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  사랑의 불시착 8

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‪말해 보십시오‬Tell me.
‪알고 있었습니까?‬ ‪이 여자의 정확한 신분을‬Did you know about her identity?
‪알고 있었소‬I did.
‪남조선 여자가‬ ‪도대체 왜 여기 있는 겁니까?‬What is a woman from South Korea doing here?
‪(정혁)‬ ‪시작은 사고였고‬It started with an accident.
‪그다음은 우연이었소‬And what came next was a coincidence.
‪곧 돌아갈 거요‬-She will go back soon. -Is that why you've been hiding her?
‪기래서 숨겨 주고 있는 거고?‬-She will go back soon. -Is that why you've been hiding her?
‪그 여자 하나 숨기다가‬ ‪당신 가진 모든 걸 잃을 수도 있습니다‬You might end up losing everything trying to hide her.
‪(단)‬ ‪이 여자가 당신‬It means
‪죽일 수도 있단 말입니다‬she might even kill you.
‪기래도 좋습니까?‬Would you not mind it?
‪솔직히‬To be honest,
‪죽고 싶지는 않지‬I don't want to be killed.
‪죽고 싶은 사람이 어디 있갔소?‬Who would want to die?
‪(정혁)‬ ‪긴데‬But...
‪어쩔 수가 없어졌소‬I just have no choice.
‪무슨 말입니까?‬What do you mean?
‪난‬I've already failed
‪세상에서 가장 좋아하던 사람을‬ ‪지키지 못하고 잃어 봤는데 말이오‬to protect someone I cared the most and ended up losing the person.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[정혁이 흐느낀다]‬
‪(정혁)‬ ‪[흐느끼며]‬ ‪성...‬That damn accident...
‪죽는 게 나았소‬It would've been better to die.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬I have to
‪그 여자를‬ ‪안전하게 집에 보내 주어야 하오‬I have to send her back home safely.
‪그 과정에서‬ ‪내게 무슨 일이 생긴다고 해도‬Even if something happens to me along the way,
‪어쩔 수가 없다고 생각하고 있소‬I just think I can't help it.
‪죽어도‬Do you not mind
‪상관없다고?‬even if you die?
‪(승준)‬ ‪상관없어?‬Do you not mind?
‪당신 때문에‬ ‪그 남자가 어떻게 돼도?‬Even if something happens to him because of you?
‪총 맞았잖아‬He got shot.
‪오늘은 군인들도 들이닥쳤다며?‬And today, the military barged in, didn't they?
‪(승준)‬ ‪총 다음에 군인들 다음에‬After guns and soldiers...
‪그 사람한테 뭐가 닥칠지도 모르는데‬ ‪그래도 상관없어?‬You never know what will happen to him next. And you still don't care?
‪지금 나 협박해?‬Are you threatening me now?
‪협박이 아니라 팩트야‬This isn't a threat, but a fact.
‪원래 되게 똑똑한 윤세리‬You're a smart woman, Se-ri.
‪잘 생각해 봐‬Think carefully.
‪(승준)‬ ‪네가 그 사람한테 고맙거나 미안하다면‬If you feel grateful or sorry to him,
‪또는 만에 하나라도 좋아한다면‬or by any possibility, if you like him,
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪지금 이대로 사라져 주는 게 맞아‬you should just disappear now.
‪알잖아‬You know it.
‪그쪽 상황이 어떻게 될지도 모르는데‬ ‪연락을 해?‬You want to contact him when you don't know how things are going there?
‪불난 데 기름을 붓겠다고?‬Will you add fuel to the fire?
‪이성적으로 판단해‬Let's be rational here.
‪[승준이 의자를 쓱 당긴다]‬Let's be rational here.
‪지금까진 운이 좋았을 거니까‬You've just been lucky.
‪앞으로 까딱 잘못하는 순간‬If anything goes wrong,
‪당신 숨겨 준 사람들, 도와준 사람들‬ ‪다 잘못될 수 있어‬all the people who've been hiding and helping you might end up in trouble.
‪비켜 주시오‬Please let me go.
‪지금 가 봐야 하오‬I have to leave now.
‪아무것도 상관없이‬ ‪그 여자를 지키겠다고 했습니까?‬Did you say you want to protect her without caring about anything?
‪나도 기렇습니다‬I feel the same way.
‪나도‬I, too,
‪내 정혼자를 지키기 위해서‬ ‪무슨 짓이든 할 겁니다‬will do anything to protect my fiancé.
‪당신 발로 죽으러 걸어가는 꼴‬I can never let you go there
‪그대로 두고 볼 순 없습니다‬to get yourself killed.
‪(단)‬ ‪경고했습니다‬I'm warning you.
‪후회할 짓 하지 마십시오‬Don't do anything you're going to regret.
‪아유, 여보, 여보‬Hey, honey.
‪아, 지금 퇴근이 문제가 아니야요‬Hey, honey. Getting off work is not the deal here.
‪총정치국장 아들이‬I never know when the director's son would want to use a phone again.
‪언제 또 전화를 쓰갔다고‬ ‪올지 모르는데‬I never know when the director's son would want to use a phone again.
‪아이, 당신, 그케 그, 평양, 평양‬ ‪노래를 부르지 않았어?‬You've always wanted to go to Pyongyang.
‪이케 지척에서 잘 보일 기회는‬ ‪다신 오지 않아요‬I wouldn't get a second chance to get on his good side like this.
‪[웃음]‬I wouldn't get a second chance to get on his good side like this.
‪[노크 소리가 난다]‬
‪(원장)‬ ‪어, 누구야?‬Who is it?
‪무슨...‬-How may I help you? -I remember you saying
‪(정혁)‬ ‪병원 안의 모든 것을‬ ‪제 것처럼 써 달라고 하셨던 말이‬-How may I help you? -I remember you saying that I can use everything in the hospital as if they're mine.
‪얼핏 기억이 나서‬that I can use everything in the hospital as if they're mine.
‪그러믄요‬Sure thing. Please help yourself.
‪마구 써 주시라요‬Sure thing. Please help yourself.
‪[원장의 웃음]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Sure thing. Please help yourself.
‪잘 갔다 오시라요‬Please take care.
‪(원장)‬ ‪잘 갔다 오시라요!‬Please drive safely.
‪(승준)‬ ‪세리 씨가 개입되면서‬ ‪그 사람 인생도 틀어지기 시작했을걸?‬The second you got involved, his life must've started to fall apart.
‪벌써 궤도를 벗어났을 거고‬And it must've gone off the rails already.
‪한 번도 가 보지 않은 길을‬ ‪가고 있겠지‬I bet he's going on a way he's never been before.
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪[정혁의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(승준)‬ ‪그 끝은 어디일까?‬Where do you think is the end of it?
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪뭐가 있을까?‬What do you think will be there?
‪[혼란스러운 숨소리]‬
‪(승준)‬ ‪두렵지 않아?‬Aren't you afraid?
‪(은동)‬ ‪세리 동무, 납치당한 건 아니갔지요?‬What if Se-ri got kidnapped?
‪(치수)‬ ‪지 발로 따라 타는 거 보고도 기래? 쯧‬You saw her get on it voluntarily.
‪씁, 아니, 그 남자를‬ ‪남조선에서부터 알았으믄‬If she's known him since she was in South Korea,
‪뭐, 애인 기런 겁니까?‬does it mean he's her boyfriend or something?
‪아니다, 그런 거‬It's not like that.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪어제 보위부에서 들이닥치는 걸 보고‬When the officials from the State Security Department barged in yesterday,
‪내게 피해가 갈까 봐‬When the officials from the State Security Department barged in yesterday,
‪딴엔 내 생각 해서‬ ‪잠깐 몸을 피했나 본데‬I guess she tried to hide for my sake.
‪(치수)‬ ‪아니, 생각한 사람이‬I guess she tried to hide for my sake. If that's the case, she could've called you
‪기럼 기렇다‬ ‪연락도 못 해 주겠습니까?‬If that's the case, she could've called you and told you what it was all about.
‪[문이 탁 열린다]‬
‪(광범)‬ ‪중대장 동지‬Captain Ri,
‪여기 손전화 수리 다 됐습니다‬I got your phone fixed.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪(주먹)‬ ‪어? 세리 동무 아닙니까?‬What? Is it Se-ri?
‪(치수)‬ ‪에미나이입니까?‬Is it her?
‪나요‬It's me.
‪아, 누굴 줄 알고 '나요'지?‬It's me. Who do you think I am?
‪(승준)‬ ‪윤세리 기다렸어요?‬Were you waiting for Se-ri's call?
‪나 구승준인데‬This is Gu Seung-jun.
‪세리 동무와 같이 있는 걸 알고 있소‬I know you're with Se-ri.
‪거기가 어디요, 가갔소‬Where are you? I'll be there.
‪(승준)‬ ‪아, 몸도 성치 않은 사람이‬Where are you? I'll be there. I knew you'd want to look around for her when you're sick in bed.
‪어디 있는지도 모르고‬ ‪막 찾아다닐까 봐 연락 준 건데‬I knew you'd want to look around for her when you're sick in bed. That's why I'm calling you.
‪다 알고 있었다니 괜히 전화한 건가?‬I shouldn't have called you if you knew about it.
‪어디냐고 물었소‬I asked you where you are.
‪윤세리는 나랑 같이 잘 있어요‬Se-ri is with me, and she's doing fine.
‪(승준)‬ ‪아주 안전하고 편안하게‬She's safe and comfortable.
‪그러니까 찾지 마요, 이제‬ ‪나머진 내가 할게요‬So stop looking for her. I'll take care of the rest.
‪윤세리도 그걸 원하니까‬That's what Se-ri wants.
‪아, 알갔소‬Okay.
‪일단은 잘 있는지 확인차 목소리를...‬Let me just hear her voice to make sure she's okay.
‪[통화 종료음]‬Let me just hear her voice to make sure she's okay.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪여보시오, 여보시...‬Hello? Hello?
‪- 왜 기럽니까?‬ ‪- 끊은 거지‬What's wrong? -He hung up on him. -Who is she with?
‪누구랑 있다고 합니까?‬-He hung up on him. -Who is she with?
‪누구긴 누구갔어?‬ ‪그 남조선 애인이갔지‬-He hung up on him. -Who is she with? Isn't it obvious? It must be her boyfriend from South Korea.
‪(주먹)‬ ‪아‬Isn't it obvious? It must be her boyfriend from South Korea.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[안내 음성]‬ ‪이 전화는 전원이 꺼져 있거나‬ ‪봉사 구역 밖에 있으므로...‬The phone is turned off or is not in service.
‪[안내 음성이 계속 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(은동)‬ ‪손전화가 꺼진 겁니까?‬The phone is turned off or is not in service. The phone is turned off?
‪(치수)‬ ‪말해 뭐 해, 꺼진 거야‬Don't even ask. It's off.
‪아니, 왜 세리 동무는‬ ‪직접 전화를 하지 않고‬Why isn't Se-ri calling you?
‪지가 낯짝이 안 서니까‬She has no face to call him,
‪(치수)‬ ‪그 남조선 애인한테‬ ‪대신 해 달라고 부탁한 거야‬She has no face to call him, so she asked her boyfriend to make a call instead.
‪다시 전화를 해 볼까요?‬Do you want me to call him again?
‪(치수)‬ ‪아, 해서 뭐 해?‬Why would he?
‪아주, 응? 남조선 애인 다시 만나니까‬Now that she got back together with his boyfriend,
‪과거는, 응?‬ ‪다 잊고 싶은 거 아니갔어?‬she just wants to forget all about the past.
‪망할 에미나이, 씨‬she just wants to forget all about the past. That damn wench.
‪우리도 아주 만세다, 만세!‬-This is a great thing for us. -He's not her boyfriend.
‪[버럭 하며]‬ ‪애인 아니라니까!‬-This is a great thing for us. -He's not her boyfriend.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(정혁)‬ ‪아니라고, 애인‬That's not true.
‪잘 알지도 못하면서‬You don't know anything.
‪거 좀 말 함부로 하고‬ ‪그러는 거 아주 나쁜 습관이오‬You're not supposed to shoot your mouth off like that.
‪아니, 남조선에서 둘이 서로...‬-Back in South Korea, they were just... -That's not true.
‪아니라고!‬-Back in South Korea, they were just... -That's not true.
‪파혼을 한 사이인데 애인은 무슨 애인!‬They broke off their engagement. He's not her boyfriend.
‪파혼을? 아니, 그럼‬ ‪약혼을 했었던 남자란 겁니까?‬Broke off their engagement? Does that mean he was her fiancé?
‪(치수)‬ ‪어쩐지‬I knew it.
‪보통 사이가 아니다 싶었지‬I thought there was something going on between them.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪보통 사이지, 아니, 보통 이하지‬I thought there was something going on between them. That's not true. There's nothing going on between those two.
‪동무는 파혼의 뜻을 모르나?‬Don't you know what "break off" means? It means they split up.
‪혼인이 깨졌다고‬Don't you know what "break off" means? It means they split up.
‪깨지면 남보다 못한 사이가 되는 거야‬They are nothing but strangers.
‪아니, 왜 화를 내십니까?‬Why are you yelling at me?
‪내가 언제 화를 냈다 기래‬I'm not yelling at you.
‪치수 동무의 평소 나쁜 습관이‬ ‪내내 걸리던 차에‬Your habit of badmouthing have always bothered me.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪이 계기에 지적을 하고 있는 거야‬I'm just telling you to break it off.
‪내가 언제 화를 냈다 기래‬Who says I yelled at you?
‪[노크 소리가 난다]‬
‪누구요?‬Who is it?
‪(여자)‬ ‪옆방인데 너무 시끄러워서 왔습니다‬I'm from the next room, and you're being too loud.
‪서로 주의 좀 하자요‬Will you please keep quiet?
‪아, 미안하오‬Oh, I'm sorry about that.
‪(여자)‬ ‪어?‬RI JEONG HYEOK
‪리, 리정혁?‬RI JEONG HYEOK Ri Jeong Hyeok?
‪[여자의 반가운 숨소리]‬
‪반갑습니다!‬Nice to meet you.
‪나를 아시오?‬Do you know me?
‪남조선 말 잘하는‬ ‪그 이쁜 언니는 어디 갔습니까?‬Where's the pretty girl from South Korea?
‪(여자)‬ ‪리정혁이란 남성이‬ ‪그 언니 최애라고 하던데‬Where's the pretty girl from South Korea? I heard a guy named Ri Jeong Hyeok is her UF.
‪매력 쩐다고‬-I heard he's quite the babe magnet. -UF? Babe magnet? What's that?
‪(은동)‬ ‪'최애'?‬-I heard he's quite the babe magnet. -UF? Babe magnet? What's that?
‪'매력 쩐다고'가 뭡니까?‬-I heard he's quite the babe magnet. -UF? Babe magnet? What's that?
‪주먹 동무, 통역하라‬Ju Meok, translate it for me.
‪아, 남조선 최신 유행 용어입니다‬It's the latest popular slang in South Korea.
‪'최', 최고로, '애', 사랑하는‬U stands for ultimate. F stands for favorite.
‪그러니까 최고로 사랑하는 사람을‬Therefore, saying someone is their UF
‪'최애'라고 이렇게 합니다‬Therefore, saying someone is their UF means that person is their ultimate favorite.
‪[치수의 어이없는 신음]‬means that person is their ultimate favorite. Hold on.
‪(치수)‬ ‪니 우리 잘 모른다고‬ ‪막 아무케나 후라이 까는 거 아니간?‬Are you telling us porkies just because we don't know things?
‪(여자)‬ ‪'최애'는 그 뜻이 맞습니다‬That is what UF means.
‪(주먹)‬ ‪그리고 '매력 쩐다'는 말은‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬As for babe magnet,
‪배추가 소금에 푹 절여지듯이‬As for babe magnet, it means that she is sinking into your undeniable charm
‪나는 당신의 매력에‬ ‪한 포기 배추처럼 절여져 버렸다‬and she can't escape, for her legs have already gotten soft like a salted cabbage.
‪뭐, 그런 뜻이 되갔습니다‬That's what it means.
‪(여자)‬ ‪대체 어떤 인물인가 궁금했는데‬I was really curious about you.
‪직접 보니 과연 그럴 만합니다‬Now that I see you in the flesh, I get what she meant.
‪인정합니다!‬I totally agree.
‪(치수)‬ ‪야, 네가 뭔데 인정하고 말고야?‬Hey, you have no right to agree or disagree.
‪(여자)‬ ‪편하게 떠드시라요‬Go ahead and talk as much as you want.
‪그 언니의 최애시니‬ ‪내 특별히 봐드리갔습니다‬Go ahead and talk as much as you want. Since you're her UF, I'll let this slide.
‪[여자의 웃음]‬
‪[여자가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[치수의 어이없는 신음]‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬What?
‪지금 웃는 겁니까?‬Are you smiling now?
‪아니, 아닌데‬No. I'm not.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪세리 동무 문제는‬ ‪내가 좀 알아보갔으니‬I'll look into Se-ri's issue.
‪동무들은 가서 일들 보라‬You guys may get back to work.
‪오늘 와 줘서 고마웠고‬Thank you for coming today.
‪- 예‬ ‪- 예‬-Okay. -Yes.
‪(은동)‬ ‪수고하시라요‬-Sure. -Take care.
‪[문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬
‪[치수의 의아한 숨소리]‬
‪씁, 그, 총 맞을 때‬ ‪대가리 다친 거 아니네?‬Was he shot in the head or what?
‪화냈다, 웃었다, 왜 저러네?‬He yells and smiles at the same time. What's wrong with him?
‪(은동)‬ ‪아, 저 정도면 기쁨슬픔증 아닙니까?‬He yells and smiles at the same time. What's wrong with him? Could it be that he has bipolar disorder?
‪중증이디‬A major one.
‪[치수의 한숨]‬
‪총알이 세긴 세구나, 야‬ ‪[치수의 의아한 숨소리]‬I must say a gun is really scary.
‪(명은)‬ ‪그거는 저 창가 쪽으로‬Put it near the window.
‪- (인부) 네, 알갔습니다‬ ‪- (명은) 돌리라, 돌리, 돌리라‬-Okay. -Turn it around.
‪- (명은) 이쪽으로 돌리... 아니!‬ ‪- (명석) 여기가 딱 좋갔구만‬-Okay. -Turn it around. -Put it over there. -Will you hurry?
‪(명석)‬ ‪아, 거참‬-Put it over there. -Will you hurry? My gosh.
‪(명은)‬ ‪돌리, 빨리, 빨리, 빨리 돌리, 이리‬My gosh. Just turn it over.
‪- (명석) 햇볕이 이리 들어오지 않아?‬ ‪- (명은) 아니, 아니, 참‬Just turn it over. The sunlight is coming in this way. -My goodness. -There.
‪- (명석) 어, 어‬ ‪- (명은) 나쁘지 않은데?‬ ‪[한숨]‬-My goodness. -There. This is actually not bad.
‪(명은)‬ ‪신혼집 이사 하는데‬ ‪왜 그케 똥 씹은 표정이네?‬Why do you seem so depressed on your moving day?
‪내가 뭘‬I'm fine.
‪(명석)‬ ‪기럴 수 있다, 누나‬I'm fine. It can happen.
‪결혼식 앞두고는‬ ‪생각이 많아지는 거 아니갔어?‬People do a lot of thinking before their wedding.
‪(명은)‬ ‪기래?‬Is that it?
‪난 뭐, 별생각 없었는데‬I wasn't like that.
‪우리 안사람도 말이디‬My wife, too.
‪결혼 한 달 전에 못 하갔다 그랬었디‬She got cold feet about a month before the wedding.
‪아니, 왜?‬What? Why?
‪다른 남자를 좋아한다고‬She said she liked someone else.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪기런 일이 있었어?‬Is that so?
‪그땐 내가 참 별의별 생각을 다 했디‬It got me thinking about all sorts of things.
‪가시어머니, 가시아버지를 찾아가서‬ ‪사정을 해 볼까?‬Shall I go to her parents and beg?
‪미향이가 좋아한다는‬ ‪그 썩어질 놈을 찾아내서‬Shall I find that damn jerk she likes
‪다리몽둥이를 똑 분지를까‬ ‪그랬는데 말이야!‬Shall I find that damn jerk she likes and break his legs in half? I was willing to go that far.
‪내래 어케 했을 거 같네?‬What do you think I did?
‪(명은)‬ ‪아이! 아랫동네 드라마도 아니고‬My gosh, it's not a drama from down South.
‪결정적인 데서 끊고 지랄이네‬My gosh, it's not a drama from down South. Why do you stop talking like that?
‪어케 했는데?‬What did you do?
‪'네가 기케 좋으면 그 사람한테 가라'‬"You should go to him if you like him that much."
‪'행복을 빌어 주마', 기랬디‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬"I will wish for your happiness," I said.
‪[명은의 헛웃음]‬ ‪기랬더니요?‬"I will wish for your happiness," I said. And?
‪딱 사흘 만에 찾아와서‬And? She came back in three days and apologized in tears.
‪(명석)‬ ‪미안하다고 울고불고해서‬ ‪무사히 결혼했디, 뭐‬She came back in three days and apologized in tears. So we got married.
‪[명석의 웃음]‬ ‪[명은이 혀를 찬다]‬
‪(명은)‬ ‪가라 할 때 가지‬She should've left you when she had the chance.
‪미향이도 지 팔자 지가 꽜구나, 야‬She should've left you when she had the chance. Mi Hyang just made things worse for herself.
‪(명석)‬ ‪기렇디‬Mi Hyang just made things worse for herself. I know. She's so unfortunate.
‪미향이 팔자도, 참‬I know. She's so unfortunate.
‪아, 진짜 누나!‬I mean, come on!
‪나 머리가 아파서‬ ‪바람 좀 쐬고 오갔습니다‬I have a headache. I'll go get some fresh air.
‪무슨 일이 있나?‬ ‪[문이 탁 열린다]‬Is something going on?
‪(명석)‬ ‪싸웠나?‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬Did they have a fight?
‪(천 사장)‬ ‪이야, 이, 내일부터‬ ‪눈이 마이 온다는데‬I heard it would snow a lot tomorrow.
‪벌써부터 엄청 춥습...‬I heard it would snow a lot tomorrow. It's freezing already...
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪누구셔?‬-Who is he? -Well...
‪응‬-Who is he? -Well...
‪여기 관리도 해 주시고‬ ‪관광도 시켜 주시고, 그러는 분‬He's a butler who manages this place and give tours in the neighborhood.
‪천 집사님‬Mr. Cheon.
‪천 집사입니다‬I'm his butler, Cheon.
‪(천 사장)‬ ‪아이, 뭘 어쩌자는 겁니까?‬What are you going to do?
‪저 동무 일로 빼돌리면 어캅니까?‬Why did you bring her here?
‪아이, 사기꾼 주제에‬ ‪인간 노릇 하지 말라면서요‬You said I'm just a fraud, so I shouldn't act like a decent guy.
‪그 말이 맞는 것 같아서‬I guess you're right about that.
‪에이씨, 언제부터‬ ‪내 말 그케 잘 들었다고‬Damn it. Since when did you start listening to me?
‪(천 사장)‬ ‪그리고 암만 이런 일이라고 해도‬Also, I know our trade is illegal, but there should be some business ethics.
‪상도라는 거이 있는 겁니다‬I know our trade is illegal, but there should be some business ethics.
‪조철강 소좌 동지랑 한‬ ‪약속이 있지 않습니까?‬You made a promise with Lieutenant Commander Cho Cheol Gang.
‪천 사장님‬Mr. Cheon.
‪조철강 끼면 커미션이 반이야‬If Cho Cheol Gang is involved, he gets half the commission.
‪(승준)‬ ‪빠지면 혼자 다 먹는 거고‬ ‪어떡할래요?‬Without him, you can get all of it. What will you do?
‪거, 내 말은‬I'm just saying...
‪그 계획을 좀 공유를 하자는 거지‬You should've shared your plan with me.
‪(천 사장)‬ ‪내는 뭐 어케 하면 되는지‬What do you want me to do?
‪우선 우리한테 급선무는‬What we need to do first
‪리정혁이란 놈이랑‬ ‪윤세리랑 떼 놓는 거야‬is separate Se-ri from the guy named Ri Jeong Hyeok.
‪(승준)‬ ‪리정혁 놔두면 어떻게든 윤세리‬ ‪서울로 돌려보낼 놈이야‬If we don't stop Ri Jeong Hyeok, he will send Se-ri back to South Korea one way or the other.
‪그, 냅두면 안 되갔구먼‬We should stop him then.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪(단)‬ ‪이 동무를 아는 거지요?‬Do you know this woman?
‪예전에 호텔에서 둘이‬ ‪같이 커피 마시고 있는 것도 봤으니‬I saw you having coffee with her at a hotel before.
‪거짓말할 생각은 말라요‬Don't try to lie to me.
‪거짓말을 뭐 하러 해요?‬Why would I lie to you?
‪이 여자 알죠, 아주 잘 알지‬I know this woman. I know her very well.
‪11과 대상 아니고‬She doesn't belong to Division 11.
‪남조선에서 무단으로‬ ‪우리 공화국에 침투한 사람‬And she sneaked in here from South Korea.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪맞죠?‬Is that right?
‪- 침투는 아니고 사고가 좀 있었죠‬ ‪- 중요하지 않습니다‬It's not that she sneaked in. There was an accident. That doesn't matter.
‪신고할 때 난 그케 말할 거니까‬This is what I'm going to say to report her.
‪신고하게요?‬Will you report her?
‪신고하면 당신 남자도 다쳐요‬If you do, your fiancé will be in trouble.
‪내가 지금‬ ‪기딴 거 무서운 것처럼 보입니까?‬Do you think I'm afraid of that?
‪(단)‬ ‪난 그이가 다쳐도 죽어도 상관없습니다‬Do you think I'm afraid of that? I don't care if he gets in trouble or even die.
‪사실 관계 확인했으니‬ ‪이만 가 보갔습니다‬Now that I got the facts straight, I should get going.
‪(승준)‬ ‪잠깐만요‬Wait.
‪뭔 말인진 알겠는데‬I know what you mean.
‪신고하기 전에‬ ‪우리 공조부터 좀 합시다‬But let's cooperate before you report it.
‪아, 동무도 리정혁이랑 윤세리랑‬ ‪떨어뜨려 놓고 싶은 거잖아요‬I bet you want to separate Yoon Se-ri from Ri Jeong Hyeok.
‪나도 그래요, 그러니까...‬I bet you want to separate Yoon Se-ri from Ri Jeong Hyeok. -That's what I want too, comrade. So-- -Do you think
‪(단)‬ ‪동무, 동무 하니까‬-That's what I want too, comrade. So-- -Do you think
‪우리가 진짜‬ ‪동무라도 된 줄 아는 겁니까?‬we're real comrades now that you called me that a few times?
‪내 말은 우리가 감정을 좀 내려놓고‬I mean, we should put our personal feelings aside
‪쿨다운해서‬ ‪이성적으로 접근하자는 거죠‬and calm ourselves down to think rationally.
‪의외로 방법은 심플한데‬There's one simple way.
‪5, 4, 3‬Five, four, three, two, one.
‪(승준)‬ ‪2, 1‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬Five, four, three, two, one.
‪간단한 방법, 어디 들어나 보갔습니다‬A simple way? Let me hear what it is.
‪(의사1)‬ ‪아, 원장 동지께서 이케 직접...‬Are you doing this yourself?
‪(원장)‬ ‪아, 이 정도 정성은 들여서‬ ‪잘 얼러 놔야 할 거 아니갔어?‬This is the least that should be done to win him over.
‪내일쯤엔 슬슬‬ ‪평양 병원 얘기도 던져 보갔어‬I should probably start talking about Pyongyang tomorrow.
‪[원장의 웃음]‬ ‪(의사1)‬ ‪가실 때 저도 좀 어케...‬Can I come to Pyongyang with you?
‪(의사2)‬ ‪어, 저, 저, 저도 좀...‬Me too.
‪[원장의 웃음]‬
‪기래, 기래‬ ‪우리 다 같이 평양에서 만나자우‬All right. Let's all go to Pyongyang.
‪- (의사1) 평양, 평양‬ ‪- (의사2) 평양‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Yes! -How nice.
‪(의사1)‬ ‪식사 안 하셨디요?‬You didn't eat, did you?
‪- (원장) 어디 갔네?‬ ‪- 몰랐습네까? 아까 퇴원했습니다‬-Where is he? -Did you not know? He just left the hospital.
‪(간호사)‬ ‪남은 치료는 군 병원서 받갔다고...‬He just left the hospital. He said he'd get treated at the military hospital.
‪[원장의 힘없는 신음]‬ ‪[의사들이 놀란다]‬-Sir. -My gosh, Director.
‪(의사2)‬ ‪기케 되면 평양은...‬-Sir. -My gosh, Director. -Then what about Pyongyang? -That's not the problem now.
‪- (의사1) 지금 평양이 문제가?‬ ‪- (의사2) 그렇죠‬-Then what about Pyongyang? -That's not the problem now.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪중대장 동지‬Captain Ri.
‪(감독관)‬ ‪날도 추운데 어케 여기까지‬What brings you here on a cold day like this?
‪전화로 미리 얘기한 것처럼‬Like I said before on the phone,
‪내가 감독관 동무에게‬ ‪긴히 부탁할 것이 있소‬I have an urgent favor to ask of you.
‪뭐든 말씀하시라요‬Sure. You can ask anything.
‪중대장 동지 아니었으면‬If it weren't for you,
‪(감독관)‬ ‪우리 막내 수술도 못 받고‬ ‪죽을 뻔했는데‬my youngest kid would've died before getting surgery.
‪내가 평생이라도‬ ‪은혜를 갚아야 하지 않갔습니까?‬I have to return your favor.
‪고맙소‬ ‪[감독관이 살짝 웃는다]‬Thank you.
‪자남산 구역 안에‬ ‪비밀 초대소가 있는 모양인데‬I think there's a secret villa in Mount Janam.
‪주소도 검색되지 않아서‬ ‪찾을 수가 없소‬I can't search the address and find the place.
‪동력 탐색을 해서‬ ‪찾아보시려고 오셨구먼요‬So you want to detect electric power to find the place.
‪그렇소‬That's right.
‪초대소 같은 특각들은‬Special buildings like villas have a special extra power line
‪일반 동력선 외에‬ ‪특별 동력선이 따로 설치돼 있습니다‬Special buildings like villas have a special extra power line along with the power line that goes in other buildings.
‪(감독관)‬ ‪잦은 정전을 대비해서 그카는 건데‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬They do it in case of a blackout.
‪우리 구역의 특별 공급소는‬And in this area, there are
‪12호, 13호, 30호‬three special power lines, number 12, 13, and 30.
‪이렇게 세 개가 있습니다‬three special power lines, number 12, 13, and 30.
‪만약 그중 비밀 초대소가 있다믄‬If one of them is connected to a secret guard post,
‪숲속으로 뻗어 있는‬ ‪30호 선이 아닐까 추측이 됩니다만‬I bet it is number 30 which goes down to the woods.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪이게 다 도청 장치예요?‬Are these bugging devices?
‪이곳 호텔방엔 이런 장치들이‬ ‪기본적으로 설치돼 있어서‬All the rooms in this hotel have those devices installed.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[세리의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪[스위치를 딸깍 끈다]‬
‪[스위치를 딸깍 끈다]‬
‪[도청 장치 작동음]‬
‪[물이 쏴 나온다]‬
‪[물이 쏴 나온다]‬
‪[세리의 한숨]‬
‪몰랐죠?‬You didn't know, did you?
‪아, 내 몰랐네‬I had no idea.
‪아니, 이게 다 뭐야?‬What's all this?
‪도청 장치‬They are bugging devices.
‪(세리)‬ ‪내가 평양 가서 보니까‬ ‪호텔에도 이런 게 다 있더라고‬When I was in Pyongyang, I saw them installed in hotel rooms.
‪조심해야 돼‬We should be careful.
‪뭐, 여기도 일종의‬ ‪숙박업소인 셈이잖아?‬This place is a kind of accommodations.
‪좀 고급 펜션?‬-Like a fancy vacation home. -You're right.
‪그렇지‬-Like a fancy vacation home. -You're right.
‪어떻게 승준 씨 방도 한번 봐 줘?‬Do you want me to check your room as well?
‪아니야, 난 뭐‬It's okay.
‪이런 걸 그, 어떻게 다 아는 거야‬ ‪세리 씨는?‬How do you know stuff like this, Se-ri?
‪누가 알려 주더라고‬Someone told me.
‪가서 다시 쉴래?‬Do you want to go get some rest?
‪우리 모인 김에 회의나 좀 해 볼까?‬Now that we're all here, we should have a meeting.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪자, 먼저 각자의 플랜들을 들어 볼게요‬All right. Tell me about your plans first.
‪빠른 시일 안에‬ ‪날 어떻게 돌려보낼 줄 건지에 대해서‬How will you send me back as soon as possible?
‪우리 가족들이 그랬다며‬My family said
‪비밀리에 안전하게 돌아갈 방법‬ ‪곧 찾겠다고‬they will find a way to bring me back secretly and safely.
‪뭔가 계획이 있을 거 아니야?‬There must be a plan.
‪뭐, 루트는‬ ‪뭐 어느 쪽으로 생각하고 있지?‬Is there a route you have in mind?
‪육, 해, 공?‬By land, sea, or air?
‪네, 천 집사님, 발언하세요‬Yes, Mr. Cheon. Speak.
‪이거이 진짜 은밀한 건데‬This is confidential.
‪'빠다치기'라는 거이 있습니다‬There's a deal called boat-to-boat.
‪- 빠다, 뭐요?‬ ‪- 어, 빠다치기‬-Boat what? -Boat-to-boat.
‪(세리)‬ ‪배끼리 공해상에서 만나는 거야‬It's two boats meeting on international waters.
‪주로 작은 배 타고 가서‬ ‪큰 배로 갈아타는 거지‬It's two boats meeting on international waters. You take a small boat and meet with a bigger one.
‪근데 당분간은 어려워‬But we can't try it for a while.
‪왜 어렵습니까?‬Why not?
‪(세리)‬ ‪몰랐어요?‬Did you not know?
‪해상 통제 명령 떨어졌잖아요‬There was a sea control order.
‪이번에 새로 바뀐 경비정장이‬ ‪엄청 빡빡하다고‬The new Chief Coast Guard is really strict.
‪전화 카드도 안 먹혀‬He wouldn't even take phone cards.
‪- 아, 안 먹힙니까?‬ ‪- (세리) 뭐야?‬They wouldn't? What?
‪이런 거밖에 없어요?‬Is that all you have?
‪- (세리) 이거 나 다 아는 거라고‬ ‪- 윤세리‬-I already know the stuff. -Se-ri.
‪(승준)‬ ‪난 너 그렇게 위험한 방법으로‬ ‪데리고 나갈 생각 없어‬I'm not going to get you out of here in a dangerous way like that.
‪- 그럼?‬ ‪- 나 세리 씨‬-Then what? -I'll let you
‪그 어떤 위험도 없이‬ ‪비즈니스 항공편 타고‬fly comfortably back home in business class
‪편안하게 집에 돌아가게 할 거야‬without taking any risks.
‪그러니까 어떻게?‬So how?
‪잊었나 본데‬ ‪나 이름 하나 더 있잖아, 알베르토 구‬I guess you forgot. I have another name, Alberto Gu.
‪(승준)‬ ‪나 외국인이야, 영국 여권 소지자라고‬I'm a foreigner with a British passport.
‪- 근데?‬ ‪- 세리 씨도 그렇게 만들면 돼‬-So? -I'll make you become like me.
‪그러니까 어떻게?‬So how?
‪(승준)‬ ‪나랑 결혼을 하는 거지‬You should marry me.
‪돌았니?‬Are you insane?
‪일단 혼인 신고부터 하고‬We should register our marriage first.
‪여기 있는 대사관에서‬ ‪너 여권 다시 발급받으면 돼‬Then we can get your passport issued by the embassy.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(승준)‬ ‪당신은 대한민국 윤세리가 아니라‬You're not Yoon Se-ri from South Korea.
‪알베르토 구 와이프의 자격으로‬ ‪나랑 같이 비행기를 타는 거지‬You will get on a plane with me as Alberto Gu's wife.
‪하, 그 말 되는데‬That makes sense.
‪되기는!‬No, it doesn't.
‪위장 결혼을 하라고, 너랑?‬A fake marriage with you?
‪이 문제 때문에 나갔다 온 건데, 오늘?‬This is what I went out for today.
‪(승준)‬ ‪서류는‬The documents
‪대충 다 준비됐어‬are almost ready.
‪세리 씨 가족들도‬And this is
‪그걸 원해‬what your family wants.
‪(명은)‬ ‪[영어]‬ ‪실례합니다‬
‪[한국어]‬ ‪굴뚝에 연기가 나길래‬I saw smoke coming out of the chimney.
‪누구신가?‬Who are you?
‪우리 리 중대장 대원들이신가?‬Are you subordinates of Captain Ri?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(명은)‬ ‪어, 자, 음식들 좀 들라‬Please help yourselves.
‪[치수의 헛기침]‬ ‪그, 술도 한 잔씩들 하고‬And have some drinks.
‪(치수)‬ ‪아, 술은 좀‬We can't drink.
‪그 사관장인 제 인솔하에 잠깐 나와서‬They were just getting the house ready for Captain Ri
‪중대장 동지 퇴원 준비 하던 중이라‬under my lead as the chief officer.
‪(명은)‬ ‪아이고‬ ‪[치수의 헛기침]‬So what?
‪내가 장차 그 중대장의‬ ‪가시어머니가 될 사람이야‬So what? I'm Captain Ri's future mother-in-law.
‪걱정 말고 들라요‬Don't worry about it.
‪(치수)‬ ‪아이, 아, 이러시면 안 되는데‬Gosh, we can't do this.
‪자, 한잔, 응‬ ‪[주먹의 난감한 신음]‬Gosh, we can't do this. Here. Have a drink.
‪(명은)‬ ‪괜찮아, 괜찮아‬It's okay. All right.
‪우쭈쭈쭈, 자‬It's okay. All right.
‪- (은동) 아, 저는 탄산 단물로‬ ‪- (명은) 아, 기래, 기래, 기래‬-I'll drink this. -Okay.
‪그, 우리 리 중대장이‬ ‪좀 사람이 빡빡하고 기렇지?‬I know Captain Ri is a little inflexible and stubborn.
‪(치수)‬ ‪먼저 말씀을 꺼내 주시니까‬Now that you bring it up,
‪- 편하게 말하자면‬ ‪- (명은) 응‬I'll tell you the truth.
‪(치수)‬ ‪예, 사실은 좀 기렇습니다‬Yes. He's a little like that.
‪(명은)‬ ‪아휴, 기래‬Yes. He's a little like that. I see.
‪기래도 그 바늘 틈 하나 없어 보이는‬ ‪모습이 매력적이니까‬I see. He's a man of principle which makes him attractive.
‪그 뭐, 따르는 여자들도 많고‬ ‪기렇갔지, 뭐‬I guess he's popular with the ladies.
‪(치수)‬ ‪제 생각에는 본인도 그걸 알고‬I think he knows it already.
‪일부러 더 냉담한 척하는 것 같기도‬I think he knows it already. That's why he pretends to be cold-hearted.
‪(명은)‬ ‪음‬ ‪[치수의 웃음]‬That's why he pretends to be cold-hearted.
‪(광범)‬ ‪상사 동지‬Master Sergeant Pyo.
‪(치수)‬ ‪응?‬Yes?
‪아, 내가‬ ‪뭐 없는 말 한 건 아니니까, 응?‬It's not like I'm making things up.
‪[치수의 웃음]‬ ‪[긴장감이 도는 효과음]‬
‪[명은의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(명은)‬ ‪나는 본디 술을 여럿이랑 마시질 않아‬I don't like to drink with many people.
‪상사 동지, 자, 오늘 나랑 한번‬ ‪밤을 패고 잔을 찧어 보자우‬Master Sergeant Pyo. Why don't you drink all night with me?
‪아, 이러시믄 진짜 안 되는데...‬Gosh, I'm not supposed to do this.
‪[치수의 기분 좋은 신음]‬Gosh, I'm not supposed to do this.
‪[치수와 명은이 숨을 카 내뱉는다]‬
‪"혼인 신고서"‬
‪"혼인 요건 증명서"‬
‪[노크 소리가 난다]‬
‪크리스마스이브인데 만찬 해야지?‬It's Christmas Eve. We should have a party.
‪한 시간 뒤에 내려와‬Come on down in an hour.
‪어, 그래‬Okay.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪쩝, 오늘이 크리스마스이브구나‬Today is Christmas Eve.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪눈 오네‬It's snowing.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[산새 울음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[정혁의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪세리 씨 부야베스 좋아하지?‬ ‪소비뇽 블랑에‬Se-ri. You like bouillabaisse, right? And Sauvignon Blanc.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪아니, 난 조개 요리는‬You know, when it comes to dishes with clams,
‪부야베스 아니면 잘 먹질 않는데‬I only eat bouillabaisse.
‪(세리)‬ ‪음‬
‪[주먹의 웃음]‬All right. Have some soju.
‪자, 이것도‬All right. Have some soju.
‪하, 곤란하네‬I'm in a tight spot.
‪난 정말 해산물엔‬ ‪소비뇽 블랑밖에 먹질 않거든‬I only drink Sauvignon Blanc when I eat seafood.
‪주먹이 여기 설탕 탔니?‬Did you put sugar in this, Ju Meok?
‪[주먹의 웃음]‬
‪앉아‬Have a seat.
‪[세리의 한숨]‬
‪[승준의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪먼저 한잔하자‬Let's drink.
‪(승준)‬ ‪어때?‬How is it?
‪뭐, 그냥, 좀 쓴데?‬It's not bad. It's a little bitter though.
‪아, 그래?‬Is it?
‪씁, 좋은 거 가져오랬는데‬I told them to bring a good one.
‪다른 거 따 볼까?‬Shall I open another bottle?
‪됐어, 술 생각 없어‬It's okay. I don't feel like drinking.
‪씁, 아‬
‪아까 한 얘기 말인데‬About what we discussed earlier.
‪아무리 서류상이라고 해도‬ ‪갖출 건 갖춰야지 싶어서‬I know it's just on paper, but I think we should do it right.
‪(승준)‬ ‪사진이라도 찍으려면‬ ‪웨딩드레스까지는 몰라도‬I'm not sure if I could get you a wedding dress or wedding photos,
‪이 웨딩 링 정도는...‬but it's not a wedding without
‪필요하지 않을까?‬a wedding ring, is it?
‪뭐야, 이게?‬What is this?
‪상황이 좀 웃기긴 한데‬I know this is funny.
‪(승준)‬ ‪지금 와인도 촛불도 있고‬But we have wine and candles here.
‪난 지금 청혼하는 거야‬I'm proposing to you now.
‪7년 전에 깨진 인연이‬ ‪돌고 돌아 다시 왔다고 생각해‬We split up seven years ago, but we're back together after all the complications.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬ ‪분위기 잡지 마‬Don't sound so serious.
‪(세리)‬ ‪이러니까‬ ‪무슨 진짜 결혼하는 거 같잖아‬It feels like we're getting married for real.
‪진짜면 안 돼?‬Can't it be real?
‪(승준)‬ ‪지금 세리 씨가‬ ‪다른 사람 좋아하는 거 잘 아는데‬I know you have feelings for someone else now.
‪이런 비정상적인 상황에서‬In an abnormal situation like this, it's only natural for you to do so.
‪충분히 커질 수 있는‬ ‪감정이라고 생각해‬In an abnormal situation like this, it's only natural for you to do so.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪외롭고 무섭고‬You were lonely and scared.
‪기댈 데도 없었을 테니까‬You had no one to count on.
‪근데 그 감정 진짜 아니야‬But those emotions aren't real.
‪여기 떠나면 사라질 가짜야‬They'll be gone once you leave here. They're fake.
‪그러니까 다 잊어버리고‬So forget all about it
‪(세리)‬ ‪아...‬So forget all about it
‪결혼하자, 나랑‬and marry me.
‪[바람이 휭휭 분다]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[CCTV 작동음]‬
‪[손잡이를 딸깍 돌린다]‬
‪[CCTV 작동음]‬
‪[전기가 펑펑 꺼진다]‬
‪뭐야?‬What was that?
‪여긴 정전 안 된다고 했는데?‬I heard there's no blackout in this place.
‪아, 어떻게 된 거야?‬What's going on?
‪아, 천 집사님! 천 집사님!‬Mr. Cheon. Mr. Cheon?
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪(경호원1)‬ ‪변전소에 연락 좀 하라‬Call the substation.
‪난 전선목에‬ ‪뭔 문제 생겼나 보고 오갔어‬I'll go check if there's a problem with the electric pole.
‪(경호원2)‬ ‪알갔습니다‬Yes, sir.
‪[경호원1의 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[경호원2의 신음]‬
‪[경호원2의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[서로 연신 힘준다]‬
‪[싸우는 소리가 요란하다]‬
‪저 사람이 왜 저기 있어?‬What is he doing there?
‪[경호원3의 신음]‬ ‪[경호원4의 기합]‬
‪[세리의 놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪미쳤어‬He's crazy.
‪병원에나 있지 여길 왜 와?‬He should be in the hospital.
‪[경호원4의 신음]‬He should be in the hospital.
‪[정혁의 신음]‬
‪[놀라는 신음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬
‪[세리의 다급한 신음]‬
‪(승준)‬ ‪나가서 어쩔 건데!‬What will you do out there?
‪뭐, 따라갈 거야?‬What? Will you go with him?
‪같이 가서 살 거야, 여기서?‬Will you live with him in North Korea? Or...
‪아니면 같이 갈 거야, 서울로?‬Or... Will you bring him to Seoul?
‪어떡하려고?‬What are you going to do?
‪답이 없는 질문을 하는 나도 답답하다‬It's frustrating to ask you questions where there's no answer.
‪이건 아니야, 세리 씨‬This isn't right, Se-ri.
‪그 문 열지 마‬Don't open the door.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪저 사람이 세리 씨‬ ‪집에 가게 해 줄 수 있을 것 같아?‬Do you think he can really send you back home?
‪계속 실패했잖아‬He kept failing.
‪(세리)‬ ‪그런 식으로 말하지 마‬Don't talk about him that way.
‪저 사람 최선을 다했고‬He did the best he could.
‪마지막에 내가 안 간 거야‬And I chose not to go at the last minute.
‪우린 다시 방법을 찾을 거고‬We're going to come up with another way.
‪(승준)‬ ‪그래‬Okay.
‪그럼 두 사람이 어떻게든‬ ‪방법을 찾았다고 치자‬Let's say that you two somehow concocted a plan.
‪그 대가는?‬What about the consequence?
‪누가 치르는 건데?‬Who'll pay for it?
‪무슨 대가?‬What consequence?
‪여기 북한이야‬We're in North Korea.
‪세리 씨가 무사히 돌아간다는 건‬Your safe return to Korea means
‪리정혁 씨는‬ ‪무사하지 못할 거란 얘기도 돼‬that Ri Jeong Hyeok's safety won't be guaranteed.
‪뭘 근거로 그렇게 단정해?‬What makes you so sure of that?
‪서단이란 여자 알지?‬ ‪리정혁 씨 약혼녀‬I'm sure you know a woman named Seo Dan. She's Ri Jeong Hyeok's fiancée.
‪승준 씨가 그 여자를 어떻게 알아?‬How do you know that woman?
‪그 여자가 다 알았어‬That woman figured it out.
‪(승준)‬ ‪세리 씨가 어떤 사람인지‬ ‪다 알게 됐다고‬She figured out your identity, Se-ri.
‪더 이상 리정혁 씨가‬She said she wouldn't let Ri Jeong Hyeok
‪세리 씨 숨겨 주고 보호해 준다고‬ ‪설치고 다니면‬go out of his way to give you shelter and protect you.
‪가만있지 않겠대, 다 까발리겠대‬ ‪그럼 리정혁?‬go out of his way to give you shelter and protect you. She said she'd expose you. If she does, Ri Jeong Hyeok...
‪여기서 죽는 거야‬He will die here.
‪죽는다고‬He'll die.
‪지금 눈 딱 감고 참으면 괜찮아져‬Everything will be okay if you get through this and let him go.
‪다 원래대로 돌아갈 거야‬Everything will go back in place.
‪세리 씨 원래 자리로‬You, back to where you belong.
‪저 사람은 저 사람 자리로‬And him, back to where he belongs.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[정혁의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[경호원3의 신음]‬
‪[정혁의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[경호원4의 기합]‬
‪[정혁의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪지금 여기서 뭐 하는 거예요?‬What are you doing here now?
‪다친 덴 없소?‬Are you hurt?
‪지금 누가 누굴 걱정해?‬You're in no place to worry about others.
‪하, 어이가 없네‬This is ridiculous.
‪(세리)‬ ‪총상이 장난이야?‬Do you think a gunshot wound is a joke? Did you not hear your doctor?
‪의사 선생님 말 못 들었어요?‬Do you think a gunshot wound is a joke? Did you not hear your doctor?
‪보름에서 한 달은‬ ‪진짜 조심해야 한다 그랬다고‬He said you had to be careful for two to four weeks.
‪이 날씨에‬He said you had to be careful for two to four weeks. Why did you come here
‪이 시간에 여길 왜 와서‬ ‪이러고 있냐고, 도대체!‬Why did you come here at this hour when it's freezing out here? What on earth are you doing here?
‪왜 왔갔소?‬Must you ask?
‪데리러 왔소, 기다릴 것 같아서‬I came for you. I figured you'd be waiting for me.
‪미안한데 안 기다렸어요‬Sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't wait for you.
‪나 좀 가자, 리정혁 씨‬Let me go back to Seoul.
‪나 가야 돼요, 그래야 살지‬I must go back, so I can move on with my life.
‪내가 곧 다른 방법을...‬-I'll find another way soon. -But you didn't.
‪(세리)‬ ‪못 찾았잖아!‬-I'll find another way soon. -But you didn't.
‪계속 실패했잖아, 내가 어떻게 믿어?‬Your plans kept failing. How could I trust you?
‪구승준 씨는 다른 방법이 있대‬Seung-jun has a plan.
‪혼인 신고 하고‬We'll register our marriage.
‪외국인 여권 받아서‬ ‪안전하게 나갈 방법‬And I get a passport as a foreigner. I can get out of here safely, then.
‪나 방금 청혼도 받았어요‬He just proposed to me.
‪그렇게 할 거예요‬That's what I'll do.
‪그러니까 우린 이제‬ ‪그만 보는 게 좋겠어요‬So, it will be better if we don't see each other again.
‪우리라니, 내가 말해 놓고도 우습네‬"We"... I know I said it, but it's stupid.
‪우리가 뭔데?‬There's no "us".
‪아무것도 아니잖아‬We're nothing.
‪우린 그냥 이렇게‬ ‪같이 있는 것만으로도‬Even being together like this is a violation of the law.
‪불법인 사람들인데‬Even being together like this is a violation of the law.
‪나 진짜 여기 너무 지긋지긋해‬I'm really sick of this place.
‪빨리 나가고 싶은 마음뿐이니까‬ ‪내 발목 잡지 마요‬I desperately want to get out of here. So don't try to stop me.
‪리정혁 씨 지금 이러는 거‬ ‪나 진짜 부담스럽고 싫어요‬Coming all the way here to take me with you makes me really uncomfortable, and I don't like it.
‪진심이오?‬Do you mean it?
‪진심이에요‬I mean it.
‪알갔소‬I understand.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪알갔으니까‬I got it,
‪울지 마시오‬so don't cry.
‪♪ 어디쯤인 건지 ♪‬
‪♪ 그대와 나 있는 곳 이렇게 ♪‬
‪♪ 그저 떠올리기만 해도 나는 ♪‬
‪[세리의 슬픈 숨소리]‬
‪♪ 떨림을 느껴요 ♪‬
‪[세리가 흐느낀다]‬
‪♪ 당겨 안을 수도 ♪‬
‪(승준)‬ ‪됐어요, 들어가세요‬It's all right. Go back to your places.
‪♪ 없는 내 맘 ♪‬
‪♪ 사랑인 듯이 ♪‬
‪들어가자‬Let's go back in.
‪먼저 들어가, 혼자 있고 싶어‬Go back inside without me. I want to be alone.
‪추우니까 오래 있지 말고 얼른 들어와‬It's cold outside. Don't stay out too long.
‪♪ 어떤 날엔 그대가 ♪‬
‪[세리가 흐느낀다]‬
‪♪ 웃어요 ♪‬
‪[세리가 계속 흐느낀다]‬
‪[소리 내어 운다]‬
‪♪ 곁에 있고 싶어요 가까이 ♪‬
‪♪ 크게 부를 수도 ♪‬
‪추워 죽겠다‬It's freezing cold.
‪이렇게 추운데‬It's so cold.
‪혼자 가다가‬He's all by himself.
‪쓰러지기라도 하면 어떡하려고‬What if he passes out on his way back?
‪어떡해‬What if then?
‪아, 나 진짜 미치겠네‬Oh, gosh. This is driving me crazy.
‪♪ 어떤 날엔 울어요 ♪‬
‪♪ 행복을 빌어주는 일 ♪‬
‪♪ 너무 어려워서 난 ♪‬
‪[세리가 계속 흐느낀다]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪어떡해...‬What should I do?
‪[숨을 카 내뱉는다]‬ ‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪윤세리! 윤세리!‬Se-ri! Se-ri!
‪[초조한 숨소리]‬ ‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪어디 갔어?‬Where did he go?
‪아, 그새 어딜 간 거야?‬It hasn't been that long. Where is he?
‪♪ 그냥 길을 따라 걸어가도 ♪‬
‪[세리가 계속 흐느낀다]‬
‪♪ 여기 너의 앞에 ♪‬
‪[놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪[세리가 안전띠를 딸깍 푼다]‬
‪♪ 흔들렸던 나의 맘에‬ ‪네가 다시 다가와 ♪‬
‪♪ So I'm still, I’m here,‬ ‪and I’ll be there ♪‬
‪♪ 얼어붙은 이 길을 지나 ♪‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪일단 타요‬Get in the car for now.
‪데려다줄게‬I'll give you a ride.
‪♪ I'm still and I'm here‬ ‪다시 널 놓치지 않을래 ♪‬
‪♪ 세상 어느 곳에 있더라도‬ ‪어디라도 내가 찾아갈게 ♪‬
‪이거 놔요‬Let go of me. I didn't come for this.
‪이러려고 온 거 아니거든?‬Let go of me. I didn't come for this.
‪♪ 곁에 늘 서 있을게 ♪‬
‪♪ 나의 맘이 움직여 ♪‬
‪♪ and I'm still, I'm here ♪‬
‪와, 윤세리‬Gosh, Se-ri.
‪와, 차를 갖고 튀어?‬No way. How could she leave with the car?
‪[승준의 분한 숨소리]‬ ‪그, 똑똑한 척은 혼자 다 하더니‬You acted as if you had the best plan.
‪그렇게 눈탱이를 맞으면 어카나?‬How could you let her betray you?
‪뭘 맞아요?‬Do what?
‪문제가 하나 더 있습니다‬We have one more problem.
‪무슨 문제요, 또?‬What problem?
‪(세리)‬ ‪내가 여기 온 건‬I only followed after you
‪몸도 성치 않은 그쪽이‬ ‪얼어 죽기라도 할까 봐‬because I was worried that you might freeze to death in that condition.
‪그래서지 다른 뜻은 없어요‬That was my only intention coming here.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪알갔소‬Okay.
‪집에 딱 데려다주고만 올 거고‬I'll leave after I drop you off at your house.
‪우리 사이에 변한 건 없어요‬Nothing has changed between us.
‪아까 한 말 다 진심이고‬I meant everything I said earlier.
‪이제부터 우린 각자 갈 길 가면 돼‬And we'll go our separate ways starting now.
‪[세리가 안전띠를 딸깍 채운다]‬
‪[세리의 한숨]‬ ‪[시동이 덜덜거린다]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(천 사장)‬ ‪윤세리가 갖고 튄 그 차가‬ ‪기름이 없을 텐데‬I think the car Se-ri drove should be out of gas by now.
‪(천 사장)‬ ‪그러지 않아도 보급 차 올 때‬Actually, I told them to bring gas along with other supplies.
‪기름 갖다 달라고‬ ‪말해 둔 상태인데, 이씨‬Actually, I told them to bring gas along with other supplies.
‪그걸 몰고 나갔으니 어카나?‬But she had to drive that car. This is awful.
‪이야, 이 폭설 속에 이거‬But she had to drive that car. This is awful. Goodness. The two of them will freeze to death in this snowstorm.
‪둘 다 얼어 죽갔습니다‬Goodness. The two of them will freeze to death in this snowstorm.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪눈이 쉽게 그칠 것 같지 않은데‬I don't think it will stop snowing anytime soon.
‪그럼 어떡해요?‬Then, what should we do?
‪근처에 민가는 없고‬ ‪조금 가면 학교가 있소‬There are no houses nearby. There's a school not far from here.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪가면 불을 피울 수 있을 거요, 갑시다‬We'll be able to start a fire there. Let's go there.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[손전등 스위치를 딸깍 누른다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 열린다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 열린다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(최 국장)‬ ‪어렵게 잡은 약속이야‬It was hard to set up the appointment.
‪나나 되니까 당중앙위 군사부장한테‬ ‪줄 대 준 줄이나 알라‬Only someone with my connections could get you a meeting with Military Director of the Central Committee.
‪긴데 당중앙위 군사부장 정도믄‬By the way, the Military Director of the Central Committee has enough power
‪총정치국장과도 맞짱 뜰만 한 것 같지?‬to go up against Director of the General Political Bureau, right?
‪야가, 야가‬Listen to yourself.
‪총정치국장이 지는 해라믄‬ ‪군사부장은 뜨는 해야‬Director of the General Political Bureau is a setting sun. But the Military Director is a rising sun.
‪(최 국장)‬ ‪뜨는 해와 지는 해 사이에서‬ ‪타 죽고 싶지 않으면‬If you don't want to get burnt by the setting and rising sun,
‪실수 없게 잘하라우, 알갔어?‬make no mistakes and do it right. Do you understand?
‪(철강)‬ ‪걱정 말라‬Don't worry.
‪(최 국장)‬ ‪군사부장이‬ ‪왜 덜컥 당신 만나갔다고 했갔어?‬Why do you think Military Director agreed to meet with you?
‪지는 해는 빨리 져 줘야 하는데‬ ‪지지를 않고 있으니까‬The setting sun has to go down quickly, but it's refusing to go down.
‪뜨는 해가 지금 잔뜩 독이 올랐거든‬So the rising sun is full of spite right now.
‪총정치국장을 잡아 끌어내릴‬ ‪치명적인 약점이 절실하다고‬Military Director is in dire need of an excuse to oust the General Political Bureau Director.
‪뭐 하나 제대로 된 거 안겨 주면‬If you give him the right intel,
‪판이 확 뒤집어질 수 있어‬the table might turn.
‪야, 너 잘되면 나 잊으면 안 된다‬Hey, if this goes well, don't forget that I helped you. Okay?
‪알갔네?‬ ‪[피식한다]‬don't forget that I helped you. Okay?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(군사부장)‬ ‪기러니까 총정치국장의 아들이‬So let me get this straight. The son of the General Political Bureau Director
‪남조선 출신의 정체불명인 여자를‬ ‪보호하고 있다?‬is protecting an unidentified woman from South Korea?
‪기렇습니다‬That is correct, sir.
‪그 여성은 확인되지 않은‬ ‪11과 특별 관리 대상이고?‬And that woman belongs to Division 11 and is under special supervision. And this hasn't been confirmed?
‪확인되지 않은 게 아니라‬ ‪확인할 수가 없는 겝니다‬It's not that it wasn't confirmed. It cannot be confirmed.
‪보위 사령부 차원에서‬ ‪정식 수사 사건으로 기소가 돼야‬It has to be indicted by the State Security Department as an official investigation
‪11과 특별 대상에 대한‬ ‪공식 확인이 가능한데‬in order to check the identity of individual in Division 11.
‪(철강)‬ ‪아직 의혹 단계라‬ ‪확인 자체가 불가능합니다‬As it is only a suspicion, her identity cannot be confirmed.
‪더군다나 총정치국장과‬ ‪관련된 인물이니 더욱 곤란합니다‬On top of that, this individual is connected to the General Political Bureau Director, it's more difficult.
‪기래서 날 찾아온 이유는?‬So why did you come to me?
‪(철강)‬ ‪군사부장 동지께서‬ ‪개별 방침만 받아 주시믄‬If you can get it approved by the General,
‪모든 일은 단순해집니다‬everything will be simple.
‪[군사부장의 고민하는 숨소리]‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪적선만큼 엮기 쉬운 게‬ ‪또 어디 있갔습니까?‬Making her a South Korean spy will be the easiest.
‪제아무리 총정치국장이라고 해도‬Even the Director of the General Political Bureau
‪한 방에 정리하실 수 있을 겝니다‬won't be able to survive this.
‪긴데 말이야‬I have a question.
‪그 늙은 여우가‬Are you telling me that old fox had no idea
‪자기 아들이 그러고 다니는 걸‬ ‪전혀 몰랐단 말이가?‬Are you telling me that old fox had no idea what his son had been up to?
‪알았으믄 가만히 있었을 위인이 아닌데‬If he knew, he would have definitely done something about it.
‪(철강)‬ ‪등잔 밑이 어둡다고‬You can't see what's right in front of you.
‪제아무리 세상천지 똑똑한 자라도‬Even the smartest man
‪제 자식한테‬ ‪뒤통수 맞지 말란 법 있갔습니까?‬fails to spot it when his son is lying to him.
‪[군사부장의 한숨]‬
‪개별 방침 받갔다고 나선다는 건‬If I ask the General for the approval myself,
‪나도 내 목 걸고 하는 짓이야‬I'll be putting my career on the line as well.
‪[군사부장의 한숨]‬
‪그러려면 살아 있는 증거부터‬ ‪확보해야 하지 않갔어?‬For me to do that, I must be certain that she's alive.
‪그 남조선 여자‬ ‪당장 내 앞에 데리고 오라우‬Bring that South Korean woman to me at once.
‪알갔습니다, 부장 동지‬Okay, I will.
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬
‪예, 소좌 동지, 리정혁 중대장은‬ ‪아직 집에 오지 않았습니다‬Yes, Lieutenant Commander Cho. Captain Ri hasn't come back home.
‪그 중대원들이 저녁나절‬ ‪다녀가긴 했습니다만‬His officers did come by his house in the evening.
‪기래?‬Is that so?
‪퇴원은 한참 전에 한 것 같은데‬It seems it's been a while since he got discharged.
‪아직까지 집엘 안 가고 어딜 간 게야?‬Why isn't he at home? Where did he go?
‪(철강)‬ ‪알갔어‬Okay.
‪리정혁이나 그 여자가 집에 들어오면‬ ‪재깍 나한테 알리라‬If Captain Ri or that woman come back home, report to me immediately.
‪(만복)‬ ‪예!‬Yes, sir.
‪[철강이 수화기를 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪(원장) 아, 거, 거기입니다‬There. This is the part.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪어제 리정혁 동무가‬ ‪이걸 보자고 그러더니‬Captain Ri asked me if he could watch the footage yesterday.
‪차 번호를 막 적어 갔댔습니다‬And he wrote down the plate number.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪이 새끼가‬That bastard.
‪오늘 날씨가 이래서‬ ‪찾으러 나갈 수도 없고‬Given today's weather, we can't go out to look for them.
‪오늘 보니까‬ ‪일이 생각보다 쉽지 않겠더라고요‬After observing them together, I don't think this will be simple.
‪듣고 있어요, 서단 씨?‬Are you there, Ms. Seo?
‪듣고 있습니다‬I'm listening.
‪이번엔 서단 씨가‬ ‪좀 움직여 줘야겠어요‬This time, I need you to make a move.
‪[장작을 탁 집는다]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪진짜 할 거요?‬Will you really do it?
‪뭘?‬Do what?
‪결혼‬Marry him.
‪서류상인데 뭐 어때‬It's just on paper. Why not?
‪서류상이지만 결혼이 장난도 아니고‬Even so, marriage isn't a joke.
‪우리 상황도 지금 장난이 아니니까‬And the situation we are in isn't a joke, either.
‪어쨌든 난 결혼은‬ ‪기케 하는 게 아니라고 생각하오‬Anyway, I don't think that's how people should get married.
‪그러는 리정혁 씨는‬Look who's talking.
‪곧 결혼할 서단 씨가‬ ‪나에 대해서 다 알았다던데‬I heard that your fiancée, whom you'll soon marry, found out about me.
‪알고 있었어요?‬Did you know that?
‪알고 있소‬Yes.
‪그러다 서단 씨가‬ ‪신고라도 하면 어떡해?‬What if she reports us? What happens then?
‪그럼 뭐, 두 사람 결혼도 깨지는 건가?‬Does it mean that you two will break off the engagement?
‪지금 내 결혼이 깨질까 봐‬ ‪걱정해 주는 거요?‬Are you worried that my engagement might be broken?
‪당신 인생이 깨질까 봐‬I'm worried that your life might be.
‪(세리)‬ ‪여기에서의 당신 인생이‬Your life here
‪나 때문에 산산조각 날 수도 있어‬might be shattered because of me.
‪난 그게 싫은 거고‬I don't like that.
‪[세리의 한숨]‬
‪서단 씨가 첫사랑?‬Is Ms. Seo Dan your first love?
‪같은 중학교 나왔다 그랬던가?‬Did you two go to the same middle school?
‪학교 땐 서로 알지도 못했소‬We didn't know each other when we were in school.
‪그럼 누구?‬Then, who is it?
‪리정혁 씨 첫사랑요, 누구냐고‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬I'm asking about your first love. Who is it?
‪♪ 너와 마주 앉아 입 맞춰 부르던 ♪‬
‪[놀라는 숨소리]‬ ‪[정혁의 한숨]‬
‪[세리의 한숨]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪쯧, 하긴‬No wonder.
‪스타일이 딱 모태 솔로야‬You do look like the forever-single type.
‪모태 솔로가 뭔지는 정확히 모르갔지만‬I'm not sure what you mean by that,
‪굉장히 모욕적으로 들리는 말인데?‬but it sounds very insulting.
‪응, 그 느낌이 맞을 거예요‬Yes. That's probably right.
‪그게 사실 좀 모욕적인 단어지‬Well, that word is a bit insulting.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬is a bit insulting.
‪[세리가 피식한다]‬
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪♪ 수줍은 달빛에‬ ‪흩날리던 향기들도 ♪‬
‪♪ 너의 품에 ♪‬
‪♪ 머물던 밤 ♪‬
‪♪ 그대 듣고 있나요 ♪‬
‪[문이 덜컥 열린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[만복의 한숨]‬
‪우필이 아버지‬ ‪이 밤에 웬 술을 그케 자십니까?‬Man Bok. Why are you drinking so late at night?
‪나 때문에 깬 거요?‬Did I wake you up?
‪가서 더 자오‬Go back to sleep.
‪(명순)‬ ‪걱정돼서 기럽니까? 리정혁 중대장‬Is it because you're worried about Captain Ri?
‪아, 임자가 그걸 어케 아오?‬How do you know that?
‪귀때기 아내로 10년입니다‬I've been the wife of the Rat for ten years.
‪왜 모릅니까?‬Why wouldn't I know that?
‪기렇소?‬Is that so?
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪(명순)‬ ‪우필이 아버지‬Man Bok, you are just fulfilling your duty given by our country.
‪당신이야 조국이 내린 임무에‬ ‪충실하는 겝니다‬Man Bok, you are just fulfilling your duty given by our country.
‪기래서 뭔 일이 생긴다고 해서‬ ‪그거이 당신 탓은 아니지 않갔습니까?‬Even if something happens to him, that won't be your fault.
‪리무혁 대위 동지 기억하오?‬Do you remember Captain Ri Mu Hyeok?
‪기억하지요‬Of course.
‪우리 식구한테 얼마나 잘했습니까?‬He was very good to our family.
‪그이를 내가 죽게 했소‬I... let that man die.
‪- 그거는 임무상...‬ ‪- 근데...‬Well, your mission said-- And
‪그 친동생이 리정혁 대위요‬his younger brother is Captain Ri Jeong Hyeok.
‪리정혁 대위에게마저‬ ‪무슨 일이 생긴 거라믄‬If something happened to Captain Ri Jeong Hyeok, too,
‪난 어케 살아야 할지 모르갔소‬I don't think I could live with it.
‪(만복)‬ ‪날 사람 취급해 준 이들을 죽게 하고‬I let the men who treated me like a human being die,
‪날 사람 취급도 않는 자에게‬ ‪충성을 다해야 하는 것이‬and I have to stay loyal to the man who doesn't treat me like a human being.
‪조국이 내린 임무라믄‬If that's my mission given by our country...
‪[만복이 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪그거이 내 인생이라면‬If that's my life,
‪너무 불행한 거 아니오?‬don't you think that's too cruel?
‪[명순이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[떨리는 한숨]‬
‪[장작을 뒤적인다]‬
‪열 있네‬You have a fever.
‪[걱정스러운 숨소리]‬
‪[세리의 헛웃음]‬
‪군인 아니랄까 봐 어떻게 이러고 자?‬Seeing how you're sleeping in this position, you're obviously a soldier.
‪[세리의 한숨]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[세리의 한숨]‬
‪몸조심하라‬Be safe.
‪형도‬You too.
‪기래, 기래, 늦갔다, 어서 타라‬You too. All right. You're going to be late. Go on, then.
‪(어린 정혁)‬ ‪선물‬This is for you.
‪야, 네가 무슨 돈이 있다고...‬What? Where did you get the money?
‪나 저번에‬ ‪국제 콩쿠르 대회에서 받은 상금‬I bought this with the prize money I received during that competition.
‪아, 네 거나 사지, 쓸데없는 짓을‬You should've gotten something for yourself instead.
‪(어린 정혁)‬ ‪전초소는 나무가 많아서‬ ‪해도 잘 안 든다며?‬I heard that the trees at the outpost are so thick that sunlight can't get through.
‪몇 시인지는 알아야디‬You should keep track of time.
‪아, 이케 좋은 시계 아니면‬ ‪내가 시간도 모를까 봐?‬Still, I don't need one that's this expensive.
‪아, 차 보라‬Still, I don't need one that's this expensive. Just try it on.
‪아, 어서!‬Go on.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪이거 좋긴 좋구나, 야‬It sure looks good.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪고맙다, 정혁아‬Thanks, Jeong Hyeok.
‪고맙긴, 내가 늘 고맙디‬Don't say that. I'm the one who's always grateful.
‪기래, 늦갔다, 얼른 타라‬All right. You'll be late. Go on.
‪(어린 정혁)‬ ‪형!‬Mu Hyeok.
‪형!‬Mu Hyeok!
‪괜찮아요?‬Are you okay?
‪[세리의 걱정스러운 숨소리]‬
‪안 되겠어‬This won't do.
‪집을 가든 병원으로 다시 가든‬We should go back home or to the hospital.
‪해도 떴고 눈도 그쳤으니까‬ ‪얼른 움직여요, 어?‬The sun's out, and it has stopped snowing. Let's go, okay?
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[충렬이 기침한다]‬
‪(충렬)‬ ‪아, 기래‬Hi.
‪앉으라우‬Sit down.
‪단아, 무슨 일이니?‬Dan, what is it?
‪긴히 드릴 말씀이 있어서 왔습니다‬There's something I must tell you.
‪[천 사장의 추워하는 숨소리]‬
‪아이, 그, 왜 이렇게 안 오는 거야?‬Why aren't they here yet?
‪그 보급 차를 날래 보내 달라 캤는데‬I requested a car,
‪그, 아무래도 눈 때문에‬ ‪길 들어서기가 쉽지 않은 모양입니다‬I requested a car, but I think they're having trouble getting here due to the snow.
‪아유, 정말‬ ‪[천 사장의 추워하는 숨소리]‬Damn it.
‪[자동차 엔진음이 들린다]‬Damn it.
‪어, 온다, 아유‬There it is.
‪저 차는 아니지 않나?‬I don't think that's it.
‪저거 뭐야?‬I don't think that's it. What is that?
‪(승준)‬ ‪쟤들은 왜...‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Who are they?
‪(천 사장)‬ ‪저것들 뭐야?‬Why are they here?
‪(철강)‬ ‪당장 뒤져라!‬-Why are there so many of them? -Search this instant. -Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
‪(군인들)‬ ‪네!‬-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
‪- 아, 왜 이래요? 아, 왜 이래요?‬ ‪- 동무, 그...‬-Hold on. -What is it? -What's going on? -Excuse me.
‪(승준)‬ ‪아니, 왜 이래요?‬ ‪[놀라는 신음]‬What's wrong?
‪윤세리 때문에 그래요?‬Is this because of Se-ri?
‪걔 여기 없어요‬She's not here.
‪[승준의 신음]‬She's not here.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪당신, 나한테 이러면‬ ‪안 되는 거 아니야?‬You shouldn't treat me this way.
‪(승준)‬ ‪나 여기 손님이야‬I'm a guest.
‪당신 서비스 받을 권리 있는 손님!‬You should be at my service!
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪그래, 마음대로 해‬Fine. Do as you please.
‪당신이 좋아하는 내 돈‬ ‪하나도 못 갖게 될 테니까‬You want my money, right? But you won't get any.
‪어이, 남조선 애송이‬ ‪난 돈 따위는 좋아하지 않아‬Listen up, you South Korean scaredy-cat. I'm not interested in money.
‪돈으로 살 수 있는 것들이‬ ‪필요했을 뿐이야‬I just needed things that I could only get through money.
‪(철강)‬ ‪예를 들믄‬For example,
‪아무나 아무 때나‬I want the power
‪내가 죽이고 싶은 놈들 죽일 수 있는‬ ‪그런 힘 말이야‬to be able to kill whoever and wherever.
‪긴데 그런 힘 없어도‬ ‪너 따위 죽이는 건 일도 아니야‬But I don't need such power to kill you.
‪남조선에서 이미 없는 사람인 네가‬ ‪여기서 죽어 없어진들‬People think you're dead in South Korea. So even if I killed you here and now,
‪누가 알갔어?‬no one would know.
‪윤세리 어디 있어?‬Where is Yoon Se-ri?
‪[정혁의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪아, 내가 기랬을 리가 없는데‬There's no way I could've said all that.
‪(주먹)‬ ‪아, 진짜 기억이 안 납니까?‬Do you really not remember?
‪그, 내가 어디까지 말했지?‬How much did I tell her?
‪(은동)‬ ‪다! 싹 다 말했습니다!‬Everything. You told her everything.
‪하, 이제 우리 중대장 동지는‬ ‪어케 되는 겁니까?‬What will happen to Captain Ri?
‪양가에서 개박살 나는 거지‬He'll be reviled by both families.
‪(주먹)‬ ‪혼사도 파투 날 거고‬The wedding will fall through as well.
‪(은동)‬ ‪아니, 기러면 우리 세리 동무까지‬ ‪위험해지는 거 아닙니까?‬Wouldn't that put Se-ri in danger?
‪내가 술 고문에 졌구나‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬She tortured me with alcohol, and I gave in.
‪[치수의 자책하는 신음]‬ ‪[은동의 한숨]‬
‪(주먹)‬ ‪술 고문은 무슨, 쳇‬ ‪잊어버리기 전에 적으라고 막‬She tortured you, my foot. You even told her to write it all down.
‪이야, 그 얼마나 능동적이고‬ ‪적극적이었는지 압니까?‬Gosh, you were so active and enthusiastic.
‪[탁자를 탁탁 치며]‬ ‪아, 진짜 기억이 안 납니까?‬Do you really not remember anything?
‪야, 그 여성 동지가 날 딱 보고‬Hey, that woman looked at me and thought,
‪'아, 이 중에 저자가'‬"He looks like he's in the highest rank,
‪'가장 지위가 높고‬ ‪고급 정보를 보유하고 있갔구나'‬"He looks like he's in the highest rank, so he must have all the high-level information."
‪이케 간파하고 나만 표적 수사하는데‬so he must have all the high-level information." She was determined to target me,
‪그, 무슨 수로 이기갔어?‬so what could I have done?
‪이 중 가장 만만해 보였갔지‬You probably looked the easiest among us.
‪그, 흠‬Come on, now.
‪과거에 연연해서야‬ ‪동무들 큰일 하갔어?‬If you want to succeed, you should let go of what happened in the past.
‪거, 눈앞에 닥친 큰일부터 막으시라요‬Focus on handling the problem that's right in front of you first.
‪기렇지‬You're right.
‪[치수의 한숨]‬
‪(치수)‬ ‪그, 내 생각엔 말이야‬This is what I think.
‪내가 어제 이 술 고문을 당해서‬I was tortured yesterday
‪그 진실을 살짝 유출한 그 부분을‬and spilled a bit, just a tiny bit of the truth.
‪이 리정혁 중대장 동지만 모르믄‬ ‪일없지 않을까‬But if Captain Ri doesn't find out about it, I think everything will be fine.
‪그게 무슨 말입니까?‬What are you saying?
‪입단속들 부탁한다 그 얘기지‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬I mean, please don't tell him about this.
‪[광범이 잘그락 정리한다]‬
‪[은동이 달그락 정리한다]‬Comrades.
‪(치수)‬ ‪동무들‬ ‪우리, 우리 동무이지 않니, 응?‬Comrades. Aren't we comrades?
‪주먹, 은동아‬Ju Meok. Eun Dong.
‪[숨을 카 내뱉는다]‬
‪아침부터 어딜 갔다 오는 거니?‬Where did you go so early in the morning?
‪(단)‬ ‪엄마는 어제 어디서‬ ‪그케 술을 마신 거야?‬Where were you yesterday when you were getting drunk?
‪(명은)‬ ‪어, 사실은‬Frankly speaking, I sensed that something was off
‪아무래도 너랑 정혁이 사이에‬ ‪이상이 있는 것 같아서‬Frankly speaking, I sensed that something was off between you and Jeong Hyeok,
‪동네에 잠깐 갔었거든‬between you and Jeong Hyeok, so I went out.
‪정혁이네 병원에 전화하니까‬ ‪퇴원하고 없다길래‬I called the hospital, but they said he had been discharged.
‪집에 갔나 했지‬So I thought he went home.
‪아이, 야, 들어 보라‬Hey, hear me out first.
‪집에 가니까 정혁이는 없고‬ ‪정혁이네 중대원들만 있는 거야‬I went to his place, but he wasn't there. Only his men were.
‪그중에 입이 아주 그냥 종잇장처럼‬ ‪가벼운 놈이 있더란 말이지‬One of them seemed like a loudmouth.
‪그래서 내가 살살, 살살, 살살 캐 봤지‬So I tried to make him spill.
‪무슨 말을 들은 거야?‬What did he tell you?
‪들었어! 내가 다 들었어!‬I heard it. I heard it all.
‪뭘?‬Heard what?
‪그거이 생각이 안 나‬I don't remember.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[코웃음]‬
‪[취한 목소리로]‬ ‪기가 막히는구나, 야‬That's absurd.
‪그러니까 남에서 온 제비가!‬A swallow from the South?
‪삼시 세끼 중에‬ ‪두 끼를 고기를 처먹어?‬Out of three meals, two of them have meat dishes?
‪[웃음]‬two of them have meat dishes?
‪정수리에서 꽃향기가 나?‬The hair smells like flowers?
‪내가 분명히 다 들었거든?‬I really did hear everything.
‪(명은)‬ ‪분명히 기가 막힌 얘기를 들었는데‬It was something extremely shocking.
‪왜 기가 막혔는지 기억이 안 나‬But I can't, for the life of me, remember why I was so shocked.
‪내가 뭘 결심도 했거든?‬I also decided to do something.
‪근데 왜 결심을 했는지 기억이 안 나‬But I just can't remember... what it was.
‪[답답한 신음]‬
‪(단)‬ ‪손목엔 뭐야, 이게?‬What is this on your wrist?
‪(명은)‬ ‪어?‬What?
‪어, 야, 기렇지!‬Oh, right.
‪야, 내가 잊어버릴까 봐‬ ‪핵심 내용을 적어 놨는데‬I wrote down the main points here so that I wouldn't forget.
‪'남에서 온 제비'‬"Swallow from the South."
‪제비가 원래 남쪽 나라에서 오지 않나?‬Aren't all swallows from there?
‪뭐, 엄마는‬ ‪쓸데없는 걸 적어 놓고 기래‬You wrote down such nonsense.
‪씁, 삼시 세끼 중에‬ ‪두 끼를 고기를 먹는다고?‬You wrote down such nonsense. "Out of three meals, two of them have meat dishes"?
‪고기 먹는 제비가 있나?‬Are there swallows that eat meat?
‪(단)‬ ‪하, 몰라‬-I don't know. -"Elas" what?
‪'엘라스땡'?‬-I don't know. -"Elas" what?
‪(명은)‬ ‪'정수리 꽃향기'‬"The hair smells like flowers"?
‪아이씨‬Darn it. I bet military codes are easier to decipher than this.
‪군사 암호도 이거보단 쉽갔다, 쯧‬Darn it. I bet military codes are easier to decipher than this.
‪뭐가 기케 알고 싶은 건데?‬What are you so curious about?
‪나야‬I want to know
‪우리 딸이 결혼할 남자와‬ ‪문제가 없는가‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬if you and your fiancé have any problems.
‪(명은)‬ ‪우리 딸이 지금‬I want to know...
‪행복한가‬if you are happy.
‪그놈이 우리 딸 사랑해 주는가‬I want to know if he loves you.
‪그거이 제일 궁금하지‬These are what I'm most curious about.
‪엄마, 아무 걱정 말라요‬Mom. Don't you worry.
‪엄마 딸은 무슨 일이 있어도‬ ‪정혁 동무랑 결혼해서‬No matter what happens, I'm going to marry him
‪누구보다 행복하게 잘 살 거니까‬and live happily ever after.
‪[명은이 단을 토닥인다]‬
‪[컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪아니, 그러니까‬Come on. Let's go back to the hospital.
‪병원을 다시 가자고요‬Come on. Let's go back to the hospital.
‪약 먹고 한숨 자면 일없소‬I'll be fine after taking medication and going to bed.
‪[한숨]‬I'll be fine after taking medication and going to bed.
‪또 일이 없대‬You always say that.
‪[세리의 한숨]‬
‪(정혁)‬ ‪아, 어디 가게?‬Where are you going?
‪안 가요‬I'm not going anywhere.
‪아, 그러니까 내 말은‬I mean, I'll go eventually.
‪갈 때 가더라도 지금은 아프잖아‬I mean, I'll go eventually. But right now, you're sick.
‪(세리)‬ ‪오늘은 크리스마스고‬And it's Christmas.
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪그러니까 일단 푹 자고 낫기나 해요‬So focus on getting some rest and recovering.
‪[기쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬ ‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬
‪예, 소좌 동지!‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Hello, sir. Have Jeong Hyeok and Se-ri returned home together?
‪(철강)‬ ‪리정혁이가 혹시‬ ‪윤세리랑 함께 돌아오지 않았어?‬Have Jeong Hyeok and Se-ri returned home together?
‪아닙니다‬ ‪아직 아무도 오지 않았습니다‬No, sir. No one's home yet. Report immediately if anything comes up.
‪(철강)‬ ‪무슨 일 있으면 즉각 알리라‬Report immediately if anything comes up.
‪예!‬Yes, sir.
‪[수화기를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪사택 마을로 가자우!‬-Let's go to the military housing. -Yes, sir!
‪(군인들)‬ ‪네!‬-Let's go to the military housing. -Yes, sir!
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬PARADISE FOR THE PEOPLE
‪아휴, 애들 오늘부터‬ ‪겨울 방학이니께니 시끌벅적하갔지?‬Since winter break has started for the kids, it'll get noisy.
‪그저 삼시 세끼 밥해 줄 생각하니까‬ ‪아주 앞이 깜깜합니다‬Just thinking about cooking three meals a day -gives me goosebumps. -You can say that again.
‪(옥금)‬ ‪그러게요‬-gives me goosebumps. -You can say that again.
‪[아이들이 시끌시끌하다]‬ ‪(월숙)‬ ‪왔네‬-Mom. -Mom. -They're here. -Hello.
‪[저마다 대화한다]‬ ‪어, 왔어?‬-They're here. -Hello. -Hi. -Mom.
‪자, 다들 집에 들어가기 전에‬Before returning to your homes,
‪시험지들 좀 내놔 보라‬show us your exam results.
‪학기말 시험 다 보지 않았어?‬show us your exam results. You took the final exams, right?
‪아, 기렇지‬You took the final exams, right? -Oh, right. -I aced mine.
‪(우필)‬ ‪엄마, 나 다 맞았다‬-Oh, right. -I aced mine.
‪기, 기래, 기래‬I see. Good job.
‪(은별)‬ ‪엄마, 나도 몇 개밖에 안 틀렸다‬I only got a few questions wrong.
‪(옥금)‬ ‪[놀라며]‬ ‪기랬어? 어디 보자, 어디, 어디? 자‬I only got a few questions wrong. Really? Let me see. Let's see. All right.
‪허, 아이고, 우리 딸‬ ‪커서 뭐가 되려고 기래?‬Let's see. All right. Goodness, you're going to succeed in life!
‪못 하는 게 뭐이가?‬ ‪아이고, 잘했어‬You excel at everything! Great job!
‪호영이 너도 빨리 내놔 보라‬Ho Yeong, let me see yours.
‪엄마, 마이 부끄러울 텐데 일없갔어?‬Mom, you'll be very embarrassed. Will it be okay?
‪이놈의 새끼가‬You little brat.
‪[버럭 하며]‬ ‪너 또 꼴찌가?‬Did you come in last again?
‪- (월숙) 이 아새끼래 진짜!‬ ‪- (영애) 월숙 동무‬You little prick! Wol Suk.
‪이 공부는 누가 도와줘야 해‬You need to help your kids with their studies.
‪특히 이렇게 호영이처럼‬ ‪좀 느린 애들은 꼭 도움이 필요하다고‬When it comes to slow-learners like him, they need more attention.
‪기래서 남식이는‬ ‪과외 공부 했다면서요?‬I heard Nam Sik has a tutor.
‪[살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪응, 김대 출신‬Yes. She's from Kim Il Sung University.
‪[사람들의 놀라는 신음]‬She's from Kim Il Sung University.
‪- 김대?‬ ‪- (명순) 진짜 김대 출신입니까?‬-Really? -Is that true?
‪[월숙의 탄성]‬ ‪응, 김주영 선생이라고‬-Really? -Is that true? Yes. Her name is Kim Ju Yeong.
‪(영애)‬ ‪개성에서 족집게로‬ ‪이름 날리고 있는 걸‬She's well known in Kaesong, and I've hired her.
‪내가 탁 채 왔지 뭐야?‬She's well known in Kaesong, and I've hired her.
‪[영애의 웃음]‬She's well known in Kaesong, and I've hired her.
‪이야, 기러믄‬ ‪우리 호영이도 좀 소개를...‬Do you think she could teach Ho Yeong as well?
‪미안하지만 안 돼‬I'm sorry, but no.
‪(영애)‬ ‪그 선생은 일 년에 한 명밖에는‬ ‪받지를 않아‬She only teaches one student every year.
‪[옥금의 놀라는 숨소리]‬ ‪긴데 그 한 명이 남식이라는 겁네까?‬She only teaches one student every year. And one of them is Nam Sik?
‪이야! 와!‬And one of them is Nam Sik? Mom!
‪(남식)‬ ‪어머니!‬Mom!
‪(옥금)‬ ‪아이고, 남식아!‬Nam Sik! It seems like you're set to study medicine at Kim Il Sung University.
‪너는 김대 의대는‬ ‪떼어 놓은 당상이구나, 야‬It seems like you're set to study medicine at Kim Il Sung University.
‪(월숙)‬ ‪역시 우리 영애 동지의‬When it comes to knowing a lot of information
‪정보력과 추진력은 정말 이겁니다‬and putting things into action, you're the best.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬So what's your score?
‪기래서 남식이 너는‬ ‪몇 점을 받은 거니?‬So what's your score?
‪나 이번에 100점 맞은 것 같습니다‬ ‪어머니‬I think I aced it.
‪[사람들의 놀라는 숨소리]‬ ‪(영애)‬ ‪진짜네? 아이고‬Really? Goodness.
‪아니, 아니, 좀 걸릴 거랬는데‬ ‪이케 단박에?‬Your tutor said it'd take some time, but that was quick! She sure is talented!
‪(옥금)‬ ‪역시 김대 선생님은 다르구먼요‬She sure is talented!
‪(영애)‬ ‪야, 어디 좀 보자우, 응, 보자‬ ‪[설레는 숨소리]‬Let me see.
‪(남식)‬ ‪어머니, 개별 시험지를 보지 마시고‬ ‪총점을 보시라요‬Mom, don't look at the scores separately. Look at the total sum.
‪합쳐서 딱 떨어지게 100점입니다‬It's exactly 100.
‪(월숙)‬ ‪가자우, 가자‬-Let's go. -Let's go home too.
‪(옥금)‬ ‪밥 먹자, 응, 밥 먹자‬ ‪아이고, 잘했어‬Let's go eat. Let's eat. Good boy.
‪넌 어디 가니?‬Where are you going?
‪아, 저는 김주영 선생님과‬ ‪심화 학습을 하기로...‬Ms. Kim will be teaching an advanced class today--
‪(영애)‬ ‪이놈의 아새끼래!‬You little punk!
‪방망이 어디 갔어? 방망이 어디 갔어?‬Where's that stick? Where is it?
‪가지 말라고, 이 새끼야!‬ ‪가지 마, 이 새끼야!‬Don't do it! Don't go, you prick! Come here!
‪이리 와! 거기 서라!‬Don't go, you prick! Come here! Stop right there! You need a good beating to wake up!
‪이 새끼 내년까지 굶겨야‬ ‪정신을 차리지!‬Stop right there! You need a good beating to wake up!
‪그따우로 하려면 전부 때려치라우!‬ ‪[세리의 놀란 신음]‬Come over here!
‪(월숙)‬ ‪아, 이거 누구네?‬ ‪[영애의 놀라는 신음]‬Look who's here.
‪(명순)‬ ‪삼숙 동무‬Sam Suk.
‪[당황하는 신음]‬Sam Suk.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(영애)‬ ‪아니, 저기‬So... Did you come back after finding something out?
‪뭐를 알고 돌아온 거야?‬Did you come back after finding something out?
‪신혼집 이사 들어왔다고, 어제‬His fiancée moved here yesterday.
‪아...‬I see.
‪어마어마한 벽걸이 테레비에‬She brought a huge hanging TV,
‪최첨단 세탁기에 말하는 밥가마‬ ‪그리고 또 뭐가 있었디?‬high-tech washing machine, talking rice cooker, and what else?
‪아, 왜 기래?‬What is it?
‪어! 침대가 운동장만 했어‬Right! The bed was huge!
‪와, 나는 기런 침대는 또 처음 봤네‬I've never seen such a big bed before.
‪이따만 해 가지고...‬ ‪[옥금이 푸푸거린다]‬It was this big.
‪- (세리) 신혼살림이 다 그렇죠, 뭐‬ ‪- (옥금) 와 기래?‬That's how newlyweds' houses look like.
‪암튼 알겠고요‬That's how newlyweds' houses look like. I understand.
‪(세리)‬ ‪전 여기 아주 온 건 아니에요‬I just came back temporarily.
‪어쩌다 보니까 그냥 잠깐 들른 건데‬I just stopped by.
‪온 김에 은혜 갚을 사람들한테‬ ‪선물 하나씩 해 주고 싶어서‬But since I'm here, I wanted to get you guys gifts as a thank you.
‪- 선물?‬ ‪- 선물?‬Gifts? Gifts?
‪(영애)‬ ‪아, 기렇지만 삼숙 동무는 돈이 없잖아‬But you don't have any money, do you?
‪(옥금)‬ ‪기렇지요‬She's right.
‪우리 중에 제일로 빈곤하면서 무슨‬You're the poorest one here.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[사람들의 놀라는 신음]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪이게 보통 다이아가 아니고‬This isn't just any diamond.
‪[유창한 말투로]‬ ‪VVS 1등급 1캐럿‬This is a level one, three-carat VVS diamond.
‪전등에 비춰 보시면 바로 아시겠지만‬You'll know immediately once you shine light on it.
‪빛 번짐 하나 없는‬ ‪라운드 브릴리언트 컷의 다이아들이‬It'll reflect the light very clearly. This round brilliant cut diamond
‪물방울처럼 알알이‬will look like dancing raindrops.
‪뭐, 굳이 18K 고순도 화이트 골드까진‬ ‪얘기 안 해도 아시겠죠?‬The rest of the ring is made of high-purity 18k white gold, but I don't need to tell you that, do I?
‪(영애)‬ ‪응, 이거이 그런 반지래‬Right. What she said is true.
‪내가 보증하지‬I can vouch for her.
‪(옥금)‬ ‪이야, 고매한 안목의 우리 영애 동지가‬Yeong Ae is very sophisticated.
‪함부로 뭘 보증하거나 기렇지 않습니다‬She wouldn't just vouch for anyone.
‪이야, 확실히 광채가 독보적이긴 하다‬Goodness, it sparkles magnificently, doesn't it?
‪- 기렇지?‬ ‪- 두말하면 잔소리지요‬Goodness, it sparkles magnificently, doesn't it? That's a given.
‪자, 이제 흥정 시작해 볼까요?‬All right, then. Shall we begin the bargaining?
‪500부터 시작할게요‬We'll start with 5,000,000 won.
‪(전당포 주인)‬ ‪어, 얼마라고?‬What?
‪그렇게 되물어 보실 때마다‬ ‪10만 원씩 올리겠어요‬I'll raise it 100,000 won more every time you say that.
‪(세리)‬ ‪510‬5,100,000 won.
‪510만 원?‬5,100,000 won?
‪520‬5,200,000 won.
‪5백 2...‬5,200,000 won?
‪[전당포 주인의 한숨]‬ ‪[금고 작동음]‬
‪(전당포 주인)‬ ‪이거이 다야, 우리 전당포 전 재산‬This is all I have.
‪[동전을 잘그락거리며]‬ ‪한 다 합치면 14만 얼마쯤 되려나?‬It's probably around 140,000 won.
‪- 네?‬ ‪- 이거이 못 받아, 돈이 없어‬140,000 won. I can't buy that. I have no money.
‪깎아 드릴게요‬-I'll give you a discount. -Who'd buy that from me?
‪아, 이걸 누가 가져가?‬-I'll give you a discount. -Who'd buy that from me?
‪(전당포 주인)‬ ‪먼젓번에도 얘기했지만‬ ‪나는 그, 두꺼운 가죽 잠바나‬Like I've told you before, I only accept items such as thick leather jackets
‪어, 머리카락도 받아‬I only accept items such as thick leather jackets or hair.
‪아니믄 이 입을 수 있는 거나‬ ‪먹을 수 있는 거나‬Bring me clothes or something you can eat.
‪요런 거, 응‬or something you can eat.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(월숙)‬ ‪저기, 주인 동무‬Look here.
‪우리 융통성 있게 하자요‬Let's be more flexible, shall we?
‪여기 이 동무래‬ ‪사연이 좀 있어서 기래, 어‬There's a long story behind this. Yes. Excuse me.
‪저, 비켜 보라‬Yes. Excuse me.
‪[월숙이 속삭인다]‬
‪(월숙)‬ ‪그러믄 이 가게 안에 있는 현물로‬Then how about we exchange everything you have here with this ring?
‪맞교환 어떻갔습니까?‬Then how about we exchange everything you have here with this ring?
‪[염소 울음]‬
‪[염소 울음]‬ ‪[당찬 음악]‬
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪근데 아까 아저씨한테‬ ‪뭐라고 한 거예요?‬By the way, what did you tell him?
‪어, 별 얘기 안 했어‬Oh, I didn't say much.
‪어, 신경 쓸 거 없어, 어‬You don't need to worry about that.
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪남자한테 차였어‬She got dumped.
‪기래서 정신이 온전치를 못해‬She's not sane right now.
‪이 반지 받으라우, 다시 찾으러 못 와‬Take the ring. She won't be able to take it back.
‪[월숙의 웃음]‬
‪[세리가 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[기분 좋은 숨소리]‬
‪(녹음 속 세리)‬ ‪여기는 세리 1호, 여기는 세리 1호‬ ‪누구라도...‬This is Se-ri one. This is Se-ri one. If someone hears me--
‪[형사가 자판을 탁 누른다]‬ ‪(수찬) 아, 아니라고요?‬This is Se-ri one. This is Se-ri one. If someone hears me-- It's not her?
‪이게 지금 윤세리 대표님 목소리가‬ ‪아니라고요?‬This isn't Chairwoman Yoon Se-ri's voice?
‪예, 오빠 내외분이 확인해 주셨어요‬ ‪확실히 아니래요‬No. Her brother and his wife confirmed it. They're certain.
‪아니, 그 성문 분석이라도‬ ‪해야 되는 거 아닐까요?‬Shouldn't you do a voice-print?
‪아, 했죠‬We already did.
‪아, 근데 소리가 너무 희미해서‬ ‪확률이 떨어진대요‬But they're having a difficult time since the sound is too vague.
‪(형사)‬ ‪그리고 어차피 지금‬ ‪사망 신고 끝났잖아요‬Also, she's already been announced dead.
‪아, 엊그제 뉴스도 났더구먼‬ ‪못 보셨어요?‬Didn't you watch the news two days ago?
‪[지직거린다]‬ ‪(녹음 속 세리) 여기는 세리 1호‬This is Se-ri one. This is Se-ri one. If someone hears me--
‪여기는 세리 1호, 누구라도 들리면...‬This is Se-ri one. This is Se-ri one. If someone hears me--
‪(창식)‬ ‪이거 봐‬ ‪소름이랑 두드러기 올라오잖아‬See? I got goosebumps and an allergic reaction.
‪내 몸이 이렇게 생생하게 기억하는데‬My body remembers her voice.
‪왜 네 몸도 기억하는 이 목소리를‬ ‪가족들은 모른다고 하지?‬If your body can remember it, why can't her family?
‪[창식의 한숨]‬
‪[창식이 숨을 카 내뱉는다]‬
‪원래 이 집안이‬ ‪가족끼리 사이가 안 좋기로 유명해‬The siblings don't really get along.
‪(창식)‬ ‪예전에 오빠한테 전화가 왔었는데‬Her brother called her once,
‪대표님이 바로 차단하더라고‬and she blocked his number.
‪왜?‬-Why? -You see,
‪원래 재벌 가족은‬ ‪우리의 상식으로 생각해선 안 돼‬-Why? -You see, it's impossible for people like us to understand conglomerate families.
‪내가 많이 봤잖아‬I've witnessed it all.
‪이 사람들은 우애보다 우호 지분이고‬ ‪자식보다 주식이야‬I've witnessed it all. They value shares over sibling bonds and stocks over their children.
‪에이, 그래도‬But still...
‪부모는 안 그러겠지‬Her parents may think otherwise.
‪대표님 엄마한테 가 보자‬Let's visit her mother.
‪(수찬)‬ ‪낳아 주신 분인데‬ ‪설마 자기 자식 목소리 모를까‬She gave birth to her. She'll definitely recognize her daughter's voice.
‪저, 친엄마 아니야‬She's not the birth mother.
‪- 아‬ ‪- 비밀, 나도 얼마 전에 알았어‬I found out not too long ago.
‪그럼 회장님을 만나면?‬ ‪회장님은 친아버지일 거 아니야?‬Then how about the chairman? He's her biological father, right?
‪네가 미쳐 가는구나‬You've finally gone insane.
‪우리가 회장님을 어떻게 만나?‬How could we possibly meet him?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪오셨어, 오셨어‬He's here.
‪(수찬) 회장님‬ ‪[창식의 놀라는 신음]‬Chairman Yoon.
‪- (수찬) 회장님?‬ ‪- 회장님?‬-Chairman Yoon? -Chairman Yoon.
‪(수찬)‬ ‪회장님, 회장님!‬-Chairman Yoon? -Chairman Yoon. Chairman Yoon!
‪(세형)‬ ‪거기요, 봤어요‬Hey, I already saw your faces.
‪이리 와요, 오라고, 일로‬Come here. I said, come here.
‪저희 말씀이세요?‬-Are you talking to us? -Just come here already.
‪오라고, 빨리‬-Are you talking to us? -Just come here already.
‪여기 왜 왔어요?‬Why are you here?
‪지나던 길이었습니다‬We were passing by.
‪(세형)‬ ‪지나던 길이었다고?‬You were passing by?
‪우리 회사 VIP들만 올 수 있는‬ ‪이 주차장을?‬You were passing by this VIP parking lot?
‪[차 문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬
‪(증평)‬ ‪지금 여기서 뭐 하는 거냐?‬What's going on? It's nothing, Father. They manage this parking lot.
‪(세형)‬ ‪아, 아니에요‬ ‪그 뭐, 여기 뭐, 관리하시는 분들인데‬It's nothing, Father. They manage this parking lot.
‪예, 들어가세요‬It's nothing, Father. They manage this parking lot. -You should go in first. -Is that so?
‪(증평)‬ ‪그래?‬-You should go in first. -Is that so?
‪(세형)‬ ‪들어가세요‬
‪(수찬)‬ ‪회장님, 드릴 말씀이 있습니다!‬Sir, I have something to say!
‪(세형)‬ ‪아버지‬ ‪[긴박한 음악]‬Just go inside. You don't need to worry about them.
‪신경 쓰실 필요 없는 사람들이에요‬Just go inside. You don't need to worry about them.
‪사실 뭐, 돈이나 뜯으러 온 건데‬They were asking for some money.
‪제가 정리할게요, 들어가세요‬I can take care of it. Go in first.
‪(수찬)‬ ‪회장님, 회장님!‬
‪회장님!‬ ‪윤세리 대표님은 살아 계십니다!‬-Sir! Chairwoman Yoon is alive! -Get rid of him.
‪(세형)‬ ‪야, 빨리빨리 정리해‬ ‪[수찬의 힘겨운 신음]‬-Sir! Chairwoman Yoon is alive! -Get rid of him.
‪(수찬)‬ ‪회장님 따님은 살아 있다고요!‬
‪[수찬의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[비서를 탁탁 치며]‬ ‪아! 아파‬That hurts! Hold on!
‪아, 아! 아, 잠깐만요‬That hurts! Hold on!
‪[힘겨운 숨을 내뱉으며]‬ ‪회장님‬That hurts! Hold on! Sir!
‪회장님!‬Chairman Yoon!
‪저건 또 왜 저래?‬What's wrong with him?
‪아, 뭐 하니? 빨리 좀 해!‬What are you doing? Hurry up!
‪[비서들이 대답한다]‬ ‪(창식)‬ ‪윤세리 대표님 살아 계십니다!‬Chairwoman Yoon is alive!
‪제 이 두드러기가 증거입니다!‬My allergic reaction is proof!
‪(수찬)‬ ‪진짜입니다! 제가 들었습니다!‬He's telling the truth! I heard her voice!
‪- (수찬) 목소리!‬ ‪- (세형) 당신들 각오해‬I heard her voice! You better brace yourselves.
‪(세형)‬ ‪내일 내 변호사 만날 준비들 하고‬You'll be seeing my lawyer tomorrow.
‪(수찬)‬ ‪회장님, 회장님!‬Sir! Sir!
‪[수찬의 아파하는 신음]‬Sir!
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[창식과 수찬이 소란스럽다]‬It really hurts! -Why are you doing this? -Let me go!
‪(창식)‬ ‪좀 놔 봐요, 놔 봐요!‬-Why are you doing this? -Let me go! Let me go!
‪[창식의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[수찬의 놀라는 신음]‬Let me go!
‪[창식의 놀라는 신음]‬Let me go!
‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪[옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪"행복한 크리스마스, 미스터 리"‬
‪[숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪[떨리는 목소리로]‬ ‪나예요‬It's me.
‪어디요, 지금?‬ ‪왜 안 들어오고 전화를...‬Where are you? Why have you called me?
‪긴데 이건 누구 손전화요?‬By the way, who's phone is this?
‪(세리)‬ ‪나 가요, 리정혁 씨‬I'm leaving now.
‪어딜?‬To where?
‪(세리)‬ ‪뭐가 어디야?‬Come on.
‪다 얘기했잖아, 구승준이랑 갈 거라고‬I told you already that I'll be leaving with Gu Seung-jun.
‪지금 간다고?‬You'll be leaving right now?
‪(세리)‬ ‪어, 갑자기 일이 그렇게 됐어요‬Yes. It turned out that way.
‪일정이 당겨졌네?‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬I'm leaving sooner than expected.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪어디요, 지금? 내가 가갔소‬Where are you right now? I'll be there.
‪(세리)‬ ‪어, 아니에요‬No, I've already left in a car.
‪차 타고 벌써 멀리 떠났어요‬No, I've already left in a car.
‪미안해요‬ ‪인사도 제대로 못 하고 나왔네‬I'm sorry I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye.
‪근데 우리 벌써 인사 여러 번 했잖아‬But we've already said our goodbyes many times before.
‪새삼스럽게 안 해도 될 거 같아‬We don't need to say it again.
‪아니오‬You're wrong.
‪벌써 했어도 여러 번 했어도 해야 하오‬I know we've said it many times before, but we still need to say our last goodbyes.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪새삼스럽게 해야 하니까‬ ‪그, 지금 어딘지만 말하시오‬We do need to say it again. So tell me where you are right now.
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪답답하네, 리정혁 씨‬You're unreasonable.
‪벌써 멀리 왔다고요‬I've already left.
‪(세리)‬ ‪일이 그렇게 됐다잖아‬It just turned out that way.
‪그러니까 자꾸 어디냐는 둥‬ ‪오겠다는 둥‬So stop asking where I am or saying that you'll come to see me.
‪그런 얘기 하지 말고‬or saying that you'll come to see me.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪아, 윤세리, 제발!‬Se-ri, please!
‪[다급한 목소리로]‬ ‪잠깐만 있으시오‬Just one minute!
‪멀어도 좋소, 내가 금방 가니까‬I don't care if you're far away. I'll be there.
‪[세리가 흐느낀다]‬ ‪(정혁) 잠깐만, 내가 금방...‬I don't care if you're far away. I'll be there. So please wait. I'll be there soon!
‪잘 있어요‬Goodbye.
‪건강하고‬Be safe.
‪(세리)‬ ‪결혼식도 잘하고‬I hope you have a good wedding.
‪좋은 가정 이루고‬I hope you have a lovely family.
‪행복하게 오래오래 잘 살아요‬Be happy. Live a long, happy life.
‪나랑 있었던 일들은 다 잊고‬Forget about our time together.
‪꼭 그렇게 해요‬Make sure you do that.
‪(정혁)‬ ‪끊지 말고‬Don't hang up!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪내 말 들으시오‬Listen to me.
‪보이는 걸 말해 보시오‬ ‪내가 다 찾아갈 수 있으니까‬Tell me what you see. I can find you.
‪(세리)‬ ‪리정혁 씨‬Jeong Hyeok.
‪사랑해요‬I love you.
‪[총성이 탕 울린다]‬
‪♪ 너와 마주 앉아 ♪‬
‪♪ 입맞춰 부르던 ♪‬
‪♪ 노랫소리 ♪‬
‪♪ 기억합니다 ♪‬
‪♪ 살며시 감은 나의 두 눈 속에 ♪‬
‪♪ 그대 모습 담아봅니다 ♪‬
‪♪ 함께 걸었던 이곳에 홀로이 ♪‬
‪♪ 그대 이름 불러봅니다 ♪‬
‪♪ 시린 겨울도 어두운 밤도 ♪‬
‪♪ 함께 있음에 난 웃었지 ♪‬
‪♪ 그대 내게 준 그 봄에 우리 ♪‬
‪♪ 영원을 기도했죠 ♪‬
‪♪ 두 눈에 담은 작은 사진처럼 ♪‬
‪♪ 그대 여전히 남아있네요 ♪‬
‪[구세군 종이 울린다]‬
‪홍 팀장님, 내년 설 마케팅‬ ‪플랜 자료 어디 있어요?‬Mr. Hong, where's the marketing plan for next year's Lunar New Year?
‪다시 뽑으라고 했던 것 같은데?‬I think I asked you to print it out again.
‪왜요?‬What's wrong?
‪대표님, 진짜 이러실 거예요?‬Isn't this too harsh, ma'am?
‪(창식)‬ ‪크리스마스이브입니다‬ ‪지금은 밤 10시고요‬It's Christmas Eve and 10:00 p.m. at that.
‪약간 너무하신 것 같습니다‬I think this is too much.
‪- 우리 홍 팀장님 크리스천?‬ ‪- 아니요‬Are you Christian, Mr. Hong? -No. -Then
‪근데 남의 생일이 왜 중요해?‬-No. -Then why is someone else's birthday important?
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪따지고 보면 남의 생파 아니야?‬Let's be real. It's someone else's birthday.
‪그걸 뭘 그렇게 유난스럽게‬So why would you go out of your way
‪반짝이 달아 가면서 트리를 만들고‬to decorate a tree?
‪축하를 하네 마네 카드를 쓰고‬Why would you bother to write a card?
‪"행복한 크리스마스, 미스터 리"‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪아니, 선물은 왜 줘?‬I mean, why would you give gifts?
‪자기들 생일이야?‬Is it their birthdays?
‪(세리)‬ ‪그게 다 얼마나 우스운 짓이냐고, 응?‬Isn't it ridiculous?
‪안 그래요?‬Don't you think so?
‪어찌나 바보들 같은지‬They're all idiots.
‪(세리)‬ ‪사람이 참 한 치 앞을 몰라요‬Life is full of surprises.
‪암튼 인생은 뭘 장담하면 안 돼‬You can't be sure of anything in life.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(세리)‬ ‪리정혁 보고 싶어‬I miss you, Jeong Hyeok.
‪죽였습니다, 이제 어디 가도 없습니다‬She's dead. You won't ever find her.
‪날 후회하게 만들려고‬ ‪누굴 찾아간 거요?‬Whom did you ask for help to make me regret my actions?
‪(승준)‬ ‪아, 정신 차려 봐요!‬-Wake up! -Hey, look at that.
‪(단)‬ ‪[취한 목소리로]‬ ‪야! 자고 가라!‬-Wake up! -Hey, look at that.
‪[비상벨이 울린다]‬ ‪(영애)‬ ‪삼숙 동무가‬Are you saying Sam Suk is from the South?
‪남쪽에서 왔다 그 말이가?‬Are you saying Sam Suk is from the South?
‪(철강)‬ ‪긴급 수사 협조 공문입니다‬This is an urgent investigation request.
‪(철강)‬ ‪리정혁 동무가 여기 오지 않았습니까?‬Didn't Jeong Hyeok visit you?
‪(충렬)‬ ‪네가 숨겨 둔 여자 하나로‬You're hiding that woman and risking our family's safety!
‪우리 집안이‬ ‪끝장날 수도 있는 상황이야!‬You're hiding that woman and risking our family's safety!
‪그 사람이 잘못됐다믄‬If something happens to her,
‪전 죽는 날까지 지옥에서‬ ‪살게 될 겁니다‬I'll be living in hell until the day I die.

.사랑의 불시착 

.영화 & 드라마 대본

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