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  솔로지옥 S1.6

Single's Inferno S1.6


- (현승) 잡고 있어‬ ‪- (지아) 응‬Hold me.
‪(현승) 딱 이렇게 있는데‬ ‪돌고래 지나갔으면 좋겠다‬It'd be nice if a dolphin passes by right now.
‪[수민의 탄성]‬[Su-min] Oh, wow.
‪(준식) 뭔가 천국에‬ ‪가는 길인 거 같아‬[Su-min] Oh, wow. [Jun-sik] I feel like I'm on my way to heaven.
‪(세훈) 민지 씨, 우리 그냥‬ ‪말 편하게 할까요?‬Min-ji, should we talk casually to each other?
‪- (세훈) 편하게 할까요?‬ ‪- (민지) 응, 그럼 그래‬-What do you say? -Okay. Let's do that.
‪[세훈이 호응한다]‬ ‪어, 그래그래‬-What do you say? -Okay. Let's do that. -Good. -Let's do that.
‪너도 '세훈아, 세훈아' 해‬ ‪그냥 편하게‬You can just call me Se-hoon.
‪- (민지) '세훈아'?‬ ‪- 어, 세훈‬You can just call me Se-hoon. -Se-hoon? -Yes, Se-hoon.
‪(준식) 날 뽑아 줬잖아‬ ‪[수민의 웃음]‬So you chose me.
‪이유가 있어? 날 뽑은 이유가?‬Why did you choose me?
‪(수민) 그냥 요리도 되게‬ ‪열심히 하는 거 같고‬ ‪[준식이 호응한다]‬Well, I saw you working hard -when we cooked together. -I see.
‪그런 모습이 되게 보기가 좋았어‬ ‪[준식이 호응한다]‬-when we cooked together. -I see. I liked that about you. Hmm…
‪- (지아) 근데 중간에 온 거잖아‬ ‪- (현승) 응‬So you joined this game in the middle.
‪- (지아) 안 부담스러워?‬ ‪- (현승) 엄청 부담스럽긴 해‬So you joined this game in the middle. You must feel a lot of pressure. I feel a lot of pressure.
‪그리고 또 내가‬ ‪낯가림이 심하니까‬ ‪[지아가 호응한다]‬And I'm a shy person, so…
‪그래서 나 여기 데리고 온 거야?‬Is that why you brought me here?
‪알고는 지냈지만 못 봤으니까‬We knew each other, but we never met before.
‪- 그래서 '어? 지아네?'‬ ‪- (지아) '지아 있네?'‬So, I thought, "Oh, that's Ji-a." -"Ji-a is here." -Exactly. "That's Ji-a."
‪[지아의 웃음]‬ ‪(현승) 어, '지아네?'‬-"Ji-a is here." -Exactly. "That's Ji-a."
‪인연인가 봐‬Maybe we were meant to meet.
‪나한테 되게 잔인한 프로네‬This show is really cruel to me.
‪(예원) 아, 몇 번?‬[Yea-won] Really?
‪(현승) 예를 들어 이거야‬[Yea-won] Really? It's like your best friend has a crush on your crush.
‪너 베프가 있는데‬ ‪똑같은 남자를 집었어‬It's like your best friend has a crush on your crush.
‪근데 지금은 그냥 낯가리셔서‬ ‪지아 님 보시고 계신 거 같은데?‬I think he picked Ji-a because he's shy.
‪- 근데 만약에, 만약에, 만약에‬ ‪- (예원) 아, 그러면?‬-But what if he's interested in her too? -Okay. Hypothetically.
‪(예원) 그러면 어떡해, 진짜‬-But what if he's interested in her too? -Okay. Hypothetically. Well, that would be a bummer.
‪이 상황 자체가‬ ‪너무 잔인하다 이거지, 나는‬I'm saying this situation is just so cruel to me.
‪(예원) 아, 그러네‬ ‪맞네, 그 생각을 못 했어‬I'm saying this situation is just so cruel to me. -Right. I didn't think that way. -[Jin-taek] I see what you mean.
‪(진택) 자기랑 가장 친한 친구가‬ ‪갑자기 왔어, 왔는데‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Your best friend suddenly shows up and… [Yea-won] I didn't think that far.
‪- (예원) 똑같은 여자를 집어‬ ‪- (진택) 선전 포고 했어‬And if he likes the girl you like… And what if he says that openly?
‪(현중) 사실 현승이 형이랑 저랑‬I was thinking
‪'이상형이 겹칠 수도 있겠다'‬ ‪이런 생각을 했던 거 같아요‬Hyun-seung and I will end up liking the same girl.
‪좀 기분이 안 좋았어요, 많이‬And it didn't make me feel so good.
‪[사람들이 호응한다]‬ ‪(한해) 그렇지‬HANHAE, HONG JIN-KYUNG, LEE DA-HEE, KYUHYUN Of course.
‪하필‬Of all women…
‪(다희) 현승 씨가‬ ‪지아 씨를 선택을 했어요‬Hyun-seung chose Ji-a. Right.
‪(진경) 그러니까‬Right.
‪몰랐겠죠? 현중 씨랑 지아 씨…‬He probably didn't know about Hyeon-joong, though?
‪근데 일단 현승 씨는‬ ‪현중 씨랑 지아 씨가‬Well, Hyun-seung doesn't know what's going on -between Hyeon-joong and Ji-a yet. -[Da-hee and Hanhae] Right.
‪(진경) 어떤 관계인지를‬ ‪아직 모르기 때문에‬ ‪[다희가 호응한다]‬-between Hyeon-joong and Ji-a yet. -[Da-hee and Hanhae] Right.
‪그냥 그렇게 얘기를‬ ‪쉽게 한 거 같아요‬ ‪[사람들이 호응한다]‬That's probably why -he chose her so easily. -Right.
‪이 세 명이 추가됐을 뿐인데‬The three new participants brought
‪와, 가짓수가‬ ‪너무 많아졌어요, 가능한‬so many new possibilities into the picture.
‪(지아) 나 진짜 오빠랑 지금‬ ‪이렇게 있는 게 안 믿긴다‬[Ji-a] I can't believe that I'm here with you right now. It feels so strange.
‪약간 이상해‬It feels so strange.
‪(현승) 그러니까‬[Hyun-seung] I know, right?
‪- (지아) 얼마나 됐어? 솔로?‬ ‪- (현승) 2, 3년?‬How long have you been single? -Three years, I think. -Really?
‪(지아) [놀라며] 진짜?‬-Three years, I think. -Really?
‪아니, 내 생각엔‬ ‪오빠 눈이 까다로운 거 아닐까?‬-Three years, I think. -Really? You must be picky. Me?
‪(현승) 나?‬Me?
‪(지아) 아니야?‬You're not?
‪오빠 이상형이 뭐야?‬What's your ideal type of woman?
‪(현승) 나랑 잘 맞으면 돼‬ ‪잘 통하면 돼‬Someone who clicks with me.
‪(지아) 외적인 거는?‬What about appearance-wise?
‪(현승) 난 웃는 거 이쁜 사람 좋아‬ ‪외형적으로는‬ ‪[지아가 호응한다]‬I like woman with beautiful smiles and…
‪그리고 좀 밝은 사람‬positive vibes.
‪난 있잖아, 섹시하고 자상한 남자‬I'm attracted to sexy and sweet men.
‪[지아의 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪(현승) 남자 친구 만들기‬ ‪힘들겠다, 너도‬ ‪[지아의 웃음]‬Looks like someone's gonna have a hard time -finding a boyfriend. -Why?
‪- (지아) 왜?‬ ‪- (현승) 어? 찾기 힘들지‬-finding a boyfriend. -Why? Those men are rare.
‪힘들긴 하지‬They are.
‪(현승) 넌 나 실제로 보는 건‬ ‪처음이잖아‬ ‪[지아가 호응한다]‬[Hyun-seung] This is your first time seeing me in person. What was your first impression of me?
‪첫인상이 어땠어?‬What was your first impression of me?
‪- (지아) 오빠 첫인상?‬ ‪- (현승) 어‬[Ji-a] My first impression of you?
‪(현승) 알고 있던…‬Yeah, was it…
‪(지아) 섹시‬ ‪[감미로운 음악]‬Sexy. [chuckling]
‪[지아의 웃음]‬[chuckling]
‪여자들이 오빠‬ ‪엄청 좋아할 거 같아‬I'm sure you're popular among women.
‪- (현승) 나?‬ ‪- (지아) 응‬Me?
‪(지아) 섹시잖아, 지금‬Yeah. Because you're sexy.
‪(현승) 어떻게 해야‬ ‪밀고 나갈 수 있을까?‬-What should I do to attract women? -What?
‪(지아) 어? 그냥 이렇게 있으면‬ ‪그냥 섹시한데?‬-What should I do to attract women? -What? You look sexy just as you are. Don't you get that a lot?
‪그런 말 많이 하지 않아?‬ ‪사람들이?‬
‪(현승) 나? 아니, 나는 오히려‬No, not really.
‪차가워 보인다 그러고‬ ‪무섭다는 얘기 많이 들었지‬ ‪[지아의 웃음]‬People tell me that I look cold and scary. [chuckles]
‪(지아) 좀 약간 인상이‬ ‪무섭긴 하지‬I guess you kind of look scary.
‪- (현승) 안 웃…‬ ‪- (지아) 안 웃으니까‬-I don't-- -You don't smile a lot.
‪- (현승) 어, 잘 안 웃으니까‬ ‪- (지아) 안 웃으니까 무섭지‬-I don't-- -You don't smile a lot. Because I don't smile a lot.
‪(지아) 근데 웃으면 또 다르잖아‬That's why. But you look different when you smile.
‪웃으면 귀엽잖아‬You look cute when you smile.
‪그냥 갭 차이 많이 나서 좋은 거지‬The bigger the gap is, the better.
‪반전 매력 있잖아‬It's an unexpected charm.
‪[지아의 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪누가 제일 마음에 들어? 그중에?‬Who are you attracted to the most?
‪말해야 돼?‬ ‪[웃음]‬Do I need to answer?
‪(현승) 말해도 되고 안 해도 되고‬It's up to you.
‪- (지아) 비밀‬ ‪- (현승) 비밀이야?‬ ‪[지아의 웃음]‬-It's a secret. -A secret? [chuckles]
‪(현승) 아, 비밀‬A secret.
‪아, 진짜 지아 씨가 잘한다‬ ‪저렇게, 남자한테‬ ‪[한해의 탄성]‬[sighs] Ji-a is so good with men.
‪(한해와 진경)‬ ‪- 멋있어, 맞아‬ ‪- 나는 현승 씨 매력 있는 거 같아‬-[Hanhae] She's cool. Me too. -I find Hyun-seung attractive.
‪(진경) 그렇게 약간 좀‬ ‪쌍꺼풀 없이 외꺼풀에‬I like that he has single eyelids. It makes him look so attractive when he smiles.
‪웃을 때 그렇게‬ ‪눈웃음이 너무 매력 있던데?‬ ‪[사람들이 호응한다]‬It makes him look so attractive when he smiles. [Hanhae] Mm-hmm.
‪(세훈) 근데 첫인상에서‬ ‪나 뽑았잖아‬YACHT DATE SEONG MIN-JI AND MOON SE-HOON [Se-hoon] So… you picked me.
‪- (민지) 응‬ ‪- (세훈) 이유가 있어?‬-Right. -Is there a specific reason why?
‪(민지) 나 코가 예쁜 사람을‬ ‪좋아해‬ ‪[세훈이 호응한다]‬-I like guys with pretty noses. -Ah.
‪그래서 뽑았어‬ ‪[호응한다]‬Yeah, that's why I chose you.
‪솔직히 성격이나‬ ‪그런 건 아직 모르잖아‬Well, I don't know your personality yet, so…
‪(세훈) 그렇지‬Right.
‪성격은‬ ‪네가 좋아하는 성격은 뭐야?‬What kind of personality do you find charming?
‪뭐, 성향이나…‬-What kind of disposition… -I like gamers.
‪- 나는 게임 좋아하는 사람‬ ‪- (세훈) 어?‬-What kind of disposition… -I like gamers. -Huh? What? -Gamers.
‪(민지) 게임 좋아하는 사람‬ ‪[캔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬-Huh? What? -Gamers. -So video games? -Yeah.
‪- 컴퓨터 게임?‬ ‪- (민지) 응‬-So video games? -Yeah.
‪- (세훈) 아, 네가 좋아해서?‬ ‪- (민지) 응, 내가 좋아해서‬-Do you like video games? -Yeah, I do.
‪(세훈) 아, 진짜로? 뭐 해, 게임?‬I see. What games do you play?
‪- 옵치, 오버워치‬ ‪- (세훈) 아, 진짜로?‬-Overwatch. -I see.
‪와, 난 게임을 진짜 싫어하거든‬Well, I hate video games.
‪[웃음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[laughs]
‪(세훈) 난 게임 아이디도 없어‬ ‪진짜로‬[laughs] I don't even know any.
‪나 게임을 해 본 적이 없어‬I don't even know any. -I've never played any. -Really?
‪아, 진짜?‬-I've never played any. -Really?
‪[웃으며] 당황했어‬ ‪[규현의 웃음]‬[chuckles] She looks flustered.
‪(규현) 남자분 중에‬ ‪저런 분들이 있으세요‬Some men don't like video games.
‪[진경이 호응한다]‬ ‪게임 안 좋아하는 분들‬Some men don't like video games. Ooh.
‪(세훈) 어렸을 때 메이플스토리‬ ‪이런 거 말고 해 본 적이 없어‬I played MapleStory when I was little, but I haven't played anything since.
‪[놀라는 신음]‬[gasps]
‪근데 오버워치‬ ‪총 쏘는 거잖아, 맞지?‬Overwatch is a shooting game, right?
‪나 그거 해‬I main Junkrat. Do you know it?
‪캐릭터 이름 알려나? 정크랫‬It's the name of the character.
‪어?‬Huh? What? -Do you know it? -Of course not.
‪- (민지) 알아?‬ ‪- 모르지‬-Do you know it? -Of course not.
‪[민지의 웃음]‬ ‪(세훈) [웃으며] 어떻게 알아‬ ‪내가 게임을‬-Do you know it? -Of course not. How would I know? I don't play.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪(다희) [웃으며] '모르지‬ ‪그걸 어떻게 알아'‬[chuckles] "Of course not." -Of course, he doesn't. -[Hanhae] He doesn't play the game.
‪- (규현) 당연히 모르죠‬ ‪- (한해) 하질 않는데‬-Of course, he doesn't. -[Hanhae] He doesn't play the game.
‪(세훈) [웃으며] 게임을‬ ‪아이디도 없다니까, 진짜로‬ ‪[민지의 웃음]‬I don't know anything about video games. I know Sudden Attack and MapleStory.
‪내가 아는 게임‬ ‪서든어택, 메이플스토리‬I know Sudden Attack and MapleStory.
‪- (민지) 어‬ ‪- (세훈) 이런 것밖에 몰라‬-I see. -That's all I know.
‪- (민지) 아예 안 하는구나?‬ ‪- (세훈) 아예‬-So you don't play at all. -Not at all.
‪잘해? 혹시 랭커 이런 거야?‬Are you good? Are you a ranker?
‪랭커는 아니고 플래‬I'm not a ranker, but I'm a Plat.
‪- 어? 어? 플랫?‬ ‪- (민지) 플래, 모르지?‬-What? -Plat. I guess you don't know it. -Plat? -Plat.
‪- (민지) 플래, 어‬ ‪- 플래?‬-Plat? -Plat. -Plat? -Yeah.
‪요플레야? 뭐야?‬ ‪[민지의 웃음]‬-As in, Yoplait? -[Min-ji chuckles]
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[all laugh]
‪아, 세훈 씨 좋아‬Uh, I love Se-hoon.
‪티어가 있는데‬-There are different tiers in the game. -What?
‪- 어? 티어?‬ ‪- (민지) 티어‬-There are different tiers in the game. -What? -Tiers. -Tiers?
‪(민지) 잠시만‬ ‪어떻게 설명해야 되지?‬-Tiers. -Tiers? Gosh, how should I put it? Should we change the topic?
‪- (세훈) 다른 대화 돌릴까?‬ ‪- (민지) 어, 어…‬ ‪[세훈의 웃음]‬Should we change the topic? Sure, let's change the topic.
‪(민지) 대화 돌리자‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬Sure, let's change the topic. [both laugh]
‪(세훈) 내가 한번 티어랑‬ ‪그걸 내가 공부를 해 올게‬[both laugh] -I'll go learn what tier is and all. -Okay.
‪(민지) [웃으며] 응, 알았어‬-I'll go learn what tier is and all. -Okay.
‪(세훈) 다른 친구들이‬ ‪그걸 알 거니까‬Maybe the other guys know. I'll ask them.
‪내가 한번 물어봐 가지고‬Maybe the other guys know. I'll ask them. Okay.
‪[웃으며] 게임‬ ‪안 좋아하는 거에서 너무…‬Okay, the fact that you don't like games is already…
‪(세훈) 어떤 가수 좋아해?‬ ‪어떤 장르의 노래 되게 좋아해?‬Okay, the fact that you don't like games is already… Who is your favorite singer? What kind of music do you like?
‪나는 힙합‬I like hip-hop.
‪힙합?‬ ‪[민지의 웃음]‬Hip-hop? [chuckles]
‪[강렬한 음악]‬[chuckles] [snickering]
‪(세훈) [웃으며] 나‬ ‪나 힙합 절대 못 들어‬[snickering] -I never listen to hip-hop. -[Min-ji laughing]
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[all laugh]
‪(규현) 그래‬ ‪차라리 빨리 포기하자‬Okay. Stop wasting your time -with each other then. -[Da-hee] My God.
‪(다희) 어머, 어떡해‬-with each other then. -[Da-hee] My God.
‪게임에서 황급하게‬ ‪음악으로 돌렸는데‬ ‪[규현이 호응한다]‬He changed the subject from video games to music -and this happened. -[Kyuhyun] Exactly.
‪[민지의 웃음]‬[both chuckling]
‪(민지) 어떡해‬My gosh.
‪[민지의 호응하는 신음]‬[breathes deeply, groans]
‪(세훈) 힙합?‬[Se-hoon] So hip-hop, huh?
‪굉장히 반전이다, 너‬ ‪[민지의 웃음]‬You're full of surprises. Wow.
‪[세훈의 탄성]‬ ‪뭐 들어, 주로? 주로?‬What kind of music do you listen to?
‪(세훈) 난 주로 좋아하는 가수로‬ ‪말해 주면, 뭐‬My favorite singers are…
‪- 조성모 씨‬ ‪- (민지) 응?‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Jo Sung-mo and… Hmm? What?
‪(세훈) 조성모 씨, 신승훈 씨‬ ‪[호응한다]‬Hmm? What? -Jo Sung-mo, Shin Seung-hun. -Mm-hmm.
‪그리고 뭐‬And Yoo Jae-ha.
‪- (세훈) 유재하 씨‬ ‪- 약간 발라드 좋아하는구나?‬So you like ballads. Yeah. I like sentimental ballads.
‪(세훈) 그렇지‬ ‪감성 발라드 이런 거 좋아하고‬Yeah. I like sentimental ballads.
‪[웃으며] 힙…‬ ‪[웃음]‬-But you like hip… -[chuckles]
‪- (민지) 어떡하지?‬ ‪- 뭐…‬-What do we do? -Well…
‪(세훈) [웃으며]‬ ‪힙합도 내가 한번…‬ ‪[웃음]‬-I can try some hip-hop. -[chuckles]
‪오늘‬I'll go ask the guys today who are interested in hip-hop.
‪힙합 좀 하는 친구한테‬ ‪한번 물어볼게‬I'll go ask the guys today who are interested in hip-hop. [Min-ji chuckles]
‪[탄성]‬[inhales deeply] Oh.
‪(수민) 나한테‬ ‪궁금했던 거 있었어?‬YACHT DATE KIM SU-MIN AND KIM JUN-SIK [Su-min] Is there anything you wanna ask me?
‪(준식) 이상형‬ ‪뭐, 이런 거 있는지 궁금해‬ ‪[수민이 호응한다]‬What's your ideal type of man? Ah…
‪고양이 상 좋아한다고 했었지?‬You said you're attracted -to cat-face types. -Right.
‪(준식) 응‬-to cat-face types. -Right.
‪(수민) 나는 이상적인 거는‬I like guys with thick double eyelids.
‪쌍꺼풀 좀 진하고‬ ‪그런 거 좋아하기는 해‬ ‪[준식이 호응한다]‬I like guys with thick double eyelids. [chuckles]
‪나 쌍꺼풀 없어‬ ‪나 완전 그냥 무쌍이야‬ ‪[수민의 웃음]‬I don't have double eyelids. I have single eyelids. [Su-min chuckles]
‪그냥 외적으로는 그런 거‬I'm just saying I like that. I'm not a cat-face type either.
‪근데 나도 고양이 상은 아니야‬I'm not a cat-face type either.
‪(준식) 어떤 고양이냐에 따라‬ ‪다르지 않나?‬-It depends on what kind of cat. -Ah…
‪(수민) 아, 그래?‬-It depends on what kind of cat. -Ah…
‪난 완전 강아지 상이라고‬ ‪사람들이 다…‬Is that so? Everyone says I look like a puppy.
‪씁, 고양이‬ ‪수염만 있으면 고양이일 거 같은데‬ ‪[수민이 호응한다]‬I think you'll look like a cat… -Oh. -…if you have whiskers.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[준식의 웃음]‬-Oh. -…if you have whiskers. [chuckles, sucks teeth]
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬[chuckles, sucks teeth]
‪(수민) 준식 씨에 대해서 좀‬[Su-min] I think I was able
‪그전보다는‬ ‪더 많이 알게 됐던 거 같은데‬to get to know Jun-sik a little better than before,
‪아직은 잘 모르겠어요‬but I'm not sure yet.
‪(규현) 현중 씨랑 시훈 씨예요‬[Kyuhyun] It's Hyeon-joong and Si-hun.
‪(진경) 아유, 심란해‬[Jin-kyung] Oh, no. They must be devastated.
‪(세훈) 근데 진짜 덕분에‬ ‪햄버거 먹어서 난 너무 고맙다‬[Se-hoon] But seriously, thanks to you, I got to have a burger.
‪(민지) 재밌었어?‬-Did you have fun? -I made a promise today.
‪(세훈) 내가 오늘 너한테 했던‬ ‪그거는 지킬게, 약속은‬ ‪[민지의 웃음]‬-Did you have fun? -I made a promise today. -I'll keep my promise. -[Min-ji chuckles]
‪(민지) 알았어‬Okay.
‪(준식) 가서 푹 쉬어‬ ‪고생했어, 좀 있다 봐‬ ‪[수민이 호응한다]‬[Jun-sik] Get some rest. See you soon.
‪- (수민) 고생했어‬ ‪- (준식) 응‬[Jun-sik] Get some rest. See you soon. [Su-min] Thanks.
‪(현승) 저 안에‬ ‪어떻게 생겼을지 궁금해, 지금‬I wonder what it looks like in there.
‪(지아) 쉬고 있어‬Get some rest. See you later.
‪- (현승) 이따 봐‬ ‪- (지아) 응‬See you later.
‪(현중) 아이고, 차현승 씨‬ ‪[현승이 호응한다]‬-Hello, Hyun-seung. -Look who's back.
‪(진택) 와우, 어떻게 이렇게 만나?‬-Seriously, what are the odds? -What?
‪- (현중) 어?‬ ‪- (진택) 어떻게 이렇게 만나?‬-Seriously, what are the odds? -What? -How could you guys meet here? -I have no idea.
‪(현중) 모르겠다‬ ‪[지퍼가 직 내려간다]‬-How could you guys meet here? -I have no idea.
‪이제 얘기 좀 해 볼까?‬-Shall we talk now? -[zipper rasps]
‪어땠어?‬How was it?
‪(세훈) 엄청 귀엽다‬ ‪엄청 반전이야‬-She's so cute. She really surprised me. -[Hyeon-joong and Jin-taek] Really?
‪- (현중) 아, 그래?‬ ‪- 어, 깜짝 놀랐어‬ ‪[진택이 묻는다]‬-She's so cute. She really surprised me. -[Hyeon-joong and Jin-taek] Really? She really surprised me.
‪[진택이 호응한다]‬ ‪(세훈) 되게 차갑고‬ ‪그럴 줄 알았는데‬She really surprised me. I thought she'd be a cold type, but she was so funny. She likes hip-hop.
‪엄청 재밌던데‬ ‪힙합 좋아한다 그러고‬I thought she'd be a cold type, but she was so funny. She likes hip-hop.
‪나 그거 공부해야 돼, 그래서‬ ‪티어가 뭐야?‬I need to learn some things. What's a tier?
‪- 왜?‬ ‪- (현승) 그랜드 마스터…‬-Why? -[Si-hun] Things like Grandmaster.
‪- 게임‬ ‪- (시훈) 좋아한대?‬It's a video game thing. -She likes video games? -She loves video games.
‪엄청 좋아한대‬ ‪그래서 내가 공부해야 돼‬-She likes video games? -She loves video games.
‪[남자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(세훈) 내가 몰랐고‬ ‪아니, 그러니까‬-[exclaims] -I need to learn. I had no idea.
‪아니, 취미 얘기하다가‬ ‪난 게임 진짜 싫어한다 그랬거든‬We were talking about hobbies, and I said I hate video games. Then she said she liked video games.
‪자기는 게임‬ ‪진짜 좋아한다 그래 가지고‬ ‪[진택의 웃음]‬Then she said she liked video games.
‪힙합 나 못 들어‬ ‪힙합 알레르기 있어 가지고‬And I don't listen to hip-hop. I'm allergic to it.
‪[진택이 호응한다]‬ ‪[웃으며] 진짜 힙합을 잘 못 들어‬-[chuckles] -[Jin-taek] Really?
‪근데 힙합을 진짜 좋아한대‬ ‪[진택이 호응한다]‬I don't really like it. But apparently, she loves hip-hop.
‪그래서 약간 더 재밌었어‬ ‪엄청 웃으면서…‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬Which made it more fun, actually. -We laughed a lot. -[Hyeon-joong] Right.
‪- 모르는 얘기 하면서?‬ ‪- (세훈) 네, 맞아요‬-Talking about things you didn't know? -[Se-hoon] Right.
‪서로 다른 얘기 하면서‬We talked about how different we are.
‪(민지) 완전 정반대였어요‬We're completely different. -She was surprised. -You were with Se-hoon, right?
‪- (수민) 놀랐대요‬ ‪- (지연) 세훈 씨랑 갔죠?‬-She was surprised. -You were with Se-hoon, right?
‪(민지) 네, 네‬ ‪그래 가지고 엄청 서로‬-She was surprised. -You were with Se-hoon, right? Yeah. We were both shocked when we realized
‪그거, 약간 동공 지진 일어나고‬-how different we are. -Really? You are?
‪(예원) 아, 진짜로?‬ ‪둘 다 달랐어요?‬-how different we are. -Really? You are?
‪(수민) 난 그런 거 안 했…‬We didn't talk about those things.
‪난 뭘 좋아하는지도 모르겠네?‬I don't even know what he likes. -Why didn't you ask him, though? -I didn't ask him those things.
‪(예원) 그런 거 왜 안 물어봤어요?‬-Why didn't you ask him, though? -I didn't ask him those things.
‪(수민) 그런 거 안 물어보고‬ ‪그냥…‬-Why didn't you ask him, though? -I didn't ask him those things.
‪내가 좀 오히려‬ ‪궁금한 걸 많이 대답해 줬지‬I answered a lot of her questions. I told her about what Paradise is like and what we do there.
‪천국도에 대해서나‬ ‪뭐, 가면 뭐 하는지‬I told her about what Paradise is like and what we do there.
‪(현승) 지아도 그러던데‬ ‪엄청 좋다 그러던데‬Ji-a told me about it too.
‪[남자들이 호응한다]‬-She said it's awesome there. -Mm-hmm.
‪(현중) 좋아, 좋아‬-[Hyun-seung] That time went by fast. -It was nice.
‪밥 먹고 왔어? 밥 먹고 왔어?‬Did you eat there?
‪아니, 밥 거의 안 먹었어, 우리‬No.
‪(현승) 같이 갔던 분이‬ ‪멀미가 심해 가지고‬ ‪[남자들이 호응한다]‬We didn't have much to eat. My date had seasick. Ji-a got seasick.
‪(현중) 토했어?‬Did she puke?
‪- (현승) 아니‬ ‪- (현중) 토 안 하고?‬Did she puke? Okay, she didn't puke.
‪(현승) 그래서 그냥 얘기하고‬-Oh. -We just talked. We sat on the deck and talked a lot.
‪갑판 위에서‬ ‪계속 앉아 가지고 얘기하고‬ ‪[남자들이 호응한다]‬We sat on the deck and talked a lot. Hmm. Why did you choose Ji-a?
‪지아를 선택한 이유는?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Hmm. Why did you choose Ji-a?
‪지아를 원래 알고 지내는‬ ‪사이이긴 한데‬Well, I knew Ji-a, but I'd never met her in person.
‪실제로 본 적이 없어 가지고‬ ‪[진택이 호응한다]‬Well, I knew Ji-a, but I'd never met her in person. Oh.
‪(현승) 근데 봤는데‬ ‪'어? 뭐야, 얘 왜 있어?'‬ ‪[준식이 호응한다]‬[Hyun-seung] When I saw her, I thought, "What's she doing here?"
‪재밌었어요, 근데 배고파‬ ‪아무것도 못 먹었어‬ ‪[예원이 호응한다]‬It was fun. But I'm so hungry. -[Yea-won] Really? You are? -I didn't eat anything.
‪아, 그 사람이랑‬ ‪원래 알던 사람이야?‬So you guys already knew each other?
‪(지아) 응, 원래 알아 가지고‬-Yeah. Crazy, right? -That's crazy.
‪- (예원) 대박이다‬ ‪- (지아) 대박이지?‬ ‪[지연이 신기해한다]‬-Yeah. Crazy, right? -That's crazy. How interesting. How does this happen?
‪(지아) 나 깜짝 놀랐잖아‬How interesting. How does this happen?
‪- 외모랑 되게 달라‬ ‪- (예원) 아, 진짜?‬ ‪[지연이 호응한다]‬I was shocked too. -He's different from how he looks. -Really?
‪엄청 순하고‬He's really shy.
‪(예원) 어, 그것도 진짜 의외다‬[Yea-won] That's really surprising.
‪일단 현승 씨가‬ ‪여기 있는 남자분들 중에‬Among all the male participants here, Hyun-seung is the closest to my ideal type, appearance-wise.
‪저의 이상형에‬ ‪제일 가까운, 비주얼로‬Hyun-seung is the closest to my ideal type, appearance-wise.
‪[놀라는 신음]‬[gasps]
‪[사람들이 호응한다]‬ ‪진짜?‬-Really? -[Hanhae] Oh. Oh, my. What's gonna happen now?
‪아, 어떡하냐‬Oh, my. What's gonna happen now?
‪호감도는 높아요‬I'm pretty attracted to him.
‪네‬I'm pretty attracted to him.
‪일단 이게 너무‬ ‪제 스타일이기 때문에‬Yeah. He's just so my type.
‪[웃음]‬Yeah. He's just so my type. [chuckles]
‪- (현중) 지아 있어?‬ ‪- (지아) 응‬Ji-a, are you in there? [Ji-a] Yeah.
‪- (지아) 나갈까?‬ ‪- (현중) 네‬-Do you want me to come out? -[Hyeon-joong] Yeah.
‪[지아가 지퍼를 직 올린다]‬[waves crashing]
‪(지아) 나 잠들었어‬-Hi. -I fell asleep.
‪(현중) 잠들었어?‬ ‪[지아가 지퍼를 직 내린다]‬You were sleeping?
‪잘래?‬ ‪[지아의 부정하는 신음]‬-Do you wanna go back to sleep? -No.
‪- (현중) 괜찮아?‬ ‪- (지아) 응‬-Do you wanna go back to sleep? -No. -Are you sure? -Yeah.
‪(현중) 멀미했다며?‬-Are you sure? -Yeah. -I heard you got seasick. -Yeah. Wait.
‪(지아) 어, 이거 빠질 거 같아‬ ‪잠깐만‬-I heard you got seasick. -Yeah. Wait. I think this is falling off, just a second.
‪(현중) 봐 봐‬Oh, let me see.
‪- (지아) 뭐 했어?‬ ‪- (현중) 나? 진짜 우울했어‬-What did you do? -Me? I was so depressed here.
‪(지아) 왜?‬Why?
‪(현중) 너무, 너무 심심해서‬I was so bored.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- (현중) 진짜…‬ ‪- (지아) 밥 먹었어?‬Seriously, I… -Have you eaten yet? -I had some potatoes.
‪- (현중) 감자 먹었어‬ ‪- (지아) 감자?‬-Have you eaten yet? -I had some potatoes. -Potatoes? -Yeah.
‪(현중) 어‬-Potatoes? -Yeah.
‪(지아) 진짜 심심했어?‬So you were bored, huh?
‪(현중) 진짜 할 거 없고‬ ‪진짜 대화할 사람이 없었어‬So you were bored, huh? There's nothing to do, and no one to talk to.
‪어땠어?‬[Hyeon-joong] How was it for you?
‪(지아) 나? 멀미해 가지고 배고파‬[Ji-a] Well, I got seasick, and I'm hungry now.
‪우리 어디 가? 저기 누구 있나?‬ ‪[현중이 말한다]‬Where are we going now? Is there someone there?
‪- (현중) 나 진짜 노력하지?‬ ‪- (지아) 뭐가?‬-Can you see I'm trying? -What?
‪- (현중) 맨날 찾아가잖아‬ ‪- (지아) 나한테? 어‬-I always come to you. -Right.
‪- (현중) 다 대단하대, 응‬ ‪- (지아) 대단하대?‬ ‪[지아가 피식한다]‬-Everyone says they're impressed. -They're impressed? Yeah. I'm like a puppy.
‪(현중) 강아지도 아니고‬ ‪[지아의 웃음]‬Yeah. I'm like a puppy. [laughs]
‪뭐, 주인 오면‬ ‪그냥 꼬리 흔들면서 달려가고 있어‬It's like you're my master, and I always run to you,
‪(지아) [웃으며]‬ ‪'강아지도 아니고'‬It's like you're my master, and I always run to you, -wagging my tail. -You're like a puppy?
‪(한해) 처음으로‬ ‪좀 애교를 부리는 거 같아‬[chuckles] I haven't seen him saying -cute things like that. -[Kyuhyun] Right.
‪- (규현) 그러게요‬ ‪- 현중 씨가‬-cute things like that. -[Kyuhyun] Right.
‪(규현) 근데 좀 질투 난다‬ ‪[다희와 한해의 웃음]‬-cute things like that. -[Kyuhyun] Right. -He's a little jealous. -[laughter]
‪그나저나 지아 씨는‬ ‪현중 씨랑 잘되는 분위기였는데‬By the way, things were going well between Ji-a and Hyeon-joong
‪(진경) 또 이상형은‬ ‪현승 씨가 또 가깝다고 하니까‬ ‪[사람들이 호응한다]‬until she said Hyun-seung was close to her ideal type. Right.
‪지금 현중 씨 마음도‬ ‪굉장히 불안한 상태거든요‬Right. And Hyeon-joong is feeling very anxious now. Right.
‪그러면 시훈 씨는‬ ‪어떻게 되는 거예요?‬What happens to Si-hun then?
‪[진경의 웃음]‬ ‪- (다희) 시훈 씨는 그전에…‬ ‪- (진경) 뭐 하고 있는 거야?‬What happens to Si-hun then? -[Da-hee] Well, Si-hun… -[Jin-kyung] What's he doing?
‪시훈 씨가 수민 씨하고‬ ‪또 물도 뜨러 갔다 오고‬-[Da-hee] Well, Si-hun… -[Jin-kyung] What's he doing? Si-hun went to get water with Su-min. And they were getting along pretty well.
‪- (진경) 그렇지‬ ‪- (한해) 새로운 케미가 있…‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬-[Da-hee] Right. -[Kyuhyun] But…
‪- (규현) 그랬는데? 네‬ ‪- (다희) 그래서 수민 씨가‬-[Da-hee] Right. -[Kyuhyun] But… [Da-hee] But Su-min chose Jun-sik.
‪(다희) 준식 씨를 선택을 했어요‬[Da-hee] But Su-min chose Jun-sik. [indistinct chatter]
‪(규현) 네‬ ‪저는 시훈 씨 할 줄 알았는데‬[indistinct chatter] Right. I thought she'd choose Si-hun.
‪(다희) 나도 기대했었어‬Me too.
‪(한해) 준식 씨 마음은 뭐야?‬ ‪[웃음]‬[Hanhae] I wonder what Jun-sik is thinking.
‪세훈 씨가 너무 웃겨‬ ‪[다희의 웃음]‬[Hanhae] I wonder what Jun-sik is thinking. Se-hoon was so funny.
‪(규현) 세훈 씨가…‬-Se-hoon. -[chuckles] Could you imagine they'd be so different?
‪어떻게 취향이‬ ‪저렇게 다 다를 수가 있는지‬Could you imagine they'd be so different?
‪(다희) 근데 세훈 씨가‬ ‪호감이 있는 거 같아요?‬-Do you think he's interested… -Yeah.
‪- (규현) 네, 네‬ ‪- (다희) 그, 민지 씨한테?‬-Do you think he's interested… -Yeah. …in Min-ji?
‪왜냐하면‬ ‪공부를 한다고 그러잖아요‬…in Min-ji? -He says he wants to learn about it. -Right.
‪맞아‬-He says he wants to learn about it. -Right.
‪(진경) 그리고 뭔가‬ ‪되게 좀 재밌어했어‬And he seems to find it interesting that she's so different from him.
‪자기랑 너무 다른 사람을 만나니까‬that she's so different from him.
‪(다희) 그런 건 또 호감이 생기지‬He could find that attractive.
‪(규현) 지금은‬He could find that attractive. It doesn't matter how different they are.
‪너무 다르건 뭐건‬ ‪그냥 다 재밌을 거예요‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬It doesn't matter how different they are. This whole thing must be exciting for him.
‪어쨌든 간에‬ ‪또 가능성이 열린 거니까‬This whole thing must be exciting for him. Anyhow, he has more possibilities now.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬[relaxing music]
‪- (준식) 게네?‬ ‪- (세훈) 와, 라면이다‬-[Jun-sik] Crabs? -[Se-hoon] Wow. Instant noodles!
‪[남자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(준식) 야, 꽃게라면 하자‬ ‪꽃게라면, 꽃게라면!‬-[Jun-sik] Crabs? -[Se-hoon] Wow. Instant noodles! -Let's make crab noodles! -Just like what we talked about.
‪[남자들이 시끌시끌하다]‬-We talked about this earlier. -[Se-hoon] About noodles.
‪(현중) 표정 봐‬ ‪야, 준식이 표정 봐‬-[Si-hun exclaims] -[Hyeon-joong] Look at Jun-sik's face.
‪(세훈) 오늘 햄버거도 먹고‬ ‪라면도 먹고, 오늘 날이네‬A burger and instant noodles? Today is my lucky day.
‪(지아와 소연) 라면?‬[all] Instant noodles?
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬ ‪(진택) 라면이라고?‬[all] Instant noodles? Yay! Instant noodles!
‪- (소연) 라면!‬ ‪- (지아) 라면 진짜 먹고 싶었어‬Yay! Instant noodles! Gosh, I really missed instant noodles.
‪(소연) 물 뜰까, 물? 여기다 세팅?‬Should we put the glasses of water on the table?
‪- (진택) 아, 세팅하자, 오케이‬ ‪- (소연) 응‬Should we put the glasses of water on the table? Okay. Let's set the table.
‪(진택) 물도‬ ‪진짜 많이 필요하다, 이제‬[Jin-taek] We need so much water now.
‪- (세훈) 그냥 먼저 먹으라 하자‬ ‪- (현중) 그래‬-[Se-hoon] They can start first. -[Hyeon-joong] Okay.
‪(세훈) 됐어‬[Se-hoon] All right.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬[soft music]
‪(사람들) 잘 먹겠습니다‬[Yea-won and So-yeon] Let's eat. [Ji-a] Enjoy. [Min-ji] Enjoy.
‪(예원) 많이 먹어‬[Yea-won] Enjoy.
‪(현승) 열몇 명이 밥 같이 먹은 거‬ ‪오랜만인 거 같아‬I haven't eaten with such a large group of people in a long time.
‪(현중) 현승이 형, 어때요, 오늘?‬Hyun-seung, how was it today?
‪난 아직까지는 재밌는 거 같아‬ ‪[현중이 호응한다]‬I'm having fun so far.
‪- (민지) '아직까지는'‬ ‪- 아직까지는‬So far, so good.
‪(진택) 민지 씨‬ ‪무인도 오시니까 어때요?‬Min-ji, how is being on a deserted island?
‪- 재밌는 거 같아요‬ ‪- (진택) 네?‬It's kind of fun. -Pardon? -It's fun.
‪- 재밌어요, 네‬ ‪- (진택) 재밌어요?‬-Pardon? -It's fun. -Fun? -Yeah.
‪(현중) 근데 이렇게 세 명이‬ ‪왔는데도 다 스타일이 달라‬Even with three more participants now, we're still all different.
‪[사람들이 호응한다]‬ ‪진짜로‬[Jun-sik] Right. All 12 of us are different.
‪(준식) 그래‬ ‪열두 명이 다 달라, 지금‬[Jun-sik] Right. All 12 of us are different.
‪(진택) 환영합니다‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[Jin-taek] Welcome. [indistinct chuckle]
‪(지연) 환영합니다‬[indistinct chuckle]
‪(현중) 잘 먹었습니다‬[Hyeon-joong] That was a great meal.
‪(소연) 와, 오늘 석양 너무 예쁘다‬[So-yeon] Wow. The sunset is so beautiful today.
‪(세훈) 수영할래?‬ ‪진짜로, 노을 수영?‬[So-yeon] Wow. The sunset is so beautiful today. [Se-hoon] Shall we swim? -Sunset swimming? -[Hyeon-joong] I'm in.
‪(시훈) 난 안 해‬-Sunset swimming? -[Hyeon-joong] I'm in.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬ ‪(세훈) 현승 씨, 물놀이 좋아해요?‬Hyun-seung, do you like the water?
‪(현승) 물 진짜 좋아해요‬Hyun-seung, do you like the water? -[Hyun-seung] I love water. -You do? Great.
‪(세훈) 진짜 좋아해요? 오, 나이스‬-[Hyun-seung] I love water. -You do? Great.
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬[Jin-taek exclaims]
‪(준식) 빨리 가라 그래‬-[Min-ji] What? -[Jin-taek] Let's go.
‪가야지, 너 빨리 가‬[Se-hoon] We should go.
‪가자, 가자, 가자‬ ‪가자, 가자, 가자‬-[Jun-sik] Let's go! -[Jin-taek exclaims]
‪[준식의 탄성]‬-[Jun-sik] Let's go! -[Jin-taek exclaims]
‪(수민) 아, 진짜 미치겠다, 진짜…‬ ‪[예원의 탄성]‬-[Jun-sik] Let's go! -[Jin-taek exclaims] What's happening?
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬ ‪(소연) 와, 미쳤다!‬♪ You can say, "yes," I still say, "no" ♪ -[participants exclaiming] -[So-yeon] Oh, my gosh!
‪[소연의 탄성]‬-[participants exclaiming] -[So-yeon] Oh, my gosh!
‪(수민) 와, 남자다!‬[Min-ji] So manly!
‪(소연) 이야, 와, 미쳤다, 진짜‬-[So-yeon] That was crazy. -[Ji-yeon] It looks so cold.
‪(세훈) 야, 그림 너무 좋았어‬[Se-hoon] That was nice.
‪[준식의 탄성]‬[participants screaming]
‪[진택과 수민의 비명]‬ ‪[여자들의 웃음]‬[participants screaming]
‪[소연의 탄성]‬Oh.
‪[예원의 탄성]‬♪ Everyday is going to be all right ♪
‪[여자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(지연) 진짜 차갑겠다‬[female participants exclaiming] -[splashes] -[Min-ji] So cold.
‪(예원) 추워, 추워‬-[splashes] -[Min-ji] So cold. [So-yeon] I know. It's so cold.
‪(소연) 내가 보기만 해도 차가워‬[So-yeon] I know. It's so cold. ♪ You can say, "yes," I still say, "no" ♪
‪(소연) 우리 지금‬ ‪하늘 감상 중이야‬We're watching the sky.
‪(예원) 그러면 실례하겠습니다‬ ‪[진택의 개운한 탄성]‬[Yea-won] If you'll excuse me.
‪(진택) 하늘 너무 이뻐 가지고‬ ‪[감성적인 음악]‬-The sky is so beautiful. -Are you on your honeymoon?
‪(예원) 신혼여행 오셨어요‬ ‪혹시?‬-The sky is so beautiful. -Are you on your honeymoon?
‪- (소연) 아니요‬ ‪- (예원) 발리로 오신 거예요?‬-No. -Yes. -You came to Bali? -How did you know?
‪(진택) 어떻게 아셨어요?‬-You came to Bali? -How did you know?
‪(소연) 그것보다 아까 해가‬But the sun was just… -so beautiful. -Beautiful, right?
‪- (예원) 너무 예뻤어?‬ ‪- (소연) 너무 예뻐서‬-so beautiful. -Beautiful, right?
‪(예원) 동그라미?‬-so beautiful. -Beautiful, right? -It was so round. -Exactly.
‪(소연) 어, 딱 노을이 지려고 해서‬ ‪우리가‬-It was so round. -Exactly.
‪'안 돼, 지금 너무 예쁘다‬ ‪지금 너무 예쁘다' 해 가지고‬ ‪[진택과 예원이 호응한다]‬The sun was about to set so we hurried up and met up… -Right. Right. -…to see the sun before it disappears.
‪'빨리 만나자' 그랬는데‬ ‪[예원이 호응한다]‬-Right. Right. -…to see the sun before it disappears.
‪- (진택) 없어졌어‬ ‪- (소연) 그사이에 없어졌어‬ ‪[예원의 안타까운 신음]‬-Right. Right. -…to see the sun before it disappears. -But when we met, it was gone. -[Jin-taek] It disappeared.
‪(소연) 진짜 인생 타이밍이야‬-But when we met, it was gone. -[Jin-taek] It disappeared. [So-yeon] Life is all about timing.
‪- (진택) 맞아‬ ‪- (예원) 그러니까, 진짜‬[So-yeon] Life is all about timing. -[Jin-taek] Right. -[Yea-won] Seriously.
‪(진경) 누구 기다리는 거야?‬ ‪[다희의 놀란 신음]‬[Jin-kyung] Who is he waiting for?
‪(다희) 지아 씨 기다리는 거겠죠?‬[Da-hee] I'm guessing Ji-a.
‪- (시훈) 가실까요?‬ ‪- (지아) 응?‬-Shall we? -[Ji-a] What?
‪- (시훈) 가실까요?‬ ‪- (지아) 어디 가?‬-Shall we? -[Ji-a] Where?
‪(시훈) 어디, 저기까지는 괜찮아?‬ ‪저기 식당 옆에?‬[Si-hun] Well, how about next to the cafeteria? -Is that okay? -[Ji-a] Sure.
‪(지아) 그래‬-Is that okay? -[Ji-a] Sure.
‪시훈 씨 지아 씨랑 가려고‬ ‪기다렸네‬This seat is nice too. It looks like Si-hun has been waiting for Ji-a.
‪(진택) 지아 씨가‬ ‪진짜 인기가 많다‬Ji-a is so popular.
‪- (예원) 어‬ ‪- (소연) 어‬-Yeah. -Yeah.
‪지금 쟁취하려고…‬Everyone's fighting over her.
‪[진택의 웃음]‬ ‪- (예원) 그렇지?‬ ‪- (소연) 맞아‬[chuckles] -[Yea-won] Right? -Right.
‪(지아) 뭐가 그렇게 궁금하세요?‬[Ji-a] What are you so curious about?
‪(시훈) 오늘 이제 궁금한 거‬ ‪다 물어볼 거야‬[Si-hun] I wanna ask you on my questions today.
‪- (시훈) 네가 이쪽에 앉을래?‬ ‪- (지아) 그래‬-Do you wanna sit over here? -[Ji-a] Okay.
‪(시훈) 약간 그때 맥주 마실 때‬ ‪질문할 때 뭔가‬When we had beer together that night, you said that you had feelings for one of us here.
‪'있다'라고 얘기했잖아‬you said that you had feelings for one of us here.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪(세훈) 너의 마음을 탁‬ ‪이제 집어서‬Is there one specific person here that you like?
‪정한 사람이 있다? 없다?‬Is there one specific person here that you like?
‪있다‬-Yes. -[Se-hoon] Yes.
‪(세훈) '있다', 있대‬ ‪[한숨]‬-Yes. -[Se-hoon] Yes.
‪(시훈) 그래서 어느 정도‬ ‪정해져 있는 건지‬[Si-hun] So I wanted to ask if you've made up your mind.
‪(지아) 난 둘 다 20%밖에‬ ‪모른다고 생각하거든‬I think I barely know both of you. Mm.
‪(시훈) 응‬Mm.
‪(지아) 그래서 아직은 잘 모르겠어‬-So I'm not sure yet. -Mm.
‪[시훈이 호응한다]‬[Si-hun] Mm.
‪(시훈) 굉장히 어렵네‬This is hard.
‪(예원) 지아랑 산책하러 갔어‬-Hm? -He went for a walk with Ji-a.
‪- (현중) 알아‬ ‪- (예원) 괜찮아?‬-I know. -Are you okay?
‪- (현중) 잠깐 봤어‬ ‪- (예원) 어, 괜찮아?‬I saw her briefly. Oh. Are you okay?
‪(예원) 계속 쳐다보고‬He keeps looking for her.
‪- (현중) 어쩌겠어‬ ‪- (예원) 그러니까‬-Well, what can I do about it? -I know.
‪(현중) 내가 뭐‬ ‪'가지 마' 이럴 수도 없잖아‬ ‪[예원의 웃음]‬-I can't say, "Don't go." -[soft chuckle]
‪(시훈) 현중이가 하는 얘기‬When I hear Hyeon-joong say "Ji-a and I, we…"
‪'지아랑 우리가', '우리가 어떻고'‬When I hear Hyeon-joong say "Ji-a and I, we…"
‪'지아는 뭐 어떻고'‬I keep hearing him talking about you.
‪이런 게 자꾸 들리니까‬I keep hearing him talking about you.
‪아, 나 그게 제일 힘들더라고‬ ‪[지아가 호응한다]‬-And that's pretty tough. -Mm.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪나 지아랑 갔을 때‬ ‪되게 큰 데 갔는데‬I went to a really big one with Ji-a.
‪네가 준식이 데려가고‬ ‪내가 지아 데려갈게‬You take Jun-sik. I'll take Ji-a.
‪(예원) 어, 나, 나‬ ‪어, 난 그렇게 할 거야‬[Yea-won] Yeah, I'll do that.
‪근데 진짜 신기한 게‬ ‪나랑 지아는 말보다 느낌이 있어‬I don't know how to put it, but Ji-a and I have this chemistry.
‪(예원과 현중)‬ ‪- 눈빛으로 얘기했댔잖아, 지아도‬ ‪- 진짜 느낌이야‬[Yea-won] Communicating through your eyes, right?
‪지아랑 나랑 요즘에‬ ‪삼겹살 엄청 먹고 싶어 했거든‬Seriously, I just feel it. Ji-a and I are really craving pork belly these days.
‪(시훈) 그냥 방에‬ ‪있고 싶지가 않아서‬[Si-hun] I didn't wanna stay in the room, so I kept walking around outside,
‪계속 밖에만 돌아다니다 보니까‬ ‪자꾸 너무 많이 탔어‬[Si-hun] I didn't wanna stay in the room, so I kept walking around outside, I even got a tan.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[진경의 안타까운 신음]‬-[exhales] -[Hanhae clicks tongue]
‪- (진경) 아유, 표정‬ ‪- 그러네, 아유‬I can see that. -[Da-hee] Oh, no. Look at his face. -Aww.
‪[안타까운 신음]‬ ‪(한해) 아휴‬-[Da-hee] Oh, no. Look at his face. -Aww.
‪(시훈) 그냥‬ ‪안에 있기가 싫은 거야‬ ‪[지아가 호응한다]‬[sighs] I just don't wanna stay inside.
‪그러니까 점점, 응‬[sighs] I just don't wanna stay inside. And it's getting worse.
‪(지아) 근데 사실 진짜‬ ‪나도 아직 잘 모르겠어, 내 마음을‬But really, I don't know what I want yet.
‪- (지아) 근데‬ ‪- (시훈) 응‬-But… -Mm.
‪(지아) 그래서…‬So…
‪그럼 만약에 내 마음이‬ ‪그쪽으로 간다면 어떡할 거야?‬So what if I end up choosing someone else? -What would you do then? Yeah. -Uh, me?
‪- (시훈) 나?‬ ‪- 어‬-What would you do then? Yeah. -Uh, me?
‪(시훈) 그러면‬ ‪나는 만족할 거 같아‬I think I'll be glad that I did my best at least.
‪내가 최선을 다했으니까‬I think I'll be glad that I did my best at least.
‪(지아) 맞아‬ ‪적극적이게 하고 있어‬You're right. You're very proactive.
‪- (시훈) 어, 나는…‬ ‪- (지아) 리드도 잘하고‬You're right. You're very proactive. -[Si-hun] Right. -[Ji-a] You're also a good leader.
‪(시훈) 응‬-[Si-hun] Right. -[Ji-a] You're also a good leader. [waves crashing]
‪(시훈) 진짜 너무 어려워‬This is really hard.
‪나는 진짜 내가 태어나서‬ ‪만나 본 사람 중에‬This is really hard. Seriously, you are the most mysterious person I've ever met.
‪제일 모르겠는 사람 1번, 너‬ ‪[지아의 웃음]‬Seriously, you are the most mysterious person I've ever met. You're number one. [chuckles softly] Why?
‪- 진짜, 모르겠어, 너무 어려워‬ ‪- (지아) 왜?‬[chuckles softly] Why? I don't know. You're so hard to read.
‪(지아) 근데 나도 나를 모르겠어서‬ ‪그런 거 같아‬ ‪[시훈이 호응한다]‬I don't know. You're so hard to read. I think it's because I don't know what I want either.
‪(진택) 여기 앉으세요‬Please sit here.
‪(예원) 아니야, 아니야‬ ‪아니야, 아니야, 아니야‬No, It's okay.
‪(진택) 아니, 다 오실 거니까‬ ‪어차피 다른 분들‬No, It's okay. Well, others are coming here too, so…
‪- (소연) 좀 걸을까, 그러면?‬ ‪- (진택) 그러자‬-[So-yeon] Do you wanna go for a walk? -[Jin-taek] Sounds good.
‪(소연) 나는 어제 내가‬ ‪생각지도 못한 얘기를 들어 가지고‬[So-yeon] What I heard yesterday was so shocking to me.
‪(진택) 무슨 얘기?‬[Jin-taek] What is it?
‪(소연) 아니, 내가 표현을‬ ‪확실하게 하지 않았다고‬[So-yeon] Well, you said that I wasn't being clear about how I feel about you.
‪얘기를 해 가지고‬ ‪[진택이 호응한다]‬[So-yeon] Well, you said that I wasn't being clear about how I feel about you. [Jin-taek] Oh, that.
‪이제 얘기를 듣고 나니까‬[So-yeon] After talking to you, I realized
‪약간 너는 나한테 직접적으로‬ ‪뭔가 계속 얘기를 한 적이 있는데‬[So-yeon] After talking to you, I realized that you talked to me a lot,
‪나는 약간 장난이라도‬but I've never really taking the initiative
‪너한테 되게 직접적으로 얘기를‬but I've never really taking the initiative to talk to you, not even jokingly,
‪사람들 있는 데서‬ ‪한 적은 없는 거 같은 거야‬ ‪[진택이 호응한다]‬in front of the others.
‪그리고 네가 말했던 되게 사소한‬ ‪옆자리에 앉고‬The small gestures you mentioned, like sitting next to you.
‪오늘 그렇게 했잖아, 그러니까‬I did that today.
‪(진택) 어, 맞아‬ ‪많이 느꼈어, 고마워‬[Jin-taek] Right. I could feel you were trying.
‪(소연) 많이 느꼈지?‬[Jin-taek] Right. I could feel you were trying. -Thank you. -[So-yeon] Right.
‪(진택) 처음에 여기서‬ ‪발 담갔을 때 생각난다‬[Jin-taek] This reminds me of the time when I dipped my feet in the water.
‪(소연) 그러니까‬ ‪이렇게 걷다가 왔는데, 그렇지?‬[Jin-taek] This reminds me of the time when I dipped my feet in the water. -[So-yeon] Right. We were walking here. -[Jin-taek] Right.
‪(진택) 어‬-[So-yeon] Right. We were walking here. -[Jin-taek] Right.
‪[소연의 탄성]‬[exclaims]
‪[진택의 탄성]‬Wow.
‪(소연) 우와, 너무…‬[So-yeon] Whoa. Wow. This is just…
‪와, 진짜 최고다‬This place is amazing.
‪(소연) 그때 계속 현중이가‬ ‪자꾸 둘이 너무 잘 어울린다고‬Hyeon-joong kept saying that we look cute together then.
‪계속 얘기해 가지고‬ ‪되게 약간 뻘쭘했는데, 그렇지?‬Hyeon-joong kept saying that we look cute together then. It was kind of embarrassing, right?
‪- (진택) 뻘쭘하면서 좋았지, 나는‬ ‪- (소연) 아, 좋았어?‬ ‪[소연의 웃음]‬-[Jin-taek] It was embarrassing but nice. -[So-yeon] Was it?
‪뭔가 진택 씨 마음을 돌려 보려고‬It looks like So-yeon is trying to win back Jin-taek's heart now.
‪지금 소연 씨가‬ ‪되게 애를 쓰기 시작한 거 같아요‬ ‪[사람들이 호응한다]‬It looks like So-yeon is trying to win back Jin-taek's heart now. -[Hanhae] Right. -[Kyuhyun] So-yeon is trying really hard.
‪(규현) 소연 씨는‬ ‪지금 되게 열심이에요‬-[Hanhae] Right. -[Kyuhyun] So-yeon is trying really hard.
‪그때 얘기했던 게 좀‬ ‪컸던 거 같죠? 세훈 씨랑 둘이‬Yeah. I think that conversation with Se-hoon really shocked her.
‪- 둘이 얘기했던 게‬ ‪- (다희) 그렇죠? 했던 게‬I think that conversation with Se-hoon really shocked her. The private conversation with him.
‪- (규현) 결정적인…‬ ‪- (진경) 얘기가 아예 안 됐잖아요‬-Right. -Like a wake-up call. It was hardly a conversation.
‪[다희의 웃음]‬ ‪(진경) 오히려 약간의‬ ‪다툼 정도로 보일 정도로‬It was hardly a conversation. It almost looked like an argument.
‪- 맞아요‬ ‪- (규현) 그리고 소연 씨가‬Right. So-yeon has been expressing her feelings to Jin-taek since,
‪(규현) 자꾸 진택이 형한테‬ ‪표현을 하니까‬So-yeon has been expressing her feelings to Jin-taek since,
‪- (규현) 지연 씨가 살짝 좀 계속‬ ‪- (다희) 경계하고‬So-yeon has been expressing her feelings to Jin-taek since, and Ji-yeon seems a bit… -Right. -She's bothered.
‪(규현) 계속 이렇게 쳐다보고 있는‬ ‪그런 눈빛도 보이고, 네‬ ‪[다희가 호응한다]‬-Right. -She's bothered. -She kept looking at them. -[Da-hee] I could see her eyeing them.
‪(현중) 시훈이 어디 갔냐?‬Where's Si-hun?
‪(세훈) 얘기하고 있는 거 같은데‬ ‪아직도 얘기하고 있는 거 같은데‬I think he's still talking to her.
‪- (현중) 어디서?‬ ‪- (세훈) 몰라?‬I think he's still talking to her. -Where? -I don't know.
‪(지아) 내가 빨리‬ ‪얘기해 줘야 되는데, 그렇지?‬I wish I could tell you how I feel.
‪(시훈) 얘기?‬ ‪아니, 얘기 안 해 줘도 돼‬-No, you don't need to tell me anything. -I don't need to?
‪- (지아) 안 해 줘도 돼?‬ ‪- (시훈) 응‬-No, you don't need to tell me anything. -I don't need to?
‪(시훈) 너 눈으로 말하는 거‬ ‪잘하잖아, 그렇지?‬No. I know you like to use your eyes to communicate.
‪- (시훈) 눈으로 말해 줘‬ ‪- (지아) 뭘?‬So tell me with your eyes. Tell you what?
‪(시훈) 어느 정도…‬Tell you what? You know…
‪응, 괜찮아, 난 부담 주지 않아‬ ‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬Hmm. It's okay. I don't wanna burden you.
‪부담 주지 않을게‬I won't pressure you.
‪좋아, 어느 정도는‬[Si-hun] Okay. I think…
‪다 얘기 들은 거 같아, 고마워‬I heard enough. Thank you.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬[crickets chirping]
‪- (지아) 울지 마, 왜 울어‬ ‪- (시훈) 나 안 울어, 나 안 울어‬Don't cry. Why are you crying? I'm not crying.
‪(시훈) 안 울지‬I'm not crying.
‪아무튼‬[smacks lips] Anyway, okay…
‪들어가자, 벌레 많으니까‬Let's get inside. There are so many bugs here.
‪(지아) 가자‬Let's get inside. There are so many bugs here. Let's go.
‪그래, 차라리‬[clicks tongue] That's probably for the best. [Hanhae groans]
‪- (규현) 그래‬ ‪- 저게 나아요‬ ‪[한해의 한숨]‬[Hanhae groans] -Yeah. -It's for the best.
‪- 시훈 씨는 진심이었던 거야‬ ‪- (규현) 엄청 진심이죠‬ ‪[진경이 호응한다]‬Si-hun was serious about her. [Kyuhyun] He's really serious.
‪시훈 씨 멋있다‬ ‪[진경이 호응한다]‬He's a man.
‪[지아의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[세훈의 한숨]‬ ‪(시훈) [한숨 쉬며] 끝났어, 이제‬[Se-hoon exhales] Oh, boy. It's all over now.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪집 가고 싶다‬I wanna go home.
‪- 집 가고 싶어?‬ ‪- (시훈) 어‬-You wanna go home? -Yeah.
‪오늘 제일 많이 한 생각‬ ‪'아, 집 가고 싶다'‬That's what I've been thinking the whole day today. "I wanna go home."
‪그 대화의 와중에‬ ‪지어진 거 아니야, 약간?‬-Because of the conversation? -Right.
‪(시훈) 그렇지, 맞아, 대화 속에서‬ ‪어차피 직접적인 말은 없어도‬-Because of the conversation? -Right. She didn't say it openly, but with all the hints she gave me, I got the message.
‪내가 유추할 수 있는‬ ‪단서들이 너무 많기 때문에‬but with all the hints she gave me, I got the message.
‪많은 거를 내가 그냥‬ ‪편하게 내려놓을 수 있는 거고‬Which is why I can give up now.
‪진짜 오늘은 너한테‬ ‪좀 지옥 같을 수도 있겠다‬Today must be like hell for you.
‪(시훈) 제일 지옥‬Today is the worst. It hurts.
‪따가워‬Today is the worst. It hurts.
‪(세훈) 세상에서‬ ‪가장 핫한 지옥이 아니라‬It's not the hottest hell in the world.
‪(시훈) 어, 따가워‬It's not the hottest hell in the world. Right. This place hurts me.
‪(세훈) 세상에서 가장 따가운 지옥‬Right. This place hurts me. It's the most painful hell in the world.
‪(시훈) 쓰라리고‬It's the most painful hell in the world. It burns too.
‪[시훈이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪세훈 씨가 저 마음을 알잖아요‬Se-hoon knows how that feels.
‪- 그렇죠, 제일 잘 알죠‬ ‪- (규현) 네‬Right. No one knows better than him.
‪- 두 사람만의 공감대가 있네요‬ ‪- (규현) 완전 있죠‬They can relate to each other. [Kyuhyun] They totally can.
‪(진경) 지금 지아 씨가 몇 명한테‬ ‪지금 마음을 받는 거야?‬How many men are interested in Ji-a?
‪- (규현) 세 분한테‬ ‪- (다희) 세 분‬ ‪[진경의 한숨]‬How many men are interested in Ji-a? -[Kyuhyun and Da-hee] Three. -Oh.
‪복잡할 거예요, 지아 씨도‬Ji-a must be confused too.
‪(다희와 진경)‬ ‪- 지아 씨도 마음이 좋지 않겠죠‬ ‪- 인기가 너무 많아도 탈이네‬Ji-a must be confused too. [Da-hee] I'm sure she's not feeling comfortable either. I guess being too popular
‪탈이네요‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬I guess being too popular -can be problematic too. -I guess so.
‪[알림음이 흘러나온다]‬[intercom chimes]
‪(마스터) 오늘은 새롭게 합류한‬[Master] Today, the new participants,
‪김수민, 성민지, 차현승 씨가‬ ‪호감도 선택을 하겠습니다‬Kim Su-min, Sung Min-ji, and Cha Hyun-seung will choose their partners.
‪(현중) 난 저 새로 온 두 명이‬ ‪누구 고를지‬I wonder who the new girls will choose.
‪[진택의 탄성]‬ ‪진짜 상상이 안 가네‬I have no idea.
‪감이 아예, 아예‬ ‪아예 못 잡고 있어, 아예‬ ‪[현중이 호응한다]‬-Seriously, I have no idea. -[Hyeon-joong] Me neither.
‪(수민) 이게 뭐야?‬What's this?
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪[규현의 놀라는 신음]‬MOON SE-HOON
‪(진경) 아, 세훈 씨‬MOON SE-HOON [Jin-kyung] Oh. Se-hoon.
‪[웃음]‬[Jin-kyung] Oh. Se-hoon.
‪(다희) 세훈 씨를 선택했구나‬-She chose Se-hoon. -I hope both girls choose Se-hoon.
‪(규현) 세훈 씨‬ ‪몰표 받았으면 좋겠어요‬ ‪[다희의 웃음]‬-She chose Se-hoon. -I hope both girls choose Se-hoon.
‪두 표 받아라‬Please.
‪제가 처음 왔을 때‬ ‪적응을 잘 못하고 있었는데‬He was very kind to me when I was having a hard time fitting in because I was new.
‪(수민) 많이 챙겨 주셨고‬ ‪그런 것들이 많이 고마웠어서‬when I was having a hard time fitting in because I was new. [Su-min] I appreciate his kindness, and that's why I chose him.
‪그래서 표현했습니다‬
‪(현중) 근데 민지가 뭔가‬ ‪세훈이 고를 거 같아‬[Hyeon-joong] I feel like Min-ji will choose Se-hoon.
‪- 민지가?‬ ‪- (현중) 응‬Min-ji?
‪내가 봤을 때 오늘 두 표 예상‬I think you're getting two votes today.
‪- 나도 두 표 예상‬ ‪- (시훈) 두 표 예상‬-Me too. Two votes. -[Si-hun] Two votes.
‪예측하거나 상상하거나‬ ‪기대하지 않기로 했어‬I decided not to expect anything.
‪(진경) 민지 씨는?‬[Jin-kyung] What's Min-ji's choice?
‪(다희) 민지 씨도 세훈 씨를‬ ‪선택할 수도 있을 거 같아요‬[Jin-kyung] What's Min-ji's choice? [Da-hee] I think she might choose Se-hoon too. -[Kyuhyun] There's a chance. -[Da-hee] Yeah.
‪- (규현) 가능성이 있죠‬ ‪- (다희) 네‬-[Kyuhyun] There's a chance. -[Da-hee] Yeah.
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬ ‪(규현) 맞네!‬-[all gasp] -You were right.
‪봄날은 온다‬Every dog has its day.
‪(진경) 진짜 살다 보니‬ ‪이런 날이 오네‬Every dog has its day. Goodness. Now I've seen everything.
‪- (규현) 왔다, 왔어요, 왔어요‬ ‪- (한해) 아, 왔다‬Goodness. Now I've seen everything. Finally.
‪그, 요트 데이트 때‬On the yacht date…
‪(민지) 나는 힙합‬I like hip-hop.
‪힙합?‬ ‪[민지의 웃음]‬Hip-hop?
‪(민지) 얘기를 되게 많이 했었는데‬[Min-ji] We talked a lot.
‪그때 완전 정반대의 성향을‬ ‪가지고 계셔서‬He was totally different from me, so I was attracted to him.
‪조금 더 끌렸던 거 같아서‬so I was attracted to him.
‪그래서 더 알아보고 싶어서‬ ‪세훈 씨를 뽑았어요‬I chose him because I want to get to know him better.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[현승의 가쁜 숨소리]‬CHA HYUN-SEUNG
‪(예원) 엄청 진짜‬ ‪매력 있어 보이시던데‬He seemed really charming. He's so sexy.
‪- 섹시미가 아주…‬ ‪- (지아) 되게 순해‬He's so sexy. He's really shy.
‪(지연) 다가가기‬ ‪어려운 이미지인데‬He seems hard to approach, but after talking to him,
‪- 말해 보니까 전혀 아닌 거 같아‬ ‪- (지아) 되게 순해‬He seems hard to approach, but after talking to him, I realized he's not.
‪(규현) 와, 현승 씨는‬ ‪지아 씨겠죠?‬[Kyuhyun] I imagine Hyun-seung will choose Ji-a.
‪(다희) 지아 씨일 거 같아요‬[Da-hee] I think so.
‪- (진경) 어디야?‬ ‪- (규현) 그렇죠, 예‬ ‪[다희의 탄성]‬-[commentators exclaim] -[Kyuhyun] Of course.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(한해) 거침없구먼‬[Hanhae] He doesn't even hesitate.
‪알고 지낼 때의 느낌이랑‬I knew her already,
‪(현승) 또 다른 것들도‬ ‪많이 알게 되고 느끼게 돼서‬but I got to learn much more about her. [uplifting music]
‪그래서 호감도가‬ ‪많이 올라갔던 거 같아요‬And I came to like her even more.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬-[upbeat music] -[waves crashing]
‪(규현) 와, 벌써 6일 차네요‬[Kyuhyun] Wow. It's already day six.
‪(진택) 이제 한번 뒤집어 줘야지‬[Jin-taek] We should flip now.
‪(세훈) 물이 맑다, 오늘도‬[Se-hoon] The water is so clear today.
‪[진택의 탄성]‬[Se-hoon] The water is so clear today.
‪[지연의 한숨]‬ ‪(지연) 어떻게 해야 되냐‬[Ji-yeon sighs] What should I do?
‪뭔가 지금 내 마음을‬ ‪나도 모르겠다‬I don't know what I'm feeling.
‪진짜 복잡하지‬It's hard, right?
‪(지연) 지아는?‬ ‪지아는 결정했어, 대충?‬What about you, Ji-a? Did you make up your mind?
‪(지아) 아직 좀 남아서‬ ‪결정까지는 모르겠고‬We still have some time left. I wouldn't say I made up my mind.
‪그럼 지금은 진택 씨가 제일?‬So for now, you like Jin-taek the most?
‪(지아) 응‬After the two dates, I was attracted to Jin-taek more.
‪(지연) 시훈 씨보다는‬Rather than Si-hun.
‪왜냐하면 같이 있을 때‬ ‪더 즐거운 느낌이었거든, 나는‬ ‪[지아가 호응한다]‬Rather than Si-hun. It was just more fun to hang out with him.
‪- (지연) 되게 성격 좋잖아‬ ‪- (지아) 진택이가 성격이 좋아‬-He's just so easygoing. -Jin-taek is easygoing, yeah.
‪(지연) 같이 있으면‬ ‪되게 재밌단 말이야‬-He's just so easygoing. -Jin-taek is easygoing, yeah. It's fun hanging out with him.
‪[호응한다]‬Remember she said once that
‪그럼 한번 얘기는‬ ‪해 봐야 될 거 같은데?‬Then why don't you talk to him?
‪- (지연) 그렇지?‬ ‪- 응, 이런 생각이면‬Then why don't you talk to him? -You think? -Yeah, if that's what you want.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(지연) 나도 그렇게 생각했는데‬I thought so too.
‪나는 그래서 얘기해 보려고 했는데‬I thought so too. So I tried talking to him,
‪또 그때‬ ‪두 번째 데이트 하고 돌아와서‬but since he went on a walk with So-yeon
‪소연 씨랑 산책을 갔잖아‬ ‪[지아가 호응한다]‬after our date in Paradise,
‪그래 가지고 그 이후로는‬after our date in Paradise, he's not talking to me at all.
‪나랑 진짜‬ ‪한 번을 대화를 안 하니까‬he's not talking to me at all.
‪내 입장에서는 그냥‬he's not talking to me at all.
‪'둘이 그냥 이미 이렇게 됐는데‬ ‪내가 그런 건가?'‬So I feel like maybe I'm just being a third wheel.
‪이런 생각이 드니까‬ ‪[지아가 호응한다]‬-That's how I feel. -Mm.
‪(진경) 그러면 진택 씨는‬ ‪소연 씨랑‬That means Jin-taek didn't talk with Ji-yeon at all
‪그렇게 산책하고 와서‬That means Jin-taek didn't talk with Ji-yeon at all
‪지연 씨랑은 대화를‬ ‪일절 안 했나 봐요?‬since he went for a walk with So-yeon. It looks like nothing really happened since their date in Paradise.
‪(규현) 천국도를 다녀와서‬ ‪뭐가 없나 봐요‬It looks like nothing really happened since their date in Paradise.
‪- (다희) 없었던 거 같아요‬ ‪- (진경) 없나 봐‬-[Da-hee] Looks like it. -Right?
‪- (규현) 와, 희한하네‬ ‪- 진택 씨 마음도 궁금한데?‬-[Kyuhyun] Oh, how interesting. -I wonder what Jin-taek is thinking.
‪진택이 형이 지금‬ ‪여러 사람 마음 불 지르네‬Jin-taek is upsetting so many women now.
‪(규현) 지금 제가‬ ‪마음이 궁금한 게‬ ‪[다희와 한해의 웃음]‬Jin-taek is upsetting so many women now. I'm curious as to what Ji-a and Jin-taek are thinking now.
‪지아 씨 마음이랑 진택이 형 마음‬ ‪[진경이 호응한다]‬I'm curious as to what Ji-a and Jin-taek are thinking now. [indistinct chatter]
‪알 수가 없어요‬[indistinct chatter]
‪저는 여기서‬[Kyuhyun] They're so mysterious.
‪천국도를 한 번‬I feel like things can change a lot depending on who they take to Paradise.
‪이 상황에서 누구랑 가느냐에서‬ ‪되게 많이 갈릴 거 같아요‬I feel like things can change a lot depending on who they take to Paradise.
‪[한해의 탄성]‬ ‪(진경) 그럼, 그럼‬Right.
‪(규현) 이제 딱 절반이 지났잖아요‬ ‪[호응한다]‬Right. [Kyuhyun] They're right in the middle of everything.
‪[알림음이 흘러나온다]‬[intercom chimes]
‪(마스터) 잠시 후 해변으로‬ ‪모두 모여 주시길 바랍니다‬[Master] Participants, please come to the beach.
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪(한해) 와, 진흙탕 싸움이야?‬[Hanhae] Are they going to fight in the mud?
‪(규현) 이야, 남자들 게임이네‬[Kyuhyun gasps] This has got to be a game for men.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 힘 싸움이다‬[Kyuhyun gasps] [Kyuhyun] This is going to be a physical fight.
‪- (세훈) 어? 흙탕물이다‬ ‪- (준식) 어?‬ ‪[현중의 탄식]‬[indistinct chatter] -[Jin-taek chuckles] -[Hyeon-joong exclaims]
‪[남자들의 탄성]‬-[Jin-taek chuckles] -[Hyeon-joong exclaims]
‪(준식) 상당히 기대가 되는데?‬This looks exciting.
‪뭐 하는 거지?‬ ‪[준식의 한숨]‬What are we doing?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(마스터) 오늘은‬ ‪천국도 데이트를 걸고‬[Master] Today, male participants will play a game
‪남자 게임이 펼쳐집니다‬[Master] Today, male participants will play a game for the dates in Paradise.
‪데이트를 걸고?‬So the prize is a date?
‪(지연) [놀라며] 천국도 데이트?‬A MEN'S GAME FOR DATES IN PARADISE A date in Paradise?
‪[소연의 탄성]‬[gasps]
‪[놀라며] 천국도?‬[gasps] Paradise?
‪(마스터) 게임을 해서‬ ‪1위부터 3위까지만‬[Master] Only the top three players will get to go on dates on Paradise.
‪천국도에서 데이트를‬ ‪하실 수가 있습니다‬[Master] Only the top three players will get to go on dates on Paradise.
‪[시훈의 좌절하는 신음]‬ ‪[세훈과 진택의 탄성]‬ONLY THE TOP THREE GET TO GO ON DATES IN PARADISE [both exclaim]
‪아, 3위까지야?‬[both exclaim] Top three players?
‪투표가 아니라?‬So we're not voting.
‪[진택의 탄성]‬
‪- (소연) 대박‬ ‪- (예원) 이걸 또 생각을 못 했네‬ ‪[여자들이 저마다 말한다]‬-My gosh. -That didn't cross my mind.
‪- (지연) 이거 너무 긴장되는데?‬ ‪- (예원) 나도‬I'm getting nervous. [Yea-won] Me too.
‪(마스터) 대결 방식‬ ‪설명해 드립니다‬ ‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬[Master] Let me explain the game rules. All male participants will go into the arena.
‪경기장 안으로‬ ‪남자 모두가 들어갑니다‬All male participants will go into the arena.
‪그러고는 신호음에 맞춰서‬They will then push each other out when the whistle blows.
‪상대방을 밖으로‬ ‪밀어내시면 됩니다‬They will then push each other out when the whistle blows. Those with both legs pushed out of the arena will be eliminated
‪두 다리가 경기장 밖으로‬ ‪나가는 사람은 탈락‬Those with both legs pushed out of the arena will be eliminated and the one who stays inside the arena until the end will be the winner.
‪마지막까지 남아 있는 사람이‬ ‪최종 1등입니다‬and the one who stays inside the arena until the end will be the winner.
‪자, 그렇다면 남자들은‬Now, male participants, please enter the arena.
‪경기장 안으로‬ ‪들어가 주시길 바랍니다‬Now, male participants, please enter the arena. [suspenseful music continues]
‪[시훈의 힘주는 신음]‬[Hyeon-joong grunts]
‪(소연) 와, 여기서‬ ‪우정에 금 가겠는데?‬Wow. This is gonna break their friendship. I know. What can they do?
‪(지아) 그러니까, 어떡하냐‬I know. What can they do?
‪- (지연) 힘 싸움이네, 거의‬ ‪- (예원) 어, 힘 싸움인 거 같아‬-This is all about physical strength. -Yeah, physical strength.
‪- 자존심, 어‬ ‪- (예원) 싸움‬-Their pride is on the line. -Right.
‪(지연) 자존심 싸움인데, 이거는‬-Their pride is on the line. -Right.
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blows]
‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬ ‪(현중) 자, 파이팅 하자고‬Let's do this.
‪(현승) 이게 친해지니까 더 어렵네‬Now that we're friends, it's harder to compete.
‪(소연) 지금‬ ‪현중이랑 현승이 자리 봐‬[So-yeon] Look at Hyeon-joong and Hyun-seung.
‪아무도 안 가‬ ‪[지아의 웃음]‬They're not moving. [chuckles]
‪(현중) 다 나와 봐‬ ‪[남자들의 웃음]‬Spread around. You're fighting me.
‪다 싸우고 있어 봐‬[indistinct chatter]
‪다 싸우고 있어 봐‬[chuckles]
‪[시훈의 신음]‬ ‪[진택의 놀란 신음]‬-[Jin-taek] Oh, no. -[Se-hoon] But if this happens…
‪(준식) 아, 근데 이러면…‬-[Jin-taek] Oh, no. -[Se-hoon] But if this happens…
‪[예원의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪[시훈의 힘주는 신음]‬[indistinct grunting]
‪[여자들의 놀란 신음]‬[both exclaim]
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬Whoa!
‪(진경) 와, 붙잡았어‬-[Jin-kyung] He got him! -[exclaiming]
‪와, 붙잡았어‬-[Jin-kyung] He got him! -[exclaiming] -[gasps] -He got him!
‪[남자들의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[예원의 놀란 신음]‬[indistinct grunting]
‪[여자들의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blows]
‪(마스터) 김현중 씨, 탈락입니다‬[Master] Hyeon-joong has been eliminated.
‪[놀라는 신음]‬[So-yeon gasps]
‪[소연의 탄성]‬[exclaiming]
‪[여자들이 웅성거린다]‬[exclaiming]
‪전쟁이다‬ ‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬This is war.
‪(시훈) 으아, 다 죽여‬ ‪[준식의 탄성]‬[Se-hoon exhales sharply] Nice.
‪다 죽여!‬Hyeon-joong!
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blows]
‪(현승) 완전히 서 있으면‬ ‪위험할 텐데‬[Hyun-seung] Standing up. It's dangerous.
‪[준식의 웃음]‬
‪아, 이…‬Oh, man. I don't wanna attack anyone.
‪현중이 꼴 날까 봐‬ ‪공격을 못 하겠네‬ ‪[남자들의 웃음]‬I don't wanna attack anyone. -I'm scared I'll end up like Hyeon-joong. -[laughter]
‪[현승의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(시훈) 진택아! 두 분!‬ ‪[시훈의 힘주는 신음]‬[Si-hun] Jin-taek!
‪진택아! 두 분!‬ ‪[시훈의 힘주는 신음]‬Jin-taek!
‪[예원의 놀라는 신음]‬[indistinct grunting]
‪[시훈의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[예원의 놀라는 신음]‬[indistinct grunting]
‪[예원의 놀라는 신음]‬[exclaiming]
‪[예원의 놀라는 신음]‬[upbeat music]
‪(현승) 날 공격하면 안 될 텐데?‬Can't kill me, can you?
‪[사람들의 놀라는 신음]‬[all gasp]
‪(진경) 막아 냈어, 공격‬He defended against the attack.
‪어떻게 네 명의 공격을 막아 내냐?‬How did he defend against four guys?
‪- (다희) 진짜‬ ‪- 그것도 대단해‬-Seriously. -I'm impressed.
‪[남자들의 웃음]‬Why are you attacking him only?
‪(현중) 야, 왜 몰빵 해‬Why are you attacking him only?
‪(소연) 너무 긴장된다‬ ‪우리가 보는 사람인데도‬[So-yeon] Why am I so nervous when I'm just watching them?
‪(지연과 예원)‬ ‪- 어떡해‬ ‪- 어떡해, 무섭다, 이거 진짜‬My gosh. Wow. This is savage.
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬[tense music]
‪[진택의 웃음]‬[Jin-taek chuckles]
‪[준식의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪뒈져‬ ‪[진택의 웃음]‬You're so dead.
‪(시훈) 다 뒈져, 다 맞아‬ ‪[남자들의 웃음]‬You're all dead now. -You're all dead. -[laughter]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[여자들의 웃음]‬-You're all dead. -[laughter] -Isn't that from Rustic Period? -You're Kwon Sang-woo today.
‪- (현승) '야인시대' 아니야?‬ ‪- (진택) 권상우, 권상우‬-Isn't that from Rustic Period? -You're Kwon Sang-woo today.
‪- (현승) '야인시대' 아니야?‬ ‪- (진택) 권상우‬-[Hyun-seung] Rustic Period? -Kwon Sang-woo.
‪[시훈의 기합]‬[shouts]
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪[시훈의 신음]‬ ‪[여자들의 탄성]‬
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blows]
‪(마스터) 최시훈 씨, 탈락입니다‬[Master] Si-hun has been eliminated.
‪- (소연) 세훈이 운동 잘해‬ ‪- (지아) 어, 세훈 씨 세네‬He's athletic. Se-hoon is strong.
‪(소연) 세훈이가 운동 신경이 있어‬ ‪[지아가 호응한다]‬[So-yeon] Se-hoon is athletic. [Ji-a] Right. He's so agile.
‪(지아) 아, 그러네‬ ‪뛴 것도 1등 했구나‬[Ji-a] Right. He's so agile. [Yea-won] Right. He won the last game too.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪송지아의 남자‬ ‪둘이 탈락이 됐습니다‬-Ji-a's two men have been eliminated. -[Kyuhyun and Hanhae] Right.
‪(한해와 규현) 그러네요‬-Ji-a's two men have been eliminated. -[Kyuhyun and Hanhae] Right.
‪자, 이제 여기서‬ ‪한 명만 떨어지거든요‬Now, there's just one left.
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blows]
‪[세훈의 웃음]‬[Se-hoon chuckles]
‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪[여자들의 걱정하는 신음]‬-Oh, no. Look. -Oh, no.
‪(세훈) 아이…‬Oh, come on.
‪[사람들이 저마다 놀란다]‬Oh, come on. [Yea-won] Oh, no.
‪[여자들의 놀란 신음]‬-[exclaims] -[gasps]
‪[세훈의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blows] -[So-yeon] Whoa! -[Su-min] Wow.
‪(마스터) 김준식 씨, 탈락입니다‬[Master] Jun-sik has been eliminated.
‪[민지의 탄성]‬ ‪(예원) 저렇게‬ ‪험하게 탈락하는구나‬-My gosh. -That was brutal.
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blows]
‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪(준식) 아, 이건 끝이야‬[Se-hoon] It's game over for you.
‪[예원의 놀란 신음]‬[Se-hoon] It's game over for you.
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blows]
‪[진택의 웃음]‬
‪(마스터) 오진택 씨, 탈락입니다‬[Master] Jin-taek has been eliminated.
‪(지아) 엄청 떨려, 너무 무서워‬[indistinct chatter]
‪(규현과 진경)‬ ‪- 지금부턴 자존심 싸움인데‬ ‪- 와, 센 두 사람만 남았네‬-[Hanhae] Their pride is on the line. -Wow. Just two strong guys left.
‪(규현) 세훈 씨는 천국도 가네요‬ ‪어쨌든 간에‬Se-hoon is going to Paradise either way!
‪[제작진들의 웃음]‬ ‪- (한해) 어, 아…‬ ‪- (진경) 그래, 이제 천국도 간다‬-[all exclaim] -I know! -He's finally going to Paradise. -Finally.
‪- (한해) 드디어‬ ‪- (진경) 다행이다‬-He's finally going to Paradise. -Finally. -I'm happy for him. -[Jin-kyung] Go, Se-hoon.
‪그래, 가는 거야‬-I'm happy for him. -[Jin-kyung] Go, Se-hoon.
‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬-I'm happy for him. -[Jin-kyung] Go, Se-hoon.
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blows]
‪(진경) 와‬ ‪여기서 누가 제일 셀까?‬ ‪[다희의 한숨]‬[Jin-kyung] I wonder who's the strongest.
‪근데 일대일 싸움이잖아‬This is a one-on-one fight.
‪(규현) 지금 서로‬ ‪힘을 많이 썼어요‬ ‪[진경이 호응한다]‬This is a one-on-one fight. -They're both quite exhausted too. -[Da-hee] Right.
‪[여자들의 놀라는 신음]‬
‪[여자들의 놀라는 신음]‬
‪[여자들의 놀라는 신음]‬[both exclaim]
‪(세훈) 와, 힘 진짜…‬[grunts] Wow.
‪(소연) 와, 이거는 운동 신경을‬ ‪힘으로 눌렀어, 지금‬Wow, strength versus speed. Looks like strength is winning.
‪[세훈의 거친 숨소리]‬[breathes hard]
‪[여자들의 놀란 신음]‬[all exclaim]
‪(지아) 어, 어떡해‬
‪- 어머, 어떡해, 어‬ ‪- (규현) 어쩔 수 없어‬Oh, my gosh.
‪이게 뭐야?‬-He can't fight back! -What's happening?
‪[준식의 탄성]‬[Jin-taek exclaims] -[whistle blows] -[Jin-taek] That was smooth.
‪(진택) 살포시…‬ ‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬-[whistle blows] -[Jin-taek] That was smooth.
‪(마스터) 문세훈 씨, 탈락입니다‬ ‪[박수 소리가 들린다]‬-[whistle blows] -[Jin-taek] That was smooth. [Master] Se-hoon has been eliminated.
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬[Master] Se-hoon has been eliminated. [upbeat music]
‪- (수민) 우와‬ ‪- (예원) 진짜 대박‬-[Yea-won] Gosh. That was amazing. -[whistle blows]
‪[소연의 탄성]‬
‪(지아) 진짜 너무 힘들겠다‬-Oh. -What is that?
‪괜찮아?‬Are you okay?
‪(마스터) 천국도 데이트권이‬ ‪걸린 게임의 1위‬[Master] The winner of the game for a date in Paradise is Hyun-seung.
‪차현승‬[Master] The winner of the game for a date in Paradise is Hyun-seung.
‪2위 문세훈, 3위 오진택 씨입니다‬ ‪[시훈의 탄성]‬In second place, Se-hoon, and in third place, Jin-taek.
‪이번 게임에서‬ ‪1, 2, 3위를 하신 분들께서는‬The top three players will choose their partners
‪잠시 뒤 저녁 시간에‬The top three players will choose their partners to go to Paradise within the evening.
‪천국도에 함께 갈‬ ‪파트너를 선택하시겠습니다‬to go to Paradise within the evening. Thank you, everyone.
‪여러분, 수고하셨습니다‬Thank you, everyone.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪(수민과 예원) 감사합니다‬-[applause] -Good job.
‪남자들 참호 게임 했을 때‬When the men played in the arena,
‪현승 씨가 대화하고 이럴 때와‬ ‪다른 모습을 보여 줘서‬When the men played in the arena, Hyun-seung showed us a different side of his, and everyone found him very sexy.
‪다들 섹시하다고 느꼈어요‬and everyone found him very sexy.
‪그거 하고 나서 현승 씨가‬After that game, Hyun-seung became even more attractive to me.
‪너무 갑자기 멋있어 보이는 거예요‬After that game, Hyun-seung became even more attractive to me.
‪그래서 '어? 약간 흔들릴까?'‬ ‪하고 있어요‬After that game, Hyun-seung became even more attractive to me. I feel like I might be swayed. Oh. Probably so.
‪(소연) 나 진짜 보다가‬ ‪너무 긴장돼 가지고‬[So-yeon] Oh, just watching them made me so nervous.
‪[여자들이 호응한다]‬ ‪배가 아파 가지고 내가 너무…‬[So-yeon] Oh, just watching them made me so nervous. -I even got a stomachache. -[Yea-won] I got really nervous too.
‪너무 이렇게 졸이고 있었나 봐‬-I even got a stomachache. -[Yea-won] I got really nervous too. I think I was too tense.
‪(예원) 진짜 떨리긴 하더라‬ ‪진짜, 놀랐다‬I got really nervous too. I was surprised.
‪(지아) 그, 진짜 눈빛이 다들…‬Everyone's eyes were…
‪근데 난 현승 씨는‬ ‪왠지 잘할 수 있을 거 같았어‬ ‪[지아가 호응한다]‬I knew Hyun-seung would be good. -[Ji-a] Hyun-seung. Right. -You know.
‪- (소연) 현승 씨?‬ ‪- 뭔가, 어‬-[Ji-a] Hyun-seung. Right. -You know.
‪- (지아) 1등 했잖아‬ ‪- (예원) 그분은 딱 뭔가…‬He won the game. [Yea-won] I could just feel it.
‪- 현중이가 시작부터‬ ‪- (예원) 그건 예상도 못 했다‬Hyeon-joong went for Si-hun right off the bat. -I did not see that coming. -I didn't know he'd do that.
‪바로 시훈 씨한테‬ ‪갈 줄 몰랐어, 그렇지?‬-I did not see that coming. -I didn't know he'd do that. Maybe it's because he was in front.
‪바로 앞에 있어서‬ ‪그런 거 아니야?‬Maybe it's because he was in front.
‪- (소연) 아니야, 지아…‬ ‪- (예원) 아!‬ ‪[예원의 놀란 신음]‬Maybe it's because he was in front. No, it's because of Ji-a.
‪(예원) 야, 맞네‬ ‪나 그 생각을 못 했다‬Oh, you're right. I had no idea.
‪(소연) 지아를 두고 바로 간 거야‬Oh, you're right. I had no idea. He came at him because of Ji-a.
‪(예원) 맞네, 난 그냥‬ ‪만만해서 간 줄 알았어‬He came at him because of Ji-a. Right. I thought it's because he thought he was the weakest.
‪아, 근데 궁금하다‬I'm curious, though. I wonder who Se-hoon will choose.
‪세훈 씨가 누구를 뽑을지‬I wonder who Se-hoon will choose.
‪(지아) 아, 나도, 나도‬ ‪세훈 씨 제일 궁금해‬ ‪[소연이 호응한다]‬Me too. I wonder who he'll choose.
‪- (예원) 세훈 씨는 여기…‬ ‪- (지연) 여기 뽑을 거 같아‬I feel like he'll choose her.
‪(지아) 아, 그래?‬-Me too. -[Ji-a] You think?
‪- 둘이 요트 갔다 왔죠?‬ ‪- (지아) 둘이 뭐 했었어?‬You went on the yacht date, right?
‪- (민지) 네, 요트 갔다 왔어요‬ ‪- (지아) 아, 진짜?‬-What did you two do? -Yeah, we did.
‪(소연) 드디어, 드디어 세훈이가‬ ‪천국도를 가는구나‬ ‪[저마다 말한다]‬[So-yeon] Finally, Se-hoon is going to Paradise. -Finally… -Yeah, great. Finally…
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(민지) 근데 진짜 누구 뽑을지‬We never know who he might choose.
‪- (예원) 궁금해‬ ‪- (민지) 응, 궁금해‬
‪수민 씨도…‬Su-min… Su-min also…
‪(진경) 근데 수민 씨도‬ ‪세훈 씨한테 마음이 있죠?‬Su-min… Su-min also… Su-min is also interested in Se-hoon, right?
‪- (다희) 네‬ ‪- (규현) 있어요, 있어요‬Su-min is also interested in Se-hoon, right? -Yeah. She's interested in Se-hoon. -She is.
‪(다희) 세훈 씨한테 있어요‬-Yeah. She's interested in Se-hoon. -She is.
‪세훈이 아직도 살짝 고민 중이야?‬ ‪[휘파람 소리가 들린다]‬Se-hoon, are you still torn?
‪나? 어‬Me? Yeah.
‪너무 궁금하다‬I wonder who you'll choose.
‪나도‬Me too.
‪(준식) 현승이는 어떻게‬ ‪좀 정했어?‬Hyun-seung, what about you?
‪누구랑 갈지?‬Have you decided?
‪두 명 중의 한 명인데‬ ‪[준식의 탄성]‬I'm torn between two. Unless something huge happens…
‪뭐, 큰 그게 없으면…‬Unless something huge happens… [Jin-taek] You're going for one of them?
‪(진택) 한 명이고?‬[Jin-taek] You're going for one of them?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(소연) 우리 다 모두‬ ‪한 명씩 돌아가면서‬How about we all talk to Hyun-seung one by one?
‪현승 씨랑‬How about we all talk to Hyun-seung one by one?
‪얘기해 보는 타임을 가져 볼까?‬How about we all talk to Hyun-seung one by one?
‪- 좋아, 좋아‬ ‪- (소연) 다 돌아가면서‬-Sounds good. -[So-yeon] One by one.
‪새로 오신 분들한테‬ ‪먼저 기회를 드리고‬ ‪[여자들이 호응한다]‬Let's let the new girls talk to him first. -Okay. -Yeah. Let's do that.
‪(예원) 남자 방 가서 우리 한 명씩‬ ‪다 얘기해 보고 싶다고…‬ ‪[호응한다]‬One by one. [Yea-won] Let's go to their lodging and tell them we'd like to talk to him one by one.
‪[진택과 현승의 웃음]‬ ‪(시훈) 네‬-[chuckles] -Yeah.
‪- (민지) 현승 님?‬ ‪- (현승) 네‬-[Min-ji] Hyun-seung? -[Hyun-seung] Yeah.
‪(민지) 잠시만‬ ‪나와 주실 수 있을까요?‬Could you come out for a second?
‪(현승) 네‬Eh, sure.
‪(민지) 엄청‬ ‪잘 맞으시는 거 같아요‬Looks like you're getting along well.
‪- (현승) 그, 사람들이랑?‬ ‪- (민지) 네, 그분들이랑‬-With the people? -With the people here.
‪(현승) 성격이 다 좋아요, 진짜‬-With the people? -With the people here. Everyone here is so nice.
‪오자마자 당황하지 않았어요?‬Wasn't it confusing at first? We had to pick our partners as soon as we got here.
‪오자마자 요트 그거 갈 사람‬ ‪고르라 그래 가지고‬ ‪[민지가 호응한다]‬We had to pick our partners as soon as we got here.
‪고르라고 해 가지고 전…‬Right. It was so sudden.
‪- 그때‬ ‪- (민지) 네?‬-And… -Yeah?
‪세훈이랑 갔었죠?‬…you chose Se-hoon, right?
‪네, 갔었는데…‬Yeah, I did.
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪외모 세훈이가 제일 그거였어요?‬Was it because you liked his appearance the most?
‪제가 코 예쁘신 분을‬ ‪좋아해 가지고‬ ‪[현승이 호응한다]‬I like guys with pretty noses. -And I thought he had a pretty nose. -Got you.
‪근데 코가 예쁘셔 가지고‬-And I thought he had a pretty nose. -Got you. 'Cause that's why I chose him.
‪그래서 골랐어요‬'Cause that's why I chose him. -Yeah, prettiest nose? -Yeah.
‪- (현승) 가장?‬ ‪- 네, 맞아요‬-Yeah, prettiest nose? -Yeah.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪다른 분들이랑은…‬What about the others?
‪(세훈) 그렇게 멀진 않은데‬ ‪그래도 좀 걸어야 되니까‬[Se-hoon] It's not so far away, but we need to walk a bit.
‪(수민) 아, 저기를‬ ‪쿨링 존이라고 하는 거야?‬[Su-min] So it's called the cooling zone?
‪(세훈) 어, 저 위에를‬[Su-min] So it's called the cooling zone? [Se-hoon] Yeah. It's up there.
‪(민지) 아, 지연 씨도‬Oh, Ji-yeon too.
‪(수민) 어제 호감도 테스트 했잖아‬-We had a voting session yesterday. -[Se-hoon] Right.
‪(세훈) 응‬-We had a voting session yesterday. -[Se-hoon] Right.
‪- (세훈) 투표 잘했어? 어‬ ‪- (수민) 나?‬Did you choose well? -[Su-min] Me? -[Se-hoon] Yeah.
‪(수민) 응!‬[Su-min] Mm. Yeah.
‪[세훈이 호응한다]‬-I see. -I chose you.
‪난 너한테 했어‬-I see. -I chose you.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- (세훈) 나한테 했다고?‬ ‪- (수민) 응‬-Me? -Yeah.
‪(세훈) [웃으며]‬ ‪이렇게 얘기해도 돼?‬-Are you allowed to tell me? -No.
‪(수민) [웃으며] 안 돼‬-Are you allowed to tell me? -No.
‪(세훈) 아니야‬ ‪뭐, 말해도 돼, 말해도…‬No, it's okay. You can say it.
‪진짜로 여기가 되게 신기해‬This place is really interesting.
‪(수민) 얼음도 있겠지?‬[Su-min] There should be some ice left, right?
‪- (세훈) 얼음 있어, 있어‬ ‪- (수민) 있어? 아, 좋다‬-There is. -There is? -That's great. -It's a relief, right?
‪(세훈) 다행이다, 맞지?‬-That's great. -It's a relief, right?
‪[수민의 놀란 신음]‬[gasps]
‪- (세훈) 다행이다‬ ‪- 있네‬-That's a relief. -There's a lot.
‪아, '난 너한테 썼어' 이래 가지고‬You said you chose me, but I had no idea.
‪난 예상 못 했어‬You said you chose me, but I had no idea.
‪(수민) 처음 내가 딱 왔는데‬ ‪[세훈이 호응한다]‬When I first got here,
‪너무 막‬I was totally lost. I didn't know what to do.
‪좀 어떻게 해야 될지‬ ‪잘 모르겠고 이랬는데‬I was totally lost. I didn't know what to do.
‪그때 많이 되게 도와줬어서‬And you helped me a lot.
‪- 나 진짜 고마웠어‬ ‪- (세훈) 아, 그래?‬I really appreciated it. I almost cried.
‪[웃으며] 눈물이 날 정도로‬I really appreciated it. I almost cried.
‪진짜로?‬ ‪눈물 날 정도로 고마웠다고?‬Really? You were so thankful you almost cried?
‪(수민) 어, 난 진짜‬ ‪'이거 어떻게 해야 되지?'‬ ‪[수민의 웃음]‬Yes. Seriously, I had no idea what I had to do.
‪되게 그랬었거든‬Yes. Seriously, I had no idea what I had to do.
‪그래서 사실 아무 생각 없는데‬-Mm. -I didn't know what to do. No one told me what to do.
‪그리고 알려 주지도 않으니까‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬No one told me what to do.
‪- (세훈) 그렇지, 그렇지, 그렇지‬ ‪- (수민) 내가 뭘 할 수도 없고‬-Right. Right. -So I couldn't do anything.
‪(세훈) 그렇지‬[Se-hoon] Of course.
‪쟤 민지 아니야?‬Isn't that Min-ji?
‪- (세훈) 얼음물 마시러 오나?‬ ‪- 아…‬-Ah… -Is she coming to get some iced water?
‪아, 얘기하려고 오나 보다‬-Ah… -Is she coming to get some iced water? I guess she wants to talk.
‪먼 길 오시네요?‬You've come a long way.
‪(민지) 여기 왜 이렇게 힘들어?‬[Min-ji] It's so hard to get here.
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬ ‪어?‬-Gosh. -[Se-hoon] Was it a good talk?
‪- (세훈) 얘기 잘했어?‬ ‪- (민지) 어‬-Gosh. -[Se-hoon] Was it a good talk? Yeah. Wow, I'm so tired.
‪- (민지) 아, 힘들어‬ ‪- (세훈) 앉아, 앉아‬Yeah. Wow, I'm so tired. -Have a seat. -[breathes heavily]
‪[민지의 지친 숨소리]‬-Have a seat. -[breathes heavily]
‪- (세훈) 물 마실래?‬ ‪- (민지) 응‬-Do you want some? -Mm. Yeah.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[수민의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪[민지의 한숨]‬[Su-min] Oh.
‪세훈 씨‬ ‪살다 살다 또 이런 날이 오네‬I can't believe this is happening to Se-hoon.
‪(규현) 꿈만 같은 거예요, 지금‬I can't believe this is happening to Se-hoon. -He must feel like he's dreaming. -[Jin-kyung] He must be so torn.
‪(진경) 어, 지금 누구를 선택할지‬ ‪[다희가 호응한다]‬-He must feel like he's dreaming. -[Jin-kyung] He must be so torn.
‪- 이게 무슨 일이야‬ ‪- (진경) 와‬I know. Can you believe this? Se-hoon…
‪(진경) 오늘 세훈 씨 생일이에요?‬ ‪뭐예요?‬ ‪[다희의 웃음]‬I know. Can you believe this? Se-hoon… Is it Se-hoon's birthday or what? [chuckles]
‪(예원) 오늘 게임하실 때‬ ‪진짜 너무 멋있어 가지고‬ ‪[물이 조르르 흘러내린다]‬You were so cool at the game earlier.
‪- (예원) 저 진짜 깜짝 놀랐어요‬ ‪- (현승) 게임요?‬You were so cool at the game earlier. You really surprised me.
‪(예원) 전 근데‬ ‪1등 하실 줄 알았어요‬ ‪[현승의 웃음]‬-[Hyun-seung] At the game? -I knew you'd be the winner. [Hyun-seung chuckles]
‪딱 필이 오거든, 뭔지 아시죠?‬I could just feel it. You know what I mean.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬[chuckles softly]
‪(예원) 진짜 궁금한 게 있는데‬ ‪이상형이 뭐예요?‬So what's your ideal type? -Me? -Yeah.
‪- (현승) 저요?‬ ‪- (예원) 네‬-Me? -Yeah.
‪저 웃는 거 이쁜 여자‬ ‪외형적으로는‬Appearance-wise, I like a beautiful smile.
‪아, 외형은‬Appearance-wise. Okay.
‪[호응한다]‬ ‪(현승) 웃는 거 이쁜 사람‬Appearance-wise. Okay. -Women who have nice smiles. -Uh-huh.
‪[예원과 현승의 웃음]‬-Women who have nice smiles. -Uh-huh. [Hyun-seung chuckles]
‪근데 그런 말 많이 듣거든요‬I get that a lot.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[laughter]
‪- (한해) 아, 너무 귀여워‬ ‪- (진경) 귀여워‬ ‪[다희가 호응한다]‬[laughs] -So cute. -[Da-hee] So cute.
‪(규현) 아유, 좋다‬-So cute. -[Da-hee] So cute. [Kyuhyun] My gosh.
‪[예원과 현승의 웃음]‬She's so lovely. [Hyun-seung chuckles]
‪근데 그런 말 많이 듣거든요‬I get that a lot.
‪(예원) [웃으며] 아, 진짜‬ ‪농담이 아니라 진짜로‬I'm not joking. I actually mean it.
‪그냥 입으로 그러는 게 아니라…‬ ‪그리고 또요?‬
‪- 엄청 밝은 거 같아요, 성격‬ ‪- (예원) 저요?‬-You seem very positive. -I do?
‪물 같은 거 좋아해요? 물?‬Do you like water?
‪(예원) 저, 그래, 안 그래도 나‬Right. I heard you love water sports.
‪물놀이를 엄청 좋아하신다면서요?‬Right. I heard you love water sports. I love water. I really do.
‪저 진짜 장난 아니게 좋아하거든요‬I love water. I really do.
‪- (현승) 진짜요?‬ ‪- 저 옛날 어릴 때‬Really? I was a swimmer when I was little, so I love water.
‪수영 선수 잠시 했었어 가지고‬I was a swimmer when I was little, so I love water. That's why I really wanted to talk to you.
‪물에 완전 환장을 하는데‬That's why I really wanted to talk to you.
‪그래서 진짜 얘기해 보고 싶었어요‬That's why I really wanted to talk to you. I love anything that has to do with water.
‪(예원) 저 물놀이 다 좋아해요‬I love anything that has to do with water.
‪물에서 하는 모든 걸 다 좋아해요‬I love all kinds of water sports.
‪어떤 거 좋아하세요, 특히나?‬What's your favorite water sports?
‪(현승) 저는 프리 다이빙‬I love freediving.
‪(예원) 나 근데 그건 안 해 봤어‬ ‪해 보고 싶었는데‬I haven't done that. I've always wanted to try, though.
‪(현승) 이랑 웨이크서핑 같은 거‬I haven't done that. I've always wanted to try, though. I also love wakesurfing.
‪그건 너무 좋아요, 진짜 좋아요‬I also love wakesurfing. I love that too. I really love it.
‪- (예원) 진짜, 진짜‬ ‪- (현승) 아는 사람을 만났어‬Totally. I finally met someone who likes it.
‪(예원) 알지, 그러니까‬I finally met someone who likes it.
‪전 또 호캉스 물놀이도‬ ‪좋아하거든요, 참고하세요‬I know. I love swimming in hotel pools too. Just so you know.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬[both chuckling]
‪너무 솔직했죠?‬Too straightforward?
‪[웃음]‬ ‪- (예원) 자리 바꿔 줄까요?‬ ‪- 눈이 엄청 크네요?‬-[Yea-won chuckles, mumbles] -You have really big eyes.
‪- 제가요?‬ ‪- (현승) 네‬-I do? -Yeah.
‪- 어, 눈이 큰…‬ ‪- (현승) 눈동자가 큰 건가?‬ ‪[감미로운 음악]‬-My eyes? -Or is it your pupils?
‪웃을 때 이렇게 되네요‬Your eyes go like this when you smile.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬[laughs]
‪네‬[sniffs] Right.
‪예원 씨 이렇게‬ ‪밝게 웃는 거 처음 봐‬ ‪[한해의 탄성]‬I've never seen Yea-won smile so much.
‪- (규현) 그러니까요‬ ‪- (진경) 지옥도 와서‬I've never seen Yea-won smile so much. -Me neither. -Since coming to Inferno at least.
‪되게 매력 있다‬ ‪[한해와 규현이 호응한다]‬-She's so charming. -[Hanhae] She is.
‪네‬[sniffs] Right.
‪(예원) [웃으며] 눈이‬ ‪작다는 소리예요?‬Are you saying my eyes are big or small?
‪크다는 소리예요?‬Are you saying my eyes are big or small? I'm saying your eyes are big.
‪크다고, 눈 크다고‬ ‪[예원의 웃음]‬I'm saying your eyes are big.
‪(예원) 아, 몰라, 여하튼‬[chuckling] Anyway…
‪- (현승) 그 얘기도 했었는데‬ ‪- (예원) 뭐라고?‬You know what I heard? -What? -Well…
‪- (현승) 그, 뭐지?‬ ‪- (지연) 예원 씨‬-What? -Well… -[Ji-yeon] Yea-won. -Yes?
‪- (예원) 응?‬ ‪- (지연) 소연 언니가‬-[Ji-yeon] Yea-won. -Yes? [Ji-yeon] So-yeon says time's up.
‪(지연) 시간 초과됐다고‬ ‪이제 배턴 터치 하래‬[Ji-yeon] So-yeon says time's up. -You need to pass up the time now. -Already?
‪(예원) 아, 벌써?‬ ‪나 안 되는데, 아직 덜 꼬셨다고‬ ‪[지연의 웃음]‬-You need to pass up the time now. -Already? No! I'm not done flirting with him. -[Ji-yeon laughs] -[sighs]
‪[예원의 한숨]‬-[Ji-yeon laughs] -[sighs]
‪다음에 또 봐요‬ ‪[웃음]‬See you later then.
‪[웃음]‬Okay. Talk to you later.
‪그러면 다음에 뵙겠습니다‬Talk to you later. I'm next. Should we talk here?
‪- (예원) 야, 적당히 해라‬ ‪- (지연) 적당히 하라고?‬Maybe we can have some iced water. [Yea-won] Take it easy.
‪(예원) 어, 적당히 해라‬[Yea-won] Take it easy. Take it easy?
‪(지연) 소연 언니가‬ ‪가서 말하래, 나한테‬ ‪[예원의 웃음]‬[Yea-won chuckling]
‪- (예원) 아, 나 너무 웃겼는데‬ ‪- (지연) 나 여기 앉아서 하면 돼?‬[Yea-won chuckling] -[Ji-yeon] Can I just sit here? -Yeah.
‪- (현승) 네‬ ‪- (지연) 우리 각자‬-[Ji-yeon] Can I just sit here? -Yeah.
‪[웃으며] 매력 어필하러 왔거든요‬We're taking turns showing our charms.
‪(예원) 자, 그러면 두 분‬ ‪즐거운 시간 보내세요‬ ‪[지연의 웃음]‬All right, then. Have fun, you guys.
‪- (규현) 어유, 눈을 못 떼시네‬ ‪- (다희) 계속 봐요‬[Da-hee] He keeps looking at her. -[Kyuhyun] His eyes are fixed on her. -[Hanhae] Oh, my.
‪(한해) 어떡해‬-[Kyuhyun] His eyes are fixed on her. -[Hanhae] Oh, my.
‪(세훈) 근데 난‬ ‪되게 오늘 다행이네‬I'm so happy I can finally go to Paradise.
‪그래도 가네, 오늘에야‬I'm so happy I can finally go to Paradise.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪제일 뭐 먹고 싶어, 너희는?‬What food do you miss the most?
‪- (수민) 빙수‬ ‪- (세훈) 빙수?‬-Bing… Bingsu. -Bingsu.
‪[수민의 웃음]‬ ‪- (세훈) 너는?‬ ‪- (민지) 빙수?‬-Bing… Bingsu. -Bingsu. -How about you? -Bingsu?
‪- (수민) 더워서‬ ‪- (민지) 난 술 먹고 싶어‬-How about you? -Bingsu? -Because it's so hot. -I could use a drink.
‪술 먹고 싶어?‬A drink?
‪(민지) 어제부터 얘기했잖아‬ ‪술 먹고 싶다고‬-I've been saying that since yesterday. -[Se-hoon] Right.
‪(세훈) 아, 맞아‬-I've been saying that since yesterday. -[Se-hoon] Right.
‪먹는 건 뭐 먹고 싶어?‬What food do you wanna eat, Su-min?
‪- (수민) 먹는 거?‬ ‪- 어‬What food do you wanna eat, Su-min? -[Su-min] Food? -Yeah.
‪- (세훈) 뭐 좋아해? 아, 냉면‬ ‪- (수민) 냉면‬-Naengmyeon. -Oh. Naengmyeon.
‪(수민) 냉면, 시원하게, 더워‬-Naengmyeon. -Oh. Naengmyeon. Yeah. Because it's cold. It's so hot here.
‪너는?‬What about you?
‪- (민지) 나 삼겹살‬ ‪- (세훈) 삼겹살‬ ‪[수민의 탄성]‬Pork belly. -Pork belly. -[gasps]
‪진짜, 나 삼겹살에 맥주‬ ‪소맥 너무 먹고 싶어‬Seriously. I really miss somaek too.
‪[웃으며] 소맥이래‬ ‪[민지의 웃음]‬-Somaek. -[Min-ji chuckles]
‪(민지) 진짜‬[Min-ji] Seriously.
‪- (세훈) 너희 좀 덥지, 이제?‬ ‪- (민지) 어‬[Se-hoon] It's so hot. Shall we go down?
‪(세훈) 내려갈까? 내려가자‬Shall we go down? Let's go.
‪(준식) 얘기할 사람들은 얘기하고‬[Jun-sik] Talk to the people you'd like to talk with.
‪(예원) 너는 세훈이랑‬ ‪얘기 안 해 봐도 되나?‬Don't you wanna talk to Se-hoon?
‪나는 해 보고 싶다고‬ ‪생각을 했어, 계속‬I've always thought that I should.
‪(지연) 그래 가지고‬ ‪천국도를 갔다 와서‬But I thought it'd be better to talk with him after he comes back
‪나중에 하는 게‬ ‪좋을 거 같다고 생각을 했거든‬ ‪[준식이 호응한다]‬But I thought it'd be better to talk with him after he comes back -from Paradise. -[Jun-sik] I see.
‪왜냐하면 지금‬ ‪생각을 혼자 하고 있을 텐데‬-from Paradise. -[Jun-sik] I see. Because he must have a lot on his mind right now. And if I--
‪- 내가 가서 말…‬ ‪- (예원) 그럴 수도 있겠다‬ ‪[지아가 호응한다]‬Because he must have a lot on his mind right now. And if I--
‪- 그럴 수도 있겠다‬ ‪- (지연) 무슨 말인지 알겠지?‬-[Yea-won] I get what you mean. -I get it…
‪(지연) 뭔가 너무 보기에는‬ ‪천국도 가고 싶어서‬ ‪[지아가 호응한다]‬-[Yea-won] I get what you mean. -I get it… I don't want him to think that I just wanna go to Paradise.
‪난 그렇게 보이고 싶지 않으니까‬I don't want him to think that I just wanna go to Paradise. So I was waiting for the right time.
‪난 기다리고 있었어, 그냥‬ ‪타이밍을‬So I was waiting for the right time. But I should talk to him at some point.
‪나도 얘기해야겠다고‬ ‪혼자 생각을 하고 있었어‬But I should talk to him at some point.
‪그래그래‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Ah, I see.
‪하나씩 다 풀면 되지, 뭐‬Take your time.
‪- 그렇지, 미안한 감정도 있고‬ ‪- (예원) 시간은 없지만‬Right. I feel bad for him too.
‪당연히 나도 사람인데‬Right. I feel bad for him too. I'm a human too, after all.
‪아, 고민이다‬Gosh, I'm really torn.
‪나도 뭔가 오늘이‬I feel like this might be
‪처음이자 마지막일 거 같아서‬ ‪천국도 갈 수 있는 기회가‬my first and last chance to go to Paradise.
‪(진택) 아, 천국도?‬Oh, really? You think so?
‪(세훈) 그래서 되게 알차고‬ ‪가치 있게 쓰고 싶은데‬So I wanna make the best out of it.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬[smacks lips]
‪어떻게 쓰는 게‬ ‪알차고 가치 있을지‬But I'm not sure what I should do to make the best out of it.
‪모르겠네‬But I'm not sure what I should do to make the best out of it. [sighs]
‪[진택의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪진짜 고민이다‬This is hard.
‪(현승) 제가 사실 저기로‬ ‪가고 싶어요, 마음 같아서는‬[Hyun-seung] To be honest, I wanna go there.
‪- (소연) 어, 가요, 그러면‬ ‪- (현승) 저기 가도 되는 거예요?‬[So-yeon] Let's go there then. -Is it okay to go there? -[So-yeon] Yeah, let's go.
‪(소연) 네, 같이 가요‬-Is it okay to go there? -[So-yeon] Yeah, let's go.
‪(현승) 그러면 바다랑 하늘‬ ‪이런 거 좋아해요?‬[Hyun-seung] Do you like the ocean and the sky?
‪(소연) 네, 저는 바다, 하늘, 자연‬ ‪너무 좋아해 가지고‬[Hyun-seung] Do you like the ocean and the sky? [So-yeon] Yeah. I love the ocean and the sky. I love nature.
‪아까 엄청 웃겼는데‬ ‪예, 예원, 예원 씨?‬Yea-won was really funny.
‪- 예원 씨가 제일 웃겨요‬ ‪- (현승) 네‬-Yea-won is the funniest. -I see.
‪[소연의 웃음]‬ ‪(소연) 이렇게 얘기해도 되나‬-Yea-won is the funniest. -I see. -She's funny. -She's really pleasant.
‪- (현승) 엄청 유쾌해요‬ ‪- (소연) 엄청 유쾌하죠‬-She's funny. -She's really pleasant. She really is.
‪[소연의 웃음]‬ ‪(현승) 진짜 너무‬ ‪너무 매력 있는 거 같아요‬-[chuckles] -Seriously, I find her really charming.
‪[소연이 호응한다]‬Right.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬ ‪이렇게 표현하면 뭐한데‬I'm not sure if I can put it this way, but…
‪뭐라 그래야 되지?‬how should I put it?
‪- (현승) 얘기하지 마요‬ ‪- (소연) 네‬-Don't tell her, okay? -Okay.
‪(현승) 진짜로‬-Don't tell her, okay? -Okay. She's so…
‪[소연의 웃음]‬ ‪너무 이쁘고‬ ‪너무 매력 있는 거예요‬She's so pretty and charming.
‪[소연의 웃음]‬ ‪아직도 첫인상이…‬[chuckles] My first impression of her was…
‪- (소연) 왜, 왜?‬ ‪- (현승) 뭐였냐면‬What is it?
‪한마디도 안 해 봤는데 첫마디가‬ ‪[소연이 호응한다]‬I mean, before we even talked, she said this to me when we were climbing the stairs.
‪(현승) 계단 올라갈 때‬
‪'야, 빨리빨리 좀 올라가라'‬ ‪[소연의 웃음]‬-"Hey, come on, hurry up." -[both chuckle]
‪[웃으며] '아, 네, 네'‬-"Hey, come on, hurry up." -[both chuckle] So I said, "Oh, okay."
‪(소연) [웃으며] 아, 진짜?‬[So-yeon laughs] Really?
‪(현승) '와, 엄청 캐릭터 있다'‬ ‪[소연의 웃음]‬I thought, "She's really something." [laughs] "Hurry up."
‪- '빨리빨리 올라가라'‬ ‪- (현승) 엄청 매력 있어요‬[laughs] "Hurry up." She's so charming.
‪[알림음이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[소연의 놀라는 신음]‬-[intercom chimes] -[gasps]
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(마스터) 지금부터 천국도행‬ ‪선택을 시작하겠습니다‬[Master] It is now time to decide who will go to Paradise.
‪모두 각자의 숙소로‬ ‪돌아와 주시길 바랍니다‬Participants, please go back to your lodgings.
‪이제 우리 끝났네요‬Participants, please go back to your lodgings. I guess this is it.
‪[알림 종료음이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(소연) 그냥 마음 가는 대로‬ ‪하는 게 최고인 거 같아요‬[So-yeon] I think you should just follow your heart.
‪[예원의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪(예원) 진짜 오랜만에 웃겼다‬That was really fun.
‪(소연) 왜?‬-He's so much more fun than Jun-sik. -Really?
‪- (소연) 아, 진짜?‬ ‪- (예원) 응‬-He's so much more fun than Jun-sik. -Really? Yeah.
‪[예원의 한숨]‬[grunts] [chuckles]
‪(소연) 어떡해!‬Oh, my gosh.
‪(예원) 아, 진짜‬Seriously. He's so charming.
‪진짜 매력 있다, 진짜‬ ‪진짜 매력 있다‬ ‪[소연이 호응한다]‬Seriously. He's so charming. -[So-yeon] Yeah? -So charming.
‪(지아) 언니, 어땠어?‬How was it?
‪말 잘하더나?‬Was it a good talk?
‪(예원) 어, 잘하더라고‬Yes, it was.
‪생각보다 좀 재밌으신 분이시던데‬-He was actually more fun than I thought. -Yeah?
‪(소연) 그래?‬-He was actually more fun than I thought. -Yeah?
‪조금 적응했나?‬He's getting used to this place.
‪나는 예원이한테‬ ‪관심 있는 거 같은데‬He's getting used to this place. I think he's interested in you.
‪난 예원 씨랑 얘기할 때는‬ ‪그냥 웃다가 끝난 거 같아‬ ‪[시훈의 웃음]‬I think I did nothing but laugh when I was talking with Yea-won. She's so funny.
‪- (시훈) 그 사람 웃겨, 네‬ ‪- (현승) 너무 재밌는 거 같아‬
‪- (진택) 예원 씨만의 그게 있어‬ ‪- (시훈) 어, 사차원‬-[Se-hoon] She's a little wacky. -That's Yea-won's thing. [Se-hoon] Yeah. She's a little wacky.
‪매력 터져, 진짜 매력 터진다‬ ‪[시훈의 웃음]‬[Se-hoon] Yeah. She's a little wacky. Seriously, she's so charming.
‪(현중) 오늘 어떤‬ ‪카오스가 일어날지‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[Hyeon-joong] I wonder how chaotic it will be today.
‪(규현) 근데 지금 이제‬ ‪현승 씨의 선택이‬Hyun-seung's choice -will be very important now. -[both] Right.
‪- 되게 중요하게 됐잖아요‬ ‪- (한해) 네‬-will be very important now. -[both] Right.
‪(규현) 어쨌든 첫 번째로‬ ‪선택을 할 수 있으니까‬ ‪[진경이 호응한다]‬Anyway, he's the first to vote.
‪근데 누가 봐도 지금 예원 씨한테‬ ‪빠져 있는 사람이거든요‬And he's so obviously into Yea-won. [Jin-kyung] Yeah.
‪(다희) 근데 아까 물어봤어요‬[Jin-kyung] Yeah. Hyeon-joong asked Hyun-seung earlier if he was interested in anyone.
‪현중 씨가 현승 씨한테‬Hyeon-joong asked Hyun-seung earlier if he was interested in anyone.
‪마음에 혹시 드는 사람 있냐‬Hyeon-joong asked Hyun-seung earlier if he was interested in anyone. Then he said he would go for one person unless something huge happens.
‪크게 이상이‬ ‪변화가 없지 않는 이상‬Then he said he would go for one person unless something huge happens.
‪그 사람일 것 같다고 했는데‬ ‪지아 씨라고 생각했거든요‬ ‪[사람들이 호응한다]‬Then he said he would go for one person unless something huge happens. -I thought that person was Ji-a. -Yes.
‪제가 보기엔 바뀌었을 거 같아요‬-I thought that person was Ji-a. -Yes. -But I feel like he's changed his mind. -Definitely. Yeah.
‪- 바뀌었어요, 무조건 바뀌었어요‬ ‪- (다희) 그렇죠?‬-But I feel like he's changed his mind. -Definitely. Yeah.
‪왜냐하면 크게 이상이 있었어‬Because something huge happened.
‪- (다희) [웃으며] 이상 있었어요‬ ‪- 어, 하, 참‬Because something huge happened. [Da-hee] Something huge happened.
‪(규현) 그리고 2위를 한‬ ‪우리 세훈 씨‬[Da-hee] Something huge happened. And Se-hoon came in second place.
‪제일 복잡할 거 같아요, 생각이‬He must be one of the most confused ones there.
‪진짜 자기가 원하는 사람을‬ ‪[진경이 호응한다]‬He's thinking a lot because he wants to choose the person that he really likes.
‪선택을 하려고‬ ‪고민을 너무 하는 거 같아요‬because he wants to choose the person that he really likes.
‪그리고 새로 오신 두 분도‬ ‪스타일이 너무 다르죠‬The two new girls are -so different from each other. -[Kyuhyun] Right.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(규현) 네‬-so different from each other. -[Kyuhyun] Right.
‪[진경과 다희가 호응한다]‬ ‪(한해) 한 분은 좀 되게‬ ‪어른스럽고 좀 건강한 느낌이고‬One is a mature and healthy type while the other is more of a feisty type.
‪한 분은 또 되게 거침없고‬ ‪[다희의 웃음]‬while the other is more of a feisty type. -[Jin-kyung] Right. Right. -She's a little sister type.
‪또 막내미가 좀 있는‬ ‪[진경과 규현이 호응한다]‬-[Jin-kyung] Right. Right. -She's a little sister type.
‪(다희) 또 나란히 앉으니까‬ ‪그게 더 보이는 거예요‬-[Jin-kyung] Right. Right. -She's a little sister type. And the differences are so obvious from them sitting together.
‪- (진경) 맞아‬ ‪- (한해) 그러니까요‬And the differences are so obvious from them sitting together. [Hanhae] Yeah.
‪(진경) 그러니까‬ ‪지금 이 상황이 되게‬[Hanhae] Yeah. Se-hoon is supposed to look very happy,
‪우리 세훈 씨 얼굴이 밝고‬ ‪즐거워야 되는 상황인데‬Se-hoon is supposed to look very happy, but he looks the opposite.
‪- (규현) 맞아, 맞아‬ ‪- 어둡단 말이야‬[Kyuhyun] RIght. It means he has a lot on his mind.
‪- 생각이 많아 보여‬ ‪- (진경) 되게 뭔가‬It means he has a lot on his mind.
‪(진경) 생각이 많다는 얘기야‬It means he has a lot on his mind. He's torn.
‪근데 진짜 갈 희망이‬At least you girls have a chance.
‪(예원) 여기는 갈 희망들이 있지만‬At least you girls have a chance. Some people don't have any…
‪(예원과 지연)‬ ‪- 진짜 갈 희망 없는 사람…‬ ‪- 아니, 근데 진짜‬Some people don't have any…
‪나도 없다‬-Well, we never know. -I don't have a chance. I don't.
‪- (지연) 아무도 모르는 거니까‬ ‪- 나도‬-Well, we never know. -I don't have a chance. I don't.
‪(지연) 아까 매력 어필했잖아‬You flirted with him earlier.
‪- 모른다, 또 모른다‬ ‪- (지연) 진짜 몰라‬-We never know. -[Ji-yeon] Right, we never know.
‪(예원) 절대 아니다, 절대‬-It's not gonna happen. -Can you believe that, girl?
‪(지연) 우리 다 한 번씩‬ ‪얘기해 봤으니까‬-It's not gonna happen. -Can you believe that, girl? We all talked to him once.
‪- 오늘 진짜 예쁘다, 오늘‬ ‪- (예원) 진짜?‬We all talked to him once. -You're so pretty today. -[Yea-won] Really?
‪(지연) 진짜 아까 그 생각 했어‬ ‪연예인 같았어, 너무 예뻤어‬-You're so pretty today. -[Yea-won] Really? It's true, you looked so pretty. -You were like a celebrity. Seriously. -Stop it.
‪- 뻥치지 마‬ ‪- (지연) 진짜‬-You were like a celebrity. Seriously. -Stop it.
‪진짜 오늘 누구랑 갈지‬ ‪너무 궁금하다‬I wonder who you'll take to Paradise.
‪계속 생각을 하고 있어요‬ ‪[시훈이 호응한다]‬-I'm still thinking. -[Si-hun] Oh.
‪(준식) 세훈이는 마음 정리했어?‬[Jun-sik] Se-hoon, did you make up your mind?
‪- (세훈) 지금도 고민 중이야‬ ‪- (준식) 아직도? 세 명?‬I'm still thinking. Still? Among three?
‪- (세훈) 아니, 두 명‬ ‪- 두 명?‬Still? Among three? -[Se-hoon] No, two. -Two.
‪아, 괴롭다, 조금‬Gosh, this is painful.
‪(진택) 난 플랜 쓰리까지‬ ‪생각을 해야지‬ ‪[준식의 탄성]‬I gotta think of a plan C.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪혹시나 모르잖아‬Just in case.
‪[준식의 탄성]‬ ‪(시훈) [웃으며] '플랜 쓰리까지'‬Just in case. -Plan C? -[Se-hoon chuckles]
‪(준식) 아, 플랜 B가‬ ‪먼저 갈 수도 있으니까?‬-Plan C? -[Se-hoon chuckles] In case your plan B leaves you?
‪[웃으며] '플랜 쓰리'‬[chuckles] Plan C?
‪진택이 형 무슨 순애보 좀‬ ‪있는 줄 알았더니 전혀 아니야‬ ‪[규현의 웃음]‬I thought Jin-taek was a loyal type, but he's not like that at all.
‪아이, 세 번째니까, 세 번째니까‬Come on. This is the third vote.
‪[알림음이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[intercom chimes]
‪(마스터) 지금부터 천국도행‬ ‪커플 매칭을 시작하겠습니다‬[Master] Now, we're going to match the couples who will go on a date in Paradise.
‪앞서 게임으로‬ ‪천국도 데이트권을 획득한‬The winners of the game who earned tickets to Paradise,
‪차현승, 문세훈, 오진택 씨는‬Cha Hyun-seung, Moon Se-hoon, and Oh Jin-taek,
‪지옥 불 앞으로‬ ‪나와 주시길 바랍니다‬may now come to the campfire.
‪(준식) 동시에 간다고?‬All together?
‪(현승) 갔다 오겠습니다‬ ‪[남자들이 저마다 인사한다]‬-See you. -Have fun.
‪- (현중) 잘 가‬ ‪- (준식) 파이팅‬-Bye. -You can do it. -See you tomorrow. -You can do it.
‪- (준식) 파이팅, 파이팅‬ ‪- (진택) 갔다 올게요‬-See you tomorrow. -You can do it. See you later.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[whooshing]
‪(마스터) 1위를 한 차현승 씨부터‬[Master] Hyun-seung, you're the winner of the game.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪천국도에서 함께 데이트를‬ ‪하고 싶은 사람을 선택해 주세요‬[Master] Hyun-seung, you're the winner of the game. Please choose the person you'd like to go on a date with in Paradise.
‪저는‬I choose…
‪(마스터) 차현승 씨가‬ ‪선택한 사람은‬[Master] The person Cha Hyun-seung chose is…
‪이렇게 얘기하는 거야?‬ ‪공개적으로?‬Are they just telling us like this?
‪(마스터) 차현승 씨가‬ ‪선택한 사람은‬The person Cha Hyun-seung chose is…
‪[시훈의 놀라는 신음]‬ ‪(현중) 바로 말해 주네?‬The person Cha Hyun-seung chose is… -[gasps] -They're telling us right away.
‪(현중) 지아지‬-Ji-a. -It has to be her.
‪- (준식) 아닐 수도 있어‬ ‪- (현중) 지아일 거 같아‬-We never know. -I think he'll choose her.
‪- 난 95% 확신해‬ ‪- (현중) 나는 100%‬-I'm 95 percent sure, it's her. -I'm 100 percent sure.
‪(현승) 저는‬I choose…
‪(규현) 누구일까?‬[Hanhae] Who will it be?
‪예원 씨?‬Yea-won?
‪- (다희) 예원 씨‬ ‪- (규현) 예원 씨, 예원 씨‬-Yea-won. -Yea-won.
‪저는‬I choose…
‪송지아를 선택하겠습니다‬Song Ji-a.
‪[사람들의 놀라는 신음]‬-What? -[all gasp]
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪(다희) 아, 진짜?‬Really?
‪지아 씨, 쓰리 천국‬This is her third time going to Paradise.
‪송지아를 선택하겠습니다‬I choose Song Ji-a.
‪[옅은 탄성]‬[soft gasp]
‪[옅은 탄성]‬[sighs]
‪(마스터) 송지아 씨입니다‬ ‪송지아 씨는 밖으로 나와서‬[Master] Song Ji-a. Ji-a, please come outside.
‪(마스터) 송지아 씨입니다‬-Song Ji-a. -My gosh.
‪[놀라며] 대박‬-Song Ji-a. -My gosh.
‪(마스터) 송지아 씨는‬ ‪밖으로 나와서…‬ ‪[지연이 놀란다]‬-Song Ji-a. -My gosh. [Master] Ji-a, please come outside
‪- (수민) 대박이다‬ ‪- 갔다 올게‬ ‪[여자들의 박수]‬-and leave for Paradise with Hyun-seung. -See you.
‪(예원) 진짜?‬Seriously?
‪(예원) 진짜 대박‬[soft gasp] I got goosebumps.
‪소름 돋았어, 나 지금‬[soft gasp] I got goosebumps.
‪(예원) [작은 소리로] 어떡해‬[mouths]
‪[지퍼가 직 내려간다]‬Oh, my gosh. What about Hyeon-joong?
‪(마스터) 송지아 씨입니다‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[Master] Song Ji-a.
‪맞지?‬Ji-a, please come outside
‪(마스터) 송지아 씨는‬ ‪밖으로 나와서‬Ji-a, please come outside -and leave for Paradise with Hyun-seung. -I'm not surprised.
‪놀랍지 않아‬-and leave for Paradise with Hyun-seung. -I'm not surprised.
‪(마스터) 차현승 씨와 함께‬ ‪천국도로 떠나 주세요‬-and leave for Paradise with Hyun-seung. -I'm not surprised.
‪[밝은 음악]‬[light music]
‪(현승) 가시지요‬ ‪[웃음]‬-Shall we? -[chuckles]
‪[현승과 지아의 웃음]‬
‪(현승) 어디로 가? 나 길을 몰라‬[Hyun-seung] Where do we go? I don't know the way.
‪- (지아) 나 따라와‬ ‪- (현승) 네‬-[Ji-a] Follow me. -Okay.
‪- (지아) 오빠 피곤하겠다‬ ‪- (현승) 나?‬-[Ji-a] You must be tired. -[Hyun-seung] Me?
‪- (지아) 몸싸움도 하고‬ ‪- (현승) 괜찮아‬-[Ji-a] You must be tired. -[Hyun-seung] Me? -[Ji-a] You wrestled today. -[Hyun-seung] It's okay.
‪[무거운 음악]‬[light music]
‪(준식) 그걸 담담하게‬ ‪가게 하는 것도 참 멘탈이…‬You look calm. You're really strong.
‪- (현중) 나?‬ ‪- (준식) 응‬Me?
‪기분은 안 좋지‬It doesn't feel good.
‪솔직히 불안하긴 했죠‬ ‪제가 봐도 멋있는‬To be honest, I was worried. Even I think he's cool, and he's a good friend of mine.
‪제 친한 형이니까‬Even I think he's cool, and he's a good friend of mine. So I was a little worried.
‪불안하긴 했었죠‬So I was a little worried.
‪(마스터) 다음은‬ ‪2위 문세훈 씨입니다‬[Master] Next up is the runner-up, Se-hoon.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪천국도에서 함께‬ ‪데이트를 하고 싶은 사람을‬[Master] Next up is the runner-up, Se-hoon. Please choose the person you'd like to go on a date with in Paradise.
‪선택해 주시길 바랍니다‬in Paradise.
‪제가 선택한 사람은‬I choose…
‪(소연) 진짜 세훈이 기대된다‬-I can't wait to hear what he'll say. -Me too.
‪(예원) 진짜 세훈이 제일‬ ‪나 진짜 제일 기대돼‬-I can't wait to hear what he'll say. -Me too. I'm really curious.
‪아, 나는 얘일 수도‬ ‪있을 거 같기도 하고‬I think he might choose her.
‪그건 아닐 거 같아, 확실히‬I don't think so. I can assure you.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 모르지, 또‬You never know.
‪(지연) 난 여기일 거 같아‬ ‪난 여기일 거 같아‬ ‪[예원이 말한다]‬-I think it'll be her. -I can't wait to hear what he'll say.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪저는‬I choose…
‪- 아, 저요? 아, 네‬ ‪- (민지) 네‬ ‪[준식의 탄성]‬-Uh, me? Okay. -[Min-ji] Yes.
‪난 게임을 진짜 싫어하거든‬I hate video games.
‪[웃음]‬ ‪(세훈) 난 게임 아이디도 없어‬-[laughing] -I don't know anything about video games.
‪내가 한번 티어랑‬ ‪그걸 내가 공부를 해 올게‬-[laughing] -I don't know anything about video games. I'll go learn what tier is and all.
‪[웃으며] 응, 알았어‬-Okay. -Other guys should know it.
‪(세훈) 다른 친구들이‬ ‪그걸 알 거니까 내가 한번‬-Okay. -Other guys should know it.
‪(민지) 제가 천국도에‬
‪같이 가고 싶은 사람은‬ ‪세훈 씨예요‬The person I'd like to go to Paradise with is Se-hoon.
‪너무 안 맞는 게 많았어서‬ ‪맞는 걸 꼭 찾아서‬We're so different. I wanna find out what we have in common
‪얘기를 좀 많이 나눠 보고 싶어요‬and have a long conversation with him.
‪수민이 갈 거 같아‬He'll choose Su-min.
‪수민이 안 갔으면 좋겠다, 오늘‬I hope she stays here tonight.
‪- (준식) 왜?‬ ‪- 오늘 얘기 좀 하려 그랬는데‬ ‪[준식이 호응한다]‬-[Jun-sik] Why? Oh. -I wanted to talk to her.
‪(세훈) 뜸 들이고 있는 거고요‬We're simmering the rice.
‪계란국 하고 있는 거고‬ ‪저기는 파전‬That's the egg soup and that's pajeon.
‪[세훈의 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪마음이 아프네요‬I feel bad.
‪(수민) 난 너한테 했어‬[Su-min] I chose you.
‪- (세훈) 나한테 했다고?‬ ‪- (수민) 응‬[Se-hoon] Me?
‪- 나 진짜 고마웠어‬ ‪- (세훈) 아, 그래?‬I really appreciated it. I almost cried.
‪[웃으며] 눈물이 날 정도로‬I almost cried.
‪(수민) 잘 모르겠어요‬ ‪저를 선택하실지‬I don't know if he'll choose me. But whoever he chooses, it's his choice.
‪아니실지는 잘 모르겠지만‬But whoever he chooses, it's his choice.
‪그분의 선택이니까‬I'm worried and excited at the same time.
‪걱정 반, 기대 반?‬I'm worried and excited at the same time.
‪두 분‬I'm torn between two women.
‪생각하고 있는데‬I'm torn between two women.
‪어떤 분과 같이‬ ‪갈 건지에 대한 부분은‬Who do I wanna go to Paradise with?
‪네, 결정했습니다‬I've made up my mind.
‪제가 선택한 사람은‬I choose…
‪(세훈) 제가 선택한 사람은‬I choose…
‪신지연입니다‬Shin Ji-yeon.

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