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  테이크 원 3

Take one 3


MARCH 16TH, 2022
‪[드럼 소리]‬
‪[피아노 소리]‬
‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪[째깍거리는 효과음]‬
‪(제작진1) 죽기 전에‬ ‪딱 한 곡의 노래를 부른다면?‬What if you could sing just one song before you died? Just one song?
‪딱 한 곡만을 정하라니까…‬Just one song?
‪되게 어렵더라고요‬That was so hard.
‪단 한 번 빛을 받을 수 있는‬ ‪순간일 수도 있으니까…‬It could be my only moment in the spotlight. -If this doesn't work, we're screwed. -Right.
‪형 이거 안 되잖아?‬ ‪다 죽는 거야, 어‬-If this doesn't work, we're screwed. -Right.
‪[타이머 효과음]‬
‪(희열) 원 테이크에 끝나는‬ ‪콘서트야‬It's a concert where you only get one take.
‪(수현) 말도 안 되는 부분들이‬ ‪너무 많긴 한데…‬There are a lot of things that don't make any sense.
‪(정현) 나를 위한‬ ‪도전이기도 하고…‬There are a lot of things that don't make any sense. It's a chance to challenge myself.
‪(재범) 이런 장소에서‬It's a chance to challenge myself. Can I create the effect I want in a place like this?
‪제가 생각하고 있는 효과가‬ ‪나올 수 있을까?‬Can I create the effect I want in a place like this?
‪(휘인) 그냥 이 무대 자체가‬ ‪MAMAMOO였으면 좋겠어요‬I just want this performance to scream MAMAMOO.
‪(찬혁) 댄서 200명이 있는 것처럼‬There will be 200 dancers.
‪(수현) 넷플릭스 없으면‬ ‪할 수 없는 무대니까‬This wouldn't be possible without Netflix.
‪(비) 내가 죽기 전에‬ ‪인생 마지막에‬To be on a stage like this before I die, at the end of my life…
‪이런 무대를 쓸 수 있다라는 게…‬To be on a stage like this before I die, at the end of my life…
‪(제작진1) '테이크 원'까지‬ ‪남은 시간이에요‬It's the time remaining until Take 1. Is this like a time bomb?
‪아, 시한폭탄이에요?‬Is this like a time bomb?
‪"새로운‬ ‪다음 장을 위해 새로 깨어난"‬
‪[강렬한 악기 연주]‬
‪(재범) ♪ 피곤이 몰아치는‬ ‪기나긴 오후 지나 ♪‬
‪♪ 집으로 달려가는‬ ‪마음은 어떠한가 ♪‬
‪(도현) 임재범 형님이 이제‬Yim Jae-beum was…
‪시나위 활동 하셨던 거‬YOON DO-HYUN ROCK SINGER/YB …a member of Sinawi and then of Foreign Legion.
‪그다음에 외인부대 활동 하셨던 거‬…a member of Sinawi and then of Foreign Legion.
‪(재범) ♪ 나 후회 없이♪‬I thought that a lot.
‪♪ 그건 아마도 전쟁 같은 사랑 ♪‬OTHERS REMEMBER HIM AS THE BEST VOCALIST OF ALL TIME His unique singing style and his delivery of the lyrics
‪[계속 노래한다]‬ ‪(이나)‬His unique singing style and his delivery of the lyrics
‪(이나)‬that is unbelievably poignant.
‪그 모든 밸런스가‬ ‪임재범이라는 사람을 이미‬These factors are why Yim is often called… KIM EA-NA COMPOSER
‪[감성적인 악기 연주]‬
‪(재범) ♪ 누구나 한 번쯤은‬ ‪자기만의 세계로 ♪‬HAVING RECEIVED WIDE ACCLAIM,
‪♪ 그렇지만 나는‬ ‪제자리로 오지 못했어 ♪‬AFTER FINISHING HIS 2016 CONCERT,
‪[부스럭거리는 소리]‬Can we also set up a GoPro and…
‪(제작진1)‬Can we also set up a GoPro and…
‪(제작진1) 그냥, 뭐‬ ‪말씀하시는 거…‬Can we also set up a GoPro and… Well, what about…
‪(매니저)‬Well, what about… Let's make it simple this time
‪(매니저)‬Let's make it simple this time and do it properly later.
‪[제작진들의 호응]‬ ‪(매니저) 괜히, 예‬and do it properly later.
‪[저마다 대화한다]‬SOME TIME LATER
‪[대화가 계속된다]‬You can park over there…
‪(제작진2) 선배님‬ ‪준비되신 거예요?‬-Are you ready, sir? -Yes.
‪(재범) 네, 됐습니다‬ ‪[제작진2의 호응]‬-Are you ready, sir? -Yes.
‪[재범의 한숨]‬
‪(제작진2) 채워 드릴까요?‬-Yes, you can put the mike on him. -We'll mike you up now.
‪[제작진2가 말한다]‬ ‪(제작진1)‬-Yes, you can put the mike on him. -We'll mike you up now.
‪(재범) 네‬Okay.
‪(재범) 이렇게 어색할 수가…‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬
‪[제작진들의 웃음]‬ ‪(재범)‬I feel so awkward. My goodness.
‪[제작진1의 웃음]‬ ‪(제작진3)‬It's been several years, right?
‪[재범의 한숨]‬
‪(재범)‬ ‪[제작진들의 호응]‬May I? Sure.
‪(제작진1) 네‬Does my beard look okay on camera?
‪(제작진4)‬-It looks good. -Looks great, sir.
‪(제작진3) 수염 멋있네요‬ ‪[제작진들의 웃음]‬-It looks good. -Looks great, sir.
‪[제작진들의 호응]‬I'd better not take my hat off as my hair is quite a mess.
‪(제작진5) 머리 때문에…‬
‪(제작진1) 이렇게 지금‬How long has it been since you were in front of a camera?
‪(제작진1)‬How long has it been since you were in front of a camera?
‪카메라 앞에 선 거‬I think it's been about six years.
‪[제작진1의 호응]‬ ‪예‬I think it's been about six years.
‪[혀를 찬다]‬
‪[제작진1의 호응]‬ ‪예‬This feels like a dream. When I get back home, I might feel like I've had a nap.
‪[제작진들의 웃음]‬When I get back home, I might feel like I've had a nap.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪(제작진1) 그, 공백이 좀 길었는데‬You've been away for a long time. A 6-YEAR HIATUS
‪그렇게 공백이 길어지신‬ ‪혹시 이유가…‬A 6-YEAR HIATUS Could you tell us why?
‪(재범) 공백이…‬I was away because…
‪음‬Firstly, my wife passed away.
‪어…‬Because of those family issues and circumstances,
‪[제작진1의 호응]‬
‪(제작진1) 공백 기간 동안‬ ‪사실 궁금했던 게‬There are people who wonder how you've been doing during your hiatus.
‪어떻게 지내셨는지 이런 것들이 좀‬ ‪많이 궁금한 사람들이 있는데…‬There are people who wonder how you've been doing during your hiatus.
‪(재범) [한숨 쉬며] 음…‬There are people who wonder how you've been doing during your hiatus.
‪[침을 꿀꺽 삼킨다]‬
‪그냥 뭐, 결론만 말씀드리면‬In short, it's been really tough for me, both psychologically and physically.
‪이게…‬I can't really do anything.
‪[제작진3의 호응]‬And after sending her to school, I'm completely exhausted.
‪'아휴, 그래'‬ ‪그럼 또, 또 설거지하고 뭐 하고‬Washing dishes and cleaning makes me even more tired.
‪그다음에 지쳐요‬Washing dishes and cleaning makes me even more tired.
‪그러고 나서 또 그 생활이‬ ‪계속 반복이 되니까, 예‬That's how it is every day. FOR 6 YEARS, HE'S HAD TO FORGET ABOUT THE STAGE
‪(제작진3) 무대가‬ ‪그립진 않으셨어요?‬Haven't you missed singing on stage? Your last concert was in 2016.
‪콘서트를 2016년에 하셨는데‬Haven't you missed singing on stage? Your last concert was in 2016.
‪[제작진3의 호응]‬ ‪그러니까‬To be honest, I haven't. I mean…
‪(재범)‬I used to have no problem singing after a long hiatus,
‪(재범)‬I used to have no problem singing after a long hiatus, no matter how long it was.
‪(재범)‬I had this blind confidence. I was like, "I'm Yim Jae-beum. Of course I can do this."
‪(재범)‬I was like, "I'm Yim Jae-beum. Of course I can do this."
‪(재범)‬ ‪[제작진들의 호응]‬But now that I'm older, it scares me.
‪(재범)‬ ‪[제작진들의 호응]‬It even terrified me at one point.
‪어떻게 보면은‬It was almost like
‪[제작진들의 호응]‬ ‪랑 그런 것 같았었어요, 예‬a panic disorder triggered by a fear of the stage.
‪(재범)‬Even though I was aware of all that, I couldn't help myself.
‪(재범)‬I couldn't help myself. It was so hard to overcome.
‪(재범)‬Music and singing became too challenging for me to pursue.
‪(재범) 쯧, 그래도 좀‬ ‪[제작진3의 웃음]‬Now I'm trying
‪많이 좀, 뭐라 그럴까, 음‬Now I'm trying
‪(재범)‬to free myself from that mindset.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬I'm moving forward slowly, taking one baby step at a time.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪"앤투리지 바버샵"‬
‪[재범의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[출입문 종소리]‬ ‪[재범의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[사장의 탄성]‬ ‪(재범)‬Are you alone, sir?
‪- (사장) 네‬ ‪- (재범) 아‬Yes. It's Yim Jae-beum! I can't believe this!
‪(사장)‬ ‪[재범의 웃음]‬It's Yim Jae-beum! I can't believe this!
‪[재범의 호응]‬ ‪(사장)‬My gosh! I listened to your songs a lot in middle school and high school.
‪(재범) 아이고, 감사해요‬I listened to your songs a lot in middle school and high school. -Thank you. -I listened to "Confession" all the time.
‪(사장)‬ ‪[재범의 호응]‬-Thank you. -I listened to "Confession" all the time.
‪(사장)‬-I can't believe I'm talking with you now. -Oh, come on.
‪(재범) 아유, 별말씀을, 아유, 아‬ ‪[사장의 웃음]‬-I can't believe I'm talking with you now. -Oh, come on. YIM HASN'T HAD A HAIRCUT IN OVER FOUR YEARS
‪(재범) 아, 요거를?‬ ‪[지퍼 내리는 소리]‬-Let's… -Yes.
‪(사장) 벗으시는 게…‬-You can take it off. -I'll just take off my hat.
‪(재범) 놔두고‬ ‪모자만 벗으면 될 거 같아, 이렇게‬-You can take it off. -I'll just take off my hat. Look at my hair.
‪[사장의 탄성]‬ ‪(재범)‬Look at my hair.
‪(재범)‬ ‪[사장의 놀란 숨소리]‬It's quite long.
‪[사장의 탄성]‬It's messy, as I didn't take care of it.
‪(사장) 얼마나 기르신 거예요?‬How long have you been growing it? Four and a half years, I guess.
‪(재범)‬Four and a half years, I guess.
‪- (사장) 4년 반요?‬ ‪- (재범) 예‬Four and a half years, I guess. For real?
‪(사장) 한 번도 안 자르신 거죠?‬ ‪대박‬-You haven't cut it once in that time? -No.
‪[재범의 호응]‬Wow. Have a seat, please.
‪(사장)‬ ‪[재범의 호응]‬Wow. Have a seat, please. Okay.
‪(사장)‬ ‪[재범의 탄식]‬Are you nervous?
‪[사장의 긴장한 숨소리]‬I'm having mixed feelings about this. I think I'm more nervous.
‪(사장) [웃으며]‬ ‪[재범의 웃음]‬I think I'm more nervous.
‪[사장의 긴장한 탄성]‬
‪(사장)‬ ‪[재범의 호응]‬Let me brush your hair first.
‪아이고‬My gosh.
‪[사장의 웃음]‬
‪[재범의 한숨]‬
‪(사장)‬ ‪[재범의 호응]‬I'll start cutting it now. Sure.
‪(사장)‬ ‪[재범의 호응]‬Here we go. All right.
‪(사장)‬-I wish you only the best from now on. -Thank you.
‪(사장) [웃으며] 잘랐습니다‬ ‪[재범의 웃음]‬-I did it! -Goodness gracious.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[재범의 한숨]‬-I did it! -Goodness gracious. Good riddance.
‪[사장의 웃음]‬Good riddance.
‪[바리캉 작동음]‬
‪(제작진3) [웃으며]‬You already look good, sir.
‪- (재범) 네? 에이‬ ‪- (제작진3) 멋있어, 멋있어‬Sorry? You're already looking good.
‪- (사장) 딴사람‬ ‪- (제작진3) 오, 멋있어, 오‬-All right. -You look cool.
‪(재범) 아‬ ‪최불암 선생님이 됐는데?‬I look like Mr. Choi Bul-am.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬No, I don't think so.
‪(제작진3) 아니야, 아니야‬ ‪옆모습 아니야‬No, I don't think so.
‪(사장)‬-You want your beard all gone? -Yes, shave it clean, please.
‪(재범)‬-You want your beard all gone? -Yes, shave it clean, please.
‪- (사장) 수염도 오래 기르셨죠?‬ ‪- (재범) 예‬-Have you been growing it out for a while? -Yes.
‪[사장의 호응]‬For quite some time.
‪[쓱 면도하는 소리]‬
‪(사장과 재범)‬Let me help you sit up.
‪- 자, 천천히 일어나 볼게요‬ ‪- 예‬Let me help you sit up.
‪(재범) 아이고야‬Goodness.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪[사장의 감탄한 웃음]‬
‪[의자 내리는 소리]‬
‪[드라이기 작동음]‬
‪(제작진1)‬-Do you like this style? -I do.
‪(재범)‬-Do you like this style? -I do.
‪(재범) 예, 너무 마음에 듭니다‬I love it.
‪(제작진3)‬You look younger. Really?
‪- 더 젊어 보여요? 아, 그럼‬ ‪- (제작진3) 네‬Really? That's good.
‪(제작진1) 저희가 이제‬ ‪일정을 준비하시는 데‬We've prepared something to help you stay on schedule.
‪도움이 되시라고 저희가 선물을…‬We've prepared something to help you stay on schedule. -It's a gift. -What gift?
‪뭐, 무슨 선물요?‬-It's a gift. -What gift? A GIFT FOR HIM
‪(재범) 무슨 또, 아이고야‬What…
‪[제작진3의 웃음]‬Is this an assignment? -May I open it? -Sure.
‪(제작진1)‬-May I open it? -Sure.
‪(재범) 뭐지?‬What is it?
‪[제작진들의 웃음]‬ ‪(제작진1) 맞습니다‬Is this the time that's left? -That's right. -So I have 505 days left?
‪(재범) 505일 남은 건가요?‬-That's right. -So I have 505 days left?
‪(제작진1) 505시간요‬-It's 505 hours, sir. -I see.
‪(재범) 505시간요? 어, 505시간‬-It's 505 hours, sir. -I see. So I have 505 hours.
‪[숨을 들이켜며] 준비‬ ‪잘해야겠네요, 예‬So I have 505 hours. I'll make sure to be prepared by then. THE SHOW STARTS WHEN IT HITS 000:00:00
‪[차분한 음악]‬THE SHOW STARTS WHEN IT HITS 000:00:00 Such pressure!
‪[제작진들의 웃음]‬Such pressure! Jeez.
‪[째깍거리는 효과음]‬ ‪아이고‬Jeez.
‪[코를 훌쩍이며] 아‬
‪현재 상황이‬ ‪우리나라 현재 상황이‬This represents an untold reality of our society.
‪(재범) 정신적인 부분이 이렇다‬This represents an untold reality of our society.
‪여길 한번 가보시라고…‬-Let's go there. -Sure.
‪(제작진3) 그럼‬ ‪처음 시도해 보시는 거네요?‬You're doing this for the first time. -Right? -Yes.
‪(재범) 네, 처음입니다, 35년 만에‬-Right? -Yes. After 35 years.
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪(여자1) [놀라며] 아, 대박‬Oh, my God!
‪[놀라며] 어, 저 조금‬ ‪소름 돋았어요, 아, 신기하다‬I've got goosebumps. What a treat!
‪너무 영광이죠‬I feel so honored.
‪최고죠, 최고‬It doesn't get better than this.
‪이분을 제가, 제가 보는 건가요?‬Do I really get to see him?
‪(재범) 여기를 시민분들이‬ ‪많이 놀러 오시나 봐요, 여기를‬I guess people visit this place often now.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬I guess people visit this place often now.
‪(재범)‬There was nothing here in the past.
‪(재범)‬ ‪[제작진5의 호응]‬-Nothing but a skating rink. -Right.
‪(재범)‬ ‪[제작진5의 호응]‬But look how much it's changed.
‪(재범)‬There's Dr. Noh.
‪(재범)‬ ‪[제작진5의 호응]‬Thank you. No worries.
‪[차 문이 드르륵 열린다]‬No worries.
‪[재범의 힘주는 숨소리]‬Hello!
‪(여자2) 안녕하세요‬Hello!
‪- (재범) 잘 있었어요?‬ ‪- (경환) 예, 선배님‬-How have you been? -Good, sir. NOH GYEONG-HWAN GUITARIST/BANDMASTER
‪(재범) 그때‬ ‪아버지 돌아가신 다음에‬NOH GYEONG-HWAN GUITARIST/BANDMASTER -I haven't seen you in so long. -Indeed.
‪우리 너무 오래간만에 보죠?‬ ‪[경환의 호응]‬-I haven't seen you in so long. -Indeed.
‪[원규의 웃음]‬
‪[재범과 원규가 인사한다]‬
‪(재범) 그래도 건강한 모습 보니까‬ ‪[원규의 호응]‬It's good to see you doing well. SHIN WON-GYU YIM'S CONCERT DIRECTOR FOR 10 YEARS
‪(원규)‬Let's do this. Now that I'm old, my singing is rusty.
‪(재범)‬ ‪[원규가 야유한다]‬Now that I'm old, my singing is rusty. -Come on. -My skills are gone.
‪(재범)‬-Come on. -My skills are gone.
‪(원규) [웃으며]‬-What? I don't believe it. -They're gone.
‪(재범) 갔어‬-What? I don't believe it. -They're gone.
‪[재범의 탄성]‬
‪(재범)‬It looks good in here. Hi, everyone.
‪(재범)‬Let's do "The Flight" and "Desperado."
‪(기덕) 한번, 노래 가사?‬ ‪[재범의 호응]‬Let's do "The Flight" and "Desperado." -Shall we give them a try? -Yes.
‪(재범)‬I can barely remember the lyrics.
‪[악보 넘기는 소리]‬ ‪(재범)‬It's been too long.
‪[재범의 웃음]‬
‪(재범)‬God, help me!
‪[재범의 한숨]‬
‪(경환) 여러분들‬ ‪자, '데스페라도'‬Everyone. Let's do "Desperado."
‪[연주자의 호응]‬ ‪67, 예‬-Yes. -Sixty-seven. -Yes, sir. -Yes.
‪[저마다 악기를 조율한다]‬-Yes, sir. -Yes. Going into the studio, my first thought was,
‪(재범)‬Going into the studio, my first thought was, "I hope my singing voice comes out okay."
‪(재범)‬"I hope my singing voice comes out okay."
‪(재범)‬"What if it doesn't?" That was my biggest concern.
‪[재범의 한숨]‬
‪[재범의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(경환) 자, 쳐볼게요‬Starting from the top.
‪(기덕) 와, 과연, 씁, 이분이‬I wondered, "Can he put down his burdens…" PARK KI-DUK MUSIC PRODUCER
‪마음의 짐을 털어 내고‬"…and sing like he did before?"
‪(경환)‬Ready, everyone?
‪[사람들의 호응]‬-Ready! -Yes!
‪(재범) 야, 이거‬ ‪얼마 만에 불러 보는 거야, 이게?‬How long has it been since I sang this? I don't even remember.
‪[기덕의 웃음]‬ ‪기억도 안 나‬How long has it been since I sang this? I don't even remember. HIS FIRST TIME SINGING IN 6 YEARS
‪(재범)‬I felt nostalgic. This is where I belonged, and my heart is racing.
‪(재범) 그다음에‬It reminded me of who I was.
‪(재범)‬It reminded me of who I was.
‪(재범) '아, 내가 가수였구나'‬"Right, I was a singer."
‪(재범)‬I felt like I was going on a journey back to where I was before.
‪(기덕)‬It was great, sir.
‪(재범)‬Don't lie to me, please.
‪(기덕) 진짜예요‬I mean it.
‪(경환)‬Let's do "The Flight" now.
‪[저마다 악기를 조율한다]‬
‪(연주자) 가겠습니다‬ ‪[사람들의 호응]‬-Let's go. -Okay.
‪(재범)‬ ‪[경환의 호응]‬Hold on, Dr. Noh.
‪[재범의 한숨]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[재범의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(재범)‬ ‪[경환의 호응]‬-Just a second. -Sure.
‪(재범) [웃으며]‬I lost all the air inside me. Hold on.
‪[재범의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨을 계속 고른다]‬
‪(재범)‬ ‪[경환의 호응]‬I'm ready now. Okay.
‪(경환)‬ ‪[사람들의 호응]‬-Let's do "The Flight." -Yes. "The Flight." Okay, let's go.
‪(경환)‬"The Flight." Okay, let's go.
‪[힘찬 악기 연주]‬
‪(재범)‬Everyone experiences the moment When they become engrossed In their own world
‪(재범)‬When they become engrossed In their own world
‪(재범)‬But I failed to return to where I was As I didn't know the way back
‪(재범)‬As I didn't know the way back
‪(재범)‬With too many thoughts And too many concerns
‪(재범)‬I locked myself in
‪(재범)‬Now even I find myself uneasy
‪(재범)‬Since I don't know where to start I want to go out into the world
‪(재범)‬I want to go out into the world
‪(재범)‬I need to proudly show my dreams
‪(재범)‬My wings have been recoiled for so long
‪(재범)‬I want to spread them wide
‪(재범)‬I want to spread them wide And fly in the sky
‪(재범)‬I can't hold my breath for as long, which was why I felt challenged while singing.
‪(재범)‬which was why I felt challenged while singing.
‪(재범) 그래서‬which was why I felt challenged while singing. I wanted to pull it off perfectly,
‪(재범)‬I wanted to pull it off perfectly, but I failed to control my pace.
‪(재범)‬but I failed to control my pace.
‪(재범) 그래서, 씁‬but I failed to control my pace.
‪(재범)‬This is quite embarrassing.
‪(재범) 예‬
‪음, 좀 속상해요, 좀‬I feel a little frustrated about how my singing went.
‪소리가 제대로‬ ‪안 나오는 거 같아서‬I feel a little frustrated about how my singing went.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪어…‬I feel a little frustrated about how my singing went. HIS FEAR OF PERFORMING CRAWLS BACK
‪(제작진1) 인생에서 이제 딱 한 번‬If you had just one chance to give the best performance of your life,
‪단 한 번 마지막으로 어떤‬ ‪최고의 무대를 만든다라고 한다면‬If you had just one chance to give the best performance of your life,
‪'나는 어떤 무대를 만들고 싶다'‬how would you like it to be? STILL, HE WANTS TO BE ON STAGE AGAIN
‪그…‬I've been on every stage I've ever wanted to be on.
‪[제작진3의 호응]‬I've been on every stage I've ever wanted to be on.
‪[제작진3의 호응]‬ ‪예‬So I don't really have a dream stage in mind.
‪(재범) 음…‬
‪생각을 한 거 같아요‬ ‪제가 사실 스스로가, 그래서‬more than myself these days. HE DECIDES TO BE COURAGEOUS FOR OTHERS
‪'그분들한테‬ ‪돌려드릴 수 있는 게 뭐가 있을까'‬So I was thinking about what I can give them…
‪저 혼자 생각할 때는‬and then I realized… THOSE HE WANTS TO INVITE
‪요즘에 코로나가 너무‬ ‪심각해지고 있는 상황이고, 오늘도‬THOSE HE WANTS TO INVITE The COVID situation has become serious these days.
‪(재범) 2만 7천 명이라고‬ ‪확진자가, 그러니까‬Even today, 27,000 people tested positive.
‪(재범)‬Even today, 27,000 people tested positive. Things are getting serious, and so many people are struggling. COVID-19 PANDEMIC DEATH TOLL TOPS 6 MILLION
‪(재범)‬I'd like to invite those people, including nurses,
‪(재범)‬firefighters, emergency medical technicians and the self-employed.
‪(재범)‬and the self-employed. I'd like to invite them if I can
‪[감성적인 반주가 흐른다]‬ ‪(재범) ♪ 너의 손을 붙잡고 ♪‬WHAT IS THE TAKE 1 SONG HE PICKED TO PERFORM FOR THEM?
‪(재범)‬I sang this song at the end of my last concert.
‪♪ 나와 같은 ♪‬
‪♪ 고통의 길을 걷고 ♪‬Back then, my wife was ill, and she was my priority.
‪[노래가 계속 흐른다]‬ ‪(재범)‬Back then, my wife was ill, and she was my priority.
‪(재범) 저는 그때 이제 아내한테‬ ‪집중하고 있었던 상황이라‬Back then, my wife was ill, and she was my priority. So it captured my personal wishes of wanting her illness to pass.
‪(재범)‬So it captured my personal wishes of wanting her illness to pass. But this time, it's completely different.
‪(재범)‬But this time, it's completely different.
‪(재범)‬Just like the song's message "This, too, shall pass," I want to wish everyone well as I sing this song.
‪(재범)‬I want to wish everyone well as I sing this song.
‪(재범)‬I want to wish everyone well as I sing this song.
‪♪ 눈물도 초라함도 ♪‬
‪♪ 이 또한 지나가리라 ♪‬ ‪[노래가 계속 흐른다]‬AFTER BAND PRACTICE
‪(기덕) 뭐, 요리 좀 몇 개 시켜서‬ ‪선배님, 뭐, 드시죠‬AFTER BAND PRACTICE Let's order different dishes and share.
‪[재범의 호응]‬Let's order different dishes and share.
‪(기덕)‬Jjajangmyeon is Yim's favorite.
‪[재범의 한숨]‬
‪(재범)‬I guess I had it too often.
‪(경환) 그, 저는‬I guess I had it too often. I've never heard of you having jjamppong.
‪(경환)‬ ‪[재범의 호응]‬I've never heard of you having jjamppong.
‪(경환)‬-That's right. -You always go with jjajangmyeon?
‪(재범)‬I used to eat jjajangmyeon whenever I recorded or performed.
‪(재범)‬Then I changed to bulgogi as I needed more energy.
‪(기덕)‬I would eat jjajangmyeon three times a day while working with him.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬
‪[재범의 한숨]‬
‪(재범)‬He joined me without complaining.
‪- (재범) 자, 드십시오‬ ‪- (기덕) 예, 맛있게 드세요‬-Let's eat. -Yes. -Enjoy your meal. -Enjoy.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬-Enjoy your meal. -Enjoy.
‪(기덕과 재범)‬-How is it, sir? -Very good.
‪면이 얇아서 좋네‬ ‪[기덕의 호응]‬The noodles are great.
‪(경환)‬February 14th, 2016, was the last time we performed with you.
‪(경환)‬February 14th, 2016, was the last time we performed with you. -So it's been six, seven years? -Six years.
‪[기덕이 말한다]‬ ‪(경환) 6년이지?‬-So it's been six, seven years? -Six years.
‪7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2‬So, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. -Six years. -Exactly six years.
‪(경환) 예, 딱, 딱, 거의‬ ‪예, 딱 6년‬-Six years. -Exactly six years. -It's been exactly six years. -Right.
‪(경환) 아, 그러고 보니까‬Even though you've been away for such a long time,
‪(경환) 그러니까, 저는‬-I'm not as strong. -Well…
‪(기덕)‬You can get it back.
‪[재범의 한숨]‬We believe you can.
‪(기덕) [웃으며] 본업‬ ‪본업을 하셔야죠, 선배님‬We believe you can.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬I'll eat Frosted Flakes on Wednesday. Oh, right.
‪(재범) 아참, 수요일 날‬Oh, right. I have a question about that day.
‪(재범)‬ ‪[제작진1의 호응]‬I have a question about that day. -Let's say I start singing. -Yes.
‪(재범)‬But I don't like it myself. Do I get a second chance?
‪(재범)‬Do I get a second chance?
‪(제작진1)‬-The show doesn't allow it. -No?
‪(재범)‬-The show doesn't allow it. -No?
‪(제작진1) 딱 한 번 테이크…‬You only get one chance.
‪(재범) 큰일 났다‬I'm in trouble.
‪(제작진1) '그 한 번에‬ ‪모든 것을 건다' 약간 요런…‬You're betting everything on that one chance.
‪[재범의 한숨]‬
‪[재범의 난감한 신음]‬
‪(재범)‬For a singer, a one-take performance is nerve-racking.
‪(재범)‬ ‪[사람들의 호응]‬-Even when you feel ready and well. -Tell me about it.
‪(재범)‬ ‪[사람들의 호응]‬The same applies to every band member.
‪(재범) 원 테이크라고 치면 괜히…‬Knowing that you have only one chance…
‪(재범) 심중에‬ ‪예, 부담감이 막 드니까‬-It makes you nervous. -It's a lot of pressure.
‪[사람들의 호응]‬-It makes you nervous. -It's a lot of pressure.
‪(제작진3) 이분들을 모시고‬Where would you like to sing for the people you're inviting?
‪어떤 장소에서‬ ‪공연을 하면 좀 좋을까요?‬Where would you like to sing for the people you're inviting?
‪(재범) 어디서…‬Where? Let me think…
‪아, 어, 어…‬Where? Let me think…
‪(재범)‬It doesn't have to be at a studio or on a stage. It can be anywhere, including somewhere outdoors.
‪(재범)‬It can be anywhere, including somewhere outdoors. For example,
‪(재범)‬For example, it can be on a rooftop or at a redevelopment site.
‪(재범)‬it can be on a rooftop or at a redevelopment site. That would be okay too.
‪[비장한 음악]‬ ‪[째깍거리는 효과음]‬
‪[드럼 소리]‬
‪(재범)‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬They say this apartment is very old, but it'll be redeveloped into a brand-new apartment.
‪(재범)‬but it'll be redeveloped into a brand-new apartment.
‪(재범) 그래서 어떻게 보면‬In a way, its old and quaint charm represents our current situation.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪(재범)‬its old and quaint charm represents our current situation. So it seems to fit the message
‪(재범)‬So it seems to fit the message
‪(재범)‬this song is trying to deliver to people.
‪(재범)‬I felt good about choosing it.
‪(재범) 안녕하세요‬ ‪아, 이쪽인가요?‬Hello, is it this way?
‪아, 네, 감사합니다‬
‪(재범)‬Can I take a moment to look around?
‪(재범) 네‬
‪[재범의 한숨]‬
‪[재범의 탄성]‬
‪[재범의 탄성]‬
‪(재범) 야, 이제‬It's my first rooftop performance.
‪(재범)‬It's my first rooftop performance.
‪(재범)‬Is everything fine with the monitors?
‪(기덕)‬Let's check everything right away. All right.
‪(재범) 네‬All right.
‪(기덕) 잠깐만, 기타 있잖아요‬ ‪[제작진들의 호응]‬The guitar should be in front.
‪지금 뭔가 기타가 그러니까 이게…‬The guitar should be in front.
‪[기덕이 계속 말한다]‬I'd like it to come up a bit more.
‪(기덕) 좀 뭔가 좀‬ ‪쫙 올라왔으면 좋겠는데‬I'd like it to come up a bit more. -A little more? -Yes, just a bit more.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬-A little more? -Yes, just a bit more.
‪(기덕) 아니, 위치 말고‬No, I don't mean it's placement.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬No, I don't mean it's placement.
‪[재범의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[감성적인 악기 연주]‬
‪(재범)‬For the first time in 35 years, I get to sing outdoors and have this experience. I'm half-worried and half-excited.
‪(재범)‬I'm half-worried and half-excited.
‪(재범)‬I feel quite overwhelmed.
‪[사람들이 무전으로 대화한다]‬
‪(기덕) 자, 그럼‬
‪(기덕)‬ ‪[재범의 호응]‬-Shall we start? -Sure.
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[목을 가다듬는다]‬
‪[감성적인 악기 연주]‬
‪(재범) 그…‬That moment…
‪(재범)‬brought me back to the old days.
‪(재범) 어, 씁, 어‬The days when I lost my wife,
‪(재범)‬The days when I lost my wife,
‪(재범) 그다음에 그, 또‬and then… when my father passed away.
‪(재범)‬when my father passed away.
‪(재범) 그래서, 음…‬when my father passed away.
‪(재범)‬Those memories came back, and I got choked up. I used to think
‪(재범)‬I used to think that I sang this song to deliver a message to people.
‪(재범)‬But I've realized that it also sends me a message. The message that this, too, will pass,
‪(재범)‬The message that this, too, will pass, and that I need to do something to overcome what I've been through.
‪(재범)‬and that I need to do something to overcome what I've been through.
‪(재범) 라는 생각을‬ ‪갖게 되더라고요‬and that I need to do something to overcome what I've been through. It's a new perspective.
‪(제작진1) 네, 3분 뒤에‬ ‪선배님 올라오십니다‬We have three minutes until Yim arrives.
‪카메라 돌려 주시고요, 다‬Get your cameras ready.
‪나오십니다‬Here he comes.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪[웅얼대며] 모르겠다‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪(현겸) 안녕하세요‬Hello, thank you for coming.
‪(재범) 안녕하세요, 어서 오세요‬ ‪[현겸의 들뜬 숨소리]‬Hello.
‪안녕하세요, 어서 오십시오‬Hello, welcome.
‪많이 추우실 텐데‬You must be freezing.
‪(현겸)‬Where should I sit? You can sit wherever you'd like to.
‪(재범)‬You can sit wherever you'd like to.
‪(재범)‬ ‪[현겸의 깨달은 탄성]‬You can sit wherever you'd like to. Wherever you find comfortable.
‪(재범)‬Hello, ma'am. Thank you for inviting me.
‪(여자3)‬Thank you for inviting me.
‪(재범) 아유, 아유, 참‬Thank you for inviting me.
‪(여자3)‬Shall I sit in front?
‪(재범)‬ ‪[여자3의 웃음]‬Sure, sit wherever you're most comfortable.
‪(재범)‬Whatever you find to be the most comfortable.
‪(재범)‬I guess everyone is here now.
‪(재범)‬I guess everyone is here now. Let me introduce myself.
‪[사람들의 박수]‬Nice to meet you all.
‪(재범)‬The sound of applause feels unfamiliar, as it's been six years.
‪(재범)‬Thank you so much for coming.
‪쯧, 코로나 때문에‬ ‪너무 많이들 고생들 하고 계시고‬As many are suffering because of this COVID-19 crisis,
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(재범)‬I've invited those who are fighting against it on the front lines. I know you're having a hard time,
‪(재범) 지금도 힘드시지만‬I know you're having a hard time,
‪그 시간들도‬ ‪잘 견뎌 왔다는 것에 대한‬I know you're having a hard time, but you all need to be proud of yourselves for having done so much
‪또 여러분들의 자긍심‬ ‪또 가지시길 부탁드리겠습니다, 예‬but you all need to be proud of yourselves for having done so much to power through it. THEY'VE BEEN THROUGH THE COLDEST WINTER
‪(승희) 저희가 지금 거의‬We've been working for about three years at a COVID-dedicated unit.
‪(여자4)‬So many shops are closed. Almost all the shops around here. THANK YOU CLOSED ON AUG. 25, 2021
‪(다니엘) 아무래도‬ ‪배달 음식들을 많이 시켜 드시니까‬More and more people are getting their food delivered, so my workload has more than doubled.
‪음…‬"Should I quit?"
‪(성) 아, 요즘엔 사실 조금, 쩝‬"Should I quit?" I have to say
‪근데, 씁, 그래도 다 분명‬After all, we know that this will pass eventually, but we just don't know when.
‪그게 힘든 건데…‬that this will pass eventually, but we just don't know when.
‪(재범)‬Although it's tough now, we tell ourselves, "This will pass."
‪(재범) 어, 그래, 그래‬Although it's tough now, we tell ourselves, "This will pass."
‪(재범)‬Although it's tough now, we tell ourselves, "This will pass." THIS, TOO, SHALL PASS
‪(재범)‬Even now, standing in front of the mike
‪(재범)‬makes me feel awkward and nervous…
‪(재범)‬but I'll overcome it.
‪(재범)‬I'm the only one who can overcome it.
‪(재범) [낮게] 자, 시작하자‬
‪[감성적인 악기 연주]‬
‪(재범)‬It's a tough time for everyone.
‪(재범)‬Sometimes the loneliness of the city and the harsh reality…
‪(재범)‬Sometimes the loneliness of the city and the harsh reality… makes you feel small.
‪(재범)‬Right now, you might feel… like you're walking down a long tunnel.
‪(재범)‬like you're walking down a long tunnel. But the fact…
‪(재범)‬But the fact… that you have someone standing by you
‪(재범)‬helps you to keep moving forward.
‪(재범)‬Think of someone who's precious to you.
‪(재범)‬And remember, "This, too, shall pass."
‪(재범)‬You were always there
‪(재범)‬Even though my life Was filled with faults You held my hand
‪(재범)‬You held my hand
‪(재범)‬You walked the same path of pain as me
‪(재범)‬With the heart that says I can do it
‪(재범)‬With the wordless strength That picks me up after I fall
‪(재범)‬Tears and misery
‪[사람들의 박수]‬
‪(남자) 감사합니다‬Thank you for coming today.
‪[사람들의 박수]‬Thank you for coming today.
‪[울컥한 숨소리]‬
‪[울컥한 숨소리]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(재범) 노래요? 어…‬Singing is… TO ME, SINGING IS
‪예, 해결해야 될 짐이에요‬A burden I need to deal with. TO ME, SINGING IS A WEIGHTLESS BURDEN
‪(승희)‬"This, too, shall pass." That's what I wanted to hear, and I heard it from this song.
‪(승희)‬That's what I wanted to hear, and I heard it from this song.
‪(희재)‬It gave me so much comfort. I'm glad that it gave us the strength we needed to carry on.
‪(희재)‬I'm glad that it gave us the strength we needed to carry on.
‪(희재) 아니요‬You gave me so much comfort.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪(희재)‬You gave me so much comfort.
‪(재범) 아유, 감사합니다‬You gave me so much comfort. I'm glad.
‪(희재)‬Just by your existence.
‪(재범) 네, 감사합니다‬ ‪예, 조심히 가세요‬Thank you. Take care.
‪[사람들이 응원한다]‬Thank you. Take care.
‪(성)‬ ‪[재범의 호응]‬Thank you so much for coming back. I'd love to see you on stage again.
‪(성)‬I'd love to see you on stage again.
‪(재범)‬-Thank you. -Sure.
‪- (성) 예‬ ‪- (재범) 조심히 들어가세요‬-Thank you. -Sure. Take care.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(재범)‬I was thinking of introducing myself as a "former singer."
‪(재범)‬introducing myself as a "former singer."
‪(재범)‬introducing myself as a "former singer."
‪(재범)‬People said, "It made me happy. Thank you for singing for us,"
‪(재범)‬People said, "It made me happy. Thank you for singing for us,"
‪(재범)‬as they held on to my hand, which made me so grateful.
‪그런…‬And it would be great if people told my daughter,

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