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  사랑의 불시착 7

KOR-ENG Dual sub

‪(광범)‬ ‪빨리 내리셔야 합니다‬We need to get out of here now.
‪[세리의 당황한 숨소리]‬Oh, no.
‪[총성이 요란하다]‬
‪[놀란 비명]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[놀란 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪다친 데는?‬Are you hurt?
‪없어요, 리정혁 씨는?‬No. What about you?
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[총성]‬ ‪[정혁의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[총성]‬ ‪[광범의 신음]‬
‪[세리의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[광범의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[세리의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[세리의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[세리의 당황한 신음]‬
‪[세리가 흐느낀다]‬
‪리정혁 씨‬Jeong Hyeok.
‪[세리의 당황한 신음]‬
‪아, 안 돼, 정신 차려 봐요‬Oh, no. Wake up.
‪어떡하지?‬What do I do? Jeong Hyeok.
‪어, 리정혁 씨‬What do I do? Jeong Hyeok.
‪[광범의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪과, 광범 씨, 괜찮아?‬Gwang Beom, are you all right?
‪중대장 동지, 중대장 동지‬ ‪[세리의 거친 숨소리]‬Captain Ri. -Captain Ri. -What do we do?
‪어떡하지? 어떡해?‬-Captain Ri. -What do we do?
‪빨리 출발해야 합니다‬ ‪비행기 시간이...‬We need to leave now. Your flight is leaving soon.
‪어, 그, 그래, 시간이 없지?‬Oh, right. I don't have time.
‪과, 광범 씨, 열쇠 줘 봐‬ ‪차, 차 열쇠‬Gwang Beom, give me the car key.
‪- 예?‬ ‪- 광범 씨도 다쳤잖아‬-What? -You're injured too.
‪(세리)‬ ‪그 다리로 운전 못 해‬You can't drive with your leg injured. Give me the car key now!
‪빨리 열쇠 달라고! 어?‬You can't drive with your leg injured. Give me the car key now! Come on.
‪저기로 나가면 병원 있어?‬Is there a hospital there?
‪예? 비행장 가야지 무슨 말입니까?‬What are you talking about? You need to go to the airport.
‪있어, 없어!‬Answer me!
‪사리원시 병원이 있긴 합니다만...‬There's a hospital in Sariwon, but...
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(광범)‬ ‪이러시면 안 됩니다‬Don't do this. Go to the airport first, and we'll take care of--
‪일단은 공항부터 가고‬ ‪그다음은 저희가 알아서...‬Don't do this. Go to the airport first, and we'll take care of-- What if he dies before that?
‪알아서 하다가 저 사람 죽으면?‬What if he dies before that?
‪여기서 어디로 가?‬Which direction now? Hurry. We don't have much time.
‪빨리 말해, 시간 없어‬Which direction now? Hurry. We don't have much time.
‪좌회전‬Turn left.
‪이러다 총상이 아니라‬ ‪교통사고로 다 죽갔습니다‬He might end up dying in a car accident, not the gunshot.
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪(광범)‬ ‪어카지?‬What do we do? It will take a long time if we take a detour.
‪돌아갈라믄 한참 걸릴 텐데요‬What do we do? It will take a long time if we take a detour.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪광범 씨‬-Gwang Beom. -Yes.
‪예‬-Gwang Beom. -Yes.
‪내가 제일 좋아하는 영화가 뭔지 알아?‬Do you know what my favorite movie is?
‪'매드맥스, 분노의 질주'‬Mad Max: Fury Road.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪(간호사1)‬ ‪혈압 70에 50, 의식 없습니다‬Blood pressure, 70 over 50. He's unconscious.
‪어깨에서 출혈이 심합니다‬He's losing a lot of blood.
‪출혈성 쇼크 상태야‬It's a hemorrhagic shock. He might have a cardiac arrest.
‪이거 심정지 오면 큰일인데‬It's a hemorrhagic shock. He might have a cardiac arrest.
‪가제로 압박하고 관 수축제 넣고‬Press the wound with gauze and use vasopressors.
‪- 즉시 수술 준비하자고‬ ‪- (간호사1) 알갔습니다‬Press the wound with gauze and use vasopressors. -Get ready for surgery. -Yes, Doctor.
‪(광범)‬ ‪세리 동무, 이제라도 가시라요‬Se-ri, you can go now.
‪서둘러 가면 비행기 뜨기 전에‬ ‪도착할 수 있습니다‬If you hurry now, you can make it before the flight leaves.
‪(간호사2)‬ ‪환자가 출혈이 심해서 피보충할‬ ‪비상용 구급 혈액이 필요합니다‬He's losing a lot of blood, so we need extra blood for blood transfusion.
‪우리 병원엔 없으니‬ ‪어서 구해 오시라요, 급합니다‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬We don't have it in our hospital, so find it. It's an emergency.
‪(세리)‬ ‪네?‬Pardon?
‪뭐, 뭐라고?‬What?
‪구해 와? 피를? 우리가?‬We need to find blood?
‪병원에 혈액이 없는 거 같습니다‬It looks like they don't have blood.
‪아니, 그럼 어떡해‬ ‪지금 사람이 다 죽어 가는데‬Then what do we do? A person is dying.
‪- 급하다며‬ ‪- (광범) 내 피라도 주면 좋갔는데‬-She said it's an emergency. -I wish I could give my blood,
‪피형이 맞지 않아...‬but my blood type doesn't match his.
‪피형? 혈액형?‬Blood type?
‪- 리정혁 씨 혈액형이 뭔데?‬ ‪- (광범) O형‬-What's Jeong Hyeok's blood type? -O.
‪O형? 내가 줄게, 내 거 주면 돼‬O? I can give him mine.
‪세리 동무!‬Se-ri. If you don't go now, you won't ever be able to go.
‪지금 안 가면 진짜 못 갑니다‬Se-ri. If you don't go now, you won't ever be able to go.
‪(감독)‬ ‪보라‬Attention.
‪지금부터 이름 부르는 순서대로‬ ‪려권을 받아서 들어간다‬When I call your name, take your passport and get on board.
‪단, 탑승이 끝나는 대로‬ ‪려권은 다시 반납할 것‬As soon as you get on board, you must give me back your passports.
‪알갔어?‬-Do you understand? -Yes.
‪(선수들)‬ ‪예!‬-Do you understand? -Yes.
‪- (감독) 김선숙이‬ ‪- (선수1) 예!‬-Kim Seon Suk. -Yes.
‪- (감독) 라영실‬ ‪- (선수2) 예!‬-Ra Yeong Sil. -Yes.
‪- 김정순‬ ‪- (선수3) 예‬-Kim Jeong Sun. -Yes.
‪(코치)‬ ‪저, 감독 동지‬Coach.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪그, 후보 선수 말입니다‬About the reserve player.
‪총정치국에서 내려온 락하산‬The one from the General Political Bureau.
‪- 어, 기래‬ ‪- (코치) 아직 안 왔습니다‬-Right. -She hasn't come yet.
‪리정혁 중대장하곤‬ ‪연락도 안 되고 말입니다‬And we can't reach Captain Ri Jeong Hyeok either.
‪(승준)‬ ‪안 온 거 맞죠?‬She hasn't come yet, right?
‪아, 출발했다면서‬You said she took off.
‪아, 그럼 중간에‬ ‪조철강 소좌가 막은 거예요?‬Did Lieutenant Cho Cheol Gang stop her?
‪그, 내 말하지 않았습니까?‬I told you.
‪그 양반이 일 하나는 야무지게 합니다‬That man is good.
‪(승준)‬ ‪아니, 그러니까‬ ‪야무지게 애를 어디로...‬I get he's good, but where did he...
‪어디로 빼돌린 거냐고‬Where did he send her?
‪조철강한테 빨리 연락 좀 해 보라고‬Hurry and contact Cho Cheol Gang.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪총 맞은 자들 상태는?‬How are those who got shot?
‪(부하)‬ ‪총알이 급소나 뼈는 비켜 맞아서‬They didn't get shot on important body parts or bones.
‪만약 일부러 그런 거라면‬They didn't get shot on important body parts or bones. If it was purposely done,
‪상대의 사격술이 대단하다고밖에‬ ‪설명이 안 됩니다‬the only explanation to it is that the gunner has excellent techniques.
‪리정혁이 지금 어디 있어?‬Where is Ri Jeong Hyeok?
‪(부하)‬ ‪기렇지 않아도‬ ‪좀 전에 5중대에 확인했는데‬I just asked Company Five about him,
‪방식상학이 있다고 해서‬ ‪참관 출장 갔다고 합니다‬and they told me he went away to attend a workshop.
‪방식상학? 총참모부에서 말이가?‬A workshop? At the General Staff Department?
‪예, 기래서 평양에 갔답니다‬Yes. They say that is why he went to Pyongyang.
‪당장 본부에 리정혁이 행처에 대해서‬Call the headquarters. -Look into his whereabouts. -Yes, sir.
‪- 수사 협조 요청하라‬ ‪- (부하) 예!‬-Look into his whereabouts. -Yes, sir.
‪- 5중대의 무기 반출 대장도 압수하고‬ ‪- (부하) 알갔습니다!‬-Seize Company Five's firearms logbook. -Yes, sir.
‪[무거운 음악]‬Please wait here.
‪(간호사3)‬ ‪여기서 기다리시라요‬ ‪[세리의 거친 숨소리]‬Please wait here.
‪- 세리 동무‬ ‪- (세리) 어, 광범 씨‬Se-ri. Gwang Beom.
‪수술이 어떻게 될지도 모르는데‬We don't know how the surgery will go.
‪리정혁 씨네 집에‬ ‪연락해야 되는 거 아닐까?‬Don't you think we should call Jeong Hyeok's family?
‪중대장 동지 손전화가‬ ‪못 쓰게 됐습니다‬Captain Ri's phone is broken.
‪일단 알았어‬Okay.
‪(세리)‬ ‪광범 씨도 가서 얼른 마저 치료받아‬You should go on and get the rest of the treatment.
‪여기 내가 있을게‬I'll stay here.
‪[세리가 훌쩍인다]‬OPERATING ROOM
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪우리 같이 한 장 찍는 건?‬Why don't we get our photo taken?
‪아니...‬I mean,
‪나 가고 나면 다신 볼 일 없을 텐데‬ ‪기념으로‬we won't see each other again after I leave. It will be a memento.
‪기념할 이유도, 기억할 이유도‬ ‪없을 거 같은데‬There is no need for us to remember or keep a memento of each other.
‪뭐야‬Look at you.
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬
‪잘난 척이나 말든가‬After acting all arrogant...
‪웃겨, 진짜‬What a weirdo.
‪♪ 어떤 아픔도 ♪‬
‪[심전도계 작동음]‬
‪(의사)‬ ‪핀셋‬-Tweezers. -Tweezers.
‪(간호사1)‬ ‪핀셋‬
‪♪ 애써 웃는 거 다 알아 ♪‬
‪(의사)‬ ‪지혈 가제 흡착‬Attach the styptic gauze.
‪혈장 주입‬Plasma injection.
‪우로키나아제 정주하고‬ ‪광폭 항생제 근주하라우‬Administer urokinase -and general antibiotics. -Okay.
‪(간호사1)‬ ‪네‬-and general antibiotics. -Okay.
‪(의사)‬ ‪소독 핀셋‬Tweezers.
‪♪ 비록 내 품이 좁더라도 ♪‬OPERATING ROOM
‪[의사가 말한다]‬Be careful.
‪[걱정스러운 숨소리]‬
‪(의사)‬ ‪수술은 원만하게 잘됐습니다‬The surgery went well.
‪이 대동맥이 다치지 않았나‬ ‪의심했는데‬I was worried his main artery might have been damaged,
‪천만다행히도 기건 아닙니다‬but luckily, that wasn't the case.
‪- 예‬ ‪- (의사) 기렇지만 출혈이 너무 심해서‬Still, he has lost a lot of blood. His blood pressure is yet to rise
‪혈압도 올라와야 하고‬Still, he has lost a lot of blood. His blood pressure is yet to rise
‪파상풍이나 패혈증도 조심해야 하고‬and he must watch out for tetanus and blood poisoning.
‪- 네‬ ‪- (의사) 무엇보다도‬Above all,
‪환자의 의식 회복이 시급합니다‬he must regain his consciousness soon.
‪(의사)‬ ‪경과를 한번 잘 지켜보자요‬Let's see how it goes.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪리정혁 씨‬Jeong Hyeok.
‪난 이런 거 익숙하지가 않아‬I am not used to things like this.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪난 그냥...‬I have been only
‪내가 나를 사랑했다가 미워했다가‬loving myself and hating myself.
‪내가 나를 지켰다가 버렸다가 그랬지‬And I have been only protecting myself and abandoning myself.
‪나한텐 나만 있었지‬ ‪누가 있지 않았거든‬All I had was myself. I had nobody else.
‪그래서 어색하다고, 이런 거‬So this is awkward for me.
‪나한테 나 말고 누가 있는 거‬Having someone else that is not myself.
‪(세리)‬ ‪나랑 마주 보고‬You looked at me,
‪내 얘기 들어 주고‬listened to me,
‪나 보고 웃어 주고‬smiled at me,
‪같이 밥 먹고‬ate with me,
‪나랑 한 약속‬kept the promise with me
‪계약서도 없는데 끝까지 지켜 주고‬even if we didn't make any contract,
‪나 지켜 주고 그런 것들‬and protected me.
‪근데...‬You did...
‪당신이 그랬더라‬all... those things.
‪그래서 나한텐 당신이 있었더라‬All along, I had you by my side.
‪내가 진짜‬Usually,
‪웬만한 거 뭐 무섭고 그런 사람 아닌데‬I don't get scared,
‪지금 좀 무섭네‬but now I'm a bit scared.
‪리정혁 씨 어떻게 될까 봐‬I'm scared something might happen to you.
‪이제 당신이‬Does this mean
‪나한테...‬you have become
‪웬만하지 않은 사람이 된 건가‬a special person to me?
‪[감미로운 피아노 연주]‬
‪[관객들의 박수와 환호]‬
‪[관객들의 박수와 환호가 계속된다]‬
‪(교수)‬ ‪정혁‬Jeong Hyeok.
‪[독일어]‬ ‪평양 너희 집에서 급한 연락이 왔다‬I got an urgent message for you from your family in Pyongyang.
‪[영어]‬ ‪무슨...‬Your brother
‪(교수)‬ ‪네 형이 사고로...‬Your brother
‪죽었다고 한다‬died of an accident.
‪빠른 귀국 요망이라는 소식이다‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬You must hurry back to your country now.
‪[덜컥거리는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[독일어]‬ ‪저 피아노 아저씨 거예요?‬Is that your piano?
‪피아노 칠 줄 알아요?‬Can you play the piano?
‪쳐 주세요‬Could you please play it for me?
‪[독일어]‬ ‪어쩌면 내가 피아노를 치는 건‬ ‪이제 마지막이 될 거야‬This might be my last time playing the piano.
‪내가 내 형을 위해 만든 곡이 있어‬I wrote a song for my brother.
‪네가 내 마지막 관객이 되어 줄래?‬Would you be my last audience?
‪[잔잔한 피아노 연주가 울려 퍼진다]‬
‪[아름다운 피아노 연주]‬
‪[빗소리가 들린다]‬
‪리정혁 씨‬Jeong Hyeok.
‪[세리의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪잘했어, 애썼어‬Well done. You did well. I'm so proud of you.
‪(세리)‬ ‪진짜 장하다‬Well done. You did well. I'm so proud of you.
‪괜찮아요?‬Are you all right?
‪여기 왜...‬Why are you here...
‪아직 말하지 마요‬Don't talk yet. You just woke up from general anesthesia.
‪(세리)‬ ‪전신 마취했다 깬 거잖아, 나중에‬Don't talk yet. You just woke up from general anesthesia. Later.
‪아, 지금 일어나면...‬You shouldn't sit up now.
‪일어나지 말지‬You shouldn't sit up now.
‪[세리의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[세리의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪비행기를...‬Did you
‪타지 않은 거요?‬not take the flight?
‪못 탔어, 비행기‬I couldn't take the flight.
‪갈 수가 없었어요, 상황이‬I couldn't go because of the situation.
‪가, 갔었어야지‬You should have gone.
‪(세리)‬ ‪그래요‬I know.
‪갔어야 했는데...‬I should have,
‪그래도 갈 수가 없었다고‬but I couldn't.
‪- 내 말 좀...‬ ‪- 당신 하나 보내기 위해서‬-Listen to-- -Just to send you back home,
‪우리 모두가 목숨을 걸었소‬we all risked our lives.
‪그게 어떤 의미인지 알고나 있소?‬Do you know what that means?
‪알아요‬I do.
‪아는 사람이 아직 여기 있는 거요?‬If you do, why are you still here?
‪이 모든 노력을 수포로 만들어 놓고서?‬You made all that effort go down the drain.
‪우릴 얼마나 궁지에 몰고‬How much more do you have to trouble us until you feel sorry?
‪얼마나 더 폐를 끼쳐야‬ ‪미안함이란 걸 느낄 거요?‬How much more do you have to trouble us until you feel sorry?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪리정혁 씨 마취가 덜 깼네‬It seems the anesthesia hasn't completely worn off yet.
‪덜 깨니까 막 본심이 나오네‬And that's probably why you're showing your true feelings.
‪무조건 절대 안정이라고 했는데‬The doctor said you needed a complete rest.
‪나 때문에 화내면 안 되니까‬I don't want you to upset you,
‪일단 사라져 줄게‬so I will leave for now.
‪나중에, 조금만 나중에 나아지고 나면‬ ‪그때 화내‬When you feel better later, you can get mad at me then.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪환자 깨어났습니다‬ ‪좀 부탁드립니다‬The patient woke up. Please check on him.
‪(간호사4)‬ ‪아, 그렇습니까?‬ ‪당직 선생님께 연락하갔습...‬I see. I will let the doctor know...
‪상처 부위도 깨끗하고‬ ‪혈성 분비물도 없고‬The wound is clean and there's no bloody discharge.
‪(의사)‬ ‪출혈이 기케 심했는데‬Despite a lot of blood loss, your blood pressure has risen thanks to the blood you received.
‪피보충을 잘해 줘서‬ ‪혈압도 많이 올라갔고‬your blood pressure has risen thanks to the blood you received.
‪동무 참 운이 좋소‬You're very lucky.
‪기렇지만 너무 무리해서‬ ‪움직이면 안 되고‬Still, avoid too much exercise.
‪한 보름 동안은‬ ‪치료를 잘 받아야 합니다‬You need to be treated well for the next 15 days.
‪(간호사4)‬ ‪애인이랑 천생연분인가 봅니다‬You and your girlfriend must be meant to be.
‪어케 피형이 딱 같아서‬Luckily, your blood types matched.
‪애인이 제때 수혈 안 해 줬으면‬ ‪쇼크 와서 정말 큰일날 뻔했습니다‬If she didn't give you her blood, -you could have been in big trouble. -She's right.
‪(의사)‬ ‪기래, 그 여성 동무‬-you could have been in big trouble. -She's right. I told her she would faint if she cried after giving her blood away,
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪수혈하고 기케 울면 탈진한다고‬I told her she would faint if she cried after giving her blood away,
‪내 암만 뭐라 그래도‬ ‪온종일 울고 있더니 어디 갔나?‬but she cried the whole day. -Where did she go? -Before he woke up,
‪안 깼을 땐 안 깼다고 기케 울더니‬-Where did she go? -Before he woke up, she cried because he didn't wake up. After he woke up, she cried because he woke up.
‪깨나니까 또 깨났다고 울더구먼요‬ ‪[의사의 웃음]‬After he woke up, she cried because he woke up.
‪(의사)‬ ‪기케더랬어?‬Is that so?
‪아, 안정 취하시라요‬Please rest well.
‪어디 가서 또 울고 있는 거 아니가?‬ ‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬Maybe she's crying again somewhere.
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬
‪이럴 때 진짜...‬I wish
‪확 어디를 가 버려야 되는데‬I could go somewhere,
‪차도 없고‬but I don't have a car
‪(세리)‬ ‪갈 데도 없고‬nor a place to go.
‪아, 구질구질해‬How pathetic.
‪[세리의 속상한 한숨]‬
‪[세리의 한숨]‬
‪미쳤어요?‬Have you lost your mind?
‪(세리)‬ ‪벌써 움직이면 어떡해!‬You can't move just yet.
‪추운데 감기에 걸리고 싶소?‬It's cold. Do you want to catch a cold?
‪아, 지금 누가 누구 걱정을 해요‬It's not your place to worry about me.
‪아, 당신 오늘 총 맞은 사람이에요‬You got shot by a gun today.
‪(세리)‬ ‪아, 진짜...‬Seriously.
‪나 잡아요, 들어가자고‬Hold onto me. Let's go in.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪아까는...‬I didn't mean
‪본심이 아니었소‬what I said earlier.
‪미안하오, 말을 심하게 해서‬I'm sorry I was harsh to you.
‪알았다고요, 사과받겠다고‬Fine. I accept your apology.
‪안 죽었잖아‬You're not dead.
‪살아 준 게 너무 고마우니까‬I'm just thankful that you're alive.
‪(세리)‬ ‪이 정도 용서하는 건 아무 일도 아니야‬Compared to that, forgiving you is nothing.
‪나 빨리 잡아요, 얼른 들어가요, 얼른‬Now hold onto me. Let's get in.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪왜요‬What is it?
‪그렇게 가고 싶어 했으면서‬You wanted to go home so badly.
‪그냥 가지‬You should have just left.
‪[세리의 답답한 한숨]‬
‪나도 그러고 싶었는데...‬I wanted to,
‪그게 안 됐다고요‬but I couldn't. I told you.
‪(세리)‬ ‪나도 한 번쯤은...‬For once,
‪리정혁 씨 지켜 줘야 됐다고‬I had to protect you too.
‪그렇게 그윽하게 보지 마요‬Stop looking at me with such wistful eyes.
‪오해가 있나 본데‬Don't misunderstand me.
‪- 그냥 본 거요‬ ‪- (세리) 아닌데‬-I'm just looking. -No, you're not.
‪방금 아주 잠깐이었지만‬ ‪엄청 그윽했는데?‬For a second, your eyes were so very wistful.
‪봐, 지금도‬ ‪계속 그윽하게 보고 있는데?‬See? Even now, you're looking at me with those wistful eyes.
‪♪ I’m still and I’m here ♪‬
‪♪ 이렇게라도 널 담을게 ♪‬
‪♪ 우리 서로 밀어내더라도 ♪‬
‪♪ 그 때문에 더 깊이 새겨져 ♪‬
‪♪ 여기 또 거기 ♪‬
‪♪ 다른 하늘이라도 ♪‬
‪♪ And I'm still, I'm here ♪‬
‪(부하)‬ ‪아무래도 총격전을 벌인 게‬ ‪그자가 확실해 보입니다‬The man in the shootout must be him.
‪아직까지 부대 복귀를 못 한 거 보면‬ ‪십중팔구는 부상이다‬Seeing that hasn't made it back yet, he must be suffering from an injury.
‪지금부터 부대 교환대‬From this moment forward, everyone at the switchboard
‪- 전원 비상 대기 상태 들어간다‬ ‪- (부하) 예!‬From this moment forward, everyone at the switchboard will be on emergency standby. -Yes, sir. -Call every hospital
‪(철강)‬ ‪총격전이 일어난 곳을 중심으로‬-Yes, sir. -Call every hospital
‪반경 20km 이내에 있는‬ ‪모든 병원에 확인 전화 넣어라‬that is within a radius of 20km of the place of the gunfight.
‪도, 시, 군은 물론 리 단위 병원과‬ ‪진료소들까지 모조리‬Call all the hospitals and doctors' offices -in even tiny villages. -Yes, sir.
‪(부하)‬ ‪알갔습니다!‬-in even tiny villages. -Yes, sir. -Hello? -Is this...
‪[교환수들이 저마다 전화한다]‬-Hello? -Is this...
‪송림시 인민 병원 구급소생과입니까?‬-Hello? -Is this... Is this the emergency room in Songnim?
‪(교환수1)‬ ‪그곳에 527 군부대 대위‬ ‪리정혁이라고 들어오지 않았습니까?‬Do you have a patient called Captain Ri Jeong Hyeok?
‪(교환수2)‬ ‪네, 알겠습니다‬Okay.
‪(교환수3)‬ ‪527 군부대 대위‬ ‪리정혁이라고 들어오지 않았습니까?‬Is there a patient named Ri Jeong Hyeok there?
‪풍덕리 인민 병원입니까?‬Is this People's Hospital of Pungdeok-ri?
‪여기는 527 군부대입니다‬This is Unit 527.
‪왜 이케 전화를 받지 않니?‬Why won't they pick up the phone?
‪[수화기를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[안내 음성]‬ ‪지금 찾고 있는 가입자는‬ ‪응답하지 않습니다‬The person you have reached is not available.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪뭐야, 계속 안 받아?‬Why won't he pick up the phone?
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[안내 음성]‬ ‪지금 찾고 있는 가입자는‬ ‪응답하지 않습니다‬The person you have reached is not available.
‪어, 어떻게 됐어요?‬ ‪조철강 만났어?‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬What happened? Did you meet Cho Cheol Gang?
‪(천 사장)‬ ‪예, 어휴‬-Yes. -Where is Yoon Se-ri?
‪윤세리 어디 있대요?‬-Yes. -Where is Yoon Se-ri?
‪거, 조 소좌도 모른답니다‬He said he didn't know either.
‪뭔 소리예요‬What are you talking about?
‪거, 공항 못 가게 하려고‬ ‪트럭 부대를 동원했는데‬What are you talking about? They mobilized a truck corps to stop her, but--
‪트럭 부대?‬ ‪뭐, 그런 부대도 있어?‬A truck corps? Is there such a corps?
‪에이, 그런 부대는 없지‬There's no such a corps.
‪(천 사장)‬ ‪다 조철강이가 사적으로‬ ‪돈 써서 움직이는 애들이니까네‬They're Cho Cheol Gang's private troops.
‪아, 뭐, 뭐야, 뭐, 그래서 뭐‬So did they make a car accident or something?
‪교통사고라도 냈다고?‬So did they make a car accident or something?
‪- (승준) 뭐, 트럭으로?‬ ‪- 예‬-With the trucks? -Yes.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪근데 그, 윤세리가 사라졌다지 뭡니까‬But apparently, Yoon Se-ri disappeared.
‪근데 사라져?‬Disappeared?
‪(천 사장)‬ ‪그건 뭐, 조 소좌 쪽에서 찾고 있다니‬ ‪곧 찾갔지‬Cho is looking for her. I'm sure he'll find her soon.
‪아니, 그렇다고 사고를 내면 어떡해‬ ‪사람 다치면 어쩌려고!‬How could you make a car accident? You could have hurt her.
‪거, 우리 목적은 윤세리가 어케든‬Wasn't our goal to keep her from going back to South Korea
‪남조선에 못 돌아가는 거‬ ‪아니었습니까?‬Wasn't our goal to keep her from going back to South Korea no matter what happens to her?
‪아, 그래서‬Are you saying
‪뭐, 죽었어도 상관없다고?‬you don't mind killing her?
‪상관없는 줄 알았는데‬I thought we didn't mind that.
‪거, 바쁘갔습니다‬You must be busy.
‪사기꾼 주제에 인간 노릇까지 할라니‬You want to be human while being a con man.
‪(천 사장)‬ ‪거, 바쁘갔지‬I'm sure you're busy.
‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪[닭 울음이 들려온다]‬
‪(옥금)‬ ‪어머나, 어머나, 어머나‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Oh, my.
‪저거이 누굽네까?‬Who is that?
‪저거이 그때 왕싸가지입니다‬That's the bitch from earlier.
‪[영애의 헛웃음]‬
‪(영애)‬ ‪삼숙 동무가 떠나자마자‬ ‪기다렸다는 듯이 등장하는구나‬Sam Suk has just left, and there she enters, as if she's been waiting.
‪아주 제가 눈물을 쏙 빼 주갔습니다‬I will bring tears to that bitch's eyes.
‪그 엄마 인상을 보아하니‬ ‪눈물까지는 어렵갔고‬Looking at her mother's face, that might be hard.
‪(옥금)‬ ‪기러믄요?‬Then?
‪존대하는 마음이 우러나올 정도까지만‬Make her show us respect. That's enough.
‪(명은)‬ ‪여기 인민반장이 있다고 하던데‬I heard the head of the village was here.
‪(옥금)‬ ‪어머나? 다짜고짜 반말을 합네다‬She just came, and she's talking informally.
‪[월숙의 어이없는 신음]‬
‪난데, 누구신가?‬That's me. Who are you?
‪나는 여기 전방 부대‬I'm the mother of the fiancée of Captain Ri Jeong Hyeok
‪(명은)‬ ‪리정혁 대위의‬ ‪정혼녀의 엄마 되는 사람인데‬I'm the mother of the fiancée of Captain Ri Jeong Hyeok of the frontline unit.
‪여기 살림집 하나를‬ ‪구할까 해서 말이지‬I'm thinking of getting an apartment here.
‪안 되갔는데?‬That would be difficult.
‪[헛웃음]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪왜 안 되는 건데?‬Why is it difficult?
‪마땅한 집이 없으니까‬ ‪안 된다는 거 아니간?‬It's difficult because there's no empty place.
‪(명은)‬ ‪저 마을 입구에 고층 살림집‬ ‪텅텅 비었다고 내가 다 듣고 왔어‬I know the tall apartment building at the entrance of the village is empty. I heard all about it.
‪기라고‬By the way,
‪나이도 나보다 한참 아래 같은데‬ ‪말이 왜 이케 짧아?‬you seem way younger than me. Is that how you show respect to the elderly?
‪(단)‬ ‪그만하고 가자요‬ ‪딴 데 가서 알아보면 돼‬Let's just go. We can find a place elsewhere.
‪- 놔 보라‬ ‪- (단) 안 잡았어‬-Let go of me. -I didn't hold you.
‪[월숙과 옥금이 킥킥거린다]‬
‪아니, 암만 교양이 없어도 그렇지‬ ‪진짜 오 마이 갓 아니네?‬I know that you're uneducated, but this is just outrageous.
‪(명은)‬ ‪처음 온 사람한테 카인들리하게‬ ‪대하지 못할망정‬You're supposed to be kind to strangers.
‪이 애티튜드는 뭐란 말이야? 응?‬What's with this attitude?
‪알아듣게 말하라‬I don't get what you're saying.
‪(영애)‬ ‪왜케 시끄럽네!‬What's with all the fuss?
‪[당당한 음악]‬
‪누구야, 또‬Who are you?
‪(영애)‬ ‪나는 리정혁 동지 부대의‬ ‪최고 지도자인‬I'm the wife of the Senior Colonel,
‪대좌 안사람 되오만‬who is the boss of Captain Ri Jeong Hyeok.
‪(명은)‬ ‪귀한 분을 이런 길바닥에서 뵙습니다‬I didn't expect to see such a noble person on the street.
‪단아, 뭐 하니? 인사 안 드리니?‬Dan, come on and say hello to her.
‪[닭 울음]‬
‪[황당한 숨소리]‬
‪이러지들 마시고‬ ‪어디 가서 단물 한잔씩 하시면서‬How about we drop all this and have a peaceful conversation
‪대화의 물꼬를‬ ‪평화롭게 터 보는 것이 어떻갔습니까?‬over a glass of juice? What do you say?
‪단물은 됐고‬We don't need juice.
‪살림집이 왜 필요한지나 말하라요‬Just tell us why you need an apartment.
‪[명은의 웃음]‬
‪우리 딸이 리정혁 대위하고‬ ‪곧 결혼을 하게 돼서‬My daughter is marrying Captain Ri soon.
‪신혼집을 구하러 왔지요‬So I'm here to find them an apartment.
‪사정은 알갔소, 기렇지만...‬I see. -However-- -Oh, right.
‪아 참!‬-However-- -Oh, right.
‪내 정신 좀 보라‬Look at me, being all forgetful.
‪(명은)‬ ‪사실 내가‬ ‪평양에서 백화점을 운영합니다‬I'm running a department store in Pyongyang.
‪기래서 그런가?‬That's probably
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪이런 게 자꾸 가방에 있네, 무겁게‬why I have these things in my bag. They're so heavy.
‪다음번에 올 땐 더 필요한 것들로‬Next time I come, I will make sure to bring more things that you might need.
‪더 많이 챙겨 오갔습니다‬I will make sure to bring more things that you might need.
‪[명은이 가방을 뒤적인다]‬
‪[작은 소리로]‬ ‪특별히 하나 더‬Here's one more for you.
‪여기가 우리 고모 집이라서‬ ‪내가 아주 잘 압니다, 예‬This is where my aunt lives, so I know very well about this place. Why don't you go up and take a look?
‪(월숙)‬ ‪한번 올라가 보시라요, 예‬so I know very well about this place. Why don't you go up and take a look?
‪예, 예‬Please.
‪역시 결혼은‬ ‪집안에서 시키는 대로 해야...‬After all, a marriage has to be consented by both families.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[옥금의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬After all, a marriage has to be consented by both families.
‪뭐, 부모 말 잘 들어서 나쁠 거는 없지‬ ‪대체적으로다가‬Usually, it doesn't hurt to listen to your parents.
‪기렇지요? 예‬-Right? -I learned that from my experience.
‪인생 경험적으로 기래‬-Right? -I learned that from my experience.
‪- (월숙) 기렇죠, 경험적으로‬ ‪- (옥금) 기렇죠, 기렇죠, 예‬-Right? -I agree.
‪(월숙)‬ ‪가시죠, 예‬Let's go.
‪(옥금)‬ ‪이 고층 살림집으로‬ ‪말씀드릴 것 같으면‬All the rooms in this tall apartment building
‪전 세대 탁 트인 산림 조망권 확보!‬has open mountain views.
‪(월숙)‬ ‪지리적으로 여기가 배산수산이죠, 예‬The location is excellent too. Water in the back and mountains in the front.
‪- (영애) 배임산수‬ ‪- (월숙) 아, 내 정신 좀 보라‬-It's the other way round. -Right, yes. All the key facilities in the village are only five minutes away by foot.
‪(옥금)‬ ‪마을의 모든 핵심 시설들이‬ ‪도보로 단 5분!‬All the key facilities in the village are only five minutes away by foot.
‪아, 감사합네다, 이쪽으로 오시라요‬Thank you. This way, please.
‪(월숙)‬ ‪하, 두 개를 받았구나, 야‬She got two.
‪어서 오시라요‬Welcome.
‪(운전공)‬ ‪몇 층 갑니까?‬Which floor are you going to?
‪- (월숙) 운전공 동무, 5층 부탁하오‬ ‪- (운전공) 예‬Comrade Operator. Fifth floor, please.
‪(월숙)‬ ‪층수도 참 적당하지요?‬The fifth floor is the perfect floor.
‪[엘리베이터가 탁 멈춘다]‬
‪(명은)‬ ‪이거이...‬Does it stop often?
‪이케 자주 멈춥니까?‬Does it stop often?
‪(월숙)‬ ‪아...‬
‪내가 이래서 적당한 층수다 한 겁니다‬This is why I said it's the perfect floor.
‪내가 아는 사람은 17층 사는데‬A person I know lives on the 17th floor,
‪정전되면 다시 걸어 올라갈 일이‬ ‪암담하다고‬and said when there's a blackout, he couldn't walk up all the stairs
‪다시 부대로 돌아가‬ ‪잠을 청하곤 했다지 뭡니까‬so he went back to the camp and slept there.
‪(영애)‬ ‪기렇지, 야, 17층이면 암담하지‬No wonder. The 17th floor is very high.
‪- (월숙) 기렇죠‬ ‪- (옥금) 기렇죠‬-It is indeed. -For sure.
‪(옥금)‬ ‪5층이면 걸어 올라갈 만합네다‬Five floors are walkable.
‪(운전공)‬ ‪자, 자, 작은 힘들을 좀 보태시자요‬Five floors are walkable. Let's pull the doors open together.
‪- (월숙) 그러자요‬ ‪- (옥금) 걱정 마시라요, 응‬Don't worry.
‪[운전공의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[옥금의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(운전공)‬ ‪올라오시라요‬Come up.
‪(월숙)‬ ‪[힘주며]‬ ‪아유, 이거 부드럽게 열리는구나, 아주‬-The door opens really smoothly. -Hold my hand.
‪(옥금)‬ ‪여기, 여기 잡으시라요‬-The door opens really smoothly. -Hold my hand.
‪오시라요‬Come on.
‪아, 걱정하지 마시라요‬Don't worry.
‪- (운전공) 어여 오시라요‬ ‪- (옥금) 아유, 자, 자, 자, 자, 자‬-Come on. -Come on out.
‪[옥금의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(운전공)‬ ‪자, 오시라요‬Come on. There you go.
‪(월숙)‬ ‪이 구라파 풍의 벽지를 보시라요‬Look at the European-style wallpaper.
‪고급의 극치지 않습니까?‬ ‪[영애의 탄성]‬Isn't it just the ultimate luxury?
‪(영애)‬ ‪이야, 집주인이‬ ‪평양예술대학 출신이라 그런지‬The landlord graduated Pyongyang University of Fine Arts.
‪집이 정말 예술이구나, 야‬That's probably why this apartment is so gorgeous.
‪- 예‬ ‪- (영애) 어?‬-That's right. -Right?
‪아이고, 이거이 그 유명한‬ ‪쑹 냉장고 아닙니까?‬Oh, my. Isn't this the famous Sung fridge?
‪(명은)‬ ‪적당하니 좋습니다‬It's a perfect size. I love it.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(월숙)‬ ‪세로로 책을 꽂기에 딱 좋지요, 응‬It's a perfect size to keep books inside.
‪요 아래 칸에는 옷을 넣고요, 응‬In the bottom shelves, you can put your clothes.
‪(옥금)‬ ‪전기가 왔다 갔다 해서리‬The electricity isn't stable,
‪냉동기는 주로 저렇게‬ ‪장식용으로 사용합네다‬so fridges are often just for decoration.
‪(영애)‬ ‪정말 정리 정돈이 잘돼 있구나‬ ‪[명은의 못마땅한 한숨]‬It must be very convenient to store things.
‪- (옥금) 기렇죠?‬ ‪- (월숙) 네‬It must be very convenient to store things. -Right? -For sure.
‪[염소 울음]‬-Right? -For sure.
‪[반가운 숨소리]‬Goodness. I haven't seen you since you were a baby.
‪아이고야, 너 내가 새끼 때 보냈는데‬ ‪[영애의 웃음]‬Goodness. I haven't seen you since you were a baby.
‪- 아니, 여기서 염소를 키우는 겁니까?‬ ‪- (영애) 많이 컸구나, 야‬-You're all grown up now. -I mean, do they raise a goat in here?
‪친환경적인 공간 활용이디요‬It's an eco-friendly way of using the space.
‪(옥금)‬ ‪평양에선 아마 상상도 못 했을 겁니다‬I'm sure you haven't even imagined this in Pyongyang.
‪[옥금의 웃음]‬ ‪(월숙)‬ ‪저거이 우리 고모가‬My aunt is raising it
‪아들 대학 가면‬ ‪잔치하갔다고 키우고 있는데‬so she can throw a party when her son goes to college.
‪내가 봤을 때 그 새끼는 공부는 텄어‬But I don't think he's smart enough.
‪- 아이고, 어캅니까?‬ ‪- 아유, 야‬-Oh, my. -Hey.
‪공부는 부모 마음대로 안 돼‬Parents can't force their kids to study.
‪- (옥금) 기렇지요?‬ ‪- (월숙) 그 새끼는 처맞아지요, 응‬Parents can't force their kids to study. -That's true. -That boy needs to be beaten up.
‪[염소 울음]‬
‪딱 잡아먹기 좋은데‬The goat has grown into a perfect size to eat.
‪[닭 울음]‬ ‪[놀란 신음]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[옥금의 의아한 신음]‬ ‪(단)‬ ‪아...‬
‪닭도 여, 여, 여기서 키웁니까?‬They raise chickens too?
‪(옥금)‬ ‪우린 다 내밈대에서 닭을 키우는데?‬We all raise chickens on the terrace.
‪기렇담 평양에선‬ ‪어데서 닭을 키운단 말입니까?‬Where do you raise chickens in Pyongyang then?
‪아이고야, 닭알이구나, 야‬Oh, my. Eggs.
‪수고했어‬Well done.
‪[옥금의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪- (단) 엄마‬ ‪- (명은) 응?‬Mom.
‪- 집 구경 계속할 겁니까?‬ ‪- 어, 왜?‬-Do you want to continue the tour? -Why?
‪난 정혁 동무한테 가 보려고 해요‬-I'll go to Jeong Hyeok. -Okay, sure.
‪(명은)‬ ‪어, 어, 어, 기래기래‬ ‪[닭 울음]‬-I'll go to Jeong Hyeok. -Okay, sure.
‪[단과 명은의 비명]‬ ‪[옥금의 놀란 탄성]‬Gosh, what was that?
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[안내 음성]‬ ‪지금 찾고 있는 가입자는‬ ‪응답하지 않습니다‬The person you have reached is not available.
‪진짜 뭔 일 난 거 아니야?‬Could something have happened for real?
‪(승준)‬ ‪뭐야, 여긴 또 왜 왔대?‬What? What is she doing here?
‪[승준의 의아한 숨소리]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(단)‬ ‪[놀라며]‬ ‪엄마야‬Goodness!
‪아, 뭐, 뭡니까?‬What are you doing here?
‪그러게요, 뭡니까, 서단 씨?‬That's my question. What are you doing, Ms. Seo Dan?
‪(승준)‬ ‪아, 맞다‬Oh, right. You came to this village when I gave you a ride last time.
‪그때 차 얻어 탔을 때도‬ ‪이 동네 왔었죠?‬Oh, right. You came to this village when I gave you a ride last time.
‪여기 왜 또 왔어요?‬Why did you come here again?
‪내 약혼자 집입니다‬-This is where my fiancé lives. -Fiancé?
‪약혼자? 여기가?‬-This is where my fiancé lives. -Fiancé? -This is? -What's wrong?
‪왜 그럽니까?‬-This is? -What's wrong?
‪아, 아니요‬Well, I know this house too.
‪아, 내가 이 집이라면 나도 좀 알아서‬Well, I know this house too.
‪리정혁 동무를 안단 말입니까?‬Are you saying you know Ri Jeong Hyeok?
‪아, 그렇죠, 미스터 리‬Are you saying you know Ri Jeong Hyeok? Right. Mr. Ri.
‪아, 나도 지금 기다리는 중인데‬ ‪없어요, 집에‬I'm also waiting for him now. He's not home.
‪(승준)‬ ‪어, 괜찮으면‬ ‪내 차에서 같이 기다려요, 추워‬If you like, you can wait for him in my car. It's cold.
‪푸는 게 나아요‬You look better with your hair down.
‪아까‬I mean, I saw you.
‪묶는 거보다 푸는 게 이쁘다고‬You look better with your hair down.
‪무슨 말을 하는 건지...‬I'm not sure
‪통 모르갔군요‬what you're talking about.
‪모르지 않을 텐데?‬I'm sure you know.
‪[자동차 리모컨 작동음]‬
‪(간호사4)‬ ‪어, 열은 없는데‬You have no fever.
‪왜 이케 얼굴이 빨갛습니까?‬But why is your face so red?
‪아닌데‬No, it's not.
‪(간호사4)‬ ‪빨갛습니다‬It's red. Did you see something you're not supposed to see?
‪뭐, 못 볼 거라도 봤습니까?‬It's red. Did you see something you're not supposed to see?
‪하긴, 못 볼 건 내가 봤지‬Well, I'm the one who saw something I'm not supposed to see.
‪(간호사4)‬ ‪오늘 새벽에 말입니다‬Well, I'm the one who saw something I'm not supposed to see. Last night,
‪요 앞에서 깜깜한데 누가 입맞춤을‬ ‪아주 찐하게 하고 있지 뭡니까‬I saw two people having a deep kiss out there in the dark.
‪[혈압 측정기 조작음]‬
‪아, 말세지, 말세‬The world must be near its end.
‪아니, 기 새벽에‬ ‪기게 무슨 망측한 짓이야‬It was in the middle of the night. How vulgar is that?
‪(세리)‬ ‪뭐, 다들 잘 때니까‬Everyone is asleep at that hour. When everyone is asleep, they should be asleep too.
‪아니, 다들 잘 때 지들도 잘 것이지‬When everyone is asleep, they should be asleep too.
‪(간호사4) 왜 비 오는데 기어 나와서‬ ‪그 난리냔 말이지요‬Why did they have to come out in the rain and do that?
‪기케까지 난리는 아니었을 텐데‬I'm sure it wasn't that bad.
‪아니, 목격한 사람이 난리라는데‬ ‪뭘 안다고 그럽니까?‬I'm the one who saw it, and I say it was bad. What do you know?
‪어? 갑자기 혈압이 왜 이케 높아지지?‬Why is your blood pressure rising?
‪맥도 너무 빨리 뛰는데‬Your pulse is fast too.
‪일없소‬I'm okay.
‪일없긴요, 절대 안정이 중요하댔는데‬No, you're not. You're supposed to take a good rest.
‪(간호사4)‬ ‪담당 선생님께 말씀드리갔습니다‬I'll tell the doctor about it.
‪(간호사4)‬ ‪동무‬
‪- 응?‬ ‪- (세리) 응?‬
‪뭐라고 했소?‬What did you say?
‪아, 아무 말도 안 했는데...‬I didn't say anything.
‪아, 아무 말 안 했군‬You didn't.
‪응, 안 했어요‬I didn't.
‪긴데 아까부터 뭘 하고 있소?‬What are you doing, by the way?
‪리정혁 씨 옷 구멍 났잖아‬You got a hole in your uniform. Because of the gunshot.
‪총 맞아서‬You got a hole in your uniform. Because of the gunshot.
‪(세리)‬ ‪내가 피 묻은 거 세탁했거든‬I washed it to get the blood off.
‪예쁘게 꿰매 줄게요‬I'll make sure to sew it up nicely.
‪(세리) 이래 봬도 내가‬I may not look like it,
‪아시아의 패션계를 아주 그냥‬ ‪들었다 놨다 하는 사람이라고‬but I have the Asian fashion industry in the palm of my hand.
‪[세리의 한숨]‬
‪[옷을 툭 내려놓는다]‬ ‪자, 우리한텐 세 가지 옵션이 있어요‬Now, we have three options.
‪(세리) 첫째‬Number one.
‪어제 일은 없었던 걸로 하고‬ ‪이전처럼 행동한다‬Pretend nothing happened last night and act like before.
‪둘째‬Number two.
‪어제 일을 서로에게 내색하지 않고‬ ‪일절 얘기하지 않는다‬Act as if nothing happened last night and never talk about it.
‪같은 말 아닌가?‬-Aren't they the same? -They're slightly different.
‪미세하게 달라요‬-Aren't they the same? -They're slightly different.
‪셋째는?‬What's number three?
‪쯧, 솔직히 우리가 무슨 고딩도 아니고‬Honestly, it's not like we are teenagers.
‪뭐, 이 정도 일에‬ ‪서로에게 부담 주지 않는다‬Don't pressure each other over such a trivial thing.
‪이것도 미세하게 다른 거요?‬Is that also slightly different?
‪다르지‬Of course it is.
‪셋째로 합시다‬Let's go with number three.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪세 번째 걸로 하자고?‬-You want to go with number three? -Yes.
‪기캅시다‬-You want to go with number three? -Yes.
‪부담스러웠나 봐요? 어제 일이?‬It looks like what happened last night is pressuring you a lot.
‪아니, 나는 고르라고 해서...‬-You told me to choose one, so-- -Right. I did say that.
‪응, 그랬지, 내가 그랬어‬-You told me to choose one, so-- -Right. I did say that.
‪아니, 잘 골랐어요, 잘 골랐는데‬You made a good choice.
‪어쨌든 부담스럽긴 했단 거잖아?‬But anyway, it means you did feel pressure, right?
‪(세리)‬ ‪하긴, 어제 총 맞았지‬I understand though. Yesterday, you got shot,
‪수술받았지, 마취 덜 깼지‬you got surgery, you were still under anesthesia,
‪비는 막 오지‬it was pouring, and I was crying.
‪나는 엉엉 울지‬it was pouring, and I was crying.
‪쯧, 뭐, 그러니까 얼결에‬So you probably did it on impulse.
‪그럴 수 있지, 그럴 수 있어‬I understand.
‪- 아니...‬ ‪- 부담 갖지 마요‬-But-- -I'm not giving you any pressure.
‪(세리)‬ ‪나 그런 거 제일 싫어해‬-But-- -I'm not giving you any pressure. I hate that.
‪뭐, 이 정도 스킨십에‬ ‪의미 부여하고 그런 스타일도 아니고‬Such a minor physical contact is not that big a deal to me.
‪피차 쿨하게 해요‬Let's both be cool about it.
‪[실을 탁 끊는다]‬
‪[세리의 한숨]‬
‪[반짇고리를 탁 닫으며]‬ ‪반짇고리 돌려주고 와야겠다‬I will return the sewing box.
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬
‪[의아한 숨소리]‬
‪(은동)‬ ‪세리 동무!‬Se-ri.
‪[은동의 반가운 탄성]‬ ‪[세리의 놀란 신음]‬
‪너희 어떻게 온 거야?‬How did you come here?
‪어케 오긴, 비보를 듣고 왔지‬Because we heard the sad news, obviously.
‪핑계 대고 나오느라‬ ‪이따 진지 보수용 시멘트 사 가야 돼‬We made up an excuse, so we should bring some cement back.
‪(은동)‬ ‪중대장 동지는 많이 안 다쳤습니까?‬Is Captain Ri all right?
‪아, 나 진짜 깜짝 놀랐습니다‬I was so surprised to hear about him.
‪(세리)‬ ‪지금은 괜찮아, 걱정 마‬He's okay now. Don't worry.
‪(치수)‬ ‪더 큰 비보는‬ ‪네가 또 안 떠났다는 거야‬The sadder news is that you didn't leave, again.
‪우리에겐 그야말로 날벼락이지‬To us, it's devastating news.
‪그래도 사관장 동지가‬He may say so, but when he heard the news, he was very worried about you.
‪소식 듣고 세리 동무 걱정‬ ‪엄청 했습니다‬He may say so, but when he heard the news, he was very worried about you.
‪진짜야?‬Is that true?
‪치, 걱정은 뭐...‬Worry, my foot.
‪(주먹)‬ ‪아, 이거, 먹을 것 좀 사 왔습니다‬We brought some food.
‪어, 그러게‬ ‪여기 병원에선 밥만 주더라?‬That's good. This hospital gives rice without side dishes. It's up to the patients' to make them.
‪반찬을 안 줘, 만들어 먹으래‬It's up to the patients' to make them.
‪그래서 내가 아까 이것저것 사다가‬ ‪도시락 만들었잖아‬I bought some things and made a lunchbox earlier.
‪도시락이 뭐이가?‬What is "lunchbox"?
‪곽밥 말입니다‬A packed lunch.
‪아...‬I see.
‪- 기거를 니가 직접?‬ ‪- 어‬Did you make it yourself? Yes.
‪(치수)‬ ‪기거를 거, 아픈 사람한테 먹였다고?‬Did you make the patient eat it?
‪그래‬That's right.
‪(치수)‬ ‪이야, 이거는 뭐...‬Gosh, it must have been
‪곽밥, 아니, 도시락 폭탄이‬ ‪따로 없었갔구나‬Gosh, it must have been as lethal as a bomb.
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪[헛기침하며]‬ ‪이야...‬She should have been more considerate of the patient.
‪먹는 사람 생각도 하면서 좀 만들라우‬She should have been more considerate of the patient.
‪(세리)‬ ‪어? 그새 잠들었네?‬He fell asleep!
‪좀 전까지 깨어 있었는데‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬He was awake just now.
‪(은동)‬ ‪중대장 동지 안색이 많이 창백합니다‬Captain Ri looks very pale.
‪(주먹)‬ ‪회복되고 있는 거 맞습니까?‬Are you sure he is recovering?
‪(치수)‬ ‪그, 기세가 당당하던 사람도‬ ‪이케 누워 있으니‬It's strange to see someone so spirited lying on a bed.
‪부대에서 볼 때랑‬ ‪인물이 좀 다른 거 같지 않니?‬He looks a bit different, doesn't he?
‪다르긴 뭘 달라‬He doesn't look different at all.
‪기렇잖니‬He does.
‪(치수)‬ ‪어쩌다 총은 맞아 가지고‬How did he get shot?
‪평상시에 날랜 척이나 말지, 쯧‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬He shouldn't have pretended to be agile.
‪기런 말 마십시오‬Don't say that.
‪누워 있는 본인은‬ ‪얼마나 답답하갔습니까?‬He must be flustered to be bedridden.
‪창피하갔지‬Embarrassed is more like it.
‪- 야‬ ‪- 작전 중에 총에 맞아 버렸으니‬-Hey. -He got shot during operation.
‪(세리)‬ ‪여태 뭐 들었니?‬Weren't you listening earlier?
‪나 지키다 그런 거라고‬He was trying to protect me.
‪나 대신에 총에 맞은 거라고‬He got shot instead of me.
‪쩝, 못 피했을 수도...‬He couldn't dodge the bullet.
‪- (주먹) 아...‬ ‪- (은동) 아...‬-I see. -I see.
‪(치수)‬ ‪대신 맞았다기보다는‬I wouldn't say he got shot instead of you.
‪대위 동지는 어케든 피하려고 했는데‬ ‪총알이 너무 빨라서‬We can't rule out the possibility that Captain Ri failed
‪못 피했을 가능성을 배제할 수가 없지‬to dodge the bullet because it was too fast.
‪솔직히 우리끼린 다 알잖니‬We know how it is.
‪영화도 아니고‬The real life isn't like a movie.
‪총알이라는 게 피한다고 피해지지 않아‬You can't dodge a bullet.
‪오늘 와 줘서 고마웠다‬Thank you for coming.
‪이제 이만 가 봐도 될 거 같은데?‬You should get going now.
‪- 야, 기래도 어렵게 문병 온 건데‬ ‪- (세리) 어, 가방 주고‬But we came a long way. -Do you have a soft drink? -Stop talking nonsense
‪(치수)‬ ‪탄산 단물 같은 거 없냐?‬-Do you have a soft drink? -Stop talking nonsense
‪(세리)‬ ‪어, 단물 같은 소리 하지 말고‬ ‪얼른 가라고‬-Do you have a soft drink? -Stop talking nonsense -and go. -Hey, don't push me.
‪(치수)‬ ‪야, 야, 야, 밀지, 밀지 마라우‬-and go. -Hey, don't push me.
‪(주먹)‬ ‪그럼 수고하시라요‬Take care.
‪- (은동) 또 오갔습니다‬ ‪- (세리) 그래‬We will come again.
‪(세리)‬ ‪잘 가, 안녕‬Take care. Bye.
‪[세리가 가방을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪눈 떠요‬Open your eyes.
‪(세리)‬ ‪뭘 자는 척을 해, 완전 발 연기‬Why would you pretend to be asleep? You are such a bad actor.
‪- 갔소?‬ ‪- 갔지, 그럼‬Did they leave? Of course they did.
‪기냥 중대원들 보기가 미안해서...‬I am too ashamed to face them.
‪말해 봐요‬Tell me.
‪(세리)‬ ‪못 피한 거예요?‬Did you fail to dodge?
‪[정혁의 아파하는 탄성]‬ ‪못 피한 거냐고‬Did you?
‪안 피한 거지‬I didn't try to dodge.
‪왜?‬-Why not? -Had I dodged, you would have gotten shot.
‪내가 피했다면 당신이 맞았을 테니까‬-Why not? -Had I dodged, you would have gotten shot.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪감동이긴 하네, 영화 같고‬I am touched. It's like a movie.
‪(세리)‬ ‪근데 앞으론 그러지 마요‬But don't do that from now on.
‪뭐, 설마 또‬ ‪그런 상황이 생기진 않겠지만‬I doubt we will face such a situation again.
‪만에 하나 그런 일이‬ ‪다시 생긴다 하더라도‬Even if we do,
‪멋있는 척하지 말고 꼭 피하라고‬don't even try to look cool and dodge.
‪당신도 그러지 마오‬The same goes for you.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪만약 또 이런 일이 생기면‬If something like this happens again, don't stay behind because of me.
‪나 때문에 못 가지 말고 기냥 가시오‬If something like this happens again, don't stay behind because of me. Just go.
‪암튼 한마디도 안 져요‬You always have to have the last word.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪진심이오‬I mean it.
‪어쩌면 벌써 서울로 돌아갔을 수도‬ ‪있는 사람이 여기 있으니‬To think that you could have gone back to Seoul
‪내 마음이 좋질 않소‬makes my heart ache.
‪(세리)‬ ‪내가 설마 대안도 없이 그랬을까?‬Of course I have a back-up plan.
‪구승준이 우리 집에‬ ‪내 소식 전해 주기로 했어요‬Gu Seung-jun promised to send my regards to my family.
‪아마 지금쯤 나 살아 있다는 거‬ ‪전해 줬을 거야‬I am sure that they know I am alive by now.
‪[짜증 섞인 신음]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬ ‪[게임 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪어휴, 추워‬It's cold.
‪(승준)‬ ‪그 게임 이름이 뭐예요?‬What's the name of the game?
‪'소년 장수'‬Boy General.
‪재밌어요?‬Is it fun?
‪나 한 번만 해 볼게요‬Let me play it once.
‪서단 씨 몇 살?‬Seo Dan, how old are you?
‪어유, 치사해‬You are so small-minded.
‪그 게임 이름 뭐라고?‬ ‪그거 내가 깔면 되지, 뭐‬What was the name of the game? I will download it.
‪못 깝니다‬-You can't download it. -Sure I can.
‪왜 못 깔아? 앱 스토어 가서 깔면 되지‬-You can't download it. -Sure I can. It must be on the App Store.
‪여기 손전화엔 기딴 거 없습니다‬It must be on the App Store. Cellphones here don't have such a thing.
‪나중에 평양 가면‬When you go to Pyongyang,
‪앱 장마당이란 곳을 찾아가서‬ ‪깔아 달라고 하라요‬go to the App Market and ask them to download it.
‪앱 뭐요?‬App, what?
‪앱 장마당‬App Market.
‪평양 봉사 시장 가서 찾아보십시오‬It's at Bongsa Market at Pyongyang.
‪헐‬No way.
‪앱을 진짜 시장 가서 사라고요?‬Do I need to buy an app at an actual market?
‪같은 걸 몇 번 물어봅니까?‬ ‪집중 좀 하자요, 쯧‬How many times do you need to ask? Let me concentrate.
‪아니...‬ ‪지금 약혼자 기다리는 거 아니었나?‬Weren't you waiting for your fiancé?
‪(승준)‬ ‪전화도 안 받고 집에도 안 오는데‬ ‪걱정도 안 되나 봐‬I guess you aren't worried about being unable to reach him.
‪지금 게임에 집중할 때예요?‬This isn't time to concentrate on a game.
‪기케까지 집중한 건 아닙니다‬I didn't concentrate on it.
‪배 안 고파요? 난 고픈데‬Aren't you hungry? I am.
‪어디 가서 국수라도 한 그릇씩‬ ‪먹고 기다리는 건 어때요?‬Why don't we go and have some noodles?
‪국수는 무슨‬Noodles, my foot.
‪[국물을 후루룩 마신다]‬
‪[단이 시원한 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪(승준)‬ ‪근데요, 약혼자는 어떻게 만난 거예요?‬By the way, how did you meet your fiancé?
‪아주 오래전부터 정해진 혼처입니다‬The decision was made a long time ago.
‪아, 정략결혼?‬I see. It's an arranged marriage.
‪(단)‬ ‪응‬I see. It's an arranged marriage. Yes.
‪날도 잡았고?‬Did you set the wedding date?
‪다음 달‬It's next month.
‪근데 약혼자는‬ ‪딴 여자랑 막 호텔 가 있고?‬It's next month. But your fiancé goes to the hotel with another woman.
‪기런 거 아닙니다‬It's not like that. They use separate rooms.
‪방도 따로따로 잡았고‬ ‪모든 걸 따로따로‬It's not like that. They use separate rooms. They do everything separately.
‪그 여성하곤‬ ‪비밀 작전 수행 중이란 말입니다‬They are carrying out a secret operation.
‪고백은 받았고?‬-Did he confess his love to you? -He...
‪고백은...‬-Did he confess his love to you? -He...
‪뭐, 곧 결혼할 건데‬Well, we will get married soon.
‪이거 봐, 이거 봐, 이거 봐‬Hey, come on.
‪(승준)‬ ‪내가 저번에 옥상에서 그랬지?‬I told you on the rooftop that I seem to have a few things to teach you.
‪내가 가르쳐 줄 게 좀 있는 거 같다고‬I told you on the rooftop that I seem to have a few things to teach you.
‪자, 잘 들어 봐 봐요‬Listen carefully.
‪이런 말 냉정하게 들리겠지만‬It might sound coldhearted,
‪서단 씨랑 약혼자는‬ ‪절대 설레기가 힘들어‬but it's hard for you and your fiancé to feel a romantic attraction.
‪- (단) 왜?‬ ‪- 끝이 정해져 있잖아, 결혼으로‬-Why not? -The ending is marriage.
‪기거이 뭐!‬What about it?
‪갑자기 반말을...‬What about it? You are suddenly talking down to me. In any case,
‪암튼 사람이 설레는 건‬ ‪끝이 어떻게 될지 모를 때거든‬You are suddenly talking down to me. In any case, The very reason one gets the butterflies is because one knows not how things will end.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(승준)‬ ‪우리가 계속 만날지 헤어질지‬is because one knows not how things will end. Will we continue to date? Will we part?
‪고백을 했다 까일지 해피 엔딩이 될지‬Will I get turned down? Will we be happy?
‪어떻게 될지 도무지 알 수 없어야‬ ‪막 궁금하고 생각나고‬We have no way of knowing! You need to be curious and anxious.
‪초조하고 심장 쪼이고 미치겠고 막‬ ‪설레지‬You need to be curious and anxious. Your heart needs to beat fast to feel a romantic attraction.
‪날을 잡았으니까 안 설렌다?‬You think it's impossible because we set the wedding date.
‪마음을 안 잡고‬ ‪날부터 잡으니까 안 설렌다‬You should have captured his heart before setting the wedding date.
‪(단)‬ ‪[젓가락을 탁 내려놓으며]‬ ‪여기 소주 달라요‬Give me a bottle of soju.
‪(주인)‬ ‪예‬Okay.
‪(승준)‬ ‪다들 날 잡고 싶어 가지고‬ ‪밥 먹고 차 마시고‬To set the wedding date, couples have dinner, drink tea, go to a movie, confess love,
‪영화 보고 고백하고 싸우고‬ ‪밤새 잠 못 자고‬go to a movie, confess love, fight, stay up all night,
‪헤어졌다 다시 달려가고‬ ‪이 생쇼를 하는 건데‬break up, run toward each other, and do all sorts of crazy things.
‪날을 잡아 버렸잖아‬But you set the wedding date.
‪할 게 없잖아‬There is nothing to do now.
‪두근거리질 않잖아‬There is no excitement.
‪이게 정략결혼의 폐해라니까?‬That's the downside of an arranged marriage.
‪뭐 이케 잘 알아?‬How do you know so well?
‪[뚜껑이 딱 떨어진다]‬
‪(승준)‬ ‪나도 할 뻔했거든, 정략결혼‬I almost had an arranged marriage.
‪[승준이 술을 졸졸 따른다]‬I almost had an arranged marriage.
‪근데 깨졌지‬But it fell apart.
‪깨지고 나니까‬ ‪그때부터 두근거리더라고‬Once that happened, my heart began to flutter.
‪자꾸 생각나고, 그 여자가‬I couldn't stop thinking about her.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(간호사4)‬ ‪소등하갔습니다‬I will turn off the light.
‪[달칵 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[문이 탁 열린다]‬
‪[세리의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪또 거기서 자겠다는 거요?‬Will you sleep there again?
‪그럼?‬What other choice do I have?
‪바닥에서 찬 기운이 올라와 추울 거요‬It will be cold due to the frigid air from the floor.
‪여기서 자시오‬Sleep here.
‪그럴까, 그럼?‬Should I do that?
‪여기가 좀 춥긴 해‬ ‪나 어제 입 돌아갈 뻔했잖아‬It is cold down here. I almost got a facial paralysis yesterday.
‪뭐 해요, 지금?‬What are you doing?
‪여기서 자라고, 나는 저기서...‬Sleep here. I will sleep there.
‪그럼 리정혁 씨도 추울 거 아니야‬Then you will be cold.
‪나야 뭐, 동계 훈련 때 땅 파고‬ ‪자고 기래도 까딱없던 사람인데‬I was fine when I slept in a hole during the winter training.
‪이깟 추위쯤 문제 되지 않소‬Coldness doesn't bother me.
‪아, 지금 훈련할 때랑 같아?‬ ‪지금은 환자잖아‬The situation is completely different now. You are a patient.
‪여길 같이 쓰자고?‬Are you suggesting that we use the same bed?
‪부담 갖지 말고‬Are you suggesting that we use the same bed? Don't feel uncomfortable.
‪내 침대요‬This is my bed.
‪내가 늘 얘기하죠?‬As I always say,
‪서로 선만 딱딱 잘 지키면‬ ‪전쟁 날 일 없다고‬As I always say, there is no need for a war if we stay within our boundaries.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪내가 하고 싶은 말이오‬That's what I wanted to say.
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪[정혁의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪자요?‬Are you asleep?
‪(세리)‬ ‪벌써?‬Already?
‪이 와중에 잠이 오나 봐‬How could you fall asleep in this situation?
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪♪ 지나가는 길에 보인 ♪‬
‪♪ 나의 한 뼘보다 작은 꽃에‬ ‪눈이 가듯 ♪‬
‪♪ 너의 작은 흔들림에 마음이 가 ♪‬
‪♪ 비 오면 떨어질까‬ ‪눈 오면 얼어질까 ♪‬
‪♪ So I’m worried about you‬ ‪And I’m worried about you ♪‬
‪♪ 그런 예쁜 말 익숙하지 않아 ♪‬
‪♪ 단 한 번도 네게‬ ‪해 준 적은 없지만 ♪‬
‪♪ 이 순간이 참 행복하다면 ♪‬
‪♪ 그대가 있어서겠죠 ♪‬
‪♪ Always‬ ‪잊지 마요 내가 있다는 걸 ♪‬
‪리정혁입니다‬The name is Ri Jeong Hyeok. Is there such a patient?
‪있습니까? 확실합니까, 총상 환자?‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬The name is Ri Jeong Hyeok. Is there such a patient? Are you sure he has a gunshot wound?
‪- (철강) 사리원시 인민 병원?‬ ‪- (부하) 예‬-People's Hospital of Sariwon? -Yes, sir.
‪(부하)‬ ‪함께 입원한 하사 이름만‬ ‪등록을 해 놔서‬Only the First Lieutenant's name was recorded, so it took us a while.
‪파악이 좀 늦어졌습니다‬Only the First Lieutenant's name was recorded, so it took us a while.
‪(철강)‬ ‪병원 보위원에게 연락하라‬Contact the hospital.
‪- 도착할 때까지 잘 감시하고 있으라고‬ ‪- (부하) 알갔습니다!‬-Tell them to keep an eye on him. -Yes, sir.
‪[못마땅한 신음]‬
‪[동전을 댕그랑 넣는다]‬
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪승준 씨?‬Seung-jun.
‪윤세리?‬Yoon Se-ri?
‪야, 나, 나 안 그래도 미스터 리한테‬ ‪진짜 여러 번 연락했어‬I contacted Mr. Ri so many times.
‪너...‬Are you
‪지난번에 내가 부탁했던 거 있잖아‬I asked you for a favor the last time.
‪우리 아버지한테‬ ‪내 소식 전해 달라고 했던 거‬I asked you for a favor the last time. I asked you to give my regards to my father.
‪그거 어떻게 됐나 하고, 전했어?‬How did that go? Did you do it?
‪(승준)‬ ‪어, 내가 그거 때문에‬ ‪여러 번 연락한 거였어, 그...‬That was why I contacted Mr. Ri. Let's talk in person.
‪아, 전화로 이럴 게 아니고‬Let's talk in person.
‪너 어디야? 내가 갈게‬Where are you? I will go to you.
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 벽에 탁 부딪친다]‬
‪여기 있었구먼, 리정혁 중대장‬There you are, Captain Ri.
‪(철강)‬ ‪기것도 모르고 우린 한참을 찾았어‬We searched for you everywhere.
‪수술 때문에 경황이 없어‬ ‪부대 보고가 늦었습니다‬I was so preoccupied with surgery that I reported to the base belatedly.
‪(철강)‬ ‪기래‬that I reported to the base belatedly. That's right. We didn't get ahold of your whereabouts until now
‪동무가 병원에‬ ‪신상을 늦게 제출하는 바람에‬That's right. We didn't get ahold of your whereabouts until now
‪우리도 파악이 늦어졌어‬because of that.
‪달라‬Give it to me.
‪다들 나가 있으라‬Get out.
‪5중대 무기 반출 대장이야‬It's the Records of Firearms of the fifth company.
‪거기 있는 수표 동무 거 맞디?‬That's your signature, right?
‪예‬-Yes. -You took out
‪9밀리 자동 보총‬-Yes. -You took out
‪(철강)‬ ‪전투 정량분 탄약‬a nine-millimeter semi-automatic,
‪유탄 발사기까지 반출을 했어‬enough ammunition for a battle, and a grenade launcher.
‪어디 전쟁이라도 하러 가셨댔나?‬Were you preparing for a war?
‪동무가 반출한 탄환이‬The same kind of ammunition
‪어제 사리원 근처에서‬as the one you took out was used to attack
‪우리 공병 부대원들을 공격한 탄환과‬ ‪같은 종류야‬as the one you took out was used to attack the soldiers of the Engineer Brigade near Sariwon.
‪이거이 무슨 말일까?‬What do you think that means?
‪제가 쐈다는 얘기디요‬It means I fired the shots.
‪동무가 남조선 간첩을 보호하기 위해서‬Are you saying you shot the soldiers of the Engineer Brigade
‪우리 공병 부대원들에게‬ ‪총을 쐈다 이 말이지?‬to protect a South Korean spy?
‪간첩이 아니고‬She isn't a spy.
‪내 여자가 탄 차를 보호하기 위해서‬To protect my woman,
‪고의로 충돌 사고를 내려는 자들에게‬ ‪총을 쏜 것뿐입니다‬I shot people who purposefully tried to cause a car accident.
‪기걸 어케 확신해?‬How are you so certain?
‪근거라도 있네?‬Do you have any grounds?
‪[헛웃음 치며]‬ ‪소좌 동지는 뭘 근거로‬On what grounds are you so certain that she is a spy?
‪그 동무가 간첩이라고 확신하십니까?‬On what grounds are you so certain that she is a spy?
‪기거야...‬-That's-- -Chief Three of United Front Department
‪통전부 제3과장이 기케 말했습니까?‬-That's-- -Chief Three of United Front Department told you that, right?
‪(명석)‬ ‪참, 정혁아‬Jeong Hyeok, it's about what you asked me a few days ago.
‪일전에 네가 부탁했던 거 말이야‬Jeong Hyeok, it's about what you asked me a few days ago.
‪알아보니까 조철강 소좌와‬ ‪내통했던 최 국장이‬Apparently, Mr. Choi introduced Lieutenant Commander Cho Cheol Gang
‪통전부 제3과장이랑‬ ‪둘을 연결시켜 줬더구나‬to Chief Three of the United Front Department.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪11과 대상에 대해서‬ ‪알아봐 달라 기랬다던데‬He asked for information on Division 11.
‪너 혹시 무슨 일 있는 거네?‬Is everything okay with you?
‪비밀 관리 대상 제3조 2항엔‬According to Article Three, Clause Two
‪'11과 대상 중에서도'‬of the management regulations regarding undercover agents,
‪(정혁)‬ ‪'특별 관리 대상에 속하는‬ ‪대상에 대해선'‬of the management regulations regarding undercover agents,
‪'개인적인 신상 정보 확인 시‬ ‪반드시 건당 방침이나'‬a proposal must be submitted in order to receive personal information
‪'제의서를 받아서 진행해야 한다'‬ ‪라고 돼 있디요‬regarding the special agents of Division 11.
‪기케 한 겁니까?‬Did you do that?
‪전수 조사 의뢰해도 되갔습니까?‬Would it be okay if I request an investigation?
‪리정혁 동무‬Comrade Ri Jeong Hyeok.
‪하고 싶은 말이 참 많은가 본데‬It seems like you have a lot to say.
‪(철강)‬ ‪어디 보위부 조사실에 가서도‬ ‪기케 할 말 다 하는지 가 보자요‬Let's see if you can run your mouth at the State Security Department.
‪하사!‬First Lieutenant.
‪리정혁이 긴급 체포하라‬Arrest Ri Jeong Hyeok.
‪(충렬)‬ ‪총상 수술 받은 환자를 끌고 갈 만큼‬ ‪급박한 사안인 거가?‬Is the matter so pressing that you must drag away a patient with a gunshot wound?
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪(간호사1)‬ ‪엄마야, 이게 다 무슨 일이니‬I can't believe this is happening!
‪보위 사령부에서 들이닥치질 않나‬First, the State Security Department.
‪그, 총정치국장이 오질 않나‬Now, Director of the General Political Bureau.
‪아주 하루의 시작이‬ ‪흥미진진하구나, 야‬Now, Director of the General Political Bureau. This is an interesting way to start the day.
‪우리 병원에 총정치국장 아들이‬ ‪입원해 있단 소문이 있어‬There is a rumor that the director's son is in this hospital.
‪(간호사1)‬ ‪나도 들었어‬I heard the rumor, too.
‪구급소생실 실려 온 총상 환자‬It's the patient with a gunshot wound.
‪아, 그, 키 크고 잘생긴?‬The tall and handsome one?
‪(간호사1)‬ ‪그 동무가 총정치국장 아들이래‬He is the son of the Director of the General Political Bureau.
‪[헛기침하며]‬ ‪다들 있어 보라‬You wait and see.
‪내가 총정치국장 집에 시집을 가서‬I will marry into the family
‪(간호사2)‬ ‪우리 병원의 경제에 결정적 전환과‬ ‪눈부신 부흥을 일으켜 보갔어‬and bring about the dazzling revival of the economy of this hospital.
‪그, 여자가 있는 거 같던데‬I think he has a girlfriend. You can seduce a man with a girlfriend!
‪(간호사2)‬ ‪야, 야, 문지기 있다고 골 못 넣간?‬You can seduce a man with a girlfriend!
‪- (간호사1) 못 넣는다‬ ‪- (간호사2) 에잇‬You can seduce a man with a girlfriend! You can't.
‪(명은)‬ ‪단아, 그, 정혁이가 몇 호실이라고?‬Dan, what was the room number?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[세리의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[명은의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪- 뭐 합니까? 누굽니까?‬ ‪- 쉿‬What are you doing? Who are you?
‪아니, 누구길래...‬Who are you?
‪너 BTS 뮤직비디오 보는 거‬ ‪내가 다 봤거든?‬I saw you watch a BTS music video.
‪- 미안합니다‬ ‪- 응, 아니야, 내가 미안해‬-I am sorry. -It's okay. I am sorry. Let's just go quietly, okay?
‪조용히 가자, 응?‬Let's just go quietly, okay?
‪(충렬)‬ ‪네가 추천한 아무개를 후보 선수로‬You asked me to get the person you recommended on the plane
‪비행기 타게만 해 달라 그러지 않았니‬as a member of the national team.
‪기런데 와 보위 사령부에서‬ ‪널 체포해 가려고까지 한 거가!‬Why does the State Security Department want to arrest you?
‪[발끈하며]‬ ‪당장 이유 말 못 하갔어?‬Answer me right this instant!
‪(윤희)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪일단은 그만하시라요, 나중에‬Please calm down. Let's ask him later.
‪당신은 끼어들지 말라우!‬Stay out of this!
‪대체 무슨 위험한 일을‬ ‪벌이고 있는 거가?‬What kind of trouble are you scheming?
‪(충렬)‬ ‪너 하나 까딱 잘못하면‬If you make a wrong move,
‪기거 트집 잡아 날 깨부수려는 자들이‬ ‪사방에 널렸어, 야!‬so many people will use it against me and take me down.
‪아휴, 이 하나 남은 아들이라는 녀석이‬Despite being my one remaining son--
‪내가 왜 못 끼어듭니까, 내 아들 일에!‬Don't tell me to stay out of my own son's business!
‪총에 맞았습니다‬ ‪죽을 뻔했다 말입니다‬He got shot. He almost died.
‪당신 하나 남은 아들이‬He is our one remaining son.
‪(윤희)‬ ‪부모를 장례식장으로 불러들이지 않고‬ ‪병실로 불러들였으니‬We should be thankful that he called us to a hospital, not a funeral house.
‪얼마나 고맙습니까?‬that he called us to a hospital, not a funeral house.
‪살아 있어 주니 얼마나 기특합니까?‬We should be proud that he is alive!
‪상한 덴 없는지 얼마나 아팠는지‬ ‪위로는 못 해 줄망정‬You should ask him if he is hurt and console him.
‪왜 자꾸 몰아세웁니까?‬Why do you keep cornering him?
‪당신이 보위부원입니까?‬ ‪아버지입니까?‬You should side with him, not the State Security Department.
‪[속상한 숨소리]‬
‪(명은)‬ ‪정혁아!‬Jeong Hyeok!
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬My goodness, Jeong Hyeok!
‪아이고, 아이고, 정혁아‬My goodness, Jeong Hyeok!
‪어디 보자, 어디 보자‬Let me get a good look at you.
‪[명은의 걱정하는 신음]‬
‪일단 사지는 오케이구나‬Your limbs are intact.
‪아니, 이게 웬 날벼락입니까?‬ ‪총상이라니‬How did this nonsense happen? How did he get shot?
‪이거 우리 정혁이‬ ‪계속 군인 시켜도 되는 겁니까?‬I don't know if he should continue being a soldier.
‪엄마, 지금 하시려는 말이 뭐든‬ ‪안 하는 게 좋갔...‬Mom, whatever you want to say, I don't think--
‪나중에 더 큰 일 생기기 전에‬Before something worse happens,
‪진로를 바꾸는 거 어케 생각하십니까?‬he should change his job.
‪(명은)‬ ‪우리 집안에 과부는 저 하나로‬ ‪댓츠 이너프, 충분합니다‬There shouldn't be another widow in my household besides me.
‪정혁이는 애초에 예체능 아니었습니까?‬Wasn't Jeong Hyeok pursuing the arts?
‪다행스럽게도 인민 배우였던‬ ‪어머니를 닮아 가지고‬Thanks to his mother who was an actress, he has good looks.
‪비주얼도 수려하고‬ ‪예술적인 피도 타고났고‬Thanks to his mother who was an actress, he has good looks. He was born with artistic skills.
‪애초에 난 그 점이 좋아서‬Because of that, I wanted my daughter to marry the second son, not the first son.
‪첫째 아드님 말고 둘째 아드님과의‬ ‪혼인을 밀어붙였던 거인데‬I wanted my daughter to marry the second son, not the first son.
‪엄마, 좀!‬Mom, please!
‪(단)‬ ‪미안합니다‬I apologize.
‪어머니도 소식 받고‬ ‪많이 놀라서 이러십니다‬Mother is this way because she is shocked.
‪아, 예, 아유, 진짜 식겁했습니다‬That's right. I was shocked beyond belief.
‪[명은의 걱정하는 신음]‬ ‪(정혁)‬ ‪모두에게 폐를 끼쳤습니다‬I did a disservice to everyone.
‪정말 미안합니다‬I apologize.
‪보다시피 수술도 잘됐고‬As you can see, the surgery went well. I simply need to recover.
‪회복만 잘하면 되니까 염려들 마십시오‬I simply need to recover. Please don't worry.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪가자‬Let's go.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪고마웠다, 앉아, 너‬Thank you. You can sit down.
‪기런데 언니‬ ‪서울말 왜케 잘합니까?‬By the way, how are you so good with the Seoul accent?
‪[여자1의 헛기침]‬
‪[어색한 서울말로]‬ ‪난 늘 드라마 보고 따라는 하는데요‬ ‪잘 안돼요‬I watch the dramas and copy the accent, -but it's hard. -I picked it up
‪어, 뭐, 그냥 말이란 게‬ ‪많이 듣고 많이 하다 보면‬-but it's hard. -I picked it up because I heard and used it a lot.
‪아, 역시‬because I heard and used it a lot. I see. Sticking to the basics is the key.
‪기본에 충실한 게 비법이구먼요‬Sticking to the basics is the key.
‪언니, 난 평양 최고의 아미‬ ‪현민지라고 합니다‬I am the biggest ARMY of Pyongyang, Hyun Min Ji.
‪어, 그래, 반갑다‬It's nice to meet you.
‪기런데 언니는 최애가 누굽니까?‬Who is your favorite member?
‪- 어?‬ ‪- 난 전정국‬-What? -For me, it's Jungkook.
‪매력 쩝니다‬ ‪언니는요? 최애가 누굽니까?‬He is so charming! How about you? Who is your favorite member?
‪나는...‬For me,
‪리정혁‬it's Ri Jeong Hyeok.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪매력 쩔어, 진짜‬He is so charming.
‪내 최애‬He is my favorite.
‪[차 문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬
‪쩐다‬She's so cool.
‪여기 간병하는 사람은‬ ‪따로 있나 봅니다‬I guess someone's been looking after you.
‪누굽니까?‬Who is it?
‪동무가 짐작하는 그 사람이오‬It's the person you're thinking of.
‪함께 작전 중인 동료라더니‬You said she's your partner in your operation.
‪동료가 간병도 합니까?‬Is she your caregiver too?
‪서단 동무‬Dan.
‪해야 할 말이 있소‬There's something I must tell you.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪처음부터 속일 마음은 아니었지만‬I never intended to fool you,
‪속이게 되었소‬but things ended up happening that way.
‪뭘 말입니까?‬What do you mean?
‪난 그 여자가...‬You see,
‪좋소‬I like that woman.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪좋아하고 있소‬I have feelings for her.
‪속였다고 생각합니까?‬You think you fooled me?
‪(단)‬ ‪아닙니다‬No. I didn't fall for your lie, so you can't say you fooled me.
‪내가 속지 않았으니 속인 건 아닙니다‬No. I didn't fall for your lie, so you can't say you fooled me.
‪속은 적 없습니다‬I was never fooled by you.
‪동무를 좋아하지 않은 채로‬ ‪결혼할 수는 있다고 생각했소‬I thought I could marry you even if I had no feelings for you,
‪(정혁)‬ ‪기렇지만 다른 사람을 좋아한 채로‬but I don't think we can get married
‪결혼할 수는 없다고 생각하오‬if I have feelings for someone else.
‪곧 떠날 사람이라고 들었는데‬I heard she's going to leave soon.
‪아닌가요?‬Is it not true?
‪- 맞소‬ ‪- 바로 그게 이유입니다‬-It is true. -That's the reason.
‪모르갔습니까?‬Don't you see it?
‪(단)‬ ‪곧 떠날 사람이라서‬ ‪헤어지는 게 안타깝고‬You're sad because she's leaving soon.
‪다신 못 볼까 봐 두렵고‬You're afraid you may never see her again.
‪기래서 두근거리고 기런 겁니다‬That's why your heart is fluttering.
‪기거를 사랑으로 착각하는 겁니다‬You're deluding yourself into thinking that is love.
‪착각이 아니...‬I'm not deluding myself--
‪우리가 무미건조한 이유는‬ ‪날을 잡아서고요‬Our wedding date is set, so you don't feel thrilled.
‪두근거리질 않는 거지‬I don't make your heart flutter.
‪정략결혼의 폐해입니다, 이게 바로‬This is what happens with arranged marriages.
‪저기, 동무, 이게 다 무슨 소리...‬Dan, what are you talking about?
‪우리 결혼이 변동되는 일은‬ ‪없을 겁니다‬As for our wedding, nothing will change.
‪그 동무가 좋습니까?‬You have feelings for her?
‪좋아하시라요‬Sure, go ahead and like her.
‪떠나면 다 사라질 겁니다, 기런 마음‬When she leaves, those "feelings" will all be gone.
‪[문이 철컥 여닫힌다]‬
‪다 사라져, 기딴 거‬Those stupid feelings will all be gone.
‪벌써 대화 다 마친 거야? 더 하지‬You're already done? You can stay longer and chat more.
‪엄마, 나 웨딩드레스‬Mom, my wedding dress.
‪웨딩드레스 맞추러 가자요‬Let's go and get my wedding dress.
‪결혼식 준비 서둘러야지‬We should get ready for my wedding.
‪(명은)‬ ‪어, 어, 기래, 기래‬Right, let's go.
‪[세리의 심란한 한숨]‬
‪고마워‬Thank you.
‪계속 거기 있기‬ ‪좀 곤란한 상황이었거든‬I couldn't really stay there.
‪왜?‬I couldn't really stay there. Why not?
‪암튼 그런 게 좀...‬I had a bit of a situation.
‪근데 지금 우리 어디 가는 거야?‬By the way, where are we going?
‪어‬Oh, it's where I usually stay when I'm here.
‪내가 여기 있을 때 머무는‬ ‪숙소 같은 데인데‬ ‪[세리의 호응하는 신음]‬Oh, it's where I usually stay when I'm here.
‪(승준)‬ ‪세리 씨 보아하니‬ ‪제대로 먹지도 씻지도 못한 거 같아서‬I figured you probably haven't eaten or even had a chance to wash up.
‪맛있는 것도 좀 먹고 쉬라고‬I figured you probably haven't eaten or even had a chance to wash up. You can eat some good food and rest up.
‪어떤 데인데?‬-What kind of place is this? -You'll see.
‪가 보면 알아‬-What kind of place is this? -You'll see.
‪뭐야? 이 화려함은?‬My gosh, what is this fancy mansion?
‪뭐야? 윤 회장님 고명따님께서‬ ‪겨우 이거 보고 놀라는 거야?‬What? You're Chairman Yoon's only daughter. You're impressed by this?
‪나 그거부터 얘기해 줘‬First, tell me.
‪우리 집에 연락했어?‬Did you contact my family?
‪일단 앉아‬Have a seat first.
‪- 됐어, 연락?‬ ‪- 여기선 한국이랑 통화가 안 되잖아‬-Did you contact them? -We can't call a Korean number from here.
‪세리 씨 급한 거 같아서‬ ‪외국에 있는 친구 통해서 연락했지‬But it seemed urgent, so I contacted them through my friend who's abroad.
‪- 그랬더니?‬ ‪- 뭘 그랬더니야‬-And? -What do you think?
‪난리 났지‬ ‪살아 있어서 너무 다행이라고‬They're over the moon happy that you're alive.
‪정말? 누가? 엄마? 아버지?‬Really? Who? My mom? My dad?
‪다들 그러셨대, 다들‬All of them, I heard.
‪아버지, 어머니, 형님들‬ ‪다들 난리 났어, 좋아서‬Everyone from your parents to brothers are so happy.
‪- 거짓말이지?‬ ‪- 어?‬You're lying. -What? -There's no way Se-jun and Se-hyeong
‪(세리)‬ ‪윤세준, 윤세형 그 인간들이‬ ‪그랬을 리가 없어‬-What? -There's no way Se-jun and Se-hyeong were happy to hear that I'm alive.
‪지지고 볶아도‬ ‪가족은 가족이야, 세리 씨‬Even if you guys fight all the time, a family is still a family.
‪생판 남보다 그래도 가족이라고‬They still care more about you than a complete stranger would.
‪아, 세리 씨 실종 상태였다며‬ ‪패러글라이딩 사고로‬I heard you had been missing since the paragliding accident.
‪정말 연락됐구나?‬So you actually managed to get in touch with my family.
‪그렇다니까‬Yes, I told you.
‪아, 근데 사고로 여기 떨어진 거야?‬ ‪진짜 황당하네‬So you landed here after the accident? That's insane.
‪그날 날씨도 그랬고‬The weather was crazy that day.
‪나중에 알았는데 패러글라이더는‬And I found out later that the radars
‪무동력 비행체라서‬ ‪레이더망에도 안 잡힌대‬can't detect paragliders because they're not engine-powered.
‪엎친 데 덮친 거지‬It was the worst-case scenario.
‪그랬으니 암만 수색을 해도‬ ‪찾을 리가 있어?‬That's why they couldn't find you no matter how hard they looked.
‪오빠들이 사설 업체까지‬ ‪총동원해서 엄청 찾았대‬I heard your brothers even hired private agencies to find you.
‪(승준)‬ ‪이제 살아 있는 거 알았으니까‬ ‪아무 걱정 하지 말래‬They said you can put your worries to rest now that they know you're alive.
‪무리해서 당장 돌아오려고도 하지 말래‬They said you mustn't do anything reckless to go back soon.
‪요즘 정치도 좀 예민하고‬There's a lot going on politically,
‪세리 씨가 워낙 알려져 있는‬ ‪사람이니까‬and you're like a celebrity, you know.
‪비밀리에 안전하게 돌아올 방법‬ ‪곧 찾겠대‬They said they'll secretly look for a way you can return safely.
‪참‬Right, they're even postponing the general shareholder meeting
‪세리 씨 없인 의미 없다고‬ ‪주총도 미루시겠대‬Right, they're even postponing the general shareholder meeting as it would be pointless without you.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬as it would be pointless without you. THE 36TH GENERAL SHAREHOLDER MEETING
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(증평)‬ ‪개회에 앞서서‬Before we begin,
‪최근에 증권가 정보지 등을 통해서‬ ‪퍼지고 있는‬I'd like to clarify a few things regarding the rumors about my family
‪제 가족에 대한 소문에 대해서‬that have been spreading
‪직접 진상을 밝히고자 합니다‬in the stock market recently.
‪세리스초이스 대표이자 제 딸이기도 한‬ ‪윤세리는‬Yoon Se-ri, the CEO of Se-ri's Choice who is also my daughter,
‪불의의 사고를 당해서 실종되었고‬has been missing since an unfortunate accident.
‪지난 한 달여간‬ ‪비공개로 수색을 벌였지만‬We searched for her for a month while keeping it confidential
‪끝내 발견되지 못했습니다‬but could not find her.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪이에 호적법 제90조‬ ‪인정 사망 제도에 의거...‬Hence, according to Article 90 of the Family Registration Law and following the guidelines for certifying deaths...
‪[증평의 한숨]‬
‪사, 사망 보고를 완료했음을‬ ‪알려 드립니다‬ ‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬We have completed registering her death.
‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[증평의 한숨]‬
‪(여자2)‬ ‪이거 봤어? 윤세리 죽었다는데?‬Did you see this? Apparently, Yoon Se-ri is dead.
‪- (여자3) 차상우 전 여친 아니야?‬ ‪- (여자2) 맞아, 맞아‬Isn't she Cha Sang-u's ex-girlfriend? -Yes, she is. -She's dead?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪(여자3)‬ ‪죽었다고? 허‬-Yes, she is. -She's dead?
‪(수찬)‬ ‪어, 창식아‬Hey, Chang-sik.
‪[신호등 알림음]‬
‪(창식)‬ ‪여보세요‬Hello?
‪너 기절한 거니?‬Did you faint?
‪아, 미치겠네, 아...‬Gosh, I'm worried sick. Out of all 94,823,847 stocks
‪(의장)‬ ‪의결권 있는 발행 주식 총수‬Out of all 94,823,847 stocks
‪9,482만 3,847주 중에‬with voting rights,
‪위임장 제출을 포함해 주주 5,798명‬a total of 5,798 shareholders, including those who signed a power of attorney, have exercised their voting rights representing 70,040,947 stocks.
‪출석 주식 7,004만 947주가‬ ‪의결권을 행사했습니다‬have exercised their voting rights representing 70,040,947 stocks.
‪전체 출석 주주의‬ ‪3분의 2 이상 찬성으로‬Over two-thirds of the shareholders attending this meeting have voted
‪윤세형 씨의‬ ‪경영권 수임이 결정됐습니다‬in favor of Mr. Yoon Se-hyeong taking over the management rights.
‪[사람들의 박수]‬ ‪[창식의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(명은)‬ ‪아이고, 사장 동지‬ ‪꼭 이케까지 해야 해?‬Gosh, is this really necessary?
‪(사장)‬ ‪웨딩드레스 팔다 들키면‬ ‪난 아오지입니다‬I'll be sent to the concentration camp if I get caught selling wedding dresses.
‪이것 좀 이해해 주시라요‬Please understand.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪단이 외국물 먹더니 더 고와졌구나, 야‬Dan, you've gotten even prettier after living abroad for a few years.
‪앉으라우‬Have a seat.
‪오늘 상해에서 돌아왔는데‬ ‪섬싱 뉴가 있갔지?‬So you got back from Shanghai today. I'm sure you brought something new.
‪기카면 내가 거기까지 가서‬ ‪샤오룽바오만 먹고 왔갔습니까?‬I obviously didn't go all the way there just to eat some xiaolongbao.
‪최신판 아랫동네 웨딩 잡지입니다‬I brought this wedding magazine from the South. It's a new edition.
‪아이고, 따끈따끈하구나‬My gosh! A new edition, indeed.
‪(사장)‬ ‪이거 몰래 들여오느라‬ ‪간이 쫄아드는 줄 알았시오‬I was so scared of getting caught while smuggling this in.
‪[명은의 탄성]‬ ‪자, 고저스한 걸로 한번 골라 보라‬I was so scared of getting caught while smuggling this in. Look through this and pick something gorgeous.
‪(사장)‬ ‪우리 서단 동무는 얼굴이 희고‬ ‪턱선이 가늘어서‬Dan has fair skin and a sharp jawline,
‪보우트 네크라인에‬ ‪치마통을 아주 큰 걸로 하면‬so something with a boat neck and a dramatic, full skirt
‪돋보일 것 같습니다‬ ‪[명은의 탄성]‬will look amazing on her.
‪(명은)‬ ‪치마통 큰 거 아주 괜찮갔어‬Will you be okay with a full skirt?
‪(사장)‬ ‪서단 동무 이거‬She has lost quite a bit of weight.
‪살 까기를 훌륭하게 해서‬ ‪아주 이거 봐라, 이거‬She has lost quite a bit of weight. Just look at her. Any dress would look amazing on her.
‪라인 쫙 살지 않니?‬Just look at her. Any dress would look amazing on her.
‪- (사장) 응?‬ ‪- (명은) 너무 깠어‬She's lost too much weight.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪어케, 마음에 드는 게 좀 있네?‬So? Is there anything you like?
‪아니, 얘는 웨딩드레스 골라 보라니까‬ ‪뭐 이딴 걸 보고 있어‬Hey, I told you to pick out a dress. Why are you looking at this?
‪나 어디 좀 다녀와야갔어‬I have to go somewhere.
‪- (단) 문 열라요‬ ‪- 야, 야, 그건 안 돼, 놓고 가라!‬-Open the door for me, please. -You can't take that. Give it back!
‪셔터 문 당장 열라요!‬Let me out at once!
‪- 못 찾았어?‬ ‪- 예, 아무 데도 없습니다‬-You didn't find her? -No, I didn't see her anywhere.
‪아유, 야, 야, 내가 이럴 줄 알았으면‬ ‪마식령 스키장에 안 가는 건데 그랬어‬Oh, dear. Had I known, I wouldn't have gone to Masikryong Ski Resort.
‪총정치국장을 알현할‬ ‪천금 같은 기회를 놓치고 말았구먼‬I missed the opportunity to meet the Director of the General Political Bureau.
‪아, 기래도 그 아들 동지가‬ ‪우리한테 도움을 청하고 있지 않습니까‬Still, his son is asking for our help, you know.
‪어, 기래‬ ‪[원장의 웃음]‬Yes, you're right.
‪아, 내가 55살 때부터 풀린다 기카더만‬I've been told that I will turn my life around at the age of 55.
‪그, CCTV 영상 보갔다고 했댔지? 어‬You said he's asking to see the security footage, right?
‪(원장)‬ ‪아니, 뭐‬ ‪알아볼 게 있으시면 부르시지‬You can just call us over if you need anything.
‪우리가 복사 딱 떠서‬We would've made a copy
‪침상에서 편안히 볼 수 있도록‬ ‪해 드렸을 텐데 말입니다‬so that you could comfortably watch the footage in your bed.
‪아닙니다, 편의 봐주셔서 고맙습니다‬It's okay. Thank you for your help.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪바쁘실 텐데 가서 일들 보셔도 되는데‬You must be busy. You can all go back to work.
‪누구이 바빠?‬Are any of you busy at the moment?
‪[원장의 웃음]‬
‪우리 한가합니다‬We have a lot of time to spare.
‪일없으니 찾던 거 찾으시라요‬We have nothing better to do, so please keep looking.
‪[정혁의 한숨]‬ ‪(광범)‬ ‪어? 여기‬There.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(원장)‬ ‪뭡니까? 무슨 일입니까?‬What is it? What's the matter?
‪전화기 좀 쓸 수 있갔습니까?‬May I use your phone?
‪아이, 기딴 걸 와 묻고 그러십니까‬ ‪우리 사이에‬Gosh, you don't even need to ask.
‪병원 안의 모든 것을‬ ‪제 것처럼 마구 써 주시라요‬Feel free to use everything at the hospital as if it's yours.
‪차량 번호 조회 결과 나왔습니까?‬Did you look up the license plate number?
‪(명석)‬ ‪어, 기게 인민 보안성‬ ‪차 번호가 맞긴 한데 가번호였어‬Yes. The vehicle does belong to the Ministry of People’s Security, but it's fake.
‪- 가짜 번호 말입니까?‬ ‪- (명석) 어‬-You mean, the number is fake? -Yes.
‪더 알아보니까 말이디‬I looked further into it, and it looks like
‪보위 사령부 수사국 쪽에서‬ ‪사용하고 있는 차량으로 나와‬the State Security Department uses the vehicle.
‪(명석)‬ ‪초대소 장기 행사에‬ ‪동원된 차량이라는데‬Apparently, it was used for a long-term event at the guest lodge.
‪이 초대소는 이미 폐쇄된 걸로 아는데‬But from what I know, the guest lodge was shut down a while ago.
‪이게 어떻게 된 거지?‬I wonder what's going on.
‪초대소가 어디입니까?‬Where is the guest lodge?
‪(명석)‬ ‪전자 지도상으론‬ ‪개성 봉덕동 좌표 35에 129인데‬On the map, it's showing in Bongdeok-dong in Kaesong. The coordinates are 35, 129.
‪아마 찾기가 쉽진 않을 거야‬in Bongdeok-dong in Kaesong. The coordinates are 35, 129. It won't be easy to find it though.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪(승준)‬ ‪어‬Hey.
‪(세리)‬ ‪나 좀 깨우지‬Why didn't you wake me up?
‪(승준)‬ ‪아, 피곤한 거 같아서‬Because you seemed exhausted.
‪(세리)‬ ‪나 전화 좀 쓸게‬Can I use your phone?
‪(승준)‬ ‪앉아, 다 됐어, 밥 먹자‬Have a seat. The food is ready. Let's eat.
‪전화부터‬Let me make a call first.
‪전화는 왜?‬A call? Why?
‪얘기도 안 하고 나왔어‬ ‪기다릴 거야‬I left without even telling him. He must be waiting for me.
‪(승준)‬ ‪그 보디가드?‬That bodyguard?
‪이제 필요 없잖아‬But you don't need him anymore.
‪이제 그 사람 필요 없다고‬I said, you don't need him anymore.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪윤세리입니까? 그 동무 이름‬Is it Yoon Se-ri? Her name.
‪(승준)‬ ‪내가 있는데‬You have me now.
‪나랑 여기 있다가 돌아가면 되잖아‬You can stay here with me and go home.
‪왜 그 사람이랑 같이 있으려고 해?‬Why do you want to spend time with him?
‪곤란했다며, 그래서 도망친 거잖아‬You said you couldn't be there. That's why you escaped.
‪오늘 같은 상황‬The situation earlier today...
‪세리 씨뿐만 아니라‬ ‪그 사람한테도 위험했던 거 아니야?‬Wasn't it dangerous for him as well, not just for you?
‪솔직히 세리 씨는‬ ‪가 버리면 그만이지만 그 사람은?‬Let's be honest. You can just leave. But what about him?
‪여기 계속 살아야 하는 사람한테‬He has to live here for the rest of his life.
‪너무 못 할 짓 하고 있는 거 아닌가?‬Don't you think you're being cruel to him?
‪당신 때문에 그 사람‬You see,
‪죽을 수도 있어‬he might die because of you.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪이게 뭔지 설명해 보시갔습니까?‬Can you explain this?
‪(단)‬ ‪이런 여자였습니까?‬So this is her?
‪당신이 좋아한다는 여자가‬The woman you like.
‪말해 보십시오‬Answer me.
‪알고 있었습니까?‬ ‪이 여자의 정확한 신분을‬Did you know who she really is?
‪알고 있었소‬Yes, I did.
‪남조선 여자가‬ ‪도대체 왜 여기 있는 겁니까?‬What the heck is a South Korean woman doing here?
‪(정혁)‬ ‪시작은 사고였고‬She ended up here due to an accident,
‪그다음은 우연이었소‬and we met by chance.
‪곧 돌아갈 거요‬-She'll go back soon. -So you're helping her hide?
‪기래서 숨겨 주고 있는 거고?‬-She'll go back soon. -So you're helping her hide?
‪그렇소‬That's right.
‪그 여자 하나 숨기다가‬ ‪당신 가진 모든 걸 잃을 수도 있습니다‬If you get caught, you might lose everything you have.
‪(단)‬ ‪이 여자가 당신...‬What I'm saying is,
‪죽일 수도 있단 말입니다‬she could get you killed.
‪기래도 좋습니까?‬And you still like her?
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪상우 씨 학교 때 클래식 했잖아‬You studied classical music back in school, right?
‪혹시 이 곡 알아?‬Do you know this song?
‪[잔잔한 피아노 연주]‬
‪뭔데?‬What is this song?
‪몰라‬I don't know.
‪나도 옛날에‬ ‪어디서 우연히 들은 곡이거든?‬I just happened to hear it somewhere a long time ago,
‪(세리)‬ ‪근데 누구 곡인지를 모르겠어‬but I have no idea whose song it is.
‪내가 다 뒤져 봤는데‬I looked up all the songs I could think of
‪음악 좀 아는 사람들한테도‬ ‪다 물어보고‬and asked my acquaintances that know a lot about music,
‪근데 아는 사람이 없어‬but no one knows what song it is.
‪다시 해 봐‬Play it again.
‪[잔잔한 피아노 연주]‬
‪모르겠는데‬I have no clue.
‪하...‬I really want to hear it one more time,
‪나 이거 꼭 한 번만‬ ‪다시 들어 보고 싶은데‬I really want to hear it one more time,
‪아는 사람이 없네‬but no one recognizes the melody.
‪어디서 들은 건데?‬Where did you hear it?
‪몇 년 전에 스위스에 간 적이 있어‬A few years ago, I went to Switzerland.
‪[뱃고동이 붕 울린다]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪그때 난 살고 싶지 않았거든‬Back then, I didn't want to live.
‪이왕이면 경치 좋은 데서‬ ‪마지막을 보내는 것도‬I thought it'd be nice to spend my final moments
‪괜찮을 거 같았어‬in a place with beautiful scenery.
‪그런데 여행하면서 깨달았지‬But during the trip, I realized
‪살기 싫을 뿐‬ ‪죽고 싶은 건 아니라는 거‬that I did not want to die. I just didn't want to live.
‪그냥 난 위로가 필요했어‬I just needed some consolation.
‪사랑하는 사람들에게‬ ‪사랑받을 수 있는 삶은 아니지만‬I'd never live the kind of life where I could be loved by those whom I love,
‪그래도 살아도 된다고‬ ‪살아야만 한다고‬but I still wanted to hear someone say that I could live
‪누가 말해 줬으면 좋겠더라‬and that I must keep on living.
‪[잔잔한 피아노 연주가 들려온다]‬
‪그런데 그때‬ ‪그 대답처럼 그 음악이 들렸어‬And right at that moment, that melody started playing as if it was the answer to my prayer.
‪살아도 된다고, 꼭 살아내라고‬"You can live. You must get through this."
‪위로해 주는 거 같았어‬It gave me solace.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(승준)‬ ‪좋아한다면‬If you like him, you should just disappear now.
‪지금 이대로 사라져 주는 게 맞아‬If you like him, you should just disappear now.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪[버럭 하며]‬ ‪파혼을 한 사이인데 애인은 무슨 애인!‬They broke off their engagement. He's not her boyfriend.
‪혼인이 깨졌다고‬They broke off their engagement. He's not her boyfriend.
‪(세리)‬ ‪위장 결혼을 하라고, 너랑?‬A fake marriage with you?
‪(단)‬ ‪나도 내 정혼자를 지키기 위해서‬ ‪무슨 짓이든 할 겁니다‬I, too, will do anything to protect my fiancé.
‪(군사부장)‬ ‪그 남조선 여자‬ ‪당장 내 앞에 데리고 오라우‬Bring that South Korean woman to me at once.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪데리러 왔소, 기다릴 거 같아서‬I came for you. I figured you'd be waiting for me.
‪(승준)‬ ‪세리 씨가 무사히 돌아간다는 건‬ ‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬Your safe return to Korea means
‪리정혁 씨는‬ ‪무사하지 못할 거란 얘기도 돼‬that Ri Jeong Hyeok's safety won't be guaranteed.

.사랑의 불시착 

.영화 & 드라마 대본

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