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  시지프스 6

Sisyphus: The Myth 6


‪[기계 작동음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(태산)‬ ‪[피식 웃으며]‬ ‪야, 살아 있었냐?‬Are you still alive?
‪나 너 죽은 줄 알았다‬I thought you were dead. Why weren't you picking up?
‪왜 이렇게 전화 안 받아?‬I thought you were dead. Why weren't you picking up?
‪몇 시야?‬What time is it?
‪지금 9시 넘었어, 10시 다 돼 가‬It's past nine. Almost ten o'clock.
‪아, 내가 8시에 깨워 달라 그랬잖아‬I asked you to wake me at eight!
‪아, 계속 전화했지‬ ‪네가 안 받아서 그렇지‬I kept calling you, but you wouldn't pick up.
‪아니, 내일 투자자 만난다고‬ ‪오늘까지 결과 내야 한다고 그랬잖아‬I told you I have to get the results before meeting the investors tomorrow! You couldn't do me that one favor?
‪그, 깨워 주는 것도 못 하냐?‬You couldn't do me that one favor?
‪야, 형이 맨날 기름 전 내 맡아 가면서‬Hey. I work so hard enduring the smell of oil just to support you. How can you talk like that to me?
‪네 뒷바라지하고 있는데‬ ‪그게 할 소리냐? 어?‬just to support you. How can you talk like that to me?
‪어쨌든 나 곧 끝나는데‬ ‪12시에 집에 도착하거든‬Anyway, I'm almost done. I'll be home at around 12. How about some beer later?
‪어떻게, 맥주 한잔?‬How about some beer later?
‪어, 좋지‬Sounds nice.
‪아, 그, 저, 올 때 그거 사 와‬Oh, can you pick up a box of Bacchus energy drinks on your way home?
‪박카스 한 박스 사 갖고 와‬a box of Bacchus energy drinks on your way home?
‪그, 싸다고 이상한 거 짝퉁 사지 말고‬ ‪딱 박카스 사 와‬Don't get the fake ones just because they're cheaper. Only Bacchus, okay?
‪예, 예, 예, 알았어‬All right. I get it.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬ ‪[휴대전화를 탁 닫는다]‬
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪아유, 망했네, 아, 망했어‬Jeez. I'm screwed.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬So how is it going?
‪얼마나 됐냐?‬So how is it going?
‪[태술이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[태술의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[태술의 의아한 신음]‬
‪[태술이 키보드를 탁탁 친다]‬
‪[기계 작동음]‬
‪[탄성]‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪이번엔 진짜 되나?‬Is it going to work this time?
‪어, 돼라‬Come on. Work.
‪[숨을 후 내쉰다]‬
‪[기계 작동음]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪아, 뭐야!‬No! What the heck?
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬ ‪[문이 철컹 열린다]‬
‪아이씨‬Darn it.
‪망했다‬I messed up.
‪[전등이 지직거린다]‬ ‪[사람들이 술렁인다]‬-What? -What's going on?
‪뭐야, 갑자기?‬What's happening?
‪[태산이 손전등을 달칵 켠다]‬Gosh! Isn't that a man?
‪(여자)‬ ‪어머, 저거 사람 아니야?‬Gosh! Isn't that a man?
‪[사람들이 술렁인다]‬ ‪어머‬Gosh! Isn't that a man? -Where? -Oh, my gosh! Sir, there's someone on the rails over there!
‪(남자1)‬ ‪아, 아저씨‬ ‪저기 선로에 사람요, 사람!‬Sir, there's someone on the rails over there! -Move away from the rails! -Is he dead?
‪(태산)‬ ‪거기, 나오세요!‬-Move away from the rails! -Is he dead?
‪나…‬-Move away from the rails! -Is he dead?
‪자, 뒤로 물러나세요‬ ‪뒤로 물러나세요, 물러나세요!‬Stay back, everyone!
‪[어두운 음악]‬-What's he doing? -What's going on?
‪저기요, 여기 있으면 위험해요‬Sir, it's dangerous to be here.
‪조금 있으면 차 들어와요, 예?‬The train is going to come soon.
‪저기, 저기…‬Sir? Hello?
‪[슈트 케이스가 덜컹 걸린다]‬Sir? Hello?
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬What?
‪수, 술 드셨나?‬Is he drunk?
‪저기요, 저기요‬ ‪저, 일어나 봐요, 괜찮아요?‬Hey! Get up. Are you okay?
‪지금 여기서 이러…‬You shouldn't be…
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪이게 뭐야?‬What's this?
‪아니, 태, 태술이 사진이 왜…‬What? Why does he have a photo of Tae-sul and me?
‪이봐, 이게 뭐야?‬Hey. What is this? What does this all mean?
‪어? 이게 무슨 말이야?‬Hey. What is this? What does this all mean?
‪당신 누구야?‬Who are you? How do you know Tae-sul?
‪당신 태술이 어떻게 알아?‬Who are you? How do you know Tae-sul?
‪당신 누구냐고!‬Who are you?
‪[남자2의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪뭐야‬What?
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[태산의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪야, 너, 너‬Hey, wait!
‪야, 야, 너!‬Hey, you! Who are you?
‪너 뭐야!‬Hey, you! Who are you?
‪[열차 알림음]‬ ‪[열차 경적]‬
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪[태산이 사진을 탁 집는다]‬
‪[열차 경적]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[서해의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[서해의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪일어났어?‬You're up.
‪(태술)‬ ‪악몽을 자주 꾸네? 나도 그런데‬You seem to have a lot of nightmares. I do, too.
‪가자‬Let's go. Everyone's gone now.
‪사람들 이제 없어‬Let's go. Everyone's gone now.
‪(서해)‬ ‪어‬Okay.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪(박 사장)‬ ‪김진희‬"Kim Jin-hui."
‪[중얼거린다]‬-"Park Jae-uk." -Sir!
‪(빙빙)‬ ‪사장님‬-"Park Jae-uk." -Sir!
‪아이, 깜짝이야, 이…‬You startled me!
‪(박 사장)‬ ‪여기 갑자기 웬일이야?‬What are you doing here? What about the store?
‪그리고 가게는?‬What are you doing here? What about the store?
‪(빙빙)‬ ‪월급날이잖아요, 애들 돈 빼러 왔죠‬It's payday today. I came to get everyone's money.
‪그런 거는 좀, 씨‬ ‪핸드폰으로 좀 옮겨, 씨‬Just use your phone for stuff like that.
‪아, 빨리 가게 들어가‬Go back to the store.
‪(빙빙)‬ ‪[헛웃음 치며]‬ ‪불체자가 무슨 모바일 뱅킹이에요?‬Go back to the store. Illegal immigrants can't use mobile banking. That's too risky.
‪위험하게‬Illegal immigrants can't use mobile banking. That's too risky.
‪근데 얻다 보내는 거예요?‬Anyway, who are you sending that to?
‪장부 가끔 삼백씩 비던데, 이거였어요?‬Three million won kept disappearing from the account book. Is this it?
‪아, 가, 좀, 가‬Just go, will you?
‪- (빙빙) 아, 누군데요, 삼백‬ ‪- (박 사장) 야, 치워!‬-Who are you sending it to? -Hey!
‪와, 난 한 달 내내 퇴근도 안 하고‬ ‪뺑이 치는데 180밖에 안 주면서‬Jeez. I work so many hours every day, but I only get 1.8 million.
‪너희들은 자식들아‬ ‪기본적으로 숙식이 제공이 되잖아‬I provide you guys with board and lodging as well. Plus, you get additional incentives for every successful deal.
‪아, 그리고 너희들 한 건 할 때마다‬ ‪인센티브 팍팍 주잖아‬Plus, you get additional incentives for every successful deal.
‪(박 사장)‬ ‪너도 열심히 해 봐, 인마‬ ‪그럼 내가 삼백 올려 줄게, 쯧‬Do your best. Then I'll pay you three million won.
‪아, 빨리 가서 그리고‬ ‪한태술이나 찾아, 빨리‬Just go and find Han Tae-sul!
‪아유, 안 가? 안 가면 너 월급 줄인다‬Jeez. Aren't you going? Do you want me to cut your pay?
‪[빙빙의 어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪악덕 고용주‬What a horrible boss.
‪(박 사장)‬ ‪아, 그래, 그냥 나 악덕 고용주야‬ ‪그냥 노동청에 신청해‬Fine. I am, so just report me to the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
‪고소해, 고소‬Sue me.
‪뭐가 되려고 저런대‬What will she do about it?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[서해의 초조한 숨소리]‬
‪[옅은 탄성]‬
‪그만 봐‬Stop staring at me.
‪(태술)‬ ‪아, 괜찮다니까‬You look fine. We're attending a party.
‪어차피 파티하러 가는 건데, 뭐‬You look fine. We're attending a party.
‪이뻐‬You look pretty.
‪(서해)‬ ‪총은 어디다 숨겨?‬Where should I hide my gun?
‪하, 이런 거는…‬Don't even use that.
‪이런 거는 쏘지도 말고 맞지도 말자‬And let's not get shot, either.
‪빨리 넣어 둬‬Put that away.
‪(서해)‬ ‪근데 왜 너는 안 입어?‬Why aren't you dressed up?
‪아, 말했잖아‬ ‪나는 사람들이 알아봐서 안 된다고‬I told you. Everyone will recognize me, so I can't go in.
‪[옅은 탄성]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪하, 그냥 저기로 들어가면 되는 거야?‬I just have to go inside?
‪명단에‬Yes. I got your name on the list.
‪이름 올려놨어‬Yes. I got your name on the list.
‪"초대장‬ ‪그레이스 박"‬
‪- (서해) 그…‬ ‪- (태술) 그레이스 박‬-What… -Grace Park.
‪'그레이스 팍' 이렇게 해 줘야 돼‬You have to pronounce it properly.
‪발음을 '팍' 이렇게 해 줘야 돼‬You have to pronounce it properly.
‪(태술)‬ ‪외국계 투자사 직원으로 해 놨거든‬You're listed as a foreign investment firm employee.
‪그리고 혹시라도 뭐 물어보면‬ ‪아예 못 알아듣는 척해‬You're listed as a foreign investment firm employee. And if they ask questions, pretend you don't understand Korean.
‪그래야 꼬치꼬치 안 물어봐‬And if they ask questions, pretend you don't understand Korean.
‪[봉투를 탁 닫으며]‬ ‪야, 나 영어 못해‬But I can't speak English.
‪아, 괜찮아, 사람들은 이렇게‬ ‪쫙 빼입은 사람 보면 그냥 껌뻑 속아‬It's fine. They'll get fooled by anyone who's dressed up like this.
‪[한숨]‬-I look stupid. -No, you don't.
‪바보 같아‬-I look stupid. -No, you don't.
‪안 바보 같아‬-I look stupid. -No, you don't.
‪그리고, 야, 바보들 사이에‬ ‪숨어야 되는데‬Besides, you have to hide in the crowd of fools.
‪(태술)‬ ‪자, 난 이렇게 뒷문으로 가서‬ ‪뒤쪽이랑 2층 둘러볼 테니까‬All right. I'm going through the back door. I'll look around the back and the second floor, and you…
‪넌?‬I'll look around the back and the second floor, and you…
‪1층부터…‬I'll check the first floor. The entrance to the banquet hall.
‪입구부터 1층 연회장‬I'll check the first floor. The entrance to the banquet hall.
‪그렇지‬Right. Okay.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬Right. Okay.
‪[심호흡]‬ ‪(태술)‬ ‪잠깐, 잠깐만‬Hold on. Let's check one last time.
‪자, 최종적으로 정리를 해 보자‬Hold on. Let's check one last time.
‪우리 형이 어디 있는지만‬ ‪알아내는 거야‬We're just going to find out where my brother is.
‪소란 피우면 안 돼‬No commotion, okay? No hitting people,
‪너는 막 툭하면 사람 때리고‬No hitting people,
‪막 관절 꺾고 기절시키고, 이거 안 돼‬twisting their joints or knocking them out.
‪오늘 이렇게 멋있게 입고 왔으면 그냥‬You're dressed elegantly today, so don't do that.
‪오늘은 그냥 그러면 안 되는 거야‬You're dressed elegantly today, so don't do that.
‪시그마든 뭐든‬ ‪절대로 교전하면 안 된다‬Whether it's Sigma or someone else, don't fight with anyone.
‪- 봐서‬ ‪- (태술) 야‬-We'll see. -Hey!
‪(태술)‬ ‪쯧‬Fine.
‪가만있어 봐‬Hang on.
‪[무전기 작동음]‬Do you hear me?
‪(태술)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪들려?‬Do you hear me?
‪너도 말해 봐‬Say something.
‪[무전기 작동음]‬ ‪그만해‬Stop it.
‪(태술)‬ ‪이거‬Here. This is an EMP.
‪EMP야‬Here. This is an EMP.
‪혹시라도 무슨 일 있으면‬ ‪이 빨간 버튼을 눌러‬If something happens, push this red button.
‪그럼 건물 전체가 다 정전될 거고‬Then it'll cause a blackout in the whole building, and we won't be able to communicate. Got it?
‪통신도 다 끊길 거야, 응?‬and we won't be able to communicate. Got it?
‪[가방을 달칵 닫는다]‬
‪[서해의 한숨]‬ ‪강서해‬Gang Seo-hae.
‪(태술)‬ ‪응‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(현승)‬ ‪승인 났다‬We got the approval.
‪여자앤 발견 즉시 사살한다‬Shoot the woman dead on sight.
‪모두 위치로!‬To your positions!
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[부드러운 음악이 연주된다]‬
‪[주변이 시끌시끌하다]‬
‪(직원1)‬ ‪안녕하세요, 성함이 어떻게 되세요?‬Welcome. May I ask your name?
‪[영어]‬ ‪그레이스 박요‬
‪(직원1)‬ ‪아, 잠시만요‬
‪네, 환영합니다, 미스 박‬
‪[무전기 작동음]‬Ms. Grace Park is entering.
‪(직원1)‬ ‪[한국어]‬ ‪그레이스 박 님 들어가십니다‬Ms. Grace Park is entering.
‪(서해)‬ ‪들어왔어‬I'm in.
‪(무전 속 태술)‬ ‪어, 별일 없고?‬Is everything going okay?
‪(서해)‬ ‪근데 사람들이 자꾸 쳐다봐‬People keep staring at me.
‪(무전 속 태술)‬ ‪야, 튀는 행동 하지 말랬잖아‬I told you not to draw their attention.
‪(서해)‬ ‪아무 짓도 안 했어‬I didn't do anything.
‪(무전 속 태술)‬ ‪형은?‬-What about my brother? -I don't see him.
‪(서해)‬ ‪안 보여‬-What about my brother? -I don't see him.
‪근데 이 사람들‬ ‪뭐 하려고 다 모인 거야?‬But what are all these people doing here?
‪(태술)‬ ‪어, 지금 나 죽었다고‬ ‪기뻐서 모여 있는 거야‬Well, they're all celebrating my death together.
‪(서해)‬ ‪너희 회사 사람들이라며‬But they're your company's people.
‪(무전 속 태술)‬ ‪그게, 정확히 말하면‬ ‪어, 주식회사라서‬Well, to be exact, it's a stock company.
‪내 지분은 5%밖에 안 돼‬I only have five percent of the stocks,
‪그래서 나머지 95%가 지금‬so the remaining 95 percent are having a party to celebrate my death.
‪나 죽었다고 모여서‬ ‪파티하고 있는 거야‬are having a party to celebrate my death.
‪(한용)‬ ‪아, 아‬
‪아, 아직 공식 발표는 안 했지만‬It hasn't been officially announced yet,
‪(무전 속 한용)‬ ‪자리가 자리이니만큼‬but since this is a special occasion, you can all greet him first.
‪여기 계신 분들께만‬ ‪미리 인사드리겠습니다‬but since this is a special occasion, you can all greet him first.
‪(한용)‬ ‪퀀텀앤타임의 신임 회장입니다‬This is the new CEO of Quantum & Time,
‪에드워드 김‬Edward Kim.
‪에디 군, 한 말씀 해요‬Eddy, come and greet them.
‪[사람들의 박수]‬
‪(에디)‬ ‪아, 감사합니다‬Thank you. It's nice to meet you, everyone.
‪반갑습니다, 여러분‬Thank you. It's nice to meet you, everyone.
‪그동안 저희 회사의 악재로 인해서‬ ‪걱정과 심려가 많으셨을 텐데요‬You must have been worried and anxious due to the unfortunate events that happened to our company.
‪제가 아직 정식은 아니지만‬ ‪차기 회장으로서‬It's not official yet, but as the next CEO,
‪여러분들께 오늘‬ ‪확실하게 말씀드리겠습니다‬I want to tell you something today.
‪앞으로 퀀텀앤타임은 신뢰와 안정‬From now on, Quantum & Time will be a company
‪이 두 단어로 정의되는‬ ‪회사가 될 것입니다‬that is defined by the two words, trust and stability.
‪[사람들이 호응한다]‬I want to use this opportunity to ask for your support and encouragement.
‪이 자리를 빌려서 다시 한번‬ ‪지지와 응원을 부탁드리고…‬ ‪[태술의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬I want to use this opportunity to ask for your support and encouragement.
‪아주 신들이 나셨네‬You're all so excited, aren't you?
‪[사람들의 박수]‬You're all so excited, aren't you?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪저기, 있잖아‬Hey.
‪(무전 속 태술)‬ ‪우리 일 끝나면 놀이공원 한번 가자‬After this is over, let's go to an amusement park. I'll be your guide.
‪내가 가이드 해 줄게‬I'll be your guide.
‪너 놀이공원 싫어한다며‬But you hate amusement parks.
‪(무전 속 태술)‬ ‪들었어?‬Did you hear me?
‪아니, 뭐, 너 가고 싶다며‬Well, you said you wanted to go.
‪나는 가서 줄이나 서지, 뭐‬I can just wait in line there.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪몸조심해라‬be careful.
‪너도‬You too.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[무전기 작동음]‬ ‪(혁범)‬ ‪A 팀 이상 무‬Team A, clear.
‪B 팀 이상 무‬Team B, clear.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[무전기 작동음]‬ ‪저격 팀 이상 무‬Sniper Team, clear.
‪[무전기 작동음]‬ ‪통신 방해 시작하겠습니다‬Starting communication jamming.
‪[기계 작동음]‬
‪[부드러운 음악이 연주된다]‬Excuse me.
‪실례합니다‬Excuse me.
‪우리 어디서 본 적 있죠? 낯이 익은데‬We've met before, right? You look familiar.
‪[에디가 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪혹시‬Did we
‪학회 때 뵀나요?‬meet at a conference?
‪(에디)‬ ‪애틀랜타? 씁, 시드니?‬Atlanta? Sydney?
‪제가 이런 미인을‬ ‪기억을 못 할 리가 없는데‬There's no way I'd forget such a beauty like you.
‪진짜 저 모르세요?‬You really don't know me?
‪[살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪네‬I don't.
‪[헛웃음]‬Then I can be honest with you.
‪뭐, 그럼 편하게 말해도 되겠네‬Then I can be honest with you.
‪(에디)‬ ‪나 오늘 여기 있는 사람들이랑‬ ‪악수 백 번도 넘게 했어요‬I did over a hundred handshakes with all these people here.
‪여기 모인 사람들 전부 다‬ ‪나 축하해 준다고 모인 사람들인데‬Everyone here apparently came to congratulate me,
‪문제는‬but the problem is
‪여기 믿을 놈들이 하나도 없다는 거야‬I can't trust any one of them.
‪여기 있는 사람들한테 나는‬ ‪그냥 쓰고 버리는 카드‬To these people here, I'm just a playing card they'll discard after one use.
‪같은 거예요‬I'm just a playing card they'll discard after one use.
‪내 친구처럼‬Just like my friend.
‪한태술‬Han Tae-sul.
‪알죠?‬You know him, right?
‪하, 내가 미쳤지‬I must've lost my mind.
‪그 새끼가 개새끼였어도‬ ‪좋은 개새끼였는데, 씨‬He was a jerk, but he was a good jerk. Damn it.
‪여기 있는 사람 중에‬ ‪모르는 사람은 그쪽뿐이니까‬You're the only one I don't know here, so let's clink our glasses.
‪나랑 건배 한 번만 합시다‬You're the only one I don't know here, so let's clink our glasses.
‪지옥에서 만나자‬I'll meet you in hell.
‪[숨을 카 내쉰다]‬
‪씁, 근데 왜 왔어요?‬Why are you here?
‪[살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪친구 따라서요‬I came with a friend.
‪친구 누구?‬Which friend? I know everyone here.
‪(에디)‬ ‪나 여기 있는 사람들 다 아는데‬Which friend? I know everyone here.
‪(서해)‬ ‪어…‬Well…
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪우리 형이 어디 있는지만‬ ‪알아내는 거야‬We're just going to find out where my brother is.
‪[살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪미안해요‬Excuse me.
‪(서해)‬ ‪한태술, 한태산 찾았어‬Han Tae-sul. I found Han Tae-san.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[태술이 문고리를 달칵 잡는다]‬
‪[무전기 작동음]‬ ‪(직원2)‬ ‪네, 지금 2층 순찰 중입니다‬Yes, I'm patrolling the second floor.
‪네, 아무 이상 없습니다‬Yes, it's clear.
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪[무전기가 지직거린다]‬ ‪[서해의 말이 끊긴다]‬Han Tae-sul. I found your brother.
‪뭐라는 거야? 서해야‬What? Seo-hae?
‪(태술)‬ ‪서해야‬Seo-hae? Gang Seo-hae!
‪뭐라고?‬ ‪[무전기가 지직거린다]‬What?
‪뭐라고? 서해야‬What did you say? Seo-hae!
‪씨, 뭐라는 거야, 씨‬Darn it. What did she say?
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪뭐야?‬What is this?
‪'기술 이전 계약서'‬"Technology transfer agreement"?
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[한용의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[서해의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[무전기 작동음]‬ ‪(서해)‬ ‪한태술 대답해, 너희 형 찾았다고‬Han Tae-sul, answer me. I found your brother.
‪[서해의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬Get that woman!
‪(에디)‬ ‪아까 그 여자 잡아!‬Get that woman!
‪찾아!‬Find her!
‪[문이 철컹 닫힌다]‬
‪[태산의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(태산)‬ ‪너 누군지 알고 있어‬I know who you are. Listen to me.
‪잘 들어‬I know who you are. Listen to me.
‪말로 할 때‬ ‪태술이한테서 떨어져, 알겠어?‬Stay away from Tae-sul. Understand?
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪태술 군, 어떻게 된 거야?‬What? Tae-sul, what happened?
‪(태술)‬ ‪이사장님, 이거‬ ‪이거 어떻게 된 거예요?‬Mr. Kim. What the hell is this?
‪시그마, 시그마가 누구예요?‬ ‪어떤 새끼야?‬Who the hell is Sigma?
‪우, 우리 투자자지‬-Our investor. -Since when?
‪언제부터?‬-Our investor. -Since when?
‪언제부터라니 처음부터지‬What do you mean? Since the beginning. I reported it to you.
‪내내 결재를 올렸잖아‬What do you mean? Since the beginning. I reported it to you.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬CEO: HAN TAE-SUL
‪[태술의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬CEO: HAN TAE-SUL
‪[한용이 휴대전화를 탁 집는다]‬
‪(비서)‬The Control Bureau's operation starts in a minute.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[한용의 한숨]‬
‪(한용)‬ ‪그러게 회의를‬ ‪한 번이라도 나오지 그랬어‬You should've attended our meetings.
‪회사 일 좀 신경 쓰라고‬ ‪내가 그렇게 얘기를…‬I told you so many times to pay attention--
‪내려가서 다 말할 거예요‬-I'm going to tell everyone. -Tell them what?
‪(한용)‬ ‪뭐라고 말할 건데?‬-I'm going to tell everyone. -Tell them what?
‪시그마라는 미친놈이 한 회장을 죽이고‬ ‪회사를 먹으려 한다고?‬A crazy guy named Sigma is trying to kill you and take over the company?
‪아니면 세상에 타임머신이 있어서‬ ‪미래에서 사람들이 오고 있다?‬Or that there's a time machine, and people are coming from the future?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪뭐…‬
‪(한용)‬ ‪왜, 태술 군만 아는 줄 알았나?‬What? Did you think you were the only one who knew?
‪다 한패거리였어?‬-You were all in it together? -Who would believe you now?
‪이제 와서 누가 태술 군 말을 믿겠어?‬-You were all in it together? -Who would believe you now?
‪미안해, 제발 그냥 가만히 좀 있어‬I'm sorry, but please stay quiet.
‪형처럼 정신 병원에…‬I'm sorry, but please stay quiet. -Or you'll end up like your brother-- -What?
‪(태술)‬ ‪뭐라고?‬-Or you'll end up like your brother-- -What?
‪[태술의 거친 숨소리]‬He can easily send people to the mental ward.
‪(한용)‬ ‪그놈, 사람 하나‬ ‪미친놈 만드는 건 일도 아니야‬He can easily send people to the mental ward.
‪애쓰지 말게‬Don't bother trying.
‪밖에 단속국도 쫙 깔렸어‬ ‪이제 곧 다 끝나‬The Control Bureau has you surrounded. Everything's over.
‪죽여 버릴 거야, 진짜로 죽여…‬I'll kill you! I'm going to…
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬I'll kill you! I'm going to…
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[태술의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪한태술 잡았어요‬I got Han Tae-sul.
‪여자 시작하라고 해요‬The girl. Start the operation.
‪[어두운 음악]‬Gang Seo-hae, daughter of Lieutenant Gang Dong-gi.
‪(태산)‬ ‪강동기 경위 딸 강서해‬Gang Seo-hae, daughter of Lieutenant Gang Dong-gi.
‪너랑 있으면 우리 태술이가‬ ‪위험해진다고, 알아?‬You're putting Tae-sul in danger.
‪마지막 경고야‬This is my last warning. If I ever see you again,
‪다음번에 다시 만나게 되면, 그때는‬This is my last warning. If I ever see you again,
‪내가 너 죽일 거야‬I'll kill you.
‪[문이 철컹 열린다]‬
‪[문이 철컹 닫힌다]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[무전기 작동음]‬ ‪(혁범)‬ ‪찾았습니다‬We found her.
‪[무전기 작동음]‬ ‪(서해)‬ ‪단속국이야, 한태술‬It's the Control Bureau. Han Tae-sul.
‪한태술‬ ‪[단속국 대원의 기합]‬Han Tae-sul!
‪[서해의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬
‪(혁범)‬ ‪잡아!‬Catch her!
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬-What's going on? -Crazy wench!
‪[문이 철컹 닫힌다]‬
‪[문이 쿵쿵 울린다]‬ ‪[단속국 대원들이 소리친다]‬-Hey! -Hey!
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬Hey, where are you?
‪(서해)‬ ‪야, 너 어디 있어, 어?‬Hey, where are you?
‪[총성]‬ ‪[서해의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪한태술‬ ‪[힘겨운 신음]‬Han Tae-sul, you idiot. Answer me!
‪야, 이 바보 자식아, 대답 좀 해!‬Han Tae-sul, you idiot. Answer me!
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪EMP야‬This is an EMP.
‪혹시라도 무슨 일 있으면‬ ‪이 빨간 버튼을 눌러‬If something happens, push this red button.
‪그럼 건물 전체가 다 정전될 거고‬Then it'll cause a blackout in the whole building, and we won't be able to communicate.
‪통신도 다 끊길 거야‬and we won't be able to communicate.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪잘 가라‬Goodbye.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[권총을 달칵 장전한다]‬
‪[서해의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[총이 달칵거린다]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪(현승)‬ ‪소란 피우지 말자‬Let's not cause a commotion. People are watching.
‪보는 눈 많은데‬Let's not cause a commotion. People are watching.
‪너 이제 갈 데도 없잖아‬You have nowhere else to go, anyway.
‪[현기가 총을 달칵 장전한다]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬Don't go outside. There's a sniper.
‪(현기)‬ ‪밖으로 나가지 마, 저격수가 있어‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Don't go outside. There's a sniper.
‪내 첫 임무였어‬My first mission was to kill you.
‪너 죽이는 거‬My first mission was to kill you.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪(남자3)‬ ‪[힘주며]‬ ‪타‬Get in!
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(현승)‬ ‪야, 총 내려, 번호판 확인해!‬Put your guns down. Check the plate!
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪[자동차 엔진 가속음]‬
‪(썬)‬ ‪반갑죠?‬Aren't you glad to see me? You remember me, right?
‪나 기억은 하죠?‬Aren't you glad to see me? You remember me, right?
‪(서해)‬ ‪네가 왜 여기 있어?‬What are you doing here?
‪(썬)‬ ‪안 반가워요?‬Aren't you glad to see me?
‪(서해)‬ ‪차 돌려, 한태술이…‬Turn the car. Han Tae-sul…
‪(썬)‬ ‪뭐야, 피예요?‬What? Is that blood?
‪저, 괜찮아요? 뭐, 총 맞았어요?‬Are you okay? Did you get shot?
‪한태술…‬-Han Tae-sul… -Are you okay?
‪(썬)‬ ‪뭐, 그, 괜찮아요?‬ ‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬-Han Tae-sul… -Are you okay?
‪정신 좀 차려 봐요‬ ‪[어두운 효과음]‬Hey! Stay with me!
‪저기요, 괜찮아요?‬Hey! Stay with me! Are you okay? Stay with me!
‪아, 정신 좀 차려 봐요, 좀!‬Are you okay? Stay with me!
‪[썬의 다급한 숨소리]‬Hey!
‪아이씨‬Darn it.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[자동차 경적이 요란하다]‬
‪[태술의 비명]‬
‪(서해)‬ ‪한태술, 엎드려!‬Han Tae-sul! Get down!
‪한태술, 엎드리라고!‬I said, get down!
‪[총성]‬ ‪[태술의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[태술이 털썩 쓰러진다]‬
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[어두운 효과음]‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[사이렌 소리가 들려온다]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪아이씨‬Darn it.
‪[맥박계를 툭 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(에디)‬ ‪태술아‬Tae-sul!
‪태술아, 정신 들어? 괜찮아? 어?‬ ‪[태술의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬Tae-sul! How are you feeling? Are you okay?
‪(서진)‬ ‪태술아, 여기 봐‬-Tae-sul, look over here. -What are you doing?
‪(태술)‬ ‪아이, 뭐 하는 거야‬-Tae-sul, look over here. -What are you doing?
‪(에디)‬ ‪괜찮아?‬Are you okay?
‪안 괜찮지, 당연히‬-Of course not. -How much do you remember?
‪어디까지 기억해?‬-Of course not. -How much do you remember?
‪(에디)‬ ‪너 총 맞았어, 콘퍼런스에서‬You got shot at the conference. Fortunately, it was just a graze.
‪(서진)‬ ‪다행히 총알이 스쳤어‬Fortunately, it was just a graze.
‪1cm만 비켜 나갔어도‬ ‪동맥이 파열됐다고‬It just barely missed your artery by a centimeter.
‪(에디)‬ ‪회사에 불만 있는 사람이었나 봐‬ ‪범인은 잡았어‬We got the culprit. He must've had issues with our company.
‪(서진)‬ ‪태술아, 여기 한 번만 보자‬We got the culprit. He must've had issues with our company. -Tae-sul, let me see. -Stop it.
‪(태술)‬ ‪하지 마‬-Tae-sul, let me see. -Stop it.
‪[태술의 짜증 섞인 숨소리]‬
‪(서진)‬ ‪아직 일어나면 안 돼, 누워 있어‬ ‪[에디가 말린다]‬-You can't get up yet. Stay in bed! -Tae-sul!
‪(태술)‬ ‪아, 나 갈래‬Let me go!
‪(에디)‬ ‪야, 너 총 맞았어, 죽는 줄 알았다고‬Hey, you got shot! We thought you were dead!
‪너 어제까지만 해도 식물인간…‬-You've been in a coma until-- -What the hell are you talking about?
‪(태술)‬ ‪아, 지금 뭔 소리 하는 거냐고!‬-You've been in a coma until-- -What the hell are you talking about?
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(서해)‬ ‪한태술, 엎드려!‬Han Tae-sul! Get down!
‪[총성]‬ ‪[태술의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪너희 지금 무슨 꿍꿍이야?‬What are you two up to?
‪(에디)‬ ‪태술아‬Tae-sul.
‪서해, 서해 어디 있어?‬Where's Seo-hae?
‪(에디)‬ ‪누구?‬-Who? -Where's Seo-hae?
‪서해 어디 있냐고‬-Who? -Where's Seo-hae?
‪나랑 콘퍼런스장에서‬ ‪같이 도망간 여자애‬The girl who ran out of the conference hall with me.
‪(에디)‬ ‪[태술을 탁 잡으며]‬ ‪태술아‬The girl who ran out of the conference hall with me. -Tae-sul. -She saved my life.
‪걔가 나 구해 줬단 말이야‬-Tae-sul. -She saved my life. And we went into hiding together.
‪계속 숨어 다녔고‬And we went into hiding together.
‪그리고 시그마‬And Sigma. What happened to Sigma?
‪시그마는 어떻게 된 거야?‬And Sigma. What happened to Sigma? And my brother?
‪우리 형은, 어?‬And my brother?
‪형 어디 있냐니까!‬Where's Tae-san?
‪(에디)‬ ‪태산이 형 죽었다고, 진정해‬-Tae-san is dead. Calm down. -Tell me, Seo-jin.
‪(태술)‬ ‪야, 김서진, 내가, 내가‬ ‪내가 너 찾아갔었잖아‬-Tae-san is dead. Calm down. -Tell me, Seo-jin. I visited your place.
‪너희 병원에, 언제였어?‬I went to your hospital. When was that?
‪그, 벡스코 하고 나흘‬ ‪나흘 뒤였으니까 8월…‬It was four days after the PEXCO incident, so… August. August 19th.
‪8월 19일‬August. August 19th.
‪어? 네가 치료해 준 그 여자애‬ ‪지금 어디 있냐니까?‬Where's that girl you treated?
‪- 태술아‬ ‪- (태술) 왜!‬-Tae-sul. -What?
‪오늘이 8월 19일이야‬Today is August 19th.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪뭐라는 거야, 참‬What are you talking about?
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬AUGUST 19, WEDNESDAY
‪이것들이 지금 거짓말을 하고 있어?‬-How dare you lie to me? -Tae-sul.
‪- (서진) 태술아‬ ‪- (에디) 한태술, 그만해‬-How dare you lie to me? -Tae-sul. -Tae-sul, stop it. -Tae-sul, please!!
‪- (에디) 한태술, 야, 태술아‬ ‪- (서진) 한태술, 아, 제발…‬-Tae-sul, stop it. -Tae-sul, please!! -Tae-sul! -Move.
‪- (에디) 한태술!‬ ‪- (태술) 비켜!‬-Tae-sul! -Move.
‪[태술의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[태술이 리모컨을 탁 집는다]‬
‪[TV 전원음]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬ ‪(태술)‬ ‪8월 19…‬AUGUST 19, WEDNESDAY
‪뭐야?‬ ‪[리모컨을 툭 던진다]‬What?
‪[인터폰 전원음]‬
‪"2020년 8월 19일 수요일"‬
‪뭐야?‬What's going on?
‪뭐야, 어떻게 된 거야?‬What's going on?
‪[태술의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪나한테 왜 이래?‬Why are you doing this to me?
‪너희‬Why are you doing this to me?
‪너희 지금 다 짜고 이러는 거지?‬You're all trying to fool me, right?
‪야, 김승복‬Hey, Kim Seung-bok.
‪너 나 막 장례식 한다고‬ ‪통화하고 그랬잖아‬You said on the phone that you'll hold a funeral for me.
‪그리고 너‬And you were all excited after taking over my management rights,
‪나 죽었다고 경영권 승계받고‬ ‪좋다고 막 파티 열고‬And you were all excited after taking over my management rights, held a party to celebrate and drank yourself silly!
‪술 처먹고 꽐라 돼 가지고!‬held a party to celebrate and drank yourself silly!
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(에디)‬ ‪야, 야, 한태술, 왜 그래, 어?‬Tae-sul, what's wrong?
‪(서진)‬ ‪한태술, 그럴 수 있어‬ ‪숨 쉬어, 천천히‬Tae-sul! It's okay. Breathe slowly.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬Tae-sul! It's okay. Breathe slowly.
‪내 핸드폰 줘‬Give me my phone. I need to contact Seo-hae.
‪(태술)‬ ‪내 핸드폰 줘, 서해한테 연락해야 돼‬Give me my phone. I need to contact Seo-hae.
‪(에디)‬ ‪한태술, 제발 그만 좀 하라고!‬-Tae-sul, please stop! -Right back at you, you jerk!
‪(태술)‬ ‪너나 그만해, 이 새끼야!‬-Tae-sul, please stop! -Right back at you, you jerk!
‪너 이 새끼들‬You jerks.
‪너희 이런다고 내가 속을 거 같아?‬Do you think you can fool me?
‪지금 너희 이러는 거 누가 시켰어?‬Who ordered you to do this? Seo-jin. Did your father put you up to this?
‪야, 김서진‬ ‪너희 아버지가 시켰어? 어?‬Seo-jin. Did your father put you up to this?
‪- (에디) 한태술, 제발 진정해‬ ‪- (서진) 태술아‬-Tae-sul. Calm down. -Calm down.
‪진정하고…‬-Tae-sul. Calm down. -Calm down.
‪[태술의 거친 숨소리]‬-I know everything. -What?
‪(태술)‬ ‪나 다 알아, 어?‬-I know everything. -What? I know you were all in on it.
‪너희 다 한통속인 거‬I know you were all in on it.
‪왜? 너희 집에서 다 듣고 다 봤거든‬How? I saw and heard everything at your place.
‪시그마한테 내 기술 넘기기로 한 거‬You were going to hand over my technology to Sigma.
‪그 업로드 때문이지?‬It's the uploader, right?
‪자, 말해 봐, 누가 시켰어?‬Tell me. Who ordered you to do this?
‪시그마야? 단속국이야?‬Is it Sigma? Or the Control Bureau?
‪그리고 너‬And you!
‪너는 원래 다 알고 있었잖아‬ ‪미래에서 사람들 넘어오는 거!‬You already knew about people coming from the future!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- (에디) 태술아, 한태술!‬ ‪- (서진) 한태술!‬-Tae-sul! -Tae-sul!
‪(간호사1)‬ ‪뛰시면 안 돼요!‬Don't run!
‪[간호사2의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[태술의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[사람들의 비명]‬
‪오늘 며칠이야?‬What's the date?
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬ ‪(태술)‬ ‪8월, 8월 19일‬August 19th? Damn it!
‪[성난 신음]‬August 19th? Damn it!
‪[태술이 차트를 탁 던진다]‬ ‪[사람들의 비명]‬
‪[간호사들의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪놔, 놔!‬Let go of me!
‪놔!‬Let me go, you jerks!
‪놔, 이 새끼들아!‬Let me go, you jerks!
‪- (서진) 한태술‬ ‪- (태술) 놔!‬-Tae-sul. -It's okay, Tae-sul.
‪(에디)‬ ‪괜찮아, 한태술, 괜찮아‬ ‪[서진이 달랜다]‬-Tae-sul. -It's okay, Tae-sul. -Stay still. It's going to be okay. -No, don't do it.
‪(태술)‬ ‪하지 마, 하지 마‬ ‪[서진이 주사를 푹 찌른다]‬-Stay still. It's going to be okay. -No, don't do it.
‪하지 마!‬No! Don't do this!
‪하지, 하지 마‬No! Don't do this! -Tae-sul. -Don't do this.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬-Tae-sul. -Don't do this.
‪하지 마, 하지 마‬-Tae-sul. -Don't do this. Don't do this.
‪하지 마‬Don't
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[어두운 효과음]‬ ‪(앵커)‬ ‪다음 소식입니다‬Next news. Quantum & Time's CEO, Han Tae-sul,
‪퀀텀앤타임의 한태술 회장이‬Next news. Quantum & Time's CEO, Han Tae-sul, miraculously gained consciousness this morning.
‪오늘 오전 기적적으로‬ ‪의식을 회복했다고 합니다‬miraculously gained consciousness this morning. Reporter Choi Ji-eun.
‪최지은 기자입니다‬Reporter Choi Ji-eun.
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬ ‪(기자)‬ ‪네, 오늘 오전 11시 한태술 회장이‬Quantum & Time's CEO, Han Tae-sul, gained consciousness this morning at 11 a.m.
‪기적적으로 의식을 되찾았습니다‬gained consciousness this morning at 11 a.m.
‪지난 15일 부산의 벡스코에서‬ ‪일어난 저격 사건으로‬It's been four days since he fell into a critical state after the shooting incident at PEXCO.
‪중태에 빠진 지 나흘 만인데요‬after the shooting incident at PEXCO.
‪의료진들에 의하면 현재 생명에는‬ ‪지장이 없는 것으로 전해졌지만‬The medical staff stated that his life is not at risk,
‪총상으로 인한 후유증이 남아 있어‬but he is still recovering, so he may not return to his position as CEO yet.
‪아직 경영 복귀는‬ ‪어려울 것으로 보입니다‬so he may not return to his position as CEO yet.
‪(서진)‬ ‪하, 다 나 때문이야‬This is all my fault. No, it's his fault that he's gone mad like that.
‪(에디)‬ ‪자기가 설치다가 바보 된 게‬ ‪왜 네 탓이야?‬No, it's his fault that he's gone mad like that.
‪(서진)‬ ‪아니야, 처음부터‬ ‪제대로 치료했어야 됐다고‬No. I should've treated him properly since the beginning.
‪쟤 막 이상한 말 하고‬ ‪환각 보고 그랬을 때부터…‬When he said strange things and had hallucinations--
‪아, 쟤 고집을 누가 꺾어?‬You know how stubborn he is.
‪[서진의 한숨]‬ ‪내가 콘퍼런스 못 가게‬ ‪무조건 막았어야 됐어‬I should've stopped him from going to the conference.
‪[에디의 한숨]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(서진)‬ ‪작화증이라고 있어‬There's this thing called confabulation.
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬ ‪그, 알코올 중독자들한테‬ ‪주로 보이는 증상인데‬It usually occurs in alcoholics.
‪(서진)‬ ‪이 전두엽이 손상이 되면은‬ ‪기억이 손실이 되거든‬When the frontal lobe is damaged, you suffer memory loss. And you start making up things to fill in those gaps.
‪이제 그 부분을 메꾸려고‬ ‪없는 사실을 지어내는 거야‬And you start making up things to fill in those gaps.
‪그거를 진짜라고 믿게 되는 거고‬Then you start believing they're real.
‪거기다가 너 같은 경우에는‬ ‪평소에 약물 중독도 있었고‬What's more, you were addicted to drugs before that. And when you were shot… I told you, remember?
‪저격당했을 때, 내가 말했었지?‬And when you were shot… I told you, remember?
‪경막 외 출혈이 있었다고‬You had an epidural hemorrhage.
‪바로 여기 이 부분인데‬It's this spot right here.
‪후유증으로 그런 증상들이‬ ‪나타나는 것 같은데‬I think you're getting such symptoms from the aftereffects.
‪이 망상이 보인다든가‬You may have certain delusions
‪아니면 가끔씩은 꿈 같은 걸‬ ‪현실이랑 착각하기도 하고‬You may have certain delusions or sometimes confuse dreams with reality.
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪집에 왔네‬You're finally home.
‪(에디)‬ ‪비타민 B가 회복에 좋대‬Vitamin B will help you recover.
‪신경 안정제야‬They're tranquilizers.
‪힘 빼지 말자, 부탁이다‬Please don't waste your energy.
‪주스도‬Drink the juice too.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪형 봤어‬I saw Tae-san.
‪진짜야‬It's true. It was Tae-san.
‪형이었어‬It's true. It was Tae-san.
‪콘퍼런스에서 기조연설 하는데‬I saw him when I was making the speech
‪형이 서 있더라‬at the conference.
‪(태술)‬ ‪기자들 사이에서 두리번거리고 있었어‬ ‪뭘 찾는 사람처럼‬He was standing among the reporters, looking around for something.
‪그리고 그다음엔 내가 총에 맞았고‬And then I got shot,
‪어떤 여자애가 날 구해 줬어‬and a woman saved me.
‪- 서해?‬ ‪- (태술) 그래, 서해‬-Seo-hae? -Yes, Seo-hae.
‪(태술)‬ ‪말해 줘도 안 믿겠지만 진짜야‬You probably don't believe me, but it's true.
‪이 세상에 우리만 사는 게 아니었어‬We're not the only ones living in this world.
‪내가, 내가 타임머신을 만들 거래‬They say I'm going to build a time machine. They call it the uploader.
‪그 사람들은 그걸 업로더라고 부르는데‬They call it the uploader.
‪그걸 타고 지금 미래에서‬ ‪사람들이 오고 있고‬Some people from the future are taking it to come here,
‪그 사람들 잡는 단속국도 있어‬And there's a bureau that catches such people. There are brokers, too.
‪또 브로커들도 있고‬And there's a bureau that catches such people. There are brokers, too.
‪그리고 미래에서‬ ‪오는 사람 중의 누군가가‬And one of those people
‪날 죽이려고 해‬is trying to kill me.
‪'터미네이터'처럼?‬-Like The Terminator? -Yes.
‪그래‬-Like The Terminator? -Yes.
‪그 서해라는 여자는 널 지켜 주고?‬And this woman named Seo-hae is protecting you?
‪세상이 멸망할 거래‬She says the world is going to end.
‪정확히 말하면‬ ‪일단 한반도에 핵이 떨어져서…‬To be exact, a nuclear bomb will go off in Korea, and…
‪됐다‬Never mind.
‪내가 말해도 미친 소리 같네‬It sounds crazy even as I'm saying it.
‪서진이가 너 무슨 말을 해도‬ ‪다 들어 주랬어‬Seo-jin told me to listen to you, whatever you say.
‪폰이랑 인터넷도 하지 말래‬She says you shouldn't use the internet. I disconnected the Wi-Fi.
‪와이파이도 다 끊어 놨어‬She says you shouldn't use the internet. I disconnected the Wi-Fi.
‪(에디)‬ ‪좀 답답해도 참아‬Just hang in there for a while. When Seo-jin says it's okay, I'll--
‪서진이가 오케이 하면 나중에 다시…‬Just hang in there for a while. When Seo-jin says it's okay, I'll-- Seung-bok.
‪솔직하게 말해 봐‬Be honest with me.
‪거짓말하는 거지?‬You're lying, right?
‪아니‬-No. -Are you sure?
‪진짜 아니야?‬-No. -Are you sure?
‪(에디)‬ ‪응‬Yes.
‪그럼 내가 진짜 미친 건가?‬Then have I really lost my mind?
‪너무 힘든 거야, 그동안 너무…‬You've just had a rough time. Things were too-- You and I
‪(태술)‬ ‪지금까지‬You and I
‪너는 나랑 그래도 친구였는데‬have been friends all along, Seung-bok.
‪승복아‬have been friends all along, Seung-bok.
‪친구 사이 걸고‬Swear on our friendship,
‪나 좀 똑바로 보고 말해 봐‬look into my eyes and tell me.
‪너 거짓말하는 거지, 지금?‬You're lying right now, aren't you?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪나도 차라리 그랬으면 좋겠다‬I'd rather wish I were.
‪[에디가 태술을 토닥인다]‬Get some rest. I'll get going.
‪(에디)‬ ‪쉬어, 갈게‬Get some rest. I'll get going.
‪[태술의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪그 약 머리 좀 아플 수도 있대‬Those pills could give you a slight headache.
‪쉬어‬ ‪[태술을 툭 친다]‬Get some rest.
‪[태술의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪(태산)‬ ‪또 머리 아파?‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬Is your head hurting again?
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬Is your head hurting again?
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪그거 당분 부족해서 그래‬It's because you're low on sugar.
‪너처럼 맨날 머리 쓰는 직업은‬ ‪어쩔 수가 없대‬It's inevitable for people who use their brains all the time.
‪초콜릿 같은 거 먹어 줘야 된대‬You should have some chocolate.
‪오랜만이네?‬It's been a while.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪나야, 뭐, 항상 네 옆에 있었잖아‬I've always been by your side.
‪[약통을 탁 집는다]‬
‪조용히 좀 해라, 제발!‬Shut up, please!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪저게 남산 타워야‬That's the N Seoul Tower.
‪(서해)‬ ‪원래는 저렇게 생겼었구나‬So that's what it looked like originally.
‪(태술)‬ ‪미래엔 어떤데?‬What does it look like in the future?
‪쓰러져 있어, 옆으로‬It's collapsed to the side.
‪(서해)‬ ‪미래에는‬The future is
‪지금이랑은 달라, 아무것도 없어‬very different from now. There's nothing.
‪난 널 지켜야 해‬But I have to protect you.
‪과거, 현재, 미래 다 통틀어서‬ ‪내가 아는 사람 이제 너밖에 없는데‬You're the only person I know whether from the past, present, or future.
‪넌 혼자인 게 어떤 기분인지 모르지?‬Do you know what it's like to be alone?
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(영숙)‬ ‪아유, 아, 자주 오지‬-You should've visited more often. -Sorry. I was busy.
‪(서진)‬ ‪미안해요, 좀 바빴어‬-You should've visited more often. -Sorry. I was busy.
‪[영숙의 웃음]‬
‪엄마, 몸은 좀 이제 괜찮아요?‬Mom, are you feeling better now? I'm always doing great.
‪(영숙)‬ ‪나야 항상 좋지‬I'm always doing great.
‪너나 몸 챙겨, 제발‬Take care of yourself, all right?
‪알았어요‬Okay. I'll take good care of myself.
‪내 몸은 내가 알아서 잘 챙길 테니까‬Okay. I'll take good care of myself.
‪우리 엄마 아프지 마요‬-So don't get sick, Mom. -Okay.
‪(영숙)‬ ‪응‬ ‪[웃음]‬-So don't get sick, Mom. -Okay.
‪(한용)‬ ‪왔니?‬You're here.
‪(서진)‬ ‪네‬Hello.
‪서재로 와라‬Come to my study.
‪(영숙)‬ ‪응, 들어가 봐‬-Go on. -Okay.
‪(서진)‬ ‪응‬-Go on. -Okay.
‪(한용)‬ ‪태술이는?‬How's Tae-sul?
‪(서진)‬ ‪그냥 아직 좀‬ ‪혼란스러워하는 거 같아요‬I guess he's still feeling confused.
‪그렇겠지‬He must be.
‪약을 좀 많이 쓰고 있어요‬He's taking a lot of drugs.
‪얼마나?‬How much?
‪[약이 달그락거린다]‬
‪(서진)‬ ‪이거 먹어‬Take this.
‪머리 아픈 거 좀 나아질 거야‬It'll help with your headaches.
‪[태술을 탁 짚으며]‬ ‪하, 머리 많이 아파?‬Does your head hurt a lot?
‪환각은?‬And your hallucinations?
‪(태술)‬ ‪어떤 거?‬Which hallucinations?
‪원래 보이던 거, 아니면 새로 미친 거?‬The ones I used to have, or the new ones?
‪에디한테 다 얘기했다며‬I heard you told Eddy everything.
‪[태술의 헛웃음]‬
‪진짜였어‬It was real.
‪모르겠다‬I don't know.
‪이제 와서 진짜인지‬ ‪아닌지도 모르겠지만‬I don't know if it was real or not,
‪그 상황, 그 느낌들‬but that situation, those feelings…
‪다 기억나‬I remember everything. I mean it.
‪정말로‬I remember everything. I mean it.
‪감각이란 게 원래 그런 거야‬That's what your senses are like.
‪(서진)‬ ‪어, 핵전쟁이라 그랬지?‬You said it's a nuclear war, right?
‪어, 지난 두 달 내내 뉴스에서‬There have been news reports in the last two months
‪뭐, 북미 대화, 트럼프‬ ‪김정은, 핵미사일‬about talks with the US and nuclear missiles in North Korea.
‪이런 잠재의식 속에 있던 소재들로‬You must've made up stories in your head
‪네가 순식간에 얘기를 만들어 낸 거야‬with things like that in your subconscious.
‪타임머신?‬A time machine?
‪네가 과거로 돌아가고 싶나 보지‬I guess you want to go back to the past.
‪전형적인 망상이야‬It's a typical delusion.
‪우리 이번엔 정말 제대로 치료하자‬Let's get you treated properly this time.
‪너 이번에도 못 고치면 입원해야 돼‬If you don't recover fully, you'll have to get hospitalized.
‪그렇게 되면 회사에서도‬ ‪어떻게 될지 알잖아, 응?‬Then you know you'll have to step down as CEO.
‪[태술을 토닥인다]‬
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪(서진)‬ ‪씁, 원칙적으로 의사는‬ ‪환자의 망상에 동조하면 안 돼‬Doctors aren't supposed to go along with the patient's delusions,
‪근데 호전이 안 될 경우에 한해서‬ ‪이런 방법도 있어‬but we can try this method if they don't show any progress.
‪한번 봐 봐‬Look at this.
‪네가 에디한테 했던 말들이야‬This is what you told Eddy.
‪[종이를 사락거린다]‬
‪하, 네가 왜 이런 망상들을 가진 건지‬Maybe you should think about why you have such delusions
‪왜 이런 이야기들을‬ ‪너 스스로 지어내는지‬and why you've been making up these stories in your mind.
‪한번 잘 생각해 봐‬and why you've been making up these stories in your mind.
‪너 똑똑하잖아‬You're smart.
‪죄책감?‬Is it guilt?
‪아니면‬Or is it anxiety
‪불안?‬Or is it anxiety
‪회사를 빼앗길까 봐‬about losing your company?
‪압박감이니?‬Or is it pressure
‪남들보다 더 잘해야 돼서‬about having to be better than others?
‪(태술)‬ ‪그만하라고…‬I told you to stop!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[태술의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪(서진)‬ ‪아니면 일종의 방어 기제인가?‬Or is it a kind of defense mechanism?
‪인간관계 맺기 힘들어?‬Is it hard to build relationships?
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪그래서 누가 너한테 상처 주기 전에‬ ‪먼저 나쁘게 구는 거야?‬Is that why you treat others badly before you get hurt by anyone?
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪너 뭐야, 이거?‬Hey. What did you give me?
‪음, 네가 했던 얘기‬ ‪다 읽어 봤어, 읽어 봤는데‬I read everything you said,
‪앞뒤가 안 맞는 부분이 하나 있어‬but there's one thing that doesn't add up.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪열쇠‬The key.
‪열쇠는 어디 있어?‬Where's the key?
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(서진)‬ ‪일 끝날 때면 태술이‬ ‪중독 때문에 회복이 힘들 거예요‬By the time this is over, Tae-sul won't be able to recover because of the drugs.
‪폐쇄 병동 준비해 놨어요‬I got a locked ward prepared for him.
‪[한용의 한숨]‬
‪(한용)‬ ‪에디는?‬What about Eddy?
‪(서진)‬ ‪그냥 치료로만 생각하고 있어요‬He thinks it's just a treatment.
‪걔는 지금 경영권 넘겨받을‬ ‪생각밖에 안 해요‬The only thing on his mind is taking over the management rights.
‪[한용의 한숨]‬
‪열쇠는?‬And the key?
‪곧 찾을 거예요‬I'll find it soon.
‪열쇠는 우리가 꼭 찾아야 한다‬We have to find that key.
‪너희 엄마‬ ‪그 사람들이 주는 약 없으면 죽어‬Your mom won't survive without the medicine they give us.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[인터폰 전원음]‬ ‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[극적인 음악]‬ ‪(서진)‬ ‪열쇠는?‬Where's the key?
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪(서진)‬ ‪네가 말한 대로면‬If what you said is true, you had the key on you
‪우리 집에서 열린 파티에 오기 전에‬ ‪분명히 네가 들고 있었어‬If what you said is true, you had the key on you before the party at our house.
‪[태술의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪그런데 지금 넌 열쇠가 없네?‬But you don't have it now.
‪[태술의 괴로운 신음]‬
‪숨겼어?‬Did you hide it?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪아니면‬Or…
‪네 상상 속의 서해라는 애가‬ ‪가지고 있는 건가?‬does the woman named Seo-hae from your delusions have it?
‪[괴로운 신음]‬
‪[숨을 헐떡인다]‬ ‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[기계 작동음]‬
‪(박 사장)‬ ‪저기, 열쇠 어디 있어?‬Hey. Where's the key?
‪약속은 약속이잖아‬You made a promise, you know.
‪[한숨]‬I don't know.
‪몰라‬I don't know.
‪(박 사장)‬ ‪하, 이 자식, 아주 이거‬ ‪상도덕이 없는 놈이네‬You little jerk. You have no sense of ethics.
‪쏴‬Shoot him.
‪[총성]‬ ‪[태술의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(현승)‬ ‪자꾸 이러면 다칩니다‬If you keep insisting, you'll get hurt.
‪한 회장뿐만 아니라 아는 사람들 전부‬Not just you, but everyone you know.
‪그러니까 힘 빼지 말고 말합시다‬So don't waste your energy and tell me. Where's the key?
‪열쇠 어디 있습니까?‬So don't waste your energy and tell me. Where's the key?
‪모른다고 했잖아‬I told you I don't know. I swear!
‪모른다고!‬I told you I don't know. I swear!
‪[총성]‬ ‪[태술의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪어?‬What?
‪시간?‬The time.
‪[태술의 의아한 숨소리]‬
‪22시‬It's 22:00.
‪달‬The moon.
‪달의 방위각‬The moon's azimuth.
‪315.9‬It's 315.9 degrees.
‪그럼 날짜가‬Then the date is…
‪9월‬September 15th.
‪15일?‬September 15th.
‪콘퍼런스에서 만나고 한 달‬A month after we first met at the conference.
‪너랑 만나고 한 달‬A month after we first met.
‪맞아‬ ‪[웃음]‬That's right. I remember everything.
‪다 기억나‬That's right. I remember everything. I remember everything about you.
‪너, 너, 전부 다‬I remember everything about you.
‪(태술)‬ ‪어?‬What?
‪넷, 셋, 둘, 하나‬Four. Three. Two. One.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(서진)‬ ‪아씨, 깜짝이야‬My goodness.
‪아, 놀랐네‬That startled me.
‪아, 뭐야, 갑자기 떨어지고‬What was that? It suddenly dropped.
‪[서진의 한숨]‬
‪[태술의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[서진의 한숨]‬
‪내가 이따 치울게, 태술아‬I'll clean that up later.
‪발 조심해, 다쳐‬Be careful. You'll hurt your feet!
‪[서진의 한숨]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪이거 내 거 아닌데?‬This isn't mine.
‪(서진)‬ ‪어?‬What?
‪(태술)‬ ‪이거 내 거 아니라고‬This isn't mine.
‪태술아, 우리 아까 하던 얘기 계속하자‬Tae-sul, let's pick up where we left off.
‪생각났어? 열쇠 어디 있는지?‬Do you remember where the key is now?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪지금 그게 중요해?‬Is that important right now? I made it up, anyway.
‪어차피 내가 지어낸 얘긴데?‬Is that important right now? I made it up, anyway.
‪아니면 내가 겪은 일이 진짜인 건가?‬Or did it all happen in real life?
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪EMP야‬This is an EMP.
‪혹시라도 무슨 일이 있으면‬ ‪이 빨간 버튼을 눌러‬If something happens, push this red button.
‪그럼 건물 전체가 다 정전될 거고‬Then it'll cause a blackout in the whole building,
‪통신도 다 끊길 거야‬and we won't be able to communicate.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪(서진)‬ ‪왜?‬-What is it? -Nothing.
‪아니야‬-What is it? -Nothing.
‪그건 뭐야?‬-What's that? -I gave this to someone.
‪내가 누구 준 건데‬-What's that? -I gave this to someone.
‪그게 여기 와 있네?‬But it's right here.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪[블라인드 작동음]‬
‪(서진)‬ ‪뭐 하는 거야, 한태술?‬What are you doing, Tae-sul?
‪[통화 연결음]‬Bring all the guards in.
‪경비원 들여보내, 전부 다‬Bring all the guards in.
‪[문소리가 들린다]‬
‪한태술, 그만해‬Tae-sul, that's enough.
‪제발 자리에 가만히 있어, 어?‬Just stay still, okay?
‪너 움직이면 정말 다칠 수도 있다고‬If you don't, you'll get hurt!
‪(태술)‬ ‪서진아‬Seo-jin.
‪이제 그만하자‬Let's stop now.
‪그리고 너 발밑에 조심하고‬And watch your feet.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪[경비원들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(서진)‬ ‪뭐야, 불 켜!‬-Get him! -What? Turn the lights on! Tae-sul!
‪한태술, 한태술!‬Tae-sul!
‪한태술!‬Han Tae-sul!
‪[서진의 답답한 숨소리]‬Darn it!
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[서진의 떨리는 숨소리]‬He can't have gone far.
‪(서진)‬ ‪멀리 못 갔을 거예요‬He can't have gone far.
‪[기어 조작음]‬
‪[서진의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪왜 왔어, 내가 알아서 한다니까‬Why are you here? I said I'll take care--
‪(에디)‬ ‪태술이 지금 어디 있어? 경찰은?‬Where is Tae-sul? What about the police?
‪괜히 일 커져, 신고 안 했어‬It'll complicate things. I didn't report it.
‪신고해, 빨리‬Just call the cops.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬EMERGENCY SERVICES
‪[휴대전화를 달칵 접는다]‬
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬Who are those people?
‪저 사람들 뭐야?‬Who are those people?
‪한태술 병원에 입원시킬 거야‬I'm going to send Tae-sul to the hospital.
‪태술이 괜찮을 거라며‬-You said he'll be okay. -No.
‪(서진)‬ ‪아니, 위험해‬-You said he'll be okay. -No. He's in a risky state. That's my opinion as a doctor.
‪의사 소견이야‬He's in a risky state. That's my opinion as a doctor.
‪[서진이 휴대전화를 툭 건넨다]‬
‪(에디)‬ ‪서진아‬Seo-jin.
‪왜 이러는 거야?‬Why are you doing this?
‪[서진의 한숨]‬
‪지금 혹시 내가 모르는 거 있어?‬Is there something I don't know?
‪그런 거 없어‬No, there isn't.
‪넌 그냥 지금처럼‬ ‪시키는 대로 하고 있으면 돼‬Just do as you're told, like you've always done. Then you can become the CEO.
‪그럼 회장 할 수 있어‬Then you can become the CEO.
‪알았어?‬Got that?
‪더 물어보고 싶은 거 있어?‬Anything else you want to ask?
‪[사람들의 비명]‬ ‪[서해의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[리모컨 작동음]‬
‪[리모컨을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪[현기의 성난 숨소리]‬
‪[현기의 고함]‬
‪[현기의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(현승)‬ ‪어차피 실패할 작전이었다‬The operation was going to fail anyway.
‪그게 바람 때문일 수도 있고‬It could've been because of the wind,
‪EMP 때문일 수도 있고‬or the EMP.
‪갑자기 손이 떨려 와서 그럴 수도 있고‬Or because your hand suddenly started shaking.
‪뭐, 이유야 어쨌든 안 되는 거였어‬Or because your hand suddenly started shaking. Whatever the reason, it was bound to fail.
‪근데 왜 시키셨습니까?‬Why did you tell me to do it, then?
‪못 잡을 줄 알았으면 안 했을 거야?‬Would you not have done it if you knew?
‪아닙니다‬-I still would. -Let me offer you some advice.
‪(현승)‬ ‪요령 하나 알려 줄까?‬-I still would. -Let me offer you some advice.
‪너무 애쓰지 마라‬Don't try too hard.
‪노력은 해야겠지만 애쓰지 마‬You need to do your best, but don't overdo it.
‪될 일은 되고 안 될 일은 안 된다‬Some things work out, and some things don't.
‪이 단속국에 남아 있으려면 그냥 외워!‬Just memorize that if you want to keep working here.
‪될 일 되고 안 될 일은 안 된다‬"Some things work out. Some things don't."
‪제가 저년, 저년!‬That woman. Her!
‪(현기)‬ ‪저년 잡을 수 있습니까?‬Can I catch her?
‪뒷일 알고 계신다고 하셨잖아요‬You said you know what happens.
‪못 잡는다고 하면 안 할 거야?‬If I say you can't, will you give up?
‪아닙니다‬-No. -Then why do you ask?
‪근데 왜 물어봐?‬-No. -Then why do you ask?
‪(현승)‬ ‪잡을 거야‬You'll catch her.
‪그러니까 나 믿고 기다려!‬So just trust me and wait.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪그래, 어쩌다 이렇게 됐냐, 씨‬How did things get so messed up?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪[말소리가 들린다]‬Spread out and find him. Make sure to block all the exits.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬Spread out and find him. Make sure to block all the exits.
‪[극적인 음악]‬
‪이씨‬Darn it.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪어‬
‪전화‬A telephone? There's no cord.
‪선이 없어‬A telephone? There's no cord.
‪오케이, 오케이‬Okay!
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[다급한 숨소리]‬Okay!
‪[태술의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪신호 연결음이 2,600Hz‬Ringing tones are set at 2,600 Hz.
‪[수화기를 달칵 집는다]‬
‪돼라, 돼라, 돼라‬Please work.
‪씁, 돼라, 돼라, 돼라‬Come on. Please work.
‪[통화 대기음]‬
‪어, 됐어‬Yes! It's working!
‪[태술의 다급한 숨소리]‬Yes! It's working!
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(서해)‬ ‪여보세요‬-Hello? -Hello? Is it you, Seo-hae?
‪여보세요, 여보세요, 서해야?‬-Hello? -Hello? Is it you, Seo-hae?
‪서해 너 맞아?‬-Is that you? -Yes.
‪(서해)‬ ‪어‬-Is that you? -Yes.
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪너…‬Hey.
‪너, 너, 너 괜찮은 거야?‬Are you okay? Did you manage to escape that day?
‪너 그날 잘 도망갔어?‬Are you okay? Did you manage to escape that day?
‪응, 뉴스에서 보니까‬ ‪넌 잘 지내는 거 같던데?‬Yes. I saw the news. You seemed to be doing fine.
‪하, 내가?‬Me?
‪야, 너, 너도 이제 현재 사회에‬ ‪적응해서 살아야 되니까 하는 말인데‬I'm telling you this because you should adjust to the modern society.
‪그, 신문이랑 뉴스 이런 데서 하는 말‬ ‪곧이곧대로 믿으면 안 돼‬You shouldn't believe everything the media says. The world isn't that honest.
‪야, 세상이 그렇게 투명하지가 않아‬The world isn't that honest.
‪무슨 일이야?‬-What's going on? -Seo-hae, listen carefully.
‪서해야, 잘 들어‬-What's going on? -Seo-hae, listen carefully.
‪내가 지금‬ ‪과거, 현재, 미래를 통틀어서‬You're the only person I can trust
‪내가, 내가 지금‬ ‪믿을 수 있는 사람이 너밖에 없거든?‬whether from the past, present, or future.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬I ran away from home,
‪(태술)‬ ‪근데 내가, 내가 집에서‬ ‪도망을 나왔는데‬I ran away from home,
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪지금 상황이 아주 아슬아슬한 거 같아‬and I'm in huge trouble right now.
‪네가 나 좀 살려 줄래?‬Can you help me?
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪(서해)‬ ‪어딘데?‬Where are you?
‪(태술)‬ ‪여기가 한남‬ ‪한남 고, 고, 공구 상가‬I'm at Hannam Tool Market.
‪[삼단 봉 조작음]‬I'm at Hannam Tool Market. I'm a bit busy right now, though.
‪(서해)‬ ‪근데 나 지금 좀 바쁜데‬I'm a bit busy right now, though.
‪뭐?‬What? What are you doing?
‪야, 뭐, 뭐 하느라고 바쁜데?‬What? What are you doing?
‪(서해)‬ ‪그냥 바빠‬-I'm just busy. -Hey, you can't do this to me!
‪야, 그런 게 어디 있냐?‬-I'm just busy. -Hey, you can't do this to me!
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪(서해)‬ ‪고개 숙여‬-Get down. -What?
‪(태술)‬ ‪뭐라고?‬-Get down. -What?
‪- (서해) 고개 숙이라고‬ ‪- (태술) 뭐?‬-I said, get down. -What?
‪[태술의 다급한 신음]‬ ‪[총성]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪[태술의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪여, 여보세요, 여보, 여보세요‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬Hello? Seo-hae?
‪서해야? 서해야‬Hello? Seo-hae?
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬Oh, my gosh. What the heck?
‪[전화기를 탁 던진다]‬ ‪아이씨‬Oh, my gosh. What the heck?
‪야, 씨‬Oh, my gosh. What the heck?
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪뭐야?‬What was that?
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[태술의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬Darn it.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[숨을 고른다]‬
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(태술)‬ ‪[놀라며]‬ ‪뭐…‬
‪야, 뭐야, 너?‬Hey. Why are you here?
‪바쁘다며‬You said you were busy.
‪어쩌겠어‬ ‪믿을 사람이 나밖에 없다는데‬What can I do? You said I was the only one you could trust.
‪[의아한 숨소리]‬What?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[연필이 사각거린다]‬
‪(남자4)‬ ‪아, 나는 이 부분이 제일 좋더라‬This part is my favorite.
‪로맨틱하잖아‬It's romantic.
‪안 그래, 한태산 씨?‬ ‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬Don't you agree, Mr. Han Tae-san?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(서해)‬ ‪한태술 구하는 거 도와줘‬Help me save Tae-sul.
‪(박 사장)‬ ‪네가 뭘 바꿀 수 있을 거 같아?‬You think you can change the future?
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪[총성]‬You think you can change the future?
‪[총성]‬I can change it.
‪(서해)‬ ‪난 바꿀 수 있어‬I can change it.
‪[자동차 엔진 가속음]‬Who is Sigma?
‪(태술)‬ ‪시그마 누구예요?‬Who is Sigma?
‪"아시아 마트"‬
‪(서해)‬ ‪너희 형 만났어‬I met your brother.
‪(태산)‬ ‪시그마가 누군지 알아냈어‬I figured out who Sigma is.
‪처음부터 우리 옆에 있었어‬He was right next to us all along.
‪(박 사장)‬ ‪다운로더 절대로 끄면 안 돼‬You must not turn off the downloader.
‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬ ‪(태술)‬ ‪또 이거 보고 있는 사람‬And the other person who's watching this.
‪너 그냥 거기 있어라‬You just stay put,
‪내가 너 찾아갈 테니까‬because I will find you.

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