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Zombieverse: Season 2 New Blood 

[시영] 어떻게 이렇게 빨리 퍼지지?[Si-young] How did it spread so fast? I thought it was contained.
이 정도 아니었잖아[Si-young] How did it spread so fast? I thought it was contained.
[시영] 도망쳐서 온 데가 더 위험한 데였어Our refuge became dangerous and chaotic.
[고조되는 음악]
[시영] 서울이 완전 봉쇄가 됐어Seoul is under total lockdown.
[딘딘] 다 무너졌네-[DinDin] Everything's in ruins. -[Sae-ho] It's a total wreck.
[세호] 박살 났네, 지금-[DinDin] Everything's in ruins. -[Sae-ho] It's a total wreck.
[덱스] 위험하긴 하다 우리 어쩌다 여기까지 왔지?[Dex] It's really dangerous. How did we end up here?
[은비] 다 죽으면 어떡해요?[woman] What happens if we all die?
[데프콘] 잘 생각해 봐 이게 지옥으로 가는 건지 모르잖아[Defconn] Think about it. This could take us to hell.
[남자의 호탕한 웃음][evil laughter]
[홍철의 웃음][Sung-jae] You said Hong-chul was dead.
[성재] 야, 홍철이 형 죽었다며[Sung-jae] You said Hong-chul was dead.
[앵커] 질병청에 따르면 희귀 체질자가 존재할 것으로Rumors are circulating about a person who carries rare antibodies.
추정이 되고 있습니다Rumors are circulating about a person who carries rare antibodies.
백신과 치료제가 신속하게In order for a vaccine and a cure to be developed…
- 개발이 될 수 있도록 - [덱스] 엥?In order for a vaccine and a cure to be developed… Huh?
- [데프콘] 얘를 호송해야겠네 - [덱스] 서울로, 서울로We need to get this guy there now. To Seoul! [Si-young] It would be amazing
[시영] 오빠의 피로써[Si-young] It would be amazing
뭔가 이 사태가 해결될 수 있다면 너무 좋은 거잖아if your blood is the answer to this terrible ordeal.
[모두의 환호]if your blood is the answer to this terrible ordeal.
[데프콘] 항체를 만들기엔 가장 유리해[Defconn] It's the best shot at making antibodies.
[성재] 인류가 구해질 수 있는 거니까[Defconn] It's the best shot at making antibodies. [Sung-jae] The only way to save humanity.
와, 진짜 희망이 생겼다, 누나[Sung-jae] This is getting serious, Noona.
[홍철] 나 잡아 봐라!Catch me if you can!
[태연] 노홍철!Catch me if you can! -[TAEYEON] Ro Hong-chul! -[woman] Why are you doing this to us?
- [시영] 왜 그래, 우리한테! - [홍철의 웃음]-[TAEYEON] Ro Hong-chul! -[woman] Why are you doing this to us?
그냥 곱게 가면 되잖아[Si-young] Calm down. Take it easy.
야! 야, 살려 줘!Hey! Let me go!
[홍철] 이 약해 빠진 놈들아![Hong-chul] You scrawny wimps! Better hold her tight!
맛 좀 더 봐라![Hong-chul] You scrawny wimps! Better hold her tight!
- [덱스] 컴 온, 컴 온! - [성재] 오우, 좀비가 날라다녀!-[Dex] Come on. -[DinDin] The zombie's going nuts!
[은비] 역대급 좀비인데요?[Eun-bi] He's a super zombie. He's a mutant. [screams]
- [데프콘] 쟤 변종인가 봐 - [츠키] 못 올라가, 못 올라가![Eun-bi] He's a super zombie. He's a mutant. [screams] Seriously, Sae-ho, pull me over!
[시영] 세호야, 좀 잡아 줘!Seriously, Sae-ho, pull me over!
[딘딘] 와, 졸라 빨라![DinDin] Oh, it's moving so fast! It's turbocharged.
졸라 빨라![DinDin] Oh, it's moving so fast! It's turbocharged.
[덱스] 성재야!-[Dex] Sung-jae! -[man] They're heading our way.
[세호] 물렸어, 물렸어?-[Dex] Sung-jae! -[man] They're heading our way.
[데프콘] 아니, 근데 너무 순식간에 죽었어[Defconn] Man, he was killed instantly.
[세호] 말도 안 돼, 말도 안 돼 말도 안 돼-[Sae-ho] We're screwed. -[Dex] There's too many.
- [성재] 와, 너무 많은데? - [세호] 너무 많아-[Sae-ho] We're screwed. -[Dex] There's too many. -[Sae-ho] Get across it. -[Dex] Hurry!
- [남자1] 빨리해야 돼요! - [딘딘] 덱스 넘어!-[Sae-ho] Get across it. -[Dex] Hurry! [DinDin] Dex, go over!
[데프콘] 빨리 가자 야, 혈액 응고되기 전에 가[Defconn] We'll go before the blood clots.
[태연] 잘 챙겼지? 피[TAEYEON] Packed the blood?
[데프콘] 사람 살려야 될 거 아냐 인류의 희망인데![Defconn] You have to save humanity. You're our only hope.
[은비] 배신자![Eun-bi] Traitors!
[홍철의 비명]-[screaming] -Get out. Here they come.
산 채로 데려가야 되는 건가요?Do we have to capture him alive?
- [홍철] 우리 한 팀이잖아 - [시영] 뭘 '우리'야?-[Hong-chul] We're teammates. -[Si-young] "We"?
- [시영] 죽여 버린다, 진짜 - [홍철] 야… [웃음][yelling]
[시영] 모든 이렇게 된 원흉이 이 사람이잖아[Si-young] It's thanks to him we're in this mess.
[태연] 아, 진짜 죽을 거 같아![woman] I'm gonna die! That was no person!
[덱스] 이건 사람이 아니지! 이건 좀비지!That was no person! That was a zombie! They killed a person!
[남자1] 사람을 죽였어!That was a zombie! They killed a person!
[남자2] 이 살인자야, 살인자![man] Murderers!
[홍철] 이 더러운 놈들![Hong-chul] You rotten scum!
지밖에 모르는 놈들! 난 자유롭게 살 거라고!Selfish jerks! I'm gonna be free!
[시영] 야, 이 미친놈아!-[Si-young] You're a madman! -[laughs]
나쁘지 않구나!This ain't bad! This ain't bad at all!
이것도 나쁘지 않구나!This ain't bad! This ain't bad at all!
[시영] 도망갈 생각 하지 마 진짜 지옥까지 쫓아갈 거니까[Si-young] There's no escape. I'll follow you to the depths of hell.
[앵커] 한반도에 원인 미상의 신종 바이러스[reporter] It's been ten days since the outbreak of a new virus dubbed the "Zombie Virus".
일명 좀비 바이러스가 발생한 지since the outbreak of a new virus dubbed the "Zombie Virus". It has spread across the Korean Peninsula.
오늘로 열흘째입니다It has spread across the Korean Peninsula.
봉쇄령이 내려진 서울 및 수도권 지역 감염자가Due to exponential growth of the infection rate, Seoul and the surrounding areas are on lockdown.
기하급수적으로 증가함에 따라Seoul and the surrounding areas are on lockdown.
정부에서는 최고 수준의 비상사태를 유지하고 있습니다Seoul and the surrounding areas are on lockdown. The government has declared a national state of emergency.
이에 감염 중심지에서 가장 멀리 떨어진EMERGENCY TRANSPORT There has been a surge of evacuees to Jeju Island,
제주도에 입도객이 급증하고 있는데요There has been a surge of evacuees to Jeju Island, the furthest point from the infection epicenter.
섬 지역 특성상 방역망이 뚫릴 경우the furthest point from the infection epicenter. Any breach in the quarantine network would pose serious risks to the island community.
심각한 위협을 초래할 수 있기 때문에would pose serious risks to the island community.
제주도청에 마련된 특별대책본부는would pose serious risks to the island community. Temporary shelters have been built, and emergency measures are in place.
긴급 대피 시설을 구축하고Temporary shelters have been built, and emergency measures are in place.
입도객 전원에게Anyone attempting to enter the island
3일간 격리를 의무화하는 특별 조치를 시행 중입니다Anyone attempting to enter the island must undergo a mandatory three-day quarantine.
일각에서는 이러한 쏠림 현상에 대해Some have voiced concerns regarding the number of refugees on Jeju Island…
큰 우려의 목소리를 내고 있는데요…Some have voiced concerns regarding the number of refugees on Jeju Island…
[세호의 옅은 신음][Sae-ho and TAEYEON groan]
[안내원1] 도착했습니다[driver] We're here.
[안내원2] 자, 내리실게요[driver] We're here. [officer] All right, everyone.
자, 내리세요Step out.
어디야, 여기?Where are we? DIDN'T BELIEVE IN THE VIRUS
[안내원1] 도착했습니다-[driver] We're here. -Oh. ESCAPED TO JEJU WITH HER MANAGER
[안내원2] 자, 내리세요-[officer] Time to go. -Where is this?
[세호] 와, 여기 어디야?-[officer] Time to go. -Where is this? -Where are we? -[driver] This is it.
[안내원2] 다 물리신 데 없죠?[officer] None of you got bitten, right?
[세호] 괜찮으세요?-[Sae-ho] You okay? -[Sung-jae] Yup.
[안내원2] 가서 방역하고-[Sae-ho] You okay? -[Sung-jae] Yup. [officer] You'll all be undergoing infectious disease prevention measures
- 3일간 격리할 거예요 - [태연] 절로 가 봐[officer] You'll all be undergoing infectious disease prevention measures
[세호] 괜찮아? 오케이, 됐다[officer] You'll all be undergoing infectious disease prevention measures -then quarantine for three days. -We're being quarantined.
격리한대요, 저희-then quarantine for three days. -We're being quarantined.
- 어? - [성재] 격리한대요-Huh? -Quarantined.
[피난민] 뭐, 3일 동안 격리한다고…-Yeah? -[Sung-jae] It lasts three days.
[안내원2] 안에 들어가면 주무관님이 설명…[officer] Assistant Deputy will explain…
[세호] 여기가 대피소야?[officer] Assistant Deputy will explain… This is the shelter?
- [성재] 주무관님들? - [안내원2] 네, 네[Sung-jae] Assistant deputy? ALL THREE WERE DRAGGED HERE
[세호] 이게 뭐야?[Sae-ho] What's all this?
[성재] 뭐야, '함께 뛰자 대한민국 넘어가자 높은 파도'[Sung-jae] "Koreans, let's take the leap together and ride out the waves."
무서운데?[Sung-jae] "Koreans, let's take the leap together and ride out the waves." Scary. I think we're screwed.
[세호] 와 조진 거 같다, 이거, 아…Scary. I think we're screwed. [Sae-ho] Wow.
그냥 들어가도 되나?Can we just go in?
[안내 방송] 이곳은 제주시에서 운영하는 임시 격리소입니다[announcer] Welcome to Jeju's temporary quarantine center.
입도객이 몰려 혼잡한 상태이오니[announcer] Welcome to Jeju's temporary quarantine center. Please follow all staff instructions
담당자들의 지시에 질서 있게 따라 주시기 바랍니다so that we may best serve the large number of visitors. [intriguing music playing]
여러분은 안전 입소 후 3일간 격리될 예정입니다Upon admittance, you'll be quarantined for three days.
격리 기간 동안 바이러스 증상이 발현되지 않으면If no virus symptoms are detected, then you will be issued an official entry permit.
정식 입도 허가증이 발급됩니다then you will be issued an official entry permit.
발열, 호흡 곤란, 외상 등의 이상 증상이 있으신 분은If you are experiencing symptoms such as a fever or difficulty breathing,
자발적으로 신고 바랍니다If you are experiencing symptoms such as a fever or difficulty breathing, please report them.
[주무관] 증상 여부 있으신가요?-[man] Any symptoms? -My tooth hurts.
[태연] 저 치통 조금 있는데-[man] Any symptoms? -My tooth hurts.
- [주무관] 치통이요? - [태연] 네-Toothache? -Yeah.
[안내 방송] 우리 모두의 안전을 위해[announcer] Please follow all regulations to ensure everyone's safety.
반드시 규정을 준수해 주시기 바랍니다[announcer] Please follow all regulations to ensure everyone's safety.
[안내원] 방역 터널로 이동하실게요[officer] Please move ahead to the tunnel.
[태연] 어유, 이거 뭐 나 안 물렸는데?[TAEYEON] But I never got bit. I'm good.
[세호] 우와[Sae-ho groans]
- 소독하는 건가? - [태연] 아… [기침]-[Sae-ho] Disinfectant? -[TAEYEON] I'm going through. [coughs]
[성재] 근데 오히려, 형 이렇게 하는 게[Sung-jae] You know what though? I think it might actually be safer doing this.
더 안전할 수도 있을 것 같아요I think it might actually be safer doing this.
- [잔잔한 음악] - 와, 씨…Oh, man…
- [세호] 아, 여기가 대피소구나 - [안내원] 네, 네-[Sae-ho] So this is the shelter? -[officer] Yes.
- [세호] 대박이다 - [성재] 너무 리얼한데?-[Sae-ho] Crazy. Whoa. -[Sung-jae] This just got real.
[세호] 우와-[Sae-ho] Crazy. Whoa. -[Sung-jae] This just got real.
[세호] 근데 생각보다 많다[Sae-ho] There's a ton of people here.
[태연] 마을 같아[TAEYEON] It's like a city.
구호 물품들이다Over there's supplies.
[주무관] 빨리 주셔요 빨리 주셔, 빨리[Seon-tae] Hurry up, give it to me.
[여자] 아니, 이게 왜 밴드를 주고…I don't need Band-Aids.
[주무관] 아니, 아니, 아니, 아니-You said you needed bandages. -I need medicine.
- 밴드 달라며, 뭐 준다 그랬어? - [여자] 아니, 약, 약-You said you needed bandages. -I need medicine. -What do you want? Medicine? -Cold medicine.
- [주무관] 약? 약 뭐 있어요? - [여자] 감기약-What do you want? Medicine? -Cold medicine. -For a cold. -I'll look.
[태연] 배고프다THE MOTHERS' CLUB MEALS [TAEYEON] I'm hungry.
[여자] 셰프님 이거 냄새 맡아 볼래요? 스멜?Do you wanna try smelling this? Smell?
- 오, 굿? - [셰프의 웃음]-Oh, good? -Ooh. [woman chuckles]
[셰프가 영어로] 좋아요That's good.
[태연이 한국어로] 아, 근데 좀 좋은 거 같기도?DESPITE THE VIRUS OUTBREAK, HOPE REMAINS -[TAEYEON] This actually might be nice. -[Sung-jae] Right.
[동대장] 네, 동대장입니다 일로 오셔요Hello, I'm the chief officer. Right this way.
네, 일로 오셔서Hello, I'm the chief officer. Right this way. If there's anything you need, water or heating pads…
네, 필요하신 거는 요쪽에 지원 물품을If there's anything you need, water or heating pads… EXPLORING AROUND
- 물이든 핫팩이든 쓰시고요 - [태연] 아, 여기 다 있구나EXPLORING AROUND -…help yourself. -You have everything?
- [동대장] 어디서 많이 뵌 분인데 - [성재] 아, 안녕하세요-You look familiar. -Thanks. -Hey. -Nice to meet you.
- [동대장] 네, 동대장입니다 - [세호] 잘 부탁드립니다-Hey. -Nice to meet you. -I'm the chief officer. -Nice to meet you.
[성재] 어디로 가야 돼?[Sung-jae] Where do we go?
[세호] 일단 들어가라고 하니까 들어가면 되는 거 아니야?[Sung-jae] Where do we go? [Sae-ho] I guess we go in?
아이고, 안녕하세요Hello, thank you so much. Thanks for all your work.
고생 많으십니다Hello, thank you so much. Thanks for all your work.
[성재] 이야, 진짜 티비로만 봤지 이렇게…Man, I've only seen this kind of stuff on TV.
[태연] 대박[TAEYEON] Crazy.
[태연] 근데 뭐, 필요한 게, 지금…-[worker] If you need anything else… -[man] More water.
[남자] 필요한 게 많이 있을 거예요-[worker] If you need anything else… -[man] More water.
[성재] 큰일 날 것 같은데요[Sung-jae] We're in serious trouble. I'm super worried.
겁나 걱정되는데요[Sung-jae] We're in serious trouble. I'm super worried.
실제로 보셨어요, 좀비?Have you seen a zombie?
제주도는 안전한 거죠?-Jeju is safe, right? -[man] For the time being.
안에 화장실은 있죠?-Jeju is safe, right? -[man] For the time being. -Are there bathrooms? Toilet paper? -Sure do.
휴지는 없어요, 휴지?-Are there bathrooms? Toilet paper? -Sure do.
- 무료로 되는 거죠? - [흥미로운 음악][Sung-jae] This is all free, right?
- 다 가져가도 되는 거예요? - [여자] 아, 네[Sung-jae] This is all free, right? -I can take it all? -[worker] Right. SEEMS LIKE THE WORRYING TYPE
- [쉭] - [놀란 소리]-[spray hissing] -Hey, watch out, man.
- 깜짝 놀랐네 - [주무관1] 증상 있으세요?This way now. Any symptoms? EASILY SCARED TOO
[성재] 저 과민성대장증후군이 좀…EASILY SCARED TOO I have irritable bowel syndrome.
[주무관2] 잠깐만, 잠깐만Just wait a moment.
[피난민1] 따뜻한 국물 같은 것도 필요하고…-We need soup with plenty of meat. -Hang on.
[주무관2] 국물? 왜 이렇게 다 국물들을 찾아?-We need soup with plenty of meat. -Hang on. What is it with everyone and their obsession with soup?
[동대장] 김 주무관이 잘 해결해 줄 거예요What is it with everyone and their obsession with soup? AN OFFICIAL CONVERSING WITH CITIZENS
- 국물을, 저기 같이 좀… - [피난민2] 라면이라도…I'll get it. Can you help me with…
[김 주무관] 자 소독하시고, 성함…All right, keep disinfecting. Excuse me. Over here.
- 저기, 이쪽, 이쪽으로 오세요 - [태연] 네?All right, keep disinfecting. Excuse me. Over here. -[TAEYEON] Sir? Oh. -Write your name down.
- 성함, 성함 적으세요 - [태연] 아-[TAEYEON] Sir? Oh. -Write your name down.
- [쉭] - [태연, 김 주무관의 놀란 소리]-[spray hissing] -Oh, yes, slowly.
- [김 주무관] 천천히 - [세호] 주무관님-[spray hissing] -Oh, yes, slowly. -Hello, sir. -Slowly, please.
[김 주무관] 천천히 천천히, 천천히-Hello, sir. -Slowly, please.
- [태연] 어? - 아니, 여기 왜…AN OFFICIAL FROM CHUNGJU CITY IS DISPATCHED DUE TO A STAFF SHORTAGE -You're here? -How'd you end up here?
[세호] 여기 어떻게 오셨어요?-You're here? -How'd you end up here?
[선태] 저 여기 파견 와 가지고…-[Seon-tae] I was assigned. -[Sae-ho] Okay. Following orders?
[세호] 아, 파견 오셨어요?-[Seon-tae] I was assigned. -[Sae-ho] Okay. Following orders?
- 강제 동원 당했어 - [성재] 아이고Not my choice. OFFICIALS REMAIN COMMITTED
- [흥미로운 음악] - [태연] 우와! 핫팩이다-[TAEYEON] Wow! Heating pads. -That stings my eyes.
- [세호] 눈 따가워라 - [태연] 반갑습니다-[TAEYEON] Wow! Heating pads. -That stings my eyes. -[TAEYEON] Thank you. -Oh, thanks very much.
[세호] 감사합니다, 네-[TAEYEON] Thank you. -Oh, thanks very much.
[선태] 자, 들어가시고요[Seon-tae] All right, in you go.
[남자] 오케이! 오케이, 좋아![Seon-tae] All right, in you go. [Defconn] Okay, here we go. Ready?
- [세호] 엥? - [성재] 어?-[Sae-ho] Uh… -[Sung-jae] What?
- [남자] 그렇지 - [세호] 프콘이 형 아니야?-Is that Defconn? -[TAEYEON] Yeah.
[데프콘] 탁구는 입으로 치는 게 아니라-Is that Defconn? -[TAEYEON] Yeah. Shut up and let your paddle do the talking.
실력으로 하는 거다Shut up and let your paddle do the talking.
[성재] 그러네? 먼저 와 계셨나 보다-[Sung-jae] Guess he got here first. -[Sae-ho] It's him.
[선태] 야, 저, 씨 탁구나 치고 앉았고-[Sung-jae] Guess he got here first. -[Sae-ho] It's him. Look at those punks, playing ping-pong at a time like this.
야, 부럽다, 야Look at those punks, playing ping-pong at a time like this.
인생이…Must be nice.
[데프콘] 어? 스핀까지?[Defconn] Whoa! Nice spin.
아! 에헤![exclaims] FLEW TO JEJU AFTER THE NEWS
아휴, 운동 좀 하시라고 내가 몇 번을 말해, 형님Hyung, how many times have I told you to get to the gym? ADAPTING QUICKLY
아, 뭔 일 생길 줄 알고ADAPTING QUICKLY You all need to work out, okay? Who knows what's gonna go down next?
다들 운동들 좀 하셔야 된다니까You all need to work out, okay? Who knows what's gonna go down next?
- [태연] 오빠 - [세호] 대준이 형-Oppa. -[Sae-ho] Dae-joon.
- [태연] 프콘이 오빠 - [세호] 형-Oppa. -[Sung-jae] Hi. [Sae-ho] Hyung.
[남자] 오케이![player] Okay!
- [성재] 형님 - [세호] 형, 여기 왜 있어요?-[Sae-ho] Why are you here, bro? -What are you doing here?
[데프콘] 야, 니네 어쩐 일이야?-[Sae-ho] Why are you here, bro? -What are you doing here?
- [세호] 여기 왜 있어요? - 오빠-[Sae-ho] What you doing? -[Defconn] Holy crap!
[데프콘] 야! 우와!What the heck? A JOYFUL SURPRISE [TAEYEON] What are you doing here?
[태연] 여기 왜 있어요?[TAEYEON] What are you doing here?
- [데프콘] 격리되고 있지, 격리 - [세호] 에?-[Defconn] I'm being quarantined. -[Sae-ho] What?
[데프콘] 야, 근데 너는…Okay, but why…
[웃으며] 너는 뭐 이렇게 멋 내고 왔어?[chuckles] Why are you dressed like that?
[태연] 세상을 파랗게 보고 있어THIS ISN'T A TYPICAL SHOOT!
[데프콘] 선글라스 쓸 때야 지금 네가?[Defconn] You don't need sunglasses.
- [세호] 아, 나 눈이 너무 아파서 - [데프콘] 그럼 써야지-[Sae-ho] My eyes were stinging. -[Defconn] Okay.
- [흥미로운 음악] - [데프콘] 자, 그러면Whatever.
[세호] 아이, 큰일이네But, man, this is bad.
형, 형, 언제 오셨어요, 그러면?Hyung, when did you get here?
내가 니네보다 하루 먼저 왔어I got here a day before you.
[세호] 아, 다행이다 그래도 형이 있으니까-I'm really glad you're here. -I'm relieved to see someone I know.
아는 사람이 있어서 너무 다행이에요-I'm really glad you're here. -I'm relieved to see someone I know.
어쨌건 괜찮아 이제 여기 왔으니까It'll be fine now that you're all here.
[성재] 안에 사람도 많아요?-Are there a lot of people here? -Okay? Oh! CoKun's inside.
[데프콘] 아! 안에 코쿤이 있어-Are there a lot of people here? -Okay? Oh! CoKun's inside.
- [세호] 코쿤? - 코쿤이 있어, 코쿤이-CoKun? -He's inside, yeah.
- 코드 쿤스트? - [데프콘] 코쿤이 있어, 어-Yes. CoKun's in there. -Code Kunst?
[흥미진진한 음악][upbeat music playing]
- 요거 하나 감아 드릴까요? - [남자] 좋죠-Want me to wrap your leg? -Yes.
[코드 쿤스트] 다리 다치셔 가지고[CoKun] Nasty cut.
[남자] 조심해야 돼요You gotta be more careful.
[태연, 성재] 안녕하세요-[TAEYEON] Hello. -[Sung-jae] Hey.
[안내원] 천천히 둘러보시면 되고INDOOR LIVING AREA [guide] Take a look around. If you have questions, ask the others.
궁금한 거 있으면 옆에 계신 분한테 물어보시고요[guide] Take a look around. If you have questions, ask the others.
[태연] 아, 여기 이렇게 다 계시나 보다[guide] Take a look around. If you have questions, ask the others. Everyone is staying at this place?
- [세호] 여기 있었어? - [코드 쿤스트] 네-[Sae-ho] You're here. -[CoKun] Yup.
- 너 언제 왔어? - [코드 쿤스트] 저 어제 왔어요-When did you get here? -Yesterday.
[코드 쿤스트] 전 이거 벌써 다 만들었어요I've already made these.
- [세호] 뭐야? - [코드 쿤스트] 방호구, 방호구-What is that? -[CoKun] Safety gear.
- [흥미로운 음악] - 여긴 안전하다 그랬는데?But they said it's safe here.
[코드 쿤스트] 그래도 혹시 모르니까Well, you never know. I've been handing these out.
좀 채워 드리고 여기 이거 나눠 주고 있었어요Well, you never know. I've been handing these out. I helped that guy.
- [세호] 다치신 거야? - [코드 쿤스트] 네, 다치셨어요-Is he hurt? -He cut his leg.
그래서 제가 혹시 몰라서I helped him put on this safety gear, just in case.
이거 보호구 감아 드렸어요I helped him put on this safety gear, just in case.
[성재] 아까 밖에서랑은 좀 다르게 여기는 조금 분위기가…The vibes in here are really different than outside.
여기는 약간The vibes in here are really different than outside. Let's just say you can't be too happy here.
너무 밝으면 좀 죄송한 그런 분위기에요, 지금Let's just say you can't be too happy here. That would be disrespectful.
- [무거운 음악] - [성재] 대피하시는 분들 다…[Sung-jae] The people in here are all… EXHAUSTED EVACUEES ARE GATHERED HERE
[성재] 아, 여기 다 가족 찾는 이런… 아…[Sung-jae] These are notes from people looking for their family. -Oh… -[crying]
[흐느낀다]-Oh… -[crying]
[코드 쿤스트] 웨딩 촬영 오셨는데 남편분을 잃어버리셨대[CoKun] She came here for a wedding shoot and got separated from the groom.
[성재] 아니, 근데 다들 가족분들은 연락 안 되는 거예요?[Sung-jae] So, everyone here has lost contact with their family?
아니, 나는 창희랑 같이 왔다가 남창희가 없어졌거든I came here with Chang-hee, but he went missing.
아니, 나는 창희랑 같이 왔다가 남창희가 없어졌거든SAE-HO HAS A SAD BACKGROUND TOO
[놀라며] 그럼 이거 써Uh, write something.
보고 또 찾아올 수도…He might see it.
[쓸쓸한 음악][solemn, quirky music playing]
[코드 쿤스트] 형 결혼식 사회 보기로 했는데 괜찮아요?Wasn't he supposed to be your wedding officiant?
- [태연] 아… - [코드 쿤스트의 웃음][TAEYEON] Um…
[세호] 아휴…[TAEYEON grunts] Gosh.
- [태연] 오빠 - [데프콘] 어, 코쿤아, 만났어?-[TAEYEON] Oppa. -[Defconn] You've met these guys?
[코드 쿤스트] 앉아요, 앉아-[TAEYEON] Oppa. -[Defconn] You've met these guys? [CoKun] Have a seat. Make yourselves comfortable.
앉아, 앉아, 편하게 앉아요[CoKun] Have a seat. Make yourselves comfortable.
[데프콘] 야, 근데 이게Look, I know this is overwhelming for all of us.
많이 좀 당황스러워 나도 그렇고Look, I know this is overwhelming for all of us.
핸드폰이 아예 안 되던데My phone isn't working either.
[코드 쿤스트] 통신장치가 다 안 돼-All the networks are down. -It's bad.
근데 이런, 이런 것도 형 다 대비해서 만든…You made this stuff, like, just in case? Yeah, I made it by cutting these up.
[코드 쿤스트] 이거 다 이거 잘라서 만든 거야Yeah, I made it by cutting these up.
이거 투구인가?Is this a helmet?
[코드 쿤스트] 생일 축하해 [웃음]DEFINITELY NOT A HELMET -[CoKun] Happy birthday. -[chuckles]
[세호] 잘 어울린다-It suits you. -Even in that you're handsome.
- 그거 써도 잘생기긴 했다 - [데프콘] 진짜 여전하다-It suits you. -Even in that you're handsome. [Defconn] We need to focus. We all know each other.
[데프콘] 일단 그래도 우리는 구면이니까[Defconn] We need to focus. We all know each other. We have to stick together and help each other out.
우리끼리라도 좀 의지를 잘하고We have to stick together and help each other out.
또 여기 있는 분들 혹시 도움 필요한 분들이 있으면 돕자고We have to stick together and help each other out. We've gotta be able to depend on each other. The world may be ending,
우리가 아무리 세상이 망했어도The world may be ending, but we're still entertainers with a job to do, right?
그래도 우리가 또 서비스직 아니냐but we're still entertainers with a job to do, right?
[세호] 우리가 또 뭉치면AN ATTEMPT TO LIFT THE SPIRITS If we stay united, if we stay as one…
- 하나가 되면… - [코드 쿤스트] 살 수 있죠If we stay united, if we stay as one… -We can stay alive. -[Sae-ho] Exactly.
[세호] 살 수 있잖아요-We can stay alive. -[Sae-ho] Exactly.
밥은 언제 먹어요?When do we eat?
[코드 쿤스트] 저 일단 MRE 3개 있어요I've got three dehydrated meals, if anyone wants.
- MRE 3개 - [태연] 난 한 번도 안 먹어 봤어I've got three dehydrated meals, if anyone wants. -[TAEYEON] Never tried those. -[Defconn] I've got two energy bars.
[데프콘] 나도 에너지바 2개 있어-[TAEYEON] Never tried those. -[Defconn] I've got two energy bars.
에너지바 어저께 있었는데And keep an eye on your bags, everyone. I'm keeping mine on my back.
나 내 가방 안 벗고 있잖아 니네 가방 잘 챙겨라And keep an eye on your bags, everyone. I'm keeping mine on my back.
[긴장되는 음악][tense music playing]
[데프콘] 나 어제 자는데 누가 에너지바 하나 빼 갔다-Someone's bag was stolen last night. -[TAEYEON] That's terrible.
나 그래서 지금 메고 있는 거야 탁구 칠 때도 메고 있는 거야-Someone's bag was stolen last night. -[TAEYEON] That's terrible. [Defconn] That's why I'm not taking this off.
[세호] 어, 이분 왜 이래?What's with him?
어, 저기요Uh, excuse me?
어, 왜 이래?What's he…
- [괴성] - [저마다 놀란 소리]-[snarls] -[all exclaiming]
- [성재] 뭐야, 뭐야? - [데프콘] 뭐야?-Whoa, hold on. -Crap.
- [코드 쿤스트] 야, 야 - [데프콘] 뭐야?-[man grunts] -[Defconn] Damn!
[태연의 비명]-[Sung-jae] No! -[TAEYEON screams]
[세호] 어이, 어이, 어이, 어이-[Defconn] What is happening? -[Sae-ho] What's he doing?
왜 그래? 뭐야?-[Defconn] What is happening? -[Sae-ho] What's he doing? What's happening?
[데프콘] 저기, 저기, 공무원님![Defconn] Excuse me, sir!
[코드 쿤스트] 잠깐, 잠깐 세호 형, 세호 형[TAEYEON] There! -[CoKun] Where's Sae-ho? -Whoa.
[주무관] 아휴, 선생님 여기서 이러시면 안 돼요Sir, please, you can't act like that in here.
- [세호] 내 가방 - [태연] 취하셨나?-My bag. -[TAEYEON] Is he drunk?
[남자] 에이씨-My bag. -[TAEYEON] Is he drunk? Jeez! It's only soju. Sue me.
- 소주 한잔한 거라고! - [호루라기 소리]Jeez! It's only soju. Sue me.
[주무관] 아이, 또 술 드셨네!A SURPRISE WELCOME EVENT -You've been drinking again? -That scared me.
[데프콘] 아, 깜짝이야, 진짜-You've been drinking again? -That scared me.
아, 깜짝이야-He totally got me. -[drunkard] I'm not a zombie!
- [흥미로운 음악] - [호루라기 소리]-He totally got me. -[drunkard] I'm not a zombie! I had one glass…
아, 나 순간 진짜 놀랐네, 와, 씨-Man, he scared me. -How much did he drink? [TAEYEON] I was really scared.
[태연] 와, 깜짝이야[TAEYEON] I was really scared. [Defconn] What is happening?
[늘어지는 놀란 소리]UNFLATTERING MOMENTS RIGHT FROM THE START -Damn! -[Sung-jae in distorted voice] No.
- [주무관] 죄송합니다 - [데프콘] 아이, 형님!-Sorry, everyone. -Hyung, come on.
[남자] 나 도망간다![drunkard] I'm going.
[데프콘] 여기 밑에다가 술 깔고 드셨어-[Defconn] Hid the booze and chugged it. -[TAEYEON] That's a lot.
- [태연] 엄청 드셨어 - [데프콘] 아, 진짜, 저 형님…-[Defconn] Hid the booze and chugged it. -[TAEYEON] That's a lot. [Defconn] Ah, that friggin' guy…
[데프콘] 야, 근데 세호 혼자 튀었다And by the way, Sae-ho just ran away.
- 절로 갔어, 혼자 - [데프콘] 세호 혼자 절로 갔다-He went off by himself. -[Defconn] He disappeared.
- [태연] 어디 있어? - [데프콘] 너네 기억해라-[laughter] -Where is he? -Remember that. -Oppa.
- [태연] 오빠! - [데프콘] 너 왜 혼자 갔어?-Remember that. -Oppa. -You ran off? -Why did you run so far away?
- [태연] 왜 도망갔어? - [세호] 제압하려고-You ran off? -Why did you run so far away? -To tackle him. Sneak up on him. -[CoKun] How were you gonna do that?
- [데프콘] 뭘 제압을 해? - [세호] 뒤로 가서 제압하려고-To tackle him. Sneak up on him. -[CoKun] How were you gonna do that?
- [세호] 하나가 되면… - [코드 쿤스트] 살 수 있죠If we stay as one… -[CoKun] We can stay alive. -[Sae-ho] Exactly.
[세호] 살 수 있잖아요-[CoKun] We can stay alive. -[Sae-ho] Exactly.
[늘어지는 놀란 소리][distorted] Oh, my gosh. What's he doing? What's happening? INSTEAD OF STAYING TOGETHER, HE RAN OFF ALONE
[태연] 아우, 깜짝이야[TAEYEON] That was a jolt.
[데프콘] 아이씨, 깜짝이야, 씨That was friggin' scary.
- [동대장] 아, 아, 동대장입니다 - [밝은 음악][over PA system] Testing… This is the chief officer speaking.
저, 식사 준비가 다 됐습니다[over PA system] Testing… This is the chief officer speaking. Thanks to our many caring volunteers and taxpayer money,
소중한 세금으로 정성껏 만든 식사가 준비됐으니까Thanks to our many caring volunteers and taxpayer money, your food is ready now.
질서 좀 잘 지켜 주시고your food is ready now. So please line up in an orderly fashion and enjoy your meal.
안전하게 식사해 주시기 바랍니다So please line up in an orderly fashion and enjoy your meal.
[데프콘] 야, 그래도 이렇게 밥까지 주고[Defconn] At least they're giving us some food.
- 얼마나 좋냐 - [코드 쿤스트] 그러네요[Defconn] At least they're giving us some food. -[CoKun] I know, right? -[Defconn] It could be worse.
[데프콘] 쉘터라니까, 진짜-[CoKun] I know, right? -[Defconn] It could be worse.
[성재] 와, 맛있는 냄새 난다-[Sung-jae] Smells great. -[TAEYEON] I'm starving.
- [태연] 배고파 - [세호] 안녕하세요-[Sung-jae] Smells great. -[TAEYEON] I'm starving.
[데프콘] 아이고, 고생하십니다[Defconn] Thanks for your hard work.
어? 딘딘이 형 딘딘이 형님 아니에요?DinDin. Isn't that DinDin over there?
[세호] 야, 철아, 딘딘, 뭐야?[Sae-ho] Hey, Cheol, DinDin, hey!
[태연] 어?Uh… Whoa!
- [딘딘] 어? - [태연] 어?Uh… Whoa!
- [세호] 언제 왔어? - [딘딘] 우리 지금 왔는데?[Sae-ho] You're here! ALSO EXPERIENCED, HAS UNEXPECTED SURVIVAL SKILLS
- [츠키] 오랜만이에요 - [데프콘] 어, 오랜만이다ALSO EXPERIENCED, HAS UNEXPECTED SURVIVAL SKILLS -It's been forever! -Tsuki?
- [데프콘] 여기 있었어? - [딘딘] 아니야, 우리 지금 왔어-How did I not see you here? -We just got here.
[의미심장한 음악]-How did I not see you here? -We just got here. 1 WEEK AGO, OFF THE COAST OF INCHEON
[딘딘] 하, 좆 됐네1 WEEK AGO, OFF THE COAST OF INCHEON [DinDin sighs] We're screwed.
[안내원1] 도착했습니다, 내리세요DRAGGED HERE UPON ARRIVAL -[man] We've arrived. -[soldier] Let's go.
[안내원2] 내리실게요!-[man] We've arrived. -[soldier] Let's go.
- [딘딘] 우와 - [츠키] 우와, 뭐야?-Whoa. -What is all this?
[딘딘] 오, 물 있어-[DinDin] What a setup. They've got food. -[Tsuki] There's water?
오, 밥 있어-[DinDin] What a setup. They've got food. -[Tsuki] There's water?
- [츠키의 탄성] - 다 있어They've got everything.
[세호] 야, 너 왜 이렇게 뭐, 뭐 몰골이 왜 그래?[Sae-ho] Why do you guys look so bad?
[딘딘] 우리 지금 원양어선에서 있다 왔어요-You came together? -We were on this shady fishing boat. THEY'RE FINALLY SAFE!
- [성재] 원양어선? - [데프콘] 배 타다가THEY'RE FINALLY SAFE! -You took a boat to get here? -We did.
- 여기로 왔다고? - [코드 쿤스트] 뭘 잘못 탔구나-You took a boat to get here? -We did.
그래도 니네 잘 왔다Well, it's good you're here now.
여기 안전해Well, it's good you're here now. -[Tsuki] Really? -It's safe here.
- [츠키] 진짜요? - 어, 여기 안전해, 잘 왔어-[Tsuki] Really? -It's safe here.
[코드 쿤스트] 형, 저기 배식하시는 분, 저분 옆에Hyung, I think we should stick by that guy handing out food.
- 붙어 있으면 될 거 같은데요? - [데프콘] 어디?Hyung, I think we should stick by that guy handing out food. Where?
[딘딘] 저 사람 셰프인데?Where? -[DinDin] That guy's a chef. -[Tsuki] A celebrity chef?
[츠키] 그 유명한 셰프님?-[DinDin] That guy's a chef. -[Tsuki] A celebrity chef?
[딘딘] 저 사람 그 사람이잖아-[DinDin] That's him. He's famous. -[Defconn] The White House chef.
- [데프콘] 백악관 셰프 - [딘딘] 어, 백악관 셰프-[DinDin] That's him. He's famous. -[Defconn] The White House chef.
[츠키] 대박That's amazing.
[데프콘] 자, 여기서 배식받으면 돼Yeah. Let's just get our food.
[츠키] 대박[Tsuki] Okay.
[데프콘] 와!-You're a machine. -[Defconn] Whoa.
[모두의 탄성]-Unbelievable. -[Defconn] Look. -Wow, that's incredible. -Jeez!
[츠키] 저도요, 저도, 우와!-[TAEYEON] Great. -[Tsuki] I want some too.
오 마이 갓, 땡큐!Oh, my gosh, thank you.
[딘딘이 영어로] 저기요 제 거 너무 작아요![DinDin] Hey. Mine is too small.
[한국어로] 감사합니다[in Korean] Thank you.
- [흥미로운 음악] - [츠키의 웃음][in Korean] Thank you. COMMUNICATION FAILURE
[딘딘] 츠키 거는 엄청 큰 거 주고 난 조그만 거 줬어[in English] He gave Tsuki a huge one, and I got a small.
[츠키] 나이스 바디 나이스 바디 [웃음][Tsuki] Nice body, nice body.
[세호가 영어로] 만나서 반가워요-[Sae-ho] So nice to meet you. -[Tsuki] So good!
[코드 쿤스트의 웃음]-[Sae-ho] So nice to meet you. -[Tsuki] So good! -[laughs] -Oh, oh, I'm sorry, it's so small.
오, 죄송한데 너무 작아요-[laughs] -Oh, oh, I'm sorry, it's so small. -[Defconn] Thanks. -[Andre] Thank you.
- [안드레가 한국어로] 감사합니다 - [세호가 영어로] 너무 작아요-[Defconn] Thanks. -[Andre] Thank you. -Yeah. It's so small. -[Andre] Thanks so much.
- 너무 작아요 - [안드레가 한국어로] 감사합니다-Yeah. It's so small. -[Andre] Thanks so much. Yeah.
[세호가 영어로] 파인애플 한 조각 더 주실 수 있나요?Can you give me one more pineapple?
- [한국어로] 감사합니다 - [세호] 감사합니다-Thank you. -Yeah, thank you. COMMUNICATION ISN'T THE ISSUE
[코드 쿤스트] 형, 이건 장수풍뎅이도 이만큼 안 먹어요-[CoKun] Even insects eat more. -[Defconn] I got the butt end.
[데프콘] 나는 꽁다리야-[CoKun] Even insects eat more. -[Defconn] I got the butt end.
- [츠키] 땡큐, 셰프! - 우리는 좀 많이 차별했네-[Tsuki] Thank you! -[CoKun] Didn't like you.
[데프콘] '해브 어 나이스 디너'[Defconn] Have a nice dinner.
- [츠키] 감사합니다 - [세호] 바이 바이[Defconn] Have a nice dinner. -[Tsuki] You're the best. -[Sae-ho] Bye-bye.
[데프콘] 먹어, 먹어, 먹어 일단 좀 먹어라Hey, guys, eat up. Get some food. -Thank you for the meal. -Let's enjoy.
- [코드 쿤스트] 잘 먹겠습니다 - [태연] 잘 먹겠습니다-Thank you for the meal. -Let's enjoy. [Defconn] Eat first. We'll talk later.
- [데프콘] 일단 먹고 얘기하자 - [밝은 음악][Defconn] Eat first. We'll talk later. -Sweet and sour chicken. -Awesome.
와, 씨-Sweet and sour chicken. -Awesome.
[성재] 4일 동안 안 먹었어요-[Sung-jae] I haven't eaten in four days. -[Defconn] Eat up. We'll talk after.
맛있게 드십쇼-[Sung-jae] I haven't eaten in four days. -[Defconn] Eat up. We'll talk after.
[데프콘] 고생을 좀 많이 한 것 같은데These guys look like they've been through a lot.
이따 물어보자, 우리가These guys look like they've been through a lot.
뭐, 뭔 일이 있었던 거야?So… what happened to you guys?
좀비를 아예 못 봤어?-You haven't seen any zombies? -[CoKun] None.
- [세호] 못 봤지, 우리는 - [코드 쿤스트] 아예 못 봤어-You haven't seen any zombies? -[CoKun] None. -You haven't seen any zombies? -You've never seen one?
못 봤다고?-You haven't seen any zombies? -You've never seen one?
- [데프콘] 우린 못 봤어, 좀비를 - [츠키] 못 봤다고?-[Defconn] Haven't seen any. -[Tsuki] Never?
좀비가 됐어Dude, Park Na-rae turned into a zombie and died, okay?
야, 박나래 죽었어Dude, Park Na-rae turned into a zombie and died, okay?
- 누가? - [태연] 나래 언니?-Na-rae is dead? -[DinDin] Yeah.
아니, 홍철 선배님도-And Hong-chul too, he's gone. -Same for Hong-chul.
홍철이 형도 죽었어-And Hong-chul too, he's gone. -Same for Hong-chul.
[츠키] 나단이 오빠도 나단이 오빠도[Tsuki] They even got Jonathan.
[딘딘] 유희관도 죽었어, 아예MANY FRIENDS WERE LOST ALONG THE WAY -[DinDin] Hee-kwan's dead. -[Sae-ho] The baseball player?
- [세호] 야구선수 희관이? - [딘딘] 어, 어-[DinDin] Hee-kwan's dead. -[Sae-ho] The baseball player?
[츠키] 좀비로 나타났어 좀비로 나타났어-[DinDin] Hee-kwan's dead. -[Sae-ho] The baseball player? -[Tsuki] He turned into a zombie. -So, are these real zombies?
좀비가 진짜 저희가 아는 그 좀비예요?-[Tsuki] He turned into a zombie. -So, are these real zombies? -That go… [snarls] -[DinDin] Absolutely.
막 이거?-That go… [snarls] -[DinDin] Absolutely.
사람 물어뜯고?-Do they bite? -Yeah. Like the zombies in the movies.
영화에서 본 좀비, 똑같이-Do they bite? -Yeah. Like the zombies in the movies. -Zombies who eat people? -Oh, shit.
오, 쉣-Zombies who eat people? -Oh, shit.
아예 모르네?-You're totally clueless. We fought tons. -Yeah. For real. We totally fought them.
우리 좀비랑 존나 싸웠어-You're totally clueless. We fought tons. -Yeah. For real. We totally fought them.
[츠키] 진짜, 우리 싸웠어-You're totally clueless. We fought tons. -Yeah. For real. We totally fought them.
- 싸웠다고? - [츠키] 싸웠어, 무기 들고-You did? -[Tsuki] We did. We had weapons.
[딘딘] 형, 우리가 좀비 많이 정리했어요[DinDin] Hyung, we took out a lot of zombies.
예를 들어 속도는 어때?-How fast do they move? -[CoKun] Tell us.
- 빠른, 빠른 좀비가 있어요 - [태연] 그래, 궁금해, 어?-How fast do they move? -[CoKun] Tell us. -There's really fast zombies. -What?
[츠키] 달리기 빠른 좀비도 있고 느린 좀비도 있고, 그치, 오빠?[Tsuki] Some are fast, but there's also slow ones.
만약에 운동선수가 좀비가 됐어요If an athlete became a zombie…
[츠키] 동기화돼, 동기화되잖아If an athlete became a zombie… The virus gets synced. Oppa, that's why they were so fast.
오빠, 그래서 좀비가 다리가 빨랐잖아The virus gets synced. Oppa, that's why they were so fast. So a superstrong person
체력이 좋으면 체력 좋은 좀비가 되는…So a superstrong person -becomes a superstrong zombie? -You got it.
그럼 만약에 아까 그 셰프님이 좀비 되면If that chef we saw became a zombie, he'd destroy everything in his way.
그냥 다 뚫고 다니는 거네If that chef we saw became a zombie, he'd destroy everything in his way.
[데프콘] 거의 그 게임에 나오는 타이탄[Defconn] He's like those massive titans
타이탄 막 이런 캐릭터 아니야, 와[Defconn] He's like those massive titans -from video games. -[DinDin] Yeah.
[코드 쿤스트] 다 부수는 거죠-[CoKun] A hulk. -[Tsuki] Game over.
[세호] 그럼 나 궁금한 게 우리가 같이 있을 때-[CoKun] A hulk. -[Tsuki] Game over. What about us? Do we need to avoid making, like, any sudden movements?
혹시나 돌발 행동 같은 거 하지 말아야 될 거Do we need to avoid making, like, any sudden movements?
뭐, 혼자 도망가는 거? 그런 거?Just don't run away.
- [흥미로운 음악] - 아니…DUG HIS OWN GRAVE So, earlier, I was trying to figure out a way to--
- 아까, 뭐, 솔직히… - [딘딘] 근데So, earlier, I was trying to figure out a way to--
한 번 튄 사람은 계속 튀더라고 홍철이 형이 그랬어Once a runner, always a runner. Hong-chul was like that.
[딘딘] 홍철이 형 나래 누나를 밀어 가지고Hong-chul pushed Na-rae to save himself. That's how she died.
- 나래 죽었다니까 - [데프콘] 딘딘아Hong-chul pushed Na-rae to save himself. That's how she died. DinDin. We heard… [imitates grunting] and one of us just ran off.
누가 '으아아아' 하니까 바로 한 사람이 저쪽으로 튀더라DinDin. We heard… [imitates grunting] and one of us just ran off.
아, 근데 그런 사람은 못 데리고 가-That person can't be in our group. -Let me come clean.
제가 솔직히 말씀드릴게요-That person can't be in our group. -Let me come clean. That person… It's me.
아까… 나예요That person… It's me.
[세호] 난데It was me.
무서웠어요, 솔직히 처음이라I'd never seen a zombie before.
나 솔직히 좀비인 줄 알고 나 솔직히 물리기 싫었어, 솔직히I got scared, and I didn't want him to bite me. HAUNT HIM FOR LIFE
[딘딘] 근데 그냥 그건 있어HAUNT HIM FOR LIFE Here's the thing.
조금이라도 배신한 사람은When we're in a tough spot and we need each other,
그렇게까지 막 위기의 상황에서는 믿음이 그렇게 가진 않는…When we're in a tough spot and we need each other, how can we depend on someone who runs away?
딘딘아, 차라리 나 없을 때 그런 얘기를 해라Can you please say that when I'm not around?
앞, 앞에 있는데…I'm sitting right here.
- [데프콘] 세호야 - [세호] 네, 형I'm sitting right here. Sae-ho. This is the end of the road.
너랑은 여기까지인 거 같다Sae-ho. This is the end of the road.
[츠키의 웃음][Tsuki laughs]
형, 그래도 배신까진 아니었어요It wasn't a full-on betrayal.
그냥 네 본능이지, 살려고 하는?I suppose it was just instinct?
결혼 앞뒀으니까-He is engaged. -[Sae-ho] I was terrified.
[세호] 솔직히 너무 무서웠어요 미안해요-He is engaged. -[Sae-ho] I was terrified. -Sorry. -[Defconn] Really?
근데 어차피 좀비가 바다를 수영해서 올 것도 아니고But it's not like zombies can swim across the ocean or anything.
여기는 올 일이 별로 없어But it's not like zombies can swim across the ocean or anything. -They can't get here. -I think we'll be safe here.
일단 여기는 안전한 거 같아-They can't get here. -I think we'll be safe here.
- [딘딘] 근데 이런 데가 딱 좋아 - [데프콘] 뭐가?-This place could erupt at any minute. -Huh?
[딘딘] 이런 데가 만약에 누구 한 명 좀비 되면-This place could erupt at any minute. -Huh? If even one of us becomes a zombie, it would spread like wildfire.
진짜 바로 뒤지는 거예요If even one of us becomes a zombie, it would spread like wildfire.
아, 오히려 난리 나기 딱 좋다고?-We're all crammed in here. -[DinDin] We'd be done.
[츠키] 우리 그냥 끝나는 거야, 끝나는 거야, 진짜[Tsuki] We'd be doomed, really done for, seriously.
[딘딘] 이게 바로 나오는 게 아니니까[DinDin] The symptoms don't manifest right away. Someone could turn, and we wouldn't know for a while.
조금 시간이 걸렸다가 이게 발병되면Someone could turn, and we wouldn't know for a while. -We'd all be trapped here. -[Tsuki] You're right.
여긴 아예 막힌 거지-We'd all be trapped here. -[Tsuki] You're right.
- 트랩된 거지 - [츠키] 그치-We'd all be trapped here. -[Tsuki] You're right. IF ZOMBIES COME, IT'LL BE CHAOS
[어두운 음악][ominous music playing]
[데프콘] 근데 우린 또 좀비를 한 번도 본 적이 없어 가지고I've never actually seen one of these zombies yet.
[태연] 그러니까I've never actually seen one of these zombies yet. -I know, right? -[Defconn] Yeah.
[세호] 사회복무요원님 귤 좀 드릴까요?-You have? -Sir, would you like some oranges?
- 괜찮습니다 - [세호] 괜찮으세요?-I'm good. -[Sae-ho] Oh, okay.
아니, 근데 안색이 좀 안 좋으신 것 같은데?-He doesn't look so good. -[Sung-jae] What're we even looking for?
[태연] 무서워-He doesn't look so good. -[Sung-jae] What're we even looking for?
이상한데Something's off.
항상 경계해야 돼요, 항상-Don't let your guard down. Stay sharp. -[Defconn] We'll get through this.
[데프콘] 도대체 언제까지 계속[Defconn] How long are we gonna have to deal with all of this?
이 짓을 해야 되는 건지도 난 모르겠다[Defconn] How long are we gonna have to deal with all of this?
[딘딘] 근데 이게 사람이 진짜 무서운 게[DinDin] You know the weird thing about being human?
살짝 배 녹녹해지고 좀 등 따스워지면When your belly's full and your body's warm, you get sleepy.
또 이 상황에서도 살짝 졸려Even in a scary situation.
- [세호] 그니까, 졸리네 - [츠키] 너무 졸려, 지금-Yeah, I'm sleepy too. -[Tsuki] I'm so tired right now.
[다가오는 발소리]-Yeah, I'm sleepy too. -[Tsuki] I'm so tired right now. ALMOST TIME FOR THEIR FIRST CHOICE
[세호] 어우, 깜짝이야ALMOST TIME FOR THEIR FIRST CHOICE [Sae-ho] What now?
[동대장] 여러분 식사들 맛있게 하셨습니까?-[officer] Did you enjoy your meal? -[Defconn] Yes, sir!
- [사람들] 예 - [동대장] 예-[officer] Did you enjoy your meal? -[Defconn] Yes, sir! Good. I came over here because I need to ask all of you something.
[동대장] 저, 한마디 좀 드릴 말씀이 있어서 왔는데요Good. I came over here because I need to ask all of you something.
저희 대피소가 좀 갑작스럽게Good. I came over here because I need to ask all of you something. We had to put up this temporary quarantine shelter in a hurry,
이렇게 마련되다 보니까, 임시로요We had to put up this temporary quarantine shelter in a hurry, and some windows and walls are in need of repair.
지금 창이나 벽도 보수를 해야 되고요and some windows and walls are in need of repair. Nope.
[동대장] 여러분들 식사도 제공해야 되고Along with all the meal preparation, there's a lot of work to do.
할 일이 지금 태산입니다Along with all the meal preparation, there's a lot of work to do.
- 아 - [동대장] 그래서-Ah. -So if you're in good shape,
여러분들 중에 내가 평소에 운동 좀 하고-Ah. -So if you're in good shape, if you're fit and confident in your strength and stamina,
체력에 자신 있다 하시는 분 거수 좀if you're fit and confident in your strength and stamina, raise your hand.
[흥미로운 음악][quirky music playing]
[츠키가 웃으며] 나 체력 좋아-I'm pretty fit. -[officer] You know who you are.
[태연] 체, 체력?-I'm pretty fit. -[officer] You know who you are. [TAEYEON] Am I fit?
[츠키] 나 체력 좋아[officer] Let's see those hands. THOSE IN THEIR TWENTIES VOLUNTEER
[동대장] 손 좀 들어 주세요[officer] Show of hands, please.
저희가 가야죠, 형We should go, Sae-ho.
너, 너 체력 괜찮잖아You… You're pretty fit, right?
근데 나 지금 약간 목디스크가…-I kind of have a herniated cervical disc… -[Sung-jae] Really?
- [성재] 디스크 때문에? - 디스크가…-I kind of have a herniated cervical disc… -[Sung-jae] Really?
- [동대장] 나와 주세요 - [데프콘] 그럼, 츠키…[Defconn] Then, Tsuki, shall we, uh…
[츠키] 가자요, 같이Let's go together.
[데프콘] 아니, 나는, 어? 아니, 아니Let's go together. -Huh? Me? Oh, no. -You and me.
- [성재] 저도 다녀올게요, 그럼 - [데프콘] 디스크, 디스크-I'm going too. -No, I've got a herniated disc. -Can't send her alone, not fair. -I'll even take 40 and fit.
[성재] 그래도 혼자, 혼자 보내기 좀 그러니까-Can't send her alone, not fair. -I'll even take 40 and fit.
그래도 혼자, 혼자 보내기 좀 그러니까-[Tsuki] Anybody? -I don't like the idea of her going alone.
[의미심장한 음악]-[Tsuki] Anybody? -I don't like the idea of her going alone. THE CHOICE THEY JUST MADE
[딘딘] 아, 그럼 그냥 우리끼리 갈게요We'll go with her together.
[츠키] 열심히 하고 올게요I'll work hard. THEIR FATE
[딘딘] 아, 씨발! 아이씨![DinDin] Holy hell! Damn it!
[성재] 오! 붙어 있어요!Oh gosh, no! Stay close to me!
가는 건 상관없는데I wouldn't be much help. My neck is bad.
디스크 때문에 도움을 못 드릴 것 같아서I wouldn't be much help. My neck is bad.
[태연] 안 돼, 안 돼![TAEYEON] No, no!
도움이 안 될 것 같아 난 도움이 안…-I won't be much use either. -[Sung-jae] Should I go?
- [좀비의 괴성] - [태연] 무서워! 아악!-I won't be much use either. -[Sung-jae] Should I go? [TAEYEON] This is too scary. [whimpering]
[동대장] 자, 이쪽으로 오세요-[officer] This way. Watch your step. -[Tsuki] Where are we going?
- 조심하세요, 발 - [츠키] 가면 되나?-[officer] This way. Watch your step. -[Tsuki] Where are we going?
[딘딘] 아휴, 일이나 좀 하자[DinDin] All righty then, let's get to work.
뭐 하는데?What are we doing?
- 이런 못 쓰는 상자를 - [성재] 아~We need logs for firewood. -[Sung-jae] Ah. Right. -[officer] So chop up these wooden crates.
[동대장] 하나씩 부숴 가지고 우리가 땔감을 만들어야 되거든요-[Sung-jae] Ah. Right. -[officer] So chop up these wooden crates.
- [츠키] 아~ - [동대장] 네-[Sung-jae] Ah. Right. -[officer] So chop up these wooden crates. Yep.
[태연] 어? 안녕하세요Oh. Hello. -Assistant Deputy. -Welcome.
- [세호] 오세요, 오세요 - [데프콘] 주무관님-Assistant Deputy. -Welcome. -Hi. -[Sae-ho] Have you eaten?
- [세호] 식사하셨어요? - 예, 먹었습니다-Hi. -[Sae-ho] Have you eaten? -Yes, thanks. -So, earlier,
아니, 뭐…-Yes, thanks. -So, earlier,
- [데프콘] 아까 얘길 들었는데 - 네, 네-I heard that… -Yeah?
- [의미심장한 음악] - [데프콘] 좀비가 사람을 물면if someone gets bitten by a zombie, they get infected…
감염이 돼서if someone gets bitten by a zombie, they get infected…
[그르렁]-[ominous music playing] -[rasping]
[여자] 어우, 왜 저래?[woman] What's he doing?
- [그르렁그르렁] - [사람들의 비명]-[snarling] -[people clamoring]
또 다른 사람을 물게 된대요…and go on to bite someone else.
[사람들의 비명][man 1] Whoa! What the hell? -[man 2 whimpers] -[snarls]
- [괴성] - [사람들의 비명]-[man 2 whimpers] -[snarls]
[데프콘] 근데 이거를 우리 시민분들한테I'm not sure we should be sharing this info with the people here.
공유하는 게 맞나, 아닌가I'm not sure we should be sharing this info with the people here.
근데 이게 통제가 안 되지 않을까요?Agreed. It shouldn't get out.
[선태] 이제 일반 시민들께서 이런 정보를 알게 되면If the general population learns about this, rumors will spread like wildfire.
헛소문도 퍼질 수도 있고rumors will spread like wildfire.
저희가 제일 중요한 게 통제입니다It's crucial we keep control.
[안내원1] 뭐야?-[soldier 1] Hey. There's no one here. -[soldier 2] Where've they gone?
안 싣고 왔어?-[soldier 1] Hey. There's no one here. -[soldier 2] Where've they gone?
- [안내원2] 어디 갔어, 다? - [안내원1] 어?-[soldier 1] Hey. There's no one here. -[soldier 2] Where've they gone? [soldier 3] What?
[안내원들의 놀란 소리][soldier 1] Oh no! Oh no! Jeez! Man, oh no! Hey. Don't let them bite you!
[동대장] 조심하세요[officer] Careful, folks.
[선태] 사실 저희가 여러 재난 상황을 가정해서We have emergency response plans for all kinds of disasters.
매뉴얼을 만들어 놓긴 합니다We have emergency response plans for all kinds of disasters.
그런데 좀비까지는 저희가…But zombies? We didn't anticipate.
[그르렁그르렁][zombie snarling]
[성재] 그니까 이거를…Like this?
[저마다의 탄성][all] Oh!
와, 잘한다!You're good at this.
[그르렁][zombie snarling]
- [딘딘] 조심해, 조심해 - [저마다의 탄성][DinDin] Be careful. [officer] You're even better than our assistant deputy.
[동대장] 우리 주무관님보다 잘하네[officer] You're even better than our assistant deputy.
- 예, 충분합니다 - [츠키] 오, 잘했다![officer] You're even better than our assistant deputy. [Tsuki] Great job.
[긴장되는 음악][zombie snarling]
이게 칭찬받을 일인가?-It's not that impressive. -[Tsuki] You need to work too.
[츠키] 오빠도 해야지 오빠도 해야지-It's not that impressive. -[Tsuki] You need to work too. [DinDin] Sung-jae can handle everything.
[딘딘] 성재가 다 하면 되겠다[DinDin] Sung-jae can handle everything.
아, 손목 아파-[Sung-jae] My wrists hurt. -[zombie snarls]
- [좀비의 괴성] - 뭐야? 뭐야?-[Sung-jae] My wrists hurt. -[zombie snarls] What is that?
- [좀비의 괴성] - 뭐야? 뭐야?-[zombie snarls] -[DinDin] Is it them?
- [좀비의 괴성] - 뭐야? 뭐야?-[zombie snarls] -[yells] Whoa.
오, 씨발, 좀비다Oh no, it's zombies.
- 오, 씨발, 좀비다 - [츠키] 좀비, 좀비, 좀비, 좀비!Oh no, it's zombies. -[Tsuki] Zombies! -[DinDin] Stop them!
[딘딘] 막아, 막아!-[Tsuki] Zombies! -[DinDin] Stop them! -They're everywhere. -Don't let them in!
막아, 막아, 막아!-They're everywhere. -Don't let them in!
[좀비들의 괴성][snarling]
막아, 막아, 막아!-[DinDin] We have to stop them. -[Tsuki] Close the door!
[성재] 어떻게 막아, 어떻게 막아!-[officer] Now! -[Sung-jae] How do we stop them?
- [딘딘] 어떡해 - [동대장] 문 막아!-[DinDin] Now what? -[officer] Close the door. Stop them!
씨발, 막아, 막아, 막아, 막아!-[DinDin] Now what? -[officer] Close the door. Stop them! Stop them, don't let them in. Hey!
야, 야!Stop them, don't let them in. Hey! -Hey! Oh no. -[officer] Keep them out.
오, 씨발!-Hey! Oh no. -[officer] Keep them out.
씨발, 막아, 막아, 막아, 막아!-[DinDin] Don't let them in! -[officer] Stop them!
[사람들의 놀란 소리]-That side too! -[DinDin] Do something.
- [츠키] 어떡해, 어떡해! - [성재] 발로, 발로, 발로!-[DinDin] Use your feet. -[Tsuki] Come here.
잠가요, 잠가요, 이거!-[Tsuki groans] -[Sung-jae] Lock it.
잠가! 구멍을 넣어, 구멍을!-[Tsuki] No. -[Sung-jae] Get it through the hole!
[딘딘] 안 잠겨 밀려, 밀려, 밀려![DinDin] I can't get it locked. Keep pushing. It's gonna topple!
- 밀려, 밀려! - [성재] 안 돼, 이거 어떡해![DinDin] I can't get it locked. Keep pushing. It's gonna topple! [Sung-jae] What are we gonna do? Get it in there! I touched one!
[성재] 꽂아, 꽂아, 이거 꽂아![Sung-jae] What are we gonna do? Get it in there! I touched one!
아으, 손 닿았어![Sung-jae] What are we gonna do? Get it in there! I touched one!
뭐야? 저기!-[woman 1] There are too many. -[Sung-jae] That side too.
형, 옆에서 온다, 옆에서 온다!-[woman 1] There are too many. -[Sung-jae] That side too. Ahhh! There's more coming.
옆에 온다, 옆에 온다 츠키야, 가자!-[Tsuki] My hand. -[Sung-jae] From the side! Let's go!
[여자] 무서워! 악! 무서워!-[woman 2] Which way should we go? -[woman 1] I'm scared.
엄마![woman 3] Oh no!
- [성재] 츠키야! - [딘딘] 뛰어! 뛰어![Sung-jae] Tsuki, Tsuki! [DinDin] Run, run, run!
[딘딘] 뛰어! 뛰어![DinDin] Run, run, run!
[딘딘] 뛰어! 뛰어!Run!
뛰어! 뛰어! 뛰어!Come on, let's go.
[성재] 아니, 여기 안전하다며![Sung-jae yells] Who said this place was safe?
[츠키] 악! 오빠, 안 돼!No, oh no! Oppa! No, no!
[여자들의 비명][people screaming]
[안내원이 크게] 좀비![man] Zombies! The zombies are here! Run! Run!
좀비가 나타났다! 빨리 뛰어![man] Zombies! The zombies are here! Run! Run!
[딘딘] 뛰어! 뛰어![dramatic music playing] -[DinDin] Keep going! Come on, run! -[Tsuki screams]
뛰어! 뛰어! 뛰어!-[DinDin] Keep going! Come on, run! -[Tsuki screams]
[성재] 와, 씨, 이게 좀비야?[Sung-jae] Ugh! This is what zombies are like?
[츠키] 오빠, 오빠!-[Sung-jae] Crap! Holy crap! -[Tsuki] Where are you? Don't leave me.
아, 좀비!-[Sung-jae] Crap! Holy crap! -[Tsuki] Where are you? Don't leave me.
[성재] 어우, 씨[Sung-jae yelps]
[성재] 어우, 씨
- [츠키의 비명] - [성재] 츠키야!TSUKI TURNED THE WRONG WAY -[Tsuki yells] -[Sung-jae] Tsuki!
[고조되는 음악][thrilling music resumes]
[덱스] 여기, 여기!-Over here! Over here! -[Sung-jae] Tsuki!
- [성재] 츠키야! - [덱스] 여기! 여기!-Over here! Over here! -[Sung-jae] Tsuki!
- [성재] 어, 안녕하세요 - [시영] 저쪽으로, 저쪽으로!-Whoa, whoa, whoa! -[Si-young] Over there!
[덱스] 여기야! 여기!-Here! -[Sung-jae] Come on! -[DinDin] This way! -[Sung-jae] Hurry!
- [딘딘] 뭐야? 덱스야! - [덱스] 빨리 와!-[DinDin] This way! -[Sung-jae] Hurry!
[딘딘] 덱스야!-[DinDin] Dex. -Noona, help her.
- [성재] 오! - [시영] 어!-[DinDin] Dex. -Noona, help her.
누나, 누나 츠키, 츠키, 츠키, 츠키!-[Sung-jae] Tsuki. -[Si-young] Over there. [Tsuki yells]
[덱스] 츠키야!-[Dex] Tsuki! -[Tsuki] Oppa!
[츠키] 오빠!-[Dex] Tsuki! -[Tsuki] Oppa!
[좀비의 괴성]
더 없어?-Everyone here? -[DinDin] Come on!
[딘딘] 빨리 와, 빨리!-Everyone here? -[DinDin] Come on!
[시영] 가자, 가자![Si-young] Let's go.
- [덱스] 더 없어? 일로! - [딘딘] 없어, 없어, 가자, 가자!-[Dex] Everybody, this way! -[DinDin] That's everyone. Go!
[시영] 빨리!-[Si-young] Hurry! -[Dex] Careful.
[덱스] 조심조심, 가자, 가자-[Si-young] Hurry! -[Dex] Careful. Let's go.
[선태] 그래서 일단 여기 있는 게 제일 안전할 것 같습니다[Seon-tae] I assure you, staying here is the safest choice.
[세호] 오, 뭐야?[Seon-tae] I assure you, staying here is the safest choice. -Wha… -[distant screaming]
[긴장되는 음악]-Wha… -[distant screaming]
어? 뭐야?-[Sae-ho] What is that? -[CoKun] What's that noise?
[선태] 어, 사람들 뛰어오는데?-[DinDin] Hurry! -[Seon-tae] People are running this way.
- [태연] 아이고 - [데프콘] 왜 그래? 왜 도망가?-[TAEYEON] Oh no. -[Defconn] Why are they running?
[데프콘] 저, 주무관님Assistant Deputy, shouldn't you get out there and do something?
빨리 나가서 어떻게 해 봐야 되는 거 아냐?Assistant Deputy, shouldn't you get out there and do something?
- 어머, 어머 - [데프콘] 야, 저기 뭐야?-Right now. What's that? -Oh no.
[세호] 어, 저기 좀비다, 좀비[Sae-ho] It's zombies. [Defconn] That's a zombie! Look! The zombies are coming!
[데프콘] 야, 좀비 온다, 좀비![Defconn] That's a zombie! Look! The zombies are coming!
좀비예요, 좀비![Defconn] That's a zombie! Look! The zombies are coming!
- 좀비 간다! - [태연] 좀비인가봐[Sae-ho] A whole bunch. -Zombies are coming? -[Sae-ho] Over there.
주무관님, 좀 봐 봐 내려가서, 내려가서…Assistant Deputy, do something! -Holy crap! What was that? -[TAEYEON screams]
[태연의 비명]-Holy crap! What was that? -[TAEYEON screams]
어, 뭐야?Whoa. Whoa.
- [쿵!] - [비명][screams] -[man] Watch out. They're coming. -[Defconn] Which way do we go?
- [태연의 비명] - [세호] 뭐야, 뭐야?-[Defconn] Get it out. -[CoKun] Let's go. -[Sae-ho] What's happening? -[Defconn] What the heck?
[데프콘] 어, 뭐야?-[Sae-ho] What's happening? -[Defconn] What the heck?
- [데프콘] 뭐야? - [호루라기 소리]What's that? [dramatic music playing]
[태연] 으아, 어떡해!-Hey. -[TAEYEON screams] Help!
[남자의 신음][zombies snarling]
[호루라기 소리][whistle blows]
[사회복무요원] 이봐요!
잠깐만, 잠깐만 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐-Hold up, wait, wait, wait. -This way.
뭐 하시는 거… [비명][guide] What are you doing? [snarls]
- [데프콘] 야! - [세호] 형, 대준이 형!-Oh, my gosh. No! -[Sae-ho] Dae-joon!
[사회복무요원의 비명]-[snarling] -[screaming]
[남자의 겁먹은 소리][snarling]
[세호] 들어가, 들어가 들어가, 들어가[Sae-ho] Get in there. Go!
[고조되는 음악]
[어두운 음악][tense music playing]
[그르렁그르렁][zombie snarling softly]
[태연] 어떡해[TAEYEON] What should we do?
[데프콘] 어우, 씨[Sae-ho] Gosh.
저기 있다, 저기, 저기There it is, there, over there.
[코드 쿤스트] 음, 저분들이 다 좀비가 됐구나[CoKun] So those people all got turned into zombies?
[세호] 물리면 바로야-[rasping] -[Sae-ho] One bite and it's over.
[태연] 아까 그게 물렸던 건가 봐-[TAEYEON] Guess they got bitten early on. -[Defconn] Where did they come from?
[데프콘] 야, 어디서 나온 거야 어디서?-[TAEYEON] Guess they got bitten early on. -[Defconn] Where did they come from?
갑자기 어디서 튀어나왔어?They appeared out of nowhere.
어우, 씨-[Defconn groans] -[TAEYEON] Shh.
야, 아까 그 형님 아니야[Defconn] Isn't that the guy from before, the one who said he got hurt?
'아파요, 아파요, 아파요'[Defconn] Isn't that the guy from before, the one who said he got hurt?
[세호] 신부님도 좀비가 됐네[Sae-ho] The bride turned into a zombie too.
[태연이 놀라며] 신부…[TAEYEON gasps] The bride.
어떡해, 피 봐[TAEYEON gasps] The bride. Look at all that blood.
[데프콘] 저기도-[Defconn] Him too. That happened fast. -[TAEYEON] Really fast.
- 진짜 변했어 - [태연] 변했어, 변했어-[Defconn] Him too. That happened fast. -[TAEYEON] Really fast. ALL OF THE EVACUEES ARE ZOMBIES NOW
[코드 쿤스트] 5명 일단 눈에 보이는 건 5명, 5마리[CoKun] There's five of them, from what I can see from here.
[데프콘] 아휴, 씨[Defconn] We're outnumbered. [groans]
야, 이거 어떻게 빠져나가냐?Hey… how do we get out of here?
좀비를 아예 못 봤어?You haven't seen any zombies?
- [세호] 못 봤지, 우리는 - [코드 쿤스트] 아예 못 봤어-We haven't. -None whatsoever. -Not one. -Zombies are real?
좀비가 있어?-Not one. -Zombies are real?
[태연] 어떡해 어떻게 나가야 돼?[TAEYEON] What are we going to do? FIVE WEAK ZOMBIES
- [세호] 어? 온다 - [데프콘] 가려, 가려[Sae-ho] One of them is coming. Let's go.
- [세호] 어? 온다 - [데프콘] 가려, 가려[Sae-ho] One of them is coming. Let's go. -See? He's right there. -[CoKun] Here comes one.
[코드 쿤스트] 잠깐만-See? He's right there. -[CoKun] Here comes one.
[태연] 탁구, 탁구다[TAEYEON] That's the ping-pong guy.
[데프콘] 어, 탁구 양양, 양양이 형[TAEYEON] That's the ping-pong guy. [Defconn] That's Yang-yang. The ping-pong guy.
[코드 쿤스트] 일단…First, we…
[세호] 일단 소리를 저쪽으로 유인해 볼게[Sae-ho] I'll distract them with a noise and lead them over there.
[코드 쿤스트] 멀리 던져 봐ANALYZE THE ZOMBIES' TRAITS Throw it far.
[쿵!][object clatters] NO REACTION
[데프콘] 소리를 낸다고 그쪽으로 가지 않아[Defconn] Even if there's a noise, the zombies don't always follow it.
이 좀비 지금 그렇지?[Defconn] Even if there's a noise, the zombies don't always follow it.
소리는 안 돼, 시각으로 가야 돼Sounds don't work. Only sight. [grunts]
아니면 이불을 씌워 가지고 잡고-He's drunk. His vision is blurry. -[Sae-ho] He's coming this way.
[세호] 오우, 씨-He's drunk. His vision is blurry. -[Sae-ho] He's coming this way.
오우, 씨-He's coming this way. -[Defconn grunts]
[흥미진진한 음악][dramatic music playing]
[코드 쿤스트] 아, 저기 막혔다고 생각하시는구나[CoKun] I guess he thinks the path is blocked off.
[데프콘이 속삭이며] 야 일단 안 보이나 봐LIMITED VISION FROM ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION [Defconn] He can't see. This is our chance.
내가 봤을 땐 누가 잡아야 돼[Defconn] He can't see. This is our chance. One of us needs to tackle him.
이불을 씌워 가지고 잡고Throw some blankets over him.
[태연] 뒤에서 덮으면 모를 거 같은데?[TAEYEON] He won't see us coming from behind?
[데프콘] 오케이, 오케이, 오케이[Defconn] Okay, okay.
[세호] 다시 해야 돼ZOMBIES DON'T NEED CAPES Use this.
[세호의 새어 나오는 웃음]WOW! IS HE SUPERZOMBIE?
아, 뭐 하는 거야?What even was that?
[데프콘] 자꾸 망토를 씌워 줘, 왜[Defconn] Why did you put a cape on him? [gentle music playing]
[잔잔한 음악][gentle music playing] HIS WARM-HEARTED GESTURE HAS MADE
[어두운 음악]BUT ZOMBIES CAN'T FEEL WARMTH [tense music playing]
[세호] 됐어, 됐어[Sae-ho] We did it.
형, 우리가, 우리가…[Sae-ho] We did it. FIRST ATTEMPT FAILS -[Defconn] He's turned it into a cape. -[CoKun] We need a different idea.
[데프콘] 야, 망토로 만들잖아-[Defconn] He's turned it into a cape. -[CoKun] We need a different idea.
[세호] 이렇게 잡으면 될 것 같아 형, 형이랑 나랑-[Defconn] He's turned it into a cape. -[CoKun] We need a different idea. You and I should hold it like this. Hold it.
잡아 봐You and I should hold it like this. Hold it. Get behind him.
[데프콘] 이번에 저쪽으로 가자 저쪽, 아예 그냥 저쪽으로-Wait for him to turn, then we'll go. -[Sae-ho] Okay.
가자[Defconn] Let's go.
이거, 이걸로Use this. Use this.
- 이거를… - [세호] 형Let's go, let's go, let's go.
[세호] 쟤 잡자, 쟤Let's get that one.
- [데프콘] 저기, 저기, 쟤 - [세호] 코쿤아-Come on. Let's get him. -[Defconn] CoKun.
[세호] 하나, 둘, 셋One, two, three.
[거친 숨소리][panting]
[세호] 오?Hey, my herniated cervical disc is cured.
야, 목디스크가 나았어Hey, my herniated cervical disc is cured.
[코드 쿤스트] 저 셋이 뭉쳐 있어[CoKun] Those three are staying together.
[세호] 이게 모포로 뒤집는 것보다I think tying up his hands and feet would work a lot better
양쪽으로 가서 묶는 게 훨씬 나은 것 같던데than covering him with blankets. But he might bite us though.
근데 그럼 물릴 수가 있잖아But he might bite us though.
[세호] 근데 아까 씌우니까 다 벗겨 내니까…[Sae-ho] But he just takes the blanket right off.
- [데프콘] 저기 텐트를 - [세호] 네We should just throw the whole tent over him.
- 그냥 통째로 씌워 버리자 - [코드 쿤스트, 세호] 네We should just throw the whole tent over him. -What do you think? Let's do it. -[CoKun] Yeah.
[선태] 텐트를?-What do you think? Let's do it. -[CoKun] Yeah. -[Seon-tae] The tent? -Oh, okay. I get what you mean.
[코드 쿤스트] 아, 오케이 뭔 말인지 알았어-[Seon-tae] The tent? -Oh, okay. I get what you mean.
[선태] 밑에를?[Seon-tae] Aim low? THERE ARE ALL KINDS OF ITEMS NEARBY
[세호] 이쪽으로 해서 뒤집어씌워야 돼-Let's carry this over there. -We're covering him?
- [선태] 낮게, 낮게, 하나, 둘 - [태연] 씌워? 씌워?-[Seon-tae] Cover him? -[TAEYEON] Can we catch him?
[세호] 아니, 걸렸어-Hey! -[Sae-ho] No, wait.
아니, 걸렸어-Get him. -Stay there.
[태연의 비명][TAEYEON screaming]
- [태연의 비명] - [선태의 겁먹은 소리][zombies snarling] -He's over there! Get him, get him! -[yelling]
[태연] 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼!-He's over there! Get him, get him! -[yelling]
- [태연의 비명] - [선태의 겁먹은 소리]-He's over here! Get him, get him! -[yelling]
[태연] 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼!-He's over here! Get him, get him! -[yelling]
[선태의 겁먹은 소리]-[zombies snarling] -[Seon-tae yelping]
[데프콘] 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼!-[Defconn] Wait, no. -[TAEYEON screams]
오, 씨-[TAEYEON] Run, Oppa! -Oh, sh…
[세호] 한 명 잡았고, 잡았고-Holy crap. -[Sae-ho] That's one down.
[세호] 조심조심, 조심CODE KUNST SEIZES THE OPPORTUNITY! -Careful. -[zombie snarls]
[좀비의 괴성]-Careful. -[zombie snarls]
- [코드 쿤스트] 오케이! - [태연] 됐다!-[CoKun] Okay! -[TAEYEON] We did it!
[세호] 됐어, 됐어-[Sae-ho] It worked. -[CoKun] Tie him up!
- [코드 쿤스트] 오케이! - [태연] 됐다!-[TAEYEON shrieks] -[CoKun] Okay! -[TAEYEON] We did it! -[Sae-ho] It worked.
- [태연] 으악! 와… - [세호] 됐어, 됐어-[TAEYEON] We did it! -[Sae-ho] It worked. -[CoKun] Tie him up! -[TAEYEON shrieks]
[좀비의 괴성]-[CoKun] Tie him up! -[TAEYEON shrieks]
[코드 쿤스트] 힘이 왜 이렇게 세?-Hold him down. -He's freakishly strong.
- [좀비의 괴성] - [태연의 비명]-[snarls] -[TAEYEON screams]
[선태] 뒤로, 뒤로Fall back, fall back. Run, run, run.
- 도망, 도망, 도망, 도망 - [세호] 빡세네Fall back, fall back. Run, run, run. [Sae-ho] This sucks.
야, 저 세 명 뭐야?-[snarling] -[Defconn] Man, how do we get those three?
[세호] 와, 힘이 너무 세Man, they're really strong.
[데프콘] 지금 술김에 술 힘이 센 거야, 뭐야, 저거?[Defconn] Right? Why? Is it because he's drunk?
그리고 셋이 같이 다니니까 안 돼요, 뭐가-Can't fight three at once. -[Defconn] Split them up.
- [세호] 찢어야 돼 - 유인, 유인을 하자-[Sae-ho] Let's separate them. -We should lure them away.
[긴장되는 음악]-[Sae-ho] Let's separate them. -We should lure them away. STUCK? TRY A NEW APPROACH DON'T REPEAT FAILURES
그럼 어쩔 수 없고 너가 유인하든가 내가 유인할까?So, do you want to lure them? Or should I do it?
내가 유인을 하고I'm the fastest, probably, so I should do it.
내가 그래도 제일 빠릿빠릿하니까I'm the fastest, probably, so I should do it.
- [코드 쿤스트] 제가 유인할게요 - [선태] 묶고 덮고 묶는 걸로TSK-TSK! DON'T STARE LIKE THAT Let's tie him up.
[코드 쿤스트] 몰다 보면은 한 명이 비는 사람이 생길 거야[CoKun] Once we start herding them, one of them is bound to be left alone.
- [세호] 저 바닥에… - [데프콘] 바닥에 기면…-[Defconn] Stay close to the ground. -[Sae-ho] Low as we can.
[태연] 쟤 겁도 없어[TAEYEON] He's so reckless.
쟤 겁도 없어He isn't scared.
[고조되는 음악]
[태연이 속삭이며] 가, 가-Go, let's go. -No, not yet.
[세호] 아직 안 돼, 안 돼-Go, let's go. -No, not yet.
[태연] 뒤에서-[TAEYEON] From behind. -[Sae-ho] Wait a sec.
[세호] 잠깐만
요기 잡죠This one. Now.
아이씨Damn it.
[세호] 또 온다-[Sae-ho] Shoot, here he comes again. -[Seon-tae] Damn zombie!
아, 정말로-Oh, crap, come on. -[TAEYEON] Why can't we do this right?
- [태연] 왜 이렇게 못 잡는 거야? - [데프콘] 아유, 씨-Oh, crap, come on. -[TAEYEON] Why can't we do this right? -That drunk. -The worst.
나쁘지 않았어요, 형, 그죠?-That wasn't so bad. -You kidding?
자꾸 망토를 씌워 주고 그래?NO TIME FOR SELF-PRAISE! -Why do you keep putting capes on them? -Go, go, go.
- [흥미진진한 음악] - 출발, 출발, 출발-Why do you keep putting capes on them? -Go, go, go.
[세호] 너무 무겁지 않겠어요? 괜찮아요, 이거?-[zombie snarls] -[Sae-ho] Are you sure? It's kinda heavy.
- 모포가 낫지 않겠어요? - [데프콘] 저거, 저거-Isn't a blanket better? -[Defconn] No, that one.
[세호] 이게 낫겠어요?-This one? -[Defconn] It's thicker.
[데프콘] 이게 두꺼워서 이게 낫지 않냐?-This one? -[Defconn] It's thicker. Might work better.
[긴장되는 음악]
[고조되는 음악]
[데프콘] 어, 누구야?Who's that?
[성재] 만약에 아까 그 셰프님이 좀비 되면[Sung-jae] If that chef became a zombie, he'd destroy everything in his way.
그냥 다 뚫고 다니는 거네[Sung-jae] If that chef became a zombie, he'd destroy everything in his way. [CoKun] A hulk.
다 부수는 거죠[CoKun] A hulk.
- [안드레의 기합] - [흥미진진한 음악]-[snarls] -[Andre grunts] [rock music playing]
[안드레의 기합][rock music playing] A NEW SURVIVOR JOINS THE GROUP
[안드레가 영어로] 잡아! 잡아!Get him!
[세호가 한국어로] 안드레다 안드레LUCKY US! ANDRE ISN'T A ZOMBIE
[데프콘] 안드레?LUCKY US! ANDRE ISN'T A ZOMBIE -[Defconn] Andre? -[Andre grunts] Get him!
[안드레의 기합]-[Defconn] Andre? -[Andre grunts] Get him!
[안드레가 영어로] 잡아!-[Defconn] Andre? -[Andre grunts] Get him!
잡아!-Get him! -[TAEYEON] Here it is, here you go.
[태연이 한국어로] 여기 있어-Get him! -[TAEYEON] Here it is, here you go.
들어가실게요, 들어가실게요Get him inside.
들어가실게요, 들어가실게요Get him inside.
들어가, 들어가, 들어가Okay, in you go. In, in, in, get some rest.
쉬세요, 쉬세요, 쉬세요Okay, in you go. In, in, in, get some rest.
[선태] 오케이![Seon-tae] Okay.
[세호] 오케이[Andre] Okay. Come on.
[선태] 오케이!Okay! [gasps]
[안드레의 기합][Andre grunts]
[안드레의 기합][Andre grunts]
[데프콘] 잡았다-Got you. -[snarling]
야, 스타킹 씌워, 씌워, 씌워[Defconn] Cover him. Cover his mouth. Do it, do it, do it!
씌워, 씌워[Defconn] Cover him. Cover his mouth. Do it, do it, do it!
[태연] 그거 씌우면 안 물려, 안 물려If we get that on him, we won't get bitten, okay?
됐어, 됐어, 안 물려, 안 물려If we get that on him, we won't get bitten, okay? He won't be able to bite us.
[애잔한 음악][somber music playing]
[안드레가 영어로] 됐어!That's it, get him.
잡아!Get him, get him.
[데프콘이 한국어로] 형님, 다음 생에서 봐요[Defconn] See you in the next life.
[데프콘] 아이고, 씨Well, damn.
이게 좀비구나Zombies, man.
[세호가 영어로] 고마워요, 안드레Thanks, Andre.
- [세호] 괜찮아요? - [안드레] 네, 괜찮아요PRACTICE QUEST COMPLETE -You okay? -[Andre] I'm okay. You?
[태연이 한국어로] 아, 최고다-You okay? -[Andre] I'm okay. You? -[TAEYEON] You're the best. -[Sae-ho] I'm okay.
[그르렁그르렁][zombie snarling] ALL SIX SURVIVED
[딘딘] 어, 뭐야 근데 어떻게 왔어?[DinDin] How'd you end up here? MOVING TO A SAFE LOCATION
[덱스] 어, 그니까 여기서 3일 격리를 하고MOVING TO A SAFE LOCATION [Dex] We were in quarantine for three days then we left the compound.
나가서 생활하고 있었던 거죠[Dex] We were in quarantine for three days then we left the compound.
- [딘딘] 성재 - [덱스] 뭐야?-[DinDin] Look out. -[Sung-jae] We're here.
- [성재] 안녕하세요 - [시영] 조용, 조용, 제발, 조용-[DinDin] Look out. -[Sung-jae] We're here. [Si-young] Quiet, please keep it down.
[어두운 음악][DinDin gasps]
- [딘딘] 여기 뭐야? - [츠키] 뭐야? 아니…-Look at this. -[Sung-jae] The door. -Where are we? -Wait, there's water here.
[성재] 와, 물인데?-Where are we? -Wait, there's water here. LOWER SECTION OF THE FACILITY, DEAD END
[시영] 건너가야 돼, 건너가야 돼![Si-young] We have to get across. ESCAPE THE DEAD END AND HEAD FOR THE ESCAPE ROUTE
- [성재] 건너가라고요? 여기를? - [츠키] 여기를?ESCAPE THE DEAD END AND HEAD FOR THE ESCAPE ROUTE
덱스야, 여기밖에 길이 없잖아-Dex, is this is our only way out? -This is the only way.
여기밖에 길이 없어요-Dex, is this is our only way out? -This is the only way.
그러니까 무조건 일로 나가야 되는 거야?-You sure? -[Dex] We have to cross this.
- [츠키] 진짜로? - [시영] 돌아갈 수 있는 길 있어?CROSSING THE STREAM IS THEIR ONLY OPTION
- [딘딘] 잠깐만 - [시영] 없어-[DinDin] Hold on. -[Tsuki] How can we cross?
[츠키] 어떻게 가?-[DinDin] Hold on. -[Tsuki] How can we cross?
[성재] 근데 이거 문을 살짝 닫아 놔야겠다There must be another way. -[Sung-jae] I should close this door. -[Tsuki] Shut it tight.
[츠키] 닫아 놔야 돼 닫아 놔야 돼-[Sung-jae] I should close this door. -[Tsuki] Shut it tight.
[딘딘] 근데 이걸, 이걸 어떻게 넘어가?But how are we gonna get across this? NEED TO FIND A WAY ACROSS
[성재] 오, 씨, 뭐야? 오, 오What was that? Oh no!
[츠키] 깜짝이야 오빠, 하지 마, 제발[Tsuki] You scared me, Oppa. -Please don't do that. -I'm scared too.
[성재] 오, 나 무서워-Please don't do that. -I'm scared too.
겁이 많으시구나You scare easily.
잠깐만, 이걸 어떻게 해야 되지?NOW, NOW, DON'T TEASE! -Okay, so how do we do this? -[Tsuki] Through here?
[흥미진진한 음악]-Okay, so how do we do this? -[Tsuki] Through here? -[Si-young] There must be another way. -[DinDin] Let me see.
- [시영] 돌아갈 수 있는 길 있어? - [딘딘] 잠깐만-[Si-young] There must be another way. -[DinDin] Let me see.
[츠키] 오빠, 이거는 못 써?Can't we use this?
[성재] 지금, 이게 지금 다리처럼 놓아져 있는 거 아니야?[suspenseful music playing] [Sung-jae] This is sort of set up like a bridge. [Tsuki] How would that even work?
[츠키] 근데 어떻게 가는데, 이거?[Tsuki] How would that even work?
- 잠깐만 - [츠키] 어? 이거-Let's see now. -[Tsuki] Huh? This…
[딘딘] 어? 잠깐만[DinDin] Wait, hold up.
이거를-What if we use this pipe? -Yeah, stretch it across.
- 이거 해 봐 - [덱스] 저기에 걸친다고?-What if we use this pipe? -Yeah, stretch it across. I think it's long enough to reach across to the other side.
[딘딘] 저기다 걸쳐I think it's long enough to reach across to the other side.
- [츠키, 시영] 오! - [딘딘] 저기다 걸친 다음에I think it's long enough to reach across to the other side. We put it there, like so.
그다음에 이 줄을 잡으면And then, if we hold onto these wires,
무게를 이 위에다 다 실을 수 있잖아And then, if we hold onto these wires, we can cross without putting our full weight on the pipe.
이렇게 하면은we can cross without putting our full weight on the pipe.
이렇게 하면 저기까지 가는 게 그렇게 어렵진 않아we can cross without putting our full weight on the pipe. If we go slow, -we can make it all the way. -That might work.
갈 수 있겠다-we can make it all the way. -That might work.
[덱스] 제가 그러면-I'll make my way across using the wire. -[DinDin] Yeah.
먼저 줄 타고 넘어가서 저기서 기다릴 테니까-I'll make my way across using the wire. -[DinDin] Yeah. [Dex] If you can find a couple more of these poles and pass them over to me,
이 긴 통나무를 한 두 개만 저기로 주시면[Dex] If you can find a couple more of these poles and pass them over to me,
다리를 만들어서 건너오는 걸로[Dex] If you can find a couple more of these poles and pass them over to me, -I can make a bridge to make it easier. -Are we sure these wires will hold?
- 이거 줄 잡고 - [시영] 이 줄은 괜찮은 건가?-I can make a bridge to make it easier. -Are we sure these wires will hold?
그럼 제가 먼저 건너갈게요, 저쪽으로-I'll go first and test it. -[Si-young] I'll hold this end.
잠깐만, 야, 그냥 그렇게 가게?-Don't you want to check the line? -Wait, hold on.
아니, 잠시만-Don't you want to check the line? -Wait, hold on.
[딘딘] 야, 덱스야-[DinDin] Hey, Dex, are you doing okay? -[Sung-jae] Well, damn.
- [덱스의 힘주는 소리] - 괜찮아?-[DinDin] Hey, Dex, are you doing okay? -[Sung-jae] Well, damn.
[성재] 와, 씨-[DinDin] Hey, Dex, are you doing okay? -[Sung-jae] Well, damn.
- [딘딘] 오, 야! - [츠키] 어떡해, 어떡해, 어떡해!-Whoa. -Oh no, oh no.
[딘딘] 조심해[DinDin] Careful.
- [츠키] 우와, 잘했어, 잘했어 - [딘딘] 오케이, 이거를-Whoa. Amazing. Great job. -[DinDin] Okay. Now we just need to hand this over to Dex. Like that?
덱스한테 넘겨주면 되지?Now we just need to hand this over to Dex. Like that?
- 거기다 붙이고… - [덱스] 오케이-Put it there and… -[Dex] Okay.
빨리하자Let's hurry it up.
- [딘딘] 오케이 - [츠키] 무서워-[DinDin] Okay. -[Tsuki] I'm scared.
- [시영] 조심해야겠다 - 부서졌어-[Si-young] Careful. -It broke.
[시영] 대나무가 지금 약간 부러졌어-[DinDin] Try sliding over it. -[Si-young] The bamboo is cracking. Hurry.
조심해, 조심해! 얼른!-[DinDin] Try sliding over it. -[Si-young] The bamboo is cracking. Hurry. [DinDin] Grab the wire. It'll help you.
야!Ahhh! Hey!
야, 츠키야, 위에를 당겨, 위에를You can do it. Grab the wire.
[츠키] 어, 부러질 것 같아, 나무[Tsuki] It's gonna break. THE BAMBOO IS WEAKENING
[딘딘] 넓게, 발 넓게THE BAMBOO IS WEAKENING -[DinDin] Step lengthwise. -[Tsuki grunts]
[덱스] 으! 내가 힘주고 있어, 여기서-[DinDin] Step lengthwise. -[Tsuki grunts] [Dex] I'll keep it taut for you.
- 와, 부러지겠다, 대나무 - [긴장되는 음악][gasps] I think the bamboo's breaking.
[시영] 나는 줄을 세게 잡을게[Si-young] I'll hold onto the wire.
- [딘딘] 넘어가면… - [성재의 힘주는 소리]-[DinDin] Once we're across… -[Sung-jae] Oh no.
- [성재] 오! 오우, 씨 - [덱스] 어? 어![bamboo cracks] YIKES! THE BAMBOO FINALLY SNAPPED
- [성재] 잠깐만, 갈 수 있어 - [덱스] 잡아, 잡아, 잡아-Wait. I can make it. -[Dex] Hang on tight.
[성재] 와, 씨, 오, 씨[Sung-jae] Ahhh! Okay, I can do this.
- 갈 수 있어, 갈 수 있어 - [덱스] 잡아, 잡아, 잡아-I can make it. -[Dex] Hold tight.
[성재] 와, 와이씨[Sung-jae] Oh gosh.
- [딘딘] 오케이, 오케이 - [성재] 와, 아슬아슬해ROOKIE BARELY SURVIVED -We made it. -That was close.
[딘딘] 잠깐만, 위험해[DinDin] It's all right.
조심…-Careful. They're coming! -[DinDin] Okay.
온다, 온다!-Careful. They're coming! -[DinDin] Okay.
[성재] 좀비 온다, 좀비 온다!-[Sung-jae] They're getting closer. -[Si-young] Hey! They're coming!
[시영] 야, 온다, 온다!-[Sung-jae] They're getting closer. -[Si-young] Hey! They're coming! ZOMBIES IN THE WATER!
- 오고 있어, 오고 있어! 으아! - [딘딘의 놀란 소리]-They're coming, they're coming! -[all grunting]
[딘딘의 놀란 소리]
오고 있어, 오고 있어! 으아!They're coming, they're coming.
[딘딘] 조심조심![DinDin] Watch out!
[시영] 어떡해, 덱스야, 괜찮아?THIS MAN WILL OVERCOME WHATEVER COMES HIS WAY [Si-young] Oh no. You all right, Dex?
[그르렁그르렁][zombies snarling]
[시영] 빨리 가, 빨리 가 빨리 가!-[Tsuki] They're coming! -Hurry!
오고 있어, 오고 있어! 와!They're almost here. Ahhh!
[딘딘] 물속에 있어-[DinDin] In the water. -[Sung-jae] They're coming from that way.
[성재] 온다, 온다 절로 온다, 절로 온다, 씨-[DinDin] In the water. -[Sung-jae] They're coming from that way.
[덱스] 츠키 넘어오고 성재 씨 넘어오고[Dex] Tsuki, come across. Sung-jae, you're next. [snarling]
[시영] 야, 시간이 없어 그냥, 그냥 내려가!We're out of time. Get down. -Right now! Jump! -[Tsuki] Ahhh!
뛰어!-Right now! Jump! -[Tsuki] Ahhh!
[츠키] 빨리 가자![Tsuki] Hurry up!
[시영] 그냥 내려와!-[Tsuki yelps] -Just come down! Ugh.
[딘딘] 저기, 저기, 저기 저기, 저기!-[DinDin] There they are. -[Tsuki] Over there.
조심해, 조심해-Be careful. -Hurry! -[Dex] We did it. -[Si-young] My shoes.
[시영] 신발 다 젖었어-[Dex] We did it. -[Si-young] My shoes. They're soaking wet.
- 아, 진짜! - [츠키의 겁먹은 소리]They're soaking wet. Ugh, gosh! [Tsuki yelps]
- [딘딘] 아이씨 - [덱스] 잠깐, 잠깐-[DinDin] Damn. -Hold on.
[덱스] 잠깐, 잠깐-Calm down. -[Si-young exhales shakily]
[딘딘] 손 괜찮아?Are your hands okay?
[덱스] 네, 가방에 장갑 있어서Yup, I've got gloves in my backpack.
[츠키가 떨며] 으[Tsuki shudders]
[성재] 아, 너무 무서워요, 진짜로Well, that was so scary. Seriously, it was.
아니, 네 분은 이거 다 보신 거예요, 원래?Well, that was so scary. Seriously, it was. [DinDin] Wait, never mind that. What about Sung-jae?
[딘딘] 아니, 근데, 성재 너무…[DinDin] Wait, never mind that. What about Sung-jae? I mean, he was just… -[Tsuki] What? -Unbelievable.
너무하지 않아?-[Tsuki] What? -Unbelievable.
- [흥미로운 음악] - 왜요, 왜요?What do you mean?
[딘딘] '츠키, 츠키 츠키, 츠키, 츠키'-"Tsuki, Tsuki, Tsuki." -[laughter]
- [성재] 오! - [시영] 어!-[DinDin] Dex. -Noona, help her.
누나, 누나 츠키, 츠키, 츠키, 츠키!-There. Tsuki, Tsuki, Tsuki. -Over there. There. Oh!
[성재] 이게 상황이 닥치니까I think being in these extreme situations is bringing out the worst in me.
저도 모르는 제 모습이 나와요I think being in these extreme situations is bringing out the worst in me. -Because it's your first time… -[Tsuki] You remind me of Hong-chul.
[츠키] 아, 진짜 홍철 선배님 같아-Because it's your first time… -[Tsuki] You remind me of Hong-chul.
- [성재] 이게… 네 - [시영] 조용히 좀 해, 조용, 쉿!-I mean-- -Keep it down, people, shh.
- [시영] 덱스야 - [덱스] 네-[Si-young] Hey, Dex. -[Dex] Yeah?
[시영] 지금 쓰러져 있는 사람도 있는데-[Si-young] Hey, Dex. -[Dex] Yeah? -There's people passed out over there. -[Dex] Uh-huh.
지금 그냥 가는 게 나을까?-[Si-young] Do we try to keep going? -[Sung-jae] What is this place?
- [딘딘] 또 뭐야, 여긴? - [성재] 우와, 사람 죽어 있어-[Si-young] Do we try to keep going? -[Sung-jae] What is this place? -[Dex] There's dead people. -[Si-young] What?
[덱스] 지금 가야 될 거 같아, 지금[Dex] We have to move. Now.
[시영] 간다, 지금 갈게-[Si-young] We're going then. Let's move. -[DinDin] Let's go.
[덱스] 가자, 가자-[Si-young] We're going then. Let's move. -[DinDin] Let's go.
[츠키] 저기 사람이 있어 사람 있어Hey, there's someone there, over there.
[성재] 오, 쉣Hey, there's someone there, over there. Gosh! Oh… Oh, wow.
[웃으며] 뭐야, 나 왜 밀어?Gosh! Oh… Oh, wow. STOP GETTING STARTLED You scared me.
- 오, 씨 - [츠키] 조심해-[Tsuki chuckles] -Gosh. -[Tsuki] Careful. -[shudders] I'm so scared.
[성재] 나 너무 무서워-[Tsuki] Careful. -[shudders] I'm so scared.
[덱스] 뭐야, 이거?-[Dex] What is this? -[Tsuki gasps]
왜 이렇게 조용해?[Dex] Why so quiet?
- [츠키] 빨리 가야 돼 - [시영] 잘 보고 와, 맞춰서-[Tsuki] We need to move. -[Si-young] Follow closely. Keep up.
[그르렁그르렁]-[bones cracking] -[grunting]
- [좀비들의 괴성] - [긴장되는 음악][snarls]
[시영] 어, 야, 좀비다, 뛰어!-It's zombies, run! -Whoa.
- 뛰어! - [성재] 살았다, 살았다!-[Si-young] Run! -[Sung-jae] They're alive!
[딘딘] 빨리 와, 빨리 와 빨리 와, 빨리 와!-Come on. Hurry. -[DinDin] We gotta get out of here!
- [성재] 오, 이씨! - [츠키] 어떡해!-[Sung-jae] Shoot! -[Tsuki] What do we do?
- [딘딘] 나가, 나가, 나가! - [시영] 아, 잠깐만!-[snarls] -[DinDin] Hurry! Let's go! -[Sung-jae] Wait! [yelps] -[Tsuki] Wait for me.
[성재] 나 진짜 너무 무서워[Sung-jae] This is terrifying!
[모두의 비명][Sung-jae and Tsuki yelp] -[Si-young] Hey! Hey! -[Tsuki shrieks]
[성재] 뭐야, 뭐야 어디로 가, 어디로 가!-Where are you going? Where do we go? -[Tsuki yelps] What do we do?
- [츠키] 어떡해! - [덱스] 저기 위에, 위에!-Where are you going? Where do we go? -[Tsuki yelps] What do we do? -[Dex] We can go up there. -[Sung-jae] Here?
- [성재] 여기 위에? - [덱스] 올라가, 올라가!-[Dex] We can go up there. -[Sung-jae] Here? -[DinDin] Where? -[Dex] This way.
[딘딘] 야, 이 위로 올라와, 올라와![DinDin] You guys, climb up here. Up here!
시영 누나, 시영 누나Si-young, where's Si-young?
[성재] 누나, 일로 오세요 일로, 일로[Sung-jae] Noona, this way, hurry.
언니, 언니! 저…-Unni, hurry up. -[Si-young] Dex…
[시영] 덱스야-Unni, hurry up. -[Si-young] Dex…
- [딘딘] 오케이 - [덱스의 힘주는 소리]-[snarling] -[DinDin] Okay. -[Si-young screams] -[Tsuki] That's it.
- [딘딘] 올라왔어? - [덱스] 어, 올라왔어-[DinDin] Did she make it? -[Dex] Yeah, she's up.
[츠키] 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 괜찮아[Tsuki] You made it. It's okay. It's okay, you're good now.
[딘딘] 올라왔어? 됐어, 됐어[DinDin] She's up there? Okay, good. [sighs]
- [성재] 오오! - 조심해, 조심해-Whoa. Watch it. -[Sung-jae] Oh no!
[츠키] 뭐야? 악![Tsuki shudders]
[성재] 으! 만지지 마세요!-[Sung-jae yelps] Please don't touch me! -[DinDin] Holy crap.
[딘딘] 어유, 씨!-[Sung-jae yelps] Please don't touch me! -[DinDin] Holy crap.
[성재가 떨며] 잠깐만[Sung-jae whimpers] Wait, don't!
으, 씨, 오, 뒤에도 있어[shudders] There's one behind us!
- [딘딘] 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐 - [성재] 붙어 있어요!WHAT A SCAREDY-CAT -Stay close to me! -Keep watch.
[딘딘] 조심해, 조심해-Stay close to me! -Keep watch.
[시영] 아, 어떻게 해야 돼, 이거?-Now what do we do? -[DinDin] What's the plan?
- [딘딘] 야, 어떡해? - [츠키] 어떡해-Now what do we do? -[DinDin] What's the plan? What do we do?
[시영] 지금 보니까-[Tsuki] No, please. -Look up there.
저쪽으로 올라가면 괜찮을 것 같아That looks a lot safer to me. We're like sitting ducks here.
지금 여기선 답이 없어That looks a lot safer to me. We're like sitting ducks here.
- [덱스] 저기 그물 있다, 그물! - [시영] 어-Hey, there's a net over there. -Uh-huh.
[시영] 일단 갈 수 있겠어?Think you can make it across?
졸라 뛰면?If I run like hell.
그러면 한, 한 명씩, 한 명씩 가자고요?So what, do we… do we go one by one?
[시영] 하나, 둘, 셋-[DinDin] Yeah. -[Si-young] One, two, three.
[흥미진진한 음악]-[DinDin] Yeah. -[Si-young] One, two, three. THE EXPERIENCED ONES COME UP WITH A STRATEGY
[성재] 와, 씨![Sung-jae] Holy crap. Oh no, don't touch.
- 와! - [덱스] 갔다, 갔다, 갔다![Sung-jae] Holy crap. Oh no, don't touch. [Dex] He's going.
[츠키] 언니, 빨리…[Tsuki] I'm scared. Unni. [grunts]
[성재] 여기가 안전할까요?Will we be safe here?
[덱스] 자![Dex] All right.
[성재] 빨리빨리, 빨리빨리![DinDin] Hurry, come on. Faster!
- 여기 너무 좁은데? - [덱스] 때찌, 때찌!-[Sung-jae] It's crowded up here. -[Dex] Bad zombie.
- 아니, 저기요, 덱스 씨! - [덱스] 잠깐만!Wait, don't grab me like that. -Gosh. -You'll make me fall!
- [덱스] 잠깐만! - [성재] 잠깐만!-Hang on. -I don't want to be your shield. Let go!
- 내가 방패가 될 순 없다! - [덱스] 때찌, 때찌!-Hang on. -I don't want to be your shield. Let go! VERY WORRIED ABOUT HIS FUTURE
[성재] 이제 됐다, 이제VERY WORRIED ABOUT HIS FUTURE -[Dex] Bad zombie. -[Sung-jae] Their hands…
- 야, 이거 손, 손, 손! - [덱스] 저, 성재 씨!-[Dex] Bad zombie. -[Sung-jae] Their hands… -Look! Their hands are all over me! -[Dex] Sung-jae…
빨리빨리!-Hurry, hurry, hurry! Hurry! -[Dex grunts]
[성재] 빨리빨리!-Hurry, hurry, hurry! Hurry! -[Dex grunts]
너무 세게 잡아!Hurry! You guys are grabbing me too hard!
- 너무 세게 잡아! - [덱스] 때찌, 때찌!-[Dex] Bad zombie. Get off me. -[Sung-jae] Don't do that, please!
[성재] 하지 마, 하지 마, 하지 마-[Dex] Bad zombie. Get off me. -[Sung-jae] Don't do that, please!
[덱스] 이때 성재 씨 먼저 내려가고-You should go down first, Sung-jae. -How do you plan on getting there. Huh?
[성재] 어떻게 오세요?-You should go down first, Sung-jae. -How do you plan on getting there. Huh?
아니, 어떻게 오시게요?-You should go down first, Sung-jae. -How do you plan on getting there. Huh?
폴짝 뛰어서 건너서 가야겠다I'll leap across from here.
- 괜찮아요? - [덱스] 네-Are you sure? -Uh-huh.
유명인 만나서 좋았어요It's cool meeting a celebrity.
- [성재] 예? - 잘생겼어, 참-What? -You're so hot.
- [성재] 아니… - [덱스] 일단 내려가고-[Sung-jae] Wait… -[Dex] Go down and make your way across.
성재 씨, 절로 가요-[Sung-jae] Wait… -[Dex] Go down and make your way across.
으, 으![Dex grunts]
[기합][rock music continues] [grunts]
[덱스의 기합]
[딘딘] 아이씨!-[Dex] Let's go. -[DinDin] Made it.
[츠키] 못 올라가 못 올라가, 진짜![Tsuki] I can't get up there. I can't do it. What am I gonna do?
- [긴장되는 음악] - 어떡해?[Tsuki] I can't get up there. I can't do it. What am I gonna do?
[시영] 올라가, 올라가You can do it, go on.
[덱스] 괜찮아? 괜찮아?[Dex] Are you okay? TSUKI CAN'T CLIMB UP
[츠키] 못 올라가 못 올라가, 진짜![Tsuki] I can't get up there. I can't make it. Help me.
어떡해?[Tsuki] I can't get up there. I can't make it. Help me.
- [성재] 빨리빨리, 빨리빨리 - [츠키] 아, 잠시만-[Sung-jae] Hurry up! -[snarling] -[Tsuki] Wait! -[Si-young] Now.
[비명]-Get up here. Come on! -[shrieks]
안 돼-[Si-young] Climb up. -No, no!
[츠키의 비명]-No! -[Si-young] Keep climbing.
[시영] 올라와, 올라와, 올라와-No! -[Si-young] Keep climbing. -Keep going. -[Tsuki] No!
[츠키의 비명][Tsuki gasps, yells]
[성재] 일단 올라와 중심 잡아, 중심 잡아-[Sung-jae] I'll help. Keep your balance. -[DinDin] They're coming up.
[츠키] 오빠, 고마워[Tsuki] Thank you, Oppa.
아, 진짜That was just… [sighs]
[츠키의 비명]-[DinDin] It's slippery. -[Tsuki yelps]
[덱스] 방금 츠키 살짝 갈 뻔한 거 아니야?-[Dex] Tsuki almost died just now. -[Tsuki] Was almost lights out for me.
- [흥미로운 음악] - [츠키] 진짜 갈 뻔했어, 진짜로-[Dex] Tsuki almost died just now. -[Tsuki] Was almost lights out for me. -Oppa, thank you. -Sung-jae saved her life, right?
아니, 진짜 오빠, 너무 고마워요-Oppa, thank you. -Sung-jae saved her life, right?
진짜 나 죽을 뻔했어, 진짜로-Oppa, thank you. -Sung-jae saved her life, right? -I almost died just now. -[Dex] We almost lost you.
- 내가 결국에 살리잖아요 - [덱스의 웃음]-I almost died just now. -[Dex] We almost lost you. I save people. I may act like a coward, but push comes to shove, I'm a hero.
아니, 내가 결국에 결정적일 때는 살린다니까I save people. I may act like a coward, but push comes to shove, I'm a hero. HE'LL TELL THIS STORY FOREVER
- 말만 그렇게 하고 - [딘딘] 근데 좀비가HE'LL TELL THIS STORY FOREVER -[Tsuki sighs] -[DinDin] The thing is…
여기도 있어there's zombies here.
[성재] 밑에도 있어요, 밑에[Sung-jae] And some below us.
- [딘딘] 야, 여기 못 가 - [츠키의 비명]THEY CAN'T GO BACK DOWN NOW [Dex] There's zombies here too? They're everywhere.
[덱스] 아, 여기도 좀비 있는데?[Dex] There's zombies here too? They're everywhere.
[성재] 으, 으, 으!-[Tsuki] This is crazy. -[Sung-jae grunts, exclaims]
[성재] 여기 위에 조심하세요 위에도 있어요, 위에[Sung-jae] Be careful of the ones above your head.
- [덱스] 아, 위에도 있다, 좀비 - [츠키] 미친-[Dex] More zombies. -[Tsuki] No way. Look over there.
일단 밑으로는 못 내려가잖아요!Look, we can't go back down, right?
못 내려가, 못 내려가, 절대!-We can't. No way. -[Si-young] Hold up.
- [덱스] 올라가야 될 것 같은데 - [시영] 길을 찾아보자-[Dex] Have to keep climbing. -[Si-young] Let's find another way.
[흥미진진한 음악]-[Dex] Have to keep climbing. -[Si-young] Let's find another way. CLIMB THE NET AND FIND AN ESCAPE ROUTE
[딘딘] 일단 한 층 더 가 볼게[DinDin] Climb up another floor.
- 츠키, 이거, 이거 - [츠키] 어-Tsuki, grab the rope and climb up. -[Tsuki] Yeah?
- 가운데 줄 잡고 올라와 - [츠키] 어, 알겠어-Tsuki, grab the rope and climb up. -[Tsuki] Yeah? -Okay. -[Sung-jae] Come on.
[딘딘] 여기 없다Nothing here.
- [덱스] 거기 없어요? - [성재] 그쪽에 없어요?THIS WINDOW SEEMS TO BE SAFE [Sung-jae] Anything over there?
여기 없어, 여기 없어!No zombies here. No zombies here.
[덱스] 제가 딘딘 형 쪽으로 붙을게요![Dex] I'll climb over to DinDin's side.
- [모두의 비명] - [긴장되는 음악][both scream]
- [와장창!] - [모두의 비명]-[glass shatters] -[all screaming]
[딘딘] 아, 씨발! 아이씨!-[DinDin] Holy crap! [screams] -[Tsuki screams]
- [덱스] 조심조심! - [딘딘] 으악! 으아!-[DinDin screams] -[Dex] Look out! [DinDin whimpering]
- [딘딘] 이쪽 안 돼, 이쪽 안 돼! - [덱스] 안 돼, 안 돼!-[DinDin] Guys, we can't go this way. -[Dex] No.
- [딘딘] 와, 이씨 - [덱스] 으악!-[Dex grunts] -[DinDin grunts] Don't come over here.
[딘딘] 야, 이쪽 안 돼!-[Dex grunts] -[DinDin grunts] Don't come over here.
[모두의 비명][all screaming]
- [와장창!] - [모두의 비명][all screaming]
[비명]-[screams] -[men exclaim]
[성재] 조심조심, 누나, 조심! 오![Sung-jae] Noona, watch out! Whoa! Watch it!
오! 누나, 조심해요![Sung-jae] Noona, watch out! Whoa! Watch it!
조심조심, 누나, 조심! 오!Be careful! Noona! 


.영화 & 드라마 대본 

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