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  스위트홈 1.4

Sweet Home 1.4


아직 살아 있을 수도 있을 거 같은데‬She could still be alive, you know.
‪(은혁)‬ ‪안 돼요‬[Eun-hyeok] No way.
‪[진옥의 떨리는 신음]‬-[whimpering] Out of the way. -[grunts]
‪(진옥)‬ ‪비켜‬-[whimpering] Out of the way. -[grunts]
‪[진옥이 흐느낀다]‬ ‪[은혁의 힘주는 신음]‬-[whimpering] Out of the way. -[grunts]
‪[진옥의 놀라는 신음]‬[squeals]
‪[셔터가 쾅 닫힌다]‬[door slams shut]
‪[진옥이 흐느낀다]‬[sobs] [wails]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[pants]
‪너 때문에 죽었어‬It's all your fault!
‪아, 진작 나갔으면‬I should've gone out.
‪[진옥이 흐느낀다]‬[wailing]
‪너 때문에‬It's your fault.
‪(진옥)‬ ‪네가 죽였어‬[Jin-ok] You killed her.
‪[주제곡]‬[theme music playing]
‪씁, 그 허술한 방송만 믿고‬You really can't trust that announcement.
‪괜찮겠어, 정말?‬Are you gonna be okay?
‪계속 신세 질 순 없으니까요‬ ‪뭐라도 해 봐야죠‬Don't worry about me, I'll be all right. We need to do something.
‪(재헌)‬ ‪식사도 이것도 감사합니다‬Thank you for giving me this.
‪아저씨께 주님의 축복이 함께하기를‬May God bless you for all you've done for us.
‪(두식)‬ ‪나 불교야‬I like Buddha.
‪[재헌의 멋쩍은 숨소리]‬[Jae-heon sighs softly]
‪(지수)‬ ‪1층이 안전하면 꼭 모시러 올게요‬We're gonna make sure to come back for you and get you all.
‪감당 못 할 소리는 안 하는 게 좋아‬Don't promise me anything you can't keep.
‪(두식)‬ ‪왠지 지금 작별 인사를‬ ‪해야 될 것 같구먼‬[Du-sik] I think… I should say farewell to you both now.
‪어, 가장 짙은 어둠도‬[Ji-su] Oh. You know, someone once said to me,
‪가장 흐린 빛에 사라지는 거래요‬even complete darkness disappears with the faintest light.
‪[지수가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(두식)‬ ‪그 말 한 사람 지금 살아 있나?‬Is that person still alive?
‪글쎄요‬I'm not sure. [chuckles]
‪(현수)‬ ‪저…‬So, uh…
‪같이 가도 될까요?‬can I go with the two of you?
‪둘보다는 셋이 낫겠지, 뭐, 괜찮죠?‬I guess three is better than two. Right?
‪그럼요‬Of course.
‪(두식)‬ ‪그래, 가라‬[Du-sik] Okay then. Go.
‪다 가, 다 가라‬Go! All of you go.
‪형아, 또 와야 돼‬Hyun-su, you will come back, okay?
‪[차분한 음악]‬[poignant music plays]
‪구해 주셔서 고맙습니다‬Thank you so much for saving us.
‪(재헌)‬ ‪그럼 출발해 볼까요?‬Come on. We should get going.
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬ ‪감사합니다‬We'll be back.
‪[재헌이 방패를 달그락 든다]‬[propulsive music plays]
‪[두식의 한숨]‬[Du-sik sighs]
‪졸지에‬Okay then…
‪유치원 원장이 됐네‬what are we supposed to do now?
‪(길섭)‬ ‪떠날 때가 된 것 같아‬[Mr. An] Time to leave.
‪아직입니다‬Not yet, okay?
‪제가 오래 사시라고‬ ‪속으로 열심히 욕하고 있습니다‬ ‪[냉장고 문을 달칵 연다]‬You still have many happy years ahead of you.
‪(길섭)‬ ‪아니, 그거 말고, 여기‬[Mr. An] Uh, no, not… this world. I meant, this tiny room.
‪이 좁아터지고 더럽게 오래된 이 방‬this world. I meant, this tiny room. It's so old and dirty.
‪[유리가 물을 조르륵 따른다]‬[Yu-ri] But still younger than you, isn't it?
‪(유리)‬ ‪어르신보단 덜 오래되지 않았습니까?‬[Yu-ri] But still younger than you, isn't it?
‪여기 얼마나 사셨습니까?‬How long have you been here?
‪가만 보자, 씁, 잠깐‬Let me check on that. -Hold on. -[Yu-ri] Yeah.
‪(유리)‬ ‪예‬-Hold on. -[Yu-ri] Yeah.
‪씁, 광복 때부터인가‬Was it since the independence, or the Korean War?
‪(길섭)‬ ‪6.25 때인가?‬or the Korean War?
‪[길섭이 약을 꿀꺽 삼킨다]‬I have just extended your life.
‪방금 수명 또 느셨습니다‬I have just extended your life.
‪[물을 꿀꺽 삼킨다]‬ ‪[목을 가다듬는다]‬[grunts]
‪덕분에 뒈질 일은 없겠네‬I guess I won't die anytime soon, then. [inhales]
‪[길섭이 심호흡한다]‬I guess I won't die anytime soon, then. [inhales] Mm.
‪[길섭의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(유리)‬ ‪지금 뭐 하시는 겁니까?‬[Yu-ri] What are you doing?
‪(길섭)‬ ‪방송 못 들었어?‬I'm going downstairs.
‪1층 가서 도와줘야지‬To the first floor to help.
‪도움이 되겠습니까?‬What are you gonna help with?
‪[못마땅한 신음]‬Mm.
‪[소란스러운 소리가 들린다]‬[clattering]
‪[무거운 음악]‬[clattering]
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪얼마나 힘들까‬Oh, it's just so sad.
‪저도 우리 봄이가…‬If my Bom died,
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪봄이 죽는다고 생각하면‬I would be devastated, too.
‪[선영의 한숨]‬
‪(선영)‬ ‪좀 다른 거 같은데?‬I don't think that's really the same.
‪뭐가 달라요‬But it is so.
‪저한텐 얘가 가족인데‬Bom is family to me.
‪(선영)‬ ‪그래도 자식 잃은 부모 심정이랑‬ ‪어떻게 똑같아‬Still, though. It can't possibly be the same as losing your own child.
‪(혜인)‬ ‪언니도 아이 없잖아요‬ ‪언니도 모르면서‬You don't have kids, either. You wouldn't know what it's like.
‪(선영)‬ ‪그래‬Yeah.
‪(혜인)‬ ‪하여튼 진짜 안됐어‬[Hye-in] Anyway, I feel really bad for Ms. Cha.
‪원장님도 그렇고‬ ‪그 여자 소방관도 그렇고‬[Hye-in] Anyway, I feel really bad for Ms. Cha. And the firefighter lady.
‪(선영)‬ ‪그 사람은 왜?‬What do you mean?
‪(혜인)‬ ‪신랑 될 사람이 여기 살았잖아‬Her fiancée used to live here.
‪남편이 죽었어요‬And then he just… He died.
‪결혼식이 내일모레인데‬-The wedding was set to be in two days. -[gasps] What happened?
‪[놀라며]‬ ‪어쩌다가?‬-The wedding was set to be in two days. -[gasps] What happened?
‪제가 그걸 몰라요‬I don't know. He just died.
‪어쩌다 그랬을까요?‬He was gone. Just gone.
‪하, 야무져 보이길래 몰랐네‬[sighs] She was just so… poised.
‪아, 근데 왜 이렇게 안 오는 거야‬What do you think is taking so long?
‪뭔 일 생긴 거 아니야?‬I hope nothing happened to her.
‪[선영의 한숨]‬[ominous music playing]
‪[어두운 음악]‬[ominous music playing]
‪[괴물이 그르렁거린다]‬[clanking]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[이경의 힘주는 신음]‬[Yi-kyung grunts]
‪[괴물의 괴성]‬[monster screeches]
‪[힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[괴물의 괴성이 들린다]‬[screeching continues]
‪[환기구가 쿵 울린다]‬ ‪[이경의 힘겨운 신음]‬[metals clanking]
‪[환기구가 쿵쿵 울린다]‬
‪[괴물의 괴성이 들린다]‬[loud screech]
‪[이경의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬[groans]
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[monster snarling]
‪[괴물의 괴성이 들린다]‬[monster screeches]
‪[환기구가 쿵쿵 울린다]‬[metal clanking loudly]
‪[괴물의 괴성]‬[panting]
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[tense music playing]
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[괴물이 그르렁거린다]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬[growling]
‪[긴장하는 숨소리]‬
‪[괴물의 발걸음 소리가 멀어진다]‬[panting]
‪[긴박한 음악]‬[grunting]
‪[이경의 힘주는 신음]‬[grunts] [breaking loudly]
‪[이경의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[놀라는 신음]‬[gasps]
‪[괴물의 괴성]‬
‪[극적인 음악]‬ ‪[이경의 힘겨운 신음]‬[intense choral music plays]
‪[힘주는 신음]‬[groaning] [flesh tearing]
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[pants]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪[이경의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[이경의 가쁜 숨소리]‬-[breathing heavily] -[phone ringing]
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬-[breathing heavily] -[phone ringing]
‪아, 오빠‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Sang-won.
‪[놀라는 숨소리]‬[monster screeches]
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬[gasping]
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬[ringing continues]
‪(석현)‬ ‪되지도 않는 핸드폰을, 에이그‬[Seok-hyeon] It says the cellphone's out of service.
‪(병일)‬ ‪그라니께요, 하‬Okay.
‪아니, 근데 그 아줌마는‬ ‪딸내미 오는 걸 으찌 알았을까?‬How did she know her daughter was coming over here?
‪그거참, 신기해‬It's a mystery.
‪그, 신기 있는 거 아니여?‬Do you think she's infected? Infected? No, just crazy.
‪(석현)‬ ‪신기는, 미친 거지‬Infected? No, just crazy.
‪참 안됐지‬I feel bad.
‪아무튼 간에 그, 형님도‬ ‪이은혁 그놈의 새끼 조심해요잉‬Anyway, you better watch out for Eun-hyeok.
‪(병일)‬ ‪아까 보니께 그 새끼‬ ‪징그럽게 인정머리 없더라고, 아주, 씨‬That guy is one heartless fucker. That's bullshit. He saved your life.
‪(석현)‬ ‪뭔 개소리야, 걔 덕에 살아 놓고‬That's bullshit. He saved your life.
‪(병일)‬ ‪뭔 소리대요?‬What are you saying? If he hadn't stopped you,
‪걔가 안 막았으면‬If he hadn't stopped you,
‪너 그 군바리 꼴 났을걸?‬you'd be like that soldier. [laughs] Oh, Seok-hyeon.
‪[병일의 웃음]‬ ‪(병일)‬ ‪아따, 형님‬[laughs] Oh, Seok-hyeon. It's great to have you as our fearless leader.
‪나 우리 형님이 리더로 계시니께‬ ‪마음이 든든하지‬It's great to have you as our fearless leader. Leader, my ass. I don't want that job!
‪(석현)‬ ‪리더는 닝기리, 안 해, 그딴 거, 쯧‬Leader, my ass. I don't want that job!
‪(병일)‬ ‪아니, 형님‬Seok-hyeon, you can't abandon us.
‪아니, 그 안경잡이는‬ ‪안 된다니께, 진짜‬Seok-hyeon, you can't abandon us.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬[atmospheric music plays]
‪(은혁)‬ ‪무사해서 다행이에요‬You okay?
‪(이경)‬ ‪괴물이 있다는 거‬You knew there was…
‪알고 있었지?‬a monster down there.
‪(선영)‬ ‪이경 씨‬Yi-kyung?
‪안 보여서 걱정했어요‬Where have you been? I was so worried.
‪괜찮아요?‬Are you okay?
‪[경보음이 울린다]‬[siren blaring]
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(안내 방송 속 남자1)‬ ‪국민 여러분‬ ‪지금은 훈련 상황이 아닙니다‬[man] This is not a drill. This is not a drill.
‪국민 여러분‬ ‪지금은 훈련 상황이 아닙니다‬I repeat, this is not a drill.
‪(TV 속 유진)‬ ‪2020년 8월 17일 24시를 기하여‬As of midnight, August 17th, 2020, martial law has been declared
‪헌법 제77조 1항‬ ‪계엄법 제2조 2항에 의거‬throughout the Republic of Korea, in accordance with Article 77,
‪대한민국 전역에‬ ‪비상계엄을 선포합니다‬of the Constitution and Article 2, of the Martial Law Act.
‪동시에 군 당국은 계엄 지역 안의‬ ‪모든 치안과 사법을 관장합니다‬The military will be in charge of all security and all civil affairs.
‪군 당국은 불특정 다수의 시민들이‬[woman] The military has confirmed that an unspecified number of people
‪괴생명체로 변하는 현상을‬ ‪확인하였습니다‬have been turning into strange creatures.
‪정확한 원인은 밝혀지지 않았지만‬The exact cause is still unknown,
‪(TV 속 유진)‬ ‪인간의 욕망과 관련된 것으로‬ ‪추정됩니다‬but it is believed to be related to human desire. It is not a respiratory or blood-borne infection.
‪호흡기나 혈액을 통한 전염은 아닙니다‬ ‪[TV에서 괴성이 흘러나온다]‬It is not a respiratory or blood-borne infection.
‪체온 저하, 코피, 혼절, 환청, 환각‬ ‪등의 증상을 보이는 자는 격리하십시오‬Quarantine those who show symptoms, nosebleeds, fainting, and auditory or visual hallucinations.
‪괴생명체는 뛰어난 회복 능력과‬ ‪재생 능력이 있습니다‬These creatures have excellent resilience and regenerative abilities.
‪완전히 괴생명체로 변하기 전에는‬Before a person turns, there is a period of time
‪심각한 절단이나 손상은‬ ‪재생할 수 없습니다‬Before a person turns, there is a period of time when they can't recover from lacerations or damage.
‪그렇기 때문에 괴생명체를‬ ‪없앨 수 있는 유일한 시간이며‬It is the only time these creatures can be killed.
‪이를 '골든타임'이라 명명하였습니다‬Thus, we have named this the "golden hour."
‪괴생명체를 제압했다면‬ ‪반드시 소각하십시오‬All captured creatures need to be incinerated.
‪현재 민간에서 대응할 수 있는‬ ‪유일한 방법입니다‬Currently, this is the only action civilians can take.
‪[헬리콥터 엔진음]‬ ‪[경고음이 울린다]‬-[beeping] -[helicopter whirring]
‪(TV 속 유진)‬ ‪군은 현 사태를 해결할‬ ‪능력과 의지가 있습니다‬The military can and will solve the current situation.
‪살아남으십시오‬Survive out there.
‪건투를 빕니다‬And good luck to us all.
‪[삐 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(석현)‬ ‪됐네, 됐어‬Hey, look. We're okay.
‪버티면 군대가 구하러 온다는 거잖아!‬The military will rescue us if we hold out. -I knew they'd save us. [laughs] -She just said we're on our own!
‪(승완)‬ ‪내가 이럴 줄 알았어‬-I knew they'd save us. [laughs] -She just said we're on our own!
‪(병일)‬ ‪아이, 그, 알아서‬ ‪살아남으라잖아, 진짜, 씨‬-I knew they'd save us. [laughs] -She just said we're on our own!
‪(승완)‬ ‪아, 그런 말이었어요?‬-What? That's what she said? -Desire makes you a monster?
‪(재환)‬ ‪욕망 때문에 괴물이 된다고?‬-What? That's what she said? -Desire makes you a monster?
‪그게 말이 돼?‬-What does that mean? -You saw them roaming.
‪(혜인)‬ ‪봤잖아, 밖에 득실거리는 거‬-What does that mean? -You saw them roaming.
‪아니, 버티라잖아‬-[Jae-hwan] So? -Uh, but she…
‪- (재환) 뭘 버텨요?‬ ‪- (승완) 그렇죠, 그 말이죠?‬ ‪[병일의 헛웃음]‬That's what she meant. She said there on the television… I mean… I mean…
‪(석현)‬ ‪맞아, 그 말이야!‬That's what she meant. She said there on the television… I mean… I mean… -[man] The president died? -That's not what she said.
‪(병일)‬ ‪아니, 진짜로 그렇게 이해한 거여?‬-[man] The president died? -That's not what she said.
‪- (석현) 그래‬ ‪- (재환) 뭘 버텨요‬ ‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬-[Hye-in] Of course. -[Jae-hwan] What do you mean hold out?
‪- (재환) 지금 저걸 믿어요?‬ ‪- (병일) 다 같이 봐 놓고‬-[Byeong-il] We saw it. -[Seok-hyeon] I believe the lady on TV.
‪(석현)‬ ‪넌 외상이나 갚아, 이년아!‬-[Byeong-il] We saw it. -[Seok-hyeon] I believe the lady on TV.
‪[쿵쿵거리는 소리가 들린다]‬[clattering]
‪[어두운 효과음]‬ ‪[문이 쿵쿵 울린다]‬
‪[짜증 섞인 신음]‬[grunts] Seriously?
‪(재헌)‬ ‪그냥 내려가도 될까요?‬Can we go downstairs like this?
‪둘러보고 쓸모 있는 거라도 찾아…‬-[Jae-heon] We need more useful things. -We are the useful things.
‪(지수)‬ ‪가장 쓸모 있는 건 목숨이죠‬-[Jae-heon] We need more useful things. -We are the useful things.
‪사람이에요‬It's a person.
‪(재헌)‬ ‪시체를 보고 안심하게 되네요‬Strange to see them like this.
‪(지수)‬ ‪아직 따뜻해‬He's still warm.
‪얼마 안 됐네요‬Hasn't been dead for long.
‪오, 주여‬Oh, God.
‪싫으면 네가 주인 돌려줘‬Put it back if you don't want it.
‪못됐네요‬You're cold.
‪맞아, 나 못됐어‬So what if that's true?
‪못된 거로 살 수 있으면‬ ‪더 못된 짓도 할 수 있어‬I do worse to survive. And I suggest you do the same.
‪너도 공범이야‬You're one of us now.
‪(재헌)‬ ‪가시죠‬[Jae-heon] Let's go.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬[whoosh]
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬-[thud] -[whoosh]
‪[은유의 비명]‬[screams]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[tense music plays]
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[현수가 흐느낀다]‬[sobbing]
‪죽지 마, 왜 죽어‬Why'd you die? Why did you die?
‪(현수)‬ ‪나만 두고 가면 어떡해‬Why did you leave me alone?
‪죽지 마, 제발‬[Hyun-su] Why did you do it?
‪부탁할게‬[sobbing] Why?
‪[현수가 오열한다]‬
‪(은유)‬ ‪죽었어?‬-[Eun-yu] Is he dead? -[Eun-hyeok] No.
‪(은혁)‬ ‪아니, 안 죽었어‬-[Eun-yu] Is he dead? -[Eun-hyeok] No. He isn't dead.
‪죽을 줄 알았는데‬I thought he'd die.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬I thought he'd die. -Do you know him? -[Eun-yu] I don't think so.
‪- (은혁) 아는 애야?‬ ‪- (은유) 아니, 몰라‬-Do you know him? -[Eun-yu] I don't think so.
‪(은혁)‬ ‪가까이 가지 마‬-[Eun-hyeok] Don't go near him. -[chilling music plays]
‪(남자2)‬ ‪감염자는 여기 둘 수 없어‬-[Eun-hyeok] Don't go near him. -[chilling music plays] -[man] We can't leave the infected here. -[woman] Take the monster out.
‪(여자)‬ ‪이 괴물 끌어내‬-[man] We can't leave the infected here. -[woman] Take the monster out.
‪[현수의 떨리는 숨소리]‬-[man] We can't leave the infected here. -[woman] Take the monster out. [breathing heavily]
‪(은유)‬ ‪진짜 떨어졌네?‬[Eun-yu] You really fell.
‪[놀라는 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪여기서 죽지 말라는 건‬ ‪건물 안도 포함이거든?‬I could've sworn, I told you not to die here.
‪여기가…‬Where am I?
‪(은유)‬ ‪다들 모여서 죽는 날만‬ ‪기다리는 곳이지‬[Eun-yu] The place we all gather around and wait to die.
‪그 두 사람은요?‬And the other two?
‪무사해‬They're okay.
‪[안도의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪(은유)‬ ‪그래도 존나 인성 노답은 아닌가 보다‬[Eun-yu] I guess you're not an asshole, then.
‪자기 처지도 모르고 남 걱정은, 씨‬You should worry more about yourself.
‪(은혁)‬ ‪이은유‬[Eun-hyeok] Eun-yu.
‪[문이 드르륵 닫힌다]‬
‪멀쩡하네?‬Are you okay?
‪9층에서 떨어졌는데‬ ‪3시간 만에 깨어났어‬You passed out after you fell down from the 9th floor.
‪(은혁)‬ ‪골든타임이 살린 건가?‬Golden hour saved you. Did you know that?
‪이상하지 않아?‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪원래 골든타임은‬ ‪살릴 수 있는 마지막 시간인데‬Isn't it ironic? Golden hour used to mean that…
‪지금은 죽일 수 있는‬ ‪마지막 시간이라는 뜻으로 쓰잖아‬it was the last hour you're able to save someone's life, you know?
‪좀 어때?‬Are you okay?
‪괜찮은 거 같아요‬Yeah, I think I'm okay.
‪다행이네, 지금부터 힘들어질 텐데‬Okay. It's going to be tough from now on.
‪(재환)‬ ‪뭐야, 왜 불러, 참‬[Seung-wan] Why did he call us?
‪(병일)‬ ‪뭐 해, 얼른 가, 가, 가, 가‬Come on. Keep going.
‪(석현)‬ ‪제정신이 아니구먼‬You're all out of your mind.
‪괴물 새끼를 여기다 끌어들여?‬You brought a monster in here.
‪한번 변하기만 해 봐‬Don't you dare turn.
‪알겠냐, 이 꼬맹이 괴물 새끼야?‬Got it? You crazy monster.
‪어른이 말씀하시면 대답을 해야지, 씨‬Or I'll slice your throat myself.
‪(현수)‬ ‪네‬Okay.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪- 뭐라고요?‬ ‪- 아니, 어떻게 그래요?‬-What you say? -We can't just do that.
‪난 골든타임을 놓칠 생각이 없어‬We can't miss golden hour.
‪주님께서 말씀하시길…‬The Lord said you--
‪예수도 이딴 세상에서는‬ ‪안 살아 봤을 거 아니야‬I'm sure Jesus never lived in a world like this, did He?
‪(석현)‬ ‪모두의 안전을 위해서야, 쯧‬It's for all our safety. Here.
‪(은혁)‬ ‪자‬Here.
‪(석현)‬ ‪뭐야‬What's that?
‪다들 여기 이 종이 하나씩 가져가세요‬Everyone please grab a piece of paper.
‪차현수 군을 내보내야 된다고‬ ‪생각하시는 분은 동그라미‬If you think we should expel Hyun-su, then go ahead and draw a circle.
‪(은혁)‬ ‪안 된다고 생각하시는 분은‬ ‪엑스를 표기해서‬[Eun-hyeok] And if you don't think we should, draw an X.
‪이 상자에 넣어 주시면 됩니다‬Then put the paper in this box.
‪보나 마나 추방일 건데 뭐 하러?‬Obviously, he'll be kicked out. Why bother?
‪(석현)‬ ‪그냥 거수로 해, 난 찬성이야‬Raise your hand. I want him out.
‪찬성, 찬성!‬Hands up. Hands up!
‪손 안 들고 뭐 해?‬Raise your hand, you cow.
‪(은유)‬ ‪난 반대‬[Eun-yu] Well, I don't.
‪(석현)‬ ‪고삐리는 빠져‬You're way too young to vote.
‪지금 대통령 뽑아요?‬So, this is official?
‪그딴 게 뭔 상관이야‬Age doesn't matter.
‪싸가지 없는 계집애가‬How dare you talk back to me?
‪(석현)‬ ‪어른이 말씀하시면‬ ‪'네, 알겠습니다' 해야지, 씨‬[Seok-hyeon] When an adult speaks, you should listen.
‪너 그거 욕이지?‬Did you swear at me?
‪마빡에 피도 안 마른 게‬ ‪어디서 욕을 해?‬If I was your dad, I'd give you a good old-fashioned beating!
‪아닌데‬I didn't.
‪최고라고요‬I said you're cool.
‪[총성 효과음]‬[gunshot]
‪(은혁)‬ ‪프라이버시 문제가 있기 때문에‬ ‪반드시 비밀 투표여야 돼요‬[Eun-hyeok] To protect everyone's privacy, it must be a secret ballot. What?
‪(석현)‬ ‪뭐?‬What?
‪사실상 이건‬Because expelling him…
‪살인에 가담하는 거니까‬would be like taking part in murder.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬would be like taking part in murder. [tense music plays]
‪[석현의 헛웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪(석현)‬ ‪프라이버시?‬Privacy? No way, man.
‪닝기리, 난 찬성이야‬Privacy? No way, man. I want him out. Hands up!
‪찬성!‬I want him out. Hands up!
‪살인 좋아하시네‬It's not murder.
‪다 살기 위한 결정이야‬We're doing this to survive.
‪꿀릴 거 하나 없어!‬Don't be scared now!
‪야, 빨리 손 안 들어?‬You, raise your hand.
‪빨리 들어, 이 멍청한 여편네야, 씨‬-[Seon-yeong] Uh, well… -I told you to raise your hand.
‪(혜인)‬ ‪하지만 일리 있는 말인데요?‬I think Eun-hyeok has a point.
‪사실상 각자 누가 동의했는지‬ ‪모르는 게 나은 거 아닌가?‬Isn't it better to protect the privacy of our votes?
‪민주주의 국가에서 투표를 활용하는 건‬ ‪너무나 당연한 거고‬Last time I checked, we still live in a democracy.
‪민주주의 좋아하시네‬A democracy? The world is ending!
‪세상이 망했어‬A democracy? The world is ending!
‪그리고 부인분한테 여편네니, 뭐니‬Stop calling your wife names,
‪(혜인)‬ ‪막돼먹은 소리 좀 멈추시죠?‬and using profanities.
‪매우 불쾌하네요‬It's offensive.
‪이런, 씨‬You cow.
‪네가 뭔데 신경…‬-How dare you tell me what… -[Yi-kyung] Stop it.
‪(이경)‬ ‪그만두시죠‬-How dare you tell me what… -[Yi-kyung] Stop it.
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬[tense music]
‪[명숙이 자장가를 흥얼거린다]‬[Myeong-suk humming]
‪[어두운 음악]‬[ominous music]
‪[칼질이 빨라진다]‬[ominous music] [clattering]
‪[칼질을 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪[명숙이 칼질을 탁탁 한다]‬[knife slashing]
‪찬성 여덟 표, 반대 일곱 표‬Eight of us voted yes, and seven voted no.
‪(은혁)‬ ‪남은 두 장 중 한 장만 찬성이어도‬If one of the last two ballots is in favor, he'll be kicked out.
‪확정이네요‬If one of the last two ballots is in favor, he'll be kicked out.
‪[석현의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪(석현)‬ ‪반대가 일곱 표나 나와?‬Seven people opposed?
‪다들 제정신이야?‬Are you all crazy?
‪[석현의 성난 숨소리]‬ ‪(은혁)‬ ‪반대‬Opposed.
‪8 대 8‬Eight to eight.
‪[사람들의 놀라는 숨소리]‬ ‪(석현)‬ ‪이런, 씨‬[pants] Damn it.
‪너 반대했어?‬It was you.
‪(선영)‬ ‪아니, 아니에요‬Uh, no, I didn't.
‪(석현)‬ ‪같은 패거리라고 싸고도는 연놈들‬All the bitches and bastards on his side
‪다 같이 내쫓아야 돼!‬-should be thrown out! -Will you calm the fuck down?
‪(지수)‬ ‪이 아저씨가, 씨‬-should be thrown out! -Will you calm the fuck down?
‪(은혁)‬ ‪흥분은 결과가 나온 다음에 하시고‬[Eun-hyeok] Don't get worked up yet.
‪이제 이 마지막 한 표가 중요해졌네요‬The last vote here will determine the result.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[tense music plays]
‪[은혁이 종이를 바스락 펼친다]‬
‪[병일의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪씨, 말도 안 돼‬[gasps] Oh, no way.
‪[석현이 씩씩거린다]‬
‪(석현)‬ ‪야, 야‬Hey. Hey!
‪당장 그 새끼 끌고 와‬-Bring that bastard here! -You mean me?
‪제, 제가요?‬-Bring that bastard here! -You mean me?
‪그래! 최대한 빨리 치워야지!‬Yeah! We have to get rid of him!
‪(병일)‬ ‪네‬
‪투표 좋아하시네, 응?‬Voting, my ass. Ha. Are you all crazy?
‪다들 미쳤어?‬Ha. Are you all crazy?
‪사람 죽어 나간 거 벌써 까먹었어?‬Did you forget that someone just died?
‪(은혁)‬ ‪결과에 불복하시는 거예요?‬Are you against the result?
‪뭐? 살인에 가담?‬What? You don't know squat.
‪(석현)‬ ‪'살인'의 '인' 자는 '사람 인'이야‬[Seok-hyeon] Murder is killing a human being, not killing a giant fucking monster!
‪괴물이 아니라 사람이라고!‬not killing a giant fucking monster! [grunts]
‪[석현의 성난 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[주르륵거리는 소리가 들린다]‬[sloshing]
‪[어두운 음악]‬[ominous music]
‪(선영)‬ ‪여, 여보‬[ominous music] [whimpers] [Seon-yeong] Honey.
‪[선영의 놀라는 신음]‬Honey? [gasping] -Honey? -[Seung-wan] Oh, my gosh. Oh, my goodness!
‪[사람들의 놀라는 신음]‬-Honey? -[Seung-wan] Oh, my gosh. Oh, my goodness!
‪[석현의 당황한 신음]‬[Seok-hyeon gasps]
‪(석현)‬ ‪이거는 그냥…‬[Seok-hyeon] This is…
‪피곤해서, 어, 피곤해서‬-Don't come near! -It's because I'm tired.
‪[사람들의 놀라는 신음]‬-Don't come near! -It's because I'm tired. [clamoring]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪피곤해서!‬It's because I'm tired!
‪[놀라는 신음]‬[man] Get back!
‪마음 단단히 먹어요‬You better brace yourself.
‪(석현)‬ ‪뭐?‬[Seok-hyeon] What? [mumbles]
‪[병일의 의아한 신음]‬[Seok-hyeon] What? [mumbles] The monsters are coming for you.
‪괴물한테 먹히기 싫으면‬The monsters are coming for you.
‪(석현)‬ ‪너 이 새끼…‬You son of a bitch!
‪[석현의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(현수)‬ ‪나한테도 투표권이 있나?‬[Hyun-su] Can I cast my vote?
‪이거 넣으면 저 아저씨도‬ ‪나랑 같이 나가는 거죠?‬If I put this in, he'll be thrown out too, right?
‪[어두운 효과음]‬ ‪맞아요?‬Am I right?
‪[석현이 툭 쓰러진다]‬[thuds]
‪보기엔 그냥 애던데‬But he just looks like a kid.
‪잘생긴‬A handsome one.
‪(병일)‬ ‪아니, 그, 피를 그만치 쏟고도‬ ‪안 뒤진 거 못 봤소?‬Didn't you see how much he was bleeding over there?
‪그, 사람 얼굴만 보고‬ ‪속은 모르는 거여‬You can't judge someone by their looks.
‪머리통에 총 맞아도 안 죽나?‬What if we shoot him in the head?
‪(재환)‬ ‪그럼 어떻게 죽여?‬[Jae-hwan] Can we kill him then?
‪못 죽이나?‬-Can we? -How can you…
‪(혜인)‬ ‪어떻게 그런, 아까 동그라미 냈죠?‬-Can we? -How can you… -Did you vote in favor? -[Jae-hwan] Mm.
‪살인에 가담하는 사람이 여기 있네‬You are all murderers.
‪(재환)‬ ‪씨, 그러다 괴물 되면, 응?‬You are all murderers. [sighs] If he turns into a monster, will you leave him there?
‪그대로 놔둘 거예요?‬[sighs] If he turns into a monster, will you leave him there?
‪(승완)‬ ‪근데 왜 저러는 거죠?‬[Seung-wan] Why this is happening?
‪(재환)‬ ‪바이러스 때문인가?‬-[Jae-hwan] Because of a virus? -[Hye-in] It's radiation.
‪(혜인)‬ ‪방사선 때문이라니까‬-[Jae-hwan] Because of a virus? -[Hye-in] It's radiation.
‪염병, TV는 나 혼자 봤는 갑네잉‬Come on. Didn't you watch the news?
‪(병일)‬ ‪전염이 아니라 그, 욕망 때문이라잖애‬[Byeong-il] It's because of human desire.
‪아, 그래서 그‬ ‪편의점 사장님이 그렇게‬Ah. Well, it must be because he's very greedy.
‪(승완)‬ ‪욕심이 많아서?‬Ah. Well, it must be because he's very greedy.
‪그라믄 그, 혀, 현수는?‬Yeah, but what about Hyun-su?
‪갸는 뭔 욕심이 많았는디?‬What was his desire then?
‪아저씨도 조심해야겠다‬You better be careful, too, all right?
‪아까 보니까 뭐‬ ‪식탐이 거의 메가톤급이던데‬It seemed to me you were getting quite hungry.
‪방사선 때문이라니까‬-It is the radiation. -[Jae-hwan] Radiation?
‪(재환)‬ ‪방사능‬-It is the radiation. -[Jae-hwan] Radiation? We're being punished.
‪벌받는 거예요‬We're being punished.
‪신이 인간에게 내린 형벌‬This must be God's punishment.
‪음, 인정‬Hmm. Ah, yeah.
‪(은유)‬ ‪난 지금까지 들었던 것 중에서‬ ‪제일 그럴듯하네‬[Eun-yu] That's the best answer I've heard so far.
‪우리 모두 다 인간이니까‬Since we're all humans,
‪누가 걸릴지는‬nobody knows…
‪아무도 모르는 거네?‬who the next one will be.
‪왜 내가…‬Why am I…
‪(현수)‬ ‪코피 흘리고 기절까지‬[Hyun-su] You had a nosebleed.
‪확실한 거 같네요‬I think it's pretty obvious.
‪말도 안 돼‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬No way. [panting]
‪이제 와서 왜?‬Why me?
‪(석현)‬ ‪저기…‬I know… [panting]
‪넌 버티고 있다며?‬that you're holding out.
‪어떻게 한 거야?‬How so?
‪뻔뻔하네요‬You're shameless.
‪[석현의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[gulps]
‪살아야지, 살고 싶으니까‬Please help me. I want to live.
‪정신 차려요‬I can't help you.
‪그것 말고는 해 줄 말이 없어요‬I have nothing else to say to you.
‪[석현의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[whimpering]
‪(혜인)‬ ‪잘됐지, 뭘 그래?‬[Hye-in] It's okay. Don't you think?
‪맨날 맞아 터졌잖아요‬He beat you up every day.
‪왜, 내가 틀린 말 했어?‬What? Did I do something wrong?
‪언니, 돌싱이 대세다‬ ‪인생 이제부터야, 응?‬Okay. Divorces are in. You have a new life.
‪아니야? 아니야?‬Huh? What? Am I wrong?
‪(이경)‬ ‪저…‬Hey.
‪수웅 씨가 안 보이는데‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬I can't find Su-ung. [gasps] Oh, no.
‪(혜인)‬ ‪어머, 아직 못 들으셨구나‬[Hye-in] I guess you haven't heard.
‪원장님 딸이 진짜로 살아 돌아왔었어요‬Ms. Cha's daughter actually tried to make it in here.
‪수웅 씨가 구하겠다고 나갔다가‬Su-ung… went to rescue her.
‪몇 걸음 가지도 못했어요‬He barely took a few steps and…
‪그냥 확‬[imitates whooshing]
‪[무거운 음악]‬[poignant, atmospheric music plays]
‪(혜인)‬ ‪꼼짝없이 여기 갇힌 거지, 뭐‬[Yi-kyung] We are stuck in here.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬ ‪[이경의 다급한 숨소리]‬SANG-WON
‪아, 오빠‬Sang-won…
‪(선영)‬ ‪저, 이거…‬Here you are.
‪한참 못 먹었을 것 같아서‬Thought you might want some, my dear.
‪(이경)‬ ‪아…‬[Seon-yeong grunts]
‪고맙습니다‬Thanks for this.
‪먹고 기운 차려요‬You're welcome. It'll cheer you up.
‪아휴, 미안해요, 무심결에‬Oh. I'm so sorry I looked.
‪(선영)‬ ‪들어요‬Eat up.
‪[이경이 헛구역질한다]‬ ‪왜요?‬What?
‪왜요, 왜요, 이상해요?‬What's the matter? What's wrong?
‪[이경이 캑캑거린다]‬ ‪[선영의 의아한 신음]‬
‪괜찮은데?‬It tastes okay.
‪아, 속이 좀 안 좋아서‬I feel nauseous.
‪[선영의 한숨]‬
‪[이경의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬[poignant music plays]
‪(지수)‬ ‪참 예쁘네요‬Your daughter's very pretty.
‪사진은 많이 있어요?‬You have so many great pictures of her.
‪저는 몇 장 없어서‬I only took a few myself.
‪그게 좀 후회돼요‬[Ji-su] That's what I regret.
‪좋은 사람이었어요‬He was such a good person.
‪[지수가 부스럭거린다]‬[wrapper rustles]
‪그리워하는 것도 기운이 있어야 해요‬You need to have energy to miss someone.
‪[야구공 치는 소리가 들린다]‬[clanks]
‪[지수의 비명]‬ ‪[해랑의 웃음]‬-[Ji-su screams] -[laughs]
‪좋냐?‬-Shut up. -Yeah?
‪(해랑)‬ ‪야, 너 개그맨 해, 음악 관두고‬You should quit music and become a comedian.
‪그럼 네가 좀 가르쳐 주든가‬Okay, why don't you teach me then?
‪일단 몸에 힘을 빼‬First, uh, relax your body.
‪(해랑)‬ ‪다리는 어깨너비로 벌리고‬[boyfriend] Spread your legs.
‪배트는 짧게 잡고‬Keep your hands together.
‪[지수의 긴장하는 숨소리]‬ ‪공을 끝까지 봐‬And look at the ball. [grunts]
‪[야구공을 탕 친다]‬[grunts]
‪[슬픈 음악]‬[scoffs] [Ji-su's boyfriend] That was nice.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[물소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[지수의 옅은 숨소리]‬[water splashing]
‪(은유)‬ ‪착한 척 존나 오지네‬[Eun-yu] Why are you acting like you're so nice?
‪그딴 거나 쥐여 주면서 힘내라고 하면‬Do you think a frigging chocolate bar is going to suddenly cheer her up?
‪씨발, 퍽이나 힘이 나겠다‬Do you think a frigging chocolate bar is going to suddenly cheer her up?
‪지금 네 마음 편하자고‬ ‪그러는 거 아니야‬I think you're giving yourself too much credit.
‪네가 이 구역의 미친년이니?‬So, you're the crazy bitch here?
‪그래, 너 해라, 미친년‬Watch your back, crazy bitch.
‪[은유의 헛웃음]‬[Eun-yu scoffs]
‪안 죽어?‬He won't die?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[담뱃불이 지직거린다]‬[ominous music]
‪[상욱이 담배 연기를 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[당황한 신음]‬Hi.
‪(상욱)‬ ‪또 보자며, 이 개새끼야‬ ‪[윤재의 신음]‬Yeah, it's me, asshole. [grunts]
‪[윤재의 신음]‬
‪[윤재의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[윤재의 신음]‬
‪[윤재의 비명]‬[screams]
‪(윤재)‬ ‪아이, 잠깐만, 잠깐‬Wait a minute. [breathing heavily]
‪[윤재의 비명]‬[groaning]
‪나 잠깐만 할 말 있어요‬I have something to say.
‪저기요‬I… I…
‪야! 이씨‬[grunting]
‪[윤재의 힘주는 신음]‬[grunting]
‪[윤재의 거친 신음]‬[Yun-jae pants]
‪[윤재의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(윤재)‬ ‪저, 저기…‬[mumbling]
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪저, 저 괴, 괴물이 된 거 같아요‬I think… I'm turning into a monster.
‪가둬 주세요‬Please lock me up.
‪(은유)‬ ‪응? 아저씨 언제 왔어요?‬Hi. When did you get here? [chuckles]
‪근데 TV 봤어요?‬Did you hear what they said on the news?
‪우리 이거 안 옮는대‬ ‪[은유의 웃음]‬It's not infectious. [giggles]
‪근데 그래도 우린 좆 됐어‬We're still screwed, though,
‪세상이 망했거든‬because everything's fucked.
‪씨, 븅신 같은 게‬[scoffs] You asshole.
‪(병일)‬ ‪씁, 암만 봐도 이거‬ ‪두들겨 맞은 거 같은디‬Ooh, boy. You really got beat up.
‪(재환)‬ ‪자기가 넣어 달라잖아요‬-[Jae-hwan] He wanted to be locked up. -Why did it happen to such a good man?
‪(승완)‬ ‪저 좋은 사람이 어쩌다가 저렇게…‬-[Jae-hwan] He wanted to be locked up. -Why did it happen to such a good man?
‪(병일)‬ ‪아이고, 그라고 맘 안 좋으면‬ ‪같이 들어가든가‬Jeez, if you feel that bad for him, why don't you just join him in there?
‪다른 이유가 있죠?‬What happened to you?
‪[옅은 웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪(병일)‬ ‪아유, 깜짝이야‬Oh, jeez!
‪[어두운 음악]‬[tense music]
‪[한숨]‬[dramatic music playing]
‪[셔터가 우르릉 흔들린다]‬
‪[극적인 음악]‬[intense choral music playing]
‪[까마귀 울음]‬[crow cawing]
‪좋은 아침이야‬Hey there, sunshine.
‪(윤재)‬ ‪배고프지?‬[Yun-jae] You must be hungry.
‪괜찮아요‬No, thank you.
‪괴물이 되면 못 먹나?‬A monster can't eat?
‪너 잠은 잘 자던데?‬You sleep well, though.
‪어떤 기분이야?‬What's it been like?
‪힘이 막 넘치지?‬It's great, isn't it? [chuckles]
‪[윤재의 웃음]‬
‪어떻게 하면 그렇게 될 수 있어?‬How can I become you?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[ominous music]
‪(윤재)‬ ‪말해 봐‬Tell me now.
‪말해 봐‬I need to know.
‪나 진짜 잘할 수 있어, 응?‬[Yun-jae] I can do it well.
‪내가 뭘 어떻게 하면 돼?‬Wha… What should I do?
‪[윤재의 힘주는 신음]‬[Yun-jae grunting]
‪[윤재의 거친 신음]‬
‪(선영)‬ ‪이거…‬[Seon-yeong] Here you go.
‪내가 갖고 있던 건데‬You should take this.
‪(이경)‬ ‪아니에요‬No way.
‪(선영)‬ ‪혹시 모르잖아‬Do it to be sure.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪(재헌)‬ ‪아멘‬[Jae-heon] Amen.
‪당신 목소리 맞죠?‬It was your voice, huh?
‪'1층은 최소한의 안전이 확보되었다'‬"The first floor is now safe."
‪제가 잘못 들은 건가요?‬Did I hear you wrong?
‪(은혁)‬ ‪그 방패‬Hey, that shield.
‪누가 만들었어요?‬Who made it?
‪[기계 작동음]‬[spraying]
‪(수영)‬ ‪아저씨‬Excuse me.
‪(두식)‬ ‪왜?‬What?
‪(수영)‬ ‪아줌마가‬Ms. Im…
‪화장실에서 나오지 않아요‬still hasn't come out of the bathroom.
‪(두식)‬ ‪똥 마려워?‬You need to go?
‪얼마나 됐어?‬Just wait a sec.
‪(수영)‬ ‪한 시간 정도 됐어요‬It's been over an hour.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪알았다, 잠깐만 비켜 있거라‬All right, then, kid. Step aside.

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