 경무사) [한국어고사홍Go Sa-hong.
20:46네 입에서 나와야 될 이름That's the name you should give.
20:48고사홍Go Sa-hong.
20:57고사홍 대감마님 말씀이십니까?Do you mean Lord Go Sa-hong?
20:59"고사홍 송부"GO SA-HONG
21:01두 번 묻디 말라Don't ask me twice.
21:03(완익경무사로 인생 종 치고 말 거니?Are you satisfied with just being Chief of
21:07구동매 입에서 그 이름 석 자만 나오게 하면Get Dong-mae to name Go Sa-hong,
21:09너는 경위원 총관 자리에 오르게 될 기야and you'll be appointed as Head of the Royal
21:13(정 경무사...Sorry?
21:14골라 보라Take your pick.
21:16[일본어] - (낭인3) 뭐야! - (낭인4) 이거 놔!What the... Darn it!
21:19(정 경무사) [한국어지금 너희 무신회 애들 (
다 잡아들이고 있어
We're taking in every member of Musin
21:22네 입에서 그 이름이 나올 때까지 하루에 한 놈
씩 죽어 나갈 거야
Until you say the name, one will die each day.
21:29선택해The choice is yours.
21:42오랜만에 뵙습니다Long time no see.
21:44밤낮없이 바쁘신 것 같던데You've been busy day and night.
21:46다시 가 봐야 하오I need to head out soon.
21:48물을 것이 있어 왔소I just came to ask something.
21:50(유진전에 205호에 있던 물건들 말이오The letters found in Room 205...
21:52대부분 뜯지 않은 서신들이었을 거요Most of them weren't opened yet.
21:55그것들은 다 어찌했는지 알 수 있나 해서May I ask about their whereabouts?
21:59(히나글쎄요 룸 소제는 제가 하지 않아서I'm sorry, but I don't deal with the cleaning.
22:02아마도 태웠겠지요They were most likely burned.
22:04혹 그 물건들이 수사에 도움이 되는 것들이었
Would they have helped your investigation?
22:07혹 가지고 있소?Do you still have them?
22:11지금은 소문 하나 뒷말 하나에도 기대는 중이
Every little rumor or word will help at this
22:14방금 태웠다고... - (유진거짓말 같아서-I said they were burned-- -It sounded like a
22:18이런흥정도 하기 전에 들켰으니Oh, dear. I got busted before I could even

22:22(히나제 호텔에선I don't easily discard the belongings
22:23손님들이 두고 간 물건을 함부로 버리지 않습
I don't easily discard the belongings my
guests leave behind.
22:26특히 뒤져진 방의 물건은Especially if the room was rummaged,
22:28훗날 화가 되거나 혹은 돈이 되거든요the belongings could bring me problems or a
small fortune.
22:31화가 될지 돈이 될지 모르겠지만I don't know which it'll be this time.
22:34(유진다행이오I'm relieved.
22:35값은 불러 보시오 (히나값은 구동매한테 받겠
-Tell me your price. -Gu Dong-mae will pay
22:39구동매를 구명하는 데 쓰일 테니Since it'll go to saving his life.
22:42기다리세요 고맙소-Wait here. -Thank you.
22:45아직 아니죠Not yet.
22:47제가 작정하고 속이면 어쩌시려고?What if I purposely deceive you?
22:49더러 속겠다 했고I said I'd be deceived
22:52그게 지금이면 속아 보겠소and if that's now, so be it.
22:56이완익의 여식이라 배운 겁니다I learned that from my father Lee Wan-ik.
22:59이리 쓰이네요It's quite useful.
24:05순례자들께서 다 함경도에 계셨네The pilgrims were all staying in Hamgyong
24:09함경도예?Hamgyong Province?
24:10(유진요셉 스텐슨이라는 선교사의 최근 행적
Bring me anything or any information
24:13뭔가 정보가 될 만한 것들은 전부 가져와도 좋
on missionary Joseph Stanson's recent
24:16경흥군 신아산에 선교기지가 있소There's a base in Mount Sina in Kyeongheung
24:19비용은 얼마든지 지불하겠소I'll pay however much it costs.
24:22마지막 구절이 심금을 울려 버리네That last sentence did it for me.
24:24(일식넌 점방 지켜 함경도는 나가 댕겨올 것
You watch the store. I'll do the traveling.
24:26여는 걱정 말고 조심하이소형님Don't worry about things here. Take care.
24:29앞 조사요뒷조사요?Is it front-end or back-end?
24:31뭐든 최대한 빠른 걸로Whichever is quicker.
24:33뭐든 알아내면 즉시 전보를 치시오Send a telegram as soon as you have
25:15(유진소식을 들었는지 모르겠소I'm not sure if you heard.
25:19들었다면If you have,

25:21내 걱정을 할 것 같아서you might be worried.
25:29귀하가 걱정할 일은 만들지 않겠소I won't do anything that will make you worry.
25:33그러니 오늘 하루만이라도So for a day at least,
25:35내 걱정은 잠시 잊고stop worrying about me
25:39늘 그랬듯and as always
25:43어여쁘시오be beautiful.
25:59(유진통성명악수포옹Exchange of names, handshake, hug.
26:04그다음은 그리움인 모양이오What comes next must be longing.
26:09혹여 장날을 핑계 삼아 호텔 앞을 지나가진 않
을까 하여
In case you went by the hotel on the way to
the market,
26:15테라스에 오래 서 있었던 날도 있었소I used to stand on the terrace for a long time.
26:29늘 배움이 빠른 그대라You're a fast learner.
26:32이젠 이 말을 배웠을 듯하여You'll have learned that by the time you read
26:36길이 어긋났구려We missed each other.
27:02(정문폐하Your Majesty.
27:04아뢰옵기 황공하오나I regret to inform you
27:07죽은 이가 그 선교사임을 확인했사옵니다that we confirmed the dead man is that
27:13(고종And yet again,
27:15그리되었구나it has happened.
27:17(정문밀지 또한It seems that
27:19저들의 손에 들어간 듯하옵니다they got their hands on the secret letter.
27:23하오니 그 밀지는...That secret letter--
27:25가짜여야겠지Must be a fake.
27:29(고종정녕 아무것도 도모치 말아야 하는 것인
Must I really not try anything at all?
27:33폐하Your Majesty. What they want
27:34(정문저들이 원하는 것이 그렇게 조선이 주저
앉는 것이옵니다
Your Majesty. What they want is for us, for
Joseon to give up.
27:39벌어진 일은 수습하고 뒷일을 도모하며We must clean up, plan ahead,
27:42더 큰 걸음을 떼셔야 하옵니다and take a larger step in the future.
27:46(내관폐하농상공부 대신 이완익이 들었사옵
Your Majesty. Lee Wan-ik, Minister of Farming
and Trade is here.
27:52나의 걸음은 매번 뒷걸음인데I keep taking backward steps
27:56완익의 걸음은 둑이 터진 강물마냥 내달리는구
and Wan-ik comes at me like water through a
broken dam.
28:02(완익) '대한 제국의 군주인 짐은 바라건대'"I'm the king of the Korean Empire and I ask if
America, our ally,
28:06'형제의 나라 미국이'and I ask if America, our ally,
28:08'대한 제국의 경제적 어려움에 은혜를 베풀 수
있는지에 대해
will be willing to offer us any economic respite
or refuge.

28:13'주청 미국 공사 존 굿나우에게 호소합니다'I ask through John Goodlaw, the American
minister in China.
28:18'짐의 간곡한 요청을'I send my earnest request
28:20'귀국의 백성을 통해 전달하고자 하니'through one of your own people.
28:24'부디 성사를 바랍니다'I sincerely hope it finds you."
28:31죽은 미국인 품에서 나온 서신인데This letter was found on the dead American.
28:34버젓이 폐하의 옥새가 딱 찍혀 있으니Your Majesty's seal is on it.
28:37수사 중인 일본 측에서 아주 난리가 났습네다The Japanese investigating it are having a fit.
28:41해서 신 이완익I, Lee Wan-ik, your servant,
28:44이거이 가짜다 개나발 퉁세 불지 말라called this a fake. And I told them that there's
no way this is real.
28:48골딱지를 내고 오는 길입네다I just got back from screaming at them.
28:52이거이 가짜 맞디요?This is fake, right?
28:54혹여 이거이 진짜라면 일본한테는 제대로 멱살
을 잡히고
If this is real, the Japanese will have
something against us
28:58알렌한테도 제대로 물을 먹였으니and Minister Allen will feel betrayed.
29:00조미 관계에도 악영향이 가지 않갔습네까?Wouldn't that ruin our relationship with
29:05[웅장한 음악] (고종미국의 신민이 조선의 편
에 서 주어 고맙소
I'm grateful that an American citizen decided
to stand with Joseon.
29:09(요셉) [어눌한 말투로주께서 주신 유일한 재
My only God-given talent
29:11하필 신념을 지킬 작은 용기니 어쩔 수 없지요,
is a small amount of courage to stick to my
belief. It can't be helped, Your Majesty.
29:16한 민족이 다른 민족을For one nation to use force to persecute
29:18무력으로 핍박하려고 함은 옳지 않기 때문입니
For one nation to use force to persecute
another is just wrong.
29:22그대의 은덕을 잊지 않을 것이오I will never forget your grace.
29:37(완익해서 조선 조정은 아무것도 도모하지 않
The Joseon government didn't plan anything.
29:41미국의 한 개인이An American forged the Joseon king's seal
29:43황제의 옥새를 위조해서 이득을 취하려 했다An American forged the Joseon king's seal to
try to make a profit.
29:47그러니 죽어 마땅한 이가 죽은 것이다One who deserved to die has died.
29:51이리 결론을 내려도 되갔지요?Can that be our conclusion?
29:56그리 처리하라That is so.
29:59(고종그 밀지는That letter
30:03가짜다is a fake.
30:07망극하옵네다폐하I thank you, Your Majesty.
30:13외부대신 임명 교지는 겨를이 생기실 때 보내
you can appoint me as Minister of Foreign
Affairs when you're free.

30:17지금 이게 더 급하지 그깟 게 뭐이 급하겠나이
This is much more pressing. My appointment
can wait.
30:21아이 그렇소?Right?
30:43빈관의 위세가 이리 대단했나Does the hotel have this much influence?
30:47아니면 매를 너무 맞아 헛게 보이는 건가Or was I beaten so much that I'm seeing
30:51(히나오래는 못 있어I can't stay long.
30:53뭐 좋은 곳이라고 오래 있어?Why would you want to stay long?
30:59생각했던 것보다 더 엉망이네You're a worse sight than I expected.
31:01내가 눈엣가시인 분들이So many people think I'm a thorn
31:04한둘이 아니라 도통 감이 안 잡히네in their side that I can't tell who did this.
31:09괜찮아It's okay.
31:11이완익이라고 말해도 돼You can say it's Lee Wan-ik.
31:15그럼 좀 잡아다 줄래?Will you bring him to me then?
31:19나보단 그자가 더 빠를 거야 유진 초이He'll do it quicker than I can. Eugene Choi.
31:22(히나죽은 선교사랑 각별한 사이였다나 봐He was very close to the dead missionary.
31:26며칠째 호텔에도 안 들어오고 수사 중이야He's working on the case and hasn't returned
to the hotel for days.
31:28그이가 생각하는 진범은 따로 있는 모양이고He seems to think someone else did it.
31:31구동매가 아니라Not you.
31:35한번 믿어 봐Trust him.
31:36(동매글쎄I'm not sure.
31:37그 나리랑 나 사이에 지난한 역사가 있는데A lot has happened between him and me
31:42그리 아름답지가 않아서and none of it was too pretty.
31:45날 한 번도 안 찾아온 걸 보면He hasn't come to see me once.
31:48구해 줄 마음이 없는 모양이고I don't think he wants to save me.
31:50그게 외려 널 믿는다는 거 아닐까?Don't you think that means he trusts you?
31:56그리 믿으시면 내가 또 마음이 가는데If he trusts me, then I can't hate him.
32:03큰일이네That's bad.
32:09내일부터는 신문 강도가 더 세질 거야The interrogation will be worse tomorrow.
32:12(히나오늘 그 선교사의 사인이 나온다는데 너
한테 유리할 리 없거든
The cause of death comes out today and it
won't be in your favor.
32:17그 검안의가The medical examiner
32:19이완익의 사람이라works for Lee Wan-ik.
32:25(동매발도 넓으셔라He has so many connections.
32:29(마츠야마) [일본어보셨다시피As you see,
32:31(마츠야마사인은 총상입니다the cause of death is a gunshot wound.
32:34좌측 흉부와 다리에 각 한 발씩One shot each in the left chest and leg.
32:36총을 전문적으로 다루는 자의 솜씨는 아닙니다It wasn't the work of an expert with a gun.
32:40다리는 스쳤고 심장은 빗나갔거든요The shot to the leg was a graze and the chest

shot missed the heart.
32:45총알 파편의 위치로 보아 매우 가까운 거리에
서 쏜 듯하고
Based on the location of the bullet shards, it
was close-range.
32:49범인의 키가 매우 클 것으로 예상됩니다I think the shooter was very tall.
32:53진짜?Is that true?
32:56(마츠야마진짜냐고-Pardon? -I'm asking if that's true.
33:00(마츠야마제 소견으로는 그러한데... 도망치
지 못하도록
-That's my opinion. -To prevent him from
running away,
33:04다리에 먼저 한 발the culprit shot the leg first.
33:07(유진주저앉자 가까이 다가가서When he fell, the shooter came closer
33:12위에서 아래로and from above,
33:15흉부에 또 한 발he shot the man's chest.
33:18가까이 가서 쏜 건 정확도를 가하기 위해서He shot from close range to ensure accuracy.
33:22범인 역시 팔에 총상을 입었거든Because the shooter was also injured.
33:26범인이 총을 맞았다고요그걸 어찌 압니까?The shooter was injured? How do you know
33:31내가 봤으니까Because I shot him.
33:35(유진당신이 치료해 줬고You must've treated him.
33:37어때? (덕문) [한국어몸도 성치 않은 자가 총
까지 맞았다니
-No? -An unstable man was also shot.
33:40치료부터 해야 하지 않겠소Wouldn't he require treatment?
33:43[일본어무슨 말인지 도통...I don't know what's going on.
33:46부검 감정서는 다시 쓰는 게 좋겠지You'd better amend the autopsy report.
33:50(유진안 그러면 내가 당신을 죽일지도 모르니
If you don't, I might kill you.
33:54그리고 이분의 시신은This man's body.
33:57털끝 하나 건드리지 말고 기다려Keep it here and don't touch a single hair.
34:02아무 곳에나 묻히면He isn't someone who should be
34:06안 되는 사람이니buried just anywhere.
34:25(사홍) [한국어혹여 내게 무슨 일이 생기면If something were to happen to me,
34:28그 아이를 꼭 지켜 달라는 부탁이고I'd wish that you protect her.
34:33아무래도 내가I have a feeling
34:35시간이 많지가 않을 것 같구나that I don't have much time left.
34:39(사홍그래 주겠느냐?Will you do that?
34:48(희성이보시오Hey, you.
34:52왜 남의 담장을 그리...Why are you spying?
34:54혹 우리Haven't we...
34:56구면이지 않소?met before?
34:58글로리 호텔에서 본 것 같은데At Glory Hotel, I think.
35:00[입바람을 후 불며김희성이오 [긴장되는 음악]-I'm Kim Hui-seong. -You're mistaken.

(용주사람 잘못 보셨소
35:09뭐지이 냄새는?What's that smell?
35:14(희성잠깐 서 보시오!Stop right there!
35:17내 궁금한 건 못 참아서 이러오I'm insatiably curious.
35:19거기 중절모 쓰고 급히 가시는 양반The man in the hat who's in a rush.
35:22잠깐이면 되오 내가 어느 부분을 잘못 보았소,
I won't keep you. Which one was I mistaken
35:25담장 기웃댄 거글로리에서 본 거?Were you not spying or did we not meet at
Glory Hotel?
35:27어딜 그리 급히 가시오잠깐 서...Why are you in such a hurry? Will you stop?
35:29(강씨도련님 어도련님 맞으시네It's you, young master.
35:32이리 밖에서 뵈니 참으로 반갑습니다It's so good to see you.
35:34오랜만입니다부인 한데 내 지금 좀 급한 일이
Hello, ma'am. I'm in a bit of a hurry.
35:37(강씨아니요새 통 얼굴도 안 비치시고 서운
I'm so upset that you haven't been by.
35:40다른 판이라도 생기신 거예요?Do you go elsewhere?
35:42제가 요새 노름에 쓸 쩐이 없어서...I have no time to spend on gambling.
35:44(희성이런!Oh dear.
35:46놓쳤네옌장I lost him.
35:48[가쁜 숨을 내뱉으며하면 반가웠습니다부인All right, it was good to see you.
35:52[희성의 힘겨운 신음] (강씨아니...No.
35:54(희성부인무슨 수련이라도 하십니까?Ma'am. Do you train in something?
36:30나리조선 경무청에서 공첩이 왔습니다Sir, the Police Bureau sent a notice.
36:34수사에 관한 거요?Is it about the investigation?
36:35그렇다고 볼 수도 있긴 한데요We could say that it is.
36:38읽어 보겠습니다I'll read it.
36:41'미국인 선교사 사망 건에 대하여 본 청은'"The Police Bureau has concluded that
36:44'미국의 한 개인이 사리사욕을 채우기 위해'an American forged the king's seal and a
36:47[무거운 음악] (관수) '조선 황제의 문서를 위조
in the king's name
36:49'이득을 취하려 한 사실을 입증하였다'to fulfill his own interests and we have proven
36:52'따라서 그 공범이자 살인을 저지른 일본인 낭
Hence, the Japanese swordsman, as
accomplice and murderer, will be executed
36:56'사형에 처하고 수사를 종결하는' accomplice and murderer, will be executed
and the investigation will be closed." Sir.
37:09이 밤에 이 무슨...What are you--
37:10왜 수사를 종결하는 거요?Why is the investigation closed?
37:12(유진미국의 한 개인이 사리사욕을 채우기 위An American forged the king's seal and letter

to fulfill his own interests.
37:16조선 황제의 문서를 위조했다는 개소리는forged the king's seal and letter to fulfill his
own interests.
37:20또 어디서 나온 거요?Who came up with that nonsense?
37:23구동매는 진범이 아니오Gu Dong-mae isn't the killer.
37:24이미 종결된 수사고The case is closed
37:26조선의 일이니 그만 돌아가게and it's Joseon business, so please leave.
37:29(정문구동매야 이번에는 무고하다손 쳐도Even if we say Gu Dong-mae's innocent,
37:32언젠가는 그리될 자고he will die this way soon enough.
37:34나서지 말게Stay out of it.
37:36그 선교사도 그걸 바랄 것이니That's what the missionary would want too.
37:40감히 아는 척하지 마 그분이 뭘 바랄지는 내가
더 잘 아니까
Don't pretend to know. I know what he wants
much better.
37:44요셉이 날 만나러 공사관에 왔던 날은The day Joseph came to see me,
37:47황제의 행차가 있었소the king came through.
37:48(유진구경거리가 있는 모양이오 한성에 무슨
일이 있소
Is there something to see? What's going on?
37:51(관수금일이 황제 폐하 행차 날이라 그렇습니
The king's procession is passing through.
37:53행차 시간에 맞춰야 해서He had to be on time
37:55(유진날 채 기다리지 못하고 서둘렀을 테고which is why he couldn't wait to see me.
37:57황제가 미국인 선교사를 은밀히 만날 이유는There's only one reason the king would've had
to meet
38:00단 하나요a missionary in secret.
38:04밀서A secret letter.
38:07(유진그는 조선을 돕다가 죽었소He died trying to help Joseon.
38:10그를 이리 불명예스럽게 죽게 해선 안 된단 말
You can't let his death be such a disgrace.
38:12설령 자네의 추론이 맞다고 해도Even if what you say is true,
38:15달라질 건 없네미국인nothing will change, American.
38:18(정문여기서 멈추지 않으면If you don't stop here,
38:20자네 목숨도 위험할 것이고your life will be in danger.
38:22조선을 떠날 때도 조선으로 돌아온 후에도When I left Joseon and after I came back,
38:28난 단 한 순간도never once
38:30조선에게 위협받지 않은 적 없소was I not in danger.
38:38구동매는 미국 공사관에서 인계합니다The American legation will take Gu Dong
38:41(유진요셉의 명예를 찾을 때까지Until Joseph's name is cleared,
38:43수사는 계속될 거란 소리요the investigation will continue.
38:47힘없는 조선이 막아 보시든가Let's see if powerless Joseon can stop me.
40:05(정 경무사) [한국어고사홍이 사주했고This statement says

40:07돈을 받고 미국인을 죽였다는 내용이 담긴 진
Go Sa-hong paid you to kill the American.
40:10수결해Here. Put your handprint on it.
40:15오른손 풀어Untie his right hand.
40:21(동매그 손을 푸는 순간 후회할 거야 장담해You'll regret untying that hand the second you
do it. I guarantee it.
40:25차라리 손목을 잘라You'd better cut my hand off.
40:27손목을 잘라도 팔이 자유로우니Even without a hand, I still have an arm.
40:32결과가 같으려나?Will the result be the same?
40:34(정 경무사이런 등신들!Hey! You morons.
40:37너희들도 구동매 붙잡고 넌 얼른 풀어!You, hold on to him. You, untie him!
40:40뭐 해인마!Go on!
40:42뭐 해얼른 풀어!Go on, untie him!
40:45당신들 뭐야?Who are you people?
40:50이리 극적으로 오실 줄은 몰랐습니다나리I didn't think your entrance would be so
dramatic. Sir.
40:54(유진갑시다걸을 수 있겠소?Let's go. Can you walk?
40:59(동매빼 달랬더니 다시 가두실 줄은 몰랐습니
I asked you to get me out. I didn't think you'd
lock me up again.
41:08지금부터 묻는 말에 답하시오Answer my following questions.
41:10(유진그날 김용주의 방을 왜 뒤졌던 거요?That day, why did you search Kim Yong-ju's
41:13그자가 진범입니까?Is he the killer?
41:14(유진그것과 상관없이 당신 대답에 따라Regardless of that, I can make you the culprit
depending on your answer.
41:17내가 당신을 범인으로 만들 순 있지I can make you the culprit depending on your
41:22(동매이러실 거면 경무청에 그냥 두시지You should've just left me at the Police
41:25막 정들던 참인데I was just about to get fond of them.
41:26다시 보낼 수도 있고I can send you back.
41:28(동매매정하시긴You're so cold.
41:32그자가 애기씨 댁 주변을 어슬렁거려서 방을
뒤져 본 겁니다
He was sauntering about Lady Ae-sin's
house, so I searched his room.
41:36정확히는 그 댁이 고사홍 어르신 댁이 맞느냐
To be exact, he asked if the house belonged
to Lord Go Sa-hong
41:40(동매여기 미국인 나리도 아는 걸when even you, an American, know.
41:43누구한테 들은 거요?Who told you that?
41:44사건과 관계없는 자입니다Someone unrelated to the case.
41:48Are you...
41:50애기씨에 관한 정보를 보고받고 있소?receiving reports on Lady Ae-sin?
41:52Did you find Kim Yong-ju?

김용주는 찾으셨습니까?
41:55보고하는 자가 그 댁 식솔이오?Is someone within the house reporting to you?
41:57(동매일본서 도망 다닐 때 은신처로 삼던 데
가 몇 군데 있습니다
When I was on the run in Japan, I had a few
hideouts of my own.
42:01외진 데 있고 계집 혼자 살고A remote location where a woman lives alone.
42:04사내가 드나들어도 이상하지 않은 그런 곳들A place where men can walk in and out freely.
42:06이를테면 조선에선 [유진의 한숨주막 정도 되
In Joseon, the equivalent would be a tavern.
42:09끝끝내 내 물음에는 대답을 않네You won't answer my questions.
42:12누구한테 보고받냐 물었는데I asked who's reporting to you.
42:14우리 애들보다 먼저 찾으셔야 할 겁니다You'd better find him before my men do.
42:16(동매아시다시피 애들이 못 배워서As you know, my men are crude
42:18앞뒤 없이 바로 죽여 버릴 놈들이라and kill without asking questions.
42:20그럼 날 응원해야겠네You should cheer me on then.
42:22그자가 죽으면 당신은 못 나갈 테니If he dies, you can't go free.
42:24(동매김용주 말고 나리 말입니다I'm talking about you, not Kim Yong-ju.
42:29내가 이완익이면If I were Lee Wan-ik,
42:31김용주를 잡을 게 아니라I wouldn't look for Kim Yong-ju.
42:34나리를 죽이라 할 거거든I'd come after you.
42:40(유진당신네 사내들을 좀 말려 볼 생각은 없
Would you consider stopping your men?
42:42저는 뭐나리께서 변을 당하는 것도 나쁘지가
I don't terribly mind if something bad were to
happen to you.
42:49문 앞은 무장한 미군들이 지킬 거요Armed Americans will stand guard.
42:52허튼짓하지 않기를 바라오Don't do anything stupid.
43:07(완익어찌 됐니구동매는알렌은 뭐라니?Well? Where's Gu Dong-mae? What did Allen
43:10구동매는 미 공사관에서 인계해 갔고 알렌 공
The American legation took him and Minister
43:14(덕문대감을 만날 일이 없다 전하랍니
He said he won't meet you.
43:16무스기 어째이 썩어질 새끼!He said what? The scumbag.
43:19(완익어디서 누구 돈을 처먹고 나를 등지는
How dare he take my money then betray me?
43:22우선 하야시 공사를 만나서 대책을 세우시는
Why not meet Minister Hayashi and discuss
what to do?
43:24일이 이리됐는데 넌 하야시가 우리 편이라 생
? [긴장되는 음악]
Do you think he'd be on our side now that this
has happened?
43:30당신을 죽이러 갔지They set off to kill you.
43:33내래 어째Why do I...
43:35자꾸 그 에미나이 낯짝이 떠오르는가keep seeing that wench's face?
43:38Like a curse.

재수 없게
43:39(유진난 미국인이고I'm an American
43:41당신을 의심하기 시작했고who has started to suspect you.
43:43오래 걸려도Even if it takes time,
43:44늦더라도 꼭 찾으러 올 거거든당신을No matter how long it takes, I'll come for you.
43:47(희진) [힘겨운 목소리로꼭 갈 거야그들이...they will come for you.
43:52(완익내래I think
43:54아무래도 잘못 건드린 것 같다I messed with someone I shouldn't have.
43:59지금부터 내 말 잘 들으라Listen to me very carefully.
44:02구동매하고 그 미군 아새끼Gu Dong-mae and that American.
44:05약점이 될 만한 것 좀 찾아보라Find any weakness they may have.
44:07부모든 계집아이든 키우는 똥개 새끼들까지 다Parents, women, even their pets.
44:11(덕문예 (완익그카고 낭인들 풀어 줘라-Yes, sir. -And release Gu Dong-mae's men.
44:15자기들 오야붕 살릴 길이 있다 전하고Tell them there's a way they can save their
44:17낭인들을요?Gu Dong-mae's men?
44:40(행랑아범대감마님My lord.
44:41미국의 공사관에서 나왔다 합니다He's from the American legation.
44:46(유진미 해병대 대위 유진 초이입니다I'm Captain Eugene Choi of the US Marine
44:49근래 미국인 사망 사건에 관련된 인물이Someone involved in the murder of an
44:52이 댁 일대를 배회하고 있다 하여 순찰 중입니
was sauntering near your house, so I was on
44:55혹 보호를 원하시면 그 또한 저희가...If you require protection, I can arrange for--
44:58(사홍이 일대를 배회하는 인물이Was the sauntering man
45:02미국인인가?an American?
45:03조선인입니다He was a Joseon man.
45:05(사홍한데 미군이 무슨 연유로 내 집을 보호
Then why would an American wish to protect
my house?
45:12조선은Because Joseon...
45:15보호하지 않을 것이기 때문입니다will not protect it.
45:28뜻은 알겠으나I understand what you mean,
45:31양이의 보호보다는but rather than accept your offer,
45:34보호치 않는 조선의 뜻이 있음을 헤아릴 것이
I must accept why Joseon would choose not
to protect me.
45:42그만 양이를 물리고Take the Americans
45:45내 집에서 떠나라and leave my property.
45:52실례 많았습니다I apologize.
45:54(유진부디 경계를 강화하시길 권고드립니다I wish that you strengthen security around
your property.

46:15[한국어누가 와누가 대문을 넘어?Who was here? Who crossed the threshold?
46:17그 공사관 나리요The officer from the legation.
46:19대감마님 앞에 이렇게 꼿꼿이 서 가지고He stood tall before your grandfather
46:22(함안댁조선은 안 지켜 줄 거니까 즈그가 이
댁을 지킨다 카면서
and said he'd protect us because Joseon
46:25애기애기씨My lady.
46:27벌시로 쫓겨났지요!He was sent away already.
49:09(도미나 이 아저씨 아는데Oh, I know this man.
49:15어떤 아저씨?Which man?
49:20(도미이 아저씨요This man here.
49:22공사관에 일이 많으면 가끔 오십니다He comes here from time to time when we
have a lot of work to do.
49:24아까도 왔다 가셨는데 아까 언제?-He was actually here earlier today. -Earlier?
49:28한 시진쯤 됐습니다About two hours ago.
49:30방마다 화분들 봐주시고 가셨는데He looked after the plants in every room and
49:53제가 뭘 잘못했습니까나리?Did I do something wrong, sir?
49:57네가 아니라No, not you.
49:59내가 뭘 놓친 듯싶다I think I've been missing something the whole
50:08(승재급한 대로 챙겨왔습니다만 함경도에도
사람을 보냈다 하니
I grabbed what I could in the time that I had,
but I heard he sent someone to Hamgyong
50:12그자가 이것들이 뭘 의미하는지 꿰는 건It'll be a matter of time before he figures out
50:15시간문제인 듯합니다what these mean.
50:38[종이 뎅 울린다] (순검3) 통금이오The nighttime curfew has begun!
50:41[종이 뎅 울린다통금이오-The curfew has begun! -Funnily enough,
50:43어처구니없게도 그자의 수사가-The curfew has begun! -Funnily enough, his
50:46(정문우리의 목을 죄어 오고 있다is threatening us.
50:48밀서의 진위가 밝혀지면 안 될 것은 물론이고We must not let anyone find out that the letter
was real.
50:52이대로 두면 상해에 있는 송영에게까지 닿을
If we leave him be, he will even track down
Song Yeong in Shanghai.
50:59내탕금 증서를 찾아 조선에 돌려준 것도 그자
he was the one who found the certificate of
the deposit and returned it to Joseon.
51:04그자의 사사로운 감정이 대의와 맞아떨어진 것
His personal feelings happened to coincide
with our great cause, that's all.
51:10그자의 말과 행동에는From his words and actions,
51:12오래 묵은 조선에 대한 증오가...I can sense his pent-up hatred and anger
toward Joseon.
51:16(정문감히 폐하께서 친히 청한 무관 학교 교Even when His Majesty offered him a role at

관 자리도the Royal Military Academy...
51:20잘못 아셨습니다You are wrong, Your Majesty.
51:21(정문하고 안 하고로 선택한 자다He had the audacity to reject the offer.
51:23제 복수를 조선이 도왔습니다Rather, Joseon helped me get my revenge.
51:27그자의 어디가 조선을 위하고 있단 말인가What aspect of his actions has been for the
sake of Joseon?
51:30(정문이제야 겨우 폐하의 내탕금이 송영에게
We just managed to deliver His Majesty's
deposit to Song Yeong.
51:36무기 구입에 전력을 다해야 하는 시점이야We must do everything in our power to
purchase as many weapons as we can.
51:39그자가 송영에게 더 밀접해지기 전에Before that American man gets any closer to
Song Yeong,
51:43그 미국인을 죽여라you must... kill him.
51:53(유진주막 가마터The tavern, the kiln site,
51:56대장간 제빵소the forge, the bakery...
52:02약방And the apothecary.
52:12(동매내가 이완익이면 김용주를 잡을 게 아니
If I were Lee Wan-ik, I wouldn't look for Kim
52:16나리를 죽이라 할 거거든I'd come after you.
52:18깜빡했다Gosh, I forgot about that.
52:20일단 나도 여기서 그냥 이렇게 죽을 수 없으니
Well, I don't want to die here,
52:22(유진이 싸움을 말릴 누군가를 좀 부를게so I have to call someone who can stop this
52:27[일본어왜 이러는지 아는데 잘 생각해I know why you're doing this, but think wisely.
52:29이런다고 구동매가 살지는 않아This... won't save Gu Dong-mae's life.
52:32(낭인5) 닥쳐앞뒤 가리지 말고 죽여!Shut your mouth! Just kill him!
52:41(희성왜 이러시오!What is happening?
52:45[한국어왜 하필 온 게 그쪽이오?Why you of all people?
52:49(희성지금 중한 것이 그게 아니지 않소That's not important now.
52:51무슨 일들...What is the matter?
52:53구동매의 낭인들 아니시오?Aren't they Gu Dong-mae's underlings?
52:55이자들이 304호를 왜 공격하는 거요?Why are they trying to attack you?
52:59기다려 보시오Wait here.
53:01(유진잠깐만...No, wait.
53:03[일본어내 구동매와 친분이 있소Gu Dong-mae and I know each other, so
please calm down.
53:07(희성어디 가서 목이나 축이면서...Why don't you guys go grab a drink
53:15[한국어이자들이 진정 원하는 게 304호 목숨
인가 보오
I suppose they actually want to kill you.
53:18But don't you worry. People don't know

하나 걱정 마시오 내 행실이 점잖아 오해를 사
because I'm always such a gentleman,
53:21문무를 두루 겸비한 편이오but I'm actually a pretty good fighter.
53:29(유진공사관이 가까우니 5분만 버티시오The legation is close. Hang in there for five
53:31(희성) [일본어덤벼Come at me.
53:54(유죠멈춰!All of you, stop!
54:01너희들은 물러나You guys, back off.
54:08[한국어무례를 용서하시오Please forgive them.
54:10애들은 아무것도 모르고 한 것이오They have no idea what's going on.
54:13아주 잘 알고 하던데They seem very convinced.
54:14(유죠오야붕을 구명하고자 하는 마음에They just want to get our boss out of there.
54:17이완익의 꼬임에 넘어간 것뿐이오That's why they were fooled by Lee Wan-ik.
54:20하나 그리 해결될 일은 아닐 거요However, I know that this won't resolve the
54:29나리께서 오야붕을 구명해 주시오 뭐든 협조하
Please get our boss out. We will help in every
way we can.
54:33(희성잘 생각했소 구명을 못 하면 그때 죽여...That's very wise of you. If he can't get Gu
Dong-mae out, you can kill him...
54:39그러지들 마시오나쁜 일이오I mean, don't kill anyone. That's bad.
54:42한데 조선인이시오?By the way, are you a Joseon man?
54:46마침 궁금하지 않았소?Weren't you curious too?
55:16(희성아프오That stings.
55:19(유진피는 멎었소 그래도 병원에는 가야 할
The bleeding has stopped, but you should still
go see a doctor.
55:22그만 가 보시오You should get going now.
55:24오늘도 호텔에는 안 들어오는 거요?You won't be coming to the hotel again?
55:26(희성김용주라는 자를 찾아야 들어올 거요?Will you come back to the hotel only after you
catch Kim Yong-ju?
55:29방금 뭐랬소?What did you just say?
55:30내 명월관 여인들에게서 들었는데The ladies at Myeongwolgwan told me
55:32미 공사관에서 김용주라는 자를 찾고 있다고that the American legation is looking for a
man named Kim Yong-ju.
55:36혹 그자가 글로리에 묵었었소?Has that man stayed at Glory Hotel by any
55:39그자를 아시오?Do you know him?
55:40짐작이 가는 자가 있긴 하오I think I might have seen him.
55:47(유진짐작 가는 자가 이 중에 있소?Is it one of these men?
55:50(희성이자요 쫓았는데 놓쳤고It's him. I chased him, but he gave me the slip.
55:53가까이 가니 무슨 냄새가 나던데I caught a whiff of a peculiar smell from him.
55:55(유진아편 냄새일 거요어디서 놓쳤소?You must've smelled opium. Where did you
lose him?
55:57(희성종각 근처에서Near the bell tower.

55:59아편 냄새는 나도 아는데I know what opium smells like.
56:02그게 아니라 좀 더 흔한It wasn't opium. It smelled more familiar.
56:06향냄새 같았소I think it was the smell of incense.
56:09혹 이자가 박수요?Is he a shaman by any chance?
56:13외진 데 있고 외진 곳-A remote location -A remote place
56:15계집 혼자 살고 여자 혼자 살고-where a woman lives alone. -where a woman
lives alone.
56:17(동매사내가 드나들어도 이상하지 않은 그런
A place where men can walk in and out freely.
56:20(유진외부인이 드나들어도 눈에 띄지 않는 곳A place where out-of-towners can visit without
being seen.
56:23아편쟁이 몸에서 아편 냄새가 안 날 정도로 향
이 배는 곳
A place that can make an opium addict reek
of incense.
56:28무당집A shaman's house.
56:31박수가 맞소?He must be a shaman, then.
56:47(무당지금 가두의 낭인들이 그쪽을 찾고 난리
A bunch of goons are roaming the streets to
track you down right now.
56:51이렇게 불안하게 하는 거면It makes me terribly anxious.
56:54돈 그거 조금 받아 가지고는...For that little amount of money, this is too...
57:06아니근데 쫓긴다는 사람이 왜 한성에 남아 계
돈도 많은데
By the way, why are you still in Hanseong
when you're on the run? I mean, you have a
lot of money.
57:11왜나라고 청나라고 나 같으면 얼른 뜨겠구
If I were you, I'd leave this soil and flee to
either Japan or China.
57:15오랜 친우의 여식에게I want to tell the daughter of my longtime
57:17부모를 죽인 원수가 누군지 알려 주려고who took the lives of her parents. I'll tell her
the truth.
57:22(무당아휴좋은 일 하시네?My gosh, that's great. You absolutely should.
57:26먹고먹고 더 드셔You can have more food if you want.
57:39(조씨비나이다비나이다 천지신명께 비나이
I beg of you, the mighty spirits in heaven.
57:43일월성신지신님천신님께 비나이다I beg of you, the sun, the moon, the stars, the
earth, and the sky.
57:49비나이다비나이다 천지신명께 비나이다I beg of you, the mighty spirits in heaven.
57:54(승구미군이 다녀갔다 들었습니다I heard that American soldiers came by.
57:57대감마님께서 많이 놀라셨겠습니다Lord Go must've been terribly taken aback.
58:00제가 더 놀랐습니다I was even more taken aback.
58:03이렇게 발도 묶여 버렸고요And now, I can't even leave the house.
58:07(함안댁저기지는 안방마님한테 가 보겄습니
Well, I'll go check on Lady Cho.
58:19[문이 삐걱 닫힌다하면Then...
58:22제게 기별하신 연유가...why did you ask me to come?

58:24That's right.
58:26스승님께서 지금 저를 좀 빼내 주셔야겠습니다I need you to get me out of the house now.
58:32그자에게 가시려는 겁니까?To go see that man?
58:38인생에서 제일 멀리 어디까지 가 보셨습니까?what's the farthest place you've ever traveled
to in your life?
58:44전 바다에 갔었습니다For me, it's the sea.
58:47동쪽으로 오래 달려서요I had to go toward the east coast for days.
58:51그때 그런 생각을 했습니다That trip taught me something.
58:55(애신다음에는Next time,
58:56더 멀리 가 보고 싶다고I'd love to go even farther.
59:03그게 지금입니다And now is my chance.
59:06제게는 바다보다 먼 곳이To me, that place is even farther
59:09거기입니다than the sea.
59:14염려도 질타도 후에 달게 받겠습니다You can worry and scold me all you want later.
Right now at this moment,
59:17지금은 그에게 가야겠습니다Right now at this moment, I must go and see
59:22스승님께서도 제게 한 번만Master, for just this once,
59:26아무것도 묻지 말고could you not ask me any questions
59:30''and say, "Yes"?
59:32라고 해 주시면 안 됩니까?Could you please do it for me?
59:48서두르십시오You should hurry.
59:50곧 통금입니다The curfew will begin soon.
1:00:08(유진미안하오 또 누가 또 숨어든 줄
I'm so sorry. I thought another intruder
sneaked in.
1:00:15여긴 어찌...What are you doing here?
1:00:16[힘겨운 목소리로숨어든 거I did...
1:00:17[콜록거리며맞소sneak in.
1:00:21놀라라Gosh, you startled me.
1:00:23(애신반갑지는 않고?Aren't you happy to see me?
1:00:27그걸 말이라고Of course I am.
1:00:29늦긴 했지만I know that this is late,
1:00:34귀하가 궁금해할 두 가지 질문에 답을 하러 왔
but I am here to answer your two questions.
1:00:39하나는 뭔지 알 것 같소I think I know what one of them is.
1:00:43(유진요셉의 서신을 어디서 가지고 왔는지How you obtained Joseph's letter.
1:00:45(애신맞소That's correct.
1:00:47I stole it from Lee Wan-ik's house.

이완익의 집에서 가지고 나왔었소
1:00:51왜 그 집을 뒤졌는지는 묻지 마시오Do not ask me why I searched his place.
1:00:57또 하나는 뭐요?What's the other answer?
1:00:59나도I missed you too.
1:01:03어성초 함에 들어있던데I saw your letter inside the drawer.
1:01:07그립다고You wrote, "I miss you."
1:01:14(애신나도 그리웠소I missed you too.
1:01:26그날That day,
1:01:28귀하를 보았소I saw you.
1:01:31보았는데I did see you,
1:01:33멈출 수는 없었소but I could not stop.
1:01:37미안하오I'm sorry.
1:01:40괜찮소현명했소It's okay. You made a wise decision.
1:01:50위로는 내가 하려 했는데I wanted to console you.
1:01:52이미 했소이보다 더 어떻게You already did. This is more than enough.
1:02:02(애신이렇게I can do this.
1:02:22고귀하고 위대한 자여"Dear great and noble one.
1:02:26나의 아들아My son.
1:02:31네가 어디에 있든지Wherever you are,
1:02:35너를 위해 기도하마I will pray for you.
1:02:40기도하지 않는 밤에도Even on the nights when I don't pray,
1:02:42I hope
1:02:45신이 너와 함께하기를that God is always with you."
1:03:00죽어라 해석했소I worked so hard to translate it.
1:03:04그 선교사 대신이오I wanted to tell you in his place.
1:03:08기도도I will pray for you
1:03:11위로도and console you.
1:03:44건너편 건물이오It's from the building across.
1:03:45옥상으로 가야겠소귀하는...I should go to the rooftop. -What will you do? -
Don't worry about me.
1:03:47(애신내 걱정 마시오알아서 가겠소-What will you do? -Don't worry about me. I
can sneak out.
1:03:50내 정체가 들키면 소란으로 그치지 않을 거요If my cover is blown, the situation will become
1:03:54총성이 울렸으니 빈관 안이 혼란스러울 거요People at the hotel must've heard the
gunshot, so it'll be all chaotic soon.
1:03:57그 틈에 빠져나가시오You can sneak out then.
1:04:02(히나무슨 일 있으십니까총성이 들려서요Is everything okay, sir? We heard a gunshot.
1:04:07앞뒤가 다 막혔소There's no exit now.
1:04:10(유진내가 둘러대 보낼 테니... 내게 맡기시오,
내가 빠를 거요
-I'll make up an excuse-- -Let me handle it. It'll
be faster.

1:04:15(히나무슨 일...What's the matter?
1:04:17인가 했더니I wondered what was going on,
1:04:19친우분이 또 방문해 주셨네요but I see that your friend is here again.
1:04:22이번에는 들어오시는 걸 못 보았는데 나를 뒷
문까지 배웅해 주시오
-I didn't see you coming in though. -Walk me
to the rear door.
1:04:26여기서 빠져나가야 하오I must get out of here now.
1:04:33이리 멋진 신사분의 청이니Since such a handsome gentleman is
1:04:37(히나그 물건은 쓰지 말고 막으시지요 코피가
나서 막으신 겁니다
Cover your face with it instead of wearing it.
You're doing it because of a nosebleed.
1:04:41제가 때렸을까요?Shall we say I punched you?
1:04:44가시지요Let's go.
1:04:45고맙소Thank you.
1:05:10[일본어많이 놀라셨지요곧 정리될 겁니다All of you must've been startled. All will be
sorted out shortly.
1:05:13다들 홀에서 따뜻한 가배 한 잔씩들 하세요Please go to the hall and enjoy a warm cup of
1:05:17(히나이쪽입니다It's this way.
1:05:33[긴장되는 음악] (스즈키호타루 그년 빼돌리
느라 이리 소란인가
Are you causing all this ruckus just to hide
that witch, Hotaru?
1:05:37그년 어디 감췄어?Where are you hiding her?
1:05:39내가 그년하고 단둘이 볼일이 좀 있는데That witch and I have an unfinished business.
1:05:43안내해야겠지?Shouldn't you take me to where she is?
1:05:45오세요Come with me.
1:05:47이쪽입니다This way.
1:06:26(스즈키빨리 걸어!Walk faster!
1:06:35이 방이야?Is she in this room?
1:06:49뭐야너 이년 이게 무슨 짓이야!What is this? You bitch, how dare you do this
to me!
1:06:53[한국어죽이진 마세요Don't kill him.
1:06:55이자를 단단히 벼르는 이가 있어서There's someone who wishes to teach this
man a lesson.
1:07:01싼 겁니다That's a cheap one.
1:07:10(유진그동안 당신은 공사관을 들락거렸소I know that you have been frequenting the
1:07:13그럼 날 제거할 기회가 많았을 텐데It means you've had many opportunities to get
rid of me.
1:07:15새삼 지금에서야 날 공격하는 이유가 뭐요?Why are you trying to strike me just now?
1:07:18김용주와 한패라서?Because you and Kim Yong-ju are allies?
1:07:21아니면Or do you...
1:07:23이정문과 한패인가?work for Lee Jeong-mun?
1:07:24자네야말로 애신이와는 무슨 사이인가?Let me ask you first. What is your relationship
with Ae-sin?

1:07:30애신이가 누구요고사홍 어르신 댁 영애이자-Who is Ae-sin? -Lord Go Sa-hong's
1:07:34내 친우의 딸and my friend's daughter.
1:07:37(승재자네 말대로 공사관을 들락거리며 자주
I saw her a number of times at the American
1:07:41여러 번 불러다 취조를 하던데You summoned and interrogated her
numerous times.
1:07:43요점 흐리지 말고 질문에나 답하시오Don't try to change the topic. Just answer my
1:07:47대체 날 왜 노린 거요?Why are you after me?
1:07:48(승재시간 낭비 말게미국인 그냥 죽이게Don't waste your time, you American man.
Just go ahead and kill me.
1:07:54함경도에서 온 전보에 의하면According to a telegram from Hamgyong
1:07:59(유진송영은 상해에 있는 걸로 추정되고Song Yeong is speculated to be in Shanghai
1:08:01고상완은 유골로 돌아왔고 김용주는 내가 아니Go Sang-wan returned to Joseon in a
cremation urn, and I know Kim Yong-ju's face.
1:08:06당신이 전승재요?Are you Jeon Seung-jae?
1:08:09이 사진이Why do you...
1:08:11(승재왜 그 손에 있어?have that photograph?
1:08:15대체 날 왜 죽이려 한 거요?Why did you try to kill me?
1:08:19자네의 수사가 진실에 가까워질수록The closer your investigation got to the truth,
1:08:24우리 조직에게 위협이 됐거든the more threatened our organization
1:08:28(승재방금 나열한 이름들을 자네는 끝끝내 몰
랐어야 했고
You weren't supposed to know any of the
names you just listed.
1:08:34그래서 우리는 자네를 제거하기로 결정했네That is why we decided to get rid of you.
1:08:48자네가 여긴 어찌...What are you doing here?
1:08:49(홍파그 차림 그대로 나서시지요You can leave dressed like that, my lady.
1:08:51가실 곳이 있습니다I must take you somewhere.
1:08:56어디를?-Where? -Our leader...
1:08:57대장님이 애기씨를 뵙자 하십니다-Where? -Our leader... would like to see you.
1:09:07그 우리라 함은Who is "we"?
1:09:10의병들이오?The Righteous Army?
1:09:12도공 황은산이Did the potter, Hwang Eun-san...
1:09:15그 어르신이Did that man...
1:09:20정말 날 죽이라고 한 거요?really order you to kill me?
1:09:22대의를 위함이다It is all for the great cause.
1:09:26(승재그리고 부탁 하나만 하지And let me ask you a favor.
1:09:30상완을 대신해서 하는 부탁이야I'm asking in Sang-wan's place.
1:09:32[애잔한 음악더는 애신이를 가까이하지 말게I want you to distance yourself from Ae-sin.
1:09:37그 때문에 그 아이도 위험해질 것이 뻔해If you don't, you will only put her in danger.

1:09:40어쩌면 이미 위험할지도 모르지She may already be in danger.
1:09:43자네 머리에 총구를 겨누는 이가I was the one who aimed the gun at your head
1:09:46오늘은 나였으나 내일은I was the one who aimed the gun at your head
today, but tomorrow,
1:09:49애신이일지도 모르고it may be Ae-sin.
1:09:53그땐 어쩔 작정인가?What will you do if that happens?
1:09:56걱정 마시오Do not worry.
1:09:58그 여인은 실패하지 않을 거요I know that she won't fail the mission
1:10:01내가 피하지 않을 테니까because I won't let her miss.
1:10:06그게 어쩌면 오늘일 것도 같네Actually, it may happen today.
1:10:09내가 지금 가마터로 갈 거거든I'll head to the kiln site now.
1:10:11쓸데없는 짓 말고 자네 대의나 지키게Don't be stupid. Just fight for your cause.
1:10:13(승재김용주나 잡아! (유진김용주는 이미 잡
-Go catch Kim Yong-ju! -I already caught him.
1:10:25나를 부른 게 자네인가?Are you the one who summoned me?
1:10:28애기씨께서 손을 보태실 일이 있습니다Lady Ae-sin, we need your help with
1:10:33자넨 늘You never asked me
1:10:34내가 왜 사발을 사 가는지 묻지 않았지why I always buy those bowls from you.
1:10:38(애신스승님께서 사발 심부름을 시키셨을 때When my master sent me on an errand to buy
bowls from you,
1:10:41동지가 아닐까 생각은 했었네I did wonder if you could be a comrade.
1:10:48자네가 우리들의 대장인가?Are you... our leader?
1:10:54상놈이 대장이라 놀라셨습니까?Are you surprised that our organization is led
by a lowborn man?
1:11:21빈관으로 누굴 하나 보냈는데I sent someone to the hotel,
1:11:26(은산저격에 실패한 모양입니다but I think he failed the mission.
1:11:30지금 강을 건너오고 있는 자가 있습니다Someone is crossing the river now.
1:11:39(은산그자가 누구든 죽이십시오Whoever that is, you must kill him.
1:11:46강을 건너고 있는 자가the person who is crossing the river now
1:11:50그 미국인인가?the American man?
1:11:54(은산그가 선의로 움직이는 것은 명확하나I am certain that he has good intentions,
1:11:58그의 선의가but his good intentions
1:12:02조선을 위험에 빠뜨립니다will put Joseon in jeopardy.
1:12:06(은산가마터 입구 다리를 건너는 자가 누구든Regardless of whom you see on that bridge
by the entrance,
1:12:09애기씨의 노꾼을 했던 자이든 아니든whether he was your wherryman or not,
1:12:18죽이십시오you must kill him.

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