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  오징어 게임 8

Squid Game 8


왜 그랬어?‬Why'd you do that?
‪무슨 얘기가 하고 싶은 거야?‬What the hell did you expect, huh?
‪그 사람 왜 밀었어?‬Why go up and push that guy?
‪운 좋게 제일 뒷자리를 뽑더니‬You got lucky waiting in the back of the line.
‪마음이 아주 너그러워지셨네?‬Must have forgotten how things are here.
‪그러다 그 인간이 그 깡패 새끼처럼‬ ‪못 가겠다고 버텼으면‬What if that guy ended up wasting our time on that one step like that criminal?
‪[기훈의 어이없는 숨소리]‬ ‪그땐 어쩔 건데?‬Would you have done nothing?
‪마지막 칸이었어‬But he was on the last tile.
‪그 사람 분명히 가려고 했어‬He would move to the next one soon.
‪그걸 어떻게 확신해?‬How can you know that, huh?
‪그 인간‬That last guy could tell the tempered glass apart the whole time,
‪유리를 구별할 줄 알면서도‬That last guy could tell the tempered glass apart the whole time,
‪앞에서 다 떨어져 죽는 거‬ ‪보고만 있던 놈이야‬but he watched all those poor bastards out there die.
‪어쨌든 너나 나나 다 그 사람 덕에‬The only reason you and I even made it is 'cause he could tell the tiles apart.
‪다리 끝까지 살아서 간 거야‬The only reason you and I even made it is 'cause he could tell the tiles apart.
‪씨발, 형‬Come on! Just stop it with this bullshit.
‪형은 모르겠지만‬Come on! Just stop it with this bullshit.
‪내가 아직 살아 있는 건‬ ‪그놈 덕이 아니야‬That guy is not the reason that I'm still here, okay?
‪내가 살아 있는 건‬I'll tell you the reason.
‪내가 살아남으려고‬ ‪죽을힘을 다했기 때문이야‬It's that I'm willing to do almost anything to win this.
‪아무리 이유를 갖다 붙여 봐야‬Stop with the excuses. I'm not buying it.
‪넌 그냥 죄 없는 사람 죽인 거야‬You still killed someone. His blood's on your hands.
‪정신 차려!‬Get it together, huh.
‪어차피 우리가 저 돈 가지고 나가려면‬We'll be killing everyone if we want that money.
‪다른 놈들 다 죽어야 돼‬Think about it for just one second.
‪형 손에 피 안 묻히게 해 줬으면‬ ‪오히려 고마워해야 되는 거 아니야?‬You should be happy that there's someone who's not afraid to get his hands dirty.
‪그게 나였어도 밀었을 거냐?‬And if it were me on that tile?
‪하, 씨발, 아‬[groans] Come on!
‪기훈이 형!‬Gi-hun!
‪형 인생이 왜 그 모양 그 꼴인지 알아?‬Your life is so damn pathetic, and here's why.
‪지금 이 상황에도 그런‬ ‪한심한 질문이나 하고 자빠졌으니까‬It's because you always gotta open your mouth and ask something idiotic.
‪(상우) 오지랖은 쓸데없이 넓은 게‬ ‪머리는 존나 나빠서‬Because you're a nosy-ass idiot who's too slow to keep it shut.
‪씨발, 똥인지 된장인지‬ ‪꼭 처먹어 봐야만 아는 인간이니까‬Someone who always has to get into trouble but somehow can't tell he's in it.
‪내가 이렇게 된 건 다 내 탓이야‬That's right. That's how I got caught in all this.
‪머리도 안 좋고‬Because I was slow, crazy incompetent.
‪능력도 없고‬Because I was slow, crazy incompetent.
‪늙은 엄마 등골이나 파먹고 살면서‬ ‪오지랖만 넓은 병신 같은 새끼니까‬Just a dimwit who lives off his mother, but you're with me in this place. Isn't that interesting?
‪그런데‬Why is that?
‪쌍문동의 자랑 서울대 천재 조상우는‬ ‪여기서 왜 이러고 있을까?‬Ssangmun-dong's golden child, the genius Cho Sang-woo, who went to SNU was here?
‪(기훈) 나 같은 병신 새끼랑‬ ‪[분한 숨소리]‬Rolling around this shithole,
‪똥밭에서 뒹굴면서‬slamming with us, simpletons, huh!
‪그것도 내 탓이냐?‬Is it my fault that you're here?
‪[버저가 울린다]‬-[alarm blares] -[door opens]
‪[문이 덜컹 열린다]‬-[alarm blares] -[door opens]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪(관리자1) 다섯 개의 게임을‬ ‪모두 무사히 끝내신 여러분께‬[masked manager] Players, we sincerely congratulate and commend you all
‪진심으로 축하와 경의를 표합니다‬for successfully making it through the first five games.
‪이제 파이널리스트가 되신‬ ‪여러분을 위해서‬The three of you are now the finalists and as such, we have prepared a special gift for each of you.
‪저희가 특별한 선물을 준비했습니다‬and as such, we have prepared a special gift for each of you.
‪선물을 공개하기 전에‬Before we reveal the gift,
‪저희가 준비한 의상으로‬ ‪갈아입어 주시기 바랍니다‬please take a moment to change into the outfits we have brought.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing shakily]
‪[물이 솨 흘러나온다]‬[water running]
‪[어두운 음악]‬[somber music]
‪[새벽의 거친 숨소리]‬[somber music] [Sae-byeok breathing heavily]
‪[새벽의 아파하는 신음]‬[Sae-byeok grunts]
‪[새벽의 힘겨운 신음]‬[groans]
‪[새벽의 거친 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪[새벽의 힘겨운 신음]‬[grunts] [breathing heavily]
‪[새벽의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[새벽의 거친 숨소리]‬[somber music continues]
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪(대장) 산 채로 잡아 와‬[Front Man] Bring him to me alive.
‪[총성]‬-[metal clangs loudly] -[hissing]
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬CHIEF [line rings]
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪(반장) 황준호!‬-[Chief] Jun-ho! -It's me, Chief.
‪- 반장님‬ ‪- (반장) 이 새끼 너 지금 어디야?‬-[Chief] Jun-ho! -It's me, Chief. -Where the hell are you? -Can you hear me all right, sir?
‪반장님, 제 말 들리세요?‬-Where the hell are you? -Can you hear me all right, sir?
‪(반장) 며칠째 코빼기도 안 보이고‬ ‪연락도 없고‬-I haven't seen or heard from you in days! -Just hold on, I'll explain it later.
‪제가 나중에 다 설명드릴게요‬-I haven't seen or heard from you in days! -Just hold on, I'll explain it later.
‪(반장) 너 뭐 하는 새끼야?‬-Who the hell do you think you are? -Look, I'm somewhere southwest
‪제가 지금‬ ‪서남해 어디쯤에 있는 섬에 있어요‬-Who the hell do you think you are? -Look, I'm somewhere southwest -of the mainland. -What?
‪- (반장) 뭐?‬ ‪- 전화 위치 추적 좀 해서‬-of the mainland. -What? Can you try to locate my signal?
‪빨리 지원 팀 좀 보내 주세요‬-Put a whole team together for this. -What?
‪(반장) 뭐라고? 지원?‬-Put a whole team together for this. -What? -A whole team? -[Jun-ho] I need backup.
‪(준호) 지원 팀이요‬-A whole team? -[Jun-ho] I need backup.
‪최소한 해경이랑‬ ‪기동대 한 개 중대 이상으로요‬You gotta get a whole squad. The police, coast guard, everyone.
‪(반장) 야, 무슨 소리야? 잘 안 들려!‬You gotta get a whole squad. The police, coast guard, everyone. [Chief] What did you say? I can't hear you!
‪제가 지금 사진이랑‬ ‪동영상 보낼 테니까 확인하세요‬[Chief] What did you say? I can't hear you! Let me send over a couple of things, okay, and take a look. -Slow it down-- -I'll call you again soon.
‪- (반장) 야, 야‬ ‪- 다시 연락드릴게요‬-Slow it down-- -I'll call you again soon.
‪(반장) 조금만 천천히 좀 얘기…‬-Slow it down-- -I'll call you again soon. What did you do…
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[classical music playing]
‪[일꾼이 나이프를 탁 놓는다]‬
‪(관리자1) 오늘의 만찬은‬[masked manager] Tonight's feast is prepared as a token of gratitude
‪그동안 파이널리스트 여러분들이‬ ‪보여 주신 헌신과 노력에 감사드리고‬[masked manager] Tonight's feast is prepared as a token of gratitude for the sacrifice and effort that you finalists have made,
‪마지막 게임에서 더욱더 멋진 모습을‬ ‪기대한다는 의미로 드리는 선물입니다‬and to encourage you all to perform even more splendidly in the final game.
‪아무 걱정 말고 즐겨 주시기 바랍니다‬Now please relax and enjoy your feast.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬["The Blue Danube" playing]
‪[커틀러리를 달그락 집는다]‬
‪[고기를 쓱쓱 썬다]‬[utensil clattering]
‪[커틀러리를 달그락 집는다]‬
‪[고기를 쓱쓱 썬다]‬[clattering continues]
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[커틀러리를 달그락 집는다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬-[tense music] -[panting]
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(관리자2) 저기다!‬He's over there.
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬["The Blue Danube" playing]
‪[잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬Ah.
‪[숨을 카 내뱉는다]‬Ah.
‪[고기를 쓱쓱 썬다]‬
‪[고기를 쓱쓱 썬다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[준호의 가쁜 숨소리]‬-[tense music] -[Jun-ho panting]
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪[달려오는 발걸음]‬[hurried footsteps]
‪[총성]‬ ‪[준호의 놀란 숨소리]‬[gunshot]
‪[준호의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(준호) 경찰이다!‬Police. Put down your weapons, you got that?
‪모두 무기를 버리고 투항해!‬Police. Put down your weapons, you got that?
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪너희들이 한 짓은 다 경찰에 보냈고‬We already know everything about you all.
‪곧 여기로 해경이 도착할 거야‬The coast guard will be here soon.
‪(대장) 글쎄‬[Front Man] I don't know.
‪대한민국 경찰이 그렇게 열심이었던가?‬Have the Korean police ever been quick to act?
‪그리고 여긴‬And besides, you barely get any signal around here.
‪전화도 잘되지 않는 지역이야‬And besides, you barely get any signal around here.
‪뭘 보냈는지 모르지만‬I don't know what you tried to send,
‪제대로 갔는지 모르겠군‬but I doubt it went through.
‪지금이라도 자수하면‬Come and turn yourself in. You'll get a plea bargain with that.
‪정상 참작을 받을 수 있다‬Come and turn yourself in. You'll get a plea bargain with that.
‪(대장) 지금이라도 그 총 내려놓고‬ ‪핸드폰 넘겨주면‬If you drop your gun right now and hand over the phone,
‪목숨은 살려 줄 수도 있어‬I might let you live.
‪(준호) 거기 멈춰!‬[Jun-ho] Stop right there.
‪[준호의 거친 숨소리]‬[Jun-ho panting]
‪(대장) 그 총엔‬ ‪다섯 발을 넣을 수 있지‬That gun of yours holds five bullets.
‪하지만 경찰 수칙상‬But for police regulations,
‪약실 한 발은 비우고‬one chamber must remain empty, and one must be filled with a blank.
‪공포탄 한 발을 채워야 하니까‬one chamber must remain empty, and one must be filled with a blank.
‪실탄은 세 발‬That leaves three live rounds.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬That leaves three live rounds.
‪한 발을 쏴서 한 놈을 죽였고‬You've already used one to kill a man
‪또 한 발은 자물쇠를 부쉈으니‬and another one to break the lock.
‪이제 그 총의 실탄은‬Which means that there's only one bullet left in your gun.
‪한 발 남았을 거야‬Which means that there's only one bullet left in your gun.
‪한 발이면 널 죽일 수 있어‬One bullet is more than enough to kill you.
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬-[classical music playing on speakers] -[breathes deeply]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬-[classical music playing on speakers] -[breathes deeply]
‪[새벽의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[웅장한 음악]‬[classical music rising]
‪[우아한 음악]‬[soft waltz music playing on speakers]
‪[새벽의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪(대장) 포기해‬[Front Man] Give up.
‪(준호) 경고했어‬[Jun-ho] I warned you.
‪더 이상 다가오면…‬Take another step and…
‪[총성]‬ ‪[대장의 아파하는 숨소리]‬[gunshot]
‪(대장) 이제 다 끝났어‬[Front Man] This is over.
‪나랑 같이 가자‬Now come with me.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬[breathing shakily]
‪내 말 들어‬[Front Man] Do as I say.
‪그래야 살아‬Or you die.
‪누구야?‬Who the hell…
‪당신‬are you?
‪[어두운 음악]‬[dramatic music]
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪나랑 가자‬Make this easy.
‪(준호) 형‬[Jun-ho] Brother…
‪형이 왜…‬In-ho, why?
‪[총성]‬ ‪[무거운 효과음]‬[gunshot]
‪[풍덩 소리가 난다]‬[water splashing]
‪(기훈) 강새벽‬[Gi-hun] Sae-byeok.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[shaky breath]
‪쫄지 마‬It's all right.
‪너 죽이러 온 거 아니니까‬I didn't come here to kill you.
‪아까부터 계속 졸던데‬ ‪죽일 거였으면 진작 죽였어‬You've been dozing off. I'd have killed you already if I wanted to.
‪[새벽의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪이건 저놈 때문에 가지고 온 거야‬I have this with me because of Sang-woo there.
‪호신용으로‬Protection, you know.
‪너 어디가 안 좋아 보이던데‬You're not holding up too well, huh?
‪아니야‬No, it's okay. I feel fine.
‪괜찮아‬No, it's okay. I feel fine.
‪그런데 음식은 왜 그렇게 남겼어?‬So how come you barely touched your food earlier?
‪그냥 맛이 별로라서‬It wasn't very well cooked, that's all.
‪거짓말하지 마‬Stop lying, please.
‪아프면‬And if I'm hurt?
‪아저씨가 고쳐 주게?‬Are you gonna try to treat it?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪내 걱정 하지 말고‬You need to think about yourself.
‪아저씨 앞가림이나 해‬Just leave me. I'll be okay.
‪야, 강새벽‬[whispers] Hey, Kang Sae-byeok.
‪우리 같이 하자‬We should stick together.
‪다음 게임‬We can beat him.
‪(기훈) 뭐가 됐든‬Whatever the game,
‪서로 한 팀처럼 도와주는 거야‬we'll help each other get through this as teammates.
‪그럼 우리가 저놈 이길 수 있어‬Show that psychopath what we can do.
‪같이 저 돈 반반씩 가지고 나가는 거야‬Share all that prize money and just run away.
‪아저씨는 저 돈 가지고 나가면‬ ‪뭐 할 거야?‬And do you know what you're gonna do with all that money once we get out?
‪먼저 빚부터 갚고‬I'd pay my debt off first.
‪엄마 시장에 가게 하나 얻어 주고‬And buy a nice clean store in the city for my mom.
‪노점 그만두고 가게에서 장사하는 게‬ ‪우리 엄마 소원이거든‬She always hoped to run a, a real store, not just the kind of little stall.
‪그리고‬And I would…
‪딸한테 아빠 노릇 한번‬finally start being a dad to my girl…
‪제대로 해 보고‬for once in my life.
‪몇 살인데?‬How old is your daughter?
‪열 살‬She's ten.
‪내 동생이랑 동갑이네‬That's also how old my little brother is.
‪동생은 지금 어디에 있는데?‬And where is your brother staying now?
‪보육원에‬In orphanage.
‪돈 벌면 데리러 가기로 했어‬I promised that he'd get out of there soon.
‪엄마도 데리고 오고‬Our mother is stuck in the North right now.
‪셋이 같이 살 집 하나만 마련하면‬ ‪그러기로 했는데‬I said I'd get her once I was able to make enough money, and I'll get us all a house.
‪저 돈 반씩 나눠도‬ ‪그 정도는 하고도 남아‬There's so much in there. I think even with half, you'll have plenty.
‪아저씨‬Hey, Gi-hun.
‪나랑 약속 하나만 해‬I think you and I should make a deal.
‪(기훈) 무슨 약속?‬[Gi-hun] What kind of deal?
‪아저씨든 나든‬Just in case either of us…
‪둘 중 한 명이 살아서 여기 나가면‬can actually make it out of this hellhole somehow,
‪서로 남은 가족 챙겨 주기로‬we'll look after each other's loved ones, okay?
‪그런 소리 하지 마‬Don't say that. Come on.
‪저놈 제끼고 너랑 나랑 나가면 돼‬We'll beat Sang-woo, and then, we'll get out of here together.
‪그래도 약속해 줘‬I still want you to swear, though.
‪[새벽의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[quiet sob]
‪내 동생 꼭 챙겨 준다고‬I need you to swear that you'll look after him.
‪(기훈) 쉿‬Shh.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[somber music]
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬[inhales deeply]
‪(새벽) 그러지 마‬[Sae-byeok] Don't do it.
‪아저씨‬That isn't you.
‪그런 사람 아니잖아‬You're a good person at heart.
‪[차분한 음악]‬[dramatic music]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪[새벽의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[Sae-byeok gasping]
‪[기훈의 한숨]‬ ‪[새벽이 털썩 쓰러진다]‬-[Gi-hun sighs] -[dull thud]
‪[기훈의 다급한 숨소리]‬ ‪[새벽의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬-[Gi-hun gasps] -[Sae-byeok groaning]
‪(기훈) 야‬[Gi-hun] Hey.
‪야, 너 왜 그래, 어? 야‬Hey, what's wrong? -Hey, you're… you're… -[moaning]
‪[기훈의 놀란 신음]‬-Hey, you're… you're… -[moaning]
‪아, 너…‬You're…
‪언제부터 이런 거야?‬What happened? When?
‪너 언제 다친 거야?‬-When did you get hurt? -[groans]
‪[기훈의 다급한 신음]‬-When did you get hurt? -[groans] Shit.
‪(새벽) 아저씨‬-[Sae-byeok] Mister. -Huh?
‪(기훈) 어‬-[Sae-byeok] Mister. -Huh?
‪[힘겨운 목소리로] 나 집에 가고 싶어‬I think I wanna go. I'd like to go home now.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬I think I wanna go. I'd like to go home now. [breathes heavily]
‪야‬Hey, hold on, Sae-byeok. Stay here.
‪야, 강새벽, 정신 차려‬Hey, hold on, Sae-byeok. Stay here.
‪(기훈) 정신 잃으면 안 돼‬Don't let yourself go. Just keep on holding this.
‪너 잠깐만 이러고 있어‬Don't let yourself go. Just keep on holding this.
‪내가 의사 불러올게‬I'll go get someone, okay?
‪[기훈의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪(기훈) 여기요, 도와주세요‬ ‪피를 많이 흘렸어요‬Hey, hey! We need help. She's lost a lot of blood!
‪제발 도와줘요!‬ ‪[기훈의 다급한 숨소리]‬Somebody get in here! There's a badly injured girl!
‪사람이 죽어 가요!‬There's a badly injured girl!
‪거기 아무도 없어요!‬Is anybody out there?
‪야, 이 개새끼들아!‬Get in here, you assholes!
‪사람이 죽어 간다고!‬Someone's dying! Hello?
‪사람을 살려야‬ ‪게임을 하든 뭘 하든 할 거 아니야!‬Send help in! You need her alive if you want her in the next round!
‪제발 대답 좀 해!‬Somebody out there, please, answer me!
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[기훈의 놀란 숨소리]‬[door alarm blares]
‪[버저가 울린다]‬[door alarm blares]
‪(기훈) 아, 저기‬[Gi-hun] Oh. Hey!
‪제발 의사 좀 불러 주세요‬Could you please get a doctor? She's lost a lot of blood.
‪피를 많이 흘렸어요‬Could you please get a doctor? She's lost a lot of blood.
‪아, 빨리요, 예?‬Hurry! Please.
‪[기훈의 다급한 숨소리]‬Hurry! Please. She's…
‪[기훈의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(기훈) 새, 새벽아‬Sae… Sae-byeok.
‪[숨을 헐떡이며] 야‬No.
‪안 돼, 아, 새벽아‬Oh, no. Oh, Sae-byeok. [sobs]
‪[울먹인다]‬Oh, no. Oh, Sae-byeok. [sobs]
‪안 돼, 새벽아, 아…‬Oh, no. Sae-byeok, no.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[shaky breath]
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[총성]‬ ‪[놀란 신음]‬[gunshot]
‪[대장의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[shaky breathing]
‪형이 왜…‬In-ho, why?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪[부드러운 음악이 흘러나온다]‬♪ Fly me to the moon ♪
‪[떨리는 신음]‬♪ Fly me to the moon ♪ ♪ And let me play among the stars ♪
‪[부드러운 음악]‬♪ In other words, darling, kiss me ♪
‪[불길이 활활 타오른다]‬♪ You are all I long for ♪ ♪ All I worship and adore ♪

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