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  사랑의 불시착 3

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‪(월숙)‬ ‪누구입니까?‬

Identify yourself.

‪누구냐고 묻지 않습니까?‬ ‪[세리의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬

I'm asking you to identify yourself!

‪[여자1의 놀라는 숨소리]‬

‪(월숙)‬ ‪아, 입 없습니까?‬

Are you mute?

‪왜 우리 대위 동지 김치움에‬ ‪응큼하게 숨어 있었던 겁니까?‬

Why were you hiding in Captain Ri's kimchi cellar?

‪(철강)‬ ‪두시오‬ ‪[대원1이 총으로 탁 민다]‬

Forget it.

‪보위부에 가면 입이 없는 자라도‬ ‪다 말을 하게 돼 있소‬

Even the mutes can talk once they go to the State Security Department.

‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬

‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[사람들이 의아해한다]‬

-My gosh. -What's that sound?

‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬

‪(월숙)‬ ‪[놀라며]‬ ‪어, 저거이‬

-What's the car number? -What is that?

‪[사람들이 연신 웅성거린다]‬

Who's driving it?

‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬

‪지금 뭐 하시는 겁니까?‬ ‪제 약혼녀에게‬

What are you doing to my fiancée?

‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬

-What? Fiancée? -Did I hear it wrong?

‪(남자1)‬ ‪약혼녀?‬

-What? Fiancée? -Did I hear it wrong?

‪(철강)‬ ‪방금 뭐라 했소, 대위?‬

What did you just say?

‪제 약혼녀에게 겨눈 총을‬ ‪거둬 주시면 고맙갔습니다, 소좌 동지‬

I would appreciate it if you put away the gun you're pointing at my fiancée.

‪약혼녀가 있었소?‬

I didn't know you were engaged.


Sorry about that.

‪(세리)‬ ‪아, 뭐...‬

‪(철강)‬ ‪대위 동무의 약혼녀라면‬

If you're his fiancée...

‪평양에서 왔소?‬

Are you from Pyongyang?

‪절차상 필요한 일이니 협조 부탁하오‬

We must follow our protocol, so please cooperate.

‪평양 시민증과‬ ‪전방 지역 특별 통행증을 제시하시오‬

We'll have to see your Pyongyang resident card and frontline entry pass.

‪[긴박해지는 음악]‬

‪[주먹의 답답한 신음]‬

‪아무 일 없갔디요?‬

Nothing will happen, right?

‪(광범)‬ ‪대위 동지가 잘 도착하기만 했다면‬

If Captain Ri arrived without any issues,

‪어케든 일을 해결하시갔지‬

he'll sort things out at all costs.

‪아이고, 그 요령 없는 인간이?‬

Goodness, that tactless man will sort things out?

‪사실대로 술술 불지나 않으면‬ ‪다행이다, 야‬

I'd be thankful if he didn't spill the truth.

‪(철강)‬ ‪시민증과 통행증‬

The resident card and entry pass.

‪설마 없소?‬

Do you not have them?

‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(정혁)‬ ‪소좌 동지‬


‪제 약혼녀는...‬

My fiancée...

‪남조선에서 왔습니다‬

She came from South Korea.

‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬


South Korea?

‪[사람들이 연신 웅성거린다]‬

‪(철강)‬ ‪그게 무슨 소리요?‬

What do you mean?

‪제 약혼녀는 11과 대상입니다‬

She belongs to Division 11.

‪[사람들이 놀란다]‬ ‪(여자1)‬ ‪11과?‬

-Division 11? -Division 11?

‪(월숙)‬ ‪아, 기러믄‬

-Seriously? -Gosh. Then are you saying she received a medal from the Central Party?

‪중앙당에서‬ ‪영웅 메달을 받았다는 소리입니까?‬

Then are you saying she received a medal from the Central Party?

‪이야, 대체 남조선에서‬ ‪어떤 임무를 수행하셨길래...‬

Gosh, what kind of mission did she accomplish in the South?

‪(정혁)‬ ‪다들 아시다시피‬

As you all know,

‪11과 대상의 정보는‬ ‪중앙당에서 관리하는 1급 기밀이라‬

any information about those in Division 11 is strictly confidential,

‪이 자리에서 상세히 말하기 곤란합니다‬

so I cannot get into any details.

‪(주먹)‬ ‪암튼 우리 대위 동지‬

Anyway, Captain Ri is too upright. It worries me.

‪사람이 너무 올곧으셔서 걱정입니다‬

Anyway, Captain Ri is too upright. It worries me.

‪목에 칼이 들어와도‬ ‪거짓말 따위는 못 하시니‬

He won't lie even if he's threatened with a knife.

‪너무 정직해‬

-He's too honest. -Exactly.

‪기러게나 말입니다‬

-He's too honest. -Exactly.

‪아, 그, 사람이 후라이를 깔 땐‬ ‪적절히 까 줘야 하는데, 이, 씨‬

It's important to be able to lie when it is necessary.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪제 약혼녀가 조국에 돌아온 지‬ ‪얼마 되지 않아‬

My fiancée returned from the South only recently,

‪이런 소란스러운 분위기에‬ ‪적응을 잘하지 못합니다‬

so she doesn't feel comfortable in front of a crowd.

‪그만 들어가 봐도 되갔습니까?‬

May I take her back inside?

‪이 밤에 한집으로 단둘이...‬

So the two of you will spend the night together at your place?

‪워낙 피곤해해서‬

She's exhausted.

‪[세리의 피곤한 숨소리]‬ ‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬

-Gosh! -Oh, my.

‪[피곤한 숨소리]‬

-Well, they're engaged. -I know, but...

‪[감성적인 음악]‬

‪[산새 울음]‬


‪[세리의 피곤한 신음]‬

‪[세리가 연신 피곤한 숨소리를 낸다]‬

‪[세리의 피곤한 숨소리]‬

‪보는 사람 없으니 그만해도 되갔소‬

No one's watching, so we can stop.


Well, you called me your fiancée out of the blue.

‪갑자기 약혼녀라고 하니까‬

Well, you called me your fiancée out of the blue.

‪하, 너무 몰입했네, 나도 모르게‬

I guess I got too immersed in it.

‪[세리의 헛기침]‬

‪다른 방도가 없어서...‬

I had no choice.


Yes, I get it.

‪순간적인 애드리브치고‬ ‪나쁘지 않았어요‬

Considering it was totally improvised, it wasn't bad.

‪아까 그 눈 똥그란 아줌마도‬ ‪되게 놀란 눈치더라고‬

Those wide-eyed ladies seemed so surprised earlier.

‪우리가 너무 어울리니까‬ ‪막 자기네들끼리도...‬

I bet they thought we looked so cute together and...

‪근데 그게 뭐예요? 11과?‬ ‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]‬

By the way, what is that? Division 11.

‪[문이 드르륵 닫힌다]‬

‪(세리)‬ ‪아니, 근데‬

Why didn't anyone even question anything

‪11과라고 하니까 왜 사람들이‬ ‪찍소리를 못 하죠?‬

Why didn't anyone even question anything after you brought up Division 11?

‪그게 여기서 많이 높은 건가?‬

Is it a very powerful organization?

‪[주전자를 탁 내려놓는다]‬

‪(정혁)‬ ‪마시오, 진정하고‬

Have some water and calm down.

‪숙박 검열을 가끔 하지만‬

Random house inspections happen occasionally,

‪그게 오늘일 거라곤 미처 예상 못 했소‬ ‪미안하오‬

but I didn't expect it'd happen today. I'm sorry.

‪아니, 뭐...‬

Well, I'm sure you were equally surprised by it.

‪그쪽도 놀라긴 마찬가지였을 텐데‬

Well, I'm sure you were equally surprised by it.

‪그래도 타이밍 딱 맞춰서 와 줬잖아요‬

And you showed up at the perfect time, so it's all good.

‪[세리가 물을 호로록 마신다]‬

‪어디 다친 데는... 없소?‬

By the way, did you get hurt? Are you all right?

‪(세리)‬ ‪응‬ ‪[살짝 웃는다]‬


I'm fine.

‪[세리가 물을 호로록 마신다]‬ ‪11과 대상은...‬

Division 11...

‪맞는다, 그게 뭐예요?‬

Right, what is that?

‪남조선에서 활동한 특수 공작원이나‬ ‪그 가족을 가리키는 말이오‬

It manages special agents who work in the South as well as their families.

‪특수 뭐요?‬

It manages special agents who work in the South as well as their families. Special what?

‪설마 간첩 같은 그런 거?‬

You mean, like a spy?

‪그들의 신상은 철저히‬ ‪비밀에 부쳐지기 때문에‬

Their personal information is kept strictly confidential.

‪일단 기케 둘러댄 거요‬

That's why I said that.

‪아니, 암만 그래도 그렇지‬ ‪어떻게 사람을 간첩이라고...‬

Still, how could you tell them that I'm a spy? That's crazy.

‪말이 돼요, 지금?‬

Still, how could you tell them that I'm a spy? That's crazy.

‪당신의 행색, 말투‬ ‪달리 어케 설명할 수 있갔소, 그럼‬

How else could I have explained the way you look and talk?

‪아이, 그래도...‬

Still, how are you going to handle the consequences though?

‪뒷감당은 어떻게 하려고요?‬

Still, how are you going to handle the consequences though?

‪[작은 소리로]‬ ‪아닌 거 들키면?‬

What if they find out it's a lie?

‪어차피 당신은 내일 밤이면‬ ‪여길 떠날 거니까‬

What if they find out it's a lie? You'll leave tomorrow night anyway,

‪(정혁)‬ ‪하루만 조용히 버티면 되갔지‬

so we just have to get through this one day.


‪그래도 간첩은 싫은데‬

I don't want to be a spy though.

‪[대문 두드리는 소리가 난다]‬

‪(옥금)‬ ‪대위 동지!‬

Captain Ri. Are you home?

‪대위 동지 안에 계십니까?‬

Captain Ri. Are you home?

‪[대문을 쾅쾅 두드리며]‬ ‪대위...‬

Captain Ri.

‪- (옥금) 없는 거 아닙니까?‬ ‪- (월숙) 아이고, 참‬

-Maybe he's not home. -Goodness.

‪(월숙)‬ ‪안에 있다니까‬ ‪그 약혼녀인지 뭔지 하는 여자랑...‬

He's inside, with his fiancée or whoever she is.

‪(세리)‬ ‪지금 조용히 버티는 게 가능해요?‬ ‪[월숙이 계속 말한다]‬

-Do you -Just the two of them. really think we can hold out quietly?

‪[대문 두드리는 소리가 난다]‬

‪(옥금)‬ ‪대위 동지!‬ ‪[세리의 한숨]‬

Captain Ri!

‪[대문이 끼익 열린다]‬

‪(옥금)‬ ‪아, 아유, 참‬

My gosh, sorry to visit you unannounced at this late hour.

‪밤늦게 미안합니다‬

My gosh, sorry to visit you unannounced at this late hour.

‪예, 무슨 일로...‬

It's okay. What brings you here?

‪전초선 근무 마치고 돌아온 지‬ ‪얼마 되지 않았으니‬

You just returned from the outpost line, so you probably have no food at home.

‪뭐 먹을 게 있갔소?‬

so you probably have no food at home.

‪(영애)‬ ‪내가 이 동네 어른으로서‬ ‪진작에 들여다봤어야 했는데‬

I should've paid you a visit sooner as one of the elders in this town.

‪늦었구먼기래‬ ‪[옥금과 영애의 웃음]‬

I'm sorry this is late.

‪[난감한 숨을 내쉬며]‬ ‪일없습니다‬

It's okay.

‪(영애)‬ ‪아유, 자, 사양 말고 받으라요‬

It's okay. Don't say no. I made this chestnut wine myself.

‪이거 내가 직접 담근 알밤주야‬

Don't say no. I made this chestnut wine myself.

‪(옥금)‬ ‪이거는 감자빈대떡이야요‬ ‪[옥금의 웃음]‬

Here are some potato pancakes.

‪(월숙)‬ ‪여기 찐 옥수수도 있습니다‬ ‪아주 뜨끈뜨끈합니다‬

We also brought some steamed corn. They're still warm.

‪[함께 웃는다]‬ ‪[영애의 머뭇거리는 숨소리]‬

‪아이고, 우리 대위 동지 손이‬ ‪모자라갔구나, 어?‬ ‪[옥금이 호응한다]‬

My gosh, he can't carry all these by himself.

‪(월숙)‬ ‪아, 기러믄 우리 다 같이 들어가서‬ ‪놓고 오자요‬

Then why don't we all go inside and drop them off for him?

‪- (옥금) 기럴까요?‬ ‪- (정혁) 아‬

-Shall we? -Wait.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪손 모자라지 않습니다‬

I don't think I need help.

‪- (옥금) 모, 모자란 거 같은...‬ ‪- (영애) 아...‬

It looks like you do though.

‪[익살스러운 음악]‬

‪(영애)‬ ‪아, 우리 인민반장에게 소식 들었소‬

She told us about you.

‪대위 동지의 약혼녀라고?‬

So you're Captain Ri's fiancée?

‪(세리)‬ ‪아, 네‬



Nice to meet you.

‪아, 예‬

-Nice to meet you too. -I heard you belong to Division 11.

‪(영애)‬ ‪11과 대상이라고 들었는데‬

-Nice to meet you too. -I heard you belong to Division 11.

‪어데서 어떤 임무를 수행했었는지‬

What missions have you undertaken, and where?

‪어디서 어떤 임무를 수행했었는지‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬

What missions have you undertaken, and where? I am not allowed to tell you any information

‪(세리)‬ ‪절대로 발설하지 않는 것이‬ ‪저희 원칙이라서요‬

about my missions as well as where I was.

‪모든 건 철저히 기밀에‬

I must keep everything strictly

‪베일에 싸여 있다고 할까?‬


‪잘 아실 텐데‬

I'm sure you know.

‪(영애)‬ ‪아이고‬

Gosh, that's right.

‪아, 기렇지, 참‬

Gosh, that's right.

‪[웃으며]‬ ‪내가 참 한심한 질문을 했네 기래‬

I asked such a silly question.

‪[함께 웃는다]‬

‪(정혁)‬ ‪기럼‬

Good night, then.

‪- 그럼‬ ‪- (영애) 반갑구먼‬

-Good night. -Nice meeting you anyway.

‪[영애의 옅은 웃음]‬

‪[대문이 쾅 닫힌다]‬ ‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬

‪[잠금장치가 달칵 잠긴다]‬

‪(옥금)‬ ‪기렇게까지 이쁘진 않습네다‬

She's not that pretty.

‪[요란한 발걸음]‬

‪(월숙)‬ ‪집안끼리 약조가 된 거갔디요?‬

It must be an arranged marriage.

‪우리 대위 동지는‬ ‪전혀 마음이 있어 보이지 않더구먼요‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬

I mean, Captain Ri doesn't seem to have any feelings for her.

‪(영애)‬ ‪암만해도 기케 보이지?‬

-It seems to be the case, right? -You saw them.

‪(월숙)‬ ‪아까 보시라요‬

-It seems to be the case, right? -You saw them.

‪둘이 같이 있는데‬ ‪우리 대위 동지 얼굴에‬

Captain Ri seemed so upset when she was right by his side.

‪아주 수심이 가득했습니다‬

Captain Ri seemed so upset when she was right by his side.

‪얼마나 싫으셨으면‬ ‪[향이네의 헛웃음]‬

I bet he can't stand her. Gosh, did you see her hair?

‪(향이네)‬ ‪머리 꼬라지 봤습니까?‬

Gosh, did you see her hair?

‪산발도 그런 산발이 없습니다‬ ‪[향이네의 못마땅한 신음]‬

It looked completely disheveled.

‪[세리의 어이없는 숨소리]‬ ‪(여자2)‬ ‪난 처녀 귀신인 줄 알았습니다‬

-What the... -I thought she was a ghost.

‪우리 대위 동지 너무 안됐습니다‬

I feel so bad for Captain Ri.

‪다음에 보면 뒤에 꼬리 달렸는지‬ ‪꼭 확인해 보라‬

Next time you see her, see if she has a tail, like a fox.


‪(세리)‬ ‪치‬ ‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬

‪뭐, 좋아요‬


‪[정혁의 한숨]‬

‪간첩, 약혼녀‬

A spy who's your fiancée.

‪다 좋다 이거야‬

It's all good.

‪근데 앞으로 어쩔 거예요?‬

But what will you do now?

‪뭘 말이오?‬

About what?

‪아니, 나 간 다음에‬ ‪물어볼 거 아니에요‬

Well, they'll ask you about me even after I leave.

‪특히 아까 그 눈 똥그란 아줌마가‬

Especially that woman with round eyes.

‪'둘이 왜 깨졌냐'‬

"Why did you two break up?"

‪물어보지 않을 거요‬

No, they won't ask.

‪물어보겠던데, 백번 물어보겠던데‬

They'll totally ask. They'll grill you about it.

‪아주 쑥덕쑥덕 장난 아니겠던데?‬

They'll gossip like there's no tomorrow.

‪아무도 내 개인의 문제를‬ ‪쉽게 물어볼 순 없소‬

No one can easily ask me about personal matters.

‪쉽게 막 물어보겠던데?‬

They'll ask you very easily.

‪아까 보니까‬

Judging from what I saw earlier,

‪막 목소리 그렇게 깔고‬ ‪무게 잡을 위치가 아니던데‬

you're in no position to act all tough talking in your low voice and all.

‪아니, 얼마나 개무시했으면‬ ‪문 막 까고 들어오고‬

They barged in like that because they think you're a joke.

‪완전 쫄따구던데‬

They obviously think you're a pushover.

‪쪼, 쫄따구 아닙...‬

What? I'm not a--

‪(세리)‬ ‪리정혁 씨‬

Mr. Ri.

‪[숨을 들이켜며]‬ ‪남녀 사이에‬ ‪제일 중요한 게 뭔지 알아요?‬

What is the most important thing when talking about a romantic relationship?

‪왜 깨졌냐, 누가 찬 거냐‬

"Why did they break up? And who ended it?" Those are the most important questions.

‪그게 제일 중요하다고요‬

Those are the most important questions.

‪무슨 말이 하고 싶은 거요?‬

What are you trying to say?

‪뭐, 누가 봐도‬ ‪유추 가능한 결말이긴 하지만‬

Anyone can probably guess what happened,

‪(세리)‬ ‪보다 명확하게 했으면 해요‬

but I want to make it clear.

‪왜 깨졌냐 누가 물어보면‬ ‪그쪽이 차인 걸로‬

If anyone asks you why we broke up, say you got dumped.

‪왜 기딴 게 중요한지 모르갔지만‬ ‪기캅시다‬

I don't know why that matters, but sure.

‪(세리)‬ ‪음, 차인 이유는?‬

And you got dumped because...

‪쯧, 뭐, 무난하게 성격 차이 가시죠‬

Let's just say our personalities were too different.

‪- 기캅시다‬ ‪- (세리) 6개월로 해요‬

-Sure. -And let's make it six months.

‪(세리)‬ ‪나 떠난 다음에‬ ‪딴 여자 안 만나는 기간‬

You can't date anyone for six months after I leave.

‪뭐, 일종의 파혼 애도 기간이랄까?‬

Shall we call it a period for post-breakup condolences?


‪[손으로 탁자를 탁 치며]‬ ‪그렇지‬

That's it. Let out deep sighs like that.

‪(세리)‬ ‪땅이 꺼져라 한숨 쉬고‬

That's it. Let out deep sighs like that.

‪잘 먹지도 않고 잘 웃지도 않고‬ ‪왜 그런 거 있잖아‬

Don't eat or smile. You know, you'll look all haggard and listless.

‪사람이 막 핼쑥해 보이고‬ ‪처져 보여 가지고‬

You know, you'll look all haggard and listless.

‪누가 보도 '아, 쟤 엄청 매달리다‬ ‪되게 비참하게 차였구나'‬

"He obviously got dumped ruthlessly after clinging to her like crazy." Anyone should be able to tell.

‪그런 게 딱 느껴지게‬

Anyone should be able to tell.


‪(세리)‬ ‪웃어?‬

Did you just scoff?

‪'기캅시다' 안 해요?‬

You won't say, "Sure"?

‪나 확 안 가는 수가 있어‬

-I might stay, then. -Sure, let's do that.

‪[사발을 탁 내려놓으며]‬ ‪기캅시다‬

-I might stay, then. -Sure, let's do that.

‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬

‪나 안 가는 건 또 되게 무서운가 보네‬

I guess the thought of me staying here scares you a lot.

‪[정혁의 한숨]‬ ‪- (세리) 아휴‬ ‪- 쉬시오‬

-Get some rest. -You're leaving?

‪아, 가려고요?‬

-Get some rest. -You're leaving?

‪(세리)‬ ‪아니, 사람들이 또 쫄따구 집이라고‬ ‪막 문 까고 들어오고‬

Well, what if people barge in again because no one here respects you?

‪막 그러면 난 어떡해요‬

What should I do if that happens? Just stay here tonight.

‪오늘은 여기 계세요‬

What should I do if that happens? Just stay here tonight.

‪쩝, 내가 안방을 쓸 테니까‬ ‪마루를 쓰시고‬

I'll sleep in the master bedroom. You can sleep in the living room.

‪(세리)‬ ‪어머‬

My gosh.


‪아주 야박하고 좋네요‬

This is just great.

‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪세상에‬


‪바닥 딱딱한 거 봐‬

The floor is so hard.

‪평생 극진한 대접만 받다가‬ ‪이런 홀대 신선하다‬

I've been treated like a princess all my life, so this is an interesting experience.

‪고마워요, 정말‬

Thank you so much.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪쓰잘데기없는 소리 그만하고‬ ‪잠이나 자오‬

Stop talking nonsense and get some sleep.

‪(세리)‬ ‪나도 자고 싶죠‬

I'd like to sleep,

‪근데 내가 지금 잠이 오겠어요?‬

but I obviously can't fall asleep.

‪별안간 하늘에서 떨어졌지‬

I literally fell from the sky

‪눈 떠 보니 북한이지‬

and ended up in North Korea.

‪총 맞을 뻔했지‬

I nearly got shot, twice.

‪또 맞을 뻔했지‬

I nearly got shot, twice.

‪오늘은 약혼도 했지‬

And today, I even got engaged.

‪어휴, 내가 너무 업이 돼서‬ ‪잠을 잘 수가 없네?‬

I'm so wired that I can't fall asleep.


‪근데요, 스위스 간 적 있어요?‬

By the way, have you been to Switzerland?

‪아니, 내가 보려고 본 건 아니고‬

Well, I wasn't trying to be nosy.

‪아까 잠깐 책장을 좀 봤거든요?‬

But I happened to see your bookcase earlier.

‪그, 보통 이렇게 책장을 보면‬

One's book collection

‪그 사람의 뭐, 성품, 인격, 취향‬

usually reveals a lot about his or her personality,

‪뭐, 이런 게 두루두루 다 보이잖아요‬

character, taste, and so on, you know.

‪근데 쩝, 그쪽 같은 경우엔 책이 좀‬ ‪어두운 게 많더라‬

But I have to say, you have a lot of books that deal with dark subjects.

‪(세리)‬ ‪씁, 아, 그리고‬


‪그, 굉장히 안 어울리는 게‬ ‪있더라고요?‬

I saw something that doesn't suit you at all.

‪피아노 악보집‬

Piano sheets.

‪그리고 공연 브로셔도 있고‬

I also saw a concert brochure.

‪그, 그, 뭐더라?‬ ‪스, 스위스 바젤 음악원?‬

And what was it? The City of Basel Music Academy?

‪[감미로운 피아노 연주]‬

The City of Basel Music Academy?


‪[종이가 바스락거린다]‬

‪[서류들을 쓱 넣는다]‬

‪(세리)‬ ‪뭐, 나도 피아노라면‬ ‪어디 가서 빠지진 않아요‬

I can play the piano quite well myself.

‪'엘리제를 위하여'까진‬ ‪내가 악보도 안 보고 친다고‬

I don't even need the sheet music to play "For Elise".

‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬

‪혹시 그쪽도 피아노 쳤어요?‬

You used to play the piano too?

‪아니면 뭐‬

If that's not the case,

‪피아노 치는 여친이라도 있나요?‬

do you have a girlfriend who plays the piano?



‪진짜 있는 거 아니야?‬

Maybe he actually does.

‪[한숨]‬ ‪[비행기 엔진음]‬

‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬

‪(승준)‬ ‪이야, 남남북녀가‬ ‪그냥 있는 말은 아니었네‬

North Korean women are beautiful indeed.

‪그 쓸데없는 언행 삼가시라요‬

Please watch what you say.

‪(천 사장)‬ ‪그러다 누가 눈치라도 채면 어캅니까?‬

What if someone figures it out?

‪(승준)‬ ‪천 사장님, 우리 계약서 다시 씁시다‬

Mr. Cheon, let's revise our contract.

‪만 달러 더 드릴게‬ ‪나한테 잔소리하지 마요‬

I'll give you another 10,000 dollars, so please don't nag me.

‪대신 잔소리하면‬ ‪당신이 나한테 만 달러 주는 거야‬

But if you nag me again, you'll have to pay me 10,000 dollars.

‪아, 그...‬

But if you nag me again, you'll have to pay me 10,000 dollars. Well...

‪(천 사장)‬ ‪어디 갑니까, 이쪽입니다‬

Where are you going? It's this way.


This way?

‪이야, 우리 단이‬

Dan, you must've studied too hard while you were in Russia.

‪러시아에서‬ ‪공부 너무 열심히 한 거 아니네?‬

Dan, you must've studied too hard while you were in Russia.

‪얼굴이 반쪽 됐구나, 야‬

You've lost a lot of weight.

‪저 요즘 살 까는 중입니다‬

I'm trying to lose weight.

‪(명석)‬ ‪야, 야, 네가 깔 살이 어디 있다고‬

Come on, you don't need to. You shouldn't lose any more weight.

‪고만 까라, 야‬

Come on, you don't need to. You shouldn't lose any more weight.

‪[명석의 웃음]‬

‪(남자2)‬ ‪[놀라며]‬ ‪튀라, 튀라, 튀라!‬

-Hey, run! -Those punks.

‪(명석)‬ ‪저런, 저, 저...‬

-Hey, run! -Those punks.

‪- 꺼내라‬ ‪- (운전기사1) 예!‬ ‪[가방 지퍼를 찍 연다]‬

-Take it out. -Yes, sir.

‪(명석)‬ ‪도둑놈들 욕할 일이 아니야‬

There's no need to blame the thieves.

‪돈 되는 걸 간수 못 한 놈이‬ ‪한심한 거이디‬

The one that failed to protect his valuables is a fool.

‪긴데 외삼촌‬

By the way, Uncle.

‪- 왜 그 차가 아닙니까?‬ ‪- (명석) 아...‬

Where's that car?

‪그 차는 잠깐 누가 빌려 갔어‬

I lent it to someone.

‪기러케 막 빌려줘도 되는 차입니까‬ ‪그 차가?‬

Are you allowed to lend it to others?

‪아니, 감히 누가 그 차를 빌려 갑니까?‬

Who'd even dare to ask you to borrow that car?

‪저, 정혁이가‬

Jeong Hyeok.

‪아, 많이 급하다 기래서‬

He said it was very urgent.

‪기래요? 기럼 어쩔 생각입니까?‬

Really? Then what are you going to do?

‪- (명석) 응?‬ ‪- 그이가 차를 갖다주러 온답니까?‬

What? Will he bring the car back?

‪아니면 돌려받으러 가야 하는 겁니까?‬

Or do you have to go to pick up the car?

‪아, 기거야‬

I'll just get someone to go and pick up the car--

‪내가 누구 시켜서‬ ‪가지러 가라 그러믄...‬

I'll just get someone to go and pick up the car--

‪- 알갔습니다‬ ‪- (명석) 어? 뭘 알갔디?‬

-Okay. -What? What do you mean?

‪내가 가서 가지고 오갔다 그 말입니다‬

I'll go and pick it up.

‪내일 귀국 연주회 끝나는 대로‬

Right after my recital tomorrow.


You'll do it yourself?

‪정혁 동무도 내가 온 걸 빤히 알 텐데‬

I'm sure he knows that I'm back,

‪내가 가지 않는 것도 우습고‬

so it'd be odd if I didn't go myself.

‪저, 정혁이가 알아?‬

Does he know?


-He doesn't know? -I didn't tell him.

‪나는 말을 안 했거든‬

-He doesn't know? -I didn't tell him.

‪(명석)‬ ‪아니, 묻질 않더라고‬

Well, he never asked.

‪네 얘긴 아예 안 물어보니까‬ ‪내 말할 틈이 없었디‬ ‪[자동차 시동음]‬

He never asks me about you, so I didn't have a chance to bring it up.

‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬

‪긴데 너 정혁이 얼굴 알아는 보갔니?‬

Would you still recognize him though?

‪하도 오랜만이라‬ ‪[차 문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬

It's been so long.

‪저 결혼할 남자 얼굴 못 알아보는‬ ‪여자도 있습니까?‬ ‪[차 문이 탁 열린다]‬

What woman doesn't recognize her fiancé?

‪(명석)‬ ‪이야, 10년이면 강산도 변한다는데‬

They say even the rivers and mountains change in ten years' time.

‪저 에미나이 성깔머리는‬ ‪어째 변하질 않네‬

But that feisty girl hasn't changed one bit.

‪[차 문이 탁 열린다]‬ ‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬

‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬

‪[다급한 숨소리]‬

I got it. Let's go.

‪(천 사장)‬ ‪가자‬ ‪[승준이 차 문을 탁 닫는다]‬

Let's go.

‪북한 좋아요‬

North Korea. Everything's going well.

‪[빗방울이 뚝뚝 떨어진다]‬

‪(승준)‬ ‪음, 평양의 하늘도‬ ‪환영의 박수를 치는구나‬

Even the skies of Pyongyang are giving me a warm welcome.

‪[삐거덕 소리가 난다]‬

‪[익살스러운 음악]‬

‪[삐거덕 소리가 연신 난다]‬

‪[끼익끼익 한다]‬

What's going on?

‪(승준)‬ ‪뭐야, 지금?‬

What's going on?

‪아, 차에 와이퍼가 없는 거야?‬

There are no windshield wipers?

‪아, 내가 준 돈이 얼마인데‬ ‪이따위 차를 끌고 나와‬

I paid you a ton of money. How could you bring a car like this?

‪(운전기사2)‬ ‪아, 그게 아니라‬ ‪급하게 모시러 오느라‬

It's not that, sir. I was in a rush to pick you up,

‪요 빗물닦개 떼 놓고 가는 걸‬ ‪깜빡했더니만‬

so I forgot to remove the windshield wipers.

‪도둑놈들이 가져간 모양입니다‬

The thieves must've taken them.

‪(승준)‬ ‪아, 어떡할 거야‬ ‪지금 하나도 안 보이잖아!‬

Anyway, what are you going to do? You can't see a thing.

‪아, 보입니다‬

I can see.

‪(승준)‬ ‪아, 지금도 보인다고?‬

Even now?

‪아, 예, 예, 다 보입니다, 예‬

Well, yes. I can see everything.

‪투시하나? 초능력 있어?‬

Do you have some supernatural powers or what?

‪(천 사장)‬ ‪거, 일없습니다‬

Don't you worry. This happens often, so we're used to it.

‪우린 이런 일이 흔히 있기 때문에‬

Don't you worry. This happens often, so we're used to it.

‪그, 단련이 잘되어 있어‬ ‪쌩쌩 갈 수 있습니다‬

We can still drive fast enough.

‪- (운전기사2) 예‬ ‪- 장난해?‬

-That's right. -Are you kidding me?

‪지금 속도 10이야!‬

We're driving at ten kilometers per hour right now.

‪(승준)‬ ‪아, 정말‬

I can't believe this.

‪아, 천 사장님 그, 계약서 쓰실 때는‬ ‪신뢰를 그렇게 챙기시더니‬

Mr. Cheon, you emphasized "trust" so much when we were signing the contract,

‪와이퍼는 못 챙기셨어, 아주 그냥‬

but you forgot to make sure the car would come with wipers.

‪(운전기사2)‬ ‪걱정 말라요‬

Don't worry, sir. I'm good at dynamic driving tasks like this.

‪내래 또 이런 액티비티한 운전에‬ ‪자신 있지 않갔습니까?‬

Don't worry, sir. I'm good at dynamic driving tasks like this.

‪(승준)‬ ‪10년 동안 액티비티하고 싶어요?‬

Do you want to be bedridden for ten years?

‪앞만 보세요, 앞만‬

Look straight ahead, please.

‪[승준의 한숨]‬

‪[긴장되는 음악]‬


‪[천둥이 우르릉 울린다]‬

‪[문이 철컹 열린다]‬


‪[문이 철컹 닫힌다]‬

‪(철강)‬ ‪다들 수고가 많구먼기래‬

I see everyone working hard.

‪[천둥이 우르릉 울린다]‬

‪소좌 동지, 어쩐 일로 여기까지...‬

Sir, what brings you all the way here?

‪리무혁이 동생이 전초선에 와 있어‬

Ri Mu Hyeok's brother is at the outpost now.

‪[어두운 음악]‬

‪5중대장 리정혁이 말이야‬

Captain Ri Jeong Hyeok.

‪(철강)‬ ‪그자가 리무혁이 동생이었어‬

It turns out that he's Ri Mu Hyeok's brother.

‪(만복)‬ ‪예? 뭘 알고서 온 겁니까?‬

Really? Then what do you know, sir?

‪기거는 나한테 묻지 말고‬ ‪당신이 알아내야디‬

Don't ask me. It is your job to find out.

‪그자가 눈치가 보통이 아니라서 말이야‬

He's extremely quick-witted,

‪조심스럽게 접근해야 할 기야‬

so you'll have to be cautious.

‪지향성 마이크가 새로 들어왔습니다‬

We got a new directional microphone.

‪(만복)‬ ‪기거라믄 집 안에 설치하지 않아도‬

It doesn't need to be installed inside his home.

‪가까운 거리에서 집 안의‬ ‪대화 내용까지 다 도청이 됩니다‬

At a close distance, we'll hear everything that happens inside his house.

‪- 설치하라‬ ‪- (만복) 예‬

-Install it, then. -Yes, sir.

‪지금 그 집에 여자가 하나 있어‬

A woman is staying at his place.

‪- 여자요?‬ ‪- (철강) 행색도 묘하고‬

-A woman, sir? -She seems a little peculiar.

‪리정혁이 말로는 11과 대상이라는데‬

He said that she belongs to Division 11,

‪내 감으론 뭔가 있어‬ ‪주의 깊게 살피라‬

but my guts tell me that there's something suspicious. Keep a close watch.

‪(만복)‬ ‪예‬

-Yes, sir. -Even the littlest pebble

‪높은 데 있는 놈들일수록‬ ‪작은 돌멩이 하나로도 자빠뜨리기 쉽디‬

-Yes, sir. -Even the littlest pebble can make those in high places fall.

‪잘만 엮으면 그 여자 하나로‬

If we plan this out accordingly,

‪리정혁이뿐만 아니라 그 집안 전체를‬ ‪풍비박산 낼 수도 있다 이 말이야‬

we can use that woman to destroy his whole family. That's what I mean.

‪[만복의 긴장한 숨소리]‬

‪동무도 인차‬

Isn't it about time you stopped working as a wiretapper

‪귀때기 신세 면하고‬ ‪밝은 데서 일할 때도 되지 않았어?‬

Isn't it about time you stopped working as a wiretapper and got a better job?

‪(철강)‬ ‪공부 잘하는 아들내미‬

Your son gets good grades in school.

‪평양 고급 살림집서‬ ‪대학 공부 시켜야디‬

He deserves to prepare for college in a posh apartment in Pyongyang.

‪[천둥이 우르릉 울린다]‬

‪[자동차 시동음]‬

‪[자동차 엔진음]‬

‪[천둥이 우르릉 울린다]‬

‪(만복)‬ ‪방금 두 번째 초소 검문 통과했습니다‬

He just passed the second guard post.

‪[천둥이 우르릉 울린다]‬

He just passed the second guard post.

‪목표 차량 봉덕 굽인돌이 쪽으로‬ ‪접어들고 있습니다‬

The vehicle is now approaching Bongdeok Curve.

‪[덜컹 소리가 난다]‬ ‪방지턱 9회째 통과합니다‬

Now, passing the ninth speed bump.

‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬

‪(무혁)‬ ‪내 동생이 말이지‬

You see, my brother

‪스위스에 유학을 가 있어‬

is studying in Switzerland at the moment.

‪(무혁 부하)‬ ‪아, 기렇습니까?‬


‪(무혁)‬ ‪그 녀석이 피아노 천재거든‬

He's a piano genius.

‪이, 장학금 받고 공부하고 있어‬

He's on full scholarship. At his recent recital, he received a standing ovation.

‪얼마 전에 연주회가 있었는데‬ ‪전체 기립 박수를 받았다지 뭐이가‬

At his recent recital, he received a standing ovation.

‪[산새 울음]‬

‪나한테 전화만 오믄 미안하다는 거야‬

But every time he calls me, he says that he's sorry.

‪우리 둘 중의 누구 하난‬ ‪이, 아바지 따라 군인이 됐어야 하는데‬

One of us had to follow our father's path and join the army,

‪지가 피아노 치는 바람에‬ ‪내가 군인 된 거라고‬

but he thinks I had to choose that path because he's a piano major.

‪그럼 중대장 동지도‬ ‪피아노 치고 싶으셨습니까?‬

Did you want to play the piano as well?

‪(무혁)‬ ‪음...‬

‪나도 좋아는 했지만‬

I enjoyed it too,

‪우리 정혁이 실력에 비하면‬ ‪아무것도 아니었지‬

but I was definitely no match for my brother, Jeong Hyeok.

‪우리 정혁이가 나를 위해‬ ‪곡을 하나 만들었대‬

Jeong Hyeok said he wrote a song for me.

‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪조국에 돌아오면 연주해 준다는구먼‬

He said he'll play it for me when he returns home.

‪[살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪좋으십니까?‬

Are you happy?


Are you happy?


Yes, I am.

‪나는 그 녀석 생각을 하면...‬

Thinking about him always puts me

‪[그리운 숨소리]‬

‪기분이 아주 좋아‬

in a good mood.

‪[덜컹 소리가 난다]‬ ‪[놀라는 신음]‬

‪마지막 방지턱 통과합니다‬

Passing the last speed bump.

‪5초 후 목표 지점 도착‬

Arriving in five seconds.

‪[트럭 가속음]‬ ‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬

‪[쿵 박는다]‬

‪[놀란 신음]‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬

‪[만복의 거친 숨소리]‬

‪[연기가 치익 난다]‬

‪[트럭 엔진음]‬

‪[트럭 가속음]‬

‪[쿵 소리가 난다]‬ ‪[놀란 신음]‬



‪[헤드폰을 탁 내려놓는다]‬

‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬ ‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬


‪[천둥이 우르릉 울린다]‬

‪[닭 울음]‬

‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪(남자3)‬ ‪앞에, 앞에 범이 그려져 있어‬

-My gosh. -It has a tiger drawn on it.

‪이야, 이 검은색 차 멋있다, 야‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬

My, this black car is so cool.

‪- (월숙) 이야, 반짝반짝 빛난다‬ ‪- (남자3) 본새 나네, 이거‬

-Look how shiny it is. -What a cool car.

‪(남자3)‬ ‪이야, 이거 무슨...‬

-Gosh, this is... -I've never seen a car like this before.

‪(남자4)‬ ‪살다 살다 이런 차는 처음 봅니다‬

-Gosh, this is... -I've never seen a car like this before.

‪- (남자3) 그러니까‬ ‪- (여자3) 우리 동네에 이런 차가...‬ ‪[소 울음]‬

-I know. -A car like this in this small town?

‪(소달구지꾼)‬ ‪이야, 이거이 뭐이니? 응?‬

What is this?

‪(월숙)‬ ‪이거이 여기 사는 대위 동지가‬ ‪지난 밤에 평양 갔다 끌고 온 차입니다‬

Captain Ri, who lives in this house, brought this car from Pyongyang last night.

‪(소달구지꾼)‬ ‪이야, 말로만 들었지‬ ‪처음 본다, 이런 차, 응?‬

I've heard of cars like this, but this is my first time actually seeing one.

‪이봐라, 만지지 말라, 만지지 말라‬ ‪[소달구지꾼의 탄성]‬

Kids, hands off. Don't touch it.

‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬

‪- 뭐 하고 있소?‬ ‪- (세리) 오, 깜짝이야‬

-What are you doing? -My gosh.

‪(세리)‬ ‪아니, 어디서 무슨 차를 끌고 왔길래‬

What kind of car can it possibly be

‪저걸 사람들이 다 모여서‬ ‪구경하고 난리야?‬

that everyone has come to see it?

‪그냥 세단이구먼‬

It's just a regular sedan.

‪괜히 밖에 나다니지 말고‬ ‪집에 있으시오‬

Don't go around outside and stay home.


Hang on.

‪같이 나가요, 배웅해 줄게요‬ ‪집 앞까지만‬

Let's go out together. I'll walk you home.


I'm good.

‪[대문이 쾅 닫힌다]‬

‪어제 아줌마들이 너무 깜깜해서‬

I think the ladies didn't see my face yesterday because it was too dark.

‪내 얼굴을‬ ‪제대로 못 본 거 같아서 그래요‬

I think the ladies didn't see my face yesterday because it was too dark.

‪그러니까‬ ‪그런 소리들을 하지 않았을까 싶은데?‬

That's probably why they said those things.

‪그런 게 대체 왜 중요한 거요?‬ ‪한 번 보고 말 사람들인데‬

Why does that even matter? You won't see them again.

‪한 번 보고 말 거니까 더 중요하죠‬

Why does that even matter? You won't see them again. It's important because I won't see them again.

‪한 번 박힌 그 이미지 평생 갈 텐데‬

That impression I made will last forever.

‪[대문이 삐거덕거린다]‬



‪- 응?‬ ‪- (정혁) 묶으시오‬

-Tie it up. -Tie up what?

‪- 뭘?‬ ‪- (정혁) 산발‬

-Tie it up. -Tie up what? -Your disheveled hair. -"Disheveled"?


-Your disheveled hair. -"Disheveled"?

‪[세리의 어이없는 웃음]‬

‪이렇게, 이렇게 비싼 산발 봤어요?‬

Have you ever seen such fancy disheveled hair?

‪여기선 이런 산발로 돌아다니는 사람은‬ ‪딱 두 부류요‬

Here, there are only two types of people who walk around with such messy hair.

‪외국인 아니면 미친 여자‬

Foreigners or crazy women.


Is that so? Then I'll be a crazy woman.

‪그럼 미친 여자 하지, 뭐‬

Is that so? Then I'll be a crazy woman.

‪[대문이 철커덩거린다]‬

‪(세리)‬ ‪응?‬

‪[정혁의 한숨]‬

‪[밝은 음악]‬

‪아, 참‬


‪[정혁이 대문을 철컹 연다]‬

‪[여자4의 당황한 신음]‬

‪[세리가 살짝 웃는다]‬

‪(세리)‬ ‪어머, 아기같이, 뭐 묻었어‬

Aren't you like a baby? You have something on your shoulder.

‪[세리의 웃음]‬

‪[당황한 숨소리]‬ ‪뭐 안 묻었소‬

There's nothing.

‪[작은 소리로]‬ ‪가만히 좀 있어 봐요, 누가 잡아먹어?‬

Just stay still. I won't harm you.

‪[세리의 웃음]‬

‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪(세리)‬ ‪알았어요, 그럼‬

Fine, then. Touch my hair a bit.

‪내 머리 잠깐 만져 봐요‬

Fine, then. Touch my hair a bit.

‪- 뭐요?‬ ‪- (세리) 머리 만져 보라고‬

-What? -Touch my hair.

‪다정하게 쓰담쓰담 할 줄 모를까요?‬

Don't you know how to pat someone sweetly?

‪전혀 모르오‬

I don't.

‪그래서 안 만져?‬

Just do it, will you?

‪나 여기 남는다‬

If you don't do it, I will settle down here.

‪확 눌어붙는다, 아주‬

If you don't do it, I will settle down here.

‪(세리)‬ ‪약혼도 했겠다‬

We're engaged anyway, so we might as well just get married.

‪확 할래, 결혼을?‬

We're engaged anyway, so we might as well just get married.

‪얘기했지? 내 타입이라고‬

I told you. Your face is totally my type.

‪[세리의 웃음]‬


‪[소달구지꾼의 콧바람]‬

‪[애교 섞인 말투로]‬ ‪몰라‬

Gosh, honey.

‪[세리의 애교 섞인 신음]‬

‪[세리의 애교 섞인 신음]‬


I'm leaving.

‪손 흔들고‬

Wave your hand.

‪[대문이 철컥 여닫힌다]‬

‪[서로 인사한다]‬

‪[소달구지꾼의 헛기침]‬

‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬

‪관상은 과학이라 기랬습니다‬

They say physiognomy is science.

‪(옥금)‬ ‪어케 기러케 생긴 대로 노는지‬

She's all slutty just like her face.

‪(명순)‬ ‪보기 드문 미인이던데 뭘 기럽니까?‬

She seemed to have uncommon beauty. What's the matter?

‪(옥금)‬ ‪동무는 눈치를‬ ‪배추랑 같이 쌈 싸 먹었네?‬

Did you wrap your social skills in the cabbage leaf and eat it up?

‪[영애의 한숨]‬



‪[배춧속을 탁 내려놓는다]‬

‪[익살스러운 음악]‬

I'm thinking she might have eaten the meat in the salt crock.

‪(월숙)‬ ‪소금독 안에 넣어 둔 고기도‬

I'm thinking she might have eaten the meat in the salt crock.

‪고년이 다 처먹은 거 아닌지‬ ‪모르갔습니다‬

I'm thinking she might have eaten the meat in the salt crock.

‪죽을 쒀서 개나 줬으면 아깝지나 않디‬

She doesn't deserve him. What a waste.

‪아, 약혼을 했다지 않아‬

They said they're engaged, didn't they?

‪(영애)‬ ‪뭐, 우리가 데리고 살 것도 아닌데‬ ‪어카갔어‬

It's not like we will live with him.

‪아니, 기런데!‬

By the way, why is the one who will live with him not helping?

‪아, 정작 데리고 살 사람은‬ ‪왜 일손을 보태질 않지?‬

By the way, why is the one who will live with him not helping?

‪우리 오늘 온 마을 여자들이 모여서‬ ‪김장 전투 중인데‬

All the women in this village are having a kimchi battle today.

‪[놀란 숨소리]‬

‪김장할 때도 전투를 하나요?‬

You have a battle when you make kimchi?

‪[세리의 탄성]‬

‪아니, 마, 말이 기렇다는 기야‬

Well, it's just an analogy.

‪전투를 하듯이‬ ‪열심히 김장을 담가 보자, 기런 뜻에서‬

It means we will work hard as if we are in a battle.

‪기걸 뭘 지금 설명을 하고 있니?‬

Why are you explaining yourself?

‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪와서 손을 좀 보태라요‬

Come and give us a hand.

‪아니요, 전 보태지 않겠습니다, 그럼‬

No, I won't.



‪이 집은 올겨울 동안‬ ‪김치를 안 먹을 거가?‬

Is this family not going to eat kimchi this winter?

‪예, 안 먹어요, 김치 안 좋아해서‬

No. I don't like kimchi. Could you put your fingers away?

‪(세리)‬ ‪여기 손가락 좀‬

No. I don't like kimchi. Could you put your fingers away?


Well, then.

‪[세리가 잠금장치를 달칵 잠근다]‬

‪(부중대장)‬ ‪중대 차렷!‬


‪중대장 동지!‬

Captain Ri, Company Five has assembled for the morning training.

‪5중대는 오전 훈련 받기 위해‬ ‪정렬하였습니다!‬

Captain Ri, Company Five has assembled for the morning training.

‪부중대장 중위 황영범!‬

-Executive Officer Hwang Yeong Beom. -At ease.


-Executive Officer Hwang Yeong Beom. -At ease.

‪(부중대장)‬ ‪쉬어!‬

At ease!

‪- 상사 표치수‬ ‪- (치수) 예!‬

-Master Sergeant Pyo Chi Su. -Yes, sir.

‪- 하사 박광범‬ ‪- (광범) 예!‬

-First Lieutenant Park Gwang Beom. -Yes, sir.

‪- (정혁) 중급 병사 김주먹‬ ‪- (주먹) 예!‬

-Staff Sergeant Kim Ju Meok. -Yes, sir.

‪- 초급 병사 금은동‬ ‪- (은동) 옛!‬

-Private First Class Geum Eun Dong. -Yes, sir.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪이상 네 사람 제외 중대 전원‬ ‪사격 훈련장으로!‬

Except for the four, all of you go to the shooting range.

‪(부중대장)‬ ‪알겠습니다!‬

Yes, sir! Company, attention!

‪중대 차렷!‬

Yes, sir! Company, attention!

‪중대! 중대 앞으로가!‬

Company, forward march!

‪(중대원들)‬ ‪♪ 동트는 이른 새벽 ♪‬

-Early in the morning at sunrise -Early in the morning at sunrise

‪♪ 대오는 떠난다 ♪‬

-The soldiers take off -The soldiers take off

‪♪ 가야 할 행군길은 멀고도 험해라 ♪‬

-The march ahead of them -The march ahead of them -Is long and tough -Is long and tough

‪♪ 금별의 위훈도 ♪‬

-The great golden star -The great golden star

‪기래서 대관절 뭐라고 하신 겁니까?‬

So what on earth did you say?

‪(치수)‬ ‪아니, 어케 숙박 검열에서‬ ‪기케 딱 걸렸는데‬

I mean, you got caught at the random house inspection.

‪응? 빠져나가신 겁니까?‬

How did you get out of it?

‪(정혁)‬ ‪기냥 뭐...‬

Well... So I introduced her to them,

‪소개를 했더니‬ ‪'아, 그러냐, 실례가 많았다'‬

Well... So I introduced her to them, and he just said, "Okay. I'm sorry."

‪뭐, 상대가 기케 사과를 해서‬

and he just said, "Okay. I'm sorry."

‪'나는 피곤하니까 이만 쉬갔다'‬ ‪이렇게 뭐, 자, 잘 마무리를...‬

Then I said, "I'll go to bed now. I'm tired." That's how it went.

‪(치수)‬ ‪기러니까 뭐라고‬ ‪소개를 했냔 말입니다!‬

So what did you introduce her as?

‪(정혁)‬ ‪표 상사 동무 지금 내게 성을 낸 거가?‬

Master Sergeant Pyo, did you just yell at me?

‪미안합니다‬ ‪[치수의 멋쩍은 헛기침]‬

I'm sorry.

‪(치수)‬ ‪답답해서 그럽니다‬

I'm just frustrated. What could you have possibly said--

‪아니, 뭐라고 소개를 하셨길래...‬

I'm just frustrated. What could you have possibly said--

‪약혼녀라고‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬

I said she was my fiancée.

‪(치수)‬ ‪지, 진짜입니까?‬


‪다른 방도가 없어서...‬

There was no other way.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪일종의 위장 전술이라 할 수 있갔디‬

I guess you could call it a kind of disguise tactic.

‪(치수)‬ ‪이야, 우린 다 괜한 걱정 했습니다‬

We shouldn't have been so worried then.

‪이케 후라이 잘 까시는 분인지 모르고‬

We didn't know you could lie so well.

‪잘 까는 것까진 아니고‬

That's not true.

‪남조선 드라마에도‬ ‪이런 장면 많이 나옵니다‬

I've seen scenes like this in South Korean dramas.

‪누가 따라붙거나 숨어 있다가‬ ‪들킬 급박한 상황이 되믄‬

When the characters are hiding and about to be caught...



‪남자, 여자가 별안간 막 끌어안든지‬ ‪입을 막 맞춥니다‬

The man and the woman hug each other or kiss each other.

‪왜 기러는 건데?‬

Why would they do that?

‪그거이 위기를 가까스로 넘기는‬ ‪남조선만의 방법이디요‬

That's South Koreans' method to avert crises.

‪기러믄 그 위기를 넘긴 다음엔‬ ‪어케 됩니까?‬

Then what happens after they avert the crisis?


‪(주먹)‬ ‪이 드라마가 한층 더 재밌어지디‬

The drama gets more interesting.

‪두 사람은 약속이나 한 듯이‬ ‪밤을 함께 보내거든‬

Because the two spend the night together.

‪[주먹의 웃음]‬

‪(광범)‬ ‪아, 기래서 대위 동지가 어젯밤에‬ ‪부대로 돌아오지 않으시고 집에서‬

You didn't come back last night because you two...


You didn't come back last night because you two...

‪아, 거, 함께 보낸 거이 아니고‬

Well, we weren't really together.

‪나는 방에서 그 여성은 마루에서‬ ‪정확히 따로따로...‬

I slept in my room and she slept on the floor. We were not together--

‪(주먹)‬ ‪원래가 그러다가 사랑에 빠집니다‬ ‪백이면 백‬

I slept in my room and she slept on the floor. We were not together-- That's how they all fall in love. One hundred percent.

‪안 빠지는 드라마는‬

I haven't seen any drama characters that don't fall in love in that situation.


I haven't seen any drama characters that don't fall in love in that situation.


Sergeant Kim.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪지금 중대장 앞에서 남조선 드라마‬ ‪많이 봤다고 자랑하는 거가?‬

Are you showing off that you have seen a lot of South Korean dramas?


I apologize.

‪[정혁이 발을 탁 구른다]‬

‪[책상을 쾅 친다]‬


‪오늘 밤이면 모든 일이 다 끝난다‬

After tonight, everything will be over.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪마지막까지‬ ‪준비에 소홀함 없도록 해 주고‬

Make sure to be perfectly prepared until the end.

‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪공해상까지 이동할 배는 준비됐디?‬

Did you find a boat to sail to the high sea?

‪예, 기런데 2만 원짜리‬ ‪전화 카드 하나 달랍니다‬

Yes, but it costs a 20,000 won-worth phone card.

‪- 2만 원이나?‬ ‪- (은동) 세구나, 야‬

-Twenty thousand won? -That's a lot.

‪삼촌 배와 만날 시간, 장소‬ ‪확실히 얘기했고?‬

Did you set the time and place to meet the man's boat?

‪예, 밤 11시에서 딱 5분 기다렸다‬ ‪출발한답니다‬

Yes, he will be there at 11 p.m. and wait for exactly 5 minutes.

‪동무들은 내 집으로 가서‬ ‪어제 하던 공사 마저 마무리하라우‬

I want you guys to finish up the repair work back in my place.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪지금 마을 사람들이 집에 있는‬ ‪여성에 대해 관심이 지대하니‬

The people in the village are greatly interested in the woman there,

‪잘 차단해 주길 바라고‬

so keep her from them.

‪중대장 동지는...‬ ‪[정혁이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬

What about you, sir?

‪나는 따로 할 일이 좀 있어‬

There's something I have to do.

‪[서로 인사를 나눈다]‬

-Hello. -Hello. -You came. -Yes.

‪- (여자5) 고생들 하시라요‬ ‪- (치수) 예, 예, 예‬

-Good luck. -Thank you.

‪(치수)‬ ‪아이고, 안녕하십니까‬ ‪[개가 짖는다]‬

-Hello. -Hello.

‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[중대원들이 대화한다]‬

I beat up 17 guys then. -Just like this. -Really?

‪(인부)‬ ‪5중대원들 중대장 집으로 들어갑니다‬

The members of Company Five are entering Captain Ri's place.

‪[대문이 철컥 열린다]‬

How's the reception?

‪지금 감도 어떻습니까?‬

How's the reception?

‪잘 들리십니까?‬

Can you hear me all right?

‪(세리)‬ ‪어?‬

‪[세리의 웃음]‬ ‪(은동)‬ ‪안녕하십니까‬


‪(세리)‬ ‪웰컴, 어서들 와요‬

Hello. Come in. I was bored.

‪나 너무 심심했어‬

Come in. I was bored.

‪밥들은 먹었나?‬

-Have you eaten? -Why are you snickering?

‪(치수)‬ ‪에미나이 왜 처웃고 지랄이네?‬

-Have you eaten? -Why are you snickering?

‪(세리)‬ ‪우리 치수‬ ‪또 아무 말 대잔치 하는구나?‬

Chi Su, you're saying nonsense again. Okay. Suit yourself.

‪그래, 네 마음대로 하렴‬

Chi Su, you're saying nonsense again. Okay. Suit yourself.

‪응, 감도 좋다, 거기 설치하라‬

The reception is good. Install it there.

‪(인부)‬ ‪알갔습니다‬

Yes, sir.

‪[중대원들이 대화한다]‬

‪(주먹)‬ ‪동무, 긴히 토의할 얘기가 있습니다‬

Comrade, I would like to have a word with you.

‪(세리)‬ ‪나랑?‬

With me?

‪[발걸음을 옮긴다]‬

‪(주먹)‬ ‪그거이 말이 된다고 생각합니까?‬

Do you think that makes sense?

‪막판에 권상우랑 최지우가 잘되는 거는‬

Kwon Sang-woo and Choi Ji-woo became a couple in the end. That's...


‪예, 좋습니다‬


‪[삽질하는 소리가 난다]‬ ‪근데 왜 애먼 신현준이가‬ ‪죽어야 합니까?‬

But why did Shin Hyun-joon have to die?

‪야, 천국의 계단‬

Hey, Stairway to Heaven geek.

‪너는 몇 년 전 일을 갖고‬ ‪자꾸 사람을 귀찮게 하니?‬

You keep bugging me with the drama from years ago.

‪(세리)‬ ‪내가 보기엔‬ ‪[주목의 속상한 숨소리]‬

From my perspective,

‪그 시점에서 신현준이가 죽는 게 맞아‬

it was right that Shin Hyun-joon died at that point.

‪(주먹)‬ ‪[발끈하며]‬ ‪아이, 뭐...‬


‪뭐, 뭐가 맞습니까?‬

What's right about that? He was in love with Choi Ji-woo his entire life.

‪평생을 최지우만 바라봤던‬ ‪신현준이가 도대체 왜‬

He was in love with Choi Ji-woo his entire life. Why did he have to...

‪(세리)‬ ‪계속 살았어 봐라, 어?‬ ‪[노트에 쓱쓱 적는다]‬

Let's say he didn't die.

‪자기가 좋아하던 여자가‬ ‪딴 남자랑 잘 사는 꼴밖에 더 보겠니?‬

Then he would have had to watch the woman he loves, live happily with other man.

‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪그걸 생각해야지‬

Think of it that way.

‪[세리의 답답한 숨소리]‬ ‪(주먹)‬ ‪그래도 난...‬

But still,

‪죽이는 건 진짜 아니라고 생각합니다‬

I think it's unfair that he had to die.

‪(세리)‬ ‪내가 죽였니? 내가 죽였어?‬

It's not like I killed him.

‪넌 다 지난 일을 갖고 와서‬ ‪나한테 이러니‬

It's all over. Don't do this to me.

‪(만복)‬ ‪본인이 죽인 게 아니라고 주장‬

She insists she didn't kill him.

‪(세리)‬ ‪너 이건 집착이야‬ ‪여자들이 되게 싫어해‬

This is obsession. Women hate this.

‪(만복)‬ ‪다 지난 일, 집착...‬ ‪[세리의 한숨]‬

"It's all over. Obsession."

‪(세리)‬ ‪답답하다, 답답해, 쯧‬

You're frustrating me.

‪[세리의 한숨]‬ ‪이거이 뭔 말이야?‬

What are they talking about?

‪[자동차 시동이 뚝 꺼진다]‬ ‪차량 통행증 검열하갔습니다‬

Please show me your pass.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪민경대대 5중대장 전속 차량이오‬

I'm the Captain of Company Five of Civilian Police Battalion.

‪초소장 있소?‬

Is the head of the guard post here?

‪(초소장)‬ ‪예, 16일 밤 23시경에‬

Yes. Around 11 p.m. on the 16th,

‪카마즈 트럭 석 대가‬ ‪이쪽으로 통과했습니다‬

three Kamaz trucks have passed here.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪이쪽으로 오가는 길은‬ ‪10호 초소가 유일한 거 맞소?‬

Guard Post 10 is the only way to pass this area, right?

‪예, 맞습니다‬

That's right, sir.

‪뭐 수상한 점은 없었습니까?‬

Was there anything suspicious?

‪그, 10톤 이상을 적재할 수 있는‬ ‪대형 트럭이‬

That three heavy trucks that can load ten tons each

‪석 대씩이나 빈 차로‬ ‪왕복 운행 하는 일은 드뭅니다‬

come back and forth empty doesn't happen so often.

‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(초소장)‬ ‪그, 비싼 기름 버려 가며‬

There's no reason to do that because it would be a waste of oil.

‪그럴 이유가 없디요‬

There's no reason to do that because it would be a waste of oil.

‪(초소장)‬ ‪처음엔 빈 차로 초소를 통과하길래‬

When I saw it pass the guard post,

‪물동량을 실으러 가는 줄 알았습니다‬

at first, I thought it was going to load water.

‪긴데 나갈 때도 적재함이 비었더구먼요‬

But the cargo box was still empty on its way out.

‪차량 통행증 검사하겠습니다‬

Please show me your pass.

‪확실히 공병총국 사람들이었소?‬

Were they really from the Engineer Department?

‪(초소장)‬ ‪거까진 확인을 못 했습니다‬

I didn't check that.

‪이, 기렇지만 공병총국‬ ‪소속 차량인 것만은 확실합니다‬

But the vehicles definitely belonged to the Engineer Department.

‪그날 죽은 여성의 신원은 밝혀졌소?‬

Did you identify the woman who died that day?

‪(초소장)‬ ‪아, 그 여성은 그, 신의주 사람으로‬

That woman is from Sinuiju.

‪이 근처를 오가면서‬ ‪달리기 장사를 했답니다‬

She was a long-distance trader in this area.

‪이 근처에서 차잡이 간판이‬ ‪발견된 걸로 봐서는‬

Given that the license plate was found around here,

‪이, 개성 가는 차를 얻어 타려다가‬ ‪사고를 당한 것 같습니다‬

it seems that she had an accident while trying to hitchhike to Kaesong.

‪밤엔 이 주변이 깜깜하니까 뭐‬

It's dark around here at night, so...

‪아니면 목격자일 수도 있고‬

She could have been a witness.

‪그, 어두워서 정확하게 본 건 아니지만‬

It was dark, so I couldn't see it clearly, but...

‪(초소장)‬ ‪그, 트럭들 앞에 붙은 장갑들 말입니다‬

The armor attached to the front of the trucks

‪일반적인 것들은 아니었습니다‬

wasn't ordinary armor.

‪이, 특수 금속 재질 같았는데‬

They seemed to be made of special metal. I haven't seen something like that before.

‪처음 보는 것들이었습니다‬

I haven't seen something like that before.

‪거기 충돌하면‬ ‪살아날 차가 없어 보였디요‬

No vehicle would survive a crash with such an armor.

‪기런 건 평상시에‬ ‪달고 다닐 순 없을 거 같고‬

I don't think you can use that on normal occasions.

‪이, 필요할 때만‬ ‪장착하는 거 아니갔습니까?‬

It must be put on only when necessary.

‪그, 정비소에 한번 가 보시는 것도...‬

Why don't you go and check out the garage?

‪(정혁)‬ ‪혹시라도 누군가‬ ‪이 사건에 대해서 묻거든‬

If anyone asks you about this incident,

‪모른다고 말하는 게 좋갔소‬

I think you should say you don't know.

‪초소장 동무 난처해지지 않았으면 해서‬ ‪그러는 거요‬

I don't want you to be in trouble.

‪예, 알갔습니다‬

Yes, sir.

‪(경비대원)‬ ‪출입문 열라우‬

Open the gate.

‪[출입문 작동음]‬

Open the gate.

‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬

‪먼 길 오느라 수고 많았소‬

Thank you for coming a long way.

‪나 조철강이오‬

I'm Cho Cheol Gang.

‪[승준의 한숨]‬

‪[승준이 한숨을 푹 내쉰다]‬

‪[철강의 힘주는 숨소리]‬

‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬

‪한국에 말이지‬

You know,

‪나 잡아 죽이고 싶어 하는 놈들‬ ‪아주 많다고‬

there are a lot of people who want to kill me in South Korea.

‪근데 내가 그거 미친 듯이‬ ‪다 피해서 여기까지 잘 왔는데‬

But I managed to escape from them and make my way here.

‪그런 내가 어젯밤에 비 내리는‬ ‪북한의 어느 고속 도로에서‬

And I almost died while driving on a rainy road in North Korea at ten kilometers per hour.

‪속도 10으로 오다가 죽을 뻔한 거‬ ‪어떻게 생각해요?‬

while driving on a rainy road in North Korea at ten kilometers per hour. What do you think about that? It's because I didn't have the damn windshield wiper.

‪그 망할 놈의 와이퍼가 없어 가지고‬

It's because I didn't have the damn windshield wiper.

‪(승준)‬ ‪내가 이런 대접 받으려고‬ ‪그 돈을 처들였을까?‬

Do you think I spent all the money to be treated like this?

‪당신들 나 호구로 봤지?‬

You thought I was stupid, didn't you?

‪이보오, 구승준 동무‬

Look, Comrade Gu Seung-jun.

‪동무는, 이, 씨‬


‪내가 왜 당신 동무야‬ ‪우리한테 무슨 우정이 있다고‬

Why am I your comrade? We don't have any comradeship.

‪난 군복 입은 장사치요‬

We don't have any comradeship. I'm a businessman in a military uniform.

‪(철강)‬ ‪돈을 받고 손님을 지키기도 하지만‬

I get paid to protect my customer,

‪수틀리면 계약 까부수는 것쯤은‬ ‪두렵지 않소‬

but I can also break contracts anytime.

‪(승준)‬ ‪아니, 장사꾼이라며‬

You said you're a businessman.

‪돈 안 벌어도 되나 봐?‬

Don't you need money?

‪남조선에 당신 잡아 죽이고‬ ‪싶어 하는 놈들 많다면서‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬

You said there were many people who want to kill you in South Korea.

‪(철강)‬ ‪그자들한테 당신 데려다주면‬ ‪돈 벌 수 있지 않갔소?‬

If I take you to them, I can make money.

‪난 모로 가도 평양만 가면 돼‬

As long as I can get what I want, I don't care how.

‪아니, 우리 동무라며‬

Well, you said we were comrades.

‪(승준)‬ ‪아, 동무한테 그런 심한 농담 하면‬ ‪안 되는 거 아닌가?‬

Don't you think that joke was too mean for your comrade?

‪앞으로 잘 지내봅시다, 동무‬

Let's do this, Comrade.

‪(세형)‬ ‪그 자식 필리핀에 없어?‬

He's not in the Philippines?

‪하, 잘 찾아본 거 맞냐?‬

Are you sure you looked everywhere?

‪떴다고? 언제?‬

He left? When?

‪홍콩, 마카오로 가‬

Go to Hong Kong and Macao.

‪내 촉 알지? 마카오다‬

You know me. My gut says it's Macao.

‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪마카오 아닌 거 같은데‬

I don't think it's Macao.

‪- 뭐?‬ ‪- (상아) 왜 뒤에서 쫓아가?‬

-What? -Why do you chase him from the back?

‪앞에서 기다려야지‬

Wait for him in the front.

‪(세형)‬ ‪나랑 뭐, 지금 뭐‬ ‪스무고개 하자는 거야?‬

Are you playing a quiz game with me or what?

‪[헛웃음 치며]‬ ‪하고 싶은 말을 해, 그냥‬

Just say what you want to say.

‪그 사람 최측근인 오 과장‬

His closest man, Manager Oh,

‪중국 통이잖아‬

is an informant in China.

‪난 또 뭔 얘기라고, 씨‬

Is that what you were talking about?

‪북경, 상하이, 연변, 심양‬

Beijing, Shanghai, Yanbian, and Shenyang.

‪(세형)‬ ‪중국이 내 구역인 걸‬ ‪구승준 그 자식이 모를까?‬

Do you think that punk, Gu Seung-jun, wouldn't know China is my area?

‪자기가 죽으려고 거길 기어들어 가?‬

He wouldn't go there unless he wants to die.

‪당신이 그렇게 생각하고 있는 걸‬ ‪구승준이 몰랐을까?‬

Do you think he wouldn't have known that you would think like that?

‪[차 문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬

‪(상아)‬ ‪당신이 가장 아니라고 생각하고 있는‬

He must have gone to the very place

‪바로 거길 갔을 거야, 구승준은‬

that you think he would never go.

‪[상아가 안전띠를 달칵 푼다]‬ ‪[차 문이 탁 열린다]‬

‪[통화 연결음]‬ ‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬


‪야, 마카오 가지 마‬ ‪심양으로 가‬

Hey, don't go to Macao. Go to Shenyang.

‪왜 뒤에서 쫓아가?‬ ‪앞에서 기다려야지‬

Go to Shenyang. Why would you chase him from the back? You must wait for him in the front.

‪내가 가장 아니라고 생각하는‬ ‪거길 갔을 거라고, 그 자식은‬

That punk must have gone to the place that I think he would never go.

‪회사를 위해서 냉정해져야 한다고‬ ‪현실적으로 조언해 드려‬

Tell him he should keep his head cold for the company. Give him realistic advice.

‪주총이 코앞이야‬

-The shareholder meeting is near. -I know it's near.

‪(세형)‬ ‪알아, 주총 코앞인 거‬

-The shareholder meeting is near. -I know it's near.

‪근데 어쩌라고‬

So what? I'm the second son.

‪나 차남이야‬

So what? I'm the second son.

‪이런 상황은‬ ‪태생적으로 내가 불리하다고‬

This kind of situation is always unfavorable to me.

‪당신은 가진 패를 잘 활용해야지‬

You need to make the best of the cards you've got.

‪(상아)‬ ‪당신 형한텐 없고 당신만 가진 거‬

The cards your brother doesn't have but only you have.

‪내가 그런 게 있어?‬

Do I have such a thing?


Me. You have me.

‪(상아)‬ ‪당신한텐 내가 있잖아‬

Me. You have me.

‪(세형)‬ ‪아버지, 지금 주총이...‬

Father, the shareholder meeting is--

‪(세준)‬ ‪코앞이에요‬

Just around the corner.

‪냉정해지셔야 될 때입니다‬

You must keep a cool head.

‪[세준이 숨을 들이켠다]‬

‪(세형)‬ ‪만약에 세리가 후계자로 내정됐다가‬ ‪실종됐다고 소문이라도 나면‬

If the word gets out that Se-ri was chosen as the heir and then went missing-- Wouldn't that be a serious problem?

‪진짜 큰일 아닙니까?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬

Wouldn't that be a serious problem?

‪그럼 주가 폭락은 불 보듯 뻔한 거고요‬

Then the stock price will obviously drop.

‪(세준)‬ ‪그냥 퀸즈그룹에서 거의 내놓다시피 한‬ ‪막내딸이 실종된 거랑‬

There's a big difference between missing a daughter that no one cares

‪퀸즈그룹의 후계자가 실종된 거랑은‬

and missing the next chief executive of Queens Group.

‪신문 1면 톱기사냐, 5면 박스 기사냐‬

One would make the headline on the first page while the other a small article on the fifth.

‪이 차이라고 보시면 되거든요‬

That's how different they are.

‪5면 박스 기사요?‬ ‪막으려면 막아요‬

A small article on the fifth page can be stopped.

‪1면 톱은요, 못 막습니다‬

The headline on the first page, however, can't be.

‪못 막아요‬

You can't stop it. Even the President can't.

‪요샌 대통령이 와도 못 막아‬

You can't stop it. Even the President can't.


It's impossible.

‪(세준)‬ ‪물론 세리 일은‬ ‪저도 정말 가슴 아프게 생각합니다‬

Of course, what happened to Se-ri really breaks my heart too.

‪(혜지)‬ ‪진짜예요, 아버님‬

It's true, Father.

‪요새 이이 밤에 잠도 한숨도 못 잤고요‬

He can't sleep at all at night these days.

‪밥도 겨우 넘기는 둥 마는 둥‬

And he can barely eat food.

‪어제도 그 좋아하는 도미머리조림을‬ ‪그냥 쪼끔 먹다 말더라고요‬

Yesterday, he left most of the braised sea bream head, which is his favorite.


which is his favorite.

‪[상아의 헛기침]‬

‪[세형의 비웃음]‬

‪[세준의 헛기침]‬

‪여기 슬프지 않은 사람 어디 있어요‬

Everyone here is just as sad as I am.

‪- (혜지) 예‬ ‪- 그런 말 할 필요 없어‬

You don't have to say anything.

‪아버지, 이런 위기일수록‬ ‪결국 정공법...‬

Father, to overcome this crisis, we need standard--


I agree.

‪(세형)‬ ‪위기엔 정공법이죠‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬

We need standard tactics to get through crises.

‪그런데 창업 이래‬ ‪가장 커다랗게 닥친 이 위기‬

Although, this is the biggest crisis we've met since the company's foundation.

‪저희끼리 극복하는 게 맞을까요?‬

Do you think we should work on our own or get through the crisis with a trustworthy partner?

‪아니면 든든한 파트너와 함께‬ ‪헤쳐 나가는 게 맞을까요?‬

or get through the crisis with a trustworthy partner?

‪저랑 이 사람 결혼할 때‬

I'm sure you remember

‪우리 주식 연속 사흘‬ ‪상한가 쳤던 거 기억하실 겁니다, 왜?‬

our stock price rose four days in a row when we got married. Why?

‪퀸즈의 아들인 제가‬ ‪삼복그룹의 사위가 됐으니깐‬

Because I, the son of Queens Group, had become the son-in-law of Sambok Group.

‪저를 선택하시면 퀸즈의 위기는‬ ‪삼복이 함께 책임져 줄 겁니다‬

If you choose me, Sambok will help Queens get through this crisis.

‪주총 때‬

If you announce your new heir


If you announce your new heir

‪후계자 발표하시면‬

at the shareholders general meeting,

‪세리 사건이야 뭐‬ ‪조용히 묻힐 겁니다‬

I'm sure Se-ri's disappearance will be easily forgotten.

‪[세준의 아파하는 신음]‬

‪(세준)‬ ‪아, 너‬


‪어, 너, 그, 천억 사기당한 거‬ ‪그거 어떻게 메꿀 건데?‬

How are you going to make up for the 100 billion won you lost?

‪주주들이 널 받아들일 거 같아?‬

Do you think the shareholders will accept you?

‪(상아)‬ ‪그래서 말씀인데요, 아버님‬

Do you think the shareholders will accept you? Speaking of which,

‪세리스초이스‬ ‪빨리 정리하시는 건 어떨까요?‬

what do you think about putting an end to Seri's Choice?

‪저희 쪽 부족한 자금 막는 데‬ ‪활용하면 어떨까 싶은데요‬

I was thinking we could use it to make up for the insufficient fund.

‪어차피 ‬

The company's owner

‪주인 사라진 회사니까‬

is gone anyway.

‪[증평의 고민스러운 한숨]‬


If they still haven't found her, I guess there's no hope.

‪(창식)‬ ‪이렇게까지 못 찾는 거 보면‬ ‪가망 없는 거겠지?‬

If they still haven't found her, I guess there's no hope.

‪(구매팀장)‬ ‪직원들도 자꾸 물어보는데‬ ‪언제까지 숨겨야 되냐‬

The employees keep asking me about it. Until when do we have to hide it?

‪(창식)‬ ‪그러게, 숨긴다고 죽은 사람이‬

Exactly. Like hiding would bring the dead back to life.

‪살아 돌아오는 건 아니잖아‬ ‪[구매팀장이 호응한다]‬

Exactly. Like hiding would bring the dead back to life.

‪(수찬)‬ ‪누가 죽었대!‬

Who's dead?

‪(구매팀장)‬ ‪누구...‬

Who is he?

‪(창식)‬ ‪어...‬

‪아, 내 친구, 대표님 보험 담당자야‬

He's my friend. He's in charge of Chairwoman Yoon's insurance.

‪백억...‬ ‪[놀라는 신음]‬

Ten billion...

‪너 여기까지 왜 또‬

What brings you here?

‪내가 진짜‬ ‪엄청 중요한 자료를 찾아냈어‬

I found something very important.

‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬


‪이분이 누군지 알아?‬

Do you know who this is?

‪[숨을 들이켜며]‬ ‪에바 비스니어스카 씨야‬

Her name is Ewa Wisniewska.

‪에바 뭐?‬

Ewa what?

‪대표님과 비슷한 사고에서‬ ‪살아 돌아오신 분이지‬

She survived an accident similar to what happened to Chairwoman Yoon.

‪아, 수찬아, 이건 에바다‬

Su-chan, that's nonsense.

‪2007년 호주에서 패러글라이딩 비행 중‬

In 2007, while she was paragliding in Australia,

‪갑작스러운 폭풍에 휘말렸던 사건인데‬

she suddenly got swept away by a storm.

‪이번 용오름보다 더 규모가 컸다고‬ ‪이것 좀 볼래?‬

It says it was larger than the tornado this time. Take a look.

‪아니야, 안 볼래‬

No, I won't.

‪에바 비스니어스카 씨는‬ ‪3만 피트 상공까지 빨려 올라가서‬

Ewa Wisniewska got sucked up to 30,000 feet

‪무려 한 시간을‬ ‪영하 40도 대기권에 갇혀 있다가‬

and spent an hour in the atmosphere that was minus 40 Celsius.

‪약 60km가량 떨어진 인적 드문 곳에‬ ‪불시착 후 구조됐어, 알겠니? 응!‬

She landed on a secluded place and then rescued. Do you understand? She was rescued.


Do you understand? She was rescued.

‪야, 그럼 그 에바‬ ‪그분도 우리 대표님처럼‬

Then did that Ewa person also go missing for days

‪며칠 동안 소식 없다 구조됐니?‬

before she got rescued?

‪- 물론 그건 아니지만‬ ‪- (창식) 거봐!‬

No, she didn't, but-- -See? -But

‪(수찬)‬ ‪그렇지만 에바 비스니어스카 씨와‬ ‪우리 대표님이‬

-See? -But it gives us hope that Ewa Wisniewska and Chairwoman Yoon used the same paraglider.

‪같은 기체를 이용했었다는 점은‬ ‪매우 희망적이지‬

that Ewa Wisniewska and Chairwoman Yoon used the same paraglider.

‪재해 상황도 충분히 버틸 수 있는‬ ‪최고급 명품 기체라서‬

It's one of the best paraglider models that can survive natural disasters.

‪그 정도 풍속에서도‬ ‪선 줄이 망가질 가능성이 낮다고‬

The chances are low that the storm broke it.

‪그렇다면 대표님도‬ ‪지금 어딘가 불시착하셔서‬

Which means Chairwoman Yoon might have crash-landed somewhere

‪우리의 도움을 애타게 기다리고 있...‬

and waiting for us...



‪아직 포기는 일러‬

It's too early to give up. I won't give up.

‪아니? 포기 못 해!‬

It's too early to give up. I won't give up.

‪(창식)‬ ‪가족도 반은 포기했어‬ ‪네가 뭔데 포기를 못 해!‬

Even her family almost gave up. Who do you think you are?

‪수색도 할 만큼 했고‬

We've done enough searching--

‪수색 범위를 더 확장해야지‬

We need to broaden the search area.

‪그래, 어디 떨어졌다 치자‬

Fine. Let's say she landed somewhere. Then why haven't we heard from her?

‪근데 왜 연락이 안 오냐‬

Fine. Let's say she landed somewhere. Then why haven't we heard from her?

‪대한민국 핸드폰 안 되는 데가‬ ‪어디 있다고!‬

You can use your phone everywhere in Korea.

‪- 무인도인 거지‬ ‪- (창식) 미친놈이네, 진짜‬

You can use your phone everywhere in Korea. -She's on a deserted island. -He's crazy.

‪(수찬)‬ ‪이번 용오름은 시속 40m의‬ ‪북서쪽 방향이었어‬

The tornado was 40m per hour and was heading northwest.

‪- 이것 좀 볼래?‬ ‪- (창식) 아니야, 안 볼래‬

The tornado was 40m per hour and was heading northwest. -Check this out. -No, I won't.

‪(수찬)‬ ‪서해엔 무인도가 정말 많다고‬

The Yellow Sea has many deserted islands. Dangnamri Island, Deolgeomeori Island,

‪당남리섬, 덜거머리섬‬

The Yellow Sea has many deserted islands. Dangnamri Island, Deolgeomeori Island,

‪- (수찬) 매박섬, 위새리섬‬ ‪- 그래, 그래, 알았어‬

-Maebak Island, Wisaeri Island, -Fine. -There's even an island called Seri. -Okay.

‪[수찬이 계속 말한다]‬ ‪(창식)‬ ‪아휴, 알아, 아니, 나 알아, 다‬

-There's even an island called Seri. -Okay. -Just listen for a minute and-- -I'm good.

‪아휴, 좀 알았어‬

-Just listen for a minute and-- -I'm good.

‪(세리)‬ ‪감자 갖다줄까?‬

Would you like some potatoes? -Sounds good. -Wait there.

‪- (은동) 오, 예, 예‬ ‪- (세리) 기다려 봐‬ ‪[주목의 웃음]‬

-Sounds good. -Wait there.

‪[탁탁 소리가 난다]‬

‪[광범이 말한다]‬ ‪(세리)‬ ‪어?‬

Keep digging.

‪[긴장되는 음악]‬



‪(치수)‬ ‪야, 야, 야, 줄타기다!‬

Hey. It's a rope thief!

‪- (치수) 어! 은동아!‬ ‪- (세리) 뭐?‬

Catch him!

‪줄타기가 뭔데?‬

What is a rope thief?

‪[여자들의 놀란 탄성]‬

Oh, my.

‪(치수)‬ ‪야, 잡아라!‬


‪너 꽃제비 거기 안 서네!‬

Stop there, you beggar!

‪(치수)‬ ‪아이, 씨‬

‪[치수의 거친 신음]‬


‪[꽃제비의 힘주는 신음]‬

Let go of me!

‪[중대원들의 가쁜 숨소리]‬

‪(치수)‬ ‪이야...‬ ‪[세리의 가쁜 숨소리]‬

‪요, 요‬


‪암만 도덕 없는 꽃제비라도 그렇지‬

I know you beggars have no morals,

‪어디 겁도 없이 군관 사택 마을에‬ ‪기어들어 와 줄타기를 하네, 씨‬

but how dare you come to rob a captain's place?

‪미안합니다, 잘못했습니다‬

I'm sorry. I'm very sorry.

‪[꽃제비가 울먹인다]‬ ‪[치수의 헛웃음]‬

I'm sorry. I'm very sorry.

‪[꽃제비의 떨리는 숨소리]‬

‪너 이거 뭐야?‬

What's this?

‪이건 훔친 거 아닙니다‬

I didn't steal this.

‪장마당에서 주운 겁니다‬

I found it in the marketplace.


I'm not lying.

‪[꽃제비의 떨리는 숨소리]‬

‪(꽃제비)‬ ‪우리 동생 줄 겁니다‬

I'll give this to my little sister.

‪우리 동생이 사흘을 굶어서‬ ‪눈을 잘 못 뜹니다‬

She's been starving for three days. She can't open her eyes.

‪[꽃제비의 긴장한 숨소리]‬

‪[세리의 분주한 숨소리]‬

‪(치수)‬ ‪누가 보면‬ ‪니가 집주인인 줄 알겄다, 야‬

You act as if you own this house.

‪기거이 다 니 거네?‬

Those are not yours.

‪아이, 꽃제비 하나 먹이갔다고‬

You're taking all the food

‪우리 중대장 동지 식량 창고를 아주‬ ‪탈탈 터는구나‬

in Captain Ri's house just to feed that child beggar.

‪너 저런 꽃제비들이 한둘인 줄 아네?‬

He's not the only child beggar out there.

‪물정도 모르면 빠지라‬

You have no idea. Just stay out of it.

‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]‬ ‪내 말이 가다 넘어졌니?‬

Did you hear what I said?

‪내 말이 들리질 않아?‬

Can't you hear me?

‪너 저 꽃제비한테 속고 있는 거야, 너‬

You're being fooled by that beggar.

‪중대장 동지, 내 분명히 말했습니다‬

Sir, I told her

‪저런 꽃제비들 여기저기 다니면서‬ ‪물건 훔치고 거짓말하고‬

those child beggars steal things here and there and also lie.

‪[헛웃음 치며]‬ ‪야, 동생이 굶고 있어?‬

What? Your sister is starving?

‪다 동정심 사려고‬ ‪개나발 부는 기야, 씨‬

He's saying bullshit to make us feel bad for him.

‪(꽃제비)‬ ‪아닙니다, 진짜입니다‬

That's not true. I didn't lie. I just want to feed my sister so she won't die.

‪우리 동생 죽을까 봐‬ ‪밥 먹이려고 한 겁니다‬

I just want to feed my sister so she won't die.

‪- 닥치라우!‬ ‪- (세리) 아, 너나 닥쳐‬

-Shut up! -You shut up.

‪이 인정머리 없는 인간아‬

You heartless punk.

‪[치수의 어이없는 웃음]‬

You don't know anything.

‪이 에미나이 알지도 못하면서, 씨‬

You don't know anything.

‪중대장 동지‬


‪공사 끝났으면 펌프질 좀 해 보라우‬

If the work is done, go and do some pumping.

‪- (광범) 예!‬ ‪- (은동) 예!‬

-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.

‪얼굴이랑 손 씻으라‬

Wash your face and hands.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪깨끗한 손으로 먹어야 병 걸리디 않아‬

You need to eat with clean hands not to get sick.

‪뭐 하고 있소? 줄 거 주시오‬ ‪[펌프질 소리가 난다]‬

What are you doing? Give him what you have to give him. We need to leave too.

‪우리도 떠날 준비 해야 하니‬

Give him what you have to give him. We need to leave too.

‪[물소리가 난다]‬

‪(치수)‬ ‪하, 중대장 동지‬


‪[따뜻한 음악]‬ ‪[물이 콸콸 쏟아진다]‬


Do you remember the song?

‪[펑 터진다]‬

The season when we walked together

‪[기분 좋은 숨소리]‬

The stars in the sky you and I Looked at

‪(꽃제비)‬ ‪많이 기다렸어?‬

Looked at I'm sorry I'm late.

‪[꽃제비의 힘주는 숨소리]‬

-One sad night -I brought a lot of food.

‪오라버니가 맛있는 거 많이 가져왔어‬

-One sad night -I brought a lot of food.

‪[꽃제비의 힘주는 숨소리]‬

The petals of the season

‪어서 먹어라‬

-Do you -Eat up.

‪[새가 지저귄다]‬

Are you listening?

‪(세리)‬ ‪자, 다들 모였나요?‬

All right. Do we have everyone?

‪자, 지금부터 상장 수여식을 할까 해‬

Now, I'm going to give you awards.

‪[치수의 코웃음]‬ ‪(주먹)‬ ‪사, 상장?‬

-Awards? -Are you a general or what?

‪(치수)‬ ‪아, 니가 장군님이니?‬

-Awards? -Are you a general or what?

‪니가 뭔데 상장을 수여하고 말고...‬

Who are you to give us awards--

‪(세리)‬ ‪먼저 1등 상이에요‬

First, Number One Award.

‪(주먹)‬ ‪이야, 이게 뭐라고 긴장이 되니? 응?‬ ‪[주먹의 웃음]‬

Gosh, this somehow makes me nervous.

‪[주목의 탄성]‬ ‪(세리)‬ ‪금은동!‬

The award goes to Geum Eun Dong!

‪- (은동) 저 말입니까?‬ ‪- (세리) 응, 네가 1등이야‬

-Me? -Yes, you're number one.

‪[은동의 탄성]‬

You get the Kindness Award.

‪(세리)‬ ‪너는 친절상이지‬

You get the Kindness Award.

‪'위 군인 금은동은'‬

I hereby present this certificate of merit to Geum Eun Dong

‪'본인을 가장 편하고‬ ‪순수하게 잘 대해 주었기에'‬

I hereby present this certificate of merit to Geum Eun Dong in recognition of his pure and nice treatment of me.

‪'이 상을 수여합니다'‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬

in recognition of his pure and nice treatment of me.

‪상품은 고를 수 있어‬

You can choose your prize.

‪상품도 있습니까?‬

Is there a prize?

‪(세리)‬ ‪상장은 상품 주려고 있는 거지‬

What is a certificate of merit without a prize?

‪통일 버전과 즉시 수령 버전이 있는데‬

One can be received after reunification and one can be received now.

‪통일 버전은‬

One you can receive after reunification is a hundred million won.


One you can receive after reunification is a hundred million won.

‪[은동의 의아한 숨소리]‬

‪1억이 뭡니까?‬

-What's that? -I mean a hundred million won.

‪1억 원‬

-What's that? -I mean a hundred million won.

‪나중에 통일되고 난 뒤에‬

If you bring this certificate of merit to me

‪(세리)‬ ‪이 상장 갖고 나 찾아오면‬ ‪내가 1억 줄게‬

after reunification, I will give you a hundred million won. And...

‪그리고, 음...‬

after reunification, I will give you a hundred million won. And...

‪즉시 수령 버전은 ‬

What you can receive now

‪옥수수 한 말이야‬

is eight kilograms of corn.

‪(은동)‬ ‪아...‬

I see.

‪(주먹)‬ ‪1억, 1억‬

I see. Choose a hundred million won.

‪강냉이 한 말 하갔습니다‬

I choose eight kilograms of corn.

‪(세리)‬ ‪음, 그래, 1억보다 강냉이구나‬

Okay. You chose corn over money.



‪뒷마당 식량 창고에서 꺼내 가렴‬

Take it from the storehouse in the backyard.

‪(치수)‬ ‪내 이럴 줄 알았디, 제 것도 아니면서‬

I knew it. What's in the storehouse doesn't belong to you!

‪중대장 동지, 보시라요‬

Captain Ri, look at the way that immoral woman behaves.

‪저 도덕 없는 에미나이‬ ‪하는 꼬라지 말입니다‬

look at the way that immoral woman behaves.

‪자, 다음은 2등 상‬

Let's move onto the second winner.

‪김주먹!‬ ‪[주먹의 놀란 탄성]‬

Kim Ju Meok!

‪- (주먹) 지, 진짜입니까?‬ ‪- (세리) 어‬


‪(세리)‬ ‪네가 2등이야‬

Yes. You are the second winner.

‪너는 한류 사랑상이야‬

A certificate of merit for the love of the Korean Wave.

‪'위 군인 김주먹은‬ ‪한류의 불모지인 이곳에서'‬

I hereby present this certificate of merit to Kim Ju Meok because it's commendable

‪'K드라마를 사랑해 준 게‬ ‪개인적으로 기특해서'‬

this certificate of merit to Kim Ju Meok because it's commendable that he grew his love for Korean dramas here.

‪'이 상을 수여함'‬

that he grew his love for Korean dramas here.

‪통일 버전 상품은‬ ‪지우 히메와의 점심 한 끼야‬

As a prize, you can either have lunch with Choi Ji-woo after reunification

‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬

‪그리고 즉시 수령 버전은‬

or receive

‪여기 텔레비전‬

that TV right now.

‪이거 보시오‬

Look here.

‪있어 봐요‬

Don't worry.

‪최지우 동무와‬ ‪점심 한 끼 선택하갔습니다‬

I choose lunch with Choi Ji-woo.

‪저거 봐요, 쟨 저런다니까?‬

See? He is like that.

‪(주목)‬ ‪[들뜬 신음]‬ ‪꼭 약속 지키시라요‬

Keep your promise.


Of course.

‪(세리)‬ ‪축하드려요‬


‪[주먹의 기뻐하는 숨소리]‬

‪(세리)‬ ‪그리고 3등은‬

The third winner will receive

‪정말 중요한 상이에요‬

a very important certificate of merit.


Park Gwang Beom.


Park Gwang Beom.

‪(은동)‬ ‪[탄성]‬ ‪축하합니다‬

‪인류의 보배상이야‬

It's for the gift of mankind.

‪(세리)‬ ‪이 상은 여기 있는 군인들 중에‬

I hereby present this certificate of merit

‪가장 잘생겨서 드립니다‬

because you are the most handsome one in here.

‪[주먹과 은동의 탄성]‬ ‪[치수의 어이없는 웃음]‬

because you are the most handsome one in here. For goodness' sake.

‪(치수)‬ ‪아니, 그, 잘생긴 기준이 대체 뭐네?‬ ‪[세리의 웃음]‬

For goodness' sake. By which criteria?

‪(세리)‬ ‪그 어떤 기준이라도 넌 아니야‬

You aren't the most handsome one by any criteria.

‪[치수의 어이없는 웃음]‬

You aren't the most handsome one by any criteria. For goodness' sake.

‪(치수)‬ ‪아니, 어케...‬

For goodness' sake.

‪아, 아니, 중대장 동지‬

Captain Ri.

‪[치수의 어이없는 웃음]‬

Captain Ri. You can either have a blind date with Miss Korea after reunification

‪(세리)‬ ‪통일 버전 상품은‬ ‪미스 코리아랑 소개팅이고‬

You can either have a blind date with Miss Korea after reunification

‪즉시 수령 버전은‬ ‪나랑 굿바이 허그 하기‬

or have a goodbye hug with me right now.

‪(광범)‬ ‪둘 다 뭔지 모르갔지만‬ ‪하지 않갔습니다‬

I am not sure if I understand, but I will choose neither.

‪아, 역시 시크해‬

You are very lofty.

‪(세리)‬ ‪씁, 암튼 남북을 가리지 않고‬ ‪잘생긴 사람들은 시크해‬

Both in the South and North, handsome men are lofty.

‪[종이가 바스락거린다]‬

‪암튼 상장은 받아요‬

Take the certificate of merit.

‪자, 그럼 이것으로 시상식은...‬

That concludes the presentation--



‪왜! 너도 받고 싶냐?‬

What? Do you want one?

‪(세리)‬ ‪아휴, 이거 내가 몇 번 안 쓴 건데‬

I didn't use these many times.

‪좀 씻고 살길 바라는 의미에서‬ ‪주는 상이야‬

I will give them to you so that you will wash up.

‪[비닐봉지가 바스락거린다]‬

I will give them to you so that you will wash up.

‪[경쾌한 음악]‬

Shampoo and conditioner. What are these?

‪(치수)‬ ‪'샴푸, 린스', 이거 다 뭐야?‬

Shampoo and conditioner. What are these?

‪머리 감는 데 쓰는 거야‬

You use them for washing your hair.

‪(치수)‬ ‪'보디 워시'‬


‪중대장 동지‬ ‪이거 다 사다 주신 겁니까?‬

Captain Ri, did you buy these for her?

‪아이, 거, 꼭 필요하다고 해서‬

She said they are essential.

‪(치수)‬ ‪아니, 샴푸, 린스, 보디 워...‬

Shampoo, conditioner, bodywash...

‪머리 한번 빠는데‬ ‪이게 다 왜 필요합니까?‬

Why do you need these things to wash your hair?

‪오해가 있나 본데‬

I think you are mistaken.

‪보디 워시는 머리 감는 데‬ ‪쓰는 게 아니오‬

The bodywash isn't for your hair.

‪그래, 그거 몸 씻을 때 쓰는 거거든?‬

He is right. It is for your body.

‪아, 기래?‬


‪(세리)‬ ‪자, 그럼 이것으로‬ ‪상장 수여식은 모두 다 마치겠습니다‬

Now, that concludes the presentation of certificates.


Thank you.




It's nothing.

‪(세리)‬ ‪응?‬

‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬

‪(정혁)‬ ‪아, 왜 이러시오‬

What is it?

‪- (세리) 아, 일로 와 봐요‬ ‪- 어허, 이거 놓으라고‬

-Come. -Let go of me.

‪[세리의 웃음]‬

‪(세리)‬ ‪자‬


‪이건 스페셜 생큐 상‬

This is a special thank you present.

‪아까 누가 왔더라고요‬

Someone visited earlier.

‪왜, 그, 문 똑똑 두드리고 와서‬ ‪별거별거 다 파는 그런 사람‬

Someone who knocks on the door and sells all sorts of items.

‪- 똑똑이 장사?‬ ‪- (세리) 어, 맞아, 맞아‬

-A peddler? -That's right.

‪그 똑똑이 장사가 왔더라고요‬

A peddler visited earlier.

‪쩝, 근데 물건들이 다 조악한데‬

The items were low-grade,

‪그나마 토마토 묘목이 있길래‬

but I found this tomato plant.

‪(세리)‬ ‪여기 마당 너무 썰렁하기도 하고‬

The yard was too empty.

‪아휴, 근데 내가 무슨 돈이 있어‬

Since I had no money,

‪감자 반 포대랑 바꿨어요‬

I exchanged it for half a sack of potatoes.

‪많이 밑지는 거래라는 생각은‬ ‪들지 않았소?‬

Didn't it occur to you that you were taking a loss?


I did take a loss, right?

‪아, 아저씨 바가지, 쯧‬

That man ripped me off.

‪(세리)‬ ‪근데 오늘은 또 마지막 날이고‬

But today is my last day here.

‪내가 그쪽한테 많이 고마우니까‬ ‪그냥 시원하게 질렀어요‬

Since I am very thankful for you, I went ahead and made that trade.

‪왜 나한테 많이 고마운 마음을‬

I don't know why you decided to thank me

‪내 감자 반 포대로 표현했는진‬ ‪의문이오만‬

by using half a sack of my potatoes.


‪[혀를 굴리며]‬ ‪나중에 내 덕분에 '토마토' 먹게 될 때‬ ‪후회하지나 마셔‬

You will regret your words when you eat tomatoes later on thanks to me.

‪(세리)‬ ‪고맙다고 말하고 싶겠지만‬ ‪그땐 내가 옆에 없을 거니까‬

You will want to thank me, but I won't be by your side.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪첫째‬


‪난 도마도를 좋아하지 않소‬

I don't like tomatoes.

‪둘째, 난 식물 재배엔 관심도‬ ‪잘 키울 자신도 없소‬

Secondly, I have neither interest nor talent in keeping a plant.

‪(세리)‬ ‪으음‬

‪애완 풀이다 생각하고‬ ‪사랑으로 키워 봐요‬

Think of it as a pet and raise it with love.

‪그, 양파도 예쁜 말만 해 준 애들은‬ ‪완전 쑥쑥 잘 크고‬

They say onions that hear nice words grow well

‪욕만 먹은 애들은‬ ‪막 말라 죽고 그런다잖아‬

while the ones that hear bad words wither.

‪내가 다 신문에서 보고 하는 말이라고‬

I read it in the newspaper.

‪- 무슨 말도 안 되는...‬ ‪- (세리) 알았죠?‬

Don't be ridiculous. Okay? Water it diligently

‪물 잘 주고‬ ‪하루에 열 개씩 예쁜 단어 들려주기‬

Okay? Water it diligently and say ten nice words to it every day.

‪양파가 욕을 처먹으면 뒤져?‬

Onions wither and die when they hear bad words?

‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬

‪아, 예, 소좌 동지‬

Lieutenant Commander Cho.

‪아, 그, 리정혁 중대장의 약혼녀는‬

Captain Ri's fiancée

‪씁, 정신 상태가‬ ‪기케 말짱해 보이지는 않습니다만‬

doesn't seem to be in the perfect mental state.

‪뭐, 기렇다고 수상한 행적이나‬ ‪낌새를 보이지는 않습니다‬

But she hasn't shown any suspicious behaviors.

‪아, 오늘 밤에‬ ‪평양으로 돌아가는 모양입니다‬

She's going back to Pyongyang tonight.



‪[산새 울음]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬


‪[주먹의 한숨]‬

‪우여곡절 끝에 가긴 가누먼요‬

After many complications, she will finally leave.

‪[치수가 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬

‪속이 다 후련하다‬

It takes a weight off my mind.

‪(은동)‬ ‪난 조금 섭섭도 합니다‬

I feel a bit sad too.

‪야, 뭐가 섭섭하네? 쯧‬

Why would you feel sad?

‪(치수)‬ ‪꿈에 또 볼까 두렵다‬

I hope I don't see her in my dream!

‪기래도 그 여성‬


‪사람 보는 안목 하나는‬ ‪정확한 여성이었는데‬

she had good tastes.

‪(광범)‬ ‪출발을 하셨으려나?‬

I wonder if she set out already.

‪[산새 울음]‬

‪[대문이 철컹 닫힌다]‬

‪[자동차 시동음]‬

‪[풀벌레 울음]‬

‪[세리의 착잡한 숨소리]‬

‪[차분한 음악]‬

‪(세리)‬ ‪그동안 고마웠어요‬

Thank you for everything.

‪이건 진심‬

I mean it.

‪다신 못 보겠죠?‬

I won't see you again, right?



‪[세리의 한숨]‬

‪아프리카도 가고 남극도 가는데‬

I can go to Africa and even Antarctica, but not here.

‪(세리)‬ ‪당신은 참...‬

It's a shame

‪하필 여기 사네요‬

that you live here.

‪[숨을 크게 들이켠다]‬

‪당신이 하필 거기 사는 거갔지‬

It's a shame that you live there.

‪[옅은 웃음]‬


‪전화 카드 가져왔소?‬

Did you bring a phone card?

‪- 이 여성 동무요?‬ ‪- (정혁) 그렇소‬

-Is it her? -Yes.

‪(선장)‬ ‪혼자?‬

Is she going alone?


Two of us.

‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(선장)‬ ‪동무도 가시오?‬

-Are you going too? -After she boards a ship, I will return.

‪큰 배 타는 걸 보고 돌아올 거요‬

-Are you going too? -After she boards a ship, I will return.

‪(선장)‬ ‪기카면 카드 한 장으로는 안 되지‬

Then one phone card won't be enough.


We must hurry. They won't wait for more than five minutes.

‪약속 장소에서 5분 이상‬ ‪지체할 수 없다 했으니‬

We must hurry. They won't wait for more than five minutes.


Come aboard.

‪며칠 만에 돌아가는 건데‬

Although it has only been a few days,

‪꼭 무슨 몇 년은 된 거 같아요‬

it feels like I am returning after a few years.

‪당신 기다리는 사람들도 기랬을 거요‬

I am sure it feels the same for those who await you.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪가족의 생사를 모를 땐‬ ‪분초도 영원처럼 긴 법이니까‬

A second feels like an eternity when you don't know if your family member is alive.

‪쯧, 글쎄요, 아닐걸?‬

I don't know. I doubt that.

‪[잔잔한 음악]‬

‪(세리)‬ ‪뭐, 가 보면 알겠죠‬

I will know once I return

‪내가 살아 돌아온 걸‬ ‪기뻐하는지 당황하는지‬

if my safe return makes them happy or flustered.

‪[어색한 웃음]‬

‪(세리)‬ ‪내가 별 얘길 다 하네‬

I'm quite loose-tongued today.

‪다신 못 볼 사람이라서‬ ‪그냥 해 본 말이에요‬

I simply told you because I know I won't see you again.

‪다신 못 볼 거니깐 나도 한마디 하갔소‬

Since I won't see you again, let me tell you this.

‪'엘리제를 위하여'쯤 악보 없이 친다고‬

Don't say you can play the piano very well

‪피아노 실력이 출중하단 말은 망언이오‬

just because you can play For Elise.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪어디 딴 데 가서 기딴 말 마시오‬

Don't say that anywhere else.



‪뭐, 나도 다신 못 볼 거니까‬ ‪말해 주는 건데‬

Since I won't see you again, let me tell you this.

‪내 이름은 윤세리예요‬

My name is Yoon Se-ri.


My name is Ri Jeong Hyeok.

‪참, 나 해주 윤씨예요‬ ‪해주가 북한에 있는 거 맞죠?‬

I am a member of the Haeju Yoon Clan. Haeju is in North Korea, right?

‪난 전주 리씨요‬

I am a member of the Jeonju Ri Clan.

‪(세리)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪뭐야, 이 아이러니는‬

What an irony!

‪[세리가 웃는다]‬

‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬ ‪[조명이 탁 켜진다]‬

‪(남자5)‬ ‪뜨랄선 천사호, 뜨랄선 천사호‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬

Trawler 1004. Trawler 1004.

‪서라, 서라‬

Halt. Halt.

‪당장 기관을 멈추라‬

Stop the engine right this instant.

‪[사이렌이 연신 울린다]‬

‪저것들이 갑자기 왜 지랄이야‬

Why are they suddenly making a fuss?

‪그, 들어가 있으시오‬ ‪내가 어케 해 볼 테니‬

Stay hidden. I will take care of this.

‪(남자5)‬ ‪뜨랄선 천사호, 뜨랄선 천사호‬

Trawler 1004. Trawler 1004.

‪서라, 서라!‬

Halt. Halt.

‪즉시 기관을 멈추라!‬

Stop the engine right this instant.

‪(선장)‬ ‪아니, 무슨 일입니까?‬

What is this about?

‪(경비정장)‬ ‪어이, 뜨랄호‬


‪거, 해상 통제 명령 떨어졌단 연락‬ ‪받지 못했소?‬

Didn't you receive a call about the navel control order?

‪아니, 그게 무슨...‬ ‪난 연락 못 받았습니다‬

What? I didn't receive a call.

‪(선장)‬ ‪갑자기 왜 통제 명령입니까?‬

What is the reason for a sudden control order?

‪요새 빠다치기로 몰래 외국에 나가는‬ ‪놈들이 많아져서 그런 거갔디‬

It must be because people smuggle out of the country these days.

‪(선장)‬ ‪아이, 누가 기딴 짓을 합니까?‬

Who does that?

‪암튼 수고하시라요‬ ‪나는 배 돌리갔습니다‬

Thank you for your hard work. I will turn the vessel around.

‪(경비정장)‬ ‪이 선창 좀 봅시다‬

Let's see the hold.

‪예? 아, 선창은 왜...‬

What? Why?

‪정상적인 무역인지‬

I need to check if you do an honest trade

‪밀수인지 빠다치기인지‬ ‪확인을 해야 되지 않갔소?‬

or smuggle goods and people.

‪정장 동지‬

Chief Coast Guard.

‪그, 새로 오셔서 잘 모르시나 본데‬

You must be new here.

‪(선장)‬ ‪내 이전 경비정장 동지하고는‬ ‪막역했시다‬

I was very close to the former Chief Coast Guard.

‪(경비정장)‬ ‪그 막역했던 경비정장은‬

The Chief Coast Guard you were very close to

‪뇌물을 많이 먹어 잘렸소만‬

got fired for taking bribes.

‪(경비정장)‬ ‪열라‬ ‪[불안한 숨소리]‬

-Open up. -What should we do?


-Open up. -What should we do?

‪(세리)‬ ‪아, 뭐라도 해 봐요‬

Do something.


As a soldier, you should know ways

‪그 어떤 역경, 고난‬

As a soldier, you should know ways

‪이런 것도‬ ‪다 잘 뚫어야 되는 거 아닌가?‬

to overcome adversaries.

‪이거를 못 뚫고‬ ‪이렇게 망연자실하고 있으면 어떡해‬

Don't tell me you are at your wits' end.

‪[세리의 떨리는 숨소리]‬

‪[긴장되는 음악]‬

‪남조선 드라마에 보면‬

In South Korean dramas...


What? This is not the time to talk about dramas.

‪이 와중에 무슨 드라마‬

What? This is not the time to talk about dramas.

‪누군가 쫓아오거나‬ ‪위기 상황일 때 쓰는‬

There is a trick the protagonists use

‪굉장한 방법 있다던데‬

when they are being chased.


What is it?

‪알 텐데‬

You should know.

‪백이면 백 다 그런다던데‬

Everyone uses the trick.

‪아, 몰라요, 뭔데‬ ‪뭔데 백이면 백 다 그러는데?‬

Everyone uses the trick. I don't know. What is it? What is the trick everyone uses?

‪어, 처음에 얘기를 들었을 때는‬ ‪이게 말이 되나 싶고‬

When I first heard about it, I thought it made no sense.

‪또 어케 기칼 수 있나 기랬는데‬

I thought it made no sense.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪막상 또 이런 상황이 되고 보니‬

But now that I am in this situation,

‪또 이 방법밖에‬ ‪방법이 없구나 싶기도 하고‬

I see that it might be the only way.

‪(세리)‬ ‪저기요!‬ ‪그만 좀 말하고 뭐라도 좀 해 보라고‬

Hey! Stop talking and do something!

‪(경비정장)‬ ‪열라‬

Open up.

‪뭐 하네? 열라‬

What are you doing? Open up.

‪[쿵 소리가 난다]‬

What are you doing? Open up. Now, I will do something.

‪[세리의 긴장한 숨소리]‬ ‪지금부터 뭐라도 하갔소‬

Now, I will do something.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪부디 놀라지 말고‬

Don't be startled

‪[세리의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪나만 보시오‬

and look at me, nothing else.

‪[감성적인 음악]‬

‪양파가 욕을 처먹으면 뒤져?‬

Onions wither and die when they hear bad words?

‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬

‪아, 예, 소좌 동지‬

Lieutenant Commander Cho.

‪아, 그, 리정혁 중대장의 약혼녀는‬

Captain Ri's fiancée

‪씁, 정신 상태가‬ ‪기케 말짱해 보이지는 않습니다만‬

doesn't seem to be in the perfect mental state.

‪뭐, 기렇다고 수상한 행적이나‬ ‪낌새를 보이지는 않습니다‬

But she hasn't shown any suspicious behaviors.

‪아, 오늘 밤에‬ ‪평양으로 돌아가는 모양입니다‬

She's going back to Pyongyang tonight.



‪(정혁)‬ ‪바다‬


‪(만복)‬ ‪어?‬


‪아, 잠시만 기다리시라요, 소좌 동지‬

Please hold, Lieutenant Commander Cho.

‪리정혁이가 뭔가 말을 합니다‬

Ri Jeong Hyeok is saying something.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪햇빛, 진달래‬

Sunlight. Azalea.

‪이슬, 양털 구름‬

Dewdrop. Fleecy cloud.

‪삼색 고양이‬

Calico cat.

‪(철강)‬ ‪이거이 뭐라고 하는 거네?‬

What is he saying?

‪어, 글쎄요‬

I am not sure.

‪그, 무슨 비밀 암호 같긴 한데‬

It sounds like a secret code.

‪(정혁)‬ ‪솔개‬

It sounds like a secret code. Kite.

‪이건 아닌가?‬

Maybe not.

‪솔개는 취소‬

I take the kite back.

‪[정혁의 고민하는 숨소리]‬

I take the kite back.



‪[감성적인 음악]‬






First snow.



‪(세리)‬ ‪리정혁 너무 쫄따구야‬

Ri Jeong Hyeok is a loser.

‪(주먹)‬ ‪빨리 와서 좀 지키고 있으라 했구먼요‬

He told us to come and protect you.

‪(세리)‬ ‪아, 내가 어린애야?‬

I am not a child!

‪(치수)‬ ‪감시하라는 거지, 우리더러‬

-He wanted us to keep watch. -He is over-the-top.

‪걔 좀 오버쟁이지?‬

-He wanted us to keep watch. -He is over-the-top.

‪(치수)‬ ‪중대장 동지가 뭐‬

It's not like Captain Ri is an immoral man who would be doing this

‪약혼녀가 따로 있는데‬ ‪여기서 이러고 있는‬

It's not like Captain Ri is an immoral man who would be doing this

‪도덕 없는 사내도 아니고 말이지요‬

when he's engaged to someone else.

‪(명은)‬ ‪코를 납작하게 깔아‬

Go and take her down a peg.

‪(단)‬ ‪기 정도는‬ ‪아무케나 하고 가도 할 수 있다‬

I can do that no matter how I dress.

‪(철강)‬ ‪그 여성이 진짜 11과 대상인지‬ ‪확인을 좀 해 봐야갔어‬

I should check if she really is in Division 11.

‪[무전기가 지지직거린다]‬ ‪여기는 세리 1호‬

This is Se-ri one.

‪(대원2)‬ ‪방금 자남산 일대에서‬ ‪수상한 전파가 감지됐습니다‬

This is Se-ri one. There's a suspicious transmission from Mount Janam.

‪(세리)‬ ‪지금 무슨 생각 하는 거예요?‬ ‪뭐 하려고, 지금?‬

What are you thinking? What are going to do?

.사랑의 불시착 

.영화 & 드라마 대본

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