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  오징어 게임 9

Squid Game 9


(관리자) 218번, 456번‬[masked manager] Player 218 and Player 456,
‪마지막 게임에 오신 것을 환영합니다‬[masked manager] Player 218 and Player 456, welcome to the final game.
‪게임에 앞서‬Before we begin, we'll flip a coin to decide who plays offense or defense.
‪공수를 가리는‬ ‪동전 던지기를 하겠습니다‬Before we begin, we'll flip a coin to decide who plays offense or defense.
‪세모와 네모 중 선택하세요‬Please choose a shape. Triangle or square.
‪(관리자) 세모입니다‬[masked manager] It's triangle.
‪공격과 수비 중 선택하세요‬Please choose either offense or defense.
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬[inhales sharply]
‪(관리자) 456번 공격‬ ‪[한숨]‬[masked manager] Player 456 will play offense.
‪218번 수비‬Player 218 will defend.
‪(관리자) 마지막 여섯 번째 게임은‬ ‪[문이 덜컥 닫힌다]‬[masked manager] For the final game, you'll both be playing Squid Game.
‪오징어 게임입니다‬[masked manager] For the final game, you'll both be playing Squid Game.
‪(VIP1) [영어] '오징어 게임'‬[VIP 1] Squid Game.
‪재밌는 이름이네‬What an odd name.
‪(대장) 오래전에 한국에서‬[Front Man] It was originally a children's game
‪아이들이 많이 했던 놀이입니다‬-that was played in Korea many years ago. -[VIP 1] Hmm.
‪[VIP1이 호응한다]‬-that was played in Korea many years ago. -[VIP 1] Hmm.
‪(관리자) [한국어] 오징어 게임의‬ ‪룰을 설명드리겠습니다‬[masked manager] Let me explain the rules of Squid Game.
‪첫째, 공격자가‬ ‪오징어 그림 안으로 들어가서‬One, the attacker must enter the squid shape court, run past the defense, and then tap the area inside the squid's head
‪수비자를 뚫고‬run past the defense, and then tap the area inside the squid's head
‪오징어 그림의 머리를‬ ‪발로 밟으면 승리합니다‬run past the defense, and then tap the area inside the squid's head with his foot to secure the win.
‪둘째, 수비자는‬ ‪그림 안으로 들어온 공격자를‬Two, the defender must block the attacker's advance
‪그림 밖으로 밀어내면 승리합니다‬and force them outside of the court's bounds in order to win.
‪셋째, 공격자나 수비자 중의‬ ‪어떤 한쪽이‬Three, if a situation arises, in which either player is unable to continue playing the game,
‪게임을 진행할 수 없는 상태가 되면‬in which either player is unable to continue playing the game,
‪나머지 한쪽이 승리합니다‬the last one standing will be the winner.
‪게임을 진행할 수 없는 상태는‬A player's unable to continue.
‪어떤 상태입니까?‬Could you explain that?
‪(관리자) 참가자가‬ ‪사망한 상태를 말합니다‬[masked manager] That would be referring to the player's death.
‪지금부터 게임을 시작하겠습니다‬And now, with that, let the game begin.
‪[무거운 음악]‬[suspenseful music]
‪(대장) [영어] 아이들의 놀이 가운데‬[Front Man] Among all the games that kids played back then,
‪가장 육체적이고 폭력적인 놀이였죠‬it was the most physical and violent.
‪(VIP2) 이 게임에선‬ ‪어떤 폭력이라도 허용이 되는 건가?‬So any kind of violence is allowed?
‪(대장) 네, 어떤 제한도 없습니다‬Sure. There are no restrictions.
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬[inhales deeply]
‪[심호흡한다]‬[breathes deeply]
‪(VIP1) 왜 한 발로 움직이는 거지?‬[in English] Why is he hopping on one foot?
‪(대장) 공격자는 핸디캡이 있어서‬[Front Man] The attacker is given a handicap.
‪그림의 허리를 가로지르기 전에는‬ ‪한 발로 움직여야 합니다‬He can only hop on one foot until he crosses the squid's neck.
‪(VIP2) 그럼 수비자는 그걸 막아야겠군‬Oh, so the defender tries to block him.
‪(대장) 네‬[Front Man] Yes.
‪그게 이 게임의 첫 번째 포인트입니다‬That's the first challenge of this game.
‪[한국어] 우리 어릴 때‬ ‪이거 많이 했지?‬[in Korean] We always used to play this as kids.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬-[heavy breath] -When we cross…
‪기억나?‬-[heavy breath] -When we cross…
‪여기 지나면 뭐라고 했는지‬do you remember what we used to call it?
‪쓸데없는 소리 하지 말고…‬Shut up. Who cares about all that?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[상우의 힘겨운 신음]‬[Sang-woo grunts, screams]
‪[상우가 콜록거린다]‬[Sang-woo coughing]
‪[상우의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[Sang-woo breathes heavily]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[grunts]
‪암행어사‬Inspector royal.
‪암행어사라고 했어‬"Inspector royal," we called it.
‪[하늘이 우르릉거린다]‬ ‪[거친 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪[VIP3이 중국어로 말한다]‬[speaking Mandarin]
‪[VIP2의 감탄]‬ ‪(VIP2) [영어] 낭만적으로 들리네요‬[VIP 2, in English] Mm. It sounds so romantic.
‪무슨 뜻이죠?‬What's it mean?
‪(VIP3) '좋은 비는 내릴 때를 안다'‬[VIP 3] "Good rain knows the best time to fall." Du Fu.
‪두보의 시구죠‬Du Fu.
‪[한국어] 어차피 죽을 애였어‬I put an end to her suffering.
‪고통을 빨리 끝내 준 것뿐이야‬You know she would have died anyway.
‪함부로 지껄이지 마‬That's bullshit. Stop lying.
‪살아 있었고‬She could've survived.
‪살릴 수 있었어‬They would've treated her.
‪그래서 죽인 거야‬I know what you're like, okay?
‪형이 그런 인간이라서‬You're the reason that I had to kill her.
‪그 애 살리겠다고‬ ‪다 포기할 수도 있는 인간이라서‬I knew you two would stop all this, so she didn't die in there.
‪그거냐?‬Was that it?
‪내가 게임을 그만둘까 봐?‬You killed someone because this might end?
‪형이랑 걔랑‬ ‪둘이 그만두면 다 끝나니까‬You and that girl would have been the majority you needed to get out!
‪돈도 없이 그냥 여기서 나가야 되니까!‬Going home without a single cent. I couldn't do that!
‪그 애가 아니었으면‬She's the one who stopped me.
‪넌 그때 이 칼에 죽었어‬'Cause I was gonna kill you with this.
‪그 돈‬It's over.
‪넌 절대 여기서 가지고 못 나가‬I won't let you leave here with that money.
‪[헛웃음]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[scoffs]
‪[기훈이 씩씩거린다]‬[Gi-hun breathing heavily]
‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬[grunts] [both groaning]
‪[상우의 비명]‬-[Gi-hun grunts] -[Sang-woo yelps]
‪[상우가 칼에 쓱 베인다]‬ ‪[상우의 비명]‬-[Gi-hun grunts] -[Sang-woo yelps] -[Sang-woo screams] -[pants]
‪[상우의 힘주는 신음]‬-[Gi-hun breathing heavily] -[Sang-woo grunting]
‪[상우가 퍽 맞는다]‬ ‪[상우의 신음]‬[tense music continues]
‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬
‪(상우) 개새끼야!‬[Sang-woo] You bastard!
‪[상우의 기합]‬[yells]
‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬[Gi-hun grunts, groans]
‪[기훈과 상우의 힘겨운 신음]‬[both groaning]
‪[기훈의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪[상우의 거친 신음]‬
‪[상우의 기합]‬[Gi-hun screams]
‪[기훈의 비명]‬ ‪(상우) 죽어‬-[Sang-woo] Die! -[yelps]
‪[상우의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[기훈의 힘겨운 신음]‬-[Sang-woo] Die! -[yelps]
‪[상우의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[기훈의 힘겨운 신음]‬-Get up! Get up! Get up! -[grunting]
‪[상우의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[기훈의 비명]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[상우와 기훈이 소란스럽게 싸운다]‬[ominous music]
‪[기훈의 비명]‬[Gi-hun screams] [Sang-woo grunts]
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[groans]
‪[상우의 거친 숨소리]‬[dramatic music]
‪[기훈의 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪여기 기억나지?‬You recognized it?
‪여기서‬ ‪'무궁화꽃이 피었습니다' 했었잖아‬It's the damn place where they made us play Red Light, Green Light.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪(상우) 그때 운동장에서‬ ‪서 있던 사람들 다 죽었어‬So many people played with us, but now they're dead.
‪형이랑 나 빼고 다‬Everyone except for us, Gi-hun.
‪[기훈의 힘겨운 신음]‬[groans]
‪[상우의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪되돌리기에 너무 멀리 왔어‬we've already come too far to end this now.
‪[상우의 기합]‬[screams]
‪[기훈과 상우의 힘주는 신음]‬[screams]
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[푸 뱉는다]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[breathing heavily]
‪[상우의 신음]‬[Sang-woo cries in pain]
‪(기훈) 네가 죽인 거잖아‬So it was you that killed them.
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬So it was you that killed them.
‪다 네가 죽였어‬You… you killed everyone!
‪네가 죽였어‬You killed them.
‪네가 죽인 거야‬You're the one who killed them.
‪[기훈의 거친 신음]‬[panting]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬[screams]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[기훈의 거친 신음]‬[Gi-hun breathing heavily]
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬[heavy breathing]
‪(VIP1) [영어] 게임 끝났네요‬[VIP 1, in English] This game is over.
‪(VIP2) 네, 끝난 것 같네요‬[VIP 2] Yep, that about wraps it up.
‪[기훈의 힘겨운 신음]‬[Gi-hun grunting]
‪[한숨]‬[breathes heavily]
‪[기훈의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[한국어] 안 해‬I can't.
‪그만두겠어‬I wanna end here.
‪- (VIP2) [영어] 뭐 하는 거죠?‬ ‪- (VIP1) 무슨…‬[VIP 1] What is he doing? -[VIP 2] What the hell? -[VIP 3] What's going on?
‪(VIP3) 무슨 일이야?‬-[VIP 2] What the hell? -[VIP 3] What's going on?
‪[한국어] '동의서 제3항'‬[in Korean] Clause Three of the agreement.
‪'참가자 과반수가 동의하면'‬The players are able to end the game when…
‪'게임은 중단된다'‬the majority agrees.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[pants]
‪우리 두 사람이 포기하면‬So if we both give up now,
‪여기서 끝나는 거야‬you have to end it, right?
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪[무전기 신호음]‬ ‪(관리자) [영어] 456번이‬ ‪포기하겠다고 합니다‬[in English] Player 456 wants to stop the game.
‪(VIP1) 상금을 포기하겠다고?‬He's giving up the prize money
‪이제 막 이기려는 참인데?‬right… right here at the very edge of victory? No fucking way.
‪(VIP2) 지금 장난해?‬No fucking way.
‪[한국어] 상우야‬Sang-woo.
‪어릴 때‬[in Korean] I just thought…
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[in Korean] I just thought…
‪형이랑 이러고 놀다 보면‬how they used to call our names when…
‪꼭 엄마가 밥 먹으라고 불렀는데‬our moms had made supper for us.
‪이젠 아무도 안 부르네‬That won't happen again.
‪[차분한 음악]‬[somber music]
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪집에 가자‬Let's go together.
‪[상우가 울먹인다]‬[Sang-woo sobbing]
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[놀란 신음]‬[gasps]
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[chokes]
‪[기훈이 울먹인다]‬[chokes] [whimpers]
‪[상우가 쿨럭거린다]‬[whimpers]
‪[상우의 힘겨운 신음]‬[Sang-woo gags]
‪사, 사, 상우야‬Sang-woo!
‪[기훈이 울먹인다]‬[Gi-hun whimpers] Sang-woo…
‪(기훈) 사, 사, 상우야‬[Gi-hun whimpers] Sang-woo…
‪[기훈의 다급한 신음]‬[Gi-hun whimpers] Sang-woo…
‪(상우) 형‬Gi-hun.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[whimpering]
‪(기훈) 아, 안 돼, 상우야, 말하지 마‬No, Sang-woo. Don't talk. [Gi-hun crying]
‪- 우리 엄마, 우리 엄마‬ ‪- (기훈) [울먹이며] 상우야‬-My mother, go help her. -Don't talk, Sang-woo.
‪[기훈의 떨리는 신음]‬[Gi-hun crying]
‪우리, 우리 엄마…‬You have to help her.
‪(기훈) 아, 안 돼‬[Gi-hun] Ah… No. Don't…
‪상우야, 안 돼‬Sang-woo, don't…
‪[흐느끼며] 안 돼, 아, 안 돼‬Oh, no! [crying]
‪(기훈) 상우야‬No! Sang-woo, no…
‪안 돼, 아…‬No! Sang-woo, no…
‪아, 상우야‬
‪[기훈의 울음]‬[crying]
‪[기훈이 절규한다]‬[Gi-hun screaming]
‪[대장이 병을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪우승을 축하합니다‬You should celebrate.
‪대단한 경기였습니다‬That was quite the game there.
‪(기훈) 왜지?‬[Gi-hun] Why?
‪왜 이런 짓을 하는 거지?‬Why did you do it? How can you?
‪(대장) 경마 좋아하시죠?‬You bet on horses.
‪당신들은 말입니다‬It's the same here but…
‪경마장의 말‬we bet on humans.
‪의외였어요‬You're our horses.
‪당신은 얼마 달리지 못할 줄 알았는데‬I did not expect you to finish your race.
‪누구야, 너?‬Who are you?
‪그냥 꿈을 꿨다고 생각해‬It was a dream. Just think of it that way.
‪당신한텐 그렇게 나쁜 꿈도 아니었잖아‬And it really wasn't a bad one for you, either.
‪(기훈) 누구야, 너?‬[Gi-hun] Who are you?
‪[잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[한숨]‬[In-ho breathes deeply]
‪누구야, 너?‬[Gi-hun] Who are you?
‪[가스가 쉭 새어 나온다]‬-[steam hissing] -[exhales]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬-[steam hissing] -[exhales]
‪누구야, 너?‬Who are you?
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬[chokes]
‪누구야?‬Who are you?
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬Who are… [breathing heavily]
‪(전도사) 예수 천국, 불신 지옥!‬[evangelist] Believe in Jesus or burn in Hell!
‪주님을 부정하는 어리석은 자들아!‬You fool who deny the Lord's existence,
‪회개하라‬repent now!
‪심판의 날이 다가온다!‬The day of judgment is upon us!
‪예수 천국, 불신 지옥!‬Followers go to Heaven, non-believers burn in Hell!
‪너희에겐 오직 지옥불의 고통만이‬ ‪기다리고 있을지어니‬ ‪[차 문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬The only thing waiting for you in the afterlife will be fire and pain!
‪주님 앞에 무릎을 꿇어라!‬The only thing waiting for you in the afterlife will be fire and pain! Let us repent and kneel down before the Lord!
‪예수 천국, 불신 지옥!‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Save yourself from Hell by making Jesus your lord!
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬[moans]
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[grunts] [heavy breathing]
‪예수 믿으세요‬Jesus. Praise the Lord.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬[chokes]
‪[기훈이 쿨럭거린다]‬[Gi-hun coughs, groans]
‪[기훈의 힘겨운 신음]‬[Gi-hun coughs, groans]
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪[안내 음성] IC 카드 정보를‬ ‪확인하고 있습니다‬[automated voice] Checking your IC card information.
‪원하시는 금액의 버튼을 눌러 주십시오‬Please select the amount you would like to withdraw.
‪[ATM 작동음]‬ ‪[안내 음성] 지금‬ ‪현금을 세고 있습니다‬Counting the bills. Sorry, please wait a moment.
‪잠시만 기다려 주십시오‬Counting the bills. Sorry, please wait a moment.
‪현금을 받아 주십시오‬Please take your cash.
‪(상우 모) 기훈아‬[Sang-woo's mom] Gi-hun!
‪[상우 모의 놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps] Are you…
‪(상우 모) 너, 너 꼴이 왜 그래?‬[gasps] Are you… What happened? What's going on?
‪어디서 또 술 먹고 싸운 거야?‬Did you get into another fight while drinking?
‪[상우 모의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪잠깐 기다려 봐‬Hold on. Wait right here.
‪(상우 모) 고등어야‬Here's some mackerel. I know your mother may want it.
‪가서 엄마랑 같이 먹어‬Here's some mackerel. I know your mother may want it.
‪[어두운 음악]‬[pensive music]
‪너희 엄마 어디 아픈지‬She came down with something, I think. She hasn't come out to work.
‪전화도 안 받고‬She came down with something, I think. She hasn't come out to work.
‪엊그제부터 장사도 안 나왔어‬And it's been a few days since she's answered her phone.
‪내가 한번 가 봐야 되는데‬I should've stopped by to check on her.
‪나도 정신이 없어서 못 가 봤네‬I just don't know what's wrong with me. I mean, I, uh…
‪[상우 모의 한숨]‬
‪아유, 됐어, 됐어‬[gasps] It's all right.
‪돈 있으면 엄마 갖다드려‬ ‪딴 데 쓰지 말고‬Give your mom any cash you got. She needs it more than I do.
‪(상우 모) 기훈아‬[Sang-woo's mom] Gi-hun.
‪저, 요즘‬By any chance…
‪상우랑 연락한 적‬have you heard anything recently
‪없지?‬from Sang-woo?
‪아니다‬Never mind.
‪들어가‬You should go.
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬[distant dog barking]
‪(기훈) 엄마‬Hey, Ma.
‪나 왔어‬I'm home.
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬[Gi-hun breathing heavily]
‪엄마‬Hey, Ma.
‪(기훈) 엄마 자?‬Mom, are you asleep?
‪엄마‬Hey, Ma.
‪[기훈이 봉지를 부스럭 내려놓는다]‬
‪엄마, 나 왔어‬Mom, I'm home.
‪엄마‬Come on.
‪엄마, 나 왔어‬I came home, Ma.
‪[어두운 음악]‬[pensive music]
‪엄마‬Hey, Ma.
‪누, 눈 좀 떠 봐‬[shaky breathing] Just, just open your eyes.
‪엄마‬Come on.
‪(기훈) 엄마, 나 왔어‬I'm home now, Mom.
‪나 돈 벌어 왔어‬I got some money for us now.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[sobs]
‪[기훈이 울먹인다]‬[quiet sob]
‪[지하철 엔진음]‬1 YEAR LATER
‪아‬[nervous chuckle]
‪아, 저희 직원이‬ ‪바리스타 자격증이 있는데‬ ‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬We've got a real barista working for us here,
‪직접 내린 커피입니다‬and he can make you a cup as well.
‪씁, 입맛에 맞으실지 모르겠습니다‬and he can make you a cup as well. I'm not sure if you'd like it that much. [chuckles]
‪[지점장의 웃음]‬I'm not sure if you'd like it that much. [chuckles] -[bank manager chuckles] -Why am I here to see you?
‪왜 보자고 했죠?‬-[bank manager chuckles] -Why am I here to see you?
‪아, 여기까지 오시게 해서 죄송합니다‬Uh, sorry, you had to take the trip here.
‪저희가 차를 보내 드리려고 했는데…‬I wanted to have a car sent out to you, but…
‪왜 보자고 했죠?‬Why am I here? What's wrong?
‪아, 그게‬Uh, well…
‪저희 은행에 돈을 예치하신 지‬ ‪꽤 오래되셨는데‬So you see, you created your account here quite a while ago and…
‪아직 아무런 말씀이 없으셔 가지고요‬and you haven't made that much effort to contact us since.
‪무슨 말을‬What do you mean?
‪꼭 해야 합니까?‬Did I do something wrong?
‪아, 아니요‬Uh, uh, no. It's nothing like that, sir. [chuckles]
‪아, 그런 건 아니고요‬Uh, uh, no. It's nothing like that, sir. [chuckles]
‪[웃음]‬Uh, uh, no. It's nothing like that, sir. [chuckles]
‪아, 그 돈이 지금‬ ‪일반 예금 계좌에 있는데‬Uh, you've got all your money set up in a normal savings account.
‪씁, 거기는 이자가 거의 없거든요‬Uh, you've got all your money set up in a normal savings account. You weren't earning all that much interest on it.
‪고객님 같은 VIP분들을 위해서‬And recently, our bank began offering these consultations for VIPs
‪저희 은행에서 이번에‬ ‪VIP 전용 상담 서비스도 시작을 해서‬And recently, our bank began offering these consultations for VIPs looking to expand their financial assets.
‪(지점장) 그 소개도 드리고‬ ‪인사도 드릴 겸‬I wanted to let you know that we're here to help.
‪[웃으며] 바쁘실 텐데‬ ‪이렇게 뵙자고 했습니다‬[chuckles] I'm sure you're keeping busy. I just wanted to say…
‪아니‬Oh. I'm sorry. Did I offend you?
‪저, 제가 무슨 결례라도…‬Oh. I'm sorry. Did I offend you?
‪(기훈) 부탁 하나만 해도 되겠습니까?‬Could you help me out with something else?
‪아, 예, 말씀하세요‬Okay, what can we do?
‪만 원만 빌려주시겠습니까?‬Please spare me just 10,000 won?
‪아니, 예, 아이, 그럼요, 예‬All right, yeah. Here, let me just…
‪(지점장) 여기…‬[bank manager] Um…
‪(노파) 저기요‬[woman] Excuse me.
‪꽃 좀 사 주세요‬Would you buy some flowers?
‪부탁합니다‬Please, mister.
‪이거 오늘 못 팔면은요‬I need to get rid of them tonight or they'll end up wilting away.
‪다 시들어 버려서요‬I need to get rid of them tonight or they'll end up wilting away.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you, mister.
‪감사합니다‬I appreciate it.
‪(노파) 고맙습니다‬[woman] Have a good night.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪[기훈이 꽃을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[tense music]
‪[한숨]‬[exhales deeply] [elevator dings]
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬[elevator dings]
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬[elevator dings]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[labored breathing]
‪[한숨]‬[inhales deeply]
‪물 좀 주겠나?‬Pour some water in there.
‪부탁이네‬Please, Gi-hun.
‪당신…‬Who are you?
‪누굽니까?‬You explain this.
‪[일남의 거친 숨소리]‬[Il-nam breathing heavily]
‪(일남) 저기‬You see him?
‪저 남자 말이야‬That man down there?
‪술에 취한 건지‬He must be drunk…
‪벌써 몇 시간째 저러고 있어‬because he's been sitting there for hours.
‪행색으로 봐서는‬He looks homeless too
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪노숙자 같은데‬if I had to guess.
‪(기훈) 다‬You…
‪당신이 한 짓입니까?‬Were you the one who's behind it?
‪(일남) 저대로 놔두면은‬ ‪금방 얼어 죽을 텐데‬He's going to freeze to death if he stays out there any longer.
‪아무도 도와주는 사람이 없어‬And no one is going over to help or anything.
‪왜 그런 짓을 한 거예요?‬Why the hell did you do it?
‪[한숨]‬[breathes deeply]
‪자네라면 어쩌겠나?‬Would you help out that guy?
‪대답해!‬Answer me!
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[shaky breathing]
‪왜 그런 짓을 했어!‬Why did you do that to us?
‪가던 길을 멈추고‬You think that you will stop walking
‪저 냄새나는 인간쓰레기를‬and help that disgusting, stinking drunk, little piece of trash, huh?
‪도와주겠나?‬and help that disgusting, stinking drunk, little piece of trash, huh?
‪너 누구야!‬[shouts angrily] Show me who you are!
‪왜 날 살려 준 거야!‬Why did I get to live and no one else?
‪(일남) 나랑‬Listen.
‪게임 한 번 더 하지‬Let's play something tonight.
‪자정까지‬That man out there…
‪저 사람이 그대로 있으면은‬if he remains out there until midnight,
‪내가‬I win.
‪누군가‬If anyone…
‪저 사람을 도와주면‬goes to help the drunk before then,
‪자네가 이기는 거야‬in that case, you win.
‪(기훈) 헛소리하지 마‬Cut the crap, okay?
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬-[Gi-hun breathing shakily] -[Il-nam grunting]
‪당장 당신 죽여 버릴 수도 있어‬I could easily snap your neck right here.
‪(일남) 아, 그럼‬[grunts] If you do that,
‪자네는 영영 대답을 못 들을 텐데‬then you won't get to hear my explanation for all this.
‪[기훈의 떨리는 숨소리]‬-[shaky breathing] -Play this game with me and…
‪게임을 해 주면은‬-[shaky breathing] -Play this game with me and…
‪질문에 답을 해 주겠네‬I'll give you the… answer to your question.
‪[일남의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[Il-nam grunts]
‪[바람이 휭 분다]‬[wind gusting]
‪[시계가 째깍거린다]‬
‪당신이 지면‬And if I win…
‪내 손으로 당신을 죽일 거야‬…then I'll kill you without a second thought.
‪자네는‬What will you… bet on it with then?
‪뭘 걸 텐가?‬What will you… bet on it with then?
‪어차피 당신이 원하면‬ ‪다 가져갈 수 있잖아‬It doesn't matter. You might as well take everything I have.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪[시계가 째깍거린다]‬-[ticking] -[heart rate monitor beeping]
‪당신‬So then…
‪누구야?‬who are you?
‪(일남) 난‬I earn…
‪돈을 굴리는 사람이야‬a living, lending out money.
‪돈을 얼마나 쉽게 벌길래‬You give money to people for a living…
‪이런 짓을 하는 거야?‬…and you get rich doing it?
‪(일남) 돈‬Money. [chuckles]
‪자네도 벌어 봐서 알잖아‬You know what making money is like.
‪그게‬It's not simple to do.
‪쉽던가?‬It's not simple to do.
‪당신‬So then…
‪어디까지가 진짜고‬was any of what you said true
‪어디까지가 거짓이야?‬or was it all just a lie?
‪오일남‬Oh Il-nam.
‪그건 당신 진짜 이름이야?‬Is that even your real name, huh?
‪(일남) 그래‬[Il-nam] It is.
‪내 이름이야‬Yes, that's real.
‪오일남‬Oh Il-nam. [inhales]
‪내 머릿속에‬That tumor's also real.
‪종양이 있는 것도 사실이고‬And it also had gotten larger too. That's true.
‪옛날에‬And the house
‪아내랑 아들과 함께‬I used to live with my family in
‪그런 골목집에 산 적도 있었지‬was almost exactly like that one in the alley. That's all true.
‪아직도‬[inhales] Can you still…
‪사람을 믿나?‬trust anybody to be good
‪(일남) 그 일을 겪고도?‬even after everything you've been through?
‪왜 날 찾은 거지?‬Why did you send a card?
‪자네가‬I heard that
‪상금은 손도 대지 않고‬all the money you won is just sitting there
‪그대로 산다고 들었어‬and that you are still living like you used to.
‪죄책감 같은 건가?‬Is it all just because you feel guilty?
‪죄책감?‬Guilt? Shut up.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪그건 당신이 할 소리가‬ ‪아닌 것 같은데?‬You don't feel any guilt for what you did, do you?
‪그 돈은‬It's yours now.
‪자네의 운과‬That cash is your reward
‪노력의 대가야‬for your hard work and luck.
‪(일남) 자네는 그걸 쓸 권리가 있어‬And you have every right to use it now.
‪나를 보게‬Life goes by quick.
‪삶은‬In one minute…
‪짧아‬gone in a blink.
‪[시계가 째깍거린다]‬[ticking]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing deeply]
‪(기훈) 왜 그런 짓을 한 거지?‬[Gi-hun] Why did you do something like this?
‪(일남) 자네‬[Il-nam] Do you know
‪돈이 하나도 없는 사람과‬what someone who doesn't have any money
‪돈이 너무 많은 사람의‬ ‪공통점이 뭔 줄 아나?‬has in common with someone with too much money to know what to do with?
‪[일남의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[labored breathing]
‪사는 게‬Living is…
‪재미가 없다는 거야‬no fun for either of them.
‪돈이 너무 많으면은‬If you have too much money, then it…
‪아무리 뭘 사고 먹고 마셔도‬doesn't matter what you buy, or eat, or drink, or whatever.
‪[일남의 헛웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪결국 다 시시해져 버려‬Everything, well, it all gets boring.
‪언제부터인가 내 고객들이‬All of my clients, started to eventually say the exact same things whenever we talked.
‪하나둘씩 나한테 그러는 거야‬started to eventually say the exact same things whenever we talked.
‪살면서 더 이상‬Everybody felt… that there was no joy in their lives anymore.
‪즐거운 게 없다고‬that there was no joy in their lives anymore.
‪그래서‬And so, we decided to get together.
‪다들 모여서‬And so, we decided to get together.
‪고민을 좀 해 봤지‬We did a little bit of thinking.
‪'뭘 하면은 좀'‬What could we all do to…
‪'재미가 있을까?'‬finally have some fun?
‪재미?‬Some fun?
‪재미로 그런 짓을‬You put us through all of that
‪시켰다고?‬so you can have fun?
‪(일남) 자네가‬[Il-nam] It seems…
‪잊은 것 같군‬that you forgot how… no one had to play,
‪나는 아무에게도‬that you forgot how… no one had to play, and you… all put your signatures on the agreement.
‪게임을 강요한 적이 없어‬and you… all put your signatures on the agreement.
‪자네도 제 발로 다시 돌아오지 않았나‬And that you all made your decision to come back on your own.
‪[시계가 째깍거린다]‬[ticking]
‪(일남) 자네 운도‬[Il-nam] Well, he's still out there.
‪이젠 다했나 보군‬It looks like you've run out of luck.
‪정말‬Tell me…
‪아직도‬you still trust… in humanity being good?
‪사람을 믿나?‬you still trust… in humanity being good?
‪(기훈) 당신은‬[Gi-hun] I wanna know…
‪그 안에 왜 들어온 거야?‬I wanna know why you joined us?
‪어릴 땐 말이야‬Oh, well, in my childhood
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪친구들이랑‬I always had
‪뭘 하고 놀아도 재밌었어‬so much fun out doing things with all of my friends.
‪시간 가는 줄을 몰랐어‬We'd lose track of time for hours.
‪죽기 전에‬I wanted to just…
‪꼭 한번‬feel something
‪다시 느끼고 싶었어‬just one last time before I die.
‪관중석에 앉아서는‬ ‪절대로 느낄 수 없는‬And you are not going to get that feeling if you are just going to spectate.
‪그 기분을 말이야‬And I desperately wanted that.
‪그래서‬And so…
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬And so…
‪기분이 좋던가?‬did playing do that then?
‪자네를‬Hell yeah.
‪왜 살려 줬냐고 물었지?‬You asked why I let you live. By joining…
‪재밌었거든‬and playing with you…
‪자네랑 같이 노는 게‬I got that chance to… feel again.
‪(일남) 자네 덕에‬Thanks to you…
‪[시계가 째깍거린다]‬
‪기억도 나지 않던‬I got to remember
‪오래전 일들이‬all these things that I had…
‪떠올랐어‬forgotten long ago.
‪그렇게 재미있었던 건‬It had been such a long time…
‪정말‬since I…
‪오랜만이었어‬was able to have that much fun.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬[police siren blares]
‪[기훈의 벅찬 숨소리]‬[Gi-hun gasps] Look at that.
‪왔어‬Look at that.
‪사람이 왔어‬There's someone who cares.
‪[괘종이 뎅 울린다]‬[ticking] [chimes]
‪[의료 기기가 삐 울린다]‬[heart rate monitor flatlining] [clock continues chiming]
‪[괘종이 연신 울린다]‬
‪(기훈) 당신도 봤지?‬[Gi-hun] You saw that, didn't you?
‪당신이 졌어‬You saw that you lost.
‪[일남의 헛기침]‬[Il-nam sighs, clears throat] [grunts]
‪자네가 손님들을 맡아 주게‬And our guests, greet them for me, all right?
‪(대장) 왜 그러시는지‬ ‪여쭤봐도 되겠습니까?‬[Front Man] Of course, sir, but why not do it yourself?
‪보는 것이‬Because I know that I'm not going to have as much fun watching as playing.
‪하는 것보다 더 재미있을 수가 없지‬Because I know that I'm not going to have as much fun watching as playing.
‪[극적인 음악]‬[dramatic music]
‪(TV 속 앵커) 우리나라‬ ‪가계 빚 증가 속도가‬INCREASE IN AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD DEBT RANKING KOREA 2ND GLOBALLY [female reporter] The country's reported household debt is rapidly on the rise,
‪여전히 세계 최상위권을‬ ‪유지하는 것으로 나타났습니다‬[female reporter] The country's reported household debt is rapidly on the rise, topping the current global average.
‪국제 결제 은행과 한국은행은‬ ‪지난해 3분기 말‬Last third quarter, the Bank of Korea and the Bank for International Settlements…
‪한국의 국내 총생산 대비‬ ‪가계 부채 비율은…‬ ‪[미용사의 웃음]‬Last third quarter, the Bank of Korea and the Bank for International Settlements… [hairdresser] Hmm. …reported that the GDP…
‪머리 많이 기르셨네‬ ‪[TV에서 뉴스가 흘러나온다]‬Holy moly! Your hair, sir, grew out.
‪어떻게 해 드릴까?‬Uh, what you're getting done today?
‪짧게 확 자르실까?‬Did you want a shorter cut?
‪아니면 뭐, 기르실 거면은‬ ‪파마해 드릴까?‬Or keep it longer so we can perm it like that, huh?
‪(TV 속 앵커) 세계 43개국 가운데‬Or keep it longer so we can perm it like that, huh? [female reporter] …Bank for international Settlements.
‪중국에 이어서 가장 큰 상승 폭입니다‬[female reporter] …Bank for international Settlements. The biggest increase in the world besides China.
‪한국의 가계 부채 비율 상승세가‬ ‪가팔라진 것은‬The reason for the steep rise in Korea's reported household debt is due, at least in part,
‪정부가 대출 규제를 완화하고‬is due, at least in part, to the lifted government restrictions on financial loans.
‪한국은행이 금리를 내리면서부터입니다‬to the lifted government restrictions on financial loans.
‪[TV에서 밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[upbeat music on TV]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[relaxing music]
‪[바람이 휭 분다]‬[sweeping]
‪(기훈) 네가 철이구나‬[Gi-hun] You must be Cheol.
‪누나를 많이 닮았네‬The family resemblance is there.
‪아저씨‬Sir, do you know…
‪우리 누나 알아요?‬my sister very well?
‪아저씨‬I know her.
‪누나 친구야‬We're good friends.
‪그럼 우리 누나 어디 있는지 알아요?‬Does that mean you know where she is right now?
‪(상우 모) 얘가 걔야?‬[Sang-woo's mom] Is this the boy?
‪(기훈) 네‬Yeah.
‪이름이 뭐니?‬Tell me your name, sweetie.
‪철이요‬It's Cheol.
‪강철‬Kang Cheol.
‪강철?‬Kang Cheol? [gasps]
‪아이고, 이름이 아주 남자답네‬How cool! That's a manly name you have there.
‪(상우 모) 생긴 것도‬ ‪아주 씩씩하게 생겼고‬And you look so tough and strong.
‪부탁드리겠습니다‬Take care of him, please.
‪(상우 모) 그래‬Okay.
‪나 먹는 상에 그냥‬ ‪애 밥숟가락 하나 더 얹으면 돼‬It'll be nice to have a little extra company around for dinner for a change.
‪걱정하지 말고 잘 다녀와‬Don't worry about me. Have a good trip.
‪(상우 모) 철이 밥은 먹었어?‬Cheol, have you had dinner yet?
‪아이고, 이리 와 앉아‬Here, come. Come and take a seat. Come on now.
‪할미가 붕어빵 하나 줄게‬Here, come. Come and take a seat. Come on now. Have a fish bun.
‪응, 먹어‬Here you go.
‪아이고, 추운데 옷이 이게 뭐야?‬Oh, goodness! That jacket is way too light for this cold.
‪뭐, 더 따뜻한 거 없어?‬Wait, don't you have a warmer jacket?
‪[상우 모의 힘주는 신음]‬[grunting]
‪[상우 모가 지퍼를 직 연다]‬[unzipping bag]
‪[상우 모의 놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps] [exclaims]
‪[지퍼를 직 연다]‬[unzipping bag]
‪[상우 모의 놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬[breathes deeply]
‪(상우 모) 기훈아‬[Sang-woo's mom] Gi-hun!
‪[출입문 경고음]‬[woman on PA] You have arrived at Incheon Airport Terminal One.
‪[안내 음성] 이번 역은‬ ‪인천공항1터미널‬[woman on PA] You have arrived at Incheon Airport Terminal One.
‪인천공항1터미널역입니다‬[woman on PA] You have arrived at Incheon Airport Terminal One. This is Incheon Airport Terminal One.
‪(기훈) 응, 아빠 이제‬ ‪공항에 거의 도착했어‬[Gi-hun] Hey, daddy's almost at the airport now.
‪금방 비행기 탈 거야‬I'll be boarding the flight soon.
‪그럼, 우리 가영이 선물도 샀지‬Of course, of course, I got you a present.
‪[웃으며] 안 돼, 비밀이야‬[chuckles] No way. It's a secret.
‪아빠가 만나면 직접 보여 줄게‬ ‪[딱 소리가 울린다]‬-I'll show it to you in person. -[loud thud]
‪[남자1의 성난 신음]‬[man groans]
‪가영아, 잠깐만‬Hold on, Ga-yeong.
‪가영아, 아빠가‬ ‪도착하면 다시 전화할게‬Ga-yeong, I'm gonna call you back once I get there, okay?
‪아빠도 사랑해‬I'll be there soon, honey.
‪[딱 소리가 울린다]‬[loud thud]
‪[어두운 음악]‬-[tense music] -[man grunts]
‪(남자1) 한판 더 해‬[man] Let's play again. Right now!
‪빨리!‬[man] Let's play again. Right now!
‪[다가오는 지하철 엔진음]‬
‪[기훈의 다급한 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪(남자1) 당신 뭐 하는 거예요?‬-[grunts] -What the hell are you doing?
‪그거 내놔요!‬Give me back that card!
‪(기훈) 야, 안 돼!‬-Oh! -No. You don't.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[shaky breathing] You don't go!
‪절대로!‬[shaky breathing] You don't go!
‪[안내 음성] 유웨이 항공에서‬ ‪마지막 탑승 안내 말씀드리겠습니다‬[woman on PA] This is the final boarding call for U-Way Airlines.
‪유웨이 항공 202편‬Boarding for U-Way Flight 202 to Los Angeles will close shortly.
‪로스앤젤레스행 항공기 탑승이‬ ‪곧 마감될 예정입니다‬Boarding for U-Way Flight 202 to Los Angeles will close shortly. All passengers bound for Los Angeles,
‪로스앤젤레스로 출발하시는 승객들은‬All passengers bound for Los Angeles,
‪속히 22번 탑승구로‬ ‪탑승해 주시기 바랍니다‬please make your way to Gate 22 immediately.
‪[안내 음성이 영어로 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[기훈의 한숨]‬-Ladies and gentlemen… -[Gi-hun sighs] …this is the final boarding call.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[phone keypad clicking]
‪[통화 연결음]‬-[phone beeps] -[line rings] [man on phone] Do you wish to participate in the game?
‪(남자2) 게임에 참가를 원하십니까?‬[man on phone] Do you wish to participate in the game?
‪참가를 원하시면 귀하의 이름과‬ ‪생년월일을 말씀해 주세요‬If you wish to play, please state your name and date of birth.
‪(기훈) 성기훈‬[Gi-hun] Seong Gi-hun.
‪1974년 10월 31일‬October 31, 1974.
‪잘 들어‬Listen carefully.
‪난 말이 아니야‬I'm not a horse.
‪사람이야‬I'm a person.
‪그래서 궁금해‬That's why I wanna know…
‪[기훈의 한숨]‬[breathes deeply]
‪너희들이 누군지‬…who you people are,
‪어떻게 사람에게‬ ‪이런 짓을 할 수 있는지‬and how you can do these horrible things to people.
‪(대장) 456번‬-[Front Man] Player 456. -[sighs]
‪허튼 생각 하지 마‬Don't get any absurd ideas.
‪(기훈) 그래서 난‬[Gi-hun] It wasn't a dream.
‪용서가 안 돼‬I can't forgive you…
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪너희들이 하는 짓이‬for everything you're doing.
‪(대장) 그 비행기를 타‬[Front Man] Just get on that plane. It's for your own good.
‪그게 당신한테 좋을 거야‬[Front Man] Just get on that plane. It's for your own good.

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