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  스위트홈 1.5

Sweet Home 1.5


나 진짜 괜찮아I'm really okay.
차현수Cha Hyun-su.
할 얘기가 있어I need to talk to you.
(석현) 쟤만 어디 가?You're only taking him?
나는, 나는?What… about me?
넌 이용당할 뿐이야You know, he's using you.
(석현) 야! [문이 달칵 잠긴다]Hey!
[문을 덜컹 흔들며] 나도 꺼내 달라고!Let me out, too!
[석현이 씩씩거린다][door knob clatters]
(은혁) 정문은 중요한 봉쇄 지점인데 대충 막아 놨어[Cha Hyun-su] It's important we keep the front gate barricaded at all times.
계단 입구도 나무판자랑 쇠사슬이 전부고We also need more wooden planks and chains blocking the stairs.
언제 뚫려도 이상할 게 없지Monsters could get through at any moment.
좀 전까지 네가 있었던 곳도 마찬가지고The same goes for the room back there.
내가 왜 네 편을 들었을 거라고 생각해?Why do you think I took your side earlier?
단도직입적으로 말할게I'll be honest with you.
앞으로 위험한 일은 전부 네가 하게 될 거야You'll do all the dangerous work from now on. If you don't want to do that, then I can't help you.
그게 싫으면 나도 널 도와줄 수 없어If you don't want to do that, then I can't help you.
[긴장되는 음악] 그게 무슨…What do you mean?
1408호 아저씨The guy in Room 1408.
(은혁) 데려올 수 있겠어?Can you bring him here?
[심장 박동 소리가 들린다][door creaks open] -[heart beating] -[door creaking]
[긴장감이 고조되는 음악][chilling music plays]
[차분한 음악][poignant music playing]
봄이었어요The flowers at spring.
꽃이 예뻐서I can see them even now.
(명숙) 꽃을 보여 주고 싶었던 것뿐인데All I wanted was to show my daughter the pretty flowers.
정말, 정말 잠깐이었는데Truly, it was just for one second…
많이 보고 싶겠네You must miss her a lot.
처음 엄마라고 불러 줬던 날Calling me "mom" for the very first time…
뒤집기를 했던 날turning over all by herself…
그게 뭐라고 가슴이 벅차서I was so touched by all those small things, you know?
통통한 볼살을 보고 있으면Seeing those chubby red cheeks of hers…
세상을 다 가진 것처럼 행복했는데made me feel like I had everything I needed in the world.
자식이 있어요?You have children as well?
있었지I used to.
(두식) 다리가 이렇게 되기 전엔Before this happened to my leg.
저도…I want…
현수 학생이랑 마찬가지예요the same thing as Hyun-su.
제가 변하면 선생님께서If I end up turning, then please…
(명숙) 죽여 주세요just kill me.
[심장 박동 소리가 들린다] [어두운 음악][heartbeat continues]
[아기가 옹알거리는 소리가 들린다][baby-like cooing]
[명숙이 흥얼거리는 소리가 들린다][distant, echoing humming]
[잔잔한 음악][echoing soft humming] [gasps softly]
[한숨][gasps softly]
(두식) 그 부탁은 못 들어주겠네[Mr. Han] I can't do as you asked.
그쪽 없이 저 핏덩이들을I don't think… I can take care of them.
책임질 자신이 없어서Not without your help.
그런가요?Is that so?
[심장 박동 소리가 들린다][heartbeat continues]
아줌마 없어요?Are you sure she is not in there?
아줌마 갔어No, she's gone, so…
[한숨][sighs deeply]
[슬픈 음악]
이제 그만 보내 드리자We need to all let her go now.
(진옥) 저기… [진옥의 힘주는 신음]Wait. Wait! [grunts]
[진옥의 다급한 숨소리]
깡패라며?I heard you're a gangster.
깡패는 돈 주면 다 하는 거 아니야?Don't gangsters do anything for money?
가진 거 다 줄게I'll give you everything.
나 밖에 나가게만 해 줘Just help me go outside.
[진옥의 놀라는 신음]I… [breathes heavily]
[멀리서 폭발음이 들린다]
비켜Move it.
(승완) 아이, 이거 아, 아, 아, 안 되는데, 이게I… No, you can't…
(은혁) 열어 줘요[Hyun-su] Open it.
괜찮은 거야?Are you sure this is okay?
막지도 못할 거 같은데요?No, but I don't think we can stop him.
(승완) 아이, 이, 이게 워, 원래는…[Seung-wan] You're not supposed to…
[승완의 놀라는 신음] [어두운 음악]Whoa.
(은혁) 잠깐[Hyun-su] Wait.
(석현) 이게 다야?Is that it?
[무거운 음악] 굶겨 죽이게? 넌 내가 이렇게 된 게 좋지?You want me starving, huh? You're glad I'm locked up in here, aren't you?
아주 신났지?I bet you're enjoying this.
[겁먹은 숨소리]
[아파하는 신음]-[grunting] -[groans]
내가 괴물이 되면 너부터 잡아먹을 거여If I turn into a monster, I'll rip you to pieces.
그러니까 어떻게 좀 해 봐 이 멍청한 여편네야!So do something, you stupid bitch!
음식을 아껴 먹어야 한다고 해서We have to save food for everyone…
(석현) 누구 맘대로?Listen to me.
그거 다 내 거야, 씨All that stuff is mine.
[아파하는 신음][groaning]
[떨리는 목소리로] 아, 앞으로 나눠 먹을 거래요They said we're all going to share the food.
(석현) 무슨 말 같지도 않은 소리야 이 미친년아!-Shut your fucking mouth, you hear me? -[groans]
[아파하는 신음]-Shut your fucking mouth, you hear me? -[groans] [cries]
[석현의 팔목이 우두둑거린다] [석현의 힘주는 신음][grunts]
(윤재) 참으셔야죠You should hold it in.
저도 참고 살아요I do it all the time.
[석현의 성난 숨소리][grunts]
[긴장되는 음악][tense music playing]
(은혁) 한두식 씨 구출이 메인이야[Hyun-su] Rescuing Han Du-sik is the main goal.
아이들은 서브고The kids are secondary.
메인에 집중해Focus on the main goal.
상황이 나쁘면If things go south,
아이들은 버려leave the kids behind.
[어두운 효과음]
(이경) 사람 목숨 갖고 장난쳐?[Yi-kyun] Are you playing with people's lives?
그럼 누굴 보내야 되죠?Then who should I have sent?
(은혁) 최선이었어요 [이경의 성난 숨소리]It was the best option.
1408호 아저씨는 꼭 필요하고We need that man in Room 1408.
저는 더 망설이지 않기로 했으니까And we just can't afford to lose any more time.
놔주시죠Now let go.
다른 방법이 있었을 거야There's got to be another way, besides using other people.
사람 이용하는 거 말고There's got to be another way, besides using other people.
이용하는 건 골든타임이에요My plan is to utilize golden hour.
(은혁) 차현수는 즉사할 만한 부상을 입고도 [물이 쏴 흘러나온다]Cha Hyun-su was critically injured, but he woke up in just a few hours.
몇 시간 만에 일어났어요Cha Hyun-su was critically injured, but he woke up in just a few hours.
[현수의 힘겨운 신음] [긴장되는 음악][loud crash] [grunts] [Eun-Hyeok] If willpower can affect the turning stage,
(현수) 괴물화가 정신력의 문제고[Eun-Hyeok] If willpower can affect the turning stage,
차현수가 버텨 낼 수만 있다면and if he can successfully fight it himself…
[현수의 힘주는 신음][grunting]
우리에겐 차현수보다 강력한 무기는 없어요…he will be the strongest weapon we have.
이런 게 무기야, 걘 아직 사람이고This is what we call a weapon. He's still human.
(은혁) 저도 그렇게 생각해요I completely agree.
아직은For now.
[이경의 헛웃음][scoffs]
(이경) [칼을 쓱 접으며] 죽으라고 보내 놓고?And you sent him off to die?
(은혁) 누나도 괴물화가 진행 중인 사람을 활용하는 것에It's in your best interest to get used to using people
익숙해지는 게 좋을 거예요on the verge of turning.
너 정상은 아니구나You really are twisted.
(은혁) 우리가 지금 얼마나 위험한 상황에 직면했는지I don't think you have any idea.
아직 인지를 못 하셨나 보네요how dangerous our situation has become.
투표 결과What did you think
어떻게 생각해요?of the voting results?
(은혁) 엑스 표시된 투표용지예요They're all marked with Xs.
슬쩍 바꿔 치려고 준비했었죠I was thinking of secretly switching them.
근데 그럴 필요도 없었어요-But I didn't need to. -So you didn't switch the votes?
조작하지 않았다는 거야?-But I didn't need to. -So you didn't switch the votes?
예상 밖이었어요It was unexpected.
(은혁) 차현수를 내쫓지 않는다는 쪽에 더 많이 투표를 하다니I didn't think people would vote to let Hyun-su stay.
그건 네가 살인이다 뭐다 떠들어서 사람들의 죄책감… [은혁이 피식 웃는다]That's because you made them feel guilty, talking about murder and--
[의미심장한 음악]
정말 사람들이 양심 때문에 차현수를 내쫓지 않았다고 생각해요?You think they voted not to kick him out because of their conscience?
뭐, 칼 든 아저씨나 방망이 든 누나나Well, the man with the sword and the girl with the bat
그동안 같이 있었으니까 정이 들었다고 쳐요may have felt close to him because they were together.
하지만 다른 사람들은요?But what about the others?
(은혁) 생면부지의 타인을 받아들이기가 쉽나요?It's not easy to accept someone you don't know anything about,
자신의 목숨이 걸린 일인데especially when your life is at risk.
(이경) 무슨 말을 하고 싶은 거야?-So what's your point? -[Eun-Hyeok] You still don't get it?
(은혁) 아직도 모르겠어요?-So what's your point? -[Eun-Hyeok] You still don't get it?
차현수, 김석현Cha Hyun-su and Kim Seok-hyeon.
괴물화가 진행 중인 게 그 둘뿐일까요?Do you think they're the only ones turning?
아니요, 다들 두려운 거예요No. Everyone's scared.
자신들도 언제 변할지 모르니까Because they don't know when they might turn.
정부 공식 발표보다 이 사태에 대해서 먼저 알고 있는 사람이 있었어요There was someone who knew about this before the government announcement.
누군데?-Who's that? -I don't know.
(은혁) 모르죠-Who's that? -I don't know.
그냥 우연히 검색하다가 들어간 블로그였어요It was an online blog I found by chance. What did it say?
(이경) 무슨 내용이 있었는데?What did it say?
절망요-Despair. -What?
(이경) 뭐?-Despair. -What? It said it's a curse.
이건 저주래요 인간은 결코 이겨 낼 수 없을 거라고It said it's a curse. And that humans will never overcome it.
(이경) 누가 썼는지도 모르는 블로그 글 따위를 믿어?You believe a stupid blog post when you don't even know who wrote it?
(은혁) 지금 상황에선 조그만 단서 하나도 쉽게 무시해서는 안 되죠Under the circumstances, I don't think we should ignore even the smallest clues. CRUCRU THIS ISN'T A DISEASE. IT'S A CURSE.
(이경) 크루크루가 뭐야?What's "Crucru"?
자기 블로그 해?-Is it your blog? -Hey, Yi-kyung.
(상원) 저기, 이경아, 씁-Is it your blog? -Hey, Yi-kyung. Well…
어, 그, 어, 어, 언제지?Well… when… when… when is it?
우, 우리 웨딩, 웨딩 촬영Our… our wedding photo shoot? What?
(이경) 뭐야, 장가가기 싫다고 일기 써 놨어?What? Did you write that you don't want to get married?
(상원) [웃으며] 아니야, 아니야, 그런 거 아니야Did you write that you don't want to get married? No, it's nothing like that. It's not what you think.
아이, 그런 거 아니라니까No, it's nothing like that. It's not what you think. [tense music playing]
[어두운 효과음]
(재헌) 어디 갑니까?-Where are you going? -There will be more infected people soon.
(지수) 감염자는 더 늘어날 거예요-Where are you going? -There will be more infected people soon.
(재헌) 그래서요?-So? -It's not going to be safe here either.
(지수) 여기도 안전하지는 않다는 거죠-So? -It's not going to be safe here either. It's still safer in here.
(재헌) 바깥보다는 나을 텐데요It's still safer in here.
- (지수) 같이 갈래요? - (재헌) 어딜요?-Do you want to come? -To where?
살길 찾으러A way to survival.
[긴장되는 음악][tense music playing]
지수 씨Hey, Ji-su.
[현수의 들뜬 숨소리][breathing heavily]
(현수) 여기 괴물이 있는 거 같아요I think… there's a monster inside.
잡죠Let's go and kill it.
잡을 수 있잖아요, 우리We can destroy it right now.
쫄았구나?You're scared, aren't you?
[현수의 아파하는 신음][groans]
[현수가 콜록거린다][coughs]
[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]
(현수) 아저씨![grunts]
(상욱 부) 오지 마!Don't come!
오, 오지 마!No!
오지 마, 상욱아!Stay away, Sang-wook! [screams]
[현수가 퍽 맞는다]
[심장 박동 효과음] [괴물이 그르렁거린다][growls]
[화살이 휙 날아온다] [괴물의 비명][snarling]
[어두운 음악]
(길섭) 비켜![Mr. An] Okay, move.
(유리) 건물 다 태워 먹을 작정이십니까?Are you trying to burn the whole building down?
(길섭) 응? 아이, 불이야 끄면 그만인 것을We have plenty of time to put out the fire later. Just relax.
매정한 것We have plenty of time to put out the fire later. Just relax. It will take ages to get to the first floor.
(유리) 이래서 1층을 어느 세월에 갑니까?It will take ages to get to the first floor.
(길섭) 아이고, 야, 이 난리에My goodness. I'm not sure anyone will still be alive by then.
사람이 살아 있으려나 모르겠다My goodness. I'm not sure anyone will still be alive by then.
[어두운 효과음]
(유리) 조심하십시오Be careful.
(길섭) 누구야![Mr. An] Who's there?
(유리) 살아 있습니다 [어두운 음악]He's alive.
(길섭) 그냥 살려 뒀다는 건가?The monster… left him alive?
뭐 합니까?What's going on?
[현수의 힘주는 신음][grunts]
(남자) 아들의 손을 놓쳤다[man] I couldn't reach my son's hand.
괴물이 아들을 잡아갈 때 할 수 있는 것이 없었다I couldn't do anything… when the monster took him.
놈은 너무 빨랐다It was too fast.
그때 아들의 손을 잡았다면If I had caught my son's hand…
내 손이 닿았다면if I'd been able to reach that far…
아들은 살아 있을까?would my son be still alive?
나 자신을 용서할 수 없다 오늘도 악몽을 꾼다I can't forgive myself. I'm having nightmares every day.
머릿속의 괴물이 모두 내 탓이라고 한다 [남자의 목소리가 울린다]I can't forgive myself. I'm having nightmares every day. The monster in my head is telling me that it's all my fault.
어쩌면 괴물이 되어 버리는 게 나을지도 모른다The monster in my head is telling me that it's all my fault. Maybe it will be better to just become a monster.
하지만No! It's my fault. I should've held onto him!
내 탓이 아니야, 잡았어야 했어No! It's my fault. I should've held onto him!
옆에 꼭 잡았어야 했어!No! It's my fault. I should've held onto him! I should've kept my son!
아니야, 어쩔 수 없었어No! There was nothing I could do. There was nothing I could do!
내 탓이 아니야, 내 탓이 아니야[sobbing] It's not my fault. It's not my fault!
(지은) 저렇게 두면 안 되는 거 아니에요?[Ji-eun] Shouldn't we do something about her? [Hye-in] Just leave her be.
(혜인) 놔둬[Hye-in] Just leave her be. She never associated with people like us anyway.
원래 우리랑은 상종도 안 했어She never associated with people like us anyway.
딸내미도 강남으로 학교 보냈잖아Her daughter went to a fancy school in Gangnam.
[혜인의 한숨][sighs]
그냥 요 앞으로 학교 보내지Why not sent her to a local school?
(유리) 정신이 듭니까?-Gonna dress your wounds now. -I don't need that shit.
(상욱) 필요 없어-Gonna dress your wounds now. -I don't need that shit.
(유리) 필요합니다Yes, you do.
출혈은 멎었지만 상처가 있습니다Your bleeding has stopped, but you're still injured.
(유리) 저렇게 보내도 되는 겁니까?Is it okay to let him go like that?
(길섭) 누가 누구를 걱정해?There's no need to worry about him. I bet he could take on a lion by himself.
저놈 저거 호랑이도 잡을 상이야There's no need to worry about him. I bet he could take on a lion by himself.
(유리) 학생도 다친 것 같은데Hey, you look pretty hurt yourself.
아유, 아니요, 괜찮아요Hey, you look pretty hurt yourself. I'm… fine.
(유리) 손 치워요, 놔두면 곪습니다Move that hand. It'll get infected if you don't treat it.
(현수) 제가 할게요, 붕대 좀 주세요I'll do it myself. Can you give me a bandage?
(길섭) 손 치워라, 꼬마야Move that hand, pretty boy.
너 괴물화가 진행되고 있는 거지?You're turning, aren't you?
유리야, 그놈한테서 떨어져 [긴장되는 음악]Yu-ri, get away from him.
당장 손 떼!Move your hand now.
아니면 네 심장이 다시는 나대지 못하게 해 주지Or else I'll make sure your heart will never beat again.
당장 나가Get out of here. Go.
(길섭) 괴물인 줄 알았으면 돕지도 않았어I wouldn't have helped you if I knew you were a monster.
나가!Get out!
진짜 악취미십니다You think you're so funny.
[길섭의 웃음][laughter continues]
(길섭) [콜록거리며] 장난이야, 장난I was just kidding.
[웃으며] 나가긴 뭘 나가?I was just kidding. Don't worry, you don't have to leave.
아이고, 살날이 얼마나 남았다고 그딴 걸 무서워하겠나[laughs] Why in the world would I be scared of you when I'm going to die?
네?-What? -Yu-ri.
(길섭) 유리야, 넌 여기 남거라-What? -Yu-ri. You're gonna stay here.
14층에 올라간다고 했지?You're going to the 14th floor, huh? You said there are little kids there.
거기에 어린애들도 있고?You're going to the 14th floor, huh? You said there are little kids there.
(현수) 네, 그런데요?Yeah, that's right.
(길섭) 죽음이 두렵지 않은 인간은 필요 없나?I'm sure you can use someone who's not at all afraid of dying.
어르신-No way. -Well, you're fired.
(길섭) 자네는 해고야-No way. -Well, you're fired.
성질 사나운 노인네 간병하느라You've done well nursing this grumpy old man
그간 고생이 많았네but it's time to come out of retirement.
죽기 전에 영웅 놀이나 해 보려는데I want to be a superhero before I die.
어떻게 안 되겠나?Can you let me join you?
허세 아닌가요?You're just acting tough.
(길섭) 뭐?What?
착각하지 마세요Don't fool yourself.
죽고 싶은 사람은 없어요No one really wants to die.
싸가지 없어지는 것도 괴물화 증상이냐?Is rudeness one of the symptoms… of turning into a monster?
(길섭) 충고 하나 하마, 꼬마야Let me explain something to you, pretty boy.
죽음을 두려워하지 않는 것과Not being afraid of death
죽고 싶어 하는 것은 엄연히 달라and wanting to die are different things.
나는 누구보다 아주 오래 살 생각이다Now, I'm gonna live longer than all the rest of you kids, you'll see.
[흥미진진한 음악]["I am a Soldier" by Shoon playing]
[긴장되는 음악][ominous music playing]
(석현) 뭐야?What do you want?
뒤에 뭐 숨긴 거야?What are you hiding there?
야, 너 미쳤어?Hey. Are you crazy?
(선영) 당신은 정말You really…
나한테 관심이 없군요don't care about me at all, do you?
(석현) 뭐?What?
내가 괴물이 되면If I turn into a monster,
당신을 죽이겠지I'm sure I'll kill you.
(석현) 미친년아! [선영의 겁먹은 신음]-You stupid bitch! -[crying]
난 괴물이 돼서 당신을 죽이고 싶지 않아I don't really want to kill you when you turn into a monster.
그건 너무 억울하거든That won't be satisfying.
쳇, 별 시답지도 않은 게, 씨[scoffs] You're not making any sense.
(석현) 참 나, 씨[scoffs]
(윤재) 저기, 아줌마Ma'am.
혹시 밖에 그 아저씨 있어요?Is that man outside the door still there?
그 아저씨 위층으로 올라갔어요No, he left and went upstairs.
걱정 말아요So don't worry about it.
올라갔다고?He went upstairs?
이, 씨발!Fucker! [grunts]
[성난 신음][grunts] Fuck!
아이, 씨발Son of a bitch…
[성난 숨소리][breathing heavily]
[의미심장한 음악][door creaks]
씨발Son of a bitch…
(현수) 잘 있었어?[Hyun-su] Have you been well?
아줌마는요?Where's the lady?
[무전기 작동음][beeps]
아, 아Um…
(은혁) 아, 아Um…
누군가 듣고 있습니까?Is anyone hearing this?
[차분한 음악][poignant music playing]
[심장 박동 소리가 들린다][poignant music playing]
(은혁) 우리는 절망 속에 서 있습니다[Eun-Hyeok] We're in despair right now.
무엇을 해야 하는 건지We don't know what to do…
세상이 어떻게 되는 건지what's happening,
얼마나 버틸 수 있을지 알 수 없습니다or how long we can survive this.
그래도 우리는 살아 있습니다But we are still alive.
이 절망을 이겨 낼 순 없을 겁니다We can't overcome our despair.
반드시 끝은 있습니다…I'm sure there is an end.
그 마지막까지 우리는 견디고And we will hold out and fight… [cooing]
[아기가 옹알거리는 소리가 들린다] 버틸 겁니다[cooing] …until that end.
(현수) 편히 쉬세요[Hyun-su] Rest in peace.
전 더 싸워 볼게요I'm going to fight a little longer.
(은혁) 우리는[Eun-Hyeok] We will survive.
살아남을 겁니다
[떨리는 숨소리]
[윤재의 아파하는 신음][groans]
(윤재) 여기요![Ui-Myeong] Hey!
여기요!Over here! Hey, I'm not turning! Hey!
저 아닌가 봐요, 예?Over here! Hey, I'm not turning! Hey!
[힘주는 신음]Come over, check this out!
여기 와서 이, 이것 좀 보세요, 이거Come over, check this out!
저, 저 좀 도와주세요!Please help me!
이거!Look! Help!
[다급한 신음]Look! Help!
여기, 도와주세요!Somebody help me!
(병일) 오메, 겁나 무서웠을 것인디, 응?My oh my. You must've been scared.
- (병일) 지은 씨, 뭐 해, 챙겨, 응? - (지은) 네-Take care of this guy. -All right.
(승완) 아, 왜 갇혀 있었어요?Why were you in there?
(윤재) 혹시 몰라서요-Sorry, just in case. -I would've lost my mind.
(승완) 나였으면 돌아 버렸을 거예요-Sorry, just in case. -I would've lost my mind. -I'm out now, so it's fine. -Are you really cool
(윤재) 나왔으니까 된 거죠, 그렇죠?-I'm out now, so it's fine. -Are you really cool
(은유) 쿨한 거야, 쿨한 척하는 거야?-I'm out now, so it's fine. -Are you really cool or just pretending to be?
(병일) 아따, 우리 그 윤재 씨가 보살이여, 보살Yun-jae is really kind and patient. -Are you a fan of Hanwha Eagles? -Yeah.
아, 그라고 윤재 씨 혹시 한화 팬이여?-Are you a fan of Hanwha Eagles? -Yeah.
- (윤재) 네 - (승완) 그걸 어떻게 알았어요?-Are you a fan of Hanwha Eagles? -Yeah. -How did you know? -He's from Chungcheong Province, right?
(병일) 아니, 딱 보니께 충청도더라고-How did you know? -He's from Chungcheong Province, right?
(혜인) 근데 사투리를 전혀 안 쓰네요?-How did you know? -He's from Chungcheong Province, right? You're not speaking Chungcheong dialect. I lived in Seoul a long time, okay?
(윤재) 네, 서울에서 오래 살아서요 [혜인의 의아한 신음]I lived in Seoul a long time, okay?
(병일) 아니, 무엇이 저라고 불안할까잉What's he so nervous about?
(승완) 많이 힘들었었나 봐요-I guess it was really tough for him. -Maybe.
(병일) 그런가?-I guess it was really tough for him. -Maybe.
아이씨, 태세 전환 오지네?[scoffs] You guys are such hypocrites.
(은유) 아니, 누가 봐도 어디서 쥐어 터져 가지고 온 걸You pretended not to notice when he was so obviously beaten up by someone,
못 본 척 가만둘 땐 언제고You pretended not to notice when he was so obviously beaten up by someone,
이제 와서 무슨…now you're acting all nice.
(병일) 아니, 씨부랄, 뼈 때리고 가 부네잉That hit way too close to home.
기분 더럽네, 진짜, 씨I feel like shit now. Damn it.
[윤재의 다급한 신음][door opens] [panting]
[윤재의 떨리는 숨소리][gasping]
[사람들의 놀라는 신음] [어두운 음악][screams]
(재헌) 이봐요Hey.
[휴대전화가 툭 떨어진다]
(재환) 저 깡패 새끼가 진짜, 씨[Jae-hwan] Fucking stupid gangster!
(승완) 아유, 듣겠어요[Jae-hwan] Fucking stupid gangster! Careful, he's gonna hear you.
[상욱이 퍽 맞는다] [상욱의 신음][loud thud]
[상욱의 아파하는 신음]
[윤재의 힘주는 신음]
[윤재의 가쁜 숨소리][grunting]
[윤재의 힘주는 신음] [극적인 음악]Son of a bitch…
[윤재의 신음][groaning]
(윤재) 이 사람 살인자예요He's a murderer!
저 사람 살인자예요That man's a murderer!
[윤재가 퍽 맞는다][yelling]
[윤재의 비명][yelling]
[윤재의 신음]
[윤재의 힘겨운 신음][groans]
야, 이 살인자 새끼야You fucking murderer.
(판사) 형사 처벌을 받은 전력이 없는 점[judge] He has no criminal record
동기가 없고 고의성을 입증할 증거가 부족하다는 점and has no motive. There's no evidence to prove it was intentional. And as his future shows great promise,
피고인의 장래가 촉망되는 점을 고려하여And as his future shows great promise,
본 재판부는 다음과 같이 선고한다the court has decided on the following sentence.
(판사) 피고인 황승제The accused, Hwang Seung-jae,
징역 11개월, 집행 유예 2년is sentenced to 11 months in prison and two years of supervised probation.
[가쁜 숨소리][sighs]
너는 그렇게 죽어서는 안 돼You shouldn't die like that.
너는 편하게 죽어서는 안 돼You don't deserve to die peacefully.
[윤재가 퍽 맞는다][grunts]
[힘겨운 신음]
너는 사람처럼 죽어서는 안 돼You don't deserve a humane death, you bastard.
(상욱) 너는…You…
(윤재) 아, 이 살인마 새끼야You fucking murderer…
죽어야 돼You don't deserve to live.
[윤재가 퍽 맞는다][cracking]
[멀리서 폭발음이 들린다] [하늘이 우르릉거린다]
[어두운 음악][wind gusting]
[천둥이 콰르릉 친다][thunder crashing]
[셔터가 삐걱거린다]
[하늘이 우르릉거린다]
[천둥이 콰르릉 친다][thunder rumbles]
[어두운 효과음]
[하늘이 우르릉거린다]
[직 끌리는 소리가 난다]
[툭 내려놓는다]
[상욱이 툭 내려놓는다]
[힘주는 신음]
[극적인 음악][main theme music playing]
[하늘이 우르릉거린다][main theme music playing]
[천둥이 콰르릉 친다][intense choir swelling]
[상욱의 힘겨운 신음]Why…
[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]
[셔터가 드르륵 올라간다]
[차분한 음악][somber music plays]
(영수) 누나, 아빠는 왜 안 데려와?[Yeong-Su] Su-yeong, why isn't Dad here with us?
(수영) [떨리는 목소리로] 아빠는Um, they…
데려올 수가 없대can't bring Dad back.
데려오면 우리가 더 슬플 거래They said it will be too sad for us if they bring him here.
[울먹이며] 그런 게 어디 있어That doesn't make any sense, though!
[진옥이 훌쩍인다][sniffs]
[진옥이 흐느낀다]
[함께 흐느낀다]
[문이 탁 닫힌다]
[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]
(수영) 할아버지Here, Grandpa…
(길섭) 사람으로 태어났으니We were born humans…
사람으로 떠나야지and we'll die as humans.
(이경) 괜찮으세요?Are you okay?
강해져야죠I should be strong.
(진옥) 엄마니까I'm a mother.
(선영) 이제 어쩔 건데What are you going to do now?
(이경) 뭘요?What do you mean? You can't do this all by yourself.
혼자 안고 갈 일 아니야You can't do this all by yourself.
떠벌릴 상황도 아니죠There's no choice. I have to.
(이경) 제가 알아서 합니다I'll deal with this on my own.
이경 씨Yi-kyung…
축하해, 그래도you did a really… good job.
[포효하는 효과음][roars]
(은혁) 지구를 지배했던 공룡은 [긴장되는 음악][Hyun-su] Dinosaurs used to rule the earth,
약 6,600만 년 전에 멸종했다but they went extinct about 66 million years ago.
이는 어느 날But this also proves
인류가 멸종한다 해도 이상할 게 없다는 반증이기도 하다that there is a possibility that humans could also go extinct at any moment.
하지만 인간의 조상은 살아남기 위해 변화했고However, our ancestors changed in order to survive.
그것을 '진화'라 불렀다They called it "evolution."
그러나 끝내 피할 수 없는 멸망이 온다면But if we humans are forced to face an apocalypse,
인간은will we…
또 다른 진화를 택할까?choose another form of evolution?
아니면 인간으로 남을까?Or will we choose to remain human?

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